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PPH 8/12/2012 (031085) Vol. 202 Kota Kinabalu, July 30, 2023 RM1.

50 Established 1963

Vote for unity, CM tells Sabahans

SEREMBAN: Chief Minister Datuk “The rights of the Malays, Bahasa
Seri Hajiji Noor urged Sabah voters Melayu as the official language, Islam as
in the impending six state elections the official religion and the privilege of
the Malay rulers are enshrined in the Fed-
in peninsula to choose candidates eral Constitution and it must be
from the Unity Government led by respected.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar “However, we cannot deny the rights
Ibrahim. of other races in Malaysia.
“Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) is “We in Sabah have been a good exam-
standing behind Prime Minister Datuk ple of unity in diversity and solidarity
Seri Anwar Ibrahim and fully supports because, despite differences in race and
the Unity Government,” said Hajiji, who religion, we have co-existed in harmony
is also GRS Chairman. for so long regardless of political ideol-
“It is crucial that the Sabah voters pick ogy, which is what the Unity Government
Unity Government candidates to main- is also promoting at the national level.
tain the country’s political dynamics for “Therefore, I call upon the people to
a better future,” he said, after meeting support the Unity Government candi-
Sabah voters at the Royal Chulan Hotel, dates in this state elections,” he said.
Friday night. Among the GRS entourage at the
Present were Negeri Sembilan Menteri event were Deputy Chairman Tan Sri
Besar Dato’ Seri Haji Aminuddin Harun, Pandikar Amin Mulia, vice chairman
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Depart- Datuk Masiung Banah and Information
ment Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali and Chief Datuk Joniston Bangkuai.
Sabah Minister of Industrial Develop- Also on hand were Kawang Assembly-
ment and Entrepreneurship of Sabah man Datuk Ghulam Haidar Khan
Phoong Jin Zhe. Bahadar, Pantai Dalit Assemblyman
“GRS declares its full support to the Datuk Jasnih Daya, Tempasuk Assembly-
Unity Government because it is the best man Arshad Bistari, Tawau MP Lo Su Fui
platform for a multi-racial country like and Senator Datuk Bobbey Suan.
Malaysia to move forward,” he said. Hajiji also took time to meet up with
Hajiji also urged the people to reject Sabahans residing in Negeri Sembilan.
racial slurs and religious bigotry used by Hajiji and Sarawak Premier Tan Sri
the opposition to canvas for votes. Abang Johari Tun Openg, accompanied
Anwar (centre), flanked by Hajiji (second left) and Sarawak Premier
“Such tactic is detrimental to a plural Anwar at the nomination centre at Seko-
Abang Johari, at the Nomination Centre in Selayang on Saturday.
country like ours, which will never guar- lah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Sungai
antee Malaysia’s future.” Pusu in Gombak, Selangor.
He said stability, one of the important Both state leaders were making their
factors for the country to progress, can
only be achieved when the people are
united and not blinded by racism and
first appearance together with federal
leaders in showing support for the ruling
coalition candidates in the peninsula.
570 candidates; straight fights in 181 seats
bigotry. The Election Commission had set Sat- PUTRAJAYA: The six state elections sched- straight fights. the total number of candidates for the
Hajiji, who is also President of Parti urday as nomination day and Aug 12 as uled for August 12 are shaping up to be The EC also announced that the elec- state assembly seats, Perikatan Nasional
Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (PGRS), said the the polling date for the polls in six states, multi-cornered fights for seats. toral contests will involve a total of 572 (PN) has fielded the most candidates at
special rights of the Malays are protected namely Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, The Election Commission (EC) Saturday candidates from various political parties 168, followed by Pakatan Harapan (PH)
under the Constitution but does not Penang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, said that there will be 51 three-cornered who will be vying for the 245 seats up for with 138 candidates, Barisan Nasional (BN)
mean the interests of other races are and the Kuala Terengganu by-election, fights, 13 four-cornered fights and one grabs. 108, PAS 78, Malaysian United Democratic
ignored. with early voting on Aug 8. five-cornered fight, in addition to 181 Based on data provided by the EC, of Alliance (Muda) 19, Parti Rakyat Malaysia
(PRM) 13 and Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
RM40mil There are 41 Independent candidates as
well as candidates from two less well-
allocation known parties, the Youth Front Party
which was formerly known as Penang
Front Party (PFP) with two, and Parti
for Esscom Utama Rakyat (PUR) with one.
The nomination process, which began
at 9am Saturday, officially closed an hour
staff reflects later at 10am, with 173 candidate nomina-
tion centres witnessing a submission of
concern 573 nomination papers.

Adalbert (sixth left) and Greg on his right with village chiefs and community representatives.
“Immediately after the nomination
period ended at 10am, a total of 573 nom-
KOTA KINABALU: The RM40 million allo-
ination papers were submitted by various
cation to upgrade the infrastructure and
parties and individuals who will contest in
quarters for the staff of the Eastern Sabah
Security Command (Esscom) in Lahad
Datu provided by the Government demon-
3,000 Kolopis folks ‘no’ to raised taxes the 15th state election and Kuala Tereng-
ganu by-election.
“However, one nomination paper was
strates its commitment to ensuring the Jonathan Nicholas used by the consultant valuers, saying normalisation.
welfare of the agency’s personnel is always rejected involving an Independent candi-
PENAMPANG: Some 3,000 residents from they did not meet the country’s stan- “For some cases, they (valuators) have date for DUN N09 Kota Lama, Kelantan,”
taken care of. seven villages in Kolopis want their area dards. broken down subunits making the sum
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Ghani dur-
excised from the District Council’s opera- “The Malaysian Valuation Standard of parts greater than the whole. ing a press conference here Saturday.
said the allocation also reflects Prime Min- tional area, claiming property valuations clearly mandates the factors that are to be “It makes no sense that Penampang be
ister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s concern Among the candidates contesting, 501
carried out recently will burden the taken into consideration to determine a more expensive than Kota Kinabalu. Peo- candidates are male, and 71 candidates are
for the welfare of Esscom personnel who underprivileged rural majority. property valuation. ple will leave or commute to other dis-
are willing to sacrifice to ensure the safety female. The eldest candidate being fielded
Community spokesperson Datuk Seri “This is not limited to comparable tricts for their livelihood,” he said,
of Sabah and the country. for the state elections is an 80-year-old
Dr Adalbert Kinson said it was unfair for rental and sales data, property size and attributing the cause to be ignorance of
“Thank you to the Prime Minister for his who is standing in Pantai Jerejak, Penang,
the flood-prone and underdeveloped val- age, neighbourhood appeal, zoning and economic impact.
concern and hopefully this initiative will while the youngest is a 23-year-old contest-
ley to be subjected to a subsequently land use, and the overall health of the An anonymous individual claimed a
boost the spirit of Esscom personnel to do ing Bukit Antarabangsa, Selangor.
higher door tax despite virtually no miti- housing market. Only a few of these were mall here had higher valuations than
their best in defending the country’s sov- He added that 252 enforcement teams
gation efforts and ill infrastructural taken into account. Imago Shopping mall in Kota Kinabalu.
ereignty,” said Hajiji, who is also the East- have been set up to monitor candidates’
maintenance. “Taxes are for maintenance but the “While most of us simply do not want
ern Sabah Security Zone (Esszone) activities.
He said the valuation notice was pub- Government is yet to give us roadside raised taxes, a few understand that the
Chairman, in a statement. He also urged the candidates and par-
licised by print media on June 12, six days lighting, park cleaning, municipal waste District Council has its sight in millions of
On July 15, Anwar, when speaking at the ties contesting to adhere to the rules and
after the objection period was over. collections and proper roads and drains,” ringgit.
Malaysia Madani programme with the regulations.
“This is a little known fact, insurance he said, adding he was born and has “The proposed property levy will not
Internal Security and Public Order Depart- already booked a grave in Kolopis. only affect property owners but also “All campaign methods and materials
companies refuse to cover flooding since
ment of the Royal Malaysia Police at the Meanwhile, an Australian, Greg King, renters including commercial property as are allowed as long as they do not cause
an event in 1999.
Kulim GOF Battalion 2 in Kulim, Kedah, who has been staying in Kolopis for five landlords will be forced to pass on the provocation and violate the provisions of
“A masterplan study for the Moyog
announced the allocation of RM40 million years is perplexed as to why either the increased charges. the Electoral Offences Act 1954 (Act 5),” he
River basin flood mitigation had even
for Esscom-related infrastructure and bureaucrats or consultants are not pre- “You can hide behind the legal said.
listed Kolopis as a flood area.
facilities. pared for transparency. process, but morally the District Council The EC has set August 12 as the polling
“It has flooded 16 times from 2019 to
Meanwhile, Esscom Chief Executive He presumed the valuators went is compromised, who does the District date for the state elections and the Kuala
2022 and waters from the recent one in
Officer Dr Jamaluddin Mohd Ali said the ahead in terms of rentable value instead Council represent? Terengganu by-election, with early voting
June this year took three days to recede.
allocation will be used to provide the of improved capital. “Property owners are now left in the on August 8.
This is exacerbated by the ongoing Pan
agency’s personnel with the best housing “There is a problem on a massive scale position where they will have to under- The 14-day campaign period began
Borneo Highway construction,” he told a
facilities, which will be of great benefit to press conference. when there is no explanation to an obvi- take a dispute with the very people who after the official announcement of candi-
them. He said the provision also enables Adalbert questioned the methods ously incorrect valuation with no data are supposed to represent them,” he said. dates was made and will run until 11.59pm
Esscom to acquire houses for its members on August 11.
on duty in Lahad Datu.
“It is for the convenience of the Esscom
officers, members as well as staff and the Five held over death of man
process to acquire the facility (houses) is
ongoing,” he said. KOTA KINABALU: Five men have been detained in connection with a
Esscom Commander DCP Victor Sanjos fight that may have caused the death of a man in Putatan, near here.
expressed his gratitude for the Unity Gov- Acting Penampang Police Chief DSP Sammy Newton said the brawl
ernment’s concern and appreciation for which also involved the 28-year-old victim was reported to have taken
the contributions and sacrifices of those place at about 7am on Thursday (July 27).
who safeguard the security and sover- The victim, aged 28, died at home the following day, he added.
eignty of the country, especially in Sabah. Based on their initial probe, he said, the men were all believed to
“On behalf of Esscom and as the Esscom be under the influence of alcohol when a misunderstanding took
Commander, I would like to express my place and triggered the fight among them.
gratitude to the Unity Government for its “One of the men (the victim) went home following the brawl and
concern and kindness towards the mem- Author: Teach children positive Sabah, S’wak products take died,” he said, Saturday. Sammy said medical officers confirmed the
bers of Esscom by providing this alloca- victim had died before sending his body to the Queen Elizabeth Hos-
tion,” he said.
character traits: P7 stage at KL’s Borneo Fest: P9 pital I here for a post-mortem.
Saudin documentary on History Channel
2 Local S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

mention need
KOTA KINABALU: The international ment Corporation (Finas) and History 1900s till before the war, also lent their

to vacate
screening of “Saudin: The Orang Utan Channel. support.
Whisperer” will be on History Channel “This is a crucial documentary focusing The lack of education did not deter

seat: YB
(Channel 555) over Astro on Sunday and on a native Sabahan and we want the Saudin from even challenging New York-
Monday. younger generation to know him as he is ers about their notion of freedom and
Saudin Labotao, a North Borneo Murut, part of history,” said Noreini. modernity.
was the first from this part of the world to Agnes Keith’s in her international clas- At one of the talks arranged by Martin
travel to New York in the late 1930s, when sic “Land Below The Wind” devoted a Johnson with New York’s elites, he told
Agust Dean travelling across continents via sea was chapter to Saudin, who was hired by the them it was only in the jungle that one is
KOTA KINABALU: unheard of. world’s first wildlife filmmakers Martin really free and not in concrete pigeon
Petagas Assemblyman Sabah’s independence through and Osa Johnson to handle captured holes that have to be locked after you
Datuk Awang Ahmad Malaysia in 1963 – still a generation away Bornean wildlife and accompany the ani- enter.
Sah Sahari (pic) said into the future – also makes him the first coffeetable book produced by the Sabah mals to New York. Martin, who knew Malay from his
the letter of Malaysian and Bumiputra to do so. Government when Tan Sri Musa Aman was The friendship between Saudin and the almost two-year stay in North Borneo in
agreement over It recounts his experience of being Chief Minister and which was presented as animals he cared for, including Abai the 1935 to film the motion picture “Borneo”,
candidacy signed transplanted overnight from the dense souvenirs to visiting VVIPs, including the largest orang utan ever captured and acted as translator. The Johnsons also
with Warisan does Borneo jungle to New York’s concrete jun- British royals. placed in New York zoo, is highlighted in made an earlier visit in 1920, where they
not mention the need gle. The book was authoured by Daily the story. The filming of the documentary produced “Jungle Adventure” the world’s
to vacate the seat if one leaves the party. Rye Production Sdn Bhd producer Nor- Express Chief Editor James Sarda and Uni- was made possible via the help of Saudin’s first wildlife documentary set in the Kin-
“If the party wants to obtain a court eini Rahman spent four years researching versiti Malay History Professor Dr Danny children and grandchildren. abatangan.
order to request the assemblyman to leave about him, including retracing all the Wong. The Kansas History of Museum dedi- The screening times are at 7.15pm on
the party, it’s up to them,” he said. places he went to in New York after read- Noreini and her production team then cated to the work of the Johnsons in the Sunday (July 30) and at 4.25am, 8.10am

‘Prioritise all
He said the agreement only required a ing about him in the “Spirit of Borneo” – a approached the National Film Develop- Pacific islands, Borneo and Africa from and 5.20pm on Monday (July 31).
candidate to be loyal to the party and there
is no bond payment if a member leaves.

Spiralling prices main residents of

“It does not also mention having to
vacate the seat in case of leaving the party,”

Tg Aru flats
he said.
“We didn’t sign the bond, we just

for new
signed to be a candidate and promised to
be loyal to the party.”
Awang, who is with Parti Gagasan
Rakyat Sabah (PGRS) said he left because
many of the decisions made by Warisan
were not good.
“I had to consider what is best for the
problem of contractors placement’
people in my constituency,” he said. Johan Aziz
On July 20, Warisan President Datuk KOTA KINABALU: The uncontrolled KOTA KINABALU:
Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said the party is in increase in the price of construction mate- Warisan Vice Presi-
the process of filing a lawsuit against 10 rials is causing problems to contactors in dent Datuk Junz
former assemblymen who violated the the State, according to the Sabah Contrac- Wong (pic) urged
terms of the agreement for candidates in tors Association (PKS). the State Govern-
the 2020 State Election (PRN). Its President Jupperi Lenson said the ment to prioritise all
The suit is being taken following the high cost of building materials as well as residents of Tanjung
Kuala Lumpur High Court decision on the difficulty in obtaining them was one of the Aru low-cost flats for
case of former Ampang Member of main problems faced by contractors. new accommoda-
Parliament, Datuk Zuraida Kamarudin, He said this after paying a courtesy tion.
who was ordered to pay a bond visit to Sabah Statistics Department “I request the GRS government, espe-
amounting to RM10 million to PKR for Director Muhammad Amri Idris at his cially Deputy Chief Minister III and Works
leaving the party. office here. Minister Datuk Shahelmey Yahya, to give
Other assemblymen who are expected Jupperi hoped the Government could priority to the residents of Tanjung Aru
come up with measures to control the spi- low-cost flats regarding the placement
Muhammad Amri (second left) presenting a memento to Jupperi.
to face lawsuits are Datuk Dr Yusof Yacob
(Sindumin), Datuk Mohamaddin Ketapi ralling price of construction materials in issue, as this problem has been ongoing for
(Segama), Datuk Peter Anthony (Melalap), order to safeguard the welfare of contrac- two years, and the residents have been
Datuk Juil Nuatim (Limbahau), Rina Jainal tors in the State. licences and some have G7, but imple- others, if needed. under pressure from LPPB to move out as
(Kukusan), Norazlinah Arif (Kunak), He also hoped the Government would menting government projects under this “We also help each other in any district soon as possible.
Mohammad Mohamarin (Banggi), Ben protect the interests of contractors, espe- class is very limited,” he said. and area as stated in the association’s con- “He (Shahelmey) mentioned that the
Chong (Tanjung Kapor) and George Hiew cially Bumiputera contractors, and sug- According to him, the association was stitution.” Government faces difficulties in relocating
(Karamunting). gested that the state and federal established and registered in 2014 with a Jupperi advised members of the associ- all the residents of Tanjung Aru low-cost

Only Datuk Peter Anthony is spared. governments give priority to the associa- registered membership of 500 contractors ation to always prioritise quality when flats to Kibabaig and Tuaran due to the
tion’s members to implement government from all over Sabah. implementing government projects. large number of occupants, around 300
families,” he said.

request of
projects under Class G1. “One of the purposes of establishing Also present were the association’s four
“The association’s members are mostly the association is to help its members in Supreme Council members - Deputy Pres- According to Shahelemey, the Govern-
local Bumiputeras who are capable of terms of knowledge in construction to ident Jonathan, the second and third vice ment will only relocate residents such as

