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Time and tide waits for no man

Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can
spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back. "Time and Tide wait for none" means "no
matter how powerful a person is, he cannot stop the passage of time. The value of time cannot
be undermined. Life is, but a collection of moments, which we must not waste. A child takes
birth as a small baby. A baby grows into a child, child into a teen, a teen into an adult and an
adult becomes old. The law of nature is supreme. Time keeps flowing. Human beings, whether
like it or not, cannot stop these laws. No one can stop the passage of time. The movement of
the water in a river flows forever. All these things are beyond human control. We should make a
good use of time. We should perform our duties just at the right moment. Many and varied are
our duties and we cannot discharge them well unless we do our duty at the right moment. Some
people waste their time by indulging in idle gossips that have no real importance in life. Time is
like money. Every day, hour, minute, second is precious

for us. As we spend money wisely, in the same way our time should be spent very cautiously.
For this time management is very essential. A farmer has to harvest his crops on time but if he
neglects, the birds will eat those crops or untimely rain may destroy it. A successful man only
knows the value of time because he has come up with proper use of time coupled with hard
work. So, we should not procrastinate, instead every single second should be used carefully.
Then only a person will touch the sky of success.

Time will keep on passing with each passing moment, similarly tide also keeps on rolling one
after the another in the sea and  no one in the universe has the power to stop this two things.
The proverb want to say us that time is the most powerful and precious tool in our world and we
should utilize every bit of it wisely. Once the time passes away it cannot be brought back in any
situation.Lets take a example of a student who came to know that his final exam will be going to
start in next 25 days. But instead of preparing for exam, he just keep postponing his studies by
saying that he will sart from tomorrow but he never do that and days passes on. A day before
exam he realises that tomorrow is his exam and still lot is pending to study and wish he had
some more time to complete his studies. But, will he get more time to complete his studies? No,
he would not, he will just regret on his doingsAll great person such as ‘Thomas  Edison,
Mahatma Gandhi, Walt Disney‘ have achieved success in life because they used the secret of
optimal use of time.

Hence the expansion of idea Time and tide wait for none advice us that the person who cannot
finish the given work on time, then he or she may end up being a failure in his life.

Quitter never win and winners never quit

Well, we have heard of this saying at least once in our lives. And we all have had the
opportunity to apply the saying to a part of our lives, be it in a sports team, in academics, at
work or even at relationships.

A winner is someone who is determined to reach his goals, no matter how arduous the journey
may be. A winner is ready to face challenges and obstacles that may come in between him and
his goals. On the other hand, a quitter gets perturbed by challenges, and in the midst, gives up.
Because he is not determined to face the difficulties, he never reaches his goal and is declared
a quitter.

Most of us are not born with talent and skills. We develop them over time. Pandit Ravi Shankar
was a world renowned composer and musician who played the sitar. He was so passionate
about music that he did not stop learning the sitar. Although he faced difficulties initially, he did
not lose hope. He was determined to succeed, and he practiced day and night to attain a high
position in the international music industry.

Similarly, scientists like Issac Newton, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein never gave up
pursuing their dreams and interests just because some of their experiments failed. They strive
hard to reach their goals and only rested when success touched their feet.

To give up midway is easy but to continue despite challenges is difficult. That is why only
winners are remembered for a long time. They are our role models, who teach us that it pays to
never quit. Success only knocks on the doors of winners because they are determined in life.
On the other hand, a quitter lives most of his life in regret because of his lack of motivation and

Interview of a social worker

Why have you selected a career in social work?

How is your previous experience applicable to the work we do here?

Have you had the experience of working with people of a race or sexual orientation different
from yours? (be able to articulate how culture impacts our work re: abuse/neglect/prevention/
intervention etc.)

What do you hope to accomplish as a social worker?What do you judge to be your major
successes or accomplishments in your fieldwork? How did you achieve these?

