g01 Final Report

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A Report on 8th Semester’s Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Information Technology

Submitted By
Shivang Goyal
Suraksha Dhanai
Pattupogula Sravani
B.Tech.(IT)- VIII Semester

Under the supervision of

Dr. Varun Barthwal
Department of Information Technology

(Session 2022-2023)

Department of Information Technology

School of Engineering and Technology
H.N.B. Garhwal University (Central), Chauras Campus (Srinagar)
Chauras Campus, Srinagar
Table of Contents

List of Figures…………………………………………………………………...iv

List of Tables……………………………………………………………………. v

Student Declaration…………………………………………………………......vi

Certificate...………………………………………………………………...…. vii

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………. viii


Team Members and Work Distribution………………………………………….x

Chapter 01

Introduction 1-4

1.1 Problem Statement……………………………………………………………………...1

1.2 Idea Orientation…………………………………………………………………………1

1.3 Scope of the Project……………………………………………………………….….1-3

1.4 Process Model…………………………………...……………………………………3-4

Chapter 02

Requirement Analysis 5-6

2.1 User Requirements………………………………………...…………………………….…….5

2.2 Game Engine Requirements…………….…………...………………………………….......5-6

2.3 Project Requirements ..…………………………………………...………………….....6

2.4 Requirement validation……………………………...…………………………….…....6

Chapter 03

Requirement Specification and Analysis 7-9

3.2 Document Conventions……………………………………….…………………………7

3.3 Overall Description……………………………………………….…………………...7-8

3.3 Specific Requirements…………………………………………………………..............8

3.4 Non-functional Requirements…………………………………………………………8-9

Chapter 04

Design 10-12

4.1 System Overview………………………………………………………………………….….10

4.2 Data Flow Diagram…………………………………………………………….............10

4.3 Detailed Design……………………………………………………………...…………11

4.4 Database Design…………………………………………………………………………...11-12

Chapter 05

Implementation 13-15

5.1 Web Page………………………………………….………………………………….13

5.2 Login Section……………………………………….…………………………...........13

5.3 Registration Page………………………………….………………………………….14

5.4 User Page………………………………………….………………………………….15

5.1 Games Layout……………………………….…….………………………………….15

Chapter 06

Testing 16-18

6.1 Software Testing……………………………………………………………………….16

6.2 Black Box Testing……………………………………………………………………...17

6.3 The User Acceptance Testing……………………………………………..…..........17-18

6.4 Test Cases…………………………………………………………………………...…18

Chapter 07

Instructions for Game Play 19-20

Chapter 08

Limitations 21

Chapter 09

Conclusion 22

Chapter 10

References Used 23

List of Figures

Figure 1.3 Market Summary……………………………………………………...2

Figure 1.1 Agile Diagram…………………………………...……………………3

Figure 4.1 Data Flow Diagram……………………………….………………....10

Figure 4.2 Use case Diagram……………………………….…………………...11

Figure 5.1 Application Homepage……………………….……………………...13

Figure 5.2 Login Page…………...………...………………………….………...13

Figure 5.3 Registration Page………….………………….……………………..14

Figure 5.4 User Page………………………….………….……………………..15

Figure 5.5 Ball Game...……………………….………….……………………...15

Figure 5.6 Wonder Land…….……………….………….……………………...15

Figure 6.1 Beta Testing………………………….……………………………...16

Figure 6.2 User Acceptance Testing………………….…………....…………....17

Figure 6.3 The Black Box Testing……………………………….……………..18

List of Tables

Table: 4.1. Login Table……………………………………………….………...12

Table 4.1. Registration Table………………………………………….………..12

Table 7.1 Control Keys……………………………………………………...….20



the roll numbers 19134503023, 19134503003 and 19134503007 respectively, students of
Information Technology at Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (A Central
University),Srinagar, for the award of the Bachelors of Technology degree in INFORMATION
TECHNOLOGY and declaring that the work done is genuine and produced under the guidance
of Dr. Varun Barthwal, Department of Information Technology ,Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna
Garhwal University.


Shivang Goyal

Pattupogula Sravani

Suraksha Dhanai


This is to certify that, this project report submitted by SHIVANG GOYAL, PATTUPOGULA
SRAVANI and SURAKSHA DHANAI bearing the roll no 19134503023, 19134503003 and
19134503007 respectively is bonafide record of the work carried out by their partial fulfilment
for the requirement of the award of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in INFORMATION
TECHNOLOGY degree from Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (A Central
University) at Srinagar(Garhwal), Uttarakhand.


