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My stilettos click on the tiles as I
walk through the doors of Johnson
Media and Production Co. I strut to
my office without even sparing a
glance at my employees.
"Miss Johnson, you're here early. I
thought you said you'll be an hour
late." My PA, Retha exclaims
surprised as I walk past her desk.

"That was the plan, but I have tons of

work to do. Any appointments?" I ask,
as I sit on my chair.
"Yes ma'am. You have 2 appointments
before lunch and one more after lunch.
Amala called, she asked to remind you
she has a soccer game at 2 o'clock."
"Okay. Anything else?" I ask.

"No ma'am. I'll bring your coffee so

long." she responds.
I nod. "You may leave."
She nods and turns to walk out.
"Oh, Retha. Call Xander to my office."
I instruct.
"Yes ma'am."
I turn my chair around and stare down
at the calming waves of the Indian
Ocean through the glass windows. I
then hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I instruct.

The person comes in and I hear heavy
footsteps walking to my table. It's
Xander. I hear him breathing heavily
before sitting.
I continue staring at the waves then I
hear the door opening and heels
clicking.. I hear a cup being placed on
my desk and I hear the footsteps
fading and the door opening and
I finally turn the chair around and
stare at Xander. Xander was white
with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
He was the company accountant.
"Good Morning Xander." I greet.

"Morning Miss Johnson." He greets,

I grab my coffee and take a sip.
"Breakfast bar?" I ask, pointing to my
small refrigerator full of healthy
breakfast bars, bottle of waters and
energy drinks.
"Yes, thank you." He says, getting up
to get them. He then comes back.
"These are really good." He says,
taking another bite.
"I know." I let out a small smile. I
stare at him until I see him squirming
under my stare.

I sigh. "Every month for the past 2

years, R4000 has been withdrawn
from the company account. Do you
have any idea who would do such a
thing, Xander?"

He's now sweating bullets. "N-no

"Hmm, I knew you'd say that so I had
a little investigation for myself. I
hired the best private investigator in
this province and oh, what did I find?
All the evidence led to you. Now, why
would you such a thing? Xander, I
gave you this job because I thought
you were fit enough to be my
accountant. Why would you prove me
wrong?" I ask, with my hands under
my chin.
His eyes drop and he mutters. "I'm
sorry, ma'am."
"No. 'I'm sorry' won't cut it this time.
You're fired. Pack all your things and
get the hell out of my company.
You're so damn lucky I'm not calling
the police on you." I say, firmly.

"M-ma'am please. This job is all I

have." His tears drop.

"Ah well, you should've thought about

that before stealing from me. Get out.
You have until 10 o'clock." I smile
He leaves, with his head bowed down.
I roll my eyes. Bloody incompetent

I push back my chair and sigh,

grabbing a bottle of water in the small
fridge. I walk out of my office and
into the set and sit as I watch them,
with a scowl on my face.

"Banele, p-please. I'll do anything.

Please. Just d-don't leave m-me."

"Stand up, Linda. You are a disgrace.

Look at you and look at all your peers.
They have cars, house and jobs. The
only thing you're good at is quitting.
You don't even work. All you do all day
is laze around the lounge dirtying my
white couches. Look at you. You didn't
even bath. You smell-"

"CUT!" I scream. And they stop and

look at me. I see some fear in their
"Lungani, you're not showing enough
emotion. You look like you're forced
to be here. Stop acting like a robot
and show emotion." He gulps and nods.
"Tshidi, you sound like you have a
nasal infection. Fix that. And fix your
makeup too." She nods and walks off
to the dressing room.

"People, we're making a movie here. I

don't have time to deal with amateurs.
If you feel like you don't wanna do
this, I will not beg you. You can get
your behind out of here and I will
replace you in an instant. Come on,
this is not your first time. Show me
action, show me emotion. I need
professionals. You think you can do
that?" I ask, sternly.
They all murmur yes.
"Okay, let's do it again. Take 5."
My name is Aiko Storm Johnson. I'm
27 years old and this is my story.
Everybody meet Aiko.❤️🥺



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At around 13:30, I pack up my stuff
and walk out, not minding the stares
of my employees.
I climb into the backseat of my black
G63 C Class. I greet my driver,
Hlokomelo and my bodyguard, Frank as
I lean on the comfortable seats. Hloki,
as I call him drives to the school with
me sitting silently. He parks when he
arrives and they both walk out with
me to the school entrance.
I catch people stealing glances at me
and taking pics. Wow, it's so nice
being so famous that people take
pictures of you when you just wanna
chill with your daughter at her soccer
game, note the sarcasm.

I then walk around until I catch a

strand of Amala's hair. I walk up to
her as she chats with her friends.
"Mala." I say and she turns around
with a huge smile. Her friends walk
away as I talk to her.

"Hey mom. I knew you'd come." She

says and hugs me.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world,

kiddo." I say and kiss her forehead.
"Hey Hloki. Hey Frank." She gives
them both high fives. Amala is very
respectful when it comes to the staff.
One of my many teachings.
We chat for a bit with her telling me
about the opposing school team.
"AMALA!" One of her teammates call
for her.
"Well, I gotta go. Wish me luck." She
says, detangling from me.
"You'll do great, baby." I say.

"Thanks mom. Bye." She runs to the

direction she was called to.

Amala. Amala is my child. My beautiful

daughter. She's 10 and she's adopted.
I adopted her when she was just 5
years old. I met her when I was
spending with the kids at her previous
orphanage and I immediately fell in
love with her. I was still in Varsity at
that time so she spent time with my
foster parents (will explain later)
while I went to school. Amala is
caramel skinned and has huge brown
curly hair. She's a bit tall for her age
and is the sweetest person you'd ever
I wipe off my smile and walk to the
direction of food. It's only now I
realize I didn't even eat in the
morning. I spot muffins and I take one
and take a bite. Not bad. Ma's are
better. Frank and Hloki scatter
around but are not too far from me.
I turn around and I'm met by a white
woman who seems to be in her mid
"Hello." I maintain my straight face.
"Are you Amala's mother?"

I raise an eyebrow.
"No, it's just...I've never seen you at
any of her games." She continues.
"I need you to get to the point. What
do you want?" I ask.
She clears her throat. "Um, I was
wondering if you would join our group."
She points to a group of women. "We
meet up at the kids' soccer games and
we bring snacks and beverages. Um,
we're sort of like soccer moms."
Really? I stare at her. She then looks
very uncomfortable all of a sudden.
The effect I have on people. Amala
once told me my grey eyes have some
sort of iciness or coldness to it and
that I look intimidating every time I
stare at someone. I've actually being
told a lot of times about my eyes.
She would actually look good all tied
up and gagged with whip marks all over
her pink body. I bite my bottom lip
then smirk.
"No. I'm a very busy woman. But
thanks for the offer, though. But you
know what I'll call you when I have
nothing better to do, uhm what's your
name again?"
"Evelyn. It's Evelyn."

"Yes. Thank you for the offer Evelyn."

I say.
She forces a smile and I give her a
tight-lipped smile and stare at her.
She clears her throat. "Um, I should
go. It was nice talking to you.."

"Yes. It was nice talking to you, Aiko."
I nod and she leaves. I watch as she
walks back to the soccer moms. I
shake my head and eat my muffin.
The game starts and I sit at the
benches just eating and cheering.
We arrive home and the security
guard lets us in. We get out and we
walk to the front door. I step on the
doormat and press my hand on the
"Fingerprints recognized." Alexa the
computer voice says.
"Password." Alexa the computer voice
"amalaXaiko_93." I say.
"Voice recognized. Access Granted."

The door opens and Amala

immediately runs to the lounge.

"Alexa, please play the latest Run BTS

episodes." She beams.

I groan and roll my eyes. She looks at


"What? It's Friday. Weren't you the

one who said 'Fridays are BTS days'?"
She asks.
"Go take a shower. I don't want your
smelly sweat all over my expensive
couches." I say, walking upstairs.

She gasps, dramatically. "I'm


I roll my eyes. Another BTS line.

Amala always talks about BTS. For
breakfast, lunch, supper. Entlek thina
we eat BTS. If it's not her talking
about them, it's her singing their
songs. Always buying merch and has
pictures of them all over her room.
But I must admit, their songs are
pretty catchy.
I get into my room and lock it.
"Alexa, play 'Your Body' by Christina
Aguilera." I command.
"Playing 'Your Body' by Christina
The song starts and I immediately
move my body. I smile as I plop on my
bed. Let me reintroduce myself. I'm
Aiko Storm Johnson and I'm 27. I
have a daughter, Amala Kay-lee
Johnson, who's 10. We live in
Umhlanga, Durban and I own a Media
Company named Johnson Media and
Production Co. which is very
international. We've won 2 Oscars and
well, we make movies and produce
Mzansi Soapies. I also own two
orphanages. One for girls and one for
boys, for reasons known.
I am also an orphan, unfortunately. My
mother left me in my hospital cot
when she gave birth to me. I was
taken to an orphanage and I stayed
there until I was adopted when I was
12 by the Johnsons. They were a very
nice white couple who treated me like
their own daughter. They didn't have
relatives (so I was told). So when they
both died in a car accident, I
inherited their house, cars and R30
million in cash. I was 16 at the time.
It's the very same house we live in
now but I renovated it. It was
renovated by famous architecture
Isisa Cebekhulu-Xaba, who is also my
adoptive mother. Don't worry, I'm
still coming to that.
When the Johnsons died, I had a best
friend by the name of Zintwezinhle
Xaba and she asked her parents to let
me stay with them or better yet let
them adopt me. They chose to adopt
me but I didn't wanna change my
surname. I felt like that would be
betraying the Johnson's. They let me
keep my surname and I stayed with
them until I went to UKZN. I couldn't
sell the Johnson's house while I was
living with the Xaba's. I then stayed
there when I went to Varsity. At first
Ma didn't want me to stay alone
because she didn't want me to leave. I
was taught independency at a very
young age so I didn't mind living alone.
After lots of convincing, she let me go.
Best decision ever.

Since me and Zinhle went to the same

varsity, we called each other sisters.
People were confused since we looked
totally different. I was dark skinned
while she took her mother's caramel
skin. I had grey eyes while she had
normal black eyes. I had silky long hair
while she had a huge afro. And I had a
very slim supermodel body while she
had curves in all the right places. We
both had freckles, though. Me and
Zinhle are very different yet similar
in a way. She was the extrovert,
always at parties, drinking, smoking
and experimenting. While I, the
boring sister sat infront of the TV
every Friday, studying and listening to
music. I did go to parties at some
point but they weren't for me. I would
rather enjoy a Friday in a huge shirt
and long socks with a glass of red wine
while watching Netflix. One thing I
did admire about her was she was
always focused on her work. Even
though she was wild, studying was her
number 1 priority. She wanted to be
an Event Planner and I wanted to be
an actress. She opened her business
and named it Crystal Waterfall Event
Planning and I opened my Production
We never stopped being best
friends/sisters hence she bought a
house opposite mine. That's how close
we are. The brother Nkosi and Phila
lived in Joburg. Mama's babies those
ones. They were amazing yet
overprotective like the father. They
called me almost every day, every
second of the day. They are both
unmarried, unfortunately. They made
it clear they would get married in
their 40s even thought they were 31.
Nkosi followed in his father's
footsteps and took Law. He's now the
CEO of LDX firm. Phila is a
neurologist and well, he's always busy.
I don't get to see him often. He's my
favorite twin. He's a softy at heart
and is always giving the best advices.
Then there's Nkosi, the adrenaline
junkie. That one never ceases to make
the news. Last week, he made the
news because he was spotted leaving a
hotel with two girls on his side. Poor
Then there's my uncles. Simangaliso
and Nhlanhla. Uncle Liso is 49 and
Nhlanhla is 38. Uncle Nhlanhla is living
his best life with his wife and kids.
And well Uncle Liso is just like Nkosi.
Unmarried but has a ton of girls on his
side. Ma once told me that he vowed
to never get married. He vowed that
he's gonna be the cool uncle who's
rich and has sides. He's still an actor
though. Still very hot for his age.
Uncle Liso has been in places. He once
co-starred alongside Idris Elba and
many others. He has also being in
many of my movies. He's amazing at
acting that one. He also released 2
albums that went #1 on Billboard and
won awards. Yes, he has amazing

Aunt Zee and Uncle Mbuso. How could

I forget about them. They're actually
in Jamaica at the moment. They are
always traveling. I mean who wouldn't?
They're rich. They have two kids. The
girl, Ziphozenkosi who is 25 and
Mpumelelo, 23.
We are a huge family if I may say.
We're always in each other's business.
It's a thing. We have to know what's
going on in each other's lives. It's like
an obsession of some sort but I
wouldn't trade it for anything else.
My phone rings, snapping me away
from my thoughts. I check the caller
ID and it's Zinhle.

