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Ziehm Vario

Ziehm Vision² Vario

Ziehm Vision² FD Vario

Service Manual

Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Intended use The medical equipment is intended for fluoroscopies in the field of surgery, e.g. in trauma-
tology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, urology, cardiology. Third-party devices and compo-
nents used in combination with the system must comply with the safety requirements
according to IEC 60601-1 and/or IEC 60601-1-1 or furnish proof of an equivalent degree of
To ensure CE conformity, these components must have a CE approval in accordance with
Council Directive 93/42/EEC. In addition, a declaration in compliance with Article 12 of the
said directive must be provided.
For components without CE approval, a conformity assessment procedure is obligatory.
Proper and safe operation of the system requires adequate transportation, storage, assem-
bly and installation as well as appropriate use and maintenance.
The limiting values indicated in this user manual must not be exceeded; this applies also
when putting the system into service.
The system not suitable for interventional procedures acc. to IEC 60601-2-43.

Contraindications to the The exposure of humans to ionizing radiation must always be medically justified. Especially
use of X-rays on pregnant women, children and adolescents this procedure should be used with caution
or be avoided altogether. However, the final decision lies with the attending physician or
attending surgeon.
Operation (U.S.A.) In the U.S.A., Federal law restricts use of this device to trained personnel on the order of a

Authorized personnel Only authorized personnel are allowed to assemble and/or repair the medical equipment
described in this manual. Authorized personnel are persons who have attended an appro-
priate training course provided by the manufacturer.

Exclusion of liability The manufacturer accepts responsibility for the safety, reliability and performance of the
system only if
− any installation, modification or repair work is carried out exclusively by persons autho-
rized by the manufacturer;
− the electrical installation of the site where the system is operated complies with the
requirements of VDE 0107 or the corresponding national regulations of the country of
− only original spare parts or components that comply with Ziehm Imaging’s specifica-
tions are used;
− the system is used in accordance with the Operating Instructions.
The warranty becomes invalid in case that any repair, modification or installation work is
carried out by unauthorized personnel, or any seals on components are broken. No conse-
quential damages will be accepted either.
The equipment conforms to Class IIb according to the Council Directive 93/42/EEC.
This service manual has been written and reviewed originally in English.

Copyright Quality Standards

Copyright © 2008 Ziehm Imaging GmbH This manual was developed under a certified Quality System
All rights reserved. according to DIN EN ISO 13485 and contains requirements of the
Transmission or reproduction of this manual, exploitation and MDD 93/42/EEC, Annex I as well as requirements from other appli-
disclosure of its contents to third persons is not permitted without cable standards.
express written consent of the manufacturer. Infringements shall The information provided in this manual may be updated at regular
entitle to damage claims. intervals and is subject to change without prior notice.

Registered Trademarks Manufactured by: Distribution in the USA:

This manual may contain the names of registered trademarks or Ziehm Imaging GmbH Ziehm Imaging, Inc.
brands, the use of which by third persons for their purposes may Donaustraße 31 4181 Latham Street
infringe the rights of their respective owners. 90451 Nuremberg (Germany) Riverside, CA 92501
e-mail: e-mail:

Rev. 05/2008

Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Table of Contents

0 Classification Mobile Stand / Monitor Cart 0-1

1 Warnings and Important Information 1-1

1.1 Safety instructions ............................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Important Information ....................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Warnings .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Required tests after service.............................................................................. 1-3
1.4.1 Tests after service............................................................................. 1-3
1.4.2 Required calibration after service...................................................... 1-3

2 General 2-1
2.1 System description ........................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Main product features....................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 System Overview Mobile Stand ....................................................................... 2-3
2.3.1 VISTA mobile stand showing the locations of the Vario-PCBs ......... 2-3
2.3.2 Vision² mobile stand showing the locations of the Vario-PCBs......... 2-5
2.4 System Overview Monitor Cart......................................................................... 2-7
2.4.1 VISTA monitor cart showing the locations of the Vario - PCBs......... 2-7
2.4.2 Vision² monitor cart showing the locations of the Vario - PCBs ........ 2-9
2.5 Definition of the axis ......................................................................................... 2-11
2.6 Block diagrams for all units .............................................................................. 2-12
2.6.1 Power Supply .................................................................................... 2-12
2.6.2 Monitoring of mechanics ................................................................... 2-12
2.6.3 Radiation signals control ................................................................... 2-13
2.7 Block Diagrams System / Emergency Loop (VISTA) ....................................... 2-14
2.8 Block Diagrams System / Emergency Loop (Vision²)....................................... 2-16
2.9 Technical Data Ziehm Vario and Ziehm Vario 3D ............................................ 2-18
2.10 Technical Data
Ziehm Vision² Vario 3D and Ziehm Vision² FD Vario 3D2-20

3 Connections 3-1
3.1 XP1 Connector (VISTA only)............................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Description ........................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.2 Layout XP1 Connector ...................................................................... 3-1
3.1.3 Signals on XP1 Connector ................................................................ 3-1
3.1.4 Cable Summary ................................................................................ 3-3
3.1.5 Connector for the Pivot rotation locked signal................................... 3-3
3.2 XP2 Connectors ............................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Description ........................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.2 Layout XP2 Connectors .................................................................... 3-4
3.2.3 Signals XP2 Connectors ................................................................... 3-5
3.3 Wiring Monitor Cart (VISTA)............................................................................. 3-6
3.4 Wiring Mobile Stand (VISTA) ........................................................................... 3-7
3.5 Wiring Monitor Cart (Vision²) ............................................................................ 3-9
3.6 Wiring Mobile Stand (Vision²)........................................................................... 3-10

Ziehm Vision² Family i

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4 DCU Board U470 4-1
4.1 General Description.......................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 C- / Y- / Z- axis interface in general.................................................................. 4-1
4.3 Location of Connectors..................................................................................... 4-2
4.4 Location of LED’s, Jumpers and Fuses............................................................ 4-3
4.5 Location of Measuring Points ........................................................................... 4-4
4.6 Layout Diagram ................................................................................................ 4-5
4.7 Description of Connectors ................................................................................ 4-6
4.7.1 Power Supply .................................................................................... 4-6
4.7.2 Axis encoders.................................................................................... 4-6
4.7.3 Lock & Limit Switches, Emergency Button........................................ 4-8
4.7.4 Foot switch ........................................................................................ 4-10
4.7.5 Motors ............................................................................................... 4-11
4.7.6 Signals to external cables ................................................................. 4-12
4.8 LEDs................................................................................................................. 4-15
4.9 Fuses................................................................................................................ 4-15
4.10 Jumpers............................................................................................................ 4-16
4.11 Measuring Points.............................................................................................. 4-17
4.12 Hardware description........................................................................................ 4-18
4.12.1 Power supply..................................................................................... 4-18
4.12.2 Drive motor controls .......................................................................... 4-19
4.12.3 Limit switches .................................................................................... 4-19
4.12.4 Encoder Signals ................................................................................ 4-19
4.13 Wiring Diagrams ............................................................................................... 4-20

5 Connector Board for TFT U472(VISTA only) 5-1

5.1 General Description.......................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Connectors to the TFT (incl. touch screen and speaker) ................................. 5-1
5.3 Connectors to XP2 via XP1 .............................................................................. 5-3
5.4 Location Connectors......................................................................................... 5-4
5.5 Location Measuring Points, LED’s.................................................................... 5-4
5.6 Layout Diagram ................................................................................................ 5-5
5.7 Wiring Diagram................................................................................................. 5-6

6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474 6-1

6.1 General Description.......................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Connectors U473 and U474 ............................................................................. 6-2
6.3 Location Connectors U473 ............................................................................... 6-5
6.4 Layout Diagram U473....................................................................................... 6-5
6.5 Mounting Position U473 and Y-axis drive......................................................... 6-6
6.6 Location Connectors U474 ............................................................................... 6-7
6.7 Layout Diagram U474....................................................................................... 6-7
6.8 Mounting Position U474 and C-axis drive ........................................................ 6-8
6.9 Wiring Diagram U473 ....................................................................................... 6-9
6.10 Wiring Diagram U474 ....................................................................................... 6-10

7 Z-axis Section 7-1

7.1 Description........................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Cable Summary................................................................................................ 7-1
7.3 Z-axis encoder.................................................................................................. 7-2
7.4 Mounting Position Z-axis encoder .................................................................... 7-2

ii Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471 8-1
8.1 General Description.......................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1 Ground considerations ...................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Watchdog .......................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.3 X-Ray Safety Logic ........................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Location Connectors ........................................................................................ 8-3
8.3 Location LEDs, Switches, Fuses...................................................................... 8-4
8.4 Location Measuring Points ............................................................................... 8-5
8.5 Layout Diagram ................................................................................................ 8-6
8.6 Connectors ....................................................................................................... 8-7
8.6.1 Interface to the XP2 connector ......................................................... 8-12
8.6.2 CAN distribution (VISTA only)........................................................... 8-15
8.7 LEDs................................................................................................................. 8-17
8.8 DIP Switches .................................................................................................... 8-17
8.9 Fuses................................................................................................................ 8-18
8.10 Measuring Points.............................................................................................. 8-18
8.11 Risk Prevention ................................................................................................ 8-19
8.12 Wiring Diagrams............................................................................................... 8-20

9 Drive Controls 9-1

9.1 Controls ............................................................................................................ 9-1
9.2 PWM Principals ................................................................................................ 9-1
9.3 Drives Chains ................................................................................................... 9-3
9.3.1 Y drive ............................................................................................... 9-3
9.3.2 Z drive ............................................................................................... 9-4
9.3.3 C drive............................................................................................... 9-4

10 Workstation (VISTA) 10-1

10.1 General............................................................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Components ..................................................................................................... 10-2
10.3 Human Interface I/O ......................................................................................... 10-3
10.3.1 Keyboard and trackball ..................................................................... 10-3
10.3.2 Displays ............................................................................................ 10-3
10.4 Vario Center Controls....................................................................................... 10-4
10.5 Construction Diagram....................................................................................... 10-5
10.6 Socket Diagram................................................................................................ 10-6

11 Workstation (Vision²) 11-1

11.1 General............................................................................................................. 11-1
11.2 Components ..................................................................................................... 11-2
11.3 Human Interface I/O ......................................................................................... 11-3
11.3.1 Mouse and keyboard ........................................................................ 11-4
11.3.2 Displays ............................................................................................ 11-4
11.4 Construction Diagram....................................................................................... 11-5
11.5 Socket Diagram................................................................................................ 11-6

12 Software 12-1
12.1 General information.......................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Important folders and files ................................................................................ 12-2
12.3 Communication between HEDIS and Workstation........................................... 12-3
12.4 The FTP-Server TFTPD32.EXE....................................................................... 12-5
12.5 Proofing the unit’s serial number...................................................................... 12-6
12.6 Changing the language .................................................................................... 12-6
12.7 FAQ .................................................................................................................. 12-6

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13 Hardware TestCenter 13-1
13.1 Description........................................................................................................ 13-1
13.2 User interface ................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2.1 Inputs ................................................................................................ 13-2
13.2.2 Outputs.............................................................................................. 13-2
13.2.3 Watchdog .......................................................................................... 13-2
13.2.4 Sound Test ........................................................................................ 13-2
13.2.5 C-axis ................................................................................................ 13-3
13.2.6 Y- and Z-axis ..................................................................................... 13-3
13.2.7 Framegrabber (VISTA only) .............................................................. 13-3
13.3 Resetting the encoders..................................................................................... 13-3
13.4 The file RoboC2.INI .......................................................................................... 13-5

14 3D Calibration 14-1
14.1 General............................................................................................................. 14-1
14.2 Magic Codes..................................................................................................... 14-1
14.3 Preparing the test equipment ........................................................................... 14-3
14.4 Preparing the software calibration .................................................................... 14-4
14.5 Performing the software calibration .................................................................. 14-5
14.5.1 SCAN No. 1 (AP: L=5 cm, LAT: L=20 cm) ........................................ 14-6
14.5.2 SCAN No. 2 (AP: L=5 cm, LAT: L=12 cm) ........................................ 14-7
14.5.3 SCAN No. 3 (AP: L=5 cm, LAT: L=20 cm, Eliptical path).................. 14-8
14.5.4 CALCULATE SCAN No. 1................................................................. 14-9
14.5.5 CALCULATE SCAN No. 2................................................................. 14-10
14.5.6 CALCULATE SCAN No. 3................................................................. 14-11
14.5.7 Show Calibration data ....................................................................... 14-13
14.5.8 Calibration check............................................................................... 14-13
14.6 Performing an accuracy test............................................................................. 14-14

15 Fault Detection 15-1

15.1 Startup .............................................................................................................. 15-1
15.2 6D Mouse (VISTA only).................................................................................... 15-4
15.3 Keyboard / Trackball (VISTA only) ................................................................... 15-4
15.4 CD Writer.......................................................................................................... 15-5
15.5 Normal Mode (2D) ............................................................................................ 15-6
15.6 ISO Mode (3D) ................................................................................................. 15-7
15.7 Reconstruction.................................................................................................. 15-8
15.8 Others............................................................................................................... 15-8

16 DIN A3 Drawings 16-1

16.1 Block Diagram Vario......................................................................................... 16-3
16.2 Wiring Monitor Cart Vario ................................................................................. 16-5
16.3 Wiring Mobile Stand Vario ................................................................................ 16-7
16.4 Wiring Mobile Stand Vario ................................................................................ 16-9
16.5 Block Diagram Vision² Vario............................................................................. 16-11
16.6 Wiring Monitor Cart Vision² Vario ..................................................................... 16-13
16.7 Wiring Mobile Stand Vision² Vario .................................................................... 16-15
16.8 Wiring Mobile Stand Vision² Vario .................................................................... 16-17

iv Ziehm Vision² Family

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0 Classification
Mobile Stand / Monitor Cart

No Chapter Mobile Stand Monitor Cart

1 Warnings and Important Information ⊕ ⊕

2 General ⊕ ⊕

3 Connections ⊕

4 DCU Board U470 ⊕

5 Connector Board for TFT U472 ⊕

(VISTA only)

6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474 ⊕

7 Z-axis Section ⊕

8 Vision² IOCU Board U471 ⊕

9 Drive Controls ⊕ ⊕

10 Workstation (VISTA) ⊕

11 Workstation (Vision²) ⊕

12 Software ⊕

13 Hardware TestCenter ⊕ ⊕

14 3D Calibration ⊕ ⊕

15 Fault Detection ⊕ ⊕

Ziehm Vision² Family 0-1

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0 Classification Mobile Stand / Monitor Cart

0-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

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Warnings and
Important Information

Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
1 Warnings and Important Infor-
1.1 Safety instructions

This manual does not constitute a complete catalog of all safety measures necessary for the ope-
ration of the respective medical equipment, since special operating conditions may require further
measures. However, it does contain instructions which must be observed in order to ensure the
personal safety of operating staff and patients as well as to avoid damage to property. These
instructions are highlighted as follows:

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or mode-
rate injury.

Indicates a property damage message.

Notes are informative. Additional useful information and hints are provided for the
operator here.

