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somewhere on campus there are two friends who come to some people to get acquainted after getting acquainted
they start asking for opinions and agree or disagree with the Saturday walang study

Nurul : Hello good afternoon introduce my name is nurul and this is my friend named.......

A : Hi everyone , I ............... how about you?

B : who?

A : you

B : ohh my name is ........................... and this introduces my friends!!

C : hello I............

D : and I ................

Nurul : We have met, can I ask your opinion about walang studying Saturday?

C : can bE

D : I think that studying on Saturday walang is very fun because it can add to our knowledge and insight

B : in my opinion, studying walang on Saturdays can teach us about the basics of the English language

A : in my opinion, Saturday learning is not only teaching us basic English but also teaching us about religious

Nurul : Wow, it turns out that your opinion about studying walang on Saturdays can add knowledge and insight
about religion and speak English

C :Now I also want to ask about whether you agree or disagree if Saturday walang studies are done outside the

D : I agree, because outdoor learning makes us more relaxed and comfortable

B : he and I also agree because outdoor learning can make us cooler and closer to nature

A : I don't agree because outside the room it's noisy and makes us not concentrate

Nurul : I also don't agree because I think it's very difficult to find someone's focus outside the room so how about
we hold this activity indoors to stay focused while studying

C : It's okay, how about we end this discussion first because it's time to go home from college

Nurul : oh yeah, I don't feel it!!

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