Seperable Phrasal Verbs: "Give Up"

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Phrasal verbs, yani Türkçe karşılığıyla öbek fiiller, bir fiilin bir edatla veya
bir zarfla birlikte kullanılarak anlam değişikliğine uğramasıdır.
örn: Give kelimesinin anlamı vermektir, up kelimesinin anlamı ise yukarı
demektir. Oysa “give up” bırakmak, vazgeçmek anlamı verir.

Seperable Phrasal Verbs

Ayrılabilen öbek fiillerin bulunduğu cümlelerde nesneyi ana fiil ile edat
arasına yerleştirebiliriz.
örn: I will pick up my sister from the airport.
I will pick her up from the airport.

Cümlenin nesnesi belirli bir kişi ise nesne hem ortada hem de cümle
sonunda yer alabilir. Ancak nesne “me, you, her, us” gibi bir zamirse
mutlaka öbeğin ortasında yer alır.

örn: They’ve called the meeting off.

A: Why hasn’t the meeting started?
B: They’ve called it off.

I didn’t want to bring this topic up in front of the crew.

I didn’t want to bring it up in front of the crew.

Inseperable Phrasal Verbs

Ayrılamayan öbek fiillerin bulunduğu cümlelerde nesneyi ana fiil ile
edat arasına yerleştiremeyiz.
örn: I came across my old journal when I was cleaning my room.
I came my old journal across when I was cleaning my room.

Sometimes dreams can turn into nightmares.

Do you want to turn into a wolf?

Prepositional Verbs
Bu yapılar ise “verb+preposition” biçiminde yapılır. Ancak preposition
eklendiği zaman anlam değişimine uğramaz.
örn: Wait beklemek, for için anlamındadır. Wait for ise birini/bir şeyi
beklemektir, anlam değişimine uğramamıştır.
1. GÜN

RESULT IN to cause a particular situation sonuçlanmak
to happen

örnek: The accident resulted in the deaths of 22 passengers.

to start or develop as the -den kaynaklanmak

result of something -den gelmek

örnek: Many of his problems stem from his family.

TAKE OVER to begin to do something that üstlenmek

someone else was doing devralmak

örnek: Jim took over as director after Michael retired.

TURN INTO to change or develop into dönüşmek

something different dönüştürmek

örnek: Our holiday turned into a nightmare.

to be the same as or equal to anlamına gelmek

something else tutarında olmak

örnek: Her earnings are said to amount to $400,000 a year.

to make something happen sebep olmak

neden olmak

örnek: Many illnesses are brought about by poor diet and lack of exercise.

KEEP ON to continue doing something devam etmek

örnek: My mother kept on asking me questions about school.

2. GÜN

TURN DOWN to not accept an offer or request reddetmek

örnek: How could you turn down this position?

GIVE OFF to produce something such as salmak, yaymak, bırakmak

heat, light, or a smell

örnek: When they die, plants give off gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.
to solve a problem
WORK OUT to deal with a problem anlamak, hesaplamak
to do physical exercise antrenman yapmak

örnek: He works out at the local gym every day.

PUT OFF to delay doing something ertelemek


örnek: She was glad to have an excuse to put off telling the news.

GET AWAY to escape from a person kaçmak, kurtulmak

or place
örnek: A police officer grabbed him, but he tried to get away.

to break parçalara ayrılmak

to lose control of your emotions baş edememek

örnek: Ted thinks everything will fall apart without him.

to be based on something güvenmek

-e dayanmak

örnek: Wise choices necessarily rest on a foundation of truth.

3. GÜN

-to examine or search something yaşamak, geçirmek
GO THROUGH very carefully
-to experience something incelemek

örnek: Some women go through menopause without any complications.