"Zee." I greet.
"Bxtch, I found your missing rib." She
I groan. "I thought you said you'll
stop these things of matchmaking."
"I know, I know but I have trust in
this one. I can feel it. I can totally
see him in many of our family events."
She says, excitedly.
I sigh. "Zee, can you just stop this.
I'm okay with my life. I'm always busy
and I seriously don't have time for

"I'm just trying to help you. Aiko,

you're miserable. You need love.
Everybody needs love."
I chuckle. "Well, I guess not me. Zee,
look, I'm perfectly okay with my
nonexistent love life. Is love gonna
pay the bills? No. Is love gonna make
my life better? No. Seriously, I'm
perfectly fine. I have Amala and I
have people to satisfy my sexual
appetite. No need to set me on dates
or try to matchmake with someone,

"Fine but that doesn't mean I'm

gonna stop. Mom called. She wants us
on Sunday." She says.
"Who fxcked up this time?" I ask.
"Probably Nkosi. That one just
doesn't know how to stop. He most
probably impregnated someone." She
says. "Anyway, I gotta go. I have a
dxck appointment. Bye!"
I chuckle. Love of my life, that one!

Daliy new African novel download

My eyelids flutter the minute the
alarm rings. I sigh. Another sleepless
night. I have been an insomniac my
whole life. You know, the inability to
sleep. It doesn't help that I'm a very
light sleeper. One movement or sound,
I'm awake and I cannot go back to
sleep. But hey, it just so happens that
I've learnt to live with it.
I get out of bed and grab the remote
on my bedside table and open my
curtains. Yes, I have a remote that
opens curtains.
I walk to the bathroom and quickly
brush my teeth and face. I rush to my
closet and dress up in sweafpants with
a sports bra. I then walk downstairs
and grab a bottle of cold water from
the kitchen. I grab my ipod that laid
carelessly on the table. I tie my hair
in a high ponytail and walk outside.

The air feels cool against my skin that

I feel goosebumps rising. I take a
deep breath and start stretching to
avoid cramping while running.
I put on my earphones and turn on the
iPod. Tori Kelly's voice blasts into my
ears and I smile, then start jogging.

My watch starts beeping indicating

that my jogging has now come for an
end. I stop for a second to catch a
breath and then I start walking. I
feel the cool morning breeze hit my
skin and I shiver. Such weather is nice
in the morning. The sun beams hit my
skin and I smile.
"Hi." A man. Oh God no. Can't a woman
just jog or walk alone without a man
trying to hit on her. Like what the

I turn around with a deadly stare

which seems not to melt even when I
see the handsome man standing
before me. Man, novels lied.
"Yes?" I answer a bit impatiently and
maybe too rude but I'm too irritated
to care.
He hesitates. "Um, I just wanted to
greet you. And maybe ask if you would
like to grab a coffee with me.

Same old line.

"I don't drink coffee." Lies, coffee is
my addiction. Caffeine is my addiction.
My ultimate addiction.
"Uh, well tea?"
"I don't drink hot stuff." Damn,
where are all these lies coming from?
I'm on fire.

"Uh well, this is awkward. Water?"

Really? Water? My nigga, walk away.
I huff. "Listen, how do I put this
lightly? No. Walk away and never
glance at me ever, okay?"
He just stares at me and squints his
eyes in disbelief. He nods anyway.
"Good, it was nice meeting you." Not.
I walk away, not even looking back.
What I know for sure is he won't
respect my wishes. That's how
predictable men are. You reject them,
they come back with full force x100.
Probably because they are not used to
being rejected at all. This won't be
my last time seeing that guy. He's a
womanizer, that I'm sure of and I
certainly bruised his ego. He's the
kind of man who's used to women
bowing down to his feet just because
he's got the looks. Well, he can go and
suck it.

I place my hot coffee on the table as

the smell of bacon and eggs invade my
nostrils. I'm not usually a fan of fatty
food. Weekends are my cheat days.
They are days where I get to eat junk
food and not have any regret at all.
They are days where I get to have
Ma's delicious oxtail stew and down it
down with scotch. Yes, I drink scotch.
Pretty peculiar, right?

"Alexa, play Blue Lights by Jorja

Smith." I command.

"Playing Blue Lights by Jorja Smith."

The songs immediately blasts and I
hum along to the melody. I'm a huge
fan of Jorja. Her voice just does it,
you know? It has that thing. I hear
sluggish footsteps from upstairs and I
immediately know Queen Sleep is
"Stop dragging your feet." I say,
sipping on my coffee.
She groans and I chuckle. This girl, a
whole drama queen.
She sits besides me with half opened
eyes. Her hair is a curly MESS! It's
everywhere. I just choose to ignore it.
She'll see it.

"What's for breakfast?" She asks,

"Bacon, eggs, sausage, mushrooms,
toasted bread and tomatoes. Coffee
and juice for you." I say and she nods,
standing up.
"Listen, I'm gonna need you to stay
with Justine for a short while. I have
to go somewhere." I say, taking a bite
of my scrumptious eggs.

Justine is her best friend and next

door neighbor. They met when Justine
and her mom, Robyn moved here. They
are from Toronto, Canada and are the
nicest neighbors you could have. Me
and Robyn are not friends. Just
neighbors and acquaintances.
She looks at me. "I don't mind. But
where are you going?"
"I'm going somewhere." I say.
"Somewhere like where?" She
"Eat your breakfast and stop
questioning me." I say and she laughs.
"Mom, you got no jams." She laughs
even more.
Amala has this thing. I think I told
y'all before, right? Where she quotes
every BTS lines from word to word.
Whenever you don't understand what
she's saying, just know she just spoke
her BTS language, okay? There are so
many phrases that I don't get. But
this one, I understand. I hear it every
second of my life. It basically means
I'm no fun.
"Whatever. I'll be back around maybe
5. If you get tired of staying there,
you can come back and maybe order
pizza. And please lock the doors. This
maybe the most safest neighborhood
but just to be sure, lock the doors." I

"I hear you, mom. I'll lock the door,

blah blah blah." I stare at her and she
laughs, causing me to smile.
I just love her.

'𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞.'
My phone beeps a second later.

'𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞?'

I frown.
'𝐈𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞. 𝐕𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝐢𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞
𝐒𝐩𝐡𝐚.' (Opent the gate)
I wait.

It opens 5 minutes later. Yesis, this


I park on the driveway but I frown

upon seeing a Combi. Nonetheless, I
walk in, almost tripping over my own
seat when I see a bunch of people in
Spha's living room. There's four older
people, a girl, a guy and another girl of
the floor with her head bowed down.

"Sanibonani." I greet and they all

greet back, but not before giving me
dirty looks. Like I care.
"Sawubona, ntombazane." The older
woman greets.
I glance around the room until my
eyes land on a guilty Spha. I walk to
him and take a seat, not removing my
eyes off him.

"And then?" I ask.

"Yoh, uSpha usilethela amaVampire.
Bheka amehlo akhe. (Spha is bringing
us vampires. Look at her eyes.)." The
younger girls says and claps.

I give her an icy look and she bows

her head. Bxtch.

He gulps. "This is my family. Ma, Baba,

this is my fiancé, Aiko." Hold up, nigga
I raise an eyebrow. "Lo sono chi? Da
quando sono la tua fidanzata?" (I'm
who? Since when am I your fiancé)
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I am
multilingual. I am able to speak
fluently in multiple language. Since I
travel alot, I always took time to learn
different languages so I don't look
like a fool infront of people. And that
you just read there, that was Italian
my friend. I'm good, aren't I?
Oh and no, it's not what you're
thinking. Spha is one of my friends
who help scratch the itch. I have two
actually, both genders. Him and Emily.
A beautiful white girl with a perfect
body. She's everything. Amazing in
bed and is a very good cook.
"Bani? (Who) Ayikho?" His mother
"Aiko ma. Aiko Johnson. The director
and producer of your favorite drama,
To The Grave." Spha explains.

She suddenly exclaims. "Oho! Le edlala

ngo8 ebsuku (The one that plays at 8
at night)?"
"Yebo ma." Spha confirms.

She smiles. "Oho! Ngiyajabula

ukukwazi, Ayikho (It's nice to meet
you). So uthi she's your fiancé?"
"Cha-" I try to explain but Spha cuts
me off.
"Yebo ma. We've been dating for 3
years and I proposed a month ago." He
says, holding my hand. Yesis.
I abruptly remove it. If there's one
thing I hate is being touched. I HATE
being touched and he knows it.
He gives me a sorry look.
"Um Spha, could we talk for a minute?
In your bedroom." I say and he nods,
walking away.
I follow him and then bang the door
when I reach his room.
"What the fxck was that?!
Ungazongbedela wena. Since when am
I your fiancé? Nigga, we're not even
dating. We're just fxcking around.
We're not dating. Don't shxt on me,
I'm not toilet paper." I rant.
"Aiko, listen okay? That was the only
way I could get them off my back.
That woman sitting there is my
supposed wife. I want to marry her.
And maybe this is a good thing. You
know that I love you, right? This could
benefit us both. We get married and
my parents leave with their wife and
your parents will stop bothering you
about getting married too. Meet me
halfway in this. This is fate. It's a
good thing. We won't have to sneak
around or have quick rounds. We would
live like married people and m-"
"Yho, hayi you've lost the plot wena.
You've lost it completely. Ungalingi
(Don't you dare). Don't you dare come
to me with that bullshxt. You're
dreaming, neh? You're farting on
clouds, huh? That's why you're saying
all that shxt. Who said I wanna get
married? And especially to you nogal.
Ndoda, listen the day I get cuffed is
the day the South African
government stops being corrupt and
that will never happen. Don't do that.
Don't be that guy. And you've started
with your love love things. Ebaba, we
signed a contract. No love. Just
endless fxcking. No talking. Just
fxcking. Kanti, didn't you read it? If
you did, you wouldn't be uttering this
nonsense. Infact, I have to cease it,
ke. You're getting way too big for
your shoes. Ndoda, put on your big boy
underwear and tell your damn parents
that you don't wanna get married.
Angithi wena you got big balls, use
them mfanakithi. Use them. Don't let
them be useless. Hawu, talking about
marriage." I rant even more.
And this yellow bone of a guy is red on
the face. He's mad. But I don't care.
Who does he think he is? What is he
trying to happen? Talking like
marriage like it's a piece of cake.

"Aiko, don't talk to me like that." He

utters, mad.

"Hayi wena, I'll talk to you however I

want to. I will respect you the day you
use your pig head. Nxa."
I walk out mad as hell too. Yes, I'm
mad. He's making me so mad. Mina, I
just came here for a quick round not
to be involved in family matters.

As I'm about to reach the door,

Spha's mother speaks.
"Hawu makoti, uyaphi (where are you
"Angisiye umakoti wakho (I'm not your
makoti.) Your makoti is sitting there
on that floor. Honey, stand up and
make tea for your in laws."
Am I rude? I don't care. I freaking
hate opportunists.
"And wena Spha, I will not be part of
your shxt show. My lawyer will deliver
the contract. I want it signed, sealed
and delivered. Uyangijwayela wena
msunu wenja." I walk out and get in
the car.
Yoh, the nerve.
Daliy new African novel download

"And then she had the nerve to slap
me. These ghetto ass bxtches.
Fighting the woman instead to
attacking the boyfriend. And at that
time the coward ass boyfriend had
fled the scene leaving his girlfriend.
Yazin, men will hurd you wena Aiko."
Zinhle rants through the speaker.
I was driving to my parents house. Yes,
from Durban to Joburg. Imagine. But
when Isisa Xaba calls, you come
running. No questions asked. That
woman may be sweet but she can be
savage at most times and I certainly
do not need to be on her bad side.
Anyway me and Amala were listening
to some BTS when Zinhle called,
ranting about som girl who slapped her
because she was seen talking to her
boyfriend. Talk about being dramatic.
Zinhle was already at home. I told
Amala to put earphones in because
Zinhle can be very crude when she
wants to. Just like how she is this
very moment.
"Uyandiqhela lomntana tshini!"
Haibo, since when does Zintwezinhle
Xaba speak isiXhosa. You see wonders,
yah wonders shall never cease.
I just hum agreeing to whatever she's
ranting about.
"Yoh before I forget, I scored myself
a nice kullid (coloured) boyfriend
phela mntase. Yoh, he is everything!
The name is Monrico. He's a
chattered accountant, the nigga is
cute and well mannered. Oh and not
forgetting the big dxck, mntase! Yesis,
it's huuuuge. It's massive. And the
bonus is he knows how to use it. He
knows how to hit the spot. You know,
navigate and hit the right spot. Very
soon, you'll be my maid of honor.
Watch the space." She says.
"Hawu, and what about Njabulo?" I
"What about him?" She answers.