332 medical
Subsidised diesel seized in Tuaran raid
implementing any project under Class G1. make it easier for them to request the sup- presidents, Jalni and Alex, and a supreme OKU, the elderly and the underprivileged.
“Many PKS members have Class G1 port of workers, machines, machinery and council member, Amir. “In fact, it’s not 300 families but less

than 150 families,” said Junz.
“Shahelmey and LPPB always use the
same excuse that the Tanjung Aru low-cost

flats are in a state of deterioration and
unsafe for occupation to force the resi-
R. Gonzales dents to leave.
TUARAN: The Domestic Trade and Costs of “However, that’s not the case; Ikram did
Living Ministry (KPDN) Tuaran confiscated not state that the buildings are unsafe but
KOTA BARU: The Ministry of Health 5,300 litres of subsidised diesel in an oper-
(MOH) has approved appeals for transfer simply require maintenance, and LPPB has
ation dubbed “Ops Tiris.” not taken action in the past 10 years, claim-
for 332 medical officers throughout the KPDN Tuaran Chief Enforcement Offi-
country and these MOs are required to ing lack of funds. As a result, the building
cer Saripuddin Moleng said the 11am oper- has become more dilapidated,” he added.
report for duty on July 31. ation on Friday was conducted at a
Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa said Wong, who is also Tanjung Aru Assem-
construction site store in Rugading. blyman, said the residents of Tanjung Aru
among appeals considered were for med- He said the diesel was kept in a square
ical officers who made appeals to pursue low-cost flats remain firm in staying there
iron tank equipped with an electronic until the Government provides an alterna-
specialisation studies in their respective meter pump.
profession, those who faced serious family tive placement.
“All the items, estimated to be worth “The residents want to know the Gov-
problems and for security reasons. RM25,700, were seized and a local man,
“The appeals were approved on June 27 ernment’s sincerity in assisting them with
believed to be the store’s supervisor, was this issue. If the Government is genuinely
and July 24 after reviewing appeals from detained,” he said.
1,843 of the 4,155 medical officers who concerned, they should meet with the res-
Saripuddin said initial investigations idents of Tanjung Aru low-cost flats at once
were offered permanent positions.

showed the subsidised diesel was obtained as a sign of empathy towards them.”
“The placement this time will be made

Stones hurled at PAS Hqs

from a legitimate industrial diesel sup-
via a system and need the medical officers
The store where the seized diesel was kept.

momentum to
plier but the employee failed to produce
to choose their placement because the dis- any related documents or permit to store
parity between contract officers and per- the controlled good at the location.

stay positive
manent officers can be high in a number “This case will be investigated in accor-
of states and to give medical officers a fair dance with Section 20(1) of the Supply
opportunity to choose their placements,” Control Act 1961 for keeping controlled
she told reporters during a special media goods in a place without the permission of KUALA LUMPUR: Inspector-General of soon,” he told a special media conference
conference, here, Saturday. the controller,” he added. Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain con- on Ops Cantas in conjunction with the
Commenting further, Dr Zaliha said the Under the Supply Control Act 1961 (Act firmed that police have received a report state elections in Bukit Aman, here, Satur- KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s investment
MOH had set up several channels for med- 122), Saripuddin said any individual con- in connection with a man hurling stones day. momentum, which has seen strong
ical officers to appeal through ‘google victed of an offence could be fined not at the PAS Headquarters in Jalan Raja Laut Police, he said, are reviewing the close- growth since the first quarter of 2023 (Q1
form’, face to face appeals, while three ded- more than RM1 million and for subse- here, causing the glass wall to break. circuit television (CCTV) cameras in the 2023), is expected to maintain its upward
icated telephone lines were allocated for quent offences not more than RM3 million Razarudin said the incident occurred nearby areas to assist in their investiga- trajectory in Q2 2023, said Minister of
medical officers to get in touch with the or imprisonment not exceeding three at 5.30am Saturday and police are track- tion to identify the suspect. Investment, Trade and Industry (Miti)
Human Resources Department. years, or both, on conviction. ing down the suspect with the help of the According to him, the case is being Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz.
“In the process for appeal, the Appeals Whereas for companies, if convicted of Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL). investigated under Section 427 of the He said in Q1 2023 Malaysia had secured
Panel during their meetings will consider the offence, it could carry a fine not exceed- “In the incident, the suspect, who was Penal Code for committing mischief. RM71.4 billion of approved investments in
the appeals of all officers but not all ing RM2 million and for subsequent riding a motorcycle, had made some Earlier Saturday morning, PAS lodged various economic sectors, an increase of
appeals can be approved because posi- offences, not exceeding RM5 million. noise before hurling the stones at the a police report after one of the glass walls 60 per cent from RM44.7 billion registered
tions involving the officers might not be Saripudion said the Ministry would glass wall of the building. Guards on duty in the PAS Headquarters was broken by in the same quarter last year.
vacant in certain states that they applied temporarily suspend the licence of the gas in the building witnessed the incident. stones hurled by a man just a few hours “The momentum in Q2 2023, which will
for. Consideration will be given to those be announced soon, is also positive. We

Driver killed in crash

station operator involved until the inves- “Police are tracking the suspect and, before the nomination process for the six
who need such placements. tigation is completed. Insya-Allah, we will track him down state elections began. – Bernama are on track and this is a good sign consid-
“When reviewing the appeals, medical ering the uncertainties surrounding the
officers will also be offered to serve in global market,” he said.
other states nearby although they have However, Tengku Zafrul said Malaysia’s
appealed to serve in a certain state. It hap- total trade will likely moderate in Q2 2023
pens when the state in question does not PENAMPANG: A 35-year-old driver was killed after he lost on the back of the global trade slowdown
have vacancies. When there are no vacan- control of his car and crashed into a barrier at the Kampung and is forecast to grow around 1.6 to 1.7 per
cies in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Dambai-Proper Bridge, Jalan Papar Lama, here, early Satur- cent this year in tandem with global eco-
Melaka, placements in Johor, Pahang or day. nomic growth.
Kedah might be offered,” she said. Acting Penampang District Police Chief DSP Sammy New- He noted that Malaysia is an open econ-
The medical officers can go straight to ton said the victim, a local, died at the scene following the omy with its trade to gross domestic prod-
their respective work place approved by 5am incident. uct (GDP) ratio for 2022 standing at 141 per
the MOH without having to wait for their “The victim was confirmed dead at the scene by a medical cent, thus it is relying heavily on what is
letter of offer because their respective officer and the body was sent to the Forensic Department, happening globally.
placements will have their record when Queen Elizabeth 1 Hospital for an autopsy,” he said. Moving forward, Tengku Zafrul hoped
they report for duty. He said initial investigations showed the driver was com- Malaysian companies will continue to
“However, if medical officers seek to ing from the Donggongon direction when the tragedy focus on growing their exports by expand-
report later than the date of appointment, occurred. ing into new markets as well as exploring
they can appeal to their respective heads “Witnesses to the incident are urged to come forward and opportunities in the halal market to miti-
of department to determine the actual assist in the investigation,” he said. gate the decline in trade figures, following

The vehicle after the crash.

date that they will report for duty,” she The case is being investigated under Section 41(1) of the the fall in commodities prices seen since
said. – Bernama Road Transport Act 1987. last year.
Strategic plans to make Labuan competitive, liveable
Local 3
King calls
S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

for greater
efforts to
LABUAN: The Labuan Structure Plan 2040 Complex, Saturday.
and the Labuan Local Plan 2040, which are She said Labuan’s strategic location

in the final stages of preparation, can linking Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and other
ensure that this tax-free island develops Asean countries gives Labuan a competi-
into a more sustainable, competitive and tive advantage as a viable economic desti-

liveable federal territory. nation in the region.
Federal Territories Department Direc- Labuan, which is an international busi-
tor-General Datuk Seri Rosida Jaafar said ness and financial centre, has the potential
Labuan must be a vibrant island and able to become a “second Singapore” through
to compete with other tax-free islands. the development of the country’s oil and
She said Labuan Corporation’s Manage- gas and maritime industries, she said.
TEMERLOH: The Yang ment Strategic Plan and the Digitalisation Rosida said Labuan Corporation will
di-Pertuan Agong Al- Strategic Plan, which are improved every continue the momentum of Labuan’s
Sultan Abdullah Ri’ay- five years, can be a benchmark for improv- development through other programmes
atuddin Al-Mustafa ing the efficiency and effectiveness of that focus more on sustainable and inclu-
Billah Shah (pic) on administration, organisational manage- sive development trends.
Saturday called for ment, and the development of a sustain- “I also call on all parties to join hands
wildlife conservation able digital ecosystem in Labuan. in socio-economic development and
efforts to be strength- “This will enable Labuan Corporation ensure continuous improvement of infra-
ened to prevent to lead the Federal Territory of Labuan to structure and services for the benefit of the
threats to wildlife species that can lead to return to its golden era in terms of gover- people of Labuan,” she said.
their extinction. nance and development in the run-up to Rosida said this is also in line with
Al-Sultan Abdullah said there must be its 50th golden jubilee in 2034,” she said at Madani’s concept of readiness for change
a concerted effort involving all parties to
Rosida (centre) at the launch of the Labuan Corporation
the opening of the Labuan Corporation through the consideration of suggestions
preserve wildlife, including the Malayan
and Government Agencies’ Customers Day programme.
and Government Agencies’ Customer Day from all walks of life for shared prosperity
tiger. Programme at the Labuan Financial Park and well-being.
“All parties including non-governmen-
tal organisations and individuals need to
come together to preserve this national
icon as well as other wildlife so that they
SK Nexilis and SBH Kibing plants
will continue to exist ...and this on-going

1,000 positions to fill in: Phoong

effort must be made a priority.”
His Majesty said this at the proclama-
tion of the Al-Sultan Abdullah Royal Tiger
Reserve and Tengku Hassanal Wildlife
Reserve at Lanchang Biodiversity Centre,
here. KOTA KINABALU: Both factories have initiated sending nologies. During his South Korea visit, Phoong
Also present was the Regent of Pahang Despite training over Sabahan technical staff to South Korea He said his inaugural six-day visit to was accompanied by representatives
Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah. 100 young Sabahans and China for training and learning new South Korea has been very fruitful, from various State Government
Minister of Natural Resources, Environ- in South Korea, there technologies. attracting potential investments amount- ministries and agencies including
ment and Climate Change Nik Nazmi Nik are still some 1,000 SK Nexilis has invested RM4.2 billion ing to approximately RM3.4 billion for Ministry’s Permanent Secretary Thomas
Ahmad, Youth and Sports Minister Han- positions to fill in SK to construct the world’s largest copper Sabah. Logijin, KKIP CEO Lawrence Guandi
nah Yeoh and State Local Government, Nexilis and SBH Kib- foil manufacturing plant in Sabah. The investments are related to estab- Kimkuan, POIC Lahad Datu CEO Datuk
Housing, Environment and Green Tech- ing once the plants Phoong said attracting foreign invest- lishing the electric vehicle (EV) and bat- Fredian Gan, Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd
nology Committee Chairman Datuk Seri are ready in Sabah, ments primarily aims at achieving “tech- tery industry chain in Sabah, envisioning (SESB) CEO Ir. Ts. Mohd Yaakob Hj Jaafar,
Johari Harun and Pahang Police Chief according to State Industrial Develop- nology transfer”, training local young the establishment of high-impact indus- representatives from the Energy Commis-
Datuk Yahaya Othman were also in atten- ment and Entrepreneurship Minister individuals in high-tech skills and tries, creating quality employment oppor- sion of Sabah (ECoS), Sabah Energy
dance. Phoong Jin Zhe (pic). empowering the next generation to cre- tunities and paving the way for Sabah’s Corporation (SEC), Sipitang Oil and
Al-Sultan Abdullah, in his speech, wel- He said the trainees have returned but ate advanced industries. industrialisation and leapfrogging strat- Gas Development Corporation (SOGDC),
comed the move taken by the State Gov- there is still a significant shortage of This approach also aligns with China’s egy. as well as Henry Shim, Special Task Officer

DLP: Schools must fulfil criteria

ernment in gazetting 134,183 hectares of workers and urged those interested to experiences in reform and opening up, Phoong said the rest of the invest- to the Minister, and George Wong,
land in stages for the Al-Sultan Abdullah contact his Assemblyman’s Office in Foh where the country has now independ- ments could not be revealed due to con- Deputy Chairman of Invest Sabah Berhad
Royal Tiger Reserve and expressed appre- Sang, Luyang, here. ently mastered better and higher tech- fidentiality and confirmation. (ISB).
ciation for the efforts taken by his son
Tengku Hassanal in fighting to protect the
Malayan Tigers and their ecosystem.
“I will be launching a large reserve area
in my name and my son’s. In the 45 years I
was Pahang Regent there was no effort to PETALING JAYA: While the availability of istry’s Expert Circular Letter Number 3 education departments and district edu-
reserve a large area in the name of the Sul- the Dual Language Programme (DLP) of 2020: Improvement of the Education cation offices, has implemented various
tan or the Regent, so this is a positive par- continues to be expanded, new schools Ministry’s DLP Implementation support efforts and visits to help DLP
adigm shift. must also fulfil the criteria set to offer it, Guidelines for 2021, which is still being teachers and students in schools,” the
“I hope the gazetted areas will be main- says the Education Ministry. used. Ministry said.
tained as best as possible, we will make “Every year, the Education Ministry It added that the opening of DLP There were 2,291 schools – 737 primary
this as an example to the world on how to implements the expansion of DLP in pri- classes cannot affect other students’ schools and 1,554 secondary schools –
protect the environment, the Malayan
mary and secondary schools based on opportunities to follow Science and running the programme in 2020.
Tiger species and other wild animals,” said
applications from schools that meet the Mathematics subjects in their national As of June 30, there were 1,613 primary
His Majesty.
set criteria,” said the Ministry’s Daily language or mother tongue. schools and 815 secondary schools offer-
In the meantime, he also expressed the
School Management Division and English It also said primary schools need to ing DLP.
hope that the State Government will eval-
uate and take into account environmental
Language Teaching Centre. take into account the students’ ability to A total of 8,704 classes with 206,710
aspects before approving any project in It was responding to a Star report continue DLP classes in secondary pupils are in the programme in primary
addition to taking a coherent approach to where stakeholders claimed the pro- schools. schools, while there are 9,398 classes with
enhance sustainable development. – gramme was being subtly reduced in “The implementation of DLP should 255,316 students in secondary schools.

FMM lauds
Bernama what may be an attempt to remove it. not conflict with existing legislation and “The list of schools that offer DLP
The Ministry said the criteria include the National Education Policy. Section 17 classes can be obtained from the district
The boat detained.

Illegal fishing:
schools having enough resources, the of the Education Act 1996 (Act 550) states education office and the nearest state

school heads having a plan to make sure that the National Language shall be the education department,” the Ministry
the programme is sustainable, parents’ main language of instruction in all edu- added.

Economy Boat detained

consent being obtained, and schools cational institutions in the National Edu- The programme is one of the initia-
meeting the minimum Bahasa Malaysia cation System except for national-type tives under the Upholding the Malay Lan-

in Lahad Datu
requirement. schools established under Section 28 or guage and Strengthening the English
It also said the programme’s imple- any other educational institutions Language (better known by its Malay
mentation at the school must not affect exempted by the Minister. abbreviation, MBMMBI) policy.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Federation of the mastery of students in the Bahasa “In order to ensure the sustainability It offers schools the choice to conduct

Youths must be encouraged to

Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) lauded Malaysia subject as the national lan- of the DLP implementation, the Science and Mathematics subjects in Eng-

Model held
the Madani Economy framework for guage, and must comply with the min- Education Ministry, through the state lish.
advancing the manufacturing sector’s Azmie Lim
LAHAD DATU: The Malaysian Maritime

for allegedly join co-op movement: Ewon

instrumental role in fulfilling the aspira-
tion of making Malaysia a leading Asian Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained a
economy again. boat for violating fishing licence condi-

President Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai said sev- tions, here, on Friday.
eral initiatives highlighted in the latest Lahad Datu Maritime Zone Director
economic framework launched by the Maritime Commander Nik Mohd Rizam

Prime Minister on Thursday would be Nik Mohd Fauzi said a MMEA patrol craft
implemented to elevate the sector as the detected the boat fishing at about 0.6 nau-
KOTA KINABALU: Efforts must be inten- involvement of youths in cooperatives. tical miles north of Kunak Tiga, at 4.20pm.
country’s engine of new growth. sified to encourage more youths to be “This will need the cooperation of all
“FMM supports the Government’s tar- He said the skipper produced the boat’s
involved in cooperative movements in parties, especially between the Govern- licence and his identification documents
get of making Malaysia one of the top 30 the country, said Entrepreneur Develop- ment and the youths, as well as the
biggest economies in the world including KUALA LUMPUR: Local model M Gayathri as well as that of his crew.
ment and Cooperatives Minietr Datuk involvement of the private sector and “The local skipper and his crew aged 29
becoming a regional economic power- who allegedly obstructed policemen from Ewon Benedick. non-governmental organisations
house and establishing greater economic carrying out their duties, was released on and 57 were detained and the boat was
He said cooperatives are one of the (NGOs),” he said in a statement in con- taken to the Lahad Datu Fishery jetty for
integration with neighbouring countries. police bail Friday night after being ques-
tioned over the incident at the Brickfields
best platforms to strengthen coopera- junction with the Asia Pacific Coopera- further investigations.
“Indeed, the manufacturing sector has tion among youths in entrepreneurship tive Youth Summit, here.
a big role to play here by ensuring that district police headquarters (IPD) here. “The case will be investigated under the
She was arrested on Friday evening fol- and cooperatives. Sabah has been chosen for the first Fisheries Act 1985 for committing an
Malaysia continues to be a preferred
lowing a report lodged against her by a He said as of last December, over time to host the three-day summit, offence by carrying out fishing activity in
regional supply chain and manufacturing
police officer over the incident when she 15,000 cooperatives registered in which began Friday and is attended by less than 1.5 nautical miles from the land,”
hub in the Asean region,” said Soh in a
was booked for an alleged traffic offence on Malaysia but only 207 of them had the 186 participants from 19 countries. he said.
Monday. The clip of her arguing with the involvement of youths, with a member- “I hope the selection of Sabah as the He said the Lahad Datu Maritime Zone
The strategies and reforms outlined to
policeman has gone viral. ship of 99,954 people and an income of host will spur the interest of the youth, would step up patrol and enforcement
improve competitiveness and the ease of
doing business including good gover- “Yes, I was arrested by officers from the RM26.60 million. especially those in the State, to be from time to time to prevent illegal fishing

