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“Let’s Move Together”

The Deaf Welfare Awareness Foundation (DWAF) is a reputable non-profit organization founded by Mr.
Shiekh Muhammad Mansha, a deaf individual who serves as the president of the organization. Since its
registration in Lahore on February 13, 2013, DWAF has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights
and well-being of the deaf community in Pakistan. Committed to the principles of inclusivity, equality, and
empowerment, DWAF has established itself as a leading force in transforming the lives of deaf individuals.


DWAF operates under the legal framework of the Ordinance 1961 for non-profit organizations, ensuring
transparency, accountability, and adherence to ethical practices. The foundation embodies a rights-based
approach, recognizing the inherent rights of the deaf community and striving to eliminate discrimination,
enhance accessibility, and promote equality in all aspects of life.

Under the visionary leadership of Mr. Shiekh Muhammad Mansha, who possesses fluency in sign
language, DWAF is uniquely positioned to understand and address the specific needs and challenges faced
by the deaf community. By leveraging this linguistic advantage, the organization effectively
communicates, empathizes, and collaborates with deaf individuals, establishing a sense of trust and
fostering a supportive environment.

RIGHTS-BASED APPROACH: DWAF promotes the rights of deaf individuals, emphasizing equality, non-
discrimination, and inclusivity.

INTEGRITY AND HONESTY: The foundation upholds principles of integrity, honesty, and transparency in
its operations.

ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY: DWAF ensures accountability and transparency in its use of
resources and activities.

COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION: The organization is dedicated to improving the lives of deaf individuals
through its various programs.

DEMOCRATIC AND INCLUSIVE: DWAF encourages democratic participation and inclusivity among its

SELF-RELIANCE: The foundation aims to empower the deaf community to become self-reliant and
DWAF's major programs are meticulously designed to uplift and empower the deaf community, fostering
independence, skill development, and social integration. These programs include:

DEAF TECHNICAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER: Recognizing the importance of education and
vocational skills, DWAF provides free vocational training and diploma courses to deaf individuals. Through
partnerships with educational institutions and industry experts, the organization equips them with in-
demand technical skills, enhancing their employability and enabling them to achieve financial

DAY CARE: DWAF operates a comprehensive day care program that offers free educational and coaching
services for young deaf children. By providing a nurturing environment and tailored educational support,
the foundation ensures that these children receive a solid foundation for their academic and personal
development. Moreover, the inclusion of skill development programs, such as computer courses, fashion
design, and art classes, broadens their horizons and encourages their creative expression.

DEAF BRIDE & GROOM: Recognizing the challenges faced by deaf individuals in finding suitable life
partners, DWAF plays a pivotal role in facilitating matrimonial connections within the deaf community. By
ensuring the process is conducted under the foundation's guidance and supervision, DWAF helps foster
meaningful relationships and joyful unions, leading to increased social support and happiness.

DEAF SUPER LEAGUE: The Deaf Super League stands as a testament to DWAF's commitment to promoting
physical well-being and social inclusion. By organizing outdoor activities and sports events specifically
tailored to the needs of deaf individuals and those with disabilities, the foundation fosters a sense of
belonging, encourages active lifestyles, and provides a platform for the development of their sporting

DEAF PRESS CLUB: DWAF recognizes the importance of access to information and communication for the
deaf community. Through the Deaf Press Club, the foundation provides sign language interpretation of
news, including breaking news and crucial government announcements, enabling deaf individuals to stay
informed and participate actively in society.

DEAF CAREERS: DWAF's Deaf Careers program aims to bridge the gap between deaf individuals and
employment opportunities. By leveraging their extensive network and collaborating with employers, the
foundation assists in job placements, supports career development, and advocates for workplace
accommodations to ensure equal opportunities and a level playing field.

WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT: DWAF is deeply committed to empowering women within the deaf
community. The Women's Empowerment program equips women with essential life skills, vocational
training, and entrepreneurial support, enabling them to lead independent lives and contribute to their
families and communities. By fostering gender equality and challenging societal norms, DWAF strives to
create an inclusive society where women can flourish.

LAZIZ THALI: Understanding the importance of proper nutrition and food security, DWAF implements the
Laziz Thali program. Through this initiative, the foundation provides nutritious meals to underprivileged
individuals, ensuring they have access to quality food and helping alleviate hunger within vulnerable

DWAF's institutes conduct a diverse range of courses, including diplomas in MS Office, graphics design
(InPage, Corel Draw, Photoshop), embroidery and dress designing for females, art, sign language, therapy
for autism spectrum disorder, content writing, and teacher training. These courses equip deaf individuals
with practical skills, enabling them to pursue various career paths and contribute to the socio-economic
development of society.

The foundation's distribution plans focus on holistic social welfare, encompassing food distribution during
Ramadan, financial assistance for marriages, healthcare services, donation drives, job placement support,
and disaster preparedness initiatives. By catering to the diverse needs of the deaf community, DWAF aims
to create a safety net and uplift individuals during challenging times.

The Deaf Welfare Awareness Foundation (DWAF) in Pakistan is a shining example of the power of
advocacy, empowerment, and community support. Led by Mr. Shiekh Muhammad Mansha, a deaf
individual and the organization's founder, DWAF has made significant strides in championing the rights
and well-being of the deaf community.

Through its diverse range of programs and initiatives, DWAF addresses the unique challenges faced by the
deaf community in Pakistan. From vocational training and educational support to matrimonial assistance,
sports events, news interpretation, career guidance, women's empowerment, and provision of meals to
the underprivileged, DWAF leaves no stone unturned in its mission to uplift and empower deaf individuals.

The foundation's commitment to transparency, accountability, and self-reliance ensures that resources
are utilized effectively, and the impact is maximized. By fostering a culture of inclusivity, equality, and
respect, DWAF strives to create a society where deaf individuals are not only heard but also fully
integrated and valued. By celebrating the strengths and talents of deaf individuals, DWAF reshapes
societal perceptions and paves the way for a more inclusive and accessible Pakistan. In recognizing
DWAF's remarkable contributions, it becomes evident that the organization is not only transforming the
lives of deaf individuals but also contributing to the overall development and progress of Pakistan. By
promoting equal opportunities, empowerment, and community engagement, DWAF plays a vital role in
building a more inclusive and harmonious society.

The Deaf Welfare Awareness Foundation (DWAF) has emerged as a beacon of hope and empowerment
for the deaf community in Pakistan. Led by Mr. Shiekh Muhammad Mansha, who not only founded the
organization but also understands the challenges firsthand as a deaf individual, DWAF has demonstrated
its unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity, empowerment, and equal opportunities. Through its
wide-ranging programs and initiatives, DWAF has transformed the lives of countless deaf individuals,
providing them with education, vocational training, social support, and avenues for personal growth. By
empowering the deaf community and challenging societal barriers, DWAF strives to build a society that
recognizes and celebrates the unique talents and contributions of deaf individuals. With its vision for a
brighter future, DWAF continues to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

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