"Weren't you the one who was whining

and complaining about how he doesn't
notice you, blah blah blah." I say,
rolling my eyes.
"First of all, I wasn't whining and
complaining. Second, I'm done chasing
that man. He doesn't even notice me.
I don't know how many times I threw
him hints but he still doesn't get it.
I'm starting to think I'm delusional to
think he could ever date me. Phela all
he sees when he looks at me is Nkosi
and Phila's annoying little sister. So
I've decided to let him go and focus
on big dxck Monrico." She squeals.
"You have an insane love for sex." I
Remember Njabulo? Nonjabulo
Skhosana's son? Yes, that one. The
one Zinhle is crazily inlove with. He's
also friends with the twins and is a
gynecologist. Which is a pretty cool
job in my opinion. I mean all the mans
has to do is look at vaginas all day.
How does he do it?? Doesn't he get
tempted or do they get trained to not
get tempted? Either way, it is a very
cool job.

"Sex is everything. You should try it

sometime. I can see the salt is killing
you." She teases.
"Oh shut up." I hang up and the song
that was playing before Zinhle calls
plays again.
Amala removes her headsets and
starts rapping and dabbing
aggressively. I watch her with
amusement and rap lightly too. It's a
very catchy song.
"...Did you see my bag? x2
It's hella trophies and it's hella thick

What you think 'bout that? x2

I bet it got my haters hella sick
Come and follow, follow me with your
signs up
I'm so firin', firin' boy your time's up

Keep on runnin' and runnin' till I catch

How you dare x3

Another trophy, my hands carry 'em

Too many that I can't even count' em
Mic Drop, Mic drop
Mouth, mouth, watch your mouth
Somebody stop me, im boutta pop
"Bhut'omdala." I greet as I run into
Phil's arms. Amala runs to the kitchen.
I bury my head in his shoulder inhaling
his manly and familiar scent. How I
missed this man right here. Whenever
I'm with my family, the hatred of
being touched fades away. These
people are 100% huggers and I kinda
got used to it. I compromised only for
them, the rest can go to hell.
"Stormy weather." He kisses my
forehead and I giggle. Phila gave me
this name when Ma adopted me. I
hated it but grew to like it. It made
me feel like I belonged in their family.

"I missed you so much wena." I say.

"Work is being a drag. I'm always
busy but I'll make time for you." He
says, letting go off me.
"You better." I say, hugging him again.
I then let go off him and walk to the
The smell of oxtail lingers in the air
and my heart leaps in excitement. Yes!
Lord knows how much I craved her
oxtail. No matter how many times I
make it, it could never taste like hers.
"Mamawami." I kiss her cheek and hug
her sideways.
"Stormie." She smiles fondly at me,
her eyes twinkle with love and my
heart melts. This woman is everything.
"Make yourself busy and help make
"Eish, yah later." I rush out leaving
her yelling behind me. My mother,
that one.
I rush to the study room to find my
father and Amala on his lap. I wonder
what story he's telling her now.
"Daddy dearest." I kiss his forehead
and hug him from behind.
"Baby girl, kunjani (how are you)?" He

"Ngiyaphila baba. Everything is well

and nothing seems to be out of order
at the moment." I reply.
"Good. Keep it that way. So when are
you bringing me a son in law?" He asks
and I laugh.

"How about never, baba?" We both

laugh. Amala is exploring the room.

"The way I'm so tempted to arrange

you to marry someone but I won't do
it. I can't let you marry someone you
don't love, even though it worked for
your mom and I. You know I always
loved her. The first time I saw her-"
"She was at a coffee shop with Aunt
Lelo. Daddy dearest, we've heard this
story about a million times and I don't
need to be told about it. I've even
memorized it." He laughs. "Where's
your other daughter?"
"Somewhere around." He answers, his
hands waving around.
"And what is this meeting about?"
He clicks his tongue.
"Your brother. Yesis, that boy. I'm
five to from shoving a boot down his
throat. He just likes seeing my balls in
a twist." He says and I burst out
"Haibo baba, there's a child in the
room." I say, laughing.
He chuckles. "Amala, do you know
what balls are?"
I'm gaping.
"Balls? Are you talking about soccer
balls, mkhulu?" She asks, walking to
"Yes, baby girl. I'm talking about
soccer balls."
I'm dying.

"Kanti wena, where's your twin?"

Daddy dearest asks Phila.
"Angazi baba. Am I my brother's
keeper?" He asks, jokingly.
Daddy dearest gives him a stare and
Phila laughs.
The door swings open revealing two
"The star of the house has arrived."

Before we could gather our thoughts,

Nkosi is immediately knocked on the
ground by daddy dearest. The girl
next to him screams. Nkosi is bleeding
through the nose and has a busted lip.
Daddy dearest can throw a punch neh?
He's breathing fire.
"Hayi, Langalibalele marn! Inkinga
yakho yini mara (what's your
problem)?!" MA shouts, helping her
son up.

For some reason, us the siblings are

calm watching the show. My gemini ass
is enjoying this. Whatever he did, he
deserved it. Nkosi is reckless man.
"Hayi Isisa. Stop coddling this boy. He
turned out this way because of your
babying. Look at him. Having
threesomes at hotels, throwing
parties, impregnating an 18 year old.
Yes, maybe I can forgive that but
drugs? Drugs man! This boy is doing
drugs and his ass is doing to rehab.
You're not gonna stop me. People his
age have a family. They have kids.
When I was his age, I was married but
here he is, changing girls like he's
changing underwear. Do you wanna
know how much he's spent in this
week alone? R1 million. R1 fxcking
million. Down the drain. For drugs,
cars, booze and women. My company is
failing just because of golden boy
right here. Your coddling and his
irresponsibility stops now. I've made
my decision. I will not sit here and
watch him die slowly. He will go to
rehab because this! This is not
fxcking it!" He shouts in anger and
walks upstairs. Ma follows him leaving
us in a train of thoughts.
"Drugs?! Drugs, really Nkosingiphile?!"
His twin yells at him.

Zinhle looks defeated, heck I'm

defeated too. Amala looks terrified.
The girl too is terrified.
Yazin, I need a smoke. I can't

After my smoke, I throw minty fresh

gum into my mouth and walk back
inside the house. The tension is very
much stagnant at this point. Ma and
daddy dearest are in their bedroom
with ma probably asking daddy
dearest to rethink his decision, which
is pointless. Once he makes up his
decision, no one- including ma can talk
him out of it.
I walk to where Amala is sitting and
give her a kiss on the cheek. She has
never witnessed any of our fights so
this must be traumatic.
You can't miss the deadly glare Phila
is sending Nkosi. It's the real
definition of if stares could kill, he
would be 6 feet under. Except Nkosi
would be 22 feet under. The pregnant
girl is clinging on to his side. I can't
believe Nkosi made an 18 year old
pregnant. He's full of it.
Daddy dearest and Ma walk back
downstairs and Nkosi immediately
stands up. Ma attacks him with 3 slaps,
which we just stare at. Daddy dearest
holds her back and we watch Nkosi as
he rubs his cheek with red
fingerprints. His face must hurt.
"What have we never given you?!
Where did I go wrong? I did my best
to raise all 4 of you and you just had
to disappoint me like that?! I gave you
everything. You never lacked a thing.
You never even went to bed hungry
and you thank me like this?! W-why
Nkosingiphile? Why?" Ma breaks down
on her husband's chest.

"Ngiyaxolisa ma." He says, grabbing

our crying mother's hands.

"Sit your drug addict ass down. My

people will fetch you at around 4
o'clock so you have," He checks his
watch, "about 3 hours until they lock
you up in a room. Eat up because this
might be the last time you eat
delicious foods and don't worry, you'll
be gone for about 5-6 months. We'll
see depending on your behavior. I'm
sure you're gonna love it there." He
says and we all stare at him.

We all take a seat and Ma starts

dishing up for us.

"Aiko, please bless the food." Daddy

Dearest orders.
I stare. Has he forgotten that I'm a
heathen? What is he trying?
"Aiko, bless the food." Zee says and I
throw her a glare. She better shut
her ass up.
I sigh. "Please close your eyes. Eish,
God bless this good, amen."
"Amen." Zee covers her hand with her
mouth and Phila just looks down
"So sisi, what's your name?" Zee asks
the preggies girl.

"Sinolwazi Ndlovu." She answers

softly. How the hell did Nkosi get her?
She looks so innocent. You know, the
ones that don't attend parties and go
to church every other week. How the
hell did she get here?
"OK Sinolwazi. How are you gonna take
care of your baby?" Zee asks.
"Um the father said he'll take care of
us and I trust him." She says looking
lovingly at Nkosi. I get the picture.
He's her virgin breaker and we all
know virgins are clingy as hell after

"Ohh, now I get it. You're gonna be

one of those annoying baby mamas
who don't work, or go to school but
just shift their weight everywhere.
Those ones who call the baby father
to say the baby coughed or silly stuff
like that. Where are your parents?
Aren't you a tad too young to be
pregnant for a 31 year old man?" Zee

She clears her throat and looks down.

"I don't have parents. They died when
I was 14 and I live with my aunt and
cousins." She says.

"Okay, ngiyakuzwa (I hear you) but

answer the mbuzo (question), aren't
you a tad too young to be pregnant for
a 31 year old?" Zee asks.

"Hayi man, Zintwezinhle, yekela

umntana (leave the child alone)" Ma
"Every action has its consequences
and that," she points at Sinolwazi's
stomach, "is the consequence. Poor
child, he/she has a teenager as a
mother and an irresponsible drug
addict as a father. What a damn
shame." She says, shaking her head.

"Zintwezinhle, ngizokuhlaba ngempama

(I'll slap you)." Nkosi snaps.
"For what?," I interject, "For telling
the naked truth. We all know it's true.
For God's sake, have you ever taken a
second to think that you would've
been arrested for statutory rape?
That girl is 18 and you are 31. You are
irresponsible and frankly, you need to
grow up. All this", I gesture at the
house, "can be gone in a second. All
that you're wearing, the money you
have can be gone in seconds. You know
why? Because the future is not
determined. You are an 18 year old
trapped in a 31 year old's body. You
drink every day, you change women
and you take drugs. Drugs! I donate
atleast a million a year to stop the use
of drugs among our youth and I have a
brother who's a drug addict. I could
just slap the stupidity out of you.
Grow up. Grow the hell up. You have
nieces and nephews who look up to you.
They probably think your behavior is
justifiable and appropriate which is
not. Because right now, I don't know
who the hell you are. You have
everything you ever needed while
growing up and you're all just gonna
throw it away? You are stressing our
parents. You don't wanna know how
many times uMa cried just because of
you. Daddy Dearest has been with you
every second of the day. You call, he
comes no matter how busy he is. How
many times has he bailed you out of
jail?! You are so damn lucky you grew
up with both parents. What a privilege!
Your parents did not leave you in a
hospital bed after giving birth to you.
Again, what a privilege! You are lucky.
Your parents love you and would do
anything for you, and you throw a
platter full of shxt back at them.
Grow the hell up!" I stand up and take
my bag from the couch.
"Amala, I'm leaving. Do you wanna
come back with me?" I ask and she
shakes her head.
Ma's lips tremble and I already know
she's gonna cry. She's breaking my

"No. I'll stay with uGogo. She's sad."

She answers.
"I'll bring her back on Wednesday."
Zee says, hugging me.
I hug everyone except the two. Petty
Aiko has surfaced and quite frankly, I
do not need their bodies rubbing on

It's around 7 pm when I drive into

Emily's compound.

I knock and the door is immediately

open, revealing Emily is a short towel,
hugging her curves in the right places.
Emily is a fitness model. She has the
perfect body with curves in the right
I lock the door behind me as she
smiles flirtatiously at me. She unties
her towel and her tits pop out, her
nxpples pink and erect. I take in all of
her goodness.
I watch her as she walks towards me,
unclad with her hips going left and
My lips meet hers and she moans in
mine. She tastes like wine and mint. I
breathe into her mouth before pulling
myself out. #removed.
"You were a bit rough today, are you
okay?" She asks, as we lay on her wet
I turn to her.