ACCOUNT FOR to be the reason why oluşturmak, açıklamak

sometimes exists or happens

örnek: Presently, fishing and associated industries account for 75% of jobs in the
-to cause a government or politician
BRING DOWN to lose power devirmek, indirmek
-to reduce the rate, level or amount azaltmak
of something
örnek: Private schools should bring down their prices.

if people get along, they like birbiriyle geçinmek

GET ALONG each other and are friendly
to each other anlaşabilmek

örnek: Marie and I get along so well.

to receive or obtain something türemek

from something else -den kaynaklanmak

örnek: Many of these problems actually derive from stressful situations.

-to start something such as a

SET UP kurmak, düzenlemek
-to organize or plan something

örnek: The government did set up factories in the west.

to ignore or not deal with askıya almak

PUT ASIDE something, or to save something kenara kaldırmak
for a purpose

örnek: The jury will put aside their bias and see the truth.
4. GÜN

if something comes out, ortaya çıkmak
it becomes known (haber) yayılmak

örnek: After his death, it came out that he’d lied about his children.

-to remove something

kesmek, kapatmak
CUT OFF -to stop someone from going
somewhere durdurmak

örnek: Why did she cut off all her hair?

KEEP OFF to avoid something uzak durmak

örnek: Keep him off politics, or they’ll fight.

CLEAR OUT to make a place or container boşaltmak

clean or tidy

örnek: We have been hired by a private entity to help clear out the house.

CALL FOR to make something necessary istemek, gerektirmek

or suitable

örnek: Skill and initiative are called for in this job.

SWITCH OFF if you switch off something, (düğmeye basıp) kapatmak

it stops working

örnek: The heating has switched off.

SET BACK to delay the progress of geciktirmek

someone or something geri bırakmak

örnek: The opening of the new coffee shop has been set back by a few days.
5. GÜN

to send something to someone yaymak

örnek: We’ll arrange shipment and send out within 3 business days.

SEARCH FOR an attempt to find something aramak

örnek: I asked for more men to search for Susan.

SCALE DOWN to make something smaller in azaltmak

size, amount, etc küçültmek

örnek: We need to scale down some areas of our organisation.

to do a particular piece of yapmak, gerçekleştirmek

work, research, etc uygulamak

örnek: I always intend to carry out that plan.

COPE WITH to deal successfully with a başa çıkmak

difficult situation

örnek: I was ashamed that I couldn’t cope with the pressures.

to avoid someone or something, uzak durmak

or to make someone else do this uzak tutmak

örnek: You should wear a cap or hat to keep away the sun.

RELY ON to trust someone or something güvenmek, bel bağlamak

örnek: Terrorists, though relatively few in number, rely on massive fire power.
6. GÜN

to decide that something will
CALL OFF not happen
iptal etmek, sona erdirmek

örnek: If she knew, she’d call off the whole wedding.

to improve in order to reach

CATCH UP the same standard or rate as hızına yetişmek, tamamlamak
someone or something

örnek: Adjust speed to let them catch up to us in a minute.

-to look after a child çocuk yetiştirmek

-to start discussing a subject bahsetmek

örnek: I want to bring up my daughter as my mother did me.

if people grow apart, their ayrı düşmek

GROW APART relationship gradually changes yavaş yavaş kopmak
and they become less close

örnek: Because when friends live apart, they sometimes grow apart, too.

LOOK INTO to try to discover the facts incelemek, araştırmak

about something

örnek: You should investigate and look into this matter.

TAKE AFTER to look or behave like an benzemek

older relative

örnek: You must take after your father, because you are late for everything.

if an aircraft takes off, it leaves havalanmak

TAKE OFF the ground and starts flying

örnek: Dear passengers, please get ready for take off.

7. GÜN

to give knowledge or skill to devretmek, vermek
HAND DOWN someone who is younger and will
miras bırakmak
live after you have died

örnek: Will you please hand down that book from the shelf?

-to vomit kusmak

-to build something quickly aceleyle inşa etmek

örnek: The smell is so terrible that you want to throw up.

to find something bad or kökünü kazımak

illegal and get rid of it araştırarak bulmak

örnek: We need to root out inefficiencies in the production process.

