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These pie charts illustrate greenhouse gas emissions in Australia

and New Zealand for last year by 6 different sectors.

Overall, it’s visible with an unarmed eye that most of the gas
emissions in Australia are from agricultural methane and
transports. Exactly the same thing happened in New Zealand but
there also source named “other energy” that reproduce gas

To begin with, as it was mentioned above, most of the emissions in

Australia reproduced from agricultural methane and transports.
However, there is additional sector that emission’s quite a lot of
greenhouse gases, this sector is electricity generation, 19% of
emissions come from there. In addition, agricultural nitrous oxide
has reproduced 11% of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia for
last year.

Almost every detail in New Zealand is similar to Australia according

to this theme. But other energy sources reproduced more
greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand – 16%. Also electricity
generation is not as common as in Australia, it is just 10% here.
Emissions of gases from agricultural methane are 3% higher than in
Australia, while from transport - 6% less.
Crime appears to be rising in most countries in the world, especially among young
people. What the possible causes of this trend, and what solutions would be effective in
reducing crime?

Currently, there are quite a lot of crime in the world, mainly among young people. There
are questions about this phenomenon, how we can solve this issue, and what are the
main causes.?

First of all, it mostly it comes from the childhood, perhaps from the cartoons, movies,
and TV shows that they you were watching when they you were a child. However,
parents are the main culprits of what happened, they should have been raised their
children properly or at least find a the place or a person who would look after little ones
when parents are busy with their jobs, some businness, etc. In addition, despite the fact
that the main guilty ones are parents, there is also an environment in which children can
be, which has a bad influence on them. Quite a lot of children or even kindergarten
teachers who can teach not good things at all. For instance, some educators can
implement a violence into a child's head by their behavior next to him.

On the other hand, undoubtedly, there are some solutions that would be effective in
reducing the crime rate. Considering the fact that these problems mostly come from
childhood we can think about solving them also in childhood. One of the main solutions
is that children should go to some educational courses, most of them will learn there
new things and skills, and will make friends by finding like-minded people. This solution
could seem odd but it would implement good habits to children, at least parents will
know that their child is not hanging around the streets. In addition, in this situation,
little ones should choose courses themselves according to their interests, not their

Overall, the main causes of crimes probably originate from childhood, along with
psychological or some other problems of people that they received at that time. But one
of the practical solutions is that children should do and learn many a lot of new and
useful things.
Some people believe that advertising has a strong effect on a person’s decision-making
process. Others feel that it has little or no real impact. Discuss both sides and give your
own opinion.

There are some people who believe that advertising has no real impact on our processes
of decision-making, while others think it has a strong effect on them. This statement will
be examined and discussed in the following paragraphs.

First of all, among other things, they feel that advertising has little or no influence on
their decisions, because they expect positive feedback. Most buyers believe that they
will If the reviews are positive, they will read the features and advertisements to make a
purchase. Also, many people think that some companies just show fake advertising to
attract customers, even if their products are not successful in the market. For example,
many car companies show false advertising to attract customers by offering five years of
free service.

On the other hand, there is reason to believe that advertising has greatly influenced
human consciousness, since it seems to be everywhere these days. In other words,
many companies pay huge amounts of money for frequent advertisements on television
during breaks, on the Internet by showing pop-up ads, on the roads in the form of
billboards and newspapers. Take Apple as an example, which promotes its latest iPhone
models on a huge scale through TV and internet ads so that they reach anywhere in the
world and their customers buy them. Therefore, some firmly believe that watching
conventional advertising has a huge impact on the purchase of a product.

To summarize, while some believe that advertising has a greater impact on people's
decisions by constantly showing them using TV and the Internet as global media, some
are adamant that it has no impact, because they expect positive feedback from other
customers. In my opinion, most companies get their customers to buy their products by
spending huge amounts of money on advertising.
The picture shows training session plans with layouts designed for scenarios with fewer or more than 10

The main difference between the two plans is the presence of an extra whiteboard and an extra seat for
morning tea when the number of participants exceeds 10.

When there are 10 or fewer participants, the facilitator's chair is placed to the left of the whiteboard.
The seat for the morning tea is just behind the tables, which are arranged in a 'U' shape so that people
can sit around them.

Plan B is used when there are more than 10 people in the training session. The morning tea area is in the
upper left corner of the room and the two white boards are placed behind the facilitator's chair. The
tables are separated from each other, allowing more space for people on both sides of each table.

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