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Mata Pelajaran : PJOK

1. Akmal Haikal
2. Afni
3. Aida Nubuwaty
4. Andri




Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty for all the blessings He has given
so that I can complete the assignment of a paper entitled Early Childhood Learning
Models. I made this paper as an obligation to fulfill the assignment. On this occasion,
the author would like to express his deep gratitude to all those who have helped
contribute their ideas and thoughts for the realization of this paper. Finally, suggestions
and criticisms from readers who are intended to realize the perfection of this paper are
very much appreciated by the authors.

Table of contents
Table of contents ………………………………………………………………………..ii
Chapter 1 Introduction
A. Background……………………………………………………………………………….1
B.   Formulation of the problem ……………………………………………………………….2
C.   problem goals…..………………………………………………………………………….2 
Chapter 2 Discussion
1.     Pengertian lato –lato……………………………….………………………………………3
2.     lato benefits and risks……………………………………………………………………….4
Chapter 3 Closing
A.   Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………….8
B.   Suggestions and hopes ……………………………………………………………………8   
Chapter 1 Introduction
a. Latto-latto is a game that originated in the United States. One of the great toy inventors in
the latto-latto era was Marvin Glass from Chicago, United States.[citation needed] He was
a well-known and most successful toy entrepreneur of his time with his large company
Marvin Glass and Associates (MGA), a toy design and engineering company founded
based in Chicago, United States. The latto-latto toy is also made by Scotti, Inc., a division
of Yorklyn, Delaware, United States-based company Spatz Fiberglass Products, Inc.. Scott
Lee, the head of the Scotti company, said that the latto-latto toy made by his company is
safe to use with unbreakable nylon rope and shatter-resistant glass fiber. However it was
given a warning from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1971
over product safety. This game began to appear in the 1960s until it became more popular
in the early 1970s. At that time people called it clackers, click-clacks, knockers, ker-
bangers, and clankers. This name was mostly based on the brand and name given by the
respective manufacturers. When this game began to enter Indonesia, clackers ball toys
were called latto-latto. In Indonesia, most of the names of this game are just a process of
assimilation and naming by local residents in various regions. These lattoes emerged after
decades of being popular in South Sulawesi.
b. formulation of the problem
1. what is the meaning of lato-lato
2. lato benefits and risks
c. .   problem goals
1. to know the meaning of lato-lato
2. to know the lato benefits and risks

Chapter 2 Discussion

A. Latto-latto is a toy in the form of two plastic balls with a hard solid weight and a smooth
surface tied together by a string with a finger ring in the middle. This game is a type of
dexterity game by relying on physical skills. This toy is played by swinging it either slowly or
quickly until it collides with each other and produces a distinctive sound. The collision of the
two ball pendulums on the latto-latto which emits this distinctive sound is an attraction that
makes the players addicted to repeating it over and over again. This game originated in the
United States with the name clackers balls toys in the late 1960s, and then became
increasingly popular in the early 1970s. lit. 'letuk-letuk, tap-tap' Makassarese pronunciation:
[lat:oʔ ˈlat:oʔ]). Derived from the word lattoʼ which means the sound of popping or cracking
(eg the sound of snapping fingers, falling marbles, or breaking betel nut]. The word lattoʼ is
still cognate with the Indonesian word letuk[3] which is a Proto-Malay-Polynesian derivative
*lətuk, a Proto-Austronesian derivative *-tuk₂/*tuqukFor Bugis speaking areas, it is better
known as kettoʼ-kettoʼ [6]. Similar to the Makassar language, the word kettoʼ-kettoʼ in the
Bugis language is an onomatopoeic sound. Etymologically, the word kettoʼ is still cognate
with the Indonesian word tap, which is a Proto-Malay-Polynesian *kətuk, which is also a
Proto-Austronesian *-tuk₂/*tuquk In terms of pronunciation, the two languages have
gemination consonants tt [t:] and glottal stops. One of the characteristics of the presence of
consonant gemination in the South Sulawesi Language Family is the realization of the
presence of the sound ê pepet "/ə/" in the previous vowel, for example from the Proto-
Malay-Polynesian word *gənəp [gənəp] will become *gənnəp [gən:əp] in Proto- South
Sulawesias well as the Proto-Malay-Polynesian words *lətuk and *kətuk will be realized as
*ləttuk and *kəttuk in Proto-South Sulawesi. In almost all languages of the South Sulawesi
family, the *ə (e pepet) sound in Proto-South Sulawesi is realized as ləttok becomes lattoʼ in
Makassarese), except for the Bugis which still retains the e pepet sound (*kəttok becomes
kettoʼ [ kəttoʔ] in Bugis). However, in several dialects of the Bugis language, there is an
absence of the sound /ə/, for example in the Sawitto dialect, which automatically calls kettoʼ
[kəttoʔ] to kattoʼ [kattoʔ]. In words that end in a stop consonant such as *-p, *-t, *-k, this will
be realized as a glottal stop sound in Makassar and Bugis languages, for example *gənəp in
Proto-Malay Polynesia will be realized as gannaʼ (Makassar) genneʼ [gənnəʔ] .In Makassar,
there is also the word kattoʼ, but semantically it is slightly different from kettoʼ in Bugis. The
sound of kattoʼ in the Makassar language is still higher in intensity and melodious, like the
sound of tapping on wood or bamboo (there is an air-breaking sound that produces an
echo). Therefore Kattoʼ-kattoʼ in Makassar language refers to a different object, namely a
wooden club[2], not latto-latto.The naming of Lattoʼ-lattoʼ (Makassar) or Katto'-Katto' (Bugis)
is still based on onomatopoeia breferring to the sound or sound produced in the toy which
sounds like tok-tok (ticking)[6]. The word lattoʼ-lattoʼ was originally only common for
speakers of Makassar language, and for other areas have their own terms, such as tek-tek,
etek-etek, toki-toki etc.
B. According to Hening, lato-lato is a game that has many benefits, as well as being dangerous
if played carelessly.The benefit of lato-lato is that it can help develop children's motoric and
cognitive abilities."The positive is clearly related to motor nerves, because he moves, there
must be positional shrewdness, there is flying hours when playing it with other friends, it has
something to do with motor nerves, and concentration,"Judging from a social perspective,
lato-lato can also improve children's ability to socialize with the surrounding environment.
This is quite good because children can be free from gadgets while playing lato-lato."There is
social interaction with other friends, so there's no just sitting with gadgets, blank," he
continued.Not only that, lato-lato also raises a competitive attitude or competition between
players. Hening explained that this attitude can trigger his players to be the best at playing
lato-lato.In addition, lato-lato can be a form of recovery or healing, where people who play
lato-latfeel happy and laugh out loud.Unfortunately, lato-lato also has a downside. The main
thing that makes lato-lato controversial is because it creates noise that disturbs other
people."On the negative side, because it does make noise, automatically it might disturb
others, other people can disturb it," explained Hening.The lato-lato material which is made
of hard plastic also makes the game quite dangerous for children. If accidentally 'snatched'
lato-lato can cause bruising which is quite painful.An 8-year-old child in West Kalimantan
even had to undergo eye surgery after the lato-lato he was playing broke and injured the
boy's eye.

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