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PPH 8/12/2012 (031085) Vol. 203 Kota Kinabalu, Monday, July 31, 2023 RM1.

50 Established 1963

Pledge on Of agropreneurs Sabah Paddy
identity and changing Board
of mindset towards for 60pc
informants agribusiness sufficiency

Despite over 100,000 Sabahans being jobless

Half Sabah’s workforce foreigners

Jeremy S Zabala Also present were Sabah Labour Depart- (Sabah Chapter 67). Employers, whether
KOTA KINABALU: ment Director Wan Zulkifli Wan Setapa and new or seasoned, are required to register so
State Federal Secre- Sabah Social Security Organisation (Socso) that the Sabah Labour Department has a
Director Dr Mohd Ali Hindia, among oth- record of their businesses.
tary Datuk Makhzan ers. “In a limited time offered, the Labor
Mahyuddin (pic) Due to a substantial number of locals Department is exempting compounds for
said nearly half the being unemployed, he said a holistic solu- employers in Sabah who wish to register
800,000-odd work- tion is needed to address the issue. with the department before Oct. 31. They
ers registered with the Labour This should include proper coordina- can do so via scanning a QR code at
Department comprise foreigners. At tion as well as views from the private sector,
non-governmental organisations and aca- “The department will not press charges
the same time there are more than demics to enable the Federal and State Gov- or issue compounds to employers who reg-
100,000 unemployed Sabahans. ernments in drafting and planning policies ister before the deadline, including those
Further analysis of the figures show as well as laws for the benefit of Sabah and who have passed their 90-day premise
that the dependency on foreign man- the people,” he said. operation registration limit,” he said.
power is contributed by several sectors Makhzan also reminded employers in On the convention, Makhzan said it is an
such as agriculture, forestry and con- Sabah to register their workers with the initiative by the Labor Department to func-
struction where more than 80 per cent Sabah Labour Department or risk legal tion as a platform for the Government to
employed are foreigners. action. deliver the country’s latest relevant policies
“Some 819,111 are registered under the Under the Sabah Labor Ordinance Sec- and laws to all parties to ensure that each
Labour Department of which 55.2pc are tion 59A, business premises are required to policy or law that they implement can
locals and 44.8pc foreigners. register with the department within 90 achieve the hopes and aspirations of indus-
Zazuli (second right) with Nasir (second left) showing the
“Of the foreigners, 80.4pc have legal days and failure to do so can cost them up try players in the State.
syabu that were seized during the Wednesday operation.
documents or covered under the Sabah to RM10,000 in fines, upon conviction. This involved some 40 participants in
Labour Ordinance. Under this section of the ordinance, any the convention, including employers and
“We can summarise that nearly 50pc of person or employer is required to give a human capital officers from various sec-
industries in Sabah rely on foreign labour
despite 169,800 Sabahans being unem-
ployed,” he said at the Sabah Labour Con-
written notification to any nearby JTK office
regarding employment-related informa-
tion, and failure to do so is an offence under
tors, as well as representatives from
employer associations, labor unions, NGOs
and Institute of Higher Learning (IPTA)
Bid to pass off RM3.3m
vention. Section 130E(f) of the Labour Ordinance students.

Interim Domestic
Syabu as detergent fails
Rectifying rural power Jeremy S Zabala No arrest was made despite the whop-
Trade Minister KOTA KINABALU: An attempt to smuggle ping amount. Investigations are contin-

supply shortcomings: DPM KUALA LUMPUR: Prime

in syabu worth RM3.36 million disguised
as detergent failed with the year’s biggest
such seizure at Sepanggar Port last
uing to identify the sender and the
intended recipient at a condominium in
Minister Datuk Seri Zazuli said the modus operandi was to
Sherell Jeffrey Meanwhile, he said youths play a key
Anwar Ibrahim said
KOTA KINABALU: role in bringing about changes in the Customs Director General Datuk distribute the drugs using containers
Datuk Seri Armizan and placing them in detergent packages
New technologies are socioeconomic structure and that they Zazuli Johan said the Narcotics Branch
Mohd Ali (pic) will be as well as declaring them to be so.
needed to correct must be directly involved in the coun- the acting Domestic
Enforcement Operation Unit, Customs
shortcomings in the try’s governance and development. Operational Battle Force Response “The goods will be mixed with other
Trade and Cost of Living goods in a ‘Less than Container-Load’
Rural Electricity Sup- “The cooperative movement is an Assault (Cobra) conducted a 5pm raid,
Minister. (LCL) container. The case is being inves-
ply Programme instrument capable of offering entre- following a tip-off.
Armizan is the Minister in the Prime tigated according to Section 39B of the
(BELB), according to preneurial and leadership education The team inspected the container that
Minister’s Department (Sabah, Sarawak Dangerous Drugs Act 1952,” he said.
Prime Minister Datuk opportunities in order to develop high arrived from Port Klang and found the
Affairs and Special Duties), but will handle He said Sabah Customs also seized
Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (pic). quality and more competent human drug stored in nine boxes.
the portfolio until a permanent replace- 122.9kg drugs worth RM7.66m in opera-
“The BELB programme, which falls capital talent,” he said. “Further inspection on the boxes
ment is appointed for Datuk Seri Salahud- tions between January and July 25 this
under my Ministry, began a long time According to him, the global eco- yielded the methamphetamine weighing
din Ayub who died last week, Anwar said. year.
ago, but we discovered some failures nomic landscape is fast altering as a 101.951kg worth RM3,364,383. The drugs
“For now, Armizan has been given the “This includes 103.17kg methamphet-
due to battery replacement problems. result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which were packed inside transparent packets
responsibility to supervise and continue amine-type worth RM3,857,920.84;
“With the new technology, the bat- offers a number of challenges that kept inside Anchor brand detergent
the ministry’s operations,” he told 10.09kg cannabis estimated worth
tery lifespan is longer, and the mainte- demand immediate response. packs.
reporters. RM54,226.90; and 9.65kg Ketamine and
nance system will be changed by placing He believes that youth participation “Aside from the drugs, the boxes also
Anwar also said Deputy Domestic Trade Ecstasy estimated worth RM382,443.80.
several suppliers in several specific is vital since they are the group capable contained actual detergent. It is believed
and Cost of Living Minister Senator Fuziah “In addition, Sabah Customs also
areas, rather than just one supplier for a of executing creative projects in keeping that this was a tactic to confuse authori-
Salleh will work with the ministry’s secre- seized 631.77kg ketum worth RM6,289.31.
state as large as Sabah or Sarawak,” said with the digitalization wave. ties,” he told a press conference at Cus-
tary-general, Datuk Azman Mohd Yusof, to Some 581.48kg of ketum powder esti-
Ahmad Zahid, who is also Minister of “This group consists of age groups toms Wisma Penguatkuasa, Sunday.
continue with their ongoing initiatives. mated worth RM5,786.46 and 50.29kg
Rural and Regional Development. that keep up with the pace of technol- Also present was Assistant Director-
Last Sunday, Salahuddin, the minister ketum leaves estimated worth
ogy and have extensive knowledge in General (Sabah Zone) Mohd Nasir Dera-
He said this to reporters after offici- responsible for the Rahmah initiative, died RM502.85,” he said.
the field. man, among others.
ating the Asia Pacific Cooperative Youth unexpectedly at the age of 61.
Summit 4.0 (APCYS 4.0), here, Sunday. “I believe that the combination of
He said renewable energy (solar youth leadership and existing leader-
power) is included in the National Energy ship can accelerate the regional cooper-
Policy and the installation of solar panels ative movement’s achievement in
on a large scale has been done.
However, they discovered some diffi-
culties in terms of solar panel installa-
enhancing the community’s standard of
living for the sake of sustainable and
inclusive economic growth,” he said.
Sabah needs to get rid of Bernas first
KOTA KINABALU: imports from China, Vietnam, Thailand announced for padi-planting areas such as
tion in rural areas. Entrepreneur Development and Sabah should negoti- and Pakistan as mentioned by Chief Min- Kota Belud but today not many know what
“The installation of solar panels was Cooperatives Minister Datuk Ewon ate with the Federal ister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor,” he said. happened…whether the millions spent
implemented in Sabah and Sarawak Benedick urged more young people to Government to break Ambrose, who is also Parti Gagasan has bought about the desired results,” he
over a decade ago. choose cooperatives as a source of Bernas’ rice monopoly Rakyat Sabah (PGRS) Supreme Council said.
“However, because the battery socioeconomic development as a group. and allow the pro- Member, said he fully supports Hajiji’s Ambrose, who is also Fama Corp Chair-
replacement system is only given to one “Cooperatives are a vehicle to posed Sabah Paddy move to revive the Sabah Paddy Board. man, said:
party, the area of Sabah and Sarawak is empower individuals, particularly Board to take over, said “I have spoken in the Senate on numer- “In most areas such as Penampang, the
too large, making it impractical and youths, who share the same goal of Senator Datuk John Ambrose (pic). ous occasions about the need to look into State Government stopped the conversion
time-consuming. working together to contribute actively “Bernas has been raking millions of rice self-sufficiency but nothing much of paddy fields for other development.
“Eventually, the areas that use solar in economic and social development. ringgit in profits by importing rice from seems to have been done,” he said. “However, many paddy fields have been
energy will face longer outages,” he said. “By fostering the spirit of together- other countries and neglecting local Ambrose said Hajiji’s farsightedness in left idle as the older generation obviously
“A new system for replacing this bat- ness and solidarity, cooperatives are paddy farmers. reviving the Board will go a long way in could not handle the task anymore due to
tery with a new battery, such as EV (Elec- able to change the lives of youths in the “Eventually local paddy farmers just ensuring the State would have sufficient their age while the younger generation is
tric Vehicle) batteries, must be created. face of uncertainty and current eco- give up. That is why Sabah’s rice self-suffi- rice one day. not keen.
“We believe this new technology will nomic challenges,” he said. ciency level (SSL) is at 22 per cent while 78 “Before, millions of ringgit for the “With the proposed Sabah Paddy
be a game changer in rural electricity per cent of the State’s rice needs are met by improvement of irrigation system were Board, these idle paddy fields could be
supply,” he said. See Page 2, Col. 5 revived with the assistance of the Board.
The Federal Government should also
Proposal right step: Farmers pump in allocations to assist Sabah paddy
Grants not an offence: MACC KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah State Farmers Organisation (PPNS) hailed
farmers,” he said.
Ambrose said there is no reason why
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Anti-Cor- my view, there is no issue the State Government’s decision to revive the Sabah Paddy Board (LPS). Sabah could not achieve rice self-suffi-
ruption Commission (MACC) said it was with regards to these Its Chairman Datuk Mohd Nazri Abdullah (pic) said the proposal ciency as the State has vast land, not
not an offence for Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid grants as they are govern- would benefit the people and state. including the many abandoned paddy
Hamidi to promise an additional grant for ment initiatives. The Board was scrapped due to rampant corruption, among others, during the Ber- fields all over the State.
youths in Terengganu recently. “If the allocations jaya administration. “But first, the State Government has to
MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri were approved by the (federal) govern- “We are quite confident that LPS can help Sabah achieve rice self-sufficiency of 60pc get rid of Bernas which is the stumbling
Azam Baki (pic) said the announcement ment, there is no element of bribery,” he by 2030 as projected by the State Government compared to only 22pc now. block. Hopefully the Federal Government
was above board as the allocations prom- was quoted as saying. “It will reduce imports from Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan and others as well as the will let Sabah manage the rice trade as well
ised to Terengganu were federal-level ini- At an event in on July 28, Ahmad Zahid outflow of currency,” he said, at the Farmers, Breeders and Fishermen’s Day Celebration as pumping allocations to ensure the suc-
tiatives, following backlash from quarters had announced grants of RM250,000 to (HPPNS) at Wisma Pertanian Sabah, Sunday. cess of Sabah’s padi industry,” he said.
over the announcement which constituted the Terengganu Malaysia Youth Council, “Many farmers are involved in rice cultivation, especially in Kota Belud, Kota Marudu, Ambrose, who is also Yayasan Bumipu-
‘bribery’ to voters in the ongoing state RM200,000 to motorcycle teams through- Papar, Keningau and others. They have contributed significantly to the production of tra Sabah (YBS) Chairman, said once the
elections. out the state, and RM100,000 to the Cen- local rice in Sabah”, said Mohd Nazri. Board is set up, its officials should go to
“The government can implement initia- tral Terengganu Development Authority Deputy Chief Minister I and State Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry, rice producing countries like Vietnam,
tives deemed appropriate for the public. In (Ketengah) youth association. Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey G. Kitingan officiated the closing of the HPPNS 2023 celebration. China and Thailand to learn from them.
All Chinese voters in p’sula must turn out: Huazong
2 Local MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

CM to present
SPM High
Achievers Award
KUDAT: The immi- cast their votes. The nomination day for the six state elec- would cater a number of mixed constituen-
nent state elections Goh, who is also President of The Feder- tions in Penang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, cies that would be intensely contested by
for the six states in ation of Chinese Associations Sabah (FCAS) Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu was Satur- political parties from both sides of the
the peninsula will be said this when officiating the torch run for day. A total of 572 candidates are vying for divide.
KOTA KINABALU: a major test for the the 38th National Chinese Cultural Festival the 245 state seats. He opined that the eventual outcomes of
Forty high-achiev- Unity Government (NCCF) at Pei Tsin High School, here, Satur- Of the 245 seats, he said Kedah, Kelantan the six state elections may ultimately have a
ing students will be and will have a great day. and Terengganu have 113 seats which are “subtle” impact on Sabah and Sarawak.
awarded the Sabah impact on political Also present were Goh’s wife Puan Sri predominantly occupied by Malay voters; “It may not affect the current political sit-
State Scholarship landscape of the Joanne Ho, Kudat Member of Parliament they are also the most intensely-contested uation in Sabah. But, the outcome will be a
Award of Excellence country, especially in Datuk Verdon Bahanda, Tg Kapor assembly- seats for the Malay-based political parties, “wind vane” which would influence the
(ABCNS), the high-
the peninsula. man Ben Chong, main organising chairman following the last general elections which “political direction” in Sabah.
est academic recog-
Federation of Chinese Associations of 38th NCCF cum FCAS Deputy President were held last November. He noted that Sabah which had its state
nition in the State. 
Malaysia (Huazong) President, Tan Sri T.C Datuk Susan Wong Siew Guen, her deputy The other three states namely Penang, election in 2020 has another two years to go
The 34 th annual
award will be presented by the Chief Min-
Goh (pic) said the outcome of the six state cum Vice President of FCAS, Kapitan Fung Selangor and Negeri Sembilan have a total before the present state government is dis-
ister-cum-Yayasan Sabah Board of elections would also be considered as the Chun Fatt, FCAS Vice President Ng Young of 132 state seats, with more than 50 per cent solved.
Trustees Chairman, Datuk Seri Haji Hajiji “wind vane” for the coming general elec- Wah, Organising Chairman of Kudat torch of the voters in Penang and Selangor being The state’s anti-party hop law was passed
bin Haji Noor on Aug 1 at the Auditorium tions nationwide. run cum Chairman of Pei Tsin School Board, Chinese, while Negeri Sembilan has almost in the State Legislative Assembly in May.
Tun Ahmad Raffae, Menara Tun Mustapha. He urged all registered voters in the six Soon Kah Khian and its Principal, Kong Kui equal numbers of Chinese and Malay voters. He, thus, opined Sabah would continue
Yayasan Sabah Director, Dato’ Sri Haji states, Chinese especially, to come out to Kiong, among others. This, he said, means these three states to enjoy a stable political situation.
Gulamhaidar @ Yusof bin Khan Bahadar
(pic), said ABCNS is a prestigious award
given by the State Government through
the Yayasan Sabah Group (YSG) to out-
standing Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
AirAsia’s billion-$ P’pines plan
M’sian trio
Gulamhaidar also said ABCNS is a driv-
ing force for students to strive for excel- Nikko Fabian and Malaysia are moving in the right direc-

deny bid to
lence in their academic pursuits. KOTA KINABALU: AirAsia has pledged to tion, with structural changes that would
YSG urges students to seize the oppor- invest $1 billion to expand its operations in establish the Philippines as the ideal invest-

con Brunei
tunity to pursue and excel in education to the Philippines. ment partner for Malaysian businesses.
secure a job placement in the market. “We think we can bring a lot of value to The President said Malaysia is the fourth
“To all recipients, I hope they will use the Philippines on logistics,” Capital A top source of foreign direct investments of

this opportunity and not let it go to waste. Berhad Chief Executive Officer Tan Sri the Philippines, which stands at $108 mil-
They are the chosen ones among thou- lion.
Anthony Francis Fernandez said at a round-
sands of students. As the award celebrates He said this stood at the same level for
table meeting with President Ferdinand R
students’ accomplishments, I hope they “a fairly long time now” and it is time to
Marcos Jr during the latter’s three-day state
will continue to work hard to develop into
visit to Malaysia last week. increase the level of trade.
well-rounded individuals capable of
This was disclosed by Presidential Com- “The investments that we have agreed BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (Borneo Bul-
Marcos (left) and Fernandez after their
meeting the needs of the current job mar-
munications Secretary Cheloy Garafil. on so far will inject a total of about $285 letin/ANN): A Malaysian trio have denied
business meeting in Kuala Lumpur.
Reacting to Fernandez’ commitment, million, serving as a robust and affirmative 45 charges of conspiring to cheat Hyatt
“Thus, I believe the award will serve as
Marcos expressed his appreciation to AirA- indication of the ongoing trust and keen Borneo Management Services (HBMS), a
an impetus to produce not only academi-
sia, the fourth-largest airline in Asia. We want to grow our aircraft from 23 to 50, interest of businesses and investors in the service provider based at Istana Nurul
cally brilliant students but also responsi-
“Thank you. We’re all very happy that including wide-body aircraft. We are just Philippines,” he said, thanking the busi- Iman, in a further mention of the case in
ble individuals who contribute positively
you see such good prospects for the Philip- applying for the licence now,” he said. nessmen for their trust and confidence in the capital.
to society,” he said.
pines,” Marcos said. Fernandez said doing business in the the Philippines. Senior Magistrate Hajah Ervy Sufitri-
Presently, 484 recipients of ABCNS have
Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual said Fer- Philippines had always been a pleasure as He assured business leaders of his ana Abdul Rahman adjourned the case to
completed their studies, while another 213
nandez signed a letter of intent, indicating he reiterated his commitment to the administration’s commitment to continue August 9 on hearing the guilty pleas
are still studying.
expansion plans for his business in the administration. its support not only to prospective entered by 51-year-old Sam Ying Kok, 56-
“With another 40 students receiving
Philippines, specifically for aviation and Marcos secured some $285 million Malaysian investors, but also to Malaysian year-old Abdul Sani bin Abdul Mutalib
the award this year, the ABCNS recipients
companies doing business in the Philip- and 56-year-old Iskak bin Rahmat.
will be pursuing various courses from a aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul worth of investment pledges from busi-
pines. Deputy Public Prosecutor Rozaimah
wide field of studies aligning with their operations, Air Asia super app and logistics nesses in leaders in Malaysia in food pro-
“We have made our system of corporate Abdul Rahman, who took over the case,
career goals and the rapidly changing operations. cessing, multi-service digital platforms,
will cite evidence from allegations that
knowledge-based economy,” he added. Fernandez said Capital A Berhad had to aviation and aviation maintenance support taxation more business-friendly with a
Sam had conspired with Iskak and Abdul
Since its establishment nearly 60 years bounce back and restructure its businesses services, logistics, manufacturing, infra- lower tax rate and improved mechanism
Sani to cheat HBMS into believing that
ago, YSG has been fulfilling its mission to to get back to the pre-pandemic levels. structure, and water and wastewater treat- for tax and incentives. We continue to seek
the Dawn baking flour supplied and
uplift the quality of life of Malaysians in “We’re excited about what we can do in ment, among others. ways to facilitate and expedite investments. delivered by Perusahaan Ala Haji Bolhas-
Sabah. the Philippines and really stimulate small, “I had the benefit of meeting a number “We recently established what we refer san between February 1, 2021 and March
Since then, YSG has been moving for- medium enterprises. We think we can bring of Malaysian businesses in the key sectors to as green lanes for strategic investments 1, 2022 is still usable despite it having the
ward and remains steadfast, contributing a lot of value to the Philippines on logis- of agriculture, transportation, and technol- as a means to establish a whole-of-govern- product expired. With the deception,
to the efforts of the State and Federal Gov- tics,” Fernandez told Marcos. ogy,” Marcos said during a roundtable ment approach to facilitate at the highest HBMS ordered and paid BND25,780.
ernments in developing the State, partic- level of government the critical investments

Two more IKS

“So, over the next few years, we think meeting with business leaders. The charges arose from Anti-Corrup-

Sabahan among 50 shortlisted

ularly in education. we’ll invest about $1 billion in the Philip- He said the meetings provided insights necessary for the development and com- tion Bureau (ACB) findings which alleged

Upko eyes
pines. We have about $300 million so far. that convinced him that the Philippines petitiveness of our economy,” Marcos said. Perusahaan Ala Haji Bolhassan, a long-

Marts to open
time flour supplier to HBMS, supplied

for Global Student Prize Bengkoka

expired Dawn baking flour to HBMS. The

in Tawau,
Dawn flour was allegedly surplus from
orders made by Perusahaan Ala Haji Bol-

seat in
hassan during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lahad Datu
After the Covid-19 restrictions lifted,
the company sold the expired flour to

next polls
KOTA KINABALU: Nurul obtained to participate in an innovation HBMS, the ACB purported.
Nazieha Jasnie (pic) of competition in Bali, Indonesia, in 2022,” the The investigation in June 2022 saw the
arrests of Perusahaan Ala Haji Bolhassan,
Kolej  Vokasional statement said.
Lagatah Toyos Keningau (KVK) is the Meanwhile,  KVK Director Christine
general manager Sam, HBMS pastry chef
TAWAU: Two more Small and Medium Iskak and HBMS materials manager

only Malaysian among Stanislaus Kinsik is confident that Nurul
Industrial Product Centres (IKS) or IKS
50 top students short- Nazieha’s achievements can help improve Nikko Fabian Abdul Sani. – Borneo Bulletin/ANN
Marts will be opened in Sabah this year, KOTA KINABALU: The United Progressive
listed for the Global Stu- the marketability of vocational college

namely in Tawau and Lahad Datu. Kinabalu Organisation (Upko) is hoping
Assistant Minister of Industrial Develop-
dent Prize (GSP) graduates in the country.
to capture the Benkoka state seat in the
ment and Entrepreneurship, Datuk Andi organised by Varkey “It is hoped that Nurul Nazieha’s achieve-
next electoral exercise.
Foundation in the United Kingdom.  ments can be an inspiration to all students

Muhammad Suryady Bandy, said there are Party’s Information Chief Dr Peter Jr
eight IKS Marts which are centres for micro, KVK, in a statement to Bernama Sunday, and youths in Sabah and other states to con-
Naintin said Upko’s candidate for the
small and medium enterprise (MSE) entre- said they were informed by the foundation tinue enhancing the country’s name on the
Bengkoka seat in the last state election
preneurs to place their products. that Nurul Nazieha, 19, is the only Malaysian world stage,” she said.
(2020) fared quite well.
They are at Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens, in the running for the award this year, Varkey Foundation, in a separate state-
“In the 2020 state election, Bengkoka
Beaufort, Ranau, Papar, Kota Marudu, which carries a  US$100,000 prize for the ment, said Nurul Nazieha, with the help of
the highest number of candidates com-
Pasaraya Oceanus and Tuaran. champion. some teachers, has also mobilised her peers From Page One
prising 11 from various parties.
The opening of the two new IKS Marts Nurul Nazieha, from  Kampung  Taun to start a baking class for single mothers The APCYS 4.0 is a platform for young co-
However, Upko candidate, Junsim
will give opportunities for SME entrepre- Gusi in Kota Belud, is pursuing her Diploma and women from low-income backgrounds. Ruminzing managed to obtain the sec- operators to gather and learn about sustain-
neurs in Tawau and Lahad Datu to collect, in Bakery and Pastry at KVK. It said they have trained over 120 single ond-highest number of votes. He did not able cooperative practices and efforts, dive
exhibit, promote and sell products pro- To vie for the award, Nurul Nazieha had and low-income mothers from the 40 per win the seat only because the votes were into cooperative practices directly, share
duced by local entrepreneurs from all over to send in an application with evidence of cent of the population that earns less than split among nine other candidates, Peter cooperative business ideas, and experience
the district, thus increasing sales revenue. her work and attend an interview via Zoom the average income,  so that they can use said when officiating the Upko Informa- first-hand the cultural differences brought
Andi, who is also Kalabakan Member of with overseas panellists, it said. these new skills to make their living. tion Bureau’s Outreach Programme. by participants from Asia Pacific countries.
Parliament and Tanjung Batu Assembly- “Nurul Nazieha has used the skills learnt According to the statement, if  Nurul “The party also sees its position in the The four-day event, themed “Coopera-
man, said after officiating the Tawau Zone in bakery to implement a community proj- Nazieha wins, she plans to use the funds to area getting stronger with the addition of tion for Sustainable Lifestyle,” drew 186
Sabah PKMS Entrepreneurs Carnival at the ect targeted at mothers from the low- expand and transform her business into a youths from 19 countries in the Asia Pacific
new members,” he said.
Tawau Municipal Council Square, here, Sat- income group. social enterprise by combining it with com- area, including Malaysia, the program’s
Upko Deputy President Datuk Wong TF
urday. “Nurul Nazieha has also started her own munity workshops and public outreach to fourth stop since its inception in 2016.
spoke about the preparation of leaders in

PVATM looking at merging

He said his Ministry would also open biscuit business under the  ‘Tia Cookie’ train more women to kickstart their own APCYS 4.0 is organized in collaboration
another industrial park in the East Coast of the electoral process, while Peter spoke on with the ICA-AP Committee on Youth Coop-
brand name and used the profits she businesses. – Bernama the party’s direction, strength and posi-
Sabah in addition to the existing industrial eration and hosted by Angkasa as the apex
tion in the government, including oppor-

over 120 similar associations

park in the State. body of the Malaysian cooperative move-
“We will open an industrial park in the tunities in the coming general election. ment in support of the Ministry of Entrepre-
area between Kota Marudu, Kota Belud and The Upko Information Bureau’s Out- neurship and Cooperative Development,
another on the East Coast, possibly in reach Programme also featured two lec- the Malaysian Cooperative Commission, the
Tawau,” he said. tures where Prof Madya Dr Romzi Ationg, Sabah Tourism Board and the State Indus-
He said the government’s initiative was Senior Coordinator at the Centre for Train- trial Development and Entrepreneurship
to help further develop the industry in ing in Science and Language, UMS, pre- Ministry.
Jonathan Nicholas sented a paper titled Fundamental
Sabah and provide facilities to investors to Present were Assistant Minister to the
KOTA KINABALU: The Malaysian Army Vet- Knowledge of National Identity while
increase their investment. Chief Minister Datuk Abidin Madingkir, and
erans Association (PVATM) are looking at Mailin Masimbin, a retiree from Maybank,
He added that entrepreneurs could also the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Coopera-
merging more than 120 similar associa- gave a presentation titled Financial Plan-
take the opportunity from moving the tives Development Secretary General Datuk

‘Candidates should maintain good manners’

Indonesian capital to Kalimantan in the
tions in the country for easier funding ning and Financial Security for the Future. Sri Suriani Ahmad.
future, to improve the local economy and from the government.
the state. PVATM Deputy President II Aminuddin
Andi said the carnival aimed to help Karim said this at the 41st Sabah PVATM con-
SMEs explore new market opportunities, ference here on Sunday.
increase sales, conduct business matches Officiating the event was Deputy Chief TAIPING: Candidates contesting in the over of ‘Inpsirasiku MyHaus’ housing
Minster III Datuk Ir. Shahelmey Yahya who six state elections should maintain good aid under the Malaysian Islamic Economic
Shahelmey (middle) with
with supermarkets and introduce their
products to residents in the East Coast area. welcomed the idea. manners and not insult others when cam- Development Foundation (YaPEIM) here
Aminuddin (left) and Marshid (right)
Thirty exhibition stalls under State and “The Sabah PVATM specifically wishes paigning, said Minister in the Prime Min- Sunday.
during the launching gimmick.
Federal Government agencies and 80 sales for a headquarters, Wisma Pahlawan. I ister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Mohd Na’im advised  candidates to
stalls of SME entrepreneurs and traders took understand that Sabah is the only state Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar. focus on the policies for voters and ensure
part. without it. attendance to be hopeful as he would be He said they also need to avoid slander- that they are fulfilled for the well-being of
Andi urged SMEs to improve the prod- “As a member of the State Cabinet I talking with the Chief Minister. ous acts when campaigning, not to men- the people.
ucts of entrepreneurs for the local and for- support this motion. Therefore, I urge Sabah PVATM Chief, Marshid Mohd tion actions that can undermine the Commenting on the law on voting for
eign markets which would increase job that a task force be established for that Salleh earlier disclosed that the associa- people’s unity. women who are in ‘iddah’ (a period where
opportunities for the people. matter. tion here had not been doing so well due “Allah forbids any party to insult other a woman is required to stay home and not
He said the effort increased the contribu- “Army vets are like one of the many to limited sponsors. races and people. In this context, the can- venture out except for necessities) due to
tion of the manufacturing sector to Sabah’s bridges connecting the government and In Sabah, there are 10 army veteran didates can have different opinions, poli- the death of their husbands, Mohd Na’im
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 7.5 per people. I will be doing my best to help,” he associations but only five are active. tics and ideologies but they need to stay said it is obligatory for them to vote.
cent or RM5.9 billion in 2021 with 69 per said after donating RM10,000 from his Founded in 1922, PVATM has 7,780 mem- away from insulting and dividing the peo- He said women have a responsibility to
cent from the Food Processing Industry Public Works Ministry to the cause. bers in Sabah and 170,000 members ple of this country,” he said during a press the country to choose a leader and leaving
comprising SMEs in the state. Shahelmey told about a hundred in nationwide. conference after the symbolic handing the house to vote is allowed. – Bernama
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Local 3
Labuan can
Pledge on identity of informants still become
‘second S’pore’,
claims DG
Winnie Kasmir
SANDAKAN: The identity of informants
who channel information to the police
and security forces will not be disclosed so
as to ensure their safety, said State Police Nikko Fabian
Commissioner Datuk Jauteh Dikun. LABUAN: Labuan, which is an interna-
He assured that the identity of inform- tional business and financial centre, still
ants would remain confidential and the has the potential to become a “second Sin-

public should not be hesitant to pass gapore”, according to Federal Territories

with the
information related to crime activities to Department Director-General Datuk Seri

the authorities. Rosida Jaafar.

heads and
“The community here is encouraged to He said the noble vision could be a real-

continue channelling information about ity through the development of the coun-

of Kg Tinusa
crime activities without hesitation to the try’s oil and gas and maritime industries.

2 who
security forces including police. At the same time, she pointed out the

attended the
“There are people who do not know Labuan Structure Plan 2040 and the

how to pass such information to relevant Labuan Local Plan 2040, which are in the
authorities. final stages of preparation, can also ensure
“One of the reasons people do not pass that this tax-free island develops into a
on information is because they are wor- ing them that the identity of the inform- Malaysian Navy, Fisheries Department, narcotics. more sustainable, competitive and live-
ried that the identity of the informant will ants will be protected. Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB), National In another development, Jauteh wel- able federal territory.
be exposed. We assure that the identities The programme were also attended by Registration Department (NRD) and comed the allocation of RM150 million “Labuan must be a vibrant island and
of whistleblowers would be kept confiden- the Sabah Crime Prevention and Commu- blood donation activities. that was announced by the Prime Minister able to compete with other tax-free
tial,” he said. nity Safety Department (KJPJKK) SAC Jauteh also hoped that the programme Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for maintaining islands… Labuan Corporation’s Manage-
Jauteh said this at the Community Mohd Azhar Hamin, Sandakan District would attract more youths because statis- and upgrading infrastructures belonging ment Strategic Plan and the Digitalisation
Policing Programme in Kampung Tinusa Police Chief ACP Abdul Fuad Abdul Malek tics in Sabah showed that 70 per cent of to the police and prison departments Strategic Plan, which are improved every
2, here, recently. and other department heads. crime cases involved people aged between across the country, recently. five years, can be a benchmark for improv-
Through the programme, he said they It also featured various exhibitions 15 and 45. He said Sabah also received benefits ing the efficiency and effectiveness of
are enhancing public awareness on the from government agencies such as the He hoped these activities can benefit from the allocation and will be used to administration, organisational manage-

Broadband package to benefit rural students

importance of crime prevention and their police, Sandakan Prison Department, San- youths who are the biggest contributors to repair and maintain police quarters ment, and the development of a sustain-

roles in preventing crime including assur- dakan Fire and Rescue Department, Royal crime in terms of violence, property and throughout Sabah. able digital ecosystem in Labuan,” she

M’sian Super
“This will enable Labuan Corporation
to lead the Federal Territory of Labuan to

League footballer
return to its golden era in terms of gover-
Winnie Kasmir improve broadband services for the needy and unlimited data at a price of RM69 per nance and development in the run-up to
SANDAKAN: The Fixed Broadband Unity is timely in line with the latest develop- month. its 50th golden jubilee in 2034,” she said at

pleads not guility

Package under the Rahmah Package is ments in information technology. The The package is offered with a 24-month the opening of the Labuan Corporation
expected to be enjoyed by the community, effort was to ensure the target group enjoys subscription contract aimed at reducing and Government Agencies’ Customer Day
especially students in rural areas. good and high-speed internet access. the burden on the target group, namely Programme at the Labuan Financial Park
Supporting the initiative of the Unity “People in rural areas, especially stu- B40, through service providers such as Complex late lsst week.
Government, Sabah Umno Head of Infor- dents, need high-speed internet access for Telekom Malaysia, Celcom, Digi, Maxis and She said Labuan’s strategic location
PONTIAN: A former Malaysian Super their studies and to keep up with current YTL Communication Berhad.
mation, Datuk Suhaimi Nasir, wants the linking Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and other
League footballer pleaded not guilty at information technology developments,” he Suhaimi, who is also for Libaran MP, said
rural community, especially in the state, not Asean countries, gives the island State a
the Magistrate’s Court here to several to miss out on the package introduced said, recently. continuous initiatives need to be carried competitive advantage as a viable eco-
charges involving housebreaking and under the Ministry of Communications and Fixed Broadband Integration Package out to ensure the internet coverage the nomic destination in the region.
retaining stolen property.  Digital (KKD) last March. was launched by KKD Minister Fahmi Fadzil State is more extensive, especially in rural Rosida said Labuan Corporation would

Decade on, boat

For the first charge, Mohd Azinee He said the government’s initiative to last March 30 with speed of up to 30 Mbps areas. continue the momentum of Labuan’s
Taib, 33;  together with  Khairul Akmal development through other programmes
Zainol Abidin, 31, and Muhammad

parade back
that focus more on sustainable and inclu-
Hairul Hafiz Muzaren, 24, pleaded not sive development trends.
guilty to  breaking and entering with “I also call on all parties to join hands

on S’wak River
the intention to steal the possessions in socio-economic development and
of See Chai Lian at a house in Jalan Cen- ensure continuous improvement of infra-
dana 2, Taman Cendana, Benut, here at structure and services for the benefit of the
1.15 pm on July 3.  people of Labuan,” she said.
They were charged under section 457 Rosida said this is also in line with
of the Penal Code which carries a maxi- KUCHING: After a decade of the parade of
decorated boats not being held in the State, Madani’s concept of readiness for change
mum jail term of 14 years and a fine, through the consideration of suggestions
upon conviction. the Sarawak River was once again enlivened
with colourful neon lights Saturday night, in from all walks of life for shared prosperity
Mohd Azinee, who played for Johor and well-being.

UMP rebranded
conjunction with the 60th anniversary of
Darul Takzim II and Penang among oth-
Sarawak’s independence.
ers, also pleaded not guilty to another
Held along the Sarawak River including

charge of breaking into the house of
the Kuching Waterfont, Pengkalan Sapi,
Neo Kong Yiew at Lorong 8, Taman
Kampung Boyan jetty and waterfront, a total
Representing Sabah, PropNex winners (from left) Kenneth
Benut Utama at 12.05 pm on June 8, with

PropNex Sabah bags five

says VC
of 20 decorated boats competed in the
Chai, Stephon Chong, Philomena Chai and Bonnie Hong.
two others at large, with the intention parade, from various ministries, agencies
of committing theft. and private companies.
Mohd Azinee also pleaded not guilty For the first time witnessing the beauty of

national real estate awards

to  a charge of retaining stolen goods, the row of boats from the Kuching Water-
namely a handphone with a sim card front, visitor Junaidah Mohd Nor, 54, who KUANTAN: After 21 years of its inception,
belonging to See Chai Lian, at the Ayer hails from Selangor, took the opportunity to Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) is now
Baloi Fisherman’s jetty, near here, at celebrate the night’s event with her husband rebranded as Universiti Malaysia Pahang
4.30 pm on July 3.  and children. Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), said its Vice-
Muhammad Hairul, meanwhile, “I’ve been living and working in Sarawak Chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Yuserrie
pleaded not guilty to the same offence, for six years, so I didn’t want to miss the David Thien PropNex Sabah Agency Leader Philom- Zainuddin.
by retaining among others, a Fossil wal- opportunity for this event that hasn’t been KUALA LUMPUR: PropNex Sabah won the ena Chai said, “Modest as our strategy may He said the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-
let, two Vietnam Airlines flight tickets held in 10 years,” she said. coveted “State Real Estate Firm of the Year” seem, we were still on track and impor- Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa
in the name of  Tree Ching Beng and The celebration themed ‘Sarawak Maju in the 2023 National Real Estate Awards tantly, at the same time, our strategy to Billah Shah had consented to the use of
South Korean currency amounting to Makmur 2030’ attracted about 10,000 visi- (NREA), which was organised by the seek out new revenue streams also met the UMPSA logo and name according to
22,000 won.  tors who flooded the area along the Kuching Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents with success.
the Federal Government gazette which
He is accused of committing the Waterfront to capture the beautiful (MIEA) held at a leading hotel here, “We were able to expand into provid-
came into effect on April 14.
offence along Jalan Batu Pahat- moments of the parade against the back- recently. ing advisory services and this elevated
He said the rebranding of the university
Sanglang near Ayer Baloi here at  1.30 drop of the Sarawak State Legislative Assem- The leading Sabah-based real estate PropNex Sabah to new levels. It is a mile-
stone that we hope is the beginning of a
to UMPSA when it was at the peak of its
pm on July 3.  bly building. agency also won four other NREA awards,
new and sustainable stream of income for success coincided with the university’s
The charge is punishable by a maxi- Meantime, a visitor from Pontianak, namely, “State Residential Real Estate Firm
the firm in years to come. vision of a leading technological university.
mum of five years jail or a fine, or both, Indonesia, Benozi Tamrin, 25, did not expect of the Year” and “State Industrial Real
“The team at PropNex Sabah includes Although the name has changed, he
upon conviction. his four-day vacation with 13 family mem- Estate Firm of the Year” (Kenneth Chai);
“State Residential REN of the Year” and veterans in real estate agencies, property said the university’s main focus
All three accused were unrepre- bers to this city would be more meaningful developers and ex-bankers and invest- areas, study programmes and enrollment
“State REN of the Year” (Bonnie Hong).
sented, and Magistrate Nur Azzuin as they had the chance to watch the glorious ment bankers.” have remained according to the goals of
Strategic focus excellence and quality
Abdul Moati fixed bail at RM5,000 for parade. According to property marketing its establishment.
service contributed to the wins for Prop-
each offence with one surety after con- “We as a family were informed by immi- strategist Alex Loh, PropNex’s paced “This branding will continue to realise
Nex Sabah.
sidering their plea for a lower bail gration that there was a big event in Kuching The NREA recognises the luminaries growth strategy enhancing current the aspirations of excellence through aca-
amount on the grounds that they had at night when we were about to come here among Malaysia’s real estate agents, real strengths of existing network, a profes- demic empowerment, internationalisa-
families to support.  this (yesterday) afternoon so we were really estate negotiators (REN) and practition- sional team and seeking new earning tion and impactful research results as well
She then fixed case mention for excited because the atmosphere is different ers. These awards set new standards for streams has paid off. as produce  a quality human capital in
Aug 30. – Bernama from that in Pontianak,” he said. – Bernama professionalism. PropNex Sabah is known “Despite challenging exogenous cir- driving national development,” he said in
to perform to their utmost professional- cumstances including geopolitical ten- a statement Sunday.
ism in carrying out their duties and serv- sions involving Russia, USA, China, Before this, the university was known as
ices strategically. Ukraine and Taiwan, PropNex Sabah Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan dan
The much sought after Sabah REN acknowledged that the real estate indus- Teknologi Malaysia (Kuktem) which was
(Real Estate Negotiator) of the Year Award try has local focus and strategically gazetted on Feb 16, 2002, before the gov-
is a most motivating achievement for Bon- worked around this stance.” ernment announced the name change to
nie Hong. She attributed her win to Prop- He stressed that PropNex Sabah man- UMP effective Feb 1, 2007.
Nex’s team effort prowess. aged to capitalise on domestic growth According to Yuserrie, the marketabil-
“No Team, No Award! My winning was driven by strong domestic demand and ity of UMP graduates is impressive which
possible due to the effort of my team and underpinned by improvements in the is around 98.67 per cent and is among the
the entire Team PropNex; from my team labour market. The recovery of inbound highest in Malaysia and this rebranding
leaders to our backroom support staff,” tourism lent further support to economic exercise will build the university’s visibil-
Hong said. growth activities. ity, reputation and capabilities in line with
As for REN Kenneth Chai, who was pre- PropNex Co-Agency Leader Stephon its world-recognised development and
viously engaged in a property develop- Chong, commenting on the five awards achievements.
ment company, his niche industrial said, “Winning the NREA Awards will In addition, the university offers a vari-
property knowledge based on years of encourage us to stay the path of being ety of technical programmes  based on
experience has helped him to close deals professional, honest and continuing to
Engineering and Technology that are
including a major warehouse transaction. emphasise on training.