What major disappointments/failures have you had in fieldwork? Or

Knowing what you know now, is there something you would

do differently in the management of one of your fieldwork cases?

What target group would you be willing to work with?

In your experience, what kind of clients are the most difficult to work with?

How do you balance your work and personal life?

What are your biggest strengths in the role of a social worker?

What are your most significant weaknesses in the role of a social worker?
Look before you leap

Sometimes we take decision hastily without thinking its pros and cons which results in us to get
into trouble. Thus, the proverb ‘Look before you leap’ means we should always think twice
before taking any decision in life.

One of my friend doing the job in a well-established company with good pay. One of his friends
advised him to leave his job and start a business as he will earn a lot than his job. My friend
accepted his advice without consulting any wise person. Hence he opened up a clothing shop in
a mall. He invested all his money. My friend does not know to do business at all, as he new to
this field, therefore he faced huge loss and had to shut down his business. Now he regrets his

Sometimes we take decision hastily without thinking its pros and cons which results in us to get
into trouble. Thus, the proverb ‘Look before you leap’ means we should always think twice
before taking any decision in life.

This proverb applies to every individual and the whole nation. This proverb applies to students
also. Often students do not choose the right stream in class XI. Due to the influence of their
friend, they choose what their friend choose and hence end up taking the wrong stream in which
they are not at all interested and ruin their carrier.

Similarly, one of my friend doing the job in a well-established company with good pay. One of his
friends advised him to leave his job and start a business as he will earn a lot than his job. My
friend accepted his advice without consulting any wise person. Hence he opened up a clothing
shop in a mall. He invested all his money.My friend does not know to do business at all, as he
new to this field, therefore he faced huge loss and had to shut down his business. Now he
regrets his decision.

Hence, the saying ‘Look before you leap’ advice us never to decide anything rashly be patience,
make a good plan, see the risk involve in it and then act, we will get success.

It is very wrong to take hasty decisions. We must always look at the advantages and
disadvantages before attempting any kind of work. Literally the proverb means that we should
always look at our next step. One should not blindly jump into anything without considering the
dangers or disadvantages that could be in store for us.It is always better to enquire, evaluate
and then take action.

Man proposes ,god disposes

Man proposes but God disposes" is not just a proverb, but has full of meaning, conveying that
man cannot claim supremacy over God & whatever comes out as a result of man's intelligent
pursuit cannot be claimed as his own doing without God's intervention.

Man thinks that he can do anything he wants by his intelligence & self efforts without the support
of "Nature". He does not realize that he himself did not emerge out of his self "Will" but emerged
due to forces of "Nature". He was born out of his own balance sheet of "Karma" in his past lives,
prior to this birth through his own unknown Karma & has not taken birth by his own "will", which
is in no way possible, because his own birth is a mystery about which he knows nothing, as his
knowledge about his own existence came to know, only after his brain got developed fully to
recognize his own surroundings, in the childhood.

In these circumstances, it is to be understood that man's intelligence is limited to biological living

only & he cannot plan something which he cannot achieve by his own efforts. If he proposes to
do something, he must know his limits, as destiny is more powerful than "Free Will" & he cannot
overcome it. When he knows his limits & things do not work to his satisfaction, he has nothing
else to say, except proclaiming "Man proposes, but God disposes". Whatever ingenious
methods he might have used, he is still under the controlling forces of "Nature", which he can
neither understand/visualize/ anticipate/ nor control in advance. If he is positively disposed, his
efforts will be rewarded, otherwise there is no other go but to accept whatever comes in his way
& be satisfied by accepting that "Man proposes & God disposes".


Man has limited intelligence & knowledge of the outcome of his efforts & freedom & naturally
when something goes against his wishes, he cannot blame himself or somebody but to say
“Man proposes but God disposes”. Destiny is more powerful than “Free Will” of man.

“With the blessings of Saptha Rishies & Almighty”.