MOH licence required for ice factories to operate

nance are very critical to making Malaysia Brickfields police station. They took my “Based on statistics, there is still a lot involved in cooperative movements to and the intrusion of foreign fishing boats
a continued favoured destination for statement and released me on bail after two of room for improvement to increase the generate national income,” he said. into Sabah waters.
hours,” Gayathri told FMT.
investments, he said.
“Investigating me is fine but I wonder
In this regard, Soh said FMM would like
why I was arrested for questioning a police
to urge the government to set up a Madani officer who was filming me on his hand-
Economy Inter-Ministry Joint Working phone while I was arguing with another
Committee with the involvement of the PUTRAJAYA: All ice factories that operate if the factory fails to do so,” she said in a factories were inspected and four were
constable over my rights.” or provide ice for business must obtain a statement, Saturday. penalised, including one that was unli-
private sector to coordinate all the strate- Gayathri, who gave permission to be
gies and key performance indicators Ministry of Health (MOH) licence based She said the MOH, through its Food censed.
identified for this report, said she had given
(KPIs) and action plans. on provisions under Regulation 394A (4), Safety and Quality Division, was aware of She said throughout 2022 until June
her full cooperation to the police and hoped
“FMM could not agree more that the Food Regulations 1985, said its Food the issues of illegal and suspected con- this year, 993 ice samples were taken for
her complaint against the policeman who
key to the success of the implementation was filming her will also be looked into by Safety and Quality senior director Nor- taminated ice cubes as reported in the monitoring and 80 per cent were found
of the Madani Economy is effective and the authorities. rani Eksan. media recently which could pose health to have violated the stipulated rules.
efficient implementation of the initiatives On Friday, Brickfields Police Chief Ami- She said under the process and condi- risks. She said owners of ice factories operat-
and reforms, as well as good governance. hizam Abdul Shukor said that the case was tions of obtaining a licence, an inspection According to Norrani, there are 198 ing without a MOH licence can be fined
“Most important are regular stake- being investigated under Section 186 of the of the factory will be carried out and licensed ice factories with the MOH not exceeding RM10,000 or jailed for not
holder consultations to ensure that the Penal Code for obstructing civil servants water and ice sampling will be done to nationwide as of June 30. more than two years.
initiatives are aligned with the current from carrying out their duty; and Section ensure that the source of water used and According to her, 155 ice factories were She also advised consumers to buy ice
economic and business conditions for 233 of the Communications and Multimedia the ice produced is safe. inspected last year, with enforcement from licensed factories and information
industries to remain competitive and sus- Act (CMA) 1998 for offensive online content “It is also compulsory for ice factories action taken on 17 factories, including on licensed ice factories can be accessed
tainable, and to continue growing,” he intended to threaten or harass another per- to carry out self-monitoring at least once nine unlicensed. through at the
said. – Bernama son, among other things. a year and their licence can be suspended From January to June this year, 18 ice website. – Bernama
4 Local S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

Govt urged
to provide ‘Speed up Nabawan Native Court’
support as
Marutin Ansiung Native Chief representatives (WKAN)
NABAWAN: Assemblyman Datuk Abdul and village heads who gained new

recognition to
Ghani Mohamed Yassin hopes the con- knowledge and experience related to
struction of the proposed Nabawan their duties.
Native Court (MAN) building will be At the same time, he hopes the cus-

co-op sector
expedited. tomary leaders will be able to carry out
He said the construction of the MAN their respective responsibilities based on
building needs to be speeded up to pro- the Native Court Enactment and compli-
vide convenience and comfort to cus- ance with enforced customary law.
tomary leaders in the district to carry out Apart from that, he said, customary
native customary-related works. leaders also need to set a good example
IPOH: Angkatan Koperasi Malaysia Berhad for the people under their care as they
Abdul Ghani, who is also Chairman of
(Angkasa) hopes that the government will are the community’s reference, espe-
Sabah Land Development Board (SLDB),
Ghani (sixth from right) and Marajam in a group photo with the course participants.
announce incentives and support as cially in matters related to customary
said the customary leaders here are cur-
enjoyed by the small and medium enter- law.
rently operating from the Nabawan Dis-
prises (SME) sector, as a recognition to the Also present were Sabah Native
trict Office Secretariat building since the course for village heads at the Youth and dited because it will not only provide
cooperative sector. Affairs Department Director Majaran
70s. Sports Hall, here, Friday. comfort to the customary holders in car-
Its President Datuk Seri Dr Abdul Fattah Osman, Nabawan Community Develop-
“I understand that the allocation for According to Abdul Ghani, the dis- rying out their responsibilities but will
Abdullah said Angkasa had resubmitted ment Leader (PPM) Deckson Andipai,
the construction of the Nabawan MAN trict customary leaders have been wait- further enhance the image of MAN in the

Dr Mahathir seen struggling for relevance

the proposal during the budget consulta- Nabawan District Chief OKK Ulin Datuk
building and its proposed site are ing for the construction of the new MAN district,” he said.
tion session chaired by Prime Minister Pamiang, as well as heads of depart-
already available,” he told reporters after building. On the course, Abdul Ghani said it
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim two weeks ago. ments and community leaders.
officiating a leadership transformation “Therefore, we hope it can be expe- benefits customary leaders such as
“This matter has been raised several
times over the past 10 years but there is
still no decision. A ministerial-level com-
mittee has been set up to study the pro-
“If it is difficult to amend the law, we KUALA LUMPUR: For- Despite this, however, the analysts said over PAS with the “Malay Proclamation” he Since PN already did not need his help
ask the government to recognise coopera- mer prime minister Tun PAS was unlikely to derive any significant developed after losing in the 15th general to attract Malay votes, Mazlan said Dr
tives so that they can get incentives and Dr Mahathir benefit from his appearance, indicating election, purportedly to unite the commu- Mahathir’s provocative remarks about the
the same facilities as SMEs,” he said at a Mohamad’s (pic) that it was lending Dr Mahathir a platform nity against the existential threats that non-Malays could instead turn away any of
press conference after opening the 100th- unprecedented appear- simply to signal its own ascendancy. coincidentally developed after he resigned the community’s support for the coalition.
anniversary carnival of Koperasi Anggota ance at a PAS event last Nusantara Academy for Strategic as the prime minister in 2020. He said Dr Mahathir has repeatedly
Kerajaan Ipoh Berhad (KAKIB) held at week showed the Research (NASR) senior fellow Azmi Has- The common ground of racial unity made remarks indicative of his belief
Bulatan Sultan Azlan Shah here, Saturday. lengths to which he san told Malay Mail that PAS already pos- proposed in the “Malay Proclamation” has about Malay supremacy, which would
He said the recognition could help would go to remain rel- sesses a loyal and dedicated voter base also allowed Dr Mahathir and PAS to repel moderate Malaysians as well as non-
cooperatives contribute to the country’s evant in Malaysian poli- from its religious appeal, and does not bridge the gap that was their differing Malays.
socio-economic development like cooper- tics, according to analysts. need Dr Mahathir to tap this audience. views on Islam. “I thought Tun Mahathir will reduce
atives in developed countries by diversify- After increasingly emphatic remarks in “Dr Mahathir needs PAS more than the According to Mazlan Ali, a political non-Malay support for PN because of his
ing their business activities. support of PAS and its Perikatan Nasional other way around and Mahathir is reaping analyst from Universiti Teknologi Malay agenda,” he said referring to the
Angkasa also urged major cooperatives

71women standing as candidates

(PN) coalition recently, the twice former the benefits,” he said referring to the for- Malaysia’s Razak Faculty Perdana Centre, communal agreement that was also
to diversify their business activities by prime minister finally appeared with the mer prime minister’s attempt to regain Dr Mahathir’s appearance at a Perikatan signed by PN leaders including Bersatu
engaging in sectors such as retail, whole- leaders of the Islamist party he had support from the Islamist party base. Nasional event could instead be detrimen- president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and
sale, tourism and healthcare to achieve the mocked while in Umno and Bersatu. Azmi said Dr Mahathir may have won tal to the coalition. PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang.
National Entrepreneurship Policy 2030 Syaza Shukri, assistant professor of
(DKN2030), which targets RM60 billion political science at International Islamic
income from cooperatives by 2025. University Malaysia, said PAS and PN may
Earlier, in his opening remarks, he said have offered Dr Mahathir a stage simply to
according to the statistics released by the consolidate all Malay politicians under
Cooperative Commission of Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR: Some 71 women candi- Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) is fielding include former Women, Family and Com- them and bolster their claim of uniting the
(SKM), there are 1,694 cooperatives in dates will be contesting in the state elec- two women, while Parti Socialis Malaysia munity Development Minister Datuk Seri community.
Perak as of last December with a total of tions in six states, with a total of 245 seats (PRM) is fielding one woman. There is also Rina Mohd Harun, who is running for the However, Syaza said it was still unclear
357,390 members, RM563.44 million shares up for grabs. one woman independent candidate as well. Batu Tiga seat under PN, against Saiyidah what Dr Mahathir’s motive was for person-
or contributions  and RM1.6 billion in Pakatan Harapan (PH) has the most The women candidates are from a Izzati Nur Razak Maideen of MUDA ally appearing at a PAS event, seeing as he
assets, generating an income of RM535.54 women candidates, with 26 out of a total of diverse range of backgrounds, with most and Danial Al-Rashid Haron Aminar Rashid was not directly involved in the six state
million. 138 candidates, while Barisan Nasional (BN) holding important positions in their (PH-Amanah). elections taking place next month.
“I believe that this income can be raised is fielding 12 women out of 108 candidates, respective parties. The youngest candidate Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, “On one hand, I want to say that he has
in the future. This is because the business Perikatan Nasional (PN) have 19 women is also a woman, Melanie Ting Yi-Hlin, 23, Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah, will be made it clear that [Prime Minister Datuk
sector has already recovered after the pan- out of 245 candidates, while Malaysian and is Muda Central Information Team’s holding their state elections simultane- Seri Anwar Ibrahim] is incompetent and
demic and the income of the cooperative United Democratic Alliance (MUDA) has chief-of-staff. She is standing in the Bukit ously on Aug 12, along with the Kuala needs to be replaced.

No new song in conjunction

movement has also increased,” he said. - the largest percentage, with 10 women out Antarabangsa seat. Terengganu parliamentary by-election,

Kembara Riuh
“But the thing is, he never mentions

Op Cantas room
Bernama of 19 candidates. Other prominent women candidates with early voting set on Aug 8. - Bernama who is best to replace Anwar. So that is
where we have the confusion of what his

offers int’l
with campaign, says rapper activated to monitor
objective is,” she said.
Two days ago, Abdul Hadi said that Dr

experience: Fahmi elections: IGP

Mahathir has finally returned “to the fold
of his struggles” after joining hands with

B’fort firemen
PN recently.– MM
KUALA LUMPUR: Rap member.

receive three
artiste Syed Ahmad The 44-year-old celebrity said he wanted
KUALA KUBU BHARU: The Selangor edition Syed Abdul Rahman to make Lembah Jaya a liveable place for KUALA LUMPUR: The
of Kembara Riuh 2023 at Fraser Valley this Alhadad (pic), casu- people from all walks of life and help resi- police have activated the

emergency calls
weekend is offering an experience akin to ally known as Altimet dents get incentives and assistance offered Special Op Cantas room in
being at an international festival, according said he will not be by the state government. Bukit Aman to monitor
to Minister of Communications and Digi- releasing a new song Meanwhile, Sharifah Haslizah or Cikgu and collect information
tal Fahmi Fadzil. in conjunction with Sharifah said she was undaunted by the on breach of election rules
He said that unlike the previous Kem- the Selangor state competition even though the constituency and regulations by parties
bara RIUH events which are usually held in election. is considered PKR’s stronghold. involved in the elections Ahmad Apong
big towns or cities, visitors this time around The Pakatan Harapan (PH) candidate for Having served as a councillor for the being held in six states. BEAUFORT: The Fire and Rescue Depart-
can enjoy the performances by local artistes the Lembah Jaya state seat produced ‘Aduh Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) in Inspector-General of ment here received three emergency calls
and savour a variety of local dishes while Malaysia’, used as the PH anthem during the 2013 she said she is a familiar face among Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain (pic) said all from different villages about fallen tree,
being surrounded by the beauty of nature. 15th General Election (GE15). the residents.  information regarding the election process in rescuing a cat and catching a python.
“The venue of this festival here is unique “Perhaps we will release another song In the 14th General Election (GE14), the six states will be channelled to the Special
and interesting. It can also help promote the
Its Chief Station Muhammad Hasbullah
that is unrelated to this (state polls),” he Haniza Talha of PKR won the seat with a Op Cantas room to enable immediate action
local tourism spot and enable city dwellers Nenggok said the first call was about a
told reporters after the nomination process majority of 14,790 votes defeating to be taken if there is any violation of the pre-
to enjoy nature and rural environment… it fallen tree that hit a resident’s house at
at Dewan Dato Ahmad Razali, Ampang here Muhamad Nizam from Barisan Nasional scribed laws.
indeed gives different vibes, some even said “The room will have real-time communi- about 4.38pm.
Saturday. (BN), Khasim Abdul Aziz (PAS) and When the fire brigade arrived at the
that it feels like an international festival,” he The PKR Ampang division chief is facing Norizwan Mohamed (Parti Rakyat cation link with the police contingent head-
said after visiting the booths available at the quarters in the six states and video recordings scene, they found the tree crashed into the
a straight fight against Sharifah Haslizah Malaysia). caller’s house due to strong winds.
festival here Saturday. will be taken in real-time if there is any provo-

Unity govt to
Syed Ariffin of Perikatan Nasional (PN) who The state election’s youngest candidate,
The Selangor edition of the festival, tak- cation or commotion in the six states. “A total Another call was received at 7.37am on
is also the Selangor PAS Muslimat Council Melanie Ting, fielded by the Malaysian
ing place from Friday to Sunday,  aims to of 82 Op Cantas Khas teams will also be Thursday from SK Pekan saying a cat was
United Democratic Alliance Party (MUDA)
trapped on the third floor of the school

launch Penang
attract 20,000 visitors and offers free shows to contest the Bukit Antarabangsa seat is mobilised to the six states to monitor and
by local artists, creative workshops with an involved in a three-cornered fight against report directly to the relevant operations building.
eco-friendly and sustainable focus, cultural Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif (PN) and Mohd room,” he told a special press conference at Muhammad Hasbullah said members

unity manifesto
activities, a gathering of motorsports enthu- Kamri Kamaruddin (PH). Bukit Aman, here, Saturday. rescued and brought down the cat by
siasts, as well as vendors offering various The 23-year-old lass said she would serve He said a total of 17,176 police personnel climbing the fire ladder.