Department of Information technology

Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University

Srinagar, Garhwal.


We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all people for sprinkling their help and
kindness in the completion of this Project. We would like to start this moment by invoking
our purest gratitude to Dr. VARUN BARTHWAL, Department of Information technology,
Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (A Central University), Srinagar (Garhwal),
Uttarakhand, our project instructor.

The completion of this project could not have been possible without his expertise and
invaluable guidance in every phase at Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (A
Central University), Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand for helping us.


This project is aimed at developing a website for online gaming. The Games Street provides
an easy interface that would let the users to the pool of gaming. It provides the users more
pleasure and gladdening his mind by playing these traditional games developed by using GBA
(Gameboy Advance) Emulators. For each registered user the game will be from the start and
anew. A registered user can directly enter to the website by login using username and
The purpose of the Online Games and Game Like Systems minitruck is to provide a forum
for researchers to discuss the design, use and impact of online games and game like systems
(such as serious games and gamified information systems) in various contexts. We believe
that this area has excellent potential for theoretical growth and future breakthroughs.

Team Members:

• Shivang Goyal
• Pattupogula Sravani
• Suraksha Dhani

Roles and Responsibilities of Member:

• Game Implementation and Designing

• Wed development and management
• Testing and Documentation

Chapter 01

1.1 Problem Statement

This project is aimed at developing a website for online gaming. The Games Street provides an
easy interface that would let the users to the pool of gaming. A registered user can directly enter
to the website by login using username and password.

The project is based on game development and making games easily by the use of game engine,
this project was made in the languages C++ and S which uses the given assets to compile into
pre-made libraries and adding different variables and actors along with trigger which are put
into background and most of the work is based on the engine so we would rather give its credit
to most of the GIT team involved in its development.

The game is most of the creation of ours while their structure and other analysis as well as
testing was performed by us. The documentation is also done by us also we are representing
GBstudios in our collage and basically to those that do not know of such game’s existence.

1.2 Idea Orientation

The idea is pretty much, for 3 years we were trying to make a game. Now we were thinking
how to use the languages that we know in the way of making a game so in order to make this
game we used the game engine it has object-oriented base with actors and main player structure.
In this game we have done basic changes with system to allow color in the game in itself but if
you don’t have proper system for game emulation then you won’t be able to make or play the
game yourself. We can get the game to run in different environment by using Java for its
development but for now it will not allow to be run on any other software then the game boy
emulator. We decided to implement the project in such a way that anyone can access the website
and can play the games as per their convenience.

1.3 Scope of the Project

Gaming gives relaxation and enjoyment to every user. In this busy world, gaming is the solution
to release the depression and tension. The requirements specified in this document will be used
for designing all the aspects and components of the game. The document will be updated as the
requirements grow and change over the design and development process.

Figure 1.3 Market Summary

The Gaming platforms are expected to register a CAGR of 8.94% over the forecast period. Due
to the nationwide lockdowns implemented because of the COVID 19 pandemic, some people
turned to game platforms to pass the time. Continuous technological advancements in the
gaming industry are significantly propelling the industry's growth. They are enhancing the way
games are created and improving the overall gaming experience of the users. Game developers
across emerging economies are continually striving to enhance the gaming experience by
launching and rewriting codes for diverse console/platforms, such as PlayStation, Xbox, and
Windows PC, incorporated into a standalone product provided to gamers through a cloud
The gaming market is growing with the increasing per capita income, growing interest, and the
rising number of dual-income households, augmenting the transformation of the global market.
With the increasing usage of smartphones and consoles and cloud penetration, the market
shows high potential growth in the future. As the project proposal is not limited to time as it
can be improved time to time with respect to the new technologies. The plan of the project is
to develop a website where number of games are provided to the user. We are planning to
develop single user as well as multiuser games. Nearly everyone has a smartphone. To provide
the easy accessibility to play games by downloading them into their phones and they can play
through the online platform whit id provided by the website. Over the course of 2020 and 2021,
many changes occurred in the mobile game development sector. Consequently, game brands
spent more on advertising investment to attract more users and corner sufficient market share.
However, one effective way to reduce the cost of the development process is to conduct an
early CTR (click-through rate) test. This is especially true if one is in the hyper-casual game
sector of the mobile game industry.

