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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Tabletop Arc-System

The System is still in development and will continue to see improvements in both grammar,
functions and gameplay. This system is non-profit and takes information from the official
Demon Slayer Anime/Manga and This system was not
created to replace any other systems (such as the TTRPG classic: D&D). It actually takes a
lot of inspiration from those systems and will feature some mechanics that can be found in
them. (Shoutout to: Breathe & Live 1934. Another TTRPG for Demon Slayer, for being the
inspiration for some of this system’s mechanics. Be sure to check out their Stream: Breathe
& Live on Twitch). The primary reason was to create a system to better fit the theme of the
setting and incorporate the many Breath Styles that are found in the Demon Slayer universe.
The system itself and the base story setting contains no spoilers of the manga, anime or
ending of the official series. The plot and all characters used in it are different from the main

Dice: The system mostly uses d10s and the Arc-system in combat, (except for a few
exceptions) and a d20 when interacting with the overworld and playing as your character.
While the d20 requirements to pass a certain scenario will almost always vary, with the DC
(Difficulty Class) determining which number or higher you need to roll in order to succeed the
check. The d10s will always succeed on results of 6 or higher and fail on results of 5 or
lower, (this does not apply to d10s rolled during a damage roll or Decisive and Despairing
Moments). A Crit can occur when someone rolls a natural 20 on a d20 or a 10 on a d10.
Usually a Crit means you get twice the amount of successes on that d10 die, but in
overworld interactions, a natural 20 can create a new opportunity or tip the situation to be
more in your favor. When making a Check however, if you roll a Crit, your result on that
Check is doubled. Keep in mind though that Crits never lets you perform feats that are
beyond your ability. In less common situations other types of dice might be needed. To
quickly recognise which dice you need to use, keep in mind that Throws are always
performed with d10s, while Checks are always rolled with d20s.

Base Stats:

Strength - The character's physique, muscle power and damage modifier.

Agility - The speed, flexibility of the character’s movement and initiative modifier.
Constitution - The health and build of the character's body, its endurance and health
Mentality - The mind of the character, their ability to stay calm and collected, quick thinking,
mental fortitude, social skills, charisma, demeanor.
Technique - How advanced the character’s sword techniques are and their mastery of
them, the character’s ability to perform difficult or precise tasks.

Breathing Styles: In Kimetsu no Yaiba, the demon slayers all use special sword techniques
in the form of breathing styles. When creating your character it is essential that the character
has a Breath Style learned before being sent off to join the Demon Slayer Corps and
undertake the Final Selection. Notice! Breath Styles that are not included in this system
are not playable unless at the GMs discretion. In which case the GM will homebrew
the effects and stats of the forms.

The 5 Main Breathing Techniques Are:

Water: Description: “Water Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics water, specifically
the flow, flexibility and adaptability of the liquid and replicates it with the user's movements,
techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques involve the user bending their
body, arm and weapon in a fluid motion to match the movements of rushing or flowing water.
Users also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating water when
unleashing its techniques”. Gameplay: The Style revolves around defense, with a lack of
penalty to the user's movement (such as ignoring Attacks of Opportunity) and the freedom
of switching between Forms without getting additional stacks of Exhaustion. Because of
this the Style is good and easy to use for beginners. The Style has good synergy with users
that possess a good mix of Agility, Constitution and Technique.

Flame: Description: “Flame Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics flames and
replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known
techniques and forms involve extremely powerful singular strikes which 'burn' their
opponents, with most attacks being initiated from a high stance. Users of Flame Breathing
also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating fire when unleashing its
techniques”. Gameplay: The Style possesses one of the highest base damage in the game
(not including other damage modifiers or effects), with the inclusion of also being able to
ramp the party’s damage quickly due to its residuencing stacks of Vulnerability. It's hard
hitting “burning” Forms can inflict more stacks of Vulnerability towards Demons than other
Forms usually can (most common being 1). The Style has good synergy with characters
with a high Strength stat.

Thunder: Description: “Thunder Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics lightning,

specifically swift strikes and movements akin to lightning ripping through the sky, and
replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known
techniques and forms involve utilizing blinding speeds and immensely fast attacks to
overwhelm the enemy in an instant. Users of Thunder Breathing also visualize themselves
seemingly creating and manipulating lightning and electricity when unleashing its
techniques”. Gameplay: A Style that excels at attacking with AoE techniques that can hit
many directions of Arcs or multiple opponents at once, similar to Wind-Breathing. But its
signature ability being its lightning fast speed that can outspeed and therefore restrict some
of the opponent’s Combat Actions. The Style has good synergy with characters with very
high Agility.

Stone: Description: “Stone Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics earth and stone and
replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known
techniques and forms utilize the ground beneath the user and the vast surroundings to
generate powerful and sturdy attacks that specialize in both offense and defense”.
Gameplay: The Style possesses one of the highest base damage in the game and great
power to overwhelm an opponent that takes its strikes head-on (should the opponent choose
to use the Brace Combat Action). The Style has a decent amount of ranged attacks.
However Stone-Breathing has big penalties when switching between Forms and possesses
a low amount of effects on its Forms. The Style has good synergy with characters with high
Constitution and very high Strength.

Wind: Description: “Wind Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics wind, specifically
powerful torrents of air and whirlwinds, and replicates it with the user's movements,
techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve purely
offensive attacks, most of which utilizing rotating movements to generate swift whirlwind-like
slashes that greatly increase the wielder's striking range or utilizing the air around them to
deliver sharp sickle-shaped attacks. Users of Wind Breathing also visualize themselves
seemingly creating and manipulating wind when unleashing its techniques”.
Gameplay: A Style with unmatched ability of dishing out AoE attacks at all directions of
Arcs, striking multiple times and with good capability to hit multiple targets at once. Staying
on the move and in the air allows maximum payoff from its techniques. Users of this Style
also have the added benefit of being able to strike while mid-air with no penalties. The Style
has good synergy with characters with a good mix of Agility, Technique and Strength.

Arcs: With the focus on breathing styles and their many Forms of techniques and attacks,
the angles in which your attacks strike are especially important. This is done through Arcs.
These arcs start from 0-8: With 1/2/8 being the usual head and neck location, 7/3 being the
arm’s location, 4/5/6 being the waist, tail and leg’s location and 0 being the torso’s location
on demons. All Forms strike these Arcs in order to hit their weak points and cut off the
demon’s limbs or neck. In the case you face a demon with good movement, causing it to
shift its neck’s location from 8/2 to 2/4. Having a good mix of Forms to hit certain Arcs is
usually a good idea.

Visual example: The Arc Chart.

8. 2.

7. 0. 3.

6. 4.

Types of attack sequences and striking Arcs:

A full slash striking 1 Arc across to the other (this usually hits 0 as well): Example: 2 -> 6.
A sequence of strikes that hits a single specific Arc or multiple specific Arcs in order:
Example: -3-, -1-, -6-. Another Example: 2 -> 6, 5 -> 1.
A form that can strike any angle the user chooses. The blank space means you can choose
which Arc to strike: Example: -_-. If it's a full slash it looks like this: _ -> _ or _ <-> _. Each
second _ must target a different Arc.
A form that strikes the same Arcs multiple times, with each ( - ) showing how many:
Example: --3--, --1--, --7-- (2 strikes on each Arc) or ---3---, ---1--- (3 strikes on each Arc).
The damage inflicted on each Arc is (the Damage Roll result x the amount of strikes).
A form that lets you strike one Arc or the other, but continues the rest of the attack
sequence as usual: Example: 6/7 -> 2. Another Example: 2 -> 3 or 2 -> 4, 5 -> 1.
A form which requires you to strike the Arcs in a specific order and with each one having a
separate damage roll: Example: 3 <-> 7 then 6 <-> 4.
Which <-> (direction) you are allowed to choose is usually your choice, however it can be
affected on which hand is your dominant one or if you are pinned, ect. If unsure, GM as final

Character Creation:
Roll 4d6s to determine your character's stats. Each time choose the 3 best results of the 4
rolled dice, add them together and do this 5 times in total writing down each result. In case 3
or more out of those 5 results is 13 or less, you can reroll your 2 lowest results and keep the
highest. Choose which result you want to make your Strength, Agility, Constitution,
Mentality and Technique respectively. Optional: After your stats are set you may increase
1 of your stats by 2 if you lower another by 2. You may only do this once.

The modifier of each stat is your (stat-10) / 2, rounded down. The calculation for your HP
(Health Points) is ((your Constitution modifier + 5) x 2) + 10 + your Strength modifier. Your
Base Speed is 10 meters + half your Agility modifier, rounded down. Jump is equal to 25%
of your Base Speed, rounded down.

Demon Slayer Rank: Your Rank within the Demon Slayer Corps which ranges from:
Mizunoto - Mizunoe - Kanoto - Kanoe - Tsuchinoto - Tsuchinoe - Hinoto - Hinoe - Kinoto -
Kinoe - Hashira. (The ranks go in ascending order, the opposite of the manga which uses
descending. Mizunoto being rank 1 and hashira being rank 11, the highest rank). You start at
Rank 0 at character creation and remain as that Rank before you pass the Final Selection.

Mastery Level: Your level increases every time you slay 10 demons and/or have gathered
10 Kill Experience. The max level your Mastery Level can be is 25. You also gain Mastery
Points at character creation equal to your Mastery Level (1) + your Technique Modifier.

You may spend these points to:

- Spend 1 Mastery Point to unlock and learn 1 of the Forms within one of your known
Breath Styles.
- Spend 3 Mastery Points to create a unique upgraded version of one of your known
Forms, (at the GM’s discretion). Like Zenitsu’s many thunderclap and flash versions,
like sixfold.
- Spend 9 Mastery Points to create a whole NEW form! (At the GM’s discretion).

Create Personal Traits/Skills: Create a mix of 5 traits and/or skills to make your character
unique from others. Create them at the GMs discretion. Generally they provide bonuses or
buffs to certain aspects of your character. For example you can create a trait like ‘’Quick
Footed'’, allowing you to move 5 extra meters per shift action. You can only possess 1
Skill/Trait of the same name. Warning! Be mindful not to create different Skill/Traits that do
the exact same thing. You cannot start with traits or skills that are granted by Breath Styles,
training and Demon Slayer Ranks. At character creation the maximum amount of
skills/traits slots you have is 5.

Here is a list of strong premade starter Skills and Traits you can choose, if you have a hard
time creating your own:
Heightened Sense: Trait: Requirements: Possesses no other Traits: Increase 1 of your 5
senses to superhuman level.
Courageous: Trait: Once per long rest, after you roll an Mentality Check: Your result on
Mentality Checks always becomes (20 + your Mentality modifier + any effects that
increase your Mentality Check) if you do not Crit.
Joker: Trait: +5 on Mentality Checks involving a conversation.
Flashy: Trait: Twice per long rest: Gain aggro from an opponent on successful Mentality
Check vs that opponent, in which you also add your Technique modifier to your result.
Crazy: Trait: You ignore all ailments, exhaustion and conditions on yourself during combat.
Deal 1d8 damage to yourself once the combat ends for each condition, ailment and 2 stacks
of excess exhaustion past your cap you ignored that are still affecting you.
Kindness: Trait: When healing other’s, grant them 1d8 + your Mentality modifier temporary
HP for the rest of the day. This Trait can only be used once a day on each character.
Unyielding Spirit: Trait: Whenever you make a Death Saving Throw, + 1 Death Die.
Diamond in the Rough: Skill: +3 Mastery Points.
Brutal Strength: Skill: +1 Damage Tier on all attacks.
Alarm: Skill: Once per long rest, at the start of combat: +2 Initiative to the whole party.
(Does not stack).
Rush: Skill: Once per long rest: Perform a Dash Action instead of your Shift Action
without sacrificing your Main Action.
Adrenaline: Skill: Once per long rest, if your HP is 50% or less: Increase your Exhaustion
Cap by 1d4 for the rest of this combat.

Character Information: Create a background to your character to why they want to join the
Demon Slayer Corps and what that character’s story is thus far. Roll a d4 to determine the
amount of years you spent training with your Cultivator until you acquired your first Breath
Style. Your age is calculated by (12 + years spent training), you may add up to 5 additional
years to your character. Height is rolled 3 times with a d100. Pick the result you liked the
best and your height is calculated as (125cm + the d100 result). Weight is rolled once with a
d100 and is calculated as (30kg + the d100 result). You may increase or decrease the
weight by 50 to a minimum of 30kg and maximum of 150kg. Establish eye/hair/skin color,
face/body features and clothes (Haori design).

Character Creation Bonuses (Optional):

Age: Every 3 years older your character is past 12: - 1 Agility and + 1 Technique.
Height: For every 30cm past 150: + 1 Strength. For every 20 cm below 180: + 1 Agility.
Weight: For every 30kg past 30: + 1 Constitution. If your weight is below 60kg: + 1 Agility.

Character Roles (Optional):

To further differ your character from the rest of the party, your character is granted a role at
character creation. Character roles grant your character some bonuses that give them an
edge in certain fields and/or actions taken. These bonuses increase in quantity as your
Mastery Level reaches certain milestones. The following roles are:

Budding Scientist: Character Creation: You gain the item Alchemist’s Tools.

Resourceful: Mastery Level 5: + 5 on Mentality Checks involving Alchemy.

Intriguing Results: Mastery Level 10: Poison damage now also makes the affected
Staggered on first intake if they are not resistant to this poison.

The Specimen Must Survive: Mastery Level 15: You can now analyze and experiment
with demonic blood 2 additional times before it expires. Halve the DC on Mentality Checks
of poisons and drugs you brew, that are meant for demons that you have successfully
analyzed. + 5 on Mentality Checks involving making a drug with Alchemy.

Creator of Death: Mastery Level 20: Halve the DC to Analyze demonic blood and increase
the potency of all poisons you create by 10.

Wonder Drug: Mastery Level 25: You can now craft the Wonder Drug: Requirements:
Succeed a Mentality Check of DC 25 with 50 Yen worth of resources: For 2d6 rounds, + 10
on all Base Stats and Base Speed. Once the effect or combat ends, you gain 5 stacks of
Exhaustion and 1 Mortal Wound.

The process of brewing an item through alchemy is allowed to be homebrewed by the GM.
Demon Slayer Alternative covers a method that GMs can utilize should they prefer it.
Notice! Players are not allowed to read Demon Slayer Alternative to check this method, as
such an act would lead to spoilers regarding the campaign.

Maintenance: Character Creation: You start with the items Repair Kit and Smithing

Weapon Permit: Mastery Level 5: You can now forge Nichirin weapons in the local Smithy
and you may gain 1 Scarlet Ore (and Crimson Iron Sand) from the Demon Slayer Corp each
month by not gaining any Yen.

Expert Sharpener: Mastery Level 10: Until after 1 combat, + (1 + half your Mastery Rank,
rounded up) Damage Tier on non-Gun weapons you repair.

Built to Last: Mastery Level 15: + 5 on Mentality Checks to forge items and + 5 additional
Durability on all weapons you forge.

Forgemaster: Mastery Level 20: + 5 on Mentality Checks to forge items and you may
increase the stats any number of times on a weapon you forge by 1, as long as you also
decrease another by 1. You cannot use this effect if you would decrease a stat that is
already at 0. (These stats being: Durability, Capacity, Armor Tier, Range, and Damage

Masterpiece: Mastery Level 25: Whenever you increase the Durability stat of any item you
forge, increase the stat by 5 instead of 1. If you successfully forge an item and the result of
your Mentality Check is a natural 20 (Crit), + 4 to its stats, split in any way you want. (These
stats being: Durability, Capacity, Armor Tier, Range, and Damage Tiers).

The process of Forging an item is allowed to be homebrewed by the GM. Demon Slayer
Alternative covers a method that GMs can utilize should they prefer it. Notice! Players are
not allowed to read Demon Slayer Alternative to check this method, as such an act would
lead to spoilers regarding the campaign.

Descendant of Hunters:
Hunter’s Legacy: Character Creation: The first time you buy a Rifle, the item is sold to
you at the discounted price of 75 Yen.

Aim Practise: Mastery Level 5: + 4 on your Mentality Checks to hit the target with a Gun
and Bow weapon.

Hawk Shot: Mastery Level 10: The DC on the Mentality Check when using a Rifle or
Bow, while you are 25m away from the target or more, instead becomes: (5 + 1 per 10
meters away from target).

Ammo Artillery: Mastery Level 15: Once per round, reloading a Gun or Bow weapon is a
Free Action.

Gunslinger: Mastery Level 20: You can Rapid Fire a Single Fire Gun weapon.

Master-At-Arms: Mastery Level 25: Double the Damage Tier result when dealing damage
with a Gun or Bow weapon, regardless if the Damage Tier is Fixed or not.

Descendant of Warriors:
Warrior’s Legacy: Character Creation: The first time you buy War Armor, the item is sold
to you at the discounted price of 50 Yen.

Swing Practise: Mastery Level 5: The Damage Tier of your Basic Attacks is increased by
1 + (equal to your Ranks in Attack Training).

Ready For Battle: Mastery Level 10: + (3 + your Ranks in Defense Training) to your
Initiative at the start of combat.

Combat Expertise: Mastery Level 15: + 1 to your Base Hit Dice and Base Defense Dice.

Honorable Stance: Mastery Level 20: If you are facing an opponent that is much stronger
than you (at the GM’s discretion): + 4 Armor Tiers and you may Shift up to your Base
Speed movement before performing the Basic Reaction: Protect.

Champion of War: Mastery Level 25: + 5 Damage Tiers on all non-Gun and non-Ranged

Educated: Character Creation: You gain the item Messenger’s Tools and you start with
50 Yen instead of 20.

Negotiator: Mastery Level 5: + 5 on Mentality Checks involving a conversation.

Quick Learner: Mastery Level 10: The first Consolation Point you get each time you start
to accumulate Consolation Points, rewards you with 1 Kill Experience instead of 0.5. This
effect can only occur once per day.

Bargain: Mastery Level 15: Whenever you buy an item worth 10 Yen or more, you get an
additional item worth less than 10 Yen for free.

Horsepower: Mastery Level 20: Happens only once. You get a Horse at the nearest city,
whose Base Stats is rolled with 6d6s instead of 5d6s.
Friends in High Places: Mastery Level 25: While buying from a town or city, halve the
prices of all items you buy.

Traveler: Character Creation: You get the items Camping Kit and Cooking Tools.

Terrain Adapted: Mastery Level 5: + 5 Base Speed while not in a city or town.

Prey Seeker: Mastery Level 10: + 5 on Mentality Checks to find non-human beings.

Hawkeye: Mastery Level 15: + 10 on Mentality Checks involving perception, investigation

and scouting.

Wanderer: Mastery Level 20: Your travel time is reduced by half and your party’s collective
travel time, thanks to your guidance, is reduced by 25%, rounded up, while you are not
inside a town or a city. This effect does not stack.

One With Nature: Mastery Level 25: + 5 on Agility Checks involving stealth, + 15 instead
if you are in a forest.

Choose your Breath Style:

One if not the most important decision for your character. How are you going to fight? The
first choice will be to choose which will be your Main Breathing Style: Water, Flame,
Thunder, Stone or Wind. Depending on which you choose you may also then choose a
breathing style that is derived from your main one, such as Beast-Breathing if you choose
Wind as your Main Style. It’s your choice if you want to focus on the main breathing style or
your derived style. Learning techniques from both is fine too, just keep in mind that switching
between Forms is already taxing for your character, if you choose to change your breathing
style in the middle of combat, that can really push your character's exhaustion.
Once you have chosen your style it’s not set in stone. You can learn a new derived style or
even a new Main Style if your character notices that their current style is not a perfect fit for
them. Same as before, you need to be cautious how you use these styles, using 2 Main
Styles in the middle of combat is extremely taxing for your character. Abandoning your old
breathing styles altogether can be a good idea long term. Any abandoned breathing style will
refund you all Mastery Points you spent on that style. Disclaimer to GMs! Should anyone
want to change their style in the middle of the campaign be sure to create a scenario in
which that change feels natural. Finding an old man that retired from the Demon Slayer
Corps with a newfound resolve to train you his style, might be an ok way to justify one of
your players ability to now use a whole new breath style.
Each of the 5 Main Breathing Styles have 3 derived styles that you can choose from. Here is
a list of these Breath Styles. This system contains 8 completely new Breath Styles not
featured in the series. Be sure to check each one that catches your eye until you find the
perfect one for you!

Water: Serpent - Flower - Insect.

Flame: Love - Hellfire - Smoke.
Thunder: Sound - Plasma - Light.
Stone: Sand - Magma - Steel.
Wind: Mist - Cold - Beast.

Guide of each Breathing Style:

Breath Style Bonus: The user suffers no penalties of switching between different Forms or
when using multiple Forms during the same round/turn. + successes equal to (your
Constitution modifier + 1) on Brace or Intercept Combat Actions. Your movement does
not trigger your opponent’s Attack of Opportunity. + Hit Dice on Forms and Basic
Attacks equal to your Technique modifier.

First Form: Water Surface Slash: You may shift 2x your Agility modifier in meters. A
horizontal full slash that hits the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 or 3 <-> 7 or 4 <-> 6 and + Damage Tiers
equal to half of your Agility and Technique modifiers combined, rounded down. If you did
shift while performing this Form, double the Damage Tier result.

Second Form: Water Wheel: Reaction: Can be performed instead of the Brace or
Intercept Combat Action when you use the Basic Reaction: Protect. Can be used in
midair. Shift into/in the air up to your Agility and Constitution modifiers combined in
meters. + 1 Defense Dice. Strikes up to 1 target in front of you, above you, behind you and
underneath you, each. A vertical full slash that hits the Arcs: 1 -> 5 or 2 -> 4 or 8 -> 6 or --
3-- or --7-- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier.

Third Form: Flowing Dance: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Shift your Base
Speed movement + 4x your Agility modifier in meters. Can target up to 3 targets. You
ignore Rough Terrain and Hazards. A series of strikes that can hit multiple targets in a fluid
motion, hitting the Arcs: -_-, -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.

Fourth Form: Striking Tides: Can hit up to 2 targets or 1 target twice, but changes
direction on the second hit. A series of diagonal or horizontal full slashes that hits the Arcs:
6/7/8 <-> 1/2/3 or 2/3/4 <-> 1/5/6 then 2/3/4 <-> 1/5/6 and + Damage Tiers equal to your
Strength modifier and half your Technique modifier combined, rounded down.

Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After The Drought: Requirements: Can only target the
opponent’s neck: Can be used in midair. Executes enemies who have lost the will to fight
and/or surrendered, giving them a painless death and you gain 1 additional kill experience. A
gentle full slash that hits the Arcs: _ <-> _ + no Damage Tiers.
Sixth Form: Whirlpool: Requirements: If used as a Reaction, you lose your Main Action
next turn: Ranged Burst: (Your Technique modifier/2, rounded down) meters: Reaction: If
used while in water, ignore the Requirements. This Form is also treated as the Brace
Combat Action. A series of rising curving slashes that deal different damage to each Arc,
hitting the Arcs: -5- then -6/4- then -3/7- then -7/2- then -1- and + Damage Tier equal to half
of your Constitution and Agility modifiers combined, rounded up. Double the result of your
combined modifiers instead of halving them if you are underwater.

Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust: Reaction: If used as an Reaction, half the successes
on the opposing target’s Hit Dice if it attacks you while it is moving or if it started its attack
right after moving. This Form is also treated as the Intercept Combat Action. A fast
stabbing lunge that hits the Arcs: -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Constitution

Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin: Can be used while midair. + Hit Dice equal to your
Constitution modifier. A downward vertical full slash that hits the Arcs: 1 -> 5 or 2 -> 4 or 8
-> 6 and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Technique and Constitution modifiers
combined, rounded down.

Ninth Form: Splashing Water Form - Turbulent: Requirements: You gain 1 stack of
Exhaustion: Quick Surge: Until the end of your turn, you ignore Rough Terrain and
Hazards while shifting and can move on any surface while performing your Shift Action
suffering no penalty to your movement (you can still only jump 25% of your Base Speed
movement) and you do not need to roll any Agility Checks.

Tenth Form: Constant Flux: Requirements: You gain 8 additional stacks of Exhaustion
and spend your Shift Action: Can be used while in midair. Shift into the air equal to your
Strength, Agility, Constitution and Technique modifiers combined, ignoring Fall Damage
equal to the amount of meters you shifted by using this Form. + Hit Dice equal to half the
height you reached in meters. A powerful rotating vertical strike that hits the Arcs: -1-, -2-, -
3-, -7-, -8- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility, Constitution and Technique
modifiers combined.

Eleventh Form: Dead Calm: Requirements: Can only be used as a Reaction and you
gain 4 additional stacks of Exhaustion. You become Staggered and you cannot perform
any Main Actions during your next turn after performing this Form, unless your Mastery
Rank is Hashira or above: Reaction: + Defense Dice equal to 2x your Mentality modifier. If
this attack makes contact, your opponent becomes Staggered. A series of strikes that
strikes everything, hitting the Arcs: -All- + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier
and 2x your Mentality modifier.

Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice equal to your Strength modifier and half your Mastery
Level combined, rounded up and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier on all
Flame-Breathing Forms and your Basic Attacks. Each contested roll you win while
attacking will give 1 additional stack of Vulnerability on each Arc hit. All stacks of
Vulnerability you inflict also linger for an additional round, even after the body parts that
have them have been fully healed.
First Form: Unknowing Fire: Requirements: Can only target your opponent’s neck: Shift
up to (5 + your Mastery Level) meters. + Hit Dice equal to the amount of stacks of
Vulnerability on the target’s Arcs you attack. A full slash that aims to decapitate its target,
hitting the Arcs: _ <-> _ and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier and your
opponents Vulnerability stacks on those attacked Arcs combined. You gain no additional
Damage Dice from your opponent’s stacks of Vulnerability.

Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun: + Hit Dice equal to your Mastery Rank. Inflict 1
additional stack of Vulnerability on each Arc hit. A rising vertical full slash that hits the
Arcs: 5 -> 1 or 6 -> 8 or 4 -> 2 or -7- or -3- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength

Third Form: Blazing Universe: Inflict 2 additional stacks of Vulnerability on 1 Arc hit and if
your opponent has 5 or more stacks of Vulnerability on a single Arc, your opponent
becomes Staggered. A falling vertical full slash that hits the Arcs: 1 -> 5 or 8 -> 6 or 2 -> 4
and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Strength modifier, rounded up.

Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation: Requirements: Skip your Shift Action next
turn or spend your Shift Action and this Form can only target your opponent’s neck:
Reaction: + Defense Dice equal to your Strength modifier on Reactions. A curving full
slash that can hit up to 3 targets, hitting the Arcs: 4 <-> 6 or 6 <-> 8 or 8 <-> 2 or 2 <-> 4
and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier.

