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In many countries the age of criminals is getting lower. Give reasons and solutions to the
problem. Support your position with relevant examples.

Different nations are now facing the problem of ever-increasing numbers of juvenile
criminals. Although this issue is one of the major problems in the 21st century, no permanent so-
lutions have been found in many countries. Firstly, this essay will discuss the causes of this
dilemma and secondly the possible answers to solve this challenge.

On the one hand, many adults would often use children to help them commit offenses.
This is because young children are not punishable by law, but rather they are only subjected to
undergo seminars and training that would help them to become law-abiding citizens. In addition,
being born into a poor family and having no education makes them susceptible to criminal gangs
because they want to help their families and they think that it’s an easy way of earning. For in-
stance, the Department of Social Welfare and Development in the Philippines in 2017 reported
that 98% of the juvenile criminals are out of school youths.

On the other hand, the government and the community should cooperate in order to solve
this problem. They should help the parents of these children by providing training and offering
benefits that would supply a budget for their families. Free education should be also given to
these children so that they can have employment prospects when they grow up. The government
should also address the problem of overpopulation by allocating a budget for family planning be-
cause having a larger family means that one will have higher living costs. For example, a study
by the Philippine National Police in 2016 stated that 95% of young offenders came from poor
families with more than 8 family members.

In conclusion, two of the many reasons of rising numbers of child criminals are basically
related to abuse of the adults and lack of education due to poverty, which can be prevented by
the cooperation of the government and community, and by taking precautions against overpopu-

lation. All children should be subjected to love and care and not be subjected to the evils of soci-
ety. We should keep in mind that our children are our future and they hold the key to our sur-

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