BIBLE QUIZ GRADE 3, 4 and Prep

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1. The Bible is a big book made of _______ smaller 13. Jesus made friends with a tax collector named
books. _______________.

a. 99 b. 66 c. 76 a. Matthew b. Andrew c. John

2. The Old Testament is made up of ____ books. 14. Jesus chose to stay and die on the cross because
a. 93 b. 36 c. 39
a. He loves us b. He will be punished c. that
3. Law group, also called the ________ which means
is a test for Him
“five books”.
15. Jesus will defeat ________ once and for all one day
a. Pentateuch b. Exodus c. Pentecost
and make the earth and heaven new.
4. This group tells the story of how the Israelites
a. Esau b. Pilate c. Satan
became plenty and had God’s messenger.

a. Law Group b. History Group c. Poetry Group

5. New Testaments is made up of ______ books.

a. 27 b. 25 c. 28

6. __________ is the only book in the Prophecy group.

a. Genesis b. Revelation c. Acts

7. Book of Acts is the history of _________.

a. the Creation b. the Fall of man c. the end of the


8. Color black reminds you of ________.

a. power b. black magic c. sin

9. Color red reminds you that Jesus ________ and then

lived again.

a. died b. pray c. forgive

10. Jesus turned water into ____________.

a. coffee b. wine c. juice

11. Jesus sent bad ________ away.

a. people b. doings c. spirits

12. Jesus healed many kinds of _________ while He was

here on Earth.

a. bad things b. sickness c. blood


1. Before God created the world, everything was _____.

a. happy b. dark c. heavy

2. God said “Let there be _____”

a. light b. grass c. food

3. On the second day, God created the _______.

a. land b. water c. sky

4. God created the sun, moon, and star on the ______.

a. 3rd day b. 4th day c. 7th day

5. On the 7th day, God _______.

a. rested b. prayed c. eat

6. The first man on earth named _______.

a. Anads b. Adam c. Ave

7. The first woman on earth named ________.

a. Eve b. Ava c. Ana

8. God wanted _______ to make an ark.

a. Noah b. Jacob c. Joseph

9. God sent a ________ as a promise.

a. rain b. rainbow c. sunlight

10. There was a young boy named ________.

a. David b. Davis c. Devant

11. The 1st to attack the sheep was the _____.

a. elephant b. fox c. bear

12. The Israelites were living in ______ for a long, long


a. Egypt b. Jerusalem c. China

13. God spoke to ______ to help the Israelites to be free

from Egypt.

a. Abraham b. Moses c. Daniel

14. God sent pillar of ______ to guide the Israelites.

a. clouds b. stones c. fire

15. Israelites became free after ______ years.

a. 40 b. 50 c. 30

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