Ziehm Vision² Family 1-1

28367 - 05/2008
1 Warnings and Important Information

1.2 Important Information

This service manual is just a supplement to the service manuals of Ziehm Vista,
Ziehm Vision² and Ziehm Vision² FD. To perform proper service work you will need
the service manual of the standard unit also!

The manual describes the equipment of units with option Vario 3D . Some of the
described parts and functions are not available on option Vario.

For easier reference, system depending subject matter is marked with "VISTA" or
"VISION²" in this manual.

1.3 Warnings

The monitor cart power module contains live voltage even when the unit is swit-
ched of from the C-arm or monitor cart keyboard or the emergency switch is
pushed in. Be sure to disconnect the unit from the mains supply when performing
service work to the unit.

Never connect or disconnect P0 and/or P2 cable when the unit is in use.

Before connecting your laptop via PARCAN/USB-CAN to a Ziehm Vista-based
unit, you have to switch off the Workstation inside the Monitor Cart. Otherwise the
Exposcop Studio Software won’t work properly.

1-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
1 Warnings and Important Information

1.4 Required tests after service

1.4.1 Tests after service

The following tests have to be performed after every service:

• Is the mechanics working properly in 2D Mode?
• Is the mechanics working properly in 3D Mode?
• Are all cables (P0-, P1-, P2-, mains and swivel cable)
in good condition?
• Is the touchscreen of the Vario Center working properly?
• Is the printout of the video printer okay?
• Is the system working fine?
• Perform electrical safety check according to relevant national regulation of the country of

Possible discrepancies have to be recorded in the service report.

1.4.2 Required calibration after service

If the final check does not match the allowed values, a calibration has to be performed.
This is mostly necessary, if following parts were dismounted:

− image intensifier

− generator

− CCD camera

− swivel arm, C profile

− carriage

With NaviPORT a navigation calibration has to be performed also if these parts were dismounted!

Ziehm Vision² Family 1-3

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1 Warnings and Important Information

1-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
2 General

2 General
2.1 System description

Ziehm Vario 3D, Ziehm Vision² Vario 3D and Ziehm Vision² FD Vario 3D are based on platforms
of the standard units Ziehm Vista, Ziehm Vision² and Ziehm Vision² FD. They are positioned in the
higher technology level of the C-arm market and applied for 3D-reconstruction purposes with
interfaces for navigation-systems of well-known software manufactures.
The products are clearly differentiated to other solutions. The essential difference compared to
competitors systems is the systems variable iso-centric design, coupled with the motorized hori-
zontal and vertical movement for keeping the user-predefined variable iso-centre by its internal
cinematics. The principal advantage is, that in comparison to the fix-iso-centre a time-consuming
patient-positioning-process isn't necessary. That means, the C-arm can be adjusted to the posi-
tion of the patient.
The positive consequence is, that the variable iso-centre enables a smaller distance between the
object and the image intensifier what effects in higher image quality and a reduced patient ent-
rance dose exposure, because of the higher distance to the x-ray generator. The user has also
the opportunity for a free choose of the image intensifier/object distance and to vary it between
the individual exposures, e.g. for avoiding a possible collision during the scan.
A full orbital rotation through 190° degrees is not necessary. The user freely decides when a suf-
ficient amount of 3D image information has been gathered during the image acquisition cycle for
allowing optimum treatment assessment. Both functions contribute to excellent and quick 3D
image acquisition allowing sensitive handling of radiation. Furthermore, the 3D units are still
small, smart and simple. That is the reason why they can be used and moved similar to the stan-
dard units.

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-1

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2 General

2.2 Main product features

The basic x-ray, imaging and mechanical product features remain as the standard units Ziehm
Vista, Ziehm Vision² and Ziehm Vision² FD.

Following product features were added with the options Vario and Vario 3D:
− semi-automatic variable iso-centric movement initiated by a manual orbital movement
(pivot rotation and swivelling - both are fixed by mechanical break at approx. 0°)
− iso-centric working with a small sized C-arm
(can be used and moved similar to a standard C-arm)
− elliptic path movement around the examined object
(a small object / image intensifier distance)
− free choose of the image intensifier / object distance and alternation
between the individual exposures
− DICOM interface to navigation systems

Following product features are available on option Vario 3D only:

− iterative 3D calculation
− tomographic visualisation (axial, sagital, coronal and variable slice-planes)
− 3D visualisation (particle model)

2-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

2.3 System Overview Mobile Stand

2.3.1 VISTA mobile stand showing the locations of the Vario-PCBs

Fig. 2-1 New PCB’s on VISTA Mobile Stand

PCB No. Description Chapter

U470 Drives Control Unit 4

U472 TFT Connection Board 5

U473 Y-axis Connection Board 6

U474 C-axis Connection Board 6

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-3

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2 General

Fig. 2-2 System Overview VISTA Mobile Stand

2-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

2.3.2 Vision² mobile stand showing the locations of the Vario-PCBs

Fig. 2-3 New PCB’s on Vision² Mobile Stand

PCB No. Description Chapter

U470 Drives Control Unit 4

U473 Y-axis Connection Board 6

U474 C-axis Connection Board 6

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-5

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2 General

Fig. 2-4 System Overview Vision² Mobile Stand

2-6 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

2.4 System Overview Monitor Cart

2.4.1 VISTA monitor cart showing the locations of the Vario - PCBs

Fig. 2-5 New PCB’s on VISTA Monitor Cart

PCB No. Description Chapter

U471 Drives Control Unit 8

The HEDIS (Module 11) is mounted in the "Endo" position.

In "normal" position the 3D Workstation is mounted in Vista Vario 3D.

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2 General

Fig. 2-6 System Overview VISTA Monitor Cart

2-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

2.4.2 Vision² monitor cart showing the locations of the Vario - PCBs

Fig. 2-7 New PCB’s on Vision² Monitor Cart

PCB No. Description Chapter

U471 Drives Control Unit 8

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-9

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2 General

Fig. 2-8 System Overview Vision² Monitor Cart

2-10 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

2.5 Definition of the axis

If we transfer the movements of the C-arm stand into a coordinate system, we can make things
easier in description. We are not talking about lifting column, horizontal carriage and C-arm.
We are talking about the axis, corresponding to the direction of movement. The X-axis is not
necessary for iso-centric image acquisition. As we have an orbital movement on the C-arm, this
axis is defined as C-axis.

Fig. 2-9 Definition of the axis

Axis Reference

C C-arm

Y horizontal carriage

Z lifting column

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-11

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2 General

2.6 Block diagrams for all units

2.6.1 Power Supply

Fig. 2-10 Block diagram power supply

2.6.2 Monitoring of mechanics

Fig. 2-11 Block diagram mechanics monitoring

2-12 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

2.6.3 Radiation signals control

Fig. 2-12 Block diagram radiation signals control

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-13

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2 General

2.7 Block Diagrams System / Emergency Loop (VISTA)

Fig. 2-13 Block Diagram System VISTA Vario 3D

2-14 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

Fig. 2-14 Block Diagram Emergency Loop VISTA Vario 3D

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2 General

2.8 Block Diagrams System / Emergency Loop (Vision²)

Fig. 2-15 Block diagram Ziehm Vision² Vario and Ziehm Vision² Vario 3D

2-16 Ziehm Vision² Family

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2 General

Fig. 2-16 Block Diagram Emergency Loop Ziehm Vision² Vario and Ziehm Vision² Vario 3D

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2 General

2.9 Technical Data Ziehm Vario and Ziehm Vario 3D

Nominal supply voltage / 230 VAC ±10 %, 50/60 Hz


Power supply fuse rating C 16 A (Tripping caracteristics C according to VDE

0641, Part 11; DIN EN 60898 + IEC 898)

Required residual current IN ≥ 16 A, IAN = 30 mA

circuit breaker (RCD)

Nominal supply current 8 A continuous, 15 A short-time


Internal fusing 15 A quick-blow (2 pcs.)

Maximum line impedance ≤ 0,6 Ω

Equipment protection clas- Protection Class I, Type B ( ), ordinary equipment,

sification continuous operation

Radiation controlled area 23 cm i.i. 4m

(with generator in lower-
most position and C-arm

Power Fluoroscopy: 40–110 kV / 0,2–6 mA

Direct radiography: 40–110 kV / 20 mA
Operating frequency: 20 kHz

Max. operating data Fluoroscopy: 110 kV / 0,2–6 mA

Direct radiography: 110 kV / 20 mA
Radiography time: 0,1–4 s

Max. power output Fluoroscopy: 650 W

Snapshot: 880 W
Direct radiography: 2200 W

Nominal electric power 2000 W at 100 kV / 20 mA / 0,1 s

X-ray tube Double-focus stationary-anode tube

Focal spot nominal size Fluoroscopy: 0,5 mm

Direct radiography: 1,5 mm

Total filtration ≥ 4 mm Al

Tube Input screen: Caesium iodide


Nominal sizes: 23 / 15 / (10 optional)


Anti-scatter grid Pb 8/40

2-18 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
2 General

Flat Screens Screen size: 46 cm (18,1")

Luminance: 600 Cd/m2

Resolution: 1280 x 1024 Pixel

Frequency: 75 Hz
Touch Screen Monitor Screen size: 10,4"
Resolution: 1024 x 768 Pixel
During storage Temperature: –10° C bis +60° C

Relative air humidity: 95 %

During operation Temperature: +10° C bis +35° C
Relative air humidity: 75 %

C-arm Source–image receptor 97 cm

Vertical free space: 76 cm

Immersion depth: 68 cm

Orbital rotation: 135°

Angulation: ± 225°

Swivelling (‘wig-wag’): ±10°

Horizontal movement: 22 cm

Vertical movement: 43 cm

C-arm stand Width: 80 cm

Depth: 230 cm
Hight: 214 cm
Monitor cart Width: 71 cm
Depth: 69,5 cm
Hight: 169 cm
C-arm stand Ziehm Vario/ approx. 286 kg

Ziehm Vario 3D:

Monitor cart Ziehm Vario/ approx. 177 kg
Ziehm Vario 3D:

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-19

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2 General

2.10 Technical Data

Ziehm Vision² Vario 3D and Ziehm Vision² FD Vario 3D


Scintillator Cesium iodide


Nominal sizes 31 / 23 / (15) cm or 23 / 15 / (10) cm

Anti-scatter grid Pb 8/40

Digital flat-panel

Scintillator Cesium iodide


Size 19.8 × 19.8 cm

Resolution in pixels 1024 × 1024

Anti-scatter grid Pb 8/70

18.1" flat-screen monitors


Screen size 460 mm (18.1")

Resolution in pixels 1280 × 1024 / 50 Hz or 60 Hz

CCIR, 50 Hz refresh rate, like PAL, no color

Video standard

EIA 343, 60 Hz refresh rate, like NTSC, no color


During storage/transport

Temperature –5°C to +55°C


Relative air humidity 20 – 70 %

During operation

Temperature +13°C to +35°C

Relative air humidity 20 – 70 %

2-20 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
2 General


Source/image receptor distance

Ziehm Vario 970 mm

Ziehm Vision² FD Vario 1110 mm

Vertical free space (generator/i.i.)

Ziehm Vario 760 mm


Vertical free space (generator/digital flat-panel detector)

Ziehm Vision² FD Vario 895 mm

C-arm depth 680 mm

Orbital rotation 23 cm i.i.: 135°, optionally 115°

31 cm i.i.: 115°

Angulation ±225°

Swiveling (panning) ±10°

Horizontal movement 220 mm

Vertical movement 430 mm

C-arm stand

Ziehm Vario 23 cm i.i.: approx. 260 kg

31 cm i.i.: approx. 280 kg

Ziehm Vision² FD Vario approx. 280 kg

Monitor cart

With flat-screen monitors 152 kg min., 158 kg max.

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-21

28367 - 05/2008
2 General

Systems with a voltage rating of 100 V, 120 V, 200 V

Systems with a voltage 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz
/ frequency rating of:

Power supply C 20 A or C 30 A C 20 A C 20 A or C 30 A
fuse rating
(tripping characteristic C acc. to VDE 0641, Part 11; DIN EN
60898 + IEC 898)

Required residual IN ≥ 20 A, IN ≥ 20 A, IN ≥ 16 A,
current circuit
breaker (RCD) IAN = 30 mA IAN = 30 mA IAN = 30 mA

Typical current consumption

Ziehm Vario 10 A continuous 10 A continuous 8 A continuous

22 A momentary 22 A momentary 16 A momentary
Ziehm Vision²
FD Vario 10 A continuous 10 A continuous 8 A continuous
22 A momentary 22 A momentary 16 A momentary
Power supply in standby mode

450 VA (4.5 A) 450 VA (3.75 A) 450 VA (2.25 A)

The values depend on the integrated documentation systems.

Internal fusing
20 A, fast (2 pcs.) 20 A, fast (2 pcs.) 15 A, fast (2 pcs.)

Maximum line ≤ 0.6 Ω

Equipment protection classification

Protection Class I, Type B ( ), ordinary equipment, continuous

Radiation controlled area
(with generator in lowermost position and C-arm vertical)
23/31 cm i.i. and digital flat-panel detector: 4 m

2-22 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
2 General

Systems with a voltage 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz
/ frequency rating of:


Direct radiography (n/a for Ziehm Vision² FD Vario)

Ziehm Vario 40–110 kV 40–110 kV 40–110 kV

12 mA min./ 15 mA min./ 15 mA min./
20 mA max., 20 mA max., 20 mA max.,
1.5 mAs min./ 1.5 mAs min./ 1.5 mAs min./
100 mAs max. 100 mAs max. 100 mAs max.


40–110 kV 40–110 kV 40–110 kV

0.1–12 mA 0.1–15 mA 0.1–20 mA

Pulsed fluoroscopy

Ziehm Vario Pulse width 10–30 ms;

1, 2, 4, 8, 12.5, 25 pulses/s (on systems with 25 pulses/s)
1, 5, 10, 15, 30 pulses/s (on systems with 30 pulses/s)
Ziehm Vision²
FD Vario Pulse width 24 ms max.
1, 2, 4, 8, 12.5, 25 pulses/s

Digital radiography (snapshot)

40–110 kV
0.1 mA min./
20 mA max.

Operating 20 kHz

DC-HV ripple 40 kHz


Max. operating data


110 kV / 12 mA 110 kV / 15 mA 110 kV / 18 mA

65 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA

Direct radiography (n/a for Ziehm Vision² FD Vario)

Ziehm Vario 110 kV / 12 mA 110 kV / 15 mA 110 kV / 15 mA

65 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA

Digital radiography

110 kV / 12 mA 110 kV / 18 mA 110 kV / 18 mA

65 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-23

28367 - 05/2008
2 General

Systems with a voltage rating of 220 V, 230 V, 240 V

Systems with a voltage 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
/ frequency rating of:

Power supply C 16 A (tripping characteristic C acc. to VDE 0641, Part 11;

fuse rating DIN EN 60898 + IEC 898)

Required residual current circuit breaker (RCD)

IN ≥ 16 A, IAN = 30 mA

Typical current consumption

8 A continuous
16 A momentary
Power supply in standby mode

approx. 450 VA (approx. 1.95 A)


The values depend on the integrated documentation systems.

