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Fate Points Variant Rule

Welcome to the mythic world of Dungeons & Dragons,  
where heroes rise, destinies unfold, and the threads of
fate are woven. In this compendium, we will delve into
the variant rule of “Fate Points”, which can be used in
any game and setting based on the D&D 5th edition
game system. This variant introduces a captivating
mechanic that allows adventurers to tap into the
mystical forces of destiny, granting them the ability to
alter events, shape outcomes, and access extraordinary
Within the traditional rules of D&D, heroes rely on their
skills, abilities, and a touch of luck to navigate
treacherous dungeons and overcome formidable foes.
However, with the introduction of fate points, a new
layer of narrative and agency emerges, offering
characters the opportunity to influence the course of
their own stories.
The concept behind fate points centers on the idea that
heroes can complete special quests, fulfill ancient
prophecies, or accomplish remarkable feats that bring
them closer to their true destinies. As they do so, they
become attuned to the intricate workings of fate itself,
earning themselves a limited number of fate points—an
invaluable resource that can be used to alter the
narrative and unleash remarkable abilities.
With fate points, adventurers gain the ability to
manipulate the story in their favor. They can spend fate
points to reroll dice, granting them a second chance at
success, or even nudge events to align with their
desires. These points can also be expended to perform
extraordinary feats, surpassing their normal limitations
and showcasing their connection to the cosmic tapestry.
The acquisition and utilization of fate points can differ
based on the campaign setting and the discretion of the
Dungeon Master. Heroes may need to seek out ancient
seers, decipher cryptic prophecies, or undergo personal
trials to earn these precious points. As characters
accumulate fate points, they gain agency over their own
narrative, contributing to the sense of heroism and
destiny that permeates their adventures.
It’s important to note that the fate points variant rule is
an optional addition and should be discussed and
agreed upon by the Dungeon Master and players before
incorporating it into your campaign. It offers a unique
layer of storytelling and player agency, allowing
characters to shape their own fates within the confines
of the game.
So, gather your companions, prepare to embark on
extraordinary quests, and embrace the touch of destiny
that fate points bring to your D&D adventures. May the
threads of fate intertwine with your choices and grant
you the power to alter the course of your heroic journey!

Fate Points: a Variant Rule for D&D 5th

2 Edition
Fate points in play Using Fate Points: Fate points can be used in a variety  
When using this variant rule, heroes harness the power of ways, like specified in the table below. When you use
of destiny to alter their fortunes and achieve a specific effect that let you gain advantage on the roll or
extraordinary feats. Here are the key concepts of fate add a numeric value to it, you must declare it before the
points: roll. Using fate points to regain uses of abilities doesn’t
require to consume any action or bonus action, but your
Limited Resource: Fate points represent a finite DM could decide to rule it otherwise.
resource available to each character. Typically, the
number of fate points available to players may fluctuate
throughout the campaign based on narrative events at 1 Fate Point
the Dungeon Master’s discretion. Anyway, a character Gain advantage on an attack roll, ability check or
can have the maximum of 5 Fate points at any time, and saving throw.
any additional point gained afterwards is lost. Re-roll the damage of an attack, variable numeric
Narrative Influence: Fate points grant players the ability effect of a spell or ability or other effect caused by
to exert a major influence over the story. By spending you. You may choose which of the results to use.
fate points, players can alter the outcome of an event by
turning the tides of fate Players may spend fate points to
gain advantage on some rolls, add bonuses to their rolls, 2 Fate Points
prevent Instant Death and more. This empowers Automatically stabilize or prevent Instant Death.
characters to accomplish remarkable feats that surpass Add your proficiency bonus to a roll it wouldn’t
the capabilities of mere mortals. normally apply to (so long as the roll does not
Handing out Fate points: Fate points may be
replenished through specific in-game actions, require being proficient to attempt).
accomplishing significant milestones, fulfilling personal Gain 1 free use of an ability that requires a short rest
character goals, or at the Dungeon Master’s discretion. to regain.
Like it happens for any specific rule in the world of
D&D, the number of fate points awarded by the DM can 3 Fate Points
heavily vary from table of table. Since I playtested this Regain the uses of abilities as though you had taken
variant rule in my last campaigns, I’m providing a a short rest. You don’t gain any other benefits of a
general table to give a feeling on how many points can short rest.
be given per level, but feel free to adjust it depending on Gain 1 free use of an ability that requires a long rest
your personal tastes. The table below details how many to regain.
points should have been awarded to each player
throughout the campaign so far.
5 Fate Points
Character Level Total Fate Points
1 0 Regain the uses of abilities as though you had taken
2 0 a long rest. You don’t gain any other benefits of a
3 1 long rest.
4 3 Before starting a turn, you can declare you will
5 5 perform an additional turn thereafter.
8 12
9 14
10 16
11 18
12 20
13 23
14 26
15 30
16 34
17 38
18 42
19 46
20 50

Fate Points: a Variant Rule for D&D 5th

Edition 3

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