Mobile gaming gender statistics show that 4.5% of women who play mobile games pay for the
in-app game content, compared to 3.3% of men. According to Unity Technologies, the 75th
percentile 30-day user retention improved by 7.1% from 2016 to 2020. Conversion rates for
in-app purchases grew by around 7.7% in the same period.We can implement a chat box and
can provide an interface for the users to make friends and can communicate with their friends.

The current gaming platforms are gaining a continuous growth. But parents mind set is that
games distract the children.Statistics and researches have proven that games stimulate the brain
nerves and increases the understandability and creativity. So, we can assure that the gaming
platforms will gain popularity.

1.4 Process Model

Agile Model:

Agile model is selected for the project. We are planning to implement the system with basic
facilities only. So many future enhancements are possible with this model. Agile model can
satisfy this requirement efficiently. Since it follows the plan-do-check-act for improvement,
backtracking can be done easily in Agile model

Figure 1.1: Agile Model

The Basic Working Model

Agile modelling is a practise-based methodology for effective modelling and documentation of

software-based systems. This can be applied on a software development project in an effective
and light-weight manner. With an Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) approach
enables a high-level modelling at the beginning of a project to understand the scope and
potential architecture of the system, and then

during development iterations it requires modelling as part of iteration planning activities and
then requires just in time (JIT) model storming approach.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Requirements evolve but time scale is fixed
Testing is integrated throughout the project life cycle
Why Agile?
1. People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools.
2. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
3. Regular adaption to changing circumstances.
4. Even late changes in requirements are welcomed.
5. Customers, developers and testers constantly interact with each other.
6. Working software is delivered frequently

Agile Solves Issues Like:

• Resource wastage
• Costly modifications
• Unclear requirements

Future Increments:

The future enhancements of the proposed system that we have estimated are given below.

• Including more games to the system.

• Multiplayer options for games.
• Introducing the message system.
• Including advanced methods for notification.
• There is always possibility of enhancing UI/UX(User Interface/User Experience) and
Responsive Design

Chapter 02

Requirement Analysis
2.1 User Requirements

On the basis of requirement survey conducted among the users, we have reached to a conclusion
that more than 5 percent of people in the world are suffered by depression and tension due to
their job complexity. Gaming gives relaxation and enjoyment to every user. In this busy world,
gaming is a solution to release the depression and tension.

2.2 Game Engine Requirement

The game engine requirements are:

Analysing requirements: determining whether the stated requirements are clear, complete,
consistent and unambiguous, and resolving any apparent conflicts.

Recording requirements: - Requirements may be documented in various forms, usually

including a summary list and may include natural-language documents, use cases, user stories,
process specifications and a variety of models including data models.

Visualization: - Using tools that promote better understanding of the desired end-product such
as visualization and simulation. Consistent use of templates. Producing a consistent set of
models and templates to document the requirements.

Documenting dependencies: - Documenting dependencies and interrelationships among

requirements, as well as any assumptions and congregations.

The system should also embrace the following requirements:

User-friendly: The system must accommodate a clearly understandable userinterface as well

as documentation help at any stage of the user interaction with the system.

Security: The system should be designed to make it impossible for anybodyto logon without a
valid username and password. Data encryption should beemployed to keep the user login name
and password secret.

Reliability: The system would be used by the accounting section of any organisation. Since
this application is subject to process monetary matters,this must be reliable to the users of this
Ease of Use: The views and operations should be easy to use and intuitive.Documentation
should be provided.
Performance: The system should have a quick response time.

System requirements: This system would be designed to run on a minimum hardware
configuration like 500MHz x86 machines. Considering the vast hardware available nowadays,
this would not pose any problems.

2.3 Project Requirements

On the basis of the requirements demanded by the user the following project requirements are
found out:

• We are planning to design 3 game categories with different tastes.

• Simple and attractive interface is provided for user.
• Users will be able to register and login to get their account from which user can play

2.4. Requirement Validation

The goal of requirement validation is to make sure that problems are addressed and suitable
solutions are arrived at, before resources are committed to implementing the requirements. It is
concerned with examining the requirements to certify that they meet the Websites intentions.
The key activities in requirement validation are conducting requirement reviews, demonstrating
prototypes, validating the conceptual models etc. We are adopting requirement review as
mechanism for requirement validation

Chapter 03

Requirement Specification and Analysis

The software requirements specified in this chapter are applicable for the development of the
website, Games Street.
3.1 Document Conversations