Fifth Form: Flame Tiger: Requirements: You gain 4 additional stacks of Exhaustion: +
Hit Dice equal to your Strength modifier. Inflict 3 additional stacks of Vulnerability on each
Arc hit. A series of powerful slashes that can hit any angle and that takes the shape of a
tiger, hitting the Arcs: -_-, -_-, -_-, -_-, -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength
modifier and Mastery Level combined.

Sixth Form: Crimson Vow Circulation: Can hit up to 4 targets. - 2 successes on the
contested roll and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Agility modifier and Mastery Level
combined, rounded up, on the 4:th target or if the end of the slash is used on 1 target. A
horizontal full slash that goes in a circle around the user, gaining momentum and dealing
bonus damage at the end of the slash, hitting the Arcs: 3 <-> 7 or 8 <->2 or 6 <-> 4 and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier.

Seventh Form: March of the Flaming Deity: Shift (5 + your Mastery level) meters in
walking speed. Your target must make a Mentality Check of DC (10 + your Mentality
modifier) and gain - (2 + your Mastery Rank) Defense Dice if they failed the Check. A full
slash that can strike any angle while walking in a confident manner that terrifies the target
into seeing the user as if they are coated in flames, hitting the Arcs: _ <-> _ and + Damage
Tiers equal to your Strength modifier, + your Mentality modifier as well if this is the first
time the Form is used against your target.

Eight Form: Cleansing Flames: Can be used in midair. You can shift into/in the air up to
your Strength modifier in meters. Your target gets - 1 Defense Dice for each stack of
Vulnerability inflicted on the Arcs you target. A powerful diagonal full slash that penetrates
the slightest gap in the target’s defenses, hitting the Arcs: 1/2/3 <-> 6 or 8/7/1 <-> 4 and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier.

Ninth Form: Purgatory: Requirement: You gain 8 additional stacks of Exhaustion and
spend your Shift Action: Shift your up to your Base Speed movement + 2x your Strength
modifier in meters, but you must end your movement on the target. Your target gains 1 stack
of Vulnerability on each Arc before performing the contested roll and + Hit Dice equal to
their total amount of stacks of Vulnerability on all the target’s Arcs. An all out attack that
hits every single Arc: -All- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier and all
stacks of Vulnerability your opponent have on all Arcs combined.

Breath Style Bonus: + successes on Thunder-Breathing Forms equal to your Agility
modifier and + successes on your Basic Attacks equal to half your Agility modifier,
rounded down. The user gains (5 + half your Agility modifier, rounded up) in their Base
Speed and + Defense Dice equal to half your Agility modifier, rounded up, on your Avoid
and Dodge Combat Actions. Your target fails the contested roll if it performs the Dodge
Combat Action against your Basic Attacks.

First Form: Thunderclap and Flash: Requirements: You gain 0, 1 or 2 additional stacks
of Exhaustion and your weapon is sheathed. Your attack is Delayed (4 - stacks of
Exhaustion you gained from this Form) and spend your Shift Action: Shift your Base
Speed movement + 3x your Agility modifier in a straight line in meters and you may shift
into the air (with 25% of your remaining movement). Your target fails the contested roll if it
performs the Dodge or Avoid Combat Action. The first time you use this Form against this
target, + (2 + your Mastery Rank) successes. Perform the Equip Action as a Free Action
with the Mentality Check being DC 6. If the check fails the Form deals no damage but
instead pushes or shoves the target in the same straight line you are moving, forcing them to
shift (if able) the movement you have left in meters. A horizontal full slash that hits the Arcs:
2 <-> 8 or 4 <-> 6 or 3 <-> 7 and + Damage Tiers equal to double your Agility modifier.

Second Form: Rice Spirit: + Hit Dice equal to half your Mastery Rank, rounded up. Your
target fails the contested roll if it performs the Dodge, Avoid or Brace Combat Action. A
series of strikes that hits 5 different Arcs: -_-, -_-, -_-, -_-, -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to
half your Agility modifier and Mastery Level combined, rounded down.

Third Form: Thunder Swarm: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion:
+ Successes equal to your half your Mastery Level, rounded up. Your target fails the
contested roll if it performs the Dodge, Avoid and Intercept Combat Action. A storm of
strikes hitting from all directions, hitting the Arcs: -All- and + Damage Tiers equal to your
Agility modifier and half your Mastery Rank combined, rounded up.

Fourth Form: Distant Thunder: Ranged Burst: Your Agility and Technique modifiers
combined in meters: Can hit up to (your Mastery Level) different targets and/or Arcs at
once. A swift flurry of strikes, taking the form of a ball that strikes at many directions at
random, hitting the Arcs: -?- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.
Fifth Form: Heat Lightning: Requirements: You gain 2 additional stack of Exhaustion or
spend your Shift Action: Ranged: 2x your Agility modifier and your Mastery Level
combined in meters: Your target fails the contested roll if it performs the Avoid or Dodge
Combat Action. If your target is in the air, double your total amount of successes on this
contested roll. A powerful rising vertical strike that cleaves the air like a ripple of lightning,
hitting the Arcs: 5 -> 1 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier and your
Mastery Level combined. If the target is in the air double the Damage Tier result.

Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of
Exhaustion and if used as a Reaction, you cannot perform your Main Action next turn:
Ranged: 5x your Agility modifier in meters: Reaction: A series of powerful long ranged
lightning-like strikes able to hit your opponent from afar, hitting the Arcs: -8-, -6-, -4-, -2- and
+ Damage Tiers equal to double your Agility modifier.

Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God: Requirements: You gain 15 additional stacks of
Exhaustion, Delayed (21 - your Mastery Rank) and spend your Shift Action: Your target
cannot perform any Action in response (Combat Action or otherwise). + successes equal
to your Mastery Rank. Shift your Base Speed movement x3 in a straight line and you may
shift into the air. A single slash performed at a low stance so powerful that any that sees it
claims they saw a yellow japanese dragon in the shape of a lightning bolt accompany it,
hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 or 4 <-> 6 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Mastery Rank and 3x
your Agility modifier combined.

Requirements: 2 large chained-attached Nichirin weapons and a Constitution modifier of
18 or higher. Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice on your Stone-Breathing Forms and +
Defense Dice on your Combat Actions, both being equal to your Constitution modifier. +
Damage Tiers equal to (your Strength modifier + 5) on all attacks. Halve your opponent’s
successes on their Defense Dice if they perform the Brace Combat Action. You gain 1
additional stack of Exhaustion if you switch between different Forms on the same
round/turn, 2 additional stacks of Exhaustion if you switch to a different Breath Style and 5
additional stacks of Exhaustion if you switch to a different Main Breathing Style or any its
derived Breath Styles.

First Form: Serpentinite Bipolar: If the target performs the Brace Combat Action, halve
their Defense Dice for this contested roll. A double weapon throw that rotates and drills into
its target by the user manipulating the chain, hitting the Arcs: -0- then -_-, -_- + Damage
Tiers equal to your Strength modifier. Double the Damage Tier result on the first hit.

Second Form: Upper Smash: + Hit Dice equal to half your Strength modifier, rounded up.
A throw of both weapons followed by a mighty stomp on the chain which brings down the
heaviest weapon to smash the target, hitting the Arcs: -1-, -2-, -8- and + Damage Tiers
equal to 2x your Strength modifier.

Third Form: Stone Skin: Requirements: Can only be used as a Reaction: Reaction: +
Defense Dice equal to your Constitution modifier. If you win the contested roll vs an
opponent within your Strength modifier in meters, + Damage Dice equal to half your
Strength modifier, rounded down. A series of slashes that uses one end of your weapon to
deflect nearby attacks, hitting the Arcs: -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength

Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest: Requirements: Each strike must strike in
different directions: Halve the target’s Successes if they perform any Combat Action. A
manipulation of both ends of your weapon by swinging the chain to hit your target on both
sides, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 or 3 <-> 7 or 4 <-> 6 then 8 <-> 2 or 7 <-> 3 or 6 <-> 4 and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Strength and Constitution modifiers combined.

Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice: Requirements: You gain 8 additional stacks of Exhaustion:
Can be used while in midair. + Successes equal to your Strength modifier + 5. Your number
of Damage Dice is always equal to your Mastery Level, instead of the result of your
successes you won with on the contested roll. A powerful barrage of both ends of your
weapon with each hit being destined to also hit the target with the other end of your weapon,
hitting the Arcs: --_--, --_--, --_--, --_-- and + Damage Tiers equal to 2x your Strength

Breath Style Bonus: + successes instead of Hit Dice (from your Breath Style Bonus) on
Wind-Breathing Forms while in midair. + Hit Dice on Wind-Breathing Forms and Basic
Attacks equal to half your Agility, Strength and Technique modifiers combined, rounded
down. The user suffers no penalties when performing their Wind-Breathing Forms or Basic
Attacks while in midair (you still gain + 1 Damage Die). + (your Mentality and Technique
modifiers combined) d10s on your Constitution Saving Throws involving a Gas Hazard.

First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Shift your
Base Speed movement + your Agility and Strength modifiers combined in meters. Target
everything in your path. A series of horizontal slashes that strike continuously in a cyclone
pattern, hitting the Arcs: --2--, --4--, --6--, --8-- and + Damage Tiers equal to half your
Agility modifier.

Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind: Can be used while in midair. Can target up to 4
targets in front of you. A series of vertical full slashes that bend downwards, striking multiple
times if used towards a single target, hitting the Arcs: --3-- or --7--, --1 -> 5--, --2 -> 4--, --8 -
> 6--. If multiple targets: 1 -> 5 or 2 -> 4 or 8 -> 6. + Damage Tiers equal to half of your
Strength modifier, rounded down. + 4 additional Damage Tiers if used on multiple targets.

Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree: Reaction: Can be used while in midair. If used as a
Reaction while in midair, you gain no stacks of Exhaustion from any source on use. + (2 +
your Agility modifier) Defense Dice if used as a Reaction. Can hit all targets around the
user’s Melee Range. A whirlwind of slashes that surrounds and protects the user from
incoming attacks while slicing up the surroundings, hitting the Arcs: -0-, -2/8-, -1- and +
Damage Tiers equal to half your Agility, Strength or Technique modifier, rounded down.

Fourth Form: Rising Dust Tornado: Requirements: Target must be above you: Ranged:
Your Agility, Strength and Technique modifiers combined in meters: Can be used while in
midair. A series of multiple slashes that cuts the target above them, striking them multiple
times, hitting the Arcs: --5--, --6--,--7--, --4--, --3-- and + Damage Tiers equal to half your
Strength and Technique modifiers combined, rounded up.

Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind: Requirements: Target must be below you: Ranged:
Your Agility and Technique modifiers in meters: Can be used while in midair. You can shift
into/in the air up to (your Strength and Agility modifiers combined) meters. Several circular
arced slashes that increase in size, hitting the Arcs: -1-, -2-, -3-, -8-, -7- and + Damage
Tiers equal to half your Agility modifier. The Form strikes each Arc additional times equal
to half your Strength and Technique modifiers combined, rounded down, up to a maximum
of 3 additional times.

Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist: Ranged Burst: (Your Technique modifier/2,
rounded up) in meters: + Hit Dice equal to half your Strength modifier, rounded up, but you
become Staggered if your attack did not make contact and you took damage during this
contested roll. A curved full strike in which the user rotates their body in a uppercut
movement, hitting the Arcs: --6--, --7-- -> --2-- or --4--, --3-- ->--8-- and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Technique and Strength modifiers combined, rounded down.

Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts: Requirements: You gain 6 additional stacks of
Exhaustion and spend your Shift Action: You may shift your Base Speed movement
into/in the air in meters, hitting all targets in the way. Each Arc is struck equal to the amount
of Damage Dice you got from the contested roll you won. A swinging blade attack that
generates gale-force winds that shreds the target, hitting the Arcs: -_-, -_-, -2-, -8- and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.

Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash: Requirements: You gain 10 additional stacks of
Exhaustion, spend your Shift Action: Count your full modifiers when calculating your Hit
Dice/Successes from your Breath Style Bonus. Can be used while in midair. Shift into/in
the air equal to your Agility, Strength and Technique modifiers combined in meters. A
swing of the blade that generates a circular torrent of wind that slices the opponent up
instantly, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 6, 8 <-> 4, 2 <-> 8 and + Damage Tiers equal to your
Strength and Agility modifiers combined and turn each Damage Die except 1 into +4
Damage Tiers instead. Gain triple Advantage on this Damage Roll.

Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon: Requirements: You gain 5 additional stacks of Exhaustion
and the target must be below you at the end of your shift: Can be used while in midair. Shift
into/in the air up to your Strength, Agility and Technique modifiers combined in meters,
ending your movement so you are upside down. Can hit up to 2 targets at once. A full slash
that unleashes a powerful gust of circular wind that tears apart anything below, hitting the
Arcs: --7-- <-> --8-- <-> --1-- <-> --2-- <-> --3-- or ---5--- -> ---1--- and + Damage Tiers equal
to your Agility, Strength and Technique modifiers combined.

Description: ‘’Serpent Breathing is a Breathing Style derived from Water Breathing that
mimics serpents/snakes, specifically their slithering motions, and replicates it with the user's
movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms focus on
twisting and bending the sword like how a serpent slithers, the attacks are not direct and
constantly meander which can ultimately strike anywhere. Users of Serpent Breathing also
visualize themselves seemingly manifesting white serpents that accompany them when
unleashing its techniques’’. Gameplay: The slithery movement of this Style results in your
opponent always having reduced Defense Dice on their Combat Actions. The quick and
deadly strikes offer the unique ability to double the amount of Damage Dice the user
possesses after winning the contested roll. The style has good synergy with users with high
Agility and Technique.

Requirements: A curved Nichirin Blade. Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice on your Serpent-
Breathing Forms equal to half your Agility and Technique modifiers combined, rounded up.
Your Basic Attacks and Forms reduce your target’s Defense Dice equal to your Mastery
Rank (to a minimum of 1). Double your Damage Dice you possess after winning a
contested roll but reduce the Damage Tier result equal to half the amount of Damage Dice
you have, rounded up (to a minimum of 1 if it was more than Damage Tier 1).

First Form: Winding Serpent Slash: You may shift your Agility and Technique combined
in meters. + Successes equal to half your Agility modifier, rounded up, or + Hit Dice equal
to half your Technique modifier, rounded up. While moving like a slithering snake the user
releases several slashes that move in a winding pattern, hitting the Arcs: --8--, --7--, --2--, --
3-- and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Technique modifier.

Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head: Requirements: The user must end
their movement behind the target and spend your Shift Action: Shift your Base Speed
movement + 3x your Agility modifier in meters. You do not trigger your target’s Attack of
Opportunity and the target cannot perform a Reaction. An extremely swift dash followed by
a strike to slice off the head of the target from behind, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Agility. If the amount of Damage Dice you have is 8 or higher,
+ Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifiers combined.

Third Form: Coil Choke: + 1 success on everything that you do during this contested roll
(Including Checks and Saving Throws). If the amount of Damage Dice you damaged the
target with was 6 or higher; the target becomes Staggered. The user circles the target,
slicing them from all directions, hitting the Arcs: -All- and + Damage Tiers equal to half your
Agility and Technique modifiers combined, rounded up.

Fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of

Exhaustion and spend your Shift Action: Shift your Base Speed movement + 2x your
Agility and Technique modifiers combined in meters. A horizontal full slash that cuts
through the target, hitting the Arcs: ---3 <-> 7--- + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility and
Technique modifiers combined.

Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Shift your Base
Speed movement + 2x your Agility modifier in meters. Can target up to 5 targets. You gain
Defense Dice on your Avoid Combat Actions equal to the amount of Hit Dice you would
gain from your Breath Style Bonus, while performing this Form. A movement of strikes
curving in multiple directions able to hit multiple targets in succession, hitting the Arcs: _ <->
_ and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.
Description: ‘’Flower Breathing is a Breathing Style derived from Water Breathing that
mimics flowers and fruits and replicates with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
Most, if not all, known techniques and forms are a combination of graceful attacks that focus
on agility. This Breathing Style also enhances and utilizes one's vision, albeit at the possible
cost of their eyesight. Users of Flower Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly
creating and manipulating flowers when unleashing its techniques’’. Gameplay: Due to the
nature of the Style, its quick attacks and the user's focus with sight, the effectiveness of the
user's Mentality is somewhat increased. It offers a high rate to hit the desired target at the
cost of some power behind the strike. The signature ability of this Breathing-Style is
however the ability it grants its user to gain unmatched levels of vision in combat, enabling
the user to predict the target’s movement and know what's going to happen next. Knowing
the next action your opponent makes grants some bonuses to your Forms. This Style has
good synergy with users with high Agility and optionally some Constitution.

Breath Style Bonus: While using this Breath Style, the user gains + 4 Mentality to their
Base Stat. + Hit Dice on your Flower-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks equal to 2x your
Agility modifier but halve the Damage Dice you get, rounded up, this does not apply to your
Damage Dice gained from other effects. Once per round, during the moment your opponent
could make an action: You can check 1 of their possible Actions and the result of that
Action, and if you did, that Action gains - 2 successes if it is used against you. At the GM’s
discretion can they allow you to give this debuff to a target attacking your ally if you
call out the target’s Action to them. For example if you have a Bonus Action prepared.

First Form: Silver Persimmon Bloom: Requirements: Performs only the ‘’Then’’ part of
the attack sequence if you either checked your opponent’s chosen Action or won the
contested roll while possessing at least 4 Damage Dice, after halving your Damage Dice by
your Breath Style Bonus: A forward lunging stab followed by extracting the sword in quick
succession to carve the body with twists and curves which looks like a blooming flower,
hitting the Arcs: -0- then 2 <-> 4 <-> 6 <-> 8 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility
modifier, + your Technique modifier if you performed the ‘’then’’ part of the attack sequence.

Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum: Requirements: If used as a Reaction: Next

turn, you gain 1 additional Shift Action while losing your Main Action: Reaction: + 1
Defense Dice if used as a Reaction and + 10 additional Defense Dice if you checked the
incoming attack. A rotation of several slashes that can deflect incoming attacks, hitting the
Arcs: -2-, -5-, -7- or -8-, -5-, -3- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.

Third Form: Midnight Cherry Spring, Petal Dance: Requirements: You gain 1 additional
stack of Exhaustion: Quick Surge: Until the end of the next round, you are Obscured while
performing your Actions and all attacks against you get - (Your Agility modifier) successes.
+ 4 on your Agility Checks when performing a Stealth Action. The turn you use this Form
you can perform a Stealth Action as a Free Action.

Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo: You can also perform this Form by spending your
Shift Action instead. If you have checked your opponent’s chosen Action, the Arcs struck
become _ in the attack sequence. A single sword slash that curves and twists gracefully,
hitting the Arcs: -4-, 2 <-> 8, -6- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.
Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility: If you have checked your opponent’s next chosen Action,
this Form’s Arcs become -- -- (hit twice) in addition to their attack sequence. A flurry of nine
consecutive strikes, hitting the Arcs: -2- then -_- then -4- then -_- then -6- then -_- then -8-
then -_- then -0- and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Agility modifier, rounded down.

Sixth Form: Whirling Peach: Requirements: Can only be used as a Reaction and only if
you succeeded a Dodge Combat Action: Reaction: Can be used while in midair. This
Form’s Reaction is a Free Action and grants no stacks of Exhaustion on use. A spin of
the user to horizontally strike the target with their body weight while moving in midair, hitting
the Arcs: --1-- or 2 <-> 8 or 7 <-> 3 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier and
half your Constitution modifier combined, rounded up.

Final Form: Equinoctial Vermillion Eye: Requirements: Your Mentality and Constitution
modifiers combined must be 6 or higher: Quick Surge: Until you choose to cancel the effect,
your eyes gain a cap of durability equal to your Mentality and Constitution modifiers
combined. Up to your eye’s durability cap per round, you can gain 1 stack of Damage to
your eyes to check 1 of the target’s possible Actions and the result of it. If you do, you gain
+5 successes on the contested roll and +5 Damage Dice on a contested roll you won, if that
Action is used against you. You can also force any Action you have checked with this
Form to happen if the target is directing their Actions towards you. At the end of every
round in which you perform a Main Action and/or Form, you gain 1 stack of Damage to
your eyes. If you gain a Damage stack and the Damage stacks become equal to or higher
than your eye’s durability cap, you must perform a Constitution Saving Throw with -
success for each Damage stack that exceeds your eye’s durability cap). If you fail the check,
the blood vessels in your eyes rupture, dealing 1D12+2 permanent damage to your
maximum HP and you become blind, permanently. If you cancel the effect, the Damage
Stacks remain until you perform a long rest. This Form can be performed with 1 eye and
therefore only affects that one eye, by halving all numbers in the Requirements, modifiers,
successes, Hit Dice and durability cap, rounded down.

Description: ‘’Insect Breathing is a Breathing Style derived from Water Breathing that
mimics insects, specifically their lethal stings and movements, and replicates it with user's
movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms include
stabbing, thrusting, and making shallow cuts with a specially coated/made sword to inflict
multiple wounds onto the intended target in order to inject various lethal Wisteria-based
poisons into them. Users of Insect Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly
manifesting insects (mainly butterflies) when unleashing its techniques’’. Gameplay: The
Style can be one of the strongest in the early and mid part of the campaign due to its
repeating and stacking poison damage, but the effectiveness of your poison falls off later
unless you research the biology of the Upper Moons Demons. With its weakness of being
unable to behead demons, it comes with the benefit of using your Agility to do damage
instead of Strength. The Style has good synergy with users with high Agility with less focus
on their Strength stat.
Requirements: A Nichirin Stinger Sword. Breath Style Bonus: Instead of gaining Damage
Tiers based on your Strength modifier, you gain Damage Tiers equal to your Agility
modifier. + Successes equal to your Agility modifier on your Insect-Breathing Forms and
Basic Attacks. While equipped with wisteria poison: All the user’s Basic Attacks and
Forms deal their damage repeatedly, dealing the damage every time the target’s turn ends,
until the target dies or removes the poison. Your Insect-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks
performed with a stinger blade cannot decapitate or dismember its target.

Butterfly Dance: Caprice: You can give this attack - 1 Damage Tier to increase your
amount of Hit Dice for this contested roll up to a number of times equal to half your Agility
modifier, rounded up. For each Damage Die, + 1 Poison damage. Can be used while in
midair. Shift into/in the air equal to half your Base Speed movement, rounded down + your
Agility modifier in meters. A series of stings with the blade to inject as much poison as
possible, hitting the Arcs: -0- then -8- then -1- then -2- and + Damage Tiers equal to half
your Agility modifier, rounded down.

Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Shift your
Base Speed movement + 4x your Agility modifier in meters, every 5 meters traveled grants
you + 1 success for this contested roll. A fast full thrust lunge that uses its momentum to
pierce through its target, hitting the Arc: -_- -> same -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to your
Damage Dice and half your Agility modifier, rounded up.

Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon: Requirements: You gain 2 additional
stacks of Exhaustion: + Successes equal to your Mastery Rank. + 2 Poison damage per
Damage Dice if you won with on the contested roll. Your Damage Dice always becomes 6.
A six strike attack that aims for its target’s vitals, striking the Arcs: -1-, -8-, -2, -0-, -6, -4- and
+ no Damage Tier modifier (you still add your Base modifier to the Damage Tier).

Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag: Requirements: Spend your Shift

Action, can only target the opponent’s neck and you may gain any number of additional
stacks of Exhaustion: Shift your Base Speed movement + meters equal to the stacks of
Exhaustion you gained from this Form’s Requirements. This Form is a Stealth Attack. +
2 Poison damage on each Damage Die equal to the amount of stacks of Exhaustion you
gained from this Form’s Requirements. A full speed attack with zigzag movement followed
by a full force stab to the neck, hitting the Arc: -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility
modifier and stacks of Exhaustion you gained from this Form’s Requirements.

Description: ‘’Love Breathing is a Breathing Style derived from Flame Breathing that is
based on the emotion of love. Most, if not all, known techniques form a combination of mid to
long-ranged whip-like attacks that utilize the user's own flexibility, dexterity, agility and
speed. Due to the intense strength and movement the Breathing Style requires, it is
assumed that one's muscular density and overall body constitution must be on an insane
level in order to replicate the forms of this Breathing Style’’. Gameplay: An aggressive Style
that can dish out huge amounts of damage on its very last hit on its Forms, thanks to the
unique echo mechanic. While its requirements to use are steep, the payoff is that without
optimizing in the Agility stat you do get the advantage of not needing to roll for any Agility
Checks. This allows you to perform flashy and risk free movement and acrobatics with no
worries of failure. The Style has good synergy with users that possess a high Constitution
and Strength stat and optionally some Technique.

Requirements: a Nichirin Whip Sword and a Constitution of 18 or higher. Breath Style

Bonus: + Hit Dice on your Love-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks equal to your
Constitution modifier. + Damage Tiers equal to half your Strength modifier, rounded
down. While in combat, your result always becomes (20 + your Agility modifier + any other
effects that increase your Agility Check) if you do not Crit, on all Agility Checks when
performing a shift or Action that involves shifting. You can echo each part of ‘’then’’ in your
attack sequences by 1/4th of the damage, in order for the last hit to deal all the damage you
echoed as bonus damage.

First Form: Shivers of First Love: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Shift your
Base Speed movement + your Agility modifier. + damage to your final echoed strike equal
to your Constitution modifier. You can strike the same target twice. A series of extended
whip slashes that cuts around and through the target, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 then 2 -> 6
then 8 -> 4 then 3 <-> 7 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique or Strength

Second Form: Love Pangs: Requirements: A Constitution Check of DC14 and the Form
cannot succeed the contested roll if you fail the check: Reaction: + successes on your
Defense Dice equal to your Constitution modifier. Can strike up to 8 targets at once and
each new target struck can count as a ‘’then’’ in the attack sequence. A series of multiple
powerful slashes around yourself, hitting the Arcs: -All- and + Damage Tiers equal to half of
your Technique and Constitution modifiers combined, rounded up.

Third Form: Catlove Shower: Can be used while in midair. Shift into/in the air equal to your
Agility and Constitution modifiers combined in meters. + 4 Hit Dice. A series of arced
attacks in quick succession, hitting the Arcs: 8 -> 1 -> 2 then 2 -> 4 then 8 -> 6 and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier.

