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Table of Contents

The history of deal with the devil is longer than you think........................................4
The Devil..................................................................................................................12
Hell and afterlife.......................................................................................................24
Cutting ties with an Abrahamic religion...................................................................30
Mental illness............................................................................................................33
The only way?...........................................................................................................36
Formulating your wish..............................................................................................38
Can you give yourself to an entity without selling yourself.....................................42
Contacting a demon, a God, or any spirit – what not to expect................................44
Finding a buyer.........................................................................................................46
Closing occult rituals................................................................................................57
Third party................................................................................................................61
Repeating the lessons learned up to this point..........................................................63
No entity has accepted my terms, help.....................................................................65
“Signing” your contract............................................................................................67
Building an altar........................................................................................................71
The ebb and flow of connection...............................................................................74
Interacting with other practitioners...........................................................................76
Breaking a soul contract...........................................................................................80


Hello my dear reader,

If you have picked up this book, it means that you are aching badly to make a contract
that is rarely spoken about, seen as merely a rumour, something to laugh at at, or
something to fear-monger with. As a devout follower of Lucifer I am here to tell you
that it is not only real, but you can very much make that choice if this is what you feel
like doing. This book will not judge you. Your life, your soul, your choice.

Now what this book will do is give you all possible information that you need,
including a full understanding of what a soul is and what such contract entails as well
as how to perform it. The focus will be on giving you the tools on how to make such a
contract with a spirit in a way that does not leave you second guessing which spirit you
made a contract with, nor was it accepted. I will include some more reckless ways of
contracting for the very desperate, though I do not recommend them. However, once
again, your life, your soul, your choice.

This will be a rather lengthy read. As you are making a permanent choice that will
affect you not only now, but will not stop affecting you after the death of your current
body, I suggest you read it. If you do not have the patience to read a book, this is not
the path for you, as such decisions should not be made if you do not have an attention
span for anything longer than a 1 minute social media video. If an accidental
pregnancy could be seen as a rather dramatic consequence for what carelessness can
bring you, this decision will echo through your timeline in an even more impactful

Before we end the introduction, know dear reader that I indeed have a contract of this
nature. As such I know the intricacies of this path better than anyone else. I will warn
you and inform you about anything and everything I believe I should inform you on.
This is not fear-mongering, merely knowledge freely given to you so that you may
make the best choice. Lucifer would not wish any less of me. Any self respecting God,
or Demon will want you to make this using your own free will and informed consent is
very much part of that.

There is one type of person that I would like to encourage to leave before they read
any further – if you wish for something physically impossible to achieve in this world
as it is then know that no spirit can grant you said powers. If you are seeking to
transform into an animal, go flying, throw fireballs, become immortal, or fart
butterflies, know that you will not get this. Any spirit that will offer you this is going to
be a dishonest spirit masquerading as a much older and wiser being that they are not,
so for your own safety either put down that delusion, or put down this book.

If this book has somehow landed in the hands of someone that is not 18 years old yet,
please kid, put it down, or wait until your 18th birthday. We all make really dumb
mistakes while we are young, but this blunder will outright cost you not only this
lifetime, but every single lifetime from now on and your afterlife. Want to see your
family in their afterlife? Fat chance. Want to change your mind later down the road?
Fat chance. It is a decision that is far more impactful than deciding to get a tattoo, get
married, or have a kid and the consequences for this will run much deeper and a lot
longer. If you need a pact undone this in itself can take lifetimes, or still leave you tied
to the spirit that you originally made a contract with for much longer than it is desired.
Sometimes the only way out is through complete self destruction. And I don’t mean
suicide, oh no, I mean unravelling your own soul and tearing yourself to pieces until
there is nothing left. If this is the kind of decision that you want to make, you can wait
till you are legally an adult.

One last note – I will be calling Gods, demons, angels and what have you as “entities”,
or spirits. It is to simplify so that I don’t have to type every possible spirit that could
give you a deal by hand. I also don’t think that it will be all that likely that anyone will
sell themselves to an angel, but as the spirit world is odd, you never know.

The history of deal with the devil is longer than you

A deal with the devil is fundamental to many Christian denominations, immortalized in

the story of Eve and the forbidden fruit, therefore has been around for likely as long as

One of the oldest extensive legends of a supposed devilish pact that we know of was
focused on the character of Pope Sylvester II (born in 946 – died in 1003). You are not
looking at a recent phenomenon by any means, yet the story is so captivating and
tempting that you see it repeated in popular media time and time again.

The most famous story is the legend of Faust that has been circulating in chapbooks
from as early as 1580’s. There is some evidence that the Faust from the legend is based
on Johann Georg Faust (1480 – 1541), a German alchemist, astrologer and magician.
We may never know if the real Faust has contacted any entity in his life, but we can
see this as evidence of the myth being alive, well and spreading far before our modern

Pacts were integral to witch-hunts that took place from 1450’s to 1750’s. Witch
hunter’s manual Compendium Maleficarum (written in 1608) described the ceremony
of the pact in detail (here it is important to note that Christians modelled this on the
Catholic liturgy and there’s no real evidence that this actual pact format was ever
followed, however it is included into this book as it is a very prominent historical
example). The steps were as follows:

1. Denial of the Christian Faith. Typical oath example included “I deny the creator of
heaven and earth, I deny my baptism, I deny the worship I formerly paid to God. I
adhere to the Devil and believe only in thee.”. This part included the trampling of the
2. Rebaptism by the Devil with a new name taken.
3. Symbolic removal of the baptismal chrism (the consecrated oil mingled with balm).
4. Denial of godparents and assigning new sponsors.
5. Token surrender to the Devil of a piece of clothing.
6. Swearing allegiance to the Devil while standing within a magic circle on the ground.
7. Requesting the Devil for their name to be written into the Book of Death.
8. Promise to sacrifice children to the Devil (this line in particular served to vilify all
those accused of witch-craft).
9. Promise to pay annual tribute to the assigned demon. Only black-coloured gifts were
10. Marking with the Devil’s mark in various parts of the body, including the anus in
men and breasts and genitalia in women. The marked area was said to become
insensitive. This marking was supposed to be in the shape of a rabbit’s foot, a toad or a
spider. No other marking was seen as valid.
11. Vows of service to the Devil. This included promising to never adore the
sacrament, to smash holy relics, never to use holy water or candles and to keep silence
of their traffic with the Devil.

While the popular description of the pact used in witch-hunts was likely fiction, there
are parts of this list that are still used, namely it helps those that have religious trauma
to firmly cut ties with their previous faith by giving themselves an unbaptizing ritual of
their own making and various witch-craft traditions do take a magickal name that will
only be used during rituals and nowhere else to protect the identity of the practitioner
from other not well meaning people and spirits both. Similar to how the name that I am
currently writing under is not my regular name (for obvious reasons).

Another interesting historical shenanigan is the pact that Urbain Grandier has
supposedly made between him and the devils. Urbain Grandier was a priest that
stepped on the wrong toes a few times too much by writing a book against clerical
celibacy and by standing against the centralization of power in France. He has gained
quite a few enemies that paid off a convent of nuns to accuse him of using black
magick and the demon Asmodai to seduce him. His trial took place in 1634. The
supposed pact as seen in the photo below was introduced as evidence:

The pact was written in Latin, right to left with words spelled backwards. Translated to
English the pact reads:

“We, the influential Lucifer, the young Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Elimi and
Astaroth, together with others, have today accepted the covenant pact of Urbain
Grandier, who is ours. And him do we promise the love of women, the flower of
virgins, the respect of monarchs, honors, lusts and powers. He will go whoring three
days long;
the carousal will be dear to him. He offers us once in the year a seal of blood, under
the feet he will trample the holy things of the church and he will ask us many
with this pact he will live twenty years happy on the earth of men, and will later join
us to sin against God.
Bound in hell, in the council of demons.
Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan, Astaroth, Leviathan, Elimi”

Note to the reader – as we are talking about the realm of spirits, you will not ever have
actual signatures from demons, but such historical documents are interesting for it
shows to us the long history of belief in pacts.

The devil seemed to have had quite the brush with musicians, both with cases
confirmed by musicians themselves and those suspected of a pact, or branded as
having had one.

For example, have you ever heard of Giuseppe Tartini’s (8 April 1692 – 26 February
1770) story of how he made Devil’s Trill Sonata? In Giuseppe’s own words - “One
night, in the year 1713 I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul.
Everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire. Among
other things, I gave him my violin to see if he could play. How great was my
astonishment on hearing a sonata so wonderful and so beautiful, played with such
great art and intelligence, as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of
fantasy. I felt enraptured, transported, enchanted: my breath failed me, and – I awoke. I
immediately grasped my violin in order to retain, in part at least, the impression of my
dream. In vain! The music which I at this time composed is indeed the best that I ever
wrote, and I still call it the “Devil’s Trill”, but the difference between it and that which
so moved me is so great that I would have destroyed my instrument and have said
farewell to music forever if it had been possible for me to live without the enjoyment it
affords me.”.

Other famous musicians that were suspected or confirmed a pact include Niccolo
Paganini (27 October 1782–27 May 1840), Philippe Musard (1793 – 1859), Ferdinand
‘Jelly Roll’ Morton (October 20, 1890–July 10, 1941), Tommy Johnson (1896 – 1
November 1956), Peetie Wheatstraw (December 21, 1902–December 21, 1941),
Robert Johnson (May 8, 1911–August 16, 1938) and many more.

The point that is being made here is that this tradition is old. At least 1000 years, if not
as old as Christianity. If we look at the practice of dedicating oneself to God and not
making a specific capitalist exchange, the practice of giving up you for a higher being
would probably be as old as religion itself and considering that elephants were
observed participating in group rituals that serve no logical reason and do not help
them in any way, there is a chance that religion itself is as old as mankind if it does not
predate mankind itself.

As far as modern selling of your soul, it is impossible to say how many have done it.
Most that have will not speak of it openly and as the term “sold my soul” can be seen
as “I submitted myself to an ungodly industry”, or “I decided to live free as my true
self, no matter how much this freedom will cost me” whenever the term appears in
popular culture, like pop songs, or interviews with celebrities, there is plenty of space
left for denying any supernatural ties, or not having them in the first place.

However with how prominent the act is in music and movies (doing a quick search
I’ve found over 300 000 songs with a mention of soul selling) plenty forget that every
myth comes from somewhere and there’s a grain of truth in every legend. By being so
prominently on our mind the act is not only de-stigmatized but obscured. You can say
that you have done it and people will think that you are talking metaphorically, or are
joking. Really now is the golden age of pacts and a revival of old religions. Even with
the growth of logic and atheism there has never been a time that was better for getting
involved into the occult. The fact that you can freely find this book alone is a testament
to it.


This chapter is to clear up any misunderstanding as to what you are trading.

Soul in religion and philosophy is the immaterial aspect or essence of a human being,
that which confers individuality and humanity, often considered to be synonymous
with the mind or the self. Judaism and Christianity considers only humans to have
immortal souls, while other religions such as Hinduism and Jainism believe that all
living beings are souls themselves and merely have a physical representative (body) in
our world. The actual self is the soul, while the body is only the mechanism for
experiencing life. Those that believe in animism will tell you that even the rocks,
rivers, lakes, all that is around you possesses a soul and a consciousness (this is why
you can talk to plants to influence their well-being, for example, as they too have an
element of spirit to them).

One of the earliest instances of soul being recorded as being separate from the body
comes from the Kuttamuwa stele (stele means a stone slab) which was a funeral stele
for an 8th-century BCE royal official from Sam'al (a region in Turkey) which describes
Kuttamuwa requesting that his mourners commemorate his life and his afterlife with
feasts "for my soul that is in this stele".

All definitions aside, the important thing to understand is that your soul is you. In most
cases (outside of very rare and specific events in where several entities can come into
an agreement as to how to handle you if you managed to make multiple contracts and
deciding that actually they can grow your consciousness and then split it in half) you
may not sell a part of yourself, you are selling the full you.

No-one may continue to exist without a soul, so if you are conscious, if you can make
decisions in the here and now, then you have it. It is not a part of you that you give
over like you would a kidney, there is no soul pocket in the body from which you
produce a soul to hand over, it is in every way, shape or form, you.

Here it is worth mentioning that unless for some very specific reason the spirit decides
to destroy you after gaining your consent to be in their possession (I have not heard of
such a thing happening as normally no-one is that desperate for what would simply
amount to some energy if you removed the you from you) you will continue seeing,
feeling, hearing, touching and in all other regards experiencing reality after your death.
Selling your soul does not mean that you get to slip away into nothingness as this spirit
carries the ball that used to be you away, but it quite literally means that even when
there is a command enforced upon you that you may not do anything about, there will
still be a “you” experiencing this all. You have to be aware that you will be present and
will continue being present in the after-life that you made the choice to exist in. You
will not escape this consequence by simply not existing any-more.

There is a way for soul to cease existing by coming back to the whole, the nice big
mass of energy where all souls came from and you can, similarly to how you can
choose suicide while being alive, choose to self-destruct, but these options can be cut
off from you once you agree to belong to someone, as who would train a worker only
to have them quit on them a week in? The effort that the entity would expend on you
would remain unpaid, so often you do get stuck in that position that you are given for
some lifetimes at least until you are even allowed to cease existing.

You may not avoid your consequences by attempting to sell someone else. The only
reason why such an agreement would even be accepted is if, amusingly, the person that
you were trying to sell was also you. To give an example, you offer the Demon, God,
whatever you decided to contact the soul of your firstborn child. This contract to your
joy gets accepted by the entity that you are petitioning. You decide that it is very
wonderful that you managed to avoid the consequences and live out your dream
achieving whatever goal you wanted to achieve. Eventually you end up having
progeny, even if you made a point to never have one to cheat this deal. This may have
been an accidental one night stand for example. If you are a woman, you get pregnant
and die in childbirth or fairly soon after. If you are a man you end up getting into an
accident and dying before your firstborn child is born. Your consciousness transfers

directly into this newborn babe that did not have any other soul attached to it to begin
with, because the universe knew (the universe always knows, no reason to try and
cheat the spirits). You now have no reward for your original contract, as you are no
longer the person that made the original deal, but the entities can decide to torment you
and give you a tough time for even trying to cheat them in such a way. Eventually your
new, innocent self that was entirely unaware of this contract dies and now your end is
still there to be fulfilled. It is worth noting that it is rare to die while being entirely
unaware of the contract previously made. If you are connected to a spirit by a
previously made promise, they are likely to be very active in your life and you’ll know
well ahead of time, so do not be overly concerned that you may be tied to a spirit due
to a decision made in your past life, you would know.

As with everything, exceptions exist. There were stories about mothers selling their
children with them, however no reputable entity would take that sort of deal, meaning
that breaking such a deal should be as simple as gaining protection of any religion, or a
bigger entity. Unfortunately most people do not have this, as even if they are in a
popular religion, they’ll have no connection to the spirits of that religion, but will
simply go through motions. Even in those cases though there are occult practitioners
that could cut that contract for you. This does not work with legitimate contracts
though. If you made one yourself and fully remember making it, the responsibility is
yours and the contract is valid.

There will be a longer chapter on all possible consequences and changes that such a
deal brings, but I need to stress this – I can not tell you what your path will be, as the
only thing that is certain is that you are giving over your ability to choose to the entity
that will choose for you. Your afterlife could be full of greatness, or misery, the final
consequence is uncertain, though it is unlikely to be torture and almost certainly will
not entail your destruction.

The Devil

No-one should be selling their soul to the devil, because “The Devil” is not an entity.
When a religion calls something “The Devil”, the religion is often trying to give a title
that essentially means “the ultimate personified evil”. Depending on which religion we
are talking about “The Devil” may be the title worn by Iblis, Mephistopheles,
Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan… The list goes on. As you would not be petitioning “The
Spook” in order to trade yourself for help in whatever area of your life that you need
help in, I don’t suggest petitioning “The Devil” for that precise reason – you don’t
know who is answering and even worse, you effectively petitioned an unknown entity
that has the full permission to be and act evil, as you were petitioning the
personification of evil specifically. So what if you did petition “The Devil” in order to
sell your soul?

First outcome, not something that I suggest playing with as it is not the only outcome
that may happen, but regardless, the first outcome is that nobody answers. What
happens when you call a random number and such number does not exist? Nobody is
home. As nobody is home, you just made a declaration to nothing. Your declaration
can not be accepted, because there’s no-one to accept it. You don’t have a deal and at
worst have some paranoia or anxiety that you made have made a deal.

