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MARVEL MLCS Training Exit Criteria

Effective Date: January 19, 2023

Author: Patrick Ginete

To provide a documented Training Exit criteria guide in managing new hire Advisors from PST to
Nesting/Transition including providing a measure of success and a process to identify key areas for
improvement during Training and later develop and implement action plans to adjust to those needs /


Product Specific Training (PST) is 20 days.

III. Performance Management

Testing of new hires is required after completion of training to determine competence levels prior to a
CSR starting to work directly with Customers. All CSRs must complete the New to Microsoft Products
Training and pass both knowledge and performance tests as they were designed.

In training, the class will have a tollgate that will measure their ability to handle certain Microsoft

Tollgate Passing score

Tollgate: Call/Chat 85% on each the
Certification call/chat certification
Does not exceed two
Tollgate: Attendance absences throughout PST

The Call/Chat Certification is conducted every week of their PST. For a Trainee to pass the Call/Chat
Certification tollgate, the following criteria should be met:

1. Passed at least five (5) out of six (6) call/chat certification - with or without retake.
2. Does not exceed 2 absences from throughout PST.


i) A new hire is given six (6) chat/call certification attempt with one (1) retake. Chat/Call scenario
to be used will be based on the top drivers for the LOB.

ii) A new hire needs to achieve a score of 90% on the TUI he/she needs to retake, else it will be
considered a failure.

iii) Chat/Call certification will transpire each PST week focusing on specific top drivers and
scenarios discussed. If a trainee fails on any of these assessments, they will be given a chance
to retake on the next day after a coaching from the Trainer and remedial training is conducted
for the next 24 hours to discuss the opportunities of the Trainee before the retake. The score
which they will obtain on the retake will be considered final.
MARVEL MLCS Training Exit Criteria
Effective Date: January 19, 2023
Author: Patrick Ginete

iv) A new hire is considered TERMINATED if the condition below occurs:

a) Fail to meet at least five (5) passing call/chat certifications even after one retake for
b) If a Trainee continues to fail his mock chats, a deliberation will be held between Training
and Operations to determine if the trainee can be retained with corresponding remedial
actions and a sign-off from the LOB’s Operation Manager. If not, Training will identify if
the Employee is eligible to be re-profiled to a same or lower tier program/LOB for
probationary employees. For regular employees from the reprofiling / redeployment
pool, reprofiling/redeployment process should be applicable.

v) New Hire Agents should not have incurred any absences during the entire training period.
Time missed from training should therefore occur only in unavoidable circumstances and
should not exceed ten (10) percent (in Allowances) of total combined training. Exceeding this
limit may result in:
a) Written Notice
b) Separation of employment

All absences are deemed unauthorized unless approved by the Trainer and Training Manager
a) For health-related absences, a medical certificate should be submitted as soon as
possible or upon return to work.
b) For health-related absences, a medical certificate should be submitted as soon as
possible or upon return to work.

For New Hire Agents who have incurred an absence during training with valid reason, the LMS
process will be triggered.
Aside from the aforementioned conditions, the Concentrix Attendance Policy will be followed
until further notice.

Approved by:

Jackielou Alejandro Michelle Santos

Sr. Training Supervisor Senior Manager, People Solutions
MARVEL MLCS Training Exit Criteria
Effective Date: January 19, 2023
Author: Patrick Ginete


I certify that I have read and understood Marvel MLCS Exit Criteria and that this document was
thoroughly discussed with me. I also understand that my failure to meet the required Chat/Call
Certification scores may lead to termination of my employment.

Date Employee Number Employee Name Signature


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