Fourth Form: Purring Love: - (1 + your Mastery Rank) Defense Dice on your target’s
Brace and Intercept Combat Actions. A series of horizontal full slashes that sway into one
another, hitting the Arcs: 3 <-> 7 then 4 <-> 6 then 2 <-> 8 and + Damage Tiers equal to
half your Strength and Constitution modifiers combined, rounded down.

Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw: Requirements: You may gain any number of
additional stacks of Exhaustion and spend your Shift Action: Can be used while in midair.
Shift your Base Speed movement + your Agility and Technique modifiers combined in/into
the air in meters while performing a backflip motion. + Hit Dice equal to the amount of
stacks of Exhaustion gained from performing this Form + 1. A somersault that leads into a
long whip-like string of attacks, hitting the Arcs: -1- then each other Arc in order (1-8 with 0
being hit lastly) equal to your total amount of stacks of Exhaustion you gained from
performing this Form + 1 (each Arc can only be struck once) and + Damage Tiers equal to
your Strength modifier and for each stack of Exhaustion you gained from performing this
Sixth Form: Cat-Legged Winds of Love: Requirements: You gain 2 additional stacks of
Exhaustion: Shift 5 + your Constitution modifier in/into the air in meters, ending your
movement so you are upside down, perform 2 separate contested rolls and on the second
one you gain + 2 successes, add all your Damage Dice from the contested rolls you won
with together into one attack. A series of multiple extending slashes that retract and then
expand again in quick succession, hitting the Arcs: 2 -> 6 or 8 -> 4 then 6 <-> 3 then _ <-> _
and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength and Constitution modifiers combined.

Description: ”Hellfire Breathing is a Breath Style derived from Flame Breathing that focuses
on heavy and brutal strikes, with the specific cruel intent to inflict as much pain and injuries
as possible. The users of this Breath Style can ignite and manipulate real purple flames by
using a specific crafting method of mixing the steel's outer layer during the smithing process
with a special mix of wisteria flower, salt and oil. However, due to this the blades used by
swordsmen of this Breath Style are a bit frail compared to normal Nichirin Swords. Its
techniques and forms are based on the purgatory and punishment that would be inflicted on
the sinners in hell. It is common for users of this Breath Style to also have a whetstone-
attached armguard, so they can quickly ignite their sword”. Gameplay: A super aggressive
Breath Style with low durability on its weapons. It has Requirements on every single Form
with the risk of Burning the user if they do not fight cautiously. Users of this Style can ignore
their own safety and Burn themselves in order to make sure their attacks have a higher
chance to hit. The Style often severely Burns the target and all the user's attacks inflicts a
unique status condition called Torment, which debuffs and heavily prevents demons from
regenerating. The Style has good synergy with users that possess high Technique,
Mentality and optionally some Strength.

Requirements: A burning Nichirin Sword. Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice equal to your
Technique modifier on Hellfire-Breathing Forms. Basic Attacks and Forms performed
while the sword is ignited, that makes contact, inflicts 1 stack of Torment. Twice per round
but once per contested roll, the user can inflict 1 stack of Burn on themselves to gain + (2 +
your Mastery Rank) successes on your Hit Dice during a contested roll against an

First Circle: Devil's Bane: Requirements: You gain 2 additional stacks of Exhaustion.
Can only target the opponent’s neck and spend your Shift Action. You take 1d4 stacks of
Burn if your Mentality modifier is negative: Shift your Base Speed movement + your
Mentality modifier in meters. + Hit Dice equal to half your Mentality modifier, rounded
down. Inflicts 3 additional stacks of Torment and Burn. A lunging stab into the target’s neck
followed by a horizontal full slash, while the sword is still stuck inside the target, hitting the
Arcs: -8/2- then 8 <-> 2 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier (+ the
impale bonus of 2 additional Damage Tiers on the second hit).

Second Circle: Cruel Inferno: Requirements: You take 1d4 stacks of Burn if your
Mentality modifier is negative: Inflicts 1 additional stack of Torment or 2 stacks if the target
does not perform the Avoid or Dodge Combat Action. If the target performs the Avoid
Combat Action you automatically win the contested roll with all your successes hitting your
target and in addition inflicts 1d4 stacks of Burn. A downward diagonal full slash followed by
an upwards vertical full slash in the same motion, hitting the Arcs: 2 -> 6 or 8 -> 4, 5 -> 1
and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier.

Third Circle: Boiling Bloodbath: Requirements: You take 1d4 stacks of Burn if your
Mentality modifier is negative: Inflicts 2 additional stacks of Torment and + 1 stack of Burn.
A stab into the torso followed by a downward diagonal cut while the sword is still stuck inside
the target, that then leads into a horizontal full slash, hitting the Arcs: -0- then -6/4- then 6 <-
> 4 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier. + Damage Tiers equal to half
your Strength modifier, rounded up, if you were Burned this round.

Fourth Circle: Bone-Melting Punishment, Blazing Tornado: Requirements: If used as

an Reaction, you must make a Mentality Check of DC15 and + your Technique modifier to
the result as well. If you fail the check you take 1d6+2 stacks of Burn. You take 1d4 stacks
of Burn if your Mentality modifier is negative: Ranged Burst: (1 + your Mastery Rank)
meters around the user and (your Technique modifier and Mastery Level combined)
meters above: Reaction: Your Ranged Burst can only hit up to 4 targets around you and all
targets above. Inflicts 1 additional stack of Torment and 1d6 stacks of Burn. A twisting
upwards swing with all the user’s might to create a fire tornado around the user, hitting the
Arcs: 4 -> 8 or 6 -> 2 then -3-, -7- then -2-, -1-, -8- and + Damage Tiers equal to your
Strength modifier and half your Technique modifier, rounded down.

Fifth Circle: Hell’s Gate: Requirements: You take 1d4 stacks of Burn if your Mentality
modifier is negative. If used as a Reaction, you must either skip your next Shift Action or
gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion: Ranged: 2 meters: Reaction: + 4 Defense Dice if
used as a Reaction. Inflicts 1 stack of Torment and if an attacking opponent shifts through
this Form, inflict 1d10 stacks of Burn. A vertical rising slash that creates a wall of fire, hitting
the Arcs: 5 -> 1, 4 -> 2, 6 -> 8 and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Technique modifier,
rounded up.

Sixth Circle: Whip of Repentment: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of

Exhaustion: Ranged: (5 + your Technique modifier and Mastery Level combined) meters:
Can be used while in midair. Inflicts 2 additional stacks of Torment and 1d4-2 stacks of
Burn. A horizontal or diagonal slash to create a string of fire to hit the target from afar, hitting
the Arcs: -1- or -2- or -8- or -3- or -7- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique
modifier. If the target is within your Melee Range + 4 meters, + additional Damage Tiers
equal to half of your Mentality modifier, rounded down.

Seventh Circle: Dark Guillotine: Requirements: You gain 3 additional stacks of

Exhaustion. You take 1d4 stacks of Burn if your Mentality modifier is negative: Can be
used while in midair. Shift your Agility and Technique modifiers combined in/into the air in
meters, ending the movement so you are upside down and right above the target’s head.
Inflicts 4 stacks of Torment and Burn, + (2 + your Mentality modifier) successes if you
target the opponent’s neck. A full slash while the user is upside down in midair, hitting the
Arcs: 8/7 <-> 2/3 or 1 <-> 3/7 and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Technique, Strength
modifiers and Mastery Rank combined, rounded up.

Eighth Circle: Wavering Soul, Ring of Fire: Requirements: You take 1d4 stacks of Burn
if your Mentality modifier is negative: Ranged Burst: Your Agility and Technique modifiers
combined in meters: Reaction: + (your Technique modifier/2, rounded up) Hit Dice or +
(your Strength modifier/2, rounded down) Defense Dice instead if used as a Reaction.
Inflicts 1 additional stack of Torment. Your Ranged Burst can only hit up to 4 targets. A
horizontal full slash that goes in a circle around the user, forming an expanding ring of fire,
hitting the Arcs: 6 <-> 4 or 3 <-> 7 or 8 <-> 2 and + Damage Tiers equal to your half your
Technique and Mentality modifiers combined, rounded down.

Ninth Circle: Judgment: Requirements: Can only be used if the target has 10 stacks of
Torment. You gain 10 additional stacks of Exhaustion. If your Mentality modifier is
negative you die after performing this Form: + successes equal to your Mentality modifier
and + Hit Dice equal to your Technique and Strength modifiers combined. + 10 Mortal
Burn if you hit the target. An all out attack with so much force that the air ignites and fuels
your burning sword, turning its flames blue, hitting the Arcs: --All-- and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Strength, Technique and Mentality modifiers and stacks of Torment

Description: “Smoke Breathing is a Breathing Style derived from Flame Breathing that uses
real smoke to disorientate opponents and hide the user. The Style was created by accident
when a young and irresponsible blacksmith used charred Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and
charred Scarlet Ore to present their first made Nichirin Sword. Which in the end, ended up
producing a smoke-emitting Nichirin Blade. This in turn, ended up creating the Breath Style
when the sword was picked up by a powerful demon slayer swordsman that liked the idea of
using smoke to enhance his techniques. The forms and techniques of this Breath Style are
based on the many methods of assassination and war tactics, such as ambush techniques,
while manipulating the smoke to strike their target from hidden angles or locations”.
Gameplay: The Style focuses on stealth and obscuring your attacks by setting up smoke on
your turn, taking advantage of the bonuses granted from doing so. The biggest, granting
your attacks the most powerful surprise attack called, Stealth Attack. The Forms also
possess some two-part attacks that can roll separate contested rolls, allowing you a second
chance to deal damage, depending on the situation. Additionally the Style allows you to
ignore Constitution and Mentality Checks that involve smoke. Meaning that you do not
gain a stack of Exhaustion while ending the round inside of smoke, nor impairing your
ability to detect enemies that are hiding inside it. The Breath Style has good synergy with
users that possess high Technique and Agility.

Requirements: A smoking Nichirin Sword and breathing in small quantities of smoke

everyday by meditating inside one for at least 1 hour. Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice on
your Smoke-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks equal to half your Agility and Technique
modifiers combined, rounded down, and you may replace these Hit Dice with successes if
you are Obscured within smoke or Hidden from detection. + (2 + half your Agility modifier,
rounded down) Defense Dice while you are Obscured or Hidden within smoke. On all
Constitution and Mentality Checks that involve smoke, your result always becomes (20 +
your modifier of the Base Stat that is being Checked + any other effects that increase these
Checks) if you do not Crit. Quick Surge: Until the end of this round, your sword becomes
First Form: Stalking Shadows: Requirements: Your sword is Obscured or Hidden in
smoke: The opponent must make a Mentality Check of DC(14 + your Technique modifier).
If your opponent fails the check, this Form is treated as a Stealth Attack. A rising full slash
as the user unleashes two additional fake slashes cloaked in smoke to feint the attack,
hitting the Arcs: 5 -> 1 or 4 -> 8 or 6 -> 2 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique

Second Form: Death Sentence: Requirements: You are Obscured or Hidden and spend
your Shift Action: This Form is treated as a Sneak Attack. Shift your Base Speed
movement + 5x your Agility modifier in meters, ending your movement behind the target. +
Hit Dice equal to your Agility modifier. A fast dash from the shadows followed by a
horizontal full slash from behind the target, hitting the Arcs: 8 <-> 2 + Damage Tiers equal
to your Agility modifier.

Third Form: Parthian Cloak, Hollow Step: Requirements: Can only be used as a
Reaction and only when an opponent runs into you while you are Obscured or Hidden:
Reaction: This Form is treated as a Stealth Attack. After performing this Form, Disengage
as a Free Action, ignoring Disengage’s Requirements, and shift 1/4 of your Base Speed
movement, rounded down. A series of slashes from the shadows, hitting the Arcs: -_-, -_-, -
_- , -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to half of your Technique and Agility modifiers
combined, rounded up.

Fourth Form: Dark Claws - Chilling Raid: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action and
you gain 2 additional stack of Exhaustion: Shift your Base Speed movement + your 2x your
Agility modifier in meters, ending your movement at the target without using all of it. After
performing this Form’s first strike in the attack sequence or if you failed to deal damage with
this attack, shift the rest of the movement. You become Obscured, ignore the first part of the
attack sequence and perform another contested roll and this Form is now treated as a
Sneak Attack. A string of slashes that forms a claw of smoke, which is then followed by a
horizontal full slash through the target, hitting the Arcs: -1-, -2-, -3- or -1-, -8-, -7- then 8 <->
2 or 3 <-> 7 and + Damage Tiers equal to half of your Technique modifier, rounded up, on
the first part in the attack sequence. + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier and
double your Damage Tier Result on the second part of your attack sequence.

Fifth Form: Lord of Shadows: Requirements: Your weapon takes 10% of its Durability in
damage: Quick Surge: For (1 + your Mastery Rank) rounds, everything within a 25 meters
radius of the user becomes Obscured in smoke and all attacks against you while you are
inside smoke get - (your Agility and Technique modifiers combined) successes, unless you
are in the attacker’s Melee Range. Once per round, you may perform the Stealth Action as
a Free Action, ignoring its Requirements, (you still need to meet the Requirements on its
specific effects). + (5 + your Mastery Level) on your Agility Checks to perform a Stealth
Action. Your Basic Attacks and Forms performed with the Sneak Attack Action or that
are treated as a Sneak Attack automatically become Stealth Attacks.

Sixth Form: Treacherous Steed - Trojan Invasion: Requirements: Spend your Shift
Action: Shift your Base Speed movement in meters and end your movement behind the
target. + 3 Hit Dice. + 1 Hit Dice instead if this is the second contested roll performed during
this Form. If you fail to deal damage during the first contested roll you may perform another
one, but if you succeed to deal damage on that roll, skip the first part of the attack sequence
and perform the rest as normal. A mad dash at the target’s side, cutting them while running
past them, which is then followed by a backward stab which converts into a horizontal full
slash, hitting the Arcs: -3- or -7- then -0- then --3 <-> 7-- or --4 <-> 6-- and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Agility modifier and half your Strength modifier combined, rounded up.

Description: “Sound Breathing is a Breathing Style derived from Thunder Breathing that
mimics sound, specifically its disorientating loudness, and replicates it with the user's
movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms utilize
explosives to deal massive amounts of damage while making use of extremely fast
movements similar to how fast sound travels as well as the user's sense of hearing. The
known users of this Breath Style, uses a technique called Musical Score that depends on
using the user’s sense of hearing. The technique is used to read their opponent’s
movements, deconstruct them into sound and analyze the rhythm to turn their movements
into a musical score. Through this, the users of this Breath Style are able to take advantage
of their opponent’s openings to much greater effect by striking in a way similar to making the
beat to a song. In conjunction with this, they often use small but powerful anti-demon bombs
that are even capable of damaging the bodies of Upper Rank demons”.

Gameplay: A style that focuses on detonating bombs on the opponent to deal separate
bonus damage in conjunction with your Forms. The amount of bombs used can increase the
effectiveness on some forms. The Style offers a unique Skill to analyze the opponent's
moves and gain stacks of notes. When fully stacked, your opponent's movement becomes
that of a musical score and you gain + 5 Defense Dice and + 5 successes on contested rolls
against that opponent for the rest of the combat, as long as the opponent does not transform
or drastically change their fighting style/attacks patterns. The Style has good synergy with
users that possess high Strength and Technique.

Requirements: Two large chained-attached Nichirin Cleavers and anti-demon bombs.

Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice on your Sound-Breathing Forms equal to your Technique
and half your Strength modifiers combined, rounded up. + Hit Dice on your Basic Attacks
equal to half of your Technique and Strength modifiers combined, rounded down. You
permanently gain the Skill: Musical Score. + (5 + your Mastery Rank) on your Mentality
Checks involving perception/detection. The user takes no damage from the explosions
caused by the anti-demon bombs and therefore does not need to roll an Agility Check,
unless the user has 90% of stacks of Exhaustion, rounded up, compared to their maximum
Exhaustion Cap.

Skill: Musical Score: Whenever a being you are focusing on makes a Main or Shift
Action: Roll 1d8 + your Mentality modifier and gain that many notes. If the total number of
notes you have is equal to or higher than your target's Technique, you gain + 5 Defense
Dice and + 5 successes on contested rolls against that opponent. If the opponent transforms
or drastically changes their fighting style/attack patterns, you lose half your notes.

First Form: Roar: Requirements: Spend up to 2 anti-demons bombs: The bombs

explodes, if any is used, before the contested roll occurs. + (2 + your Technique modifier)
successes if the opponent failed the Agility Check on the bombs, if any were used. A
downward dual full slash with both weapons that also causes a big flashy explosion, hitting
the Arcs: 8/7 -> 4, 2/3 -> 6 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier.
Second Form: Firework Festival, Flashy Rain: Requirements: Spend any number of anti-
demon bombs (minimum 1) and make a Agility Check of DC10. If you fail, the bombs are
dropped on the ground instead of being spent and they do not explode while performing this
Form, nor is the explosion Delayed: Throw bombs into the air and the bombs become
Delayed up to (1 + your Technique modifier). Gain Advantage on this contested roll if the
opponent pays attention to the bombs, otherwise the opponent gets Disadvantage on their
Agility Check if they choose to ignore the bombs. The user launches a cluster of bombs into
the air, followed up by a flashy spin that ends with a horizontal slash to grab and pull the
target into the falling bombs, hitting the Arcs: -3- or -2- or -7- or -8- and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Technique modifier.

Third Form: Thumming Bolts: Requirements: Spend any number of anti-demon bombs
(minimum 1): Ranged: 10 + Your Technique modifier + 2x your Strength modifier
combined in meters: Your target gets - 1 Defense Dice for each bomb used in the Form. A
spin of one of your cleavers to send off a flurry of flashy explosions to hit a target from afar,
hitting the Arcs: -All- and + Damage Tiers to your bombs equal to half of your Technique
modifier, rounded up. Your Strength Base Stat and Damage Tiers granted from your
weapon does not increase the Damage Tier of this attack.

Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack
of Exhaustion and you may spend any number of anti-demon bombs: Reaction. + Defense
Dice equal to the amount of bombs used to perform this Form. A flashy rapid spin of both
weapons in conjunction with releasing bombs, in order to deal massive damage while flashily
protecting the user from attacks, hitting the Arcs: -0-, -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5- or -0-, -1-, -8-, -7-, -
6-, -5- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength and Technique modifiers combined.

Fifth Form: String Performance: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action. You gain 4
additional stacks of Exhaustion and you may spend any number of anti-demon bombs: Shift
in a flashy manner your Base Speed movement + 2x your Agility modifier + your Strength
modifier combined in meters. The bombs explode while shifting, in any were used. This
Form can target all opponents in your path while you shift. + Hit Dice equal to half your
Strength and Technique modifiers combined, rounded down. The user reverses their grip
on the weapons and spins them both using the chain that connects them, in order to release
and detonate numerous bombs to deal massive damage, hitting the Arcs: 4 <-> 2, 6 <-> 8, 3
<-> 1, 7 <-> 1 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength and Technique modifiers
combined. Each target that failed the Agility Check has your Damage Tier result on those
targets doubled.

Description: ”Plasma Breathing is a Breath Style derived from Thunder Breathing which is
often depicted as the complete reverse of Thunder Breathing while still retaining its core
principles. The forms and techniques focus on using extremely fast arm and hand
movements to seemingly phase through their opponent's defenses. Users of this Breath
Style often imagine themselves controlling and manipulating an invincible blade of raw
energy that can slash through anything. It has been noted that highly skilled swordsmen of
this Breath Style have had their blades glow in a bright blue color with seething heat being
emitted from their swords. Many assume that this state can only be achieved when the
speed of the user’s slashes has reached its absolute peak”.
Gameplay: A Breath Style that excels at dealing damage even when you fail on contested
rolls, as long as you make contact, while also being one of the most effective Breath Styles
at cutting off limbs. The high speed and flexibility of the user’s arm movements means high
probability of success to hit your attacks. Its Forms, despite being scarce, offer a decent
variety of combat options and many have great synergy with your Breath Style Bonus. On
top of it all, there's the high pay off once you have reached the Rank or Mastery Level to
unlock the Skill: Plasma Blade. The Style has good synergy with users that possess high
Agility and Technique.

Breath Style Bonus: + Successes equal to your Agility modifier on Plasma-Breathing

Forms. + Hit Dice equal to your Technique modifier on Basic Attacks. If you use a
Plasma-Breathing Form or Basic Attack and lose the contested roll but you make contact
with your slash. Your attack hits anyway with the successes you got but halve the Damage
Tier, rounded down. This specific effect is done after all other effects and Damage Tier
modifications have been applied. The damage threshold required to dismember or
decapitate the target is reduced by 30% + (your Mastery Rank x 2), rounded up. However in
order for the damage threshold for decapitation to be reduced, the target must lose the
contested roll with a 10 successes difference or have 10 stacks of Vulnerability on their
neck/weak point. Once your Mastery Rank is 11 (Hashira) or your Mastery Level is 25, you
permanently gain the Skill: Plasma Blade.

Skill: Plasma Blade: Requirements: You gain 5 stacks of Exhaustion: Quick Surge: For
the rest of this combat or until you fall Unconscious, + 10 Damage Tiers on all your attacks
and if you make contact but fail a contested roll, your attack hits anyway with the successes
you got. This effect replaces the similar effect from your Breath Style Bonus.

First Form: Photon Saber: If your target won the contested roll with any Action which
resulted in your slash not making contact, you can make an Agility Check of DC(15 + your
target’s successes). If you succeed the check your attack makes contact, but you still lose
the contested roll. A diagonal full slash that travels at immense speed to guarantee that the
blade makes contact, hitting the Arcs: 4 <-> 7/8/1 or 6 <-> 3/2/1 and + Damage Tiers equal
to your Agility modifier. Double the Damage Tier result if you use the Skill: Plasma Blade.

Second Form: Electromagnetic Storm: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of

Exhaustion and if used as a Reaction, you lose your Shift Action next turn: Reaction: +
(Your Mastery Level) Hit Dice or Defense Dice. After performing this Form the next attack
you make this round or your next turn gains + 2 successes. A storm of slashes to repel
incoming attacks and cut everything in a dome shape around the user while also charging
the user’s muscles, hitting the Arcs: -_-, -_-, -_-, -_-, -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to half
your Agility and Technique modifiers combined, rounded up.

Third Form: Infinite Fusion: Make an Agility Check of DC15 and if you succeed the
check, this Form becomes a Sneak Attack. If your opponent performs the Intercept
Combat Action, double your successes in this contested roll. A vibrating downward
diagonal full slash followed by a horizontal full slash in the same motion, hitting the Arcs: 8 -
> 4 or 2 -> 6, 6 <-> 4 or 3 <-> 7 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier.
Double the Damage Tier result if you use the Skill: Plasma Blade.
Fourth Form: Force of Fours: + 4 Successes. + 4 Damage Dice. After performing this
Form, shift 4 meters past the target if possible. If this Form is about to deal damage, halve
the Damage Dice, rounded down, if you lost the contested roll. A seemingly single swing of
the sword that unleashes four simultaneous slashes, hitting the Arcs: -4-, -6-, -8-, -2- and
the Damage Tier of this attack will always result in 4, (even after accounting for your Breath
Style Bonus).

Description: “Light Breathing is a Breath Style derived from Thunder Breathing that uses
calm and precise strikes to soothe and restore their ally’s breathing and muscles. This is
done by striking their pressure points with the weapon’s Kashira (Cap) or with the user’s
hands in a way that resembles acupuncture. Users of this Breath Style imagine themselves
controlling and manipulating light, with its forms and techniques resembling warm light to
bring peace and harmony to both allies and enemies alike. The softness of the sharp but
gentle slashes made through the forms of this Breath Style, is said to give demons a
soothing and painless death. Due to its nature of helping others and its merciful way to
decapitate demons, the Breath Style earned the nickname, “The Breath of Kindness”.
Gameplay: The Style specializes in buffing your allies with effects and restoring their
Exhaustion, with half its Forms being purely meant for this. The Style gets stronger if you
successfully support others with the decapitation of demons, by earning yourself
Consolation Points, while also granting you bonus kill experience if you decapitate demons
yourself. The Style has good synergy with users that possess high Mentality and

Breath Style Bonus: + Successes equal to your Technique modifier on Light-Breathing

Forms. + Hit Dice on your Light-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks equal to your amount
of Consolation Points, but only 33% of the Hit Dice, rounded down, are gained from this
bonus if you are attacking a member of the Twelve Demon Moons. Once every 24h, if you
slay a demon using a Light-Breathing Form, you gain 1 additional kill experience. Your
Forms automatically Executes enemies that have surrendered and/or lost the will to fight.
While in combat, whenever you use the technique: Recovery Breathing, you heal yourself
using d6s instead of d4s and you recover 3 stacks of Exhaustion instead of 2.

First Form: Caress of First Daylight: Requirements: Must target the opponent’s neck:
You may shift your Technique modifier in meters while not triggering any Attacks of
Opportunity. The target cannot perform the Brace Combat Action. A mesmerizing full
slash that gently strikes to behead the target, hitting the Arcs: _ <-> _ and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Technique modifier and amount of Consolation Points combined.

Second Form: Harmonic Restoration: Requirements: Can only be used on others: Target
performs the technique: Recovery Breathing as a Free Action, ignoring its Requirements,
using your Mentality modifier instead of theirs to determine the amount of Heal Dice. + your
Mentality modifier to the heal result and they recover 3 stacks of Exhaustion instead of 2. If
you have 5 or more Consolation Points, the target uses d6s instead of d4s for their Heal
Dice. A flurry of jabs with the intent to restore the target's breathing.
Third Form: Brilliant Twilight: Requirements: If used as a Reaction for an ally, you must
be within 2 meters of the ally when the contested roll starts and you cannot perform a Basic
Attack or odd-numbered Form on your next turn: Reaction: Can be used as a Reaction
for an ally, making you the target instead. You do not need to meet the Requirement of this
Form until after you have shifted. You may shift your Agility and Mentality modifiers
combined x2 in meters. + 3 Defense Dice. + 1 Defense Dice or Hit Dice for every 3
Consolation Points you have. A curved full slash that hits the Arcs: 7 <-> 8 <-> 2 <-> 3 and
+ Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier.

Fourth Form: Light of Salvation: Requirements: You gain 3 additional stacks of

Exhaustion and can only be used if your Mentality modifier is 2 or higher. This Form can
only be used on the same target equal to (your Mentality modifier/2, rounded up), to a
maximum of (your Mastery Rank + 1) amount of times per combat: Can be used to target
yourself and others. Until the end of this combat, the target no longer becomes impaired and
suffers no drawbacks by the Tired / Fatigued / Exhausted condition, the Exposed condition,
Wounds (except Mortal Wounds) and their Strength, Agility and Constitution is
increased by (1 + your Mastery Rank + amount of Consolation Points you have
combined). A flurry of jabs on the target’s primary joints and neck, in order to increase their
blood circulation.