Second outcome and this one is the nastiest one – undeclared entity that is not
important enough takes up your offer. It is very questionable if they have the power to
grant you what you wish, but they will damn well make sure that you uphold your end
of the bargain. If we needed a real life equivalent, imagine you went wondering the
streets looking for the organized mafia and instead ran into the thug. The thug is
pumped up to use all means possible, from nice words, to violence for you to join their
gang because they are starting one. They are not an organized old family of crime that

can actually help you, they are the kid on the street that one day wants to be that old
family of crime. Their gang will likely lead nowhere and it will end badly for all
parties involved, but they have all the motivation in the world to make sure that you
stand by them so that they have some sort of chance and some sort of influence. A
bigger entity can break this bond, so this is not a situation without a way out, however
you need an entity that would care enough about you to do so to begin with, which is
why this situation is so nasty. I am going to be referring to this spirit thug further down
the book as a) a spirit thug (because they are), b) imposter spirit (because they will
pretend to be a different entity than what they are, anything to get your vote) and
sometimes c) parasite (normally classified as spirits that will hang around and make
you tired by taking some of your energy for themselves).

Third outcome is that one of the previously mentioned entities that are generally
referred to as “The Devil” are kind enough to answer your call instead of a random
spirit nobody. Now as you have no idea who you managed to petition this situation is
still less than ideal as you don’t have the information on what the spirit is in charge of,
what is their temperament, what they like and what are they like, leaving you
unprepared and lost. Meaning even in the best case scenario it is preferable that you
simply not petition “The Devil”, but rather petition an entity of your choosing directly.

As you may want to petition any entity that is regarded as The Devil, let us look at
each one individually.

Lucifer has been put into The Bible by accident. The relevant Bible passage (Isaiah
14:12) should have read “morning star”, or “the shining one”, the word is the Hebrew
word “helel” translated to Latin, which should read as lucifer (uncapitalized, as we
mean the definition of the word and not a person).

Lucifer’s original place is that as a minor Roman Deity (there is evidence of poets that
personified him as such, but not so much temples that would worship him), which
shares the name with the planet Venus and is personified as a man bearing a torch. He
has associations with light and light has associations with knowledge.

Regardless humanity has put this minor Deity of light in charge of demons, by popular
myth and has conflated him with a fallen angel. The entity does not shun this position.
Lucifer’s Enn (a vibrational sentence in a non human language that will help you get

closer to the energy that the sentence is supposed to represent and therefore Lucifer
himself) is “Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer”.

Satan is an entity that shares more similarities with the Devil than an actual singular
entity. In Judaism Satan is a heavenly prosecutor subservient to God and tests loyalty
of Yahweh’s followers. In Christianity he is conflated with Lucifer, in Islam with Iblis.
It does not help that the word “satan” in itself simply means “the accuser”. Samael,
which in Jewish lore is the head of satans is also an angel of death and a satan,
meaning that the word Satan can now refer to several separate entities – Lucifer, Iblis
and Samael. Theistic Satanism sometimes sees Satan as the demonic whole, while
Atheistic Satanism often takes Satan as a symbol of liberty.

Due to lack of clarity of who Satan is, I would not recommend contacting this name,
yet I’ve done it myself before. By personal account Satan feels physically warm and
fairly charismatic. In my personal opinion I would not conflate Satan with Lucifer. I
know practitioners that see Satan and Samael as the same entity and their own personal
experiences would point to a much more serious entity that is more Samael than what I
felt Satan to be. Regardless, if you contact this name someone will answer, though I
can’t vouch for who that will be. Satan’s Enn is “Tasa reme laris Satan – Ave Satanis”.

If you would rather connect to a dubious archangel that is possibly an angel of death,
possibly a Demiurge (creator of the material world in Gnostic cosmologies) and when
mixed with Satan is also a demon, AKA Samael, Satan & Sons (one of small cults that
works with demons, I do not in general suggest getting into cults, but you can use from
them what you find useful) has made an Enn for him - “Sah revenosh ah Samael

Mephistopheles is an entity invented for the Faust legend as the demon that Faust
makes a deal with. The name literally translates from Greek as either “not loving light”
or “not loving Faust” further adding to the evidence that it is a work of fiction rather
than a true entity. There are no recorded cases of this name being used prior to the
Faust myth.

Beelzebub is a Philistine God, also known as Baal Zebub, or “Lord of flies”. As flies
would imply diseases, such a being would be strong in causing or preventing disease.
In some depictions of Baal, Baal is seen expelling masses of flies from an ill follower.

There is a possibility that this as a name in Judaism was adopted as a mockery of
religion of Baal, calling Baal the “Lord of the flies” or “Lord of dung”.

While there is a connection to the Caanite God Baal, the safest approach here would be
to not conflate the two and treat them as separate beings.

In The Testament of Solomon Beelzebub claims to cause destruction through tyrants,

to cause demons to be worshipped among men, to excite priests to lust, to cause
jealousies in cities and murders, and to bring on war.

There is an existing Enn for Beelzebub and it is “Adey vocar avage Beelzebub”.

As Baal has been mentioned – Baal means “owner” or “lord” and for the most part was
applied to the Caanite God Hadad that ruled over fertility, weather and storms. In order
to diminish the Deity the Hebrew Bible has decried him as a false God and overtime
the demonisation stuck. As a demon Bael (or Baal, or Ba’al) is described as a hoarsely-
voiced king with the power to make men invisible and ruling over sixty-six legions of

The Enn for Bael is “Ayer secore on ca Bael”.

Iblis is either a fallen angel or a Djinn, there are verses in the Quran that point to both.
Until Judgement day Iblis is seen as the tempter of humanity and the one that is in
charge of all the other Djinn. Myths that connect Christianity and Islam together place
Iblis underneath Lucifer as a faithful servant, but he is not a demon and therefore has
no Enn.

This is but a taste on how hard it is to trace back demonised entities and to learn of
their history. If you end up feeling very connected to any spirit and want to understand
them deeper, each one you could spend decades investigating and piecing together
their myths from the breadcrumbs that are still left. Figuring out which entity is a sole
being and which two names are clearly connected (we’ve seen this with Satan, Lucifer
and Samael, Baal and Beelzebub) is also a long undertaking where you will likely have
to experiment with connection yourself and come to your own individual conclusions.
For example, I know in my mind which other names I would connect to Lucifer, yet if
I disclosed this out loud there would be whole cultures that would get upset about my

I gave you the Enns of the entities here in case you will want to use them for later. I
suggest leaving them alone, as you should read the book right to the end ideally, or at
least till the chapter “Signing your contract” in order to have as full of a picture as
possible. Even if you decide against a soul pact with these entities, a way to connect to
them may still prove useful, so look back here in case you need a little bit of
information on them and some words to meditate with.

Now most demonic entities will have a sigil attributed to them (some Gods will also
have some sort of sign that is connected to them, for example with Neptune this would
be a trident). For the previously mentioned ones, here are all of them in a row (this will
throw less focus on one entity meaning that unless you stare intently at one with the
intent to draw an entity to you, you are less likely to feel very energetically attuned).

First one is Lucifer’s, second one is Samael’s and the third one belongs to Bael.
Satan’s one is conflated with Lucifer’s, Beelzebub’s one is conflated with Bael’s. Iblis
does not have one.


Before we start going through rewards, or looking for buyers, we should take a look at
what is ahead for you.

You need to understand that this is not the only life that you have lived and that it is
likely not the only life that you will live.

Another thing to understand is that any entity that you may petition for whatever you
desire has patience that is near infinite.

The last puzzle bit here is that you are giving over your ability to decide your own
direction. Your free will is no longer free or your own. But it will appear to be.

If you have a buyer for yourself, chances are they have a spot for you that you can fill.
As you have just given over your right to make your own decisions or control your
destiny, they are free to twist this into whatever path you need to take. No matter they
see you as the perfect slave, a soul that will join their shared consciousness as part of
them, or a future integral member of their court, there is an end point that you now
need to reach and that you will reach no matter you like it or not.

Some of your wishes may be compatible with you working with this spirit throughout
this lifetime. If the spirit believes that they can turn you into whatever you need to be
in one lifetime, that you are willing to work with them and there are no other obstacles,
you’ll notice changes about yourself. Your tastes may change, your hobbies may
change, your personality can change, you may gain sudden interest in something that

you were not interested in before, your emotional reactions to other people may
intensify or subside, you may grow very cold to those you used to know, or very
empathetic. These changes will be drastic, but not drastic enough that they would
make you have a complete identity crisis. They will merely push you right to that edge
and then subside, then a few months to years later you may experience another further
intense change. Eventually the person that you started as will have very little in
common with the person that you are now, but it will all be just gradual enough that
you will accept it as natural.

If there is a hurdle that can not be overcome in this lifetime (for example you can’t
shake the fear of the entity that you swore yourself to), or you need to work on an
entirely different set of personality traits in order to make your wishes possible (for
example the spirit needs you to have an eye for mathematics and formulae, but you
want to enjoy the path of the singer), then this change can be postponed for a lifetime,
meaning you’ll experience close to no consequences now, but you will live again and
you will slowly work towards who you need to be.

These changes need not occur in one lifetime and any more complex situations, such
as, for example, you being integrated as part of the entity itself where your
consciousness releases into the entity and you become part of it, will demand that you
work on gradual changes over upcoming lifetimes. Every single new lifetime you will
meet this entity again and they will reintroduce themselves to you, will provide you
support and will approach you with nothing but good intentions in hopes that you will
continue the work that has already started. If something goes horribly wrong, while
persistent, they won’t be too stressed if you reject them this time around as you will
simply continue reincarnating until bit by bit the work that you needed to do in order
to get to the end-point will be complete.

The entity that I made a pact with this lifetime was present with me since my last, but
as I had trouble shaking off the shackles of a different religion, I did not reach my end
point and hence-why I lived again. I consented to working heavily on myself this time
around and the changes were many. I’m emotionally colder, despite my health I am a
lot more productive and am leaning heavily into both occult and art, I have a specific
level of self-respect that was not there before, I am spiritual while before my
awakening I was an Atheist, my circadian rhythm has changed heavily, the way that I
see life, morality and joy has all changed, I have dreams and yearnings I’ve never
experienced. This is merely scratching the surface. All the changes were fast enough

that I nearly succumbed to a true crises of who I am, but slow enough that I managed
to accept it as a new me.

Important to note that chances are these changes won’t happen out of nowhere. If the
entity decides to work with you heavily, they will follow very physical feelings. The
entity can decide to rearrange your internal qualities a bit and this can feel as burning,
as swelling, but your own skeleton is preventing you from bursting, as being drained
out until you feel dizzy and tired, as being given their energy (for me this happens
through my heart point and moves up to my forehead where the excess pressure seems
to release) that feels like being injected with fluid with a syringe, you can suddenly get
very emotional as you release all the past traumas that you have been holding, you can
feel very hyperactive like no mountain may stop you, or you may experience none of
this. Soul alchemy is what I call it and will the entity take this path or not is entirely
dependent on what they have in store for you and what kind of entity they are,
meaning that it is unpredictable. I list all of this simply because it can happen to you.

One of the scarier consequences of having a pact is that you may find yourself being
unable to deny the entity. Not only will you not want to, but I did an experiment with
Lucifer. First you must understand that normally in this relationship I really don’t have
that many limitations placed upon me. There is one thing that I must do and I can not
harm myself, that is it, that’s my list of limitations. However for experiment purposes I
asked him to issue me a command. I was sitting and the command was “stand up”.
This felt like both an incessant thought that I should stand up and an increasing pain on
my heart like someone had a rope around it and was pulling it. The longer it went on,
the closer I got to panic symptoms, such as being unable to breathe. I, of course, stood
up. But that was precisely what the experiment was for, just to see how much hold
does the entity have over me. Despite them not exercising, the hold is almost
completely limitless. Worth noting that wise old beings, such as named Demons and
Gods will never use their orders to do this to you ordinarily, but if something had to be
done, I would either have to do it or have a panic attack and eventually a heart attack
too possibly. This did entirely shake me, as I understood the severity of the situation
and what you do when you really give yourself over to someone else. It is not like
human slavery at all. It is so much more and normally you won’t know until you are in
it. That’s why if you are determined to undertake this journey it has to be the right
entity for you and it can’t be just a random nobody.

This is the warning that I will give you. This is what you will be signing up for. You
should not fear it and if you embrace it as a journey, trust me it is a very unique
experience, as you will be stuck like the observing scientist seeing the results of your
experiment, except that the experiment is also you, but this is what it means to sell
your self. You are letting someone else dictate your end point. You are undertaking the
journey to then become acceptable to embrace that end point as if it was not only the
best thing in the world, but as if it was something that you wanted all along. I know
my end point and I await it with great joy, but I am also aware that the me that
originally started would have never seen it this way. You are not dealing with mere
human concept of slavery, you are dealing with such twisting of your being that
whatever is your new role will be the absolute perfect one for you as you can made fit.
Your feelings, your thoughts, everything that makes “you” you can be made to fit,
except for the part of you that identifies yourself as an “I”. The part of you that points
at you and says “me” will stay the same, but everything else? Oh that can be changed.
And it is such control as you never experienced before, but you will go with it. And if
the current you won’t, eventually a future you will. And they have time. Spirits have
the time to wait.

Something to consider to perhaps soothe your mind here a little – all spirits do it. How
manual and involved this process is, or how much work you are expected to do on
yourself will vary spirit to spirit. Their involvement will often be equivalent to the
strength of their hold over you. Take a big, organized religion, Christianity for
example, Christian God has the whole system automated – he wants his followers to be
a certain way and has given them a book as their primary source of guidance. Those
that dedicate themselves to him and follow his book will then shape themselves
adequately to be potentially allowed into his realm. However his hold is not
particularly strong – unless you have a great relationship with this being and he is
personally invested in you, you can for the most part leave this religion and swear
yourself to another being without there being a fight over you. If there is some hold
here, there are ways to break it, such as performing a ritual to unbaptize yourself by
repeating the original sin by eating a fruit that you have dedicated to be representative
of the fruit of knowledge, committing a heresy, like masturbating with a cross or
burning the holy book, or doing a prayer backwards. The changes in you in this
example religion will have to be made by you yourself and if you are just a regular
follower, your God won’t be too invested in you, so you have your free will to leave,
but the concept is the same – if you dedicate yourself there is a standard that you have
to shape yourself in accordance to and nothing else will do. There are those that this
entity does highly care about and those will experience the same difficulty leaving as

anyone that would try to break contact with any other being that they have a pact with.
Furthermore these people may find spirituality outside their God to be similarly as
impossible as if they had a contract because any other entity will simply refuse to work
with them making moving away very unlikely.

One great way of diminishing your ability to noticing the hook that you will be hooked
on is to find and go with the entity that suits you well. If they align with your
personality, your goals, your energy and everything that you are, you are more likely to
already be heading in the direction that they will want to see you head in, so the
changes that you will end up undergoing in the end will be a lot less extreme and a lot
more natural in flow. This is another reason why I don’t suggest taking this decision
lightly, or ever doing it in a rush.

Before we move on, I must stress that the best thing to understand here is that the
“you” that is, the part of you that is the soul, that identifies as an “I” is as easy to bend
and change as a clean piece of paper is to write on. Every habit, every like or dislike,
everything that you identify with starting from your gender and ending with your
favourite colour is merely words on that paper. They can be erased, they can be
replaced, they can be washed clean. Living again is having your paper scrubbed clean
and set up in a manner that is more convenient to the entity, undergoing spiritual
change is instead removing words, or full sentences and replacing them with other
ones. Unless your access to your own memories gets cut off, which doesn’t happen
often, in the here-after you will be able to access all your lives and all the people that
you were, but despite having those memories those people will be as alien to the end
result of you as another person is to you right now.

Another thing to consider is entities and your relationships with people. Depending on
what the entity sees you and if they are going to be working on you actively in this
lifetime, they may start visiting you often once you make a pact without you inviting
them. This relationship can progress into one that we would consider sexual. In general
sharing energy between beings can feel very sexual, it is a feeling that could be best
described as having every nerve (for me starting approximately from my heart) tingled
in a way that feels like pure ecstasy. I have had similar feelings spread from my groin
and up before if my Patron decides to be playful with me that day. It is half consensual,
half not as while both me and him know that I would not refuse such a touch, I am not
and will not be asked each time as the knowing between two beings is valued a lot
more than verbal communication. This will be entirely alien to a modern 21st century

person that is used to there being enthusiastic consent before any such activity.
Furthermore I am married in this lifetime and my physical husband is respected while I
am alive. There is an understanding that I have a duty to my physical family until I am
no longer physical. However depending on the entity this may not be so. You may be
prevented from dating, or quite the opposite, encouraged to be sexual with many one
night stands, but no meaningful ties, as the entity will want to spread their energy to
other people through you and having intercourse is one strong way of sharing energy
between two people.

