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r enduring commitment to the advancement of our colleagues' professional journey.

Your support is
greatly valued and appreciated.

With utmost respect and appreciation,

[Your Name] [Your Title/Position] [Company Name] [Contact Information]

make it short
Subject: Invitation to Present at Weekly Training Sessions

Dear [Colleague's Name],

I hope all is well. We invite you to share your expertise in a one-hour presentation at our weekly
training sessions for undergraduate trainees. Attached is the roster with available slots. Kindly
confirm your preferred date(s).

Thank you for contributing to our trainees' growth.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Title/Position] [Company Name] [Contact Information]

i have aleady made the roster with dates so indicate it in that way
Subject: Invitation to Present at Weekly Training Sessions - Slot Confirmation Needed

Dear [Colleague's Name],

I trust this email finds you in good spirits. As part of our continuous efforts to enhance the learning
experience for our undergraduate trainees, I am excited to extend an invitation for you to present at
our weekly training sessions.

Your expertise and insights would be invaluable to our trainees, and we have thoughtfully scheduled
your presentation for a one-hour slot. Attached is the roster with the confirmed dates for each

Kindly review the roster and confirm yo

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