Fifth Form: Shining Radiance: Requirements: You gain 2 Additional stacks of

Exhaustion: Reaction: Can hit up to 3 targets at once. Targets gain - Defense Dice equal
to your Technique modifier. A spinning dance of horizontal slashes that are hard to follow
with the naked eye, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 or 3 <-> 7 or 4 <-> 6 and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Technique modifier. If you have 5 or more Consolation Points, you can strike
additional times on the same Arc or select a different attack sequence on each strike equal
to half your Mentality modifier, rounded down.

Sixth Form: Rays of Hope: Can be used to target yourself and others. Can be used on up
to (1 + your Mentality modifier) targets at once. You may shift 3x your Technique modifier
in meters. All targets gain (your Mentality modifier + your Mastery Rank and amount of
Consolation Points you have combined) temporary HP. This temporary HP lasts until the
end of combat. After combat if this would leave a target at 0 HP, their Hp becomes 1 instead.
A triple jab around the torso to strengthen the target’s muscles.

Seventh Form: Divine Deliverance: Requirements: Either your attack is Delayed 5 or you
gain 2 additional stacks of Exhaustion: Ranged Cone: Your Mastery Level in width and
your Mentality modifier in length, in meters: Can hit up to 7 targets. + 5 successes. If you
have 7 or more Consolation Points, all targets hit become Staggered. After inhaling
deeply, a powerful shining full slash is sent out like a wave of light, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8,
3 <-> 7, 4 <-> 6 or -1-, 2 <-> 7, 3 <-> 6 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique and
Mentality modifiers combined.

Description: ”Sand Breathing is a Breath Style derived from Stone Breathing which forms,
techniques and abilities, mimics the rough and coarse sand of the desert. Users of this
Breath Style often imagine themselves conjuring and manipulating sandstorms to tear the
demons' flesh apart. The Breath Style was developed when a user of Stone Breathing
wanted to use the rapid cutting slashes of Wind Breathing together with the weight of Stone
Breathing techniques. On rare occasions, a user of this Breath Style develops a higher
sense of touch with their feet from the extreme training of retaining a strong foundation for
each stance. Through this they gain the ability to read the vibrations in the ground. It is said
that the forms of this style can only be performed with a serrated scimitar like weapon”.
Gameplay: A merciless Breath Style that focuses on swarming the target with slashes to
inflict deep but small cuts all over the target's body. These cuts will drain the target of its
blood causing them to eventually dry up, (rendering demons unable to conjure their Blood
Demon Arts). The relentless slashes from This Breath Style gives the opponent the feeling of
being buried alive, as the effectiveness of the attacks increases depending on how many Hit
Dice is used for the contested roll. The Style has good synergy with users that possess high
Strength and Agility.

Requirements: A serrated Nichirin Scimitar. Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice equal to your
Strength modifier on Sand-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks. Your Forms and Basic
Attacks inflict additional Open Wounds equal to your Agility modifier. For every 2 Hit Dice
used in a contested roll, you can make a d10 that rolls a success into a Crit. At Mastery
Level 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 can you make a roll with a d10. If that roll is a success (6-10) you
permanently gain the Trait: Tremor Sense and do not roll for this effect again.

Trait: Tremor Sense: Whenever a grounded being shifts within (5x your Mentality) meters,
you automatically gain knowledge of the location and size of that being.

First Form: Streaming Oasis: Inflicts + 10 Open Wounds. Strike additional -_- Arcs in the
attack sequence equal to your Agility modifier. Each Arc can only be struck once. A series
of slashes that aim to wound the target all over their body, hitting the Arcs: -_- and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.

Second Form: Raging Sandstorm: + (2 + your Mastery Rank) Hit Dice. A series of full
slashes that shreds the target, hitting the Arcs: 2 -> 6, 3 -> 7, 1 -> 5 and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Strength modifier. If you rolled 3 or more Crits, add your Agility modifier to the
Damage Tier as well.

Third Form: Immovable Pyramid: Requirements: Can only be used as a Reaction and
skip your next Shift Action. You need to be standing on earth or sand and bury your feet in
it: Reaction: If used as a Reaction, Counterattack. + 5 Defense Dice. You cannot be
pushed or forced to shift, but the Damage Tier of an attack which would normally be
impossible to resist the forced movement of, is increased by 4. In addition the Damage Tier
of an attack that failed to push or force you shift that was possible to resist the movement of,
is reduced by (2 + your Mastery Level). Raising the sword above the user, the user
prepares a counterattack while burying their feet into the ground, hitting the Arcs: 1 -> 5 and
+ Damage Tiers equal to half your Strength and Constitution modifiers combined,
rounded up.

Fourth Form: Sand Wave: Reaction. + (2 + your Mastery Rank) Defense Dice for all
allies vs projectiles that pass by you or that are aimed towards you, including anything above
that passed by you for up to (your Strength modifier) meters. A powerful rising slash that
creates an updraft to weaken incoming projectiles, hitting the Arcs: 5 -> 1 or 4 -> 2 or 6 -> 8
and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength modifier.
Fifth Form: Maw of the Desert: + 1 Hit Die for every Open Wound the target has. Inflicts
additional Open Wounds equal to your Agility modifier. A string of rising horizontal full
slashes that violently cuts up the target, hitting the Arcs: 6 <-> 4, 7 <-> 3, 8 <-> 2 and +
Damage Tiers equal to half your Strength modifier, rounded up. If you rolled 5 or more
Crits, double the Damage Tier result.

Sixth Form: Violence and Chaos, Awakening Storm: Requirements: You gain 8
additional stacks of Exhaustion and spend your Shift Action: Shift your Base Speed
movement + 3x your Agility modifier in meters, passing your target in the process if
possible. + Hit Dice for each Crit you roll during this contested roll and roll these additional
Hit Dice gained from this effect as well, (this effect can stack on itself). Inflicts additional
Open Wounds equal to the total amount of damage that was inflicted by this attack. The
target automatically fails the contested roll if it performs the Brace Combat Action. All
Intercept Combat Actions taken by the target instead become Basic Attacks. If the target
makes a Basic Attack, you cannot perform a Combat Action in response, while performing
this Form. This Form cannot be interrupted by the user’s death or if they fall Unconscious.
An unstoppable barrage of attacks that tears the target to shreds, hitting the Arcs: -All- and
+ Damage Tiers equal to half your Strength and Agility modifiers combined, rounded up.

Description: “Magma Breathing is a Breath Style derived from Stone Breathing in which the
user mimics the destructive power of volcanic eruptions with their stance, forms and
techniques. While Magma Breathing is considered to be the most powerful Breath Style in
terms of physical destructive power. It is also the toughest Style to both learn and maintain.
The burden that the Breath Style puts on the human body is metaphorically equivalent to
pressuring carbon into a diamond. Users of this Breath Style undergoes inhuman levels of
physical training that usually take up to 10 years for a demon slayer to finish. The muscles of
the user must be extremely dense from birth, similar to Love Breathing, but they must also
be able to handle a great amount of stress. Due to this, not many slayers survive the training
in the first place. Another problem is that a lot of material is required to craft the weapon
needed to perform this Breath Style, meaning that only a few are allowed to ask for their
weapon to be crafted. This has led Magma Breathing to become a very uncommon Breath
Style that not many dare to learn”. Gameplay: The most powerful Breath Style in terms of
damage by far. This Breath Style is ideal to those that prides themselves as a juggernaut.
With the Style granting you unmatched levels of tankiness and attacks that can sunder the
earth. As well as granting you the ability to enter certain body states that greatly enhances
your combat prowess. All of this comes at a steep price however. The requirements to use
this Breath Style are harsh and all attacks performed with this Style are Delayed. The Style
has good synergy with users that possess extremely high Constitution and high Strength.

Requirements: The Rank of “Learn _______: Rank 1: Long: You learn that specific Breath
Style.” Is increased to 10, and Rank 10 in this training is required in order to learn this
Breath Style. The player must make a check with a d100 (d100 result + your Constitution
modifier) 10 times, in order to get the result of 500+. Each time the player fails the check and
attempts to redo it, they must reduce their lowest Base Stat by 4 and increase their
Constitution by 2. If this would result in 1 of the character’s base stats to be 1 or less, the
character dies. Reroll and redo the Base Stats from scratch, (you can let everything else
about your character be the same, to save time). Additionally, if your character dies due to
this, for the rest of this campaign, you cannot learn Magma-Breathing. If you succeed the
check with a result of 750+, you gain an additional + 2 to all your Base Stats. If you
successfully acquired this Breath Style: Add 7 to the result of your d4, when rolling for the
amount of years spent training your first Breath Style. You need a bladed Nichirin mace-like
kanabo called “The Orge’s Jaw”, with an enlarged ring below the handle. Your Constitution
must be 18 or higher and you must perform 1 hour of constitution training every day, in
which you roll a d10 (d10 result + your Constitution modifier) 10 times in order to get the
result of 50+. If you fail the check your character must make a Death Saving Throw + 2
additional Death Dice.

Breath Style Bonus: The user gains + 10 Constitution to their Base Stat. The HP of your
character is instead permanently calculated as ((2 x Constitution modifier + 5) x 3) + 15 +
your Strength modifier. + Hit Dice equal to your Constitution modifier on your Magma-
Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks. + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength and
Constitution modifiers combined on all Magma-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks. Your
Forms are Delayed (11 - your Mastery Rank) and your Basic Attacks are Delayed (6 -
your Mastery Rank). You can spend your Main and Shift Action to enter the next body
state or exit your current body state:

Dormant State: “Your body steams with sweat and your muscles compresses slightly. An
omen for something greater to come”. + 2 Constitution to your Base Stat and + 10
temporary HP when you enter this state. - 2 turns on your Delayed Basic Attacks or

Active State: Requirements: You are currently in the Dormant State. Succeed a check
with 1 d10: “Your muscles compresses, forming cracks seething with heat. The earth
tremors ever so slightly in your presence”. + 4 Constitution to your Base Stat and + 20
temporary HP when you enter this state. - 4 turns on your Delayed Basic Attacks or
Forms. + 5 Damage Tiers on all attacks. At the start of your turn, you gain 2 stacks of
Exhaustion. If your Exhaustion Cap is exceeded, you exit from this body state and take 2
d10s fixed damage.

Extinction State: Requirements: You are currently in the Dormant or Active State.
Succeed both checks with 2 d10s: “Your skin turns black with red cracks seething with heat.
The earth shakes at every step you take, while screams from your muscles can be heard as
steam trumpets. The only path now leads to death”. + 10 Constitution to your Base Stat
and + 50 temporary HP when you enter this state. - 6 turns on your Delayed Basic Attacks
or Forms. + 10 Damage Tiers on all attacks. You gain 1 additional Main Action each turn.
At the start of your turn, you gain 4 stacks of Exhaustion. If your Exhaustion Cap is
exceeded, you exit from this body state, you must make a Death Saving Throw and reduce
your Constitution Base Stat by 4 permanently.

First Form: Cataclysm: Ranged Burst: Your Constitution and Strength modifiers
combined in meters: Targets everything else within range. Pushes all targets 5 meters away
from the user. Half of your successes, rounded down, hits regardless of the result on the
contested roll on all grounded targets within half of your Ranged Burst in meters, rounded
down. Creates the Pitfall Hazard in the same area of your Ranged Burst. You
automatically succeed the Agility Check to avoid the Hazard if you are able to shift out of it.
A single mighty downward slam that shatters the earth, hitting the Arcs: -1-, -8-, -2- -0- and
+ Damage Tiers equal to your Constitution and Strength modifiers combined.

Second Form: Molten Rock Impact: You can make this Form Delayed up to an additional
(4 + your Mastery Level) turns. + 1 success for each turn that this Form was Delayed. The
user spins the weapon holding onto the large ring at the bottom to create momentum with
each swing, striking the target with tremendous force, hitting the Arcs: -All- + Damage Tiers
equal to 2x your Constitution modifier.

Third Form: Eruption: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Ranged Cone: Your
Constitution modifier in width and your Strength modifier in length, in meters: Shift up to
your Base Speed movement in meters. Targets everything within the Ranged Cone. All
targets within range are sent flying (2 x your Strength and Constitution modifiers
combined) meters into the air. + Defense Dice equal to half your Constitution modifier,
rounded down, while this Form is Delayed but you can only perform the Intercept Combat
Action. The user spins to create momentum and to repel incoming attacks, ending the spin
with a powerful swing that creates an enormous updraft, hitting the Arcs: -5-, -6-, -4-, -0- and
+ Damage Tiers equal to half your Constitution and Strength modifiers combined,
rounded down.

Description: “Steel Breathing is a Breath Style derived from Stone Breathing that uses a
mix of firearms and swordplay to be deadly at both long and close quarters combat. Users of
this Breath Style carry a mix of normal ammunition along with specially crafted Nichirin
Bullets that they carry in less quantities due to their scarcity. The most common strategy
involves incapacitating the target with the normal ammunition, so the user can then deal the
finishing blow with a Nichirin Bullet or with their wakizashi sized Nichirin Sword. The forms
and techniques are based on the versatility and the raw power of metal and steel. Being an
easy Breath Style to learn overall, it is quite common for people with hunter experience,
previous to becoming a demon slayer, to pick up this Style”. Gameplay: At the cost of
cutting-power this Breath Style offers a lot of versatility and utility in combat. Equipping
yourself with a wide selection of tools, guns and ammunition. The identity of this Breath Style
can largely be compared to the tool and setup heavy class in other rpgs. Adapt yourself to
long, mid and close range combat by equipping yourself with a rifle, pistol or sawed-off
shotgun. In addition users of this Breath Style have proficiency with handling tools and
setting up traps. Steel-Breathing users are also known for possessing specific techniques
known as: Weapon Arts which functions very similarly to Forms. The Style has good
synergy with users that possess a mix of Mentality, Agility and Technique.

Requirements: Wakizashi Nichirin Sword. Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice equal to your
Mentality modifier on attacks involving Guns, + successes on your Basic Attacks equal to
your Agility modifier and + Hit Dice on Weapon Arts Techniques and Steel-Breathing
Forms equal to your Technique modifier. You permanently gain the Skill: Weapon Arts
and + 1 Mastery Point, (this Mastery Point is only granted the first time you activate this
Breath Style Bonus). + 5 on all Mentality Checks involving tools, traps, tracking and
equipping weapons/ammunitions. Mastery Points can be spent to learn a Weapon Art

Weapon Art: First Technique: Suppressing Fire: Requirements: You gain 1 stack of
Exhaustion and can only be performed with a Gun while you are able to take a shot:
Reaction: Can be used as a Reaction when an ally other than yourself is targeted by an
attack. Take a number of shots with a Ranged Attack as a Free Action up to your
Mentality modifier. For the rest of this round, reduce the target’s Hit Dice by (1 + your
Technique modifier) for each shot taken or reduce the target’s successes and Hit Dice by
(1 + your Technique modifier) for each shot taken against a demon with Nichirin Bullets.

Weapon Art: Second Technique: Secondary Fire: Requirements: You gain 2 stacks of
Exhaustion and can only be performed with a Gun while you are able to take a shot:
Reaction: Can be used as a Reaction when an enemy performs a Combat Action in
response to your or your ally’s attack. You take 1 shot with a Ranged Attack as a Free
Action. The target must make a Mentality Check of DC (20 - meters away from you). If they
succeed the check they can change their chosen Combat Action to avoid this shot, but they
gain - (1 + your Technique modifier) successes on the new Combat Action they chose. If
they fail the check or choose to not change their Combat Action, they fail the contested roll
against this shot.

Weapon Art: Third Technique: Deflecting Shot: Requirements: You gain 1 stack of
Exhaustion and can only be performed with a gun while you are able to take a shot. Can
only be used as a Reaction: Reaction: Can be used as a Reaction when an ally is targeted
by an attack or when an enemy has chosen the Intercept Combat Action. You take 1 shot
with a Ranged Attack as a Free Action. Make a Mentality Check of DC (10 + 1 for every 2
meters away from the target). If you succeed the check, grant the enemy target - (2 + your
Mastery Level) successes on their attack or change their Intercept Combat Action to

Weapon Art: Fourth Technique: Incapacitating Shot: Requirements: You gain 2 stack of
Exhaustion and can only be performed with a gun while you are able to take a shot: Quick
Surge. You take 1 shot with a Ranged Attack as a Free Action. Make a Mentality Check
of DC (2 + 1 for every 2 meters away from target). If you succeed the check, the target gains
- (2 + your Mastery Level) successes on their Actions this turn, - (4 + your Technique
modifier) successes if you fired your shot with a Sawed-off Shotgun and - (1 + your Mastery
Rank) additional success if you used a Nichirin Bullet on a demon.

Weapon Art: Fifth Technique: Rooting Strike: Requirements: You gain 1 stack of
Exhaustion and you are disarmed of 1 of your equipped weapons: Ranged: Your
Technique and Mentality and 2x your Strength modifiers combined in meters: Reaction:
Can be used as a Reaction when an enemy shifts. + 2 Hit Dice and conduct a contested
roll if used in melee range (0 - 1 meters). Make a Mentality Check of DC (15 + 1 for every 2
meters away from target) if used on a target outside of melee range. If you succeed the
check or this technique makes contact in this contested roll, your sword is launched into the
ground through the target’s leg/foot and the target’s shift ends. They must spend their
Bonus Action to dismember their leg/foot or make a Strength Check of DC (13 + your
Strength modifier) to remove the sword/weapon.
First Form: Shredder: + 2 Hit Dice for every Ranged Attack you have made this round. +
2 Damage Dice for every shot you fired that dealt damage to the target, during this round. A
horizontal or diagonal full slash that is performed with a sawing motion, hitting the Arcs:
6/7/8 <-> 1/2/3 or 2/3/4 <-> 1/5/6 and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Technique
modifier, rounded up.

Second Form: Draconic Breath - Mountain Drill: Requirements: Must also have a Gun
equipped and be able to take a shot. Spend your Shift Action: You take 1 shot with a
Ranged Attack as a Free Action with the Mentality Check being DC (2 + 1 for every 2
meters away from target) instead, + 1 success on your Hit Dice and + Damage Tiers equal
to (your Mentality modifier + 2 if you used a Nichirin Bullet) on your Gun’s Fixed Damage
Tiers. + 3 successes instead, if performed with a Sawed-off Shotgun. Shift your Base
Speed movement + your Agility modifier in meters, ending your movement behind the
target. A shot with your gun to distract and damage the target, followed by a slash from
behind the target in a drilling motion, hitting the Arcs: -0- or -1- or -2- or -8- and + Damage
Tiers equal to half your Technique modifier, rounded down.

Third Form: Roaring Impact: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion: +
4 successes + 1 for every Ranged Attack you have performed this round. A powerful
downward full slash that hits the Arcs: --3-- or --7-- or 2 -> 6 or 8 -> 4 or 1 -> 5 and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier and the amount of times the target took
damage from your Ranged Attacks this round.

Fourth Form: Sunder Roots: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Shift your Base
Speed movement + 2x your Agility modifier in meters, ending your movement behind the
target. The damage threshold required to dismember the target with this Form is lowered by
50%, rounded down. A horizontal full slash while the user glides past the target, hitting the
Arcs: --4 <-> 6-- and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Technique modifier.

Description: “Mist Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics mist, specifically the obscurity
of mist, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all
known techniques and forms involve swift strikes and movements performed in a unique
pattern that obscures the opponent's senses and surroundings as if the battlefield were
enveloped in mist. Users of Mist Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and
manipulating mist when unleashing its techniques. It is assumed that most users have to
wear baggy clothing that covers their arms and legs in order to obscure their movements to
fully maximize the potential of this Breathing Style”. Gameplay: One of most unpredictable
Breath Styles that in plain sight feints the angles of its attacks. The opponent must always
stay guessing since you can get Advantage against multiple Actions taken by your
opponent. Another unique effect that this Breath Style possesses is its ability to conceal the
amount of damage it inflicted by making that damage become Delayed. This Style has good
synergy with users that possess high Agility and Technique.

Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice equal to half your Agility and Technique modifier
combined, rounded up, on your Mist-Breathing Forms. You always have Advantage on your
Basic Attacks. Whenever you would inflict damage on a target, you can make that damage
Delayed up to (your Technique modifier) turns. Attacks against you gain - (your Mastery
Rank) successes if you are Obscured.
First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze: You gain Advantage if your opponent performs
the Brace Combat Action. + (Your Mastery Level/2, rounded down) successes if your
opponent uses any Action that makes your attack make contact. is A powerful thrust strike
that is difficult to block, hitting the Arcs: -0/2/8- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility
modifier. Reduce the opponent's Armor Tier up to (your Technique modifier) when
calculating the Damage Tier.

Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stacks of

Exhaustion: You gain Advantage if your opponent performs the Avoid or Brace Combat
Action. If you don’t have Advantage while performing this Form, + 8 Hit Dice. The user
unleashes eight forward slashes with each one on top of the other in extremely quick
succession, hitting the Arcs: -2-, -8-, --3--, --7--, -4-, -6-, and + Damage Tiers equal to half
your Technique and Agility modifiers combined, rounded down.

Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash: Reaction: + 3 Defense Dice if used as a Reaction
or + (6 + your Mastery Rank) Defense Dice if you are targeted by projectiles. Removes
non-grounded Hazards within (your Agility modifier) meters. You gain Advantage if your
opponent performs the Dodge Combat Action. A powerful circular slash that can be used to
blow away projectiles, hitting the Arcs: 3 <-> 6 <-> 1 or 7 <-> 4 <-> 1 and + Damage Tiers
equal to your Technique modifier.

Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash: Requirements: Sword is sheathed and spend your
Shift Action: Shift your Base Speed movement + 3x your Agility modifier in meters,
passing your target if possible. You gain Advantage if your opponent performs the Avoid,
Brace or Intercept Combat Action. Perform the Equip Action as a Free Action with the
Mentality Check being DC 6. If the check fails the Form deals no damage but instead
pushes or shoves the target, forcing them to shift in the same direction you are moving (if
able) the movement you have left in meters. A quick unsheath and dash towards the target
at blinding speeds to deliver a quick slash from beneath them, hitting the Arcs: 4 <-> 6 or --
5-- and + Damage Tiers equal to 2x your Agility modifier.

Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action: Shift up to
your Base Speed movement + your Agility modifier in meters. You are Obscured while
performing this Form. You gain Advantage if your opponent performs the Dodge or Avoid
Combat Action. A high speed dash as the user unleashes a flurry of slashes that cover a
wide area while obscuring their movements, hitting the Arcs: -7-, -3-, -2-, -4-, -_- and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.

Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist: Can be used while in midair. Shift your Agility
modifier in/into the air in meters, ending your shift so you are upside down. Can target up to
(your Technique modifier) targets at once. You gain Advantage if your opponent performs
the Intercept or Avoid Combat Action. The user backflips into the air and while upside
down, delivers countless ranged slashes downwards, hitting the Arcs: -1-, -2-, -3-, -8-, -7-
and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Agility and Technique modifiers combined,
rounded down.
Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds: Requirements: User must be Mastery Rank 11
(Hashira) and you gain 8 additional stacks of Exhaustion or you gain 15 additional stacks of
Exhaustion instead: You become Hidden while performing this Form. You have
Advantage while performing this Form. No contested roll is performed if this is the first time
you used this Form against the target, (you still roll to see how many hits you land). If the
Form has been used on the target before they get - (half your Mastery Level, rounded
down) in successes. A technique in which the user drastically changes the tempo of their
movement to disorient their enemy, which seemingly takes the form of clouds of mist
enveloping a wide area. When the user shows themselves, their speed will appear to be
extremely slow but when they hide, the user moves in the blink of an eye, hitting the Arcs: _
<> _ + Damage Tiers equal to your Agility and Technique modifiers and Mastery Rank

Description: Cold Breathing is a Breath Style derived from Wind Breathing that shreds the
target from inside by inviting hyper-cooled air into the target's wounds using extremely
precise strikes. Users of this Breath Style often imagine themselves controlling and
manipulating hyper-cooled air and snow while performing their techniques. The forms and
techniques of this Breath Style focuses on cutting through the air with such precision and
force that the user creates an area of vacuum behind the blade, imbuing their attacks with
hyper-cooled air as the liquid nitrogen in the vacuum turns back into a gas again mid-strike.
To have reached this level of technique it is said that one needs to train and put their lungs
through hell in a super cold environment for months or years of training. Due to the level of
concentration needed to perform these techniques successfully, users of this Breath Style
are only able to move half as much as other demon slayers during combat. Gameplay: The
best Breath Style at inflicting the Staggered condition. While the Style has some of its
movement restricted it possesses many Forms that can be used as a Reaction. Due to this
the Breath Style’s playstyle is heavily counter-attack focused. The Style has good synergy
with users that possess high Strength and extremely high Technique.

Breath Style Bonus: + successes equal to your Technique modifier on Cold-Breathing

Forms and Basic Attacks. During combat, your Base Speed movement is halved, but other
effects that reduce your Base Speed are halved, rounded down (this effect is active even if
this Breath Style Bonus itself is not active, as long as a Cold-Breathing Form is used. If the
user moved their full Base Speed movement before attempting to use a Cold-Breathing
Form, the Form fails). If you rolled 5 or more Crits while performing a Form or Basic Attack
and the target was hit, they also become Staggered.

First Form: Frostbite: Reaction: Make up to (half your Strength modifier, rounded up) dice
rolled or successes into Crits. If this Form deals damage to the target, reduce the movement
of the target’s next shift by half. A diagonal or horizontal full slash that severely cripples the
target, making them feel like they are freezing, hitting the Arcs: 6/7/8 <-> 1/2/3 or 2/3/4 <->
1/5/6 + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier.

Second Form: Frozen Mountain Peak: Requirements: If used as a Reaction, skip your
Shift Action next turn: Reaction: Make up to 1 of your dice rolled or successes into a Crit. If
used as a Reaction, Counterattack. + Defense Dice equal to the amount of successes you
rolled with your Hit Dice. The user takes a high stance and counterattacks with a downward
vertical strike, sending chills down the target body, hitting the Arcs: 1 -> 5 and + Damage
Tiers equal to your Technique modifier.

Third Form: Blizzard: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion:

Reaction: - 3 successes before turning them into Crits. All your successes become Crits.
Strike an amount of different Arcs during the attack sequence up to (your Strength modifier)
times. A storm of slashes that overwhelms the target’s body with freezing temperatures,
hitting the Arcs: -_- + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier and amount of Crits
you got combined.

