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Protista and Fungi

Introduction Protista ·
Most unicellular and some multicellular or colonial
·Simplest eukaryote ·
Many have mitochondria (Endosymbiout)
·“Trash can” kingdom ·
Many have chloroplast
·60, 000 and 200, 000 potest ·
Polyphyletic origion
Animal like protists

F.A metabolism)
Zooflagellate Amoeba Foraminifera Alveolate Ciliates (alveolate)
(Kinetoplastid) ·Soft + shapless masses of cytoplasm ·Heterotrophs + Marine Aplicomplexans ·Outer covering pellicle
® Termite® gut® feed ·Change in shape is by pseudopodia ·Resemble tiny snails ·Spore forming parasite ·Two nuclei
® wood® Trachonymph ·CaCo3 shells / limestones ·Called apicomplexans due to
® Trypanosomes ·Microscopic holes in shells arrangement of fibrils+
Locomotion Procurement through which Pseudopodia spoke microtubules+Vacuoles+Cell Micro 17000
® Trypanosomiasis ·Pseudopodia around the Prey and Digest ·Shell litter the sea flore orgnelles at one end of cell.
·Reproduce by Binary fission ·Help to determine geographical ·Plasmodium ·
Sexual ·Physiological
age of strata. reproduction function
·Abundant in fresh water + Soil ·Female Anopheles carrier
·Many cause dysentery of plasmodium ·
Paramecium food
Bite Gullet(Vacuole)

Inject sporozoite (2n) ·

Asexual (Transverse fission)
(Hypozoites) Dormant Liver (Merozoites-2n) (n) ·
Blantidum coli
Gut of pigs and rats
(Chill + fever + Nausea Start showing RBC (More Meozoites-n)
+ Vomiting + Headache) symptoms of Malaria

Male Female (gametozoites)

oocyst Mosquito (fertilization)
Sporozoites Zygote Gut
Plant like Protists

Euglenozoids Dinoflagellates (Pyrrophyta) Diatoms (Chrysophytes) Brown Algae (Phaephyta) Red Algae (Rhodophyta) Green algae (Chlorophyta)
Early organism to Alveolata a + Carotens a + b Caster
a + c + carotenes fucoxanthin a + c + fucoxanthin
posses mitochondria · Unicellular ·Two Shells with silica ·Conspicous sea weeds ·Phycoerythrin ·
Unit Multicellular
40 genera® Autotrophs a + c chlorophyll carotinoides ·Diatomaceous ·Air bladder ·Corel reefs (CaCO3) ·
Store food as starch
Other® Hetrotrophs · Cell walls generally missing ·Asexual method common ·Alternation ·Agar ·
Ancestors of plants
Some euglenoids become but if yes the then cellulose ·Sexual not common Diploid Sporophyte ·Carrageenan ·
Chlamydomonas (Unicellular)
Heterotroptrs at dark · Two flagella Halploid Gametophye ·
Volox (Colony)
Two flagella at reservior · One encircle the cell ·Kelps (100m) ·
Spirogyra (Multicellular)
One flagella long protrude · Second perpendicular to it Thalus ·
Zoospores = Asexual reproduce
at reservior. · Red tides Hold fast ·
Sexual = Conjugation
Long flagella® propel body
Body covered by protension
Contractile vacuole
a + b + carotinodes
Fungus like Protists
)Foundation of food chain
)Oxygen produce
Plasmodial Slime molds Oomycota (Water mold)
)Nutrient recycling
· Black balls in creamy-white, ·All are parasite or saprophyte
)1/4 photosynthis® Algae
yellow-orange,purple or gray jelly ·Zoospore® unequal flagella
like mass. (
)Phytoplankton® Aquatic system
Colorful® yellow, orange or red Forward backward (
)Euglena® Sewage
· Super cell® product of mitotic Oomycota Fungi (
)Trichonymph® Termites
Cell wall = Chitin |
¬Produce cellulose
nuclear division not followed by cytokinesis
Many diploid nuclei. Cellulose (
Grow in water ·White frozen body
Meiosis occurs in flagellate gametes. ·Phytophthora Infestans Amoebicdysentary
Gamete® fuse® Plasmodium after mitosis late blight of potato ¬|
·Irish potato (400,000-1845-1847) African sleeping sickness
·Mycelium branches, unseptate Giardiasis
hyalin + Intercellular (Intestine Infection)
·Haustoria (
·Sexual Reproduction oogamus Carrageenan
Male + Female (1) Thickening agent in Ice cream
(Anthridium) (oogonium)
(2) Pudding
(3) Dairy produced
Oospore (2n)
Meiosis Plastic
o ng Bearing¬Sporangiophores (n)
Sp Lubricants