Aug 1: Chow
goods and food. people from all walks of life, not just the would be mobilised for the state elections and The third call was received from Kg
The festival which runs from 10 am to 10 youths, while Mohd Kamri, a former engi- they would be assisted by 572 members from Kukut at about 10.47pm saying that a
pm daily, provides a platform to over 100 neer, said he would focus on environmental the Volunteer Department in the six states python was in the house. “There is a batik
local artistes and creative entrepreneurs issues in his campaign, which has always concerned, namely Selangor, Negeri Sembi- python type in the kitchen room of the

Mesra Rumah home will benefit the poor: UPPM

with the aim of bringing art closer to the been the concern of Bukit Antarabangsa lan, Penang, Kedah, Terengganu and Kelan- caller’s house. The firemen caught the
community. residents.– Bernama tan. snake using a snake trap,” he said.
Meanwhile,  MyCreative Ventures GEORGE TOWN: The Unity Government will
(MyCreative) Group chief executive launch the Penang unity manifesto on Aug
officer Zainariah Johari said that the Kem- 1 at the Butterworth Arena for its 40 candi-
bara RIUH also aims at expanding the RIUH dates running in the 15th state election, says
brand by offering an inclusive platform for Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow.
the creative industry. He said the manifesto would feature Ibrahim Tabir
“When it was first introduced, it had an aims and policies based on input obtained KUNAK: The construction of the Sabah
urban focus, but over time, we realised that from Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Barisan Maju Jaya (SMJ) Mesra Rakyat home will
it is a platform for the creative industry, and Nasional (BN) as a united front. benefit especially the poor who cannot
we became aware that many states and “We will also touch upon the last mani- afford to own their own home.
provincial districts in Malaysia are filled festo in terms of what has been achieved Kunak Community Development
with diverse economic activities. and if there is anything that is unfinished, it Leader Hussin Mohd Rais said, previously
“We want to take an inclusive approach will be continued in this term,” he said dur- about 20 SMJ houses had been proposed
in providing a platform and opportunities ing a press conference at Wisma DAP here to be built early this year and 12 had been
for all artistes and members of the creative Saturday. submitted by UPPM and eight by the Dis-
ecosystem to participate,” she said. Chow, who is also the incumbent chief trict Office.
Among the local artistes involved in the minister said this was the first time that the “Currently, there are still some SMJ
Selangor edition, Kembara RIUH are Datuk state’s manifesto would be introduced as a Rumah Mesra Rakyat under construction
M. Nasir, Hujan band, Dolla, Balan Kash and unity manifesto and the candidates intro- while others have been completed and
SOG. duced as unity candidates following the occupied by the recipients,” he said on Fri-
Next weekend, the Kembara RIUH festi- alliance between PH and BN. day after inspecting a SMJ houses in Kg
Hussin and UPPM staff posing for a photo after inspecting the SMJ houses.
val is slated to be held in Juru City, Seberang “This is something special, because pre- Kadazan, here, already occupied the recip-
Jaya in Penang, featuring Ella, Anuar Zain viously, there was no cooperation between ients.
and Bunkface. these two coalitions (PH and BN), so this Hussin said among the SMJ houses visits to identify the people who need in Kg Kadazan, Maduali Saini said she
The festival, led by the Ministry of Com- manifesto shows the cooperation of PH and under construction and would be built are housing. appreciates the commitment and support
munications and Digital  (KKD) through BN in facing (the election) and offering a in Kg Lormalong, Kg Getah, Kg Mostyn “The construction of Rumah Mesra SMJ from the Kunak UPPM Unit which
MyCreative aims to empower local artistes manifesto from this unity,” he said. Lama, Kg Pangi, Kg Kunak Jaya and Kg is in line with the State Government’s ini- inspected the condition of her home in
and creative entrepreneurs while contribut- Chow also said that a Madani roadshow Kadazan. tiative and Sabah Maju Jaya to help the October last year and subsequently
ing to inclusive development and economic would take place in Penang on Aug 5.- “The site that has been built is what we poor who need a perfect home,” he said. approved her application for SMJ Friendly
growth in the creative sector. - Bernama Bernama (UPPM) proposed before after studies and Meanwhile, a recipient of SMJ housing Home assistance.
S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 Local 5
Amber to seek
Minister’s advice on better agri methods

Hire experts from association neurological

care after
‘blackout fall’
Clarence Dol “At the same time, the government can projects planned by the government. They
TENOM: The agricultural sector in this make financial savings because each suc- have achieved success and have proven
State can be empowered through the cessful course does not require high costs success in the agriculture carried out,” he
cooperation of agricultural associations because the members of the association said. KUALA LUMPUR:
such as the Sabah Durian and Tropical have their own farm to undergo practical James said his Ministry through the Malaysian supermodel
Fruit Growers Association (MaSDa) for training,” he said. Sabah Women’s Affairs Department Amber Chia (pic) will
better quality crops in the domestic and James who is also Sugut Assemblyman (Jhewa) and Sabah Community Services seek neurological care
foreign markets. said this when officiating the 4th General Council (MPMS) would also organise sev- after being hospitalised
State Minister of Community Develop- Meeting of MaSDa which took place at eral courses related to agriculture and for a ‘blackout fall’ in
ment and People’s Well-being, Datuk Naluyan Jungle Lodge, Tenom, near here MaSDa members would be appointed as her home on Wednes-
James Ratib, said the association is made on Saturday. facilitators in the programme later. day night (July 26).
James receiving a memento from
up of members who have been successful He hoped the Ministry of Agriculture “The two agencies will cover the cost of According to her Instagram post, the
Dan at the Fourth MaSDa AGM.
in agriculture and are able to contribute would hire some members of the associa- organising the course so that more Saba- model was having a ‘normal night after
ideas towards further strengthening the tion to be appointed as State Agricultural hans can get agricultural knowledge that dinner’, sending her son Ashton, 13, to bed
sector in Sabah. particularly in the cultivation of local Advisors especially to carry out agricul- can improve their own and family’s econ- and walking downstairs to take her phone
“In my previous experience as Assistant fruits such as durian and avocado. tural projects designed by the govern- omy in the future,” he added. and bag.
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, I saw Therefore, he will suggest to the Minis- ment. MaSDa currently has 141 members com- Chia was sending off her friends and
some agricultural projects designed by the ter in charge of the agriculture sector that He explained that some of the previous prising fruit farm operators who success- manager at 11pm before they noticed she
department with unsatisfactory results. MaSDa be used as an intermediary to help agricultural project failures could be over- fully produced various products including had passed out and had fallen forward on
“Therefore, I am confident that the farmers and develop agricultural knowl- come by hiring individuals who have durian and high quality avocados from the stairs.
expertise of the members of the MaSDa edge capable of producing higher quality really proven success in agriculture as one several districts in Sabah. She was rushed to a private medical
can contribute to a variety of better quality fruit products. of the advisory panel members. Also present at the programme were centre and shared a quick Instagram
agricultural techniques,” he said. “The expertise of the members of the “The time has come for members of the Ministry’s Deputy Permanent Secre- update picture of her in a hospital bed say-
James, who is also a lifelong member of association can be used by the Depart- MaSDa to join the agricultural advisory tary, Walter Kenson; MaSDa Chairman Dan ing that she was about to undergo surgery
the MaSDa, explained that members of the ment of Agriculture to conduct courses council and at the same time acts as an Evans and MasDa Secretary General Iannis and was going to be okay.

Manhunt for Sarawak’s crystal

association have shown proud success, and practical agricultural training. intermediary to advance the agricultural Irfan Dhil Akhbar. Before the surgery, Chia shared a series
of Instagram stories of her friends and

man who longans a hit among

family visiting and caring for her as she
thanked them graciously.

trespassed on Singaporeans at
Chia said that she had ‘significant’
external bleeding on her left brain among
other small injuries, adding that a com-

LRT track, Expo M’sia Fest

puted tomography (CT) scan showed no
internal bleeding.

molested woman
After her surgery, Chia posted a picture
of a stitched injury on the left side of her
SINGAPORE: Crystal longans from Sarawak head with a caption saying she was ‘feeling
has caught the attention of many, and it is much better now’, telling her followers not
the main focus of the ongoing Expo to worry.
KUALA LUMPUR: Prasarana Malaysia Malaysia Fest 2023. Despite recovering from the accident,
Berhad (Prasarana)  is working with This four-day event started on July 27, Chia said that she doesn’t know why she
the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) to track 2023, and is taking place at the Singapore suddenly fainted.
down a man who trespassed on the Light Expo in Changi. “No one knows and I know it’s danger-
Rail Transit (LRT) track and attempted to A Bernama survey found that Singapore- ous, next, I need to see the neurology
molest a female passenger at the Maluri ans did not miss the opportunity and department to find out the cause,” Chia
LRT Station Friday. patiently lined up to get this fruit, also wrote on Instagram.
Rapid Rail Sdn Bhd, in a statement, said known as Brazilian longan, which can usu- “The most important thing is that I’m
that in the incident which occurred at 7.58 ally be found in the Lundu and Kota Sama- okay now, thank you all for the love & con-
am, the suspect, who is believed to be rahan areas, Sarawak. cern, I’m sorry for making you all worry. I’ll

PEDi operating as
mentally unstable,  was believed to have Some of the customers who come to buy be fine, recover soon and love you all.” –

Mr DIY Group
Students attending ICT course at PEDi.
trespassed on the LRT track by crossing this fruit are first-time buyers. They often MM
from platform 1 to platform 2 where the ask the seller for help in learning how to

celebrates World
woman was waiting for a train. peel it, as the fruit has a rather hard skin and

usual in Sabah: MCMC

Prasarana auxiliary policemen on duty can be tricky to handle. It looks like an egg,
at the scene  rushed  to the platform to but it’s definitely not!

Environ Day
assist the victim who was struggling with Johor’s Federal Agricultural Marketing
the suspect, it said, adding that other com- Authority (Fama) marketing officer Mohd
muters who saw the incident also helped Aznor Naim Aznan said the agency first
and managed to free the victim from the introduced crystal longans to Singaporeans
suspect. at the same expo in 2019.
However, they failed to apprehend the He also said that Fama had been receiv- KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians’ favourite
KOTA KINABALU: The Malaysian the PEDi via wireless technology and ing numerous inquiries about bringing the
man because he was very aggressive,” read home improvement retailer, MR D.I.Y.
Communications and Multimedia each PEDi is configured with a minimum popular fruit to the market.
the statement. Group Berhad (MR D.I.Y.) celebrated
Commission (MCMC) said the Digital speed of 20Mbps access shared across “This year marks the second time the
It said the man returned to the plat- “World Environment Day” in exciting
Economy Centre (PEDi) in Sabah is Hubs and Spokes. fruit will be showcased at the Malaysia Fest
form shortly after and again trespassed on ways by mobilising its MR D.I.Y. Cares vol-
operating as usual and the availability of Although Wifi community with expo. Unfortunately, two years prior, the
the LRT track before knocking on the wall unteers to organise two environmental
Community Wifi still can be enjoyed. Spoke service has been discontinued fruit was unable to be featured due to the
of a train, which had stopped at the sta- initiatives, the mangrove saplings and
It was responding to reports that when these areas have broadband COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.
tion, and then fled the scene at about 8.05 Tapir conservation programmes, to com-
hundreds of thousands of students in services with a better 4G quality. For this edition of the expo, Mohd Aznor
am. memorate the event.
rural areas were affected by the The Perpaduan Broadband /Rahmah said Fama Johor had collaborated with
After the incident, the victim and a wit- In a statement Saturday, MR. D.I.Y. said
termination of free broadband services Package was introduced to help those Fama Sarawak to bring in about 2,000 kilo-
ness were taken to a police station to file that realizing the importance of man-
in Sabah. who are underprivileged. grammes (kg) of crystal longans specially
their reports, according to the statement. groves as protectors of the coastal ecosys-
“MCMC is very concerned about the Community Wifi around the PEDi brought from 20 farmers in Lundu and Kota
Rapid Rail expressed regret for the inci- tem, 31 dedicated MR. D.I.Y. Cares
difficulties faced by students in rural area can still be enjoyed by the local Samarahan.
dent and responded immediately by volunteers joined forces with residents of
areas and recommends students to use community. “On the first day alone, we sold 800kg of
increasing the number of auxiliary police agricultural products. The response was Changkat Keruing and volunteers from
the facilities they provided at PEDi as a Moreover at PEDi, tablets are provided
personnel at its stations to enhance secu- encouraging from the people of Singapore,” an environmental non-governmental
suitable alternative for learning and for visitors to use if all the terminal
rity and prevent similar incidents from he said, adding that he was proud of the organisation Persatuan Aktivis Sahabat
knowledge sharing for the time being. computers are not available at that
occurring. hard work he personally put in to gather Alam (KUASA) went on a mission to
“It is a conducive place to pursue instance.
Meanwhile, Cheras district police Chief together the agricultural products of the restore nature along the Mangrove River-
knowledge and improve digital skills in MCMC will continue to strive to
ACP Zam Halim Jamaluddin confirmed people of Lundu and Kota Samarahan in bank Park in Changkat Keruing, Perak.
an increasingly advanced technological provide quality Internet services for the
that the police had received a report Sarawak. They collectively planted 1,000 man-
era,” he said. advancement of education and
regarding the incident from a 27-year-old Crystal longan is priced at S$6 per kg at grove saplings, thus rejuvenating the
Previously, PEDi was equipped with a community development in Sabah.
woman Friday. the expo (S$1=RM3.418), which is organised mangrove forest, read the statement.
Hub and Spoke configuration where it Any enquiries pertaining to the above,
He said the police were working to by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food The MR. D.I.Y. Cares were also involved
worked as a Hub while the Wifi service kindly contact the Sabah State MCMC
locate the man involved and urged those Security (KPKM), through Fama and in col- in another World Environment Day ini-
now known as Wifi acted as a Spoke. Director, Izani Othman via email:
with information about him to contact the laboration with Singapore-based MegaX- tiative,which is at the Sungai Dusun

The Community Wifi is connected to
Cheras Police Hotline at 03-9284 press International Pte Ltd. – Bernama Wildlife Conservation Centre for Tapir in
5050/5051, the Kuala Lumpur Police Hot- Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor.

welfare of
line at 03-2115 9999, or the nearest police At the conservation centre, the volun-

20pc off fares

station. - Bernama teers painted a mesmerising mural of the

M’sians in S’pore
Tapir , as well as planted some flower

for travellers
plants, transforming it into an attractive
According to MR. D.I.Y., these activities

from now to
are part of the company’s continuous
SINGAPORE: The Malaysian High Commis- efforts towards preserving Malaysia’s

Aug 10: MAS

sion in Singapore continues to collaborate tourist spots and ensuring the sustain-
with non-governmental organisations ability of the natural environment.
(NGOs) such as the Muslim Converts’ Asso- “We firmly believe that homegrown
ciation of Singapore (MCAS) to protect the corporations or organisations should

PPKK set up in Kg Tidong

welfare of Malaysian nationals in the play an active role in educating
Rohainah (third from left, front row) and the villagers at the programme.
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines (MAS) nation, Malaysians on the importance of sustain-
invites travellers to book a holiday to their During a recent ‘Qurban Drive’ event able practices so that we can together
dream destination with up to 20 per cent organised by MCAS, the Malaysian High deliver value and positively impact the
off on fares to domestic and international Commissioner to Singapore, Datuk Dr rakyat and our country in meaningful
destinations, available from now until Azfar Mohamad Mustafar expressed his ways.
August 10, 2023 for immediate travels until appreciation for the close cooperation “At the same time, to encourage others
December 15, 2023. Mardinah Jikur informally and inculcate good manners between the Malaysian High Commission to follow,” it said.
In a statement, Malaysia Airlines said KINABATANGAN: The Child and culture in children of the and MCAS, especially during the Covid-19 The company also held a “Walk with
domestic destinations start from RM89 via Development Centre (PPKK) in community, she said. pandemic two years ago. Style” workshop in MR. D.I.Y. PLUS, offer-
the airline’s Economy Lite fare, which Kampung Tidong, Kinabatangan is The opening ceremony was attended For years, MCAS has been providing aid ing children and adults the opportunity
comes with a seven-kilogramme (kg) officially open. It was officiated by by 76 villagers from Kg Tidong and Kg to underprivileged Malaysians in Singa- to be creative through upcycling white
cabin baggage allowance, complimentary Assistant Director of the General Welfare Dagat in Kinabatangan. pore, not just by delivering spiritual sup- school shoes, canvas tote bags, and mir-
snacks or meals and beverages and in- Services Department of Sandakan Also present were Kg Tidong PPKK port but also by supplying food and other rors.
flight entertainment. Division, Rohainah Abbas. Chairman-cum-Village Head, Nasrah essentials. In another programme, Soroptimist
“For those looking to explore interna- She said the establishment of PPKK in Tilang and Kinabatangan District “Throughout the pandemic, I have International Damansara (SID), the
tional destinations, enjoy all-in one-way Kampung Tidong is in line with Sabah Welfare Officer, Roslan Muhammad. maintained regular contact with MCAS to retailer invited 15 children from Rumah
fares starting from just RM249 on Econ- Maju Jaya which emphasises human “The centre will benefit residents, ensure the well-being of Malaysians in Sin- Aman Children’s Home to join in the
omy Basic. capital and effort to ensure that rural especially children, of both villages,” he gapore,” said Azfar. activity.
“The Economy Basic fare includes a free children are not excluded from receiving said. During this year’s Qurban Drive, MCAS It said MR D.I.Y. has a long track record
20kg check-in baggage allowance, seven early childhood education. He said with close cooperation provided Qurban meat to almost 1,000 of supporting and promoting environ-
kg cabin baggage allowance, complimen- PPKK is a centre for human capital among the villagers and help from the underprivileged households. The old, poor, mental initiatives, which included
tary snacks or meals and beverages, and development activities in communities Kinabatangan District Welfare Office and Muslim convert families all received upgrading of the Sg Kedondong recre-
in-flight entertainment. that do not have access to early made it possible for PPKK to be set up in two kilogrammes of meat for each family. ational area and cleaning of the Melaka
Holiday-goers can book their dream childhood education such as Kemas and Kg Tidong. Five elderly Singaporeans were individ- riverfront, which was conducted in col-
holiday with the convenience of the offi- Kindergarten. The Welfare Service Department ually given Qurban meat portions by Azfar laboration with Perbadanan Pembangu-
cial Malaysia Airlines website and its app, The objectives are to provide presented equipment such as study and his wife Datin Che Norhayati Soib in nan Sungai and Pantai Melaka in 2022. –
said the airline. — MM educational exposure to children tables, chairs, fans and whiteboards. Eunos Ave 1. – Bernama Bernama
6 Local S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

40pc STEM students target by 2025

Mardinah Jikur Hopefully, by the end of this year we will He explained that China also has more
SANDAKAN: The Sabah Ministry of have passed the level of 30 per cent of than 400 science centres and this shows
Science and Innovation (KSTI) has drawn their involvement and by 2025 we will the country is famous for its science and
up a strategic plan to ensure that the also pass the level of 40 to 43 per cent. innovation.
culture of Science and its application can This will simultaneously reach the 60 In the development of Sabah, he
be encouraged throughout Sabah. per cent level that the country is explained, the KSTI had made an
KSTI’s Permanent Secretary, Datuk targeting before 2030,” he said this application to the State Government
Zainudin Aman, said KSTI had created an recently. through the Chief Minister for 20 acres to
action plan together with the Sabah Also present were Sandakan Member build the Sabah Science Centre.
Education Department in regard the of Parliament, Vivian Wong Shir Yee; He is confident that it will be
strategic plan to develop Science, Sandakan Municipal Council Deputy considered for the development of
Technology, Engineering and President, Wilson Thomas and Sandakan students in Science and STEM.
Mathematics (STEM) in the State as well District Education Officer, Munah Nasri. Earlier, Munah thanked KSTI and the

Zainudin (third from left) and Munah (second from left)

as the Sandakan District Education The programme was organised by State Education Department for

visiting STEM exhibition at SMK Libaran.