Internal fusing 15 A, fast (2 pcs.)

Maximum line ≤ 0.6 Ω

Equipment protection classification

Protection Class I, Type B ( ), ordinary equipment, continuous

Radiation controlled area
(with generator in lowermost position and C-arm vertical)
23/31 cm i.i. and digital flat-panel detector: 4 m

2-24 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
2 General

Systems with a voltage 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
/ frequency rating of:


Direct radiography (n/a for Ziehm Vision² FD Vario)

Ziehm Vario 40–110 kV

15 mA min./
20 mA max.,
1.5 mAs min./
100 mAs max.


40–110 kV
0.1–20 mA

Pulsed fluoroscopy

Ziehm Vario Pulse width 10–30 ms;

1, 2, 4, 8, 12.5, 25 pulses/s (on systems with 25 pulses/s)
1, 5, 10, 15, 30 pulses/s (on systems with 30 pulses/s)
Ziehm Vision² Pulse width 24 ms max.
FD Vario
1, 2, 4, 8, 12.5, 25 pulses/s

Digital radiography (snapshot)

40–110 kV
0.1 mA min./
20 mA max.

Operating 20 kHz

DC-HV ripple 40 kHz


Max. operating data


110 kV / 18 mA
80 kV / 20 mA

Direct radiography (n/a for Ziehm Vision² FD Vario)

Ziehm Vario 110 kV / 15 mA

80 kV / 20 mA

Digital radiography

110 kV / 18 mA
80 kV / 20

Ziehm Vision² Family 2-25

28367 - 05/2008
2 General

Systems with a voltage 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
/ frequency rating of:

Max. power output


1980 W (110 kV / 18 mA)

Direct radiography (n/a for Ziehm Vision² FD Vario)

Ziehm Vario 1650 W (110 kV / 15 mA)

Digital radiography

1980 W (110 kV / 18 mA)

Nominal electric power

2000 W at 100 kV / 20 mA / 0.1 s

X-ray tube

Single-focus stationary-anode tube


Focal spot nominal size, in relation to reference axis

0.6 acc. to IEC 336

Focal spot horizontal tolerance, in relation to reference axis

± 0.5 mm (controlled)

Anode angle, in relation to reference axis

Anode material


Total filtration

Ziehm Vario ≥ 3,9 mm Al, including 0.06 mm Cu

Ziehm Vision² ≥ 3,9 mm Al
FD Vario

Maximum X-ray tube loading factors for

1h; 3 mA at 110 kV 10800 mAs/h

2-26 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008

Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections
3.1 XP1 Connector (VISTA only)

3.1.1 Description

For easy shipping of the machine, the TFT section can be disassembled.
Therefore the unit has a connector between the housing of the mobile stand and the harness lea-
ding to the TFT and Y-axis section.
Another separation is provided to be able to disconnect the cable leading to the Y-axis section.

3.1.2 Layout XP1 Connector

Fig. 3-1 Layout XP1 Connector

3.1.3 Signals on XP1 Connector

X1: TFT and Y-axis section



Pin A4: Protective earth AWG14

Wires going to the TFT-section

Pin A1: analog RED coaxial 75 Ohm

Pin A2: analog GREEN coaxial 75 Ohm

Pin A3: analog BLUE coaxial 75 Ohm

Pin 1: +12 V

Ziehm Vision² Family 3-1

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

X1: TFT and Y-axis section

Pin 2: Ground

Pin 3: RX 1

Pin 4: TX 1

Pin 6: Sound

Pin 5: Ground for Sound

Pin 7: H-Sync +

Pin 8: H-Sync -

Pin 9: V-Sync +

Pin 10: V-Sync -

Pin 11: Shield for Pin 1 - 10

Wires going to the Y-axis section

Pin 12: Y_Motor +

Pin 13: Y_Motor -

Pin 14: Y_Motor +

Pin 15: Y_Motor -

Pin 16: Shield for Pin 12–15

Pin 17: "Pivot-Rotation locked" Signal

Pin 18: "Wig-Wag locked" Signal

Pin 19: Absolute-limit switches Y

Pin 20: common wire for Pin 17 - 19

Pin 21: Encoder Clock +

Pin 22: Encoder Clock -

Pin 23: Encoder Data +

Pin 24: Encoder Data -

Pin 25: Encoder Data /Valid 1

Pin 26: Encoder Data /Valid MT

Pin 27: Encoder Up/Down

Pin 28: Encoder Null (reset)

Pin 29: Encoder +24 V

3-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

X1: TFT and Y-axis section

Pin 30: Encoder Ground, also common wire for Pin 17–19

Pin 31: Shield for Pin 21–30

The colors show the allocations of the different cables.

Pin 17 and Pin 20 go directly to a connector for the"Pivot rotation locked" switch.

3.1.4 Cable Summary

AWG14 yellow/green PE

3x RG179 Video

LiYCY 5x 2x AWG24 all TFT signals

2 x AWG22 Pivot rotation locked



LiYCY 8x 2x AWG26 Encoder signals

3.1.5 Connector for the Pivot rotation locked signal

When disassembling the TFT arm, the 2 pin connector which goes to the "Pivot rotation locked"
micro-switch has to be disconnected as well. The connector is accommodated inside the TFT-arm
mounting bracket.

3.2 XP2 Connectors

3.2.1 Description

The 3D units have an additional connection cable called "P2 cable", which is similar to the almost
known P0 cable from Ziehm Vista. Almost all 3D specific data like motor and encoder signals or
TFT signals are transferred over this P2 cable.

Ziehm Vision² Family 3-3

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3.2.2 Layout XP2 Connectors

Fig. 3-2 Layout XP2 Connectors

3-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3.2.3 Signals XP2 Connectors

Fig. 3-3 Signals XP2 Connector

Ziehm Vision² Family 3-5

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3.3 Wiring Monitor Cart (VISTA)

3-6 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3.4 Wiring Mobile Stand (VISTA)

Ziehm Vision² Family 3-7

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3.5 Wiring Monitor Cart (Vision²)

Ziehm Vision² Family 3-9

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3.6 Wiring Mobile Stand (Vision²)

3-10 Ziehm Vision² Family

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3 Connections

Ziehm Vision² Family 3-11

28367 - 05/2008
3 Connections

3-12 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
DCU Board U470
Drives Control Unit

Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470
4.1 General Description

The DCU board is mounted along side the lift spindle on a sheet metal carrier.
In a VISTA based unit you will find it on the left side, in a Vision² based unit on the right side.
It contains three identical power stages to drive the C-, Y-, and Z-motor, relays, voltage regulators
and connectors to the encoders and the P2 cable.

4.2 C- / Y- / Z- axis interface in general

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 Encoder Clock + 14 Ground

2 Encoder Clock - 15 Limit switches

3 Encoder Data + 16 ---

4 Encoder Data - 17 ---

5 Encoder Data /Valid 1 18 ---

6 Encoder Data /Valid MT 19 Ground for shield of the motor cable

7 Encoder Up/Down 20 Motor 1

8 Encoder Null 21 Motor 1

9 Encoder +24V 22 Motor 1

10 Encoder Ground 23 Motor 2

11 Ground for shield of the encoder cable 24 Motor 2

12 mechanics locked 1 25 Motor 2

13 mechanics locked 2

Table 4-1 Standardized pinning of the axis interface

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-1

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.3 Location of Connectors

Fig. 4-1 Location of Connectors

4-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.4 Location of LED’s, Jumpers and Fuses

Fig. 4-2 Location of LED’s, Jumpers and Fuses

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-3

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.5 Location of Measuring Points

Fig. 4-3 Location of Measuring Points

4-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.6 Layout Diagram

Fig. 4-4 Layout Diagram

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-5

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.7 Description of Connectors

4.7.1 Power Supply

The supply voltage for the board comes directly from the bridge rectifier, which feeds the lift motor-
electronics contained on the board U333 in VISTA and board U521 in Vision².

X11, X12: Supply voltage input

6.3 Faston


X11: +30 V

X12: Ground

4.7.2 Axis encoders

C- and Y-axis encoders are rotation operated, Z-axis encoder is cable (linkage) operated.
Therefore some of the signals are not necessary for the Z-axis encoder.
Jumpers J5 and J6 have no function because reset and changing direction is not possible on a
linkage encoder.

X6: C-axis encoder

25 pin DSUB (female)


Pin 1: Encoder Clock +

Pin 2: Encoder Clock -

Pin 3: Encoder Data +

Pin 4: Encoder Data -

Pin 5: Encoder Data /Valid 1

Pin 6: Encoder Data /Valid MT

Pin 7: Encoder Up/Down (J1)

Pin 8: Encoder Null (J2)

Pin 9: Encoder +24 V

Pin 10: Encoder Ground

Pin 11: Ground for shield of the encoder cable

Pin 12: mechanics locked 1

Pin 13: mechanics locked 2

4-6 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

X6: C-axis encoder

Pin 14: Ground

Pin 15: Limit switches

Pin 19: Ground for shield of the motor cable

Pin 20: C Motor 1

Pin 21: C Motor 1

Pin 22: C Motor 1

Pin 23: C Motor 2

Pin 24: C Motor 2

Pin 25: C Motor 2

X14: Y-axis encoder

25 pin DSUB (female)


Pin 1: Encoder Clock +

Pin 2: Encoder Clock -

Pin 3: Encoder Data +

Pin 4: Encoder Data -

Pin 5: Encoder Data /Valid 1

Pin 6: Encoder Data /Valid MT

Pin 7: Encoder Up/Down (J3)

Pin 8: Encoder Null (J4)

Pin 9: Encoder +24 V

Pin 10: Encoder Ground

Pin 11: Ground for shield of the encoder cable

Pin 12: mechanics locked 1

Pin 13: mechanics locked 2

Pin 14: Ground

Pin 15: Limit switches

Pin 19: Ground for shield of the motor cable

Pin 20: Y Motor 1

Pin 21: Y Motor 1

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-7

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

X14: Y-axis encoder

Pin 22: Y Motor 1

Pin 23: Y Motor 2

Pin 24: Y Motor 2

Pin 25: Y Motor 2

X15: Z-axis encoder

25 pin DSUB (female)


Pin 1: Encoder Clock +

Pin 2: Encoder Clock -

Pin 3: Encoder Data +

Pin 4: Encoder Data -

Pin 9: Encoder +24 V

Pin 10: Encoder Ground

Pin 11: Ground for shield of the encoder cable

Pin 19: Ground for shield of the motor cable

Pin 20: Z Motor 1

Pin 21: Z Motor 1

Pin 22: Z Motor 1

Pin 23: Z Motor 2

Pin 24: Z Motor 2

Pin 25: Z Motor 2

4.7.3 Lock & Limit Switches, Emergency Button

X9: Brake locked switch

2 pin Panduit


Pin 1: "mechanics locked" Signal A

Pin 2: "mechanics locked" Signal B

4-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

X10: Z-axis limit switches

2 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Absolute-limit switches A1

Pin 2: Absolute-limit switches A2

Pin 3: Absolute-limit switches B1

Pin 4: Absolute-limit switches B2

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-9

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

X16: Emergency Button

2 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Switch a

Pin 2: Switch b

The connector X16 is a relict from former version of the U470 board, where the Emergency button
was connected directly to the board to stop the motors in case of emergency.
The emergency loop was changed to switch off the entire unit, so the connector X16 is no longer
used and has to be short-cutted! Both Emergency buttons are connected to the power supply.

4.7.4 Foot switch

VISTA: The foot switch cable normally goes directly to the U327 board. Now it goes to the U470
board first. From there a new cable goes to the U327 board to deliver the X-ray switch signal
coming from the monitor cart, tricking the U327 to believe it is the foot switch.

Vision²: The foot switch cable normally goes directly to the U515 board. Now it goes to the U470
board first. From there a new cable goes to the U515 board to deliver the X-ray switch signal
coming from the monitor cart, tricking the U515 to believe it is the foot switch.

Foot switch B is routed directly through from the source to the U327 / U521 board.

X3: Foot switch directly

4 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Foot switch A1 to XP2 cable

Pin 2: Foot switch A2 to XP2 cable

Pin 3: Foot switch B1 to U470/X4

Pin 4: Foot switch B2 to U470/X4

4-10 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

X4: Foot switch signals to U327/X83 (VISTA) or U521/X (Vision²)

4 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Foot switch A1 from XP2 cable

Pin 2: Foot switch A2 from XP2 cable

Pin 3: Foot switch B1 from U470/X3

Pin 4: Foot switch B2 from U470/X3

4.7.5 Motors

C-axis Motor

6.3 Faston


X19: Motor +

X20: Motor -

X13: C-axis Solenoid

5 pin Panduit


Pin 1: solenoid a (supply voltage)

Pin 2: solenoid a (supply voltage)

Pin 3: solenoid b (supply voltage)

Pin 4: solenoid b (supply voltage)

Pin 5: GND for screening the cable

Z-axis Motor

6.3 Faston


X1: Motor + leading to U333/X21 (VISTA) or U521/X1 (Vision²)

X2: Motor - leading to U333/X22 (VISTA) or U521/X3 (Vision²)

X7: Motor +

X8: Motor -

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-11

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.7.6 Signals to external cables

X5: Signals leading to XP2

48 pin male DIN41162 Type F


Pin d2: +12V_TFT

Pin d4: Foot switch A1

Pin d6: Foot switch A2

Pin d8: X-ray activation 1

Pin d10: X-ray activation 2

Pin d12: Ground of 24 V

Pin d14: Encoder +24 V

Pin d16: Encoder Clock +

Pin d18: Encoder Clock -

Pin d20: Encoder C Data +

Pin d22: Encoder C Data -

Pin d24: Encoder Y Data +

Pin d26: Encoder Y Data -

Pin d28: Encoder Z Data +

Pin d30: Encoder Z Data -

Pin d32: Ground for shield of the encoder cable

Pin b2: GND 12V_TFT

Pin b4: H-Sync + not used in Vision²

Pin b6: H-Sync - not used in Vision²

Pin b8: V-Sync + not used in Vision²

Pin b10: V-Sync - not used in Vision²

Pin b12: TX 1 not used in Vision²

Pin b14: RX 1 not used in Vision²

Pin b16: Motor C PWM +

Pin b18: Motor C PWM -

Pin b20: Motor Y PWM +

4-12 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

X5: Signals leading to XP2

Pin b22: Motor Y PWM -

Pin b24: Motor Z PWM +

Pin b26: Motor Z PWM -

Pin b28: "mechanics locked" Signal (12V_TFT related)

Pin b30: NOT-Aus / Emergency loop

Pin b32: Ground for shield of the "PWM" cable

Pin z2: free

Pin z4: reserved, goes to 7 of X18

Pin z6: reserved, goes to 8 of X18

Pin z8: reserved, goes to 9 of X18

Pin z10: reserved, goes to 12 of X18

Pin z12: Ground for shield of the "TFT" cable

Pin z14: reserved, goes to 13 of X18

Pin z16: reserved, goes to 14 of X18

Pin z18: Motor C Enable (12V_TFT related)

Pin z20: Motor Y Enable (12V_TFT related)

Pin z22: Motor Z Enable (12V_TFT related)

Pin z24: Ground

Pin z26: Encoder C Data OK

Pin z28: Encoder Y Data OK

Pin z30: Encoder Z Data OK

Pin z32: Ground for shield of the "OK / Enable" cable

OK signals mean H = OK; L = Fault.

