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20.08.201 SP.06.34 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - TEST AND {Revi __1__ Maintenance Dated: 70-08 1 PURPOSE Give guidelines and instructions on the testing and maintenance of the communication equipment. 2 Scope Company managed vessels and ship management office. 3 GENERAL All tests specified below are carried out by the officer designated by the Master. The Company is to be immediately informed in the event of any problems being identified by during the conduct of the tests. In general the Emergency lighting is to be checked on a daily basis. Clocks (e.g. console, DSC, Inmarsat C) should all display the correct time. ‘The GMDSS equipment should be confirmed as operational prior to sailing. The confirmation of the operation of the GMDSS equipment is to be entered in the GMDSS Log Book 4 BATTERY TESTS Battery tests are carried out by the vessel's Communications Officer. Battery on-load and off-load voltage indication is to be checked and recorded on a daily basis from the console meter installed for this purpose. Physical condition of the battery bank is checked on a weekly basis. Once per month the main power supply is disconnected from the console, and the following is confirmed ¥ Audible alarm sounds. Pressing acknowledgement button silences above mentioned alarm MAIN equipment remains powered up. DUPLICATE equipment powers up. MAIN equipment goes off when the DUPLICATION button is activated Security check of each battery and its connections. Battery ammeter on console shows the “discharge” reading whilst above mentioned tests are carried out. On completion of tests restore main power supply to console. Confirm that all units are powered Annual discharging and recharging the GMDSS batteries is required by SOLAS IV/13.6. Relevant records of discharging and re-charging is to be recorded into the GMDSS logbook. SSRRN 5 ANTENNAS Each week following tests are to be carried out: ¥ Inmarsat C antenna mountings and connections (to ensure they are secure) ¥ —__MF/HF whip lead from Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU) to ensure that Connections to antenna and ATU are secure. Y Connection to any stand-off insulator is secure and the supply is not strained. ¥ —_ ATUand antenna mounting bolts are secure. Process Administrator Process Owner een aren, een iran Page 1 of 3 20.08.201 SP.06.34 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - TEST AND {Revi __1__ Maintenance Dated: 70-08 Y ——-ATUearth connection bolts are clean and tight. 6 DSC Equipment VHF and MF / HF DSC units are to be tested as follows Check DSC equipment (no transmissions) to ensure that all facilities remain operable, on a daily basis. Test MF / HF DSC once per week with: = Alocal coastal station or = Another vessel (if possible) Alternatively, tests are carried out immediately as soon as the vessel comes within range of suitable coastal station or another vessel. Test VHF DSC equipment is checked once per week via a live back-to-back call from one VHF set to the other. Check DSC printers on a daily basis. In port, VHF transmitters must be set to low power 7 MF/HE TRANSMITTER Run automatic self-test program once a week to confirm that no error codes are flagged. When in port, MH/HF antenna must be earthed. 8 NavTEX Run self-test program on a weekly basis. = Check that printer head is clean. Navigation officer is responsible for ensuring that NAVTEX areas, appropriate to intended voyage, are set into the system. = Examine the print out on each watch, to establish whether any warnings or relevant information has been received. - Examine the daily print out, to check for warnings which might apply to the planned voyage. 9 INMARSATC Carry out specified performance test on each system on a weekly basis. Confirm correct operation of printers. Also check that printer head is clean. Process Administrator Process Owner een aren, een iran Page 2 of 3 SP.06.34 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - TEST AND Res MAINTENANCE Dated: 70-08 10 EPIRB Check weekly that: Y __ EPIRBis correctly secured. ¥ Hydrostatic release is in good condition. Use test button to check proper system functioning. Test is carried out with EPIRB inside wheelhouse on a monthly basis. Battery and hydrostatic release are renewed before the expiration date marked on them. 11 Lirepoat VHF Sets Must be: ¥ —_ Oncharge on the bridge. Y Tested once per week on a frequency other than channel 16. 12 SeARCH AND RESCUE TRANSPONDER (SART) Each SART shall be tested for operational readiness according the manufacturer's instructions and in line with the Company PMS. On a monthly basis the SARTs must be examined to verify the integrity of its mounting and any signs of damage. The battery should be renewed before the expiration date. Process Administrator Process Owner een aren, een iran Page 3 0f 3

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