Games Street: -A games street is most often one specially-designed web page at a website
which brings various games together from different perspective sources in to a single system.
Interfaces for users should be attractive in order to users to stay with the website.
3.2 Overall Description
3.2.1 Product Perspective
Presently, there are lots of online gaming websites available. There are lots of people they are
stressed with people have much pleasure and relaxation from these games.
3.2.2 Product Functionality
The service offered by the Online Game Hub is given below.
• Games street is provided with 3 categorised games.
• Users will be able to register and login to get their account from which user can play
3.2.3 Users and Characteristics
We are broadly defining the users who need to gain pleasure and relaxation through gaming.
• The main stream users of the proposed system are the users who play games for
depression removing.
• Another important user of this system are those who play such games just for fun.
3.2.4 Operating Environment

The Games Street will need the following: Windows/Unix based server that supports PHP and
MySQL: - A server is a system (software and suitable computer hardware) that responds to
requests across a computer network to provide, or help to provide, a network service. Servers
can be run on a dedicated computer, which is also often referred to as the server, but many
networked computers are capable of hosting servers. In many cases, a computer can provide
several services and have several servers running. Servers often provide essential services across
a network, either to private users inside a large organization or to public users via the Internet.
Typical computing servers are database server, file server, mail server, print server, web server,
gaming server, application server, or some other kind of server. Numerous systems use this client
/ server networking model including Web sites and email services. An alternative model, peer-
to-peer networking enables all computers to act as either a server or client as needed.

3.2.5 User Documentation

User manuals or online help will be provided for users to correctly login to the system and
getting it work properly. The user manual will describe the steps to be followed for the proper
working of the system.
3.3 Specific Requirements

3.3.1 External Interface Requirements Hardware Interfaces

The hardware interface required for the user to retrieve the data from the server in which the
web portal is hosted mainly involves a server and a personal pc connected through a network
interface. Software Interfaces

The complete user data is stored in the database and the information is accessed by the user
through a web browser enabled devices.

3.3.2 Functional Requirements

The function of the Games Street is to provide an easy interface for gaming. It will have the
following phases: Manage users
• Users should register with their username and password to create an account
• Registered user can login to their account.
• Menus are provided gives easy way to access different games.
3.3.3 Use Case View

The service provided by the Games Street is: First the request is sent from the user to the server
which then process and retrieves the requested data from the database.
3.4 Non-functional Requirements

3.4.1 Performance Requirements

The main performance requirements that the product should satisfy are:
• Speed: Information retrieval from database should be as fast as possible.
• Load balance: The server should be able to handle reasonable number of users without
any issues.
3.4.2 Design Constraints

• GUI is only in English.

• Login and password are used for the identification of users.
• Only registered users have the ability to play games.
• This system is working for single server.
3.4.3 Software Quality Attributes
The most important quality requirements that the system should satisfy are: Scalability

The system should have scalability property. That is this system can be modified further without
the hardcoding the PHP backend. Reliability

The system should be reliable. It should perform the data management operation efficiently. Availability

System will be available around the clock except for the time required for back up of data. Maintainability

The system should be maintainable. Sometimes there may be bugs, it should be easy to correct
when it is reported. Adaptability

The system should have the ability to adapt to the new release of web browsers and new
operating systems without any modification. Testability

The Games Street should be properly tested under various circumstances in order to assure its

Chapter 04
4.1 System Overview

The main software platform we have used in building this system includes PHP, MySQL, Ajax,
Python, Gameboy Studio, Godot Bootstrap Framework. PHP is most popular server-side
scripting language used for suitable for building high-availability heavy-duty dynamic web
sites, and capable of serving tens of thousands of requests simultaneously. MySQL is a
multithreaded, multi-user, SQL database management system that can easily integrated with
PHP. PHP and MySQL together constitute backend for the Games Street. User interface is
designed using Bootstrap which is a web development framework for building responsive sites
that can be integrated to work easily in all platforms.
4.1.1 User Perspective

Presently, there are lots of online gaming websites available. Some of these websites are less
interactive to the user. There are lots of people they are stressed with their job complexity have
much pleasure and relaxation from these games.
• The main stream users of the proposed system are the users who play games for
depression removing.
• Another important user of this system are those who play such games just for fun

4.2 Data Flow Diagram

DFDs are used to represent the flow of data through different modules of the system. An
integrated Data Flow Diagram is used to represent the overall system.

Figure 4.1: Dataflow Diagram

4.3 Detailed Design

4.3.1 Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system that
shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved.
4.3.2 ER Diagram
A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one
another and in what order. It is a construct of a message sequence chart. A sequence diagram
shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved
in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out
the functionality of the scenario. The ER Diagram consists of mainly 2 entities:
• The USER entity consists of attributes like Id, Usename, Password and Online Status.
Here It is a primary key. This relation stores signup details.
• The DEVICE entity consists of attributes like Id, OS, Browser, Miacid. Here Id is the
Primary Key. Stores the details about the person who logged in.

