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Ergonomic and Age-Friendly

Considerations for the Design

of Commercial Portable
Ablution Facility
– Aloysius Baskoro Junianto, Doni Fireza, Anwar Basalamah, Maria
– Universitas Agung Podomoro
– 2023
– Every Muslim is obliged to perform ablution before praying. Wudu is
a mandatory requirement before carrying out obligatory and sunnah
prayers as it is an important aspect of Islamic hygiene and spiritual
– When described one by one, several scientific studies say that the
requirements of religious Sharia as the basis for ablution facilities are
Background most often not fulfilled due to certain reasons, and therefore there is
the idea of creating portable ablution design to promote more
convenient and healthier ablution ritual activity.
– The problem is, the portable ablution places that have been design
still have several issues in terms of considerations in ergonomic
aspect and in accommodating users of various ages
– Many facilities for ablution in various
prayer rooms are often inadequate and
poorly maintained.
– there are several problems are found
which are often as follow:
(1) Quality of fulfilling the
requirements of Religious Sharia;
Background (2) Bad and unmaintained quality
of ablution facilities;
(3) Environmental problems and
water wastage;
(4) Accessibility issues for the
elderly and persons with Suparwoko (2014)
– Local made product
– Fiber glass tub with stool

Portable – Approx. Size : 60 cm width x

60 cm length x 60 cm – 70 cm
Ablution height

Facility – Approx. 8 kg weight

– Intended for commercial
market in the building’s
prayers room or home usage
To recognize immediate challenges faced by user during standing
and sitting ablution that are associated with ergonomic aspects
while using the product.
To assess the user's experience and behaviour during sitting and
Aim of Study standing ablution, particularly in relation to a portable ablution
The outcomes of this study will be considered as design criteria to
develop a portable ablution facility that caters to users of different
age groups.
– Suparwoko's research (2014); the comfort of the elderly in
performing ablution movements is determined by the position
of ablution, especially the height factor of the faucet, the
distance between the ablution faucets, hand rails


Suparwoko (2014)
– Kusumo, I. (n.d.). stated that ablution in a sitting position provides
more cleanliness and comfort than ablution in a standing position.
Ablution in a sitting position can avoid back fatigue due to
bending, especially for the elderly.
Literature – Whereas ablution in a standing position can cause the body to
be unbalanced when you have to stand on one leg when washing
Study your feet.
– Another thing that is of concern is that ablution in a sitting
position also makes the ablution atmosphere more calm and
relaxed so that the quality of ablution can be better maintained.
– The level of comfort in performing the ablution movement is
highly dependent on the shape of the ablution position,
especially the height of the faucet and the movement position
of the person standing or sitting for ablution, as well as the type
of person performing the ablution activity (Putri, Y. A., & Utami, T.
N. 2021).
– According to Bridger (2008), there are three essential elements
Literature that should be considered when designing work facilities to
promote good posture:
Study – user characteristics, which involve the anthropometric factors
and profiles of the population using the facilities,
– work procedures that outline the specific steps involved in a
particular job, and
– adequate work facilities. It is crucial that these three components
are interrelated and mutually supportive of each other.
– Principles of universal design include:

– Equitable use: The design should be useful and accessible

to people with different abilities and needs.
– Flexibility in use: The design should accommodate a wide
range of individual preferences and capabilities.
– Simple and intuitive use: The design should be easy to
understand and use, regardless of the user's experience,
knowledge, or language skills.
Universal – Perceptible information: The design should provide clear
and effective communication through multiple sensory
Design modalities.
– Tolerance for error: The design should minimize hazards
and the negative consequences of accidental actions or
Principles mistakes.
– Low physical effort: The design should be designed to
minimize physical effort or fatigue required to use it.
– Size and space for approach and use: The design should
consider the varied body sizes, mobility devices, and
reach ranges of users.
– The study employs Bridger’s model of good posture that
comprises of user profile and characteristics, work procedures that
conform to Sharia and the ablution facility itself.
– User evaluation was carried out in the laboratory to examine the
existing portable ablution facility. User evaluation will be carried
Method out by adult and elderly male and female users.
– The data is taken using a video camera or photo by observing to
the user's body posture to the following ablution activities as
required by Sharia
– Universal design principles is employed to discuss design related
issues and problems in the existing product.
1. Washing the hands.
2. Rinsing the mouth
Ablution 3. Washing the nose
4. Washing the face
Steps 5. Washing the
6. Wiping the head
7. Wiping the ears
8. Washing the feet
User evaluation regarding design and ergonomics are undertaken
which includes:
– Distances and Dimensions : height factor of the faucet, the
distance between the ablution faucets, hand rails or human
assistive devices
– Body balance: ablution in a standing position can cause the body
Method to be unbalanced when you have to stand on one leg when washing
your feet.
– Sitting height and distance that apply to comfort/discomfort
– Movement difficulties during ablution activity
– Ingress - Egress: safe entry and exit shall be provided for confined
Standing Position