CUT DOWN ON to reduce an amount of azaltmak


örnek: I cut down on coffee and ate a balanced diet.

to take part in a competition, -e katılmak

or to take an examination yer almak

örnek: Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race?

to ignore someone or something, sırt çevirmek

TURN BACK ON to stop being involved in
dikkate almamak

örnek: The organisation says that young people are increasingly turning their backs
on marriage.
-to move more slowly than others
FALL BEHIND so that you are behind them geride kalmak
WITH -to make less progress gecikmek

örnek: She’s fallen behind with her school again.

8. GÜN

to take the place of something -i telafi etmek
that has been lost or damaged eksik kısmı tamamlamak

örnek: Nothing can make up for the loss of a person.

to mention someone or something atıfta bulunmak

REFER TO when you are speaking or writing

örnek: You promised not to refer to the matter again.

DEPEND ON to be changed or affected by güvenmek, bel bağlamak

the other thing

örnek: The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival.

COMPLY WITH to obey a rule or law, or to do uyum sağlamak

what someone asks you to do boyun eğmek

örnek: All visitors must comply with the visitor dress code.

-occupy time, space, or attention zaman/yer kaplamak

-to start doing something regularly bir hobiye başlamak

örnek: These boxes take up too much space.

to stop your car at the side of
PULL OVER the road, or to force another
arabayı kenara çekmek
driver to do this çekmek

örnek: Please pull over and find a place to let me out.

to begin a process that causes

LEAD TO something to happen sebep olmak, yol açmak

örnek: It could lead to irreversible mental trauma.

9. GÜN

to be directly related to ile ilgili olmak
something ait olmak

örnek: These temperatures pertain to specific service environments.

to not include someone hariç tutmak

or something dışında bırakmak

örnek: The little boy felt left out because the other children didn’t play with him.
-to turn something such as a page
TURN OVER or a sheet of paper sayfaları çevirmek
-to give something to someone in devretmek
örnek: You may turn over your exam papers.

if you pull up, or if something

PULL UP pulls you up, you stop what you durdurmak
are doing

örnek: He pulled up at the traffic lights.

TAKE APART to seperate an object into pieces parçalara ayırmak

örnek: I’ll take apart your race car for inspection.

to spread something out düzenlemek, yerleştirmek

or to arrange things taslağını çıkartmak

örnek: He laid the map out on the table.

to try to impress others by

SHOW OFF talking about your abilities, etc gösteriş yapmak

örnek: She likes to show off how well she speaks English.
10. GÜN

to ignore or not mention a üzerinden geçmek
PASS OVER statement or subject gözden kaçırmak

örnek: They chose to pass over his rude embarks.

-start wearing something giymek

-become fatter kilo almak

örnek: Please hurry up, put your coat on!

DEAL WITH to take action to do something, ile uğraşmak

especially to solve a problem baş etmek

örnek: When I first started travelling I had to deal with slow internet connections.

AGREE UPON to accept a proposal or idea in üzerinde anlaşmaya varmak

accord with others

örnek: The union and the company have finally agreed on the terms of the new
to cause a delay for someone or
HOLD UP geciktirmek, ertelemek
something, or to make them late

örnek: Our return flight was held up for four hours.

to use all of something and bitmek, tükenmek

RUN OUT OF not have any left

örnek: Their contract runs out at the end of the year.

to find yourself in a place or

END UP WITH situation at the end of a process ile sonuçlanmak
or period of time

örnek: I thought my date was with Steve, but I ended up with his twin brother.
11. GÜN

GET BACK TO to return to something -e geri dönmek

örnek: I'll get back to you later with those documents.

WIPE OUT to destroy or remove someone kökünü kazımak

or something completely yok etmek

örnek: To wipe out his fear, you should talk to him honestly and explain that
there is absolutely no threat.
-to return something
BRING BACK geri getirmek
-to make somebody remember
something hatırlatmak

örnek: We can use them to bring back anything that doesn't belong there.