Agri Park block destroyed

capable of enriching the high-level Tech-
The building that was destroyed by fire.
He said that there is still demand for ware- “We plan to celebrate these awards by

Agong receives outgoing UAE envoy

holding a special CSR event by our Team
nical and Vocational Education and Train-
house space here in Kota Kinabalu and ing (TVET) ecosystem in the country, he
developers can seize on this opportunity. PropNex.”
said. – Bernama

Johan Aziz
TENOM: A building storing office supplies at the Agricultural Park Lagud Seberang
was destroyed in a fire here, Sunday. KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s Yang di-Per- country. Minister and Minister of the Presidential
The district Fire and Rescue Station received a call at 4.59am and a team of 13 fire- tuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatud- Alghaith conveyed to His Majesty the Court Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al
men led by Operation Commander, Mohd Zainal Sinsian, rushed to the scene with din Al-Mustafa Billah Shah granted greetings of President of the UAE, Sheikh Nahyan.
machinery. According to the Operation Commander, the team extinguished the fire audience to outgoing UAE Ambassador to Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice Presi- He also conveyed their wishes for further
used water from the machinery tank. Malaysia Khalid Ghanim Alghaith at the dent, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, development and prosperity for the gov-
He said no casualty was reported and the operation ended at 8.27am. Istana Negara, on the occasion of the latter Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak- ernment and people of Malaysia, according
ending his tenure as ambassador to the toum and Vice President, Deputy Prime to Emirates news agency (WAM).
4 Local MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

(centre) wit- Call to work
with Miti
nessing the
exchange of
Dr Gerald Nikko Fabian
(left) and a
KOTA KINABALU: With the economy

tive of Kg
recording strong performance in the first
six players in all sectors are urged to work

KB can be more than

closely with the Ministry of Investment
Trade and Industry (Miti) for obvious rea-
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary

tourist spot: Ewon

General Datuk Chin Shu Ying in making the
call said working in unison by all parties
concerned would mean better chances to
expand its scope and draw more invest-

Of agropreneurs and
ments into Malaysia.
“Statistics showed that the Malaysian Modern agricultural technologies that help automate the crop. – NST photo
economy had performed strongly in the

changing mindset
Mabulmaddin Shaiddin Also present were Land Revenue Secre- first half of 2023 and achieved many posi-
KOTA BELUD: Kota Belud can be developed tary Sernam Singh, Kota Belud District tive indexes. In fact the economy had
not only as a tourist destination, but also Officer Hj Bakrie Nanun, Sabah Native exceeded expectation with an expansion of
5.6 per cent in the first quarter (Q1) this

towards agribusiness
for biodiversity research, its rich flora and Affairs Council President Dr Benedict
fauna as well as traditional knowledge Topin and Sabah Biodiversity Centre Sec- year, putting our country ahead of many
related to and Mount Kinabalu. retary Gerald Jetony. regional counterparts,” Chin said.
Entrepreneur Development and Coop- Ewon added the deterioration of biodi- He added, the country had seen a surge
erative Minister Datuk Ewon Benidick, said versity resources over the past few decades in foreign investments with a total of
development could only begin if an area affected the lives of residents when floods, RM71.4 billion approved in Q1, which was a
has certain unique and interesting long droughts and sea level rise occurred 60 per cent increase compared to the cor-
resources, becoming an attraction for frequently. responding period last year. Nur Fazilah Jainal
tourists, among others. Therefore, the act of dealing with the Malaysia’s inflation rate was recorded at WHO is an agropreneur? An agropreneur
“Relying on the wealth of natural global phenomenon cannot be dealt with 2.8 per cent in May, the lowest in a year. is an entrepreneur who uses agriculture to
resources in terms of biodiversity, biocul- by just one country. Chin said MITI garnered more than build a business. Agropreneurs combine
ture as well as a clear direction and imple- According to him, a new approach is RM230 billion in committed investments, their entrepreneurial skills with
mentation strategy with the help of the necessary to ensure that the original objec- and more than RM10 billion in terms of agriculture and view farming as a business
latest technology, I believe that Kota Belud tive of the Convention of Biodiversity or trade in the first half of 2023. rather than a traditional way of life.  In
could be developed not only as a tourism CBD to deal with the decline of biodiver- For the second half of the year, he said recent years, there has been an increasing
sity held in 1992 could be achieved. Miti would expand its efforts in Europe and emphasis on the role of agropreneurs in
centre, but also as an SME centre.
He said his Ministry brought the the Middle East, with a strong focus on real- transforming the agricultural sector. This
“With the presence of foreign and
requirements of the CBD to its implemen- ising the leads garnered in the first half of mindset shifts to “Pertanian Adalah
domestic tourists, the purchasing power increase their productivity, efficiency, and
2023. Perniagaan” (agriculture is a business) is
of locally produced goods will increase, tation at the State and district levels. overall performance. They collaborate
crucial for the development and
and this will drive socio-economic growth “I understand that Kota Belud has been Despite current challenges this year, he with researchers, academics, and industry
sustainability of agribusiness.
in this district. The success and sustain- selected by the Sabah Biodiversity Centre said the government remained optimistic experts to develop and implement
Agribusiness entrepreneurs recognise
ability of a programme requires commit- as one of the earliest areas for a project to that Malaysia would meet its gross domes- breakthrough solutions like crop
agriculture as a viable business
ment and self-reliance,” he said. document the traditional knowledge of tic product (GDP) growth projection of opportunity, bringing innovation, improvement, animal husbandry, post-
Ewon, who is also Kadamaian Assem- biodiversity resources in Sabah. between four and five per cent. technology, and efficiency to the sector, harvest handling, and value-added
blyman, was officiating the 2023 World “I believe from the results of this According to IMD World Competitive- boosting economic growth, bringing processing. This spirit of innovation and
Biodiversity Day Celebration and the Sign- documentation, we can explore new ness Ranking entrepreneurial approaches to farming, collaboration helps drive the agricultural
ing Ceremony of the Mutually Agreed opportunities especially in the develop- (WCR), Chin said Malaysia’s ranking has and ensuring food security.  This article sector forward and position it as a
Terms between the Sabah Biodiversity ment of IKS from the use of biological ascended by five spots to 27 in 2023, placing explores the concept of agropreneurship dynamic and evolving industry.
Centre and the Kg Melangkap Community, resources based on this traditional knowl- our country the second most competitive and highlights the importance of To foster the growth of agropreneurs
at Kadamaian Square, Friday. edge,” he said. Asean economy after Singapore. changing the mindset of “Pertanian and change the mindset towards
The report also noted that Malaysia has adalah perniagaan” (agriculture is a “Pertanian Adalah Perniagaan,” it is
done well in managing prices, basic infra- essential to provide adequate capacity

‘Leaders must
business) to promote agricultural
structure, and tax policies, but could innovation and economic growth. building and support. These include
improve in talent development for an Agriculture has been perceived as a training programs, access to finance,
industry-ready workforce, regulatory low-yielding, labor-intensive industry, and market information, and mentorship
reforms for ease of doing business, a digi- many have overlooked its potential for opportunities. The government, agencies,
tal-first mindset for critical sectors and pur- economic success. Traditionally, educational institutions, and private

earn trust
suing sustainable development. agriculture is recognised as subsistence organisations can collaborate to develop
As a key partner for the investment and farming or the livelihood of rural comprehensive training modules that
business community, he said MITI had communities. This mindset interferes with equip agropreneurs with the necessary
decided to go big on serious execution of the growth of the agricultural sector and knowledge and skills to run successful
reforms in our manufacturing sector to prevents young people from pursuing agricultural businesses. Moreover,
keep building trust and restore confidence careers in agriculture. However, with the financial institutions can offer access to

and respect’ in the Malaysian economic re-bound story. changing dynamics of the global economy finance loan products and investment
In addition, he said the NIMP2030’s mis- and the increasing demand for opportunities for agribusiness ventures
sion to push for net zero would also be sustainable and locally produced food, we such as Agrobank.
strongly supported by targeted invest- need to see and do agriculture differently. It is substantial to promote agricultural
ments in green economy such as carbon- Agropreneurship emphasises the entrepreneurship as an attractive career
capture utilisation and storage, renewable relevance of entrepreneurial principles in option. These are achieved through
Sherell Jeffrey farming activities and treats farming as a targeted education programs, vocational
KOTA KINABALU: It is a leader’s task and responsibility to unite its energy, electric mobility, hydrogen energy
for-profit enterprise rather than a training, and capacity-building initiatives.
members and ensure that everyone is compelled to be fully and low-carbon transition technologies.
traditional practice. They introduce the Promoting agriculture as a feasible
engaged in completing the organisation’s common vision, mission, Furthermore, he said the National Envi- enterprise to the youth will also draw
ronmental, Social and Governance Industry latest technology, employ advanced
and goals, according to Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Seri Dr Jef- technology, and seek innovative farming skilled individuals to the industry
frey Kitingan (pic). Framework (i-ESG) for the manufacturing moreover introduce innovative
methods to maximise productivity and
“Leaders of an organisation are obligated and responsible in sector that Miti was presently finalising approaches and thoughts to farming
making all their members feel appreciated and important for what would also support small and medium techniques.
To change the mindset towards
they bring, with all honesty and integrity,” he said in his keynote enterprises’ (SMEs) embracing of ESG to “Pertanian Adalah Perniagaan,” it is Creating awareness and promoting the
address at the 17th Global Congress and Conferment Ceremony held ensure they were not shut out of ESG-sensi- crucial to promote an entrepreneurial concept of agripreneurship is crucial in
at the Sabah International Convention Centre, here, Saturday. tive markets, effectively reducing the bene- mindset among farmers and aspiring changing mindsets towards agriculture as
He said an organisation whose members are divided into haves and have-nots, or who fits of numerous Free Trade Agreements. agropreneurs. This mindset involves a business. These can be successful
are driven to take refuge in silos cannot embracing risk-taking, innovation, and through various activities, including
possibly perform and deliver excellence or business-oriented thinking. campaigns, seminars, workshops, and
experience the kind of fulfilment that the Agropreneurs recognise that media engagement. Additionally,
members deserve. agriculture is not just about planting networking events and platforms can
“If there is one lesson I have learned crops or raising livestock but also about facilitate knowledge sharing and
during the past 50 years in various organi- identifying market demands, creating collaboration among agropreneurs,
sational leadership roles, it is that break- value-added products, and establishing fostering a supportive ecosystem that
ing down the silos and unifying an strong supply chains. They analyse market encourages innovation and growth.
organisation behind a cause that inspires trends, invest in research and Highlighting success stories of
them should be the highest priority, no development, and continuously seek agropreneurs and displaying their
matter what specific programmes or tech- opportunities for growth and expansion. achievements can inspire aspiring farmers
nical challenges the organisation may be Furthermore, agriculture can be a and young entrepreneurs to consider
facing. medium to overcome poverty and reduce agriculture a stable career.
“Unifying leaders must recognise that the number of unemployment problems, By treating agriculture like a business,
nobody owes them their trust simply including food security and economic agropreneurs can capitalise on the vast
because of their titles or positions and if disparities between rural and urban market opportunities in the agricultural
they want to be trusted by everyone, they regions. sector. They identify profitable corners,
must earn that trust and respect,” he said. One of the key drivers behind the develop innovative products and services,
He said leaders are under constant success of agropreneurs is their utilisation and use modern techniques to maximise
Ruslan (fifth from right) in a group photo with
productivity and efficiency. Along with

Mohamad Alif and Fateeha

scrutiny and the credibility built over years of technology and innovation. They
Debaran Bintang Kecil Sabah 2023 finalists.
can go out the window just because a word leverage advancements in precision leads to higher farming yields, but also
or a gesture or a small act demonstrating agriculture, automation, data analytics, creates income and employment
that he is not truly committed to all the and biotechnology to enhance opportunities, especially in rural areas

emerge as best participants

people in his charge. productivity, reduce costs, and optimise where agriculture is the main economic
“A leader who fails to do this sends the resource utilization. By embracing smart activity.
farming practices, such as remote sensing, The Agriculture Fisheries and Food
message that hypocrisy is acceptable which
drones, and IoT devices, agropreneurs can Industry Ministry (MAFFI) aims to increase
erodes trust and effectiveness throughout
monitor crop health, manage irrigation the income level of agropreneurs in Sabah.
the entire organisation,” he said.
efficiently, and detect diseases early, They encourage interested communities
He said unifying leaders must always be to attract young agribusiness
guided with the three godly images of lead- KOTA KINABALU: SK Randagong Ranau Complex of the Ministry of Digital leading to higher yields and better-quality
produce. entrepreneurs and investors. The
ership, namely servant leadership, steward student, Mohamad Alif Ikmal Danial Communications, on Saturday. Department of Agriculture Malaysia
Agropreneurship also plays a crucial
leadership and shepherd leadership. Azawan and Fateeha Nasleen Suhailin While the other four finalists, namely (DOA) supports participants to actively
role in promoting sustainable and
“Servant leadership prioritises the from SK Luagan, Keningau emerged as Sham Badrin Embakri (Lahad Datu), participate in small-scale or large-scale
environmentally friendly agricultural
growth, wellbeing and empowerment of best participants in the 2023 Sabah Zone Cherryn Jenson (Kota Marudu), Valley practices. Due to modern technologies farming by providing services for
people in the organisation. Level Little Star Finals. Dyana Yakob (Telupid) and Nur Aisyah and best practices, agropreneurs optimize agroproneurs to start up an agriculture
“Steward leadership focuses on others, Danial, 12, wowed the judges by Adleene Anuar (WP Labuan) each brought practice resources such as water, land, and business.
the community and society at large, rather performing the song “Terus Hidup” sung home consolation prizes amounting to fertilizers. They employ precision farming In summary, the emergence of
than themselves. Steward leaders value by Aina Abdul and the second song RM500, certificates of participation, techniques, use precision agriculture agropreneurship represents a paradigm
trust, empathy, and respect and they build entitled “Kau dan Aku” by the Kool band. trophies and accompanying gifts. technologies, and implement shift in the approach we perceive and
effective relationship. Meanwhile, Fateeha, 12, who is more The competition, organised by RTM environmentally friendly approaches to approach agriculture. By embracing the
“Shepherd leadership portrays a picture affectionately called Kiki, belted out a Entertainment and Music Section, received minimize the negative impact of mindset of “Pertanian Adalah
of caring, courage and guidance. Keeper of song titled “Cerita Sang Suria” from Exist a favourable response with the agriculture on the environment. This shift Perniagaan”, we can achieve the full
people in the organisation,” he said con- and the popular song Fantasia “Bulan participation of 158 young talents from all towards sustainable agriculture and to potential of the agriculture sector, boost
cluding his speech. Madu”. over the State, including 25 people who guarantee the sustainability of the economic growth, and address pressing
Meanwhile, the three-day congress Danial and Fateeha will advance to submitted audition videos online. farming industry, also addresses pressing challenges such as food security and
which began on July 28 is held for the first Berambeh, the Debaran National Final Also present were RTM Director issues such as climate change and food environmental sustainability.
time in Kota Kinabalu. Competition, which will be held in Salmah Hashim, General Manager of security. Agropreneur role in driving innovation,
It is hosted by the Royal Institution Sin- Kuching, Sarawak on Sept 3, 2023. Sabah Telekom Berhad Datuk Sainal Mohd In addition, agropreneur promotes adopting modern technologies, and
gapore in collaboration with Royal Institu- innovation and drives agricultural reshaping agriculture as a profitable and
Both received cash amounting to Amin, Deputy Director of Sabah
tion of the Philippines, Royal Talent RM3,000, certificates, trophies and Information Department Supian Musa research and development. There look dynamic business. Actors at all levels to
Capital Singapore, Royal Institute of accompanying gifts presented by Assistant and consistently to improve and remain support and promote the
Deputy Director of Pupil
Research Singapore and Singapore Profes- Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Development Sector of Sabah State competitive by utilizing advanced agropreneurship movement and create an
sional Centre. technologies and scientific innovations to enabling environment.
Ruslan Muharam at the Integrated Education Department Muddin Beting.
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Local 5

‘Comply with provision on native language’ call

KOTA KINABALU: A former District mother tongue. teaching at teachers’ institutes with neo (BorIIS) on Sept 12, 2019. ia tidak menjadi masalah.”
Chief reminded Minister of Entrepre- According to the Education Act 1996 Higher Education Minister Datuk “I had pointed out that there is no Both communities respect each other
neur Development and Cooperatives “bahasa asli” refers to the native lan- Muhamed Khaled Nordin. “Kadazandusun” language but there are and never had any quarrel on this mat-
Datuk Ewon Benedict to adhere and guages in East Malaysia such as Iban He said Ewon further stated: “The Kadazan and Dusun languages,” said ter as they can communicate comfort-
comply strictly with the provision of the and Kadazan languages. discussion is to find solutions to the Benedict. ably and with ease.
Education Act 1996 with regard to the In Sabah the “bahasa asli” also problems and challenges facing The stakeholders on the issue of hala “The Kadazan and Dusun communi-
teaching of native language. includes Dusun, Rungus, Murut, Bajau, Kadazandusun language teachers and tuju Bahasa Kadazan dan Bahasa Dusun ties have co-existed since time imme-
OKK Benedict JS Malanjum said Kedayan, Bisaya and other native eth- strengthen the teaching of the lan- are the Kadazan Society Sabah (KSS) morial. In my district, Putatan for
Kadazandusun language does not exist, nics. guage”. and the United Sabah Dusun Associa- instance, there is a large number of
however, there is Bangsa Kadazan and Malanjum was referring to Ewon’s “I attended the Forum on Hala Tuju tion (USDA). intermarriages between the two com-

Govt urged to listen to the cries of doctors

Bahasa Kadazan is their mother tongue. statement, published in a local daily on Bahasa Kadazan dan Bahasa Dusun at Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin, USDA President munities. In this respect, I fully support
Similarly, he added there is Bangsa July 15, that he would discuss the issue Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) organ- said that, “Mengenai senario Bahasa our Prime Minister’s policy of unity in

Federal govt
Dusun with their Bahasa Dusun as their of Kadazandusun language (BKD) ised by Institut Kajian Orang Asal Bor- Kadazandusun dipisahkan bagi beliau diversity,” said Benedict.

proves S’wak
PETALING JAYA: The Government has “The cargo and travel (costs) stances). We are going there to help the incurred by their maids under an exist-

is on right track
been urged to reconsider its decision to involved in the transfer of officers are rakyat,” said the doctor whose identity ing circular in addition to all family
deny contract doctors who are trans- supposed to be covered by the govern- was blanked out for fear of repercus- members.
ferred to Sabah and Sarawak, after ment which is clearly stated in the sions. They said the costs incurred
being given permanent appointments, guidelines. However, because of The doctors are supposed to report included sending their cargo and vehi-
their right to make the relevant claims bureaucracy and the changing contract to their new hospitals or health clinics cles to Sabah and Sarawak by ship, and
due to the transfer. doctors’ issue, they are not allowed to from Aug 1. Several hundred contract the daily cost of living until they get KUCHING: The recognition from the fed-
The Malaysian Medical Association make claims. doctors have been posted to Sabah and their new salaries which may take a eral government for Sarawak to imple-
(MMA)’s Section for House Officers, “This is a ridiculous excuse and can Sarawak under the latest exercise where month or two. ment the carbon capture, utilisation and
Medical Officers and Specialists be rectified if only the above parties about 4,200 were absorbed into perma- One doctor, who is not married, said storage (CCUS) initiative has proven that
(Schomos) said Putrajaya should listen decide to do so. Listen to the cries of the nent service. he was posted to Sabah from Kuala the state is on the right track.
to the cries of the affected doctors or government doctors. How many more The Finance Ministry had issued a Lumpur and had to send his car by Deputy Minister in Sarawak Premier’s
risk losing them to the private sector. do you want to lose?” it said. circular a couple of months ago saying ship as his new place of work is a dis- Department (Law, Malaysia Agreement
It said this in a Facebook posting In a social media post which was that contract officers who are posted to tance away from where he would be 1963 (MA63) and State-Federal Relations)
addressed to Prime Minister Anwar attached to the Schomos post, a junior a new destination after getting perma- residing. Datuk Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman
Ibrahim and health minister Dr Zaliha doctor appealed for help saying he had nent appointments are not entitled for “Taking all these into consideration, Ghazali said Sarawak’s commitment to
Mustafa. to spend about RM7,000 in moving his any of these claims except for airfare to we have to spend about RM4,000 to get implementing CCUS was reflected in the
According to Schomos, most govern- family, their belongings and his car to Sabah and Sarawak. there. On top of that, since we are being state government’s introduction of legis-
ment doctors are willing to go where East Malaysia. Affected doctors who spoke to FMT appointed as permanent officers for lation and infrastructure to support the

Mobile Court programme at SK Meligan on Aug 12

they are posted in order to serve the “This includes expenses for hotel on condition of anonymity said civil the first time, it might take a month or initiative.
rakyat and support the healthcare sys- stay and food. We need financial and servants who are transferred are two before we get the new salaries,” he “This CCUS is a new thing and I think
tem. emotional help (under the circum- allowed to claim even for expenses said. – FMT Sarawak and the federal government must
work together on this matter for the good
of Malaysia,” she told reporters.
During the launch of the Madani Econ-
omy: Empowering the People initiative,
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Ahmad Apong Oaths as well as Legal Advice services. they involve government agencies such health checks to detect cancer and oth- said Sarawak’s efforts in developing vehi-
SIPITANG: Various “It will give an opportunity to those as the District Office, the Native Court ers. cles that use hydrogen and CCUS should
activities will be who are late to register their children’s and the National Registration Depart- Another agency involved is the Legal be emulated.
held in conjunction birth certificates because the distance ment. Aid Department (JBG) which helps vil- Anwar said the federal government was
with the Mobile between Meligan and Sipitang is very “It also involves the District Council, lagers with legal aid services and any in also planning to provide specific incen-
Court programme far,” he said. the Royal Police, the Health Department, pending cases, he said. tives to encourage the growth of new
which will be held “The Mobile Court will also provide the Education Office and the Sindumin Dr Yusof will officiate at the pro- green economy activities.
at SK Kg Meligan on the Service of the Commissioner of Oaths Assemblyman’s Development Unit office gramme likely to be attended by Sipitang On May 18 last year, the Sarawak State
Aug 12 this year as well as legal advice because the resi- as well as the Sipitang Member of Parlia- Member of Parliament Datuk Matbali Legislative Assembly passed the Land Code
starting at 8 am. dents may not understand it. ment Office,” he said. Musah. (Amendment) Bill 2022, which changed
Sindumin Assemblyman Datuk Dr “The programme held is free and vil- Meanwhile, Dr Yusof said Qhazanah “People from nearby villages are wel- the definition of “land” under the Code to
Yusof Yacob (pic) said they include lagers can come to the programme to get would also be involved in this pro- come to come because this is an oppor- empower the state government to control
endorsement for late birth certificates, the necessary services. gramme which provides a medical team tunity to get services from the relevant the airspace and properties above the sur-
the signature of the Commissioner of “Not only mobile court is held but providing Dentists, Dermatologists, departments,” he said. face of the land. – Bernama
6 Local MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3


Minister Datuk Seri
Hajiji Noor (middle)
witnessing the oath-
taking ceremony of
the 14 new Commu-
nity Development
Leaders (PPMs) at
Menara Kinabalu,
Kota Kinabalu, on
July 26.

Deputy Chief
Minister I cum
Fisheries and
Food Industry
Datuk Seri Dr
Kitingan, who
is also
Keningau MP,
signing on the
plaque to
mark the
opening of
the RM17.67
million hostel
building of the
Handicraft COURTESY CALL: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Deputy President Datuk Seri Dr Joachim Gunsalam, who is
Centre in also Deputy Chief Minister II cum Local Government and Housing Minister, (fifth left) leading PBS top leaders
Keningau on in paying a courtesy call to Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor, who is also the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah
July 24. (GRS) Chairman, at Seri Gaya in Kota Kinabalu on July 25.

Deputy Chief Minister
III cum Works Minis-
ter Datuk Ir Sha-
helmey Yahya, who is
also Putatan MP,
doing the ground-
breaking gimmick for
the upgrading of the
Putatan District
Council Mini Stadium
on July 26. The proj-
ect, costing RM7.89
million, is expected to
be fully completed by
January 2025.

WATER BRIEFING: Deputy Chief Minister III cum Works Minister Datuk Ir Shahelmey Yahya (middle) listening
to a briefing on the Johor water management run by Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd during his visit to the company’s
command centre on July 23.

Tourism, Culture and Envi-
ronment Minister Datuk
Christina Liew receiving a
token of appreciation from
Persatuan Rumpun Bajau
Sama Sabah (PRBSS)
Vice President Datuk
Japlin Akim after
launching the inaugural
Arts and Culture
Performances Programme
initiated by PRBSS Kota
Kinabalu City Branch at
Lintasan Deasoka in Kota
Kinabalu on July 23.
Mayor Datuk Noorliza
Awang Alip (left) and
PRBSS Kota Kinabalu
City Branch Chief Haji STRATEGIC PLAN: Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif receiving
Shamsuddin Awang Aman the Human Resource Development Department (JPSM) Strategic Plan 2022-2025 from JPSM Director Norsiah
were also present. Duraman during the Department’s 35th anniversary celebration in Kota Kinabalu on July 21.

Science, Technol-
ogy and Innovation
Minister Datuk Dr
Mohd Arifin Mohd
Arif looking at an
earthquake detec-
tor exhibit after
closing the 2023
Secondary School
JELAJAH JIWA SME 2023: Federal Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Datuk Ewon Stem Carnival at
Benedick (middle) together with State Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship Minister Phoong Jin Zhe Sabah College in
and guests visiting the exhibition booths after launching a two-day Jelajah Jiwa SME 2023 event at a shopping Kota Kinabalu on
mall in Kota Kinabalu, recently. July 25.
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Local 7

Sabah Paddy Board RM10m to help micro businesses

THE State Government has channelled an allo-
cation of RM10 million to Yayasan Usaha Maju
opment and Research Department this year,
to intensify the promotion of Sabah products
(YUM) this year for micro-loan facilities for to the domestic and international markets,” he
women, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji said when officiating the closing of the Open

for 60pc sufficiency Noor.

He said the Government is very concerned
and will ensure that entrepreneurs, especially
women, get equal opportunities and loan facil-
Family Day of the Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
(AIM) Tuaran branch 2023 at Seri Sulaman hall
in Tuaran on July 22. His speech was read by
State Assistant Tourism, Culture and Environ-
THE State Government is reviving ities. ment Minister Datuk Joniston Bangkuai.
the Sabah Paddy Board to He said other State Government agencies “In order to further strengthen and
increase Sabah’s rice self- that offer financial assistance also provide strengthen the SME Assistance Programme,
sufficiency level (SSL) to courses and business training, in addition to the Mesti and Halal Certification Programme
60 per cent by 2030. helping with the promotion and marketing of has started this year to qualify Sabah SME
Chief Minister Datuk products to domestic and foreign markets. products to compete internationally.
Seri Hajiji Noor said the “The State Government also pays attention “For that, the Government has allocated a
move also aims to and focuses on the development of small total of RM15 million to support this pro-
reduce the State’s traders and entrepreneurs of Small and gramme,” he said.
dependency on imported Medium Industries (SMEs), as supporting Hajiji said AIM, as a microfinance provider
rice. industries and catalysts for the manufacturing in this country, helps small entrepreneurs and
“Currently, Sabah’s rice SSL is at sector. boosts economic growth in this country,
22 per cent while 78 per cent of the State’s “The State Government has allocated a including women and B40, to get out of the
rice needs are met through imported rice total of RM6.17 million to the Industrial Devel- cocoon of poverty in the State.
from countries such as China, Vietnam, Thai-
land and Pakistan.
“We hope that with the re-establishment Community heads must do their best
of the Sabah Paddy Board, we will be able to
increase the SSL level of Sabah’s rice and thus CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor wants With about two more years to go before
reduce rice imports,” he said when officiating all Community Development Leaders the current State Government’s term
Hajiji called on farmers, breeders and fishermen to be more alert and ready to
the 2023 State-level Farmers, Breeders and (PPMs) to deliver the best service possible expires, the PPM is in the position to serve
accept and make changes in agriculture, including modern farm management.
Fishermen’s Day celebration at Wisma Per- and Drainage Department and the involve- allocated to the Fisheries Department this to constituents in their respective areas. the people and, in the process, help their
tanian in Kota Kinabalu on July 27. His speech ment of the private sector and residents as year to continue various programmes to “You have a vital role and immense respective elected representatives to regain
was read by Deputy Chief Minister I cum Agri- participants. guarantee the production of sustainable fish- responsibility. This appointment is not a the seats in the coming State elections, he
culture, Fisheries and Food Industry (Maffi) He also called on farmers, breeders and ery products for the domestic and interna- privilege. said.
Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. fishermen to be more alert and ready to tional markets. “I want you to always work closely with The 14 PPMs taking their oath before the
Hajiji said the State Government has accept and make changes in agriculture, Meanwhile, Dr Jeffrey said the move of your elected representative in servicing the Chief Minister were Abd Rashid Saidin
established a special State Cabinet commit- including modern farm management. certain top producers in Asia, such as India, constituents. We do not want to see any of (UPPM HQ), Muhammad Tasan (Bengkoka),
tee, led by Maffi, to address the State SSL For the crop sub-sector, Hajiji said, a total to ban rice exports, would unlikely cause the you doing things at your whims and fancy, Sharif Kadah Sharif Osman (Bandau),
issue. of RM115.39 million was allocated to the price of rice in Sabah to increase. but you must discharge your responsibility Saikom Watis (Kadamaian), Rosita Gang-
He said the problem identified by the spe- Agriculture Department to increase the pro- “This will not necessarily happen as the diligently,” he said after witnessing the gang (Inanam), Alex Tan Liang Boon (Likas),
cial committee was fewer paddy fields due to duction of various crops, to generate income number of our imports has remained the oath-taking ceremony of 14 new PPMs at Lee Li Mei (Api-Api), Chin Thau Kwong
the development of housing and commercial for farmers, from RM2,000 to RM4,000 per same and our stockpile is still high. We are Menara Kinabalu in Kota Kinabalu on July (Luyang), Shamsur Zulkifli (Petagas), Cyril
areas. month. also working with Padiberas Nasional Berhad 26. Gerald Liew (Kapayan), Ana Maria Bernadus
“To address the issue, the State Govern- “The Government’s efforts to help the tar- (Bernas). The Chief Minister said the function of (Limbahau), Max Million Lee Yun Vui (Tan-
ment has explored a new paddy planting area get B40 group and the hardcore poor will “India, Pakistan, Vietnam and Thailand are the PPM is to provide a clear picture of the jung Papat), Juslee Arpaih (Sukau) and
in Trusan Sapi, Beluran covering an area of continue through KPD with an allocation of among our sources (for rice imports), but Government’s policies, particularly develop- Mohamad Latip Katik (Kunak).
approximately 809.37 hectares,” he said. RM20.28 million. since India has banned its rice exports we will ments carried out in the past two and a half Present were Tourism, Culture and Envi-
He said the new paddy cultivation area “A total of 2015 participants will receive find other sources, as importing rice is still years, to the grassroots. ronment Minister Datuk Christina Liew,
will be developed in an integrated manner by benefits from the implementation of various cheaper than producing our own. “PPMs must explain to the people the State Secretary Datuk Seri Sr Safar Untong,
Maffi and its agencies – the Rural Develop- livestock breeding and crop cultivation pro- “We only want to reduce our reliance on government development plans, especially Assistant Ministers to the Chief Minister
ment Corporation (KPD) and the Agriculture grammes,” he said. imports, that is why the State Government is the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya,” said Hajiji. Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan and Datuk
Department – together with the Irrigation He said a total of RM46.09 million was finding ways to increase Sabah’s rice SSL He said it was also imperative for every- Abidin Madingkir, and Community Develop-
one to work together as the State Govern- ment Leader Unit (UPPM) Director Datuk
ment strives to eliminate poverty in Sabah. Awang Kadin Tang.
PBS role as key GRS partner RM19.4m
CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor appre-
ciates Parti Bersatu Sabah’s (PBS) key role in
salam who is also Deputy Chief Minister II
cum Local Government and Housing Minister.
upgrade for Two more industrial parks plan
solidifying the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah PBS Information Chief Datuk Joniston THE State Cabinet will determine the ideal and divisions. For that reason, the role and
(GRS). Bangkuai said during the meeting, PBS, as KKIA and location in Kimanis and also between Kota responsibility of the GRS Women are vital.
As a key partner in GRS, Hajiji said PBS one of the key components of GRS, pledged Belud and Kota Marudu for establishing two “The GRS party machinery desperately
needs to continue working hard in tandem to work closely with other component par- Tawau airports new industrial parks. needs women to deliver the message and
with the other component members to fur- ties to solidify the coalition. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said GRS’ struggle for the people at the grass-
ther strengthen the local coalition as a pre- Also present were Deputy Presidents Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) in Sep- roots level in the State.
ferred choice of the people of Sabah. Datuk Jahid Jahim and Datuk Seri Dr Yee Moh STATE Tourism, Culture and Environment Minis- anggar is nearing capacity while the Sipi- “I am very confident that under the lead-
He said this during a meeting with the top Chai, Vice Presidents Datuk Ruslan Muharam ter Datuk Christina Liew was informed by the tang Oil & Gas Industrial Park (Sogip) by ership of Datuk Seri Azizah Mohd Dun, the
PBS leadership at Seri Gaya in Kota Kinabalu and Hendrus Anding, Secretary General Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd (MASB) management Sabah Oil & Gas Development Corporation GRS Women will be a strong team.
on July 25. Datuk Julita Majungki, Treasurer General that MASB had allocated a sum of RM8.4 million Sdn Bhd (Sogip) is “full house”. “I am also confident that we can
Leading the PBS entourage to meet Hajiji, Datuk Lu Kim Yen, Assistant Secretary Gen- for upgrading the Kota Kinabalu International Air- “The Government envisions Kimanis as strengthen the existing unity resulting in
who is also the Chairman of GRS, was PBS eral Jonnybone Kurum and Assistant Treas- port (KKIA). an oil and gas industrial park while the Kota victory in the coming state elections,” he
Deputy President Datuk Seri Dr Joachim Gun- urer General Lo Su Fui. A four-member delegation from MASB, led by Belud-Kota Marudu land will be similar to said.
its Senior General Manager Kamaruzzaman KKIP. Hajiji also expressed happiness that the
Razali, paid a courtesy call on Liew at her office “We will be bringing the matter to Cabi- seven local parties in GRS are steadfast in
Reducing hardcore poverty via co-ops on July 25, to brief her on the KKIA Optimisation net. ensuring that the struggles of the people
Plan. “With Sogip being full, we need to make and the State continue.
CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor is confident She said of the figure, RM1.4 million will be room to further create and develop indus- He said the State Government faced var-
the cooperative movement in Sabah – which has spent on improving the public toilets at the air- tries in Sabah for investors,” he told a press ious challenges and tests since taking over
1,707 registered cooperatives and more than port, while the remaining sum will be used for conference held after he launched the administration more than two years ago.
350,000 members under the Malaysian Cooper- other upgrading projects. Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) Women’s “This includes the Langkah Kinabalu (the
ative Commission (SKM) – can help eradicate These include resurfacing the runway and Roadshow dubbed “Jelajah Wanita GRS” at Kinabalu Move), where there were certain
extreme poverty in the State. upgrading the commercial lots as well as the Sabah International Convention Centre quarters who tried to overthrow us. How-
“I am proud that Sabah has the second high- public address (PA) system. (SICC) in Kota Kinabalu on July 23. ever, I am grateful for the union and sup-
est number of registered cooperatives in the Similarly, Liew said MASB allocated a sum of Hajiji said Sabah is a cheaper investment port from Pakatan Harapan was enough to
country after Selangor with a total income of RM11 million for the optimisation plan for the option for foreign investors compared to defend the State Government.
RM570 million. Tawau Airport. other Asean destinations given its strategic “We have to continue defending this
“This proves that the cooperative movement According to her, the plan entails providing location to the Philippines and Vietnam. mandate and this is also where the role of
in Sabah has successfully played its role and con- additional toilets, upgrading the check-in area Meanwhile, Hajiji who is also Chairman the GRS Women is very important for us to
with proper segregation between the interna-
Hajiji together with Federal
tributed significantly as one of the agents of Entrepreneur Development and
of GRS, said GRS would be sending “troops” create success in the next elections,” he
socioeconomic growth that has the potential to Cooperative Minister Datuk Ewon tional and domestic segments, enlarging the to help friends in the Unity Government in said.
end extreme poverty,” he said at the National Benedick visiting one of the departure lounge, adding more shop lots and the imminent six peninsula state election “Therefore, this roadshow programme is
Cooperative Day held at the Sabah International
cooperative exhibition booths. covering up the open space for the installation campaigns, nomination for which fall on very important… I was informed by Azizah
Convention Centre (SICC) in Kota Kinabalu on cooperatives in the Sabah with a total fund of of air-conditioning units. July 29. that they will be visiting all zones in Sabah
July 22. RM25.9 million in the form of the purchase of “I am very happy to hear the good news from Hajij also said the three unused Federal to explain the GRS policies and struggles.
He is even more proud that four – Koperasi 1,500 acres of oil palm land assets and also retail Malaysia Airports. The optimisation plan is most lands of over five years would be returned “What is important is to continue the
Pembangunan Usahasama Masyarakat Maju business premises. timely, given the steady increase of tourists to to the State. struggle and meet the aspirations of the
Sabah Berhad, Koperasi Kakitangan Sawit Kina- “In addition, SKM has also approved assis- Sabah after we have reopened our international “The MA63 Implementation Action people of Sabah.”
balu Sabah Berhad, Koperasi Borneo Malaysia tance to two cooperatives through a financing borders. The plan for both KKIA and Tawau Air- Council Technical Committee meeting held Hajiji, who is also President of the Parti
Berhad and Koperasi Usahawan Tawau Berhad programme known as the e-Fast Programme in port is for the convenience of travellers. last week concluded that any land given for Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat),
– were listed in Malaysia’s Top 100 Cooperative the form of business development grants to pro- “Work is expected to start this year but imple- Federal development but abandoned can be said the GRS Government has brought many
Index last year. ductive cooperatives to strengthen their busi- mentation takes time. For instance, building rightfully returned to the State for its own successes during their two-year rule, prom-
“Well done and congratulations to all the nesses,” he said. more toilets may take six to eight months to development. ising more development.
cooperatives in Sabah. I would like to see more Hajiji said the role of cooperatives is to com- complete,” she said in a statement. “In due process, reacquisition will follow “We have done a lot, many countries
cooperatives from Sabah listed in Malaysia’s Top plement and work hand in hand with the Gov- Briefing the Minister on the KKIA Optimisa- the original price paid by Federal,” he said, have confidence in our leadership. Some 30
100 Cooperatives Index in the coming year,” he ernment and the private sector in filling the tion Plan, Kamaruzzaman said the KKIA is the adding that the specific locations will be ambassadors and high commissioners have
said, adding he believes this number can be untapped business opportunities that exist in second busiest airport in Malaysia in terms of soon publicised. come to see me stating the potential Sabah
improved when awareness and interest in join- developing the State specifically. passenger handling. Meanwhile, Hajiji wants the GRS Women has. They want to invest.
ing cooperatives become a way of life that con- “Thus, I want all cooperative movements in “It was designed for a capacity of nine million to continue improving the existing unity for “However, the opposition is telling all
tributes to the nation’s socio-economic Sabah to continue to empower themselves, passengers per annum (mppa). As of June this a stronger State and further serve the peo- kinds of stories, especially Parti Warisan,
prosperity. increase competitiveness and seize the eco- year (preliminary Year to date (YTD), the airport ple according to the party’s struggles. which is still blur and cannot see what we
“This is because the cooperative vehicle is an nomic opportunities available. had handled 3,299,076 passengers with 28,642 He said even though the State Govern- have done in that span,” he said.
effective approach not only in stimulating the “In Sabah, we have many types of coopera- aircraft movements,” he said. ment has more than two years to go, the “Let’s not make the same dividing mis-
development of the entrepreneurial sector but tives that develop the community’s socio-eco- Also present were the Ministry’s Deputy Per- party machinery, especially the GRS takes again. Sabah is our home and we
also plays a major role in helping the B40 group nomics, whether related to retail or tourism manent Secretary I Mary Malangkig, Senior Man- Women, cannot be complacent. should take care of it. The interests of the
deal with the challenge of the increasing cost of activities and environmental sustainability. This ager (Engineering, MASB Headquarters, KL) “We must continue to work to be united people always come first and this is the pri-
living,” he said. State is rich in natural and socio-cultural resources Mohd Sabri Abd Aziz, Senior Manager (Opera- in the GRS and avoid misunderstandings mary struggle of GRS,” he said.
“The Government’s determination and com- that can attract many tourists to visit either from tions, MASB Headquarters, KL) Haji Sunif Naiman
mitment is to facilitate and not to frustrate, to within or outside the country,” he said. and KKIA Operations Manager Hassim Duman.
help provide policies that are friendly to coop- According to him, the re-opening of the
eratives so that the cooperative movement in country’s border gates has had a positive impact
particular in Sabah is viable and competitive.” and encouraged the recovery of the tourism sec-
In line with the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya tor where Sabah recorded 1.73 million tourist
(SMJ) Development Plan which focuses on three arrivals last year and this year it is expected to
main thrusts namely Agriculture, Industry and be 2.2 million people with the ability to generate
Tourism, the State Government hopes the coop- income of RM4.1 billion. He urged cooperatives
erative movement in the State would be able to in Sabah to take advantage of the boom in the
take advantage of the initiatives and financial tourism industry, which is creating various
incentives provided to advance the cooperative downstream business opportunities such as
business sector it is engaged in, he said. accommodation, homestay, transportation,
“Similarly in terms of funding assistance and restaurants, parks and souvenir shops.
cooperative capital development funds, I was The Chief Minister also welcomed the partic-
recently informed that the Entrepreneur Devel- ipation of 186 youth from 19 Asia Pacific coun-
opment and Cooperative Ministry through the tries at the Asia Pacific Cooperative Youth
SKM has approved financing assistance from the Summit in Sabah which was held for the first n Scan the barcode to
SKM Year 2023 Revolving Capital Fund to two time in Malaysia from July 27 to 30 this year. follow all the reports
Hajiji (middle) with the GRS leaders and women chiefs and
representatives showing their solidarity at the roadshow launch.
Plan B for STPM dropouts
8 Education
UN warns against ‘excessive’
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

tech use in classrooms

TUDENTS interested in doing STPM need to face. There is always a way out. You much lower. Check them out.
always had the fear that they may not need to find a way out.
easily be able to enter local public Entry to local public universities is What about the tuition fees? PARIS: Heavy reliance on technology in devices,” he said.
universities (IPTA). If they are not offered through UPU. That is the normal admis- USM is considered as one of the leaders education may be unproductive, or even Unesco had observed a rising trend of
any place, it would be a waste of about two sion procedure. There are also other entry in ODL courses. The tuition fee between detrimental, if it interferes with the acqui- banning smartphones in classrooms, with
years. Re-sitting for STPM is not a routes: normal university fees and ODL courses sition of basic skills such as reading, the “one in four countries” passing laws and
favourable option. Going to a private col- 1. Many universities have a second are as follows: UN warned. regulations to that effect.

ODL Fees Normal Tuition Fee

lege using their SPM results is also not a The body’s education, culture and sci- “The presence of a phone in a class-
very good alternative. These STPM ence agency Unesco said in a report that room can be very distracting,” Antoninis

Per year Per Semester

dropouts will be going through a lot of while students should learn about tech- said. He said smartphone bans in schools,
stress and misery. Is there any help for nology in the world, teachers should including by liberal countries like The
Sains Courses RM 2230 RM 1210
them? This week let us look at their situa- beware of overusing “fancy technological” Netherlands, were “an interesting and sur-

Art Courses RM1880 RM 1250

tion. means in the classroom. prising finding” for the Unesco

Social Science RM 1880 RM 1060

“There is little robust evidence on digi- researchers.

Management RM 2280 RM 1060

If you had done very well in STPM tal technology’s added value in educa- “People are thinking a little bit more
If your grade point average (PNGK ) is tion,” the report said. through what the consequences and the
above 2.5 you still stand a chance to enter Technology in the classroom “can have distractions in schools are,” he said.
IPTA. You may not be offered a competitive (Note: The fees above is approximate only. Check the university website for the exact fees.) detrimental impact if inappropriate or The report warned strongly against
course such as Medicine, Dentistry, Phar- excessive”, it said. “It should focus on substituting technology for the acquisi-
macy, etc. For competitive courses you Almost all the 20 universities would learning outcomes, not on digital inputs.” tion of traditional key skills which could
need better than 3.5 on the average. How- sooner or later offer ODL programs. This is Manos Antoninis, who directed the actually help children avoid some of the
ever, you may be offered non-competitive good for the STPM dropouts. You can pick Unesco report, said 20 years after laptops pitfalls of the digital world.
courses such as Economics, Social Studies, and choose the program of your choice, began to be rolled out in schools, it was Students with strong reading skills, for
Nutrition, Project Management, Media Above all you can get a job, earn money clear that such policies only worked if they example, were much less likely to be
Technology, etc. and at the same time complete your were combined with a solid pedagogical deceived by phishing mail, Antoninis said.
That is why some students apply for degree. Remember, Life long learning will framework. “If you are taught to read well, read for
accountancy and are offered Economics, be the call for the day in future! But only a “few countries have had the meaning, that makes you also better pre-
they apply for Medicine and they are Career Tips: patience and energy to move into that pared to navigate the digital world and
offered Applied Science, they apply for If you have a question on careers please direction”, he said. that’s a reality that we often forget,”
Law and are offered TESL. Whether you intake. During the first intake not many write to: “It’s not enough to just distribute Antoninis said. – AFP
want to accept the offer or not is com- students enrolled for the course or they
pletely your option. have decided for other options. The uni-
Before you reject the offer, do some versity places are vacant. So, universities
research on your own. Go to this website have a second intake. Students can apply
O*NET and learn about the course/career. for the second intake.
It is a US website under the US Department The requirements are slightly lower
of Labour. It gives you information such as and you have an opportunity to enter into
description of the career, what task people the university. Go to the website of these
do in this career, what skills are required, universities and look out for admission
what values are needed, the demand for dates and apply.
this career/ course and also all the related 2. Some public universities have priva-
careers. It also tells you whether it is under tised wings. They conduct some courses as
the fastest growing careers or not. ODL (Open Distance Learning) programs

Children at Kota Kinabalu Fire Station.

After exploring, you can decide privately. Application to enter these pro-

Field trip to Fire Dept, Cocoa Embassy and Petrosains

whether to accept the offer or to reject it. grams is not through UPU. You can apply
Base your decision on facts and figures and directly online:
NOT on “hearsays.” (a) UTM apply to SPACE
(b) UPM apply to PutraODL
If your STPM results are weak (c) Universiti Malaya apply to UMCEED
You may have got a grade point average (d) USM apply to Off campus KOTA KINABALU: Kindergarten Shan Tao The aim of this outdoors-educational enhanced their comprehensive abilities,
(PNGK) of below 2.00. You may not have Programme/Uni Enrol organised a field trip on July 5–7, 2023. activity was to provide the children with which had a positive impact on their
been offered any course. What do you do? (e) UKM apply to ODL UKM The children were divided into three an opportunity to combine classroom learning and development.
Don’t panic! It is not the end of the world. Visit these websites and find out their groups according to their ages and visited learning with practical experiences and This successful experience will inspire
When you meet an obstacle in your life, requirements. If you are more than 21 you the Kota Kinabalu Fire Department, the apply the knowledge they have gained. the school to further promote educational
always find a way to go around the obsta- can enter as a matured student. Admission Cocoa Embassy and the Science Discovery Through the field trip, the children reforms and provide more practical
cle. In life there are many obstacles you requirements for matured students is very Center (Petrosains). gained valuable practical experience and opportunities for the children.

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MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Asean 9

Rice prices may rise

amid typhoon damage
MANILA: President you all know, pinapatay talaga yan at hindi sa palay, mais and high value crops.”
Ferdinand Marcos Jr. binabalik hanggang mainspeksyon ang Meanwhile, Senator Imee Marcos said
(pic) met with local mga linya. Kasi pag hindi nila nain- she is worried that “the loss of the Cagayan
officials in Tugue- speksyon at nagkamali sila, pag-on nila Valley rice stock will impact the nation.”
garao Saturday fol- niyan at may short, sira ang buong sis- While saving some of the damaged
lowing the tema,” he said. crops is possible, she suggested other
devastation of super “Yung high-value crops mas madaling measures including the replanting 45-day
typhoon Egay in makarecover dahil ang cycle is 45 days. We species of rice, as well as other vegetables Residents transport a motorcycle on a boat to avoid floodwaters left
by torrential rains of Typhoon Doksuri in Calumpit, Bulacan province.

