Over The Years

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Over the years, women's discrimination has persisted in our society.

People continue to underestimate

women's abilities. Many women have worked and fought hard for equality in the past for societal
acceptance and recognition. We can say that society is, in some ways, women were accepted and
integrated into society. Nevertheless, we cannot prove or state that discrimination because of one's
gender no longer exist. This issue is what we call gender inequality.

But first, what is gender inequality? And why is it a problem in our society?

Gender inequality is a social and cultural phenomenon that occurs when people are discriminated
against because of their gender. ("What are the Causes of Gender Inequality? - Exploring your mind",
2018)This is an issue that may impact both men and women. However, women are more significantly
affected by this issue. Gender inequality is an issue in our society since it advocates unfair and unjust
treatment of all people. Experts claim that gender inequality is a major issue that keeps women poor. As
a result, problems like a lack of high-paying jobs, poor healthcare, and educational underachievement
are more likely to occur in communities with gender inequality. ("Gender Inequality: Examples &
Statistics | Study Smarter", 2017)

Gender inequality still exists in the workplace, schools, and communities, even within homes. Statistics
show that 76% of women, primarily working mothers, continue to face workplace discrimination in our
country. ("76% of Women and Working Mothers in the Philippines Still Suffer," 2017) Many still look
down on women, whether we like it or not. Most opportunities are focused forward into men, while
women are expected to stay at home, do housework, and raise children. These stereotypes are one of
the main reasons why gender inequality exists in our society. Society perceives that women are fit for
work that expresses femininity and are unfit for "masculine" work such as engineering.

How can we stop gender inequality?

For now, we cannot say that we can entirely stop gender inequality. However, we can help minimize and
slowly eradicate this issue in our respective communities. One way of reducing gender inequality is to
become more vocal about this issue. We all have a voice in society. We must use it to spread awareness
and solve societal problems like gender inequality.

In conclusion, gender inequality is an issue that we must remove from our society. Instead, we should all
promote gender equality. I believe that there is no superior gender. We are all equal. Men have flaws as
well as strengths. Women, like men, have both strengths and weaknesses. We all have the right to live
peacefully and freely express ourselves. We all, regardless of gender, deserve equal job opportunities. I
believe that we are all equal and must treat each other fairly and equally.




Gender Inequality: Examples & Statistics | StudySmarter. (2017). Retrieved October 24, 2022, from
What are the Causes of Gender Inequality? - Exploring your mind. (2018). Retrieved October 24, 2022,
from https://exploringyourmind.com/causes-gender-inequality/.

Give three (3) valuable learnings that you acquired from GED 109.

There are three lessons I learned in GED109, that I will use for the rest of my life.

First, I respect and do not judge people based on their gender. I become more accepting of people,
regardless of their gender identity

Second, I learned about my gender identity, and environment, people and society that molded me into
the person I am today.

And lastly, I learned that being yourself is better than hiding behind a fake personality or façade. Being
yourself and expressing your true self leads to happiness and contentment in life.

Please rate your overall experience in GED109. I will appreciate if you will tell what are the
things/topics/activities that you liked or liked less.

Overall, I enjoyed the GED109 course this term. It gave me more perspectives of the societal and
gender-based issues in our community. The professor, sir Cleo, was one of the best instructors I had.
Even if I was not able to attend F2F classes due to personal reasons, I still felt welcome in his classes. The
struggles I had with this course, was that there were too many essays. I was barely able to pass the
requirements before the deadline, since I had many other coursework from other subjects. Thank you
for the lessons and insights! I hope to see you again in campus.

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