"This is not a relationship. Stay in

your lane and I'll stay in mine. You
shouldn't inquire about my business."
I say and she raises her hands in
"I was just asking. No need to go off
on me. Hungry?" She asks, standing up,
still naked, not bothering to hide her
body from me.

This is what I like about Emily. She

never takes things to heart and she's
so confident and cocky, which looks
good on her. She takes in all of my
beatings sexually and never complains.
I think she likes it as much as I like it.
"Yeah. I could eat." I say, rising too.
"Cool, I made dinner. Let's go." She
says and I follow her.
We eat, both naked and on the couch.
What a blessed Sunday.
Daliy new African novel download

I leave Emily's compound at exactly
4:30 am. We fxcked until atleast 2
when I sneaked into the spare
bedroom. As much as I crave Emily, I
do not want to share a bed with her. I
deem it as too intimate and makes it
seems as if we're a couple, which I do
not like the idea of. I like my space
and I don't like my private space
being crowded.
When I got home, I did my usual
routine. I had some gym sessions in
my downstairs gym, I took a hot
shower, dressed like a boss and ate
my breakfast. By 7, I was done. I
looked straight out of a magazine
cover with my red power suit, with a
ruby red lipstick and red stilettos. I
smelled like roses with a dash of Mrs
At lunchtime, I sat in my favorite
coffee shop. A hot cup of coffee with
a wonderful leaf-pattern imprinted in
the milk and banana chip muffins laid
out. Frank sat 2 tables away from me
and Hloki is in the car. I had told
Frank to get him some muffins too
with some coffee, incase he was
I got my iPad out, not minding the
stares and scrolled to my recent
read- Sapphire Attraction by Zuri
Day. It was quite an interesting read,
I must admit.
"Hi, is this seat taken?"
I look up and I'm met by a man with a
huge smile. He looks strangely
"Yes. It's taken." I say with a straight
face. I seriously don't have time to
deal with human today.

"Well, yes. By me, I guess." He says,

pulling out the chair and I glare at him.
Before I could comprehend anything,
Frank is here in a half second glaring
the man down.

"Step away from the Miss." Frank

says, holding the man's arm and
staring straight into his eyes. People
have their phones out and are already
gossiping among themselves.

I wave him off. "Frank, it's okay. He's

not a threat." Just some annoying guy
who I swear I've seen somewhere.
He lets go of the guy and take two
steps back, not even taking his eyes
off him. He nods at me and walks to
his table. Everyone is now back to
minding their businesses. People love
The guy is now massaging his arm that
was manhandled by Frank. He then
takes a seat.
"Your bodyguard is strange. Why the
hell did he manhandle me?" He asks.
I don't respond. I don't tear my eyes
from my iPad.
"You seriously don't wanna talk? Ok,
I'll do the talking. My name is
Sqalolenkosi Faku-"
"I didn't ask what your stupid name is.
Just get the hell out of my face." I
say, my eyes still on the book.
"Woah, so aggressive. Who hurt you?"
My phone beeps in my handbag and I
take it out. It's the information I had
asked from Menzi, who is the best PI
in my opinion. The guy could dig out
things from 1950. I had asked him on
information on Sinolwazi. As much as
I'm angered about my brothers
behavior, I have to do a background
check on that chick. My instincts tell
me that something about her just
isn't right. And I always trust my
"Am I that boring that you would use
your phone while I'm introducing
myself. Talk about hurting my feelings.
Damn woman." He says, sighing
dramatically. This man isn't gonna
leave anytime soon, neh?
"I seriously don't have time for a man
whore whose bruised ego can't take it
when a woman rejects him. Listen, I
said no. Leave me alone and in peace."
I say, going back to my book.
"Aren't you quite observant?" He asks,
sarcasm dripping from his words.
I don't respond.
"Don't you think it's quite hypocritical
to judge someone without actually
knowing them?" He asks.
Again, I don't respond.

"What if I told you I'm the opposite

of what you just said? What if I'm
thee sweetest guy on Earth who could
literally do anything for you?" He asks,
waving his arms around.
"Frankly, I couldn't careless. Get the
hell out of my face." I respond,
setting my grey eyes on his black

"One day, when we get married, I'll

remind you of this very same day
where you basically telling me to fxck
off." He smiles and I frown then roll
my eyes.

"Then can you do that for me? You

know, fxck off." I fake a smile.
He chuckles. "One day. Just one day.
Don't worry, my love. I'll wait for
your stubborn ass. I'll wait until
you're ready." He puts his hand on his
heart. "I declare that on this day, I
will be celibate until my dear Aiko
here is ready to recieve my love."

I frown, confused.
"Where the hell did you get my
"Baby you're famous. There's no way
in hell no one in South Africa doesn't
know you." He smiles and I just stare
at him.
"Anyway, I have to get going. I'll see
you later, neh? I love you." He walks
going to the direction of the
manager's office, leaving me even
more annoyed. I seriously need
another bodyguard if there's gonna
be an annoying specie of a human
following me.

"Gogo is so cool. She showed me her

drawing of houses and they were
amazing. She promised she'd show me
where she works tomorrow." Amala
beams through the phone and I close
my fridge, holding a cold bottle of

"That's great nana. Glad you're having

fun." I say.

"So much fun that I thought it would

be, you know great if I stayed here
the whole week. I promise I'll
behave." She says.
"Ha ah, Amala. What about school? I
don't want you missing work. I was
okay with just 2 days but a whole
week? You gotta be kidding me." I say,
"Just say you can't bear being alone
and you'll totally miss me." I can hear
her rolling her eyes.

"Amala." I warn.
"Ok sorry, I'll ask Justine to send me
the work every day. I promise I'll
behave. I won't give them trouble. I'll
be a good little grandchild and be sure
not to give them high blood pressure."
She promises.

"You're gonna give me grey hairs at

such a young age." I mutter. "Okay,
fine. You can stay but Saturday
morning, be ready. I'm coming to
fetch you."
"Thanks mommy. You are the real
definition of LITuation. Get it? Love
you! Bye!" She hangs up and I sigh.
The whole house to myself for a whole
week. What can I do?
"Alexa, play I'll Make Love To You by
Boyz II Men." I order.
"Playing I'll Make Love To You by Boyz
II Men."
A second later, the song starts and I
plop on the couch humming along.
What to do? I grab my phone. I could
start my own Instagram account. I
have an Instagram account for just
the company to promote my movies.
I've always wanted to a private life,
well until now.
I start the process and once I'm done,
I pick one of my best pictures. It's
me at Ballito last year, wearing a
white boob tube and a black high rise
pant with black heeled boots. I had
very dramatic eyes shadow and winged
eyeliner. I was standing with Zee
taking a photo with her wearing a red
satin dress with high heels. We both
looked hot. We were invited to an
event where we ended up not going
because it was stormy that night.
Damn, I look good. I tag Zee then
upload the picture.

I decide to get started on dinner.

Since I'm the only one, I decide to
make a Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad.
Yes, I eat stuff like that. Y'all should
actually try it. Tastes better that it
After I'm done, I snuggle up on the
couch, watching Beauty Queen
Murders and murdering my salad. My
phone starts buzzing all of a Sunday. I
take it and I'm shocked. Didn't I just
create an account an hour ago? Then
where the hell did 10k followers come
I start going through the comments
when I see Zee's account.
"𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭. 𝐁𝐓𝐖
𝐰𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞♡︎"
I chuckle. Most of the comments are
compliments, some are thirsty and
some well, are just haters. I frown
when I see this one.
𝐬𝐪𝐚𝐥𝐨_𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐮: "𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲
𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞. 𝐈 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧
𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝. 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠."

"That was the only things I could find
about him." Menzi updates me through
the phone.

I sigh. "Okay. Thanks Menzi."

I hang up and grab my laptop and go
through what he sent.
Name: Sqalolenkosi Sivuyile Faku
Age: 25

Occupation: Runs family business:

Coffee Bliss
Distinctions: BA in Accounting
Parents: Khwezi Faku and Vuyile Faku

Siblings: Emihle Faku

Offside businesses: None
Mental illnesses: None
Chronic illnesses: None
Ex Girlfriends: 4
Kids: None

Well, he seems clean but I still don't

trust him. I go through Sinolwazi's
and what I see shocks me to the core.
Sly bxtch!

I drive through Nkosi's driveway and
all I see are cars. Cars and people
everywhere. I click my tongue and
park the car. I open the cabby hole
and take out my tiny friend, Ai. She's
gold, small but deadly. One bullet
from her and you're as good as dead.
I also take out the documents and out
them in my hoodie with the pen. I hide
the gun in my sweats before getting
I don't bother knocking, I barge in as
if I own the house. The music is so
loud that I feel my ears peeling off. I
look around. People doing as they
please. Drinking my brother's liquor
and doing coke IN MY BROTHER'S

I spot Sinolwazi talking to some girls

and I walk to her. I grab her by the
neck and she gasps while her friends
scream. The music stops and I hear
some talking. I feel my heart swell up
with happiness as I see her struggle
to breathe. They're trying to take me
off her but I tighten my hold with one
hand and take out my gun with
another. I shoot a bullet though the
ceiling and they scream, going down. I
let go off Sinolwazi.
"Anyone who attempts to disturb me,
take a video or go to the police will
feel my wrath. I'm not playing with
you. I will hunt you down should I find
anything on any social network. Get
the fxck out!" I order and they
stumble out, still drunk but panicked.
I turn my attention to Sinolwazi
whose hand is on her neck once the
crowd is gone. I walk to the door and
lock it.

"Let me tell you a little story, my

friend." I circle around her then take
a seat on the pretty white couch.
She's sitting on the mat. "There was
once a girl, a very bright girl at that.
Innocent, so sweet and so beautiful.
Nothing could've prepared anyone for
this. Ready? She killed her mother
when she was 15. Shocking right?
After the poor lady's funeral, she
jumped straight into her father's bed,
her biological father, imagine that.
This 'thing' carried on for 2 years
until her neighbor found them in bed
together. She cried and told her
neighbor that her father was raping
her. That he made her his wife when
her mother died. Poor her right? No,
not poor her. Poor father? With a liar,
a manipulator for a daughter who
lured him into her bed using
witchcraft. Gasp, plot twist right? But
we're not done yet. Because of the
girl's lies, the poor father was burnt
into a crisp because of her. So sad
right? She was taken in by her
father's aunt who was so kind and
wonderful to her but that didn't stop
her from bewitching her uncle and
sleeping with him. I know, wicked
right? Luckily, the aunt was a God
fearing person and could see right
through her. She took her poor
husband to a prophet and they casted
the spell out of him and the good
thing was she chased her niece away.
Poor her. She took a taxi to Joburg
and that's when she met a hotshot
lawyer who was so rich that he could
buy the president himself. And again
with the witchcraft. She bewitched
him. Made him a puppet. Fed him
drugs, love potion, made him eat her
faeces and made him sign everything
to her. Does that ring a bell? Oh right,
it's motherfxcking you!" I
giggle."Wow, girl. You deserve a nobel
prize for best liar. Best pretender.
Girl, you're not even 18, you're 23 oh
my God. You had us fooled. You had so
fooled. Good job. Now, uh what do I
do with you? I have so many options."
I giggle. "Do I drown you, cut your
limbs one by one and braai you. Do I
slice the skin of you and make you eat
yourself? Do I just stab you? Do I
feed you to my lion? OMG did I tell
you I have a lion? A pretty lion, her
name is Liona. She's been taken care
off by my friend, Jackson. I'm sure
she's so hungry right now?" I see her
eyes shine in fear and tears. " Where
was I? Oh right. Do I burn you in acid
or or or my favorite one, the easiest
way out actually," I point Ai at her,
"let her do her job." I smile when I
see her face covered in tears and
"You're sick! You're deranged! You
deserve to be locked into a looney bin
into a far away place!" She yells and I
gasp, shooting her knee cap causing
her to scream her lungs out. The poor
mat is covered in blood.
"Oh my fxck, you sound exactly like
my therapist. Well, right before I
killed him. Well he deserved it. Who
takes advantage of a little girl who
just wanted therapy?" I shake my
head then laugh. "Oh sorry, sometimes
I tend to zone out and lose focus on
things. Happens a whole lot when I
don't drink them. I should drink them
right? No? I shouldn't. I should. I'll
drink them. Right after I'm done with
you." I smile, menacingly.
"P-please I'm sorry. I didn't mean for
this t-to happen. I just wanted money,
I just wanted to feel money in my

"At the expense of someone else's

mental health. Someone's hard work.
So damn sad. But first," I take out
the papers, "sign these and maybe I'll
go lenient on you." I throw them at
"A-are you serious?" She asks in
"Yeah, I'll let you go. I'm not that bad
of a person. Sign."
She signs shakily with a little smile on
her face. I chuckle. Probably thinks
I'm gonna let her go. She's so dumb.
She passes them to me, holding on to
her bleeding kneecap.
"Good girl. Now smile for Ai." I
chuckle, pointing Ai at her.
"N-no wait, that wasn't part of the
deal!" She screams, horrified.
I frown, faking confusion. "What deal?
I don't remember striking a deal.
"You're going to hell! I don't deserve
this!" She yells.
"Right back at ya. I also didn't
deserve it. Your parents didn't
deserve it, your aunt and uncle didn't
deserve it and my brother didn't
deserve it. But hey, it's life and in life,
we say it izz what it izz. Anyway,
greet Satan for me. Tell him to make
Pina Coladas for when I come visit." I
Two shots. Executioner style. I smile,
inhaling the smell of gunpowder and
blood. How I missed it.