Office. KSTI and the Department of Education implementing the STEM Fiesta
“We are confident of achieving a level Sandakan which is the 10th of the 24 programme in Sandakan.
of achievement exceeding 40 per cent in District Education Offices throughout Meanwhile, teachers and students
2025 of student involvement in STEM,” he Sabah to promote STEM to students Meanwhile, Zainudin said KSTI had in China for three years to display its lauded the programme which, among
explained. involving an allocation of RM250,000 also signed a MoU (memorandum of Science materials (exhibits) related to other things, provides accurate

Astro undertakes
“Now we are on the right track, from KSTI. understanding) with a Science museum STEM in several locations in Sabah. information about STEM.

VSS to improve
PETALING JAYA: Astro Malaysia Holdings
Bhd will be undertaking a voluntary sepa-
ration scheme (VSS) to allow the company
to focus on core business activities and
improve financial performance by simpli-

Training on F6 admission process

fying the organisation, streamlining oper-
ations and reducing operating expenses.
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia today, the

vital for principals given autonomy

integrated consumer media entertainment
company said the VSS aimed to support its
ongoing transformation and is offered

Jheains praised for excellent

purely on a voluntary basis.
Ruslan (second from left) presenting an excellent award to one of the recipients. Group CEO Euan Smith said the media
and entertainment industry is currently KUALA LUMPUR: The new intake of sixth and Community-Industry Engagement in

services to Muslims in Sabah

operating in an environment that is experi- formers on July 17 constitutes the last batch the School of Educational Studies, Universiti
encing an “unprecedented rate of disrup- to be overseen by the Ministry of Education Sains Malaysia, Associate Prof Dr Aziah
tion”. (MOE) as school and Form Six college prin- Ismail supported the autonomy move, say-
Therefore, he said industry players are cipals have been given autonomy to con- ing that previously SPM school leavers
required to reinvent and adapt swiftly to duct the student admission process. found it difficult to get clear information on
remain profitable and relevant in this new This means the principals have the the subjects they should take in Form Six
reality. authority to select the students who they that will enable them to pursue higher stud-
Iskandar Dzulkifli Office, Mohamad Sidik Awang Adi.
“In an increasingly borderless and digi- think are qualified to enter Form Six. In pre- ies in a field they are interested in.  
KOTA KINABALU: Assistant Minister to the He reminded Jheains members to
maintain the momentum of excellence for tal world, competition is relentless, espe- vious years, SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) “Now that school and Form Six college
Chief Minister, Datuk Ruslan Muharam,
the benefit of the people in line with the cially in a challenging economic school leavers wishing to enter Form Six principals and their teams have the man-
said despite having a limited workforce,
agenda of Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) and the landscape,” he said. have to wait for an offer letter from MOE.   date (to admit students into Form Six), it
Jheains (Sabah Islamic Affairs
Madani Government. He said Astro continued to be proactive While many people lauded the min- will decentralise the student recruitment
Department) was able to achieve its
He said the people are becoming wiser to reinvigorate the company to strengthen istry’s move to rebrand as well as upgrade process previously managed by MOE.  
in their assessment, coupled with digital its position in the market and adapt to a Form Six to pre-university status, some edu- “When their principals take over, it will
Its responsibilities include various
technology in all government affairs that fast-changing business environment. cation experts feel the principals involved make it easier for the students to get more
aspects of interests of the community as
require focus and better quality and Notwithstanding this exercise, Astro should be provided optimum exposure to information on their sixth-form studies,”
well as religion.
efficient services. said it is putting in place measures to the best practices in the student admission she said.
“All this requires hard work and thank
Citing an example, he said with just ensure customer experience would not be process.   Aziah, who was among those that recom-
God, all Jheains members have shown a
one mistake, a complaint could be made impacted by the VSS. They said this is to ensure the process mended the establishment of Form Six col-
proud performance in providing services
by pressing I-ADU against a person Additionally, it added that Astro has also concerned not only runs smoothly but is leges, said the conditions for admission into
to the Muslim community in Sabah,” he
without going procedures as was done put in place a transition programme that also a balanced, fair and inclusive one. It will the sixth form must meet a standard criteria
said this recently.
before. would provide the right support to employ- also enable the principals to identify stu- to improve the quality of Form Six educa-
Present were Jheains Director, Datuk
“So don’t be complacent but increase ees who opt for the VSS, including coaching dents with real potential before offering tion in line with the rebranding efforts.
Saifulzaman Sangul; Deputy Director of
efficiency and quality of service for the and skills upgrading training programmes. them a place in Form Six.    Only qualified SPM school leavers should

Hong Kong’s billionaire donates

Jheains, Awang Juri Ag Tahir and Senior
benefit of the people,” he said. The group’s shares fell half-a-sen or 0.9 Commenting on this, Universiti Putra be offered a place in Form Six while the less
Assistant Secretary of the State Secretary’s
per cent to 53 sen, giving it a market capi- Malaysia deputy vice-chancellor (Academic qualified ones should be admitted to other

Tabling of
talisation of RM2.76 billion. – FMT and International) Prof Dr Ismi Arif Ismail educational institutions including voca-

RM880k to help M’sian students

said principals must be given enough expo- tional colleges, she added.

sure and training on their new responsibil- On some parents’ concern that the prin-
ity before next year’s intake of sixth formers cipals may abuse their autonomy, Aziah said
begins. the guidelines now being prepared by MOE

Council Bill
“In line with efforts to revamp the man- will address the issue of transparency in the
KUALA LUMPUR: Li is the fourth richest man in Hong agement of Form Six classes to pre-univer- intake of Form Six students.

in March
Richard Li (pic), the Kong with an estimated fortune of US$4 sity level, the time is ripe indeed for the Efforts to rebrand the sixth form started
Hong-Kong based billion (around RM18.2 billion in today’s principals to be given autonomy to select more than 10 years ago in 2012 when the
billionaire, has exchange), according to news reports. the students. new STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan
donated close to a He is the son of Hong Kong’s legendary “However, they must first be exposed to Malaysia) assessment system was imple-
million ringgit to a tycoon, Li Ka-shing. the process of recruiting students and given mented. In 2014, MOE gave permission to
fund set up to help Li is the Chairman and Chief Executive KUALA LUMPUR: The Communications training because all these years, MOE was Form Six students to dress casually to school
Malaysian students of the Pacific Century Group, the parent and Digital Ministry (KKD) will ensure that handling this,” he told Bernama. but with several conditions attached.
in the special admin- company of telecoms giant PCCW after the bill for the establishment of the On July 23, Education Minister Fadhlina And, on July 12 this year, MOE said it is
istrative region. buying it for US$38 billion in 2000 in what Malaysian Media Council (MMC) can be Sidek announced the Ministry had granted rebranding Form Six colleges and naming
Minister of Transport, Anthony Loke, at the time was Asia’s largest corporate tabled in Parliament no later than the autonomy to school and Form Six college them MOE Pre-University College.
spoke about the donation at a business acquisition, reported lifestyle magazine March session next year. principals to conduct the student recruit- The rebranding exercise is aimed at get-
luncheon held between Malaysia and the Tatler Asia. Its Deputy Minister, Teo Nie Ching in ment process for the sixth form with imme- ting more SPM school leavers to continue
Hong Kong Trade Development Council The company has extensive financial her official Facebook post said the matter diate effect. their studies in Form Six as well as expose
here, where the two countries signed 11 holdings, including insurance company was decided yesterday in a meeting, She said this move will allow the princi- them to the university learning environ-
memoranda of understanding to explore FWD and PineBridge Investments, formed chaired by Communications and Digital pals to make direct offers to potential stu- ment.
investments and trade in key industries. after Li purchased AIG’s asset manage- Minister Fahmi Fadzil, to further discuss dents who need the opportunity to National Parent-Teacher Association
The fund was established by the ment business in 2010, as well as luxury the bill. continue their studies without having to Consultative Council president Associate
Malaysian Chamber of Commerce in Hong property and infrastructure business “This is our (KKD) commitment among wait for an offer from the ministry. Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Ali Hasan, mean-
Kong to help Malaysians studying in Hong Pacific Century Premium Developments. other efforts to ensure the welfare of Three days ago, Education Director-Gen- while, said granting autonomy to principals
Kong universities through scholarships. The fund has so far raised up to HK$15.6 media practitioners is maintained and eral Datuk Pkharuddin Ghazali said the will help to address the issue of students
Addressing the luncheon, Loke hailed million (about RM9 million) entirely from that information received by every level of guidelines for the admission of Form Six who don’t continue with their studies after
Li’s donation as a reflection of the strong voluntary donations in the past several society is better authenticated so that it students by school principals are expected completing SPM due to poverty or other
trade ties shared by Malaysia and Hong years for a student fund dedicated to will indirectly not disrupt the harmony in to be ready by early next month. issues.
Kong. Malaysians studying in Hong Kong and the country. “We in KKD welcome Prime Ismi Arif said in order to provide ade- “Hopefully, the principals will seek initia-
“I would like to express deep apprecia- Macau. Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s man- quate training to principals and equip them tives or solutions to help students from poor
tion to Mr Richard Li, who I understand is Malaysia is Hong Kong’s ninth largest date to ensure press freedom is uplifted with knowledge of the student admission families who qualify for admission into
a member of your delegation, for donating trade partner. Malaysia’s total trade with and strengthened as one of the efforts to system, they can collaborate with the man- Form Six,” he said.
HK$1.5 million (RM880,000) in cash to the Hong Kong last year was valued at US$28 deal with all the malicious lies and fake agements of MOE’s matriculation pro- UPM’s Ismi Arif concurred, saying that
news that can cause division in society,“

NKF opens Malaysia’s first peritoneal dialysis centre

Malaysian student fund, without asking billion (RM127 billion in today’s grammes as well as foundation programmes with the autonomy given to the principles,
for anything in return,” the minister said. exchange). – MM she said. – Bernama at institutions of higher learning.   they can identify students who are inter-
He added that granting principals ested in studying in Form Six or those who
autonomy would also allow them to offer don’t have the financial means to pursue
subjects in accordance with the selected stu- higher studies.
dents’ interests, qualifications and ambi- “The identification process can be done
KUALA LUMPUR: The National Kidney Foun- kidney failure.

RM50m to build 3,000 solar kiosks

tions.   before the SPM exam or after the results
dation of Malaysia (NKF) has opened the Those with stage two and three kidney
Deputy Dean of Research, Innovation have been announced,” he said. – Bernama
country’s first peritoneal dialysis and failure will be provided with advice on
chronic kidney disease education centre dietary and lifestyle adjustments.
(pic) in Selayang. For more advanced cases (stages four and
Peritoneal dialysis is a treatment for kid- five), patients will be guided to dietary
ney failure that uses the lining of the changes and to choose suitable kidney SEPANG: The government has approved an structed at a cost of between RM15,000 and
patient’s abdomen or belly to filter the replacement therapy. allocation of RM49.14 million to 113 local RM20,000 per unit, were built with a uni-
blood inside the body. Additionally, the centre will lend glu- authorities for the construction and form red and white colour scheme and
The centre aims to provide peritoneal cometer and/or blood pressure monitoring upgrading of 3,173 business kiosks solar panels to promote green technology
dialysis training and support services as well gists in patient care with quality Peritoneal sets to patients in stages two to five for home equipped with solar panels, said Local Gov- practices.
as chronic kidney disease education services Dialysis support services including training, monitoring, facilitating better health condi- ernment Development Minister Nga Kor “Petty traders can run their businesses
for free to the community. retraining, transfer of patient’s set to change, tion tracking. Ming. in a safe and comfortable manner for a
It includes providing information and dressing of the exit site and home visits. Malaysian Society of Nephrology presi- He said 100 green kiosks have been built rental rate of RM300 per month,” he told
support about dietary and lifestyle changes “My sincere appreciation to the nephrol- dent Dr Lily Mushahar lauded the initiative in areas under the purview of the Sepang reporters after launching MyKiosk here.
and assisting patients in choosing the right ogist fraternity, the Health Ministry, industry and said the launch can further strengthen Municipal Council (MPS), Kuala Langat Last February, Prime Minister Datuk Seri
kidney replacement therapy be it kidney partners and community partners like the government’s commitment towards Municipal Council, Kuala Pilah District Anwar Ibrahim, who is also Finance Minis-
transplant, peritoneal dialysis, haemodialy- Rotary Club for constantly helping managing chronic kidney disease. Council, Seremban City Council and Port ter, when tabling Budget 2023 announced
sis or palliative care. Malaysians and non-governmental organi- “I take this opportunity to call on all Dickson Municipal Council, with the an allocation of RM50 million to build and
NKF Malaysia chief executive officer Khor sations like NKF.” Malaysians to adopt a healthy lifestyle remaining 3,073 kiosks expected to be upgrade 3,000 stalls and kiosks nation-
Xin Yun said with the newly-launched cen- The initiative covers a range of serv- together and conduct regular check-ups to completed by the end of this year. wide to enable hawkers and petty traders
tre, the foundation hopes to help nephrolo- ices for patients with different stages of ensure optimal health.” – MM Nga said the kiosks, which were con- to do business comfortably. – Bernama
S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 Special Report 7


Teach children positive

series on

A memorable concert with

The Pavilion – packed to the hilt for the concert.
to Get

award-winning pianist Alton

character traits: Author

Kan Yaw Chong
AN “Afternoon of Harmonies” with
award-winning Alton Wong turned out to
be a sold out concert at The Pavilion,
Shangri-la’s Tanjung Au Resort, on July 9.
Starting with classical evolving into
jazz, music buffs packed The Pavilion in
an unusual show of interest for the com-
n Last of a series positive attitude and character traits, to ries for her son – a few sentences explain- “I like the freedom that jazz music
build a more positive societal future. ing what to do in situations – just teaching gives me,” Alton was to tell Daily Express
Kan Yaw Chong basic skills that have to be taught step by later.

EACH children to live by positive atti- Series on ‘Learning to Get Along’ step. Then people saw it and suggested
tudes and character traits, exhorts & ‘Being the Best Me’ maybe other children might like to Classical music
American children’s author, Cheri For example, look at the titles to live by read them, too. That’s how things kind of Alton started off with three classical
Meiners. under her “Learning to Get Along” series: develop from there,” Cheri told Daily pieces, then moved into jazz climaxing in
If you travel all the way to United Listen and Learn; Reaching Out and Express. his own compositions.

Alton on the Kawai piano.

