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Tracing the links between

absorptive capacity, university

knowledge exchange and
competitive advantage in SMEs
Helen Fogg

Abstract: Can university knowledge exchange give small businesses the

ability to gain competitive advantage? The main purpose of this study is,
first, to understand the limitations for small firms in absorbing knowledge
from higher education institutions and, second, to ascertain whether
access to knowledge resources, such as a university, can be an antecedent
factor for building absorptive capacity in small and medium-sized enter-
prises (SMEs) and creating business value. The paper is a conceptual
study in which a model for knowledge exchange between a management
school and SMEs is proposed. The model was developed, drawing on the
literature and prior SME knowledge exchange expertise of the manage-
ment school, to deliver a three-year project funded by the European
Regional Development Fund. The project, ‘Innovation for Growth’, is
designed to embed innovation in the business processes and practices of
300 SMEs in the north-west of England. This paper offers recommenda-
tions for improving policy aimed at supporting the innovation process of
small firms; a proposed model of knowledge exchange between university
and small firms; and a strategy for small businesses to improve their
absorptive capacity.
Keywords: absorptive capacity; knowledge exchange; entrepreneurial
learning; SMEs
Helen Fogg is a Project Manager with the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Develop-
ment, Lancaster University Management School, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YX, UK. E-mail:

Cohen and Levinthal (1990) used the term ‘absorptive knowledge source and small and medium-sized enter-
capacity’ (AC) to capture the notion that firms may have prises (SMEs) as potential users of that knowledge.
differing capabilities to innovate and to recognize the Knowledge exchange (KE) reflects a belief that the
value of new knowledge, assimilate it and apply it to processes involved in knowledge transfer must be two-
creating business value. Knowledge transfer (KT) way in order to be successful. The term ‘knowledge
describes how knowledge and ideas move between a exchange’ is used extensively throughout this paper as
knowledge source to the potential users of that knowl- the author recognizes that a two-way process between
edge. This paper considers business and management business schools and SMEs is a vital part of a cyclical
schools of higher education institutions (HEIs) as a value chain that also informs and renews the knowledge

ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION Vol 13, No 1, 2012, pp 35–44 doi: 10.5367/ijei.2012.0061 35

Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

of a university. Lockett et al (2008) note that KT has Literature review

been identified as an essential element of innovation,
driving competitive advantage in increasingly knowl- Cohen and Levinthal (1990) defined AC as a firm’s
edge-driven economies. Yet, whilst large firms are often ‘ability to recognise the value of new external knowl-
engaged in KT with HEIs, it is acknowledged that SMEs edge, assimilate it and apply it to commercial ends’. KT
play an important role in any economy and are increas- describes how knowledge and ideas move from the
ingly being encouraged to engage with the HEI sector. knowledge source to the potential users of that knowl-
Over the past decade the Institute for Entrepreneur- edge. Barney (1991) suggests that firms endowed with
ship and Enterprise Development (IEED) within greater AC are expected to outperform their rivals. Thus,
Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) has KT from a business school can provide an SME with a
focused on the application of its research expertise competitive advantage, if the new knowledge is applied
through the development and delivery of SME KE to commercial ends. Jenson et al (2007) argue that
programmes in the areas of innovation, enterprise knowledge and innovation are intertwined as innovation
development, leadership and business management. is based on the application of new knowledge, and at the
Through its various projects it has assisted more than same time the application of new knowledge leads to
1,000 regional SMEs, resulting in significant improve- change and innovation. Galankis (2006) notes that, in
ments in the businesses supported. Evidence to support order to survive, an organization has to innovate con-
this can be found in Wren and Jones (2006). IEED has stantly, and thus innovation provides competitive
recently been awarded funding from the European advantage for an SME.
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for three years to Kim (1997) defines AC as the capacity to learn and
deliver a project, Innovation for Growth (IFG), to embed solve problems. Cope and Watts (2000) recognized that
innovation in the business processes and practices of the mode of learning for entrepreneurship education
300 SMEs from the north-west of England. This fully differed from that of typical students of management
funded project draws upon the skills and expertise of studies: whereas the latter require knowledge retention
academics, students and KE professionals within LUMS to gain qualifications, entrepreneurial learning by
and builds on previous successes in business engage- owner-managers of SMEs is a specific, situated, prob-
ment. lem-centred process. Therefore, to increase AC in
Relevant literature concerned with KE, AC and SMEs, there is a need to develop for SMEs specific
entrepreneurial learning was reviewed prior to a KE models of KE that encompass the body of research
model for IFG being proposed. This was combined concerned with how entrepreneurs learn.
with tools developed through previous delivery of KE
programmes to propose a robust framework for the
project to ensure that maximum competitive advantage
Knowledge transfer/exchange and SMEs
was derived for participant businesses. Rarely is theory The terms ‘knoweldge transfer’ and ‘knowledge ex-
reviewed prior to designing a programme for delivery; change’ are often used interchangeably; however, KE
thus this paper makes a contribution to research in this reflects the notion that the processes involved constitute
area and also adds to the call for evidence-based a two-way process in which those involved share
practice made by Frese et al (2005) for the domain of learning, ideas and experiences. KT has been identified
entrepreneurship. Bruneel et al (2010) also suggest that as an essential element of innovation, driving competi-
few studies have attempted to investigate what might tive advantage in increasingly knowledge-driven
attenuate the barriers to successful knowledge ex- economies. Lockett et al (2008) comment that, whilst
change. In this paper, AC is proposed as a framework large firms often engage in KT with HEIs, it is acknowl-
to help explain how heterogeneous SMEs are able to edged that SMEs play an important role in any
assimilate new knowledge and then exploit it for economy, and they are increasingly being encouraged to
competitive advantage. This is combined with literature engage with the HEI sector.
concerned with how SMEs – or specifically how Murovec and Prodan (2009) point out that, in order
entrepreneurs in SMEs – learn, to propose a model of for innovation activity to provide a desired output, an
KE for business and management schools to develop organization needs to possess knowledge from many
AC in SMEs. different fields. However, Cosh and Hughes (2010)
The paper is structured as follows. Initially, a review acknowledge that the dominant direct sources of
of the relevant literature is provided, and this is followed knowledge for innovative companies in the UK and the
by discussion of the proposed IFG delivery model and USA are customers, suppliers and competitors and the
how it was derived. The final section offers concluding internal knowledge sources of the firms themselves. In
remarks. both the USA and the UK, universities are ranked as


Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

relatively low in frequency of use as a direct knowledge existing competencies or creating new ones by
source. In the UK, relatively low value is placed on incorporating acquired and transformed knowledge
universities as a source of knowledge, which may reflect into operations, leading to the creation of new
difficulties in extracting knowledge; this is particularly goods, systems, processes, knowledge or organiza-
prevalent in small firms. Finally, Cosh and Hughes tional forms.
(2010) highlighted the need to consider universities’
The above dimensions can be used neatly to describe the
roles in the innovation systems of low-tech sectors as
steps an SME must take to absorb new, external knowl-
well as high-tech manufacturing. This suggests that
edge from a business school and ultimately exploit this
universities must expand KT activity beyond that
knowledge to gain competitive advantage.
traditionally undertaken in the areas of technology
Zahra and George (2002) also identified two subsets
transfer and, therefore, that there is an increasing role
of AC: potential absorptive capacity (PAC), which
for business schools in stimulating innovation in both
enables a firm’s receptiveness to external knowledge
high-tech and low-tech SMEs.
(that is, the acquisition and assimilation of new knowl-
Johnston et al (2008) advise that, historically, HEIs
edge), and realized absorptive capacity (RAC), which
have interacted with SMEs in a number of ways – for
reflects a firm’s capacity to leverage absorbed knowl-
example, through bespoke research and consultancy,
edge. Fosfuri and Tribo (2008) confirm that it is the
teaching, training, skills development, clustering, spin-
ultimate exploitation of new knowledge that provides
outs, venture capital activities and knowledge transfer
the competitive advantage, finding that firms with higher
partnerships. These connections form attempts to create
levels of such capability systematically obtained larger
the necessary infrastructure and increase the capacity for
shares of their sales from new or substantially improved
SMEs to engage with HEIs and gain access to an
products. Thus, increasing RAC should be a critical
increasing knowledge base, international networks and
component of any KE programme. However, it is
markets. However, Link and Tassey (1989) noted five
suggested that short training programmes and one-off
intrinsic characteristics that restricted collaborative
events, often provided for SMEs by a university, serve to
relationships between universities and businesses:
increase only PAC. The knowledge imparted at these
differences in mission and objectives; incompatibility of
events must be transformed and exploited in order to
structures and policies; differential orientation and
provide competitive advantage for the SME. Theory
interests of individual researchers; effectiveness of
concerned with entrepreneurial learning can add to the
university–industry arrangements and mechanisms for
process of enhancing RAC and help develop an inte-
collaboration; and benefits versus cost and difficulties
grated KE mechanism.
concerned with how to evaluate university–industry
Todorova and Durisin (2007) advise that the ability to
relationships. Twomey and Quazi (2000) highlight that
evaluate and use outside knowledge is a function of the
for business schools and businesses, the scarcity of
knowledge source, level of prior related knowledge and
effective interactions means failure to promote and
ability to appropriate this external knowledge. Bessant et
facilitate optimally the creation, transfer and use of
al (2009) propose a crude typology for SMEs to organ-
knowledge. Thus the landscape around HEI–SME
ize and manage the innovation process in its entirety –
engagement is littered with conflicting aims and objec-
assuming different states of development of capability or
tives: government papers encourage engagement, yet
AC – from search through selection to effective imple-
traditional university activity struggles to embrace the
mentation of new knowledge. Originally focused on
needs of SMEs.
technological change, the author suggests that these four
‘states’ could equally be applied to absorbing new
Absorptive capacity knowledge from a business school and help us under-
stand SMEs’ limitations with regard to absorbing new
Zahra and George (2002) propose four dimensions of knowledge:
AC for firms:
‘Unaware or passive’ – SMEs that do not recognize the
• acquisition: identification of relevant external need for change and do not know what might be im-
information from knowledge sources; proved. These SMEs, with very low or no AC, require
• assimilation: routines and processes to analyse, support to recognize the need for change and longer-
process, interpret and understand the information; term support to develop a strategic framework. Initially,
• transformation: modification and adaptation of they must recognize the need to acquire knowledge.
external knowledge and its combination with ‘Reactive’ SMEs recognize the need for change, but are
existing and internally generated knowledge; and unclear as to how to go about achieving it effectively.
• exploitation: refining, extending or leveraging With limited internal resources and often poorly


Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

developed external networks, this group tends to treat • ‘Peer-to-peer’ learning space, in which a group of
symptoms rather than root causes. These SMEs require like-minded SME owner-managers can share similar
support to develop a strategic framework, address issues. Attention is given to creating a learning
priority areas, explore new concepts and acquire new environment in which trust and respect are fostered
product and process capabilities. With low levels of AC, by the group. Research found that participants could
they may be able to acquire new knowledge, increasing share experiences on different elements of the
PAC rather than RAC. programme, but also they were surprised at how
‘Strategic’ SMEs understand the need to change and to similar the issues they faced were, and how their
have good implementation capability. They take a own situations as owner-managers of small busi-
strategic approach to innovation and have clear priori- nesses were relevant and salient to each other.
ties. However, they may lack the capabilities to create Bruneel et al (2010) also identified that trust was
new market opportunities and tend to compete within an likely to be especially important in facilitating
existing industry. Support is required to complement university–industry links, as trust expresses the
existing internal capability and challenge existing capacity of firms and universities to work together
business models – for example, by enabling access to to resolve problems.
new networks, thinking ‘outside the box’ and idea • ‘Social’ learning spaces, such as refreshment
generation. With moderate AC, they may already be able breaks, allow discussion to take place between
to begin to develop RAC. SMEs not only about the session they are attending,
‘Creative’ SMEs have well developed capabilities and but about their businesses and their own situations.
are able to operate and lead effectively on an interna- • ‘Reflective’ learning space is conceptual and crosses
tional basis. They have strategic frameworks for the boundaries of interventions and other spaces. It
innovation, strong internal resources and high AC, may be more individualistic to the participant SME;
which enables them to diversify, plus extensive networks however, it provides space for processing informa-
to keep them informed of opportunities. They tend to tion reflectively and often results in self-affirmation:
have collaborations already established with partners, that is, that they are doing some things well within
such as universities, and may utilize established KE the business.
programmes such as knowledge transfer partnerships. • ‘Peripheral’ learning space. Learning needs to be
applied to the business, and because many SME
It is proposed that the above typology could assist in
owner-managers do not have a defined line between
grouping heterogeneous SMEs, to identify those for
home and work, it is natural to think of the learning
whom a university is a suitable knowledge source, and
infiltrating other parts of the delegates’ lives in an
to determine the appropriate entry point to a university
informal way. This space is concerned with enhanc-
KE programme.
ing the learning to help this process to occur, hence
assisting the transformation of knowledge.
Entrepreneurial learning
Gold and Thorpe (2008) stated that in order to interact The above spaces increase AC by aiding the assimila-
meaningfully with SMEs, one needed both to enter tion, transformation and exploitation of new knowledge
‘their world’ and then gain an understanding of it. Zhang in a learning environment specifically tailored for
and Hamilton (2010) confirm that HEIs are beginning to entrepreneurial SME owner-managers, providing a set
embrace this concept, delivering functional knowledge of tools to enhance and develop a KE mechanism. This
not through traditional means such as lectures and was validated by research undertaken by Gordon and
tutorials, but rather with innovative methods focused on Jack (2010), who found that the learning environment
the competence of the individual manager and business, provided the opportunity to create social capital and had
based upon studies of how SMEs learn. a positive impact on the development of the SME and
Smith (2011) describes a series of ‘learning spaces’, the individual.
which demonstrate where and how learning takes place To summarize, we can conclude that for SMEs,
within a networked learning programme. The focus of increasing AC through recognizing the value of new
this study was a 10-month leadership and development external knowledge, assimilating it and applying it to
programme developed by IEED to equip SME owner- commercial ends can lead to innovation and ultimately
managers with the skills and ability to run a successful to a competitive advantage. KE provides a sustainable
and profitable business. These learning spaces have a means of transferring new knowledge from a university
role to play in developing innovative methods of to an SME; however, there are a number of barriers
delivery for SMEs, helping to break down the barriers to currently inhibiting this, including the heterogeneity of
university–SME engagement: SMEs, their current level of AC, the manner in which


Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

SME competitive capacity to address this issue. IEED has recently been
advantage awarded funding from the European Regional Develop-
ment Fund to deliver the IFG project. The KE model,
shown in Figure 2, is proposed to deliver IFG and draws
Knowledge exchange
Business school Absorptive upon the theory outlined in the literature review above
knowledge capacity and the KE mechanisms already developed within
Entrepreneurial IEED. The four dimensions of AC simplistically provide
a process for KE from business schools to SMEs, further
divided into two subsets: PAC, enabling SMEs to
Figure 1. The university–SME knowledge exchange
become receptive to new external knowledge; and RAC,
which reflects a firm’s ability to leverage that new
entrepreneurs learn and the low value placed upon knowledge. The four dimensions of AC each provide an
university knowledge by business. A business school opportunity to undertake some form of engagement with
can develop novel KE mechanisms to increase AC and the SMEs to facilitate new knowledge absorption.
innovative capacity in both high- and low-tech SMEs to Drawing upon the entrepreneurial learning literature and
improve the transfer and use of knowledge. Figure 1 that of Bruneel et al (2010), we are able to identify some
summarizes this process. The second part of this paper overarching themes that should be included in an SME
will propose a KE model that begins to address these KE mechanism. Importance is placed upon the develop-
issues. ment of trust, both between universities and SMEs and
Fig 1 n h amongst SMEs themselves. Trust is required if universi-
ties and businesses are to work together to solve
The IFG knowledge exchange model problems. Trust develops over time; therefore there need
IEED recognizes that entrepreneurial learning differs to be sufficient interactions between the university and
from that of traditional learning and has developed the SME to allow this to develop. In addition, research