I take out my phone and dial a


"Storm, nice hearing from you. Who

do you want me to clean up now?"

"Some dumb bxtch. I'll send you the

address." I hang up, walking to the
liquor cabinet.
I grab a bottle of scotch and pour it
neatly into the glass. I gulp it all at
once and grunt when it burns my
I stare at Sinolwazi and I chuckle.
So weak. She didn't even try too fight
back. Two bullets and she's down.
Daliy new African novel download

"What do you mean she bewitched
him?" Daddy Dearest asks in disbelief.
"I mean exactly that. Get Nkosi out
of rehab and take him to some
prophet or sangoma so they can cast
that spell out." I say, as I watch my
guys cleaning up while twirling a glass
of scotch.
He sighs heavily. "I hear you. And
where is Sinolwazi?"
"Gone." I reply.

"Gone? Gone where, Aiko?" His voice


"I gave her money to start a life away

from here. She won't bother us
anymore." I smile, staring at my glass.
"Why on Earth would you let her go,
Aiko? We cannot guarantee she won't
do it to some other guy." He yells.
"Don't worry, daddy dearest. There's
absolutely no way she would do that
again." I say.
"Fine but keep tabs on her for me."
He says and I nod.
"Sure. Talk to you later." He hangs up
and I gulp my drink down.
"Fixer, I'm leaving now. Make sure
this place is spotless. Wipe everything
off the CCTV and make sure there's
no suspicious activities. If the cops
show up here, make up a very
believable story or just pay them off."
I say, standing up and Fixer comes to
"Storm, I know what to do. I've done
this for half my life. Anyway, you've
been good. Anything interesting in
your life? Any boyfriend?" He asks,
biting his lip, eyeing me up and down.
Look, Fixer is hot and everything but
this guy is a huge player. I don't need
that stress in my life.
"Fixer, give it up. I'm not gonna date
you." I say.
"Who said anything about dating? We
could just help each other out, you
know. Scratch the itch." He says.

"Not happening." I say.

"Fine. If you change your mind, you
got my number on speed dial. So when
are you coming back? Boss has been
asking for you." He says.

"I'm never coming back, Fixer. I'm

done with that life. I've hurt many
innocent beings because of that life."
I say.
"Come on, Aiko. You were the best
we've ever had. Nobody aims better
than you. And those people weren't
innocent at all. They deserved it." He
"But still, I'm not coming back. I've
made up my mind and you can't change
it. Im trying to live a better life now."
I say and he scoffs.
"Better life my ass. Didn't you just
shoot a woman dead like an hour ago?
You and I both know this 'better life'
thing is just an act. You can't tell me
you don't miss the thrill or the
adrenaline or the satisfaction in
watching the fear in one's eyes when
we end their lives. Come on Aiko, we
need you. The gang hasn't been the
same without you." He says.
I sigh. "I'm not going back, Fixer.
When I joined the gang, I was in a
pretty shxtty state and I was
unstable. I'm better now, I live a
better life, I'm on medication, I'm
rich, what else could a girl ask for?
Yes, I admit I kinda miss the life but
I like this one better."
"You mean you like this boring life
that you have?" He asks.
"Yes. I like my life. I like it better as
Award-Winning Multimillionaire Aiko
Johnson not female hitwoman Red.
I'm done with Red, . She's my past
and quite frankly, I'd like to forget
she ever existed." I say and he snorts.

"Yeah like that could ever happen. You

think I don't miss Nhlakanipho (his
real name). Of course, I miss him but
Fixer is me now. Fixer is apart of my
life just as Nhlakanipho is. I got used
to it and I got over it. I got used to
the fact that Fixer was here to stay.
That's what's happening with you. In
a matter of time, you will come back.
You can never run away from your
past, Storm. No matter how much you
try, the past is always gonna be by
your side. Because trust me, in less
than a year, you'll be back where you
belong." He walks away without a word
leaving me pondering on his words.
I just shake my head and walk to my
car, slamming the door. I place my
head on the steering wheel
disappearing into my thoughts.
When I was 19, I joined a gang. Yes, a
gang. It was and still is called
'SHADOW', mainly because we hid
and nobody knew about us. The name
is still well-known but nobody knows
the members. We did most things but
human trafficking was none of that. I
was still a woman at the end of the
day and I could feel empathy. I
wouldn't do that to any woman.

I was actually recruited when Pshyco

(one of the high members) saw my
skills in one of my underground
fighting gigs back in the day. Yes, I
did that. If I wasn't studying or
lazing around, I was either knocking
someone's teeth out or breaking their
arms. It didn't help that I was angry
most of the time. Angry at everything,
actually. It actually made things worse.
I solved all my problems using fists.
That was when my parents had enough
when they saw I was always angry,
they took me to therapy where I was
diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Of course, I didn't believe them but
they kept shoving the disorder down
my throat that I ended up accepting
it even though a part of me knew I
wasn't bipolar, I mean I wasn't crazy.
The members trained me to a full on
member and they gave me the name
'Red'. I used to wear just dark colors
because I was obsessed with the color
red and the spilling of blood. I had
never actually met the boss even
though I was told on a daily basis that
he loved my passion in killing. I was
told he was ruthless man and that he
was Italian. That was the only
information I got. I was also told to
call him Boss or Capo even in his
absence, which I thought was total

I asked to be let go at age 24 which

they approved surprisingly, but made
me sign something which I couldn't
read. Weird right? But I just wanted
to be freed that I just signed
everything. Now that I think about
that, I have this unsettling feeling in
my stomach.

My phone rings disturbing me from my

thoughts it's Sara, my publicist.

"Why didn't you tell me you have an

Instagram account?" She asks, as
soon as I answer the phone.
"Are you my mother? Am I supposed
to report my every single move to
you?" I ask, irritated.

Me and Zara butt heads most of the

time but I can't fire her. She knows
how to do her job.
"Yes. I'm your damn publicist. I'm
supposed to know everything you
freaking do. Yesis, jy maak my bloed
kook (you make my blood boil). Fokken
teef (fxcken bxtch). Soms wonder ek
waarom ek nog steeds vir jou werk
(sometimes I wonder why I still work
for you)." She mutters.
"It's because I made you, Zara. If it
wasn't for me, you'd still be an
underpaid useless journalist. Stop
insulting me and fxck off." I hang up
and sigh.
This amount of anger is not healthy
for a single person. I need foreign
food, anything. My comfort food is
foreign food. Any kind. Any culture.
But my most favorite is Chinese food
especially the very spicy foods, can
never go a month without them.
I drive to Ton Hoi Chinese Restaurant
and Take Away and order some
dumplings, hunan spicy beef, hot and
sour glass noodles and egg rolls. My
absolute favorite.
I drive home and take a quick shower
and then dress up in my nightie. I dish
up in plates and pour a glass of wine
then turn on the TV switching to
I take a picture posting it on Insta
with the caption: '𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆
𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗 𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒅
𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗 𝒕𝒗 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘'
For the first time in history, I wasn't
focused on the show. Instead my mind
was racing to the conversation I had
earlier with Fixer.

What if he was right? What if

there's really no Aiko without Red.

Daliy new African novel download

I groan. I feel as if I've been thrown
into hell. My stomach feels a bit
painful and my eyes are closed. I
flutter my eyelids carefully only to
close them back again when the bright
light blinds me. I grunt.
"Aiko, uvukile (are you awake)?" I can
hear my sister's voice and I move my

"I'm here, sis. I'm here." She cups my

hand in hers and I finally open my
My blurry eyes meet a thousand of
heads and I close them again. Ma,
Zinhle, Daddy Dearest, and Uncle
Musa are here. I hold my head when I
feel it pounding, only to feel bandages.
"Where's my daughter?" I whisper.
"Zinhle, go call the doctor." A voice
says, which I identify as Ma's. I hear
the door openimg and closing and I
open my eyes.
"Ma." I say, my voice coming out raspy
and dry.
"I'm here, baby. I'm here." She says,
putting her hand on mine.
I move my other hand again, only to
feel pain. I look at it and I have a drip
"What happened?" I whisper.
"Sthandwa sam, please give her some
water." Daddy dearest says to Ma and
she obliges.
"Sit up straight." She orders and I do
She helps me drink the water and
once my throat is wet enough, I speak
once again.
"Where's my daughter?" I ask.
"We left her back in Joburg with your
uncle, Nhlanhla." She says, and I
frown confused.
"What is she even doing in Joburg in
the first place?" I ask and Ma stares
at me.

The whole room is quiet.

"What do you mean? You left her with
us on Sunday." Ma clarifies.
"Ma, why would I leave her with you
on a school week? What was I even
doing in Joburg on a Sunday?" I ask
her and she covers her mouth with
her hands.
"Sthandwa sam, let's wait for the
doctor. Maybe he'll explain what's
happening with her." Daddy Dearest
says hugging Ma.
"How long have I been here?" I ask.

"3 weeks." Uncle Musa answers

I'm silent. The whole room is.
The door is opened revealing Zee and
the doctor.
"Ah, my patient is awake. I'm Dr.
Khumalo and I presume you're Ms
Johnson." He says and I nod.
"We've run some tests and Ms
Johnson here has had what we call an
accidental overdose. An accidental
overdose is unintentional drug
poisoning. It includes a case where a
drug was taken accidentally or too
much of a drug was taken accidentally.
In Ms Johnsons' case, we found 6
headache pills in her system. Ms
Johnson was 5 to from having a liver
damage and most probably dying."

Ma gasps and tears fall from her eye

sockets. Zee just covers her mouth
and cries.
"She was fortunately brought in
before any damage happened to her
system. We had her stomach pumped
but she should need to stay here for
atleast 2 days to make sure she's
"And what about her head?
Everything okay there?" Uncle Musa
"Ms Johnson is suffering from
anterogade amnesia. It is when the
patient cannot remember new
information or things that happened
recently. The blows on her forehead
were too strong which caused a part
of her brain to temporarily forget
what has happened from the last 2
months. Ms Johnson has also suffered
from what is called a concussion. It's
when the impact on the head is severe
enough to cause brain injury. It's
thought to be the result of the brain
hitting against the hard walls of your
skull or the forces of sudden
acceleration or deceleration. Speaking
of which, is Ms Johnson clumsy or
have suicidal thoughts?Going through
her past medical history with her past
therapist, she is bipolar and was found
to have quite habit of bashing her
head on a wall one too many times. Do
you know anything about that?" The
doctor asks.
They all look confused but try to
cover it up.
"No, we didn't know that. But she's
gonna be okay right?" Daddy dearest
"Yes. In a matter of months, she will
regain her memory. I'll assign her to
some medication and I strongly
suggest she goes to therapy again.
And please don't pressure her into
remembering. Take it easy, okay?" He
gives me that one nod that doctors
gives us and walks out.
"Bashing your head against the wall,
are you crazy?!" Ma scolds me.
"Sthandwa sam, please let her rest
for now. You'll scold her later." Dad
says to Ma who clicks her tongue.

"She needs a good hiding lo (this one).

She cancelled her therapy sessions
for what? Now she's busy bashing her
head on walls like she's a ball,
uyangkwatisa (you're making me
angry), Aiko. Why did you never come
to us for your problems. Zinhle is
literally your neighbor. She lives in
your neighborhood and for fxck sakes,
she's your goddamn sister. She's your
best friend, and instead of offloading
on her, you bash your head on a damn
wall. Yazin, to hell with you." Ma says
and angrily walks out, leaving us in an
awkward and silent room. Dad follows
"Really Aiko?" Uncle Musa asks,
staring right into my soul.
I just sigh.
"Listen, I'm not in the mood for all of
y'all. I'm in pain and all I wanna do is
rest. Please leave." I say and Zee

"We'll come back tomorrow." She

kisses my cheeks and walks out.
Uncle Musa stares at me with so much
sadness and disappointment and sighs,
walking out.
I sigh. Why didn't I just die?