Fourth Form: Heartbeat of Winter, Singing Blade: Requirements: Spend your Shift
Action and can only target the opponent’s neck: You may shift your Base Speed movement
+ your Technique modifier in meters. If this is done by walking, this shift will not trigger your
opponent’s prepared Actions if this is the first time this Form is seen by the target. If this
Form makes contact, the target becomes Staggered. The user stops emitting any signs of
hostility as the user’s blade starts to seemingly sing, delivering a horizontal full slash, hitting
the Arcs: _ <-> _ and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Strength and Technique
modifiers combined, rounded up.

Fifth Form: Cold Embrace: Requirements: You gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion and
this Form can only be used as a Reaction: Reaction: + Defense Dice equal to your
Constitution and Strength modifiers combined. Shift up to 5 meters past the target, if
possible, after performing this Form. Your successes on your Defense Dice determines the
result of successes you got on your Hit Dice (which you do not roll in this case). If this Form
makes contact with the target, the target is Staggered for 1 additional turn/Reaction. The
user gives off a cold aura before unleashing a relentless flurry of slashes, hitting the Arcs: -
All- + Damage Tiers equal to half your Strength modifier, rounded down.

Sixth Form: Glacial Shattering Winds: If this Form makes contact: For (your Mastery
Level - the target’s Constitution modifier) turns, the target is inflicted with a special
Vulnerability that can’t be regenerated. The next attack the target receives that has a
Damage Tier of 10 or higher, while possessing this Vulnerability, doubles the damage dealt
and causes the target to be Staggered a number of times equal to (your Mastery Rank)
Main Actions and/or Reactions. A series of slashes imbued with cold wind to infiltrate the
target’s body. Inflicting hellish pain as the hyper-cooled air is later forced out of the target’s
body by a chain-reaction to a powerful external force, hitting the Arcs: -5-, -1-, --6--, --4-- and
+ Damage Tiers equal to half your Technique modifier, rounded down.

Seventh Form: Winter Solstice: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action and you gain 5
additional stacks of Exhaustion + 1 for every 10 meters you shifted while performing this
Form: Shift up to your Base Speed movement + 2x your Strength and Technique
modifiers combined in meters. If the target is Staggered, all your successes and Hit Dice
become Crits (you do not roll any dice). An extremely rapid dash that takes the opponent by
surprise, while taking advantage of an opening. Delivering a very powerful rising full slash
that immediately converts into a horizontal full slash in the same motion, hitting the Arcs: 5 -
> 1, 2 <-> 8 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Strength and Technique modifiers and
amount of Crits you got combined.
Description: “Beast Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics beasts/wild animals,
specifically their unpredictable, ferocious and wild nature, including movements, attacks and
senses, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all,
known techniques and forms are simple, straightforward yet wild, unpredictable and
animalistic movements and attacks. One of them utilizes the powerful sense of touch to
replicate an animal's primal senses. Users of Beast Breathing also visualize themselves
seemingly manifesting the fangs and claw slashes of a wild animal when unleashing its
techniques”. Gameplay: A unique Breath Style that enhances your Base Stats and relies on
them to take down the target. The Breath Style’s Forms are simple but have very high
synergy with your Base Stat modifiers, with each Form possessing unique bonuses if you
can reach a certain number with the corresponding Base Stat. The user also has a much
higher level of control over their body. The Style has good synergy with users that possess a
good mix of all Base Stats.

Requirements: 2 Nichirin Swords. You can chip the blades in order to: reduce their
Durability by 5, reduce their Armor Tiers by 1 and increase their Damage Tiers by 1.
Breath Style Bonus: + Hit Dice equal to half the modifier of any of your Base Stats (your
choice), rounded down, on all your Beast-Breathing Forms and Basic Attacks. While this
Breath Style Bonus is active, you gain (5 + your Mastery Rank) on all your Base Stats.
Free Action when you can Quick Surge or use a Reaction: You can shift your internal
organs before getting hit by an attack or dislocate any of your joints without taking damage in
order to either: Dislocate a joint or Make a Constitution Saving Throw. If you succeed in
the Saving Throw, Reduce the Tier of the Wound you got by 1. Quick Surge: Until the end
of this round, you can give 1 of your Base Stats - 6 to increase another by 6. If this results in
one of your Base Stats becoming 1 or less, make a Death Saving Throw.

First Fang: Pierce: If your Strength is 25 or higher, + successes equal to your Mastery
Rank. A stab with both swords that hits the Arcs: -_- and + Damage Tiers equal to your
Strength modifier. Reduce your opponent’s Armor Tiers up to (your Strength modifier)
when calculating the Damage Tier.

Second Fang: Slice: You can shift up to (your Technique modifier) meters. A double full
slash with both blades in an X-shaped cut, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 6, 8 <-> 4 and + Damage
Tiers equal to your Technique modifier. If your Technique is 25 or higher, + 5 additional
Damage Tiers that cannot be reduced by your opponent’s Armor Tiers.

Third Fang: Devour: Requirements: You gain 3 additional stacks of Exhaustion: A

simultaneous horizontal full slash with both blades towards the target's throat to decapitate
them, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 and + Damage Tiers equal to 2x your Strength modifier. If
your Strength is 30 or higher, half the damage threshold for decapitation while performing
this Form.

Fourth Fang: Slice ´n´ Dice: Requirements: You gain 3 additional stacks of Exhaustion:
You may shift (2x your Technique modifier) meters. A series of diagonal double full strikes
with both swords, hitting the Arcs: 1 <-> 3, 1 <-> 7 or 7 <-> 5, 3 <-> 5 then --2 <-> 6-- or --8
<-> 4-- and + Damage Tiers equal to your Technique modifier. If your Technique is 30 or
higher, ignore (1 of your Base Stat modifiers of your choice) of your opponent’s Armor
Tiers and then double the Damage Tier result.

Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting: If your Constitution is 25 or higher, this Form can also be used
as a Reaction. Can hit up to 5 targets at once. Can be used while in midair. Shift into/in the
air up to (your Constitution modifier) meters. The user slices everything in all directions,
hitting the Arcs: -All- and + Damage Tiers equal to half your Constitution modifier, rounded

Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite: If your Agility is 25 or higher and your target performs the
Brace Combat Action, you may perform an additional contested roll alone and add the
successes from that contested roll to this one. The damage threshold to dismember the
target is halved while performing this Form. A simultaneous horizontal slash with two swords
from both directions in a saw-like motion, hitting the Arcs: 2 <-> 8 or 3 <-> 7 or 4 <-> 6 and +
Damage Tiers equal to your Agility modifier.

Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness: Ranged Burst: (5x your Mentality modifier and
Mastery Level combined) meters: Quick Surge: You gain the knowledge of the location of
all beings of your choosing. If your Mentality is 30 or higher, increase the range of this Form
by an additional x 10.

Eighth Fang: Explosive Rush: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action and you gain 3
additional stacks of Exhaustion: Shift your Base Speed movement + 2x your Agility
modifier in meters, in a straight line. All damage you take while performing this Form is
halved, rounded down. If your Agility is 30 or higher, you can make the target fail this
contested roll, but they can instead perform a Reaction or Basic Attack towards you, which
you automatically fail the contested roll on. The user charges towards the target at blinding
speeds while swinging their swords, hitting the Arcs: -_-, -_-, and + Damage Tiers equal to
2x your Agility modifier.

Ninth Fang: Extending Bendy Slash: Requirements: You used your Quick Surge this
turn to dislocate your joints and you gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion: Ranged: (2x
your Constitution modifier) meters: If your Constitution is 30 or higher, double the range of
this Form and double the total amount of successes you got during this contested roll. The
user dislocates the joints of their arm to increase the range of their attack, and then
unleashing a fast swinging horizontal strike, hitting the Arcs: -_- and + Damage Tiers equal
to your Constitution modifier.

Tenth Fang: Whirling Fangs: Requirements: Can only be used as a Reaction: Reaction:
+ 2 Defense Dice and + 4 Defense Dice instead, if used as a Reaction to incoming
projectiles. If your Mentality is 25 or higher, + Hit Dice equal to your total Defense Dice.
The user rapidly spins their swords in a circular motion, deflecting enemy attacks such as
projectiles, hitting the Arcs: 6 -> 8, 4 -> 2 and + Damage Tiers equal to your Mentality

Demon Eater:
By consuming the flesh of a demon, a Demon Eater can temporarily gain demonic attributes
and with time even develop their own Blood Demon Art. However, being a Demon Eater is
not a pleasant experience, not to mention that Demon Eaters are often met with
discrimination. It is not uncommon for people with no skill for learning Breathing Styles to
adopt this method in order to be able to fight and join the Demon Slayer Corps. They walk a
fine line in order to stay human while not turning into a demon themselves. In order for you
to become a Demon Eater, you need a Constitution of 20 or higher and must make a
Constitution Saving Throw of DC (1 + your Mastery level) the first time you eat the flesh
of a demon. If the check fails, you vomit and take 1d6 fixed damage. If it succeeds, you lose
1d10 Humanity, you become a Demon Eater and gain all effects/abilities/Actions that relate
to it. Demon Eaters must manage their Humanity which is calculated (10 + Mentality
modifier - Mastery Rank). Whenever you use a Demonic Power, you lose some of your
Humanity. If your Humanity ever becomes 0, you must make a Death Saving Throw. If it
fails you must roll a d100 with - (your Mastery Rank) to the result. If the result is 51+: You
completely turn into a demon. If the result is 50-: You die from your cells being destroyed. If
you didn't fail the Saving Throw, your Humanity is set to 5 and your maximum Humanity is
permanently reduced by 1.

If you become a Demon Eater: You can perform Demonic Power Actions and you gain the
Trait: Blood Demon Art Score: By performing certain Demonic Power Actions you can
increase the score of this trait. The score starts at: 0 / 1000. If the score becomes 1000:
Replace this trait with a Blood Demon Art (Discuss with your GM what you would like your
power to be and create 1 Blood Demon Art: Technique for it. You can have up to (1 for
every 10 Technique) Blood Demon Art: Techniques.

Demon Eater Bonus: + 6 Strength, Agility, Constitution and Exhaustion Cap. You do
not receive the Exposed condition when your HP is 0% or negative. While your Humanity is
not fully restored: (Only make a Death Saving Throw when an incoming attack would hit
you while your HP is -100% or more or if it would deal 200% of your current maximum HP.
The amount of Mortal Wounds needed to die is doubled to 20, your Mortal Wounds do not
deal damage to you and you lose 5% of your maximum HP, rounded down instead of 10%.
Quick Surge: You can reattach your severed limbs.

List of Demonic Power Actions:

Demonic Power: Transformation: Requirements: Ingest the flesh of a demon and

succeed on a Constitution Check with a DC of (1 + your Mastery level). You get - 4
Humanity if you succeed the check: Depending on what type of demon that was eaten, +
(1=Low-Rank Demon/ 2=High-Rank Demon or Morphed Demon/ 3= Lower-Moon/ 5=Upper
Moon) Death Dice and + (2=Low Rank Demon/ 4=High Rank Demon or Morphed Demon/
6=Lower-Moon/ 10=Upper Moon) on all Base Stats for (1=Low-Rank Demon/ 2=High-Rank
Demon or Morphed Demon/ 4=Lower-Moon/ 8=Upper Moon) rounds.

Demonic Power: Regenerate: Requirements: You get - 2 Humanity: At the end of your
turn, recover 50% of your max HP, rounded down and all lost limbs. If Demonic Power:
Transformation is currently active, Demonic Power: Regenerate’s effects instead
becomes the following, depending on what type of demon that was eaten:
Low-Rank Demon: At the end of your turn, recover 50% of your current HP, rounded down
and all restore all lost limbs.
High-Rank/Morphed Demon: At the end of your turn, recover 50% of your maximum HP
and all restore all lost limbs.
Lower-Moon: At the end of every turn this round, recover 50% of your maximum HP,
rounded up and all restore all lost limbs.
Upper-Moon: At the end of every turn this round, recover 100% of your max HP and all
restore all lost limbs.

Demonic Power: Blood Demon Art Development: Requirements: Demonic Power:

Transformation is currently active and you get - 10 Humanity: Roll a d100 with
Disadvantage and add the result to your total Blood Demon Art Score.

Demonic Power: Blood Feast: Requirements: A demon was slain within your Base
Speed movement and you get - 5 Humanity: Reaction: Can be used as a Reaction before
combat ends or the moment a demon is slain. Shift your Base Speed movement towards
the slain demon. Eat the flesh of a defeated demon and roll a d100 with Advantage. Add the
result to your total Blood Demon Art Score.

Tutorial: How Combat Works: Once the GM decides that the disposition of a character in
the world will turn violent or if you come face to face with a demon, this will usually trigger
combat. The primary goal is to survive, everything else comes second. Don’t be afraid to run
if the situation seems dire. In order to defeat your enemy you need to make them lose the
will to fight, either by negotiating with them or to fight them off until they either surrender or
die. Keep in mind that most demons will never surrender, but they can be prone to run away
if they deem you too strong. Before combat starts you may equip 1 item you have as a Free

Combat starts by every character rolling initiative by performing an Agility Check (1d20 +
your Agility modifier). The result of the Agility Check determines the order in which each
character takes a turn. The turn order is decided from the highest score in order to the
lowest. If a tie is rolled between an enemy and a player, the players always go first. In case
two or more player characters tie, they should consider themselves super lucky! Players that
share the same initiative can take their turn at the same time and also perform attacks in
unison in order to deal massive damage! The only drawback is that players that attack
together without the Skill: Coordination all gain - (5 - Coordination Rank) successes on
that contested roll. Of course they may also choose who takes their turn first, instead of
performing their turns at the same time. They can also choose to change the order every
new round, giving the players some flexibility in case they don’t have sufficient coordination
yet. Teamwork is the key in order to take down strong demons! non-Moon Demons of the
same category (Low-Rank, High-Rank/Morphed) share the same initiative.

There are 7 types of Actions:
Main Action: Primarily the action you spend in order to attack a target. The main action can
be spent in order to: Perform a Basic Attack, Form, Dash, Disengage, or Prepare an
Action. In some cases a requirement, effect or Action can only occur by spending your
Main Action.

Shift Action: Primarily the action you spend in order to move your character. The shift
action can be spent in order to: Move your Base Speed movement or jump. In some cases a
requirement, effect or Action can only occur by spending your Shift Action.

Bonus Action: A versatile action that you can spend to do, well pretty much anything that
does not require your character to move from where they are standing or attack. For
example: Look for an object or potential weak spots on the opponent, spot traps, equip an
item, open or close an object, or to yell something out to an enemy or ally. A common way
the bonus action is spent is by using a Quick Surge and using Total Concentration
Breathing. Quick Surge means that this Action or effect can be used by spending your
Bonus Action.

Free Action: An action that is never naturally gained but can be granted by Forms, effects
or other Actions. Except for a few exceptions, whenever something lets you perform a Free
Action you either do it right then and there or you don’t. Free Actions can not be saved for
later. There is no limit to how many Free Action you can perform on a single turn or round.

Combat Actions: Combat actions can be performed whenever you are targeted by an
attack or would be affected by a harmful effect. You can perform these actions even if you
are in the middle of an attack, as long as the target responds with an attack of their own. You
can perform 1 of the following Combat Actions:

Dodge: Requirements: If you are not currently able to shift, you cannot perform this
Combat Action: Your Base Defense Dice + (your Agility modifier) Defense Dice for this
contested roll. If you win, your opponent’s attack does not make contact and you take no
damage. You must shift up to (3 + your Agility modifier) meters, minimum being 1. If you
lose, you take all your opponent’s successes as Damage Dice. If you were in the middle of
attacking a target, the contested roll ends.

Avoid: Your Base Defense Dice + (your Agility or Mentality modifier) Defense Dice for
this contested roll. If you win, your opponent’s attack does not make contact and you take no
damage. if you lose, you take all your opponent’s successes to hit as Damage Dice.

Brace: Your Base Defense Dice + (half your Constitution or Strength modifier, rounded
down) Defense Dice + your equipped weapon(s) Armor Tiers for this contested roll . For
each success you get, reduce your opponent's successes by 1. Your opponent’s attack
makes contact. When calculating the Damage Tier, + Armor Tier equal to (half your
Constitution or Strength modifier, rounded down). If you were in the middle of attacking a
target, the contested roll ends.

Intercept: Your Base Defense Dice + (your Technique or Strength modifier) Defense
Dice + your equipped weapon(s) Armor Tiers for this contested roll. If you win, halve your
opponent’s successes and then your opponent gains - (your Mastery Level) successes on
their attack. You are still hit by your opponent’s remaining successes. If you lose, you take
all your opponent’s successes to hit as Damage Dice. Add your weapon’s Armor Tier to
your own when calculating the Damage Tier. You may split the damage you take between
your character and your equipped weapons. If your character takes damage, your
opponent’s attack makes contact. Otherwise your opponent’s attack only makes contact with
your equipped weapons/items.

Stealth Action: This action is used in order to hide and stealth. Some actions can only be
performed while you are Obscured or Hidden. You become Obscured whenever you are
inside of an area that is hard for others to see into/out off, or when you hide behind
something while in plain sight. The benefit of being Obscured is that all incoming attacks get
- 2 successes to hit you. In order to become Hidden, your location must be unknown to all
enemies. The benefit of being Hidden is that you cannot directly be selected as an attack
target by enemies and you become able to use the most powerful form of attack, Stealth
Attack. Once you are either Obscured or Hidden you can perform a Stealth Action.
Stealth Action: Requirements: Spend your Main Action and your character must be
Obscured or Hidden in order to perform 1 of the following Stealth Actions:

Enter Stealth: Requirements: You are Obscured: Make an Agility Check. Each category
of enemies makes a Mentality Check. If you roll the highest, you become Hidden.

Set a Trap: Requirements: You possess the materials to set the trap: You can set a trap up
to (your Technique modifier) meters size around you. Make a Technique Check to set it
up. If you are Hidden, increase the result of your check by 5. Whenever a character moves
onto the trap they must make an Agility Check with the DC being the result of the
Technique Check you made when you set up the trap. If they fail the check, the trap

Ambush: Requirements: Must be at the start of combat and all characters involved must
be Hidden: Take an entire round only for the characters involved in performing the ambush.

Sneak Attack: Requirements: You are Obscured: Perform Use a Form or Basic Attack
Action. You do not need to spend a Main Action for the Requirements of these Actions. +
2 successes on this contested roll. Your target’s amount of successes is halved, rounded
down, if they choose to perform the Avoid or Dodge Combat Action.
Stealth Attack: Requirements: You are Hidden: Perform Use a Form or Basic Attack
Action. You do not need to spend a Main Action for the Requirements of these Actions. +
2 successes on this contested roll. Your target’s amount of successes is halved, rounded

Shadow Run: Requirements: You are Obscured or Hidden. Spend your Shift Action and
make an Agility Check with DC (20 - 10 if you are Hidden): Shift your Base Speed
movement. If you succeed the check and you end your shift somewhere where you are
Obscured, you automatically become Hidden.

Take a Rest: Requirements: You are Hidden: You fall asleep and all attacks aimed
towards you get Advantage and are treated as Stealth Attacks. Restore your HP and
Humanity by 1d4 and again every new round using a 1d6. You can wake up at the start of
any new round and reduce your Exhaustion by 1d8 for each round you spend asleep. If you
are awoken prematurely, reduce your Exhaustion by 1d4-2 instead.

Reactions: Reactions can only be used when the condition (such as their requirements) to
use them is met and cannot be actively used on your turn. Whenever you are targeted for an
attack or harmful effect, except when you are attacking, you are allowed to use 1 Reaction
among any that you possess. Reactions can also be used any number of times per turn or
round. They usually come with a cost and/or requirement, however some Forms or Actions
can also be a Reaction on top of what they already are. This does not mean however that
the Form or Action cannot be actively used on your turn. It simply means that when you are
able to use a Reaction (like when you are targeted for an attack or harmful effect), you will
then also be able to use that Form or Action as a Reaction. In case you do not possess
any Forms or Actions with Reaction on your character, or you simply do not want to use
the ones you currently own. You can also choose to perform a Basic Reaction.

Basic Reactions:
React: Make a Mentality Check of DC (20 - meters away from the target) against an
opponent that is attacking you. If successful, turn that Sneak Attack or Stealth Attack into a
normal Attack/Blood Demon Art Technique and then you may perform any Combat

Counter: Requirements: You gain 1 stack of Exhaustion: Perform the Intercept Combat
Action. If you win the contested roll, you may perform a Basic Attack as a Free Action.

Protect: Requirements: The ally is within 2 meters of you and you gain 2 stacks of
Exhaustion: Change the attack target from your ally to yourself or shield them from a
Ranged Attack. You perform the contested roll instead and your ally takes no damage from
this contested roll, unless the opponent’s attack has Ranged Burst. Also you must choose
and perform the Intercept or Brace Combat Action for this contested roll.

Attack of Opportunity: Requirements: A target is shifting out of your Melee Range: You
may use the Use a Form or Basic Attack Action as a Free Action. You do not need to
spend a Main Action for the Requirements of these Actions.

Exhaustion Cap:
Your Exhaustion Cap is (10 + your Constitution modifier), this can be further increased by
training, leveling up and through bonuses granted by Daily effects or other skills. As you
gain stacks of Exhaustion your character will start to perform noticeably worse. You can
only possess 1 of the 3 conditions granted by stacks of Exhaustion. Replace the old one
when you acquire a new one. Example: Going from Tired to Exhausted. Here is a list that
shows the drawbacks of certain thresholds:
Stacks of Exhaustion equal to 10%+ of your Exhaustion Cap, rounded up or 5+ Stacks of
Exhaustion (whichever which is higher): You become Tired: - 4 Mentality and Base
Speed. If this would bring your Mentality down to 1 or less, make a Death Saving Throw.

Stacks of Exhaustion equal to 50%+ of your Exhaustion Cap, rounded up or 10+ Stacks of
Exhaustion (whichever which is higher): You become Fatigued: - 8 Mentality and Base
Speed. - 2 on all other Base Stats. If this would bring any of your Base Stats down to 1 or
less, make a Death Saving Throw.

Stacks of Exhaustion equal to 100%+ of your Exhaustion Cap: You become Exhausted: -
12 Mentality and Base Speed. - 8 on all other Base Stats. If this would bring any of your
Base Stats down to 1 or less, make a Death Saving Throw. At the start of every new
round, make a Mentality Check of DC (20 - your Mastery Rank). If you fail the check, you
fall Unconscious.

Being Unconscious: You cannot perform any Actions. You automatically fail all Strength,
Agility and Technique Checks and Saving Throws. You drop all your equipped weapons
and items (excluding your armor/clothes) and also become Prone. Attacks targeting you get
Advantage and become Stealth Attacks. If you are also currently Exposed, enemies within
2 meters, Crits on all their Hit Dice (without rolling them) when performing an attack against
you. While Unconscious you can be Executed by a member of the twelve demon moons
(Lower or Upper Moons) or by the Primordial Demon depending on their Action. This
instantly kills you regardless of HP and no Saving Throws are performed. One way this can
be possibly avoided is for the GM to let the player make a Mentality Check with a DC that
fits the situation, to allow the player a last chance to wake up just in time in order to make a
Reaction or possibly dodge the incoming attack.

Waking Up From Unconsciousness: At the start of each new round, each character that is
Unconscious can make a Mentality Check of DC (25 - 5 per previous attempt to wake up).
Outside of combat, each character can make the same check with the same DC every 5
minutes. If a character wakes up from Unconsciousness, their HP is set to -50%, rounded

If your Exhaustion becomes 200% of your Exhaustion Cap or you gain a stack of
Exhaustion while your Exhaustion is at 200%, make Death Saving Throw.

Switching Between Breath Styles and Forms: Whenever you perform a Form the same
round you had already used one, you gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion, 2 additional
stacks of Exhaustion instead if you used a different Form. Whenever you switch and use a
Form from a different Breath Style the same round/turn that you used another, you gain 2
additional stacks of Exhaustion and during all contested rolls this round/turn, reduce your
successes on those contested rolls by ((11 - your Mastery Rank) / 2, rounded down).

Taking a Turn:
When it becomes your turn you gain 1 Main Action, 1 Shift Action and 1 Bonus Action to
spend. Naturally you are allowed to use any of the 7 types of actions as long as you meet
their Requirements or conditions to be used. Through these actions you can do almost
anything you would also be able to do in real life. Here is a list of examples you can spend
your Actions to do:

Basic Attack: Requirements: Spend your Main Action: Make a contested roll against a
target within your weapon’s range (usually within 1 meter). Can be used in midair. Roll your
Base Hit Dice + (half your Strength, Agility or Technique modifier, rounded down). Strike
the Arcs: -_- or _ <-> _ and + (your Technique, Agility or Strength modifier) Damage

Ranged Attack: Requirements: Spend your Main Action, succeed a Mentality Check of
DC (5 + 1 per 2 meters away from the target) and can only be performed with a Gun or Bow
while you are able to take a shot: Roll your Base Hit Dice + (half your Mentality modifier,
rounded down). Strike the Arcs: -_- and + no Damage Tiers.

Dash: Requirement: Spend your Main Action: When you spend your Shift Action to shift
this turn, double your Base Speed movement.

Charge: Requirements: Spend your Shift Action and Main Action: Shift your Base Speed
movement + 5 meters and perform a Basic Attack.

Disengage: Requirements: Spend your Main Action: For the rest of this turn, your shift
does not trigger your opponent’s Attack of Opportunity as long as you are moving away
from all nearby enemies.

Use a Form: Requirements: Spend your Main Action if used on your turn, Total
Concentration Breathing must be active and you gain 1 stack of Exhaustion: Use 1 of
your known Forms from your learned Breath Styles. If not specified, the range of your
Forms is always the Range of your weapon and + any effects that extend the range further.
You must have been in range at least at one point while performing a Form in order for it to
affect your targets. If you perform a Form in midair, + 1 additional stack of Exhaustion, - 1
Success and + 1 Damage Dice. If you use a Form as a Reaction, use the same rules as
the Intercept Combat Action but in addition, reduce your opponent’s successes equal to
the difference.

Prepare an Action: Requirements: Spend any number of your Actions: Declare when you
would like to use these Actions and what they will be used for. After the condition is met you
may use these Actions before the current character has finished their current Action. If the
conditions were not met, you can still perform these Actions before starting your next turn.

Help: Requirements: Spend your Bonus Action: Aid an ally with an activity which requires
a Strength Check. Make a Strength Check yourself and add the result to your ally’s result.
Equip: Requirements: Spend your Bonus Action or succeed a Mentality Check of DC 5.
If this Action is performed during another character’s turn, the DC becomes 15 instead: If
you succeed the check, equip an item or weapon you own of your choice. If it fails, nothing is
equipped, and if this was performed during a contested roll, your opponent gains Advantage
on this contested roll.

