EAPP - ParagraphOutline

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Fatima Aliana D.

11-Propriety A
Reaction Paper 5-Paragraph Outline
“Jeepney Modernization”

Initial Reaction:
- At first, I am optimistic about this modernization because we are on our way to
advancement. However, as I think thoroughly about it, I feel sad for the PUJ drivers
because they will need to their units to the latest ones. These new and modernized
jeepneys are expensive.

Paragraph 1: The modernization of Jeepneys is being discussed by the authorities and is said to
be implemented by December 2023.

Paragraph 2: Optimistic
- Betterment of our country
- Eco-friendly to our surroundings
- Considering it be air-conditioned, passengers will feel a lot comfortable.

Paragraph 3: Disappointed
- High-costing
- One of the Philippines’ trademarks will no longer be present.
- Due to its expensive worth, jeepney drivers who can’t afford to buy modern units will
lose the main source of income.

Paragraph 4: Puzzled
- I do not understand how the authorities easily approved this project when they have not
even heard the insights of PUJ drivers.
- I do not see the importance of changing it.
- There are a lot of problems in our country that are more alarming than this, which I am
puzzled for the reason that it seems like they are rushing the modernization.
Paragraph 5: Overall, this is a sensitive topic because in this topic, we are also talking about the
jeepney drivers’ source of income. They have families to feed and bills to pay. Hence, I am
disappointed that they are about to take their livelihood in just a blink of an eye.

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