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Experiment Title : Lab 2- Bipolar Junction Transistor

Subject : UEEA1313 Basic Electronics

Course Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Biomedical Engineering

Name of Student Signature Student ID Group Programme Year &

number Trimester

Wong Zi Hau Ace 1702377 P2 BI Y1S1

Koo Jia Chun JChun 1702882 P2 BI Y1S1

Date of Experiment : 26/7/2018

Name of Supervising
Lecturer(s) : Mr. Ng Choon Boon

Submit to: Mr. Ng Choon Boon FE4(3) email:

Received by:-

Date :


To determine how the β affect the current flow of the circuit and the amplification of the transistor.

Results and Discussion

Part 2.1: Determine the common emitter current gain, β

Results of Part 2.1

a. What are the measured resistance values of RB and RC.

Parameter Measured value

RB 0.993 MΩ
RC 2.65 kΩ
(1 mark)

b. What are the measured values of VBE and VRC.

Parameter Measured value

VBE 0.69 V
VRC 8.60 V
(1 mark)

c. Calculate IB and IC. You are required to show all the workings to obtain full marks. (6 marks)

VCC – IBRB – VBE = 0

IB 
20  0.69

= 19.45 µA

IC 

= 3.245 mA

d. Calculate β. You are required to show all the workings to obtain full marks. (2 marks)

IC = βIB
 

= 166.84

e. Record the β value obtained and compared the value with other group (at least two other group)

Current gain, β Calculated value

Your group 166.84
Group 1 217.64
Group 2 247.00
(1 mark)

Discussions of Part 2.1 and additional questions

f. Suggest two possible reasons on why the current gain, β you obtained in section (e) is different from
the other 2 groups.
(2 marks)

The current gain, β obtained is different due to the random errors happened in the experiment.

The first reason is the resistance values of RB and RC measured can vary along the tolerance
value of the resistors, which cause the resistance value different from the actual and others’ value.
The difference of the resistance values will further affect the voltage values and the current flow
measured along the circuit and cause the current gain value to be different.

Secondly, the slight damaged of the transistor may affect the values obtained in the
experiment. The damaged can be caused by aging, external causes and fault circuit connection.

g. Is it desirable to have a larger or smaller current gain, β ? Briefly explain your answer.
(2 marks)

It is desirable to have a larger current gain, β as when the β increases, the IC to IB ratio increases,
which means small base current flow can switch on the transistor. Greater current gain value
provides better amplification to the voltage.

[Total: 15 marks]

Part 2.2: Determine the DC operating point, Q-point of a BJT

Results of Part 2.2

a. What are the measured resistance of R1, R2, RC and RE? (2 marks)

Parameter Measured value

R1 32.6 kΩ
R2 9.79 kΩ
RC 2.94 kΩ
RE 0.97 kΩ

b. What are the measured values of VR1, VR2, VRC and VRE? (2 marks)

Parameter Measured value

VR1 7.76 V
VR2 2.24 V
VRC 4.66 V
VRE 1.56 V

c. Determine the calculated values of VB, VC, VE, VBE and VCE. (5 marks)

VB = VR2 = 2.24 V

= 10 – 4.66
= 5.34 V

VE = VRE = 1.56 V

= 2.24 – 1.56
= 0.68 V

= 5.34 – 1.56
= 3.78 V

d. Determine the calculated values of IE and IC. (2 marks)

IE 

0.97 k
= 1.608 mA

IC 

= 1.816 mA

e. Using β and VBE obtained in Part 2.1 and measured resistors in Step a of Part 2.2, calculate the
theoretical values of VB, VC, VE, VCE, IE and IC. You are required to show all the workings to obtain
full marks. (10 marks)

R1  R2

32.6k  9.79k
= 2.31 V
 1 1 
RTh    
 R1 R2 
 1 1 
 
 32.6k 9.79k 
= 7.53 kΩ

VTh – IBRTh – VBE – IERE = 0

I  I 
VTh   C RTh   VBE   C RE   0

   
I    1
VTh   C RTh   VBE  I C  RE   0

    
 IC   166.84  1 
2.31   7.53k   0.69  I C  0.97k   0
 166.84   166.84 
2.31 – 45.13IC - 0.69 -975.81IC = 0
1.62 = 1020.94IC
IC = 1.587 mA