Figure 4.2: Use case Diagram

4.4 Database Design
Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. The design
process consists mainly determining the purpose of database, finding and organizing the
information required, dividing the information into tables, turning information items into
columns, specifying primary keys, setting up the table relationships, refining your design and
applying the normalization rules. After following these steps, the finalized design of our database
system is shown below:
Field Type Null Default

Email ID Varchar (30) Yes NULL

Password Varchar (37) Yes NULL

Table 4.1: Login Table

Field Type Null Default

username int (30) Yes NULL

Email ID Varchar (20) Yes NULL

Password Varchar (20) Yes NULL

Re-enter Password Varchar (20) Yes NULL

Table 4.2: Login Table

Chapter 05
5.1 Web Page
Web page consist of project for:
1. Start the application.
2. Login
3. Register
4. Stop the application.

Figure 5.1 Application Homepage

5.2 Login Page

Figure 5.2 Login page

In this section it shows the instruction regarding the login process:
1. Click on login.
2. Fill email id and password.
3. Press login button to continue.
4. Now you can access the application.
5.3 Registration Page
In this page, it shows the instructions regarding the registration process:
1. Click on Register.
2. Fill your name, email id, password and confirm the password by re-entering the password.
3. Press register to register to the website and redirected to the login page.
4. By entering the registered mail Id and password, enter to the user page.

Figure 5.3 Registration Page

5.4 User Page
In this section the games are provided to the user.
By clicking on the play button the user can play the games.

Figure 5.4 User Page

5.5 Games Layout

Figure 5.5 Ball Game Figure 5.6 Wonder Land

Chapter 06
Testing and Debugging
6.1 Software Testing
In order to make a software successful we need to test the project software in different ways and
for that we will need to view the software’s development lifecycle with which we can determine
the software needs and will be able to test in test cases scenario, in this software we tested for
the basic gameplay using the approach of black-box tester and we can test the gameplay by
giving it topeople in order to play and give reviews on the game, so we conducted this beta
testing and the results are many people in my group of peers and family think that the game
works efficiently and is so far better than my previously developed any other code based game
projects. My previous project had the development of the graphics of an aircraft with which it
fires at a particular point and in this game we introduced a projectile in order to shoot the little
bullets from the plane, The game is just for entertainment so through it we can pass the time
happily while discovering the mind of the creator so that, we can have the game work efficiently,
we can enjoyourselves.
6.1.1 Beta Testing:

people that suggested the

game needs more interactions

People who thinks

the game is not up
to that level and
needs more. people that liked the game.

Figure 6.1: Beta Testing

The test is based on mare statements and is not a proper test while we are the developers, we cannot
perform the white-box test myself since to me the game seems fine and is still under development, I am
improving it and each time adding something new since now the added feature is that the game has 2
versions the old one is a black and white game while the latest is agame based on red sheet style colouring
each scene as a new look.

6.2 Black box Testing
Black box test is shown in the game and its game design. You can play the game yourself and
can test it while it still needs many things to be done to it. In it there is not much to do so we are
adding more game features. Please look forward to it...The beta test was conducted by my family
mostly and by some of my brothers who work in software development fields as engineers and
thinks that the game still does not serves the purpose of its gameplay.
Black box testing is a technique of software testing which examines the functionality of software
without peering into its internal structure or coding. The primary source of black box testing is
aspecification of requirements that is stated by the customer.
6.3 User Acceptance Testing

Figure 6.2: User Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing, a testing technique performed to determine whether the software system has
met the requirement specifications. The main purpose of this test is to evaluate the system's
compliance with the business requirements and verify if it is having met the required criteria for
delivery to end users.
There are various forms of acceptance testing: -
1-User acceptance Testing.
2-Business acceptance Testing.
3-Alpha Testing.
4-Beta Testing.
Acceptance criteria are defined based on the following attributes: -
• Functional Correctness and Completeness
• Usability
• Performance
• Availability