16 dead, over 1 million affected

Cagayan and other will also provide for high value crops.” that take a shorter time to grow.
parts of the country. He ordered local governments to send “We should however be wary of plant-
Cagayan Governor Manuel Mamba said reports on agricultural damage. ing corn before November as we are fully

due to ‘Egay’ and ‘habagat’

that as of July 28, the province has recorded “Ang hirap nito because yung palay, ini- aware of floods and too much rain occurs
20 injuries from the typhoon. The typhoon isip ko na ang supply natin pag nag El before then,” she said.
destroyed at least 83 homes and damaged Niño talaga. I’m thinking about the Meanwhile, local Civil Defence official
over 1,500 houses in the province. national supply for rice because iniimport Leon Rafael said that while 11 people went
He said the agricultural damage in the lahat ng Indonesia, nagsara ang Vietnam, missing due to the typhoon, teams
province has reached over P539 million. India nagsara. We have to start importing deployed in Calayan-Camiguin areas have
These include rice, corn, high value crops already.” made breakthroughs. MANILA: Typhoon Egay (international Meanwhile, the initial damage to infra-
and fishery. Damage to livestock also Marcos said he is worried that even if “The seven crew members of the tug- name: Doksuri) and the southwest mon- structure was estimated at around P4.3 bil-
reached over P1 million as of July 28. Mean- the country imports rice, prices may still boat were found safe in Camiguin Island. soon left at least 16 people dead and over lion.
while, infrastructure damage in the entire increase. So we are now monitoring them,” he said. one million affected after pummelling the President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Mar-
province reached over P862 million. “Everybody is preparing for El Nino, On Wednesday, a tugboat drifted off country with strong winds and heavy rain, cos Jr. said Saturday that people who were
Marcos said power and agriculture are lahat ng Southeast Asia. Sabay-sabay nag- the coast of Aparri, which triggered search the National Disaster Risk Reduction and left homeless by Egay in Northern Luzon
main concerns in areas devastated by the bibilihan. Kaya ninenerbyos ako dahil and rescue operations by the Philippine Management Council reported Sunday. will receive housing repair assistance and
typhoon. tataas nanaman ang presyo kahit nag-iim- Coast Guard. The 4 members of the search Around 1,029,794 people from Luzon, emergency support.
“It looks like the main issue here is agri. port tayo. That’s the problem that I see in and rescue team remain missing. – ABS- Western Visayas, Northern Mindanao, The government has so far provided

EU announces
Number one yung agri…Ang kuryente as the world. Pwede tayo magbigay ng binhi CBN Davao Region Soccsksargen, and P64 million in assistance to affected resi-
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Mus- dents.
lim Mindanao were affected by the power- Egay is the fifth cyclone to hit the

P30m aid for

ful cyclone and the enhanced southwest Philippines this year. Scientists have
monsoon. Of those, over 30,000 people warned extreme weather events such as

Egay-hit P’pines
fled their homes. strong storms are being exacerbated by
The NDRRMC also reported the two climate change.
weather disturbances left 20 people miss- A new cyclone, Severe Tropical Storm
ing and 52 individuals injured. Falcon (international name: Khanun) is
The combined effects of Egay and the threatening more floods and landslides as
southwest monsoon also wreaked havoc in provinces pounded by Egay were still reel-
MANILA: The European Union (EU) is allo- the agricultural sector. ing from its impacts.
cating EUR500,000 or around PHP30 mil- According to the NDRRMC, more than Although Falcon will remain far from
lion in humanitarian assistance to support 105,000 farmers and fisherfolk were the Philippine landmass, it continues to
families affected by Typhoon Egay. affected. Damage to crops and agriculture enhance the southwest monsoon and

Mayon’s earthquakes spike: Phivolcs

In an announcement on Saturday, EU infrastructure reached at least P1.5 billion. bring rain. – Philstar
Ambassador to the Philippines Luc Veron
said the donation will be coursed through
the European Commission Humanitarian
Aid Office and European non-government
organisations. MANILA: The Philippine Institute of Vol- said that sulfur dioxide emission of
Veron said the humanitarian aid will canology and Seismology (Phivolcs) on Mayon, which remains under Alert Level 3,
focus on families and communities heavily Sunday recorded an increase in Mayon also dipped from 4,113 tons on July 28 to
affected in Northern Luzon. Volcano’s earthquakes but continued 2,356 tons on July 29.
At least 16 dead, 13 injured, and 20 miss- decrease in its rockfall events and sulfur The agency reported that Mayon’s slow
People look at the aftermath of destroyed homes after

Death toll rises to 10 in

ing persons have been reported by the dioxide emission. effusion of lava flow stayed at 2.8 kilome-
the explosion ripped through the firework warehouse. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Based on its 5a.m. bulletin, Phivolcs tres (km) along Mi-isi Gully and reached
Management Council (NDRRMC) since said it monitored zero pyroclastic density 3.4 km along Bonga Gully, while lava dome

Thai warehouse explosion

Typhoon Egay made. landfall early a week currents (PDCs), higher volcanic earth- collapse on both gullies extended to 600
ago. quakes at 68, and lower rockfall events at metres along Basud Gully.
In its latest bulletin dated July 29, the 18 in Mayon over the last 24 hours. Phivolcs warned residents that rock-
NDRRMC said 172,293 families or 608,979 Earlier, the agency likewise monitored falls, landslides, avalanches, ballistic frag-
persons were affected by the combined no PDCs, lower quakes at 40, and higher ments, lava flows, and moderate-sized
effects of Egay and the southwest mon- rockfall events at 45. explosions might occur in areas near

Islamic boarding schools considered Indonesian assets: VP

soon enhanced by the typhoon. – PNA Aside from rockfall events, Phivolcs Mayon. – Inquirer
BANGKOK: The death toll from a power- chief in Muno district.
ful explosion that levelled an unlicensed “We are waiting for him to come,” he
fireworks warehouse in southern Thai- said.
land rose to at least 10 on Sunday, the Officials said a command centre had JAKARTA: Indone- Tanara, Banten, Saturday. guide and mislead them.
local governor said as police sought the been established not far from the inci- sian Vice President Amin said that pesantrens can produce Hence, the vice president emphasised
owner on charges of negligence. dent, and authorities had already Ma’ruf Amin (pic) scholars, who can guide people on all that the Indonesian nation must not lose
The blast Saturday afternoon in the received 365 complaints from those who emphasised that earthly matters in life. ulema, as they carry out prophetic duties.
town of Sungai Kolok was believed to had been injured, or had their homes and Islamic boarding “We must not lose scholars by continu- “Ulemas are the heir of the prophets. If
have been caused by welding during con- property damaged. schools (pesantren) ing to produce them through Islamic there are no pesantrens, ulemas will no
struction work on a building storing fire- “Some government office and private are the nation’s boarding schools,” he affirmed. longer exist. This must not happen,” he
works illegally. schools were also damanged,” officials assets, as they are the He said one of the functions of emphasised.
More than 100 people were injured in added. only places that can pesantren is to prepare people, who have In addition, the VP stated that Islamic
the blast that left only twisted metal Police said of the original 115 injured produce ulema, or an understanding of religion. Currently, boarding schools are the places to grow
beams still standing as rescue workers in the blast, some 106 people had been Muslim scholars, who can guide the peo- the vice president said, several people ulemas that understand both worldly and
picked over the debris, with local media discharged. The condition of those ple. speak of religious issues but do not neces- spiritual matters.
reporting hundreds of homes were also remaining in hospital was not known. “Islamic boarding schools are the sarily understand them. According to Amin, several worldly
seriously damaged. The fire was brought under control nation’s assets,” VP Amin remarked at the Amin stressed that if no scholar were to issues are not written specifically in the
“We have identified 10 people and late Saturday. opening of the Islamic Boarding School be left in the world, then the people would holy scripture, such as matters on the

Six killed after

Ng: S’pore can have ‘best of
found parts of two bodies which we can- The army would assist in the recovery Roadshow at Pesantren An-Nawawi elect incompetent leaders that can mis- sharia economy and finance. – Antara
not identify yet,” Narathiwat provincial and clean-up operation, said southern
governor Sanan Pongaksorn told a press army commander Lieutenant General

train hits van

three worlds’ if I am President
conference Sunday. Santi Sakhutanark.
“We are sending to forensics to do “We will provide manpower and
DNA tests but primary reports said they equipment,” he said.
were different,” he added. Eye witnesses reported a huge boom
Police said they were investigating the and the earth shaking Saturday. JAKARTA: Six people were killed and two
cause of the explosion in the building, “I was playing with my phone inside others were injured when a train struck a
adding they believed it was not licensed the house then suddenly I heard a loud, van in Jombang, East Java, Saturday night. SINGAPORE: If Sin- He noted that all three potential can-
to store fireworks. thunderous noise and my whole house Jombang police in a statement said the gaporeans choose didates have explained what they would
Narathiwat police commander, Police shook,” said eyewitness Seksan Taesen, six victims who were passengers of the van him to be the next do if they are elected president, but have
Major General Chalermporn Khamkhiew, who lives 100 metres (yards) away from died at the scene. President, the not shared what they would do when the
said shortly before the explosion fire- the warehouse. The other two, who were also inside the country can have election is over.
crackers had been delivered. “Then I saw my roof was wide open. I van, were rushed to the local hospital and “the best of three If he does not get elected as President,
“We are investigating if those fire- looked outside and I saw houses collaps- they are both in critical condition. worlds”, said presi- Ng, 75, said he will go back to his asset
crackers were transported legally or ille- ing and people lying on the ground every- The accident happened around 11.15pm dential hopeful Ng management company Avanda Invest-
gally,” he said. where. It was chaos.” local time when the van drove through a Kok Song (pic) on ment Management, which he co-
“As of now, we do not see any licence Explosions at workshops producing railway crossing without barriers in Jabon Saturday as he founded in mid-2015.
for possession of firecrackers or fire- firecrackers and other pyrotechnics are village at Kilometre 85 between Jombang- gave some personal reflections on the He started out as an investment ana-
cracker sales,” he said. not uncommon in Thailand. Sembung Station. elected presidency. lyst at the Ministry of Finance’s overseas
“We assume the factory has no Saturday’s deadly blast comes just five Initial investigation showed that the van Speaking to reporters at the sidelines investment department before moving
licence.” days after 11 people reportedly were driver ignored other road users’ warnings, of the Asia Cat Expo 2023, Ng said that if on to the Monetary Authority of Singa-
The blast detonated from roughly injured when a fireworks factory who repeatedly asked the driver to stop. he is elected President, former senior pore, before finally ending his 45 years in
1,000 kilograms (a ton) of gunpowder, he exploded in northern Chiang Mai city. The train, operated by PT Kereta Com- minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam public service as the chief investment
said, causing two holes roughly two The Southeast Asian kingdom also has muter Indonesia, then hit and dragged the can return to the government to serve officer of Singapore’s sovereign wealth
metres deep and six metres (20 feet) wide. a poor safety record in the construction car for about 100 metres from the accident Singapore as he has done for the last 22 fund GIC.
“We have issued a summons to the sector and deadly accidents are common. scene. years. “I will go back and grow my company
owner of the factory with the charge of Last month two people were killed No train passengers were injured in the Meanwhile, George Goh – the third … so that Avanda can become a home-
negligence, which caused the accident,” when a bridge under construction in

Travellator incident leads to removal of airport director

accident, and the train resumed service at potential presidential candidate and grown Singaporean investment manage-
said Colonel Suthawet Thareethai, police Bangkok collapsed onto traffic. – AFP 11.25pm. – Bernama founder of retailer Harvey Norman Ossia ment company that Singaporeans can be
– can go back to “building his business to proud of and which will contribute to
support the government’s efforts to the further development of Singapore as
grow our economy”, Ng said. a financial centre,” he told the media.
“I think that would be a very good Ng was at the Asia Cat Expo 2023
BANGKOK: The director of Bangkok’s Don into the travellator incident in June. 1987 and underwent a complete part
thing because as you know, our govern- event with his fiancee Sybil Lau, where
Mueang airport is being transferred follow- On June 29, a female passenger got her leg upgrade in 2015 by the original manufac-
ment is going through a difficult time. they interacted with stall owners and
ing a probe into a travellator incident that stuck in the moving walkway at the airport’s turer. It has five safety sensors but lacks one
So we need very good and capable peo- members of the public as well as some
saw a passenger lose her left leg, an informed domestic terminal. Her left leg was eventu- at the floor plates because it is an old model,
ple to come back or to go back to serve pet cats.
source said. ally amputated. said the source.
our country,” he added. The couple own an 18-month-old
Karun Thanakuljeerapat is being replaced The source said the investigation found AOT director Kirati Kitmanawat report-
“I will be so honoured to be able to British shorthair cat named Max and a
by Wijit Kaesaithiam, who is currently the that the incident was caused by one of the edly said the authorities have proposed the
serve the people of Singapore one more Japanese Spitz dog named Cotton.
director of Chiang Mai International Airport. travellator’s plates slipping off its frame due hiring of a third-party investigator to check
time.” Ng also gave some thoughts on the
The transfers will come into effect from to missing screws. Investigators reportedly the condition and safety of all walkways and
Ng also laid out two other scenarios role of the President, in light of recent
August. found three loose screws in the pit beneath related equipment at Don Mueang airport to
where either Tharman, 66, or Goh, 63, political scandals that have rocked Sin-
Karun’s transfer comes after Airports of the travellator. restore passengers’ confidence. – The
become Singapore’s President. gapore. – CNA
Thailand (AOT) conducted an investigation The travellator was originally installed in Nation/ANN
11 Sunak backs new O&G plans
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

12 Israeli’s protest after govt pushes through key reform


Putin targets dissent African heads, Putin attend naval parade

in times of ‘conflict’
MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin at the “I’m just telling you about my overall atti- erupted in February 2022.
weekend defended an unprecedented tude towards the problem.” Moscow’s foreign ministry has said
crackdown on dissenting voices in Russia Criticism of Moscow’s offensive in such attacks “would not be possible with-
at a time of “armed conflict” with Ukraine, Ukraine has been outlawed and most out the help provided to the Kyiv regime
urging everyone to follow “certain rules.” prominent members of the liberal opposi- by the US and its NATO allies”.
“It’s the year 2023, and Russia is tion are either in jail or in exile. Moscow said on Sunday its forces had
engaged in an armed conflict with a Last week authorities detained former thwarted a Ukrainian attempt to attack
neighbour. And I think that there should separatist commander and nationalist Russia-annexed Crimea with 25 drones
be a certain attitude towards people who blogger Igor Girkin on accusations of overnight.
harm us inside the country,” Putin told “extremism” after he criticised Putin. “Sixteen Ukrainian UAVs were
reporters in Saint Petersburg. Meanwhile, a night-time Ukrainian destroyed by air defence fire,” the Russian
“We must keep in mind that in order drone attack on Moscow damaged two defence ministry said, referring to VLADIMIR PUTIN on Sunday praised Russia’s navy in an address at an annual war-
for us to achieve success, including in a office blocks, the mayor of the Russian unmanned aerial vehicles. ship parade in Saint Petersburg, which he attended accompanied by several African
conflict zone, everyone needs to follow capital said early Sunday, adding that no “Another nine Ukrainian drones were leaders.
certain rules,” Putin added. one was injured. suppressed by means of electronic warfare The military display took part as Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine stretches into
The Russian president was responding “Ukrainian drones attacked tonight. and, without reaching the target, crashed its second year and three Ukrainian drones were downed over Moscow early on
to a question from a reporter who asked Facades of two city office towers were into the Black Sea,” the ministry said, Sunday. The Russian Navy has played a key role in Moscow’s assault on Ukraine
him to comment on the recent jailing of a slightly damaged. There are no victims or adding that there were no victims. by pummelling the Western-backed country with ship- and submarine-launched
theatre director and a sociologist. injured,” Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014, has cruise missiles, among other operations.
“The people were arrested for the words posted on Telegram. been targeted by Kyiv throughout Without mentioning Ukraine in his speech, Putin hailed “the brave crews of
they said or wrote. Is this normal?” Andrei Moscow and its environs, lying about Moscow’s Ukraine offensive but has come ships and submarines”.
Kolesnikov, a veteran reporter for Komm- 500 kilometres (310 miles) from the under more intense, increased attacks in “In the name of Russia, our sailors give all their strength, show true heroism
ersant daily, asked Putin. Ukrainian border, had been rarely tar- recent weeks. and fight valiantly, like our great ancestors,” Putin said.
Last week, Russian authorities detained geted during the conflict in Ukraine until Kyiv has repeatedly said it plans to take “Today, Russia is confidently implementing major elements of its national mar-
prominent sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky, several drone attacks this year. Crimea back. itime policy and is consistently building up the power of its navy,” he added.
64, and accused him of calling for terror- The attack reported Sunday is the latest At least one civilian was killed Saturday Forty five ships, boats and submarines took part in the parade along with around
ism online. in a series of recent drone assaults— evening in a Russian missile attack on the 3,000 servicemen, the Kremlin said.
In May, a Moscow court ordered the including on the Kremlin and Russian northeast Ukrainian city of Sumy, said The former imperial capital hosted a Russia-Africa summit earlier this week.
arrest of theatre director Yevgeniya towns near the border with Ukraine—that national police, adding that there were Several leaders and representatives of African countries including Mali and
Berkovich, 38, on charges of “justifying ter- Moscow has blamed on Kyiv. five injured in the strike on an education Burkina Faso attended the parade on Sunday. – AFP
rorism” over an award-winning play about Earlier this month, Russia said it had centre.
Russian women recruited online to marry downed five Ukrainian drones that dis- “On the evening of July 29, an enemy
radical Islamists in Syria.
Putin said he did not know who Kagar-
rupted the functioning of Moscow’s
Vnukovo international airport.
missile hit an educational institution. Law
enforcement officers are working at the Pope calls upon Russia to
litsky and Berkovich were. The drone attacks on Moscow come sev- scene, recording the effects,” the force

return to Ukraine grain deal

China malware ticking time bomb: US
“I hear these names for the first time eral weeks into a Ukrainian counter-offen- posted on Telegram, putting the initial toll
and do not really understand what they sive to claw back territory captured by at “at least one civilian dead and five
did or what was done to them,” Putin said. Moscow since large-scale hostilities injured”. – AFP
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis on Sunday thing, including the wheat, which is a
called on Russia to return to the agreement major offence to God because wheat is his
that had allowed the safe passage of gift to feed humanity and the cries of mil-
Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea to lions of our brothers and sisters suffering
WASHINGTON: The Biden administration Microsoft singled out Guam, a US Pacific ation amounted to “a ticking time bomb.” world markets. from hunger are lifting to the sky,” he said.
believes China has implanted malware in territory with a vital military outpost, as The White House issued a statement Fri- The Ukraine grain deal was agreed last Russia two weeks ago refused to extend a
key US power and communications net- one target but said malicious activity had day that made no mention of China or mil- year and allowed around 33 million tonnes deal brokered by the United Nations and
works in a “ticking time bomb” that could also been detected elsewhere in the United itary bases. of grain to leave Ukrainian ports, helping Turkey, under which Ukrainian grain
disrupt the military in event of a conflict, States. “The Biden administration is working to stabilise global food prices and avert exports passed through the Black Sea to
The New York Times reported at the week- It said the stealthy attack, carried out relentlessly to defend the United States shortages. reach global markets, including Africa, eas-
end. since mid-2021, was likely aimed at ham- from any disruptions to our critical infra- “I am calling on my brothers, the ing pressure on food prices.
The Times, quoting US military, intelli- pering the United States in the event of a structure, including by coordinating inter- authorities in the Russian Federation, to re- Moscow withdrew from the agreement
gence and security officials, said the mal- regional conflict. agency efforts to protect water systems, establish the Black Sea initiative so that the after protesting for months that the parts
ware potentially gave China’s People’s Authorities in Australia, Canada, New pipelines, rail and aviation systems, among wheat could be safely transported”, Francis of the deal that allowed for the export of
Liberation Army the ability to disrupt US Zealand and Britain warned at the same others,” said Adam Hodge, acting said during his weekly Angelus prayer. Russian fertiliser were not honoured.
military operations if Beijing were to move time that Chinese hacking was likely tak- spokesman for the National Security Coun- “We are constantly praying for martyred Following Russia’s pullout, wheat prices

350,000 kids in developing world

against Taiwan at some point. ing place globally, affecting an extensive cil. Ukraine, where the war is destroying every- have risen. –AFP
The systems affected, the Times said, range of infrastructure. He added that President Joe Biden “has
could allow China not only to cut off water, Discovery of the malware, the Times also mandated rigorous cybersecurity

missing out on cancer treatment

power and communications to US military said, sparked a series of meetings in the practices for the first time.”
bases, but also to homes and businesses White House Situation Room involving top Reports of the malware operation come
across the United States. military, intelligence and national security at a particularly strained point in US-China
The report comes two months after officials in an effort to track down and relations, with China aggressively asserting
Microsoft warned that state-sponsored eradicate the code. its claim that Taiwan is Chinese territory

Aussie army grounds Taipan heli

Chinese hackers had infiltrated critical US The newspaper quoted one congres- and the US seeking to ban sales of sophis-

Decoupling from
GENEVA: Treatment remains out of reach launched the Global Initiative for Child-
infrastructure networks. sional official as saying the malware oper- ticated semiconductors to Beijing. –AFP for hundreds of thousands of children hood Cancer in 2018.
diagnosed with cancer in low and middle- The initiative aims for at least a 60 per-

China an illusion:
income countries, severely limiting their cent survival rate in low and middle-
chances of survival, the UN health agency income countries by 2030, focusing on six
said. cancers that are highly curable which rep-

French Minister
SYDNEY: Australia’s Only a quarter of low-income coun- resent more than half of all those found
military will ground tries cover childhood cancer medicines in on children.
its fleet of MRH-90 through public benefits, Tedros Adhanom He added that in December 2021, the
Taipan helicopters Ghebreyesus, Emirates news agency UN agency and St. Jude initiated a global
after a crash during (WAM) reported Director-General of the programme to improve access to child-
multinational mili- BEIJING: France’s finance minister said UN World Health Organisation (WHO) hood cancer medicines.
tary exercises that left during a visit to Beijing on Sunday that said at his weekly press briefing in Geneva The WHO also announced that cancer
four crew members cutting all economic ties with China was on Wednesday. medicines are among those that have
missing, the army “an illusion”, as some Western countries “This subjects children and families to been added to the latest version of the
chief said on Sunday. question their reliance on the Asian giant. significant suffering and financial hard- WHO Essential Medicines List and the
The helicopter “We are totally opposed to the idea of ship, or puts them at risk of receiving sub- Essential Medicines List for Children, it
crashed into waters decoupling. Decoupling is an illusion,” standard and falsified medicines. As a added.
near the Whitsunday Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told result, survival of children in these coun- “The new lists also include important
Islands off Australia’s reporters at the French embassy. tries is less than 30 percent, compared new medicines for the treatment of mul-
subtropical northeast “There is no possibility of having any with more than 90 percent for children in tiple sclerosis, infectious diseases and car-
late on Friday, spark- kind of decoupling between the Ameri- high income countries.” diovascular conditions, among others.
ing a search by the
An Australian helicopter crewman stands by an MRH-90 heli-
can, European and Chinese economies.” To help address the problem, WHO, These treatments could have a very large
militaries of three
copter in Townsville, Australia. (Getty Images)
Le Maire nonetheless defended supported by the US-based St. Jude Chil- public health impact globally, without
nations, but hopes of France’s ambition to become more eco- dren’s Research Hospital, a non-profit jeopardizing the health budgets of low
finding the missing nomically independent in certain sectors. pediatric treatment and research facility and middle-income countries,” Tedros
crew were fading. Specialist divers have joined the hun- But, he added, the concept of de-risking, focusing on leukemia and other cancers, said. – Bernama
Lieutenant General Simon Stuart, the dreds-strong search for the missing pilot which has become a byword in the West
chief of the Australian Army, said on Sunday and three other crew, officials said. in recent months, “does not mean that
that Australia would ground its fleet of
about 45 Taipan helicopters.
Debris from the crash was recovered on
Saturday, with Channel 9 television footage
China is a risk”.
“De-risking means that we want to be
Iraq, Kuwait seek solution
“We are not flying the MRH-90 today and showing a section of the fuselage being more independent... We don’t want to
won’t until we think it is safe to do so,” Stu- lifted from the water.
art told reporters in Sydney. Stuart identified the four missing crew
realise, as we realised during the Covid to contested border issue
crisis, that we have too much dependence
Even before the incident, Canberra had and said they were all from the 6th Aviation BAGHDAD: Iraq and Kuwait will work Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said
on some very specific components,” he towards reaching a definitive agreement that during their talks “the emphasis was
announced it would replace its ageing Regiment, based in Sydney. added, citing microchips as one example.
Taipan helicopters with US-made Black “You have to feel for their families and on demarcating their borders, including a placed on resolving the border issues”.
Le Maire’s remarks come as some West- contested maritime area of the Gulf, their He told reporters the border talks
Hawks. their mates,” he said. ern countries seek to reduce their eco- foreign ministers said on Sunday. would “continue through various techni-
Australian officials have complained New South Wales Premier Christopher
nomic dependence on China, particularly The de facto land and maritime borders cal committees”.
about having to repeatedly ground the Minns told Sky News one of the missing
Germany, which counts the Asian country between the neighbouring states were Baghdad will host a meeting of a legal
European-made Taipans, citing difficulties crew was the son of a distinguished senior
as its top trading partner and an impor- established by the United Nations in 1993, committee relating to the talks on August
with maintenance and getting spare parts. police officer.
Stuart said the current aim was to keep tant market for its automotive industry. three years after Iraq under Saddam Hus- 14.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony
the Taipans in service until 2024 but “what Albanese described the crash as a stark The United States has also advocated sein invaded Kuwait. Sabah said there was “complete consen-
happens between now and then, from what reminder “that there are no safe or easy days de-risking from China, though US Treas- While Iraqi officials have previously sus” between Kuwait and Iraq to “resolve
we learn from this incident, is yet to be for those who serve in our country’s name”. ury Secretary Janet Yellen said during a expressed a readiness to recognize outstanding problems between the two
determined”. He also thanked military personnel from visit to Beijing earlier this month that a Kuwait’s land border, the maritime border countries, particularly the demarcation of
Australia’s Taipan fleet was grounded for other countries for taking part in the search. decoupling of the US and Chinese remains a point of contention. maritime boundaries”.
a month after one of the helicopters suf- US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, economies would be “virtually impossi- Baghdad insists that the delineation Iraq’s government under Prime Minis-
fered engine failure during a nighttime speaking in the northern city of Townsville, ble”. should provide it unhindered access to ter Mohamed Shia al-Sudani, who was
training exercise in March, forcing the crew said the United States would provide any China, meanwhile, has lashed out at Gulf waters, a lifeline for its economy and appointed by pro-Iran parties, is seeking
to ditch into the ocean. No one was seriously assistance it could. Western efforts to de-risk, with Premier Li oil exports. closer ties with Arab Gulf monarchies,
hurt. “Our hearts go out to their loved ones Qiang last month calling the concept a Because of the long-standing dispute, aiming to strengthen regional economic
The aircraft that crashed on Friday night during this terribly difficult time,” Austin “false proposition”. Kuwaiti coastguards regularly detain Iraqi cooperation and counter the flow of nar-
was taking part in the Talisman Sabre exer- said of the missing crew. Le Maire is in China for high-level eco- fishermen and seize their vessels for enter- cotics.
cise, which brings together 30,000 military The Talisman Sabre exercise was paused nomic talks, and will travel on Monday to ing Kuwaiti territorial waters “illegally”. In 2021, Baghdad made the final pay-
personnel from Australia, the United States briefly on Saturday but some operations the southern tech hub of Shenzhen to After meeting his Kuwaiti counterpart ment of war reparations totalling more
and several other nations. then resumed away from the crash site. –AFP meet with business leaders. – AFP Salem Al-Sabah in Baghdad on Sunday, than $52 billion to its neighbour. – AFP
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 World 11
ATHENS: Two weeks of sweltering heat and
wildfires have confirmed fears that
Greece’s ecosystem is under increasing
Greek ecosystems face increasing fire risk, experts say
risk, experts say. In the Volos area, the organisation said as “there are few green spaces and con-
Some 50,000 hectares (123,500 acres) of it had found “significant losses” in har- crete buildings create a closed thermal
The shell
forest and vegetation have been left vested grain and grapes, in addition to environment”.
of a
scorched, according to estimates by the farm machinery and buildings. The Greek government, which blames
National Observatory of Athens. Major losses in livestock have also hit, it the fires primarily on the climate crisis, is
lies on the
This makes the month of July the worst added. often accused of not doing enough to pro-
in 13 years in terms of burned land, said Greece suffers forest fires every year. In tect biodiversity and prevent the fires.
Charalampos Kontoes, a research director 2007, they left 84 dead in the Peloponnese “This year, prevention started a little
near the
at the observatory. peninsula and Evia. In 2018, 103 people late—but firebreaks or other preventive
“It was a dry winter, and spring rains died in Mati, a seaside resort near Athens. measures are not always a panacea when
were not enough to maintain” moisture in Three people died in Evia two years ago, the fire takes on enormous dimensions,”
the soil, Kontoes told AFP. and five so far this year. Bokaris said.
on the
Civil protection minister Vassilis Kikil- “Repetitive fires endanger the ecosys- The forecaster said Greece in 2022
ias this week said crews had battled more tem. The forests are transformed into agri- received 55 million euros ($60 million) in
island of
than 660 blazes this month, an average of cultural-forest land, the brushwood into European funds for fire prevention, fol-
50 to 70 fires a day. scrubland,” said Nikos Bokaris, head of the lowed by another 86 million this year.
Businesses and farms on the tourist Greek union of foresters. His proposal is to let the burned land
islands of Corfu and Rhodes, Greece’s sec- “The landscape tends to change and regenerate and prohibit the conversion of
ond-largest island of Evia and the country- resemble African landscapes,” he added. In addition, the European Union’s cli- age every six years. “burned forests into areas for cultivation
side near Volos, central Greece, bore the In Rhodes, where the fires broke out on mate observatory Copernicus on Wednes- This affects the ecosystem of one of the or construction”, as often happens.
brunt of the damage this year. July 18, a large part of the local fauna day said smoke emissions from wildfires in most densely populated cities in Europe, “The climate crisis did not appear sud-
The Greek state association insuring including the island’s emblematic fallow Greece had been the highest for this which houses more than a third of the denly and cooperation between govern-
farmers, ELGA, estimates that 50,000 olive deer was seriously affected, said Grigoris period of time in the last 21 years. Greek population of 10.5 million, he said. ment, local authorities and volunteers is
trees and 2,500 animals and beehives have Dimitriadis, head of the local environmen- Kontoes noted that the mountains Bokaris added that the situation is par- necessary to combat it,” said Alexandra
been destroyed on Rhodes. tal protection association. around in Athens go up in flames on aver- ticularly problematic in the Greek capital Messare of Greenpeace Greece. –AFP

Sunak backs new O&G plans

Third firefighter
dies battling
blazes in Canada
LONDON: UK Prime a general election due next year amid a “Everybody sensible recognises that tal targets could be eased, while offering
Minister Rishi Sunak cost-of-living crisis. we will need those fossil fuels as part of lukewarm support for the country’s MONTREAL: A firefighter has died battling
has backed plans for The main opposition Labour party, the transition to net zero,” he argued. ambitious net zero agenda. one of the massive blazes devastating
new fossil fuel drilling well ahead in the polls, said earlier this The comments follow the Conserva- Swedish climate campaigner Greta Canada’s forests this year, British Colum-
off Britain’s coast, say- year it will not issue any new North Sea tives defying dismal national polling to Thunberg on Friday called the UK govern- bia’s premier announced at the weekend.
ing in a Sunday news- drilling licences if it regains power after retain former prime minister Boris John- ment “out of touch from reality” after It marked the third death of a fire-
paper interview he more than a decade in opposition. son’s vacated northwest London seat in a energy minister Grant Shapps said it fighter during this devastating wildfire
would be “pragmatic “I think it makes absolutely no sense, July 20 parliamentary by-election. would look to “max out” North Sea season.
and proportionate” as the Labour Party is suggesting, to ban The narrow victory came amid voter reserves. “I am devastated to learn that we have
about reaching net zero. North Sea oil and gas,” Sunak told the unease at Labour mayor Sadiq Khan Meanwhile several mainstream pres- lost another wildfire fighter. My heart goes
His government is expected to approve Sunday Telegraph. expanding a scheme taxing the use of the sure groups claiming to represent tens of out to the family, friends and colleagues of
the development of Rosebank, near Scot- “That is just going to weaken our most polluting vehicles, and appears to millions of Britons wrote to Sunak prom- this frontline hero,” Premier David Eby
land’s Shetland Isles—believed to be the energy security and strengthen the hands have emboldened Tory net zero oppo- ising to mobilise if net zero policies are said in a statement.
UK’s largest undeveloped oil and gas of dictators like (Russian) President nents. watered down. Eby did not identify the contract fire-
field—as well as other sites in the nearby (Vladimir) Putin,” he said, arguing it In the Telegraph interview, Sunak Sunak, who has been criticised for his fighter, but authorities said the victim was
North Sea imminently. jeopardised 200,000 jobs and threatened insisted he was on the side of motorists frequent use of helicopters and planes to at the Donnie Creek wildfire, near Fort St
The prospect has infuriated environ- £80 billion ($103 billion) worth of tax rev- and said he had ordered a review of so- travel around Britain, insisted he wants to John, in the northeast of the province.
mental campaigners, who argue that enue. called low traffic neighbourhoods, con- “leave the environment and our climate Two other firefighters have perished in
stopping all new fossil fuel exploitation Sunak, who became leader last Octo- tentious local authority-led tools to limit in a better state”. separate operations this month, and a
is essential if Britain is to decarbonise by ber, said his approach was “to support the vehicle use in designated areas by block- “But I’m going to do that in a way that fourth person, a helicopter pilot, died July
mid-century. UK’s energy industry” and appeared to ing roads. is pragmatic and proportionate, and not 19 when his aircraft crashed in Alberta, in
They accuse the British leader of lack- suggest that not exploiting new UK oil His government has riled climate cam- unnecessarily add costs or hassle to peo- western Canada, while taking part in relief
ing conviction on climate policies and and gas reserves risked “the lights going paigners since the surprise by-election ple’s lives,” he added, noting the current operations.
playing politics with the issue, as he eyes out” in Britain. win by suggesting some UK environmen- grim economic reality many face. –AFP Canadian wildfires have burned some
30 million acres (12 million hectares) this
year, scorching an area larger than the size
8 die in Russia Scores evacuate as typhoon lashes China of Cuba or South Korea.
“This wildfire season has been pro-
foundly awful,” Eby said, who hailed fire-
‘hurricane’ BEIJING: Tens of thousands of people were
evacuated from flood-prone areas of Bei-
fighters as heroes making “extraordinary
sacrifices... to keep us safe.”
MOSCOW: Eight people died and another jing as Typhoon Doksuri lashed China’s British Columbia currently has 368
10 were hospitalised in Russia when trees capital with heavy rain on Sunday and res- active fires. In total, more than 990 fires
crashed into a campsite during a severe idents were urged to stay indoors. are ravaging Canada, 613 of which are con-
storm described as a “hurricane”, authori- The deadly storm has been sweeping sidered out of control. –AFP
ties said on Sunday. northeast over China since Friday, when it
“According to the latest information, careened into the southern Fujian
eight people died in Mari El due to the province after battering the Philippines. 6 killed in
hurricane that took place the day before,” The Chinese capital and surrounding
said Yevgeny Maslov, mayor of the city of region were drenched over the weekend, Canadian
Yoshkar-Ola. with officials warning of potentially haz-
Mari El is a Russian region located ardous conditions including floods, plane crash
along the northern bank of the Volga swelling rivers, mudslides and landslides.
River, and Yoshkar-Ola is its largest city. More than 27,000 people in high-risk OTTAWA: A small plane crashed in the
The emergencies ministry said that areas of Beijing have been evacuated, and Rocky Mountains west of Calgary, Canada,
nearly 100 rescuers were clearing debris at another 20,000 were relocated from parts Rescuers evacuate residents in a flooded area after Typhoon killing six people, media reported at the
a campsite near Lake Yalchik, adding that of Hebei’s capital Shijiazhuang, state Doksuri landfall in Quanzhou, in China’s eastern Fujian province. weekend, according to Xinhua.
overall 27 people had received injuries. media said. Police said five passengers and one
“Vacationers did not take into account Hundreds of millions of people in pedestrians. Doksuri was initially categorised as a pilot were onboard the aircraft, which left
the weather forecast,” the ministry said on northern China, including in Beijing, Many popular sites in the capital were super typhoon as it tore across the Pacific the Springbank Airport around 8:45 pm
messaging app Telegram. remain under a red alert—the highest temporarily closed, including the Forbid- Ocean earlier this week, but it lost some (0145 GMT Saturday) for Salmon Arm,
Several hundred people camped on the level—for heavy precipitation through at den City, libraries and museums. intensity as it neared the Philippines, British Columbia, and was lost around 30
shores of Lake Yalchik when the storm least Monday afternoon. The sprawling National Centre for the where it killed more than a dozen people. minutes into the flight.
struck, the emergencies ministry added. – It is the first time since 2011 that such a Performing Arts, located near Tiananmen It still brought colossal waves and According to reports, the wreckage was
AFP heavy rainfall warning has been issued, Square, cancelled opera and musical per- howling winds of up to 175 kilometres per located Saturday around 7:30 am (1230
according to local media. formances scheduled for Sunday. hour (110 miles per hour) to China’s south- GMT) in a mountainous area roughly 100
Beijing residents were urged not to go China has posted record temperatures east on Friday, causing significant damage. km west of Calgary and all six bodies have
Fire sparks outside unless necessary, advice that this summer, with scientists saying the More than 880,000 people in Fujian been successfully recovered.
appeared widely heeded with the usually extreme weather was being exacerbated province were affected by the storm, state The identities of the victims are not
nationwide buzzing streets empty of many cars or by climate change. media said Sunday. –AFP released and the cause of the crash is not
yet known, reports said. –Bernama

blackout in Iraq Strong winds delay salvage of Dutch summer

Pilot lands
BAGHDAD: A fire at an electricity substa- festivals marred
tion in southern Iraq triggered a nation-
wide power outage at the weekend,
burning ship off Dutch coast by shooting plane in sea
authorities said, just as demand peaks
amid the searing summer heat.
(Netherlands): Strong THE HAGUE: Two separate shootings have
off France
Electricity is a sensitive political issue in winds at the weekend taken place at the annual summer carnival MARSEILLE (France): A pilot landed his
Iraq as despite the country’s huge oil delayed the salvage of a in the centre of the Dutch port city of Rot- tourist plane in choppy waters off south-
reserves, its dilapidated power grid is inca- cargo ship packed with terdam, with one of the incidents leaving ern France on Sunday after the aircraft’s
pable of meeting peak demand and Iraqis electric vehicles that two people and the gunman injured, engine broke down, with all occupants
endure hours-long outages every summer. caught fire off the Dutch reported Sputnik quoting Dutch media. surviving unharmed, firefighters said.
“The power grid experienced a total coast, officials said, as At the weekend, unknown man fired The Cessna 177 touched down 600
shutdown at 12:40 pm (09:40 GMT) due to fears of an ecological several shots into the crowd at the festival, metres (1,968 feet) off the coast near the
a fire that affected a transmission substa- disaster persist. but no one was injured then, the Dutch Mediterranean resort of Frejus shortly
tion in Basra province,” the electricity min- The smouldering Fre- Broadcasting Foundation reported, citing before 10:00 am (0800 GMT).
istry said in a statement. mantle Highway, where the police. However, later in the day, The local fire service said the pilot
Ministry spokesperson Ahmed Moussa an electric car is sus- another man went on a shooting spree on chose the location to “avoid the beach,
told AFP that the outage affected the pected to have sparked the same street. Police officers who heard where there were already a lot of holiday-
mains supply to “all of Iraq”. the deadly blaze late the shooting opened fire on the attacker. makers”.
The fire forced “the suspension of trans- Tuesday, may not be Apart from the shooter and his victim, a “To pull that off, you need a lot of tech-
mission lines” between the south and cen- moved to a new location woman who was passing by was injured, nical ability and a bit of luck,” a
A Multrasalvor 4 rescue vessel sailing next to a fire aboard the the report said. spokesman said.
tre, and a halt to generation at power for several more days,
Panamanian-registered car carrier ship Fremantle Highway. No information has been provided on Firefighters rescued two women and
plants, the ministry said. the national water man-
“Speedy repairs are under way... to agement agency Rijkswaterstaat said. the site at the weekend and noted the the condition of those injured so far. one man, who escaped unharmed but
gradually restart the power plants and The fire has diminished, but a change “really terrible” odour being emitted. As a result of the incidents, the Rotter- were shaken up.
transmission lines,” it said, adding that it in winds has now engulfed the rescue tug The impact of chemicals released from dam police detained three people, the The plane sank, although no pollution
was hoped the grid would be “back to nor- designated to tow the vessel in smoke, the plastics and materials burning in the broadcaster added. – Bernama has been detected in the sea so far. –AFP
mal within the next few hours”. posing health and safety risks for the cars remain a concern, he said, particu-
Rolling power cuts, which hit Iraq each crew. larly on micro-organisms and other
summer and can last up to 10 hours a day,
mean many households subscribe to
The agency has said that “no direct species on the low end of the food chain
consequences” were expected for the sur- which birds and fish rely on.
Bar fire kills 6 in Uzbekistan
neighbourhood generators to provide rounding environment from the blaze. Japan-based K Line, the ship’s charter TASHKENT: A karaoke bar fire in Uzbekistan’s Fergana city killed six people and injured
back-up power. The ship remains close to Terschelling company, reported there were 3,783 cars seven on Saturday morning, the Uzbek Ministry of Emergency Situations said at the
But not all families can afford it and not and Ameland, which are part of an archi- on board the vessel, including 498 “elec- weekend.
all generators provide sufficient power for pelago of ecologically sensitive islands in trical vehicle units”. The karaoke bar is located in the basement of a four-storey building in Fergana city,
larger devices such as air conditioners to the Wadden Sea. One sailor died after he and 22 others which is the administrative centre of eastern Fergana region, the statement said, adding
cope with summer temperatures that can “We can be a bit more optimistic but were rescued from the burning ship that the fire was distinguished within an hour.
hit 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit) in the risk is still there,” said Manfred Santen had forced some crew members to jump According to the ministry, a special government commission has been sent to inves-
Baghdad and the south. – AFP with Greenpeace Germany, who visited overboard. –AFP tigate the incident and provide assistance to the victims. – Bernama
12 World MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

Trump slams Biden’s ‘monumental corruption’

MOSCOW: Former US President Donald “And less than three years ago, we had safe again.
Trump (pic) has once again critiqued the Iran, China, Russia and North Korea in On Friday, Trump
administration of US President Joe Biden, check,” Trump said, adding that now, “Rus- said that his possi-
accusing Biden of corruption, reported sia and China are holding summits ble sentencing
Sputnik. together to carve up the world.” would not stop his
“When we win the election a little more If elected, Trump said he would put presidential cam-
than a year from now, I will appoint a real America first, end inflation, “get total paign.
special prosecutor to expose the monu- independence from China,” and stop the Earlier this
mental corruption of the Biden crime fam- conflict in Ukraine by getting Russian month, US media reported that Trump’s
ily once and for all,” Trump said at a rally President Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr attorneys were told to expect an indict-
in Erie, Pennsylvania. Zelenskyy to start negotiations. ment against the former president for his
Trump said that the Biden family had Trump said that Biden wants him alleged role in efforts to overturn the 2020
profited from Ukraine and now the Biden arrested because he is successful in his US presidential election.
administration is spending billions of election campaign and stressed that there The indictment would come amid a
American taxpayer dollars on Ukraine. is “one chance to save” America, and that number of other probes into potential
The former US president once again is the 2024 presidential elections. misconduct by Trump, including on his
took personal credit for the lack of con- “We need fair elections and we need handling of classified documents, as well
frontation in Ukraine, as well as Taiwan, borders,” Trump said. He emphasised that as in the middle of the 2024 presidential
under his administration. Trump empha- globalists must be driven out of the US race, in which he has established himself
sised that now, under Biden, China is political system in order to get America to as the Republican Party’s leading candi-
Protesters wave national flags and deploy banners as they march

Colombia leader’s
“building military installations in Cuba.” be powerful, wealthy, strong, proud and date. –Bernama
against the Israeli government’s judicial overhaul plan in Tel Aviv.

son arrested for

Morocco King appeals
Israeli’s protest ‘normality’ with Algeria
RABAT (Morocco): Morocco’s King the Algiers-backed
money laundering
Mohammed VI (pic) has expressed hope for Polisario Front is

after govt
BOGOTA (Colombia): Nicolas Fernando
a return to normality and reopening of bor- seeking independ- Petro Burgos, son of Colombian President
ders with North African neighbour Algeria, ence from Rabat’s Gustavo Petro, has been arrested for
which cut diplomatic ties nearly two years rule and has declared the territory a “war alleged money laundering and illicit
ago. zone”. enrichment, Colombia’s Attorney Gen-
“We pray to the Almighty for a return to Algeria severed ties in August 2021, eral’s Office said in a statement. His ex-

pushes through
normality and a reopening of the borders accusing Rabat of “hostile acts”, a move partner was also arrested.
between our two neighbouring countries which Morocco said was “completely unjus- “The arrest warrants issued against
and our brotherly peoples,” Mohammed VI, tified”. Nicolas Fernando Petro Burgos were made
59, said at the weekend in a speech to mark Israel’s recognition earlier this month of effective for the crimes of asset laundering
the anniversary of his accension to the “Morocco’s sovereignty” over Western and illicit enrichment,” said the statement,
throne in 1999. Sahara added to tensions between Morocco reported Anadolu.

key reform
TEL AVIV: Thousands of Israelis took to the While an official turnout figure was not
The borders have been closed since 1994,
leaving families divided after Morocco
accused its neighbour of involvement in a
jihadist attack on a Marrakesh hotel that
killed two tourists. Algeria then sealed the
and Algeria, which called Israel’s move a
“flagrant violation of international law”.
In his nationally broadcast speech,
Mohammed VI expressed reassurance to
“our brothers in Algeria, their leadership
His ex-wife, Daysuris Vasquez was
arrested “for the crimes of money launder-
ing and violation of personal data for
events occurring from 2022 to date,” said
the statement.
frontiers. and their people that they will never have Nicolas Petro allegedly received money
streets at the weekend to protest the gov- available, Israel’s Channel 13 estimated Since then, tensions have persisted to fear malice from Morocco.”
ernment’s decision to forge ahead with its more than 170,000 people turned out in from Colombia’s drug traffickers to fund
between the regional rivals, exacerbated by The king calls annually for a rapproche- his father’s campaign that led to the pres-
judicial reform package despite wide- the city. their dispute over Western Sahara, where ment with Algeria. –AFP
spread opposition. Wrapped in an Israeli flag in Jerusalem, ident’s victory in the election. According
Demonstrators waving Israeli flags ral- near the prime minister’s home, Lotem Pin- to Vasquez, the president’s son took the
lied in the country’s commercial hub Tel chover said she felt “heartbroken, helpless” money to acquire a luxurious home in Bar-
Aviv, keeping up the momentum of after Monday’s vote. ranquilla instead.
months of protests against Prime Minister “I’m very scared of what’s happening in Upon learning the news, President
Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposals. Israel now and I’m very worried about the Petro, the country’s first left-wing leader,
“We still love this country and we’re try- future of my daughter,” the 40-year-old spoke on Twitter.
ing to fix all the problems,” said film com- academic said. “As a person and a father, so much self-
poser Itay Amram. Months of protests since the judicial destruction and the fact that one of my
“We’re not accepting any of it,” the 27- package was unveiled in January—includ- children goes to jail hurts me a lot; as Pres-
year-old told AFP, railing against what he ing some in support of the government— ident, I assure you that the prosecution has
saw as the government’s “constitutional have led to fears about widening fissures all the guarantees on my part to proceed
revolution”. within Israeli society. in accordance with the law,” he wrote.
From the northern city of Haifa to Eilat Stationed at a “psychological first aid” “I wish my son luck and strength. May
on the Red Sea, protest organisers pro- stand for protesters in Jerusalem, therapist these events forge his character and may
moted rallies nationwide in the biggest Pnina Manes said the situation “tears fam- he reflect on his own mistakes,” Petro
test of public opinion since the govern- ilies apart”. added.– Bernama
ment put a key plank of its reforms to a “It’s started to feel like—and it’s very sad
final vote in parliament on Monday.
The vote to scrap the “reasonableness”
for me to say so—like two different groups”
in Israeli society, the 59-year-old said.
Bombing at
law, through which the Supreme Court can There have been multiple petitions filed
overturn government decisions such as at the Supreme Court this week against NW Pakistan
ministerial appointments, was met with Monday’s vote, with hearings set to be held
concern from Israel’s top allies including in September. political rally
Police hit a BNP activist blocking a highway entering Bangladesh’s
the United States. The broader reform package includes
ISLAMABAD: A bomb blast hit a political
capital with other activist during a protest demanding the \
Israeli medics responded with a brief ambitions to hand the government a
rally on Sunday afternoon in Pakistan’s

Dozens hurt in Bangla protests

resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in Dhaka. (AFP)
walkout, while scores of military veterans greater say in the appointment of judges,
have vowed to end their volunteer duties as well as downgrading the status of legal northwest Bajaur district, leaving at least
and trade unions are mulling further advisers attached to ministers. 10 people dead and over 50 others injured,
industrial action. The legislative process is currently on a rescue official told Xinhua.
Netanyahu argues the reform package hold due to parliament’s summer recess, The blast hit a political workers’ con-
is necessary to rebalance the relationship with Netanyahu pledging openness in vention of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl
between elected officials and the judiciary, negotiations over future steps. (JUI-F) near the Shanday Mor area at the
DHAKA: The main opposition Bangladesh A police vehicle and three public buses Munda Khar road of Bajaur, a district in
but the premier’s opponents accuse him of Opposition chiefs remain sceptical of Nationalist Party (BNP) claimed at the were set on fire, and several private cars
a power grab. talks with the government, a coalition the country’s northwest Khyber
weekend that police arrested more than were vandalised during the protests. The Pakhtunkhwa province bordering
“We refuse to serve a dictatorship,” which also includes far-right and ultra-

