Garcia Act1

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Juan Miguel R.

September 8, 2022
Arch 5A
Activity 01

Answer the following:

1. Explain the history of the Rizal Law and its important provisions.

Jose Rizal is one of the most admired figures in the Philippine

history, the Philippine revolution is inspired by his powerful
political writings under the Spanish colonizers.

As to pay respect to the known national hero, former Senator

Claro M. Recto grant the importance of Rizal’s writing in order to serve
as a guide in strengthening the Filipino identity through which is
called the Rizal Law. This Rizal Law required all the universities to
have a mandatory Rizal course that teaches the life of Rizal particularly
his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and his heroic act
against the colonizers. On the other hand, Catholic Church opposed
the law as Rizal’s works could stain the image of Catholic priests and
could be misleading. Today, the Rizal Law is officially designated as
the Republic Act No. 1425 on the 12th day of June 1956, a Philippine
law that ordered all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer
the Rizal course as part of the curriculum.

2. Critically assess the effectiveness of the Rizal course.

As a Filipino student, the Rizal course that is offered in our

school’s curriculum is a prerequisite upon anything else. The stories
and life of Rizal is a good set of example on how we should act
accordingly to our country. We should be thankful for the sacrifices that
our national heroes did because we owe them this freedom we are
experiencing. The Rizal course strengthens the patriotism of each
Filipino individual and avoids us to be ignorant in our own country.

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