Arab Emirates to cover the Sharjah Give; I Share; I Belong; Bounce “Ordinary children learn a lot from par- The first piece featured well-known
Children’s Reading Festival back; Forgive and Let Go; Try and ents but some children learn just enough Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn’s
designed to spread the love for Stick With It; Be Positive; Cool skills at all and they have to be taught step piano sonata in F major Hob Xvi/23, 1 Alle-
reading among children, Cheri Down and Work Through by step,” Cheri shared her personal experi- gro Moderato, very popular among music
is exactly the sort of children’s Anger; Join in and Play; I lis- ence. students, Alton said.
author you’d want to meet. ten; Accept and Value Each The second tune featured renowned
And met her I did, thanks to Person; Making a Difference; Let kids read positive books pianist Frederic Chopin’s Waltz in E
introduction by Nigerian engi- Have Courage; Feel Confident; “My books are all very positive, they are minor.
neer and volunteer Sabo Stand Tall. in the first person, easy for children to The third item, Prelude in D major,
Abdullah. And also look at the titles understand, not a narrative tone, what to Op.23 No 4, was composed by well-known

Cheri Meiners
Hailed from the State of under her ‘Being the Best Me’ do, like to be this, can do this but in first Russian pianist, Sergei Rachmaninoff
Utah with a Masters degree in series: I Care About Others; I Tell person kind of positive vein so that chil- from the late Romantic period that fea-
elementary education and once taught a The Truth; I Can Be Fair; I Can Co-operate; dren get encouraged by being given power tures a lot of complex harmony for that
Alton Wong and mother
course on elementary education at the I Can Listen; I Show Respect; I Am Creative; by what they can do.” time, Alton noted.
Utah University, Cheri is author of award- I Accept You As You Are; I Can Try New Actually, I never expected to meet
The world of jazz Audrey, father Alvin.
winning 15-book series “Learning to Get Things; I will Keep Trying; I Am A Leader; a children’s author from the US but the
“Moving on, I started to play music and mentors Dr Alton Merell and Dr
Along” and also eight-book series “Being I’m In Charge of Me. all-out effort by the Sharjah Book
She says Being The Best Me is a charac- Authority to connect the world’s best from the realm of jazz with Shiny Stock- James Sim, at the West Virginia University,
the Best Me” which have been translated
ter development series to try to help kids’ authors to the purpose of the festival sur- ings by Frank Foster, a 16-18 piece big where he doubles up as a paid Graduate
into 10 languages, including Arabic.
band tune popularised by the Count Basie Teaching Assistant with the university’s
learn, understand and develop positive prised me.
orchestra in the 1950s. Jazz Department.
2.4 million children’s books in print attitudes and character traits that will So, I asked Cheri what she thought of
“This was followed by Donna Lee, a “I teach improvisation, I also teach
In all, the gifted children’s author is eventually produce better overall well the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival.
composition by famous saxophone combo-like small jazz ensembles, I men-
credited to have a massive 2.4 million being of society, which fits the long term “It’s wonderful, I am really surprised by player, Charlie Parker who popularised tor about six to seven of them, I hope to
books in print to her credit. purpose of the Festival. the different venues, many different activ- keyboard music which is fast melody and get a PhD and go on to tertiary level edu-
So what was Cheri doing at the Sharjah ities, they are right in investing on chil- the harmonies a bit more challenging. cation teaching at universities,” he said.
Children’s Reading Festival? Foster positive internal qualities dren which will determine the future Next was a popular Broadway tune
Obviously invited by festival organisers, Although her idea is to foster positive personally and nationally, that’s what I try Over the rainbow everybody was familiar The freedom of jazz music
Sharjah Book Authority, to connect her internal qualities against the negative pro- to tell children and their choice “‘Train with by Harold Arlen composed for the Trained in classical music but more
and her renowned writings to the thou- clivities that can change not only individ- your Brain’ as the theme is spot on, as our film “The Wizard of Oz”. jazz inclined, Alton explained:
sands of young children attending the uals but potentially the world, Cheri said emotions are controlled by our brain, if we “I like the freedom that jazz music
May 3-14 festival. she didn’t start off with grand ideas of choose positive thoughts, then we will Own compositions gives me. Classical music is more about
That an Arab country is doing that changing the world. have positive emotions, positive behav- Then Alton played Bolo De Manteiga, interpretation, like the first three classical
should raise eyebrow. iour. his own composition with Brazilian pieces that I played, the notes are all writ-
And why not? Apart from the festival’s Autistic son “So our brain is very important, educat- Samba rhythm which is featured in his ten on the page, and it’s about precision
stated purpose to spread the joy of read- “It started off with my own son who was ing our brain by learning will give infor- album, climaxing in his arrangement in and interpretation, you play the notes

Will audio books replace physical books?

ing, the higher purpose is to invest in chil- autistic, he wasn’t speaking. mation we know how to better ourselves Claude Debussy N0 1 in E major – a com- that’s written on the page but because of
dren sound minds, sound thinking, “So I was advised to write tiny little sto- and help others,” Cheri said. bination of both classical and jazz. the improvisation of jazz, it allows the
He capped off the afternoon by invit- player to move beyond what’s written on
ing up stage young and natural singer, the page, it gives the player the freedom
Caelan Sham, who shared a few popular and that’s what I like about jazz, the
songs. aspect of freedom, it’s kind of democratic
FRANKLY speaking, I Vice President of Franklin Covey Publish- The second son of biologist, Alvin music, there is structure but then we are
have never thought ing, said: Wong and Audrey Chin, President of Kota free to say something based on that form
Kinabalu Music Society, Alton became the and everyone has a chance to improvise,”
about audio books. “I think audio is growing rapidly, I
youngest winner of the Malaysian Jazz Alton said repeatedly.
But while I was in believe a major catalyst for this rapid Piano Competition in 2017. There used to be a throbbing annual
Sharjah, UAE, Niger- growth was the pandemic, people cooped Jazz Festival staged by the Society of Per-
ian engineer Sabo at home, not much work to do they First Sabahan to win Downbeat forming Arts Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Abdullah raised the tended to listen. jazz award (SPArKS) but not much jazz around any
rise of audio books. “I used to be 90pc a physical book Internationally, he showed his win- more although an inaugural Sepilok Jazz
So I was drawn reader and now 90pc what I do is audio, I
Annie Yasmina Sabo
ning form when he became the first Saba- Festival Sandakan was staged last year by
into a discussion still love to read but the majority of my han ever to win the 45th Downbeat Alex Yee, founder of Friends of Sea Turtles
with two publishers intake of information is audio, I listen in Graduate Student Music Award, USA – one Education & Research, to raise funds for
on the this new book front that is thought audio? the car as I am driving to work, I used to of the most prestigious awards in jazz turtle conservation.
to affect the future of books. “It is a hard question and I think audio just listen to radio, I never listen to radio music education, founded in 1976, While the jazz scene in KK is rather
Articulate Lebanese and fluent French is also changing, you have podcast, now any more, I listen to audio books and whereas Downbeat Magazine, founded in quiet there is a growing jazz community
speaker, Yasmina Jraissati, Head of Pub- you have fiction podcast, you have serial podcast,” Annie said. 1934, is a world leading jazz contempo- in Kuala Lumpur, Alton said.
lishing, Storytel – a Swedish audio book audio, you have original audio, so the She added: “In our culture, people rary publication.
platform, actually has some good news boundaries of audio content are very take road trips, it is a perfect time to listen “I was very surprised when I got an Honed by parents & very
for physical book lovers. blurry. That’s something to consider but to a book with the whole family email saying that I had won the competi- good teachers
“I think audio can be part of the let’s see what the future brings,” Yasmani together.” tion, one of the most popular competi- But Alton certainly owes his rising
future,” Yasmani said. said. tions in the jazz education world. musical career to classical pianist mother
Asked if she thinks audio books will ‘Nothing should replace “Music students of different levels sub-
Audrey Chin who started teaching him at
Surge in sales of audio books overtake physical books, Yasmani gave an mit recordings for the completion and four, with support from father Alvin of
parents reading to a child’
Surge emphatic “ No, I don’t think so, and I the fun aspect of this Downbeat Magazine
There are signs of this age.
“If you look at audio books in the don’t want to! I think audio books and Student Music Award is that the record- “When children are very young, they
“Children are only learning now by ings are assessed through a blind audi-
Nordic countries – Sweden, Finland, Ice- print books go together. Books and read- don’t really know what they want, you just
digital things, so they are going to find tion process so that the judges don’t know
give them opportunities but discipline is
land, or if you look at audio books even in ing help because books are the ultimate
audios, people are not taking their kids who you are, what’s your background so very important, whatever you start doing,
North America , clearly there is demand carriers of knowledge. My observation is
that when people listen to books, they to the library or book stores, kids are they judge you solely on your music,” he
keep it up, don’t give up, finish it off,
for that because I think that lifestyle
want to own it, they want to have it on finding content on their cell phones. told Daily Express. whether to take up music as a career is a
shifted,” she noted.
their book shelf, they want to give it to But none of this should replace a parent different thing,” said Audrey who started
True, a Google check found audio
book grew 157pc between 2015 and 2020, people. So I think it goes both ways, I reading to a child, children learn by Graduate teaching assistant at uni Alton on the piano, then the violin.
reported the Association of American think it feeds into each other. what they see,” Annie argued, saying Currently, he is pursuing a Master’s When he got older she got him a “very
Publishers, attributed to digital advances “Some people will say, we don’t need reading to children is important for degree in Jazz Pedagogy under teachers good and passionate” Australian teacher
over the past 25 years that fuelled the publishers, we can do self publishing. “bonding”. named Edward Potle who
unprecedented surge in audio books So you have all these discussions going flew into Kota Kinabalu
sales and demand. on in the background. I think there is Foster bonding every eight weeks to teach
“Audio books come in a way people room from a lot of different things, not “We can’t fix the world unless we bond Alton and a few other
can listen now so this is certainly one seg- either print or audio, I think they go the family because if you bond, you are select students noted for
together.” fostering this physical, emotional and their potentials, and this
ment but I think there are people who
mental bonding so that a child wants to went on for four years.
were never readers and people who don’t On the Sharjah Children’s Reading Fes-
do what you do, because they sense the “I always say a good
see themselves as picking up a book and tival, Yasmnina said:
love, they want to do what you do,” Annie teacher is one who knows
this is probably true in this region ( Mid- “I think it is a great initiative, honestly.
reasoned. where to press the button
dle East),” Yasmani noted. I have been coming to the Sharjah book because sometimes there
“If you speak to Finnish or Swedish fair and his festival for years so I am Will audio replace physical books?
are very talented kids but
publishers, they will tell you 50pc of the happy to see they have sustained efforts “It won’t replace. Like me, I love books,
we don’t actually know
revenues is from audio. So in some mar- in attracting children to reading and the feel of books, the smell of books but and miss the very talented
kets, it is very big,” she added. beyond books, knowledge in general.” because of time constraint, I now listen but a good and experi-
more, I listen to help me go to sleep at enced teacher sees a kid

Alton accompanies guest singer Caelan Sham.

Reasons why audio books Pandemic fuelled rapid growth night, yes, I listen to go to sleep, I can be who is more special than
can’t replace Physical books of audio books: American publisher deep into a story and it just lulls me to others,” Audrey noted.
So is the future of books shifting to Meanwhile, Utah hailed Annie Oswald, sleep.” – KYC
8 Special Report S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

A leaf with shallow serration. A truly fruitful wild tomato plant

Some younger leaves may have fully laden with loads of fruits,
A wild tomato shrub smoother edges and without thus rewarding the owner with Close-up of a fruit that is enveloped
A soon-to-open flower bud. grown on the ground. creases at the edges. loads of cash, hopefully. within the green, veiny calyx.

Jom, let’s grab some

free wild tomatoes!
OST Malaysians regard tomatoes spread of about 60-80cm.
both as fruits and food. But these They have good branching habits which
days, they are not cheap. A half is why a single plant always have multiple
dozen of duck egg-sized tomatoes may eas- lateral branches some of which may even be
ily cost between RM6 to RM9. Despite the producing their own sub-laterals. To keep A fully-opened
steep price, everyone still loves them in all the height and shape in check, it is a good star-shaped
forms such the immature green or mature idea to nip off the tips of the branches. In flower.
yellow or reddish ones. They may love them this way, a neat and compact form may be plant certainly makes for a very good Alternatively, basal cuttings may be taken to
even more if they are free, which are those created to benefit the flowering and fruit- indoor plant to decorate and enliven the be grown and nurtured into adult plants.
that can be found in wild tomatoes. ing process, thus allowing a fairly large sitting room as well as bringing vitality and Another method is to collect plantlets from
Commercially-grown tomatoes are usu- lowed, lock, stock and barrel, so to speak. plant to bear in excess of 50-100 yellow youthfulness to charge up everyone loung- bird droppings by properly digging and
ally larger in size while the end-of-season A large cultivated tomato may comprise flowers and golden fruits on a single plant. ing and wallowing nearby. removing the plant without damaging the
crop may yield the smaller ones. The large the equivalent of five to six little fruits of Now that is indeed a golden windfall which The fruits of wild tomatoes are typically rootball. All these methods may yield 100%
ones may easily fill the palm of a little girl, the wild tomato. This means to say that the is quite unlike the usual dedak that do not small in size, averaging about 1.5-2.5cm in success rate if done properly.
while the smaller ones are basically marble- latter is more convenient to be carried grow. diameter, which is about that of cherry Since centuries ago, various communi-
sized as can be found in cherry tomatoes. around in the pocket or handbag which can Plants that grow in good locations or are tomatoes. This makes it an easy job to pop ties around the world have been using wild
Although there are yellow-skinned be conveniently popped into the mouth well-cultivated may last several years with one or two into the mouth with the subse- tomato plants for a number of beneficial
tomatoes and the firmer green ones in the whenever the tongue feels plain and empty. the lower stems turning semi-woody. quent ‘pop’ sound that is most rewarding uses, chief among which is to serve decora-
market and other outlets, most of them that Just make sure the round little balls don’t Sometimes, the branches at the lower levels for toiling hard in the cultivation of the tive purposes. They are also used as food
are visible and for sale however, are ripe get squashed in the pocket. may droop or sag after a stormy and windy plant. The fruits are soft and smooth to the items as well as for as medicinal purposes.
tomatoes that are reddish in colour. These Wild tomatoes, or Physalis minima, has day. Sprucing them up by stringing may be feel and the pulp inside is very sweet and Even today, there are cases of the plant
make the best dishes in gravy form that is a long list of about forty synonyms that just fine to restore the neat form of the appetising. being grown in nice pots for beautification
cooked with fish or chicken slices or even serve little interest to hands-on gardening plant. In Sabah, they are terrestrial tropical The mesocarp is protected by the thin where they are regularly shifted around to
hard boiled eggs. enthusiasts sweating it out to cajole the plants that can grow well anywhere within glossy cuticle to ensure the interior content, meet particular needs and situations. They
There are several food outlets in KK city plants into doing better and producing the state except for altitudes that near the including the seeds, does not slosh about. are also grown on the ground in large num-
that sell noodles that are exclusively pre- more. The plant also has another long list peak of Mount Kinabalu where the temper- These seeds are very small and are pale yel- bers to provide better harvests to meet the
pared with fish balls, sticks or cakes, or just of common names which are applicable in atures are too low and the ground too low or whitish in colour. Together with the demands of the table or the market.
plain fresh fish slices in soups of mashed different regions or countries. rocky. pulp and cuticle, the whole thing can be As a provider of small edible fruits, the
tomatoes and other ingredients, and Such names, apart from wild tomatoes, The leaves of wild tomatoes are ovate in swallowed to provide a good amount of wild tomato is perfect as it can be eaten raw
because they are so mouth-wateringly deli- also include native gooseberry, letup-letup, shape with long petioles and wavy leaf mar- vitamin C and B complex, fibres, a little and directly from the plant, provided it is
cious and appetizing, they are usually sold sunberry, bladder cherry, pygmy goose- gins. The edges of the lamina are lined with sugar and plenty of antioxidant. clean and without bugs and wrigglers. On
out before 2pm. But without the tomatoes, berry, celupkan, cape gooseberry, lantern broad and shallow serrations that end as a A family of four to five members may the other hand, fruits may be sent to the
the story may be different. tomato etc. Native to the Americas, it is now pointed tip. The leaves do not drop fre- need two to three plants to provide enough kitchen where its boss may give directions
There is a variety of yellow-skinned seen growing in many countries in the trop- quently even with those at the lower levels fruits on the table but with 6-8 kids around, on how the little things may be worked on.
tomatoes that bears the common name of ics and sub-tropics, with its popularity due of the plant. The entire plant therefore it may be necessary to cultivate eight to 10 But usually, they are prepared in a series
wild tomato. This kind of tomato is sized mainly to its cup-shaped flowers and pecu- appears to be as young as ever with plenty plants to reach sufficiency level as there is a of ways that is considered to be common
like mini marbles with a shape that is round liarly-formed lantern-like fruits that appear of green leaves covering the top and bot- tendency for large numbers of mouths to practices, such as slicing them up together
to slightly oblong. The thin cuticle is very to be wrapped all-round by the green, ‘poly- tom. This perpetual green and young view have a sort of ‘grab tendency’. Fortunately, with some fresh chillies, shallot, garlic,
smooth and glossy and the fruits are com- bagged’ calyx in a firm embrace. is even more appealing when the flowers wild tomatoes are fast growers with fruits onion, baked sambal cooked with fried
pletely edible, just like the tomatoes in the Wild tomatoes are annual herbaceous begin to open to reveal a pale yellow colour coming onstream within eight to 10 anchovies or dried prawns, etc., and then
market. The entire contents including the plants that grow in an erect manner to in a star-shaped pattern. months. This is within the same range as stirring them thoroughly before being
cuticle, seeds and pulp, all can be swal- heights of 50-100cm or slightly taller with a A nicely maintained potted wild tomato papayas or pineapples with the latter two served. Or the fruits may be sliced and
Ripe Ripe requiring less attention in the backyard. cooked in a number of ways and then put
Wild tomatoes are pollinated by insects. on the table. Whatever it is, the end result is
fruits fruits
They grow well on well-drained loamy soils the same, with bowls and plates all spot-
inside sliced
but have no problem to sustain themselves lessly lapped up. Apart from the fruits, all
dry open to on light sandy or heavy clayey soils. They the other parts of the plant are not used in
calyx. reveal grow on edges of forests in semi-shaded any way as edibles.
the conditions although full exposure to sun- Traditional medicinal practitioners in
seeds light is harmless to the plant. Fruits are different regions have their particular
and formed after they are successfully polli- methods to treat different ailments using
juicy nated and such fruits are wrapped in a the plant and its products. The most com-
pulp. green calyx that embraces and protects the mon ones include relieving headaches,
fruit within, in the same way that a plastic stomach discomfort, sore throat, and gatal-
bag protects an egg that is being carried gatal-garuk. There are a lot more of such
home from the market. ancient practices, but then again, it is best
For propagation purposes, the seeds to consult registered medical practitioners

Riana’s captivating KLCC performance

within the fruit may be easily separated and or accredited and certified traditional med-
then air-dried for sowing to start new plants. icine practitioners before trying them out.

