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There are several insights into what I thought before and after reading the

Before reading the article, I used to think that one must be a citizen to be eligible
to attend school. After reading the article, I learned there is a dilemma about
accepting illegal immigrants in schools. In my understanding, some countries
allow or deny illegal immigrants to become students in their schools, depending
on their respective governments' laws, rights, and amendments. For example,
the US allows all children to attend primary or secondary education regardless of
origin and background. This will enable immigrants to attend school, yet they are
ostracized in their society.

Before reading the article, I used to think that the LGBTQ and church conflict is
still happening and is conflicting with the progress of equal rights and
opportunities for the LGBTQ community. After reading the article, I can say that
the conflict between the two communities continues. However, the article stated
that the church advocates that students should get protection from the US
government schooling students belonging to the LGBTQ community. In
conclusion, the church is slightly adapting and accepting the LGBTQ community.

Before reading the article, I used to think that economic and social group
discrimination, such as middle-class or high-class individuals, is only available
outside schools. After reading the article, I learned that social group
discrimination and division happen in schools, not only in the US but also in other
countries. Depending on the student's social status, these divisions can be
divided into student groups, such as cliques. This is why cohesion in mixed or
public schools is difficult to achieve.

2.There were parts of the article that left me confused.

I was confused about the analogies made by the author of the article.
Significantly, the "perfect environment." There is no perfect thing, all of us are
flawed because we are different from each other. Others' wrongs may be suitable
for others. Human nature is dynamic and unpredictable. Then why state that
perfect environments are rare when there is no chance of an ideal environment
being formed?
I was also confused about the issues between the church and the LGBTQ
community. The church does not support the LGBTQ. Why push the narrative
that they were "forced" to keep and be in a difficult position when religious groups
are against the LGBTQ?
I am confused about why the US government allows all children to have an
education regardless of background. I am not against it, but many people are
abusing this right.
3.I have three questions that I want to ask after reading the article.

Why are religious institutions addressing LGBTQ rights and equality when they
do not have the authority to create laws or policies that can either uplift or worsen
the lives of the LGBTQ community?

Illegal immigrants are not allowed to avail of services such as welfare and
security. Are they also not allowed to go to school, as the US government stated
that all children have the right to attend primary and secondary school regardless
of background?

The church is against the LGBTQ movement as it is against the Bible. How can
they accept the LGBTQ community without violating their teachings?

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