West Africa leaders meet on Niger coup

100 supporters and injured about the same opposition and ruling parties traded Afghanistan, Bilal Faizi, a spokesperson of
warned a placard held by a demonstrator Orthodox Jewish parties, after earlier dia- number of others, including with bullets in blame for the incidents.
in Tel Aviv. logue broke down. – AFP the state-run rescue organisation Rescue
sit-ins in Dhaka, reported Anadolu. The opposition BNP is running a move- 1122 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said.
ment to push for a neutral election-time The rescue official feared that the death
government while the ruling Awami toll might further rise as at least 15
League (AL) party is rigid on holding wounded are in critical condition.
national parliament elections in December Following the blast, police, security
ABUJA (Nigeria): West African leaders met or early January under incumbent Prime forces, and rescue teams rushed to the site
on Sunday for a crisis summit on the coup Minister Sheikh Hasina. and were shifting the bodies and injured
in Niger, where protesters tried to storm Meanwhile, a video that went viral on to nearby hospitals.
cheer Nigerien
the French embassy after the junta warned local media and television showed police Eight ambulances are taking part in the
troops as they
of an “imminent military intervention”. charging batons and detaining BNP stand- rescue mission, said the official, adding
gather in front
In the third coup to fell a leader in ing committee member Gayeshwar Chan- that rescue aid has also been sought from
of the French
Africa’s restive Sahel region in as many dra Roy from the protest ground in Dhaka. the neighbouring areas.
years, Niger’s elected president, Mohamed Police, however, released him later. According to local media reports,
in Niamey
Bazoum, has been held by the military The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) around 500 people were present at the
during a
since Wednesday. said it arrested 90 people for damaging site, and local leaders were delivering
General Abdourahamane Tiani, the public property and initiating an attack on speeches when the blast took place.
that followed
head of the powerful presidential guard, police. Police and security forces have cor-
a rally in
has declared himself leader. Faruk Hossain, deputy commissioner of doned off the area and launched a search
support of
Former colonial ruler France and the DMP’s media wing, said 20 police were operation.
Niger’s junta
European Union have suspended security injured in attacks by BNP supporters in dif- The nature of the explosion is not
in Niamey.
cooperation and financial aid to Niger fol- ferent areas of the capital. known yet. No group has claimed respon-
lowing the coup. Police arrested more than 1,200 opposi- sibility for the blast yet. –Bernama
The 15-nation Economic Community of tion BNP party leaders and supporters in
West African States (ECOWAS) prepared to the last three days during a BNP-held
gather for an “extraordinary summit” in grand rally in Dhaka. Blast kills
Nigeria’s capital Abuja on Sunday to dis- They then moved on to the French tives to restore order in Niger. And the largest Islamist party,
cuss the crisis. embassy, shouting “long live Putin” and “Should anyone attack French nation- Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, condemned
the attacks by police. It said 200 of their
9 in India
ECOWAS has the power to impose sanc- “down with France”, before being dis- als, the army, diplomats and French inter-
tions on Niger, which is one of its mem- persed by soldiers with tear gas, an AFP ests, they will see France respond in an leaders and supporters were arrested NEW DELHI: Nine people were killed in an
bers and is one of the world’s poorest journalist saw. immediate and intractable manner,” the across the country. explosion at a firecracker factory in the
nations, often ranking last on the UN’s Some tried to storm the embassy, but French presidency said. The BNP announced that nationwide southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu at the
Human Development Index. were dispersed. Last year, ECOWAS leaders agreed to rallies would be held Monday against weekend.
In a statement read out on national tel- Despite a junta ban on protests, a sol- create a regional security force to inter- police and the ruling party’s attack at the The incident at the firecracker godown
evision on Saturday evening, Niger junta dier standing in a pick-up truck waved to vene against jihadists and prevent military weekend on peaceful demonstrators. in the Krishnagiri district was caused by a
member Amadou Abdramane said the the crowd, shouting “Russia, Russia, Rus- coups, but details on the force and its Meanwhile, AL took to the street, like gas cylinder blast at an eatery housed in
summit’s aim was to “approve a plan of sia!”, “long live Niger’s army” and “Tiani, funding are still unclear. every other day during BNP’s demonstra- the same building, local media reported.
aggression against Niger, in the form of an Tiani, Tiani”. Nigeria’s Tinubu said on Friday the tions, in protest against the opposition The owner of the factory, his wife and
imminent military intervention in A number of demonstrators headed for West African bloc and the international protest that AL claimed “disrupted people’s their two children were among those
Niamey”. the embassy of the United States, which community “would do everything to life” in Dhaka. The AL announced a nation- killed and a number of people were
The intervention would be “in cooper- has voiced support for efforts by ECOWAS defend democracy and ensure democratic wide protest Sunday against BNP’s “vio- injured.
ation with African countries who are not chairman Bola Tinubu, the president of governance continues to take firm root in lence.” Some houses and shops near the explo-
members of the regional body and certain Nigeria, “to restore constitutional order” the region”. The US and its Western allies are also sion site were damaged.
Western nations”, he added. in Niger. Chadian President Mahamat Idriss increasing pressure on the Bangladesh State chief minister M.K. Stalin
Thousands of people waving Russian France condemned the assault on its Deby Itno, a military ruler whose country government to hold free and participatory announced a financial compensation of
and Niger flags rallied outside the embassy, warning it would retaliate if its is not an ECOWAS member but borders elections as the last two national elections 300,000 rupees (about RM16,600) each to
national parliament in Niamey on Sunday citizens or interests were attacked, and Niger, has been invited to the summit. – were allegedly marred by vote rigging and the kin of the deceased and 50,000 rupees
in a show of support for the junta. said it would support all regional initia- AFP non-participatory. – Bernama each to those injured. –Bernama
World Youth
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

Getting older
14 Country song jangles US nerves on race, violence 15 Vibrating vests translate music for deaf concertgoers

Day, the biggest

has set Zo free
to pick coveted
projects, roles

event in the
SEOUL: In director Ryoo Seung-wan’s new

Catholic Church
crime action flick, “Smugglers,” Zo In-sung
stars as a veteran smuggler known nation-
wide, Kwon Pil-sam.
Contrary to newbie Jangdori (Park
Jung-min) who is timid and anxious all the
time, Kwon is a calm and coldhearted

The main stage at the venue for World Youth Day (WYD), where
character who wants to get things done

Pope Francis will celebrate the closing mass, in Lisbon.

with his own hands.
It is undeniable that the energy and
vibe that a character exudes at least partly
come from the actor who plays the role. In

ATICAN CITY (Holy See): World to be deployed. that context, many have said that Kwon
Youth Day, which takes place next World Youth Day is spread across sev- Pil-sam could be Zo In-sung’s career-defin-
week in Lisbon in the presence of eral venues in Lisbon, a city of 550,000 ing role, depicting the 41-year-old actor’s
Pope Francis and an expected one million inhabitants already busy with summer skillfulness and mature charms in the film.
pilgrims, is the largest Catholic event in tourists. Key moments with the pope Because the shooting for “Smugglers”
the world. include Thursday’s welcome ceremony, was conducted while he was busy promot-
Initiated in 1986 by Pope John Paul II, the Stations of the Cross on Friday, a vigil ing his 2021 film, “Escape from
the global gathering is normally held on Saturday night and large mass on Sun- Mogadishu,” which was also directed by
every two or three years, although the cal- day morning. Ryoo, his appearance in the film is very
endar was disrupted by the coronavirus The Argentine pontiff is expected to limited compared to that of other charac-
pandemic and the most recent World address themes such as climate change, ters. Nevertheless, his impact was huge.
Youth Day was in Panama City in 2019. social media and the scandal of clerical sex When asked why he thinks the audi-
The 16th international edition this year abuse of children that has caused enor- ence got that feeling, Zo said it was
runs from August 1 to August 6, presided mous damage to the reputation of the because he was “getting older.”
over by 86-year-old Pope Francis, making worldwide Catholic Church. “I think there is an advantage to getting
his first trip abroad since undergoing her- The first international World Youth Day older, especially for actors. Aging is noth-
nia surgery in June. was held in Rome in 1986, following two ing that I, as an actor, abhor. From an
The week revolves around a series of successful gatherings of young people in actor’s perspective, getting older means
cultural, spiritual and festive events, from the Italian capital in 1984 and 1985. that you get mature, also that you increase
concerts to debates and prayer sessions. Then came Buenos Aires in Argentina your bonds and chemistry with industry
Events are targeted at Catholics (1987), Santiago de Compostela in Spain insiders like directors,” Zo told The Korea
between the age of 16 and 35, although (1989), Czestochowa in Poland (1991), Herald in an interview in Seoul on July 21.
organisers insist that everyone is welcome Denver in the United States (1993) and “Getting older has also given me a
to attend, with no registration necessary. Manila in the Philippines (1995). wider scope in acting and choosing proj-
More than 700 bishops and 20 cardi- They were followed by Paris, France ects and roles, based on the trust that was
nals will attend, alongside 20,000 volun- (1997); Rome again in 2000; Toronto, built between myself and the audience.
teers and pilgrims from more than 200 Canada (2002); Cologne, Germany (2005); Now I’m free to approach coveted roles or
countries, according to the Vatican. Sydney, Australia (2008); Madrid, Spain in projects with certain directors. I love how
The young people will initially spend 2011; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2013. my age has given me that courage,” he
time in different dioceses across Portugal, The biggest event was Manila, which said, adding that he wished to play Kwon
before gathering in the capital, which is drew five million pilgrims, followed by Rio
This aerial picture taken on July 27, 2023 shows the secondary stage
Pil-sam after hearing the role the character
preparing with about 16,000 members of de Janeiro with 3.7 million, and Krakow,
for the World Youth Day (WYD), in Eduardo VII park in Lisbon.
plays in the movie as a bridge connecting

Drake reveals he bought Tupac’s crown ring

law enforcement and emergency services Poland in 2016 with three million. – AFP other characters like Choon-ja (Kim Hye-
soo), Jin-sook (Yum Jung-ah) and Jang-

Los Angeles
Over the past 25 years of his acting

Thread Mil-
career, Zo has shown versatile acting on
NEW YORK (United States): Canadian rap- appearance at the MTV Video Music
lipede await-
both TV and the silver screen, but he has
per Drake revealed that he is the buyer of Awards on September 4, 1996.
ing study at
also recently ventured into different con-
a crown-shaped ring that belonged to Widely regarded as one of the greatest
the Marek
tent formats such as variety shows or origi-
slain hip-hop legend Tupac Shakur, which rappers of all time with 75 million records
Lab of Vir-
nal series on streaming services because he
sold at auction this week for a record $1 sold, he was shot dead by an unidentified
ginia Tech’s
wanted to have chances to meet the audi-
million. assailant in Las Vegas just days later. He
Drake shared an Instagram story that was 25. ence.

of Entomol-
showed him wearing the bauble, which Shakur, whose hits included “California “At least once or twice a year, I’d like to

ogy in
sold Tuesday at Sotheby’s for a total of Love,” designed the ring over the course of meet with an audience. During the pan-

$1.016 million, including commission and a few months, Sotheby’s said. demic, everything stopped and there was

Va. (Pic:
fees. He did so through his godmother Yaas- no way to communicate with the audi-

Paul Marek
That was well above the pre-sale esti- myn Fula, who put the ring up for sale. ence. So I thought about approaching fans

via AP)
mate of between $200,000 and $300,000, A gold circlet studded with a central first, which was through a variety show.
making it the most valuable hip-hop arti- cabochon ruby flanked by two pave-cut Films and dramas have relatively longer

New millipede species is crawling under LA

fact ever sold, the auction house said. diamonds sits atop a diamond-encrusted periods of production compared to such
Drake – the best-selling artist behind gold band. short-length variety shows. I really loved
hits such as “Hotline Bling” and “Nice For Shakur was influenced by 16th century it,” said Zo.
What” – has spent lavishly in the past, Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli’s Starting with the film “Smugglers,” he
including buying a Boeing 767 for per- political manifesto “The Prince,” which he will have many opportunities to connect
LOS ANGELES: The City of Angels, a iNaturalist, a citizen naturalist app, led sonal use and paying $104 million for a Los read while in prison on sex abuse charges. with fans. His Disney+ series “Moving” will
metropolis of freeways and traffic, has a Marek to the discovery. Naturalists Cedric Angeles home once owned by singer Rob- He modeled the design on the crowns be released in August and he will be
newly discovered species named in its Lee and James Bailey posted the critter bie Williams.The New York-born Shakur of the medieval kings of Europe, Sotheby’s departing to the US later this month to

X reinstates
honor: The Los Angeles Thread Millipede. they found when when they were out col- wore the ring during his final public added. – AFP shoot the third season of TvN show “Unex-
The tiny arthropod was found just lecting slugs at Whiting Ranch Wilderness

Kanye’s account
underground by naturalists at a Southern Park in nearby Orange County four years
California hiking area – near a freeway, a ago. The team used DNA sequencing and
Starbucks and an Oakley sunglasses store. analysis to prove it was indeed a new
About the length of a paperclip but species.
skinny as pencil lead, it’s translucent and Lee, a doctoral student at UC Berkeley,
sinuous like a jellyfish tentacle. The crea- has discovered and documented thirty WASHINGTON (United States): X, the
ture burrows four inches below ground, centipedes species in California. He said social media platform previously known
secretes unusual chemicals and is blind, microorganisms have been often neg- as Twitter, has reinstated rapper and
relying on hornlike antennas protruding lected in the search for new species, but designer Kanye West around eight months
from its head to find its way. thanks to modern tools available to any- after his account was suspended, the Wall
Under a microscope, the millipede with one, citizen science can be a bridge Street Journal reported.
its 486 legs and helmet-like head resem- between between the natural world and Last fall, West posted an image that
bles a creature in a Hollywood monster the lab. appeared to show a swastika interlaced
film. “We don’t know what’s completely out with a Star of David, and tycoon Elon Musk
“It’s amazing to think these millipedes there,” Lee said. “There’s literally unde- suspended the artist from the platform,
are crawling in the inner cracks and scribed species right under our feet.” which he had bought weeks earlier.
crevices between little pieces of rock below Scientists estimate 10 million animal Musk at the time labeled West’s post as
our feet in Los Angeles,” said entomologist species live on Earth, but only one million an “incitement to violence.” X’s press office
Paul Marek of the Virginia Polytechnic have been discovered. did not immediately respond to a query
Institute. He was part of the research team “What we don’t know is far more than about West’s account. By late evening,
that included scientists from West Virginia what we know in terms of insect species West had yet to post anything new.
University, and the University of Califor- and small creatures around the world,” West, who now goes professionally as
nia, Berkeley. said Brian Brown, curator of entomology Ye, assured the platform he would not use
Their findings on the species, whose sci- at the Natural History Museum of Los his account to share antisemitic content or
entific name is Illacme socal, were pub- Angeles County. use harmful language, the Journal said.
lished June 21 in the journal ZooKeys. The After having led a four-year research Anti-Semitic remarks by West last year
species’ vernacular name is Los Angeles project called BioSCAN, which planted cost him heavily in lost business deals. Adi-
Thread Millipede. insect traps throughout backyards in the das cut ties with him after a nearly decade-
“It goes to show that there’s this undis- city, Brown estimates 20,000 species of long partnership, abandoning his
covered planet underground,” Marek insects inhabit Los Angeles alone, both Yeezy-branded sneakers. Test your logic skills with the Su Do Ku puzzle. The rules are simple: each of the smaller grids
added. discovered and undiscovered. In May, the German company said the should contain the number 1 to 9, and in the large grid each row and column should contain the

It joins other millipedes found in the But he worries about threats to native end of its highly successful collaboration number 1 to 9. These puzzle vary in difficulty and this is an easy one.

(Solution below)
state, including one that until recently species such as climate change and inva- with West hit sales by about 400 million

held the crown for the most legs of any sive species. euros (US$441 million) in the first quarter

creature ever recorded – a whopping 750 “It really is going to take a lot more of the year.
limbs. It is aptly named Illacme plenipes, work and effort to try and save, try and Gap and Balenciaga also cut ties with
Latin for “in highest fulfillment of feet.” document the species before they all go the rapper and designer.

is the art
Discovered in 1926 in a small area in extinct,” he said. Since Musk bought Twitter for $44 bil-
Northern California, it was believed to be Daniel Gluesenkamp, president of the lion last October, he has fired thousands
the leggiest creature on earth until 2021 California Institute for Biodiversity, who of employees and cut moderation of con-

of keeping up
when a millipede with 1,306 legs was was not involved in the research, points to tent. In December, he reinstated former
found in Australia. the Los Angeles Thread Millipede as the president Donald Trump’s Twitter account
Millipedes feed on dead organic mate- perfect example of an unexplored frontier. although Trump has yet to return to the

with yesterday’
rial and without them people would be “We need to be investing in local parks, platform.
“up to our necks” in it, Marek said. we need to be saving any little patch of wild A week ago, Musk and his newly hired
“By knowing something about the land, even if it’s surrounded by housing and chief executive, Linda Yaccarino,
species that fulfill these really important parking lots,” Gluesenkamp said. “We need announced the rebranding of Twitter as X
ecological roles, we can protect them and to know what’s there so that we can protect and said it would become an “everything
then the environment that protects us as
well,” Marek said.
it and use it as a solution in the tremen-
dously challenging times ahead.” – AP
app” that would allow users to handle all – Don Marquis
their finances as well as socializing. – AFP
Country song
14 People & Places MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

jangles US nerves
aRIES Mar 20 - april 19

on race, violence
In mid-July, your ruling planet, the fiercely
independent Mars, moved into Virgo, a sign
known for being thorough and cautious.
Since then, you’ve faced a series of events
that have required exactly that. While, ini-
tially, these were exasperating, to your sur-
prise, you’ve begun to focus more on those
all-important details.

TaURUS apr 20 - May 20

The period when the ideas planet Mercury is

ASHINGTON: When Jason The on-scene footage is interspersed retrograde, or moving backwards in the
Aldean released the video for with scenes of violent street protests and heavens, is probably familiar. However, with
his song “Try That in a Small other culture-war hot-button imagery, your own ruler Venus in reverse motion since
Town” in mid-July, which critics say glo- so much so that the video was pulled 23 July, unexpected events are inevitable.
rified violence and fueled racism, the from rotation on Country Music Televi- While unsettling, what you learn, experience
and let go of won’t just be important, it could
singer catapulted country music into the sion – evidence of the tensions simmer-
be life-changing.

gEMINI May 21 - Jun 20

latest debate illustrating America’s ing within the country music world
socio-political divides. itself.
The song’s lyrics open with descrip- For Aldean, his song refers to “the
tions of various violent acts – “Sucker feeling of community,” where “we take For ages, you’ve been aware that certain ele-
punch somebody on a sidewalk,” “Cuss care of our own.” ments of your life would benefit from
out a cop, spit in his face,” and “Stomp Shannon Watts, an activist against US change, if not a top to bottom rethink. How-
on the flag and light it up,” Aldean sings. gun violence, replied that the lyrics ever, you’ve feared the resulting chaos. It
The country star then warns: “Think harked back to darker days. seems destiny has another plan. Not only
you’re tough? Well try that in a small “Translation: Jason Aldean simply are those changes taking place, the pace
town,” and proceeds to remind listeners wants to return to a time in America will be as swift as it is thrilling.

CaNCER June 21 - Jul 21

that he’s “got a gun that my granddad when ‘good old boys’ could shoot or beat
gave me.” the s**t out of people who they didn’t
When it was released in late May, the think belonged in their town,” she wrote True, every sign’s experiencing the intensi-
song made few waves. But as the video on Twitter. fied feelings triggered by the current Full
emerged two months later, a tsunami of In an editorial for CNN, historian Moon. However, the fact it’s your ruler and,
discord ensued. Nicole Hemmer argued that the lyrics equally, is accenting what and who you
The video shows Aldean, guitar in represent a “celebration of vigilantism,” most value, is bound to raise questions.
hand, standing before a courthouse in a and an “assertion of who is allowed to While some answers will be clear, others will
Tennessee town, site of the lynching of a make and enforce the rules.” be far more puzzling and take considerable

Aldean performs during the Academy of Country Music (ACM)

Black teen by a mob in 1927, and a Aldean defends himself against any time to answer.

Awards at Ford Center at the Star in Frisco, Texas. lEO Jul 22 - aug 22
municipality in which race riots racist reference or apology for violence,

occurred in 1946. and was on stage at a music festival in
Las Vegas in 2017 when a lone gunmen in
While there’s a New Moon every month,
a high-rise fired down on fans, killing 60 there’s only once New Moon in your sign
people and wounding more than 400 each year, and in 2023, it takes place in
others, one of the worst acts of gun vio- mid-August, on the 16th. For now, reflect on
lence in modern US history. potential changes. As to what’s next, expect
He considers that the interpretation those insights at the actual Leo New Moon,
of his song’s lyrics “goes too far.” in nearly three weeks’ time.

VIRgO aug 23 - Sep 22

The controversy over Aldean and his
song is part of the “culture wars” in the
United States, in which social issues –
from the rights of LGBTQ people to the Just a few days ago, your ruler Mercury
content of school textbooks – have moved into Virgo, and for an unusually long
become heated topics. stay, until early October. During this period
it will be retrograde. While you’ll face the
And country music, which the public usual confusion, what you learn while
generally views as leaning conservative, untangling those issues will more than jus-
is far from immune to the debates. tify the confusion and delays you’ll be con-
As early as the 1920s, certain themes tending with.

lIBRa Sep 23 - Oct 22

were making their way into country song

lyrics, notably “an evangelical Christian
perspective on life,” Jocelyn Neal, a pro-
fessor of music at the University of North Nobody is better at turning what could
Carolina, told AFP. become a serious clash into a civilised and,
The industry in the 1950s brought ultimately, worthwhile discussion. However,
country music “in line with kind of mid- in certain situations a confrontation isn’t just
dle class, white, moderate to conserva- unavoidable, it’s necessary. This forces
those who’d otherwise remain silent to reveal
tive value systems” and in favor of their views, and to be frank about the facts
military service for “marketing pur- and, equally, their feelings.

SCORpIO Oct 23 - Nov 21

poses,” Neal said.
But country music “is not a mono-
lithic thing,” Neal said, pointing to an
“increased diversity” of artists in recent While every Full Moon brings both events
years, such as African American singer and the resulting emotions to a head,
Rissi Palmer. because the current one accents unspoken
Aldean, who says he has “never... hid- concerns, discussions aren’t just vital, they’ll
den” his conservative positions, enjoyed reveal essential insights. Still, as a Scorpio,
the support of several right-wing figures you’re cautious about what you say. Be
in the early days of the controversy, frank. The more direct you are, the better oth-

ers will understand your circumstances.
including Donald Trump.
SagITaRIUS Nov 22 - dec 20
The former Republican president and
candidate for the Republican presiden-
tial nomination in 2024 described the Although the Sagittarius Full Moon took
singer on his Truth Social network as a place nearly two months ago, you’re still
“fantastic guy,” with “a great new song,” juggling the resulting insights and dis-
and called on people to “support Jason cussing future plans. While some have
all the way.” already fallen into place, you’re still in the
The call seems to have been heard: process of exploring what others offer. Out
“Try That in a Small Town” spent several of character as this slow pace is, it isn’t just
days at the top of the iTunes song chart wise, it’s essential.

CapRICORN dec 21 - Jan 19

in the United States, and climbed to
number two on Billboard’s Hot 100
chart. For ages, you’ve sensed that certain long-
This success echoes that of Morgan standing arrangements would need to
Wallen, a country singer from Tennessee change, if not become part of the past.
who was caught on video in 2021 utter- Understandably, you’ve struggled to keep
ing the racist “N-word” that is taboo in things as they are. However, you’re finally
the United States – only to see his record beginning to realise how much time you’ve
sales soar afterward. – AFP wasting keeping these going when the fact
is, you’ve thrilling options on the horizon.

aqUaRIUS Jan 20 - Feb 17


True, everybody will be influenced by the
45. "____ more time!" intensified feelings triggered by the current
46. They're the pits
ACROSS 26. Ram's partner Full Moon. However, the fact it’s in Aquarius
48. Winglike
1. Beaver-built barricade 29. Campaign pro 49. Nasal passages
suggests that both pivotal circumstances
4. Definite Mensa reject 30. Weighted lassos 51. Work one's fingers to the bone and your own feelings about certain matters
9. Medieval clubs 31. Short news clip 52. Times when the sun is southern- are likely to reach a peak. For now, simply
14. Stretch of history 32. Surface-____ missile most note those feelings. Decisions can, and
15. Swahili or Zulu 33. Regional populations 57. Some cookies should, wait.

pISCES Feb 18 - Mar 19

16. Cather's "____ Lady" 35. Certain look-alike 58. ____ now and again
17. Weather vanes? 38. Reactions to bad jokes 59. John Lennon's quartet?
20. Trumpeter Armstrong 39. "Fear of Flying" author Jong 60. Insects with stingers
21. Short and sweet 40. Ponies up 61. Dogpatch first name As an intuitive Piscean, long ago you learnt
22. Immediately, on memos 41. Not-so-pretty snow 62. Hog's haven to spot the difference between arrangements
23. Ness adversary 42. Doctor's letters?
that seem solid, and those that actually are
DOWN 31. Hawkeye State
reliable. The problem? At the moment, cer-

1. Fold of skin under the throat 32. Brewed beverages tain individuals are obsessed with plans that
2. Melodic composition 33. Cloud-nine feeling your instincts currently say are unwise, if not
3. Instruction book 34. Scratcher's target risky. Forget about discussion. For now,
4. Large wading bird 35. Republic on the Caspian simply steer clear of commitments.
5. Castellaneta who voices 36. Woman who are senior mem-

Birthday Today
Homer Simpson bers of a group
6. Officeholders 37. Sagolike starch
7. Legendary Giants slugger Mel 38. Fed. documents producer
8. Supercharged engines 41. Teases with backtalk
9. '50s first lady 42. "___ to go, people to see"
10. Windward's opposite 43. "I ___ a clue!" Judging by your birthday chart, certain indi-
11. New Year's Eve shower 44. Formal viduals could be described as ‘a gift’. This is
12. Slow or fast ender 46. Salad greens
13. Elm and Downing (abbr.)
mostly because they’ll persuade you to
47. Feminine pronoun
18. Ice-cream serving 48. 1996 Olympic torch lighter explore or try out new ideas and activities
19. Museum decoration 50. Up above and, equally, it’s about spending time in new
23. Articles on a rack 51. Ocular annoyance settings and with the kind of people who,
24. Et ___ ("and others". 52. Utterance of amazement
25. Mailed boxes
mostly, you’ve avoided. However, times have
53. CPA's recommendation
27. Cut off gradually 54. Reproductive gametes changed and so have you. This birthday is
28. Swimming center? 55. Headed up about embracing those changes, and with
30. City on the Rhine 56. ____Lanka enthusiasm. Try it. You’ll be glad you did.
Vibrating vests translate
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 People & Places 15
Belgian brothers look to put

music for deaf concertgoers

singer Brel’s boat back to sea
ZEEBRUGGE (Belgium): Belgian singer gian coast some five decades ago that Brel
Jacques Brel famously crooned about bought the boat’s sails and rigging before
clinging to love in iconic hits like “Ne me setting off on his adventures.
quitte pas” and now two brothers in his “I didn’t know who was talking to me.
homeland are engaged in their own I told him that his purchase was going to

EW YORK (United States): The vio-
enduring passion project to restore his cost hundreds of thousands of Belgian
lins reverberate in the ribcage,
cherished sailboat. francs,” recalls Gustaaf, who was just a
while cello and bass are felt a little
In the North Sea port of Zeebrugge, trainee at the time.
further down, with horns in the shoulders
Gustaaf and Piet Wittevrongel are close “When he told me his name, I realised
and, more often than not, soloists in the
to returning the yacht to the sea, 15 years that he could afford a set of sails.”
after it was salvaged as a wreck from a Doing up the rust-covered wreck has
That’s one way audio expert Patrick
New Zealand beach. been a mammoth task.
Hanlon programmes haptic suits,
The red and blue hull of the 20 metre A Belgian yachting enthusiast toyed
designed to enable concertgoers who are
(66 foot) Askoy II looks almost as good with the idea for a while but gave up for
deaf or hard of hearing to experience
new as the final work is done ahead of a lack of money.
orchestral music, as initiatives to improve
planned launch in September. The Wittevrongel brothers, however,
inclusivity at live music performances
That will be almost 45 years after the were undeterred and decided to take up
break new ground.
death of the Belgian songster, whose the challenge with the help of New
At a recent classical concert at Manhat-
French-language ballads such as “Quand Zealand contractors who used cranes and
tan’s Lincoln Center, audience members
on n’a que l’amour” made him a global bulldozers to rescue the vessel.
had the chance to try on the wireless vests,
star in the 1950s and 60s. “Before the high tide flooded back in,
featuring 24 points of vibration translat-
“We’re waiting for the green light we only had four hours to see the boat
ing the music onstage.
from the maritime inspection,” said older and dig, pull and pump”, Gustaaf says.
“It engages the body,” Hanlon told AFP
brother Gustaaf, 84. “We did that for three days and got it
prior to the show, giving attendees a “3D-
Brel embarked on two epic ocean out.” A shipping company agreed to
surround experience through vibrations.”
crossings in the Askoy II – then consid- transport the hull of the yacht, wedged
Hanlon is a co-founder of Music: Not
ered one of the most beautiful vessels of between two containers, free of charge
Impossible, an arm of Not Impossible
its kind – in 1974 to the Marquesas Islands across the globe back to Antwerp in Bel-
Labs, which employs tech to try to alleviate
A concertgoer wears a vibrating ankle bracelet, part of a haptic suit, created for
in the South Pacific. gium.
social barriers, including those around
the deaf by Music: Not Impossible, during an outdoor concert at Lincoln Centre.
But he sold it in Polynesia after becom- In April 2008, the Askoy II arrived back
ing more interested in flying and the boat in Belgium.
Previous methods that deaf and hard of
eventually ended up shipwrecked in New Now the two brothers have added
hearing individuals would use to enjoy there’s real opportunities for us.” who lost her hearing after an illness – was
Zealand after reportedly passing through extra berths to the interior and are
live music included literally putting their Lincoln Center, the prestigious arts able to match the sound of the music after
the hands of drug smugglers. dreaming of sailing her across the ocean
hands on speakers, or holding a balloon to complex on New York’s Upper West Side, feeling the vibration that translated it.
While Brel’s fame lives on internation- again just as their hero once did.
feel vibrations in their fingertips. began working with Music: Not Impossi- “That’s when we knew that we were
ally, for the Wittevrongel brothers the “Brel did it with two people but you
The aim of the vests – along with bands ble in 2021, both for orchestra shows and right on, because if somebody that wasn’t
connection to the singer and his boat is need at least six crew if you want to go
at the wrists or ankles – is to allow for a for their popular outdoor silent disco hearing, from that vibration could match
much more personal. back to the Marquesas in the future,” says
full-body experience, creating sensations series. that note – we were on the right direction,”
It was in their father’s shop on the Bel- Piet Wittevrongel. – AFP
that render the feelings music can evoke. Its most recent collaboration had 75 Naslausky said.
“Nobody expects it to be so engaging,” vests on offer during its outdoor concert Music: Not Impossible’s vests are not
Hanlon said of the vests. “And when you as part of Korean Arts Week, which fea- genre-limited. Hanlon explained audio
see it in people’s eyes, it’s magical.” tured renditions of Korean folk music as leads like him can adjust the vibration
Jay Zimmerman, a composer whose well as Mozart’s Concerto No. 2. points to fit a show’s vibe, from rock to
ability to hear was damaged due to the Liza Fiol-Matta was among the atten- disco.
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, says dees, and though she is not hard of hear- The vests have been used at Greta Van
the vests are an example of new technol- ing, she was excited to test the tech. Fleet and Lady Gaga concerts.
ogy offering more flexibility and “Music is my major love, and the idea Zimmerman is excited about the tech-
dynamism than had been available previ- that there can be an experiential sense of nology’s potential – but there’s still a far
ously. the music for anybody” is exciting, she way to go.
“My hope is down the road, is that we said. “But also for the deaf and hearing “Ultimately, the big goal for me is that I
will be able to let deaf kids have experi- impaired – that’s perfect.” will be able to feel a soft violin and it will
ences with real vibrations and real materi- “I love the idea of immersion, the whole be so gorgeous to my body and my mind
als up close, so they start building this immersive experience... music happens at that I would cry,” he said. “And I could feel
library of auditory memory – even if it’s so many different levels.” that exact same note come through a
not auditory through their ears, it’s just Flavia Naslausky, the business head for trombone blast and it will be so hilarious
Belgian singer Jacques Brel's former sailing boat "Askoy II" in Zeebruges.

2CV classic car meet gets show on the road

different sensations,” he told AFP. Music: Not Impossible, described how dur- I’m going to laugh.”
“I think if we can put it all together, ing early testing, Mandy Harvey – a singer “That is the big dream.” – AFP

The kakapo,
a chubby
DELÉMONT (Switzerland): Around 5,000 cally French. It’s the perfect design. But it’s Laurent Habran, 47, a cultural centre
Citroen 2CVs from across the globe are so simple, it’s so easy to maintain, it’s so director from Belgium, said the vibe was
resembling a
tootling into the Swiss countryside this easy to understand,” said Matt Damper, “pretty cool, pretty zen”.
week for a mass gathering celebrating the who came from Britain with his son. “We come to have fun. Coming in a 2CV,
ered bowling
instantly recognisable French classic car. “It’s almost adopted as a member of the you can’t be in a rush because it doesn’t go
ball has twice
The 24th World Meeting of 2CV Friends, family. “It’s a way of life; it’s not just a car.” very fast anyhow,” he said.
won the com-
in Delemont in the Jura region, has The event is taking place on a site cov- The first World Meeting of 2CV Friends
brought 2CVs of all shapes, sizes and ering 53 hectares, which includes 43 – a biennial event – was held in Finland in
colours to northwest Switzerland. hectares of camping space. 1975. It is being staged in Switzerland for
The 2CV – which stands for “deux Food trucks and concerts – spanning the third time.
chevaux”, meaning “two horsepower” – alphorns to classic rock, ska to bell-ringing The event’s budget is 1.7 million Swiss

Extinct birds on the ballot for New

was launched in 1948 as French carmaker – are laid on to keep the participants francs ($2 million).
Citroen’s answer to Germany’s Volkswagen going, while spare parts stalls attract keen “There are enthusiasts who have origi-
Beetle. interest. nal vintage 2CVs, and there are 2CVs that

Zealand’s avian beauty contest

Considered an economical choice for “Here come a lot of people because my have been totally transformed, so people
consumers, more than five million 2CVs parts are rare. It’s not many people in the also come to look for parts, but above all
rolled off the production lines until 1990, world repairing complete parts. This is to meet up, for the atmosphere,” said pen-
when Citroen had to stop producing them original Citroen parts but refurbished,” sioner Christian Corte.
WELLINGTON (New Zealand): Five extinct utive Nicola Toki at Saturday’s launch. due to emissions standards. said Miran, 42, a mechanic from Slovenia. The car, with its Bauhaus-inspired
species have been included on the ballot The environmental group has put 75 The six-day event in Delemont began “People like handmade, and personal curves, designed by Italian Flaminio
to find New Zealand’s most popular feath- species on the ticket for this year’s Bird of on Tuesday and ends on Sunday. contact.” The 2CVs need to follow a one- Bertoni, won generations of fans.
ered friend as competition organisers the Century contest, of which a quintet are 2CVs from 30 countries are taking part, way route through the neighbouring vil- Initially designed to get rural France
hope to draw attention to endangered thought to be extinct in New Zealand. from neighbouring countries including lages, with itineraries designed to help motoring, it was also seen at points as a
birds. They include the huia – a songster, France, Germany and Austria, elsewhere in visitors discover the Jura region. student car or a motor for hippies.
New Zealand’s annual avian beauty whose last confirmed sighting was in 1907. Europe such as Greece and the Nether- Drivers honk horns at one other in a The original specifications envisaged
contest has proven highly contentious Voters can also plump for the laughing lands, and some from as far as Australia. nod of recognition towards fellow enthu- four wheels under an umbrella.
over the years. owl – also known as the ‘whekau’ – whose “I think the magic of the 2CV, it’s iconi- siasts. The spec also included instructions
suggesting that a farmer’s wife should
A man pushes a car out of the mud.
The kakapo, a chubby parrot resem- shrieks were last officially heard in 1914.
bling a green-feathered bowling ball Toki says she hopes adding extinct have no trouble driving it on “the worst
which can’t fly, couldn’t run in last year’s species will trigger conversations about roads” and that the suspension should
Bird of the Year competition. endangered birds. ensure that a basketful of eggs riding on
The twice former winner was dropped “New Zealand’s extinction record is the backseat would survive intact.
from the 2022 vote by organisers to help devastating,” said Toki. Gabriel Lindstrom, 30, a real estate
less popular species have a shot at the title. She said the now-absent species are “a worker from Sweden, said: “You don’t see
Feathers were also ruffled when a native heartbreaking reminder of the incredible so many 2CVs on the road but when you
bat was allowed to enter, then flew off with biodiversity we’ve lost”. see all of them in one place, it’s nice. It
the 2021 title. “Eighty-two per cent of our living native makes you happy.
This year, competition organisers For- bird species are threatened or at risk of “And it’s quite good to be a part of it, to
est & Bird will celebrate their centenary by extinction,” Toki added. support that movement.”
crowning New Zealand’s most popular “We cannot let any more end up with A 2CV made of wood, thought to be the
feathered friend in the last 100 years – even the tragic fate of the laughing owl or the only one of its kind, sold for 210,000 euros
if the potential winner no longer exists. huia.” ($225,000) at auction in France last
“We’re searching for the bird that has Voting opens at the end of October, month, setting a new price record for the
captured New Zealanders’ hearts over the closing on November 12 with the winner iconic vehicle. – AFP

Bear spotted in S California backyard Jacuzzi

last century,” said Forest & Bird chief exec- announced the next day. – AFP

BURBANK (Calif.): With the summer heat

wave in full swing in Southern California,
a backyard pool is a tempting place to take
a dip.
Even for a bear.
Police in the city of Burbank responded
to a report of a bear sighting in a residential
A bear sits
neighbourhood and found the animal sit-
in a jacuzzi
ting in a Jacuzzi behind one of the homes.
in the city
After a short dip, the bear climbed over
of Burbank,
a wall and headed to a tree behind the
home, police said in a statement Friday.
(Pic: Bur-
Police released a video of the animal in
bank Police
the neighbourhood, which is about 10
miles (16 kilometers) north of Los Angeles
via AP)
and near the Verdugo Mountains.
The Burbank police have issued warn-
ings for residents to avoid bears and to

Cars are parked, lined up in a field during the 24th

keep all garbage and food locked up to

World meeting of Citroen 2CV friends near Delemont.

discourage bears from coming to their res-
idences. – AP
16 Sport MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3


Vollering seizes lead

PEMBANTU DRIVER Driver Mempunyai Lesen GDL


* Umur 25-40 (Boleh Bawa Lori 3 Tan). Tem-

1. Kg Seberang Benoni
Tel: 088-269768, pat Kerja di Bundusan,

016-8280828 Penampang.

0.25 Ekar x 3 Lot

(Call Only Tel: 016-837-7575

- Tepi Jalan x Pan Borneo

* Monday - Friday *) ----------------------- FRANCE: Demi Vollering powered through the moun-
- Rata
(Damai Plaza) ACCOUNT & ADMINISTRA- tain-top fog on Saturday to win the most demanding
2. Kg Panjut Tuaran
----------------------- TION CLERK
stage in the women’s Tour de France and grab the
0.50 Ekar x 1 Lot
VACANCY 1. SPM /Form 5 or equivalent
* Kelindan Lori (Lori Helper) leader’s yellow jersey.
- Tepi Jalan
2. Computer literate
- Ada Lesen Memandu Vollering, seventh overnight, pulled away in the
- Sudah Timbus
3. Book Keepimg/LCCI quali-
- Ada Pengangkutan Sendiri fication will be an added final 6km of the 17km final climb in the Pyrenees to
Berminat 016-8213141
* Berminat Boleh Hubungi advantage take the yellow jersey from team-mate Lotte Kopecky.
Nombor Ni The Dutch rider leads the overall standings by 1min
4. Able to work independently
s H/P: 016-8317450 with minimum supervision 50sec from Kasia Niewiadoma, who was second in the
----------------------- DELIVERY BOY stage. Defending champion Annemiek van Vleuten is
IMMEDIATE VACANCY 1. Motor & Driving License third, but 2min 28sec back with only Sunday’s 22.6km
1. Lorry Driver W/GDL - 1 Post 088-421866 eighth-stage time trial to come.
2. General Worker - 3 Posts 019-8324386
Vollering started the short but brutal Pyrenean
3. Site Supervisor - 1 Post
stage more than a minute behind race leader and
4. Storekeeper - 1 Post
Contact: 016-8311855 Worx team-mate Kopecky and 12sec behind Dutch
1. Personal Driver
----------------------- rider Van Vleuten.
- At least 2 years working on the first of two tough climbs, the Col d’Aspin.
IMMEDIATE VACANCY The trio were part of an elite group that pulled clear

Jobs 2. Cashier Car Park,

s - At least got experience Niewiadoma attacked first.
- Love elderly “I could see that Demi didn’t want to work with
At KK Area
JAWATAN KOSONG - Stay-in Annemiek, so I knew that they would look at each

Please Call:
Kilang (Area Kinarut) - Male other and I decided to take my chance on the down-

088-217128 (O) Vollering celebrates as she crosses

- Driver Lorry (GDL) (Lelaki) 3 - KK/Putatan Aera hill,” the Polish rider said.
the finish line to win the 7th stage.
orang - Clerk (perempuan) Arrange Interview Call: Vollering said she had been happy to let

H/P: 016-5858624 01136918040
s Niewiadoma go.
Faridah “Annemiek said to me, ‘If we don’t both ride, we’ll Niewiadoma finished second 1min 58sec behind.
both lose’. I said, ‘That’s fine with me’. It wasn’t up to Van Vleuten wobbled across the line at 2:34 in third
Formation Of place.
me to ride. I still had team-mates with me.”
New Sdn. Bhd.
“I came up against an opponent who was better
With less than 6km to go on the final foggy 17km
One-Stop Services
final ascent of the Tourmalet, Vollering set off in pur- than me and I didn’t have a great day. But even if I’d
Popular Management
MENCARI TUAN TANAH Tel: 234598/260020 suit, quickly passing the Pole. had an exceptional day, I wouldn’t have beaten Demi.
11-2, Blk B, Damai IV, KK “Demi showed how strong she is when she passed She was on another level,” said Van Vleuten.
KG. BINSULOK, me,” said Niewiadoma. Vollering who had plopped on the tarmac panting,
Vollering powered away. rose to her feet beaming to embrace team-mate
1. Nama : Chong Hyen Kong
No. Geran: 173152657
Cara istimewa mengajar murid “I went full gas to the finish. I felt good,” she said. “I Kopecky, who had finished sixth.
yang kurang semangat belajar. kept on pushing.” “This is why we came here, to win the Tour with
KG. KUMAWANAN, Darjah 1 - Tingkatan 5. 23 She battled slowly across the finish line standing Demi,” said Kopecky. “I think the way she did it, she
TAMBUNAN tahun mengajar. Inanam. on her pedals, a shadow in the mist silhouetted by the showed she is the best. I wanted to enjoy my last day
1. Nama : Neville Chin Fooh Loon
No. Geran : 143083470
019-8327019 headlights of a cortege of officials vehicles. in yellow...But it was pretty painful.” – AFP
1. Nama : Bryendon Billi
Dutch veteran
No. Geran : 14409009
2. Nama : Korodok Bt Darok
0178287898 Ahmad

No. Geran : 143070115

3. Nama : Atut B. Abanau
Pakar mengubahsuai rumah,
buat pagar, gate grill, manhole Rus wins
No. Geran : 143039730
sumbat, pasang mozek, plaster
4. Nama : Dami B. Suding
No. Geran : 144020995
siling, pasang water pump,
water heater, paip air, membaiki maiden title
atap bocor, tandas leaking,
paip leaking dan lain-lain HAMBURG (Germany): Dutch veteran
1. Nama : Charles Anthony Arantxa Rus ended the fairytale run of Ger-
No. Geran : 143045096 man teenager Noma Noha Akugue on Sat-
2. Nama : Hilary B. Inas
No. Geran : 143045087
urday to capture her maiden WTA title at
3. Nama : Simon B. Gompuk
Ledecky reacts after winning in the final
the age of 32 in Hamburg.
No. Geran : 143062248
of the women’s 800m freestyle event.
Rus won through 6-0, 7-6 (7/3) in 1hr
4. Nama : Lussi Biti Kinsun 45min to deny wild card Akugue a dream
No. Geran : 143048195
5. Nama : Siting B. Ambani
victory in her first WTA main draw event.
No. Geran : 143080031
In the men’s tournament, Germany’s
6. Nama : Henry B. Marinus Alexander Zverev crushed Frenchman Australia tie best gold haul
@ Henry M Elok Arthur Fils to qualify for his first final in
No. Geran : 143098177 at world swimming c’ships
7. Nama : Marina Bt Ibin
over a year, where he takes on Serbian Laslo
No. Geran : 143086908
Djere on Sunday.
“I’m very proud of myself that after so FUKUOKA (Japan): Australia tied their record gold haul at swim-
KG. MATANGGAR many years, I made my first title,” said Rus,
ming’s world championships with one day remaining Saturday,
1. Nama : Rayner Jerume
who turned pro back in 2008. while greats Katie Ledecky and Sarah Sjostrom carved their names
No. Geran : 143037530
She was playing in her 126th tour-level deeper into the sport’s history.
2. Nama : Andreas Jordan Ongkili main-draw this week, making her the old- Australia claimed three more gold medals to take their count
No. Geran : 143076224 est first-time title-winner in 40 years.
3. Nama : Alamin Abdul Gadar
to 13 in Fukuoka, tying their best-ever tally from 2001 and 2005.
Alamin Ali
“The day was very long because I was It secured their place on top of the medal table, meaning they
No. Geran : 143049923
very nervous, but I’m happy that I could will finish ahead of the United States for the first time since 2001.
4. Nama : Constanine P. Salus play good tennis and it was a great final Their night’s work included a fifth world record this week for
No. Geran : 143076297 from both of us.”
5. Nama : Norsidah Binti Zainuddin
Australian swimmers and Kaylee McKeown completing an
No. Geran : 143041141
In a match between two left-handed unprecedented backstroke world title sweep.
6. Nama : Martin Padris Gandu
players, seventh seed Rus won the opening Cameron McEvoy, who claimed gold in the men’s 50m freestyle,
@ Gandial set without the loss of a game. said his teammates’ performances had spurred him on.
No. Geran : 143053972
7. Nama : Linus Bin Justin
Akugue, born in Hamburg to Nigerian “It’s hard not to tap into that and just go along with the flow,”
No. Geran : 143079538
parents, fought back in the second with an he said.
immediate break, but Rus responded
American Ledecky won the women’s 800m freestyle to become

6012-817 1067 /
straight away with both holding serve to the first swimmer ever to win the same event six times at a world
6016-582 5108
force a tie-break. championships.
Akugue saved two championship points Sweden’s Sjostrom won her fifth in the 50m butterfly, then
to hold serve in the 10th game of the sec- promptly dived back into the pool 20 minutes later and broke her
ond set, and two more in the tiebreak, own world record in the 50m freestyle.
before Rus won through. There was also gold for France’s Maxime Grousset in the men’s
Former world junior one Rus had failed 100m butterfly.
to live up to her early promise after win- Australia’s mixed 4x100m freestyle relay team claimed the final
ning the girls’ singles title at the Australian title of the day in a world record time of 3min, 18.83sec, giving Mol-
Open in 2008. lie O’Callaghan her fifth gold medal of the week.
She came into Hamburg at a career-high “I’ve had a lot going on this week and I think I’ve just got to
60th ranking, and will break into the Top maintain and be as professional as possible,” said O’Callaghan,
50 for the first time on Monday. who has been part of four team or individual world records this
Zverev eased past Fils 6-2, 6-4, the 19th- week.
ranked German storming to a 4-0 lead to “Just sticking around with the team and keeping it quite closed

wrap up the first set has really helped me.”
in 37 minutes.
Ledecky claimed her 16th individual world championships
In the second gold medal, surpassing fellow American great Michael Phelps.
It is hereby notified that (applicants’ name) CHONG JUNE
set, after a brief rain She cruised home in a time of 8min, 08.87sec to win ahead of
SIEN Identification card No.: [840116-08-5571] trading
delay, Zverev again China’s Li Bingjie on 8:13.31 and Australia’s Ariarne Titmus on
under the trade name of (name of business) YOON
used his serve and 8:13.59.
CHONG MEDICAL HALL SDN. BHD. has applied to the
numerous unforced It was Ledecky’s second gold of the week, after she retained her
Chairman, West Coast Excise Licensing Board, Kota errors from his 71st- 1,500m freestyle title.
Kinabalu City Hall, No. 1, Jalan Bandaran, 88675 Kota ranked rival to seal
Kinabalu for the sale of liquor (type and class) RETAIL
Her latest triumph gives her a career haul of 21 world champi-