Take a Breather: Requirements: Spend all your Actions: Reduce your Exhaustion by
1d6, or 1d4 if you are Exhausted/Fatigued.

Grapple: Requirements: Spend your Main Action: Make a Strength Check with the DC
(10 + the target’s Constitution modifier). If you succeed the target becomes Staggered and
remains Staggered while they are grappled. At the start of each of their turns, they can
make a Strength Check of DC (5 + the result of your Strength Check) in order to break
free from you.

Throw: Requirements: Spend your Main Action and succeed on a Mentality Check of DC
(10 + meters away from target): Throw a small object 2x your Strength modifier meters.

Switch Style: Requirements: You gain 1 stack of Exhaustion if you are switching to a
derived Breath Style from your Main Breath Style, or vice versa, when it is not your turn.
You gain 3 stacks of Exhaustion if you switch from one Main Breath Style to another, or
any of that new Main Breath Style’s derived Styles: Is a Free Action on your turn and
during any time you can use a Reaction or Combat Action, but you still need to meet/pay
the Requirements. Change your current Breathing Style and Breath Style Bonus with
another you have learned.

Unified Attack:
If you are taking your turn at the same time with another ally or player. By performing a
Basic Attack or Form at the same time, you can attack the same target in unison. When
doing so, both of you roll your separate contested rolls against the target if the target fails to
perform an action that targets both of you at the same time. Calculate the Damage Tiers of
your attacks for each character that won the contested roll, and perform your Damage Rolls
separately. Finally combine the total amount of damage you both did on all the Arcs that you
both struck. All of this functions the same way, if you do this with 3 or more characters. Just
remember that you all grant one another - (5 - your Coordination Rank) successes for each
character that takes part in the unified attack.

Total Concentration Breathing:

The key to taking down demons is to activate this technique. Total Concentration Breathing
is what enables you to perform Forms (and all variants of it, such as Circles, Dances and
Fangs). Total Concentration Breathing is a free Skill that requires no skill/trait slots in
order for you to use it. This includes all techniques that follows:

Total Concentration Breathing: Requirements: You gain 1 stack of Exhaustion and you
gain 1 additional stack of Exhaustion at the start of your turn, as long as this technique
remains active: Quick Surge: Active until you choose to deactivate it. You can deactivate
this technique on your turn as a Free Action. As long as this technique remains active, + (1
+ your Mastery Rank) on all your Base Stats and Base Speed movement. You do not gain
Exhaustion from the Requirement of the Action: Use a Form during your turn. Can be
used as a Free Action whenever you can perform a Reaction but you gain 1 additional
stack of Exhaustion.

Recovery Breathing: Requirements: Total Concentration Breathing is active and spend

your Main Action: Make a Mentality Check. You gain Heal Dice equal to the result:1-6: 1
Heal Dice. 7-11: 2 Heal Dice. 12-19: 3 Heal Dice. 20+: 4 Heal Dice. Heal Dice are d4s that
restore your HP equal to the result. Reduce your stacks of Exhaustion by 2. Until you take
damage, your Hemorrhage becomes stabilized. While stabilized you no longer suffer Mortal
Wounds by your Hemorrhage. When used outside of combat, it only stabilizes your
Total Concentration Breathing - Constant: Requirements: You have completed the
training to acquire this technique: + 5 to your Exhaustion Cap. Whenever you level up your
Mastery Level, + 3 to your Exhaustion Cap, instead of 1. Once activated, it remains active
and your Total Concentration Breathing is always treated as being active (You do not gain
the benefits of its effects unless you pay the cost of its Requirements), unless your
Exhaustion Cap is exceeded by 100% or you fall Unconscious.

Contested Rolls:
When You Attack: You gain your 3 Base Hit Dice. This number is not affected by your
Base Stats, but the number of dice you get from your Base Hit Dice can be increased
through training.

When You Defend: You gain your Base Defense Dice. The number of your Base Defense
Dice is always equal to your Armor Tier.

Whenever you attack or are targeted by an attack or harmful effect, you and the opponent
perform a contested roll. There are two types of dice in a contested roll, Hit Dice and
Defense Dice. Hit Dice are d10s that are rolled to see how many successes you roll on
hitting the opponent. While Defense Dice are d10s rolled to see how many successes you
roll on not getting hit by an attack. During a contested roll there are a plethora of effects
and/or Actions that can grant you and your opponent Hit and Defense Dice, like from your
Breath Style Bonus. This occurs before you roll the dice. Some effects affect you and your
opponent’s Hit, Defense Dice or successes specifically. This is also done before any dice
are rolled, unless specified otherwise. If an effect of any kind grants you successes but does
not specify which kind of dice (Hit or Defense Dice) you get successes on. You can choose
to apply and split those successes to your Hit or Defense Dice in any way you like. You also
get to choose when you want those successes to apply, meaning that you can even do so
after you have rolled and checked the result of each kind of dice. While successes granted
by effects are not rolled, and therefore cannot naturally Crit, they do offer some great
versatility during the contested roll where they apply. Succusses can Crit however by the
result of an effect.

Normally when it is a character’s turn and they choose to perform an attack which starts a
contested roll. It's fair to assume that wasting effects, skills, etcetera, in order to get more
Defense Dice is redundant. It's usually a good idea to focus less on acquiring Defense Dice
when initiating an attack and focus more on getting additional Hit Dice or successes in
general. However, always be ready for possible counterattacks when launching an attack.
Your bonuses do not need to be applied until after your target has chosen what Action they
will respond to your attack with. However, keep in mind that some effects and Forms grant
you their bonuses the moment you choose to use them.

A contested roll may not always go the way you want it to. Some opponent’s may respond to
your attack with their own, for example, by using their Blood Demon Art. Whenever this
happens it basically leads to a second contested roll, that is performed before the real one.
You always need to respond to their counterattack first. Perform a Combat Action and
compare your successes gained from your Defense Dice to your opponent’s Hit Dice. Keep
in mind that you cannot respond to your opponent’s Reaction or counterattack with your
own Reactions if you are the one who initiated an attack to begin with. Resolve the result of
your Combat Action and this counterattack as later shown below. After having dealt with
your opponent’s counterattack, continue your attack as normal if your attack is still possible
to perform. From this point onwards, the opponent can no longer use any Reactions during
this contested roll, unless they can do one as a Free Action. All of this works the same but
vice-versa, if you ever would choose to respond to your opponent’s attack with a Form or a
kind of attack of your own.

After you and your opponent have rolled your dice: Check how many successes you
each have on hits and defense. Each attacking character that possesses more successes on
their Hit Dice than the defender Defense Dice, scores hits on the defender, equal to the
difference in successes. These hits come in the form of Damage Dice. The amount of
Damage Dice determines up to how many dice you can roll in order to inflict damage.
Before those dice are rolled, you need to check the Damage Tier of the attack to determine
what type of dice you will be rolling. Apply your Strength modifier + stacks of Vulnerability
the target has on each body part that is being hit, + any Damage Tiers granted from other
sources, (like the Form you are using). Keep in mind that successfully performing an attack
while your weapon is impaled into the target, rewards an additional 2 Damage Tiers. Next
reduce the Damage Tier equal to the defender’s Armor Tier and you have reached the
Damage Tier result. Finally perform the Damage Roll to check the damage result. Here is a
list that shows which dice are used for each tier:

Damage Tiers:
0: No damage.
1: 1d4-2.
2: 1d4-1.
3: 1d4.
4: 1d4+1.
5: 1d6.
6: 1d6+1.
7: 1d8.
8: 1d8+1.
9: 1d10.
10: 1d10+1.
11: 1d12.
12: 1d12+1.
13: 1d12+2
14: 1d12+3
15: 1d12+4.
16: 1d20.
17: 1d20+1.
18: 1d20+2.
19: 1d20+3.
20: 1d20+4.
21: 1d20+5.
22: 1d20+6.
23: 1d20+7.
24: 1d20+8.
25: 1d20+9.
26: 1d20+10.
27: 1d20+11.
28: 1d20+12.
29: 1d20+13.
30: 1d20+14.
31: 1d20+15.
32: 1d20+16.
33: 1d20+17.
34: 1d20+18.
35: 1d20+19.
36: 1d20+20.
37: 1d20+25.
38: 1d20+30.
39: 1d100.
40+: 1d100+50.

Repeated Rounds:
“Each new round increases the tension of the situation, as all attacks get heavier with each
blow taken”. Each time a new round starts, except the one at the start of combat. Increase
the Damage Tier of all attacks for all characters by 1.

Decisive & Despairing Moments:

“Don’t lose hope! Ablaze, ablaze, set your heart ablaze!”. Each new round won’t necessarily
be the same as the last. Decisive and Despairing moments is a scenario that deserves the
hype! For GMs: These are moments that will either give your overconfident players a heart
attack or set their hearts ablaze. This can really change the outcome of a previous
impossible scenario. It's a good idea to have a playlist prepared (like the many themes for
the character’s of the show) to set up a good atmosphere to enhance the moment. Each
time a new round starts, except the one at the start of combat. Roll a d10:

If the result is 10 or higher: A Decisive Moment occurs: Each ally and player character gain
1 additional Main or Shift Action this round.

If the result is 1 or less: A Despairing Moment occurs: All enemies gain 1 additional Main
and Shift Action this round.

Balancing these moments:

Whenever a Decisive Moment occurs, increase the result needed to trigger a Despairing and
Decisive Moment by 1. Whenever a Despairing Moment occurs, decrease the result needed
to trigger a Decisive and Despairing Moment by 1.
If facing Low-Ranked Demons: The result needed to trigger a Despairing Moment starts at
If facing High-Ranked/Morphed Demons: The result needed to trigger a Despairing
Moment starts at 1.
If facing Lower-Moon Demons: The result needed to trigger a Despairing Moment starts at
If facing Upper-Moon Demons: The result needed to trigger a Despairing Moment starts at
Slaying Demons & Striking Arcs:
Whenever you successfully hit a demon, you always hit certain arcs that represent where on
the demon you are striking (read page 3 for more info on Arcs). A demon’s body parts may
shift in combat. Either by their current stance, position or ability. Whenever you inflict
damage on a demon, you inflict that damage on those specific body parts you struck,
depending on their location inside the Arc Chart. Each body part has its own HP, depending
on the demon’s max HP. While a demon’s HP is unknown to you the damage threshold in
order to destroy or sever that specific body part is as follows:

Head/Neck: 100% of the demon’s max HP. If this HP becomes 0 or less, or already is 0 or
less when it is struck by a nichirin weapon, the demon’s neck is severed and the demon is
Executed. The demon dies and rewards the killer 1 Kill Experience. Vertical slashes/cuts
towards these areas or an attack that only strikes the head (Arc 1) cannot decapitate a
demon, but they do still deal damage towards those areas. All attacks that strike the Arcs =
1,2 or 8, will deal damage towards this HP.

Torso/Weist: 75% of the demon’s max HP, rounded down. If this HP becomes 0 or less, or
already is 0 or less when it is struck by a weapon, the body is dismembered. All the demon’s
Actions, except from Blood Demon Arts, gain Disadvantage while this area is
dismembered. All attacks that strike the Arcs = 0 or 5 will deal damage towards this HP.
This includes attacks that strike from 1 Arc across to another, but not if that attack would not
realistically go across the torso. For example: 2 -> 6 hits 0 because the sword is going from
the neck down towards the demon’s leg on the other side. An example where this does not
occur would be: 2 -> 4 since here the sword is going from the neck, straight down towards
the leg on the same side. It would cut a small chunk of the torso, but not enough to where
this could be considered a dismemberment of a demon’s torso.

Legs: 50% of the demon’s max HP, rounded down. If this HP becomes 0 or less, or already
is 0 or less when it is struck by a weapon, a leg is dismembered depending on which of Arc
4 or 6 was struck. If both were struck, then both legs are dismembered. While the demon
has 1 leg left, it gains Disadvantage on the Dodge Combat Action and all terrain is treated
as Rough Terrain while it shifts. If all its legs are dismembered then the demon cannot
perform The Combat Action: Dodge, all terrain is treated as Rough Terrain while it shifts
and its Base Speed movement is halved. All attacks that strike the Arcs = 4 or 6 will deal
damage towards this HP.
Arms: 25% of the demon’s max HP, rounded down. If this HP becomes 0 or less, or already
is 0 or less when it is struck by a weapon, an arm is dismembered depending on which of
Arc 3 or 7 was struck. If both were struck, then both arms are dismembered. While the
demon has 1 arm left, it gains Disadvantage on the Intercept Combat Action and all Basic
Attacks that use a weapon. If all its arms are dismembered then the demon cannot perform
The Combat Action: Intercept or Basic Attacks that uses a weapon, unless stated
otherwise by an effect/ability. All attacks that strike the Arcs = 3 or 7 will deal damage
towards this HP.

Extras (such as wings or tentacles): 10% of the demon’s max HP, rounded down. If this HP
becomes 0 or less, or already is 0 or less when it is struck by a weapon, the extra body part
is dismembered/decapitated/destroyed. If the extra body part is
dismembered/decapitated/destroyed its effects cannot be used, unless stated otherwise
(depending on what the “extra” does). All attacks that strike the Arcs the extra is located will
also deal damage towards this HP.

While the only way to slay a demon is to decapitate them or destroy their neck. Severing
their limbs can prove useful to temporarily disable some of their natural weapons or Actions,
or to clear off some of their armor. In rare cases, their necks might not be what they seem…

For each Arc struck, inflict 1 stack of Vulnerability on the corresponding body part of the
demon and keep track of how many stacks of Vulnerability each Arc has. If you inflicted 16
or more damage, inflict 1 Open Wound as well. If a demon's HP is restored to full, all stacks
of Vulnerability and Open Wounds are removed from that body part.

Combat Rewards, Leveling Up:

Once all enemies have been defeated or killed the combat ends. Keep in mind that
whenever you slay a demon you are immediately rewarded 1 Kill Experience (and therefore
it’s possible to level up even in the middle of combat). Whenever your level increases you
gain: + 1 Mastery Point, + 2 Stat Points, your maximum HP is increased by 1d6 and + 1
(+3 if you have learned Total Concentration Breathing: Constant) to your Exhaustion
Cap. Should you level up in the middle of combat just adjust your character to these
changes and continue playing as normal. Depending on the situation, a level up can make
all the difference. Like giving you exactly enough damage, succeeding a hard check or being
the reason you survived a powerful attack with just a 1 health difference, winning you all the
battle. Also, whenever you slay a demon, all other players gain 1 Consolation Point. In
case an NPC (Non-Playable Character) slays a demon, all players are still rewarded 1
Consolation Point.

Consolation Points: Whenever you aquire a Consolation Point you gain half of 1 Kill
Experience (0.5). Half a Kill Experience does not really grant you any progress to leveling up
on its own (since you need 10 Kill Experience to level up), but as this starts to occur multiple
times you will start to rank up some actual experience. Other than this Consolation Points
does not really do anything once you have them. You can own any number of them, but on
their own they don’t grant you any benefits (only exception being Light-Breathing users). The
main function of Consolation Points is that once you score a kill on a demon yourself. For
each Consolation Point you have, you gain 1 additional Kill Experience! This incentivises
the players to work together and at least eventually, divide the killing among the whole party
so everyone can cash out on their saved up Consolation Points, and get a chance to be in
the spotlight. It also makes sure the others can get a chance to keep up and even get
rewarded overtime doing so, should they choose to let one of their teammates hog all the
glory for the moment. At this point you might be asking:

“But if you are rewarded with the experience for slaying the demons while fighting, what do
you get out of the fight once it's over?”. The short answer is…nothing! The long answer is:
Demon slaying can sometimes be a thankless job. You fight a monster in the dead of night,
sometimes only surviving at the brink of death and most people know nothing of what you
accomplished. With the demons disintegrating once their head is cut off or when they are
exposed to sunlight, leaving no trace behind. The Demon Slayer Corps is always keeping
track of you however, making sure that you receive medical attention at the nearest
mansion/estate or sympathizer. Fill a certain criteria and you can be promoted within the
ranks (more of that later within: “Your Path Begins” on page 65). But a victory does not
always have to be bittersweet. Sometimes your actions can be the reason a family was
spared a tragic fate, that might have already befallen your own family earlier in your
character’s life. These acts can sometimes earn you benefits that might not be apparent
immediately. Tip to GMs: Sometimes you can have your players find some items or loot that
the demon might have been carrying around if that makes sense in the current scenario. It is
very likely that enemies they have been beaten that aren’t demons might have something
useful once they're defeated. Like: an animal’s body being salvaged for food, a samurai or
warrior carrying some secret map or orders, or just money in general.

Wounds and Death:

As you take damage your character will start to get wounded. Each time your character’s HP
goes down below 50%, 0% or -50%, rounded down: You need to make a Constitution
Check. The following results describes what happens:
8 or less: You become inflicted by Hemorrhage.
9-15: You gain 1 Mortal Wound.
16-19: Nothing happens.
20+: You become pumped with adrenaline: + 1d4 to your Exhaustion Cap until the end of
this combat.

Mortal Wounds: Is a condition that you cannot restore while in combat. For each Mortal
Wound you have, reduce your maximum HP by 10%, rounded down. While in combat, at
the end of your turn, you take 1d4-2 damage for each Mortal Wound you have. This
damage does not count towards your Exposed condition or any stabilizing effects. If you
ever have 10 Mortal Wounds your character dies and no Death Saving Throw is

Hemorrhage: A condition that inflicts 1 Mortal Wound to you every round, at the end of
your turn.

Being Exposed: Whenever your character’s HP goes down to 0 or less, you become
Exposed and remain Exposed as long as your HP is 0 or negative. Exposed is a nasty
condition that inflicts 1 Mortal Wound to you each time you take damage while in this
condition. All enemies have Advantage when making attacks against you and the Damage
Tier of all attacks that hits you are increased by 5.

Wound Tiers: There is more bad news I'm afraid. Whenever you take damage from an
attack, you suffer one of the following, depending on the damage you took:

Tier 1: Small Wound: 1-7 damage: “Minor cuts and bruises”. No effect.
Tier 2: Large Wound: 8-15 damage: “Bleeding wounds or broken bone”. Increase the
Damage Tier for all attacks you receive by 1 for each Large Wound you have.
Tier 3: Major Wound: 16-24 damage: “Open wound, shattered bone or internal bleeding”.
Roll 1d10. On success (6-10), + 1 Mortal Wound. On failure (1-5), you become inflicted by
Hemorrhage. For each Major Wound you have, decrease the Damage Tier of your attacks
by 1.
Tier 4: Extreme Wound: 25+ damage: “A loss of limb, heavy internal bleeding or crushed
organ”. Make a Constitution Saving Throw - 1 success per 10 damage taken past 20. If
you succeed: + 2 Mortal Wounds and you become inflicted by Hemorrhage. If you fail: + 3
Mortal Wounds, you become inflicted by Hemorrhage and you lose 1 random (or the GMs
choice) limb permanently. For each Extreme Wound you have, decrease all your Base
Stats by 1.

Death and Saving Throws: If your HP becomes -100% you need to make a Death Saving
Throw. Saving Throws are rolls you make using d10s and they rarely occur compared to
checks. Whenever you need to make a Saving Throw, roll 1d10 + additional d10s depending
on what type of saving throw you are making. A Saving Throw that mentions 1 of your Base
Stats (like a Constitution Saving Throw) is done with 1d10 + d10s equal to the modifier to
that specific Base Stat. A Death Saving Throw is performed with 1d10 + d10s equal to your
Mastery Level. Roll all your d10s and count the amount of successes you got (6-10s),
remember that dice that result in a 10 are counted as Crits and counts as 2 successes. If
you get at least 1 success, you succeed in the Saving Throw. However, each time you need
to make the same kind of Saving Throw again during the same day. The amount of
successes you need to succeed the Saving Throw is increased by 1. If you fail a Death
Saving Throw, your character dies. If you succeed a Death Saving Throw, + 1 Mortal
Wound and make a Mentality Check with a DC of 20. If you succeed the Mentality Check,
set your HP to -50%, rounded down. If you fail the check, your character falls Unconscious
(read more on page 44). Tip to the GM: Whenever a character makes a Death Saving
Throw, have the GM roll it in secret or have the player that is rolling, do so in secret. Make
sure to also roll a d20 (for the Mentality Check) along those dice so it is not a dead
giveaway that the character survived. So your party can’t hear you roll another die, because
you are checking if you fall Unconscious or not. This can create some powerful roleplay
moments, where the rest of the party in a frenzy, desperately tries to get to their fallen friend
to check if they are still alive. Remember that in stressful situations it can be hard to judge if
someone on the ground is breathing or not, especially if you are surrounded by enemies and
incoming attacks. Should someone want to stop everything they are doing in order to focus
and see if their ally far away on the ground is breathing or not. Make them roll a Mentality
Check with decently high DC (depending on the distance) to see if they succeed and don’t
have to worry about their friends life. But should they choose to do so, it makes a lot of
sense for the enemies around to get Advantage on that person, since he stopped paying
attention to the whole situation in order to focus on their fallen friend.

(Optional! You can have 3/3 lifelines. Whenever you fail a Death Saving Throw, you lose
1/3 of your lifelines. If you die from Mortal Wounds, you lose 1/3 of your lifelines and reduce
your Mortal Wounds by 5. If your lifelines become 0/3, your character dies).

Fall Damage:
Whenever you fall from 5 meters or higher you must make an Agility or Constitution
Saving Throw and get successes equal to every 3 meters you fell. Alternatively you can
perform the Action: Use a Form as a Free Action. If your Hit Dice’ successes is equal to
every 3 meters that you fell, you do not take any fall damage but gain additional stacks of
Exhaustion for every 3 meters you fell. Fall damage chart:
5-9 meters: 2d6 fixed damage.
10-19 meters: 4d8s fixed damage.
20-29 meters: 8d10s fixed damage.
30-39 meters: 10d12s fixed damage.
40-59+ meters: 20d20s fixed damage.
60+ meters: Executes you.

If fall damage would trigger a Death Saving Throw you are Executed instead.
Medical Treatment And Resting:
When you are injured or are struggling with an ailment. Taking a drug to ease the negative
effects or using medical items can save you in a pinch. But sometimes you need some
proper rest and treatment in order to make a full recovery. The most effective way to recover
after a tough mission is to rest at an estate or mansion. But sometimes you don’t have time
to rest for days or weeks. Taking a Short or Long Rest can be a good way to get some
health back and recover from your Exhaustion while still on a mission. Medical items’
effectiveness changes depending on if they are used during a Short Rest or a Long Rest.
Short Rest: Requirements: 4 hours spent resting: Restore your Humanity by 4. Roll 4 Heal
Dice (d4s). Reduce your current Exhaustion by half, rounded up. You can spend 1 Splint:
Until you take damage or spend a Main Action, stabilize your Large Wounds. While
stabilized, you do not suffer the drawbacks of Large Wounds. You can spend 1 First Aid Kit:
Remove 1d4 Large Wounds and 1d4-2 Major Wounds. Also, until you take damage,
stabilize your Mortal Wounds. While stabilized, you no longer take damage from your
Mortal Wounds. You can use your Surgeon’s Tools on any target: Requirements: You gain
no benefits from the Short Rest: Make a Mentality Check. On result: Natural 1: Destroy this
item. 0-5: The target gains 1d4-2 Mortal Wounds. 6-10: until they take damage, stabilize the
targets Hemorrhage and Mortal Wounds. 11-15: Remove Hemorrhage from the target,
remove 1d4 Large Wounds and 1d4-2 Major Wounds and until they take damage, their
Mortal Wounds become stabilized. 16-20+: Remove Hemorrhage and all Large Wounds,
1d4 Major Wounds, 1d4-2 Extreme Wounds and until they take damage, their Mortal
Wounds become stabilized. Natural 20: Remove Hemorrhage and all Large, Major and
Extreme Wounds. Until they suffer another Mortal Wound, their Mortal Wounds become
Long Rest: Requirements: 8 hours spent resting: Restore all your Humanity. Restore all
your HP. Reduce your Exhaustion to 0. You can spend 1 Splint: Remove 1d4 Large
Wounds and 1d4-2 Major Wounds. Also, until you take damage, stabilize your Large and
Major Wounds. While stabilized, you do not suffer the drawbacks of Large and Major
Wounds. You can spend 1 First Aid Kit: Remove all Large Wounds and 1d4 Major
Wounds. Also, until you take damage, stabilize your Major and Mortal Wounds. While
stabilized, you no longer take damage from your Mortal Wounds or suffer the drawbacks
from Major Wounds. You can use your Surgeon’s Tools on any target: Requirements: You
gain no benefits from the Long Rest: Make a Mentality Check. On result: Natural 1: Destroy
this item. 0-5: No result. 6-10: Remove Hemorrhage and until they take damage, stabilize
their Mortal Wounds. 11-15: Remove Hemorrhage, all Large Wounds, 1d4 Major
Wounds and 1 Extreme Wound from the target and until they take damage, their Mortal
Wounds become stabilized. 16-20+: Remove Hemorrhage, all Large and Major Wounds,
1d4 Extreme Wounds and until they suffer another Mortal Wound, their Mortal Wounds
become stabilized. Natural 20: Remove Hemorrhage and all Large, Major and Extreme
Wounds and remove 1d4-2 Mortal Wounds. Until they suffer another Mortal Wound, their
Mortal Wounds become stabilized.