Pride goes before a fall

Often when a person excels, the praises and compliments of others make him so arrogant that
he begins to believe he cannot make mistakes. But this causes him to loose focus and we end
up failing.  Thus pride make us blind to our mistakes and hence pride never wins.

Everyone knows the story about the deer who was proud of his beautiful horns and ashamed of
his lean legs. However, when the deer was in danger, it was his legs that helped him run swiftly.
His horns, that he was so proud of, got entangled in the branches and led to his death. Pride
had brought about his fall!

It is not right to be proud of what we possess. If we have skills, we should quietly use them for
our progress and in the service of others. If we are excessively proud of what we own, the very
things we brag about will bring about our downfall.

In the final reckoning, nothing in this world belongs to us. So what makes us so proud?
Whatever wealth we accumulate during our lifetime should be used for the benefit of others. The
tree in the forest is not proud of its products. Instead it freely gives its produce to the birds,
animals, insects and man. It is only a man who is vain, who loves to boast and show off his
worldly possessions to others. Ultimately, however, he has to leave everything behind, while his
body is left to burn or decay. To be proud is to be foolish. To be humble is to be wise.
Every person has something they excel at, but this does not mean that one must give in to pride
and begin to believe that nobody could defeat them. The simple and most famous example of
failure of being too proud is the ‘Hare and the Tortoise’. The hare that was so overconfident in
his ability to defeat the tortoise that he decided to take some rest and this led to his loss. Even
though he was faster than the tortoise, he lost because pride makes the hare blind in his ability.

A man without Liberty is a body without soul

A composition of muscle, bone and tissue in varying proportions generates the physical form,
but what makes us a spiritual 'human' being is the soul. The soul is what actually makes the
body whole. Similarly, the freedom to makes choices, without any restrictions, is what makes a
person whole. Without it, we are all mere puppets, dancing to someone else's tunes. As social
beings, we are blessed with the power of choice to make sound decisions. But with time, we
impose rules and restrictions upon ourselves to align with society. Consequently, these
impositions then govern our lives and keep us from being true to ourselves. They take away our
freedom and confine us in the monotony of tedious routines. However, to lead a sound and
happy life, we need to be the free-spirited beings that we were in the past. We need to have the
liberty to follow our hearts because without this liberty, our lives are as empty a a body without a

All road leads to Rome

The phrase all roads lead to Rome means that there are various ways to reach a conclusion,
many ways to achieve a goal, and many routes to arrive at a decision. The idea is that there are
many methods to accomplish something, all leading to the same result
"All roads lead to Rome' is a proverb that has a literal meaning and a figurative meaning. The
literal meaning is that whichever road one takes, they will always end up in Rome. This is
because in the ancient Roman Empire, Rome was placed as the center and all the roads were
constructed in a manner that they all eventually led to Rome. The figurative meaning of this
proverb is that no matter which way one chooses to reach their goal, they will always end up
where they are meant to be. This proverb is relevant in all aspects of life - education, career,
and relationships. For example, three people try to solve a problem using different methods, but
arrive at the same solution; or two people use different approaches on a single project but
achieve the same outcome. Essentially, our choices may determine and alter our paths, but we
will ultimately reach the destination intended for us, because 'All roads lead to Rome!'.

Man is free by birth blog writing

in the state of nature individual were peaceful and people lived in an uncomplicated life. There
were few needs that were satisfied by nature and because of the small size, population, there
were abundances of resources for survival and people were not frightening or scared of each
other. Suddenly, things fell apart, when the size of the population increased massively and the
abundance of resources were not sufficient for the population. Furthermore, individual began to
come together to form families and relationship with one another. Unexpectedly, someone
decides to invent an idea of private property and people began to buy into that idea, which
humanity had to pay for deadly because human beings have fallen from grace. Soon,
individuals were jealous, cruel, competitive, and the rise of inequality was among  the people .
Have you ever seen a baby in solitude? A blissful sight it is! A world of their own, no rules, no
filters! Isn't that how each one of us is born I pure and free? Growing up, social conditioning
casts us into these moulds which may or not be the perfect fit. The world around us shapes us
but the world within makes us; this world we are free to create. We allow our lives to be run by
others and we follow the rules laid down by society. This often is the cause of our unhappiness
and we then tend to blame the situations because we are unable to control them. Instead, we
should take responsibility of our own lives. We all have the sense to differentiate the right from
the wrong. We are capable of leading sound lives resulting from the choices that we make for
ourselves. We are not someone else's responsibility or liability. We should set ourselves free
from the shackles of societal restrictions and soar high in liberty. We are free by birth and bound
only by the limitations we set for ourselves.