-to be an abbreviation or symbol of

STAND FOR something
temsil etmek
-to support or represent something
tarafını tutmak

örnek: They threaten everything we stand for.

RUN INTO to meet somebody by chance karşılaşmak, çarpmak

örnek: I ran into someone I used to know at school the other day.

to find or produce an answer çözüm yolu bulmak


örnek: You keep coming up with all kinds of lame excuses.

to stop doing or having something; yürürlükten kaldırmak

DO AWAY WITH to make something end durdurmak

örnek: Some airlines have done away with reclining seats.

12. GÜN

BRING IN to introduce a new law or system tanıtmak, sunmak

örnek: We have brought in reforms to ensure we have a fair system.

-to give money in order to buy
something ödemek
PAY FOR -to suffer because of something that cezasını çekmek
you have done
örnek: We all pay for our mistakes.

REFRAIN FROM to stop yourself from doing sakınmak

something çekinmek

örnek: I wish you would refrain from shouting.

BREAK IN to enter a building by force, zorla girmek

especially in order to steal things

örnek: Thieves had smashed the door lock in an attempt to break in.

DISPOSE OF to get rid of something that elden çıkartmak

you no longer need or want çaresine bakmak
örnek: Radioactive waste must be disposed of safely.

TEAR APART -to break sth into pieces paramparça etmek

-to make someone sad or worried eleştirmek, üzmek

örnek: It tears me apart to think I might have hurt his feelings.

to understand something; to anlamak, çözmek

MAKE OUT see the reasons for something ortaya çıkarmak, ayırt etmek

örnek: I can’t make out what my sister wants.

13. GÜN

-recommend someone as a suitable
PUT FORWARD candidate for a job birini önermek
-to suggest something for discussion ileri sürmek

örnek: Her name was put forward for the lead role in the play.

DRAW ON to use a supply of something

that is available to you kullanmak, yararlanmak

örnek: I drew on my savings to pay for the repairs.

FIGHT BACK to oppose or struggle against a karşı savaşmak

AGAINST person, thing, etc in any manner

örnek: I’ve seen him fight back every time he's been unfairly attacked.

LOOK UP TO have a great deal of respect hayranlık duymak

for someone saygı duymak

örnek: I've always looked up to my older sister.

FILL OUT to complete a form, etc form doldurmak

örnek: He filled out the requisite forms for the job.

to phone somebody again or to geri aramak

CALL BACK phone somebody who phoned geri çağırmak
you earlier

örnek: I’ll call you back when I’ve got home.

to sell all or part of an tümünü satmak

SELL OFF industry, a company or land elden çıkartmak

örnek: After the war, they had to sell off part of the farm.
14. GÜN

WEAR OUT be used until no longer in good yıpratmak, eskitmek
condition or working order

örnek: She wore out her three skirts last year.

LIVE UP TO to do as well as or be as good -e uygun yaşamak

as other people expect you to

örnek: You failed to live up to your parents’ expectations.

CATCH UP WITH -to meet up with someone biriyle arayı kapatmak

-to cause problems sorun yaratmak

örnek: He spent hours on the phone, catching up with his childhood friend.

-to become too big to fit into

GROW OUT OF a piece of clothing büyümek, yetişmek
-to happen as a result of sth sonucu olmak

örnek: My brother quickly grew out of his clothes.

PIN DOWN to force someone to make a mecbur etmek, sıkıştırmak

decision about something

örnek: I tried to pin down on where the money would come from.

to enter a building by force in -e zorla girmek

BREAK INTO order to steal things

örnek: My home has been broken into twice this week.

to no longer use something vazgeçmek

DISPENSE WITH because you no longer want or
olmadan da yapabilmek
need them

örnek: I think we can dispense with the formalities.

15. GÜN

to get help or an advantage faydalanmak
BENEFIT FROM from something

örnek: Our students benefit from this approach, because they graduate as
knowledge workers.

COMPENSATE FOR to change or remove the bad telafi etmek

result of something

örnek: This gift will not compensate for your previous rudeness.