Items are great and grants you a lot of versatility both inside and outside of combat. Here is
a list of the most common items you will probably use:
Food: Only Dinner can remove starvation and they can grant you powerful daily effects that
last until you perform a Long Rest or 24h have passed. You can only have 1 Dinner per day.
Snacks prevent you from suffering stage 1 and 2 drawbacks of starvation, but it does not
remove it. You can eat Snacks during combat and they can be eaten a number of times up
to your Constitution modifier per day.
Food items:
Onigiri: Snack: 3 Pieces: 1 Yen: No effects.
Mochi: Snack: 1 Yen: Reduce Exhaustion by 1d4-2.
Dorayaki: Snack: 2 Yen: 1 Heal Dice.
Taiyaki: Snack: 2 Yen: + 2 on next Check (max: 6).
Dango: Snack: 2 Yen: + 3 meters on next Shift Action (max: 6).
Anpan: Snack: 3: Yen: + 1 Hit Dice on the next contested roll (max: 2).
Ramen: Dinner: 3 Yen: Daily: + 2 to your Exhaustion Cap and removes all stacks of
Dumplings: Dinner: 6 Pieces/Full Dinner=6 Pieces: 4 Yen: + 1 Hit Dice or + 1 Defense
Dice on the next contested roll per piece.
Udon: Dinner: 5 Yen: Daily: + 3 to your Exhaustion Cap, + 1 Defense Dice on all
contested rolls and removes all stacks of Dehydration.
Yakitori: Dinner: 5 Yen: Daily: + 3 Hit Dice on all contested rolls.
Yakiniku: Dinner: 6 Yen: Daily: + 4 to your Exhaustion Cap + 1d10 temporary HP.
Sushi: Dinner: 8 Yen: Daily: + 4 to your Exhaustion Cap and + 2 Hit Dice on all contested
Weapon items:
Nichirin Sword: 300 Yen: 40 Durability: Armor Tier 4: Range: Melee: + 2 Damage Tiers:
Can be used to behead demons.
Large Nichirin Weapon: 600 Yen: 50 Durability: Armor Tier 5: Range: Melee or Chain
length+1: + 4 Damage Tiers: Requirements: User with 18 Constitution or higher: Can be
used to behead demons. Destroying a demon’s (real) head with this weapon will also
destroy their neck area, resulting in the demon being Executed. Can be attached with a
chain up to 10m. Each meter of chain you add to the weapon increases the Constitution
needed in the Requirements by 2.
Curved Nichirin Sword: 350 Yen: 35 Durability: Armor Tier 3: Range: Melee: + 2
Damage Tier: Targets get - 1 Defense Dice. Can be used to behead demons.
Stinger Nichirin Sword: 200 Yen: 30 Durability: Armor Tier 1: Range: Melee: Cannot
behead or dismember the target. + 2 Agility. + 1 Damage Die.
Nichirin Whip Sword: 400 Yen: 35 Durability: Armor Tier 2: Range: 4m: + 3 Damage
Tiers: Can be used to behead demons. If your Technique is below 18, you take half the
Damage Dice you inflict on a target and calculate the Damage Tier of the attack on yourself
as well.
Burning Nichirin Sword: 400 Yen: 25 Durability: Armor Tier 2: Range: Melee: + 2
Damage Tiers: Can be ignited to deal 1d4-2 stacks of Burn when your Basic Attacks or
Forms makes contact. Can be used to behead demons. If ignited while you perform a Basic
Attack and your Mentality is negative: Inflict 1d4-2 Burn on yourself.
Smoking Nichirin Sword: 350 Yen: 35 Durability: Armor Tier 3: Range: Melee: + 2
Damage Tiers: Emits smoke. Can be used to behead demons.
Nichirin Cleaver: 450 Yen: 45 Durability: Armor Tier 5: Range: Melee or Chain length+1:
+ 3 Damage Tiers: Can be used to behead demons. Can be attached with a 1m chain.
Serrated Nichirin Scimitar: 450 Yen: 40 Durability: Armor Tier 3: Range: Melee: + 3
Damage Tiers: Inflicts + 2 Open Wounds (Major Wounds on non-demon targets). Can be
used to behead demons.
The Ogre’s Jaw: 1500 Yen: 80 Durability: Armor Tier 8: Range: Melee: + 5 Damage
Tiers: Requirements: User with 28 Constitution or higher: Can be used to behead
demons. Destroying a demon’s (real) head with this weapon will also destroy their neck
area, resulting in the demon being Executed.
Wakizashi Nichirin Sword: 150 Yen: 30 Durability: Armor Tier 2: Range: Melee: + 2
Damage Tier: Can be used to behead demons. Can be thrown.
Pistol: Gun: 100 Yen. 5 Yen/clip: 15 Durability: Capacity: 8: Max Range: 50m:
Ammunition: Fixed Damage Tier 4/6: Rapid Fire: Quick Surge: Reload. Nichirin Bullets
can behead demons and do more damage than standard ammunition.
Rifle: Gun: 350 Yen. 15 Yen/clip: 25 Durability: Capacity: 5: Max Range: 450m:
Ammunition: Fixed Damage Tier 6/8: Single Fire: Main Action: Reload. Nichirin Bullets
can behead demons and do more damage than standard ammunition.
Shotgun: Gun: 400 Yen. 20 Yen/clip: 30 Durability: Capacity: 2: Max Range: 25m:
Ammunition: Fixed Damage Tier 8/10: Single Fire: Main Action: Reload. Nichirin Bullets
can behead demons and do more damage than standard ammunition.

Longbow: Bow: 50 Yen. 1 Yen/arrow: 20 Durability: Armor Tier 1: Capacity: 15: Max
Range: 150m: + 4/6 Damage Tiers: Rapid Fire 3: Quick Surge: Reload. If Rapid Fire is
used, perform 3 Ranged Attacks instead of 1 with triple Disadvantage on each Mentality
Check. Nichirin arrows can behead demons and do more damage than standard arrows.
Anti-Demon Bombs: 10 Yen/piece: Ranged Burst: 5 meters + 1 for each additional
exploding bomb. All beings must make an Agility Check with DC ((20 + per bomb used) - 1
per meter away from the explosion). Damage Tier 5 fixed damage and + (per bomb used)
Damage Dice: Detonate on contact. Can be thrown. Can behead demons.
Kunai: 15 Yen: 15 Durability: Armor Tier 2: Range: Melee: + 1 Damage Tier: Can be
Smoke Bomb: 5 Yen/piece: Detonate on contact. Can be thrown. When detonated,
everything within a 15m radius becomes Obscured in smoke.
Medical items:
Bandage: 1 Yen: 1=Quick Surge/ 1-5=Main Action: 1 Heal Dice for each bandage used.
Splint: 2 Yen: Effects differ on Short Rest/Long Rest.
Alcohol: 3 Yen: Quick Surge: Until you take damage, stabilize Large Wounds. While
stabilized you do not suffer the drawbacks of Large Wounds.
Antidote: 4 Yen: Quick Surge: Reduce the effectiveness of poisons from demons by half
for 1d4 rounds. Cures poison from natural sources.
Cleansing Drug: 5 Yen: Quick Surge: Restore your Humanity by 2.
First Aid Kit: 10 Yen: Effects differ on Short Rest /Long Rest, or Main Action: 5 Heal Dice.
Surgeon’s Tools: 50 Yen: Effects differ on Short Rest/Long Rest.

Other items:
Wrapping Cloth: 1 Yen: Can be used to wrap around 1 of your weapons in order to conceal
it and not raise suspicion of the local townsfolk. Officers/Law Enforcers can still be alarmed
at the sight of it but at reduced chance depending on the weapon, (at the GM’s discretion).
Rope: 2 Yen/m: Can also be used when performing the Grapple Action to gain + 1 per
meter of rope (max: 10) on your Strength Check. If 2 or more meters of rope were used,
you can also make the target Rooted by tying it to a being or object.
Flask: 3 Yen: Can store up to 2dl liquid. Drinking a full flask of water removes all stacks of
Lantern: 3 Yen/1 Yen Refill: Usage: 10 times: Can illuminate the area within a 15 meter
radius, halving the Stealth result of all beings within its range.
Mini-Whetstone: 3 Yen: Can be attached to other non-weapon items with Rope. Can create
sparks to ignite a fire.
Armguard: 5 Yen: + 1 success for Defense Dice if you perform the Brace Combat Action.
Messenger’s Tools: 6 Yen: You can write letters.
Cooking Tools: 10 Yen: Can prepare to cook meat and other foods.
Camping Kit: 15 Yen: Reduce your Exhaustion by 5 in addition to your Short Rest. + 1d8
Temporary HP until you rest again, if used during a Long Rest.
Repair Kit: 20 Yen: During Short/Long Rests you can repair an item’s Durability by 5/15 (5
for Short Rest/ 15 for Long Rest).
Smithing Permit: 30 Yen: Requirement: Blacksmith as Role: You gain access to use the
local Smithy in a city or town to make non-weapon items.
Formal-Wear Clothing: 30 Yen: When worn, + 5 to Mentality Checks involving a
Alchemist’s Tools: 40 Yen: Allows you to make custom drugs and poisons (at the GM’s
War Armor: 200 Yen: Armor Tier 4: - 4 Agility. Cannot be burned. When performing the
Brace Combat Action, + 4 additional Armor Tiers when calculating the Damage Tier of
incoming attacks. The first time you roll a Death Saving Throw while wearing this item, you
automatically succeed the throw and destroy this item.
Horse: 400 Yen: Base Stats: No Technique stat, Mentality is 4, Roll 5d6 for Strength,
Agility and Constitution: Base Speed: Roll a d20 with Advantage + 5: Reduce travel time
by half. HP = ((Constitution x 2) + (20 + Strength modifier)).
Demon Slayer Uniform: - Yen: Armor Tier 2: Cannot be bought. When performing the
Brace Combat Action, + 2 additional Armor Tiers when calculating the Damage Tier of
incoming attacks. Burn and Water resistant.
Kasugai Crow: - Yen: Base Stats: No Technique stat, roll 1d6 for Strength, roll 2d6 for
Constitution, roll 3d6 for Mentality and roll 4d6 for Agility: Base Speed: Roll a d20 with
Advantage + 10: Cannot be bought. Reaches travel destinations 4 times faster. HP =
((Constitution modifier + 3) x 2) + 5 + Strength modifier.

Starvation and Dehydration:

Every day you do not eat or drink you get 1 stack of Dehydration or Starvation.

Stage 1: - 2 on your Exhaustion Cap.
Stage 2: - 2 on all Base Stats and your Base Speed.
Stage 3: Halve your Exhaustion Cap.
Stage 4: You die, no Saving Throw is performed.

Stage 1: - 4 Mentality.
Stage 2: All your Actions now grants you 1 Additional stack of Exhaustion.
Stage 3: Halve your Maximum HP.
Stage 4: You die, no Saving Throw is performed.

Keywords and Status Conditions:

Here is a list of keywords and status conditions that lack a complete explanation:

Advantage: Roll all the dice you used again and keep the highest results. If you have
multiple numbers of Advantage at the same time. Roll all the dice you used an extra number
of times equal to the number of Advantage you have and keep the highest results.

Disadvantage: Roll all the dice you used again and keep the lowest results. If you have
multiple numbers of Disadvantage at the same time. Roll all the dice you used an extra
number of times equal to the number of Disadvantage you have and keep the lowest

Counterattack: Perform a new contested roll where you are the attacker instead. Continue
the previous contested roll if it is still possible to perform.

Prone: A prone being has its Base Speed reduced to 25%, rounded down and its attacks
have Disadvantage. Attacks made against a being that is Prone have Advantage if the
defender is within the attacker’s Melee Range, otherwise the attacker has Disadvantage. A
being that is Prone can spend its Shift Action to stand up to remove the condition. This
cannot be done however if the being that is Prone is within an enemies Melee Range.

Quick Surge: An action that can also be used as a Bonus Action. If an action with Quick
Surge has Requirements that make you spend your Main or Shift Action, spend your
Bonus Action instead.

Rough Terrain: Is caused by Ranged Burst or when the GM explains that the ground in
this area is uneven or destroyed. Rough Terrain causes all character’s movement to be
halved while they shift through this terrain.
Ranged Burst: Targets everything within range except the user if caused by a Form and
makes all affected terrain into Rough Terrain.
Single & Rapid Fire: Single Fire means that the Gun can only be fired once per turn. Rapid
Fire means the Gun can be fired any number of times per turn, with each additional bullet
fired adding your Base Hit Dice additional times, as well as increasing the Damage Tier by
half the weapon’s original Damage Tier value.
Hazards: Are areas that are dangerous to traverse or go near to. The basic Hazards are:
Pitfall Hazard: All characters that shift into this Hazard must make an Agility Saving Throw
that requires 1 success + every 5 meters the Hazard covers, to not fall into it. If you cannot
shift out of this hazard with half your Base Speed movement, rounded down, you cannot
succeed the Saving Throw. If you succeed, shift half your Base Speed movement, rounded
down, until you exit the Hazard.
Gas Hazard: All characters that stand inside or shift into this Hazard must make a
Constitution Saving Throw that requires 3 successes to not get affected by it, + the
Technique modifier of the one who created this Hazard, if it was created by a character.
Any other types of Hazards are to be homebrewed by the GM.
Stat Points: Are points that can be spent to increase 1 your Base Stats by 1.

Execute: The Executed character dies and no Saving Throws are performed.
Vulnerability: When are about to deal damage to a demon, + 1 Damage Tier for each stack
of Vulnerability a target has on the Arcs you hit and your Damage Dice is increased by 1
for each unique body part you hit that possesses stacks of Vulnerability. When a demon’s
HP is restored to full, remove all their stacks of Vulnerability. The same applies to when a
demon’s specific body part is restored to full. Stacks of Vulnerability can only be inflicted on
demons. All other living beings use Wounds.

Staggered: A character that has been Staggered cannot perform their next Main Action or

Rooted: The target cannot shift until this condition is removed.

Delayed: An attack that is delayed requires time to prepare. The number after Delayed
shows how many turns need to pass before the attack happens. Once all turns for the delay
have passed, the attack is immediately performed, regardless whos turn it currently is. If a
character that is preparing a Delayed attack takes damage that equals half their current
maximum HP or more, rounded down, (not counting temporary HP), the Delayed attack
fails. Items such as bombs or other things that are Delayed will occurs once the Delayed
amount of turns have passed. If the item or thing takes damage, the action is triggered
Burn: Whenever a being gains stacks of Burn, for each stack they take 1d6 fixed damage.
At the end of each of that being's turn, they take 1d6 fixed damage for each stack of Burn
they possess. A character can spend their Main or Shift Action to attempt to remove Burn
stacks by making an Agility Check - 1 for each stack of Burn. Based on the result of the
check, the following happens:
1-6: Nothing.
7-13: Remove 1d4 stacks of Burn.
14-19: Remove 5 stacks of Burn.
20+: Remove all stacks of Burn.

Mortal Burn: A rare type of burn. Whenever a being is inflicted with Mortal Burn they take
10% of their maximum HP as fixed damage and they cannot regenerate that health. Demons
do not die if their maximum HP becomes 0% from this condition, but they become
continuously Staggered until they get rid of it. Demons exposed to Mortal Burn for an
uncertain number of rounds can start to naturally neutralize the status condition.

Poison: Whenever a being becomes infected with poison, if the poison’s potency is equal to
or higher than the Constitution of the infected being: At the end of each of that being’s turn,
they take 2d6 fixed damage. If the potency is more than twice of the infected’s Constitution,
they take 12d6 fixed damage instead. Whenever a being gets infected with more Poison,
increase the current potency of the poison by 1/4 of the potency of the new one, rounded
down. Poison can only be removed by certain items or Actions taken by some demons.
Poisons have no effect on beings that have neutralized its effectiveness. Demons exposed
to a poison for an uncertain number of rounds can start to naturally neutralize the poison’s
effectiveness. Poisons with twice the potency of a Poison that a demon has already
neutralized, still remains effective.

Torment: A unique status condition that can only be inflicted through Hellfire-Breathing.
Torment can only be stacked up to 10. For each stack of Torment reduce the target’s
regeneration by 10%, rounded up. For each stack of Torment: Reduce the target’s Defense
Dice by 1, increase the Damage Tier of all attacks it takes by 1 and reduce its Mentality by
2. Demons exposed to Torment for an uncertain number of rounds can start to naturally
neutralize the status condition. This takes longer depending on the number of stacks of Burn
the target has.
Open Wounds: A condition that is uniquely inflicted on demons. If the amount of Open
Wounds inflicted is equal to or higher than their Technique, they become unable to use
Blood Demon Arts and cannot replenish their blood passively. Demons can replenish their
blood for example, by eating a human or by drinking some blood.


Demons are a carnivorous species whose primary diet is based on preying on humans, by
consuming their flesh and mostly the blood. Sunlight is deadly to them and will burn them to
ash, so they strictly operate at night. Demons have an abnormally powerful physical
constitution and regenerative ability which makes them immune to normal weaponry and
grants them the ability to regenerate from any wound with ease, even re-growing their head.
Only the Nichirin Swords, special weapons made from special ore with sunlight absorption
properties, can inflict life-threatening wounds on demon kind. Of course, even with a Nichirin
Sword, the only method guaranteed to kill a demon is by chopping their head off. They are
also known to hate Wisteria flowers which are poisonous to them and whose smell is
repudiated by them.

Practically all demons possess a murderous instinct to kill and devour humans, and have
lost most of their memories from their human life. While they do still retain their original
personality, most times it becomes a darker version of what it used to be. However, there
are a few demons who have completely retained their human emotions and memories. All
demons do regain their memories moments before they die, which possibly means that
demons also have their lives flash before their eyes before they turn into complete ash.

The demon species is also known to mutate and grow stronger over time as they consume
more humans, allowing them to grow into more monstrous forms and improve their physical
and regenerative abilities among other attributes. Once demons consume enough humans,
they can develop Blood Demon Arts, an array of supernatural powers and techniques which
are unique to each demon.

Different human blood types have different levels of nutrition for demons: the rarer the blood
type, the greater the nutrition. The rarest blood type is known as Marechi; eating a single
human with this blood type provides a demon with roughly the same nutrition as eating one
hundred ordinary humans.

The blood of the Primordial Demon is also shown to have special properties that can
strengthen a demon, proportional to the amount of blood infused. The blood, however, is
dangerously toxic in higher concentrations and can force a mutation in the recipient's body
far beyond what they can withstand, causing death. However, if they do endure the process
which is shown to be more excruciating the higher the dose is, their strength will grow

The Demon Slayers are the central adversary to the demon race as they are an organization
trained to destroy them through a multitude of well refined techniques and tools developed
across centuries to exterminate them. As a result, demons tend to live in secrecy with the
population at large being ignorant to their existence. Even more, some demons blend into
human society as a way to hide from persecutors and also to have a much easier access to
Demons come in a variety of forms. Most are humanoid in appearance, only with slight
alterations to their physiology, including but not limited to: paler skin, fangs, pointed nails,
catlike eyes with unusually-colored sclera, dark markings that come in various patterns
across their bodies, and/or a change in hair color. The changes differ from demon to demon,
as some demons can still retain their normal appearance while others gain distorted features
like multiple heads, mouths, or limbs. There are also cases where demons possess bizzare
monstrous physiologies more akin to beasts than humans.

Types of Demons:

Low-Rank Demons: Difficulty: Easy: Low ranked demons are the weakest of the bunch.
They often consist of people who have recently turned into demons and this type of demon
has usually only eaten 1-3 people at most. While they can be dealt with even by Mizunotos
or participants of the Final Selection, they do pose a threat. They are still demons afterall. As
demons they possess strength greater than a human and their bites can cause a decent
amount of damage.

Morphed Demons: Difficulty: Moderate: Compared to their lesser counterparts, a trend

you will notice as these explanations go. Morphed demons possess considerably greater
strength than a low-ranked demon. While the control they have over their body varies from
demon to demon, it's not just their appearance that is different. Their natural combat abilities
change dynamically as well. It’s the combination of these facts that makes each case difficult
to truly assess how powerful they really are. A demon that has morphed and spent some
time being one has usually eaten anywhere from 10-50 people. The more they have eaten
the greater their strength and control over their body becomes. Approach with caution. It’s
often difficult to know if they really are just a morphed demon or if it's a high ranked demon
that has actively chosen to take on a morphed appearance. The giveaway that they really
are what they seem to be is that a normal morphed demon cannot conjure any Blood
Demon Arts.

High-Rank Demons: Difficulty: Hard: Demons whose power have evolved to the point to
where they have developed a Blood Demon Art. These demons’ strength varies greatly.
Some high ranked demons spend most of their energy in order to increase the potency of
their Blood Demon Art, while others just use it in conjunction with their strength that is far
beyond the capability of a morphed demon. Other than a member of the twelve demon
moons or the Primordial Demon, these demons are the hardest you can face. The path to
defeating them is often uncertain as the supernatural nature of them changes how the
battles are fought. Figuring out what their ability does is usually the best course of action.
Demons that have reached this level of power have usually eaten around 50-100 people.
With the only exception being demons that have focused more on eating people that are
more nutritious, rather than eating a large quantity.

Lower-Moon Demons: Difficulty: Very Hard: These demons are miles stronger than the
previous demons. As a member of the twelve demon moons (or Kizuki), they have usually
lived for a long time and possess very powerful Blood Demon Arts. They work directly for
the Primordial Demon as its servants, with each of them bearing a rank within the order. The
level of their strength is measured in a power hierarchy where the rank of each demon is
displayed in their eye. With each of them showing a number that ties them to the rank they
possess within this hierarchy. The rank and number shown starts at lower-6 and goes down
to lower-1, which is the strongest of the lower-moons. In order to have reached this level,
they have most likely consumed over 200+ people during their lives and received an ample
sample of the Primordial Demon’s blood. As strong as they are, being 6 out of the 12
strongest demons in existence next to the Primordial Demon, they are usually no match for a
Hashira and will often run if they are confronted by one.

Upper-Moon Demons: Difficulty: Extremely Difficult: The 6 strongest demons in

existence next to the Primordial Demon. Their strength and Blood Demon Arts are in a
league of its own. Nothing even comes close. They have usually lived for centuries serving
the Primordial Demon as its direct bodyguards and main force. Being members within a
power hierarchy as well. These demons usually display their rank on one eye, again ranking
from 6 down to 1. With their other eye showing the word “Upper” to display that they are one
of the 6 Upper Moons of the 12 Kizuki. It's impossible to know how many innocent lives that
these powerful demons have taken over these many years, however, it's safe to assume that
most of them have eaten at least 1000+ people. Should you even come face to face with an
upper moon, while you yourself, is not currently standing in the position as a Hashira. RUN!
These demons are so strong that they have consumed over a dozen Hashiras over the
years and from a gameplay standpoint. In order to even stand a chance against these
demons. You would need to be at least Mastery Level 25, be at least the rank of Kinoe,
possess a numerous amount of useful training skills and skills/traits in general, and be of a
unit consisting of at least 3 people that all fit these criterias.

Demons for the most part work in solitude not bothering to group up and are in fact shown to
be highly territorial and fight over both prey and potential hunting grounds. Nonetheless,
demons are all for the most part connected to the Primordial Demon, who through an array
of curses is able to read their minds, witness what they see, discern their location, and even
destroy them remotely, operating akin to a hive-mind. All demons pledge obedience to this
Demon, which uses fear and manipulation to maintain loyalty. However, the Primordial
Demon’s control over its progeny is not omnipotent. An individual with a strong will might be
able to sever their connection with it, rendering them immune to its curse and making them
mostly undetectable by it.

Known Abilities:
Accelerated Growth Rate: “Demons grow at superhumanly fast rates, dependent on the
number of humans they have consumed and the amount of the Primordial Demon’s blood
they have assimilated. This allows even the weakest humans to become one of the most
powerful beings in existence in mere months. As a result, demons are able to reach further
heights that are impossible to attain when human as long as they keep assimilating the
Primordial Demon’s blood and consuming humans. Some demons, however, have a limit to
how much they can use to grow stronger, and they might be not compatible with a higher
amount of the Primordial Demon’s blood and die if they don't consume enough humans”.

Biological Absorption: ”Some demons have displayed the ability to absorb biological
matter into their bodies through physical contact, mainly as an alternative method for
consumption. It is also implied that demons can kill other demons by absorbing them into
their bodies”.

Disease Immunity: ”Demons have an innate immunity to all types of diseases and ailments,
with complex anti-demon drugs and the poison of a Wisteria flower being the only exception,
the former being able to effectively weaken demons and the latter able to kill demons if they
receive even milligrams of the substance”.

Enhanced Senses: ”Due to their predatory nature, demons possess sharper sensory
abilities. Most notably, demons can discern normal blood from marechi blood. Even a low
level demon is able to track the smell of an object back to its source. Demons are able to
distinguish things humans hardly understand, such as blood type, sickness, and genes”.

Flesh Manipulation: “All demons have the shared ability which allows them to control and
alter their own body's flesh to a certain extent, such as growing limbs, creating identical
clones of themselves, and detaching body parts and remotely controlling them. Weaker
demons are capable of completely creating extra limbs, while members of the Twelve Kizuki
possess flesh alteration abilities so advanced they can flawlessly generate fully-functioning
weapons or clothing out of their flesh, to the point that they are indistinguishable from their
normal counterparts”.

Immortality: “Demons don't age, possessing eternal life that allows them to live for
centuries without showing the slightest sign of deterioration or aging. They are unable to be
killed by conventional means, like suffering excessive injuries, but can be killed by sunlight,
through decapitation by Nichirin Swords, Wisteria poison or if the Primordial Demon wills it”.

Information Sharing: “Demons possess the ability to disseminate and transmit information
to one another through psychic means”.

Inhuman Physical Capabilities: “Even the weakest of demons possess inhuman strength,
speed and endurance, being able to outmatch the average person in all physical categories
effortlessly. A demon's physical abilities are implied to be directly tied to the amount of the
Primordial Demon’s blood they have assimilated and how much humans they have

Menacing Aura: “Demons have a naturally menacing presence and aura that evokes fear,
with stronger demons having a more intense aura. The aura of Lower-Moon demons can
make the air feel heavy and thick with a mere gaze, while Upper-Moon demons possess
auras that can induce fear and physical pain into their opponents or even make them lose
the will to fight”.

Regeneration: “Demons have incredible regenerative abilities far superior than any living
being or human due to the properties of the Primordial Demon's demonic blood, able to heal
any sort of physical injury in mere seconds, including deep cuts, organs, chunks of flesh,
entire limbs or even their head and entire body.] Stronger demons can heal more serious
injuries faster and more precisely than weaker demons. For example, the average demon
would take a dozen seconds to regrow an entire arm, while the likes of the Upper Ranks can
repair it in the same second it was sliced off, faster than even most skilled Demon Slayers
can react to, making it seem like it happened instantaneously”.

Shapeshifting: “All demons have a shared ability and attribute of shapeshifting through the
precise manipulation of their body. For weaker demons, shapeshifting is automatic and
usually random. For example, humans that recently became demons could have horns,
sharp nails, fangs or extra limbs that are granted through demonization. Demons that
possess more of the Primordial Demon’s blood would be able to control their own
shapeshifting more precisely, enabling them to change their appearance at will”.

Supernatural Blood: All demons have supernatural and special blood that is the main
source of all their abilities, characteristics, attributes and capabilities, thus being the most
important aspect of demons. The higher the concentration of the Primordial Demon’s blood
a demon possesses, the overall stronger they are. Once demons grow strong enough, they
develop supernatural abilities unique to themselves known as Blood Demon Arts, magic
uses a demon's blood as a medium. While demons can’t die from wounds, it can eventually
drain them of all their blood, rendering them unable to use their Blood Demon Art. Their
blood will regenerate with time or immediately if they consume a human’s flesh and/or

Unlimited Stamina & Endurance: “All demons have a shared physical trait of endless and
limitless stamina and vitality, simply being unable to accumulate fatigue or get tired no
matter how hard they try to exert themselves. Demons can also endure pain and discomfort
much better than humans and even the likes of Hashira, taking on onslaught of attacks as if
they were nothing, such that a severed arm or slashed neck wouldn't even bother them. It is
also stated that demons don't need to sleep or rest”.