Your social circle will be affected. I do not hold social ties if I can help it, which
makes me quite cold. Now the people that know me and that I know as friends, my
family members, there is a shield to how much their emotions can penetrate me. The
working goal is to make them let me go once I do go, as I won’t see them again, we
won’t be in the same afterlife. Someone whose purpose is to change something in this
world while living may see the opposite result – they may see many people that will
start having very deep connections to them. This will all absolutely depend on the
entity that you work with and your purpose.

“Can you tell me entities and purposes then so that I can prepare?” you say, but no, I
can not. With thousands of entities and many different ways that you can help the
entity in this world your life will be entirely unique. Even the same entity will have a
completely different approach to you depending on what you are training for and what
you are doing. Knowing what the entity is responsible for on the wheel of life will give
you a guess, but that is not always guaranteed to be accurate. For example, Lilith is the
undertaker of babies and controls population through miscarriages, lack of pregnancy
to begin with, or cot death. Because of that prostitutes fall into her domain, as they
seduce men and make them less likely to copulate with their wives and produce
progeny. If you swore yourself to Lilith you can then extrapolate that exploring your
sexuality and getting into the adult industry could be part of where you are pulled, but
just because Lilith is responsible for that area it does not mean that the area will fall to
you, meanwhile a spirit that has absolutely nothing to do with prostitution might still
make you very sexually active in order for you to spread their energy through sex, so
you could find the most not sexy field ever and still end up acting that way, or you
could find the most sexy field possible and never be pulled in.

Be aware of all of this. Be so very aware that any deep work with an entity, especially

when you have no say as to what your destination is supposed to be will bring
significant and sharp life changes.

Hell and afterlife

If you are scared of hell, know that it is not a place. Nobody gains anything from
torturing you for all eternity. This is very much not a situation that you will ever find
yourself in, no matter what you do.

Let us examine hell and how it evolved in Abrahamic beliefs as these will be the
closest religions to use a similar concept to what you imagine hell to be.

Judaism (the oldest Abrahamic faith) does not have hell, but has Gehinnom, which first
was seen as a grave and later became a sort of purgatory. No-one tortures anyone in
Gehinnom, but once one enters there they become fully aware of their shortcomings
and negative actions during one’s life leading them to feel deep shame over and each
one of them, therefore creating suffering that pays for the misdeed and purifies the
soul. Everyone experiences this place, but no-one is there for forever.

When one deviates from the will of God they are also described as being in Gehinnom,
not in the future tense, but in the present moment. Being out of alignment with God is
seen as a punishment in itself, therefore no need for any further threat of damnation.

Christianity is extra confused on how it wants to see hell and the afterlife. All mentions
of hell are in new testament only and until King James Bible that unified all versions
under one word “hell” there used to be different words with different meanings.

First word used was Hades and it had similarities to the Old Testament term Sheol. It

translated to “the place of the dead” or “the grave”, otherwise known as a location
where all end up equally, both the righteous and the wicked.

Then we have the mention of Gehenna, or “The Valley of Hinnom”, which was a
garbage dump outside Jerusalem. As the garbage used to be burned, the fire was ever
going. Bodies of those that died in sin were thrown in there to be destroyed together
with other garbage. This is where the association with fire comes from.

Tartaroo (the verb for “throw to Tartarus”) appears once in the New Testament in Peter
2:4 where it is seen as a place of incarceration of the fallen angels, not human souls.

The Roman Catholic Church officially defines hell as "a state of definitive self-
exclusion from communion with God and the blessed". One finds oneself in hell as the
result of dying in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love,
becoming eternally separated from him by one's own free choice.

In 2018 Pope Francis was asked about where do souls go to be punished and if there is
a hell, to which he responded with “souls are not punished. Those who repent obtain
God's forgiveness and go among the ranks of those who contemplate him, but those
who do not repent and cannot be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the
disappearance of sinful souls.”. This has greatly displeased The Catholic Church that
has quickly reaffirmed hell. If you are a Christian, or were a Christian, know that your
own religion is confused on what hell is and therefore you should not fear it as a
definite destination.

Islam has the harshest version of hell. It is called jahannam and is filled with burning
fire, boiling water and other torture methods. This place applies to both human souls
that did not believe in God, disobeyed his laws or rejected his messengers and jinn. As
this hell punishes one for eternal torture even if they happened to show their hair as a
woman to a male non relative, most of the Earth’s population by Islam’s standards
would go to hell, therefore selling your soul matters not at all.

If we focus on my personal unverified gnosis (knowledge) that I may only verify with
other similar witches and not a large organized religion, the afterlife is not a singular
plane. There are some more public spaces that everyone can access, but every single
important big entity (Gods, demons, angels, all of them) has enough energy to run their
own worlds and planes. In these spaces they are free to do as they please and in
general no-one is holding each other accountable. While you are only accessing public

spaces, these ones will be managed by multiple different beings and therefore nothing
awful could happen to you. When you become owned by an entity, you go straight to
their world and the only word that is law is their word. There’s no police for you to go
to. It is as if every single King in the world had their own planet and the rules on all of
these did not need to match or be even remotely similar.

And yes, if you become big enough for this to be of no problem for you too, then you
can also run your own world undisturbed. This is why there are small spirit thugs that
will try to use people in order to get them to sign up to them by any means possible –
they are in the beginning stages of building their own empire and they need subjects to
succeed. They hope to not step on any big entity’s radar, as they could crush them with
a flick and grow subject by subject until the can stand on their own two feet in the
general spiritual world. They still have many lessons to learn, so they can be even
more cruel than well established big entities.

What I am saying is that while there is no hell for you to burn in for all eternity (unless
you consider Islam to be correct, in which case see literally everyone there, lads), there
is all the chance in the world that you’ll end up in a hell of your own making (yes,
even if you are accepted by a big, well known entity, though your chances of ending
somewhere not nice are lessened by a) following a big, well known entity (not a
random thug), b) discussing you joining them ahead of time, instead of swearing
yourself to them without their presence. This is why this book is written, in order to
discourage you from making these decisions without first thinking them over well and
being very prepared). Remember that you are entirely giving your rights over to
another entity. You don’t know what is the purpose that they will have for you and
while it is true that after extensive work you will feel like you are exactly where you
need to be, this doesn’t mean that the place will be nice. Know that you don’t know. I
got lucky with my assignment, I have friends that are willingly becoming one with an
entity as their life path, or working to take a position where they’ll do social work on
new souls (both are seemingly happy with their assignments too, though the social
work one is seriously sour about the need to work with other people. They are
currently practising by being a librarian and they’re barely tolerating their job), but this
is not all there is out there.

Let me tell you a story of Asmodeus rape balls. Yeah, you heard that right. There is an
anonymous person that exists on this Earth right now that came here because life here
is a better fit for them, but they are picking the bits and pieces of the in-between and
they remember serving Asmodeus. Every so often a ball would be thrown and every

lower class woman in that astral plane would submit to be brutalized by Asmodeus and
his guards. It was neither willing nor unwilling, they were all numb to it. They all
believed that that’s where they deserve to be. Imagine the journey into being this
broken. Yet you can be there. You could be one of them. The same hand that creates is
the same that destroys. That which rules over genuine love also rules over all
destroying lust. These ancient beings, ancient currents of their element, they can either
be very nice to you, or very brutal to you. When you are giving over your autonomy
like this, there’s no telling. So on the upside you’ll genuinely believe that that’s where
you belong. On the downside, there is no way of knowing where that will be.

If this uncertainty scares you, turn around now. Put down this book, go touch some
grass. You can still work with entities, you can still investigate spells, you just won’t
be giving your autonomy over to them.


Reading the previous chapter you must realize that this work requires a lot of trust in
the other entity that they will not put you into a position that you would deem highly

Are these entities trustworthy? Yes and no. They don’t operate on the same moral
principals as people (in fact all spiritual entities are so old and not used to human life
that they are positively alien to us. Trying to understand an entity is the same as trying
to understand a net of many consciousnesses, the wishes of the wind, or an abstract
personified, such as the current of love, or knowledge.), but the danger of offering
yourself to one of them is about the equivalent to offering complete ownership of
yourself to a stranger on the street. They could be incredibly nice, or very mean.

If this is the path that you have chosen, sooner or later you’ll have to be able to take
that leap of faith as otherwise you won’t move forward. Just like with any relationship
you can understand that people can be horrible, yet it doesn’t make you close yourself
off and hide yourself in a one man island. But in any relationship you are likely to take
the time to get to know the person before you commit to them rather than committing
to a stranger and I advocate for taking the exact same approach here. While you can
never fully understand a consciousness that is entirely alien to you (at least not while
still being alive), at the very least you can aim to not be a stranger.

But the stakes are higher, so I’m once again stressing to not make this decision in a
heap of desperation but think it through well. Most that undertake an exchange are on
a life-long journey that manifests itself slowly, so you should have that time.

Now the trust here does have to be absolute, because here’s another fun fact – an entity
can read your mind, they can read your whole life path, they can read your past lives,
they can read where your path is going and make changes going both backwards and
forwards on your timeline. For example you might find that despite meeting the entity
for the first time they feel so like home and so familiar. Well that could be because
they poked at your past lives and made sure that you sensed them in the past, so that
you don’t have a very jumpy reaction. Lying is so incredibly pointless here and very
offensive, so don’t ever hide your desires, don’t ever try to hide what you actually
think about yourself, or them, it won’t work and it will offend them. While offending a
spirit may not do anything to your life, your ability to then ask this entity to buy you
will completely go out the window. And if you are already purchased, then you may
actually get negative feedback for such behaviour. There is an exception here – lying
won’t be held against you if you are lying to yourself too (for example you tell them
that you are not afraid and with all your heart you want to believe that you are not
afraid, but physically you are still quite frightened), but you will be told to think about
the question carefully and to try answering again.

Cutting ties with an Abrahamic religion

If you were ever part of an Abrahamic monotheistic religion, one thing that I would
recommend before proceeding further is to entirely cut ties with it, because carrying
guilt over what you did, believing to be hated by the creator of the universe,
abandoned, or otherwise interfered with is unhealthy. Unless you are one of those
lucky people with whom that God was personally involved with and you felt real
connection with him (if you are one of these people, what are you doing here? Turn
around and go ask your got to lessen your load), he won’t care as he doesn’t have that
deep of a hold over his followers.

Regardless, here are a couple of rituals to self excommunicate:

do what is banned and make a purposeful celebration out of it. God banned food or
drink? Eat and drink it joyously. Have a party! Order a large amount of it! Alcohol is
banned? Get yourself drunk! Can’t wear certain things? Wear those things! Can only
wear certain things? Do not wear them! Can’t cut your hair, or shave? Cut your hair
and shave! Or better yet, do all these things at once while listening to some good music
and if you have good friends outside your religion invite them over too. Observe
yourself not being hit by lightning and the sky not falling.

Disrespect your previous religion’s holy book. Cover it in unsightly fluids, such as
piss, perform lewd acts on it, use it as toilet paper, rip it apart, cook the ripped paper
into food and eat it, set it on fire, trample it, paint funny clowns on it, wipe your nose
with it, do whatever you like. Observe yourself not being hit by lightning and the sky
not falling.

Recite a prayer backwards. Hang a holy symbol upside down. Read as much of the
holy book backwards as you would like Focus on the intention being to reverse your
connection and to free you from its bonds, as if forward ties you to something,
backward motion of the same object will instead untie the tied knot.

Re-commit the original sin by dedicating a piece of fruit to represent the forbidden
fruit eaten in Eden and consume it. Normally just holding something in your hands and
focusing your intent will be enough, but some will use their own sexual fluids (you can
if you want) to corrupt the fruit, or submerge it into water that they have previously
declared to be unholy (honestly if holy water is blessed by a priest then regular tap
water is probably very unholy, you can use that).
You can do a cord cutting ritual with God. Cord cutting ritual is something taken from
a more general practice of witchcraft. One way to perform this is to take a string of any
kind (can even be a paper string) and a pair of scissors. Imagine this string being your
connection to the Abrahamic God. Take this moment to really feel it. Unload into that
string as much emotion as you like. Then take the scissors and physically cut it. If you
do not have anything string like or a pair of scissors, you can perform this whole action
in your mind. In that case close your eyes, hold your hands as if one was holding a
string and the other the scissors. Visualize that string and unload all of your negative
emotion concerning that religion into it. Then visualize the scissors. Physically move
one of your hands towards the other like you would if you were carrying the scissors.
Use the visualized scissors to cut the visualized string. Let relief wash over you.

Another more in-depth ritual that I’ve seen included collecting all items from your
previous religion that caused you hurt (pictures, religious items, letters, drawings),
putting them all in a box, putting a candle on top of the box and lighting that candle
every day while thinking about all that you are freeing yourself from. Once the candle
fully burns out, you would go to nature, find a firepit (though you may also just find a
garbage bin if a firepit is not an option), open the box and discard every object by
throwing it one by one. With each object that you throw let go, let go of that object,
that memory and that tie to religion. Repeat until that box is empty. Spend some time
blissfully connecting with nature. Then go home.

Do as much or as little of this as you need until you no longer fear the wrath of an
entity that does not care that you even exist. If said entity does care for you, then you
will feel a connection to it. If you do feel a strong connection to the Abrahamic God,

then I must stress that you should not be reading this book, but rather talking to your
God, as you have already did the equivalent of selling your soul to him, except you
gave it for free.

Do not perform any acts that are not safe to perform in the country that you live in,
many people have to live in a social masquerade, so if it is not safe for you to separate
from your ex-faith, just know that it is what is in your heart that matters and your heart
is in a different place. Hell, most of us will not be publicly disclosing our faith because
it will be unsafe in most countries, but people will leave it at being Pagan, or even
Atheist, or will just vaguely imply that they are spiritual if they feel safe enough to not
identify with the religion of their country, very few will actually identity with their
entity without an alias that they can safely identify with the entity under, but some
countries are worse than others, so if you can’t divorce from your previous faith in
your public life, just do a ritual for yourself in private.

If you live in that really odd and outlandish part of the world called USA, The Satanic
Temple offers public unbaptisms. Their last attempt to offer this kind of service
happened in 2022 (mind you, this book was written in 2022) during Pride event in
Idaho, but they had to withdraw their event as the event advertised itself as family
friendly and a ritual of unbaptism performed by the Satanic temple has proven to not
be seen as such by the general public.

To give an example of what may happen in a public unbaptism, let me share with you
the ceremony held by Jex Blackmore in Detroit in 2015:

In her ceremony, participants “extinguished baptismal water into fire when called to
“cast your chains into the dust of hell.” Participants were given an apple by a man and
woman adorned with live snakes and prompted to “savour the fruit of knowledge and

They used the symbolism of holy water, the fruit of original sin and the tainting of said
fruit by the snake of Eden.

Mental illness

I will not gate-keep anything from anyone, but if you are medicated for a disorder,
make sure that you only do anything spiritual on your most stable point. The line
between the spiritual and the insane is very thin and you don’t want to cross it.

Never do anything spiritual while in an altered mental state, such as while on drugs. It
will make real very hard to tell apart from non real. I am aware that there are occult
practices that utilize drugs, but those tend to be initiatory and there is someone wiser
and more experienced with you the whole time. Most people that self induce trips by
taking DMT end up without an actual spiritual experience, but sometimes will think
that they had one. If this state is entered with fears, or paranoia, you can even get your
brain to show you what you fear and end up in a self defeating circle of “big spook
will do something very bad to me”, when no entity has any such intention.

Never approach the spiritual when you are in a state of heightened emotion, such as
deep fear. This on its own can trigger auditory and visual hallucinations and push you
deeper into your emotional state. This rule can be disregarded when you have an
already established link with an entity and it is an emergency, as you can even ask the
entity to calm you. I have done so on many occasions, but imagine being new to this,
trying to reach a God while in a state of extreme sadness and hearing a spiritual thug
play a prank on you as they encourage you to end yourself, if you believe that it was a
God that gave you the thought, your self esteem will plummet further down and you
will be more likely to do as you are told, while in reality no God, or named demon
would ever ask you to hurt yourself, but would instead try to find ways to either make
you hold on, to numb your pain, or to analyse the situation with you.