Colors show the allocation of the cables.

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-13

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

X18: Signals leading to XP1 (Vario Center)

15 pin DSUB female


Pin 1: H-Sync +

Pin 2: H-Sync -

Pin 3: V-Sync +

Pin 4: V-Sync -

Pin 5: TX 1

Pin 6: RX 1

Pin 7: reserved, leads to z4 of X5

Pin 8: reserved, leads to z6 of X5

Pin 9: reserved, leads to z8 of X5

Pin 10: +12V_TFT

Pin 11: GND_12V_TFT

Pin 12: reserved, leads to z10 of X5

Pin 13: reserved, leads to z14 of X5

Pin 14: reserved, leads to z16 of X5

Pin 15: Ground for shield of the "TFT" cable

4-14 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.8 LEDs

LED (green) Indication

D13 +30 V

D14 +24 V

D15 Y motor

D16 C motor

D17 Z motor

D19 mechanics locked

D30 +15 V

D31 +5 V

D32 no NOTAUS2 (after emergency button)

D39 +12V_TFT (separate GND!)

D41 Y enabled

D51 C enabled

D54 Z enabled

4.9 Fuses

Fuse Value Remarks

F1 10AT protecting +30 V

F2 1AT protecting +24 V to the Monitor Cart

F3 1.6AT protecting +24 V

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-15

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.10 Jumpers

Jumper Setting Function

J1 1 – 2 up C-axis encoder: Select direction reading

2 – 3 down

J2 1 – 2 reset C-axis encoder: Reset absolute reading

2 – 3 normal

J3 1 – 2 up Y-axis encoder: Select direction reading

2 – 3 down

J4 1 – 2 reset Y-axis encoder: Reset absolute reading

2 – 3 normal

J5 1 – 2 up no function
2 – 3 down

J6 1 – 2 reset no function
2 – 3 normal

J7 1–2 C locked 2 (has to be set)

J8 1–2 C locked 1 (has to be set)

J1 + J3: Necessary only once during production process.

J2 + J4: Necessary to adjust the encoder during production process or in case of service.

J5 + J6: The Z-axis encoder does not have these features (linkage encoder).
The jumpers have no function therefore.

4-16 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.11 Measuring Points

Measuring Point Signal







MP7 C current monitor power stage




MP11 Z current monitor power stage

MP12 +30 V input to IC5

MP13 +24 V

MP14 +15 V

MP15 +5 V


MP17 +12_TFT


MP19 +30 V after F1

MP20 Y current monitor power stage

MP21 C-axis solenoid FET control

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-17

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.12 Hardware description

4.12.1 Power supply

To supply the DCU board with power, the secondary winding (24V AC) of the main transformer
(TR1) in Module 1 (Trafoblech) is used.
On Ziehm Vista the lift motor is connected directly to this secondary winding.

Fig. 4-5 Power supply DCU board and lift motor

On Ziehm Vario the DCU board U470 is connected to this secondary winding. The lift motor and
it’s electronics are now exclusively feeded from this board. To prevent from distortions, there is no
ground connection to other parts.
The boards input and output voltages are protected from short circuits through extra fuses.

4-18 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.12.2 Drive motor controls

The board contains three identical PWM power stages (MOSFET H-bridge).
Only the Z-axis PWM power stage contains a current monitor which switches off the drive.
All drive motors are switched on by relays. The default state of the relays is OFF, the Z drive’s
default is switched to the standard lift motor electronics.
The drive motors have be able to turn forward and reverse with variable speed. Therefore the
Workstation sends PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals to the DCU board. On the board, the
signals are amplified and directed to the drive motors.

An 'emergency-loop' goes through the P2 cable to the monitor cart and is connected to the watch-
dog circuit of the workstation. The connector for the Emergency button is no longer in use since
the emergency buttons are connected to the power supply. For proper function the connector has
to be short-cutted all the time.
Each drive has an extra enable signal coming from the workstation and it switches on the motor

4.12.3 Limit switches

Each drive has two pairs of limit switches on each side of the moving range. One set is direction
depending, that means the electronics is able to move off the limit switch, whereas the outer pair
switches off the motor relay completely.

4.12.4 Encoder Signals

Each encoder outputs two signals (data valid and data multi-turn) to indicate proper working. Both
wires are OR-ed together on U470 to save wires going to the workstation (via XP2) for monitoring
the state of the encoders.

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-19

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4.13 Wiring Diagrams

Fig. 4-6 Wiring Diagram U470 (Y section)

4-20 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

Fig. 4-7 Wiring Diagram U470 (C section)

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-21

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

Fig. 4-8 Wiring Diagram U470 (C_Solenoid)

4-22 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

Fig. 4-9 Wiring Diagram U470 (Z Section)

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-23

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

Fig. 4-10 Wiring Diagram U470 (Supply Power, Foot switch, Signals to XP1 and XP2)

4-24 Ziehm Vision² Family

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4 DCU Board U470

Fig. 4-11 Wiring Diagram U470 (C, Y, Z encoder connectors, MECH_LOCKED)

Ziehm Vision² Family 4-25

28367 - 05/2008
4 DCU Board U470

4-26 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Connector Board
for TFT U472
(VISTA only)

Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
5 Connector Board for TFT U472
(VISTA only)
5.1 General Description

This PCB is sitting inside the arm holding the Vario Center TFT. It connects the cables coming
from the TFT to the cables going to the next connector called XP1. From there the cables go to
the XP2 connector.
The synchronization signals (V and H) are converted back from differential level (RS485) to TTL
level on this board.

5.2 Connectors to the TFT (incl. touch screen and speaker)

X8: Power supply input

2 pin Panduit


Pin 1: +12 V

Pin 2: Ground

X9: Digital signals (seen from the TFT side)

10 pin flat ribbon


Pin 1: V-Sync

Pin 2: H-Sync

Pin 3: Ground (Sync)

Pin 4: RX 1

Pin 5: TX 1

Pin 6: RX 2

Pin 7: TX 2

Ziehm Vision² Family 5-1

28367 - 05/2008
5 Connector Board for TFT U472 (VISTA only)

X9: Digital signals (seen from the TFT side)

Pin 8: Ground (Serial)

Pin 9: Sound A

Pin 10: Ground (Sound)

X1, X2, X3: Video signals to the TFT

SMB (coaxial 75 Ohm)


X1: analog RED

X2: analog GREEN

X3: analog BLUE

Three coaxial cables and one shielded round cable are used. These go first to a so called XP1
connector and from there to the XP2 connector. A PE cable (AWG14) goes also through the hose.

5-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
5 Connector Board for TFT U472 (VISTA only)

5.3 Connectors to XP2 via XP1

X4, X5, X6: Video signals to XP2 connector

SMB (coaxial 75 Ohm)


X4: analog RED

X5: analog GREEN

X6: analog BLUE

X7: Digital signals to XP2 connector

15 pin DSUB


Pin 1: +12 V

Pin 2: +12 V

Pin 3: Ground

Pin 4: Ground (used for the shield of the cable)

Pin 5: Sound

Pin 6: Ground

Pin 7: TX 1

Pin 8: RX 1

Pin 9: TX 2

Pin 10: RX 2

Pin 11: Ground

Pin 12: H-Sync -

Pin 13: H-Sync +

Pin 14: V-Sync -

Pin 15: V-Sync +

Ziehm Vision² Family 5-3

28367 - 05/2008
5 Connector Board for TFT U472 (VISTA only)

5.4 Location Connectors

Fig. 5-12 Location Connectors

5.5 Location Measuring Points, LED’s

Fig. 5-13 Location Measuring Points and LED’s

5-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
5 Connector Board for TFT U472 (VISTA only)

5.6 Layout Diagram

Fig. 5-14 Layout Diagram

Ziehm Vision² Family 5-5

28367 - 05/2008
5 Connector Board for TFT U472 (VISTA only)

5.7 Wiring Diagram

Fig. 5-15 Wiring Diagram

5-6 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Y-axis Section U473
C-axis Section U474

Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
6 C- and Y-axis Sections
U473 / U474
6.1 General Description

Both axis have almost the same requirements and are therefore described together in this section.
The two PCB’s differ in their shape and dimension.

Board U473 belongs to the Y-axis.

Board U474 belongs to the C-axis.

Local Distribution board

The PCB’s are sitting close to the corresponding motor and encoder and combine the following
signals, which also means this represents a connector each:

• encoder wiring
• "left" limit switch final 2 pins SPST
• "right" limit switch final 2 pins SPST
• pivot rotation locked switch (Y-axis only) 2 pins SPST
• wig-wag locked switch (Y-axis only) 2 pins SPST
• solenoid control (C-axis only)
• clutch and brake locked switch (C-axis only) unused

All the signals going from the U470 board to the C- and Y-axis are using one cable.
Only the solenoid of the C-axis is connected via a separate round shielded cable.
U474 has an extra connector therefore.

Ziehm Vision² Family 6-1

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

6.2 Connectors U473 and U474

X1: Signals from U470 via XP1 both

15 pin DSUB (male)


Pin 1: Motor +

Pin 2: Motor -

Pin 3: Encoder Clock +

Pin 4: Encoder Clock -

Pin 5: Encoder Data +

Pin 6: Encoder Data -

Pin 7: Encoder Data /Valid 1

Pin 8: Encoder Data /Valid MT

Pin 9: Encoder Up/Down

Pin 10: Encoder Null

Pin 11: Encoder +24 V

Pin 12: Encoder Ground

Pin 13: Absolute-limit switches

Pin 14: "mechanically locked" Signal A

Pin 15: "mechanically locked" Signal B

Housing: Common for Pin 13 to Pin 15

Cable deflection Ground and screen around all wires

All signals going straight-through to the connector X6 on the PCB.

Signals on Pin 1-4 and Pin 15 can be pulled down by limit switches and WigWag.
The direction depending switches are directly wired in series to the motor on U473 and U474 using

6-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

X2: Limit Switch both

5 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Limit Switch A1

Pin 2: Limit Switch A2

Pin 3: Short circuit with Pin 4

Pin 4: Short circuit with Pin 3

Pin 5: not used

U473: minimum Y position (0 cm)

U474 : maximum C position (135°)

X3: Limit Switch both

5 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Limit Switch B1

Pin 2: Limit Switch B2

Pin 3: Short circuit with Pin 4

Pin 4: Short circuit with Pin 3

Pin 5: not used

U473: maximum Y position (22 cm)

U474 : minimum C position (0°)

X4: Wig Wag U473

2 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Limit Switch B1

Pin 2: Limit Switch B2

X4: C-Brake U474

4 pin Panduit


Pin 1: C_Brake A1

Ziehm Vision² Family 6-3

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

X4: C-Brake U474

Pin 2: C_Brake A2

Pin 3: C_Clutch A1

Pin 4: C_Clutch A2

Clutch and Brake locked switches are unused, therefore X4 has to be short-cutted with two 2 pin
Panduit wire jumpers on older PCB’s. On newer ones the connectors are short-cutted directly on
the PCB.

X5: Motor both

3 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Motor +

Pin 2: Motor -

Pin 3: Ground

X6: Encoder both

15 pin DSUB (female)

Pinning: see X1

X7: Solenoid power supply (from U470/X13) U474

5 pin Panduit


Pin 1: solenoid a (power supply)

Pin 2: solenoid a (power supply)

Pin 3: solenoid b (power supply)

Pin 4: solenoid b (power supply)

Pin 5: GND

X8: Solenoid U474

2 pin Panduit


Pin 1: solenoid a

Pin 2: solenoid b

6-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

6.3 Location Connectors U473

Fig. 6-1 Location Connectors U473

6.4 Layout Diagram U473

Fig. 6-2 Layout Diagram U473

Ziehm Vision² Family 6-5

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

6.5 Mounting Position U473 and Y-axis drive

The board is mounted below the Y-axis drive on the right side of the carriage. The cover is fixed
with two allen screws from the lower side.

Fig. 6-3 Mounting position U473, Y-axis drive and encoder

6-6 Ziehm Vision² Family

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

6.6 Location Connectors U474

Fig. 6-4 Location Connectors U474

6.7 Layout Diagram U474

Fig. 6-5 Layout Diagram U474

Ziehm Vision² Family 6-7

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

6.8 Mounting Position U474 and C-axis drive

The board is mounted inside the swivel arm and fixed on the swivel arm cover.

Fig. 6-6 Mounting position U474

Fig. 6-7 Mounting position C-axis drive

The C-axis drive is fixed with two screws from the outside of the swivel arm.

6-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

6.9 Wiring Diagram U473

Fig. 6-8 Wiring Diagram U473

Ziehm Vision² Family 6-9

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6 C- and Y-axis Sections U473 / U474

6.10 Wiring Diagram U474

Fig. 6-9 Wiring Diagram U474

6-10 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Z-axis Section

Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
7 Z-axis Section
7.1 Description

This axis wiring is very different compared to Y or C, because it shares the lift motor and its control
section, which is part of the power supply board U333 (VISTA) / U515 (Vision²).
There is NO distribution board as intended for the Y- and C-axis.
Different cables go directly to different locations from the U470 = DCU board (drive control unit).

Fig. 7-1 Module 1

7.2 Cable Summary

Wires Leading to

2 Lift motor

2 Output (to lift motor) from U333 (VISTA) / U521 (Vision²)

2 DC supply

2 Absolute-limit switch A2

2 Absolute-limit switch B2

10 shielded Z-axis encoder

2 "Brake locked"

Ziehm Vision² Family 7-1

28367 - 05/2008
7 Z-axis Section

7.3 Z-axis encoder

The Z-axis encoder is a linkage encoder.

Fig. 7-2 Z-axis encoder

7.4 Mounting Position Z-axis encoder

The encoder is mounted beneath the lift motor and works along the lifting column.

Fig. 7-3 Mounting position Z-axis encoder

7-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
IOCU Board U471
I/O Control Unit

Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471
8.1 General Description

VISTA: The board is mounted close to the workstation, behind the printer on a metal sheet carrier,
which also carries a 5-port network switch (Hub) and an additional fan.
Vision²: The board is mounted in front of the workstation on a metal sheet carrier in the bottom of
the monitor cart.

The U471 combines all the signals from the workstaion with adaptations and buffering if neces-
sary to pass it over to the mobile stand via the XP2 connector and cable.

8.1.1 Ground considerations

The workstation (WS) provides the power +5V and +12V to all the control electronics on this IOCU
board. The video path has also the same ground as the WS. A -5V voltage is generated on the
board for the video buffers.
The TFT on the mobile stand draws its power directly from the WS via the P2 cable, its video sig-
nals have the same ground.
The differential signals for the encoders are optic-isolated from the WS world, this is done by the
I/O board (APC1710) inside the workstation. A lot of further control signals (TTL level only) come
from the APC1710 board but are NOT optic-isolated. An isolation is provided on the U471.
Another isolation is necessary between the HEDIS and the WS. The video path has the same
ground, but the X-ray control signals which are read by the WS, are optic-isolated on U471.
All signals from and to the mobile stand are isolated. All electronics in the mobile stand related to
the option Vario 3D are referenced to the lift motor power supply, which is independent now.
The foot switch itself has no reference and can be connected directly (via P2 cable) here to the
U471 input stage. The output signal for radiation is switched by a relay.