SHOP LICENCES at (Business address) H-G-11, UNIT

victory in 1hr onship golds, extending her record as the most decorated woman
31min. in the history of the competition.
It will be the Ger- “I’m really happy with how I’ve been able to be consistent over
man’s first final all these years,” said the 26-year-old, who has said she would like
Any objection in writing from the public should be forwarded
since Madrid in to compete at the 2026 Los Angeles Olympics.
to the Chairman, West Coast Excise Licensing Board at May 2022 having “Just always trying to get a little bit better.”
the above address within 14 days after the date of notice suffered a serious
issued. Objection will not be entertained after the objection
Sjostrom picked up her 20th individual world championships

period has expired.

ankle injury at the medal by winning the 50m butterfly, tying Phelps for the most
Date of Advertisement:
French Open last ever.
year. She touched the wall in 24.77sec to win ahead of China’s Zhang
In Sunday’s final, Yufei on 25.05 and American Gretchen Walsh on 25.46.

he will face 57th- The 30-year-old Sjostrom then broke her own world record in

ranked Djere who the 50m freestyle semi-finals, setting a new mark of 23.61sec.
eased past China’s “I actually enjoy doing back-to-back races,” she said.
- Diploma or Degree in Quantity Surveyor Zhang Zhizhen 6-3, “I feel better in the water, I feel like I’m not rushing through the
- Relevant working experience in QSFirm 6-2. water too much.”
or Construction Firm
The 26-year-old McKeown completed a women’s backstroke clean sweep with
- Fluency in Chinese, English & Malay
Zverev is chasing victory in the 200m, having claimed the 50m and 100m titles ear-
- Salary RM3000
his first title since lier in the week.
- Age 20-35
his triumph at the She finished in a time of 2min, 03.85sec, ahead of American
- Venue: Kota Kinabalu
2021 ATP Finals, Regan Smith on 2:04.94 and China’s Peng Xuwei on 2:06.74.
(Development & Construction
and 20th of his It came one day after China’s Qin Haiyang became the first
career. swimmer ever to sweep a stroke at a world championships, win-
Interested applicants are invited to email
Djere, 28, is bid- ning all three breaststroke events.
or whatsapp resume
ding for his third “I think that is the thing about sports – it is you and only you in
(i.e.: Photo, Certificates & etc) to:
ATP title after Rio the race, and that’s exactly what I did tonight,” said McKeown.
de Janeiro in 2019 Grousset came home in 50.14sec to win the men’s 100m butter-

or 016-8198909 (whatsapp)
and Sardinia in fly ahead of Canada’s Josh Liendo on 50.34 and American Dare
2020. – AFP Rose on 50.46. – AFP
MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Sport 17

Crawford is undisputed welterweight champ

LOS ANGELES: Terence Crawford punished of knockouts to 11 fights. in the seventh Crawford had Spence down
Errol Spence on the way to a ninth-round That includes all eight of his fights at wel- again with a right uppercut followed by a
technical knockout to claim the undisputed terweight. hook to the ear.
welterweight world title in Las Vegas on Sat- It was a stunningly dominant perform- He dropped him again with a blow to the
urday. ance in what was expected to be a close fight, chin in the waning seconds of the round.
Unbeaten Crawford had knocked down one that had drawn comparisons to classic Spence, who had never before been
Spence three times and had his previously welterweight match-ups such as Roberto knocked down, fell to 28-1 with 22 knock-
unbeaten foe staggering under a hail of Duran v Sugar Ray Leonard and to more outs.
blows when referee Harvey Dock called a recent mega-fights like Floyd Mayweather’s He came out for the ninth still looking for
halt at 2:32 in the ninth. 2015 victory over Manny Pacquiao. the big punch that might turn things
Crawford added Spence’s World Boxing Music superstar Eminem provided in- around. But Crawford was landing at will
Association, World Boxing Council and person accompaniment for Crawford’s walk with Spence struggling to stay on his feet
International Boxing Federation titles to his to the ring. The sellout crowd at T-Mobile when the referee brought it to a close, spark-
own World Boxing Organisation crown. Arena included a who’s-who of boxing roy- ing a celebration for Crawford who then had
Crawford became the first undisputed alty headlined by heavyweight greats Mike an embrace and words of encouragement
welterweight world champion of boxing’s Tyson and Evander Holyfield and also featur- for his beaten rival.
four-belt era, which began in 2004. ing Mayweather and Pacquiao. Spence was fighting for the first time
A former lightweight and undisputed Spence made the running in the opening since a 10th-round stoppage of Yordenis
light welterweight world champion, he round, but Crawford, fighting southpaw, Ugas in April of last year.
became the first man to win all the belts in began to let his hands go in the second, pun- He didn’t fight in 2021, when a planned
two weight divisions. ishing Spence with a piston-like jab that bout with Pacquiao was scuppered by a torn
“It means everything because of who I dropped him at the end of the round. retina that required surgery.
took the belts from,” Crawford said. “That was more of a flash knockdown,” But the 33-year-old said ring rust wasn’t
“They tried to blackball me, they kept me Crawford said. “I caught him with a left and the problem.
out, they kept me out. They talked bad about he didn’t think I was coming back with the “He was just better tonight,” said Spence,

Crawford punches Spence during round 6 of

Verstappen wins wet and wild sprint race

me, they said I wasn’t good enough, that I right.” who was already agitating for a rematch that

their World Welterweight Championship bout.

couldn’t beat these top welterweights, and I Spence was still moving forward in round he said he hoped would be at the higher
just kept my head to the sky and I kept pray- three, but the power and accuracy of Craw- weight limit of 154 pounds. – AFP
ing to God that I would get the opportunity ford’s counter punches were devastating.
to show the world who Terence Crawford is.” Crawford landed a series of hard punches
“And tonight, I believe I showed how in the fourth, including a left that rattled

Double medal joy for Errigo

great I am,” added Crawford, who improved Spence.
to 40-0 with 31 knockouts, taking his string It was more of the same in the sixth, and SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS (Belgium): Max place penalty, Verstappen said his chief con- no match for Max. But it’s nice to be up
Verstappen increased his lead by a further cern was not only the possible change of there in P2. All credit to the team.”
eight points in the world championship conditions, but also the risk of a collision at The race began 35 minutes late, after
with a calculated and convincing victory La Source, the hairpin first corner. delays caused by heavy rain, with all 20 cars
ahead of Australian rookie Oscar Piastri in “I need to pass a few cars so I think the on full-wet tyres for the start behind the
MILAN (Italy): Italian fencer Arianna Errigo medals over the past 14 years, had not com- Saturday’s rain-delayed sprint race at the biggest risk is just lap one, especially Turn safety car.
won team gold at the Fencing World Cham- peted since the last world championships, Belgian Grand Prix. One. It’s always very tricky there so, as long The race distance was reduced to 12 laps,
pionships on Saturday to add to her individ- and despite her past medal haul had to go Red Bull’s double defending world as we stay out of trouble, I think we will but it was obvious that in the improving
ual silver midweek, five months after the through qualifiers. champion rode his luck when McLaren’s have a quick car.” conditions all 20 cars would dive into the
caesarean birth of twins. The fatigue was obvious at the end of the Piastri snatched the lead by making an early Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc will start Sun- pits for intermediates as the race was
Errigo, 35, achieved exactly the same gruelling week in the team final. pit-stop to switch from wet to intermediate day’s main event from pole. reduced to 11 laps.
results as at last year’s worlds in Cairo, as if But despite her exhaustion, barely able to tyres, to storm back and win by 6.6 seconds. Piastri came home a strong second Finally, the safety car came in and Ver-
nothing had changed, except the arrival of stand, Errigo won her bout 30-28, before giv- Verstappen’s win extended Red Bull’s ahead of Pierre Gasly, who gave the belea- stappen accelerated into Pouhon while Pias-
her son and daughter five months ago. ing way to replacement Francesca Palumbo record this year to 14 wins from 14 races – 11 guered Alpine team something to cele- tri, Sainz, Perez, Gasly and Hamilton all
“It was almost mission impossible,” the to conclude the match. grands prix and three sprints. brate, with Carlos Sainz and his Ferrari dived in immediately for intermediates leav-
35-year-old told journalists. “I was dead, drained, without the slight- He said he agreed with Red Bull’s strat- team-mate Charles Leclerc finishing fourth ing Verstappen leading Leclerc at the front.
“All the doctors I spoke to told me that it est energy,” she said. egy decision, which cost him the early lead, and fifth. “We need to box this lap,” said Verstap-
wouldn’t be possible. I didn’t have a natural “I had nothing left. But it’s a team event, I but ensured he was able to go on and win. Seven-time world champion Lewis pen, who then pitted, emerging second
birth but a C-section. wanted to leave the relay to the girls in front. “I think it was just a safer call,” he said. “I Hamilton came home fourth on track for behind Piastri with Gasly, Perez and Hamil-
“Obviously that completely changes the “I feel like I’ve spent four and a half could come in first, but then I might be Mercedes, but was demoted to seventh ton behind him, all three gaining from their
recovery process. Plus I had twins. So I’m months in a washing machine,” she contin- blocked by other cars. There might be a behind Lando Norris, in the second instant pit-stop decisions.
really proud of that journey.” ued. Safety Car and then you lose out massively, McLaren, after taking a five-second penalty By lap three, the Australian was eight-
Italy coach Stefano Cerioni hailed triple “I often wondered who made me do this. so I didn’t mind to stay out. for a clash with Red Bull’s Sergio Perez. tenths ahead, his wet-set-up car resisting
Olympic medallist Errigo’s “crazy” achieve- It was really difficult to recover from child- “I mean we lost one position, but we George Russell was eighth in the second the Red Bull, which had superior straight-
ment. birth, the caesarean, get back to training, know we are quick and you could see that Mercedes ahead of Esteban Ocon in the sec- line speed, before Fernando Alonso spun
“She worked a lot because she didn’t lose weight, go to the gym in the morning when we put the ‘inter’ tyres on we were fly- ond Alpine and Daniel Ricciardo, enjoying out at the exit of Pouhon.
want to miss this event 20km from her with three hours of sleep.” ing so it was ok.” his second weekend with Alpha Tauri. He was unhurt, but he had his first non-
home,” he said. “It’s Arianna, a champion, But Errigo is a woman not easily discour- Looking ahead to Sunday’s Grand Prix, “I am very happy,” said Piastri. “We tried finish of the season to mark his 42nd birth-
talent embodied.” aged, as she eyes a fourth Olympics in Paris when he will start sixth after taking a five- out best and led for a few laps, but we were day. – AFP
Errigo, who has won ten individual world next year. – AFP

Courses (Certificate Courses) – every 2nd week of the month and also
Sabah Clubs and providing Emergency First Aid Standby Services (any events). Details:
Sabah Government Pensioners’ Association Membership
recruitment exercise & pensioners’ problem 9.30am to 1pm (Mon –
Non-Governmental Organisations 232718 (O), 232718 (Fax) or email: or
Fri, except public holidays) at Maksak Complex, Likas. Details:
211282 Lucy.
Kinabalu Breast Cancer Support Association (Kinabalu Pink Agriculture Institute of Sabah Alumni Association Membership
Ribbon) Offering emotional, social & material support to women with drive. Information to obtain membership forms from various district
Regular Events breast cancer (before/during/after treatment) and their families. near you, contact Maidah 019-8414088 or Leong 019-8515893
Sabah Tai-Chi Association new classes. Monday, Wednesday and Careline: 016-8038553. Office: 216237 or Fax: 253679. FB: or email
Friday: 7pm to 8pm. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 6.30pm to Kent Teachers College Alumni Association Membership drive.
7.30pm. Details: Lee at 0168044512. Email: Membership forms are available at all district education offices in
Sabah AZ (Sabah Alzheimer’s Disease Support Association: Sabah Mental Health Association PKJS Day Care Centre is open to Sabah. Details: Tajuddin 787581, 019-537-1178 or Eddy 016-
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain suitable candidate and it carries out several activities on weekdays. 8223757.
disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, Details: 248197. Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary Resources Library is free for
eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Sabah AZ Tel: 088-430 727 Fax: 088-424 600 Alamesra Youth-PREP Centre Provides a place for youths to seek public to use. Details: 246955 or fax: 247955.
conducts Talks & Seminars, support, comfort families / caregivers / assistance and support on issues such as education, relationships, Sandakan Toastmasters Club Platform to improve effective
AD sufferers. Bi-Monthly Memory Café sharing-session by Please note that due to space constraints, work, family and financial stability. Legal aid and counselling communication and leadership skills on every 2nd & 4th Thursdays
caregivers/carers. Details:,, Sabah Week will only feature the immediate services are free and are on appointment basis. Venue: Ground Floor, of every month. Venue: Incorporated Society of Planters office, Taman
FB:@Sabahalzheimer. Kent 019-8811030 (10am-6pm). Lot 25, Block E, Phase 2, Alamesra, Jalan Sulaman. Opening Hours: Utama, Zone 3, Jalan Utara. Details: Alex 013-8803622 or Jerry
Sabah State Administrative Centre Galleria Artisan PPNS is open
events due to take place for the next three days. Weekdays 9am to 5pm. Tel: 395632 or fax: 485372. 012-8616743.
to public from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Our gallery The usual brief on the NGOs, voluntary Email: Kota Kinabalu Advanced Toastmasters Club – Communication and
boasts an array of local handicrafts from all over Sabah as well as organisations and their activities Facebook: leadership training meeting. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
locally made Sabah Batik. All local entrepreneurs are welcome to The Sabah Australian Alumni Association (SAAA) invites graduates
will appear on Sunday. at 7.30pm. Venue: Meeting Room 1, 1st Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan
promote their products through this avenue. Come visit us: PPNS , from any Australian Institutions of higher learning to join as members
Tuaran. Those interested are welcome to attend. Details: Irene 019-
Menara Tun Mustapha and Sabah Handicraft Centre, Keningau. of SAAA (2022). Detail: EDD 01116137889 or
8211985 or Jess 0168302717.
Details: Facebook or Sunday. Time: 10am to 3pm. Venue: Rumah Titian Kasih, Lot 168,
Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation KK Centre Open to all, accept
Afnansyah Agimin at 088-332186 ext: 1501. Lot 17, Lorong Kerapu, Rumah Murah Kg Likas Phase 3, 89400 The Kota Kinabalu AIDS Support Services Association (KASIH)
help line & free voluntary HIV screening tests, except sun & public children with Downs Syndrome below the age of 7. Details: Raneh
Parkinson Association of West Coast Sabah (PAWS) Conducts Likas. Details: Nooraisah 014-8586350 or Salina 012-8449139.
holidays. Office hours. Time: 9am to 5pm. Fri: 6pm to 9pm. Sat: 219809, Fax: 219808.
monthly outdoor activities, hold regular fellowship and meetings for Sabah Natives Land Owners Association (SANLODA) is dedicated
4pm to 7pm. provide confidential / free voluntary HIV screening test Consultancy Services & Training Centre For Consumerism,
people with Parkinson’s disease (PWP). Carers and volunteers are to promoting optimum utilisation and preservation of native lands in
(rapid test) during office hours, Mon to Fri. result available 10 to 15 Environmental & Human Rights Seminar / talks consumer issues-
welcomed to participate. The fellowship provides opportunity for PWP Sabah. Membership Drive: Information for membership from various
minutes. Details: 712914 or email: your rights as consumer, how to complain and get effective results,
to network, share experiences / info and also enjoys the various districts can be obtained from Datuk Stephen 0138658333, Datuk
complementary therapies such as body balancing, dancing, voice National Stroke Association of Malaysia Sabah Club Wisma Pandu know about consumer laws, tribunal for consumer claims,
George 013-851500, Petrus 0198529299 or Datuk Yusof 012-
and music therapy, physiotherapy. Details: 016-8303888 Pat, 014- Puteri, Kompleks Badan-Badan Sukarela, km 4, Jalan Tuaran, KK. environmental, human rights & civil society. Except Saturday, Sunday
6706118 JC or 019-8126196 James. Malaysia Blood Donors Society Daily Blood Donation Drive. Inviting Centre’s opening Hours: 9am to 5pm. Mon to Fri, closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holiday. Tel/fax: 234616 Datuk Patrick Sindu (JP) 019-
Sabah Law Society a weekly Free legal consultation and advice all NGO to collaborate and also calling members of the public to join & Public holidays. Details: 261568. 811-7369, 016-8007369 or
session for the public on Saturdays from 9am to 12.30pm (except its membership. Details: 012-8222779, 016-3551987 or 014- Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Association of United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation
the first Saturday of the month). Members of the public who are 7342886. Malaysia (FPMPAM) the public can obtain medical opinions, (UPKO) Offer opportunities to the public to voice their complaints on
interested are advised to contact the SLS Secretariat at 088-251008 Sabah Cheshire Home & Asian Tourism International College referrals or treatment for crisis intervention, detoxification, prevention various issues and offer advice to the complainants on how to go
for an appointment or by email Basic Pastry Skill Lesson for the physically disabled individuals aged & counselling for drug abuse via about their grouses. Monday to Friday. Call: 721722 & 721723 or
Blood Bank Unit of Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital, Likas between 17 – 28. Details: 438202. Fax: 434570. Special Olympics Sabah Weekly jogging exercise (so west coast).
(HWKKS) Blood Donation Drive “Bah, Mari Menderma” 1 pint of Taska Mesra Cheshire Early Education for children with physical Details: 016-8807703 or 223221. Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Help available for those with
blood can save 3 lives. Urging army, RELA, police, fire brigades, disabilities aged below four-years-old. Open Mon to Fri. Details: Kota Kinabalu Falun Gong Exercise sessions every Saturday & alcohol related problems. Anonymity assured. Meetings in English
uniform bodies, government agencies, healthy public people, Sabah Cheshire Home 438202. Sunday. Free of charge. All are welcome, Details: Kota Kinabalu 013- every Tuesday at 8pm. Bahasa Malaysia every Thursday at 7pm.
churches, mosques, corporate private companies with huge human School of Psychology and Social Work, UMS is offering Counselling 870-6558, Sandakan 089-229626, 089-229023 and Tawau Details: 012-8039883 (ENG) or 016-8386386 (BM).
resources to donate generously to our SWACH. Details: 522600 Ext: Service, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy 019-8536333. Malaysian Ex-Police Association (Penampang Branch)
2314. and Applied Behaviour Analysis Session. The services are on SWEPA Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting to enhance Membership recruitment exercise and other related matters. Time:
Heritage Toastmasters Club Learn to speak better and improve appointment basis. Time: 9am to 5pm. Details: Nurul Fatiha 019- your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Time: 2pm to
leadership skills in a fun and supporting environment. Meetings are 8114573, 320000 Ext: 8833 or 7.30pm (1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month). Venue: Swepa 5pm (Wednesday, Thursdays & Friday), except public holidays.
held every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Time: 7.30pm. Venue: EXTOL is a non-profit youth club focusing on developing youths in Secretariat, 2nd Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan Tuaran, KK. Details: Venue: PME, 1st floor, Lot 3, Block 15, Penampang Baru (Protem
6th Floor, Wisma Bandaraya. All are welcome. Details: President stewardship and leadership. Calling on all non-Muslim parents to President Dora 016-8300755 or VPPR 013-8603871. office). Details: Joseph 016-8213013, 710557 (o) or 714557
Sabrina 016-8287675 or VPPR Ooi 012-4150046. encourage their children between the ages of 13 to pre-university / The Cancer Society Of Sabah Provide services on hospice, cancer (fax).
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society invites affiliates to join as college to attend our meetings held every Friday. Time: 7.45pm to awareness / education, rural health project. Hotline / counselling Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) Day Care
volunteers for its community development projects for the benefits of 9.30pm. Venue: Agape Methodist Church, Agape Hill, Jalan pertaining to cancer & clinic by a lady consultant gynaecologist. Centre Every Thursday from 9am to 1pm at PWD 7396 & 7397,
the local communities. Youths and college graduates are encouraged Shantung Baru, Penampang. Details: Patrick 0109317118. Details: 210377 or 222315. Taman Rose, Off Jalan Penampang for mobile patients who are
to apply for Free Entrepreneurship and financial planning programs Pusat Jagaan Seri Murni provides counselling and support services The Befrienders Kota Kinabalu offers confidential emotional support registered under our Home Care Programme. We help you to care
in order to be offered career prospects as marketing executives or, for women / girl in situation of crisis such as unplanned pregnancies to those feeling depressed and in despair which may lead to loss of for your loved ones. Free Home Care Support service for your family
financial advisors with a well-established financial institution through and sexual gender based violence. Details: Counselling or interview life. Call us if you need to talk. We are here if you feel confused or members, relatives or friends who are diagnosed with advanced
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society. Details: Prof. Dr. Benjamin 010- 019-5349044. upset and need someone to talk to. We care, we listen. Call: 088- cancers. Referrals may be from private / government hospital or self-
8887850. The Committee of Communication For Behavioural Impact 255788, 088-335793 or 0168036945 every night, 7pm to 10pm. referred. Details: Grace 231505 or 257507.
Sabah Society For The Blind has moved to the 1st floor, Lot 3, Sri (COMBI) Lok Kawi Town, Papar invites the residents of Taman KK Mandarin Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting. Time:
Damai building, Jalan Kolam, Lorong Nibung, KK on Sept 1. Pantai Lok Kawi to be a promoter / volunteer of COMBI committee. Sabah Society For The Deaf Registration for pre-school deaf children 7.30pm. (2nd & 4th Thursday of each month). Venue: 3rd Floor, Lot
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Saturday 9am to 12.30pm. Details: All are welcome. Details: Zainal 016-8450717, Hj Mataris 010- ages 2 – 6 & hearing sibling ages 2 – 4. Language Development & 14, Block B, Lintas Square, KK. Details: Yan 012-8023264, Chua
250388, 218130 or Fax: 316588. Email: 9488846. Vocational Programme for deaf children & adults ages 8 and above. 016-8100282 or Lim 016-8302552. Website: HANDPRINTS – Toy Library & Resource Centre is to educate, enable Venue: SSD premise, Jalan Khidmat, Bukit Padang, KK. Details: KK Fama Pasar Tani Asia City variety of vegetables, fishes, sugar cane and empower parents, so that they are able to help and guide their – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160, Keningau – juice, soya bean milk, pastries and many other food items will be
Sheltered Workshop. Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm. Tel/ Fax: children with special needs. Thematic monthly play day on 2nd Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad Datu – on sale. Every Wednesday & Saturday. Time: 6am to 5pm. all are
788543. Address: Jalan Stesen Pertanian, ARC, 89207, Tuaran, Saturday of each month. Operating hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Asmah 089-887895. welcome. Details: Wasri 013-5555451.
Sabah. Friday 2pm to 5pm. Wednesday: 7pm to 9pm. Saturday: 9.30am Sabah Society for the Deaf Registration for Sign Language Class.
Happy Family Homes Malaysia KK we welcome volunteers to join
Sabah Family Planning Association provides services & treatments to 2pm. Venue: Lorong Pokok Saka, Dah Yeh Villa, Off Mile 2 3/4, Details: KK – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160,
us in our house builds on Saturdays. Those with masonry &
relating to sexual reproductive health, family planning and general Jalan Damai, Luyang. Tel: 016-4172298. Facebook: Keningau – Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad
carpentry skills are most welcome. Details: 088-395989.
health screening. Details: KK Branch 016-8899865 (Clinic Email: Datu – Asmah 089-887895.
Bukit Harapan 424567.
Helpline), 088-222703; Tawau Branch 089-771172, Lahad Datu Sabah Women Action-Resource Group (SAWO) provides Helpline
services to support women and girls who face domestic violence, Sabata 255916.
Branch 016-8309868; Kudat Branch 088-611088. Harrington Kota Kinabalu Lions Ambulance Service Society (LASS) Provides
rape, sexual harassment and other gender-based violence. Call: Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library Opening
Family Clinic 8am-5pm (Mon-Sat) Facebook: Sabah Family 24 Hour FREE Ambulance Service. Also providing First-Aid Training
088-280200. Mon-Fri, time: 9am-5pm Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5pm. Saturday / Sunday &
Planning Association. Instagram: sabahfpa. Email: to the public and Mobile Health Service to the rural areas. Call: 088-
D-Dash Compact Car Club Welcomes all Perodua and compact car Public Holiday : Closed. Venue: Menara Tun Mustapha, Likas Bay. 319699.
owners to join in the club membership. For more info on club weekly Details: 326300 Ext: 1152 or 1154. Fax: 326490.
Gerak Kasih Recycling Collection waste paper – newspapers, Malaysian Red Crescent Kota Kinabalu City Chapter is providing
cardboard, boxes, magazines, books, paper bags, soft toys, gathering and events contact martin 019-8036019 or d- Email: or website: Open to
Ambulance Services from 8pm to 6am (weekdays only), providing
clothing, plastic bottles, aluminium tins. Every Friday, Saturday and Patient Transfer Services (daily), providing Basic First Aid and CPR public.
18 Sport MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

Rapinoe adapting to being WC super sub

AUCKLAND (New with your friends in the sauna, and then
Zealand): Megan you come out to training and you bust ass
Rapinoe (pic) and you have fun and you make the best
admitted Sunday to of it.”
some frustration It remains to be seen if the coach
over her limited decides to change things up for the USA’s
playing time for the final Group E match on Tuesday against
United States at the Portugal at Eden Park in Auckland.
Women’s World Cup The holders need to avoid defeat in
but believes she can that game to be sure of qualifying for the
still change games off the bench for the last 16 and it may be that they need to win
holders. by a big scoreline to finish in first place.
The veteran was a regular starter in the “The conversations I have had with
US teams that won the 2015 and 2019 Vlatko in general, when the time is right
World Cups, but at the age of 38 she is no and the situation in the game is ready, I
longer a first pick in a side now coached retire at the end of the season. will be ready,” said Rapinoe.
by Vlatko Andonovski. “You need the 20 minutes in two games “For us it is on Portugal and we have a
After getting half an hour as a substi- that wins the team the tournament. chance to top the group and get into the
tute in the opening 3-0 win over Vietnam, “Every day in training I am like, ‘I am best part of the tournament.”
Rapinoe did not get on as the defending going to bust your ass’, and that makes Rapinoe believes her teammates can
champions battled back to draw 1-1 with them and me better.” thrive under the pressure of having to
the Netherlands in their last game. Andonovski has so far preferred a front deliver, whether she is on the pitch or

France reboot W Cup hopes

Brazil’s Luana Paixao (second left) and France’s Grace Geyoro fight for the ball.
Speaking in Auckland, she opened up three of Sophia Smith and Trinity Rodman not.
on some frustration at not playing more either side of Alex Morgan, with Rapinoe “Of course there is a little bit of anx-
of a role on the field, but also hopes her and Lynn Williams both having to watch iousness any time there is a result that

as Jamaica make history

experience off the pitch can help the the whole game against the Netherlands needs to be had. That is exciting, every-
Americans’ 14 World Cup newcomers. from the sidelines body knows that too.
“You still have a lot to offer both on and “We try to give that energy from the “We go into these moments like ‘Hell
off the field. Maybe you are not going to bench, bring that experience, knowing yeah’.
be a starter, playing the 90 minutes, but that the day after the game the subs “We are excited, we are unsatisfied

Liverpool captaincy would

sometimes as a bench player that is not always train,” Rapinoe added. with the way we have played, but we know

Morocco beat
what you need,” said Rapinoe, who will “It is hard. You cry in the shower, or the areas where we can be better.” – AFP
BRISBANE: France breathed fresh life “Maybe I didn’t expect three goals but

be ‘an honour’, says Van Dijk S Korea for

into their Women’s World Cup cam- I know that’s one of my strengths and it’s
paign with a 2-1 victory over Brazil on something we’re working on a lot at
Saturday as Sweden barrelled into the training,” she said.

first WC win
last 16 and Jamaica claimed a historic Jamaica won at the Women’s World
first win. Cup for the first time with a deserved vic-
France captain Wendie Renard tory over debutants Panama.
SINGAPORE: Virgil that will happen,” Van Dijk, 32, added. headed in the winner seven minutes Skipper Allyson Swaby headed in
van Dijk (pic) said While he didn’t want to say too much from time in front of nearly 50,000 in from a corner early in the second half to
Saturday he was con- about Henderson’s replacement as cap- ADELAIDE: Morocco won a Women’s Brisbane to earn a vital three points and give Jamaica their first victory at the fifth
fident that Liver- tain, Van Dijk was clear about what it World Cup match for the first time after leave Brazil’s World Cup in peril. attempt.
pool’s players will would mean to him if he was asked to take Ibtissam Jraidi struck early to give them a The result blew Group F wide open. Jamaica face Brazil on Wednesday
step up to fill the the arm band permanently. stunning 1-0 victory over South Korea on France are top on four points from two knowing they only need a point to claim
void left by Jordan “Obviously I have captained the side Sunday. games and in pole position to qualify a landmark spot in the last 16.
Henderson and said multiple times over the last couple of years Having been thrashed 6-0 by Germany along with Jamaica, who have the same The success comes against the back-
it would be “an hon- and it’s always a proud moment to do that. on their World Cup debut, this hard- number of points following a 1-0 tri- drop of rows with the Jamaican football
our” to succeed him We’ll see what the future brings but it earned win kept alive Morocco’s unlikely umph over Panama. federation over a lack of support for the
as captain. would be a huge honour to captain the chances of reaching the last 16 in Australia Herve Renard’s France defied most of team and unpaid expenses.
England midfielder Henderson moved side.” and New Zealand. the Brisbane crowd and a Brazilian team “It is huge. It keeps our dream of get-
to the Saudi Pro League this week and Van Dijk is expected to lead Jurgen As well as a first victory ever at the tour- who thumped Panama 4-0 in their previ- ting out of this group alive,” match-win-
Dutch defender Van Dijk, who has worn Klopp’s team against Leicester, but Klopp nament, there was another piece of history ous match, to reinvigorate French hopes ner Swaby said.
the arm band before, is widely tipped to was giving little away beyond that. for Morocco when defender Nouhaila Ben- of a first World Cup title. Australia’s hopes of staying in their
take over as skipper “I know my decision already but I have zina became the first player to wear a hijab The French controlled much of the home tournament received a boost on
“Obviously he’s going to be a big miss to tell it first to the players... before I speak at the Women’s World Cup. first half and took an early lead through Saturday when skipper Sam Kerr
for us as a player and definitely as a leader in public about it,” said the German. French coach Reynald Pedros saw his veteran striker Eugenie Le Sommer with declared herself available.
and a captain, someone who’s so impor- “It’s an important decision but more Morocco team take the lead after only six her 90th goal in 181 appearances. The prolific Chelsea striker, the face of
tant for us and successful at the club over important is the general leadership group minutes in front of just over 13,000 fans in Brazil came back into the game in the the World Cup in Australia and New
the last years,” Van Dijk said in Singapore, we create. It’s a big change for us.” Adelaide. second half and were rewarded when Zealand, suffered a calf injury on the eve
where Liverpool face Leicester City on Sun- Klopp remained optimistic despite the Hanane Ait El Haj crossed and forward Debinha latched onto a deflected shot of the tournament and missed the Matil-
day. changes. Jraidi nipped in ahead of her marker to and fired past goalkeeper Pauline das’ first two games.
Henderson, James Milner and Roberto “Things have to change at some point, expertly glance her header into the far cor- Peyraud-Magnin to level. The Australians squeezed past Ireland
Firmino have all departed this summer, that’s clear as you can’t expect things to go ner. With time running out, France struck 1-0 thanks to a penalty to open their
but Van Dijk says others in the squad will on without any changes or developments,” Morocco, one of the lowest-ranked again. campaign but were then stunned 3-2 by
make up for it when it comes to leader- he said. teams at the tournament at 72 in the Selma Bacha swung in a corner in the Nigeria.
ship. “I can see a lot of positive signs in train- world, were supposed underdogs against 83rd minute and defender Renard – who With a critical encounter against
“Definitely we have a lot of players who ing and the games as well. The boys under- the 17th-ranked Koreans. had been a pre-match injury doubt – Olympic champions Canada looming on
appeared unmarked at the far post to Monday, the 29-year-old fronted the

United in reported deal for Hojlund

can take that responsibility and have to stand the situation and I’m really happy But they made by far the better start
take that responsibility, so I am confident about that.” – AFP against shell-shocked opponents. head home. media in Brisbane to say: “I am going to
Colin Bell’s Korean side belatedly grew Sweden thumped Italy 5-0 to join title be there. I am going to be ready.”
into the game towards the end of the first contenders Spain and former champions There was also good news for Euro-
half, but like in their 2-0 opening defeat to Japan in reaching the knockout rounds pean champions England who
Colombia, they lacked punch up front. with a match to spare. announced that key midfielder Keira
LAS VEGAS: Manchester United have option of a further season. Three goals in seven minutes in the Walsh did not suffer an anterior cruciate
Many of the crowd were shouting for the
reportedly agreed a deal worth an initial Hojlund joined Atalanta in August first half did the damage in Wellington ligament injury in their win over Den-
Koreans and their team piled on the pres-
£64 million to sign Atalanta striker Ras- 2022 from Austrian club Sturm Graz for a as Italy struggled to deal with Sweden’s mark.
sure in the second half as they attempted to
mus Hojlund. reported 17 million euros. He scored nine set pieces and aerial threat. Walsh will miss their last group game
keep their World Cup hopes alive.
The Denmark international is the third goals in 32 appearances in Serie A last sea- Arsenal defender Amanda Ilestedt against China, when the Lionesses will
Going into the nervy final 10 minutes,
major arrival at Old Trafford during the son. scored twice and has three goals at this hope to seal their place in the knockouts,
South Korea had had 10 attempts at goal —

Canada urged to be brave in do-or-die Australia clash

summer transfer window after the sign- United manager Erik ten Hag was tight- World Cup, all with her head. but will remain with the squad. – AFP
none of which were on target. – AFP
ings of Chelsea midfielder Mason Mount lipped about the reports when asked by
and Inter Milan goalkeeper Andre Onana. reporters on Saturday ahead of Sunday’s
United are understood to have agreed a friendly against Borussia Dortmund in Las
fee of £64 million ($82 million) for Hojlund, Vegas.
with a further £8 million in add-ons. “I can’t talk about the player who is still
The 20-year-old is reported to have under contract (with) another club,” said MELBOURNE: Canada coach Bev Priest- Her fate has dominated headlines in game. If that means we knock out the co-
agreed terms on a five-year deal with the the Dutchman. – AFP man called on her team to be brave Sun- Australia, but Priestman said it had not hosts, then we knock out the co-hosts.”
day and put any noise around Australia affected Canada’s preparations. Even if Canada lose, it will not necessar-
skipper Sam Kerr aside for their seismic “Have I spoken about, ‘Is she or isn’t ily be the end of the road. But they will
Women’s World Cup showdown against she?’ need Ireland to beat Nigeria with goal-dif-
the co-hosts. “No I haven’t,” she said. “We’ve spoken ference then coming into play.
The Tokyo Olympic champions will about what it takes to beat Australia Similarly for Australia, a loss and they
power into the last 16 with a win or draw because Australia is not just Sam Kerr. are out of the tournament. But a draw cou-

Japan clash will be biggest

in their high-stakes Group B clash in Mel- “I want to get three points, that’s all I’m pled with Nigeria losing and it would also
bourne on Monday. focused on, to move on and into the next be decided by goal difference. – AFP
But to do so they must tame a fired-up

W Cup test yet: Spain coach

country hell-bent on victory to guarantee
their own progression after being shocked
3-2 by Nigeria last week.
Making matters more complicated,
Chelsea striker Kerr, who missed Aus-
tralia’s opening two games with a calf
injury, has declared herself available to WELLINGTON (New Zealand): Coach Jorge difference of one.

Barcelona’s Fermin Lopez (right) scores past

play. Vilda warned his Spain team they will be Vilda’s side will therefore finish top if

Real Madrid’s goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois.

Barcelona beat Real in Texas ‘Clasico’

With both teams’ fate hanging in the fully tested for the first time at this the match with Japan ends in a draw.
balance, Priestman said she Women’s World Cup in their group-decid- Their last-16 opponents will both come
expected Canada to rise to the occasion. ing clash with Japan on Monday. from Group A, which will be decided on
“There’s a lot around about what might Both sides go into their final Group C Sunday when co-hosts New Zealand,
come up in front of us, but ultimately I game in Wellington having already Switzerland, Norway and the Philippines
know this team and if we turn up, we can reached the last 16 and neither conceded play their final first-stage matches.
ARLINGTON (United States): Barcelona minute but Barca soon had their fans cele-
go and get three points,” said the English in comfortable wins over Zambia and Defending champions the United
beat Real Madrid 3-0 in a fiercely contested brating.
coach. Costa Rica. States or Sweden could then await in the
friendly match on Saturday with an early A cleverly worked free-kick saw Pedri
“The focus is to be brave and bring what But Vilda said that former world cham- quarter-finals.
strike from Ousmane Dembele and late slide a diagonal pass into the path of Dem-
we bring and bring it well.” pions Japan will be a different proposition But Vilda said he won’t take any notice
goals from Fermin Lopez and Ferran Tor- bele, who expertly drilled the ball into the
After Canada played out a sluggish as they battle for top spot in the group – of his team’s potential pathway through
res. far corner.
goalless draw with surprise-package Nige- and with it a theoretically easier path in the knockout phase.
The result was harsh on Carlo Real had a great chance to get level just
ria in their opening match, they rallied the knockouts. “We have not wasted a second thinking
Ancelotti’s team, who struck the wood- five minutes later when Barcelona
from behind to beat the Republic of Ire- “I’m expecting a game not like the pre- about who we’re going to play in the last
work five times and created plenty of defender Ronald Araujo handled in the
land 2-1 in a gutsy performance that vious two games,” Vilda said on Sunday. 16,” he said.
opportunities. But Spanish champions box but Vinicius Junior blasted the penalty
instilled confidence. “Japan’s a very good team, interprets “We have no control over that and we’re
Barcelona’s more clinical finishing proved against the bar.
Veteran captain Christine Sinclair the game well and has quality players. Tac- not going to worry about it.
to be the difference. The action was non-stop as Rodrygo
appeared to be limping late in that contest tically they are very well trained and it’s a “We want it to be a match that will
A packed AT&T Stadium, home of the then forced Barcelona keeper Marc-Andre
but is fit to play, the coach said. team that can exert pressure on us. make us grow as a team and I’m convinced
NFL’S Dallas Cowboys, witnessed a game ter Stegen into a fine, full-length save with
The Matildas, who battled past the Irish “I think that the difference could be the that tomorrow’s game is like that, but it’s
which had all the passion and commit- a free-kick that was flying towards the top
1-0 before their stunning upset at the team that is better in the last third of the not a decisive match.”
ment of a real derby despite being a pre- corner.
hands of Nigeria, must win to guarantee field.” There is a fitness doubt over captain
season warm-up. The woodwork denied Real again when
they stay in the tournament. Both beat Zambia 5-0 but Spain’s 3-0 Ivana Andres, with Vilda saying the Real
The crowd were soon on their feet when Vinicius struck the bar and although Jude
They will have Kerr back, but it is not defeat of Costa Rica, compared to Japan’s Madrid skipper and central defender has
Oriel Romeu rattled the Real cross-bar Bellingham outjumped ter Stegen, the
clear exactly what part she will play for 2-0 win over the same opponents, means “a few problems”, without detailing the
with a thundering drive in the fourth midfielder’s header hit the post. – AFP
Tony Gustavsson’s team. Spain top the group with a superior goal nature of any injury. – AFP
Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Sport 19

France’s Boutier closes in on home major EVIAN (France): France’s Celine Boutier “I’m very satisfied with my round, but it Earlier this month, she played in the Korda won a European Tour event in
tightened her grip on the Evian Champi- was a hard grind,” said Boutier, a three final group on the final day in the US London last week, and it has been the per-
onship on Saturday with a third round 67 time LPGA Tour winner. Women’s Open at Pebble Beach, eventually fect boost on confidence in the injury-
to move three shots clear in her bid to “I got a great break with the chip in at finishing fourth behind Allisen Corpuz. blighted season.
become a major winner on home soil. the second. “I was dialled in on the front nine but, “The win was really big,” she continued.
With heavy rain forecast for the after- “I feel good this week because I’m stay- unfortunately, couldn’t make so many “I’ve been practising a lot on my swing,
noon, tee times were moved to early morn- ing with my family in a house about 20 birdies on the back nine,” said the six-time but golf is really crazy. One day you’re
ing and Boutier, one ahead at halfway, minutes away so it helps keep me relaxed LPGA winner. counting top tens, then the next you don’t
made the most of the ideal conditions to and my mind off the golf. “I’m three behind, but just going to go know how to make a cut.
bag five birdies and just one bogey. “The first three rounds have given me a out tomorrow and make as many birdies “You can have it, then lose it really fast.
The highlight - and vital nerve settler - lot of confidence. It’s been very different as possible.” But that’s why I appreciate the game.” –
was chipping in for a birdie two after a conditions every day and I have coped so Canada’s Henderson, the defending AFP
pulled tee shot at the short second. I’ll just go out and focus hard tomorrow.” champion, looked set to be even better
On 11 under par, the 29-year-old French Hataoka shot 68 and the Japanese 24- placed when she reached the turn in five
player was three better than Japan’s Nasa year-old has an impressive major record. under par 30.

Hodges eyes first win after late birdie spree

Boutier leads her home
Hataoka and four ahead of the past two She finished second in the 2018 LPGA But she hit her tee shot out of bounds

major by three shots.

winners, Brooke Henderson (67) and Min- Championship and was runner-up again at the 12th for a double-bogey and lost a
jee Lee (66). in the 2021 US Women’s Open. little momentum.
“Yes, the front nine was real fun,” said
the two-time major champion.
“But I was a bit unfortunate on the back
nine and dropped some shots. But that’s
LOS ANGELES: Lee Hodges produced a “It’s going to be hard tomorrow,” he major golf. Tomorrow I’ll just go out and
back-nine birdie blitz to take a strangle- said. “Not like I can go shoot even par try and make a bunch of birdies.”
hold on the PGA Tour’s 3M Open in Min- tomorrow. Nelly Korda, the world No.2, moved
nesota on Saturday and stay on course for “I’m going to have to keep making into contention on six under with a best of
the first tour victory of his career. birdies. I’m just going to stay aggressive day 64. The flawless seven birdie round
The 28-year-old world number 110 like I have been.” was the lowest round of the season for the
fired a five-under-par third round 66 to J.T. Poston leads the pursuit heading American who has been troubled by back
open up a five-shot lead heading into into the final round, five adrift after card- problems.
Sunday’s final round. ing a five-under-par 66 on Saturday to “It was super nice to see all the hard
Hodges, who is yet to win on the PGA stand on 15 under. work pay off,” said Korda who celebrated
Tour, stands on 20 under through 54 Poston believes that it will take some- her 25th birthday yesterday.
holes at the TPC Twin Cities course in thing special to overhaul Hodges on Sun- “Still 18 holes to go, but I made a push
Blaine – the first time he has taken a solo day. on moving day which I am really happy
lead into the final round. “Lee’s playing some great golf, and I about.”
“I have nothing to lose,” Hodges said would expect him to do the same tomor-
after Saturday’s round. row,” Poston said.
“I’m out here playing with house “I know he’s chasing his first win and
30-07-2023 5618/23 Perak
money. I have a job next year on the PGA it’s probably only a matter of time till he
Tour, this is all great. This is just icing on gets it done out here.
the cake.” “For me to get it done I’m going to 462
Starting the day four shots clear of probably have to shoot something lower 762
the field, Hodges struggled to generate than I have this week.” 530
momentum early on with two bogeys Tony Finau is a further shot back on 14
and two birdies to reach the turn at level under after shooting a four-under-par 67, 2462
par. while Australia’s Aaron Baddeley is 5762
But he caught fire after the turn, with fourth on 13 under after a third round 65. 2530
back-to-back birdies on the 10th and 11th Finau was bullish about his chances of 096/23 30-07-23
holes before reeling off three more reeling in Hodges in Sunday’s final round 7814 4745 9230 4610 8848
birdies to take a grip on the leaderboard. despite the six-shot deficit. 3500 9740 7275 9892 6459
2791 5953 0800
The pick of Hodges’ flurry of birdies “It’s definitely something I can come
came on the par-five 18th when he back from,” Finau said. But Lee’s playing 1221 4105 3699 7989 4092
blasted a superb third shot out of a some great golf, there’s no question 0738 6936 8623 4935 9956
greenside bunker to seven feet before about it.”
8295 9191 9086
Hodges prepares to putt on
coolly rolling in the birdie putt. Four players – Sam Ryder, Keith
7355 0914
the fourth green during the
Hodges said he plans to continue his Mitchell, Billy Horschel and Kevin Streel-
907/23 30-07-2023 5492 3244 8040 5008 7603

Video shows James’ son playing

third round of the 3M Open.