When supernatural things such as feeling a presence, or having thoughts that feel like
not your own happen during a ritual, this is the intended result. When such feelings
start following you around outside of ritual, especially if they are throwing you into
uncomfortable states, such as fear, paranoia, or sadness, it is worth to stop all that you
are doing and seek mental health help. If you are successful in selling yourself you will
likely hit a point where you’ll be feeling the presence of your new master without
performing any rituals, but at this point you’ll know what they feel like, you’ll know
why they’re there and it won’t cause you fear.

The absolute worst cases of mental instability that I’ve seen were in people that started
spiritual at the same time as schizophrenia descended onto them. They likely got the
idea to get into the spiritual because their mental disease started materializing, but they
were caught in the worst possible mental hells on Earth where they would be
convinced that entities were talking to them through TVs and radios and their walls.
No urging to get them to seek mental treatment would work because they would just
assume that the whole world is against them and that we just want to stop their
awakening. Be very aware and very careful. It is better to question your sanity always
and then realize that you are sane, as you are stable, not in any kind of distress and that
all that you made happen had a clear correlation with the rituals you did than to
assume that you are sane and get caught in that. Mind you I know practitioners with
schizophrenia, so it is not a deal breaker in practising, but you would be practising
when you are at your most stable and it does complicate things severely.

Something to be aware of – a strong enough spiritual awakening can send you to a

mental ward temporarily. It can express itself in any way from believing that you are
God, because suddenly people treat you really differently, or seeing numbers
absolutely everywhere, mania, it can trigger a serious panic response in people.
Normally at that point you’ll have to learn to balance your spirituality and real life and
you’ll end up with a mark of psychosis on your record.

On further links between schizophrenia, spiritual awakening psychosis and the occult
there is a research paper by the name of “Schizo-typical thinking among members of
the occult sects” by John Rust written in 1992. The paper has found that members of
all sects had atypical scores. The line between supernatural and mental instability is
very fragile to say the least. To quote the research paper:

“Many of the positive symptoms associated with acute schizophrenia and schizotypal
personality disorder, such as delusions and hallucinations, often express themselves in
religious form (Smith, 1982). Further, strongly held religious belief has often been
noted to be a characteristic of the pre-morbid schizophrenic (Clark, 1981; Dittes, 1971;
Margolis & Elifson, 1983; Spero, 1983; Spilka & Werme, 1971). Religiosity is also a
characteristic of many groups and sects “at risk” for psychotic illness (Eaton & Weil,
1955; MacDonald & Luckett, 1983; Spencer, 1975). Schizotypal symptomatology also
shows some overlap with religious experience, and in many primitive societies
schizophrenia is still interpreted within a religious or spiritual, rather than a medical,
framework. Members of secret cults often show shared evidence of schizotypal
symptomatology. This group involvement among religious followers occurs to such an
extent that the DSM-III(R) diagnostic criteria (American Psychiatric Association,
1987) specifically exclude delusions which are the shared. “

The link here goes multiple ways. It may be that it is people with schizotypal
symptomatology that are attracted to the occult and religion the most. It may be that as
occult encourages you to go down this path, one has to develop abnormalities in order
to progress through their spirituality. It may be that both are true simultaneously.
We know very little when it comes spirituality, the unseen and mental illness, but I do
guarantee you that this path will put you into the category of atypical thinking and
therefore will put you as being seen as at risk for mental illness. So take precautions.
Go slow. Draw a firm line when you put everything occult down and go and engage
with your regular every day mundane. If at some point that line becomes naturally
blurry and you start incorporating your occult rituals into your every day life (such as
making a ceremony out of breakfast, or supper), it will be a lot less jarring than if you
ended up immediately mixing the two and spiralling out of control.

The only way?

It is important to know that this is likely not the only way to what you seek. You can
work with entities without swearing your own eternity to them and giving them the
reigns to your life. I would argue that this is probably what you should do before you
decide to permanently give yourself to anyone.

To get started, simply replace probing the entity with such a question like “would you
agree to give me X for my permanent devotion?” in “Finding a buyer” section with
something less extreme, such as “I have a job interview on Friday, would you agree to
help me have the charisma to show myself as an excellent candidate if I agree to light
you a candle every day for 30 minutes each for a week?”.

Some entities are better at some things than others, so if you are not planning on
following this entity for forever, you can contact them based on what they rule over
rather than what kind of beings stand out as most in-line with who you are. You are not
handing over your life to them, so you don’t need to worry about how they’ll shape
you. It is the difference of marrying a milk-man for infinite milk and simply
contracting the milk-man to bring you a bottle of milk once a week.

Lastly, you can do all that is said here, but instead of offering yourself permanently, try
to offer yourself this life-time only. This will be less appealing to any spirit as you
won’t specifically let them shape you, but some may still be willing to take your
offering, some may even do it with hopes that you’ll turn your dedication into a
permanent one on a later day and honestly if you feel like doing it on a later date, then
you’ll have more experience knowing who you’re working with and will be going into
it less blind.

Important to know that most occultists will not have a deal like you seek in place, yet
they will still be trying to control their life to make it run in a direction that suits them
better. It is not a necessity, it is a very serious commitment, that is often not seen as
such. People are told that this deal is not a thing (when it very much is), that it is a
Hollywood tale, that it can’t be done and it leads to many trying and either attaching
themselves to random spiritual thugs, or to my master Lucifer and here’s a little secret
– people that do attach themselves to him without him being present and giving a
permission for one to do so (present, as in, you can sense the entity there, do not
expect physical presence) are often not of quality that he can find a use for and it is a
sad outcome for all, as he has to figure out what to do with extra followers that are
entirely meaningless to him, while you get a very mediocre, unsatisfying and sad
afterlife. It is in everyone’s interest that if you do make a soul contract with an entity,
you are equipped to do so, or otherwise you know that you can indeed start working
with spirits without actually promising yourself in exchange. Yes, demons too.

I will not teach you other ways of magick in this book (stage tricks are called “magic”,
most occult things are spelled as “magick” in order to draw a clearer line, especially
when it comes to using search engines). You can use the way mentioned in “Finding a
buyer” section to contact entities and work out small deals that do not include your life
and your afterlife between them and you and in its own way it is magick, however
know that there are other ways there, from making candles with intent, to spell jars, to
chaos magick sigils that also shape the universe that do not require a spirit to be there
at all. So you don’t even need to work with spirits if you want to dive into occult.

The only difference is that if you completely gave over reigns to your soul and to your
life to a spirit, they can shape you to be a particular way and control your destiny so
that you get those opportunities that you need, while if you work magick with no spirit
involved you are entirely taking your life into your hands and casting spells to get on
every single step of your journey, one step at a time. But at the same time nobody is
your master, but you and that is a gift in itself.

Formulating your wish

You are going to be exchanging yourself for this wish and while it can be as vague or
as specific as you like (and the wish that I established the contact with was one of the
most vague ones possible), the more specific it is, the more likely it is that you’ll get
what you desire, however you are also going to be severely limiting how a spirit can
bring what you want, so try to aim somewhere in the middle.

As previously mentioned, do not carry physically impossible desires in your heart. You
can not be a werewolf, a vampire (unless you are cool with being an energetic one, in
that case you’ll be signing up for being chronically fatigued and having health
problems unless you borrow energy from other people), a shapeshifter, an animal, a
tree, superman, or anything else that you currently are not.

Take note that physically possible desires that are no longer possible in this life may
only get delivered your next lifetime. For example, becoming an Olympic champion
when you did not spend your life training for this role.

I do not recommend being incredibly desperate to hold on to this lifetime, or prolong

the life of someone else, however you can. If you are currently dying from cancer, for
example, you can indeed ask for 10, or 20 years more. You may hang on, enter
remission, but your quality of life will be what it will be. Unless you are planning to
cling to life for some specific reason that is very meaningful to you, letting nature do
its thing is better than taking a soul contract. This gets even worse when someone takes
a soul contract on behalf of someone else, or on the behalf of a pet. Letting go is

painful, but death comes to all of us eventually. I can not stop you, but those couple of
years and knowing how bad they tend to be due to health issues, they’re just not worth
pursuing (in my opinion).

Wealth and fame tend to be the popular ones. Keep in mind that for either of those you
need something to be wealthy and famous in. Do not even petition before you have
something to be wealthy and famous in. If you are dreaming of being a star singer, or
guitar player, or actor, I would expect you to already have taken significant steps
towards that goal and I would include your chosen profession into your petition. I
would expect you to know your art, to be already performing it and to be doing this for
the opportunity. However I do know of at least one successful case that asked for
wealth for 20 years and got precisely that. Another successful case that I know of
contacted something, as they yelled into the universe that they’ll give themselves in
exchange of their factory business prospering for 70 years. They got precisely what
they asked for too. Consider that wealth and fame is relative as well, so you may want
to know precisely what those mean for you before going forth. Is wealth owning a
mansion, or being able to support yourself and your family off your craft alone? Is
fame having the consumer base big enough to release 5 albums with a producer that
believes in you in your lifetime, is it filling a stadium, is it having millions of fans?
The more specific you are here the more you will restrict the working, but at the very
least you want to be able to know what you mean by these words yourself when you

I do suggest adding years into your contract and specifying for how long, otherwise
everything is a blip in the eyes of the universe. If you want good health, is a year
enough, or do you need decades? If you want to be loved, do you want this love to last
till both of you are old and dying, or is having loved and lost good enough for you?

Consider clearly stating that if terms are not met you do not owe yourself to the entity.
This will not work if request is vague enough and you’ll try to get out of it on a
technicality, the here-after does not have giant court proceedings with lawyers where
you could “well actually” out of the hold that an entity has on you, but if you clearly
stated that you wanted to have 500 000 dollars earned in profit by 2040 and nothing
even remotely close has happened, it is fair to say that unless you made further
promises and proclamations to this spirit, they have no hold over you.

Consider being realistic as no spirit will even touch your request unless you are. For
example you want to be social media famous and you state to a spirit that you want 2

million Twitter followers by next month. No spirit will even bother with that. No
matter what you desire there will be a lot of work involved and the process will be
gradual, as you’ll need to learn to improve your own content, to have the confidence to
network, to master all that you do which does not come overnight.

Personal story time for you to analyse – my past self did very much the wrong thing.
She petitioned anyone that is listening (and that is a very bad idea) for freedom (as
vague as can be). Her greatest unhappiness, her greatest fight in the life that she was
leading was that with religion. And I don’t mean that she was a revolutionary – it was
all internal. It seems that she managed to be devout enough to enter a convent, figure
out that that is not a life for her and not know how to unshackle herself from all of it.
Lucifer answered. As you can imagine for someone who has been very religious the
eventual knowledge of who answered was a nightmare. It did not work out due to the
intense fear that this whole contract generated. So I entered this life with a soul
connection to this entity. When I started work, but did not yet move to entities there
were energy readers that felt fairly suspicious about my soul ties as they could see a
very visible marking on my energy body. As stated previously, these entities have
forever to wait, you not working to fulfil your purpose for a lifetime or two is not a big
thing. Now worth mentioning that until I felt such a strong pull towards the occult, I
lived 25 years, a quarter of a maximum human lifetime, entirely free. This is not to say
my life has been easy, however I wanted to move away from my family and I did, I
wanted to be Atheist and I was, I studied what I wanted to, I married who I wanted to
marry, not a single time did I feel like any door that I wanted to approach was closed to
me entirely and impossible to approach if I tried really hard.

Now the second time I made a deal it was rather odd. I was told beforehand that the
entity knew that I will make a deal, because I already made one before. It is the same
entity so really this exchange was a good way for him to re-enter my life and continue
what should have been done before. Now you see, I found myself in dire health. And I
found out that I was actually an energy vampire and that I could fix some of my dire
health (not all) with it. However people were disgusting and nature not filling. The
first time I felt human was when I was doing some sort of ritual from a Satanic book
and it required me to invoke Satan. Suddenly I felt so revitalized. Eventually I landed
on Lucifer. I swore myself in exchange for energy. He asked only that I meditate daily
with him and talk. Seemed like a good deal at the time, but this is exactly how he got
me to walk the path that was laid out for me all along. Unbeknownst to me, though

something that I should have deduced from my experience with energy is that taking
energy from a being strengthens the connection between you and this being and often
results in positive feelings towards them, like they’re the best thing to have ever
walked the Earth. It is not quite love, it runs deeper and definitely produces loyalty,
meaning both parts of the deal that I made this time around benefited the entity without
me knowing it.

I know that it sounds devious, dark, but I was never misled. I was given precisely what
I asked both times. I would describe my experience as Lucifer being able to play with
entirely open cards that you can see in full view and still win. And honestly in some
part due to my ties, in some part due to this being very impressively genius, I am

Keep that in mind that no matter how you phrase what you need, chances are both your
end of the bargain and the entity’s will be useful to the entity. You are after all giving
yourself to beings that are much older and wiser than you. If this is the path that you
are planning to walk, be at peace with it.

Can you give yourself to an entity without selling

Yes. Dedicating yourself is a much more normal practice that is not tainted by
capitalism (think of the vows that other religions take, such as a Christian nun that
vows to give themselves wholly and fully to God). If you came here looking for a new
faith, something to help you go through your life and the after, then when you reach
the section “finding the buyer”, do everything the same, except when you reach the
entities you won’t be asking them would they be willing to exchange X for Y, you will
be asking if they will be willing to perhaps work with you. You also don’t need to
dedicate yourself, you can spend years just praying, meditating on them, asking for
their assistance in small matters in your life, or asking for advice. Think of dedication
as a marriage. You usually do not marry on your first date. While your relationship
may be completely devoid of romance that comes with marriage, it is the same (if not
bigger) level of seriousness and dedication, so the comparison fits.

If you do want to dedicate yourself, you can dedicate just for this lifetime, instead of
all lifetimes forever. This gives you an out if you find that this is not the direction for

If you firmly decided to dedicate yourself for forever, do the same level of searching as
a person that is here to sell their soul and even more. Spend months if not years
working with the entities that you have chosen until you decide to pledge yourself to
one of them. You can use the “Signing your contract” section below for an idea of how
to pledge yourself to an entity, except that you won’t be asking anything of them while

doing so.

For anyone very confused as to whom in their right mind would give themselves while
receiving nothing back – people that have a genuine pull to the entity or to spirituality.
The outcome is not always better, but often it is, as the sacrifice and trust required for
someone to be able to dedicate themselves to an entity is appreciated. It is like
agreeing to jump off the cliff without knowing if there’s a platform underneath. Pure
faith. That being said, some entities have so many subjects that they are rather
uncaring and the outcome can be the same as selling yourself to an entity, so it is not
guaranteed to be better, but it can be.

Historically, during witch-hunts when the accused was interrogated, sometimes their
relationship with “the Devil” was seen as a pact, sometimes as an oath or a similar
dedication (voluntary or not). Judges at Colmar in Alsace have recorded questions that
they used for questioning and there’s a few that stand out.

“What is the name of your master among the evil demons?” was asked alongside of
“What was the oath you were forced to render him?” pointing to a non-consensual
swearing of self rather than a pact.

So even if we take the lens of viewing this book as solely through the view given to us
by the popular media, that came from demonology (Christian study of demons), even
if we view only demons, dedication always existed alongside the pact.

Contacting a demon, a God, or any spirit – what not to

You will be talking with what can be summed up as a ghost. Do not expect to
physically see this entity, or physically hear this entity. Some might if they have some
clairaudience or clairsight (ability to hear, or see ghosts), but even then you wouldn’t
really expect to see a fully fledged person in front of you, you would be expecting to
see maybe a shape in a shadow, or a wisp of smoke. There is a reason why science has
not proven the supernatural – they’re just on that edge between the physical and the
not physical, so you won’t be talking to a literal dude at the crossroads.

There are occult tools that can help you to see, such as, for example, a black mirror (a
dark reflective surface that you gaze into at lowlight conditions), but even with this
tool you will be practising your ability to see anything in it and then you will be
practising working with a specific spirit and them sending you a specific image of
themselves into the mirror. This is not the same as watching yourself in a mirror, or
watching a movie and requires time, focus and skill to master.