ResultsSitting Position
Non-Elderly Elderly

No Design and Ergonomic Observation Result
1 Distances and • Most of the participants felt that the distance between the faucet and the
Dimension :height spot designated for ablution remained too far.
factor of the faucet, the • Tall individuals faced a problem as the faucet was positioned too low for them
distance between the
when standing. Hand rails is highly required by all participants.
ablution faucets, hand
rails or human assistive
• In order to retain their balance, all participants felt the need to grasp onto
devices something.
2 Body balance: ablution in a
standing position can cause the
• Some participants seemed to have to bend too deeply and for tall people it
body to be unbalanced when was a bit difficult to touch the toes when washing their feet.
you have to stand on one leg

Observation when washing your feet.

3 Sitting height and distance that • Some users feel that the seat cushion can be adjusted in size, some participants can be
Results apply to comfort/discomfort
seen that their feet do not touch the floor or tiptoe during sitting ablution.

4 Movement • There were not many problems and difficulties in moving during ablution in the
difficulties during observation, the biggest problem was that there were no handrails available to make
ablution activity user easier to move and adjust balance.
• For some female participants the process of lifting their legs during ablution is a little bit
difficult, and for women, long clothes will be difficult and water can wet the clothes
• Users of short stature have to lift their feet higher to wash their feet and found difficulty
for some participants and fail to perform final phase of ablution that is washing the
5 Ingress - Egress: safe entry and • Being observed when going in and out of the tub with a tub wall that is high enough can interfere
exit shall be provided for with access in and out especially for elderly users and shorter persons.
confined spaces
Universal Design Principles Description Discussion

(1) Equitable use Useful and marketable to people Due to the habit of ablution while standing in Indonesian society, the facilities tested were
with diverse abilities able to meet the adult age range, but some participants felt awkward when doing ablution
in a sitting position. For the elderly user might need some more study

(2) Flexibility of use Accommodates a wide range of Some participants put their feet into the tub while sitting, and some others outside the tub
individual preferences and for certain reasons such as convenience and for easy reach. The design should accommodate
abilities various habit of ablution as long as not violating Sharia law
(3) Simple and intuitive Easy to understand, regardless The product is quite easy to understand, despite habitual factors, and personal experiences.
use of user's experience, knowledge, The future study should be undertaken to create more useful product for all ages
language skills, or current
concentration level

Universal (4) Perceptible

Communicates necessary
information effectively to the
The perception of some users sees the product not as a tool for ablution but as another
sanitary product such as a urinal or a place to wash cleaning equipment. This issue is
Design user, regardless of ambient
conditions or the user's sensory
important because good product information can encourage better attitudes and the
product styling should be created to provide better design communication

Discussion (5) Tolerance for error Minimizes hazards and the Because there are no handrails, the risk of an accident or injury is still quite large, so it must
adverse consequences of be minimized by adjusting the dimensions and adding handrails, and this is mandatory
accidental or unintended actions requirement

(6) Low physical effort Can be used efficiently and There is still quite physical effort, especially when the participants have to bend too low,
comfortably with a minimum of some participants argue that the back muscles are a bit stretched when doing ablution
fatigue movements such as when washing elbows and touching toes.

(7) Size and space for Appropriate size and space is The size of the existing product still needs to be adjusted to Indonesia's anthropometric
approach of use provided for approach, reach, profile. The problem of distance and height of the faucet, the width of the tub and the
manipulation, and use regardless height of the tub wall still needs further study to support ease of movement and reduce the
of the user's body size, posture, risk of injuries.
or mobility
The initial study identified several issues with the current design,
which can be summarized as follows:
– Lack of handrails or grip support: The product lacks handrails or any
means for users to hold on to, which poses a potential risk of injury.
– Concerns regarding distance and faucet height: in accordance to
Soeparwoko (2014), the design should consider the appropriate
distance and height of the faucet, as these factors are crucial.
– Varied attitudes and perceptions: People have different attitudes
Conclusion and perceptions when it comes to using the product, and the current
design fails to cater to all users' needs.
– Inadequate representation of ablution means: The product design
does not effectively represent a suitable method for performing
– Dominance of standing ablution: The study found that the
preference for standing ablution is more prevalent, while the design
does not prioritize comfort for those performing ablution in a sitting
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