FADE AWAY to disappear slowly solmak, unutulmak

gözden kaybolmak

örnek: The voices became louder and closer and faded away.
-stop working çalışmamak
GO OFF -to explode patlamak
-if food goes off, it is no longer
fresh bozulmak (yiyecek)

örnek: The bomb went off in a crowded street.

RUN OUT to use all of something and bitmek, tükenmek

not have any left
örnek: We ran out of fuel.

FALL BEHIND to make less progress or be geride kalmak

less successful than others

örnek: You’ll fall behind if you keep missing school.

LOOK AROUND to walk around a room, building, -e bakınmak

FOR or place for something

örnek: We are looking for a house in this area.

16. GÜN

to stay in one place because you
WAIT FOR expect or hope that something beklemek
will happen

örnek: I’ll wait for you downstairs.

to start doing something as a bir yere gitmek

habit, or to go to a place bir şeye başlamak

örnek: She took to hiding some secret supplies in her closet.

-to arrive somewhere

SHOW UP çıkagelmek
-to make it possible to see
örnek: She didn’t showed up until 9 o’clock.

EMBARK ON to start a new project or activity -e girişmek

-e başlamak

örnek: The company is embarking on a new project.

-to come to an end

BREAK UP bozuşmak, ayrılmak, dağıtmak
-to seperate into smaller pieces

örnek: The company has been broken up.

CLOSE DOWN to end the operation of kapatmak, tasfiye etmek


örnek: All the mines in this area were closed down in the 1960s.

SORT OUT to organize the contents of sınıflandırmak

something; to tidy something çözmek

örnek: Sort out any clothes you want to throw away.

17. GÜN

FORCE OUT to force someone to do zorla elde etmek
something zorlamak

örnek: He hadn’t paid rent for months and was forced out to leave.

GET THROUGH deal with something difficult zor bir zamanı geçirmek,

örnek: We’ll get through this together, like we always do.

-to continue to exist in a

devam etmek
CARRY OVER different situation
-to delay until a later time ertelemek

örnek: Stresses at work can often be carried over into your personal life.

COME FROM to be the result of something -den kaynaklanmak

örnek: Vitamin D comes from fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel.

FIND OUT to get information about öğrenmek, bulmak

örnek: His parents found out that he had a girlfriend.

to throw away, give away, or

GET RID OF sell a possession that you no -den kurtulmak
longer need

örnek: Get rid of that spoiled food and I’ll clean up this mess.

to manage to stay alive iyileşmek

and get better

örnek: Don’t worry, your sister is going to pull through.

18. GÜN

to direct attention toward vurgulamak, işaret etmek
POINT OUT something

örnek: These essays point out some negative effects of social media.

WRITE OUT yazıya dökmek

to write something on paper
kopyasını çıkarmak

örnek: I had to write out this word ten times to learn it.

FALL THROUGH to not be completed, or not (hayal, plan) suya düşmek

happen başarısız olmak

örnek: The project fell through due to lack of people.

-to leave a train, bus, or aircraft

GET OFF araçtan inmek
-to leave a place or start a

örnek: Please call me when you get off at the station.

istifa etmek
STEP DOWN to give up a job or position
görevden ayrılmak

örnek:If you are unhappy, you should step down from the company.

PASS AWAY to die ölmek

örnek: Queen Elizabeth II passed away peacefully on September 8, 2022.

-to arrive at a place

içeri girmek
GET IN -to be accepted to study at a
school okula girmek

örnek: I couldn’t get in because the door was locked.

19. GÜN

RUN THROUGH to discuss, repeat something gözden geçirmek

örnek: Let’s run through this one more time before the exam.

to have a strong feeling of ile ilgilenmek

CARE ABOUT love for someone/something -e bakmak

örnek: She doesn’t care about anyone but herself.

COME ACROSS to meet somebody/something karşılaşmak

by chance rastlaşmak

örnek: I’ve never come across anyone like her.