There are occult tools that can help you communicate, such as the pendulum, a candle
flame (“sway the flame horizontally for a no Mr spirit and vertically for a yes”). If you
need more information than that, you’ll be mastering a divinatory tool with more
flexibility, such as the Tarot (this gives the spirit an ability to say 78 X 2 meanings
(78 different meanings for upward cards and similarly 78 if the card comes out upside
down) that also combine well with each other, so your interpretation would change

depending on how many cards you pull), learning to accept the spirits thoughts into
your head (this feels like you are experiencing thoughts that are not your own), or
asking for communication that takes longer to happen, such as for signs in your

This means that unless you are okay not knowing if your proposal was even agreed
upon (and I suggest being more careful than that with yourself, you only have one you
to sell), in order to achieve what you want, which is your goal to sell yourself, you will
be diving into the occult deeply. For the time being this guide will assume that you’ll
ask for signs in the waking world, or dreams, meaning that I don’t need to teach you
any extra skills, but any extra experience here with a tool alongside what you want to
do will be beneficial.

For further work with any entity, or if you will be meeting them in something like
dreams multiple times before you make your dedication, or gazing upon them in a
black mirror, it is important to know that a spiritual entity does not have a physical
shape, they can project themselves as whatever they want to appear to you as, or
however they are feeling like appearing as that day. If their appearance is not
consistent day to day, that is perfectly fine, you’ll learn what they feel like eventually
and will be able to tell them just by the feeling that you have. Similarly to this if you
asked for a sign in a dream and suddenly dreamt something wild, like a dragon talking
to you, or even something as surreal as a triangle flashing out the answer in letters,
don’t dismiss it just because it is not how you expected the entity to appear as.

Another thing to remember is that you are talking to a massive being of pure
consciousness and not a human being. It would be more accurate to see any entity as a
hive-mind of a million separate individuals that are all unimaginably old, or if you can
visualize yourself being the size of a golf ball, think of them as being the sea, that can
separate itself into many golf balls if they need to speak to multiple people all at once.
This should tell you two things – one is that they’re not being held up by another
practitioner if they don’t answer, they can still choose to answer you if they wanted to,
they just don’t want to answer, second is that they are a lot more complex than you,
meaning you appear simple to them, whatever kind of trickery that you think you can
pull is going to be seen right through.

Finding a buyer

You have the merchandise (you), you have your wish, now it is the time to find an
entity that will agree to make the exchange. Good thing to remember here is that there
are as many if not more souls than sand in the desert, so your worth is not exactly so
high. Will there be a buyer is entirely dependent on who you are and who you may
attract. There are those that pleaded to have absolutely anyone take them, or tried to
exchange themselves in order to have the entity let go of someone else and it was all
unsuccessful. There are those that yelled at the sky and had an actual powerful being
answer just because they happened to be looking that way and your soul looked perfect
for what they were looking for. You will not know unless you try. Good salesman is
not deterred by the doors that did not open. But first you should find even a single door
to start at. And as you want to increase your chances, you will want many. Meaning
expect this to be a long process.

Who may wish to buy you? Literally anyone. Don’t limit yourself merely to demons
just because they are infamous for making these kind of deals, expand your choices.

Wherever you are, I hope you have internet, as if you don’t, you’ll be hitting the
library and grabbing every mythology book that you can find. Put down a day for this.
Take a notepad and a pen. Scroll through many pantheons. As many as you can. Look
at myths. A name jumps out at you? Jolt it down. The more names you can get a feel
for, the more potential buyers, the higher are your chances at getting what you desire.
If you are feeling lazy, The Lesser Key of Solomon will easily give you a list of
entities that are famous for being interested in this sort of thing but I can’t stress
enough – don’t be lazy, expand the search, the more entities you find that feel good to

you, the higher are your chances of finding someone that could have a use for you.
And in the end that should be your primary concern – who is even interested in buying
you. Prioritize the beings that you feel close to, then the beings that are responsible for
the area that you want help in, as even if it is not the entity’s speciality, chances are
they can help with what you desire and the more in line you are with the entity that
you will be calling, the less changes you will need to go through later. No entity should
be off your list here, no matter how ridiculous the proposal sounds, as long as it is an
entity that you feel you would fit with. To give an example, the Christian that says
“Jesus, help me find love and I will dedicate myself to you in my entirety” is
performing a soul contract. It is not an official one, but there was a clear demand of
what that person wanted (love) and a promise to dedicate themselves to Jesus in all
entirety. So if you think “oh Jesus would never buy a soul and therefore shouldn’t be
on my list” think again and instead think “how do I personally feel about this entity?
Does my gut feeling tell me that we would get on well, or do I feel repulsed by

After you made your list, you will practice spirituality in a way – you need to be able
to enter a trance state (an altered state of consciousness) to even be able to feel if you
are reaching anyone on your list of entities. There are back up plans if you can’t, but
the situation becomes a lot more complex if you don’t have a way to verify that the
spirit is there, or if you need to rely on very slow communication, such as dreams. I do
not recommend taking psychedelic drugs as you can’t think straight on them and no
self respecting entity will allow you to make and confirm a deal while completely
incapable of making that decision. You will be back to that issue of thugs answering
you when you wanted to ring the mafia, that will have no problem of getting you to
sign yourself over by any means possible. The most reliable way of getting to a point
where you are slightly out of it (that’s a trance state. Know that feeling when you were
bored at school and got lost in thought, but ended up not only drowning out the teacher
but losing the string of what you were thinking about and sort of spaced out a little?
That’s what you are seeking) is meditation. I have heard many excuses from people
that they just can’t meditate. Unless you are extremely sensitive to spirits, meditation
will be a must, but there are many types of meditation, so while most people are
familiar with the hardest form, there should be a form that you can find that will work
for you.

“Is there not a faster way to do this?” you say and “this is the safest way to do this” I
say. I’m planning on giving you all the options I can think of, including even foregoing
identifying who you contacted and just letting whoever wants to deliver, to deliver,

which is, excuse the saying, an absolutely most retarded way of going around this. So
we’re not starting from stupid. We will be starting from the point of being careful and
putting some thoughts in.

There are various ways of meditating.

There are the mantra or enn (enn is a demonic mantra in a non human language,
associated with, you guessed it, demons) chanting meditations that will have you
repeating a sentence that can mean anything from “I am as strong as a tiger” to “and let
lord Ra invade my body” in a foreign language (every single time you encounter a
mantra or an enn meditation online, please translate what that sentence is, or have
some semblance of knowing what the sentence will do, it is fairly important).
Sometimes you will not even be repeating the words themselves, just really focusing
on listening to them until you start slipping out of your everyday thoughts and worries
into a place with a far more empty head-space. If you want to try this one, type in
“mantra meditation for beginners” online, find a video, let it play. Sit there, listen to it,
try to relax. Close your eyes. Listen and breathe. You can try chanting with what you
hear, but you don’t have to. By the end of the video see how you feel. Do you feel like
your worries are far away and you are relaxed and slightly out of it, like you want to
slide into sleep, but not quite? If so, then this method is successful for you.

There are movement based meditations. There is a reason why “trance” is also a music
genre. It gives you a good, repetitive rhythm and to let go you can just get up and start
moving. Don’t think how you look. Don’t think what your body is doing. Let go of
your perception of yourself, close your eyes if safely possible and move, move, until
your limbs are moving on their own and you are entirely lost as to where you are, what
day it is, or what you are currently doing. It is just you and the rhythm, that’s how you
must be to successfully let go. Start slow. Some foot shuffle, wave your arms a bit until
you are capable of merging with the rhythm. Do this for half an hour. Give a try for
half an hour. See if you can achieve that state of not being entirely connected to all
your Earthly worries.

There are drum based meditations. For example, beat something to the sound of your
own heartbeat. Beat your table, beat a bucket, if you are feeling fancy get a proper
actual drum. Don’t worry, the object just needs to be able to make noise when you hit
it. Close your eyes. Focus on that rhythm. Repeat your heart. This is the only thing that
you need to think of. This is the only thing you need to focus on. Just repeat that

heartbeat. Eventually you’ll be doing it on auto. You can experiment by lowering the
rhythm and having your heart follow suite, or speeding it up by a slight bit. When you
are fully connected to the rhythm of the drumming that will be your sole focus. That’s
what you are looking for.

There are walking based meditations. Go to nature. You can do it in the middle of the
city too, but it is a lot less pleasant. Instead of thinking about how hungry you are, or
what your friend said, or what problems you have, become the eyes and ears of your
environment. Focus on every external sensation you are getting. On the pebbles
underneath your booths, on the sounds that you are hearing, on the smells that you are
smelling, on the visuals that you are seeing. When done right you’ll get a dizzying
experience where your brain will shut up, at least for a brief moment. There will be
very little you in it, you will simply be an observer moving forward and soaking it in.
Focus on having as little distractions here as possible, meaning no headphones, no
being on your phone, you are observing your environment. If you managed to hit that
threshold of losing yourself, you have managed to be where you needed to be.

There are breathing based meditations, especially guided ones (the internet is full of
them). A nice lady, or a gentleman will tell you when you breathe in and breathe out.
Your goal here is to repeat that perfectly until you are focused on nothing but your
breathing. For some this works. For others this causes a panic attack, so try, but be
careful and be aware.

The last remaining type of meditation that I will introduce you to is the master level
meditation of sitting completely and perfectly still. Eyes shut. You will let your
thoughts pass. You won’t try to stop them because that’s effort, but you won’t follow
them either. After a while your body will get angry with you and will start twitching,
or itching or doing anything else bodies do. But you are not here. You are role-playing
as a delightful rock right now. You are not present and you will not answer that call. So
you will sit. You will acknowledge the feeling and let it pass. You are complete calm,
you are one with the environment and there’s little you there. Eventually you’ll break
that barrier of blissfulness. Considering that here we are focusing on absolutely
nothing outside of being and being still, I suggest trying this one for at least 30 minutes
at a time if not longer. Originally you won’t get there, but if you manage to master this
one, this position will be the easiest to receive communication in.

If at any point you’ll start seeing things in your closed eyes, or hearing things that are
not really there (barring this occurring outside your meditation in which case this could

be an indication of a mental illness and should be investigated by a doctor, as believe
me, you need to be stable for these things), you are definitely there and it is absolutely
perfectly normal. The first time I managed to hit that threshold I’ve got a light-show
behind my closed lids that reminded me of aurora borealis. Once slipping out became
easier, I had to reduce my time in meditation as my mind would start wandering and
showing me places and people. It was like the realm of split mirrors where nothing is
quite real, but it could be. A man with red hair and classy glasses making pancakes, a
ballerina smoking outside the Ballet studio, a business man staring grimly out into the
street, it was as if I would start dreaming by meditating. If you cross that threshold,
you’ve gone a bit too far and should reduce the time spent meditating before reaching,
as you will want to focus your mind instead of scattering it.

First time you practice your chosen meditation technique and actually achieve a trance
state you will snap yourself out of gently. We are not starting with ringing up your list
of entities, we are preparing you to reach these entities to begin with. You may want to
practice slipping into and out of trance state as the easier it is the better. Take note if
this makes you tired at all. Contacting entities can be very tiresome, so if meditating
alone is tiresome, you want to stay here for longer and practice until it is no longer
making you too tired.

Let us harken back to that point of “no taking psychedelic drugs for this, ever”. If you
want to cut a large part of your learning and a very important corner (the corner that is
keeping you sane enough to even establish contact with whom you want to contact),
this is your chance. I’m not your mum, your life, your choice. I can tell you that you
probably definitely shouldn’t, but if you have set your mind on cutting this damn
corner, go ahead. You can skip all that malarkey above by simply getting yourself high.

Intermission over. Now that you are not just practising meditation, but will be
contacting an entity, please find a dedicated space where you can spend at least half an
hour, if not an hour entirely undisturbed. If you do not have this as an option in your
house, not even if you wake up in the middle of the night and stay on your bed in the
bedroom, or not even if you lock yourself in the bathroom delay until you can leave
your house to be in nature and sit somewhere on a rock in a field or something. The
time of day does not matter, so don’t think that you have to do this under the guise of
night, just make sure that no-one can interrupt you. Nothing bad will happen if they
do, but your concentration will be broken and all that time will simply be wasted.
What you are doing requires focus and the less practised you are, the less interruptions

in your space will you be able to tolerate. You want that calm.

Next step – basic protection. Remember those thugs? You’ll now perform a very
simple exercise ahead of trying to contact anything by making sure that only that
which you want to contact will enter your space. You’ll either need physical chalk, a
large enough piece of paper for you to sit on and a pen, something flat and round that
you can be in, or your imagination. If your way of slipping in the right state is walking
meditation, your imagination will have to suffice. If you are using a physical tool you
may as well perform this before slipping off into a trance state, if you are using a
mental tool, doing this after you slip off may be better. If you are using a physical tool,
you want to now be standing inside a circle. A big circle is better than a small circle. A
circle that could fit two people is ideal, but if it must be only a circle that fits you, it
will have to do, all that you are changing is how far can the entity be from you. It is
very uncomfortable to have someone directly in your face, remember that. As you are
making this circle (or if you have anything circular to place down on the floor
already), you will focus your intention on “this is my space, only me and this very
specific entity may pass into this circle”. This entity should be one of those names off
your list that you will be trying to contact today. Any name that you haven’t tried yet
will do. Repeat that affirmation to yourself until you are 100% certain. That circle is so
yours that you are fully prepared to deck anyone that does not belong in it. Be pumped,
feel powerful, heck yeah this space is reserved only for 2 and everything else can get
their behinds far away from you and your spirituality. If you are using your mind
instead, the easiest thing to do is when in trance state to imagine a space surrounding
you with this exact intention. It can be a circle of light, it can be a spotlight shinning
directly on you, it can simply be a very sharp line that draws itself slowly into a circle
formation surrounding you. This space has to be enclosed and you will be focusing
that exact intention – “only me and this entity may enter this space”.

You are ready to begin knocking. You prepared your space for that single entity that
you will be focusing on. You got yourself in a head-space where you will be sensitive
to spirits. All is set. When you hit that trance state focus on that entity’s name. If you
remember their myth, you can focus on their myth. If that entity had a sign of sorts
attributed to them, you can focus on that. But you will keep this as the only thought in
your mind and both pull the being associated with that thought and push yourself
towards them. Reach for them with all your being while repeating that you simply
want to establish contact. You want to take it slow. Give the entity time to respond.
Would say give it good half an hour to an hour to a single entity. If you want you can
try more sessions than one, meaning that if you were unsuccessful one day, you’ll

simply try on another day. The idea here is to reach for either the allotted amount of
time, or until you feel a presence. If you feel a presence, congrats, this is precisely
what you needed. What does a presence feel like? Well you could feel as if there’s a
push on your forehead, like there is a change of weight in the air, like you are not
alone, you can get vertigo, you can feel cold or hot, the hairs on your arms may stand
up, you may feel wind in a room that has no draft, you may feel like there’s a certain
electricity around you. All of this 100% counts. This is what you are seeking to feel.
This is first contact, meaning you will not be asking anything right now, you merely
want to identify how does this entity feel to you. It is entirely normal to feel
overwhelmed, but if you feel sick, or there’s a severe feeling of dread, if your body is
telling you that this is all wrong, you will want to politely thank the entity for coming,
say that you don’t think anything will work between the two of you and ask it to leave
your space. Remember that circle? You are in control of your space, you have the right
to tell them to leave. Cross that name out of your list.

This is not the only way that an entity can prove their presence. If there’s a sudden
noise in your house, such as pipes creaking, if your electrical devices decided to do
some blinking as if you had a faulty power outlet, even though you know you don’t, if
you feel like the shadows around you moved, or if you see orbs (something similar to
what happens when a camera catches dust in a flash, it is like a circular bubble that
you can barely see moving with a naked eye), all of this can be taken as a presence.
Some people bring a candle for mood. Sometimes when there’s a presence the flame
may jump higher in the air, or get lower. All of this counts too.