8.1.2 Watchdog

A watchdog circuitry is located on the board. It is triggered by the software running on the work-
station. The software has to re-trigger the monostable multivibrator (Monoflop) within 200 ms to
enable the emergency loop for proper functionality of the system.
Running at maximum speed the axes will move at the utmost 8 mm distance within the 200 ms
watchdog time window.

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-1

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.1.3 X-Ray Safety Logic

The following signals are combined (logical AND).

Only if all signals are in there proper state, X-raying can be activated:
− NOTAUS = emergency loop is OK
− Watchdog is running (triggered)
− Workstation has set the "Radiation-On" signal
If the user now presses the foot switch he can start X-raying.
It is understood, that the software checks many more things before it will activate the "Radiation-
On" signal when foot switch is pressed!

The handswitch is not monitored by the workstation and can enable radiation on
any time you press it!

8-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.2 Location Connectors

Fig. 8-1 Location Connectors

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-3

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.3 Location LEDs, Switches, Fuses

Fig. 8-2 Location LEDs, Switches, Fuses

8-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.4 Location Measuring Points

Fig. 8-3 Location Measuring Points

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-5

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.5 Layout Diagram

Fig. 8-4 Layout Diagram

8-6 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.6 Connectors

X5: VGA from Workstation VISTA only

15 pin HD-DSUB (female)


Pin 1: analog RED coaxial 75 Ohm, 0.7 Vpp

Pin 2: analog GREEN coaxial 75 Ohm, 0.7 Vpp

Pin 3: analog BLUE coaxial 75 Ohm, 0.7 Vpp

Pin 4: Monitor ID Bit 2

Pin 5: Ground

Pin 6: Red Ground

Pin 7: Green Ground

Pin 8: Blue Ground

Pin 9: not used

Pin 10: Sync Ground

Pin 11: Monitor ID Bit 0

Pin 12: Monitor ID Bit 1

Pin 13: digital Horizontal Synchronization TTL

Pin 14: digital Vertical Synchronization TTL

Pin 15: Monitor ID Bit 3

The pinning is standard VGA. The Sync signals are converted on the U471 board to differential
signals each, this makes it easier to distribute them along the P2 cable. The ID-bits can be set by
a DIL switch.
NOTE: The VGA cable has to convert from DVI to VGA.

X14: Sound from Workstation VISTA only

3.5mm stereo jack


A1 Left Channel

A2 Right channel

A3 Ground

A1 leads directly to X19 (-> XP2 cable)

With jumper J1 you can short circuit left and right channel.

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-7

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X11: from Workstation, I/O board, first slot

50pin DSUB (female)

First slot cover, which is the APC1710 board directly

The colors show the assignments to the four function-modules available on the card.

Function-module 1 (blue) is dedicated to the internal 50 pin I/O connector, see second slot.
Function-module 2 (green) generates the Y- and Z - PWM signals.
Function-module 3 (yellow) generates the C - PWM signals.
Function-module 4 (red) is dedicated to the encoder SSI bus.

X11: from Workstation, I/O board, first slot

Pin Name Function Direction


2 A1+ not available

3 A1- not available

4 B1+ not available

5 B1- not available

6 C1+ not available

7 C1- not available

8 D1+ not available

9 D1- not available

10 A2+ Y_PWM+ Output via P2

11 A2- Y_PWM- Output via P2

12 B2+ Z_PWM+ Output via P2

13 B2- Z_PWM- Output via P2

14 C2+ not available

15 C2- not available

16 D2+ not available

17 D2- not available

18 A3+ C_PWM+ Output via P2

19 A3- C_PWM- Output via P2

8-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X11: from Workstation, I/O board, first slot

Pin Name Function Direction

20 B3+

21 B3-

22 C3+ not available

23 C3- not available

24 D3+ not available

25 D3- not available

26 A4+ SSI_CLK+ Output /diff. via P2

27 A4- SSI_CLK- Output /diff. via P2

28 B4+ SSI_DATA_C+ Input /diff. via P2

29 B4- SSI_DATA_C- Input /diff. via P2

30 C4+ SSI_DATA_Y+ Input /diff. via P2

31 C4- SSI_DATA_Y- Input /diff. via P2

32 D4+ SSI_DATA_Z+ Input /diff. via P2

33 D4- SSI_DATA_Z- Input /diff. via P2

34 Output 24 V from mobile stand

voltage via P2 for Hx-outputs

35 H1 not available

36 H2 not available

37 H3 not available

38 H4 Output

39 E1 not available

40 E2 not available

41 E3 not available

42 E4 SSI_Data_C_OK Input /24 V = Valid + MT; via P2

43 F1 not available

44 F2 not available

45 F3 not available

46 F4 SSI_Data_Y_OK Input 24 V = Valid + MT; via P2

47 G1 not available

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-9

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X11: from Workstation, I/O board, first slot

Pin Name Function Direction

48 G2 not available

49 G3 not available

50 G4 SSI_Data_Z_OK Input 24 V = Valid + MT; via P2

X10: from Workstation, I/O board, second slot

50pin DSUB (male)

Second slot cover, which is the FB8000 adapter.

The second slot cover, which connects the separate TTL I/Os of APC1710 board to the outside
world. These are NOT optic-isolated and TTL level only !
All signals are handled by the Function-module 1 (blue).
The pin numbers refer to the FB8000 connector.

X10: from Workstation, I/O board, second slot

Pin Name Function Direction

39 PA0 C_MOT_Enable Output Enable via P2

23 PA1 Y_MOT_Enable Output Enable via P2

7 PA2 Z_MOT_Enable Output Enable via P2

40 PA3 Radiation ON Output U471

8 PA4 TFT_enable Output U471

41 PA5 Watchdog Trigger Output U471

25 PA6 Global Release Output U471

9 PA7 Output

26 PB0 Str_OUT Input from HEDIS

10 PB1 Str_INP Input from HEDIS

43 PB2 Watchdog State Input Read back U471

27 PB3 Mobile Stand Present Input via P2

44 PB4 Mechanics Locked Input via P2

28 PB5 Foot switch pressed Input U471

12 PB6 Foot switch present Input U471

45 PB7 NOT-Aus Emergency Input U471

13 PC0

8-10 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X10: from Workstation, I/O board, second slot

Pin Name Function Direction

46 PC1

30 PC2

14 PC3

3 PC4 DIP switch 1 Input Option select

35 PC5 DIP switch 2 Input Option select

18 PC6 DIP switch 3 Input Option select

1 PC7 DIP switch 4 Input Option select




11 GND

19 GND

21 GND

24 GND

34 GND

36 GND

38 GND

47 GND

X1: Emergency Button (not used, has to be short-cutted)

2 pin Panduit


Pin 1: Short-cut with Pin 2

Pin 2: Short-cut with Pin 1

X13: Power supply for network Hub

2 pin Panduit

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-11

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X13: Power supply for network Hub


Pin 1: +7.5 V (adjustable with potentiometer P1)

Pin 2: Ground

8.6.1 Interface to the XP2 connector

The following connectors lead all cables to the XP2 connector. The various cable types can be
properly adapted to the contacts.
− Video Red coaxial
− Video Green coaxial
− Video Blue coaxial
− Sound coaxial
− 5x2 shielded round cable (encoder signals)
− 5x2 shielded round cable (control signals 1)
− 5x2 shielded round cable (control signals 2)
− 2 twisted wires for 12 V to the TFT
The same connector, type 48 pin DIN41162 / F, is used between the XP2 inserts and the PCB-
board U470 in the mobile stand and U471 in the monitor cart.
The coaxial cables go separately.

X12: Signals to XP2

48 pin DIN41162 Type F (male) to XP2


Pin d2: +12V_TFT

Pin d4: Foot switch A1

Pin d6: Foot switch A2

Pin d8: X-ray activation 1

Pin d10: X-ray activation 2

Pin d12: Ground of 24 V

Pin d14: Encoder +24 V

Pin d16: Encoder Clock +

Pin d18: Encoder Clock -

Pin d20: Encoder C Data +

Pin d22: Encoder C Data -

8-12 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X12: Signals to XP2

Pin d24: Encoder Y Data +

Pin d26: Encoder Y Data -

Pin d28: Encoder Z Data +

Pin d30: Encoder Z Data -

Pin d32: Ground for shield of the encoder cable

Pin b2: GND 12V_TFT

Pin b4: H-Sync + not used in Vision²

Pin b6: H-Sync - not used in Vision²

Pin b8: V-Sync + not used in Vision²

Pin b10: V-Sync - not used in Vision²

Pin b12: TX 1 not used in Vision²

Pin b14: RX 1 not used in Vision²

Pin b16: Motor C PWM +

Pin b18: Motor C PWM -

Pin b20: Motor Y PWM +

Pin b22: Motor Y PWM -

Pin b24: Motor Z PWM +

Pin b26: Motor Z PWM -

Pin b28: "mechanics locked" Signal (12V_TFT related)

Pin b30: NOT-Aus / Emergency loop

Pin b32: Ground for shield of the "PWM" cable

Pin z2: free

Pin z4: reserved, goes to 7 of X18

Pin z6: reserved, goes to 8 of X18

Pin z8: reserved, goes to 9 of X18

Pin z10: reserved, goes to 12 of X18

Pin z12: Ground for shield of the "TFT" cable

Pin z14: reserved, goes to 13 of X18

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-13

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X12: Signals to XP2

Pin z16: reserved, goes to 14 of X18

Pin z18: Motor C Enable (12V_TFT related)

Pin z20: Motor Y Enable (12V_TFT related)

Pin z22: Motor Z Enable (12V_TFT related)

Pin z24: Ground

Pin z26: Encoder C Data OK

Pin z28: Encoder Y Data OK

Pin z30: Encoder Z Data OK

Pin z32: Ground for shield of the "OK / Enable" cable

OK signals mean H = OK; L = Fault.

Colors show the allocation of the cables

X17: serial to Workstation not used in Vision²

9 pin DSUB (female)


Pin 1: Carrier Detect IN

Pin 2: RxD RS232 IN

Pin 3: TxD RS232 OUT

Pin 4: Data Terminal Ready OUT

Pin 5: Ground

Pin 6: Data Set Ready IN

Pin 7: Request to Send OUT

Pin 8: Clear to Send IN

Pin 9: Ring Indicator IN

!!! The signals here are named as seen from the PC !!!
Only RX / TX / Gnd are used, all other pins are N.C.

8-14 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X2, X3, X4, X6: Video and sound to XP2 not used in Vision²



X2 VGA red

X3 VGA green

X4 VGA blue

X6 Green with composite sync on it (reserved, not used yet)

X19 Sound in coaxial cable

X15: Supply voltage from Workstation

4 pin AMP harddrive supply


Pin 1: +12 V

Pin 2: Ground 12 V

Pin 3: Ground 5 V

Pin 4: +5 V

Both Ground wires are connected together inside Workstation

8.6.2 CAN distribution (VISTA only)

The connectors X20 and X21 pass along the signals coming from HEDIS and going to the XP0
connector. Only the lines XSTROUT and XSTRIN are monitored.
Via connector X16 the CAN signals are extracted from X20 and passed to the CAN plug-in card
inside the Workstation.

X20: CAN from HEDIS not used in Vision²

9 pin DSUB (male)


Pin 1: Ground for X-ray signals

Pin 2: CAN_L

Pin 3: CAN_GND


Pin 5: XSTROUT (X-ray input to HEDIS !!)

Pin 6: XSTRIN (X-ray output from HEDIS !!)

Ziehm Vision² Family 8-15

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

X20: CAN from HEDIS not used in Vision²

Pin 7: CAN_H



X21: CAN to XP0 not used in Vision²

9 pin DSUB (female)

Pinning: Pin XP0:

Pin 1: Ground for X-ray signals 2B

Pin 2: CAN_L 7C

Pin 3: CAN_GND 9C



Pin 6: XSTRIN 7B

Pin 7: CAN_H 1C



X16: CAN to Workstation (PCAN Card) not used in Vision²

9 pin DSUB (female)


Pin 1: not used

Pin 2: CAN_L

Pin 3: CAN_GND

Pin 4: not used

Pin 5: not used

Pin 6: CAN_GND

Pin 7: CAN_H

Pin 8: not used

Pin 9: not used

8-16 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.7 LEDs

LED Color Indication

D2 yellow X-ray ON Workstation

D4 green watchdog OK

D6 green Relay TFT on

D8 green global release

D12 green foot switch activated

D13 green FST = mobile stand present

D16 green /mechanics locked

D21 green +12 V

D24 green +5 V

D26 green +12 V TFT supply

D28 green -5 V for video amp.

D30 green foot switch present

D31 red broken Emergency Loop (NOTAUS)

D35 green +5 V H interface HEDIS

D37 green +24 V from FST

D39 yellow X-ray Out HEDIS

D40 yellow X-ray Input HEDIS

D42 green +7.5 V for Hub

8.8 DIP Switches

S1: Monitor type selection

Switch 1 Bit 0

Switch 2 Bit 1

Switch 3 Bit 2

Switch 4 Bit 3

A VGA graphics adapter wants to read which kind of or simply that a monitor is connected.
All possible four inputs can be satisfied.

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

S2: Option selection

Switch 1 Bit 0 (Used for Exhibition-Mode: foot switch doesn't X-ray anymore)

Switch 2 Bit 1

Switch 3 Bit 2

Switch 4 Bit 3

These four bits are reserved for options and can be read by the I/O board.

8.9 Fuses

Fuse Value Remarks

F1 1AT protecting +5 V

F2 2AT protecting +12 V

8.10 Measuring Points

Measuring Point Signal

MP1 AC coupled watchdog trigger

MP2 watchdog trigger

MP3 watchdog monoflop output

MP4 HSync

MP5 VSync

MP6 Composite Sync

MP7 Analog green mixed with composite sync

MP8 Ground

MP9 +5 V from workstation

MP10 +12 V from workstation

MP11 -5 V generated on the board

MP12 Ground

MP13 Z motor enable

MP14 Y motor enable

8-18 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

Measuring Point Signal

MP15 C motor enable

MP16 -300 mV for Sync on Green

MP17 +7.5 V generated on the board

MP18 +5 V for HEDIS interface (after DC/DC Converter)

MP19 Ground for HEDIS interface (after DC/DC Converter)

MP20 Ground for 24 V from Mobile Stand

MP21 "mechanics locked” directly from Mobile Stand

MP22 "foot switch” directly from Mobile Stand

MP23 "global release” from I/O card in the workstation

MP24 "radiation on” from I/O card in the workstation

8.11 Risk Prevention

All the electronics described in this chapter draw their power directly from the added workstation.
Therefore there is no ground separation between the U471 board and the workstation.
The following parts are opto-coupled to prevent tricky ground loops:
− Reading the status signals about X-raying from HEDIS.
− Reading the foot switch.
− To actuate X-ray On in the mobile stand, a relay is used.
Some fuses on the IOCU board will prevent damage due to short circuits, especially in the many
new cables being installed.

