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Consignas de trabajo Inglés I C Clases I a III


Market Leader Elementary 3rd Edition Unit 1

Audios 1 a 10 (Inglés I C – Clase 1 – audios …)

Video complementario

Inglés 1 C

Clase 1:

Introcucción de la materia. Lineamientos.

Unit 1: Introductions.

Verb to be in the Simple Present (all forms)

Introducing to each other.

The alphabet. Spelling your name.

Vocabulary: countries and nationalities.

SS will make a short dialogue (oral work) introducing to each other using the vocabulary seen above.

SS will do a quiz through a video of a man dictating some words and spelling them for SS to practice the
alphabet and spelling (I’ll attach video)

Activity A on page 9 in the book. Reading Comprehension: Angela Ahrendts + exercises on the same page.
Asking yes –no questions and wh-questions using the verb to be about Angela and answering those

Activity C on page 8. Asking yes-no questions using the verb to be and answering them about the nationality
of the companies listed in the exercise.

Asking SS to mention any other company that they know well to tell the class about their nationalities and
what activity each company develops.

Listening activity (Ex A on page 8) tacks 1.8 and 1.9. Asking SS to tell the class about the main idea of the

Homework: pages 10 and 11 (all exercises) including LC (tracks 1.10 and 1.11)
Consignas de trabajo Inglés I C Clases I a III


Market Leader Elementary 3rd Edition Unit 1

Audios 11 a 16 (Inglés I C – Clase 2 – audios …)

Clase 2:

Checking homework.

Social English (page 12) track 1.14. SS will do all the exercises and then they will role play a similar situation
(read cards on pages 134 and 140 for the role play) using the expressions seen in class at the bottom on
page 12.

Case Study (page 13)

Reading about a job fair in Singapore. Background, description of the candidates and telling orally to the
class what they remember about each candidate using complete sentences. In pairs, SS will decide which
candidate they will choose for the job and why. They will discuss and they will present their ideas to the

Then they will write in pairs or individually an email to the boss describing the candidate they met at the

Homework: They will complete the exercises in Unit 1 in the Practice File.
Consignas de trabajo Inglés I C Clases I a III


Market Leader Elementary 3rd Edition Unit 2

Audios 17 a 24 (Inglés I C – Clase 3 – audios …)

Clase 3:

Checking homework.

Unit 2: Work and Leisure.

Introducing the unit.

Ask SS what people want from work. SS will discuss in pairs and will tell their ideas to the class.

Then SS will match the word partnerships about work.

Listen to tacks 1.17 – 1.20 to check answers.

Then SS will match six of the word partnerships in Ex B to their meanings (1-6) in ex C.

Ask SS to tell the class what they want from work using the vocabulary seen in the previous exercise.

Studying days of the week and months of the year. Prepositions of time. Do ex. A – D (track 1.21)

Pair work. Discuss in pairs when you are busy and what are the quiet times.

Write a paragraph about yourself and read it out loud to the class.

Reading comprehension (page 16)

Discussion before reading and doing the exercises on page 16 after reading. Asking SS to retell the main idea
to the class.

Teaching Simple Present with all verbs (all forms) and teaching adverbs of frequency.

Doing ex on page 17 to reinforce on Simple Present.

Doing exercises A, B and C (track 1.25 – 1.27) to practise adverbs of frequency.


Exercises on pages 8 to 10 in the Practice File.

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