If you can’t feel anything, you can try for several other sessions, or in case it is your
sensitivity that is the problem and not the entity not being there, you can say “entity, if
you can hear me, send me a dream tonight, or a sign today!”. Then you’ll wait and see.
Remember that signs are something personal, but you will know beyond any doubt
that it was a sign. A few moths in summer on your window is not a sign, because this is
when moths in general occur. A random one on your desk that came out of nowhere
can be a sign, especially if you dismiss it and release it only to find yet another one. If
you have to ask “is this a sign?”, it probably isn’t. If you fail to reach the entity that
you are reaching completely, there are no feelings, no signs, cross them off your list.
That door is closed to you and you can’t make it open. Important note – if there are no
sensations, still close the ritual – at the very least you want to thank the entity for
coming and ask them to leave your space now as if the reason you can’t feel them is
your own sensitivity, you want to make sure that no spirit is just hanging out with you

Now if you do feel something and that feeling is not making you want to jump out of
your skin, analyse how you feel. You want to feel comfortable enough. Are you
comfortable enough? Does it feel good enough? Are you two aligned enough to not
offend each other with your energy? If the answer is yes, don’t do a proposal right
now, but give a probing question – “hey, I am looking for my spiritual home and I
really need this very specific thing in my life. If I were to give myself over to you, if I
were to swear myself to you, would you be willing to help me out? Do you think we
could work well together? Could you send me your thoughts on this in a dream, or
give me some signs in the waking world? I’m not making this decision right now, but I
would like to know how you feel about this! And if you can’t help me, but know
someone that would love to accept these terms, could you send their name to me?”. No
matter the wording, make sure that the entity knows that you are not making the
declaration right now, but merely are probing them on would they consent if such
declaration was made. Then politely thank the entity for coming and end the ritual by
asking them to leave your space, getting yourself out of your meditative state and
removing the protective circle. See how the next few days go. See if you find any
telling dreams or signs. No matter the answer here leave the entity on your list, as there
is the absolute possibility that you will end up working with them later down your life
for something else with stakes that are a bit less high than your eternal dedication.
They seemed interested enough to come, meaning that they are worth remembering.

There is an alternate route here in case you don’t want more in-depth conversation,
which is to have a tool that limits them to yes/ no answers, but allows you to have your
answer there and then. As you can feel the entity, you can instead of asking for a sign
in a dream grab a pendulum (any necklace with some weight to it will do), lift it into
the air, let it hang, state that any movement horizontally will be seen as a no and
vertically as a yes. Repeat your question. Watch the pendulum carefully. If there’s
movement that is diagonal, or if the pendulum is spinning a little, you can ask if this is
a maybe and does the entity want to offer a different contract. Without added
momentum do not expect the pendulum to swing wildly, so really watch that
movement. If you feel that your hand will be helping you get the answer that you want
subconsciously you can instead use a lit candle. Flame moving horizontally a little bit
means no, vertically – yes. Do make sure that you disclose which direction means
what to the entity as these are not universal rules. When I say “vertically”, I mean that
on a 2D plane it would be the equivalent of up and down, or in other words a similar
movement to nodding your head. Though if you said “vertical movement” and your
candle flame suddenly started jumping, I would take this as a positive answer too.

If you have knowledge of some sort of divination, be it with dice rolling, tarot cards,
runes, or anything else you will not be limited to simple yes/ no answer and won’t
have to wait until maybe you get a sign next week, or a dream during the night. I
strongly recommend you dive into occult and pick up a practice such as this before
going forward as it will be a method to get answers from a spirit quickly. Just pick a
divination method, google it, see if it would be useful in holding a conversation with a
spirit and get yourself a book on it so that you can learn it. It is not a necessity, as you
can very well see, you can just ask for signs, but it is a nice thing to have. This does
add time to your practice that you will spend without a contract, because if you want to
learn a divination method do it properly and thoroughly. You don’t want to just get
your divination equipment and without trying it out be asking an entity questions the
very next day. Let the equipment warm up to you, do some divinations for yourself,
see how it acts and reacts to you, only proceed with it when you are comfortable that
you know it. Adding an extra energetic force to the divination is bound to make it act
differently (for example if I am pulling Tarot card with myself I can get one or two per
answer, but when I ask Lucifer, I can easily have ten fly out, because as a spirit Lucifer
is wordy and covers every base of an outcome possible to the question that you posed,
all the negative and positive associated with it), so make sure that you know what is
the regular behaviour for your divination to begin with.

At the end of this process you should have a much smaller list of entities. And if the
very first one that you hit that gave you positive answers feels like the right one, then
you don’t even need to bother with the rest. Remember that you are looking for one
buyer, as there’s only one of you to sell.

A couple of possible shortcuts that you can take if this process isn’t going well for you
– if you can’t sense entities, you can straight up ask them the probing question instead
of asking them to send you a sign in your dreams. It would be phrased the exact same
way, so instead of asking if you are heard to be granted a sign, you would ask if they
would accept your permanent dedication of yourself to them in exchange for what you
want, but you would clarify that you are not making the declaration at this point, but
merely are wanting to know if they are willing to enter such a deal. Close the ritual as
you would if you could sense the entity, see what dreams and waking signs bring you.
This type of approach does not take into consideration your energetic compatibility, so
you’ll have no way of telling how does the entity make you feel and if you’ll have
some nasty side effects trying to align with them when you do start sensing them.

You can outright make the declaration and ask for a sign if it is accepted. If you opt for
this approach state that you won’t deliver on your end of the bargain if they do not
deliver their end of the bargain. If you get no signs in the next few weeks, it is safe to
assume that no-one has accepted. If you get no changes to your life in the next few
months, it is safe to assume that your declaration was not accepted. This one is a rather
reckless method, please don’t resort to it if you can help it.

For ultimate tomfoolery that will have very real consequences, instead of trying to
reach any one entity you can declare yourself to the universe – “I will belong to
anyone that brings me what I desire. I am free for taking”. This is absolutely inviting
all the thugs to your yard, but hey, I’m not you, who am I to tell you what to do?

There is another way of delivering your question and request for a sign if the
declaration would be accepted if you made it (I recommend not declaring
immediately), or delivering your declaration itself and asking for a sign if it is accepted
– write a letter. Write your declaration or question down. Write the name of the spirit.
Focus on your intention and hold the letter in your hand for a while. Ask that this
reaches the spirit. Focus on the contents of the letter and then the recipient. Then
destroy it. My favourite way of destroying it is fire, but be careful to not burn your
house down. Ripping it to pieces, burring it in earth, or submerging it under water until
the letter falls away is equally as valid.

Unless you have had a different method to communicate with a spirit with, always,
always, always remember to ask for a sign. Otherwise you will be stuck there waiting
for months to see if your request will be fulfilled or not. As you are here with a
singular goal and with a list of entities waiting for months at a time is a waste of your
time, meaning as for a sign. The questioning if such a deal would be accepted with any
specific entity before making a declaration allows you to keep your options open and
therefore make a choice from a wider variety of entities, so don’t be lazy and don’t
skip this step. Furthermore establishing good contact with an entity allows you to
bargain and tweak before you set anything in stone until the agreement works for both
of you. Letting yourself feel entities beforehand will allow you to avoid any
unpleasantness if they don’t align with you. Let me give you an example – I was fairly
compatible with Lucifer, but for months after starting to contact him I would shiver
through the whole ordeal. I got absolutely used to him feeling ice cold to me. I got
used to him lightly touching my skin, be it my face or my hands and my skin feeling
freezing. It took a while for me to be so energetically aligned that I no longer feel it.
Now imagine you have declared yourself to something that will be hanging around

your soul, but that being makes you have a panic attack, or makes you horribly
nauseous, or gives you a headache. This will be entirely up to you to work through.
You will be walking around feeling utterly sick for months until your energy aligns.
This is why I write the way that I do. This is why I suggest all the safety measures.
You can skip them, be my guest, but the more you rush through this the more your
future self will suffer through the process. I understand that you are already trying to
accomplish something that is deemed as not safe, taboo and edgy, but the least you
owe to yourself is to do this in the safest, most pleasant way possible, otherwise you
could have already written down your declaration, sent it off to the first big spook that
you could think in your head and be done with it, but we are minimizing any fallout
here and giving you the best chance to get your cake and eat it too.

Closing occult rituals

As you will be inviting an entity into your space, no matter you can feel the entity or
not, you will first ask it to leave after any ritual (unless you have already given
yourself to this entity, in this case you can ask them to leave if it makes you more
comfortable, but they don’t necessarily have to). Try something polite but short. For
example: “thank you for coming spirit. I must ask you to leave so that I can regain my
balance. I wish you well”.

Afterwards focus on cleaning up your physical circle if you have one (turn off the
mental one if you don’t, by just imagining yourself undoing the circle, or switching off
the spotlight) and put away any supplies that you were using. If it helps your transition
from spiritual to the mundane (non magickal), consider giving yourself a nice bath,
listening to some relaxing music or eating something fulfilling and enjoyable. It is up
to you what kind of self-care will help you best once it comes to letting go of the
occult and coming back down to the earthly.

Once all is done, you just proceed with your normal life as regular. It helps to have
something to focus on here, so that you don’t think about the occult and not have your
spiritual wheel turning. For example, do you have any chores need doing? If not and
this is your free time, read a novel, play a game, or watch a show, preferably
something that does not have occult undertones so that you have a clear separation
between your spiritual practice and the mundane.

Something that it is not helpful for disconnecting easily, but helps if you want spiritual
dreams – performing your rituals right before going to sleep. As you don’t have that
time to wind down the spiritual is more likely to spill into your dream world. This is
excellent if you want a message from a spirit, or a dream for divination, or self
analysis purposes.

If you got up in the middle of the night to do the ritual and don’t want extra spiritual
dreams, go do something else for 30 minutes. Read a magazine. Log onto Twitter and
scroll while on your phone. Just to shake off that feeling of someone else being around
you. Slight warning though, if you manage to fall into the sleep pattern of sleeping for
5 hours, staying awake for half an hour to an hour, then sleeping again you may
accidentally cause yourself to lucid dream really vividly.

If you are doing rituals before sleep it can be hard to fall asleep because you can feel
like something is around. In general your own house might be spooking you a little bit,
that’s why I suggest doing something very mundane to shake off that feeling.

If you are doing your rituals outside, then just going back home may be a good enough
transition to make you shake off that feeling of magick.


Sometimes you may encounter an entity suggesting something else for your loyalty. It
is entirely up to you to decide if you are okay with taking it, but take it as they’re not
entirely interested in your previous plan and that it would clash with what the entity
has in store for you. You are not going to be able to move them all that much, so while
you could ask questions about this new type of deal, don’t think that they’ll give you
the previous deal that you wanted so much. As you hopefully have a list of entities,
you can keep this one as an option and move further.

Be vary of any entity that is offering you something that sounds way too good. Like
unimaginable riches, or becoming the Casanova to all the girls. Often times it means
that you managed to meet a rather nefarious being that have nothing good to actually
offer you. Often times this is a small, tiny, insignificant spirit thug and not any real
entity that you were trying to reach. Politely thank this entity, decline and ask them to
leave your space.

When bartering yourself away you can add extra clauses to do with this. For example,
my agreement read “you may not eat me”. Yeah, that’s right, that was a concern. In
general this should not be a concern if you felt a connection to an entity and are now
talking with it through your thoughts, or dreams as they would not bother to go that far
to harvest what can be seen as just a tiny sliver of energy, there are easier ways of
getting that. On the other hand if you are making a deal with something you don’t
know without ever sensing them once, this should very much be a concern as you have
so little meaning to them that you can’t even know if they heard what you said.

The final contract may be as long as you wish. There are people that wrote something
that reads very much like a legal document. Remember that it is okay to go overboard
and make it pages upon pages long. But you will need to read it all to an entity and ask
them would they like to change anything here, or would they be willing to agree to
such a deal. The longer your contract, the longer you will spend on bartering back and
forth. And we are not speaking just what you want, you should be adding ever
precaution that you think would be useful in here. “You may not eat me” was mine, but
it can start anywhere from “You will not use me as a slave” to “I only owe myself to
you as a collateral if I fail to dedicate 5 works of music to you”, for example. It is up to
you what you want our of this relationship, it is up to you to keep yourself safe and it
is up to you to decide how the contract should go. So be creative and then barter down.
Or be vague. I was vague. I know a couple of other people that were vague. It just
depends on what you are okay with leaving to chance and what you want to set in

Any entity that tells you that you have already made a deal with them this lifetime is
lying, as you can not swear yourself without the knowledge of it. Any entity that tells
you that you have made a deal with them in a past life should be able to prove it and
you would benefit from confirming this proof with an energy reader. Don’t tell them
what they’re looking for, just ask if there are any unusual connections or marks on
your energy body that they can see.

Third party

There are plenty of occult practitioners that will offer you a pact for a silly sum of
money. Should you take their services is the question.

Do not take anyone’s service if they tell you that the repercussion on karma is entirely
on the practitioner and not you. You are giving your own autonomy to an entity, karma
as a concept does not apply here and no practitioner can absolve you of the
consequence of your own choice. The least legitimate third parties that I’ve seen
always said that you will send them their wish, they’ll sacrifice something on your
behalf and that the demon will do their bidding and it will work 100% of the time.

The most legitimate third parties that I’ve seen will warn you that your selected entity
may not agree to work with you and that they’ll do their best to find one that agrees to
take you, but that despite them being the intermediary for the current time, you will
have to speak with the spirit and work with the spirit yourself. They won’t promise you
miracles, or boast about making you a billionaire as long as you give them a little cash
(if they could do so, they would already be a billionaire themselves).

If you do choose to involve a third party, it has to be a third party that you would
absolutely trust. They have to contact the right entity. Then you have to trust that they
will ask the entity to pact you and will not simply tell you that they did. Then you need
to trust that if the entity says “no” they will actually deliver this information back to
you. This is a lot of trust to put into a stranger that is doing this as a business.

If the third party is trustworthy, there are some pros for going the third party route,
such as you won’t need to worry that it could be a random small spirit and not the
being that you are targetting, as you are using the expertise of someone else. But if
they are not trustworthy and they are wrong the consequences are still on your head
and not theirs, plus you just gave away that autonomy and left the protection of you
entirely out of your own hands.

It would be hard for me to recommend going the third party route because even if you
can trust a stranger to pact you right, you will then have to work with said entity
yourself, meaning that you still need to put in all that hard footwork on learning to
meditate, learning to reach them and communicate, so while the third party would save
you time up front, you will end up spending the same amount of time on this in the end
anyway. Furthermore you lose the chance to feel if the entities are right for you, nor
can you take the extra time to tweak that contract in a way that would suit you and
them as you are leaving all that communication to someone else.

If you ask for my opinion, do your own work and don’t seek to cut corners. You want a
soul contract, do it yourself. But as with everything up to here so far, this is entirely up
to you, no-one will be judging either way as it is your business and yours only.

Repeating the lessons learned up to this point

Some people get lost. For this reason I will be summing up what you should have
learned by this point.

1. You should know what you are selling (you) and what can be the consequences of
your action.
2. You realize that there are a variety of options that do not involve selling yourself,
your current life or your afterlife and that there are other ways to achieve what you
want. Similarly you understand that you can make the choice to dedicate yourself to an
entity without selling yourself.
3. You acknowledge that The Devil is not a being and therefore you will petition
entities that either have nothing to do with The Devil, or the entities that are sometimes
referred to as The Devil directly.
4. You have taken the popular concept of hell out of your mind (as it is not a place) and
are proceeding forward without fear or guilt. If you have fear or guilt you do
understand how to perform a ritual to cut ties with your previous religion and will
perform it in order to discard this fear or guilt before moving forward.
5. You should have your wish ready, after making sure that it is not impossible and
formatting in a way that you think is not too vague nor too specific.
6. You are able to meditate and have an ability of accessing a trance (altered mind)
state, preferably you want to do this without requiring drugs. You will only attempt this
working when in a mentally stable place.

7. You do have a list of entities that you will try to hit up with your wish and make sure
that in your heart and soul you know that these are the right ones to ask.
8. You should be able to do a protective circle from parasites and trickster spirits
(otherwise known as spirit thugs).
9. You are capable of reaching for an entity of your choosing to see if you can feel
anything. You do understand that you are contacting a spirit and therefore you do not
expect a physical person to show up at your place.
10. You should be able to ask them the question if they would be willing to fulfil your
wish in exchange for you and ask it in a manner clear enough that states that you are
not swearing yourself to them and merely asking is such a thing acceptable with them.
11. Even if you can’t feel the entity you know how to send the question off to them
using a literal letter and destroying it with water, fire, ripping it apart or burying it in
the earth.
12. You should know how to close the ritual that you were performing.
13. You do understand that some entities may barter and that it is up to you to decide to
take the modified version of your contract or not.
14. You realize that third party is an option if you absolutely feel incapable of doing
this on your own, but you also understand that most of the working will still be on
your shoulders.
15. You comprehend how much trust one needs to place on another to be able to give
themselves to them and therefore will not perform any further steps until you feel that
you do trust the entity of your choosing.

Congratulations, you are nearly there. If any of these points are confusing you, go back
up the book and read it again.