GET ACROSS to make something easier to bir şeyi aktarmak

understand anlaşılmak

örnek: He is not good at getting his ideas across.

TAKE PLACE to happen gerçekleşmek, meydana gelmek

örnek: The election will take place next month.

WITHDRAW FROM to decide not to do or have -den geri çekilmek


örnek: You can withdraw from the game if you want.

put something in the place of ile yer değiştirmek

REPLACE WITH something else

örnek: The sweater you bought me didn’t fit me, so I replaced it with a skirt.
20. GÜN

FACE UP TO to accept and deal with ile yüzleşmek
something that is difficult -i kabul etmek

örnek: I don’t believe Europe can face up to that challange.

to experience something very problem yaşamak

SUFFER FROM unpleasant or painful sıkıntısını çekmek

örnek: About 220 million people are suffering from malnutrition in Africa.

-to make a place tidy temizlemek

-to solve a problem problemi çözmek

örnek: My mother was clearing up in the kitchen when I got home.

RUN OFF to suddenly leave a place kaçmak

or person

örnek: It was your decision to run off to Canada.

CATCH ON gündeme gelmek

to become popular
dikkat çekmek

örnek: Protein powders have caught on among those who do sports.

to move, increase, change, etc -e ayak uydurmak

KEEP PACE WITH at the same speed as ile paralel olmak

örnek: Fees have been raised to keep pace with inflation.

to save or keep money, time, land,

SET ASIDE ayırmak, kenara atmak
etc for a particular purpose

örnek: He tries to set aside some money for a phone.

21. GÜN

having the ability, power, or
CAPABLE OF qualities to be able to do yapabilmek

örnek: You are perfectly capable of doing this.

-used only for one particular

DEDICATED TO purpose -e adanmak
-devoted to something/someone atfedilmek

örnek: The book dedicated to her husband.

ABSENT FROM not present in a place, at an bulunmamak

occasion, or as part of something eksik olmak

örnek: Four people were absent from the meeting.

AWARE OF having knowledge or perception bir şeyin farkında olmak

of a situation or fact

örnek: I wasn’t aware of the fire until you told me.

BAD AT of poor quality or a low bir şeyde kötü olmak


örnek: My sister is really bad at keeping secret.

BASED ON to use information to support -e dayanmak

or prove an opinion or belief istinaden, baz alınarak

örnek: I’m not lying, what I’m saying is based on scientific facts.

GUILTY OF aware of or suffering from guilt -den suçlu olmak

örnek: He was found guilty of murder.

22. GÜN

FAITHFUL TO continuing to do or believe -e inancı olmak
something or someone
sadık olmak

örnek: I’m here to tell you that your boyfriend hasn’t been faithful to you.

JEALOUS OF wanting very much to protect -i kıskanmak

or keep something

örnek: I’m jealous of that girl for having such incredible friends.

GOOD AT being able to do something -de iyi olmak

well belirli bir şeyi iyi yapmak

örnek: She is good at holding her breath under the water.

KEEN ON extremely enthusiastic about hevesli olmak

something meraklı olmak

örnek: My mother is keen on trying different recipes.

INFERIOR TO not as good as someone or -den aşağı

something else -den kalitesiz

örnek: Colleges
are not inferior to universities, this is misunderstood by

arriving somewhere or doing -e gecikmek

LATE FOR something after the correct or geç kalmak
usual time

örnek: Unfortunately, I was fifteen minutes late for the meeting.

SCARED OF to be frightened of something -den korkmak

örnek: I’m not scared of lions and bears but I’m scared of snakes.
23. GÜN

READY FOR prepared for what is going to -e hazırlanmak
happen hazır olmak

örnek: I was ready for the exam.

SATISFIED WITH pleased with what has happened -den hoşnut olmak
or with what you have achieved ile memnun olmak

örnek: I’m satisfied with the result I got from the project.