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8.12 Wiring Diagrams

Fig. 8-5 Wiring Diagram U471

8-20 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

Fig. 8-6 Wiring Diagram U471

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

Fig. 8-7 Wiring Diagram U471

8-22 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

Fig. 8-8 Wiring Diagram U471

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

Fig. 8-9 Wiring Diagram U471

8-24 Ziehm Vision² Family

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

Fig. 8-10 Wiring Diagram U471

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8 Vision² IOCU Board U471

8-26 Ziehm Vision² Family

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Drive Controls

Ziehm Vision² Family

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9 Drive Controls
9.1 Controls

Beside the Vario Center (VISTA), the differences compared to standard unit are the drives for the
axis. The drives are controlled by the Workstation. The motors have to turn forward and reverse
in various speeds. This is handled via PWM signals. To get the actual position of the axis, the
Workstation receives the encoder signals and generates the PWM signals for the motors.

Fig. 9-1 Block diagram controls

9.2 PWM Principals

A PWM signal in common is a AC square voltage which is varied in the width of the pulses.
PWM = Pulse Width Modulation
Compared to a reference voltage, an "averaged" DC voltage can be built of the signal.
The wider the pulse, the higher the average DC voltage.
To enable the motor to turn in both directions, in Ziehm Vario the reference voltage has the same
value as the averaged voltage from a 1:1 Pulse/Pause relation (B, → Fig. 9-2). The motor is stan-
ding still then. By increasing the pulse width, the averaged voltage becomes more positive, the
motor turns forward. By decreasing the pulse width, the averaged voltage becomes more nega-
tive, the motor turns reverse.
If the motors would be supplied with a simple DC voltage, they couldn’t evolve their full turning
moment. With PWM control this is possible because there’s always the "full voltage" available.

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9 Drive Controls

Fig. 9-2 Example of different PWM signals

Fig. 9-3 Example of average voltages from different PWM signals

9-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

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9 Drive Controls

9.3 Drives Chains

The PWM signals from the Workstation are amplified on PCB U470. To direct the amplified signal
to the motor, different conditions have to be fullfilled. Current monitor, limit switches and the follo-
wing signals enable the relay (? means the corresponding axis):
• Global_Release
• Watchdog Trigger
• PWM_?
The encoder recognizes the movement of the motor and delivers the actual state of the axis back
to the Workstation.

9.3.1 Y drive

Fig. 9-4 Block diagram Y drive chain

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9 Drive Controls

9.3.2 Z drive

Fig. 9-5 Block diagram Z drive chain

9.3.3 C drive

Fig. 9-6 Block diagram C drive chain

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Workstation (VISTA)

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10 Workstation (VISTA)
10.1 General

By controlling almost all input and output signals, the workstation is the heart of the 3D system.

Fig. 10-1 Block Diagram 1 - Workstation I/0

Fig. 10-2 Block Diagram 2 - Workstation I/O

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10 Workstation (VISTA)

10.2 Components

− ATX Power Supply 300 W (Medical Grade)

− Passive backplane with PCI-/AGP-bus sockets
− Slot CPU with Intel Pentium 4 processor, 1 GB DDR-RAM, AGP-bus, ATA/100 IDE, Eth-
ernet, USB, RS232, PS2, Audio controller
− Graphics board NVIDIA Quadro 4 900 XGL with special programming and nView multi-dis-
play solution (VGA+VGA, DVI+DVI,VGA+DVI)
− Harddisk 120 GB
− I/O Controller Board APCI-1710 with additional FB8000 connector on separate slot for
− Framegrabber Leutron PIC PORT Mono
− SCSI host adapter card
− CAN controller card

Fig. 10-3 Block Diagram 3 - Workstation I/O

The CAN controller card uses the same hardware address as the PARCAN
(USBCAN) service adapter! If you connect your computer to the unit via these
adapter, the Workstation MUST be switched off!

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10 Workstation (VISTA)

10.3 Human Interface I/O

The human interface to the Workstation consists of the components refined steel keyboard with
trackball, 3D mouse, the displays Vario Center and right flatscreen monitor, the touchscreen on
Vario Center and the CD-RW drive.

Fig. 10-4 Block diagram human interface

10.3.1 Keyboard and trackball

The keyboard and especially the trackball (mouse) are necessary to control the user interface.
Both are connected via a PS2-Y-cable to the Slot CPU. The BIOS of the CPU card is configured
to check if trackball and keyboard are present. If they are disconnected, the workstation does not
proceed with the bootup.

10.3.2 Displays

The graphics board supplies two monitors via DVI connectors.

The operation system supports the function to split one screen to two different monitors. On the
Ziehm Vario these are the Vario Center (touchscreen) with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels and
the right flatscreen (monitor cart) with a resolution of 1024x1280 pixels with pivot function used.
The Vario Center is defined as Monitor 1, the right flatscreen as Monitor 2.
The operation system automatically sets the first located monitor as No. 1. In case of wrong (swit-
ched) displays, connect only the Vario Center to the graphics board and start up the unit. Shut
down the unit via button OFF on the Vario Center. Connect the flatscreen to the graphics board
and start up the unit again.

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10 Workstation (VISTA)

10.4 Vario Center Controls

The Workstation delivers the video signal (VGA) and the sound via PCB U471, XP2 cable, PCB
U470 and PCB U472 to the TFT on the Vario Center. The touchscreen interface on the Vario Cen-
ter has the same mouse function as the trackball on the monitor cart. The signals are transfered
via the serial connector COM1 on the workstation.

Fig. 10-5 Block diagram Vario Center control

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10 Workstation (VISTA)

10.5 Construction Diagram

Fig. 10-6 Construction Diagram Workstation

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10 Workstation (VISTA)

10.6 Socket Diagram

Fig. 10-7 Socket Diagram Workstation

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Workstation (VISION)

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Ziehm Vision² Family
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11 Workstation (Vision²)
11.1 General

By controlling almost all input and output signals, the workstation is the heart of the 3D system.

Fig. 11-1 Block Diagram 1 – Workstation I/0

Fig. 11-2 Block Diagram 2 – Workstation I/O

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11 Workstation (Vision²)

11.2 Components

− ATX Power Supply (Medical Grade)

− Passive backplane with PCI-/PCI-e bus sockets
− Slot CPU with Pentium D DualCore 930 processor, 1GB RAM, PCI-e bus, SATA, Ethernet,
USB, RS232, PS2, Audio controller
− Graphics board NVIDIA 6400 Prof. with special programming and nView multi-display solu-
tion (DVI+DVI)
− Harddisk 160 GB SATA
− I/O Controller Board APCI-1710 with additional FB8000 connector on separate slot for

Fig. 11-3 Block Diagram 3 - Workstation I/O

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11 Workstation (Vision²)

11.3 Human Interface I/O

The human interface to the Workstation consists of the components mouse (USB), the displays
Vision² Center and right flat screen monitor and the touchscreen on Vision² Center.

Fig. 11-4 Block diagram human interface

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11 Workstation (Vision²)

11.3.1 Mouse and keyboard

Behind the top cover plate of the monitor cart there’s a single USB port leading to the Workstation.
A 3-button scroll mouse takes over the function of the 6D mouse formerly used on Vista Vario 3D.
Usually the mouse is connected to the USB port behind the top cover plate.



USB port

Fig. 11-5 Mouse and USB port for mouse/keyboard

There’s no keyboard on Vision² Vario 3D. The control interface for the 3D functions is completely
integrated in the Vision² Center GUI.
To do service on the workstation, an USB keyboard can be connected to this USB port.

Do not use any other mouse than the one delivered with the unit.

11.3.2 Displays

The graphics board supplies the right hand flatscreen monitor via DVI connector with the Patient
Manager GUI and the 3D reconstruction and slices screen.

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11 Workstation (Vision²)

11.4 Construction Diagram

Fig. 11-6 Construction Diagram Workstation

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11 Workstation (Vision²)

11.5 Socket Diagram

Fig. 11-7 Socket Diagram Workstation

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11 Workstation (Vision²)

Fig. 11-8 Mounting Position Workstation

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11 Workstation (Vision²)

11-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family
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12 Software
12.1 General information

The harddisk installed in the workstation has two partitions. The first partition, drive letter "C:", con-
tains the operation system Windows 2000® as well as the Vario specific software. The second par-
tition, drive letter "T:" contains the image database and a safety copy of the operation system.

Windows 2000® supports synchronous working with two monitors. This function is
used on the Ziehm Vario 3D (VISTA).
The Touchscreen on the Vario Center is Monitor 1, the right flatscreen on the moni-
tor cart is Monitor 2. If you touch the touchscreen, the mouse pointer is set to this
monitor. On monitor 1 most of Note windows are displayed. Place the unit in a way
you always have a good view on both monitors, Vario Center and right flatscreen.

For some cases it might be necessary to switch the input of the right hand monitor
manually. You can do this by using the keypad integrated in the monitor. Press the
button INPUT, switch the input with the SCROLL button and press button + (right
arrow) to select the input.

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12 Software

12.2 Important folders and files

On drive "C:" you will find a folder named "RoboC_Vx_x" (x_x means the latest version).
This is the most important folder.
Beginning from version 4.5, in this folder you will find the sub-folders "bin", "config" and "log".
The following tables will offer you a short overview of the most important files.

C:\RoboC_Vx_x\bin Application Folder

RoboC_Vx_xx.exe Graphical User Interface (Main Application)

Hardware_TestCenter.exe Service Tool → Ch. 13

CDWizard.exe Application to write CD-R

tftpd32.exe FTP Server Application for data exchange → Ch. 12.4

shutdown.exe Application to shut down the workstation.

(The standard button in Windows Start menu is removed)

C:\RoboC_Vx_x\config Configuration Folder

CalibrationData Folder containing files from calibration with Navi camera

CalibrationDataSoft Folder containing files from calibration with software

RoboC2.ini System specific configuration file → Ch. 13.4

SERIALNUMBER.INI This file contains the units serial number

C:\RoboC_Vx_x\log System Log Folder

This folder contains log files written by the Application Software during operation. These files
can provide useful information when application crashes.

T:\PatientBase Image Database

In this folder all images are stored in DICOM file format.

The name of the folder used for storage is specified in the file RoboC2.ini.
For calibration purposes there’s another folder named PatientBaseCalibration.

T:\Interface Exchange Folder

This folder is used by the FTP-Server for data exchange with the HEDIS memory unit.

T:\BACKUP Operation System Safety Copy

This folder contains a copy of the WINNT folder from drive C.

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12 Software

12.3 Communication between HEDIS and Workstation

The network functions in Ziehm Vario 3D are not only used for DICOM transfers, but also for the
communication between the two computers.
HEDIS and Workstation are connected via an ethernet switch (network router) integrated in the
monitor cart.

The ethernet switch is also installed if the unit was ordered "without DICOM" (no
network socket on the rear cover). In this case, a static IP address is given to the
HEDIS and you are not allowed to change the DICOM settings for the 3D Worksta-

If there is a network socket in the rear cover, it is absolutely necessary to give both computers an
IP address and a subnet mask, even if DICOM is not used in the hospital.
The IP addresses must be in the same subnet range!
The password for the DICOM Settings on Workstation and HEDIS is "DICOM".

IP address ZiehmNetport: Vario IP address:

IP subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Network settings HEDIS Network settings Workstation

Fig. 12-1 Example for network settings

The communication between HEDIS and Workstation takes place using different network proto-

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12 Software

Common function requests like printing from the Workstation or transferring kV/mA values from
the HEDIS are handled via UDP (User Datagram Protocol) from both sides.
Because the CD drive is connected to the Workstation, files have to be transferred on read/write
requests from the HEDIS. This is handled via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Example: HEDIS should retrieve DICOM images from CD
The HEDIS sends an UDP Broadcast "IPINFO <IP address HEDIS> <Unit Serial No.>".
The Workstation answers with "IPINFO <IP address Workstation> <Unit Serial No.>".
Why is the unit’s serial number important?
A broadcast is always sent to all participants of the network. Via the serial number both computers,
HEDIS and Workstation, recognize they are meant.
Therefore it is important, the correct serial number is given to the Workstation (→ Ch. 12.5).
Otherwise, no further communication can take place!

The HEDIS memory retrieves the unit’s serial number from the mobile stand.

Don’t mix up different Vario C-arm stands and monitor carts!

If the Workstation has the correct serial number, it will receive a request from the HEDIS to read
out the contents of the CD.
The Workstation reads the table of contents from the CD into a file INFO.TXT and stores it in the
folder T:\INTERFACE.
The HEDIS repeats its request for this file as long as it is available in the folder to transfer. Then
the file is transferred via FTP to the HEDIS and read out.
If the HEDIS asks for a specific patient afterwards, the procedure starts again - requests via UDP,
file transfers via FTP.

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12 Software

12.4 The FTP-Server TFTPD32.EXE

The program is necessary for image data exchange between HEDIS and Workstation (from or to
If there’s a problem reading or writing CD’s you should check the settings of the program.
Opening the program while the user interface is on screen:
1 Close the User Interface with Magic Code "QQQQ" (→ Ch. 14-1, p. 14-2).
2 Open the Explorer.
3 Change to drive C into the folder "RoboC_Vx_x\config" (x_x means the latest version).
4 Start the file "TFTPD32.EXE" with a double click.
5 Click on the button Settings.
6 Now you will see the following window:

7 Check all settings. They have to be like in the image shown above. Correct them, if neces-
8 Shut down Windows via double-click on the file "Shutdown.exe" on the Desktop.
9 After Windows has shut down, you can switch off the unit.
10 Wait a few seconds before you switch the unit on again.
11 Open the Patient Manager.
12 Put an empty CD-R/CD-RW into the drive of the monitor cart.
13 Select folders or images and click on the button Write CD.

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12 Software

12.5 Proofing the unit’s serial number

In the window Settings the serial number of the unit is displayed.

If there is an other than the correct serial number shown (check the label on mobile stand), HEDIS
and Workstation can not communicate with each other.
To change the serial number, open the Settings, click into the field with the serial number, press
S on the steel keyboard or the service keyboard and enter the correct serial number.

12.6 Changing the language

The user interfaces of the Vario Center and the Patient Manager (right monitor) can be displayed
in the languages German and English.
1 Close the User Interface with Magic Code "QQQQ" (→ Ch. 14-1, p. 14-2).
2 Open the Explorer.
3 Change to drive C into the folder "RoboC_Vx_x\config" (x_x means the latest version).
4 Open the file "RoboC2.ini" with a double click.
5 Search for the entry "LANGUAGE=" in section [GUI] and change the value eighter to
"german" or "english". If the entry does not exist, write it in.
6 Click on menu "File", then on item "Save".
7 Close the file.
8 Shut down Windows via double-click on the file "Shutdown.exe" on the desktop.
9 After Windows has shut down, you can switch off the unit.