"...I can't help but take in her
shoulder-length black hair pulled back
into her low ponytail. I take in her
dark, relax-fitted blue jeans and a
plain black buttoned-down collared
shirt with the lettering Mildred's
Cafe engraved into the upper right
side. Rania is more beautiful than the
last time I saw her 10 years ago. A
region of my lower half starts to
react from the familiar smell
permeating my nostrils..."

I open my eyes and I'm face to face

with a man deeply engrossed into
reading a book to me that he doesn't
even notice me watching him. He has
beautiful chocolate skin, black eyes, a
fresh fade cut, a freshly cut beard
and a very sharp jawline. My eyes drop
to his plump kissable lips reading this
book. Who is this man? A normal
person would be pressing the panic
button but somehow I feel safe. His
voice is smooth, deep and sultry. He's
making feel tingles in places I never
thought I'd feel.
He raises his eyes and he pauses. He
then flashes a million dollar smile
showing his perfectly aligned teeth.

"Oh, you're awake?" He asks, folding

the page he was reading and putting it
I just nod and stare at him.
"I know you're probably wondering
who the heck I am, and 'll tell you in a
second. My friend, I mean your doctor,
Mr Khumalo told me you have some
sort of amnesia. I was told not to put
pressure on you so I won't do that.
My name is Sqalolenkosi Faku, you may
call me Sqalo or baby, if you want." He
smiles and my heart skips a beat.
"Were we dating?" I ask.
He smiles. "And she finally speaks. I
was starting to think you lost your
voice too." He chuckles then stops
giving me a stare that sends shivers
down my spine. "And no, we were not
dating but in a matter of weeks, we
will be."
I just stare at him, with my heart
beating fast.

"I brought you food. Well, I kinda

snuck them in." He says, showing me
three containers. There's a bag next
to him.
"I brought you a very delicious and
healthy greek salad, avocado toast
with fresh fruit and then some apple
pie for desert. My mother made this
with love. I told her my girlfriend's in
hospital and that she's very ill. She
made the healthiest meals to ever
exist." He chuckles.
"Thank you." I mutter and he smiles.
"No problem. Be sure to enjoy or else
my mother will be very disappointed. I
should get going. I don't want your
family to find me here then chase me
He stands up but I stop him.
"Um can you stay with me? I mean
who's gonna feed me?" I ask and his
eyes light up.
"I thought you'd never ask. I so badly
wanted to eat your food but I thought
that wouldn't be so gentleman-y of
me." I chuckle. "Let me help you up.
I'm sure you must be hungry."
"Famished, actually." I answer. "I
haven't had a decent meal in 3 full

He stares at me. "Worry not. Your

caring boyfriend is here to save the
day. And we'll talk about how you got
here in the first place but for now,
you should enjoy this." He says and
brings the fork full of salmon to my
mouth and my taste buds are
immediately overjoyed. I groan.
"Good?" He asks smiling.

I nod. "The best. More please."

He smiles and feeds me.
Look at me, accepting food from a
stranger. And what the hell is this
feeling? It seriously should go away. I
don't do love, love doesn't know me.
Me and love are seriously enemies. I
should maybe keep him in my small
corner. He seems like the type of
person who'd cheer you up when
you're feeling down and depressed
and I guess it's time I get some
friends. Only him though, friends are
snakes and I'm quite okay with just
one friend.
I grab a bottle of water and gulp it
down while he munches on the avocado
"So what do you do?" I ask him.

"My family and I run this really

popular Café, Coffee Bliss. It's kind
of like a family business but I'm
thinking of opening something like a
gym or something, you know. I don't
wanna spend the rest of my life
depending on the Café." He says as he
wipes his hands with a napkin.
"That's pretty smart thinking. It's
nice to own something of your own,
you know. Something that you built
from scratch. It feels fulfilling." I
sigh. I miss work already. "So how old
are you?".
He smiles. "Does it matter?"
"It doesn't but I just wanna know.
I'm curious." I respond.
"I'm 25." He smiles. He sure likes
smiling. "Is that gonna be a deal
"I don't really care that much for age.
Age really doesn't matter, Sqalo. It's
just a stupid number determining the
number of years you've spend on
Earth. See? Stupid."
He chuckles. "Wow, I've never heard
that one before."
I just smile. I was serious. Age is
literally just a number. It's stupid and
whoever came up with that was bored.

"Once you're out of here and you're

recovered, may I take you out for
dinner? No, scratch that. I'm taking
you out for dinner. It's gonna be
magical. Candle lights, roses in the
whole restaurant, expensive alcohol,
violinists playing romantic melodies,
delicious food and we're gonna be
dressed perfectly. I can already see
it. Your beautiful self in the most
beautiful dress and high heels while
me, in a black tux, shiny shoes and a
fake Italian accent. It's gonna be the
best night of your life." He winks.

"Why so fancy though? Why not a

quiet night watching movies or
something?" I ask.
"Because I, my dearest Aiko, am an
extravagant man. I love fancy and
expensive things unlike you who likes
simple things. Who the hell still goes
to movies for a date. What are we?
Teenagers. Get on my level, peasant."
He says, rolling his eyes and I laugh.
He laughs along with me.
He then pauses.
"You know, I'm really glad we're
talking. When I met you, you were this
cold bxtch that didn't give a shxt
about anything but herself and her
work. I'm glad you're actually giving
me a chance."
"Oh trust me, I'm still that cold
bxtch you met. I'm being this way
because 1. I've lost my memory and I
literally had no idea you existed until
an hour ago. 2. Because I'm in pain and
the least I could do is be nice. You
read me a novel and you brought me
food, you deserve my kindness and you
deserve to be on my list of people I
will include on my will when I die. So
that's that." I say, flashing a smile.
"You are a special case." He says,
"I know. Now feed me." I command
and he laughs.
"Yes, my queen." He says, opening a
Daliy new African novel download

"Yes. Like I said we should be done
filming by late July." I say.
I'm on the phone with Sebastián, one
of the directors at work.
"Yes, thank you. Indeed, we have time
but that doesn't mean we should slack
off. Yes. Bye." I hang up and sigh.
It's a Saturday, and I'm home alone.
Just how I like it. As I'm about to
grab some scotch, my phone rings and
I groan.

I answer. "Hello?"
"Don't sound so bored. Get your lazy
ass up. There's no way you're
spending this sunny Saturday all alone
in your empty house." He says.
Sqalo. Yes, we're still friends. He's
probably the most problematic and
unbothered friend I've ever had. The
guy is so carefree that it scares me
"I'm perfectly fine in my empty house.
I have work to keep me busy and I
honestly need some me time." I say.
"Fxck your me-time. Get your lazy ass
off that couch or I'm coming there to
get you out." He says.

"You don't even know where I live." I

answer. He doesn't. If there's one
thing I never do, is reveal my address
to people. Even if they're close to me,
like Sqalo is. Maybe within time, I will.

"I will find out. Come on, Aiko, you

seriously need to stop feeling sorry
for yourself. There's so much to this
world than sitting alone in a Saturday.
I promise you'll have fun. It's just
two of my friends and their
girlfriends. Nothing big." He says.
I roll my eyes. "Fine. Send me your
address. Be there in an hour."
"Yes! I promise you won't regret it."
He says and I hang up.
He then calls back a minute later.
"Hayi sundiqhela umna. Who called
first? Waste of my airtime." He says
then hangs up.
This guy. He just surprises me

Sqalo smiles as he watches as I get

out of my car. He then walks to me
and gives me a brief nod. I told Sqalo
I don't like to be touched and luckily
he respects me and doesn't ask
"You look beautiful." He says and I
give him a tight smile.
I never knew that wearing sweatpants
and a hoodie gets you compliments. I
guess I gotta wear them very often.
"Let's go. And please behave. I don't
want my friends complaining about
your nasty attitude." He says and I
roll my eyes.

"I'll behave, don't worry. But if any of

your friends get out of line I won't
hesitate to put them in their place." I
"And I give you full permission for
that. My friends can be a bit much
sometimes." He says.

"Oh and quick disclaimer, I didn't tell

them that thee Aiko Johnson is
coming." He says.
"And why the hell not?" I ask.
"Because." He shrugs as we enter. I
roll my eyes when I feel eyes on me.
I avert my eyes around. This is a very
beautiful house.
"I must be fxcking dreaming." I hear
a voice and I turn to it.
It's a man with a very shocked
expression with his hands behind his
hand. A very familiar man, if I may say.
Wait a damn minute.
"Lelo!" I cover my mouth using my
hands. What the hell is he doing here?
"AJ! I almost didn't recognize you.
Damn girl, you look nothing like the 16
year old I once knew and that is a
compliment by the way." He says and I

"And I almost didn't recognize you.

You got some muscles, my guy. You got
muscles now. How does it feel being
one of the most attractive guys in
SA?" I ask, walking to him.

"It feels great to be honest. But

jokes aside, how are you?" He asks, as
we do our signature handshake. We
invented it back in high school.
"I'm great. I mean I'm standing next
to one of the greatest friends alive.
Fxck, it's been years." I say.
"Right? You're a multimillionaire and I
achieved my lifelong dream to be a
graphic designer." He says and I open
my mouth in shock.

"Oh really? Fxck, that's great news.

What happened to being a doctor?
You know how your father always
pressured you to be one." I say, my
eyebrows furrowed.

"That motherfxcker died a year after

I went to varsity. I then changed it
and did graphic design." He says.
"Honestly that is the greatest news
I've ever heard in my life. He's dead?
How did he die and how did you
celebrate? And why the hell did you
not call me to celebrate?" I ask and
he laughs.
Lelo hated his father! That's the
reason why I said it's great news.
That bastard he called a father was
very abusive and was very controlling.
I had met him once. A huge pervert
and rapist, that man. He once snuck
into the guest room I was sleeping in
and tried to undress me. That bastard
has his dxck and was ready to rape me
and you know what I did? I smashed
his tiny bxlls.
"Woah woah woah, what kinda high
school reunion is this? Do you guys
know each other?" Sqalo asks and
that's when I notice the other people
in the room. It's a guy with 3 girls
next to him with curiousity written all
over their faces.

"Yoh, I forgot. Y'all, this is my

high-school best friend, AJ. We were
friends from grade 10 to 12. AJ,
that's my friend, Bandile and his
girlfriend, Mandisa. Next to her is my
fiancée, Cebolethu and that's her
friend, Nandi." Nontsikelelo says and
I smile.
"Nice to meet you." I turn to
Nontsikelelo. "Yo, that reminds me.
Where's Andy? Haven't seen him in

"That dxckhead moved to the States,

bro. He's officially a cardiologist." He
answers and I crack up.
"No way! You mean crazy Andy. Like
the one we used to lock teachers in
staff rooms with?" I ask.
"Yes. Crazy Andy. He has matured
just a little bit but he's still a
"Wow. I never thought for once that
crazy Andy would become a doctor.
What the flying fxck?!" I say. I am
SHOCKED! Andy was one of those
rebel kids who used to get suspended
atleast 5 times a month, but they
wouldn't do anything to him since his
parents were huge sponsors in the

Let me explain before y'all jump into

conclusions. Back in high school, me,
Zinhle, Lelo and Andy (Full name
Andrew) were wild. We were wildin.
We always had so many pranks up our
sleeves and nobody did anything to us.
We were not popular or anything, we
were just there always pranking
people and teasing the teachers. Me,
the smart, quiet, discreet but rebel
teenage girl. Zinhle, the discreet
fashionista who stole people's hearts
but was also a rebel. Lelo, also smart,
funny, king of jokes in class, discreet
and king of pranks. And Andy, the bad
boy with no sense of discretion in his
bones. He would prank you and let you
know that he pranked your ass. He
also did that to teachers.
"Before this becomes a full on high
school reunion, can we please get some
food please?"Sqalo pleads.
"Ladies, please make us food." Bandile
also pleads and the girls nod and walk
to the kitchen.
The guys look at me.
"Pssh, I ain't doing that shxt." I say
and they laugh.
"AJ, leave bruh. We wanna talk about
very important things. Go to the
kitchen where you belong." Lelo says.
I squint my eyes at him.
"I will fxck your misogynist ass up.
Say that one more time.".
He bursts out laughing.
"Yoh, ngyadlala. I know how much you
hate comments like these. But I'm
begging you. Please leave." He pleads.
"Only cause you asked nicely." I turn
to Sqalo. "Eh ndoda, where can I find
your scotch collection?"