PATIENT WITH able to accept or tolerate bad -e karşı sabırlı olmak


örnek: Teachers need to be patient with children, or else they shouldn’t do this

ASHAMED OF being embarassed or guilty -den utanmak

because of something

örnek: You should be ashamed of yourself for the way you treated her.

FAMILIAR WITH easy to recognize or know aşina olmak

something/someone well
örnek: I’m familiar with her style, I can choose a gift.

to create a situation or a
EXPOSED TO condition that someone get -e maruz kalmak
used to

örnek: If you want to learn French, you should be exposed to it as much as


MAD AT get angry at a situation -e kızgın olmak

sinirli olmak

örnek: I’m mad at them for not inviting me to the party.

24. GÜN

very bad in quality or ability bir şeyde kötü olmak
TERRIBLE AT bir şeyin kötü olması

örnek: She has been really terrible at math.

LET DOWN to make someone disappointed hayal kırıklığına uğratmak

by not doing something

örnek: I’m really sorry to let you down.

showing the characteristics of tipik

TYPICAL OF a particular kind of person or

örnek: Did you cheat on the exam again? That’s so typical of you!

FOND OF getting enjoynment and -e düşkün

satisfaction from something

örnek: I’m not very fond of Istanbul, I don’t like crowded cities.

CONVINCED OF certain that something is true ikna etmek, ikna olmak

örnek: I had a hard time convincing my mother of that.

FULL OF containing the largest amount ile dolu

that will fit in a particular place

örnek: I believe the world is full of amazing beauties.

BENEFICIAL TO having a good effect or influence -e faydalı olmak

on someone or something

örnek: Dietitians say that eating oats is beneficial to our weight loss process.
25. GÜN

leave one’s job and cease to
RETIRE FROM work, typically on reaching the emekli olmak
normal age for leaving

örnek: My grandfather retired from the Navy in 1981.

SUCCEED IN achieve the desired aim başarılı olmak

or result

örnek: I’m sure you’ll succeed in the new role.

VOTE FOR give or register a vote birine oy vermek

örnek: After the scandal, few people voted for him.

PARTICIPATE IN take part in an action katılmak

or endeavour

örnek: I never participate in classroom activities.

MARVEL AT be filled with wonder bir şeye hayret etmek

or astonishment
örnek: My little sister marveled at the magician’s skill.

INTERFERE WITH to prevent something from müdahale etmek


örnek: Please stop interfering with my business.

BELONG TO to be owned by someone ait olmak

örnek:This diary belongs to me, so it’s a shame to try to read it.

1) Provide kelimesi iki nesne alabilir.
“Provide something for someone” kimin için sağlandığını belirtirken
-The company provides paid paternity leave for its employees.
“Provide someone with something” ise ne sağladığından bahsederken
-She provided her sister with enough food to get through the weekend.

2) Remind kelimesi de iki nesne alabilir.

“Remind about” bir konuda hatırlatma yapılırken kullanılır.
-Don’t forget to remind me about what I’ve missed out.
“Remind of” bir şeyi çağrıştırmak anlamındadır.
-You reminded me of my childhood best friend.

3) Shout kelimesi de iki nesne alabilir.

“Shout to” birine sesimizi duyurmak için bağırmak anlamındadır.
-Don’t shout to me, I can hear you clearly.
“Shout at” birine kızgın bir şekilde bağırmak anlamı katar.
-My father shouted at me and I cried for hours.

4) Throw kelimesi de iki farklı nesneye ve anlama sahiptir.

“Throw something to someone” birine bir şeyi tutması için atmak
-My classmate threw the ball to me.
“Throw something at someone” ise birine vurmak anlamı katmaktadır.
-Why did you throw stones at birds? That was cruel and wrong.

5) Son olarak distinguish kelimesinden bahsedelim. Bu kelimeye gelen

preposition ile anlam değişmez fakat cümlenin dizilimi değişir.
-It is so difficult to distinguish Alice from her twin sister.
-It is so difficult to distinguish between Alice and her twin sister.

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