12.7 FAQ

Printout does not work

Double check the DICOM settings. Click on Settings (right monitor),
then DICOM Settings. Vario IP address and Subnet mask must be inserted.
The Vario IP address must be in the same subnet as the HEDIS IP address.
Check the unit’s serial number in Settings.
I cannot write a CD from the HEDIS memory, there’s always a message Sync-Error - Vario.ret
Choose another CD-R. Double check the settings in program TFTPD32.
Check the unit’s serial number in Settings.

Both functions relate to a proper working network communication.

If all measures before don’t solve the problem, set the "Vario IP adress" as "IP addr. DICOM
server" in the HEDIS DICOM Storage Server settings and press F6 for verify.

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Ziehm Vision² Family

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Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
13 Hardware TestCenter
13.1 Description

The Hardware TestCenter (below named as HTC) allows you to proof the functionality of the Vario
specific hardware. With this tool you are able to perform some necessary configurations of the
The program uses the same sources and files as the controller software behind the GUI. Data
received from the different control lines are displayed depending to their actual states. Further you
can set and/or control the outputs of the system.
This program is also necessary for calibration of the system (resetting the encoders, see below).

13.2 User interface

The following figure shows the user interface of the HTC. The state of the digital input lines is dis-
played in section "Inputs". The state of a control line is visualized via a dot, where black means
"OFF" signal and white "ON" signal.

Fig. 13-1 User interface of the Hardware Testcenter (HTC)

Ziehm Vision² Family 13-1

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13 Hardware TestCenter

13.2.1 Inputs

The following input lines are displayed, the names are equal to the names of the control lines
described in Chapter IOCU board U471:

Input Line Description

STR_OUT Radiation is on

STR_IN Radiation is off

Watch_DOG Watchdog relay is enabled

FST_present P2 cable is connected

Mech_OK State of the monitored linkage of Steering & braking lever, Wig-
Wag and Rotation

Foot_SW_present Foot switch is connected

Foot_SW_pressed Foot switch is pressed

Option1 Options DIP switch S2-1 on PCB U471

Option2 Options DIP switch S2-2 on PCB U471

Option3 Options DIP switch S2-3 on PCB U471

Option4 Options DIP switch S2-4 on PCB U471

Notaus Emergency loop inside monitor cart

13.2.2 Outputs

The following output lines can be set via the software. A marked checkbox means the line is enab-
led. The names are equal to the names of the control lines (→ Ch. 8.6):

Output Line Description

Radiation_ON Controls the radiation line

TFT_ON Controls the TFT_ON line

Global_Release Controls the Global_Release line

13.2.3 Watchdog

This flag enables the Watchdog trigger. The edge of the signal on the Watchdog output line chan-
ges every 10 ms.

13.2.4 Sound Test

With button Sound Test the function of the loudspeaker inside the Vario Center can be proofed.

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13 Hardware TestCenter

13.2.5 C-axis

In section C-axis the state of the C-axis encoder is displayed.

You can control the PWM power amplifier with the elements in this section.

Element Description
SSI_DATA_C_OK State of the input line of the hardware monitoring for C-axis

T: Number of actual transmitted complete turns of the encoder

P: Number of actual transmitted steps from the actual turn

L: computed length in mm, relating to the actual transmitted abso-

lute encoder position

R: Computed rotation angle of the C-axis, related to the actual

transmitted absolute encoder position

C_MOT_ENA Control line which enables the motor relay

PWM_C Enables the PWM channel of the I/O card

Slider Ratio between positive and negative alternation of the PWM sig-
nal. A slide to the right side increases the proportion of the pos.
alternation, a slide to the left side increases the neg. alternation.
The middle position is neutral.

0 Sets the slider to neutral position.

13.2.6 Y- and Z-axis

The control elements are transcribed to the Z- and Y-axis channels equivalent to them in C-axis

13.2.7 Framegrabber (VISTA only)

On the right monitor of the monitor cart, the actual video signal grabbed from the video port of the
HEDIS memory is displayed. The image is not magnified.

13.3 Resetting the encoders

In case of a necessary calibration, the encoders have to be resetted.

With the Hardware TestCenter you have to read out some values and write them to the configu-
ration file "RoboC2.ini"
Note: all files needed are located in folder "C:\RoboC_Vx_x" (→ Ch. 12.2).

− Switch the unit on.

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13 Hardware TestCenter

− Close the User Interface with Magic Code "QQQQ" (→ Ch. 14-1, p. 14-2).

− Open the file RoboC2.ini. For an example of this file see → Ch. 13.4, p. 13-5

− Start the HTC (Hardware_TestCenter.exe).

The Hardware TestCenter has to be closed and restarted after each change!
Y and C axis have to be fixed in each position with the corresponding brake!

Axis Axis Value Depending entry in file RoboC2.ini [Sensors]/

Position HTC Action that has to be done


2. Z Max. (42 cm) L Z_AXIS_MAX_MM_POSITION = L

3. Y Max. (22 cm) P=0 Reset encoder with jumper J4 on PCB U470

T=0 T and P must be zero afterwards.

4. Y Min (0 cm) P Y_AXIS_OFFSET_IN_INCREMENTS = T*4096+P

T (e.g. 1*4096+1880=5976)

5. Y Max. (22 cm) L Y_AXIS_MAX_MM_POSITION = L

6. Y Min. (0 cm) L Y_AXIS_MIN_MM_POSITION = L (Normal = 2)

7. C Min. (0°) P=0 Reset encoder with jumper J2 on PCB U470

T and P must be zero afterwards.

8. C Max. (135°) L C_AXIS_MAX_MM_POSITION = L


− Close the HTC and the file RoboC2.ini.

− Start the program RoboC_Vx_xx.exe.

− Test the correct function of the limit switches of the Z-axis and Y-axis with the buttons on the

− On incorrect function the values in file RoboC2.ini have to be corrected (perform the procedure
steps for the corresponding axis again).

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13 Hardware TestCenter

13.4 The file RoboC2.INI

Subdivided into sections, this file contains several machine specific data, for example the Encoder
settings. Below you can see the different sections and entries of the file.
Because this is only an example, your file may have different entries.
− No blanks / empty lines are allowed in the file, as this can cause the system to crash.
− If standard entries are missing, the software will crash!
− No lines without „=“ are allowed, except section titles in „[ ]“.
− Lines beginning with # are ignored by the system (# marks a comment)
− Lines marked blue are for Vision² Vario only

VIVA=ON ON / OFF (Vision² Vario only)
VOLUME512=ON ON / OFF (Vision² Vario only)
#NAVIPORT=YES YES (if not available #)
REGISTRATION_POINTS=3 Amount of registration points (has to be 3)
#APPOSITIONS=ON For for Brainlab RDC only.
CASPOINTER=4 diameter of the registration pointer tip
(4 mm for CAS, not relevant for Praxim)
#FD=ON ON (Vision² FD only)
LANGUAGE=german english / italian / french
PATIENTBASE=T:\PatientBase Path for Standard PatientBase
#PATIENTBASE=T:\PatientBaseCalibration Path for Service PatientBase
MONITOR_POSITION=0 0 0 768 On Vista Vario: MONITOR_POSITION = 0 768
MONITOR_SIZE=1024 1280 for right hand flatscreen monitor
THICK=ON (Vision² Vario only)
MERCURY=ON (Vision² Vario only)
NOPRINTER=ON Disables Print button (Vision² Vario only)
NODVD=ON Disables DVD Export button (Vision² Vario only)

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13 Hardware TestCenter

NAVI_CALIBRATION = OFF For Calibration with external camera (Vista Vario only)
#PIXEL_TO_MM_FACTOR =0.361166043Vista VARIO
PIXEL_TO_MM_FACTOR = 0.211026121 Vision² Vario
#PIXEL_TO_MM_FACTOR = 0.188684 Vision² FD Vario
EXTRA_CALIBRATION = ON Has to be ON to enable Software Calibration

GRABBER_NAME = Picport Mono Vista Vario only
CAMERA_NAME = ZIEHM Vista Vario only
PORT = BNC 0 Vista Vario only

C_AXIS_MM_PER_INCREMENT = 0.02300971181828
C_AXIS_RADIUS = 569.75

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13 Hardware TestCenter

C_CUP_SPEED=1.1 speed reduction with setting (e.g.) =1.1 35 30
Y_AXIS_PID_VALUE = 0.5 0 0
Z_AXIS_PID_VALUE = 0.6 0.0 0
BLOCKING_C = 3.019

#original= safe 15 warning 10

SERVER_PATH = c:\\D32Tact\\3dServer0170\\
SERVER_EXE = Server3d.exe
SERVER_RECO_INI = reco.ini

Ziehm Vision² Family 13-7

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13 Hardware TestCenter

DICOM_SERVER_PATH = T:\\!DicomServer
#INTERNAL_PORT=56665 On Vista Vario with connection to Brainlab navigation
system the internal port has to be set to 56665.
Therefore in the V2 0.5K memory a file port.cfg has
to be created in the directory /home/cfl/bsp containing
the entry VARIO_3D==566665
A HEDIS must be replaced by a V2 0.5k memory!

C_SSI_OK = 0
Y_SSI_OK = 1
Z_SSI_OK = 2
Y_PWM = 1 0
Z_PWM = 1 1
C_PWM = 2 0
Y_PWM_TIME = 25000
Z_PWM_TIME = 25000
C_PWM_TIME = 25000
C_MOT_ENA = 0 0 0
Y_MOT_ENA = 0 1 0
Z_MOT_ENA = 0 2 0
TFT_ON = 0 4 1

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13 Hardware TestCenter

STR_OUT = 1 0 0
STR_IN = 1 1 0
WATCH_DOG = 1 2 1
MECH_OK = 1 4 0
OPTION_1 = 2 4 0
OPTION_2 = 2 5 0
OPTION_3 = 2 6 0
OPTION_4 = 2 7 0
NOTAUS = 1 7 1



Ziehm Vision² Family 13-9

28367 - 05/2008
13 Hardware TestCenter

SAVE = Speich. & Neu
NEW = Neu ohne speichern
CANCEL = Abbrechen

0 = -45
1 = -25
3 = 15
4 = 40
5 = 65
6 = 90

13-10 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
3D Calibration

Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
14 3D Calibration
14.1 General

A calibration of the system is necessary as the C-arm doesn’t move on a static pathes during the
scan due to mechanical deformations. The calibration is done with special test phantoms:

Fig. 14-1 Test phantoms: Cube (Part No. 60352) and Isocentricity (Part No. 60367)

Inside the test phantoms are one or two steel balls with a diameter of 3 mm. The steel ball is the
object of interest in this test, it’s dimensions are well-known by the system.
During the calibration procedure, which consists of three scans with different settings, the system
detects the position of the steel ball, measures the deviation to the defined ISO center and calcu-
lates the necessary correction for each angle.
The calibration has been done once before the unit was delivered.
To prove the accuracy of the system, regular testing is necessary.

A quick evaluation of the calibration can be done with the help of the Cine run and the centering
cross displayed on the Vario Center screen.
In best case, the steel ball should stay in the center of the cross all the time. Due to the mechanical
deformations, this is not applicable.
The maximum allowed deviation from the center is 2 mm. So the calibration is ok, if the steel ball
touches the cross in each image.
The test should be performed at least once a month.

14.2 Magic Codes

The Vario software has some hidden functions called "Magic Codes".
These functions are necessary for service only and shall not be given to the user!
If you are not sure, which version is running on the system, switch to the 3D mode and have a look
at the settings. There you will find the actual version.
Up to software RoboC_V4_5 (VISTA only):

Ziehm Vision² Family 14-1

28367 - 05/2008
14 3D Calibration

Touch the green area of the Vario Center touch screen and enter the 4-digit magic Code on the
steel keyboard, followed by Return key.
Note: You have to touch somewhere on the green area always before typing a Magic Code!

Software RoboC_V5_0:
On Vision² Vario, connect an USB keyboard to the unit’s interface board on the backside of the
monitor cart first.
Type "servicemode“ followed by Return key on the steel / USB keyboard.

Activation of Service Mode will be acknowledged with a beep by the system.
The Service Mode stays active in background, you can type in the Magic Codes

DEMO Enables/Disables Demo Mode during runtime

QQQQ Quits the application

QMOD Enables/Disables Calibration Mode

QCAL Calibrates an ISO-Cine (2 balls needed)

(→ Ch. 14-1, p. 14-2)

QACC Measures the accuracy of an ISO-Cine (balls needed)

(→ Ch. 14-1, p. 14-2)

QCOR Temporarily corrects an ISO-Cine

QCLP Enables/Disables Screenshot functionality

QCCC Either visually shows calibration data or result of last performed

accuracy test

NTAK NaviPort only: image grab for calibration of position etalon

NCAL NaviPort only: calibration of position etalon

NEX2 CAS Navigation only: calibration volume adjustment

Table 14-1 Magic Codes

To activate a Magic Code, the [Return] key has to be pressed!

14-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
14 3D Calibration

14.3 Preparing the test equipment

The test has to be done with radiation!
Take care of protecting you from radiation and ensure no other person can enter
the control area!

As mentioned before, the object of interest is the steel ball inside the test phantom. Therfore it has
to be placed on an underground without any metal.
For example, you could use two bucks and a styrofoam plate. If you do not have such equipment,
you should use a carbon operation table, if available.
Of course, you can also use the tripod from the foam-rubber-lined test kit case.

Fig. 14-2 Test equipment arrangement

To prevent from collision with walls etc. during the rotation of the C, you should first turn the C-
axis to LAT (0°) position and Y-axis to 21 cm and fix both brakes. So you can be sure to have
enough space for the scans.

Fig. 14-3 AP position Fig. 14-4 LAT position

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14 3D Calibration

14.4 Preparing the software calibration

Before the calibration process can be performed, the configuration file has to be modified.
The configuration file, named RoboC2.ini, is located in the following folder:
up to RoboC_V4_4: C:\RoboC_Vx_x\
since RoboC_V4_5: C:\RoboC_Vx_x\config\

• Close the application (GUI) with Magic Code "QQQQ“.

• Run the Windows Explorer (double-click on icon "My Computer“ or click with right mouse key
on the "Start“ button and select Explorer)

• According to the software version, select the folder with the configuration file.

• Double-click on the file RoboC2.ini to open it with the editor.

• Check/Modify following entries:

PATIENTBASE = T:\ PatientbaseCalibration


• Save and close the file RoboC2.ini.

• Close the Windows Explorer.

• Run the application with a double-click on the icon "Shortcut to auto.bat".

14-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
14 3D Calibration

14.5 Performing the software calibration

The calibration process includes three scans with identical ISO Center.

To shorten the following description, only the 4-digit Magic Code you have to use
is shown. The usage is described in → Ch. 14.2, p. 14-1.

1 Prepare the test equipment as descriped in → Ch. 14.3, p. 14-3.

2 Enter the Magic Code "QMOD“.
Vista: The background of the Vario Center becomes red.
Vision²: No visible change in calibration mode, just a beep.
3 Place the Isocentricity test phantom (2 balls).
One ball has to be in the center, the second vertically below it on the centering cross.
In order you are using two Cube test phantoms, place them in the same way with a distance
of approximately 5 mm in between.

