Book Review Fred

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THE RULES OF THE GAME (The Ten Golden Rules for Achieving Academic Success) A REVIEW

Elijah M. Fred MATRICULATION NUMBER U2008/1825671

June 1st , 2011.

INTRODUCTION Successful Men and Women over the ages, all have on secret. Success for them is but a journey along the road of life, and not a destination. The Book, Ten Golden Rules for Academic Success , true to its name gives us ten principles upon which any man or woman may build his or her anchor of success on over time. I will be compartmentalizing the book into five segments, dealing with two chapter for the purposes of our review. REVIEW AND EVALUATION The first two Chapters dwells on the sine qua non for success. The need for Knowing What You Want To Be and the Need To Know Yourself . In the school of success, there is the need to begin by defining our life objectives and career path. This approach helps us to maintain focus, even in the face of trials. It talks about and points the methods for achieving these objectives, such as keys to finding our purpose, discovering passion and the role of ability and innate capacity. Knowing oneself entails, discovering your passion, your ability and your capacity to stay and steer the course of life. All of these boils down to defining concrete objectives in measuring terms before the start or at the outset of every venture. It is all about GOAL SETTING and staying the course. The third and fourth Chapters, highlights two other techniques for academic and any other success to be attained and remain enduring. The chapters pinpoint the need for self improvement, organizing oneself, facts acquisition, and mentorship and locating the right sources of information and knowledge. The chapters also explain the principles of effective study and the need for presence of mind in our academic and other engagements. A very essential and critical method as

explained by the author was the need and discipline to uphold a agenda and proper time management. Again the two median: Chapters five and six, tell us about the causes of disappointment and their remedies and the need to be a manager of time and other resources. He indicated some of the causes of failure to include absence of enthusiasm, poor introductory background in academics, poverty. Whilst highlighting the probable and remote the causes of failure the author also pointed out some positive steps to overcoming these identified factors. These include, disassociation with bad friends, imbibing good study techniques and habits and cultivating a life of moderation. Again, Chapter six prescribed the fact that one of the keys to success is the principle of TIME MANAGEMENT. The author concisely reflected and analyzed the fact that, we cannot be successful without effective time management. INDICATING THAT EVERY ACHIEVER IS AN EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGER. The next two Chapters, Seven and Eight, dealt with the principles of relationship and interior motivation as the seeds of success. The author reflected on the need to follow true and real spirituality by way of choosing an alliance of friendship, built on the altar of mutually reinforcing engagements as a precondition for realizing our life goals and ambitions. He also focused on the need to maintain spiritual balance in the face of materialism and temptations and the need for constant self evaluation on an intermittent and regular basis. Lastly , the author in the final chapters i.e nine and ten, highlighted the fact that all success must be built on a belief in the supremacy of God in the affairs of man. And that success must be premised on sound divine basis for it to remain sustainable. He discussed the need for constant inner introspection and the need for the application of learned information and knowledge as the key to success. Indeed the author, Ifeakandu Nnemelu, highlighted three other major platforms in the journey and life of every successful man and woman. He identified some of these other platforms, or dimensions as Discipline, Devotion and Determination, thereby demonstrating the fact that, a combination of these other levels can and will surely lead to success.

CONCLUSION I see the book, THE RULES OF THE GAME-TEN GOLDEN RULES FOR ACHIEVING ACADEMIC SUCCESS as a great teacher that points to the way of success in a difficult and challenging world.

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