Case Study 06 Dec 22

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Lt Col Manish M Thind

12 Rapid Pro Unit



1. This is a case of a road accident which occurred near Jaisalmer Mil Stn
on 09 Sep 2020.

2. The rd accident resulted in five fatal casualties of civilians.


3. The aim of this case study is to analyse the cause of accident and bring
out handling of the situationby DD veh dvr and Co-dvr incl Provost response
to the incident.

Detailsof Case.

4. On 09 Sep 2020, at about 1255 hrs, Shri Mula Ram along with his other
four accomplices was travelling in his Mahindra Bolero Regn no RJ 04 GB
1554 from Danwar to Jaisalmer.

5. A Cvy of three ALS of ASC Bn was moving from Jaisalmer to Danwar to

deliver supplies to fwd locs. The Cvy was led by a JCO as Co-dvr in the first
ALS. When the cvyapproached near Ksseya Phata, near Panerjee Mandir on
Danwar-Mokal rda civ Bolero Regn No RJ 04 GB 1554 was coming from the
opposite side. The civ veh was being driven on the wrong side of the rd and
at a high speed despite the width and condition of the rd which did not merit
driving at such a high speed.

6. The ALS dvr noticed the high speed of the civ veh and used his veh
dipper and horn to alert the bolero dvr to slow down and change his wrong
lane. However, the bolero dvr did not slowed down and probably while trying
to cut across through the muddy track on his right side he misjudged the
situation and collided with the ALS. The severe collision resulted in on the
spot death of four passengers and a boy of 15 years was critically injured.
Due to the impact the right side of the civ veh was stuck with the left side of
the ALS.

7. Information about the accident also reached Ramgarh Police Stn and
police arr at the accident spot. Mil Police Ctrl Room of the unit also recd the
info about the accident and flying squad immediately proceeded towards the
accident spot which was 40 km away from the unit.

8. The severity of the accident was informed by the local Police to the SP
office in Jaisalmer and the Supdt of Police also reached the accident spot.
Offg CO of Pro Unit and CO ASC Bn also reached the accident spot.

9. The critically injured boy who was evac to Jaisalmer Civ Hosp expired
due to grave injuries. This unfortunate accident resulted in loss of five civ

10. Analysis of the Accident. Detailed analysis of the accident spot and
statement of the ALS dvr and Co-Dvr revealed the fwg:-

(a) Rd Danwar-Mokal is a cl 9 FW rd. It is not suitable for dvg above

50 kmph speed and due to rd repair wk under progress and at some
places vehs had to use same side of the rd to move.Despite the clear rd
patch available near the accident spot the Civ veh was still being driven
on the wrong side of the rd.

(b) The Civ veh was at a high speed. The DD veh dvr frantically used
his veh dipper and horn to alert the civ bolero dvr but the civ veh did not
slowed down even after seeing a big veh coming from opp side.

(c) The civ dvr probably was speaking on phone and while trying to
cut across through the muddy track on his right side he misjudged the
situation and collided with the ALS.

(d) No skid marks were found of the civ veh on the rd which
confirmed that the civ veh dvr did not apply any brakes and he probably
tried to cut across through the muddy track from the wrong side itself.

11. Actions by Dvr and Co-Dvr of DD Veh.

(a) The DD veh cvy was moving at its auth speed. The dvr on noticing
the high speed bolero coming from wrong direction tried to attract the
attention of the civ dvr to make him slow down and change lane.

(b) On occurrence of the accident the ALS dvr and Co-dvr immediately
got down from their veh and tried to pull out the passengers from the civ
veh with the help of some passing by civilians.

(c) The injured boy was immediately evac to Jaisalmer civ hospital in a
civ veh.

(d) The JCO Co-dvr immediately called up his unit and informed about
the accident.

12. Provost Response.

(a) Prompt action by MPCR on receipt of info.

(b) Flying Squad rushed to accident site w/o delay.

(c)Crowd cont at accident site.

(d) Liaison with civ police.

(e) Extensive coverage of the accident.

(f) Speedy passage of the prelim info from accident site.

(g) Obtaining copies of FIR / statement of indls.

(h) Timely gen of accident report.

13. Lessons Learnt.

(a) Driving on correct side of the rd irrespective of the more rd space

availability on the wrong side.

(b) Overspeeding is the basic cause of all accidents. Keeping a

control on veh speed is very imp.

(c) No use of mob phones while driving.

(d) Dvr should be always alert and be attentive to incoming tfc.

(e) Provn of first aid and immediate evac of cas can save a precious
life, which the DD veh pers tried but unfortunately could not succeed.

Photographs of Accident


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