Zoospore (n) (9)Medicine® Ulcer
| Asexual Haploid Hypertension
(10)Red Algae®
Vitamin+ Mineral

Comparison with plants General Characteristics Classification

Fungi Plants ·Heterotrophs
·No chlorophyll ·Chlorophyll ·Filaments (Hyphae) + Mushrum
·Chitin ·Cellulose ·Chitin cell wall
·Not true ·Multicellular ·Nuclear Mitosis
Multicellular ·Autotrophic
·Heterotrophic ·No
·Saprophyte ·No Zygomycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota
·Parasites of Plants
+ Animals ·Coenocytic ·Sexual spore = ascospores ·Mushroom
·Sexually by zygospore ·Puffballs
·More closly In asci (Sac) ·Shelf fungi
·Some members Involved
related to Animals ·Rust+Smut
in rotting of bread, Peaches,
Ascocarps ·Club fungi mycellium
strawb carrier, sweet potato.
·Parasitic symbionts ·
Asexual by conidiospores
Largest organism ·
Powdery mildews Primary Secondary Tertiary
·Rhizopus Stolonifer (Life cycle)
Armillaria ostoyae
Importance of fungi ·
More than 40% live as green
algae + cyanobacteria Manonucleate Dinucleate Multinucleate
Septate Basidiocarp
Pharmaceutical Industry Fungi food Industry ·
·Clavicep purpurea® Ergotamine ·Yeast ·
Sexual uncommon
® baby delivery + Migraine ·Saccharomyces cerevisiae
·Penicillium Chrysogenum® Penicillin. Baking + wine
·Cephalosporium acremonium® ·Frement® Carbohydrate
Cephalosporin (Antibiotics)
·Griseofulvin® Antifungal Research Projects Research Projects
·Cyclosporin® Immunosuppressant ·Yeast ·Morchella esculenta (Morel)
·6000 genes ·Tuber Melanosporum (Truffle) Flavor
·Aspergillus®Citric Acid ·Ectomycorrhizae® edible
·Yeast® 50% protein + vitamin B
Importance of fungi

Symbiosis Recyclers Food Spoilers Pathogenic fungi

·Breakdown lignin ·Food decomposers

Lichen Mycorrhizae
·Fungi+Algae ·
80% plants has this association
·Visible mostly fungi ·
Increase surface area for water
·Fungi + (Cyanobacteria+ + soil Plants diseases Animal disease Human disease
Green algae)or may be both. ·Cereals® rust(Puccinia) ·Ringworm in dogs and ·Rhizopus + Mucor®
Get P, Zinc, copper
Smut® (Ustilago) horses are caused by Infection of Lungs + Brain
Get protection Trichophyton + + Gastric tissues
Fungi Plant ·50% food get fungal
attack Microsporum ·Micosporum furfur
Fungi Algae
Food ·Fruit diseases ·Abortion® Aspergillus sp.
Get Nutrients ·Parasite of carp and Salmon Dandruff
Natural dye
Endomycorrhizae Ectomycorrhizoe Soporolegnia Parasitica ·Candida (Throat, Mouth+
pulmonary+Nasil, Genitals
Neurospora+ Fusarium
Peach leaf Pear leaf Mildews
curt spot Infection of corneal tissue
of eye
Red rot of sugar cane
Aspergillosis (Just like T.B)
Potato blight
Late blight of tomato
Aspergillus sp.
Athletes foot

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