Griner to focus
aggressive approach when he tees up it man – are tied for fifth spot on 12 under,
Sunday’s final round. eight off the lead. – AFP

on mental the piano after hospital release

6191 2193 6913
5790 3635 9546 9982 0765

health: Team
9451 9915 8564 1533 0729
2354 2242 9850 5700
LOS ANGELES: LeBron James shared a video charged from hospital and was now resting 7524 8727 9539 2363
of eldest son Bronny James playing the at home. 3156 4047
LOS ANGELES: Phoenix Mercury All-Star piano on Saturday, five days after the “Although his workup will be ongo-
Brittney Griner, who missed all of last sea- teenager suffered a cardiac arrest during ing, we are hopeful for his continued 5671/23 30-07-2023
6135 5301 1790 4826
practice with his college team. progress and are encouraged by his
son while imprisoned in Russia, will miss a
The video posted on Instagram by NBA response, resilience, and his family and
two-game road trip “to focus on her mental
superstar James showed 18-year-old Bronny community support,” the hospital said in a 6621 5131 3036 3844
health,” the WNBA team said Saturday.
playing on the piano with younger brother statement. 1082 1285 0398
Griner won’t travel with the Mercury to
Chicago and Indiana for games against the
Bryce and sister Zhuri watching nearby. According to the American Heart Asso- 7471
“A man of many talents,” LeBron James ciation, only about 1 in 10 people survive an
Sky and Fever on Sunday and Tuesday. can be heard to say after the brief perform- out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, which occurs
The Mercury return to Phoenix to host ance. when the heart stops abruptly with little or
the Atlanta Dream on Thursday. 3737/23 30-07-2023 4008 7809 2318 8054
2364 9411 1225 7838
In a caption accompanying the video, no warning.
“The Mercury fully support Brittney and
9723 2157 1835 5949
James wrote: “(Bronny) you are amazing!!! James’ cardiac arrest came just over a
we will continue to work together on a time- Simple as that! Keep going...We’re here year after another USC basketball player, 7086 5865 6339 0150
5014 5109 0462 1577
line for her return,” the team said in a state- right with you every step of the way.” Vince Iwuchukwu, suffered heart failure
ment. Meanwhile separate photographs pub- and collapsed during an informal practice. 4840 6796 3397
Griner is averaging 18.2 points, 6.7 lished by the celebrity news web- Iwuchukwu subsequently made a full
rebounds and 2.0 assists in her first season 7993 9142 7286 5255
site on Saturday showed LeBron James, recovery.
back with the Mercury. 5264 3483 4833 8481
5098 5439
Bronny James and the rest of the family Bronny James committed to playing for
She was arrested last year in Russia for 1987 3357 0398 7471 7471 0398
5883 0671 6155 6053
heading out for dinner in Santa Monica, the USC Trojans in May after becoming one
0398 7749 7749 0398
having cannabis oil in her luggage and sen-
6564 0516 6861 5607
California on Friday. of the top prospects in US high school bas-
7471 7749 7749 7471
tenced to prison but freed last December in Bronny James was rushed to hospital on ketball.
a prisoner exchange. Monday after collapsing during a pre-sea- He capped a stellar senior year cam-
While Griner earned a ninth WNBA All- son training session with the University of paign at the exclusive Sierra Canyon school 295,923.64
Star nod in June, her solid season has come Southern California basketball team. in Los Angeles with 15 points in an all-star 1,934,475.19
for a struggling Mercury team that she leads Cedars Sinai Medical Center staff said on game of top college candidates, sinking five 4840 6796 6796 4840

‘All Blacks
in scoring, rebounding and blocks. – AFP Thursday the teenager had been dis- 3-pointers. – AFP 4840 3397 3397 4840
6796 3397 3397 6796 0398
RaCINg RESUlTS 66,312.89 7471

still not the

Sunday 30TH July 2023 Race 3, Class 5, 1100M, Sand Track 7749

Race 1, Initiation 1000M, Sand Track 1. Calypso (1)
1. Gemini (2) 2. Big Boss (8) 753 060 384

2. Malkita (1) 3. Chollima (2)
3. Money talk (11) 4. Go Tommy Go (3)
14 19 25 38 39 43 20
4. Puteri Hamda (12) 5. Wawa (10)
5. Dedek girl (6) 6. Gold Dream (6) 1,806,533.14
6. Ratu Pantai (9) LAST. Piping Time (5) 12,457.85 5 5 7 2
LAST. Jackie Chan (8) Forecast Div: RM22.00 MELBOURNE: Ian Foster says the All Blacks 63115 5 7 2
Forecast Div: RM26.00 Four-Forecast Div: RM1,982.00 are still not the finished product despite 10263 7 2
5 5 5 0 1 128.725.20
banking two trophies on a 10-game
Four-Forecast Div: C/F RM6,054.00 Time: 1:20:81
unbeaten streak in an ominous sign ahead 12
Time: 1:28:29 Tri-Fc Div: RM666.00
3 8 6 7 9 14 24,451.73
Tri-Fc Div: RM183.00 of the World Cup in France.
8 6 0 1 9 6 0 1 9 6
Race 4, Class 5, 1100M, Sand Track New Zealand crushed a disjointed Wal-
Race 2, Initiation 1000M, Sand Track 1. Ho Say Liao (1) labies 38-7 in Melbourne on Saturday in 4 4 7 3 3 18 6,659.76 8 6 0 1 0 1 9 6
another statement performance, which fol-
8 6 0 1 9 6
1. Honey Prize (1) 2. Laxmana (8)
lowed impressive victories over world 3 2 5 5 8 23 8,113.05
8 6 9 6
2. Midnight Lady (2) 3. Golden Express (3)
3. Black Lady (11) 4. Amoy (5) champions South Africa and an improving
4. Amoi Amoi (4) 5. Savabee (7) Argentina. 2 8 3 5 4 24 7,113.05
5 10 14 19 40 43
5. Lawa Dondo (9) 6. Bolvian Gorgeous (10) Once again, they were patient in
6. Bulan (5) LAST. HongKong Spider (6) defence, retained the ball well, were domi-
LAST. Desa Gold (6) Forecast Div: RMC/F RM148.00 nant in the scrum and devastating on the 1 4 5 8 26 27,166.28 21,002,441.01
Forecast Div: RM3.00 Four-Forecast Div: RM5,759.00 break, crossing for six tries in front of
Four-Forecast Div: RM158.00 Time: 1:20:04 nearly 84,0000 fans. 5 8 7 1 06 13,511.21 1 14 17 31 38 43
Time: 1:22:27 Tri-Fc Div: RM140.00 They built their lead with three tries
Tri-Fc Div: RM16.00 before the half and added another three in 5 5 3 0 22 3,490.09 8,265,030.26
a stunning eight-minute second-half spell
7 8 10 13 35 44 26
to retain the Rugby Championship and 6 3 4 8 06 4,332.83
trans-Tasman Bledisloe Cup. 4,553,675.46
“The manner of it is pretty pleasing. We 1 4 9 8 21 3,156.47
Sunday, 30TH July, 2023 got told we hadn’t been put under pressure 297,207.37
RACE 1 FORTITUDE TROPHY CHALLENGE (1000M) in the first two games and I don’t think that 4 7 6 3 26 2,209.22
Jockey Hendry on Jackie Chan was certified unfit to ride and replaced by jockey Hafiz. was correct,” said All Blacks coach Foster.
“We were put under a lot of pressure (by 6 0 0 7 15 2,024.72

Australia), but our responses and how
Jockey Hendry on Gembala Padang was certified unfit to ride and replaced by jockey Fauzie. we’re adapting to that was pleasing.” – AFP 5 5 5 9
Crawford is Hodges eyes
undisputed first win
welterweight after late 20
champ birdie spree

Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I MO ND AY, JULY 3 1 , 2 0 2 3

Nevern takes

second spot
Tammy wins GL Oh
in Thailand

historic gold
Sabahan kegler
Tammy Nevern Netha-
poses neel (pic) came
with her second in the
gold Open Masters of
medal. – the 47th MWA-
KUALA LUMPUR: Wushu exponent Tammy Tan Hui Ling created sporting history by win- Ministry
Singha Thailand
ning the country’s first ever gold medal in the World University Games (Universiade), of Higher
in Chengdu, China Sunday, ending a 38-year gold medal drought in the Games. Education
Open which was
Tammy Tan, who had celebrated her 22nd birthday on Thursday, produced an out- held from July 16-29 at Blu-O Rhythm &
standing performance in the women’s Qiangshu event to collect 9.613 points for the gold Bowl Ratchayothin, Bangkok, Thai-
at the Chengbei Gymnasium. land.
According to the Games’ official website, Macau’s Weng Ian Wong (9.593 points) took The fourth seed who had a great run
the silver medal while Lydia Sham Hui Yu (9.583 points) from Hong Kong settled for the in the competition lost 181-225 to top
bronze. seeded Muhd Jaris Goh from Singapore
“Tammy Tan ended Malaysia’s almost 38-year wait for a gold medal since first partic- in the final.
ipating in the Universiade held in Kobe, Japan back in 1985,” according to a Facebook He had earlier overcome at South
posting on the Institute of Higher Learning’s (IPT) sports segment. Korean fifth-seed Oh Byung Jun and
The Malaysian wushu contingent had already secured two bronze medals in the sixth-seed Chanathip Prempree of
Games through Mandy Cebelle Chen and Calvin Lee Wai Leong from the women’s Taji- Thailand 278-209-195 in the first Men’s
quan and men’s Nangun. Stepladder match before ousting sec-

Rampant Norway, solid Swiss advance as co-hosts NZ exit

The country’s previous best performance in the Universiade was winning three silver ond seed and top qualifier South
and four bronze medals during the 2017 edition in Taiwan. – Bernama Korean Hong Hae Sol and compatriot
Muhammad Syazirol Shamsuddin 200-
184-193 to reach the final.
It was Nevern’s first podium on the
international scene and he expressed
his gratitude to those who have sup-
AUCKLAND (New The second goal arrived in similar ported him.
Zealand): Norway fashion in the 17th minute. “This is my first ever podium, before
ran riot to qualify This time Vilde Boe Risa delivered a this I only got fourth place in any of the
for the last 16 of the high ball into the box for Roman Haug to open tournaments I competed in.
Women’s World send a header looping over the goal- “I would like to thank MTBC
Cup on Sunday, a 6- keeper. (Malaysian Tenpin Bowling Congress),
0 demolition of the Graham Hansen made it 3-0 in the 31st National Sports Council, Sabah Sports
Philippines taking minute with a great long-range strike Council, and the Sabah Tenpin Bowling
them through and after she pounced on Hali Long’s clear- Association for sponsoring me the trip.
eliminating co- ance. “Not forgetting also to my family
hosts New Zealand, who drew 0-0 with The Philippines, with eight US-born who always gave me words of encour-
Switzerland. players in their starting line-up, had most agement when I had thoughts of quit-
The Swiss needed just a point against of the 34,697 crowd on their side, but they ting,” he said.
New Zealand in Dunedin to ensure were totally outclassed. Meanwhile, his next outing is at the
progress to the knockout phase and a sec- The fourth goal arrived three minutes Sarawak International Open Bowling
ond successive goalless draw allowed after half-time when Barker turned Frida Championship in Kuching which will

Jken Yung
them to finish top of Group A. Maanum’s low cross into her own net. be held in September.
Meanwhile, Norway had to beat debu- Moments later the Canadian referee
tants the Philippines just to stand a awarded a penalty after reviewing a chal-

wins 9-ball
chance of qualifying and they cruised to lenge on Reiten by Jaclyn Sawicki. Reiten
victory at Eden Park in Auckland with comfortably stroked home the spot-kick.

Sophie Roman Haug scoring a hat-trick. Salt was rubbed into Filipino wounds
Roman Haug netted twice early on and as substitute Sofia Harrison, another of
Caroline Graham Hansen got the third their US-born contingent, was shown a
before half-time. red card following a VAR review for a late
Alicia Barker scored an own goal and challenge on Bjelde.
Guro Reiten added a penalty before Roman Haug then got her third and KOTA KINABALU: Kok Jken Yung was
Roman Haug completed her hat-trick as Norway’s sixth when she headed home a crowned champion in the Myth Bar 9-Ball
a Norway team that had not scored in Reiten cross in injury time. Open Handicap Pool Tournament on Fri-
their first two outings at this World Cup In Dunedin, New Zealand had the bet- day.
came to life. ter of the first half with a string of He whitewashed Awang Ali 8-0 in a
The scoreline allowed the 1995 World chances, the pick of which saw forward one-sided final to take home the RM7,000
Cup winners to pass in front of New Norway’s Sophie Roman Haug (right) heads the Jacqui Hand rattle the post on 24 minutes. cash prize while the losing finalist received
Zealand into second place on goal differ- ball during the match against the Philippines. As Norway chalked up the goals in RM3,500.
ence. 16 tie in Wellington next Saturday against Graham Hansen after controversially Auckland, the New Zealanders upped the Third place went to Casper Chin who
The Football Ferns, who beat Norway whoever tops Group C between Japan and dropping the Barcelona winger in the last intensity knowing only a win would be edged Lawrence Wong 8-6 in the playoff to
in their opening game to record a historic Spain. match. good enough to advance. win the RM1,700 prize money with RM850
first ever World Cup win, will not go any Switzerland will head to Auckland to Roman Haug, the 24-year-old Roma The atmosphere among the sell-out going to Lawrence.
further in their home tournament. face the Group C runners-up the same forward, again filled in for Hegerberg and crowd grew more heated as both teams Earlier in the semi-finals, Kok defeated
The Philippines, who themselves day. it took her just six minutes to open the pushed for a goal and New Zealand goal- Lawrence 8-2 while Awang drew 7-7 with
marked their World Cup debut with a Norway were again without star striker scoring. keeper Victoria Esson might have won it Casper to reach the final.
famous win against New Zealand, are out Ada Hegerberg, with the former Ballon Thea Bjelde delivered a high, hanging with a header from a corner in added Cash prize of RM200 was also given out
too after a heavy defeat in a game they d’Or winner still recovering from a groin cross from the right to the back post for time that went wide. by the organisers to each of the losing

Morocco’s Benzina makes history

finished with 10 players. injury. Roman Haug to hook the ball back over Many of the New Zealand players were quarter-finalists and RM100 to the last 16

Colombia stun Germany with late winner

Norway, in contrast, advance to a last- However, coach Hege Riise recalled goalkeeper Olivia McDaniel and in. in tears as their run ended. – AFP losers. – GL Oh

with hijab at Women’s World Cup SYDNEY: Colombia scored a 97th-minute

winner through a Manuela Vanegas
Their victory left Colombia top of
Group H with a perfect six points. Ger-
ADELAIDE: Nouhaila Benzina became the the lead-up to the World Cup about wear- header to snatch a dramatic 2-1 victory many and Morocco have three each and all
first player to wear a hijab during a ing a hijab, but has not spoken to the over Germany and stand on the cusp of the to play for.
Women’s World Cup game when she media in Australia and New Zealand about Women’s World Cup last 16 on Sunday. South Korea are still just about alive on
sported the Muslim headscarf in it. Skipper Alexandra Popp thought she zero points.
Morocco’s match against South Korea on She told broadcaster Al Jazeera recently had rescued a point for Germany as she Germany face the Koreans in the last
Sunday. it would be a proud moment. held her nerve to score from the spot on 89 round of matches while Colombia are up
World governing body Fifafted its ban “Lots of work was done over many minutes. against Morocco.
on footballers wearing the hijab nearly a years, and thank God it had a positive But in an incredible finish to a pulsat- Singing and dancing Colombian fans
decade ago, after previous concerns over result,” she said. ing clash, Vanegas popped up deep into vastly outnumbered German supporters in
player safety. “We hope to play at a high level and stoppage time for all three points with a a raucous crowd at Sydney Football Sta-
The 25-year-old defender Benzina, who honour Moroccans.” close-range header. dium.
plays her club football in Morocco, ran out Several other sports have lifted hijab It came after Linda Caicedo scored one Loud boos and whistles went up each
against South Korea in Adelaide to write bans in recent years including basketball, of the goals of the tournament in front of time Germany had the ball, and they had
her name in the history books. but it is still not allowed during official 40,000 fans in Sydney near the start of the plenty of it in the first half.
Benzina (right) during the

Keningau and Kota Marudu emerge Under-18 hockey champions

Benzina shared social media posts in football matches in France. – AFP match against South Korea.
second half, but that was just the begin- Lina Magull swung and missed the ball
ning of the drama. as it sat up invitingly for her in the Colom-
bian penalty area.
Magull was a menace and after making
life difficult once more for the Colombian
defence, the ball fell to striker Popp with
KOTA KINABALU: Keningau and Kota the goal gaping just before the break.
Marudu emerged champions in the Sabah But the usually deadly striker skied her
School Sports Council Hockey Under-18 volley high and wide to give the South
championship which concluded at the Americans a huge let-off.
Likas Hockey Stadium on Friday. The second half started with Germany,
Keningau captured the boys title with champions in 2003 and 2007, again look-
a 3-0 win over Kota Belud in the final with ing the more likely to score.
Kota Marudu and Tenom in joint third Teenager Caicedo started the game for
place. Kota Marudu girls on the other Colombia following a training-ground
hand, took the title with a 4-2 shoot-out scare on Thursday when she went down
victory against Keningau after both teams holding her chest.
tied 0-0 at full time. The tournament saw On 52 minutes she added to her goal
the participation of 30 teams with 15 in from the opening 2-0 win over South
each category and they were divided into Korea with a strike of the highest quality.
The Keningau boys and Kota Marudu girls with officials after the closing ceremony.
five groups. – GL Oh – AFP

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Subuh Zohor Asar Maghrib Isyak
KK/Pantai Barat 5.01 12.26 3.47 6.35 7.49
Sandakan Timur 4.53 12.18 3.39 6.28 7.41
Sandakan Barat 4.57 12.22 3.43 6.31 7.44
Tawau Timur 4.51 12.15 3.36 6.24 7.37
Tawau Barat 4.55 12.19 3.40 6.27 7.40
Kudat 4.55 12.22 3.42 6.33 7.47
Pedalaman Atas 4.59 12.24 3.45 6.33 7.46
Perlu lebih banyak inisiatif latih KSTI yakin penglibatan pelajar Mohamad Alif, Fateeha Puluhan cedera, ditahan dalam protes Pedalaman Bawah 5.02 12.27 3.48 6.36 7.49
wanita Sabah dalam kepimpinan > 2 dalam STEM capai 40 peratus > 3 peserta terbaik > 6 antikerajaan di Bangladesh > 7

Rampasan syabu terbesar bernilai RM3.36j

Jeremy S Zabala siasatan sedang dijalankan untuk menge-
KOTA KINABALU: Jabatan Kastam Diraja nal pasti pengirim serta penerima yang
Malaysia (JKDM) Sabah sekali lagi meng- dialamatkan di sebuah kondominium di
gagalkan aktiviti penyeludupan dadah, Likas.
apabila merampas syabu bernilai RM3.36 Beliau berkongsi, modus operandi kes
juta – rampasan terbesar tahun ini – dalam ini adalah dengan mengedar dadah
satu operasi di Pelabuhan Sepanggar, menggunakan kontena dan meletakkan-
Rabu. nya dalam bungkusan detergen dan
Ketua Pengarah JKDM Datuk Zazuli mengisytiharkannya sebagai produk itu.
Johan berkata, serbuan dilakukan kira- “Barang itu akan dicampur dengan
kira jam 5 petang oleh Unit Operasi Pen- barangan lain dalam bekas ‘Less than Con-
(dua kanan)
guatkuasaan Cawangan Narkotik, tainer-Load’ (LCL).
bersama Nasir
Pasukan Tempur Operasi Medan Kastam “Kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 39B
(dua kiri)
(Cobra) susulan maklumat. Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan jika sabit
Dalam operasi itu, beliau berkata kesalahan boleh dihukum mati manda-
dadah jenis
pasukan itu menjalankan pemeriksaan ke tori atau penjara seumur hidup,” katanya
syabu yang
atas kontena yang tiba dari Pelabuhan lagi.
Klang, Selangor, dan menemui dadah Sementara itu, beliau juga berkata
yang disimpan dalam sembilan kotak. JKDM Sabah merampas dadah dengan
operasi itu.

Menteri baharu KPDN diumum selepas PRN – PM

“Pemeriksaan lanjut dijalankan ke atas jumlah keseluruhan 122.9kg bernilai
sembilan kotak itu membawa kepada pen- RM7.66 susulan operasi yang dijalankan
emuan dadah jenis methamphetamine sejak Jan hingga 25 Julai tahun ini – tidak
seberat 101.951kg bernilai RM3,364,383. termasuk kes dadah terbaharu.
Dadah itu dibungkus di dalam bungkusan “Ini membabitkan 103.17 kilogram
lutsinar yang disimpan di dalam pem- dadah berbahaya jenis methamphetamine
bungkusan detergen berjenama Anchor. dianggarkan bernilai RM3,857,920.84, KUALA LUMPUR: Perdana Menteri Datuk masa… saya fikir tidak terlalu lama,” Beliau turut meminta Timbalan
“Selain dadah, kotak itu juga mengan- 10.09 kilogram ganja dianggarkan bernilai Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata Menteri katanya kepada pemberita selepas beru- Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan
dungi bahan pencuci sebenar jenama RM54,226.90, 9.65 kilogram Ketamin dan Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara cap pada Majlis Perasmian Penutup Hari Kos Sara Hidup Fuziah Salleh untuk mem-
sama. Dipercayai ini adalah taktik untuk Ecstasy dianggarkan bernilai RM382,443. Hidup yang baharu akan diumum selepas Pengguna Kebangsaan 2023 di Pizzeria bantu Armizan menjalankan tugas di
mengelirukan pihak berkuasa,” katanya “Selain itu, JKDM Sabah turut merekod- urusan Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) yang Pavilion Bukit Jalil di sini, Ahad. kementerian itu.
pada sidang media di Wisma Pen- kan rampasan 631.77 kilogram ketum sedang berlangsung di enam negeri sele- Buat masa ini, Anwar berkata beliau “Sementara ini, Armizan diberi tang-
guatkuasa Kastam, di sini, Ahad. dianggarkan bernilai RM6,289.31. Ram- sai. memberi tanggungjawab kepada Menteri gungjawab memantau dan menjalankan
Turut hadir Penolong Ketua Pengarah pasan ketum itu melibatkan 581.48 kilo- Anwar berkata beliau memerlukan di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal tugas. Fuziah pun dah faham betul (uru-
(Zon Sabah) Mohd Nasir Deraman, antara gram serbuk ketum dianggarkan bernilai masa untuk meletakkan pengganti Datuk Sabah, Sarawak dan Tugas-Tugas Khas) san KPDN).
lain. RM5,786.46 dan 50.29 kilogram daun Seri Salahuddin Ayub yang meninggal Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali untuk meman- “Jadi saya nampak tiada gangguan dan
Di sebalik rampasan terbesar itu, Zazuli ketum dianggarkan bernilai RM502.85,” dunia pada 23 Julai lepas. tau urusan Kementerian Perdagangan saya minta Armizan tumpu lebih sikit di

Tambahan RM50 juta


Sistem suria guna bateri baharu akan diperkenal untuk BELB

berkata tiada tangkapan dibuat, namun, “Belum lagi, lepas PRN… bagi saya Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup. kementerian ini,” katanya. – Bernama

untuk perluas konsep
penggantungan Rahmah seluruh DUN
KOTA KINABALU: Satu sistem baharu pem-

bekalan elektrik luar bandar akan diwu-
judkan dengan menggunakan tenaga

suria yang menggunakan bateri baharu
jenis “lithium-ion” seperti digunakan KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan meluluskan
dalam kenderaan elektik (EV) kerana peruntukan tambahan sebanyak RM50

secara dalaman:
mampu bertahan lama berbanding bateri juta bagi memperluas konsep Rahmah
yang digunakan sebelum ini. yang diusahakan Kementerian Perdagan-

Ahmad Zahid
Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri gan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup.
Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar
walaupun program Bekalan Elektrik Luar Ibrahim berkata peruntukan tambahan itu
Bandar (BELB) di Sabah dan Sarawak, membolehkan kementerian memastikan
sebelum ini telah pun mengguna pakai rakyat di setiap Dewan Udangan Negeri
tenaga suria, namun ia berdepan kekan- (DUN) seluruh negara mendapat manfaat
KOTA KINABALU: Segala isu yang gan termasuk masalah penggantian
timbul akibat penggantungan Tim- daripada konsep berkenaan.
bateri. “Saya mahu perjuangan Rahmah ini
balan Ketua Menteri III Sabah Datuk “Semasa pelaksanaan program berke- diperluaskan...kementerian ada men-
Shahelmey Yahya daripada Umno naan, pembekalan bateri hanya diberikan gusulkan kalau boleh kita perluas di
selama enam tahun, akan disele- kepada satu pihak sahaja, sedangkan kawasan DUN, saya akan pastikan untuk
saikan secara dalaman, kata Presi- kawasan Sabah dan Sarawak terlalu luas. menyegerakan pelaksanaan ini berper-
den Umno Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Maka ia tidak praktikal dan mengambil ingkat dan kita luluskan tambah RM50 juta.
Zahid Hamidi. masa sehingga akhirnya kawasan yang Kita lakukan ini kerana ia menyentuh
menggunakan tenaga suria akan men-
Ahmad Zahid, diiringi Ewon (kanan), mengadakan sidang media
Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu secara langsung golongan berpendapatan
galami kegelapan yang lebih lama.
pada majlis penutupan APCYS 4.0, pada Ahad. – fotoBERNAMA
berkata Umno pada masa rendah kerana tidak ada makna bicara soal
ini berpendirian bahawa, Jadi dengan adanya teknologi baharu, rahmah, tiada makna bicara soal perjuan-
Shahelmey merupakan Ahli Parli- jangka hayat bateri itu lebih lama dan sis- gan, tiada erti bicara soal ihsan, belas kasi-
tem penyelenggaraan juga akan ditukar tidak seharusnya melihat koperasi sebagai negeri,” kata Menteri Kemajuan Desa dan han dan prihatin kalau soal makanan
men Putatan dan Ahli Dewan
dengan meletakkan beberapa pembekal sebuah badan sukarela semata-mata seba- Wilayah itu. mereka (rakyat) pun tidak terjamin,”
Undangan Negeri (DUN) Tanjung di beberapa kawasan tertentu, bukan liknya wadah bagi mewujudkan jati diri Beliau berkata kerajaan melalui agensi katanya.
Keramat yang mewakili Kerajaan hanya satu pembekal untuk satu negeri perniagaan dan seterusnya menanam berkaitan terutama Kementerian Pemban-
Perpaduan. Beliau berkata demikian dalam ucapan
sebesar Sabah dan Sarawak,” katanya. budaya keusahawanan dalam diri mereka. gunan Usahawan dan Koperasi mempun- pada majlis penutupan Hari Pengguna
“Kita mempunyai semangat Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang “Jadikan ia (koperasi dan keusa- yai pelbagai mekanisme untuk Kebangsaan 2023 di Pavilion Bukit Jalil, di
dalam Kerajaan Perpaduan, maka media selepas merasmikan Majlis Penutup hawanan) sebagai kerjaya dan jangan ter- menggalakkan lebih ramai golongan belia sini, Ahad.
tindakan itu kita lakukan secara Sidang Kemuncak Koperasi Belia Asia Pasi- lalu melihat (perniagaan berbentuk) terlibat dalam bidang itu antaranya Anwar turut menzahirkan penghar-
dalaman,” katanya pada sidang fik 4.0 di sini, pada Ahad, yang turut produk sahaja tetapi juga perkhidmatan... melalui pembiayaan serta bimbingan per- gaan kepada semua pihak yang men-
media selepas merasmikan dihadiri Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan selain itu, lihat juga aspek bagaimana ia niagaan. jayakan inisiatif itu kerana berjaya
Majlis Penutup Sidang Kemuncak dan Koperasi Datuk Ewon Benedick. dapat memberi keutamaan kepada belia Ahmad Zahid juga berkata Perdana memaknai erti ihsan dan rahmah yang
Koperasi Belia Asia Pasifik 4.0 di sini, Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata di luar bandar supaya ia terimbang per- Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ketika diketengahkan menerusi konsep Malaysia
Ahad. demikian sebagai mengulas tentang lapo- tumbuhan ekonominya. membentangkan Belanjawan 2023, Madani dan mahu mereka memperta-
Ditanya tentang kenyataan Sha- ran berkenaan kesediaan Sabah menjadi “Saya juga melihat koperasi perlu main memaklumkan bahawa kadar pengang- hankan rekod yang dipamerkan agar
helmey bahawa beliau masih belum tapak projek rintis kedua selepas Selangor peranan dalam usaha mewujudkan guran bagi rakyat Malaysia berumur 24 rakyat terus mendapat manfaatnya.
menerima surat penggantungan dalam pemasangan panel suria besar- semangat keusahawanan dalam kalangan tahun ke bawah kekal di atas 10 peratus Beliau percaya Menteri di Jabatan Per-
besaran melalui Pelan Hala Tuju Peralihan belia melalui latihan dan sebagainya,” dan ia antara perkara yang menjadi keuta- dana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Sabah, Sarawak
itu, Ahmad Zahid berkata “kita buat
Tenaga Negara (NETR) Fasa 1. katanya pada sidang media selepas meras- maan kerajaan untuk dikurangkan. dan Tugas-Tugas Khas) Datuk Armizan
secara dalaman.” Sementara itu, ditanya mengenai mikan Majlis Penutup Sidang Kemuncak “Menerusi Belanjawan 2023, beberapa
Pada 18 Mac lepas, Pengerusi Mohd Ali, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan
sasaran kerajaan untuk menghapuskan Koperasi Belia Asia Pasifik (APCYS) 4.0 di langkah telah diketengah bagi membantu Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup Fuziah
Badan Perhubungan Umno Sabah kemiskinan di negara ini terutama di sini, Ahad. belia dalam menghadapi kos sara hidup Salleh dan pegawai di kementerian yang
Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin, kawasan luar bandar, beliau berkata Turut hadir Menteri Pembangunan dan meringankan beban ekonomi mereka terlibat dalam membawa agenda itu ke
mengesahkan Shahelmey digan- kementerian mempunyai pelbagai pro- Usahawan dan Koperasi Datuk Ewon tanpa mengira latar belakang hadapan.
tung keahlian parti selama enam gram tersendiri untuk membantu men- Benedick, Timbalan Menteri Luar Datuk sosioekonomi termasuk akses kepada “Pertahankan rekod dan tekad lagi. Ada
tahun, namun pada 26 Julai lalu jayakan usaha berkenaan. Mohamad Alamin serta Pembantu pembiayaan serta program peningkatan kejayaan awal yang dilakukan dan perbe-
Shahelmey memberitahu beliau “Kita tahu garis kemiskinan iaitu pen- Menteri Kepada Ketua Menteri Sabah kemahiran,” katanya ketika berucap pada lanjaan juga tinggi serta kerjasama ramai
masih belum menerima surat peng- dapatan di bawah RM2,250 untuk B40 dan Datuk Abidin Madingkir. majlis penutupan APCYS 4.0. syarikat yang saya tak dapat nak sebut ker-
gantungan tersebut. dilaporkan terdapat kira-kira 130,000 isi Ahmad Zahid berkata sektor koperasi Justeru, beliau yakin sektor koperasi ana ramai sekali.
Pada 7 Jan lalu, Bung Moktar rumah yang berada di dalam paras dan keusahawanan juga mampu adalah antara peluang terbaik untuk belia “Saya beritahu Salahuddin (Allah-
mengumumkan Umno dan Barisan kemiskinan tegar di negara ini. Adalah memainkan peranan ke arah mengu- mengembangkan kemampuan keusa- yarham Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub)
Nasional Sabah menarik sokongan menjadi hasrat Kerajaan Perpaduan untuk rangkan kadar pengangguran dalam hawanan mereka sekali gus meningkatkan sebelum ini bila kerajaan ambil inisiatif
terhadap Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor menyifarkan kemiskinan tegar itu kalangan belia di negara ini. kebolehpasaran golongan itu. Rahmah dan disambut oleh restoran,
sebelum akhir tahun ini,” katanya. “Bidang ini bukan hanya kerja makan “Membangunkan golongan belia seba- kedai dan toko-toko, saya sangat rasa ter-
sebagai Ketua Menteri, namun Sha-
Terdahulu, Zahid berkata belia di gaji tetapi juga keusahawanan, justeru gai penyumbang konstruktif kepada pem- haru dan kita patut adakan satu majlis
helmey bersama empat Ahli Dewan Malaysia wajar menjadikan gerakan kop- kita bekerjasama bukan (bergerak secara) bangunan negara memerlukan usaha
Undangan Negeri (Adun) parti itu, penghargaan kepada mereka,” kata Anwar.
erasi dan bidang keusahawanan sebagai solo ke arah hasrat ini dan kita harap bersepadu yang melangkaui entiti dan Salahuddin, yang merupakan Menteri
kekal menyokong Pengerusi Gabun- satu budaya untuk mereka meningkatkan usaha ini (mengurangkan pengangguran kementerian merangkumi setiap aspek Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara
gan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) berkenaan. tahap ekonomi masing-masing. belia) dapat kita realisasikan menerusi masyarakat tanpa mengira peranan for- Hidup meninggal dunia pada 23 Julai
– Bernama Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata belia pelbagai kementerian, juga kerajaan mal,” katanya. – Bernama lepas. – Bernama
2 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I I S NI N, 3 1 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
‘Koperasi negara mampu bergerak secara
Koperasi bersepadu menerusi pembentukan Federasi’
KOTA KINABALU: Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Abidin Madingkir.

bantu kukuh Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata

sektor koperasi negara mampu bergerak
secara bersepadu menerusi pembentukan
federasi yang membabitkan model pernia-
Ahmad Zahid, yang merujuk gabungan
koperasi pertanian di Korea Selatan iaitu
Federasi Koperasi Pertanian Kebangsaan
(NAFC) sebagai contoh, berkata ia menjadi
gaan penggabungan badan itu. organisasi puncak bagi 1,118 koperasi den-

keterjaminan Menteri Kemajuan Desa dan Wilayah itu

berkata menerusi pembentukan federasi,
koperasi mempunyai potensi besar untuk
meningkatkan sosioekonomi serta kese-
gan jumlah keahlian 2.1 juta petani
merangkumi pemilik, pengguna dan pen-
gawal koperasi.
“Federasi itu menyokong koperasi
ANTARA bahagian rumah yang
musnah dalam kebakaran itu.

jahteraan rakyat dan ia kini menjadi anggota dengan menyediakan sistem untuk Rumah terbakar
bekalan makanan penyumbang ketiga kepada ekonomi
negara selepas sektor kerajaan dan swasta,
yang menyaksikan jumlah keanggotaan 7.3
juta dengan modal syer serta yuran
petani Korea yang majoritinya mengalami
masalah kapasiti pengeluaran yang lemah
dan sumber kewangan tidak mencukupi,”
50 peratus di S’kan
Mardinah Jikur
terkumpul sebanyak RM16.5 bilion. Beliau berkata NAFC memainkan per- SANDAKAN: Sebuah rumah dua tingkat

negara – Ewon “Kerajaan yakin jika koperasi di negara ini

dapat bergabung melalui federasi, jaminan
keselamatan makanan negara akan
diperkukuh seterusnya dapat mengimbangi
anan penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi
Korea dan berkembang menjadi antara kop-
erasi paling berjaya di dunia. Justeru, Ahmad
Zahid menyeru gerakan koperasi di Malaysia
musnah kira-kira 50 peratus dalam
kebakaran di Taman Sejati, di sini, Sabtu.
Pusat Gerakan Operasi Jabatan Bomba
dan Penyelamat Sabah dalam kenyataan
KOTA KINABALU: Sebanyak 172 koperasi Ewon berkata bagi membantu kerajaan kos makanan yang semakin meningkat. agar bergerak secara bersepadu untuk mem- berkata, kebakaran itu memusnahkan dua
terlibat dalam sektor agromakanan menangani kos sara hidup rakyat yang “Ini kerana model perniagaan melalui bantu kerajaan dalam agenda menoktahkan bilik dan tandas di tingkat atas rumah
mampu memainkan peranan untuk mem- semakin meningkat, Kuskop melalui SKM penggabungan koperasi bukan hanya dapat kemiskinan tegar sekali gus meningkatkan berkeluasan 18X40 kaki itu.
bantu mengukuhkan keterjaminan telah menjenamakan semula kedai-kedai meningkatkan keupayaan pengeluaran pro- kesejahteraan rakyat dan berharap ia dapat Katannya, jabatan itu menerima pang-
bekalan makanan negara, kata Menteri koperasi di seluruh negara secara berper- duk dan perkhidmatan gerakan koperasi terlibat secara serius ke arah membantu gilan kecemasan melalui talian MERS 999
Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi ingkat di bawah satu nama iaitu Coop- melalui ekonomi skala malahan boleh ikhtiar kerajaan menurunkan harga barang kira-kira jam 6.03 petang dan segera
Datuk Ewon Benedick. Mart. memendekkan rantaian bekalan dengan keperluan asas seperti gula, tepung serta menghantar 17 anggota dari Balai Bomba
Beliau berkata koperasi yang terlibat “Langkah itu bagi menyeragamkan mengurangkan peranan dan penglibatan minyak masak. dan Penyelamat Sandakan bersama dua
dalam agromakanan itu meliputi aktiviti model perniagaan mereka dan sehingga orang tengah,” katanya. “Gerakan koperasi juga boleh menjadi jentera dan EMRS ke lokasi sejauh 9km
pertanian, penternakan, perikanan dan kini sebanyak 2,581 kedai runcit koperasi Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap wahana efektif bukan hanya dalam pem- dari balai.
pembekalan input pertanian dan ter- berjenama CoopMart telah beroperasi di di Majlis Penutupan Bulan Koperasi bangunan usahawan tetapi juga Operasi terkawal jam 6.23 petang,
nakan. seluruh negara,” katanya. Kebangsaan 2023 di sini, Ahad, yang turut memainkan peranan besar bagi membantu sebelum tamat sepenuhnya jam 6.40
“Gerakan koperasi telah diberi tang- Sementara itu ketika berucap di Sidang dihadiri Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan B40 dan golongan rentan menangani petang. Bagaimanapun, tiada kecederaan
gungjawab untuk membantu mem- Kemuncak Koperasi Belia Asia Pasifik di dan Koperasi Datuk Ewon Benedick serta cabaran peningkatan kos sara hidup,” dilaporkan dan punca kejadian masih
perkukuhkan keterjaminan bekalan sini hari ini, Ewon berkata penglibatan Pembantu Menteri kepada Ketua Menteri katanya. – Bernama dalam siasatan.
makanan negara melalui penglibatan belia dalam sektor koperasi adalah pent-
koperasi dalam sektor agromakanan,”
katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Penu-
ing untuk memperkasakan gerakan itu.
Beliau berkata Dasar Keusahawanan Jabatan k’jaan digesa contohi cara NGO laksana projek
tupan Bulan Koperasi Kebangsaan 2023 di 2023 dan Pelan Transformasi Koperasi
sini, Ahad. Malaysia 2021-2025, yang merupakan
Jeremy S Zabala terhadap usaha mereka. – penderma dan penerima – menunjukkan
KOTA KINABALU: Jabatan kerajaan perlu Sehubungan itu, beliau merakamkan kualiti pemilikan yang sama terhadap
Majlis penutupan itu disempurnakan dasar baharu Kuskop telah ucapan terima kasih kepada RCKK atas projek tertentu.
mencontohi amalan dan kaedah pelak-
oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Ser merangkumkan matlamat-matlamat bagi inisiatif, kebolehan dan komitmen Beliau berkata ini akan segera
sanaan projek oleh pertubuhan bukan
Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. menggalakkan golongan muda untuk mereka bukan sahaja dalam meng- meningkatkan kemajuan sesuatu projek
kerajaan (NGO) yang menunjukkan
Katanya Kementerian Pembangunan melibatkan diri dalam sektor koperasi. hasilkan dana sendiri untuk pelaksanaan dengan ia akan dijalankan dengan
kejayaan serta keberkesanan kos.
Usahawan dan Koperasi (Kuskop) melalui Kuskop dan semua agensinya telah projek tetapi juga mencapai objektif berhati-hati dan berjimat cermat.
Menteri Kewangan Sabah Datuk Seri
Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) melaksanakan pelbagai program terma- mereka dalam membantu masyarakat luar “Pada saya, ini pendekatan (betul). Ker-
Masidi Manjun berkata terdapat NGO
telah menyediakan pembiayaan modal suk ekskursi lapangan, pameran, bengkel bandar. ana apabila projek itu dilaksanakan oleh
yang mempunyai rekod prestasi cemer-
pusingan agromakanan dengan perun- dan seminar untuk memperkuatkan dan Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata Kera- NGO, kedua-dua penderma dan penerima
lang apabila melaksanakan program atau
tukan RM100 juta dan geran bantuan memperkasakan pembangunan koperasi jaan Negeri sentiasa bersedia untuk mem- menuntut pemilikan terhadapnya. Mem-
projek kemasyarakatan yang berjaya dis-
pembangunan sehingga RM300,000 di dalam negara. bantu mana-mana NGO dan projek punyai rasa pemilikan terhadap projek
ampaikan kepada rakyat walaupun mem-
kepada koperasi yang berkelayakan. Ewon berkata sidang kemuncak ini mereka terutamanya dari segi dana, jika atau program merupakan faktor terbesar
punyai dana terhad.
“Kuskop melalui SKM juga telah melak- satu daripada platform terbaik untuk ini adalah projek terutamanya untuk yang dilaksanakan dan diterima dengan
Dengan kebolehan dan komitmen
sanakan program Jualan Madani Koperasi menarik belia berkongsi pengalaman memberi manfaat kepada rakyat Sabah. baik oleh penduduk tempatan di kawasan
yang dipamerkan, beliau berkata jabatan
(JMK) yang menawarkan penjimatan mereka dalam menubuhkan koperasi dan Katanya, Kerajaan Negeri sedia menim- luar bandar.
kerajaan bukan sahaja perlu menim-
harga barangan sehingga 20 peratus dari- memupuk satu budaya kerjasama bangkan sebarang permohonan dan “Memandangkan wang itu dikumpul
bangkan sebaliknya melaksanakan
pada harga pasaran,” katanya. menerusi koperasi. – Bernama menyediakan peruntukan yang diper- oleh NGO dan kerja itu dilakukan oleh
amalan sama yang ternyata mampu mem-
berikan hasil positif dalam pelaksanaan lukan untuk mereka (NGO) yang mem- orang kampung, mereka akan mempun-
40 pelajar Sabah bakal terima ABCNS esok projek.
“Ada dua perkara yang mereka lak-
punyai program yang sangat khusus.
“Menangani masalah (di kawasan luar
yai pemilikan yang kuat terhadapnya dan
menyumbang kepada projek yang sedang
KOTA KINABALU: Seramai akan menjadi pendorong untuk sanakan dengan cemerlang. Satu ialah bandar) bukan sahaja memerlukan wang dijalankan serta menjaganya,” tambah-
40 pelajar berpencapaian melahirkan bukan sahaja pelajar cemer- komitmen dalam memastikan projek itu tetapi juga memastikan ringgit ini berta- nya.
tinggi dalam bidang pen- lang dalam bidang akademik tetapi juga siap dan kedua ialah kos (pelaksanaan han lama. Satu-satunya yang boleh Sementara itu, Rosie berkata beliau
didikan akan menerima individu bertanggungjawab yang projek) yang jauh lebih rendah. Kurang berbuat demikian ialah NGO dan bukan sahaja akan bekerja keras dalam
Anugerah Biasiswa Cemer- menyumbang secara positif kepada (kos) tetapi lebih ramai orang telah men- (mereka) nampaknya cemerlang dalam mengekalkan dan memelihara imej
lang Negeri Sabah (ABCNS), masyarakat,” kata beliau. dapat manfaat daripada projek itu dan hal ini kerana ia bukan wang mereka. berimpak yang diwariskan presiden ter-
pengiktirafan tertinggi dalam pendidikan Pada masa ini, seramai 484 penerima kosnya sangat minimum. “Mereka bekerja untuk mengumpul dahulu RCKK tetapi juga untuk memas-
di negeri ini. ABCNS telah menamatkan pengajian “Dan atas sebab ini sahaja (saya fikir) wang. (Walaupun) jika kita memperun- tikan projek-projek akan dilaksanakan
Anugerah ABCNS siri ke-34 tersebut mereka, manakala 213 lagi masih belajar. jabatan kerajaan harus mencontohi malah tukkan RM100,000 (yang mungkin nam- akan memberi manfaat lebih ramai rakyat
akan disampaikan oleh Ketua Menteri “Pada tahun ini, seramai 40 pelajar lagi belajar sesuatu daripada NGO. Dengan pak banyak) tetapi kita jangan lupa Sabah di daerah luar bandar.
merangkap Pengerusi Lembaga Pemegang akan menerima anugerah ini. Penerima jumlah dana yang terhad, mereka boleh bahawa mereka telah mengumpulkan Pada masa sama, beliau berkata projek
Amanah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Seri Hajiji akan mengikuti pelbagai kursus dan menyiapkan projek besar,” katanya pada lebih daripada itu sendiri. tambahan juga akan diperkenalkan oleh
Noor pada Selasa di Auditorium Tun bidang pengajian selaras dengan prospek Majlis Pelantikan Kelab Rotari Kota Kina- “Jadi, apa yang kami berikan hanyalah kelab di bawah kepimpinan baharunya
Ahmad Raffae, Menara Tun Mustapha. kerjaya peribadi dan ekonomi berasaskan balu (RCKK) Pearl ke-9, di sini, Sabtu. jumlah token yang kecil berbanding den- untuk memastikan RCKK akan terus mem-
Menurut Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Dato’ pengetahuan,” tambahnya. Turut hadir Presiden RCKK Rosie gan apa yang mereka kumpul sendiri,” bantu komuniti dari pelbagai kawasan.
Sri Haji Gulamhaidar @ Yusof Khan Sejak penubuhannya hampir 60 tahun Chong, Presiden Dipilih Chendramata Sin- tambahnya. “Semasa saya mengambil alih tampuk
Bahadar (gambar), ABCNS merupakan lalu, Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah merealisas- teh, presiden terdahulu RCKK Pearl Datuk Masidi mengulas pengumuman perun- sebagai Presiden Kelab Rotary Kota Kina-
anugerah berprestij yang diberikan oleh ikan misinya dalam meningkatkan kualiti Aminah Ambrose dan bekas presiden tukan RM100,000 yang akan diberikan balu Pearl ke-9, tanggungjawab ini meru-
Kerajaan Negeri melalui Kumpulan kehidupam rakyat Malaysia di negeri ini. Eliza Goh, antara lain. kepada RCKK untuk projek masa depan pakan satu penghormatan dan peringatan
Yayasan Sabah kepada pelajar cemerlang Sejak itu, ia ergerak ke hadapan dan Di sebalik mampu “membiayai sendiri”, yang dijangka dijalankan di beberapa mengenai komitmen saya untuk berkhid-
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). kekal teguh, menokok tambah usaha- Masidi berkata sudah tiba masanya untuk kampung di Kota Marudu dan Pitas. mat kepada komuniti kita, melibatkan
Tegasnya, ABCNS adalah penggerak usaha Kerajaan Negeri dan Persekutuan Kerajaan Negeri bukan sahaja mengiktiraf Selain NGO, beliau juga berkata kesem- ahli, membina persahabatan dan men-
kepada pelajar untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam membangunkan negeri ini, khusus- sumbangan NGO kepada orang ramai purnaan pelaksanaan projek hanya akan cipta perubahan yang berkekalan dalam
akademik yang lebih tinggi. nya dalam aspek pendidikan. tetapi juga memberikan sokongan penuh menjadi kenyataan jika kedua-dua pihak komuniti kita dan seterusnya,” katanya.
Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah, katanya,
menggesa pelajar untuk mengambil pelu-
ang agar belajar dengan tekun dan cemer-
lang dalam pendidikan bagi mendapatkan
20 PRPA Titik Panas ditempatkan seluruh negara – Dr Zaliha
penempatan pekerjaan di pasaran. KOTA BHARU: Sebanyak 20 lokasi Pusat “Bagi memastikan kualiti perkhid- Beliau berkata demikian kepada pem- ditempatkan di lokasi seperti pusat beli-
“Kepada semua penerima, gunakanlah Operasi Perkhidmatan Rawatan Pra Hos- matan dan masa tindak balas dicapai, berita selepas melawat PRPA Titik Panas belah, stesen pengangkutan awam, seko-
peluang yang diberikan dengan sebaik- pital dan Ambulans (PRPA) Titik Panas pihak SJAM sedang berusaha untuk mem- (Hotspot) Kota Bharu, Sempena Hari Ter- lah, tempat beribadat, pejabat kerajaan
baiknya. Pelajar ini merupakan insan ter- (Hotspot), yang dikendalikan oleh St. peroleh kenderaan ambulans, peranti buka dan Program Komuniti Masyarakat dan sebagainya di Lembah Klang.
pilih dalam kalangan ribuan pelajar di John Ambulans Malaysia (SJAM) telah dan peralatan perubatan baharu. di Masjid Al-Fattah dekat Kampung “Hari ini buat pertama kalinya kita
negeri ini. ditempatkan di seluruh negara. “Purata masa respons dengan pelak- Nilam, di sini, Ahad. berikan tiga unit AED ditempatkan di
“Saya berharap mereka akan terus bek- Menteri Kesihatan Dr Zaliha Mustafa sanaan PRPA titik panas ini ialah selama Dr Zaliha berkata pihak SJAM turut luar daripada kawasan Lembah Klang,
erja keras untuk berkembang menjadi berkata perkhidmatan itu, diperkenalkan 15 minit, sekitar radius 10 hingga 15 kilo- menyasarkan untuk menempatkan 111 iaitu di negeri Kelantan, di Masjid Al-Fat-
individu yang serba lengkap dan mampu bagi membantu mengurangkan masa meter. Oleh itu, kita harap usaha ini akan unit Peranti Defibrilator Luaran tah, Pasar Siti Khadijah dan Kompleks
memenuhi keperluan pasaran semasa. tindak balas perkhidmatan ambulans, diteruskan secara berperingkat di lokasi- Automatik (AED), di seluruh negara. Belia dan Sukan Panji,” katanya. –
“Justeru, saya percaya anugerah tersebut ketika kecemasan. lokasi yang lain pula,” katanya. “Setakat ini, sebanyak 73 AED telah Bernama

‘Perlu lebih banyak inisiatif latih wanita Sabah dalam kepimpinan’