Potential absorptive capacity (PAC) Realized absorption capacity (RAC)

Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
acquisition assimilation transformation exploitation

Peer-to-peer learning
Reactive state SMEs enter the programme

Social learning
Problem definition

Gateway Bespoke support:

Large programmes – Student projects Reunited cohorts
audience for cohorts of
– Academic mentoring
recruitment 20–25 SMEs – Reflect and
events – Small group intensive develop
master classes action plans
1 2 3 4

Reflective learning

Strategic state SMEs

enter the programme
Peripheral learning

Evaluation (qualitative and quantitative)

Virtual learning environment

0 months
3 months 6–9 months
500 SMEs 300 SMEs 150 SMEs

Figure 2. Innovation for Growth knowledge exchange model.


Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

has shown that peer-to-peer learning develops trust and issues varies considerably and may impede an SME in
respect amongst participants (Smith, 2011). Thus, a six- moving successfully along a learning journey. Bessant’s
to nine-month programme is specified, working with typology can direct SMEs to an appropriate entry point
cohorts of 20 to 25 SME owner-managers and/or for their learning journey, enhancing their learning
decision makers. The model also attempts to incorporate experience.
the ‘learning spaces’ at each step to increase the AC of The learning spaces cut across all elements of the
participant SMEs. model, and every effort will be made to introduce these
The IFG model also draws upon experience obtained elements at each stage of delivery to provide a successful
though the delivery of a number of previous projects to learning environment. These domains of entrepreneurial
regional SMEs. KE takes place by drawing upon the learning are seen to be of equal importance to the new
skills and expertise of academics, students and knowl- knowledge provided by the business school. The use of a
edge exchange professionals within LUMS. One simple virtual learning environment (VLE) will encour-
intended outcome of IFG is the creation and develop- age participants to continue dialogue, share ideas and
ment of a network of knowledgeable, engaged SMEs experiences and develop peer-to-peer learning both
whose owners have a desire to learn about, develop and during and after the programme. This will be important as
enact practices that will bring about innovation. How- peer-to-peer contact during the knowledge transformation
ever, with each element of engagement, it is also stage may be limited if businesses choose bespoke
important to consider the benefit to the university in student projects or mentoring. The cohort will then be
terms of developing a fertile environment for research, reunited during the knowledge transformation stage for
increasing the employability of students or generating learning reflection and action planning.
income and ultimately sustainable KE. The model commences with large audience events to
Bessant et al’s (2009) typology for segmenting SMEs encourage SMEs to consider universities as a knowledge
is based upon their level of AC. This provides some source, and then continues through attendance of a
guidance for business schools in terms of where re- workshop programme, bespoke support and a final
sources to support heterogeneous SMEs are best spent. reflective action planning session to determine how new
Due to the vast number of SMEs, it is unrealistic to knowledge will be exploited. It is acknowledged that the
suppose that a business school could offer support to all actual implementation of activity within the business
SMEs or that it would be effective for all. Therefore, it is cannot be the responsibility of the university, but, as
proposed that just ‘reactive’ state SMEs should be outlined later, every effort is made to enable the SME to
encouraged to participate in the entire programme, with exploit the knowledge.
‘strategic’ SMEs entering the programme at a later stage. At each stage it is anticipated that there will be a drop
‘Unreactive/passive’ SMEs with no AC are not equipped in attendees due to the participants’ level of engagement
to receive support from universities, and ‘creative’ SMEs and their business needs changing. Thus, for IFG it is
have already developed levels of AC too advanced for intended that 500 SMEs should be engaged initially,
this programme. with 150–200 SMEs completing the programme.
The IFG model takes SMEs on a learning journey, This leads us to identify several sequential research
initially making them aware of business schools as a questions:
source of new knowledge, through to exploitation of this
(i) Can KE programmes be developed that enable
new knowledge to provide a competitive advantage. AC
business schools to become a more important
is used as a framework for this journey. In this scenario,
source of knowledge for SMEs?
new knowledge concerned with innovation will be
(ii) Can KE programmes be developed that improve
drawn from LUMS. However, it is suggested that this
the value placed upon business schools by SMEs
model could be adapted for use in a broader university
as a knowledge source?
context. Dependent on the pre-existing level of AC in
(iii) Can AC provide business schools with a frame-
the SME, the model offers some flexibility in terms of
work to facilitate how SMEs identify a business
the entry point to the KE programme. This division
school as a knowledge source and acquire valuable
seems appropriate as, regardless of the SMEs’ sector,
age or size (all methods commonly used to categorize
SMEs), the typology enables business support to be The following discussion will provide further insight
targeted based on their state of development. Many into the proposed delivery to the SMEs in order to
SMEs, particularly microfirms, share similar problems realize the four dimensions of AC.
concerned with innovating business and management
processes and practices, regardless of their sector, size Knowledge acquisition
or age, yet the ability to recognize and address these Knowledge acquisition forms the initial step in develop-


Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

ing PAC, which Fosfuri and Tribo (2008) identified as encouraging informal networking through, for example,
crucial for innovation. A business school would seem an the provision of delegate lists. SME ‘ambassadors’ who
obvious place to seek knowledge, yet research (Cosh have previously benefited from engaging with the
and Hughes, 2010) has shown that a university is not a business school can help develop trust. These events
top source of new knowledge for SMEs, and that its should be easily digestible and offer some form of hook
knowledge is not highly valued. Therefore, SMEs must to the SMEs in order to obtain a ‘quick win’. As all
be encouraged to consider this knowledge source and SMEs are short of the resource of time, it is essential
universities must make the knowledge accessible and that SMEs can quickly see the value of engaging with a
implementable. However, levels of AC are distributed business school via the applicability and relevance of the
differently across the SME population. Nine out of ten knowledge provided. This might be just one nugget of
SMEs in Europe are micro, with fewer than 10 employ- new external information that an SME can easily
ees, and many of these may be ‘unaware/passive’, combine with internal existing knowledge, assimilate
(Bessant et al, 2009) due to limited human resources and transform it, to the benefit of the business. From
and capital. It may be a waste of resources encouraging these large audience events, SMEs can be encouraged to
these SMEs to participate in university knowledge participate in smaller group workshop programmes.
exchange programmes, as they have little or no AC, and
initially they need help in identifying their need to Knowledge assimilation
absorb new knowledge, most likely from knowledge Knowledge assimilation is also important for developing
sources such as customers, competitors and suppliers. PAC. IEED has developed a series of practical and
Fosfuri and Tribo (2008) identified knowledge interactive workshop programmes, delivered over a
search as a key antecedent to PAC. ‘Reactive’ SMEs period of several weeks, in half- or full days, in order to
have low levels of AC, and are more likely already to limit the time SME owner-managers have to be away
be engaged with some type of business support organi- from their business to attend. These programmes have
zation, thus showing higher rates of accumulation for been well received, and attendance remained high
this. Therefore, it is more effective, in terms of both throughout the programmes. Within this model, innova-
cost and impact, to encourage ‘reactive’ SMEs to tion-themed workshop programmes could be developed
attend large audience recruitment events. Initially, they and delivered to cohorts of 20–25 SMEs, drawing upon
must be made aware of the relevance of ‘acquiring’ academic and industry expertise. The academic expertise
knowledge from a university and understand that this provides thought-provoking, innovative insights,
knowledge can be easily implemented within their drawing upon current research and bringing academic
business. rigour whilst industry experts deliver practical, experi-
The benefit of SMEs’ engagement with low AC is ence-based knowledge to enable interpretation and
twofold, in that they must be made aware of business understanding of the new knowledge. Facilitation will
issues that are reducing their competitive advantage and enable peer-to-peer, social, reflective and peripheral
then why engagement with a business school could learning to take place, through interaction drawing on
attenuate this. This requires the development of trust, relevant case studies. Workbooks and a VLE could help
which was identified as important by Bruneel et al tailor the knowledge to individual SMEs’ issues, and
(2010). Also, recruitment materials must clearly articu- these can be taken back to the SME to encourage the
late the benefits of engagement, as their resources for knowledge to be shared with other employees, thus
attending business support events are limited. The ensuring that the knowledge does not continue to reside
‘differential orientation and interests’ of university solely with the participant, enhancing the (Smith, 2011)
versus SMEs can make the ‘packaging’ and language of ‘peripheral’ learning space. Networking amongst
university knowledge difficult for SMEs to identify with participants is encouraged to build trust and validate
easily and perceive as beneficial. It will take time to new knowledge. Innovative methods of delivery are
build brand awareness, networks and trust, and a embraced rather than more traditional lecture-style
business school needs capacity to do this. Face-to-face delivery. Due to the ever increasing importance placed
encounters at networking events develop trust, and upon the role of SMEs within the economy, the SMEs
intermediaries (such as cluster groups) and word-of- themselves offer a bountiful opportunity for research,
mouth referrals to the university are also important. thus enabling two-way KE to take place. As many of the
Introductory large audience events can break down business and management issues that SMEs face are
barriers for SMEs engaging with a business school similar across a mix of industries, sector-specific events
through offering an environment that provides a wel- are not essential.
coming ‘social space’. This includes such matters as the These first two stages within the model – knowledge
availability of parking, appropriate event timings and acquisition and assimilation – relate to the development


Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

of PAC, which enables a firm’s receptiveness to external entire process and to develop strategic action plans that
knowledge. Many forms of support for SMEs conclude will be implemented within the business. A university
at this point, hence the new knowledge is not being with its non-competitive environment away from
exploited. Without further steps to ensure this new operational issues can be ideal for this, and a skilled KE
knowledge is integrated with existing knowledge, it is professional within the university could facilitate this
suggested that the competitive advantage sought by process, ensuring that the business clearly identifies
SMEs will not be realized. objectives to exploit the knowledge. By bringing the
workshop cohorts back together, peer-to-peer learning
Knowledge transformation can validate this process. To be transformational and
Knowledge transformation begins to develop RAC and achieve buy-in, the knowledge must be shared by a
leverage the new knowledge. A variety of KE techniques larger audience within the SME than the programme
are included in this next stage of the process, including participant. The concept of the peripheral learning space
bespoke student projects, intensive small group master has helped address this. Innovative materials such as
classes and academic mentoring. These mechanisms action plans or inspirational posters that can be shared
allow participants to connect issues from within their within the SME, clearly defining the implementation of
business – that is, internally generated knowledge – with new ideas, will help achieve buy-in for new operations.
new knowledge assimilated in a workshop programme. A desired outcome will be the commitment of resources
These mechanisms are underpinned by the provision of to introduce new business processes and practices in the
reflective learning space to enable the participant to SME. This element of the model may be an iterative
consider how the new knowledge is relevant to his or her process, to be repeated over time in order to ensure the
individual organization and can be connected to that knowledge is exploited.
already existing within the SME. For example, a
workshop programme may enable an SME to identify
certain strategic business issues preventing innovation.
Recognizing that SMEs are generally short of resources, This paper has presented a conceptual KE model,
a group of students (undergraduate or postgraduate) can drawing upon the theory of AC to provide a step-by-step
develop this unique, specific business issue. This approach to transferring knowledge from a business
expedites the combining of existing knowledge within school to SMEs, ensuring it is transformed to provide a
an SME with external knowledge assimilated from a competitive advantage. Considering the importance of
workshop programme, with the students acting as a SMEs within the economy and the fact that KT has been
conduit. It also enhances the employability of the identified as an essential element of innovation, driving
students involved in the project and ensures the issues competitive advantage, the development of such models
being presented by the SME to the students are articu- could make an important contribution to policy makers.
lated clearly, within a developing strategic framework. The context of this paper has been the development of a
Intensive small group master classes provide SMEs with KE model for a specific project at LUMS. However, it is
the opportunity to analyse in depth a specific, individual suggested that if empirical evidence validates its effec-
business issue and combine it with new knowledge tiveness, then it could be used in a broader context.
assimilated in the workshop programme with peer-to- The learning spaces underpin all elements of the
peer support. Academic mentoring offers a similar model, connecting the various ‘physical’ stages, and
opportunity but on an individual basis. The VLE will provide an important context for the development of any
continue to support the peer-to-peer learning space SME KE model. As the population of SMEs is large and
during this stage. These scenarios will also provide a heterogeneous, the typology of SMEs provided by
fertile plain for research. For those SMEs that are Bessant et al (2009), which assumes different states of
already ‘strategic’ (Bessant et al, 2009), support is development of capability or AC, provides direction for
required to complement existing internal capability and a university in terms of the SMEs it should attempt to
to challenge existing business models. This may be the engage with and how this should be done, by appreciat-
entry point into the KE model. ing that SMEs have differing levels of AC. The model
attempts to attenuate some of the barriers SMEs face
Knowledge exploitation when searching for new knowledge from a university,
Knowledge exploitation is the final and most crucial and presents a means of reducing barriers to engage-
step of the four dimensions of AC. It involves the SME ment, providing an effective university–industry
transforming the knowledge for competitive advantage. arrangement and a mechanism for collaboration.
The participant and other key stakeholders from the KE mechanisms that make the knowledge within
SME must be provided with space to reflect on the business schools accessible and easy to absorb will have