Dr T. Selva
SINCE ancient times, the attraction of spells
and magic has fascinated the human imagina-
tion, evoking a deep yearning to connect with transcended the ordinary. recording weeks before the show.
mystical forces and transcend the bounds of The atmosphere crackled with amazement The hall lights were extinguished without
the physical world. as she seamlessly weaved together her mystical delay, enveloping the space in darkness and an
From the earliest civilisations to the present talents, creating an experience that defied unsettling atmosphere.
day, the belief in the usefulness and effective- explanation and left us all in awe. Riana then instructed us to hold the items
ness of spells is found in various cultures and This created an atmosphere of fear and from our departed loved ones in one hand and
societies. anticipation with an arsenal of bizarre and activate the touch lights on our mobile phones
This charmed field continues to signal ghostlike themes and unnerving effects. with the other.
believers and sceptics alike, offering an oppor- The hall was packed to the brim, and we She firmly believed in the possibility of
tunity to explore the uncharted territories of were on the edge of our seats throughout the communication between the living and the
the supernatural and the extraordinary. show because we were unsure of what we deceased, assuring us that we might sense
I embarked on my paranormal exploration unsettling makeup and an expression haunt- would witness next. their presence through these objects.
journey when I was 19 to untie the enduring ingly blank, her lengthy hair partially conceal- Adding to the frightening ambience, the Whether it be the items becoming warm to
appeal behind spells and magic, delving into ing her face. emcee sent a shiver down our spines with his the touch, carrying the familiar scent of our
their origins, principles, and the deep impact There was an unmistakable aura of intrigue announcement that paramedics were on departed ones, or triggering a profound emo-
they are said to have on human lives. surrounding her every move. standby, ready to assist in case anyone encoun- tional connection, she encouraged us to be Riana’s hand and head twitched, as
The perplexing force of the unseen Her presence seemed to transcend the tered any unsettling situations. open to these potential signs. though she transcended the
enveloped me, revealing a vast array of clan- boundaries of the living, drawing inspiration The 31-year-old Indonesian illusionist In my possession, I carried an amulet pre- boundaries of the living and drew
destine knowledge across diverse belief sys- from the ghostly and the eerie. maintained an unwavering haunting presence sented to me by my late grandmaster, Dr inspiration from the ghostly.
tems and cultural traditions. Her hand and head twitched uncannily throughout her performance and spoke less. Sataya Biswas, who tragically passed away dur- by her stage name Riana, rose to prominence
Privately, numerous individuals sought throughout her performance, adding an extra She relied on weird gestures and expres- ing the COVID pandemic in India. following her mysterious performances on the
these secrets for healing and well-being, safe- mystique to her act. sions to communicate with her spectators, one As the session progressed, the talisman talent show Asia’s Got Talent in 2017, ulti-
guarding against malevolent forces and neg- It was as if she had tapped into something of whom broke down on stage, and another inexplicably warmed up after a few seconds, mately securing victory in the competition.
ative energies, materialising their desires, and beyond our understanding, evoking a sense of shivered and hesitantly participated in her and a rush of emotion overwhelmed me, caus- While some spectators unfamiliar with the
invoking love and attraction. otherworldliness that sent trembles in those acts. ing tears to well up in my eyes. supernatural world view Riana’s magic as a
Over the last four decades, I have gone on watching. Using an Ouija spirit talking board, she Around me, I noticed a similar reaction: charismatic display falling under the realm of
extensive travels, encountering a diverse array Clutching a doll named Riani, dressed in placed the hand together of a participant and many broke down, their bodies covered in stage magic and illusion, I departed from the
of shamans, healers, priestesses, clairvoyants, attire mirroring her own, she commenced her chanted something in a quavering and goosebumps and gently trembling. show with a profound belief in the existence
psychics, and contemporary practitioners of performance by randomly singling out mem- unclear voice, and their hands moved and It left an indelible impression on all of us, of a metaphysical plane.
mysticism from various corners of the world. bers from the audience. spelt the name of the street the man was stay- leading us to believe that Riana possessed a To me, Riana transcends beyond magic.
On July 15th, I was fortunate to step closer to With scary precision, she accurately pre- ing on. unique and extraordinary ability to connect
mystery through the enigmatic Sacred Riana dicted a woman’s name and date of birth, leav- One of the standout moments of Riana’s with spirits or the departed. n Award-winning writer Dr T. Selva is the
performances at the KLCC Plenary Hall in ing the crowd astounded. performance that evening was when she The activity comforted us that the ones who author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra
Kuala Lumpur. But it didn’t stop there. Astonishingly, she invited the audience to retrieve the items they love us never really leave us, but they watch Guide and Secrets of Happy Living. To get a copy,
Cloaked in secrecy, Riana appeared in her revealed a drawing solely within the partici- had brought, given to them by their departed over us. contact 019-2728464. He can be reached at drt-
signature blood-red dress, adorned with pant’s mind, leaving no doubt that her abilities loved ones. She had requested it via a video Marie Antoinette Riana Graharani, known Facebook: Vasthu Sastra
S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 Special Report 9

Sabah and
Lillie Sarawak
manning traditional
her stall attires on
during display at
Borneo One Utama
Festival Shopping
event. Mall in KL.

Sabah, S’wak
products take
stage at KL’s
Borneo Fest
Lorena Binisol “It was also a way to inform the people She found it rewarding to tell stories of
I-Lann with some of the collaborators (dancers).
weaving. People who visited the event means conversation on the mat with the

UALA LUMPUR: Lillie Logijin from Kg here that Sabah and Sarawak are part of people who struggled to survive by making regarded it as an educational tour while weavers from Sabah, in discovering their
Nosoob Baru, Penampang, had been Malaysia and that we have our own unique- all kinds of products. shopping for authentic products from East extraordinary skills who were in the project
promoting Sabah is products since ness when it comes to production of things Married to a West Malaysian, while her Malaysia. over the past five years.
seven years ago after joining a KL-based due to the natural environment we are in. husband is at work, she would use her free Stalls manned by Sarawakians were Some 16 collaborators from Sabah and
NGO Borneo Street Kuala Lumpur. “It is important to place our products at time to help organise activities with her equally interesting as they also portrayed had good support from government agen-
She said there was tremendous support conspicuous area so people from all walks Sabah connection on what products would various products such as Tuak (traditional cies who were aware of their work such as
from Sabahans and Sarawakians residing in of life could view them. be suitable for future events. drinks), baskets made of rattan, artistic fab- Sabah Tourism Board, LKNS, Sabah Ministry
the nation’s capital coming together to pro- “Most of our Sabahan products are con- It all started as a hobby, she said. Her rics and traditional cuisine, among others. Arts, Culture & Environment, among others.
mote their respective products. sidered hot sales, especially our rice wine. love for beading activities and designing Meanwhile, an exhibition about “Shar- She said it was a good opportunity to
During the recent Borneo Festival event They were ‘snatched’ very quickly,” she said necklaces had earned her extra income to ing the Tikar” project and book launching meet up with 11 weavers from Pulau
at One Utama Shopping Mall, arrays of during the event, recently. support her family. events were in conjunction with diamond Omadal, Semporna and Keningau at the
authentic products were on display includ- Most buyers who bought her Lihing As for the rice wine, she got her supply jubilee of the formation of Malaysia. event.
ing Lihing (rice wine), most sought-after were Sabahans and Sarawakians who had from another Lihing maker in Tambunan. Yee I-Lann, one of the initiators who is They include Roziah Jalalid and daugh-
traditional beverage, beads, Sabah delica- lived in KL for a long time. She would personally get the supply when- also an artist, said the artworks produced ters Tasya and Dayang from Pulau Omadal
cies, Sarawak baskets, fabrics, necklaces and “The drink probably helped them remi- ever needed to do so, she admitted. by various collaborators of different genres on Tikar making (mats). Also, Johin Ende-
many more. nisce the good old days. “There is wider demand over here, so we had also made their way into major exhibi- lengau, Lili Naming, Shahrizan Juin, Siat
Lillie said with the products put in a “Other nationalities also bought them. have to keep up with the quality and quan- tions around the world. Yanau who have studio in Kg. Dangulad,
touristic area, it enhances the values and They probably enjoyed the drinks and had tity at the same time,” she said. The programme, held recently, high- Keningau, shared their stories as well..
visibility. tried it before,” she said, laughing. There was also workshop on basket- lights “Sembang Atas Tikar”, which literally She said the artworks highlighted ‘Lift
the Tikar’ are part of growing body of
Workshop woven and video works made by her
on basket- exploring art, language and power made in
weaving collaboration with other creative thinkers
was also from different fields and geographies in
available Sabah.
during I-Lann’s books “The Sun Will Rise In The
the event. East” and “At the table” were also promoted
at the event. She said it was a good opportu-
nity to speak personally to the weavers to
get their authentic stories.
Borneo Heart was initiated in Kota Kina-
balu in 2021 presenting works by I-Lann
and her collaboration with weavers, film-
makers, dancers and creative producers,
Some among others.
of the She reiterated that it was not an ordinary
artwork by exhibition, but rather a major celebration
Sabahans of the community, cultures and knowledge
on display of the people of Sabah.
at the She has been actively in touch with tra-
exhibition. ditional weavers in Sabah since 2018.

A single mother from Batu Pahat, Johor,

Desperate folks falling prey to ‘registered’ moneylenders who only wanted to be identified as Ros,
said she applied for a loan of RM3,000
KUALA LUMPUR: They may be registered of financial constraints or because they live are not allowed to come to one’s home or to auction the mortgaged property from a licensed moneylender but after
with the Ministry of Local Government in other states such as Sabah or Sarawak. workplace. through a public auction. Proceeds from receiving the money, she was told her
Development and regulated by the Money- “Many of them became victims because He said if this happens, a police report the auction will be given to the money- monthly repayment would be RM460 over
lenders Act 1951 (Act 400) but the modus of money problems… the situation is wor- can be lodged against the company con- lender concerned while the balance is a period of two years at the end of which
operandi of certain licensed moneylending rying because most of them are in the pro- cerned, which can be charged in court handed over to the borrower,” Samsudin she would have paid back a whopping
companies is no different from that of loan ductive age group of 30 to 40. Some are under Section 506 of the Penal Code. This explained. RM11,000 – more than three times the orig-
sharks or ‘Ah Longs’ that charge ridicu- even retired,” he said. section provides for a penalty of two years Samsudin feels the Ministry of Local inal sum she had borrowed.
lously high interest rates and resort to Samsudin said since 2012, the associa- imprisonment or a fine, or both. Government Department’s enforcement “Of course, I can’t afford to pay that
intimidation if their customers fail to make tion has received more than 5,000 com- Samsudin said errant licensed money- constraints are the reason why certain much,” she said.
their repayments on time. plaints from victims of licensed lenders dupe their customers into taking licensed moneylenders are openly cheating She told Bernama some people came to
Although Act 400 clearly states that moneylenders and this year alone up to loans at far higher interest rates by forcing their customers. The ministry only has her house recently and threatened to take
licensed moneylenders can impose an May, it received 800 to 1,000 complaints, them to sign a blank form as a condition about 40 enforcement officers to monitor her son away from her and put her in a
annual interest rate of only 12 per cent on adding that 95 percent of the cases have for approving their loan. The borrowers are over 4,000 licensed moneylenders nation- lock-up if she defaulted on the loan.
loans with collateral or 18 per cent on loans already been settled. not given a copy of the loan agreement. wide. As a “fine” for not settling the loan
without collateral, some of them are known He said Sabah and Sarawak accounted As a matter of fact, moneylenders are In view of this, he urged the government promptly, they forced her to sign another
to charge much higher interest rates. for most of the cases, adding that they had obliged to provide complete details of the to place the enforcement of Act 400 under agreement for a RM25,000 loan to be
In fact, these companies even go to the to be settled fast as some of the com- loans for their customers to check before the purview of the Ministry of Domestic repaid over 10 years at a monthly payment
extent of keeping their customers’ auto- plainants had mortgaged their land or any loan agreement is signed. For each of Trade and Cost of Living which has a suffi- of RM210.    
mated teller machine (ATM) cards with house to the moneylenders. these agreements, the companies must use cient number of enforcement personnel. “I certainly can’t afford this and I’m now
them to make it easier for them to collect He said the association expects the the form set by the Ministry of Local Gov- “By right, Act 400 should not come living in fear,” she told Bernama.
their monthly dues.   number of complaints to increase this year ernment Development, that is, either under the Ministry of Local Government Another victim, who only wanted to be
Many people are falling prey to the in view of the current economic situation Schedule J (for loans without collateral) or Development because it has no relevance known as Lina, from Kuala Lumpur said she
high-handed tactics of such moneylenders. which may compel more people to seek Schedule K (loans with collateral). to the ministry. It is more relevant for borrowed RM10,000 to repay her car loan
According to the Kuala Lumpur Consumer loans from moneylenders. However, many moneylenders trick the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of and children’s school fees.
Safety Association, it receives over 200 He also said contrary to what most peo- their customers, especially those applying Living to enforce this Act. The Hire Pur- “Their interest rate was illogical… I was
complaints a month, including from civil ple assume, not all the victims are from the for loans with collateral, into signing a chase Act 1967 and Direct Sales and Anti- told to pay RM1,300 a month for 18
servants, pertaining to unscrupulous mon- low-income group or B40. He said many of property transfer document such as Form Pyramid Scheme Act 1993 also come under months, which came to a total of
eylenders.   them are from the M40 and even T20 14A, which is a land office document, and this ministry, which has over 2,000 enforce- RM23,400. They even took my ATM card
But the daily figure could be much more groups whose loan amounts are based on power of attorney document, instead of ment personnel,” he added. saying it will make it easier for them to get
than that because, usually, only 30 per cent the needs of their income class. Schedule K.   He said the Ministry of Domestic Trade their payment.
of the victims come forward to lodge a Asked if licensed moneylenders can These moneylenders can use the prop- and Cost of Living has an office in every dis- “When I could no longer afford to pay
report with the association, its Chairman retain the identity card or ATM card of a erty transfer documents to seize the prop- trict where people can lodge their com- the remaining loan amount, I had to take
Samsudin Mohamad Fauzi told Bernama. borrower, Samsudin replied in the nega- erties belonging to their customers, which plaints. The Ministry of Local Government another loan of RM4,000 from another
He said many of them, especially civil tive, saying it contravenes the Moneylend- is an offence under the law and classified as Development, on the other hand, has only licensed moneylender for which I was
servants, dare not seek help as the money- ers Act 1951. a commercial crime. three places where complaints can be required to pay RM650 a month for a
lenders have threatened them they would He said moneylending companies that “Based on the Moneylenders Act 1951, made — one in Putrajaya and the other two whole year with the total payments
lose their jobs if they make a report.   resort to threatening their customers, (licensed) moneylending companies can in Kota Kinabalu and Kuching. amounting to RM7,800.
“We do get many complaints from vic- including by coming to their houses or only confiscate a borrower’s property Meanwhile, two victims of unscrupu- “I am now saddled with debts and have
tims but for us to help them, they have to places of work, are actually violating Sec- through the court process. lous licensed moneylenders spoke to to use my entire salary to settle the loans,”
come to our head office (in Kuala Lumpur). tion 29(B) of the Act which clearly states “If a borrower fails to settle his/her loan, Bernama about their harrowing experience lamented Lina, who works as a promoter at
However, many of them can’t come because that moneylenders or their representatives the appropriate course of action would be after they took the loans. a supermarket kiosk. – Bernama
74 hotspots in East Kalimantan
10 Asean S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

Meteorology, Cli-
matology, and
Marcos urged: Boost
Agency (BMKG)
hotspots of wild-
fires in several
anti-corruption drive
areas of East Kali- MANILA: Curbing corruption will remain take note that this is a legislative initiative.
mantan province one of the biggest challenges of the Mar- This will institutionalise things and turns
amid the ongo- cos administration, a Philippine-based them into law. Even the national govern-
ing dry season, think tank said . ment rightsizing programme,” he said.
an official said The head of Stratbase ADR Institute Manhit said digitalization could be the
(pic). made the assessment, basing it on a recent “most powerful tool” in fighting corrup-
The hotspots survey by Pulse Asia that it commissioned. tion.
were detected in Kalimantan, which were extinguished, The poll, taken from June 19 to 23, Digitalization will support the govern-
the districts of Paser (5), Penajam Paser while, on Thursday, 74 hotspots were showed that a big majority of Filipinos ment’s data-driven and science-based
Utara (3), Kutai Barat (1), Kutai Timur (21), detected at different coordinates, she believe the government of President Fer- planning and decision-making. It is the
Kutai Kartanegara (15), Berau (7), and informed. dinand Marcos Jr. needs to step up its greatest, most powerful tool, not just to
The survey said that Marcos should con-
Mahakam Ulu (22), Diyan Novrida, coordi- ANTARA has reported earlier that the fight against corruption. improve the ease of doing business, but
sider creating a well-resource anti-corrup-
nator of data and information at the BMKG has projected that this year’s dry “The government must ensure that it also against many forms of graft and cor-
tion agency that has fiscal autonomy and is
BMKG’s Sepinggan Office, said here. season will follow the same pattern as the establishes and maintains the right envi- ruption,” he said.
shielded from undue political influence or
According to Novrida, the findings one seen in 2019. ronment to attract investorsand actively The President, however, needs to do
have been shared with the related author- A total of 28 percent of regions in collaborates with the private sector, both more to ensure his policies and reforms
ities, including regional disaster mitiga- Indonesia, which include 194 seasonal domestic and foreign. Among the simple are sustained, he said.
tion agencies. zones (ZOM) determined by the BMKG, desires that we hear from them are trans- “It’s a sense of helplessness, probably, Marcos should consider creating a
The BMKG has also appealed to resi- were expected to experience the dry sea- parency, accountability, and responsive- but this is a problem; as I mentioned, it is well-resourced anti-corruption agency
dents to support the government’s land son from June this year. ness. disturbing because people already submit that has fiscal autonomy and is shielded
and forest fire prevention efforts by not BMKG head Dwikorita Karnawati said Stratbase President Dindo Manhit said that corruption is pervasive and nothing from undue political influence or parti-
throwing cigarette butts carelessly and the El Nino phenomenon, which is getting during the “Rhetoric vs. Action: Reviewing can be done,” Pulse Asia President Dr. sanship, he said.
refraining from slash-and-burn farming stronger due to the positive phase of the the Alignment of Promises and Imple- Ronald Holmes, who also participated in “Unfortunately, this recommendation,
methods, she said. Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), could trigger mentation under the Marcos Jr. Presi- the webinar, said. which had been given to past administra-
On Wednesday, the agency also a drought during the dry season in dency” webinar. Forty percent of the respondents tions, has not been heeded. Perhaps this