No entity has accepted my terms, help

Really? Have you tried the ones that are regularly referred to as the devil? Yes? All of
them? Have you tried the rest of Goetia too? King Paimon, Belial, Bael?

Well, you are stuck with a few options. One is to contact a third party. As much as I
hate using third parties, an honest mediator here may be the only way forward.

Introspection. Ask if your wish is realistic. Has anyone else offered something else? If
yes, you have the choice to take a modified contract, if no, you must ask yourself why.
Are you already attached to some sort of religion and therefore unavailable to make
any other contracts? That may be the case. In which case you would need to figure out
with whom and say hello to them again, see where your river is already flowing. This
can be done with any simple divination. Just pick up your pendulum and ask that
question. “Am I connected to any kind of entity, be it a demon, angel, God, or anything
else?”. If the answer comes back as positive you can ask the universe to reveal to you
their name. They may choose to not be seen at this part of your life and the only way
forward may be to wait.

Lastly, it can be that you are too young of a soul for anyone to even consider the kind
of work that would be required to turn you into something useful. This might be a
good thing. It does not mean that you need to abandon occult. Read up on any spells
that you can perform yourself, you can revisit the entities and ask if they will simply
help you navigate your life without the whole soul trade thing, if there’s a positive
answer you can take an entity as a teacher, so you can continue working towards your

goals, just you can’t have this exchange. Most people in the occult will not have this
kind of deal, these kind of deals are rare, so cheer up, this is simply not a path for you.

“Signing” your contract

By this point you should have a shorter list of entities that would accept you and a full
idea what you want. It should pretty much be set in stone now, as in you can not think
of any other tweaks to discuss with a chosen entity before you proceed.

The timeline here should be such that between you getting an idea to sell your soul and
you standing here there should have been at least a couple of months. Time for you to
really think it over, time for you to figure out what you desire and are your original
desires really represent the true you. Past this point, this is it. No take backs. No
“actually this is not what I meant”. No “I made a mistake choosing the entity”. It is
something that you really should have spent time deciding.

If your list is still longer than one name, which of these entities have you interacted
with the most? Which one pulls you the most? Which one agrees with you the most?
Pick one and you will now not use the rest of that list ever again, unless your chosen
entity allows you to work with others on occasion.

There are many ways of achieving what you want to achieve. I suggest having these
physical supplies with you – something to prick your finger with, the rest are a choice,
you can either bring a dish to place a drop of your blood to (I personally have a
sacrificial goblet), or some paper that you will then destroy either through burning (fire
safety first, let me repeat from before – nobody wins if you burn your house down),
burying in the ground, ripping apart, or submerging in water (in which case bring
water to submerge it in).

What if you can not give any of your blood? Well blood letting is not necessary, but
your blood is you, it is your life-force. This is echoed through multiple religions (for
example, The Bible – “But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.
(Genesis 9:4)”) and even with those of us that are not organized into anything official,
the power of blood is well understood. By giving a tiny bit of yourself to an entity like
this you are allowing them to know you very personally and establish a strong
connection between the two of you. It is not that it won’t work without it, but simply
that this is a very potent ingredient and I highly suggest involving it into your ritual
here (you don’t need to involve it for every little thing, but this one is a pretty big
deal). Note – how much you give really won’t make a difference. You need the entity
to know you, so a paper-cut can do. Do not, whatever you do, bring in a knife and
slash your wrists. You are trying to sell your self, not commit suicide. If you can not
give any blood, discard the possible list of supplies from above.

Clean yourself (literally take a bath or a shower), dress as nicely and comfortably as
you can, clean your space, make sure that there are no interruptions, have your
supplies ready together with either your oath memorized in your head, or written down
on a paper somewhere. Nobody will discriminate if you have memory issues, but
forgetting what you want in exchange for what and what your terms are in the middle
of swearing yourself is not a good place to be.

Do your protective circle, do your meditation, call down the entity like you did before,
make sure that it is really present. If the entity is not present, I suggest waiting till a
better time and trying again some other day. If you had to resort to sending your
original question in a letter form because you never could feel the entity to begin with
discard the advice and proceed with the ritual here.

Everyone’s ritual will be individual and if your intuition is telling you to do something
specific, but that action is not dangerous, do it instead of anything written here. It
might feel right to give your proclamation in the shape of a poem, or a song for
example, you may have an urge to do movements, like knocking on your chest,
bowing, or anything in between, wherever your intuition takes you, if you feel like you
should do something (and this action does not endanger you, thoughts that make you
want to hurt yourself are a sign that something has gone wrong and that there’s an
impostor spirit in your space, so focus on closing the ritual then and try again another
day), do something.

The stock standard proclamation that you can repeat if you want (or write your own,
just take the general idea of this one and do what you think is fitting) would be
something like this -

“I, name last-name, have come here today in front of you, entity name, to make the
agreement that we have previously discussed.
You agree to help me with (insert terms here).
In return I tie myself to you, promise to follow you in this lifetime and am entirely in
your hands once it is over. I agree to be that what you will want me to be and serve you
in a way that you will deem fitting, as long as these terms are not breeched, the terms
being (insert what you don’t want to happen). To signify my dedication and to make it
easier for you to tie me to you I give you my life-blood (now is the time to prick a
finger and get a single drop of blood either into a container, like a cup, a plate, a
goblet, any kind of dish-ware, or on a piece of paper. If you are forgoing blood giving,
forego the previous sentence and this part).
Thank you for coming, entity name, and thank you for accepting me. I will leave the
blood out to you for the next half an hour, after that I am disposing of what physically
remains of it. I will be closing the ritual now and I can’t wait to hear your further
guidance from you”.

Afterwards close the ritual, except don’t tell the entity to leave, if it has accepted you
as theirs, it will likely pop in uninvited sometimes regardless, so you may as well don’t
bother, try something like thanking it again, telling it that you’ll be removing the circle
now, removing the circle and waiting some time. In about half an hour either dispose
of the bloody paper that you have with your chosen method, or wash out your dish-
ware of choice.

If you used a dish, consider keeping it as a ritualistic item, instead of using it as a

regular dish, if that is possible and you don’t need to hide from other people that live
in your household, not because you have to, but because it will be a keepsake from this
key point in your life. The same goes if you have written down your proclamation
beforehand rather than memorized it. Keep it safe somewhere if it is safe to do so, for
no other reason than it marks your new life now and the rest of your eternity, it seems
like an important event to me and something that you will want to keep near and dear
to your heart. As this item will now be something that you associate with your entity it
may help you to connect with them the next time you want to.

Well, congratulations, you did it! You sold yourself! I can give you advice on how to
continue with your practice, which is what I’m going to do in the chapters down
below, but from now on everything that happens is between you and your entity. You
are beholden to them, so if you want to make any major decision, such as working
with extra spirits, you should run that idea through them. Otherwise follow what kind
of sudden urges you experience. If you suddenly really wish to write a book, start
painting, or go somewhere where you normally wouldn’t, if you decide on a whim to
visit a different country or look for a job somewhere else, follow these. If there is a
strong desire to do something, it is likely there for a reason and your chosen entity is
guiding your life closer to what your goal was. How often you will communicate with
this entity, how much work you’ll put into that connection and what kind of dreams
will they send is entirely between you and the entity. For me the daily work with
Lucifer was written into my contract as one of the conditions, but you are not me, there
are so many factors that your journey won’t resemble the journey of anyone else and
don’t expect it to.

It could be your happily ever after, or a hell of your own making. Just in case I will
discuss breaking contracts in later chapters too, but know that it is the exception and
not the rule, meaning for the most part you are absolutely stuck with the choice that
you have already made.

And remember that no matter what your goal was, you need to put significant effort to
work towards it, not only on your spirituality. So work like mad in order to get those
opportunities that you need. If you wished for something like long life, make sure that
you are eating healthy and exercising, if you wanted love, work towards making
yourself a person that would be agreeable and attractive to others, inside and out.
Whatever the goal was, you must do everything to reach it, or else the spirit can’t help

Building an altar

Altars are a key place for many practitioners (though not all). It helps you to
concentrate your work to one place and therefore strengthen the energy of the entity
that you work with in your space. If you can not have a space to dedicate to an entity
like this because you need to hide your practice, know that anything that reminds you
of an entity on any surface can be an altar, so you can be very sneaky with setting one
up (to others it will just look like decoration). If you can not decorate your space at all,
when meditating you can imagine an altar the same way that you imagine your
protection circle (it is a good mental exercise to both imagine your dream altar and be
able to repeat this image every time when you want to invite your entity over).

What surfaces can serve as altars? Any. I use a side table, as I did not want a large
table, I can fit all my wanted tools on it and I did not mind getting one. You can use a
full sized table if you have the space for it. You can use a shelf on a bookcase (this
works extra well if you need to be sneaky), or the whole bookcase if you want to go
really overboard. It can be a tray if you are planning on taking all your supplies to go
and sit elsewhere when working. Some keep their altar supplies in a box and take it to
nature with them.

What goes on an altar?

Something that reminds you of a spirit is a must. This can be one item or multiple
items. Suggestions include the items that you used in making a pact, the sign or sigil
associated with them either engraved into material, or simply put on paper, however
there are plenty less “in our face” items, for example, are they associated with any kind
of animal? If they are a statuette of an animal may be an idea. An abstract object that is

associated with their domain could work too (for example if it is a spirit of knowledge,
put your favourite non-fiction book on your altar, if it is a spirit of music, you can keep
a device that plays music, an old musical media if your house has any (such as a CD),
or even just an image of a musical note), if you need to make it any less obvious, get a
tablecloth in the colour that the spirit is associated with. The whole point here is to
have something visual to glance at to represent your spirit, so that focusing on them is

Anything that you would like to give to the spirit goes here too. For example, some
people go to nature, find a leaf, a flower, a rock that reminds them of their entity, they
bring it home and give it as an offering by leaving it on the altar. If you like offering
candles, you would leave a candle. If you want to share drink or food with the spirit,
you would leave your drink or food on your altar for a bit before either throwing it
away or consuming it yourself. When you have a dedicated space to do this in,
something fairly magickal happens and the offerings (if they are permanent ones, like
rocks, or candles) start feeling like your spirit. When you are struggling to find the
spirit’s energy in your space, or need reassurance, you can light that candle, or you can
hold that rock and you can feel their energy.

The altar is a fantastic place to hold your tools of the craft. If you use any tools to
communicate with the spirit, leave them on the altar. Examples can include a
pendulum, or a deck of cards (provided you don’t use these anywhere else, or you
don’t mind feeling the energy of the spirit whenever you use these tools). If you
communicate through dreams, you can keep a dream journal in this space. If you look
for signs in the waking world a diary (or anywhere else that you would keep notes on
your signs) has a place here.

The altar is your creative space, so while I just gave you a list of what normally goes
on one, let yourself put whatever you want on yours. I will now give a few altar
examples -

Sneaky altar. Let us say that you made a deal with King Paimon. King Paimon is
associated with camels. You locate a convenient shelf or a bookcase, for example. You
get a statuette of a camel, or you draw a camel and you place it there. If you are using
a necklace like a pendulum to communicate, you will nonchalantly drop your necklace
here, or hang it somewhere nearby. Paimon is associated with art, so art makes a good
offering. You will get yourself a little notebook to casually sketch in. It does not matter
what you sketch, as long as the art is made with real passion. You will place this little

notebook next to your statuette. If you do decide to use candles or incense, you will
get yourself some that would not attract attention, like a scented one that you could
find in any nearby store (just make sure that there’s no extra shelves above it when
burning the candle, as otherwise you risk a fire). Now you have a selection of perfectly
ordinary items that can be used as decoration decorating a shelf. Every single time
when you walk past the shelf, think about your entity. Whenever you want to perform
a meditation to connect with them, use the statuette or the drawing as visual aid.

Box altar. Let us say that you are dedicating this one to Lucifer. You would get
something that reminds you of Lucifer, such as a sigil of his, put on paper and put into
this box. As you will be using your supplies outside, it may be quite nice and
comfortable to bring something to sit on, like cloth. Lucifer’s colours are silver, black
or white (neutral), gold (as the light, as he is the light bringer), blue (as the sky) or
purple (royal colour), meaning a cloth in any of these colours, or multiple colours
would do. If your communication method included, for example, a deck of cards, the
cards would go in here, otherwise if you find nice nature items in your walks, such as
rocks, keeping a few with you in this box is something that you can do.

When it comes to altars your creativity is the limit, so be creative!

If you work with multiple spirits and want to venerate them all, I suggest keeping a
separate altar for each. Some are okay with sharing a space, but when you place items
for two different spirits on the same altar and they are not okay with sharing the space,
you will see an increase of accidents, such as you accidentally bumping into and
dropping items off your altar, or even the whole altar collapsing (for example you had
an altar on a 3-legged side table, one leg breaks, the whole altar leans and smashes to
the floor). If you want to know will a spirit be alright sharing altar space with another
spirit, the safest option is to ask both spirits. You would use the same communication
methods that you use with both spirits normally. Even if you are using a slow method,
such a dream communication, it would still be better to wait than to witness such

The ebb and flow of connection

I have not met a practitioner whose connection to their spirit has been constant and at
the same level every day for their whole lives. When you go deeper into working with
the spirit that you have now declared yourself to you will experience this and might
begin to panic.

Your sensitivity to the spiritual realm will not be exactly the same every single day, so
even if the spirit is being properly called down by you, you may just feel them less on
some days. When I am ill my sensitivity tanks and that is when I need help the most.
Lucifer often verifies his presence to me by giving me an answer in a sign, or if I ask
for my illness to be helped if possible, I will feel better after my invocation, no matter I
sensed the spirit there or not. Even when I am healthy his presence will intensify on
some days and wane on others. I trust in spirits and I trust that they’re there strongly
precisely when they need to be.

Sometimes you will encounter a period when the spirit won’t be around as often. This
happens in moments when you need to focus on your life and they do not have
anything to help you with. For example you went back to school to study again, or
have just gotten a promotion at work and are working intensely, or you are travelling
the world on a very strict schedule. You have something that you need to focus your
attention on strongly and the spirit knows this. Do your meditation, or pray if it brings
you comfort, but focus on your life.

The spirit may also take a step back if the spirit has given you all the advice that they
can, but you just don’t listen. Further advice or communication will be fruitless and
pointless until you follow their original advice. To give an example, I remember
reading a story by a practitioner that has contacted Marbas because they wanted to be
healthier. Marbas asked them to watch their blood pressure and sugar levels. They had
to cut out morning doughnuts and coffee. This practitioner was working a stressful job
and they would follow the advice for a couple of days, then give in again and
apologise. This went on for weeks. Even when physical accidents started occurring
around the practitioner, such as them spilling the coffee, dropping the doughnuts,
running into other people more often while carrying such items, even having freak
gusts of wind blow these items out of their hands, they did not listen, they would
simply buy another cup of coffee. Eventually Marbas stopped responding. The
practitioner was wondering if there was anything that they could do to bring Marbas
into their life, or was this a sign that the spirit has taught them everything that they
needed to know and that they were on the journey to being healthier, but they were
unwilling to recognise that despite the spirit’s best efforts they were not putting in the
much needed effort themselves and therefore the spirit has gone quiet until they do, as
otherwise further communication was pointless.

If you need a temporary boost to your connection between you and the spirit consider
using a drop of your blood again, just as you did in the ceremony swearing yourself to
the spirit. Blood is a powerful connector and may make it easier for the spirit to find
your energy in space and therefore increase their presence. Do not do this often though
as it won’t fix the period of low activity, however if you really need to communicate
with the spirit that day, it is an option. If you make this a regular affair the entity that
you are connected to may choose to take a step back deliberately as otherwise you
would be slowly endangering yourself while obsessing over their presence (this won’t
be true for everyone as some have agreements that they will do a small donation every
week, or month or so, but in general these thoughts can slip into obsessive, people start
thinking that quantity equals quality and it becomes a dangerous road to walk on). To
give them a donation of the drop of your life force do what you regularly do to connect
to the spirit, then tell them that you are giving them that offering because you can not
feel them all that strongly and wish to feel them stronger today, then offer that drop in
the same way that you did when signing your contract.

Interacting with other practitioners

After a while we all get lonely and we all seek spaces where we can share our own
experiences. This page is here to help you navigate such a space.

All that happens to us within the spiritual counts as “UPG” or “Unverified Personal
Gnosis”. Gnosis stands for knowledge. When many different practitioners get together,
in order to establish what is likely there and what isn’t, they will share all of their
different view-points and will draw on commonalities. Experiences independently
verified by many people can be accepted as “VPG” and therefore seen as more valid
than an unverified experience.