While these are the forms we can test in all of them or by ourselves as the developer team and
soin order to make it work properly a beta test with black-box in mind is chosen and performed

byindividuals that do not know programming but have to interact with the user interface of the
program, in order to develop the game further we will study from them what they may like in it
like on the bases of it we derived before the changes that the game need as my 4th point-
Improvements needed in the game. The game may be not up to the standards but please do
give it a try and we will see if it works properly or not and whether you will proceed to its
development or not.
6.3.1. Beta Testing:
In this method, tester selects a function and gives input value to examine its functionality, and
checks whether the function is giving expected output or not. If the function produces correct
output, then it is passed in testing, otherwise failed. The test team reports the result to the
development team and then tests the next function. After completing testing of all functions if
there are severe problems, then it is given back to the development team for correction.
• Closed beta versions are released to a select group of individuals for a user test andare invitation
only, while
• Open betas are from a larger group to the general public and anyone interested.The testers report
any bugs that they find, and sometimes suggest additional features they think should be available
in the final version.
6.4. Test Cases
Test cases are created considering the specification of the requirements. These test cases are
generally created from working descriptions of the software including requirements, design
parameters, and other specifications. For the testing, the test designer selects both positive test
scenario by taking valid input values and adverse test scenario by taking invalid input values to
determine the correct output. Test cases are mainly designed for functional testing but can also
be used for non-functional testing. Test cases are designed by the testing team, there is not any
involvement of the development team of software.

Figure 6.3: Black Box Testing

Chapter 07
Instructions for Game play
The game is a very well-defined ROM file and will work on any system this type of game are
very rare to come by so we were thinking to give it a try as well as to develop some that’s why
I took the project and now it’s your turn to understand the game play here are the steps for
install-ability and the necessary software for running this file.
1. You will receive the ROM folder zip file which is to be extracted and the game.gb filewill be
shown inside of it.
2. Install the visual boy advanced software on your personal computer or any hardware system,
you can install any other emulator for Gameboy games, this game is just for demopurpose so
you will not get a proper gameplay experience as well as the development kit with it.
3. We have properly made a readme file to explain the installation process and you can load the
game file in the visual boy as well as any emulator for Gameboy advanced or game boy colour.
4. The emulator will look somewhat like this andyou can access it directly by using file as we go
forward you can change the configuration of the game and will be able to even use cheat codes
but since it’s a demogame there are none available.
5. Directly go to the open or the open Gameboy then the screen will display option to select from
follow the path where the file is and useit by selecting it. Use open button after location is found
and the game will start.
6. The game will be launched and you can use it with emulator control offered by the VBA which
We don’t own but have to specially thank for providing the support in order to use a gba game
you will have to use any emulator with gb support aswell as gb will also work out.
7. Play the game on either full screen mode or if you have the gba hardware game then youcan
always use a chip to load the rom on and play the game anywhere anytime, hope theinstructions
were helpful and if there are further problems with the game, please inform me on Facebook
page as well as on my LinkedIn account. Thank you for reading the instructions and enjoy the

Basic ctrl keys are..............
Arrow up

Arrow left Arrow right for interaction=z key

Arrow down for shooting =x key

For speeding the in-game gameplay= spacebar

For external save=right shift+F1\F2\F3\F4\F5\F6

For loading the external save file=F1\F2\F3\F4\F5\F6

Table 7.1 Control Keys

Chapter 08

• The website has limited number of games.

• Some components may not be compatible with the game.
• Help and support are limited to game manuals.
• Mail authentication has not given.

Chapter 09
We hereby conclude that the project work for this semester is perfectly done and needs to be
kept updated as well as you can develop it with proper tools and we would like to thank all the
people that read this file seriously, seriously thanking the game boy studios which is a free
software and allows users to make game with knowledge of proper coding in c and C++, We
would like to thank the people who made game boy and gave us the legacy of a retro style
gaming and its development to a standard level and we will keep developing more and more
games.It is at a level for the development of it in thefield of freeware development so we would
like to contribute website we made to the team.
Interested individuals can follow them as well as us on GIT hub as so to stay connected for new
releases and game updates. The website is a perfect online entertainment available to be every
user and would require a very less amount of ram as well as had space to work.
This website is an individual person project and is fit for the project work and we would like to
bring attention to the fine work as well as the assets used in making the game, as to say we need
more learning in the field for making our own products and releasing them in the near future so
please look forward it them as the game physics only consists of collision groups the game is
stilllacking as people have viewed it to be.

Chapter 10
References Used

1. https:\\www.github.com\gb studios
2. https: \\www.javapoint.com
3. https://stackoverflow.com
4. Gba advanced games:
• Demi kids
• Sonic advanced
• Pokémon fire red version
• Pokémon ruby version


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