Mr. Kiran Purandare in an interview.

Below is the list of questions I would ask Mr. Kiran Purandare in an interview.

i. What inspired you to become a wildlife activist?

ii. What are the problems that you face as an environmentalist?

iii. Can you narrate a few memorable incidents from your days in Nagzira?

iv. What is the biggest lesson that you have learned

from nature?

v. What do you consider as your greatest achievement to date?

vi. How big a role can social media play in wildlife conservation?

vii. What is the biggest threat to wildlife today?

viii. Do you think the government is taking enough

measures to conserve wildlife habitat? If not, what
can it do differently?

ix. What is the vision and mission of Nisarg Wedh

Organisation that you have founded?

x. What message would you like to give to students

like us?

1)How did you start your journey as an environmentalist?
2)Where did you take your environmental education?

3)Which awards have you received up to now?

4)How did you feel when you were awarded the *Sahitya Puraskar*?

5)You are a writer also.

Which is your award winning book?

6)Who inspired you for this work?


Who is your motivational Guru for this work?


Who motivated you for this work?

7)Who is your idol/role model/ideal person?

8)How many days did you spend in Nagzira and nearby forest area?

9) Can you share your experience with us during 400 days?

10) Didn't you afraid of wild animals during those days?
11)Which hardships /difficulties /  challenges did you face in your life?

12) Don't you find it difficult to play multi roles such as *wild life expert,a bird watcher,a writer
and an honorary wild life warden*?

Interview of a cop

Good Morning, Officer R.S. Shankar! I am Riya Jain, the class representative for Std. XI, M.G.
College. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you here today. All the students and the
audience would be delighted to know you better and understand your line of work. So, let us
begin this interview.

1. For how long have you been in the police force?

2. When did you decide that you wanted to join the force?
3. What was your reason behind joining the force?
4. What kind of special training did you have to
undergo to become a cop?

5. How did you develop and master the skill of identifying and locating criminals?
6. How do you deal with criminals? Is your approach the same for everyone
7. Do you think criminals can be reformed?
8. You have won many bravery awards. How doe it feel to be one of the best cop in the country?
9. Do you think you've achieved the goal for whic you joined the force?
10. Many young minds aspire to become a top coplike you. Any message for them?
11. What factors influence a police officer’s use of discretion
12. What physical training activities are you currently involved in?
13. What actions would you take as a Police Officer to insure good relations with the public in
the area that you patrol?

Officer Shankar, we thank you immensely for giving us your valuable time and sharing your
pearls of wisdom. We, as a society, are proud of you and would

Forgiveness is often better than punishment

There is a famous proverb 'To err is human, to forgive, divine'. When people apologise for their
errors, it is best to forgive them and move past the incident. Forgiveness helps a person to
introspect. It makes him realise the mistake and take note of the following corrective measure.
Punishments often result in angst and embarrassment. People being punished might never
correct their actions due to the guilt and shame they face. Punishment could make an individual
immune towards the concept of 'apology and correctiveness'. Therefore, when people genuinely
apologise for their wrongdoings and feel repentant, the best course of action is to forgive them.