Sometimes multiple UPGs conflict. This may be because the practitioner sharing their
UPGs that don’t fit is being influenced by their own emotions, fears and biases, or in
the opposite direction – wants. This is the danger of having our head filter our
experiences – it is easy to run away into our own interpretation of things. Most
common projections coming from one’s mind can be – “this entity hates this other
entity”, especially if the second entity has folklore to do with first entity, or the second
entity comes from your previous religious trauma, “I am being/ will be punished” –
this one can easily devolve into paranoia and stems from fear, “I am dating my entity
and we are in love” – God couplings and spiritual marriages are a thing, but if you are
lonely and have nobody to share your life with in the mundane, this becomes an easy
fantasy of escapism marred by beautiful dreams of your own making.

However there can be a reason for your UPG being what it is. Firstly it will be
influenced by which aspect of the entity are you interacting with. The same entity that
can curse can often heal and the person that has a lot of wrongs that they want to
correct and is asking the entity to help them curse their wrong-doers will see a
completely different version of the entity than the person that wants some healing and
support. Secondly sometimes the entity will aim to validate your feelings and uplift
you to help you heal, so for example if you are very angry at a different God you may
get something that is along the lines of “oh that other God is a false God, they are good
for nothing, forget them”, this won’t just be your anger colouring the picture, but
neither will it likely be the true thoughts of the entity that you are speaking with, rather
it is their way of saying “your anger is justified, let it flow, let it go, let yourself grow”,
no “actually” would help you in this moment, so they’ll show you the anger that you
want to see. Thirdly, an entity may present to you in an unusual way because they
would know that otherwise you would reject it – I had seen a practitioner that was
attacking anyone that called Lucifer a “he”, in their mind we were not real followers,
because Lucifer is clearly a “she” – they would have not been comfortable with a “he”
so the entity presented to them as a “she” and they took it to be the real truth.

Knowing all of this, keep your ego in check. Even if you think you know something
because you have divinated on a question and the entity helped you to come to an
understanding, understand that the understanding is personal so don’t go preaching
about it like it is the one and only truth. But know that other occultists are functioning
with the same rules as you and don’t take anyone’s opinion as whole universal truth.
Often times when a practitioner gets into power by receiving a high ranking position in
an order, or by growing old, they will entirely forget this truth and will see their truth
as objective truth. This is very individualistic spiritual, there is no “one size fits all”
approach and no unified one truth. We are but grasping at strings oof the cosmos only
able to see our piece of the puzzle.

Now expand this to institutions, religious groups, cults, communities, gatherings and
covens. You will often see groups prop up and represent the “real” wishes of a religion,
a culture, a God or what have you. You will then see other groups prop up and do the
same while representing slightly different viewpoints. Know that that is all there is – a
viewpoint. No other practitioner speaks for you, except for you. No other practitioner
is likely to hold an identical view to you, but even if enough of you hold similar views
and create a new group based on them, there will inevitably be groups that will see
things differently. People create a lot of drama. Yet we also want to share, connect and

hold common values. All things in moderation. Don’t let anyone else push you off
your path by telling you that this one way is the correct way to do things, but also
don’t internalize your own view-point to a point where you can’t sit there and listen to
other experiences because it enrages you that they’re not the exact same ones to yours.
Take this book, for example. The topic is so controversial that there will be an
argument on can you even sell your self to an entity. Some do not believe in souls,
others don’t believe that our souls belong to us, third type of people believe that we all
mix together and new souls get born out of that every time when we die, forth group of
people will believe that a capitalistic exchange is a Hollywood legend. I believe what I
do because of my personal experiences, but they have personal experiences that had
led them to believe otherwise. Spirituality is complex – I will believe some viewpoints
to be plainly wrong, I will incorporate others, or find pieces of what rings true to me in
other viewpoints and the other people will do the same. It is like arguing what art style
is the correct one. The right answer is both “none” and “all”.

At some point you will desire to expand your practice by incorporating new rituals,
new occult knowledge or anything else. When looking into any topic, go with multiple
sources and try to find the commonalities between them. Then try a practical
application and see how it goes. Currently it is very popular to make one minute
videos of folk practices, but because of the time constraint, the information will be
incomplete, or in some cases plainly wrong due to the simplification. The only way
you can make sure that a practice is correct is by seeking multiple sources (in lengthy
media preferably rather than short media, as short media loses nuance).

Lastly, occult spaces are full of people either trying to profit or to boost themselves
into status. If you ask a question and someone offers a solution that you need to pay
money for to buy from them, this is a red flag, if someone messages you trying to say
something vaguely ominous, or spiritual and asks you to buy a service from them, this
is a full on scam, if you end up in someone’s social media, or if they are hosting public
appearances, their home or workplace and they are either an influencer, or they lead a
religious group of their own, know that this is first and foremost a job for them and
you are a potential client, not necessarily a friend.

Can you make meaningful connections in occult spaces? By personal experience, yes,
but these people will be few and far in between and you will regard them as a friend,
not a colleague and not a teacher. They will be sole individuals and they could be from

organizations, or even influencer spaces, but they won’t be the space itself, rather just
another person on their own path that has happened to run into you and befriend you. It
is very rare to fit perfectly into the whole space by itself, but some do find their homes
to be in covens, lodges and other organizations. Just because I personally can’t stand
them does not mean that it is the wrong path for you.

Breaking a soul contract

While technically not impossible, this is very hard to do and often requires you to still
work off your debt. What you will require is another entity to bargain on your behalf,
which means that now you are looking not for one entity that would take you, but for
another that would like you enough to untie you from the previous one.

Furthermore there are positions that one can’t be untied from or released from. I hold
one such place. After enough soul alchemy there is going to be enough spilling
between you and the entity in terms of energy that the connection will become
impossible to break. Like you are a branch off a tree, the only way to leave the tree is
to be cut off and destroyed.

Do not listen to priests that say that they can exorcise and release you from your
contracts. I was informed that there are actually torture spaces that Lucifer keeps just
for traitors. I know that he is not the only one. If the negotiation is not between two
entities, there is all the chance in the world that whatever the priest was petitioning
does not actually care for you and as the rules for cruelty are a lot looser on the other
side, the owner of yours has their full right to do with you as they please and there
won’t be anything that anyone else will do about this.

Let us say that your position can be separated from the entity that you sold yourself to
and that you did find another entity to barter for you, well you may still require to
spend multiple lifetimes working for the one that you originally contracted. Even in a
best case scenario this is not a train that can be disembarked. Furthermore the sign on

your soul of said entity that you contracted will be permanent, meaning that all other
spiritual beings will know of your history. Very rarely would you just regain your
freedom too, as chances are that if someone is willing to bargain on your behalf, then
they will want you instead. Though that is really preferable than to go back to public
spaces for your after-life while carrying a sign that you clearly can not be trusted to
keep your word and that there is already a contract that you’ve broken.

Sometimes, if you are very lucky and have good relationship with the entity that you
sold yourself to, you can ask them for your own freedom and if they are feeling
generous, they will release you. However you are now depending on how nice is your
master. You are entirely in their hands, because this is the decision that you had made
for yourself. But it is worth a try, as similar things have happened before.

Now if you managed to enter a soul contract with a small entity that’s neither a named
demon, nor a god and they coerced you into it by promising what they can’t deliver,
pretending to be someone else, or ambushing you when you are not in the right state of
mind (such as while being under the influence of drugs), any bigger named entity can
break that contract and you need to only ask, as informed consent is highly important
and no such thing has been present here.

Bottom line to consider is that all of these exits are very rare and not without
consequences of their own. In 99% of all cases there is no exit. You can not be saved
by some other being or religion. You can not divorce the entity and just leave. This
won’t just follow you for a certain number of years, or for a certain number of
lifetimes. When you promise yourself and you give your autonomy to another being, it
is till the final end visits your soul. And in some cases even that can be entirely
impossible for you to access and it all depends on your personal agreements with an
entity and asks. I made a point to commit so deeply that I took out my own ability to
self destruct. This will likely be discussed again after my death, but this is tying my
life-force into the entity to such a strength that I could only cease to exist if they
ceased to exist. And often times they could only cease to exist if the concept that
they’re a part of stopped existing in its entirely. The consciousness that rooted itself
into wind and became the spirit of wind could only cease to exist if the wind itself was

If it is only at this point that you realize that you made a massive mistake, you will just
have to live with it.


Last chapter of this book is dedicated to what casting my net far and wide has gotten
me in terms of how soul exchanges made this life are going. You see, those people that
I personally know have established their primary connection lifetimes ago. They were
simply born into this world with a spirit looking after them and knew no different.
There was still searching, there was still getting into the wrong religion, but once the
door opened for us, we have found that it is a door that we have opened time and time
again before. I know bits and pieces of my original contact, but not the full
circumstance, not my full life, just small flashes. So what are the experiences of those
that made a pact this lifetime?

One practitioner sent me this:

“I could tell you the negative consequences that happened to a distant friend named
Jacob that took the deal I turned down.

It’s been a little over a year since it happened. The last time I spoke to Jacob, he told
me that after he accepted the deal from the demon, he underwent a kind of
“transformation” that took approximately 2 weeks, and according to him was painful.
He told me he was still “him”….but not the same “him” as he was before. He told me
that if he ever texts me again or calls, to not answer him, as he didn’t want to corrupt
“an innocent” (his words, not mine). That was the last I ever heard from him though.

About 3-4 months later I get a message from another guy-friend that was also friends
with the guy-friend who took the deal. This guy- friend (Jack) had warned him not to
take the deal, but obviously it was too tempting for him, so he did it anyway. Jack
called to tell me that Jacob was dead. I was in complete shock, and thought he was
messing with me at first….but he was dead serious. He said Jacob had been living the
“high life” and luring in all kinds of women (and men). I don’t know exactly what
happened, but Jack told me that his body was found in a ditch in Israel…he was totally
emaciated…almost skeletal-like. I don’t know what the hell he was doing in
Israel….he’s from a small town in the Midwest United States 🇺🇸…,like literally the
dead centre of the US! It’s very bizarre though….why Israel? What was he doing
there? How exactly did he die? These are questions that though I definitely have a
theory to answer them….I still do not know the exact facts. Jack doesn’t either, but he
reassured me that it was a damn good thing I didn’t take that deal.”

I sympathise with Jacob. Soul alchemy (the rearranging of who you are as a person on
the inside) can indeed feel like pain and I’ve done this work multiple times over long
periods of time, as each adjustment takes time to adjust to. If you change how your
emotions feel, or what your interests are like this, it is alienating from yourself and you
need time to incorporate that. Jacob likely had a whole bunch of changes happen to
him in a very short amount of time and on top of that changed his circumstance
entirely, meaning that he lived on the fast lane. Of course so much change and no self
control will lead to great parties, but also great instability. It can drive one to suicide,
or poor self control can make one make enemies. It is a good story to tell, though pity
it could not have been told by Jacob themselves.

Another message came from a practitioner that petitions spirits for short term changes
rather than a forever working:

“Pacts and selling your soul are two very different things. In my experience, pact
worked out well for me but it hasn't been easy. Can't fear the change that takes place
to achieve your desire. Can't view things in black and white "good and bad." Selling
your soul, I know a couple of people who have done it. They are both completely
insane now living horrid lives.

If either of them were on social media they wouldn't easily give up the info and are
both compulsive liars with constant paranoid delusions. Slaves to their vices as well. I
was close with both of them so it had been confessed to me from both of them
(separately) after years of knowing them, like it was a deep secret revealed. Really sad

too because they were both driven, charismatic, creative individuals before they did
that. A little eccentric, but not as insane and heartless as they are today. In my
opinion, they sold their soul over for very mundane lives. I'd say this is an intentional
trick in the occult. When I read the news articles of serial killers saying demons or the
devil told them to murder or something similar, I often wonder if they sold their soul to
a random lower level entity. Not even the real deal ones that could actually give you

There were many short similar messages that did not give up any details in this tone,
for example this one:

“When you need to learn a lesson it will be brutal if you do not learn the easy way.

I lost a lot of family, I almost lost my own life, I lost what would have been my future
for one I am heading for now. Am I worse off? I don't know, but I changed my future.

My advice to any practising magician; know what you are dealing with.”

Knowing whom you are entering into a pact with and being prepared for the changes
to come even if you did manage to contact a higher entity and not a spirit thug seem to
be key themes.

There were a couple of people that got lucky, just like me, for example one message

“I literally screamed at the sky that I would sell my soul. And now i am working
towards a music career with an entity by my side. You’re not alone.”

I did probe this fellow further and it seems that he is not exactly sure who he
contacted. Some have even guessed that he is in contact with a Triton (a male version
of a Siren) spirit rather than Goetic demon. There’s no telling where their journey will
end, but it is going fairly well for them so far.

Another person knew whom they were contacting, but don’t actually know was their
pact accepted, or did their spell work without the entity’s help:

“I don’t know exactly what I did, but I got the result I wanted. But now I fear I may

have tied myself to something. Someone was threatening me and my family (they killed
animals for sport using dogs, so I had confronted them about it), so I called on a
certain entity to help me kill them in exchange for eternal service/my soul. I also put
forth all the hateful and malicious energy I could muster into making this person not
only die, but die in the most horrific way possible. A slow, painful death “worse than a
woman being raped” is what I said aloud. I gathered enough malicious energy to
almost go crazy, and then sent it towards said person along with the plead for the said
entity’s help. Said person went missing a day later, no one ever found them. Don’t
know exactly what happened, but I think they probably died. They were an awful
person who hunted animals for sport and threatened to sexually assault me, so I don’t
feel sorry in the slightest. I was 13 at the time I did this. I recognize now that I
probably shouldn’t have so easily offered myself to a being, and in fact I still have no
idea how to repay said entity fir their help. Should they ever reach out I fully intend to
repay it though.”

Another story came from someone that has failed to sell themselves:

“Before I got into Satanism and the driving force behind me getting into Satanism was
a girl I fell in love with. She told me about a malevolent spirit that was latched to her.
It tormented her for years. At first I prayed to the Christian god to save her. It didn’t
work. She was losing herself. When I tell this story I say I went to a witch right after.
Which is mostly true. But I always left out the part I offered myself to the spirit in
exchange for her. I told it if it would leave her it can attach to me and have my soul. It
wouldn’t take the deal. So I went to a witch for help.

I learned that day that souls aren’t worth much. Nowhere near what people think its

This one is a long and beautiful one, as it is about a person that has established a soul
pact after years of working with an entity:

“I 'traded' (or swore) my soul to my patron after an initiation and spending two years
with them. I say traded loosely but the deal was that I would be loyal and dedicated
for the extent of my life, in exchange to 'merge my energy' or serve/follow/meld with
them in whatever afterlife I have ahead of me. I very much view my souls as an energy
so that's why I would consider it given like a currency as you described.

It's going well. It's helped my practice immensely. I feel like the choice was ultimately
good because it's really taken away my fear of what comes next. I think a lot of people
are afraid of the unknown. This way I know there will be a trustworthy guide to help
me when the time comes. A very theistic way of thinking about death, but it works for
me. My every day experiences are a lot more easy to move through now. I feel more
energetic, happier, and hungrier for life. Etc. It was honestly one of the best decisions
I've made.

The only bad side that I've come across is that I worry about my husband. I feel a bit
selfish about it. I don't want to go to any sort of 'heaven' with YHWH. Not dissing it,
but I don't think that is right for me. However, I am very attached to my partner and
not being able to contact or feel his energy when we die makes me really sad. My
patron comforts me on this, which I'm grateful for. But it's a downside to me because
it's not fair to pull my partner into whatever I've gotten myself into. They are agnostic
and mostly sceptical about any sort of afterlife. Not that I own my partner, and would
wish any change for his future after death. I don't see him wanting to follow my path.
It's just a downer. Very sad to me.”

You have now reached the end of the book. I wanted the last chapter to be here so that
you can see a variety of experiences from many different individuals and so that you
could perhaps feel a bit less alone if this is the path that you’ll walk, or in fact,
considering that this is the last chapter, you may already be walking. This information
tends to be very private and guarded. People will rarely tell you that they have a pact.
It is a fairly taboo topic, so it is impossible to say how many of us are here. But we are
here. And our experiences have such a wide range that they come in all the colours of a

I hope that yours will be, or is a good one. And I hope that this book has been helpful.
Thank you for reading and here’s to all your dreams coming true.


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