IC = βIB
IB 

1.587 m

= 9.512 µA

IC = αIE
IE  C

1.587 m

= 1.597 mA

VB = VTh - IBRTh
= 2.31- (9.512µ)(7.53k)
= 2.24 V

= 10- (1.587m)(2.94k)
= 5.33 V

= (1.597m)(0.97k)
= 1.55 V

= 5.33 – 1.55
= 3.78 V

Discussions of Part 2.2 and additional questions

f. Calculate the percentage difference between the experimental values and theoretical values for VCE
and IC. Explain a possible reason why these differences arise. (6 marks)

3.78 - 3.78
Percentage difference of VCE =  100%  0.00%
1.587m - 1.816m
Percentage difference of IC =  100%  14.43%

The percentage difference arise may due to the variation of the current gain, β which is
temperature dependent. As the current gain value vary, the VCE and IC values will be affected and
cause differences to the experimental values compared to the theoretical values. Besides, the
damaged of the transistor may affect the results obtained and increase the percentage error when
compared to the theoretical values.

g. The β of BJT varies with temperature. Due to the change of operating temperature, the β of the
BJT circuit in part (d) change from 100 to 200 in a step of 50. Assuming VBE is 0.7 V, calculate IC
for each value of β. Tabulate your results in Table 1. You are required to show all the workings to
obtain full marks. (6 marks)

Table 1
Current gain, β Calculated IC
100 1.526 mA
150 1.568 mA
200 1.590 mA

From part (e), VTh = 2.31 V and RTh = 7.53kΩ

VTh – IBRTh – VBE – IERE = 0

I  I 
VTh   C RTh   VBE   C RE   0
   
I    1
VTh   C RTh   VBE  I C  RE   0

    
I     1
2.31   C 7.53k   0.7  I C  0.97k   0
     

When β = 100,
 I   100  1 
2.31   C 7.53k   0.7  I C  0.97 k   0
 100   100 
IC = 1.526 mA
When β = 150,
 I   150  1 
2.31   C 7.53k   0.7  I C  0.97k   0
 150   150 
IC = 1.568 mA

When β = 200,
 I   200  1 
2.31   C 7.53k   0.7  I C  0.97k   0
 200   200 
IC = 1.590 mA

h. The RE = 1kΩ of the BJT circuit is removed. Repeat your calculation in section (h). Tabulate your
results in Table 2. You are required to show all the workings to obtain full marks. (6 marks)

Table 2
Current gain, β Calculated IC
100 21.514 mA
150 32.271 mA
200 43.028 mA

From part (e), VTh = 2.31 V and RTh = 7.53kΩ

VTh – IBRTh – VBE = 0

I 
VTh   C RTh   VBE  0
  
I 
2.31   C 7.53k   0.69  0
 

When β = 100,
 I 
2.31   C 7.53k   0.69  0
 100 
IC = 21.514 mA

When β = 150,
 I 
2.31   C 7.53k   0.69  0
 150 
IC = 32.271 mA

When β = 200,
 I 
2.31   C 7.53k   0.69  0
 200 
IC = 43.028 mA

i. From above, explain a possible reason why we include RE into the BJT circuit? (6 marks)

The reason that RE is included into the BJT circuit is to stabilize the IC value against the variation
of current gain, β. The stabilizing effect of the presence of RE can be easily explained by determining
the percentage difference of IC with respect to β = 100.

The percentage difference if IC with respect to β = 100 when RE is present:

When β = 100,
 | 1.526  1.526 | 
   100%  0.00%
 1.526 

When β = 150,
 | 1.568  1.526 | 
   100%  2.75%
 1.526 

When β = 200,
 | 1.590  1.526 | 
   100%  4.19%
 1.526 

The percentage difference if IC with respect to β = 100 when RE is absent:

When β = 100,
 | 21.514m  21.514m | 
   100%  0.00%
 21.514m 

When β = 150,
 | 32.271m  21.514m | 
   100%  50.00%
 21.514m 

When β = 200,
 | 43.028m  21.514m | 
   100%  100.00%
 21.514m 

From the percentage difference between the present and absent of RE, it is obvious that when the
RE is present, the IC will be more stable as the current gain value vary.