Counterview on 'Forgiveness is often better than punishment'

When people commit mistakes, it sometimes becomes important to punish them. Some people
learn it the hard way and only when they are punished, will they understand the severity of their
mistakes. Consequently, forgiving people may lead to them taking things for granted and they
might stop acknowledging their errors. For example, if a pickpocket is not punished for his
action, he may go on to commit several more crimes. Punishment generates fe in the mind of an
individual. It ultimately deters an individual from performing unacceptable, undesirable and
unethical actions.

Manners maketh a man

Manners include etiquette, politeness, sympathy, discipline and good social conduct. It also
means being helpful and having respect for others. Well – mannered people are friendly,
courteous and pleasant company. They are patient with others and get well with society
Parents and teachers are the role models, who can teach their wards and students good
manners and their importance in life.

Good manners support us in achieving our goals in life – they help us to become successful in
business, service or any profession. They cost nothing but pay us rich dividends.
Manners teach us to live and let live. They teach us the importance of vasudhaiva kutumbakam
– the world as a family.

Good manners are a wealth, which we earn in our life, something, which is your own earning so
one must always protect and preserve this goodwill.
Bad mannered people are abhorred by society and they become misfits in society. People
remain away from them because they cannot stand them or because they create a non
conductive atmosphere around them

Man is socially the most evolved being. He has the ability to take decisions and make
well-informed choices. He can choose how to act. Therefore, actions make our behaviour and
shape our mannerisms. Manners determine the impact one has on people and their minds. Let
us recall that person in a crowded bus who willingly offers his or her seat to a co-passenger. We
all appreciate such gestures and admire the ones demonstrating them. They leave a fond
impression in our minds. Even in our own circle, we look up to gentle-mannered individuals who
address everyone with due respect. They have a certain charm about them. It's ultimately these
very choices of fine and delicate manners that build up a man's character.

Speech on courtesy is the light of man

Starting today I need to forget what's gone appreciates what remains and look forward for whats
next because what the caterpillar says the end the world calls it a butterfly . A warm welcome
and hearty good morning to the gathering I am going to expatiate on the most demanded topic
courtesy is the light of man.Courtesy have a great importance in our daily life. Courtesy means
good manners and polite behavior. A kind word is a very little thing but it has a great impact in
our life and sometimes these kind words give us a better reword.

Courtesy satisfy ourselves and give pleasure to others.

Kindness not only enhanced the personality but have greatly noble effect on the character. The
most important thing is the character of the person. A person who are kind and their behavior is
very polite then all the people liked with them. But the person who are rude and ill mannered, no
one like them. Courtesy is not bound for the special class of the person because in this age the
peoples are divided into classes, upper class, lower class and middle class.Courtesy is the mark
of the cultured. Manners and courtesy go hand in hand and indeed complement each other.
Each one of us seeks kindness and respect and just one word of courtesy can make all the
difference. It can make anyone feel truly valued! Behaving right and talking right are the key
ingredients of being courteous. It is only natural that most people then, tend to have a good
impression o a courteous person. Courteous behaviour seldom goes unnoticed. Sooner than
later, those around courteous people come to acknowledge and appreciate them as
well.Courtesy is free from are the classes. It is the gift of god to humanity. Even who are poor or
rich, if they have good manners and polite behavior then they will be successful in life. Courtesy
does not live in more words because it is present in kind and good deeds. Courtesy is a
profitable thing because when you show kind behavior to others as a result the other also
respect you that will become yourself happy throughout the life.

Light is the need of life It is just as essential to humans as it is to flora and fauna. However,
humans need light to progress in life, the kind which shines bright within! Courtesy surely keeps
this inner light glowing. When you give love and respect to everyone around notwithstanding
their social status, the same comes back to you in abundance. This is the kind of wealth that
makes you much happier and contented with life than any material possession. I would like to
conclude by saying that 'let us all pledge silently to employ a little bit of courtesy in our everyday