"You drink scotch?" Bandile asks and I

"In the top kitchen cabinet." He says
and I wink at him.
"Thanks. You're for keeps, my guy." I
say then walk into the kitchen.

The minute I set my foot in, the girls

stop talking and stare into my soul.
I'm in no mood for petty girl drama. I
walk past them and look for the
scotch. When I find it, I pour it into a
glass and take a sip.
"You drink scotch?" Nandi asks.
"Is this a thing? Asking me if I drink
scotch? Also you can clearly see me
holding a glass of scotch, right?
Unless you're blind?" I don't know
why but I get offish vibes from her.
She does not pass my vibe check. Yes,
I'm that arrogant.

"Woah, no need to snap. I'm just

asking." She says.
"And I'm just answering. So I guess
we're even." I say and she fakes a
"Right." She says.
"So...uh...Aiko, are you dating Sqalo?"
Cebo asks.
I chuckle then take a sip. "Nope." I
pop the 'p'
"Are you sure? You're not saying that
because of her, right?" Mandisa asks.
"Because of who?" I ask.

"Because of Nandi. You know Sqalo

and her used to date, right?"
"And I care because? Listen, I'm not
dating Sqalo nor would I ever be. He's
one of my closest friends and I care
less about him and Barbie doll over
here dating." I say.
"Okay, do you have a problem with
me?" Nandi asks.
"And by problem, you mean? I think I
might have lost my dictionary." I say
and she stares at me frustrated.
"So um Aiko, how's work?" Cebo asks.
What a question.
"Work is great. It's nice to work for
your own money, you know? And not
depend on anyone." I answer.
"Right? It's nice to know that you put
your degree onto good use and not let
it catch dust under your mattress."
Cebo says and I chuckle.
"True that. So what do you do?" I ask.

"I'm a software developer." She

"That's nice. And what about you,
"I'm an influencer. I mean, we're both
influences." Mandisa answers for her
and Nandi.
"By influencer, you mean slay
queen/housegirlfriend, who does
nothing but bring sex to the table?" I
ask and they gasp.
"Oh my God. Why are you insulting us?
I seriously don't see the need to work
when my boyfriend gets enough money
to feed us both." Mandisa says.

"I hate that mentality. Sweetheart,

Bandile is not your father. He's not
your damn father. That money that he
works for is his. He shouldn't even be
giving you even a cent from that.
What if your man right there is
drowning in debts? Think about it.
What if he's owing banks so much
money for taking loans because of the
damn trips you take wanting to
impress your fake friends on
Instagram. Girl, think. Use that head
and think. I'm sure you have a degree.
Dust yourself up and go look for a job.
Help around the house and stop that
mentality of 'oh, he's my boyfriend.
He's rich and he'll afford everything',
stop it. He's not your father and he
will never be your father. He's your
boyfriend not your sugar daddy. Boss
up, girl and be the bad bxtch that you
think you are." I say and gulp my drink
down and stare at them.
"Yoh, kuHektik." Cebo says after a
few minutes of silence.
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"What do you mean they want me on
the show?" I ask Zara. My phone is on
the kitchen counter and I'm making a
very unhealthy breakfast for me and
"I mean exactly that. Debbie from
The Talk With Debbie contacted us
and asked for you to be on her show
so I agreed." She says.
"Without my permission? Fxck, Zara
you gotta start involving me in things.
You gotta stop doing stupid things like
that without informing me. For fxck
sakes, the stupid show is in America."
I say.
"And that's the best part. The good
thing is you have 3 months to prepare.
The interview is in April so no need to
worry. You'll do fine. All you gotta do
is put on your best fake smile and try
not to be a bxtch, okay?" She asks,
"Ag, fxck you." I say then hang up.
I have this huge urge to bang my hand
through something but I don't.
Instead I run my hands through my
hair and take out my pills from the
medicine cabinet. I'm going crazy and
maybe they'll keep me sane for a
awhile. This amnesia thing must've hit
me harder than I thought. It's not
easy having to not remember what you
did for the past 2 months. And I am
completely clueless. I'm hoping I
remember everything before this
month ends. It honestly sucks.
"You can call me MONSTER! I'm
creeping in your heart babe, la la la.
I'm sorry, you make me so
craaaaaaaazy, yes you doooo." Amala
comes down scream-singing. She
sounds like a dying frog.
"You're hurting my precious ears." I
say through the noise she's making.
She glares at me.

"Shush, you're just jealous I'm

better at singing than you." She rolls
her eyes.
"Sheesh, that's called singing these
days? I'm sorry darling. You need
autotune. And I mean lots of
autotune." I smile when she cracks up.

We have the weirdest relationship.

One minutes we're mother and
daughter and the other we're like
siblings who tease each other about
everything. And honestly, I wouldn't
have it any other way.

"What about this one?" She asks,

pointing at a flowery dress. We're at
the mall, having a mother and
daughter day out. It's been a while.
"Not your style. You like dark clothes,
just like me and that dress would
honestly make you look like SpongeBob,
if he were brown. Am I making
sense?" I ask with furrowed
"Clearly not." I roll at her eyes. We
continue walking around the store
when she suddenly hides behind me.
"And then wena?" I ask.

"What would you do if you saw your

crush like right now?" She asks me.

"Absolutely nothing. Considering I

don't have a crush." I answer.
"Mom, come on, be empathetic for
once. Put on your momma hat and help
me." She says.

I sigh. Where do I even start?

"Where's the crush you're talking
about?" I ask and she points at
someone. I follow her finger.

The boy is with someone who I assume

is his mother. He's a light skinned boy
with a nice haircut. He's about a few
inches taller than Amala and has a
nice smile, I guess.

"What grade is he? And what's his

name?" I ask.
"In the same grade as mine but in a
different class. He's so cool and so
smart. Last year he was the top
achiever of the whole grade. His name
is Thatego." She says.
What is literally the whole point of
"So what do you want me to do?" I ask
and she sighs.
"I don't know. Do something. I just
wanna be his friend. He's always alone
and that makes me feel bad, ya know?
So do something. You're Aiko Johnson,
make things happen." She says and I
roll my eyes.
I grab her hand and walk to the boy's
mom with Amala protesting.
"Hi, excuse me but do you think this
top would look great on me?" I ask,
grabbing the first top I see.
The woman looks up and her eyes pop
"Oh my God, you're Aiko Johnson?!"
She states the obvious and I smile.
Amala and Thatego are walking around
the shop.
"I'm sorry, it's just, I'm a huge fan
of yours and seeing you in person, it
just feels so unreal. I'm Ontlametse."
She says, covering her mouth.
"Nice to meet you, Ontlametse and it
seems we're gonna be seeing each
other more often. My daughter and
your son seem to be getting along." I
say pointing at them. "Maybe we
should exchange numbers?"

"Um yeah sure." She hands me her

phone. "Oh my God. I'm shaking."

I just chuckle and eye her. Beautiful.

Very beautiful but can she handle the
pain though?
I hand her back the phone.
"We are gonna be good friends. Very
good friends." I say giving her intense
eye contact.

She's the first one to break it and

she clears her throat, looking down. I
stop myself from caressing her yellow
cheek and I smile.
"I'll call you whenever our kids want
to meet up. And again, nice to meet
you, Ontlametse." I say then walk
away. I signal to Amala that we must
"You literally just made me your wing
woman." I say when we leave the
"And that's why I love you. Thatego is
my friend now. He's so cool. Did you
know that his IQ is over 140-"
Blah blah blah. I stopped listening.

"What did you do to Mandisa, Aiko?"

Nontsikelelo asks me.

"Me? What did I do?" I ask, fringing


"Cut the bull. Bandile called this

morning telling me Mandisa whined and
moaned about you the whole night
yesterday because of some shxt you
said." He says.
"Which was the honest truth. She's
only whining and moaning because what
I said was the truth and nothing but
the truth. And that truth is she's a
golddigger and a bloodsucker. She's
knows I'm right." I say.
"Listen, just stay out of their
business, okay? It's none of your
business on how they choose to live.
They'll do things their way and not
yours. Live your own life and they'll
live theirs. Bandile is my boy and he
loves Mandisa and I don't want you
ruining things for them. Stay out of
their business, okay?" He asks me and
I roll my eyes.
"Oh my God, I hear you. I'll stay away
from those sensitive Susies." I
chortle. I'm so lame. Sensitive Susie?
"The reason why Mandisa is sensitive
of lately is because her sister is
missing. You have to be really careful
with her."

"Oh please, as if it's her who's

missing. What's her sister's name?" I
"Sinolwazi and fxck, you're still an
insensitive bxtch, you bxtch." He says,
Sinolwazi. That name sounds weirdly
familiar. I get hit by a sharp pain in
my head and I groan.

Images start flashing in my head. Only

they're blurry. Some girl with Nkosi.
A pregnant girl that is.
"Mom? Are you okay? Mom?"
I'm shaken by Amala who's standing
near me with a terrified expression.
My head still hurts and my phone is
now cracked on the floor.
"Go to my dressing table in my room
and get the pills that are there." I say
and she nods then runs up.
What the hell was that?
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"Are your bags packed and ready? I
hope you packed alot of clothes.
We're gonna be there for 2 weeks
max." I say to Amala shoving a
spoonful of fruit yogurt in my mouth.
"Yes I'm so excited." She squeals. "I
wonder if Chicago is as good as its
portrayed. I can't wait to explore the
place and meet new people." She
rambles on.
"I can't wait too. I honestly need a
change of sc9, even if it's for a short
while. I can't deal." I mutter.

"Next destination is Seoul, right?"

She asks.

"We'll see. Eat up. We need to atleast

arrive before midnight." I say and she
My phone rings from the counter and
I already know who it is but I check.
As I had expected, it's Sqalo. I
heavily sigh and run my hands through
my hair.
As predicted, Sqalo and I are dating.
He actually courted me a week after I
regained my memory. Sqalo is a good
boyfriend BUT, a huge but, is that
he's everything I despise in a man.
Sure, when we start dating, it's the
honeymoon phase, you know. The
phase when you deliberately ignore all
your partner's bad traits seemingly
because you love them. That was the
case with me and Sqalo but difference
is I care about him, I don't love him. I
haven't full given him my heart yet, I
seriously don't know what's stopping
me. All I know is I don't trust him
with my heart because of the fear of
being toyed with.
Now back to the things, I dislike
about Sqalo. Number 1. That man is
clingy as hell. You guys know me, I love
my own space and I hate it when
people invade my space. That man calls
me atleast 10 times a day. I admit, at
first I found it cute but as time went
by I found it incredibly annoying and
just straight up dumb. At least give
me time to breathe, gosh!
Number 2. If he isn't all up in my
space, he's also a bit controlling and a
dictator. If there's anything I hate is
being controlled. There was a time
when I was at work, and he straight
up found my house address and
burned all my skirts, shorts and tiny
shirts. When I tell you I was enraged
that day. Firstly, who gave him
permission to enter my house?
Secondly, who the fxck gave him
permission to burn my clothes, as
expensive as they were? I let him
have it that day which resulted in me
shouting and him trying to emotionally
blackmail me. He then didn't speak to
me for a week and straight up sulked.
What a boyfriend I have.
Lastly, he always wants to be the
victim. I'm always the bad guy in his
eyes. There was a time when I wanted
to pay at a restaurant and he told me
I didn't respect and see him as a man.
The audacity! If that isn't
narcissistic behavior, then I don't
know what is. Everything we do always
ends up in an argument. Let it be
cooking, cleaning or even choosing a
meal on the menu. It's frustrating. If
this is how relationships are, then I
don't want it. I'd rather stay in a
loveless friends with benefit
relationship than be miserable in an
already miserable relationship.
I hear a knock on the door just as
we're prepared to leave.
"Who is it?" I yell out.
"Its me. Sqalo." He says.
Sqalo, what the hell!
"Amala, go to your bedroom and lock it
behind you." I order. I already know
there's gonna be a full blown
"Are you gonna be okay?" She asks,
with a worried expression.
"Yes, I'll be fine. Quickly go." I say
and she runs up.
"Come in." I say and the door swings
open and in comes a sweaty and
disorganized Sqalo.
"Why weren't you answering my
calls?" The first thing he says.
"Look Sqalo, I'm not in the best mood
right now and I seriously don't want
to argue with you. I'd really
appreciate it if you left." I say,
already tired.
His eyes roam around the house and
they land on my suitcases.
"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Somewhere far away from here." I

answer. "For work." I add.

