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The Great Glass

Elevator Rescue
Have you ever imagined being stuck in the Great Glass
Elevator, the biggest invention of all time? Well, I did. And it
was not fun at all. Let me tell you how it happened. I had just
inherited the most amazing chocolate factory in the world
from Mr. Willy Wonka, the greatest candy maker ever. He had
invited me and my family to take a tour of the factory and see
all the wonderful things he had created. He said he wanted to
show me everything before he retired and left me in charge.

We boarded the great glass elevator, which could go up and

down, sideways, and slantways, and any other way you can
think of. It was like a magic carpet that could fly anywhere.
Mr. Wonka pressed a button and the elevator zoomed up into
the air. “Where are we going?” I asked him. “To see the stars,
my boy!” he exclaimed. “I have always wanted to see them
up close. And now we can! “He pressed another button and
the elevator shot out of the roof of the factory and into the
sky.We saw the stars sparkle and shine in the sky. It was
beautiful. But then something went wrong. The elevator
started to shake and shudder. It made a loud screeching
sound that hurt my ears. "What’s happening?” I cried. "I
don’t know!” Mr. Wonka said. “Something must have gone
wrong with the engine!” He tried to press some buttons, but
nothing happened. The elevator was out of control. It spun
around like a top and plunged towards the earth. We
screamed as we saw the ground getting closer and closer. We
thought we were going to crash and die.

But then, something miraculous happened. We saw a group

of small people running towards us from the factory. They
were wearing colorful clothes and had green hair and orange
skin. They were the Oompa-Loompas, Mr. Wonka’s loyal
workers who made all the candy in the factory. I remembered
We watched in wonder as the Oompa-Loompas worked with
skill and speed. They had seen us falling from the sky and had
come to help us. They had brought a huge net with them and
stretched it out under us. The elevator landed on the net with
a thud and bounced up and down a few times before coming
to a stop. We were safe! “It suddenly became clear that they
were not as lazy as everyone said they were,” Mr. Wonka said
with admiration. “They are brave and clever and kind. “He
hugged them and gave them some candy as a reward. They
helped us fix the elevator and we continued our tour of the

I learned that sometimes things go wrong, but there is always

a way out. I learned that sometimes people surprise you with
their skills and abilities. That’s how I became friends with the
Oompa-Loompas. And those friends are like small packages.
That’s why I never fear the great glass elevator again. Because
I know they have my back. The Oompa-Loompas then sang a
song of praise and thanks.

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