The wise man has long ears and a short tongue

It is much more important that an emphasis must be placed on effective listening and learning.
After all the less you speak the more you hear. Long ears signify willingness to be patient and
listen keenly. A short tongue is a metaphor for self control in allowing someone to make his point
before responding to it. There are actually very few amongst those who truly listen. Most of us
simply hear! When we hear our ears only receive the sound but when we listen we process and
understand words. The given  statement is quite an apt statement because a wise man listens
to respond and not to react! This works in his favour as he actually absorbs more in this case
does not end up wasting his energies on speaking even before he comprehends the spoken
word . It is more beneficial for him in the longer run to grasp something better than really react
quickly. Let us bare in mind that getting the point is far more significant than just making a point.
Don't you think it is for this reason that nature has given us two ears and just one mouth.

Attitudes are the real figures of speech

Edwin Friedman said that communication does not depend on syntax, eloquence, rhetoric or
articulation, but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard.
He said that people can only hear you when they are moving toward you and are not likely to
hear you when your words are pursuing them. He explained that even the best words chosen
lose their power when they are used to overpower. “Attitudes”, he said, “are the real figures of
Language is the enabler of speech and conversation but it is one's attitude that determines
action. Language can be used to construct beautiful imagery but ultimately it is one's attitude
that shapes reality. Figures of speech can make the language seem ornate but only when
received the rightly can they have the intended impact. Words can be used to create guidelines
but only attitudes can create the right example.
Words adjust vehicles which are used to drive home the intended meaning and thus meaning
lies in the attitude that one expresses. In a nutshell ,words describe but attitudes the fine

Argument is the worst kind of communication

According to the famous satirist Jonathan Swift, “Argument is the worst sort of conversation.”
You may be inclined to agree. When people argue, they are engaged in conflict and it’s usually
not pretty. It sometimes appears that way because people resort to fallacious arguments or false
statements, or they simply do not treat each other with respect. They get defensive, try to prove
their own points, and fail to listen to each other.

But this should not be what happens in persuasive argument. Instead, when you make an
argument in a persuasive speech, you will want to present your position with logical points,
supporting each point with appropriate sources. You will want to give your audience every
reason to perceive you as an ethical and trustworthy speaker. Your audience will expect you to
treat them with respect, and to present your argument in way that does not make them
defensive. Contribute to your credibility by building sound arguments and using strategic
arguments with skill and planning.When people don't agree with each other, they often resort to
arguments to express their displeasure. This leads to complications that are a result of anger,
doubt, misunderstanding, and other negative emotions.

Therefore, the above proverb stands as a valuable advice for all those who wish to
communicate effectively. When one uses the power of speech in a calm and assertive manner it
proves to be a win-win situation for everyone around.

Speech is silver and silence is golden

  There is a Biblical proverb, 'If speech is silver, then silence is golden'. This proverb implies that
silence is a priceless gift. Very often, in conversation, some people speak non - stop, and say
hardly anything of value. Little do they realize that people, even in company, need silence in
order to evaluate what is going on in their minds.

A good number of people think that whatever they say is very important and needs to be
listened to. One valuable quality of communication is the ability to be a good listener. Listening
to others is an art. But unfortunately, sometimes people just wait for the other person to stop so
that they can begin their own part - which they rehearse while pretending to listen.

To be silent is to be sensitive to the other person's thoughts and needs and problems. If you
wish your company to be valued by others, sometimes keep quiet, listen and pay attention while
others are speaking. By doing this you will be more helpful than chatting nineteen to the dozen.
There is a beautiful song which has this line; You say it best when you say nothing at all!

The face is the index of the mind

It was proved that people of all cultures exhibited akin facial expressions for six "basic" emotions
(anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise) and were able to recognize their
meaning in others. This is the strong evidence that certain emotions are evolutionarily based.

A proverb quotes that Face is the index of mind.