"Aiko, where are you going? And why

didn't you tell me?" He asks.

"Oh right, right. I completely forgot.

I must've lost my brain cells. You're
my BOYFRIEND. Emphasis on
BOYFRIEND. Not my father. Know
the difference." I sarcastically say.

He breathes out "So you're leaving

"When did I say that?! I said I'm
leaving for work. Are you hearing me
or you're hearing what you want me to

"And the other bag? Who's it for?

Your other boyfriend?"

I grunt and hold my temple with my

two fingers.
"Dude, you need help." I state.
"No, no. Tell me. Is it Nontikelelo? I
wouldn't be surprised. Are giu
cheating on me with my best friend,
Aiko?" He asks.
"You know what, I'm done. You are
mental. Mental. You need help. If it's
not you being controlling, it's your
damn insecurities. How many times do
I need to reassure the fxck out of
you? How many times do I need to tell
you that you're man enough for me
and still you don't want to understand
that. You twist everything I say and
make me the bad guy. And then
there's your fragile masculinity.
Ndoda, wake up. This is the 21st
century. Women are leaders too and
your weak ego isn't taking that way
too well. If it's not you trying to
compete with me over my own damn
salary, it's you subtly 'suggesting' I
sell my own company, which I built
with my own sweat, blood and tears.
You seriously need to see a therapist
if you think I'd let go of my company
just for a mere dxck. Now what you
need to do is go the fxck home and
work on your abandonment issues and
your damn insecurities because I know
for damn well that I will not stand for
this. Get the fxck out." I say, pointing
at the door.
He stares at me with wide shocked
eyes. It's time I reclaim myself. I've
been letting this man think he can play
over my head just because he's my
partner and this motherfxcking stops
Daliy new African novel download

Chicago is AMAZING! I'm not one to
be easily impressed but I'm hella
impressed with this city right here.
We stay in Rosewood Ave. Bungalow
just 1.3 mi from the Willis Tower. It's
a 2 bedroom house with a beautiful
garden. And it's rented. Timothy, our
tour guide has been a great guide and
has listed us the places we should visit
before leaving.
So far, we've been to the Art
Institute of Chicago, Museum of
Science mainly because Amala is a
science fan and The Lincoln Park Zoo.
Amazing places to visit and I honestly
can't wait to see more.

Right now, I'm waiting impatiently for

this talk show to start. I'm honestly
not in the mood and I really hope they
don't ask anything unrelated to my
A woman comes to me with a makeup
kit in her hand. I send a glare towards
her way.
"Dont even think about it." I say and
she swallows.
"I need to put some makeup on you. It
won't be long." She tries to convince
"You're not touching me. And my face
is perfectly fine. I don't need
makeup." I say and stare at her
square in the face.
She nods and walks away and I click
my tongue. When the hell is this thing
"Welcome to The Talk with Debbie
and Max. We're your hosts and we
welcome you to our show." Debbie say,

People scream and clap while I sit

there legs crossed, hands on my lap
with a slight smile on my face.
"Today we have the iconic Aiko
Johnson. How are you doing, Aiko?"
Max asks and the camera turns to me.
I smile. "I'm doing great, thanks for
asking, Max. How are you?"
"We're great." He laughs. What's
The room suddenly turns silent. The
focus on the 3 of us. Lights blinding
"So, Aiko, how did you open up your
own company? Who was the motivation?
Was it always your dream?" Debbie
asks. So many questions, im getting
"Yes." I flash my perfect smile.
"When I was younger, I always dreamt
of becoming an actress. It was always
my dream and passion. I would look at
myself in the mirror and then all of a
sudden improvise. I would engage in so
many drama clubs at school. I just
knew then that I would become a big
actress somewhere somehow. When
my parents died, I was even more
determined than I ever was. And when
I was adopted, I still pushed through.
I went to varsity and studied arts &
drama and well, here I am with a
multimilliondollar company."

People clap their hands, screaming.

I'm gonna be so deaf after this.

"And the orphanages? Was it always

your dream too?" Debbie says.
"No, actually. I despised orphanages,
well atleast the one I was raised in.
It's such a miracle that I survived
through everything. I opened the
first orphanage the year after I
adopted my daughter, Amala. I wanted
to do right by those kids. I wanted
them to finally have a stable home and
great education. So I opened separate
orphanages. And trust me, it was all
worth it."

"So tell us, how was living with Khabas

(Xabas)? Did they treat you well? And
how is it like being the niece to a
famous actor?" Max asks.

I'm getting pissed but I mask it with

a smile.

"They treated me like they would

treat their own daughter. I would get
pampered, spoiled, scolded like every
other child in their house. They never
ceased to tell me they love me. I'm
actually very grateful that they took
me in even though they didn't need to.
They had 3 children already but they
created enough space for me to scoot
in. I'm very grateful and will be
forever until I die." I smile. The smile
is real this time.
"We heard that you donated R1 million
to an organization that treats abused
women and helps uplift them. Can you
talk about that?" Debbie asks.

"Yes, I did. Reason being, no woman

deserves that. No woman deserves to
be abused or raped by the person
they trusted. No woman deserves to
be raped by just a mere stranger. No
woman deserves to be punished for
just being a woman. I'm a strong
feminist activist and human rights
activist and I will fight for what's
right. Women deserve better. Women
deserve the world. I will continue
fight for female rights until we're all
equal. I have attended a lot of
feminists campaigns and I will not
stop until I'm certain our voices are
heard and not silenced."

More cheers and more claps. I smile.

"So what's next on the cards? You've
achieved everything women your age
dream to be. What's next?" Max asks.

Excuse me?
"I'm sorry. Would you please
elaborate?" I ask. I'm getting real

"Now that you're successful, should

we be expecting a boyfriend or better
yet a husband in the near future? I
mean, you surely can't spend all these
riches on your own. A woman has to
have her left rib by her side." Max
He better stop with his sexist
I fake a laugh. "You're very funny,
Max. Um no, I don't think so. I'm
honestly more focused on becoming
even richer than I am now. Maybe I'll
become one of the most richest
women or better yet the richest
woman on Earth. So no, a boyfriend
isn't on the cards right now."
You should see my face right now. It's
got to be one of the most fakest
faces you'll ever see. Man, was he
born in the stone age or something?
Amala and I are cuddled on the couch
watching our favorite k-dramas when
my phone rings.
It's Nkosi.
I answer.

"Hey big brother." I greet.

My smile turns into a frown when I
hear sobs coming from his line.
"Nkosi? Nkosi yini manje? (what is
it)." I worriedly ask.
"uMa noBaba." His cry pierces my
heart. He's sobbing like a child on his
first day to school.

I stand, my heart beating abnormally

fast. Something bad happened. I can
feel it.
"Nkosi yini? Spit it out, dammit." I
demand. Amala stares up at me and I
can see she's worried.

"Bashonile (They're dead) Aiko. They

killed them. B-bashonile. Bababulele
(They killed them). They killed m-my
My ear starts ringing. My heart drops
to the pit of my stomach and my body
starts shaking.

"Bashonile, Aiko."
"They killed them."
"They killed my parents."

God can't do this to me. Not now. Not

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Tears fall down my cheeks and I sob
silently. I have Amala in my arms,
crying for her grandparents. We're
flying back to South Africa. I ordered
Amala to pack her things and told her
we're going back. I tried to hide it
from her but sadly social media has a
mind of its own.
Word got out about my parents and
the terrible car hijacking too. My
parents were both killed in a hijacking.
Two shots to my mom's head and 3
shots on my dad plus his head. I guess
I'm repaying for all those people I
killed, huh? This is how they felt.
Helpless. Afraid of the unknown.
Angry. Hurt. I'm feeling a
roller-coaster of emotions.
I focus my attention on the TV but as
expected they're covering my parents
death. There are red and blue lights
everywhere. Police tape. Cars broken
beyond repair. Glass. Blood. Lots of
blood and lunatics taking videos and
pictures. I choke back a sob and sniff.
I'm not going to cry. Not now.
Amala bursts into tears and wails
"Shh, I'm sorry baby. It'll be fine.
Shh." I shush her holding her tight,
with tears rolling down my cheeks.
We struggle to get in the hospital as
there were reporters standing outside.
We even had to lock the doors.
I spot my family by the benches and I
hold Amala's hand going to them.
Zinhle spots me first and runs to me
and gives me a tight hug. Amala runs
to Mam'Koketso.
"Aiko, they're gone. They left me,
they promised they wouldn't leave
me." Zee cries on my shoulder and I
shush her.
I don't know what to do. I feel
I spot Aunt Zee coming to us and she
takes Zinhle away from me and hugs
"Shh, phephisa mntanam. Everything is
gonna be fine." I leave them and walk
to Uncle Mbuso and Uncle Musa and
hug them.
"How do you feel mshana?" Uncle
Mbuso asks.
"Malume, I feel helpless. I'm angry,
hurt, sad, I feel all emotions tumbling
heavily on me." I sigh.
Uncle Musa stares at me and I look
down teary eyed. He looks so much
like dad that I can't handle it.
"I feel suffocated. And I feel like the
only thing that could help us right now
is finding the killer. I've already
messaged my guy." I say.
"Mshana, you have to rest. The only
thing, the only important thing we
have to do is put them to rest. We
can't go around having wars without
burying my brother noMakoti. You
have to take it easy and wait until we
have done everything that is needed
to be done. Your brothers will take
care of everything." Uncle Mbuso

"Yeah well, until then? That

motherfxcker came out of nowhere
and decided that he'll murder my
parents and you think I'll just wait?
You have another thing coming and I
swear on my life I will find that
person and I will burn him and his
whole family down." I say.
"Aiko, when last did you take your
medicine?" Uncle Musa asks.
"I take them everyday, Malume. You
don't have to worry about me having a
mental breakdown. I'll be fine the day
I find that fxcker." I sniff. "Where
did they put their bodies?"
"I don't think you want your last
image of them to be what's in there,
mshana." Uncle Mbuso says to me and
I shake my head.
"I'm strong enough. Please show me
the room."
They both look at each other and
Uncle Musa nods.
"Let's go." He orders and I follow him
until he opens a door which shows two
beds with humans on them and a sheet
covering them from head to toe.

"Can I have some time alone?" I ask

him and he nods. And walks out.
I walk to the first bed and remove
the sheet. Daddy Dearest lays there
with pale dry skin with bullet holes on
his chest and dry blood. I suck in a
breath and remove the other sheet
revealing my mother, with two bullet
holes and dry blood to head. One is
directly in her eye and the other went
straight to the forehead.

I lay my head on her tummy and cry. I

cry like I've never cried before. The
first people who had ever shown me
real kindness had been killed. For
some reason.

Maybe I don't deserve this thing

called happiness. My biological parents
dumped me like shxt and left me as an
infant. And now the sweetest people
to exist have been murdered.
Sometimes I wonder how God's mind
works. What exactly is his plan? He
calls himself a loving and peaceful God
yet he continues to torture and
cannot do a simple thing like saving my
parents. Is there even a God up there?
Is he real? Is he even listening to my
pleads and cries?
From the day I was born, I have
endured so much pain but he still
ignores me. Being abandoned was
enough but being dumped in an
orphanage and being raped there is
another thing. Does he know me? Does
he know how many times I have cried
out to him hoping he would save me or
perform a single miracle in my life?
Does he know how about the time I
was raped as a 13 year old? Or when I
witnessed my first murder at 14?
What about when I was ordered to
sleep with men old enough to be my
damn father by the sisters at the
orphanage when I was 16?
He made me this monster that I am
now. He made me murder 30+ men and
made me go into a killing rampage
when I was 19. He made me join a gang.
He made me this pshycotic bxtch. He
made this bipolar bxtch. He made me
a teenage murderer. He made me this
sadistic masochist that I am now. He
made me enjoy the smell of blood and
gunpowder. He made me enjoy the
screams of my victims when I'm
torturing them. He made me burn a
whole orphanage. He made me do it.
He made me do every evil thing I've
done in my life yet he's considered a
loving God.
Hes probably laughing at me right now.
He's probably thinking about 'what a
fool I am'. Why did I ever think
happiness existed? Because in my
world, it's sorrow after sorrow after
And it's not my fault. It's His. That's
the kind of God he is, right? He takes
away my happiness and replaces it
with sorrow. People always said God
gives, but with me God gives and

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