[Total: 45 marks]

Part 2.3: Determine the small signal voltage gain, Av = Vout/Vsig

Results of Part 2.3

a. Sketch the input waveform (Vsig) and the output waveform (Vout) together. Label your waveform
clearly in order to obtain full marks. (6 marks)

b. Calculate the small signal voltage gain using Vsig and Vout. You are required to show all the workings
to obtain full marks. (2 marks)

Vout( pp) 4.4

Av     146.67
V sig( pp) 30m

c. Calculate the theoretical values of small signal voltage gain. You are required to show all the
workings to obtain full marks. (10 marks)

IB IC Vout

rπ Vπ βIB RC = 2.94 kΩ
R1 || R2 = 7.53 kΩ -


RE = 0.97 kΩ

From Part 2.2, IC = 1.587 mA, β = 166.84

I C 1.587m
gm  
VT 0.026
= 0.061 S

g m r  
 166.84
r  
gm 0.061
= 2735.08

Vout   g mV RC
= -(0.061)(Vπ)(2.94k)
= -179.34Vπ

Vsig  V

Vout  179.34V
Av  
Vsig V
= -179.34

Discussions of Part 2.3 and additional questions

d. What causes the difference of the small signal voltage gain you obtained experimentally compared
to the theoretical value?
(2 marks)
The difference can be happened by the random errors such as damaged of transistor and the value
obtained from the multimeter. Besides, the hybrid-pi model which used to calculate the theoretical
value is different from the BJT model which used to obtain the experimental value. Thus, there are
some difference of the small signal voltage gain.

e. Describe your observations of the output waveform (Vout). (3 marks)

From the output waveform, 180-degree phase shift from the input waveform was observed. This
is because of the negative small voltage gain, AV. Besides, the output waveform has higher amplitude
due to the amplification by the small voltage gain. Moreover, the period of the waveform remain
unchanged as the frequency is constant for both input and output.

f. Using the small signal voltage gain that you have obtained experimentally, sketch the input
waveform and output waveform for the following conditions:

i. Input signal – sinusoid signal with frequency 2 kHz and peak-to-peak voltage of 15 mV

Input Waveform (Vsig)

Output waveform (Vout)

ii. Input signal - sinusoid signal with frequency 1 kHz and peak voltage of 25 mV

Input Waveform (Vsig)

Output waveform (Vout)

Label your graph clearly in order to obtain full marks. (8 marks)

A. Conclusion
In less than 200 words, write a conclusion. This should address the following but not limited to the
objective of the lab – What did you accomplish? What were the results? Do your results support the
theory? If not, why? (9 marks)

In conclusion, we have studied on how BJT transistor operate in a circuit. In Part 2.1, the
values of RB, RC, VBE and VRC were determined experimentally, which the values were RB = 2.65 kΩ,
RC = 0.993 MΩ, VBE = 0.69 V and VRC = 8.60 V. The value of current gain, β was then determined by
the calculated IB and IC values. The current gain obtained in this experiment was β = 166.84.

In Part 2.2, the theoretical values of VB, VC, VE, VCE, IE and IC were determined with β and VBE
from Part 2.1 and Thevenin’s theorem was applied to obtain results as VB = 2.24 V, VC =5.33V, VE =
1.55 V, VCE = 3.78 V, IE = 1.597 mA and IC = 1.587 mA. The percentage difference of VCE is 0.00%
while for IC is 14.43%. Besides, the effect of the presences of RE was observed as when the RE present
in the circuit, the current gain will be less affected and more stable.

In Part 2.3, the experimental small voltage gain, AV value was determined as -146.67 while the
theoretical value was -179.37. The output waveform was amplified and the wave was inversed as it
has 180-degree phasor shift and negative small voltage gain.

[Total: 40 marks]

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