Ziehm Vision² Family 14-5

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14 3D Calibration

14.5.1 SCAN No. 1 (AP: L=5 cm, LAT: L=20 cm)

• After setup of the ISO Center a message will pop up:

• Press button YES.

VISTA: Message box is displayed on the Vario Center (Touchscreen).
Vision²: Message boxes are displayed on the right flatscreen monitor!

• Perform the collision check and select 70 images for the scan.

• Perform the 1st scan.

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14 3D Calibration

14.5.2 SCAN No. 2 (AP: L=5 cm, LAT: L=12 cm)

• After setup of the ISO Center a message will pop up:

• Press button NO.

• Press button OK.

• Perform the collision check and select 70 images for the scan.

• Perform the 2nd scan.

Ziehm Vision² Family 14-7

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14 3D Calibration

14.5.3 SCAN No. 3 (AP: L=5 cm, LAT: L=20 cm, Eliptical path)

• After setup of the ISO Center a message will pop up:

• Press button NO.

• Press button OK.

• Choose "Eliptical Path“ BEFORE collision check!
Perform the collision check and select 70 images for the scan.

• Perform the 3rd scan.

• After 3rd scan is finished, switch to the Patient Manager.

14-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

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14 3D Calibration


• Load the Cine from the first scan in the Patient Manager window.
• Play the Cine one time to load the images into the buffer memory.
• Enter the Magic Code "QCAL“.

The following windows are displayed:

Press button OK

Press button YES

Press button YES

Press button YES

• The results are shown in multiple windows. Press button OK to confirm them.

Ziehm Vision² Family 14-9

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14 3D Calibration


• Load the Cine from the second scan in the Patient Manager window.
• Play the Cine one time to load the images into the buffer memory.
• Enter the Magic Code "QCAL“.

The following windows are displayed:

Press button OK

Press button YES

Press button YES

Press button NO

Press button YES

• Once again, the results are shown in multiple windows. Press button OK to confirm them.

14-10 Ziehm Vision² Family

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14 3D Calibration


• Load the Cine from the third scan in the Patient Manager window.
• Play the Cine one time to load the images into the buffer memory.
• Enter the Magic Code "QCAL“.

The following windows are displayed:

Press button OK

Press button YES

Press button YES

Press button NO

Press button NO

Press button YES

• Once again, the results are shown in multiple windows. Press button OK to confirm them.

Ziehm Vision² Family 14-11

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14 3D Calibration

• Close the application (GUI) with Magic Code "QQQQ“.

• Run the Windows Explorer (double-click on icon "My Computer“ or click with right mouse
key on the "Start“ button and select Explorer)
• According to the software version, select the folder with the configuration file.
• Double-click on the file RoboC2.ini to open it with the editor.
• Modify following entries:
PATIENTBASE = T:\ PatientBase
• Save and close the file RoboC2.ini.
• Close the Windows Explorer.
• Run the application with a double-click on the icon "Shortcut to auto.bat“.

14-12 Ziehm Vision² Family

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14 3D Calibration

14.5.7 Show Calibration data

To show the calibration data, enter Magic Code "QCCC".

Confirm the message Show Calibration? with button YES.
The files
• C:\RoboC_Vx_x\config\CalibrationDataSoft\CalibrationData0.txt
• C:\RoboC_Vx_x\config\CalibrationDataSoft\CalibrationData1.txt
• C:\RoboC_Vx_x\config\CalibrationDataSoft\CalibrationData2.txt
are visualized graphically.
To end the mode, enter "QCCC" again.

14.5.8 Calibration check

• Perform a scan with the Isocentricity test phantom (2 balls).

• Load the ISO-Cine from the Patient Manager.
• Enter Magic Code "QACC".

Press button YES

• A message Mean accuracy should be better than.... (0.5) pops up and the file
"C:\RoboC_Vx_x\config\CalibrationDataSoft\AccuracyTest.txt" is written.

• Enter Magic Code "QCCC".

• On message Show Calibration? press button NO.
The file "C:\RoboC_V4_4\CalibrationDataSoft\AccuracyTest.txt" is visualized graphically.
• Check the value Mean Deviation, this should not be greater than 0.5.
• Leave the mode by entering "QCCC" again.

Ziehm Vision² Family 14-13

28367 - 05/2008
14 3D Calibration

14.6 Performing an accuracy test

• Press the button 3D on the Vario Center.

• Create a new patient folder (e.g. Name: Cube, Surname: Reconstruction).

• Switch to ISO mode and select a patient position.

• Turn the C-axis to 90° position, Y-axis to 5 cm and Z-axis at least to 2 cm.

• If available, use the laser first to center the cube.

• Check the position with fluoroscopy.

The centering cross on the Vario Center is a good help for positioning.

• Press button "LAT" on the Vario Center.

• Turn C-axis to 0° position, Y-axis to 21 cm.

• Center the cube with laser and fluoroscopy.

• Press button AP on the Vario Center. Don’t move the cube any more!

• Press button Positioning until the ISO center is reached (if necessary).

• For the reconstruction an amount of about 30 images between 0° and 135° is needed. Turn
the C-axis and make an image every 5° with the handswitch.
You can also select a step wide of 5° on the Vario Center, press the button Automatic radia-
tion and use the foot switch.

14-14 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Fault Detection

Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
Ziehm Vision² Family
28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection


Fault detection is divided into these sections:

− Startup
− 6D Mouse
− Keyboard/Trackball
− CD Writer
− Normal Mode (2D)
− ISO Mode (3D)
− Reconstruction
− Others

15.1 Startup


Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

Unit does not startup Power plug not connected Connect the power plug

Unit does not startup Emergency button pressed Check both emergency but-

Vario Center stays blank P2 cable not connected Switch unit off, connect the
cable, switch on again

Windows does not start, TFT Keyboard/Trackball not con- Check the PS2 connectors
stays blank after BIOS nected on Workstation. Startup is
prevented from BIOS if key-
board/Trackball not

Touchscreen and right One of the 2 DVI connectors Disconnect DVI connector
flatscreen are switched and was not connected proper for flatscreen, start and shut
rotated during startup down Windows, switch off,
connect DVI connector for
Also happens, if F1 or F2 on
flatscreen and start unit
Module 1 are defective

Ziehm Vision² Family 15-1

28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection


Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

New hardware found New hardware was inserted Apply until new driver shall
(Framegrabber) be installed. Cancel installa-
tion, finish the procedure
and restart Windows.

X-ray although hand / foot Workstation is switched off. A new relay K11 on PCB
switch is not pressed Due to transition resistances U470d is necessary.
the unit thinks the foot switch If this is not mounted on top
is pressed of K10 (right lower edge),
don’t switch off the worksta-

E17 after startup Hand/Foot switch pressed Check power supply of work-
during startup or Worksta- station or do not press hand/
tion has no power (see prob- foot switch
lem before)

Touchscreen does not COM1 and COM2 ports Turn unit off and switch the
response, 3D user interface switched on Workstation COM ports connectors on
on right monitor the workstation.

Bluescreen, Windows runs Failure during shut down, WAIT! DO NOT SWITCH
program "Checkdisk" maybe hard power off OFF! DON’T CANCEL!

Bluescreen with message An USB device was Shut down, disconnect 6D

"STOP: [...] \hidusb.sys removed without log off mouse, start up, connect 6D
Driver could not be loaded (Remove Hardware). mouse when Windows Logo
[...]" appears.

Sometimes, there’s a red alert window with a message shown on the Vario Center and you can
hear a beeping sound.
Mostly this is an indication for lost settings or initialising problems of the hardware.
If this happens, shut down the unit and restart Windows in Administration Mode:
Press and hold the Shift key on the metal keyboard during the startup procedure until the Logon
screen is displayed.
Log in as user "administrator" with password "ziehm" (German version of Windows) or "yiehm"
(English version of Windows).

15-2 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection

Red window Solution

with message

Invalid FrameGrabber Restart the unit.

If the error comes up again, open the Explorer and rename the
folder "C:\LVSDS_NT" to "C:\LVSDS_NT_backup". Then go to
the folder "C:\install\framegrabber\" and start the program
"LvAuto.exe". Select "Install LV-SDS". On window "New hard-
ware found" you have to press "Proceed", then select "Show all
available drivers". Then click the button "Medium" and search for
the file "C:\LVSDS_NT_install\drivers\Win2000\lvppxw2k.inf".
Press "Proceed" until the procedure is finished. Delete the new
created folder "C:\LVSDS_NT" and rename
"C:\LVSDS_NT_backup" back to "C:\LVSDS_NT".
Restart windows in administration mode.

FrameGrabber Error The video signal from the HEDIS memory is missing. Double-
Cannot connect to check if the video line to the FrameGrabber is properly con-
camera nected to the 50Hz output of the HEDIS memory.
Double-check the file "C:\LVSDS_NT\bin\leutron.ini". The last
entry must be "Camera#0=ZIEHM". In the same directory you
will find the program "LVCMED32.EXE". If you start this pro-
gram, the last entry of the selection must also be "ZIEHM".
Select this entry and press the "Try" button. A new window
comes up, BNC 0-3 must be shown. Select "BNC0" and press
OK. Then another window has to come up.
If not, perform the same procedure as on "Invalid FrameGrabber

InifileError reading [UDP] The entry "[UDP] with the corresponding port is missing in the file
Open this file and write in the following entries,beginning from
the first line:
Save and close the file, restart the unit.

IO-card cannot be Start the program "C:\WINNT\Addireg.exe".

initialised Press "Quit" and restart the unit.

Ziehm Vision² Family 15-3

28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection

15.2 6D Mouse (VISTA only)

6D Mouse

Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

3D Voxel model is moving/ During startup the 6D mouse The mouse is initialized dur-
turning by itself has been touched. ing startup.
Restart the unit and do not
touch the 6D mouse.

Zoom and movement of 3D Value in RoboC2.ini is too Change settings in

voxel model is too slow low RoboC2.ini file, section

No reaction on 6D mouse USB connector loose Check connection on Work-


15.3 Keyboard / Trackball (VISTA only)

Keyboard / Trackball

Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

No mouse cursor visible on Mouse cursor out of monitor Turn trackball down until
right flatscreen monitor range, it’s located on the mouse cursor is visible
Vario Center.

Mouse cursor dispears from The touchscreen has been Don’t use trackball and
right flatscreen monitor touched or a message box touchscreen parallel or con-
waits for confirmation on firm the message box on
Vario Center. Vario Center.

No reaction on keyboard/ PS2 connector loose Check connection on Work-

trackball station.

15-4 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection

15.4 CD Writer

CD Writer

Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

CD door does not open, Drive has no power supply Check power supply
no blinking during start-up

CD door does not open Initialisation problem in Win- Remove power supply and
dows SCSI-IDE adapter from the
drive, start up the unit, shut
down the unit, connect
power and adapter again.

CD cannot be written but No driver or the wrong driver Run program the program
reading works is installed for the drive. CD_Wizard in folder
C:\RoboC_Vx_x and select
the driver TEAC CDW 552

CD cannot be written from CD-R not recognised. Try another CD-R.

2D (HEDIS), screen mes- FTP-Server has wrong set- Double check the settings in
sage tings. program TFTPD32.
"Sync-Error - Vario.ret" Different serial numbers Check the unit’s serial num-
from HEDIS and Worksta- ber in 3D Settings.
tion. Set IP-adresses for HEDIS
HEDIS and Workstation IP- and Workstation to the same
adresses are in different subnet (→ Ch. 12.3, p. 12-3)
subnets, system not con-
nected to network.

Ziehm Vision² Family 15-5

28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection

15.5 Normal Mode (2D)

Normal Mode (2D)

Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

Lifting column can not be Lifting column is on lower Move the lifting column a bit
moved up with button on end position (transport posi- up by pressing the button on
Vario Center tion). the mobile stand.

Lifting column can not be Lifting column is on upper Move the lifting column a bit
moved down with button on end position. down by pressing the button
Vario Center on the mobile stand.

Carriage can not be moved Carriage is on minimum end Move the carriage a bit for-
forward with button on Vario position (transport position). ward by hand.

Carriage can not be moved Carriage is on maximum end Move the carriage a bit back-
backward with button on position. ward by hand.
Vario Center

By moving the lifting column The sealing ring of the lifting Move down the lifting col-
there is a noisy sound. column is contorted. umn and turn the sealing
ring until the notches fit with
the guide rails.

E151 (CAN-FiFo overflow) The Workstation has fin- Find out why the startup of
ished it’s startup phase the HEDIS memory needs
before the HEDIS. more time. Connect a VGA
monitor to the HEDIS and
look where it hangs up.

15-6 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection

15.6 ISO Mode (3D)

ISO Mode (3D)

Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

Message on Vario Center: Pin for angulation not correct Open the angulation brake
"Steering & braking lever or locked. and jiggle the C until the pin
locking pin not locked!" is locked.

Message on Vario Center: Pin for WigWag not correct Open the WigWag brake
"Steering & braking lever or locked. and jiggle the carriage until
locking pin not locked!" the pin is locked.

Message on Vario Center: Steering & braking lever not Close the brake.
"Steering & braking lever or closed.
locking pin not locked!"

Message on Vario Center: Micro switch for angulation / Check cable connections or
"Steering & braking lever or WigWag / Steering & braking change defective micro
locking pin not locked!" lever defective or cable not switch.

Button AP stays inactive Angle between LAT and AP Between LAT and AP must
after LAT position has been is to low. be at least 5 degrees.

C arm does not stay still, Swivel harness pulls the C Ungarble the swivel harness
especially in 135° position. back or swivel harness got or close C-brake.
caught by handhold.

RoboC Software is termi- Bug in RoboC_V4_2: Run the reconstruction,

nated when slices shall be Happens only if print is acti- close the window and re-
printed. vated directly after recon- open the patient folder.
struction. Then you can print slices.

E151 (CAN-FiFo overflow) The Workstation has fin- Find out why the startup of
ished it’s startup phase the HEDIS memory needs
before the HEDIS. more time. Connect a VGA
monitor to the HEDIS and
look where it hangs up.

Ziehm Vision² Family 15-7

28367 - 05/2008
15 Fault Detection

15.7 Reconstruction


Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

Slices / Voxel model are A windowing level is set in Set the windowing level to
printed to dark or to bright. the HEDIS memory maximum in HEDIS mem-

The reconstruction of a pre- By using the metal correc- Problem will be solved in the
operative study is very noisy. tion, the image gets more next Software release.
The reconstruction of the blur, therefore a egde filter is
same study with metal cor- set. Unfortunately this filter
rection activated is much is used for reconstruction
better. without metal, too, which
ends in noisy image.

15.8 Others


Problem / Message Possible reason Solution

Bluescreen on shutdown Harddisk has less than 500 Delete unneeded files and
with message "Driver-IRQL- MB of free space on drive C. folders (screenshots, safety
NOT-LESS-OR-EQUAL; [...] copies of folders, old
mouclass.sys Robo_C folders ....)
Image of memory ..."

15-8 Ziehm Vision² Family

28367 - 05/2008

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