Anthea Peter penting terutamanya kemahiran teknik
KOTA KINABALU: Terdapat keperluan dan komunikasi.
untuk lebih banyak inisiatif untuk “Justeru itu, saya menyeru agar per-
meningkatkan kemahiran dan melatih spektif wanita sentiasa diambil kira
wanita di Sabah untuk menyandang dalam penggubalan dasar dan perancan-
jawatan kepimpinan bagi memenuhi gan program bagi memastikan wanita
sasaran 30 peratus kuota penglibatan mendapat peluang yang adil dalam pem-
wanita sebagai pembuat keputusan. bangunan negara,” kata James.
Justeru iru, Menteri Pembangunan Kursus kepimpinan anjuran AKWan di
Masyarakat dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat bawah Majlis Penasihat Wanita Sabah
Datuk James Ratib memuji Akademi (MPWS) melalui Jabatan Hal Ehwal
Kepimpinan Wanita Sabah (AKWan) ker- Wanita Sabah itu bertujuan mem-
ana menyediakan platform yang boleh perkasakan wanita di semua peringkat
memberi impak positif kepada kema- dari peringkat akar umbi hingga ke per-
juan kepimpinan wanita. ingkat atasan dan disertai 39 wanita.
“Saya percaya melalui usaha ini, kita “Besar harapan saya agar hadirin dari-
dapat melahirkan lebih ramai wanita pada pelbagai sektor dan jawatan dapat
FLOVIA (duduk tengah), Tarsiah (duduk ketiga kiri) dan peserta kursus pada majlis perasmian program kepimpinan itu.
yang berkebolehan dan berdaya saing, bertemu dan berkongsi ideologi dan
selaras dengan perkembangan dunia dalam organisasi pentadbiran di pelba- berkebolehan memimpin sesebuah ajaan (GLC) di Hotel Ming Garden, di pandangan yang berbeza.
digital global. Apa yang lebih penting gai peringkat, ia akan membawa peruba- organisasi. sini, Ahad. “Perkongsian yang berguna boleh
ialah penglibatan wanita perlu mencapai han besar kepada dasar dan “Jadi inisiatif (pembinaan kepimp- Adun Sugut itu menegaskan memberi impak besar dan berkesan.
30 peratus dalam pelbagai aspek terma- undang-undang serta menyumbang inan) (untuk wanita) seperti ini sangat pemerkasaan wanita adalah tanggung- Ilmu yang diperoleh dan dimanfaatkan
suk ekonomi, politik mahupun sosial. Ini kepada pembangunan keluarga, bagus dan perlu diteruskan,” katanya. jawab bersama semua pihak. sebaiknya akan membolehkan seseorang
wajar kerana negara yang berjaya mem- masyarakat dan negara. Beliau berkata dalam ucapannya yang “Untuk menjayakan pemerkasaan itu menjadi pemimpin yang berilmu dan
punyai wanita hebat di dalamnya. “Jika dilihat secara keseluruhannya, dibacakan Pembantu Menterinya Datuk wanita memerlukan komitmen tinggi mampu membimbing organisasi ke arah
“Ini akhirnya akan membawa kepada terdapat ramai wanita di Sabah yang Flovia Ng, ketika merasmikan Program daripada semua pihak berkepentingan. kecemerlangan dan integriti,” katanya.
kesejahteraan masyarakat, khususnya di mempunyai perwatakan yang baik, Kursus Pertengahan Kepimpinan Wanita Keperluan untuk membangunkan Pengerusi MPWS Datuk Dr Tarsiah TZ
Sabah. Dengan penglibatan wanita berpendidikan, berkemahiran dan untuk Pemimpin Syarikat Berkaitan Ker- kemahiran kepimpinan (wanita) adalah Taman turut hadir.
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I I S NI N, 3 1 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 Tempatan 3

KSTI yakin penglibatan pelajar

dalam STEM capai 40 peratus
Marutin Ansiung
TENOM: Kementerian Sains, Teknologi
dan Inovasi (KSTI) Sabah yakin
penglibatan pelajar dalam program Sains,

DLP berdepan kepupusan

Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik
(STEM) akan meningkat kepada 40 pera-
tus pada penghujung 2025.
Setiausaha Tetap KSTI Datuk Zainudin
Aman berkata, tahun ini penglibatan pela-
jar yang membabitkan sekolah menengah
dan rendah di seluruh Sabah dalam pro- MENTERI Pendidikan perlu diingatkan Anehnya, ibu bapa diberitahu bahawa
gram STEM telah mencapai 27 peratus. tentang kepentingan Program Dwi Bahasa jika penguasaan BM anak mereka lemah,
“Insyallah pada penghujung tahun ini (DLP) pilihan dan bagaimana dan kenapa dia akan ditempatkan dalam kelas bukan
kita akan mencapai melebihi 30 peratus ia diwujudkan. Menteri dan Ketua Pen- DLP. Tetapi jika penguasaan BM kanak-
meskipun sebelum ini penglibatan pelajar garah datang dan pergi, tetapi ibu bapa kanak melebihi purata, dia akan dima-
agak rendah kerana mungkin disebabkan sentiasa ada. sukkan ke dalam kelas DLP. Risiko yang
PKP Covid-19,” katanya kepada pemberita Pada awal 2015, Majlis Ekonomi, yang dirasakan ialah jika penguasaan BM
selepas merasmikan Program STEM Fiesta dipengerusikan oleh perdana menteri kanak-kanak itu lemah pada usia enam
dan Karnival Inovasi Pendidikan PPD ketika itu, menuntut pendekatan radikal tahun, kemungkinan untuk gagal BM
Tenom Peringkat Negeri 2023 di Dewan ke arah meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa dalam SPM adalah tinggi. Ini benar-benar

ZAINUDIN (tiga dari kanan) bersama Dr. Mohd. Asran (dua

SJKC Chung Hwa di sini, Sabtu. Inggeris selepas melihat kesan membingungkan.

dari kanan) dan Zainal (empat dari kanan) menyaksikan

Zainudin berkata, program STEM yang merosakkan ekoran penguasaan bahasa Ibu bapa yang mahukan DLP untuk
Inggeris yang lemah terhadap peluang anak mereka kini tidak dapat berbuat apa-
pameran hasil kerja pelajar yang mengikuti program STEM.
dilaksanakan di PPD Tenom ini meru-
pakan yang ke-11 dalam keseluruhan STEM belia untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. apa walaupun sudah berusaha keras ker-
Fiesta yang diadakan tahun ini daripada Makmal Inggeris ditubuhkan dan ham- ana pengetua dan pemimpin sekolah
24 PPD yang diberikan peruntukan oleh untuk menceburi bidang berkaitan sains. itu menerima kerjasama baik daripada pir 100 pihak berkepentingan dipelawa menghalang mereka daripada mendap-
KSTI. “Hari ini dan pada masa akan datang KSTI dalam bidang STEM. untuk mengambil bahagian dalam usaha atkan bantuan luar. Menteri Pendidikan
Katanya, pada tahun ini KSTI mem- kita sangat bergantung kepada pelajar Katanya, ini merupakan satu permu- itu. Pegawai berpangkat tinggi daripada dan kementeriannya gagal menjawab
berikan peruntukan sebanyak RM250,000 untuk memperkasakan pembangunan laan yang sangat baik untuk mencapai Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM), jabatan kebimbangan dan rayuan mereka,
untuk semua 24 PPD di seluruh negeri negeri, mahu tidak mahu kita perlu peningkatan penglibatan pelajar dalam pendidikan negeri, pejabat pendidikan mungkin berharap mereka (ibu bapa)
mengajurkan program STEM Fiesta. menyediakan bakat-bakat muda yang program STEM di sekolah. daerah, dan pemain industri termasuk akan letih dan berputus asa.
Beliau berkata, program ini merupakan boleh menceburi bidang berkaitan STEM. Sehubungan ini, katanya, JPNS mene- Persekutuan Pekilang Malaysia, Perseku- Kita juga difahamkan bahawa sekolah-
kolaborasi antara KSTI dan Jabatan Pen- “Ini kerana 60 peratus faktor pemban- tapkan sasaran peningkatan sebanyak 5 tuan Majikan Malaysia, British Council, sekolah berasrama penuh di bawah KPM,
didikan Sabah Negeri Sabah (JPNS) untuk gunan ekonomi dunia termasuk negara peratus pada setiap tahun dalam tempoh ketua kolej, profesor universiti, per- selain 11 sekolah perdana seperti Kolej
menyemarakkan pembudayaan Sains, kita bergantung kepada Sains, Teknologi tiga tahun. tubuhan bukan kerajaan dan kumpulan Melayu Kuala Kangsar dan Kolej Tunku
Teknologi dan Inovasi dalam kalangan dan Inovasi,” katanya. “Kita optimis dapat mencapai 40 pera- advokasi seperti PAGE terlibat secara ketat Kurshiah, mungkin mengalami nasib
selama empat minggu untuk meng- sama.
masyarakat, guru dan pelajar dengan Sementara itu Ketua Penolong Pen- tus dalam STEM di Sabah dengan adanya
hasilkan rancangan yang ringkas dan Nampaknya terdapat percubaan jahat
harapan program ini seperti ini dapat garah Kanan Sektor Pembelajaran JPNS Dr. kerjasama yang baik daripada KSTI dan

PEDI bantu usahawan mikro berdaya saing dalam era digital

boleh dilaksanakan. oleh tangan ghaib untuk mengurangkan
meningkatkan lagi semangat anak-anak Mohd. Asran Haji Amisah berkata, jabatan agensi-agensi yang lain,” katanya.
Pada 11 Jun 2015, Ketua Pengarah Pen- bilangan kelas DLP.
didikan ketika itu mengumumkan DLP Ini bukan warisan yang ingin diting-
kepada orang ramai, dengan tepat menye- galkan oleh sesiapa pun. Sebaliknya, KPM
butnya sebagai “saat penting” dalam harus membangunkan DLP dengan lebih
sejarah KPM. Jelas dinyatakan sekolah yang lanjut, selaras dengan aspirasi kerajaan
Clarence Dol oleh usahawan selama ini, tetapi kali ini ia impak positif dalam meningkatkan
melaksanakan DLP mendapat kebenaran untuk memastikan tenaga kerja bersedia
RANAU: Pusat Program Pemerkasaan Usa- dalam bentuk platform digital,” katanya. pengetahuan perniagaan digital usa-
bertulis daripada ibu bapa, mempunyai untuk peluang pekerjaan yangbernilai
hawan Ekonomi Digital (PEDI) meru- Beliau berkata demikian ketika meras- hawan serta mewujudkan ekosistem per-
sumber yang mencukupi dan guru telah tinggi dan berkemahiran pada masa hada-
pakan inisiatif memperkasa usahawan mikan program PEDI yang dihadiri lebih niagaan yang kukuh dan berdaya saing,”
bersedia. Tiada sebarang keperluan untuk pan.
mikro merentasi platform digital yang 100 usahawan dari seluruh daerah di katanya. Bahasa Melayu (BM). Kami menggesa perdana menteri untuk
begitu penting khususnya pada zaman ini, Dewan Persatuan Hakka Daerah. Terdahulu, Pengarah SKMM Sabah Kita mengetahui bahawa pengetua campur tangan bagi memastikan DLP
kata Ahli Parlimen Ranau, Datuk Jonathan Jonathan mengucapkan terima kasih Izani Othman berkata program itu turut diminta untuk menukar kelas DLP semala- diberi sokongan penuh yang sepatutnya.
Yasin. kepada Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Mul- dijayakan oleh agensi kerajaan dan swasta man sedia ada kepada bukan DLP hanya Mansuhkan keperluan BM, yang ditambah
Katanya, melalui program usahawan timedia Malaysia (SKMM) Sabah kerana seperti Pejabat Daerah Ranau, Fama, Tik- beberapa minggu selepas penggal baharu, pada saat-saat akhir untuk menenangkan
dibimbing melalui kuliah berkaitan pem- memilih Ranau sebagai lokasi penganju- tok Malaysia (Kedai Tiktok), Amanah mengganggu kesihatan mental pelajar nasionalis bahasa, secara automatik men-
bangunan keusahawanan digital bagi ran program PEDI kali ini. Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) dan Koperasi Per- dan ketenangan fikiran ibu bapa. gurangkan separuh bilangan sekolah yang
memastikan usahawan lebih berdaya “Saya sangat berharap agar program satuan PKS Digital Sabah (Perdiks). Ibu bapa kanak-kanak di sekolah terje- boleh memilih untuk melakukan program
maju dan berdaya saing dalam era digi- pada hari ini akan terus diadakan pada “Bagi tahun ini, Ranau dipilih sebagai jas terpaksa menerima kelas bukan DLP DLP. Ini bukan permainan jumlah sifar.
tal. masa hadapan, dan dapat melahirkan lokasi pelaksanaan yang akan berlang- manakala murid tertakluk kepada penila-
“Ini termasuk bidang pengurusan lebih ramai usahawan yang berjaya dan sung selama tiga bulan bermula Ogos ian BM, jika ada, untuk menentukan sama Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim
kewangan, pelesenan, strategi pemasaran berinovasi dalam ekonomi digital khusus- hingga Oktober tahun ini dengan menge- ada mereka sesuai untuk DLP atau seba- Pengerusi PAGE (Kumpulan Tindakan
dan peluang mendapatkan geran. Ini nya di Ranau. nal pasti usahawan yang akan dibimbing,” liknya. Ibu Bapa Untuk Pendidikan) Malaysia

1,500 wanita jadi mangsa kanser pangkal rahim setiap tahun

adalah aspek penting yang diperlukan “Saya juga berharap ini akan memberi katanya lagi.

Kunjungan hormat
Noor Zafira Zayn
KOTA KINABALU: Seramai 1,500 wanita di
Malaysia setiap tahun disahkan menjadi
mangsa penyakit kanser pangkal rahim.
Kanser pangkal rahim juga dinyatakan
sebagai kanser kedua yang paling kerap
menyerang kaum wanita, khasnya selepas
kanser payudara.
“Ini adalah satu kebimbangan dan
ketakutan  yang mana daripada jumlah
ini, sebanyak enam peratus daripadanya
tidak dapat diselamatkan, meninggal
dunia kerana kanser pangkal rahim,” kata
Setiausaha Politik kepada Ketua Menteri,
Datuk Redonah Bahanda.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam teks
ucapan yang disampaikan oleh wakil,
Ketua Wanita Gagasan Rakyat Sabah DUN
Likas, Halijah Din semasa Majlis Peras-
mian Projek Pendidikan Kesihatan Pap
Smear Selamatkan Wanita di sini, Sabtu.
Menurut beliau, kanser pangkal rahim
yang menyerang kaum wanita tidak men-
gira usia dan risiko lebih tinggi adalah
kepada mereka yang mengamalkan gaya
hidup bebas dan seks rambang.
HALIJAH (kanan) memotong riben sebagai simbolik perasmian.
KETUA Wanita Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) Noraiza Datuk Seri Mohammad Noor “Penting untuk kita semua mengambil
Mansoor (lima dari kiri) menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Yang Dipertua langkah pencegahan kanser pangkal
Negeri Sabah Tun Juhar Mahiruddin (empat dari kanan) semasa kunjungan hor- rahim, dan caranya adalah dengan masalah kesihatan diri dan mengambil hatan dan membuat ujian khas untuk
mat di Istana Seri Kinabalu, baru-baru ini. melakukan pemeriksaan pangkal rahim, tindakan yang sesuai bagi mencegah dari- mengesannya.
Beliau mengetuai delegasi tujuh orang termasuk ahli Majlis Tertinggi atau lebih dikenali sebagai ujian pap pada masalah yang lebih serius. “Saya berharap semoga semua wanita
merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Kawasan (CLC) Elopura smear. “Saya ingin semua kaum hawa, semua dapat mengambil langkah bijak untuk
Jimmy Yong Vui Min, Timbalan Ketua Wanita SAPP Zon Sandakan Putli Ariba “Ini adalah pendekatan terbaik untuk antara kita tidak kira warga emas atau kekal sihat dan cegah kanser dalam
Datu Haji Tahir @ Dayang Zubaida dan ahli jawatankuasanya, antara lain. kita mengetahui tahap kesihatan pangkal anak muda, ayuh kita sama-sama pan- komuniti kita.
Noraiza memberi taklimat kepada Tun Juhar mengenai komitmen parti itu rahim kita dan sebagai benteng pertama dang serius perkara berkaitan kanser “Kepada kaum Adam, sokong dan
bagi membantu golongan kurang berkemampuan termasuk golongan berkeper- kita dalam usaha mencegah kanser ini. yang sering menyerang kita kaum dukunglah kaum Hawa untuk membuat
luan khas (OKU) di Sabah yang mana SAPP Zon Sandakan telah menjalankan “Dengan kaedah ini, sel dalam pangkal wanita. pemeriksaan dan menjalani ujian pap
kerja-kerja amal di sembilan persatuan OKU dan warga emas yang dikendalikan rahim yang berbentuk atau berpotensi “Kanser pangkal rahim, kanser payu- smear kerana kemudahan yang disedi-
oleh Putli Ariba Datu Haji Tahir @ Dayang Zubaida yang juga Ketua Wanita menjadi kanser akan dikesan dan insyaAl- dara dan banyak lagi penyakit lain dan akan oleh kerajaan kita, khasnya
SAPP Elopura. lah, pastinya langkah seterusnya yang kerana itu, kita sebagai kaum wanita Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia sudah
Katanya, parti itu mempunyai pasukan amal sendiri yang berdedikasi dan wajar untuk dilakukan akan disarankan amat digalakkan untuk sentiasa peka dan ada.
fokus untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan mata pencarian rakyat teruta- oleh doktor atau jururawat yang men- mengambil serius keperluan untuk men- “Gunakan peluang dan kemudahan
manya dalam aspek pendidikan, kesihatan, sosial dan sosioekonomi. jalankan pemeriksaan kepada kita,” jalani pemeriksaan kesihatan secara yang tersedua untuk mendapatkan
Noraiza berkata pasukan itu lebih bersedia untuk bekerjasama dengan katanya lagi. berkala khasnya yang melibatkan kanser pemeriksaan di klinik-klinik berdekatan
Yayasan Nur Jauhar untuk sebarang program kebajikan dan amal yang akan Tambah beliau lagi, golongan wanita yang sering menyerang wanita. kawasan kita semua,” katanya lagi.

Stor ekshibit IPD Sepang dipecah masuk

memberi manfaat kepada rakyat Sabah. dari usia remaja hingga warga emas perlu “Kita ambil langkah awal, jalani Program yang berlangsung selama
sentiasa mengetahui dan sedar akan pemeriksaan pap smear dan tingkatkan sehari itu merupakan anjuran bersama
kualiti hidup serta kesihatan kita kerana pelatih jururawat kesihatan awam ambi-
kita adalah tunggak kepada kesejahter- lan Mac 2023, Klinik Kesihatan Likas,
aan keluarga dan komuniti masyarakat,” Klinik Kesihatan Luyang, KKIA Pekan dan
tambahnya. Panel Penasihat Klinik Kesihatan Likas.
Dalam pada itu, beliau juga memberi- Antara pengisian aktiviti sepanjang
PUTRAJAYA: Polis mengesahkan stor penahanan terhadap individu berkaitan mempunyai kesan geledah dan mengaki-
tahu bahawa ujian pap smear secara program berlangsung adalah acara jalan
ekshibit Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) kes itu. batkan barang kes yang sedang dalam
berkala perlu dilakukan selama tiga kaki 10 ribu langkah, ujian saringan kesi-
Sepang dekat sini dipecah masuk pada “Masih dalam siasatan pihak polis dan tindakan pelupusan serta sebuah beg
Jumaat lepas yang mengakibatkan sejum- kita perlu mengesahkan banyak perkara berisi komputer peribadi yang berfungsi tahun berturut-turut, setahun sekali. hatan, pemeriksaan HPV DNA, pemerik-
lah barang berkaitan kes narkotik dila- terlebih dahulu,” katanya. untuk mengemas kini data barang kes “Jika keputusan kita negatif, alham- saan payudara, pemeriksaan gigi,
porkan hilang. Beliau berkata kes disiasat mengikut turut hilang. dulillah, kita ulang kembali ujian pap program derma darah, cabutan tiket
Ketua Polis Selangor Datuk Hussein Seksyen 457 Kanun Keseksaan kerana Laporan itu antara lain menyebut smear pada tiga tahun akan datang. bertuah, pertandingan mewarna bagi
Omar Khan yang mengesahkan perkara pecah masuk. pemeriksaan turut mendapati kamera “Kanser adalah pembunuh dalam kanak-kanak dan pameran kesihatan.
itu ketika dihubungi Bernama hari ini Terdahulu, tular satu laporan polis litar tertutup (CCTV) di lokasi didapati di- diam dan kita kadang kala tidak sedar Turut berlangsung adalah ceramah
berkata setakat ini belum ada sebarang yang mendakwa stor ekshibit berkenaan rosakkan dan tidak berfungsi. – Bernama akan kewujudan sel kanser dalam badan kesihatan berkenaan pap smear dan
tanpa kita menjalani pemeriksaan kesi- kanser serviks.
4 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I I S NI N, 3 1 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
NETR tepati hasrat Beaufort ‘Rumah Mesra bantu golongan
miskin miliki kediaman sendiri’
sebagai ‘daerah solar’: Ruslan Ibrahim Tabir
KUNAK: Pembinaan Rumah
Mesra Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ)
Iskandar Dzulkifli kawasan luar bandar kerana melaluinya Lima projek berimpak tinggi akan memberi manfaat kepada
KOTA KINABALU: kita dapat mengatasi masalah bekalan dibangunkan di bawah NETR Fasa Satu penerima khususnya golon-
Pembantu Menteri elektrik serta isu berkaitan. termasuk Pembangunan SolarTerapung gan miskin dan miskin tegar
kepada Ketua Menteri, “Dengan penggunaan meluas teruta- Hidro Hibrid di empangan Hidro Tenaga yang tidak mampu memiliki
Datuk Ruslan manya sistem solar di kediaman-kedia- Nasional Berhad (TNB). rumah sendiri.
Muharam (gambar) man penduduk, ia sudah tentu dapat Salah satu program itu turut memas- Pemimpin Pembangunan
menyambut baik membantu mereka, sekaligus tikan pemasangan lebih banyak panel Masyarakat (PPM) Kunak,
usaha kerajaan meningkatkan pembangunan serta sosio- solar di seluruh negara terutamanya di Hussin Mohd Rais berkata,
persekutuan untuk ekonomi masyarakat,” katanya. kediaman penduduk. sebelum ini 20 buah rumah
melaksanakan Pelan Hala Tuju Peralihan Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui Mengulas lanjut, Ruslan yang juga SMJ dicadangkan untuk dib-
Tenaga Negara (NTER). selepas merasmikan Debaran Bintang wakil rakyat Lumadan berkata, NETR juga ina sejak awal tahun ini den-
Beliau berkata, inisiatif fasa pertama Kecil Sabah 2023 di Lobi Kompleks selari dengan perancangan beliau untuk gan, masing-masing, 12
yang dilancarkan baru-baru ini meli- Bersepadu Kementerian Komunikasi dan menjadikan Beaufort sebagai ‘Daerah dikemukakan oleh Unit
batkan penggunaan aktif tenaga solar itu Digital (KKD) Kota Kinabalu, di sini, Sabtu. Solar’ yang pertama di Malaysia. Pemimpin Pembangunan
dilihat dapat mengurangkan kebergan- NETR Fasa Pertama dilancarkan Menurutnya, inisiatif di bawah pro- Masyarakat (UPPM) dan lapan
lagi oleh Pejabat Daerah. HUSSIN bersama kakitangan Unit UPPM
tungan seluruh negara terhadap tenaga Khamis, baru-baru ini oleh Menteri gram ‘Lumadan Sejahtera’ itu kini sedang meninjau Rumah Mesra SMJ di Kg Kadazan.
elektrik sedia ada. Ekonomi, Rafizi Ramli yang mana antara diusahakan menerusi perundingan ter- “Ketika ini, masih terdapat
“Dalam konteks Sabah, NETR menepati fokus utama adalah penggunaan lebih masuk kerjasama dengan beberapa pihak beberapa Rumah Mesra SMJ dalam pembi- lawatan lapangan bagi mengenalpasti
keperluan rakyat khususnya penduduk di banyak tenaga hijau diperbaharui. supaya ia dapat direalisasikan. naan sementara yang lain telahpun siap rakyat yang memerlukan bantuan rumah.
“Saya akui, usaha ini satu perubahan dibina dan diduduki oleh penerima,” “Pembinaan Rumah Mesra SMJ sejajar
katanya kepada Daily Express selepas dengan inisiatif halatuju Sabah Maju Jaya
Tiada rakyat M’sia terlibat letupan besar namun tidak mustahil dilaksanakan
dan buat permulaan ia akan dibuat di per- meninjau sebuah rumah SMJ di Kg bagi membantu golongan miskin yang
ingkat kampung di kawasan Lumadan Kadazan yang sudah didiami oleh pener- memerlukan rumah sempurna,” katanya.
gudang mercun di Narathiwat sebelum beralih kepada agenda ‘Daerah ima. Sementara itu, seorang penerima
Hussin berkata, antara rumah SMJ yang rumah SMJ di Kg.Kadazan, Maduali Saini
KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Luar Sanan Pongaksorn dilaporkan berkata Solar’.
Saya ingin menjadikan Beaufort seba- sedang dan akan dibina termasuk di Kg berkata, beliau menghargai komitmen
melalui Konsulat Jeneral Malaysia di letupan pada 3.30 petang (waktu tem- Lormalong, Kg Getah, Kg Mostyn Lama, Kg dan sokongan daripada Unit UPPM Kunak
Songkhla mengesahkan tiada rakyat patan) itu berlaku di Pasar Mundok, gai ‘Daerah Solar’ sebagaimana yang telah
Pangi, Kg Kunak Jaya dan Kg Kadazan. yang meninjau keadaan rumahnya pada
Malaysia setakat ini dilaporkan terlibat destinasi beli-belah popular bagi rakyat dilaksanakan di Bandar Geermu, China
“Sebahagian yang telah dibina meru- Oktober tahun lalu dan seterusnya melu-
dalam insiden letupan gudang mercun yang menggunakan sepenuhnya sistem
Malaysia. – Bernama tenaga hijau solar,” tegasnya.
pakan apa yang kami (UPPM) cadangkan luskan permohonannya untuk mendapat
di Mukim Mundok, Daerah Sungai sebelum ini hasil daripada kajian dan bantuan itu.
Golok, Wilayah Narathiwat, Thailand,
Kementerian Luar dalam kenyataan
Sektor pertanian Sabah boleh diperkasa menerusi kerjasama dengan persatuan: James
pada Sabtu malam memaklumkan Clarence Dol gai teknik pertanian yang lebih berkualiti,” James yang juga Adun Sugut berkata Masyarakat dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat
berdasarkan laporan awal, letupan itu TENOM: Sektor pertanian di negeri ini katanya. demikian ketika merasmikan Mesyuarat melalui Jabatan Hal Ehwal Wanita Sabah
berlaku di gudang penyimpanan bunga boleh diperkasakan menerusi kerjasama James, yang juga ahli seumur hidup Agung ke-4 MaSDa di Naluyan Jungle (Jhewa) dan Majlis Perkhidmatan
api dan mercun yang telah menye- persatuan pertanian seperti Persatuan MaSDa menjelaskan, ahli persatuan itu Lodge, di sini, Sabtu. Masyarakat Sabah (MPMS) juga akan men-
babkan sembilan kematian dan 114 Penanam Durian dan Buah-buahan menunjukkan kejayaan membanggakan Dalam pada itu, beliau turut berharap ganjurkan beberapa kursus berkaitan per-
orang mengalami kecederaan. Tropika Sabah (MaSDa) untuk tanaman khususnya dalam penanaman buah-bua- Kementerian Pertanian mengambil beber- tanian dan ahli MaSDa akan dilantik
“Konsulat Jeneral Malaysia di lebih berkualiti di pasaran dalam dan luar han tempatan seperti durian dan avocado. apa ahli persatuan itu untuk dilantik seba- sebagai fasilitator dalam program itu kelak.
Songkhla sedang berhubung rapat den- negara. James berkata beliau akan mencadan- gai Penasihat Pertanian Negeri Sabah “Kedua-dua agensi itu akan menam-
gan pihak berkuasa tempatan untuk Menteri Pembangunan Masyarakat dan gkan kepada menteri yang menjaga sektor khususnya bagi melaksanakan projek per- pung kos penganjuran kursus itu supaya
mendapatkan perkembangan terkini Kesejahteraan Rakyat Sabah, Datuk James pertanian agar MaSDa dijadikan sebagai tanian yang dirangka kerajaan. lebih ramai rakyat Sabah mendapat ilmu
Ratib berkata, persatuan itu dianggotai perantara untuk membantu petani dan Jelasnya, beberapa kegagalan projek pertanian yang boleh meningkatkan
mengenai insiden tersebut. Rakyat
individu-individu yang berjaya dalam mengembangkan ilmu pertanian yang pertanian sebelum ini boleh diatasi dengan ekonomi diri dan keluarga pada masa
Malaysia yang memerlukan sebarang mampu menghasilkan produk buah-bua- mengambil individu yang benar-benar ter- hadapan,” tambahnya.
bidang pertanian dan mampu menyum-
bantuan konsular boleh menghubungi han lebih berkualiti. bukti berjaya dalam bidang pertanian MaSDa ketika ini mempunyai sebanyak
bang idea ke arah memperkasakan lagi
Konsulat Jeneral Malaysia di Songkhla bidang pertanian di negeri ini. “Kepakaran ahli persatuan boleh digu- sebagai salah satu panel penasihat. 141 ahli yang terdiri daripada pengusaha
di talian +6674311062 atau “Berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebagai nakan oleh Jabatan Pertanian untuk men- “Sudah tiba masanya ahli MaSDa meny- ladang buah-buahan yang berjaya meng-
+66936570707 (untuk kecemasan) atau pembantu menteri Pertanian dan jalankan kursus dan latihan amali ertai majlis penasihat pertanian dan pada hasilkan pelbagai produk termasuk durian
melalui e-mel mwsongkhla@ Perikanan negeri sebelum ini, saya menyak- pertanian. Dalam masa sama, kerajaan masa sama bertindak sebagai perantara dan avocado berkualiti tinggi dari beber- dan sebarang perkemban- sikan beberapa projek pertanian yang boleh membuat penjimatan kewangan untuk memajukan projek pertanian yang apa daerah di Sabah.
gan terkini mengenai insiden ini akan dirangka jabatan itu menunjukkan hasil kerana setiap kursus yang berjaya tidak dirancang oleh kerajaan. Mereka telah Turut hadir, Timbalan Setiausaha Tetap
dimaklumkan dari semasa ke semasa,” kurang memuaskan. memerlukan kos tinggi kerana ahli persat- mencapai kejayaan dan dalam bidang per- Kementerian Pembangunan Masyarakat
menurut kenyataan itu. “Justeru itu, saya yakin kepakaran ahli uan mempunyai kawasan ladang sendiri tanian yang mereka jalankan,” katanya. dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat Walter Kenson
Terdahulu Gabenor Narathiwat MaSDa dapat menyumbang kepada pelba- untuk menjalani latihan amali,” katanya. Katanya, Kementerian Pembangunan dan Pengerusi MaSDa Duan Evans.

Pegawai Imigresen di Bali bersuhabat dengan penjual organ

JAKARTA: Tiga pegawai Imigresen di Bali pemeriksaan Imigresen dengan mudah, derma yang menjadi perekrut mangsa
ditahan kerana didakwa terbabit sindiket sebelum ke Kemboja bagi pembedahan dengan menggunakan Facebook dan
pemerdagangan organ haram dengan buah pinggang. WhatsApp untuk memikat serta mem-
membawa puluhan mangsa ke Kemboja Pengarah Polis Jakarta Jenayah Am, perdagang mangsa. Sindiket pemerdagan-
untuk menjual buah pinggang mereka, Hengki Haryadi, berkata pegawai terbabit gan organ itu beroperasi sejak 2019 dan
kata polis Indonesia pada Sabtu. dibawa ke Jakarta tengah hari Sabtu dan mendapat 24.4 bilion rupiah
Penahanan dibuat selepas pihak akan berada di bawah tahanan polis (AS$1,588,614) secara keseluruhan, kata
berkuasa menumpaskan sindiket itu apa- Jakarta. Haryadi kepada wartawan minggu lalu.
bila menangkap 12 ahlinya, termasuk seo- “Sekurang-kurangnya 18 mangsa pen- Penjenayah terbabit menerima 200
rang pegawai polis dan seorang pegawai derma buah pinggang meninggalkan Bali juta rupiah untuk setiap buah pinggang
Imigresen dikenali AH minggu lalu, diper- untuk ke Kemboja antara Mac dan Jun dan mengambil 65 juta rupiah sebagai
cayai menyeludup 122 mangsa. lalu,” katanya. untung, manakala bakinya diberi kepada
Ketiga-tiga pegawai Imigresen itu Pihak berkuasa percaya ada ramai lagi mangsa. Pembedahan organ dibuat di
didakwa bekerjasama dengan AH, yang mangsa dan mengalukan-alukan supaya Hospital Preah Ket Mealea di ibu negara
dikatakan menerima rasuah untuk mem- mereka tampil untuk memberi maklumat. Kemboja iaitu Phnom Penh, kata polis. –
bolehkan mangsa sindiket melalui Beberapa ahli sindiket ialah bekas pen- AFP

KEADAAN di tempat kejadian di mana kereta api

merempuh sebuah van di Jombang, Jawa Timur.
KPK serah kes rasuah pegawai tinggi tentera kepada TNI
JAKARTA: Suruhanjaya Pembasmian “Semasa pendengaran kes yang Sejati Marilya, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
Rasuah (KPK), pada Sabtu mengesahkan dihadiri penyiasat KPK, pendakwa raya, Intertekno Grafika Sejati dan Roni Aidil,

6 maut tren ia menyerahkan kes rasuah terhadap dua

pegawai tinggi tentera yang ditugaskan di
Badan Mencari dan Menyelamat Nasional
(Basarnas) kepada Tentera Indonesia
ketua (KPK), dan penyiasat dari Polis Ten-
tera, tiada siapa yang membuat bantahan
apabila kami menamakan lima suspek,”
kata Alexander.
Sementara itu, tiga ahli perniagaan
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kindah Abadi
Penahanan itu menimbulkan kontro-
versi selepas pegawai dari Polis Tentera
melawat KPK untuk mendapatkan penje-

langgar van
Naib Ketua Basarnas Marshal Udara yang ditahan kerana didakwa memberi lasan pada Jumaat, diikuti tidak lama
Henri Alfiandi dan orang bawahannya rasuah kepada Henri dan Afri akan kemudian, seorang lagi timbalan
Leu. Kol Afri Budi Cahyanto ditahan pada didakwa oleh KPK. Identiti mereka pengerusi KPK, Johanis Tanak, yang
Rabu kerana didakwa menerima rasuah didedahkan sebagai Mulsunadi Gunawan, menawarkan permohonan maaf kepada
berbilion rupiah daripada ahli pernia- ketua pesuruhjaya Multi Grafika Cipta Tentera Indonesia. –Agensi

di Jawa Barat
gaan yang memenangi projek mem-
bekalkan alat pengesan nyawa, peralatan
menyelam keselamatan, dan peralatan
mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) lain
74 titik panas kebakaran hutan
untuk agensi itu.
JAKARTA: Enam maut manakala dua lagi
cedera apabila sebuah kereta api merem-
Kilometer 85 antara Stesen Jombang-Sem-
bung. Siasatan awal menunjukkan
Timbalan Pengerusi KPK Alexander
Marwata berkata suruhanjaya itu tidak
dikesan di Kalimantan Timur
puh sebuah van di Jombang, Jawa Timur pemandu van itu tidak mengendahkan mengeluarkan dokumen siasatan jenayah BALIKPAPAN: Badan Meteorologi, Klima- dan bakar’.
pada Sabtu. amaran pengguna jalan raya lain, yang untuk kedua-dua pegawai itu, tetapi TNI tologi dan Geofizik (BMKG) Indonesia Katanya, agensi itu pada Rabu lalu
Polis Jombang dalam satu kenyataan berulang kali meminta pemandu itu akan berbuat demikian berdasarkan lapo- mengesan sebanyak 74 titik panas juga mengesan 50 titik panas di enam
berkata mangsa yang maut di tempat keja- berhenti. Kereta api yang dikendalikan PT ran rasmi KPK mengenai dakwaan rasuah kebakaran hutan di beberapa kawasan daerah di Kalimantan Timur tetapi api
dian itu terdiri daripada penumpang van. Kereta Commuter Indonesia itu kemudian itu. wilayah Kalimantan Timur, Khamis lalu, sudah dipadamkan, manakala 74 titik
Dua lagi penumpang van parah dan melanggar dan mengheret kereta itu Alexander berkata pegawai dari Polis ketika musim kering yang berpanjangan panas dikesan Khamis lalu pada koordi-
dikejarkan ke hospital tempatan. sejauh kira-kira 100 meter Tentera terlibat dalam siasatan awal, dan melanda. nat berbeza.
Kemalangan berlaku kira-kira 11.15 Tiada penumpang kereta api cedera tiada seorang pun daripada mereka mem- Penyelaras Data dan Maklumat di Sebelum ini, agensi berita Antara
malam waktu tempatan apabila van itu dalam kemalangan itu, dan perkhidmatan bangkitkan bantahan terhadap pena- Pejabat Sepinggan BMKG, Diyan Novrida melaporkan BMKG mengunjurkan
memandu melalui lintasan kereta api kereta api beroperasi semula pada 11.25 maan Henri, Afri, dan tiga individu lain semalam memaklumkan lima titik panas musim kering tahun ini akan mengikut
tanpa penghadang, di kampung Jabon di malam. – Bernama sebagai suspek rasuah. itu dikesan di daerah Paser, Penajam corak sama seperti yang berlaku pada
Paser Utara (tiga), Kutai Barat (satu), 2019.

Indonesia gesa tubuh hab penyelidikan Asean Kutai Timur (21), Kutai Kartanegara (15),
Berau (tujuh) dan Mahakam Ulu (22).
Novrida berkata, perkara itu sudah
Sebanyak 28 peratus wilayah di
Indonesia, termasuk 194 zon bermusim
(ZOM) yang ditentukan BMKG, dijangka
JAKARTA: Kerajaan Indonesia melalui goptimumkan sepenuhnya potensi mobil- “Kedekatan (antara negara Asean) dikongsikan dengan pihak berkuasa mengalami musim kering mulai Jun
Agensi Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Nasional iti rantau ini. Dengan memiliki hab boleh menjadikan rantau Asia Tenggara berkaitan, termasuk agensi mitigasi ben- tahun ini.
(BRIN), menggesa supaya ditubuhkan sendiri, katanya, Asean boleh muncul seba- kuasa baharu dunia dalam bidang sains, cana serantau, lapor Pengarah BMKG, Dwikorita Kar-
sebuah hab penyelidikan yang menem- gai pesaing negara Eropah, Amerika dan ekonomi dan lain-lain,” katanya dalam Beliau berkata, BMKG turut merayu nawati, berkata fenomena El Nino yang
patkan tenaga pakar itu dari negara Australia yang sudah dikenali secara satu kenyataan. penduduk supaya menyokong usaha semakin kuat berikutan fasa positif
anggota Asean. meluas sebagai peneraju sains di dunia. Asean yang sedang dipengerusikan kerajaan untuk mencegah kebakaran Dipole Lautan Hindi (IOD) (perbezaan
Ketua Pertubuhan Sains Kemanusiaan Beliau juga optimis bahawa hab Indonesia, mempunyai potensi biodiversiti tanah dan hutan, dengan tidak mem- suhu permukaan laut antara dua
dan Sosial BRIN, Ahmad Najib Burhani, seumpama itu dapat membantu Asean kaya yang boleh dioptimumkan jika buang puntung rokok sewenang- kawasan), boleh mencetuskan kemarau
berkata penubuhan hab penyelidikan menjadi pusat industri dan sains, sekali negara anggota secara kolektif memban- wenangnya serta mengelakkan pada musim kering di Indonesia. –
boleh mempertingkat hubungan baik gus meningkatkan keupayaannya gun dan menjalankan penyelidikan ter- penggunaan kaedah pertanian ‘tebang Agensi
sesama negara di Asia Tenggara dan men- menyumbang kepada dunia sains. hadap potensi berkenaan. – Agensi
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I I S NI N, 3 1 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 Tempatan 5

SERAMAI 60 peserta menyertai khatam Al-Quran beramai-ramai sempena Program Jelajah Dakwah PERLAWANAN persahabatan bola sepak antara pasukan NABT Tawau dan SDKMIX Sandakan berlangsung
di Padang Sintetik Kompleks Sukan Sandakan pada Sabtu lalu.
Mahabbah Kasih anjuran bersama Pertubuhan Abata Sabah dan Pemuda Umno Bahagian Sandakan di Pulau
Perlawanan sempena kunjungan pasukan NABT Tawau ke Sandakan itu antara lain bertujuan untuk
Berhala, di Sandakan, baru-baru ini.
mengeratkan lagi hubungan silaturrahim dan menaikkan semangat dalam bidang sukan khususnya bola sepak.
Hadir sama Naib Ketua Umno Sandakan, Syed Khamarul Razak Habib Hamid (duduk, ketiga dari kanan), Keputusan perlawanan menyaksikan SDKMIX menang dengan keputusan 2-1. – Mardinah Jikur
Pengerusi dan Pengasas Pertubuhan Abata Sabah, Mohd Isah Atom (duduk, ketiga dari kiri) dan Ketua
Kampung Pulau Berhala Junior Jikirin (duduk, tengah). – Mardinah Jikur PARA peserta ketika
mengikuti Kursus
P e n g u r u s a n
Jenazah anjuran
Masjid Nurul Aman,
Taman Aman Jaya,
baru-baru ini.
Kursus tersebut,
yang dirasmikan
oleh Pemimpin
M a s y a r a k a t
Segama, Mizma
dianjurkan dengan
objektif memberi
ilmu pengurusan
jenazah kepada
masyarakat. –
Azmie Lim

SEKOLAH Kebangsaan Buang Sayang Papar dinobatkan sebagai johan Anugerah Pusat Sumber Sekolah
Peringkat Kebangsaan Kategori Sekolah Rendah sempena Majlis DUTA (Digital Utilisation Technology Awards)
2022 yang berlangsung di Auditorium Bahagian Sumber dan Teknologi Pendidikan, Persiaran Bukit Kiara, WP
Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
Hadiah kemenangan berupa piala dan wang tunai itu diterima oleh Guru Besar, Basnih Bin Maidin dan Guru
Pusat Sumber, Dayang Norlela Hj.Ali Omar.

SERAMAI 25 Ahli Jawatankuasa Masjid Nurhidayah Kg.Palu-Palu telah membuat lawatan ke Masjid Haji
Hashim Sipitang baru-baru ini.
Rombongan dari Masjid Nurhidayah Kg.Palu-Palu, yang diketuai oleh Pengerusinya Haji Mardan Dahlan
adalah Lawatan Penanda Aras dan untuk mengeratkan silaturahim antara kedua AJK Masjid tersebut.
Semasa lawatan itu, rombongan AJK Masjid Nurhidayah Kg.Palu-Palu telah disambut oleh Pengerusi Masjid
Haji Hashim Sipitang, Abdullah Hj.Ag.Adi serta AJK yang lain.
Kelihatan dalam gambar AJK Masjid Nurhidayah Kg.Palu-Palu dan AJK Masjid Haji Hashim Sipitang
merakamkan gambar kenangan semasa lawatan tersebut. – Khamis Ahmad
SERAMAI hampir 540 pelajar dari Sekolah Menengah Padang Berampah (SMPB), Sipitang mengikuti ceramah
keselamatan kebakaran anjuran Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat (JBPM) Sipitang, baru-baru ini.
Menurut Guru Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum Kertinci Selutan, selain pelajar, turut menyertai program
tersebut ialah warga pendidik serta staf sokongan sekolah berkenaan.
Manakala pihak JBPM Sipitang memberitahu, ceramah itu memberi pengetahuan dan pendedahan kepada
warga sekolah tentang bahaya kebakaran, cara menyelamatkan diri ketika kebakaran serta pendedahan
pencegahan kebakaran.
Seramai tiga anggota dari JBPM Sipitang dan lima guru Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat SMPB membantu
mengendalikan ceramah itu. – Jinius Pandakin

SERAMAI 32 orang menyertai Program Usrah Wanita bertajuk “Hijrahkan Solatmu” yang dianjurkan oleh
Wanita Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) Sandakan yang diadakan di kediaman salah seorang pengusaha
bidang kecantikan di Sandakan, Sahrah Asor, baru-baru ini.
Program itu diadakan antara lain bertujuan memberi kefahaman yang jelas kepada muslimah tentang
tatacara menunaikan solat dengan lebih sempurna dan khusyuk oleh penceramah muslimah yang dijemput
ke majlis itu.

AHLI jawatankuasa (AJK) Karnival Jubli Perak SMK Kunak Jaya (SMKKJ) bergambar bersama pengetua
sekolah itu pada majlis penutupan program yang diadakan di Padang SMK Kunak Jaya pada Ahad lalu.
Program selama tiga hari bermula 21 Julai lepas diadakan bersempena ulangtahun ke-25 penubuhan sekolah
berkenaan. – Ibrahim Tabir

SERAMAI kira-kira 100

jemaah menghadiri kuliah
maghrib khas yang diadakan
di ruang Masjid Nurhidayah
Kg.Palu-Palu, Kuala Penyu,
baru-baru ini.
Kuliah maghrib khas
anjuran bersama AJK Masjid
Nurhidayah Kg.Palu-Palu,
J a w a t a n k u a s a
Pembangunan Keselamatan
Kampung (JPKK) dan
Komuniti Rukun Tetangga
(KRT) itu telah mengundang
Timbalan yang Dipertua PEMBANTU Menteri Kepada Ketua Menteri, Datuk Ruslan Muharam menyampaikan anugerah Tokoh Maal
Muis, Al Fadhil Ustaz Malai Hijrah kepada Komander Maritim, Ahmad Firdaus Shaari pada Sambutan Maal Hijrah anjuran Yayasan Dakwah
Ali Malai Ahmad. – Khamis Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) dengan kerjasama Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM), di Masjid
Ahmad Bandaraya, Kota Kinabalu pada Sabtu lalu. – Iskandar Dzulkifli
6 Hiburan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I I S NI N, 3 1 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres

Mohamad Alif, Fateeha peserta terbaik

Pertandingan Akhir Bintang Kecil Peringkat Zon Sabah 2023

ELAJAR Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Kompleks Bersepadu Kementerian
Randagong Ranau, Mohamad Alif Komunikasi Digital, di Kota Kinabalu
Ikmal Danial Azawan dan Fateeha pada Sabtu lalu.
Nasleen Suhailin dari SK Luagan, Manakala empat lagi finalis iaitu
Keningau muncul sebagai peserta terbaik Sham Badrin Embakri (Lahad Datu),
Pertandingan Akhir Bintang Kecil Cherryn Jenson (Kota Marudu), Valley
Peringkat Zon Sabah 2023. Dyana Yakob (Telupid) dan Nur Aisyah
Danial, 12, memukau juri menerusi Adleene Anuar (WP Labuan) masing-
persembahan lagu Terus Hidup nyanyian masing membawa pulang hadiah
Aina Abdul dan lagu kedua berjudul Kau saguhati berjumlah RM500, sijil
dan Aku oleh kumpulan Kool. penyertaan, trofi dan hadiah iringan.
Manakala Fateeha, 12, yang lebih Pertandingan anjuran Seksyen
mesra dengan panggilan Kiki, Hiburan dan Muzik RTM itu mendapat
menyanyikan lagu berjudul Cerita Sang sambutan menggalakkan dengan
Suria daripada Exist dan lagu popular penyertaan 158 bakat muda dari seluruh
Fantasia Bulan Madu. negeri termasuk 25 orang yang
Danial dan Fateeha akan ke peringkat menghantar video uji bakat secara dalam
Berambeh, Debaran Pertandingan Akhir talian.
Kebangsaan, yang akan diadakan di Turut hadir Pengarah RTM Salmah
Kuching, Sarawak pada 3 September Hashim, Pengurus Besar Telekom Sabah,
2023. Datuk Sainal Mohd Amin, Timbalan
Kedua-duanya menerima wang tunai Pengarah Jabatan Penerangan Sabah,
berjumlah RM3,000, sijil, trofi dan Supian Musa dan Timbalan Pengarah
hadiah iringan yang disampaikan oleh Sektor Pembangunan Murid Jabatan

Legasi seni Michelle Yeoh jadi inspirasi bakat muda

RUSLAN (kelima dari kanan) bersama finalis Debaran Bintang Kecil Sabah 2023.
Pembantu Menteri kepada Ketua Pendidikan Negeri Sabah, Muddin
Menteri, Datuk Ruslan Muharam di Beting.