Sunlight: “The greatest threat to all demons is sunlight, which ignites their cells, severely
limits their regeneration, and fatally burns them to ashes”.

Nichirin Swords: “Nichirin Swords are blades made out of Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and
Scarlet Crimson Ore, which absorb sunlight to such an extent that a decapitation strike with
such a weapon can instantly kill a demon. There are exceptions, however, some powerful
demons can overcome this weakness and survive decapitation by these blades. Although
records of this happening are slim to none”.

Wisteria Flowers: “The Wisteria flower is poisonous to demons, and releases a scent that
can repel demons. Wisteria flowers can be used to create deadly and highly potent poison
mixtures to easily kill demons in small amounts. If it is as potent on strong demons such as
Upper Moons is unknown”.

Curse of the Primordial: “Every demon created through the Primordial Demon’s blood is
also inflicted with a deadly curse which activates if they call out divulge any information
about it, most commonly by saying its name in the presence of Demon Slayers”.

State of the Demon Slayer Corps

Origin and Japan’s History:
The first demon that is said to have existed was the Primordial Demon, whose location since
then, still has not been uncovered to this day, 1000 years later. When the founder of the
Demon Slayer Corp survived an encounter with the Primordial Demon, after being rescued
by a mysterious swordsman that possessed a unique sword style. The founder and the
swordsman realized the threat the demon poses on the country and world at large. They
came to a mutual agreement to band together to defeat this progenitor of all demons. The
founder would use his vast riches to fund the creation of the Demon Slayer Corps. While the
swordsman used his immense skill and knowledge to train the founder’s retainers his
techniques, that would later derive into the 5 Main Breath Styles: Water, Flame, Thunder,
Stone and Wind Breathing.

Today, demons are running rampant in the country, with reports of people disappearing all
over. They seem to only really strike whole villages if they are far out in the outskirts. Due to
this people are confused and afraid, while the Shogunates refuse to accept the existence of
demons, believing the rumors to be exaggerations of wild animal attacks or even secret ops
of rival shoguns. Perhaps due to the influence of demons. The history of Japan is far from
our own. The current era, what would normally be the Taishō period, is now the second
Sengoku period, with Japan currently being in the state of Civil War. The country is divided
between the Ex-Shogunate Clans: Rantamichi [Lantern, Path], Shinokami [True, Wolves]
and Shinkunshu [Crimson, Monarchs], who are fighting to take the missing role of Emperor.
After the Emperor and his family was mysteriously murdered 62 years ago (1850), as only a
pool of blood was ever found at the scene at the dead of night.


The Yellow Territory: Rantamichi Clan.

The Purple Territory: Shinkunshu Clan.
The Red Territory: Shinokami Clan.


Today, more families than ever succumb as prey to demons all over the country. Due to this,
one could say that this is the saddest golden era for the Demon Slayer Corps. Since more
and more people are now training and attempting to join the organization than ever before,
due to them losing their family members or homes.

Will you and your group be able to successfully join the Demon Slayer Corps in the Final
Selection, defeat the demons and potentially stop the war? Try your luck in the original
alternative story of Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer Alternative.

Your Path Begins

The First Step:
In order to become a Demon Slayer, your first step is to partake in the annual Final
Selection. The Final Selection is an entrance exam which swordsmen partake in as a final
test before becoming Demon Slayers. The exam takes place at Mount Fujikasake, where
Wisteria Flowers bloom all year round, covering the foot of the mountain to its slope. The
task is to survive on the mountain top for 7 nights with no outside help. Participants may
bring anything they like and use any method in order to survive, as long as it does not go
against any rules that all Demon Slayers must follow (such as not attacking other Demon
Slayers). The Mountain is infested with Low-Rank Demons that cannot escape these
grounds due to Wisteria Flowers being poisonous to demons. Escaping the mountain or
leaving the mountaintop area for even a moment, will disqualify you.

As your adventure begins you start off with 20 Yen. Your character may use these Yen to
purchase any items they think will aid them in the Final Selection, before they are sent off
from their respective villages/cultivators.

Should you survive and clear the task: You will be rewarded with selecting an ore (2 ores
if you require 2 weapons for your Breath Style) that will become 1 free Nichirin weapon, 20
Yen, 1 Demon Slayer Uniform and 1 Kasugai Crow. You are also promoted to Mastery
Rank: Mizunoto (1) and your rank is inscribed into your hand through a process called
“Wisteria Flower Engraving”. You can check your current rank at any time by saying the
password and flexing your arm.

Kasugai Crow Actions:

Retrieve Small Item: Your crow can retrieve a small item of your description to the best of
their ability from the surrounding area.
Deliver Message (Short): Your crow will almost instantaneously deliver a letter or shortly
worded message to a desired nearby location, person or entity.
Deliver Message (Long): While you are outside of combat, your crow, over the course of a
single session, can transport a message or letter to a desired far off location, person or
Carry/Deliver Small Item: Your crow will carry or deliver a small item of your choice for a
disclosed amount of time or until set conditions are met.
Search: Your crow will actively search for the requested item, location, entity or person of
your desire. It will bring you what you requested if it was a small item or guide you to the
location to which you ordered it to search.
Scout: Your crow can scan the area for any being(s) you request, granting your whole party
+ 1 Initiative if the crow finds and alarms you of those nearby beings.

Ranking up:
As you complete missions and defeat demons, your rank within the Demon Slayer Corps will
increase. Here is a list of the Requirements to rank up your Mastery Rank and their

Mizunoto: Requirements: Complete the Final Selection: + 1 Stat Point. New training
unlocked. + 20 Yen each month.

Mizunoe: Requirements: Slay 5 Low-Rank Demons, finish 1 mission or slay 1 Morphed

Demon: + 1 Stat Point. + 1 skill/trait slot. + 35 Yen each month.

Kanoto: Requirements: Slay 10 Low-Rank Demons, finish 1 mission or slay 2 Morphed

Demons: + 2 Stat Points. New training unlocked. + 50 Yen each month.

Kanoe: Requirements: Slay 20 Low-Rank Demons, Slay 5 Morphed Demons, finish 2

missions or slay 1 High-Rank Demon: + 2 Stat Points. + 1 skill/trait slot. + 100 Yen each

Tsuchinoto: Requirements: Slay 10 Morphed Demons, finish 2 missions or slay 2 High-

Rank Demons: + 2 Stat Points. New training unlocked. + 150 Yen each month.

Tsuchinoe: Requirements: Slay 15 Morphed Demons, finish 3 missions or slay 3 High-

Rank Demons: + 2 Stat Points. + 1 skill/trait slot. + 200 Yen each month.
Hinoto: Requirements: Slay 5 High-Rank Demons, finish 3 missions or slay 1 Lower-Moon
Demon: + 2 Stat Points. New training unlocked. + 350 Yen each month.

Hinoe: Requirements: Slay 10 High-Rank Demons, finish 1 Difficult Mission or slay 1

Lower-Moon Demon: + 2 Stat Points. + 1 skill/trait slot. + 500 Yen each month.

Kinoto: Requirements: Slay 2 Lower-Moon Demons or finish 2 Difficult Missions: + 3 Stat

Points. New training unlocked. + 750 Yen each month.

Kinoe: Requirements: Complete 3 Very Difficult Missions: + 3 Stat Points. (optional): +

You may create your own Breath Style and change your fated color to that Style’s color. + 1
skill/trait slot. + 1000 Yen each month.

Hashira: Requirements: Slay 1 Upper-Moon Demon or 50 Demons, and earn the Demon
Slayer Corps’ Approval: + 4 Stat Points. + 10 Exhaustion Cap. + 5 skill/trait slots. New
training unlocked. + any amount of Yen you want each month (at the GM’s discretion).

Trainings are effects that require no skill/trait slots in order to be active, (this does not apply
to Skills or Traits gained through training). In between missions when your party needs time
to heal their wounds, the Demon Slayer Corps (the GM) can give you some time until the
next mission. When this happens you will be taken in by an estate where you can train both
before and after you have healed. These breaks come in short, medium and long periods,
depending on how badly injured you all are after finishing a mission. How much of this time
can be spent training also depends on how badly injured you are, (GM’s can adjust this
based on how many Mortal Wounds you have). Each training requires a certain amount of
time between short, medium and long until the training is complete. 1 long training = 3 short
and 1 medium = 2 shorts. If there is not enough time to finish the training you started, you
can continue the same training during the next rest at an estate with the same progress.
Once you have finished your training you gain the effects granted from said training. The
Ranks on a training determines the maximum amount of times that training can be
performed. These trainings are unlocked after ranking up to the corresponding Mastery

Mizunoto: Mastery Rank 1:

Basic Training: Rank 3: Short: + 1 to your Exhaustion Cap.

Movement Training: Rank 3: Medium: + 1 to your Base Speed movement.

Coordination Training: Rank 5: Short/Medium/Long:

Requirements: Short training. At Rank 1: 1 less success is lost during a Unified Attack.
Requirements: Short training. At Rank 2: 2 less success is lost during a Unified Attack.
Once each round, you can increase or decrease your Initiative by 1, as long as the turn
order for other characters does not change.
Requirements: Medium training. At Rank 3: 3 less success is lost during a Unified Attack.
Once each round, you can increase or decrease your Initiative up to 3, as long as the turn
order for other characters does not change.
Requirements: Medium training. At Rank 4: 4 less success is lost during a Unified Attack.
Once each round, you can increase or decrease your Initiative up to 3, as long as the turn
order for other characters does not change. + 3 Damage Tiers on your Unified Attacks
(this can stack).
Requirements: Long training. At Rank 5: 5 less success is lost during a Unified Attack.
Once each round, you can increase or decrease your Initiative up to 5, as long as the turn
order for other characters does not change. + 5 Damage Tiers on your Unified Attacks
(this can stack).

Total Concentration Breathing: Constant: Rank 1: Unique: Instead of taking a certain

amount of time to learn. One must succeed on a unique test. The test works as follows:

In order to succeed in this training, your character must use Total Concentration Breathing
for 24h and never lose their breath. Your food item’s Daily effects do not increase your
Exhaustion Cap when performing this training. Each hour your character gains 1 stack of
Exhaustion. If your Exhaustion Cap is exceeded, you fail the training. Each time your
Exhaustion Cap is about to be exceeded, Make a Constitution Saving Throw. If you
succeed the Saving Throw, you do not gain the stack of Exhaustion. (Reminder:
Remember that each time the same type of Saving Throw is performed, the successes
needed to succeed is increased by 1).

If you manage to not exceed your Exhaustion Cap in 24h, you finish the training and gain
the technique: Total Concentration Breathing: Constant.

This test can only be attempted 3 times per Short, Medium or Long periods of rest.

Kanoto: Mastery Rank 3:

Strength Training: Rank 4: Short: + 1 Strength.

Agility Training: Rank 4: Short: + 1 Agility.
Constitution Training: Rank 4: Short: + 1 Constitution.
Mentality Training: Rank 4: Short: + 1 Mentality.
Technique Training: Rank 4: Short: + 1 Technique.
Attack Training: Rank 3: Medium: + 1 Base Hit Die on all attacks.
Defense Training: Rank 3: Medium: + 1 Defense Die on all contested rolls.
Firing Training: Rank 3: Medium: + 2 on Mentality Checks involving a Gun or Bow.

Change of Fate: Rank 1: Short: You may change your fated color on your Breath Style and
change the color of your Nichirin swords to any other color you choose.

Tsuchinoto: Mastery Rank 5:

Harsh Strength Training: Rank 2: Medium: + 2 Strength.

Harsh Agility Training: Rank 2: Medium: + 2 Agility.
Harsh Constitution Training: Rank 2: Medium: + 2 Constitution.
Harsh Mentality Training: Rank 2: Medium: + 2 Mentality.
Harsh Technique Training: Rank 2: Medium: + 2 Technique.
Great Aim: Rank 1: Long: Count your full modifier when calculating Hit Dice on your
Ranged Attacks.

Medic Training: Rank 3: Short/Medium/Long:

Requirements: Long training. At Rank 1: You become able to perform the unique Action:
Save Ally: Requirements: Spend your Main Action and can only be used on an
Unconscious ally. Spend 1 Bandage and gain 3 stacks of Exhaustion: The Unconscious
ally wakes up and can immediately perform the technique: Recovery Breathing ignoring its
Requirements: Medium training. At Rank 2: When performing the Action: Save Ally: The
ally’s Heal Dice are rolled with d6s instead d4s.
Requirements: Short training. At Rank 3: You can spend a First Aid Medkit instead of a
Bandage when paying the cost for the Requirement of the Save Ally Action. If you do, that
ally rolls 3 additional Heal Dice when performing the technique: Recovery Breathing.

Deadshot: Rank 2: Medium: + 2 Damage Tiers on all Gun and Bow weapons you use.
This bonus is applied to Fixed Damage Tiers as well.

Dark Intentions: Rank 1: Long: Demon Eaters can use 2 Blood Demon Art: Techniques
or their Blood Demon Art effect on the same turn, by reducing their Humanity by 2.

Hinoto: Mastery Rank 7:

Decisive Mind: Rank 1: Medium: Whenever a Decisive Moment occurs, you gain both 1
Main Action and a Shift Action instead of 1 or the other.

Sense Demons: Rank 5: Medium: If you do not possess the Skill: Sense Demons, you
gain it. Skill: Sense Demons: Whenever a demon comes within ((Your Mentality modifier +
Mastery Rank) x your Rank in Sense Demon) meters, you instantly become aware of its
presence. If your Rank in Sense Demons is 5: You also become aware of its general
strength and what type of demon it is, (you do not become aware of its Rank, if that demon
is a member of the 12 Demon Moons).

Initiator: Rank 1: Medium: + (1 + your Mastery Rank) Initiative and Base Speed on the
first round, at the start of combat.

Deadly Slayer: Rank 5: Short: + 1 Damage Tier on your Forms.

Guardian Angel: Rank 1: Long: Once per session, you may immediately gain a full turn if
any of your allies is about to gain their 10:th Mortal Wound or fail their Death Saving
Throw. Perform your bonus turn before those results apply, but you can only spend your
Actions to attempt to save that ally. If that ally's HP becomes 0% or higher during your turn,
they succeed their Death Saving Throw instead. This effect of Guardian Angel can only be
used by 1 player character per session.
Kinoto: Mastery Level 9:

Apply to Become a Tsuguko: Rank 1: Unique: Instead of taking a certain amount of time
to learn. One must succeed on a unique test. The test will vary depending which Hashira
character you are trying to impress. The corresponding Hasira will give you a unique
mission; which upon completion, will earn you the title of Tsuguko, earn you the Approval of
the Demon Slayer Corps and make you a successor to that Hashira.

Living Death: Rank 10: Medium: You can plant 1 poison or bomb item inside of you that all
trigger if your character dies.

Top Performance: Rank 1: Long: You gain 2 Main Actions on each of your turns.

Brutal Cardio Training: Rank 5: Long: + 2 to your Exhaustion Cap.

Hashira: Mastery Level 11:

Hashira Training: Rank 10: Long: + 2 Stat Points, + 2 to your Exhaustion Cap and + 2 to
your Base Speed movement.

Any Mastery Rank:

Notice: Additional Breath Styles can only be learned by encountering something in the
overworld (at the GM’s discretion) that can teach you. If your character encounters a way to
learn a Breath Style, unlock the following training:
Learn _______: Rank 1: Long: You learn that specific Breath Style.

Dojos (Optional):

By traveling, your party might encounter a dojo that teaches unique training that cannot be
learned elsewhere. Allowing your party to learn new fighting techniques that might also help
when facing demons. The GM: Can come up with a new unique training for their players. A
player can only have 1 dojo training effect that they have learned, active at a time. But they
can learn any number of dojo training skills. In order to train a dojo technique, the player
needs to spend 1-4 weeks to learn a dojo skill that requires a short training period, 1-3
months for a skill that requires a medium training period and 4-6 months to learn a skill that
requires a long training period.

Here is an example of dojo training skill:

Netuani Warrior Style: Rank 5: Short/Medium/Long:
Requirements: Short period: At rank 1: Randomly select 1 rolled Defense or Hit Die to
remove when facing a stronger opponent with more Hit Dice/Defense Dice than you.
Requirements: Short period: At rank 2: Randomly select 2 rolled Defense or Hit Die to
remove when facing a stronger opponent with more Hit Dice/Defense Dice than you.

Requirements: Medium period: At rank 3: Randomly select 3 rolled Defense or Hit Die to
remove when facing a stronger opponent with more Hit Dice/Defense Dice than you.
Requirements: Medium period: At rank 4: Randomly select 4 rolled Defense or Hit Die to
remove when facing a stronger opponent with more Hit Dice/Defense Dice than you.
Requirements: Long period: At rank 5: Randomly select 5 rolled Defense or Hit Die to
remove when facing a stronger opponent with more Hit Dice/Defense Dice than you.

Demon Slayer Alternative (In progress)

A pre-constructed campaign that will feature drawn unique characters in an epic tale in order
to take down the progenitor of all demons, The Primordial Demon. Shape the story and the
future of Japan as the conflict of the 3 Clans: Rantamichi, Shinokami and Shinkunshu
escalates. All while the Primordial Demon’s evil plan slowly comes to light, as the Demon
Slayer Corps and the demons are in a fierce battle behind the scenes. Will the slayer’s HQ
be destroyed or will the Primordial Demon finally be found and beheaded. It all unfolds in the
alternate story of Demon Slayer: Demon Slayer Alternative.
Character Sheet
Afterword: First off, THANK YOU! If you actually read all of this. Since this is my first time
making something like this, it means a lot that you are showing interest in my system! This
was one hell of a passion project… It took so much time and energy to make this, but this is
my Love Letter to TTRPGs and Demon Slayer for being wonderful sources of entertainment
for me. I hope anyone that stumbles upon this has a great experience and a fun time with
their friends. If you liked my work, be sure to check out my real attempt at making my very
own card game: Escaveilia, on youtube.
Patch Notes:

Notice: The system is still being playtested for the first time, so please excuse any errors in
balance or "jank" mechanics as I try to improve the system to the best of my abilities. Here is
a huge update that hopefully will increase the balance and quality of life for this roleplaying
system, as well as adding new content/mechanics.

System Updated: 1.02

● Added rule clarification on what happens when you Crit during Checks.
● Role: Alchemist: Buffed.
Role: Blacksmith: Buffed and Quality of Life changes.
Role: Descendant of Hunter: Quality of Life changes.
Role: Descendant of Warriors: Buffed.
Role: Survivalist: Adjusted.

● Character Creation: Traits/Skill suggestions: Courageous: Trait: Adjusted.

● Balance changes to the following Breath Styles:

6th Form: Whirlpool: Buffed.
9th Form: Splashing Water Form - Turbulent: Adjusted.
10th Form: Constant Flux: Adjusted.
11th Form: Dead Calm: Adjusted.

Breath Style Bonus: Buffed.
2nd Form: Rising Scorching Sun: Buffed.
5th Form: Flame Tiger: Adjusted.
7th Form: March of the Flaming Deity: Adjusted.
9th Form: Purgatory: Nerfed.

Breath Style Bonus: Nerfed.
1st Form: Thunderclap and Flash: Adjusted.
2nd Form: Rice Spirit: Buffed.
3rd Form: Thunder Swarm: Buffed.
5th Form: Heat Lightning: Nerfed.
7th Form: Flaming Thunder God: Nerfed.

All Forms: Fixed error on the effects. (Ranged Keyword removed. Can still be used at
a distance, at the range of your weapon).
2nd Form: Upper Smash: Buffed.
4th Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest: Buffed.
5th Form: Arcs of Justice: Adjusted.
3rd Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree: Buffed.
4th Form: Rising Dust Tornado: Buffed.
5th Form: Cold Mountain Wind: Nerfed.
6th Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist: Buffed.
7th Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts: Nerfed.
8th Form: Primary Gale Slash: Adjusted.
9th Form: Idaten Typhoon: Nerfed.

Breath Style Bonus: Adjusted.
1st Form: Winding Serpent Slash: Buffed.
3rd Form: Coil Choke: Buffed.
5th Form: Slithering Serpent: Buffed.

2nd Form: Honorable Shadow Plum: Buffed.
3rd Form: Midnight Cherry Spring, Petal Dance: Adjusted.

Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter: Nerfed.
Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon: Adjusted.

Breath Style Bonus: Adjusted.
1st Form: Shivers of First Love: Buffed.
4th Form: Purring Love: Buffed.
5th Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw: Buffed.

Breath Style Bonus: Adjusted.
1st Circle: Devil's Bane: Nerfed.
4th Circle: Bone-Melting Punishment, Blazing Tornado: Adjusted.
5th Circle: Hell’s Gate: Buffed.
6th Circle: Whip of Repentment: Adjusted.
7th Circle: Dark Guillotine: Adjusted.
8th Circle: Wavering Soul, Ring of Fire: Adjusted.
9th Circle: Judgment: Nerfed.

Breath Style Bonus: Buffed.
4th Form: Dark Claws - Chilling Raid: Adjusted.
5th Form: Lord of Shadows: Adjusted.
6th Form: Treacherous Steed - Trojan Invasion: Rule Clarification updated.

Breath Style Bonus: Buffed.
1st Form: Roar: Quality of Life change.
2nd Form: Firework Festival, Flashy Rain: Quality of Life change.
3rd Form: Thumming Bolts: Adjusted.
4th Form: Constant Resounding Slashes: Buffed.
5th Form: String Performance: Adjusted.

2nd Form: Electromagnetic Storm: Buffed.
4th Form: Force of Fours: Nerfed.

Breath Style Bonus: Nerfed.
4th Form: Light of Salvation: Adjusted.
5th Form: Shining Radiance: Nerfed.
6th Form: Rays of Hope: Buffed.

2nd Form: Raging Sandstorm: Buffed.
3rd Form: Immovable Pyramid: Buffed.
4th Form: Sand Wave: Buffed.
5th Form: Maw of the Desert: Adjusted.
6th Form: Violence and Chaos, Awakening Storm: Adjusted.

Breath Style's Requirements: Adjusted.
Breath Style Bonus: Nerfed.
2nd Form: Molten Rock Impact: Buffed.

Weapon Art: First Technique: Suppressing Fire: Buffed.
Weapon Art: Second Technique: Secondary Fire: Buffed.
Weapon Art: Third Technique: Deflecting Shot: Buffed.
Weapon Art: Fourth Technique: Incapacitating Shot: Adjusted.
Weapon Art: Fifth Technique: Rooting Strike: Adjusted.
1st Form: Shredder: Buffed.
2nd Form: Draconic Breath - Mountain Drill: Adjusted.
3rd Form: Roaring Impact: Buffed.
4th Form: Sunder Roots: Buffed.

Breath Style Bonus: Buffed.
1st Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze: Buffed.
2nd Form: Eight-Layered Mist: Buffed.
3rd Form: Scattering Mist Splash: Buffed.
7th Form: Obscuring Clouds: Adjusted.

Breath Style Bonus: Buffed.
1st Form: Frostbite: Adjusted.
2nd Form: Frozen Mountain Peak: Buffed.
3rd Form: Blizzard: Quality of Life changes.
4th Form: Heartbeat of Winter, Singing Blade: Buffed.
5th Form: Cold Embrace: Adjusted.
7th Form: Winter Solstice: Nerfed.

Breath Style Bonus: Adjusted.
2nd Fang: Slice: Buffed.
4th Fang: Slice ´n´ Dice: Nerfed.

Demon Eater:

Rule clarification adjusted.

Demon Eater Bonus: Adjusted.

Demonic Power: Transformation: Adjusted.

Demonic Power: Regenerate: Adjusted.

● Added rule clarification on Combat Actions.

● Rule changes regarding stacks of Exhaustion and its conditions.
● Additional penalty added to the rule about Switching Between Breath Styles and
● Added rule clarification to how contested rolls are performed when a Form is used as
a Reaction (in the Action: Use a Form:)
● Adjustments to attack targeting regarding the Hidden Mechanic.
● Ranged Attacks: Quality of Life change.
● Added rule clarification on Slaying Demons & Striking Arcs, regarding the rules when
striking certain areas/Arcs.
● Added Tiers to clarify how effects react to the level of Wound you receive. New
effects to certain Wounds that did not have one previously.
● Adjusted rules regarding Fall Damage.
● Items changes:
Ramen: Now removes Dehydration.
Udon: Now removes Dehydration.
Yakitori: Buffed.
Yakiniku: Adjusted.

Large Nichirin Weapon: Adjusted.
Burning Nichirin Sword: Buffed.
Serrated Nichirin Scimitar: Nerfed.
The Ogre’s Jaw: Adjusted.
Kunai: Buffed.
New weapon: Longbow.

Medical Items:
Bandage: Buffed.
First Aid Kit: Adjusted (see changes in Short and Long Rest).
Surgeon's Tools: Adjusted (see changes in Short and Long Rest).

Other Items:
Rope: Buffed.
Flask: Adjusted.
Lantern: Buffed.

● Rules regarding the Keyword Vulnerability: Adjusted (current maximum HP, instead of
maximum HP).
● Rule clarification on the Delayed Keyword.
● Added mechanic: Counterattack.
● Added mechanic: Rooted.
● Poison rules adjusted.
● Corrected grammar mistakes.
● Corrected text of Kinoe not showing how much Yen you get per month.
● Trainings:
Changed Gun training to Firing Training: Adjusted.
New training added to Tsuchinoto: Great Aim
Deadshot: Adjusted.
Sense Demons: Buffed.
Initiator: Adjusted.
● Dojos added.

System Updated: 1.01

● Balance changes to Hemorrhage.

● Balance change to Recovery Breathing.
● Added rules about jumping.
● Added rule clarification on how the Exhaustion Cap is calculated.
● Added information regarding the new Breath Styles introduced in this system.
● Fixed errors about the effects of certain Forms.
● Added rule clarification on how the Delayed keyword works.
● Added rule clarification on how the Mortal Burns works.
● Added mechanic Prone.
● Added rule clarification on how Open Wounds works.
● Added realistic restriction on how many times Total Concentration Breathing:
Constant training can be attempted per Short, Medium or Long periods of rest.
● Character Sheet Template added.
● Corrected grammar mistakes (this will probably occur often).

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