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Do’s & Don’ts of ISMS

 Do’s of ISMS

1. Back up your system & data, & store it securely.

2. Protect your user id & password.
3. Ensure sensitive information on the system is not visible to
4. Scan all email attachments for viruses before opening them.
5. Be accountable for your IT assets & data.
6. Be cautious if you are asked for personal information.
7. Use strong password, and change your password on a regular
8. Clean up cache files after use

 Don’ts of ISMS

1. Avoid creating common passwords.

2. Don’t set your email program to auto open attachments.
3. Don’t store sensitive information in portable device without
strong encryption.
4. Don’t leave system unattended.
5. Avoid sharing your passwords.
6. Don’t be tricked into giving away confidential information.
7. Don't visit untrustworthy sites out of curiosity
8. Don’t share your IDs with others
9. Don't use illegal software and programs

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