Absorptive capacity and university knowledge exchange in SMEs

a twofold outcome. Initially, potential absorptive little explanation of ways to reduce the barriers to
capacity (PAC) will be enhanced so that the SME will be university–industry collaboration and which mecha-
more receptive to the external knowledge of a business nisms might lower the barriers. This lack of research on
school; and second, once the SME has engaged with the the obstacles to collaboration is a serious hindrance to
HEI, the model suggests how to increase the realized the design of effective policy. Few studies have at-
absorptive capacity (RAC) of the SME so that the tempted to investigate what might attenuate barriers that
knowledge can be leveraged and transformed into prevent successful KE. Much of the research on univer-
competitive advantage, ultimately leading to business sity–industry links relies on secondary information on
growth and corresponding economic growth. The model problems and challenges involved in collaboration.
could be used to raise the profile of universities as a There is little information on the firms actually involved
source of new knowledge for SMEs and could provide a in these collaborations. Also, most existing research
mechanism to increase the value of that knowledge. focuses on the effects of university–industry links on
innovation-specific variables such as patents, rather than
on the multi-source-dependent models that have en-
Limitations and further research hanced university–industry collaboration. Thus there is a
This paper presents a conceptual ex ante KE model, clear need to develop evidence-based practice models
which in itself obviously has limitations in terms of its which can attempt to improve the value of university KE
contribution to knowledge. Empirical evidence needs to for SMEs and which can then be empirically evaluated
be gathered to evaluate and validate this model. Further to identify the benefits for the firms involved in the
work needs to be undertaken to devise methods of programme. Theory concerned with entrepreneurial
measuring the propositions made above. Quantitative learning can assist in the development of mechanisms to
research over the duration of the project could contribute overcome this problem. It would also be useful to
to AC and entrepreneurial learning research as some undertake a more critical review of AC theory in relation
studies currently try to explain the concept of AC and its to business schools and SMEs.
determinants; however, there is a great lack of quantita-
tive support for their findings. As Murovec and Prodan
(2009) observe, this is probably due to the fact that the
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advantage’, Journal of Management, Vol 17, pp 771–792.
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