BINTANG kelahiran Malaysia, Tan Sri “Jangan jadi Michelle Yeoh, jadi diri
Michelle Yeoh, 61, menjadi lambang sendiri,” katanya yang berpesan agar
aktres Asia serba boleh yang bukan anak muda usah lelah dalam
sahaja mempertaruhkan kecantikan, meningkatkan keupayaan diri dan
malah, membuktikan ketangkasan aksi berdisiplin.
lagak ngeri sehingga berjaya menawan Yeoh juga sempat menitipkan nasihat
pembikin filem antarabangsa dan buat pelakon pelapis agar tidak cepat
peminat seluruh dunia. berputus asa.
Menjadi kebanggaan negara, bintang “Seperti saya, terus mencari watak
filem James Bond, Tomorrow Never Dies demi watak dan memiliki pasukan yang
bergandingan dengan Pierce Brosnan boleh membuat hasil kerja mendapat
pada 1997 itu membuktikan ‘orang Asia’ perhatian dan seterusnya, diiktiraf,”
mampu mencuri tempat di kota syurga, katanya.

Hollywood. Kerjayanya menerusi layar Selain itu, Yeoh menegaskan beliau
perak merentasi pelbagai benua, genre adalah anak Malaysia.
dan berdekad lamanya. Satu demi satu “Saya anak Malaysia sejati,” katanya

sehingga tidak terhitung kejayaan dalam ketika berucap pada acara bertemu
genggamannya sepanjang lebih empat peminat di ruang legar pusat beli-belah
dekad bergelar anak seni yang miliki Pavilion Kuala Lumpur.

aura luar biasa. Selain itu, Yeoh juga antara 31 selebriti
Paling membanggakan, Yeoh dipilih menerima bintang di Hollywood
menepati ramalan ramai apabila Walk of Fame bagi Kelas 2024.

diumumkan sebagai Pelakon Wanita Pengumuman dibuat Hollywood
Terbaik, Anugerah Akademi (Oscar) Ke- Chamber of Commerce, di mana senarai
95 yang disiar secara langsung dari MICHELLE Yeoh bersama trofi Oscar yang dimenanginya Mac lalu. pendek dinilai daripada ratusan

Dolby Theatre, sekali gus mencipta rekod pencalonan diterima pada 16 Jun lalu.
sebagai bintang Asia pertama meraih Saya dedikasikan kemenangan ini mengejar impian hingga ke peringkat Sebagai pengiktirafan pencapaian
trofi unggul bagi kategori itu dalam kepada ibu dan semua ibu di seluruh antarabangsa. Yeoh yang dianggap bintang paling
sejarah Oscar pada Mac lalu. dunia kerana merekalah adalah adiwira Menghabiskan lebih separuh usia berpengaruh di Asia sejak lebih empat
Sebelum itu, menerusi watak Evelyn sebenar. Tanpa mereka, kita semua tidak dalam industri perfileman di Hong dekad, selain menghargai keberanian
Quan Wang, Yeoh meraih kemenangan akan dapat berada di sini,” katanya. Kong, malah merentasi Asia Tenggara dan ketangkasannya melakukan aksi
PELAKON Hisyam Hamid, 38, (gambar)
berganda menerusi kategori sama, iaitu Sebelum itu, Yeoh semakin bersinar dan Hollywood, Yeoh mengakui, lagak ngeri, beliau dipilih sebagai
masih melalui fasa kehidupan rumah
Pelakon Wanita Terbaik pada beberapa apabila membintangi filem aksi berlatar Malaysia memiliki kelebihan sebagai penerima Anugerah Khas Ekspresi Legasi
tangga yang bahagia bersama isteri,
anugerah berprestij lain seperti sejarah silam China, Crouching Tiger negara berbilang bangsa yang mengajar Seni pada Anugerah Bintang Popular BH
Rosmawati Hanafi atau mesra disapa
Anugerah Golden Globe Ke-80 dan Hidden Dragon. rakyat hidup toleransi. (ABPBH) Ke-35 di Panggung Sari, Istana
Melrose dan anak-anaknya walaupun
Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG) Ke-29. Bergandingan dengan Chow Yun Fat, “Indahnya Malaysia adalah kita hidup Budaya, minggu lalu.
mereka ‘dipisahkan’ negara.
Watak isteri dan ibu yang mahu Zhang Ziyi dan Chang Chen, filem itu dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa. Trofi Anugerah Ekspresi Seni ABPBH
Hisham yang juga pelakon Singapura
menyelamatkan dunia menerusi filem menjadi kemuncak kerjayanya apabila Biarpun berlainan agama dan bangsa, 35 diserahkan aktres jelita digelar
ketika ditemui berkata, isterinya sangat
pecah panggung, Everything Everywhere mendapat pengiktirafan dalam kita masih boleh faham dan pelajari Primadona Filem Melayu, Erra Fazira
memahami dan sehingga kini kemesraan
All At Once mencatatkan sejarah anugerah berprestij, Golden Globe, sesuatu daripada setiap orang. kepada anak saudara Yeoh, Thompson
dalam lakonan bersama pasangan
kegemilangan dalam kerjaya bintang Anugerah Akademi dan Festival Filem “Saya tidak nampak langsung adanya Yeoh yang mewakili aktres kelahiran
pelakonnya tidak pernah menjadi
yang pernah dimahkotakan sebagai Ratu Cannes. perbezaan. Saya percaya asas itulah yang Ipoh, Perak itu.
masalah utama dalam hubungan rumah
Cantik Malaysia ketika berusia 21 tahun April lalu, Yeoh pulang ke Malaysia berjaya membentuk diri untuk terus “Bagi pihak ibu saudara, saya ingin
tangga mereka.
pada 1983 itu. dan diraikan sempena program berpijak di bumi nyata biarpun di mana mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas
“Alhamdulillah, tahun ini dah 10
Pemilik nama Yeoh Choo Kheng itu istimewa, Pride of Malaysia Michelle saya berada. Selain faktor itu, saya juga anugerah ini. Saya yakin ibu saudara
tahun saya berlakon dan tinggal di
menyifatkannya perjalanan seninya Yeoh Homecoming Public Fan Meet di diasuh ibu bapa yang tegas dengan anak- juga pastinya sangat berbangga dengan
Malaysia. Mel pun sangat faham dengan
menakjubkan selama lebih empat dekad sebuah hotel di Kuala Lumpur. anak,” katanya. anugerah ini. Sayangnya, ibu saudara
kerjaya saya dan dia juga tahu setiap
dalam industri seni. Yeoh percaya, pendedahan membesar Mengulas kejayaan di pentas Oscar tidak dapat hadir pada malam
pelakon wanita yang bekerja dengan
“Ini membuktikan impian boleh dalam masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia menjadi inspirasi kepada bakat baharu, kemuncak ABPBH 35 kerana berada di

Pengorbanan Yuna berkelana di AS berbaloi

menjadi kenyataan. Jangan biarkan membentuk keperibadian dan Yeoh berpesan agar usah menjadi seperti luar negara,” katanya ketika berucap
“Ibu saya tak nak pindah ke sini, anak-
sesiapa persoalkan kebanggaan kita. menjadikan dirinya lebih terbuka dalam dirinya. mewakili aktres ternama itu. – BH Online
anak masih bersekolah di Singapura.
Setakat ini, memang tak pernah jadi
masalah utama dalam hubungan kami
yang mengaitkan saya dengan pelakon
wanita di lokasi. Saya bekerja secara
profesional. JAUH figura ini berkelana membawa yang dilakukannya. terus mencabar diri, pemilik nama
“Cuma, saya tak nafikan sekarang langkah ke bumi asing demi mengejar “Masa mula menjejakkan kaki ke AS lengkap Yunalis Mat Zara’ai ini berhasrat
kurang berkongsi foto keluarga di media impian dan cita-cita memperkenalkan lebih sedekad lalu, saya tidak pernah ada menulis lagu dalam bahasa asing, selain
sosial. Ini kerana saya sudah tidak aktif di muziknya kepada persada dunia. perancangan apa-apa. Saya juga tidak bahasa Inggeris dan Malaysia.
media sosial, mungkin faktor usia. Saya Meskipun terpaksa meninggalkan pernah menyangka akan menetap lama “Bersesuaian dengan nama anugerah
sibuk dengan kerja, penat dan tiada masa keluarga dan tanah air tercinta, namun di AS, hasilkan album dan berkolaborasi ini, saya memang suka meneroka perkara
nak selalu update (kemas kini),” katanya. bagi anak kelahiran Malaysia yang kini dengan komposer ternama Hollywood. baharu dalam hidup. Cita-cita saya mahu
Hisham berkata, memandangkan dua berpangkalan di Amerika Syarikat (AS), Niat saya hanyalah untuk menghasilkan untuk mencari tapak di Mexico dan
anaknya semakin membesar Yuna, 37, (gambar) tegar berpegang muzik. Tetapi, inilah rezeki yang mempelajari bahasa Sepanyol. Jika ada
membuatkan dia memilih untuk lebih kepada prinsip ‘genggam bara api biar dilorongkan Tuhan buat saya. rezeki saya teringin menghasilkan album
berkongsi mengenai kerja saja di media sampai jadi arang’. “Justeru, apabila dihadiahkan trofi ini, dalam bahasa Sepanyol,” ungkap
sosial berbanding keluarga dan peribadi. Ternyata, segala keringat dan air mata saya sangat terharu dan berterima kasih penyanyi kelahiran Alor Setar, Kedah ini.

Faye Kusairi timang

“Anak sulung saya pun akan ambil yang tumpah sepanjang perjalanan kepada penganjur, BH. Anugerah ini Tak dapat dinafikan, sebagai duta kecil
peperiksaan O Level tahun ini. Jadi, sebagai perantau seni akhirnya terbalas mengingatkan saya cabaran yang Malaysia dalam bidang seni, pencapaian

cahaya mata ketiga

apabila anak dah besar, dah lain. Kalau apabila dilamar syarikat rakaman dan dihadapi di AS. Bagaimanapun, saya dan kejayaan Yuna menjadi inspirasi
dulu, masa kecil orang tengok pun pengurusan Indie-Pop dan mengikat terpaksa melawan rasa rindu kepada kepada bakat baharu untuk mengikut
comel, tapi sekarang mereka dah perjanjian dengan Fader Label, syarikat keluarga kerana tidak pernah berpisah jejak langkahnya.
semakin membesar dan saya fikir ada rakaman yang berpangkalan di New York. lama dengan mereka. Tidak lokek berkongsi ilmu, nasihat
baiknya simpan sedikit untuk diri saya Tawaran itu menjadi titik awal “Trofi ini adalah terjemahan kepada Yuna kepada artis yang bercita-cita
saja. pencapaian terbaik Yuna yang akhirnya segala pengorbanan yang dilakukan melebarkan sayap ke peringkat PELAKON Faye Kusairi (gambar) selamat
“Saya pun sangat sibuk dengan kerja membuka pintu untuk pelbagai rezeki dalam mengejar impian saya,” katanya antarabangsa perlu bermuka tebal dan melahirkan cahaya mata ketiga di sebuah
hingga masa untuk diri sendiri tiada. dan kejayaan lain hingga mendapat kepada BH Online menerusi rakaman tidak mudah putus asa. pusat perubatan di ibu negara, Sabtu lalu.
Jadi, kalau ada sedikit kelapangan masa pengiktirafan antarabangsa. awal bersama produksi ketika “Perkara utama, kena buang perasaan Pemilik nama sebenar Dayangku
itu memang saya luangkan dengan anak- Atas pencapaian cemerlang pulang bercuti ke Malaysia pada malu. Saya seorang yang pemalu dan Faratiwan Adnil Awang Kusairi itu
anak yang ketika ini meningkat remaja yang turut membanggakan Mei lalu. demi cita-cita, saya harus keluar dari memaklumkan bayi perempuannya
dan cabaran sangat berbeza,” katanya. negara, penganjur anugerah Bagaimanapun, Yuna tidak kepompong itu. dilahirkan secara pembedahan berikutan
Ditanya bagaimana dia berhadapan berprestij, Anugerah Bintang dapat menghadiri malam “Selain itu, saya kena timba seberapa beberapa komplikasi.
dakwaan cuba mengaitkan rumah Popular BH (ABPBH) Ke-35 kemuncak ABPBH 35 disebabkan banyak pengalaman yang membolehkan “Alhamdulillah, semalam saya selamat
tangganya tidak bahagia, Hisham memilihnya sebagai komitmen seni di AS. saya terus berkarya. Paling penting, melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan
berkata, dia teruskan kehidupan macam penerima Anugerah Julung kali diwujudkan, jangan sesekali putus asa,” pesan yang comel dan sihat. Saya terpaksa
biasa kerana hubungannya dan isteri Eksplorasi Seni ABPBH 35 Anugerah Eksplorasi Seni pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang- menjalani pembedahan kecemasan
memang tidak bermasalah. yang berlangsung di adalah anugerah Undang dari Universiti Teknologi MARA disebabkan penurunan degupan jantung
“Saya lalui kehidupan harian seperti Panggung Sari, Istana diberikan kepada (UiTM) ini. bayi dan komplikasi lain.
biasa. Hubungan kami tiada masalah Budaya, minggu lalu. penggiat seni Malaysia Terdahulu, kemunculan Yuna dalam “Bagaimanapun semuanya berjalan
pun. Sesiapa yang memang betul-betul Terharu yang berjaya mencipta aliran muzik ‘indie’ Malaysia bermula lancar pada akhirnya,” tulisnya pada
ikuti saya di Instagram pasti tahu situasi pengiktirafan diberi, nama di peringkat dengan platform Myspace yang menjadi hantaran yang dikongsikan menerusi
sebenar,” katanya. penyanyi yang antarabangsa sebagai ruang buatnya berkarya. Instagram.
Hisham berkahwin dengan meledak menerusi satu pengiktirafan Wajah Yuna pernah terpampang di Dalam perkongsian tersebut Faye
Rosmawati pada 2006. Hasil perkongsian lagu Dan Sebenarnya besar. lokasi ikonik, Times Square di New York turut memuat naik paparan perincian
hidup itu, mereka dikurniakan dua anak, ini menyifatkan Enggan berpuas selepas dipilih syarikat terkenal NASDAQ kelahiran puterinya yang dilahirkan
Nurish Syameliah, 16, dan Haydeen, 14. – anugerah itu sebagai hati dengan yang memaparkan ikon muzik pada dengan berat 2.46 kilogram. – Kosmo!
HM Online simbol pengorbanan kejayaan dan mahu November 2016. – BH Online Online
harianekspres Dunia 7
Percikan api kerja kimpalan dipercayai punca letupan gudang bunga api di Narathiwat
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I I S NI N, 3 1 JULAI , 2 0 2 3

NARATHIWAT: Percikan api daripada kerja- dianggarkan 100 juta baht. Setakat ini tiada percikan api daripada kerja-kerja kimpalan malam Jumaat, manakala identiti dua lagi video menunjukkan letupan itu
kerja kimpalan dipercayai punca kepada rakyat Malaysia terlibat dalam letupan itu. bagi memasang kabinet baharu di situ, masih menunggu keputusan ujian DNA. memusnahkan kawasan besar di sekeliling
letupan kuat di sebuah gudang mercun Gabenor Narathiwat Sanan Pongaksorn dipercayai menyebabkan letupan. Sanan berkata 10 lagi mangsa yang gudang.
dan piroteknik di wilayah Narathiwat, berkata sembilan terbunuh dalam kejadian “Lebih 365 keluarga terjejas akibat mengalami kecederaan masih menerima Sementara itu, Panglima Wilayah
selatan Thailand, yang mengorbankan itu termasuk seorang bayi berusia lapan letupan itu. Kerajaan akan memberi rawatan di Hospital Sungai Kolok. Tentera Keempat, Lt Jen Santi Sakuntanark
sembilan orang dan mencederakan 117 bulan, kakaknya 4 tahun dan ibu mereka pampasan kepada keluarga yang anggota “Lebih 1,000 sukarelawan dan pegawai berkata pasukan petugas khas (pasukan
yang lain. berusia 28 tahun. keluarga mereka terkorban dalam kejadian berada di lapangan membantu penduduk siasatan khas) ditubuhkan untuk
Letupan pada pukul 3.30 petang (waktu Selain itu, beliau berkata seorang wanita itu dan mereka yang cedera,” katanya pada tempatan membersihkan serpihan akibat menyiasat kejadian itu.
tempatan) di Mundok, Sungai Kolok warga Indonesia berusia 36 tahun adalah sidang media di sini pada Ahad. letupan itu,” katanya. “Kami akan memanggil pemilik gudang
memusnahkan lebih 200 rumah dan kedai, antara 117 yang cedera dalam kejadian itu. Beliau berkata tujuh daripada mangsa Gudang itu dilaporkan menyimpan sebaik dia pulang dari luar negara,”

Pesawat terhempas,
serta 15 kenderaan. Jumlah kerugian “Siasatan awal menunjukkan bahawa dikebumikan dalam satu liang lahad pada sejumlah besar bahan letupan. Foto dan katanya. – Bernama

Lebih 350,000 kanak-kanak di negara enam terkorban

membangun tidak dapat rawatan kanser OTTAWA: Sebuah pesawat ringan

terhempas di Rocky Mountains di Calgary,
Kanada pada Jumaat, mengorbankan
enam orang, lapor Xinhua pada Sabtu.
GENEVA: Ratusan ribu kanak-kanak yang Adhanom Ghebreyesus, di Geneva pada Amerika Syarikat yang memberi tumpuan agensi PBB dan St. Jude memulakan Polis berkata lima penumpang dan
didiagnosis dengan kanser di negara Rabu. kepada penyelidikan dalam penyakit program global untuk meningkatkan seorang juruterbang berada di dalam
berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana “Ini meletakkan kanak-kanak dan leukemia dan kanser lain, melancarkan akses kepada ubat kanser kanak-kanak. pesawat itu.
tidak mendapat rawatan sewajarnya, kata keluarga mereka dalam risiko menerima Inisiatif Global untuk Kanser Kanak-Kanak WHO juga mengumumkan bahawa Pesawat malang itu berlepas dari
agensi kesihatan Pertubuhan Bangsa- ubat-ubatan yang tidak berkualiti dan pada 2018. ubat kanser adalah antara yang telah Lapangan Terbang Springbank kira-kira
Bangsa Bersatu. palsu yang menyebabkan kelangsungan Inisiatif itu menyasarkan sekurang- ditambah kepada versi terkini Senarai 8.45 malam (0145 GMT Sabtu) menuju ke
Hanya satu perempat daripada negara hidup kanak-kanak di negara-negara kurangnya 60 peratus kadar kelangsungan Ubat Perlu WHO dan Senarai Ubat Penting Salmon Arm, British Columbia dan hilang
berpendapatan rendah menyediakan ubat berkenaan kurang daripada 30 peratus hidup di negara berpendapatan rendah untuk Kanak-kanak, katanya. dari radar kira-kira 30 minit kemudian.
kanser kanak-kanak melalui perbelanjaan berbanding lebih 90 peratus di negara dan sederhana menjelang 2030, dengan “Senarai baharu itu juga termasuk ubat Menurut laporan, serpihan pesawat
awam, lapor menurut Agensi Berita berpendapatan tinggi,” katanya. memberi tumpuan kepada enam kanser baharu yang penting untuk rawatan bersama enam mayat ditemukan kira-kira
Emirates (WAM) memetik taklimat akhbar Untuk membantu menangani masalah yang boleh sembuh yang dihidapi lebih sklerosis berbilang, penyakit berjangkit 7.30 pagi (1230 GMT) Sabtu di kawasan
mingguan Ketua Pengarah Pertubuhan itu, WHO yang disokong oleh Hospital separuh kanak-kanak. dan keadaan kardiovaskular,” kata Tedros. pergunungan kira-kira 100 kilometer
barat Calgary.

Puluhan cedera, ditahan dalam protes antikerajaan di Bangladesh

Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) PBB Tedros Penyelidikan Kanak-kanak St. Jude, Beliau berkata pada Disember 2021, – Bernama-WAM
Identiti mangsa tidak diumumkan dan
punca nahas sedang disiasat. – Bernama-

Raja Maghribi

beri pengampunan
DHAKA: Parti Nasionalis Bangladesh dibebaskan.

kepada 2,052
(BNP) pada Sabtu mendakwa polis Polis Metropolitan Dhaka (DMP)
menahan dan mencederakan lebih 100 berkata pihaknya menahan 90 orang
penyokong parti itu, lapor Anadolu. kerana merosakkan harta benda awam

Sebuah kenderaan polis dan tiga bas dan memulakan serangan ke atas polis.
awam dibakar dan beberapa kereta Timbalan pesuruhjaya sayap media
persendirian telah dirosakkan semasa DMP, Faruk Hossain, berkata 20 anggota
protes. Parti pembangkang dan polis cedera diserang penyokong BNP.
pemerintah saling menuding jari atas Polis menahan lebih 1,200 pemimpin
insiden itu dan penyokong parti pembangkang BNP RABAT: Raja Maghribi Raja Mohammed VI
BNP sedang menjalankan gerakan sejak tiga hari lalu semasa perhimpunan berkenan memberikan pengampunan
untuk mendesak kerajaan mengadakan besar-besaran di Dhaka. kepada 2,052 banduan sempena
pilihan raya yang adil secepat mungkin, Parti Islam terbesar Bangladesh memperingati hari baginda menaiki
manakala parti Liga Awami (AL) mahu Jamaat-e-Islami turut mengutuk serangan takhta, lapor Agensi Berita MAP pada
pilihan raya diadakan pada Disember atau polis itu dan mengatakan 200 pemimpin Sabtu.
awal Januari. serta penyokong mereka telah ditahan. Banduan itu sebahagiannya berada di
Sementara itu, video yang tular di Dilaporkan bahawa Amerika Syarikat penjara dan ada yang diikat jamin.
media dan televisyen tempatan (AS) dan sekutu Barat dikatakan telah Throne Day (hari menaiki takhta) di
menunjukkan polis mengunakan memberikan tekanan ke atas kerajaan sambut setiap tahun pada 30 Julai dan
belantan serta menahan ahli Bangladesh untuk mengadakan pilihan tahun ini menandakan ulang tahun ke-24,
jawatankuasa tetap BNP Gayeshwar raya yang bebas kerana dua pilihan raya lapor Xinhua.
Sejumlah 133 banduan dibebaskan,
SEKITAR insiden kekacauan di Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sabtu lalu. – Gambar AFP
Chandra Roy di Dhaka. sebelum ini didakwa dicemari penipuan
Bagaimanapun, beliau kemudian undi. – Bernama-Anadolu manakala selebihnya dikurangkan denda
atau tempoh penjara. – Bernama-Xinhua

BOla SEpaK – liga Super 2023

JDT kekalkan rekod

100 peratus kemenangan
KUALA LUMPUR: Penyerang import
terbaharu, Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT),
Heberty Fernandes berjaya membuat debut
impian di Liga Super 2023 apabila
menjaringkan gol pembukaan dalam
membantu menwaskan Selangor FC 2-0 di
Stadium Sultan Ibrahim, Iskandar Puteri,
Johor malam Sabtu lalu.
Selangor, yang turun tanpa Mohamad
(DARI kiri) Lawrence, Kok, Awang dan Casper.
Faisal Halim, yang digantung selama

Kok Jken Yung juara Kejohanan Pool

sebulan, hampir menjadi pasukan pertama
untuk mencuri mata daripada skuad

Handikap Terbuka 9 Bola Myth Bar

Harimau Selatan selepas berjaya
mematahkan serangan bertali-arus juara
bertahan itu sejak wisel permulaan.
Namun, pemain berusia 34 tahun dari

gl Oh
Brazil, yang hadir dari Bangkok United FC,
memenangi hadiah wang tunai RM1,700, memastikan JDT mengekalkan rekod 100
KOTA KINABALU: Kok Jken Yung dengan hadiah RM850 menjadi milik peratus kemenangan apabila cubaan
dinobatkan sebagai juara dalam Lawrence. Muhammad Safuwan Baharudin
Kejohanan Pool Handikap Terbuka 9 Bola Terdahulu pada separuh akhir, Kok mengeluarkan hantaran Oscar Arribas,
Myth Bar pada Jumaat lalu. menewaskan Lawrence 8-2 manakala terkena kaki Heberty dan masuk ke dalam
Dia menewaskan Awang Ali 8-0 pada Awang Ali seri 7-7 dengan Casper untuk gawang pada minit ke-79.
perlawanan akhir untuk membawa pulang mara ke final. JDT, juara Liga Super buat sembilan kali
Hadiah wang tunai RM200 turut berturut-turut itu, kemudian
PENJAGA gol Selangor FC, Samuel Jacob Somerville mendakap bola
hadiah wang tunai RM7,000, manakala
diberikan oleh penganjur kepada setiap menggandakan jaringan menerusi sepakan
sambil diasak pemain JDT Bergson Gustavo Silveira Da Silva pada
finalis yang kalah menerima RM3,500.
pemain yang kalah di suku akhir dan penalti Bergson Da Silva, yang tenang
perlawanan Liga Super di Stadium Sultan Ibrahim, Sabtu lalu. – fotoBERNAMA
Tempat ketiga disandang oleh Casper

Esteban puas hati prestasi JDT

Chin yang menewaskan Lawrence Wong 8- RM100 kepada pemain yang kalah di menyudahkan sepakan penalti, pada masa
6 pada perlawanan ‘playoff ’ untuk pusingan 16 terakhir. kecederaan (90+3) selepas dikasari oleh
Harith Haiqal Adam Afkar dalam kotak mata, apabila berjaya mengumpul 54 mata Terdahulu pada aksi sebelah petang di
penalti. daripada 18 kemenangan berturut-turut Stadium Bolasepak Kuala Lumpur, Cheras,
Kali terakhir Selangor menewaskan JDT setakat ini, diikuti Selangor (40 mata) Kuala Lumpur (KL) City FC bangkit
adalah pada Ogos 2017 dengan dengan 19 aksi, Kedah Darul Aman (KDA) daripada ketinggalan untuk membelasah
ISKANDAR PUTERI: Ketua jurulatih pasukan lalu. kemenangan tipis 2-1, namun tewas FC (37 mata) dan Sri Pahang FC (34 mata). pasukan di kedudukan tercorot, Kelantan
bola sepak Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) Esteban Beliau turut memuji penyerang JDT sebanyak 12 kali dan seri tiga kali dalam Sementara itu, di Stadium Negeri, FC, 5-1.
Solari puas hati dengan prestasi semua baharu Heberty Fernandes, yang berjaya kesemua pertandingan Liga-Malaysia Kuching, jaringan tunggal penyerang Pasukan pelawat bermula garang
pemainnya susulan kejayaan menewaskan menjaringkan gol dalam kemunculan (termasuk Piala FA, Piala Malaysia) sejak import berbisa, Ifedayo Omosuyi hasil dengan jaringan seawal minit ketiga
pasukan Selangor FC 2-0 malam Sabtu lalu. pertamanya semasa permainan memasuki itu. daripada sepakan penjuru Manuel Hidalgo menerusi sepakan percuma pemain import
Jurulatih kelahiran Argentinia itu ia separuh masa kedua. Kemenangan itu membantu skuad pada minit ke-39, memastikan KDA dari Argentina, Leonardo Rolon sebelum

Pendekatan latihan Misbun dipandang tinggi

merupakan perlawanan yang amat “Heberty masih baru, kita perlukan lebih kendalian Esteban Solari melebarkan mencatatkan kemenangan tipis 1-0 Zhafri Yahya menyamakan kedudukan pada
mencabar, apabila menghadapi lawan yang ramai pemain seperti dia, dia juga perlukan jurang di persada Liga Super kepada 14 menentang Kuching City FC. minit ke-26. – Bernama
kuat. masa memandangkan baru sampai ke sini,
“Perlawanan yang cukup mencabar dan dia adalah pemain yang perlu kita
sebagaimana yang saya katakan sebelum bentuk. Saya gembira dia dapat jaringkan
perlawanan. (Namun) Kita tampil dengan gol,” katanya.
persediaan untuk ke final, kadangkala amat Sementara itu pengendali Selangor FC KUALA LUMPUR: Sesetengah pihak adalah jurulatih terbaik baginya. seorang guru, tetapi sebagai seorang bapa
sukar untuk membaca perlawanan Tan Cheng Hoe tetap berpuas hati dengan mungkin meragui kehebatan Datuk Misbun “Saya tahu ramai di luar sana meragui selamanya. Terima kasih. ‘Coach’ Misbun,”
sebegini, tapi saya gembira dengan persembahan dan semangat yang Sidek dalam melatih pemain tetapi tidak anda dan memikirkan kaedah kejurulatihan katanya dalam satu hantaran di Instagram.
persembahan pasukan kami. ditunjukkan pasukannya meskipun tewas buat pemain badminton negara Justin Hoh anda sudah lapuk, tetapi saya mahu katakan Pada Jumaat, Misbun dan Persatuan
“Kami mengawal perlawanan sejak di tangan pasukan teratas liga. yang memandang tinggi kepada beliau. di sini anda adalah jurulatih terbaik di mata Badminton Malaysia (BAM) bersetuju
permulaan sehingga akhir. Menang ada Beliau berkata persembahan yang Pemain perseorangan lelaki berusia 19 saya. Terima kasih kerana mendidik saya secara bersama untuk berpisah susulan
beberapa peluang yang terlepas kerana ditampilkan anak buahnya yang cuba tahun itu yang berlatih di bawah Pengarah bagaimana menjadi seorang atlet yang prestasi hambar skuad badminton remaja di
terlalu ramai pemain yang berada di untuk menyekat kemaraan JDT harus dipuji Kejurulatihan Perseorangan Remaja berdisiplin. Kejohanan Remaja Asia yang berlangsung di
bahagian pertahanan,” katanya dalam meskipun mengakui kehebatan dan Akademi Badminton Malaysia (ABM) “Tanpa anda, saya tidak akan berada di Jogjakarta, Indonesia, baru-baru ini. –
persidangan media di sini malam Sabtu kelincahan pasukan lawan itu. – Bernama selama tiga tahun, merasakan Misbun tempat ini hari ini. Bukan hanya sebagai Bernama
JDT kekalkan

SUKAN harianekspres
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I I S NI N, 3 1 JULAI , 2 0 2 3
100 peratus

Keningau, Kota Marudu juara Kejohanan Hoki B-18 MSS Sabah Tammy cipta sejarah
raih emas pertama
Malaysia di

KOTA KINABALU: Keningau dan Kota
Marudu muncul juara dalam Kejohanan
Hoki Bawah 18 Tahun Majlis Sukan
Sekolah Sabah yang berakhir di Stadium
Hoki Likas pada Jumaat lalu.
Keningau merangkul kejuaraan lelaki KUALA LUMPUR: Atlet wushu Tammy Tan
dengan kemenangan 3-0 ke atas Kota Hui Ling, melakar sejarah apabila
Belud pada perlawanan akhir, dengan menamatkan penantian 38 tahun untuk
Kota Marudu dan Tenom berkongsi meraih pingat emas pertama Malaysia,
kedudukan tempat ketiga. pada temasya Sukan Universiti Dunia
Manakala Kota Marudu merangkul (Universiade) di Chengdu, China pada
kejuaraan perempuan dengan Ahad.
kemenangan 4-2 menerusi penentuan Tammy, yang baru menyambut ulang
penalti ke atas Keningau selepas kedua- tahun kelahiran ke-22 pada Khamis lepas,
dua pasukan terikat 0-0 pada masa mengungguli acara Qiangshu wanita,
penuh. selepas mencatat 9.613 mata pada saingan
Kejohanan itu menyaksikan di Chengbei Gymnasium.
penyertaan 30 pasukan dengan 15 Wakil Macau, Weng Ian Wong (9.593)
pasukan dalam setiap kategori dan dan Lydia Sham Hui Yu (9.583) dari Hong
mereka dibahagikan kepada lima Kong, masing-masing meraih perak dan
PASUKAN lelaki Keningau dan pasukan perempuan Kota Marudu bersama pegawai selepas majlis penutupan.

Jadi kapten
kumpulan. gangsa acara itu, menurut laman web
rasmi temasya.
“Tammy menamatkan igauan hampir

Liverpool satu Nevern raih tempat

38 tahun pingat emas untuk Malaysia
sejak penyertaan di Universiade Kobe,

Jepun 1985,” menurut catatan di Facebook
Sukan IPT (Institut Pengajian Tinggi).
Sebelum ini, kem wushu

– Van Dijk
menghadiahkan dua gangsa di Chengdu
menerusi Mandy Cebelle Chen dan Calvin

kedua di Thailand
Lee Wai Leong, masing-masing menerusi
acara Tajiquan wanita dan Nangun lelaki.
Pencapaian terbaik Malaysia sebelum
SINGAPURA: Virgil van Dijk berkata dia ini ialah kejayaan membawa pulang tiga
yakin bahawa pemain Liverpool mampu perak dan empat gangsa daripada edisi

Ruta pecah rekod

mengisi kekosongan yang ditinggalkan 2017 di Taiwan. – Bernama
Jordan Henderson dan berkata ia adalah
“satu penghormatan” diberikan peranan GL Oh Ia merupakan podium pertama Nevern

dunia 50m kuak

sebagai kapten. KOTA KINABALU: Pemain boling Sabah, di persada antarabangsa dan dia
Pemain tengah England, Henderson Nevern Nethaneel (gambar) menduduki mengucapkan terima kasih kepada

dada wanita
berpindah ke Liga Pro Saudi minggu ini dan tempat kedua dalam Masters Terbuka mereka yang telah menyokongnya.
pertahanan Belanda, Van Dijk, yang pernah Kejohanan Boling Terbuka Antarabangsa “Ini adalah podium pertama saya,
memakai lilitan ketua pasukan sebelum ini, Thailand MWA-Singha ke-47 yang sebelum ini saya hanya mendapat tempat
dijangka akan mengambil alih peranan itu. berlangsung dari 16-29 Julai di Blu-O keempat dalam mana-mana kejohanan
“Jelas sekali kami akan merinduinya Rhythm & Bowl Ratchayothin, Bangkok, terbuka yang saya bertanding.
sebagai pemain dan pastinya sebagai Thailand. “Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih FUKUOKA: Perenang Lithuania, Ruta
pemimpin dan kapten, seseorang yang Pemain pilihan keempat yang beraksi kepada MTBC (Kongres Tenpin Boling Meilutyte mencipta rekod dunia baharu
sangat penting bagi kami dan berjaya di cemerlang dalam pertandingan itu tewas Malaysia), Majlis Sukan Negara, Majlis bagi acara 50 meter (m) kuak dada wanita
kelab sejak beberapa tahun lalu,” kata Van 181-225 kepada pemain pilihan utama Sukan Sabah, dan Persatuan Tenpin ketika memenangi pingat emas pada
Dijk. Muhd Jaris Goh dari Singapura pada Boling Sabah kerana menaja perjalanan Kejohanan Akuatik Dunia, pada Ahad.
Henderson, James Milner dan Roberto perlawanan akhir. saya. Ruta mencatat masa 29.16 saat (s)
Firmino semuanya meninggalkan pasukan Dia sebelum itu menewaskan pemain “Tidak lupa juga kepada keluarga yang untuk mengatasi perenang Amerika
musim panas ini, tetapi Van Dijk berkata pilihan kelima dari Korea, Oh Byung Jun sentiasa memberi kata-kata semangat Syarikat (AS), Lilly King on 29.94s dan
pemain lain dalam skuad akan mengisi dan pilihan keenam, Chanathip Prempree apabila saya terfikir untuk berhenti,” perenang Itali, Benedetta Pilato dengan
kekosongan itu apabila ia berkaitan dengan dari Thailand 278-209-195 dalam katanya. 30.04s.
kepimpinan. Stepladder Lelaki pertama sebelum Sementara itu, pertandingannya Sabtu lalu, Ruta menyamai rekod dunia
“Sudah pasti kami mempunyai ramai menyingkirkan pilihan kedua dari Korea, seterusnya ialah pada Kejohanan Boling di peringkat separuh akhir acara itu
pemain yang boleh memikul dan perlu Hong Hae Sol dan rakan senegara Terbuka Antarabangsa Sarawak di dengan catatan 29.30s.
Muhammad Syazirol Shamsuddin 200- Kuching yang akan diadakan pada “Saya dapat rasa pasti berjaya

Skuad ekuestrian sasar satu pingat di Sukan Asia

memikul tanggungjawab itu, jadi saya yakin
itu akan berlaku,” tambah Van Dijk, 32. 184-193 untuk mara ke final. September melakukannya, saya dapat rasa,” katanya.
Walaupun dia tidak mahu bercakap Catatan masa itu menyamai catatan
terlalu banyak mengenai penggantian dilakukan Benedetta pada 2021.
Henderson sebagai kapten, Van Dijk Awal minggu lalu, Ruta memenangi
mengakui ia amat bermakna kepadanya jika muncul juara dunia bagi acara 100m kuak
dia diminta untuk memakai lilitan ketua dada.
KUALA LUMPUR: Skuad ekuestrian latihan luar negara masing-masing sebagai diletakkan mampu dicapai selepas rata-
pasukan secara tetap. “Saya menikmati peningkatan
menjanjikan sekurang-kurangnya satu persiapan akhir sebelum ke Hangzhou rata skuad ekuestrian rantau Asia tidak
“Saya telah menjadi kapten pasukan sepanjang masa,” katanya.
pingat disumbangkan buat negara pada pada September. menyertai temasya itu bagi memberikan
beberapa kali sejak beberapa tahun lalu dan Dia bersara pada 2019 ketika berusia 22
Sukan Asia 2022 di Hangzhou, China yang “Jadi kita harap memperoleh pingat tumpuan mengumpul mata kelayakan ke
ia sentiasa menjadi detik yang tahun apabila digantung dua tahun
akan berlangsung 23 September hingga 8 daripada mereka seperti mana diketahui Sukan Olimpik 2024 di Paris.
membanggakan untuk melakukannya. Kita kerana tidak hadir tiga ujian dadah,
Oktober ini. Qabil pernah sumbang pingat di Sukan Pada Sukan Asia 2018 Jakarta-
akan lihat apa yang akan terjadi pada masa menyebabkannya tidak dapat beraksi di
Setiausaha Kehormat Persatuan Asia lepas. Kita juga optimis Shoorendran Palembang, jaguh ekuestrian negara Qabil
hadapan tetapi ia akan menjadi Sukan Olimpik Tokyo 2020 sebelum
Ekuestrian Malaysia (EAM), Mej (B) Datuk yang berada di ranking ketiga Asia bagi Ambak bersama kudanya, Rosentolz
penghormatan besar untuk menjadi ketua kembali bertanding pada 2021.
Yap Mou Soon berkata pingat sebarang show jumping tidak berdepan masalah menyumbang pingat perak bagi acara

Liverpool terlepas
pasukan,” katanya. – AFP Ruta yang tidak pernah gagal ujian
warna itu disasarkan menerusi atlet untuk turut menyumbang pingat,” dressage.
dadah adalah bintang pada temasya
ekuestrian negara Mohd Qabil Ambak katanya. Sementara itu, mengenai kejohanan
Olimpik London 2012 apabila dia yang

bayaran bonus
Mahamad Fathil bagi acara dressage dan N. Beliau berkata demikian kepada hari ini, beliau berkata EAM kini sedang
ketika itu berusia 15 tahun menang emas
Shoorendran bagi acara show jumping. Bernama pada Kejohanan Kebangsaan CSI1 mempergiat program pembangunan atlet
acara 100m kuak dada wanita.

prestasi Mane
“Kedua-dua mereka sebelum ini telah International Show Jumping-Tent Pegging muda dalam usaha melahirkan atlet
Dia turut menang emas di Kejohanan
layak beraksi di Sukan Asia 2022 secara di Selangor Turf Club, di sini pada Ahad. berpotensi mengikut jejak langkah Qabil
Dunia di Barcelona, setahun kemudian. –
merit dan sedang giat berlatih di venue Mou Soon turut optimis sasaran Ambak. – Bernama

Norway, Switzerland mara ke pusingan 16 terakhir


LONDON: Liverpool tidak akan menerima BOLA SEPAK – Piala Dunia Wanita
tambahan 7.5 juta pound (RM43.87 juta)
daripada Bayern Munich selepas Sadio Mane
menyertai kelab Arab Saudi, Al-Nassr.
12 bulan selepas meninggalkan Anfield,
Mane akan bertukar kelab sekali lagi AUCKLAND, New Zealand: Bekas juara hasil kerja keras kami.”
apabila Bayern setuju melepaskan pemain Norway membelasah Filipina untuk mara ke Jurulatih dari Perancis, Reynald Pedros,
31 tahun menyertai Al-Nassr pada harga 30 pusingan 16 terakhir Piala Dunia Wanita menyaksikan pasukan Maghribi
juta pound (RM175.48 juta). pada Ahad, tetapi tuan rumah bersama New bimbingannya mendahului selepas hanya
Selepas mengharungi enam tahun yang Zealand tersingkir selepas seri tanpa enam minit di hadapan lebih 13,000
gemilang di Anfield bersama skuad jaringan dengan Switzerland. penyokong di Adelaide.
kendalian Jurgen Klopp, pemain Senegal Switzerland mengungguli Kumpulan A Hanane Ait El Haj melakukan hantaran
itu berharap dapat mengulanginya di dalam persaingan sengit yang menyaksikan lintang dan Jraidi mengatasi pemain yang
Bundesliga bersama Bayern kendalian pasukan New Zealand tersingkir disebabkan mengawalnya untuk melakukan tandukan
Julian Nagelsmann. perbezaan gol yang lebih rendah ke penjuru pintu gol.
Bayern membayar 27.5 juta pound berbanding Norway. Maghribi, yang berada di ranking ke-72
(RM160.86 juta) untuk khidmat Mane pada Juara 1995, Norway memerlukan dunia, dianggap pasukan bukan pilihan
Jun 2022, dengan tambahan 7.5 juta pound kemenangan dan mereka melakukannya memandangkan lawan mereka, Korea
(RM43.87 juta) jika pemain itu mencapai dengan bergaya, membenam Filipina 6-0 di menduduki ranking ke-17.
prestasi ditetapkan. Eden Park di Auckland. Skuad kendalian Colin Bell itu berjaya
Bagaimanapun bayaran berdasarkan Sophie Roman Haug menjaringkan menemui rentak permainan pada
prestasi itu tidak akan diterima Liverpool hatrik ketika perjalanan kisah dongeng penghujung separuh masa pertama, tetapi
selepas musim sulung Mane yang Filipina terhenti. seperti dalam kekalahan 2-0 kepada
mengecewakan di Allianz Arena. Dengan Norway mendahului di depan, Colombia dalam perlawanan pembukaan,
Dia bermula baik dengan menjaringkan New Zealand – yang berada di kedudukan mereka kurang tajam di hadapan gol.
gol ketika kemenangan Piala Super DFL ke teratas pada awal hari itu – kini perlu Korea Selatan kini berdepan
atas RB Leipzig dan meledak tiga kali dalam menewaskan Switzerland di Dunedin. penyingkiran awal selepas gagal melakukan
tiga penampilan pertama Bundesliga. Tuan rumah beraksi dengan baik pada percubaan tepat walaupun menguasai
Walaupun kerap membarisi PENYERANG Norway, Sophie Roman Haug bersaing dengan
separuh masa pertama dan mencipta banyak sebahagian besar permainan.
pertahanan Filipina, Jessika Cowart semasa perlawanan
kesebelasan utama Bayern, Mane tampak peluang, yang menyaksikan percubaan Bell tidak dapat menyembunyikan
di Eden Park di Auckland pada Ahad. – Gambar AFP
bergelut untuk mengekalkan prestasi penyerang Jacqui Hand menggegarkan tiang kekecewaannya.
awalnya dan Nagelsmann mengakui gol pada minit ke-24. New Zealand mencipta sejarah pada kemenangan yang diperoleh itu “Pertama sekali, tahniah kepada Maghribi
pemain itu masih dalam proses Ketika Norway menambah gol di kejohanan ini dengan merekodkan menghidupkan peluang Maghribi untuk atas kemenangan itu, yang pertama dalam
menyesuaikan diri. Auckland, pasukan New Zealand kemenangan pertama mereka di Piala mara ke peringkat 16 terakhir. sejarah Piala Dunia mereka,” katanya.
Kecederaan ketika menentang Werder meningkatkan intensiti permainan, Dunia, namun akhirnya kecewa. Ramai Selain kemenangan pertama Maghribi “Saya tidak mengatakan ia memang
pada November menyebabkan Mane mengetahui hanya kemenangan mampu pemain New Zealand menangis selepas pada kejohanan itu, satu lagi sejarah tercatat patut. Mereka bermula dengan baik dan itu
terpaksa berehat tiga bulan dan terlepas membawa mereka ke peringkat seterusnya. perjalanan mereka di kejohanan itu terhenti. apabila pemain pertahanan Nouhaila menjejaskan kami pada separuh masa
aksi Piala Dunia Qatar. Suasana di stadium yang penuh dengan Terdahulu di Kumpulan H, Maghribi Benzina menjadi pemain pertama berhijab pertama.
Dia kemudian digantung oleh kelab penonton semakin hangat apabila kedua- memenangi perlawanan Piala Dunia Wanita di Piala Dunia Wanita. “Separuh masa kedua kami menguasai
kerana menumbuk rakan sepasukan, Leroy dua pasukan berusaha mendapatkan buat kali pertama selepas Ibtissam Jraidi “Kami sangat gembira kerana usaha kami sebahagian besar permainan, tetapi peluang
Sane ketika aksi Liga Juara-Juara Eropah. jaringan dan penjaga gol New Zealand, menjaringkan gol awal untuk memberikan membuahkan hasil,” kata penjaring gol, yang kami cipta, kami tergesa-gesa, kami
Mane akan bergandingan dengan bekas Victoria Esson hampir menjaringkan gol mereka kemenangan 1-0 ke atas Korea Jraidi. gagal memanfaatkannya.
bintang Liga Perdana Inggeris, Cristiano kemenangan namun tandukannya dari satu Selatan. “Saya ingin mendedikasikan “Saya telah mengalami banyak pasang
Ronaldo, Alex Telles dan David Ospina di sepekan sudut pada masa kecederaan Selepas dibelasah 6-0 oleh Jerman pada kemenangan ini kepada Maghribi dan surut dalam bola sepak, dan ini pastinya
Al-Nassr. – Agensi tersasar. penampilan sulung mereka di Piala Dunia, semua negara Arab umumnya. Ia adalah salah satu saat yang paling teruk.” – AFP

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