The people of this age, are always full of anxieties. Everyone is diseased with some kind of
disorder. From the very faces of the people of this age, one can find out the index of the mind.
There are sufferings from internal diseases, separation from those near and dear and anxieties
for maintaining the status . These are but some important factors which make the people of this
age always unhappy.
As this is the age of team work and its efficacy depends on mutual respect, body language and
facial expressions; either a leader or a sub-ordinate must keep in mind the weight age of facial
Mastering facial expressions can have a consequence not only in formal and social occasions,
but also on your brain!

The face is truly an outward projection of the mind any psychological shift that occurs in the
brain is faithfully expressed on the face. Since a persons moods and emotions produce strong
impression on the body language especially the facial expressions there are unmistakable ways
in which we can a decode the subtle thoughts doing the rounds in that person's mind.

Human beings communicate in three phases: verbal (oral), non-verbal and paralanguage. (The
way we project our voice to add meaning to our message).

Non-verbal communication i.e. body language is the way by which human beings convey
information through conscious or subconscious body movements, facial expressions and
gestures.Facial expressions are a noteworthy part of non-verbal communication and the chief
means of conveying social information with people around us in order to gain their impression.

Actions speak louder than words

  Nicholas Sparks gave one of the most valuable message to us by saying"You are going to
come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times but in the
end it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's action not words that matter ".
The proverb Actions speak louder than words means that what you do is more important than
what you say. It Is well known fact that ‘Action’ carry more meaning and importance than what a
person says. People are recognized more for the things that they are doing instead of the words
that they utter.

To say something and to do something are two different things. People often do not do what
they say. For example, Politicians make many heart touching promises before elections. But
after the election is over, and when they elected we all know how their action goes. In contrary
there have been many famous personalities in society, who were quiet with their words but
silently went on to achieve great things in life, example our former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
and Mahatma Gandhi.
Thus ,the proverb actions speak louder than words suggest that actions are more reliable
indicator of a person’s thoughts than their words are.

Speech on science and superstition

Starting today I need to forget what's gone appreciates what remains and look forward for whats
next because what the caterpillar says the end the world calls it a butterfly . A warm welcome
and hearty good morning to the gathering I am going to expatiate on the most demanded topic
"science and superstition"
Although there is no single definition of superstition, it generally means a belief in supernatural
forces – such as fate – the desire to influence unpredictable factors and a need to resolve
uncertainty. In this way then, individual beliefs and experiences drive superstitions, which
explains why they are generally irrational and often defy current scientific wisdom.Superstition
and Science are mutually conflicting words.A person believing in superstitions is always
haunted by unknown fears and anxieties. He lose self-confidence. Education is one factor that
can wipe out superstitions to some extent. A scientific outlook and temper should be cultivated
to do away with superstitions .
Superstitions are not common among Indians alone; even other countries have their own set of
superstitious beliefs,
Superstitions are time tested assumptions. In basic science there are three aspects--
assumptions, theory and principle. When an assumption is empirically found to be correct even
though without any supporting theory it is accepted. Once an assumption can be explained with
some theory or principle but cannot be formulated properly it becomes another theory. Once a
theory can be formulated after due experimentation it becomes a principle. Certain superstitions
have over a period of time become principle. Never forget that when Aryabhatta gave the
assumption that earth is round and it revolves around the sun it was not a principle at that time.
What i want to say is we are always guided by the source of information available till date. The
level of knowledge and information restricts our thinking
Superstition is a credulous belief or notion, not based on reason, knowledge, or experience.
Although superstitions are passed down from generation to generation, No matter which part of
the world you tour, you will find the natives nurturing certain beliefs and superstitions and India
is no exception in this case. Though the Indian society is fast progressing, there are many
people who are still superstitious and have a strong faith in the local beliefs
In modern times, we use science to explain the unknown, which is why superstitions tend to
play less of a part in a more science-based culture, such as "developed"/Western cultures.
However, the irony of facts is that, even today when Science is taking such giant leaps ahead,
Superstition has also not got lost in the maze of technical and scientific advancement.
Concluding the speech I would like to quote Adam Smith's saying "Science is the great antidote
to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition."

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