Three Bali immigration officers

detected 50 hotspots in 6 districts of East Indonesia. – Antara “We cannot eradicate corruption, but believe that if the problem of corruption administration would take on and even-
we should attempt to control corruption,” is handled correctly, the country will tually follow through and adhere to and
Manhit said. implement this particular recommenda-

held over Cambodia organ ring

experience economic recovery and devel-
In the survey, 84 percent of the 1,200 opment. tion,” Holmes said.
respondents agreed that the government The survey also found that 23 percent The Office of the Ombudsman and the
needs to do more to address corruption, believe ending corruption will improve Presidential Anti-Graft Commission seem
while 3 percent disagreed. the plight of ordinary citizens. to be unable to weed out the root cause of
The remaining 13 percent were unde- The reforms put in place in the first graft and corruption, he said.
JAKARTA (Indonesia): The organ trafficking ring has been cided. year of the Marcos administrations have “There are many other things that can
Three Bali immigration operating since 2019 earning 24.4 billion It showed that 67 percent of Filipinos resulted in an improvement in gover- be done. And I’m not saying that this
officers have been rupiah ($1,588,614) in total, Haryadi told have lost trust in the government and its nance, Manhit said. problem is only with this administration,
arrested for their reporters last week. officials because of corruption; 47 percent “I take note of key structural reforms but there is no indication what this
alleged role in an illegal The traffickers received 200 million said corruption normalised Filipinos’ atti- administration would do, and that would

‘Tell the President to walk the talk’

being initiated by the Department of
organ trafficking syndi- rupiah for each kidney, pocketing 65 mil- tudes toward corrupt practices; and 44 Budget and Management. We have heard really lead to just an escalation of this
cate that ferried dozens lion rupiah and giving the rest to the vic- percent said that corruption resulted in them speak of Progressive Budgeting for problem rather than a control of the levels
of victims to Cambodia tims. inefficient service delivery to the public. Better and Modernised Governance. And I of corruption,” he stressed. - Inquirer
to sell their kidneys, The organs were harvested at Preah
Indonesian police said Saturday. Ket Mealea Hospital in Cambodian capi-
The move comes as authorities crack tal Phnom Penh, police said.
down on the suspected illegal organ Organ trading is outlawed in Indone-
trade ring, arresting 12 members last sia and the 10 syndicate members THE head of the Euro- time in 60 years that the president of the “Any strengthening of EU-Philippines
week—including a police officer and an arrested last week face 15 years in prison pean Commission body would visit the country, Mala- relations and cooperation should be
immigration officer identified as AH— and 600 million rupiah in fines if found should tell President cañang said on Thursday. based on the government ending its
accused of smuggling 122 victims abroad. guilty of violating the country’s human Marcos to “walk the But the Human Rights Watch said von abuses, delivering on human rights
The three Bali immigration officers trafficking law. talk” on human der Leyen “should make it clear to Presi- reform, and securing accountability for
are accused of working with AH, who The police officer was accused of rights during her visit dent Marcos that while a different narra- past and ongoing crimes,” Francavilla
allegedly took bribes to allow victims obstructing the investigation and receiv- here in the Philip- tive on human rights is welcome, his said.
lured by the trafficking ring to easily pass ing bribes to help the accused traffickers pines next week, a administration needs to walk the talk.” The Department of Trade and Industry
through immigration checks to Cambo- move locations. He faces five years in rights organisation This, as red tagging, drug war killings, (DTI) earlier this month said the Euro-
dia for kidney surgeries. prison if found guilty. said on Saturday. and repression supposedly continue, pean Union has seen progress on the
“(They) will be brought to Jakarta this Immigration officer AH is accused of European Commission President said Human Rights Watch senior EU country’s human rights conditions under

Macron makes historic stop in Sri Lanka

afternoon and will be under Jakarta abuse of power and faces up to 20 years Ursula von der Leyen (pic) will visit the advocate Claudio Francavilla in a state- Marcos, Jr, which is among the country’s
police custody,” Jakarta police director in prison. country from July 30 to Aug. 1, the first ment. trade obligations with the EU. – ABS-CBN
for general crimes Hengki Haryadi (pic) Cash-strapped Indonesians have pre-
told AFP. viously been caught selling their kidneys
At least 18 of the kidney donor victims online for as little as 50 million rupiah
left Bali for Cambodia between March ($3,300) each, fuelling a dangerous and
and June, he said. illegal trade in human body parts.
Authorities believe there are more vic- Much of the desperate trade is driven COLOMBO (Sri Lanka): Emmanuel ago after his predecessor fled the country,
tims and are looking for them to come by poverty, family debt or outstanding Macron made a short stopover in, the first driven out by massive protests amid the
forward. bank loans. visit by a French president to the island country’s worst economic crisis since
Some of the members of the cell are Many of the 122 victims had lost their nation, which is undergoing a difficult independence in 1948.
former donors who became recruiters jobs in the pandemic and were exploited economic recovery. Sri Lanka, which has received major
using Facebook and WhatsApp to lure because of precarious financial situa- The French leader, who spent less than support from the IMF, is expected to
and trade victims. tions, Haryadi said. – AFP two hours in the country, was welcomed remain bankrupt until 2026.

Bangla protesters block major roads

by his Sri Lankan counterpart Ranil Wick- Macron was to speak with Wick-
remesinghe. remesinghe about the country’s debt
Macron made the stop en route home restructuring—with Beijing, the country’s
from Oceania, after visiting Papua New main creditor, having agreed in March to

Macron (left) with Lanka President Ranil

D H A K A Guinea, the French territory of New Cale- reschedule its loan repayments.

Wickremesinghe (right) in Colombo.

(Bangladesh): donia and the sea-threatened archipelago China and India vie for influence in
Bangladesh of Vanuatu. economically fragile Sri Lanka.
police fired rub- During the airport meeting, Macron The situation prompted Macron to
ber bullets and and Wickremesinghe were to talk about of the meeting, which occurred after warn against “new imperialism” at work
tear gas to dis- economic recovery and maintenance of Macron disembarked around 11:30 pm in the region while he was in Vanuatu,
the rule of law. local time (1800 GMT). referring in particular to China’s growing

UN urges moratorium after S’pore, Kuwait executions

perse stone-
throwing crowds “This is a historic visit,” the Elysee said Wickremesinghe came to power a year influence. – AFP
blockading major
roads in the capi-
tal Dhaka on Sat-
urday in the latest
protest demand- GENEVA (Switzerland): The United
ing the prime Nations denounced the recent exe-
minister’s resig- cutions carried out by Singapore
nation. and Kuwait and called for the
The opposi- nations to impose a moratorium
tion Bangladesh on carrying out the death penalty.
Nationalist Party The protesters demand that PM Sheikh Hasina step down and allow a Singapore on Friday hanged a
(BNP) and its caretaker government to oversee elections due next January. 45-year-old citizen for drug traf-
allies have staged ficking, the city-state’s first execu-
a series of protests since last year demanding lock. tion of a woman in nearly 20 years,
Sheikh Hasina step down and allow a care- Hasina’s Awami League has ruled officials said.
taker government to oversee elections due Bangladesh since 2009 and has been Kuwait put to death five people
next January. accused of human rights abuses, corruption on Thursday, including a man
Clashes erupted in several locations when and creeping authoritarianism. convicted of involvement in a 2015
police moved in to clear thousands of people Protests led by the BNP have become suicide bombing by the Islamic
who gathered in the morning to block traffic increasingly common since the start of the State jihadist group that killed 26
on key arterials around the city. “Some offi- year, with rallies this month drawing tens of people, the Public Prosecution
cers were injured,” Dhaka Metropolitan thousands of people to the streets. said.
Police spokesman Faruq Ahmed told AFP. Police arrested at least 500 opposition The multiple executions in the
“We fired tear gas and rubber bullets.” activists ahead of a rally outside the party’s Gulf emirate—relatively rare com-
At least four protest sites around the city headquarters this week. pared to neighbouring Saudi Ara-
saw clashes between police and protesters, Western governments have expressed bia—were the first since seven
Ahmed said. concern over the political climate in people were put to death in

About 50 people are on death row and majority of them is men.

AFP journalists at one protest site in Dho- Bangladesh, where the ruling party domi- November last year ending a five-
laikhal, an old neighbourhood now a hub nates the legislature and runs it virtually as year moratorium. “We deplore the
for automotive repair shops, witnessed pro- a rubber stamp. multiple executions carried out
testers retaliate by throwing rocks at riot Her security forces are accused of detain- this week in Kuwait and Singapore and guards on the use of the death penalty.” inmates on death row is not known.
police and their vehicles. ing tens of thousands of opposition activists, oppose the death penalty under all circum- “There is no evidence that the death Criminal lawyer Joshua Tong said those
Bacchu Mia, a police inspector at the killing hundreds in extrajudicial encounters stances,” UN Human Rights Office penalty has a unique deterrent effect or convicted of drug trafficking were usually
Dhaka Medical College Hospital, told AFP and disappearing hundreds of leaders and spokesman Seif Magango said in a state- that it has any impact on the use and avail- men, but he had seen “his fair share” of
that six protesters had been admitted to the supporters. ment. ability of drugs. As countries around the women drug offenders.
hospital with injuries. The elite Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) “We urge Kuwait and Singapore to world do away with the death penalty and On the issue of drug crimes, Tong said
Senior BNP leaders Goyeshwar Roy and security force and seven of its senior officers immediately establish a moratorium on embrace drug policy reform, Singapore’s there was generally “no distinction
Amanullah Aman had been taken into were sanctioned by Washington in 2021 in executions and join the more than 170 authorities are doing neither,” she said in between men and women for criminal
police custody but had not been formally response to those alleged rights abuses. states that have so far abolished or intro- a statement. punishments.”
arrested, Ahmed said. The BNP’s leader Khaleda Zia, a two-time duced a moratorium on the death penalty.” Figures shared by the Ministry of Home “The only distinction made would be on
Transport links between the capital and premier and old foe of Hasina’s, is effectively Amnesty International’s death penalty Affairs with CNN in 2022 said about 50 whether caning is to be imposed,” he
other parts of the country were badly dis- under house arrest after a conviction on expert Chiara Sangiorgio said Singapore’s people were on death row, the majority of added, noting that Singaporean law only
rupted, with trucks and buses stuck in grid- graft charges. – AFP latest execution “defied international safe- whom were men. The number of women permits the caning of men. – AFP
S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 World 11

Legal woes won’t derail

White House bid: Trump
DES MOINES (United States): Former US
president Donald Trump—who has
pledged to pursue his White House bid if
convicted and sentenced in one of the
cases engulfing his comeback bid—shared
a stage with his Republican rivals for the
first time in Iowa.
Trump’s appearance at the party’s Lin-
Thirty-three of the 45 on board survived the initial impact, but only 16
coln Dinner fundraiser came as he faced
were left after an ordeal of 10 weeks on an Andean glacier. The survivors had
new charges over his handling of classi-
to resort to eating the flesh of their dead comrades to stay alive. Inset Inciarte.

‘Miracle in the Andes’ crash

fied government documents—and a pos-
sible fresh indictment over his alleged

survivor dies half century later

efforts to overturn the result of the 2020
The format of the Lincoln Dinner — 10
minutes for each candidate—kept the fire-
works to a minimum, but the frontrunner
did not shy away from telling the atten- MONTEVIDEO, (Uruguay): Uruguayan 3,500m.
dees what he thought of his main chal- Jose Luis Inciarte (pic), one of 16 sur- The survivors had to resort to eating
lenger, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. vivors of a 1972 Andean plane crash the flesh of their dead comrades to stay
“I wouldn’t take a chance on that one,” immortalised in the film Alive, died in alive. Rescue finally came after two of
Trump said after offering a barrage of poll his home city of Montevideo on Thurs- the young men – Roberto Canessa and
data suggesting he would easily defeat day aged 75, a friend said. Fernando Parrado – walked for 10 days
incumbent President Joe Biden while
Trump with DeSantis (left). The ex-President shared a stage with his Republican rivals Inciarte, known fondly as “Coche,” into the unknown, hostile terrain,
for the first time in Iowa.
DeSantis would lose against the veteran was part of an amateur Uruguayan finally spotting people at a river as they
Democrat. rugby team flying to play a match in were close to their end. The story of sur-
Trump offered a rapid-fire summary of added. “These people are sick. What they obstruct investigators. Chile, accompanied by family mem- vival became known as the “Miracle in
his achievements while in office, from are doing is absolutely horrible.” Trump, who denies all wrongdoing, bers, when their plane crashed on Octo- the Andes”.
appointing three conservative-leaning The twice-impeached former president was also charged with illegally retaining ber 13, 1972. Thirty-three of the 45 on “We lost a friend,” Canessa said on
Supreme Court justices to withdrawing was first indicted in the classified docu- national defense information over a doc- board survived the initial impact, but Thursday of Inciarte’s death from can-
US troops from Afghanistan, and only ments case last month, accused of endan- ument he is accused of showing to jour- only 16 were left after an ordeal of 10 cer. “We already lost Javier (Methol),
briefly alluded to his legal woes. gering national security by holding onto nalists at his New Jersey golf club. weeks on an Andean glacier without and now we are 14” left over from the 16
“If I weren’t running, I would have top secret nuclear and defense informa- He unleashed a torrent of invective food, shelter, or even warm clothes in who returned home after the crash, he

Son held for killing of mum found in fridge

nobody coming after me,” the 77-year-old tion after leaving the White House. loaded with false accusations against the minus 30°C at an altitude of some said. — AFP
said. The Justice Department added charges government, Biden and other top Democ-
For his part, DeSantis stuck to his usual Thursday to its more than three dozen rats on his social media platform.
stump speech, and did not use the oppor- counts against Trump, who was found by He also called for Smith “and his Thug
tunity to take a swipe at Trump. a jury in a civil trial in May to have raped Prosecutors” to be jailed alongside Attor- BRUSSELS (Belgium): A man in his mid-30s the victim as a woman in her 70s, a spokes-
“The time for excuses is over. We must a writer in Manhattan in the 1990s. ney General Merrick Garland. in Belgium has confessed to killing his woman for the Liege prosecutors’ office
get the job done. I will get the job done,” Trump is also facing dozens of felony DeSantis is in a campaign lull—the 44- mother and sticking parts of her body in a told AFP.
he told attendees in Des Moines. charges in a case involving hush money year-old has seen Trump’s lead widen fridge found in a canal in the country’s Her son, born in 1988, was arrested just
Earlier in the day, Trump used a radio payments to a porn star in New York and from 13 points in February to 34 points east, prosecutors said Friday. before dawn on Thursday in a hotel close
interview to insist his legal woes would is bracing for indictment in separate state now, as he has failed to connect with vot- The refrigerator with its grisly con- to Brussels’s airport.
not derail his White House bid. and federal investigations into his efforts ers and has been beset by a series of tents—two arms and two legs—was found He apparently was preparing to take a
Asked by radio host John Fredericks if to overturn the 2020 election. largely self-inflicted controversies. Tuesday bobbing in a canal on the out- flight to South Korea, the spokeswoman,
being sentenced would stop his 2024 cam- In a major development Thursday in His team was forced this week to fire a skirts of the city of Liege, triggering a mur- Catherine Collignon, said.
paign, Trump quickly responded: “Not at the documents probe, Special Counsel staffer who promoted a video featuring der investigation. Under questioning by police, the man
all. There’s nothing in the Constitution to Jack Smith alleged that Trump, who is Nazi imagery, and the candidate sparked That led detectives to discover the rest “confessed”, she added, and the investigat-
say that it could.” scheduled to go on trial at the height of outrage by suggesting he would pick anti- of the woman’s body—her head and ing judge ordered him charged and taken
“And even the radical left crazies are the campaign in March and May next year, vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F. torso—in a trash container thrown in a into custody.

African Union, EU intensify pressure on Niger coup leaders

saying not at all, that wouldn’t stop (me) asked a worker at his beachfront estate in Kennedy Jr. to lead his public health pol- nearby river. Early indications in the investigation
— and it wouldn’t stop me, either,” he Florida to delete surveillance footage to icy. – AFP A tattoo on the torso helped identify suggest the mother and son had regular
arguments after he moved back in with
her after the Covid pandemic.
The killing was said to have occurred in
Seraing, a southwestern neighbourhood
of Liege, where the woman lived with her
NIAMEY (Niger): The Bazoum to his official residence in the tional authority, within a maximum suspended indefinitely with immediate two children and a grandchild, according
African Union capital Niamey since Wednesday, in a period of fifteen (15) days”, it said in a effect” in addition to the end to budget- to local media.
demanded Niger’s mili- putsch Tiani presented as a response to communique following a meeting Friday ary aid, he added. The suspect was said to have confessed
tary “return to their “the degradation of the security situa- on the coup. Bazoum “remains the only legitimate to the killing to someone in his entourage,
barracks and restore tion” linked to jihadist bloodshed. It “condemns in the strongest terms president of Niger”, the statement said, who shared the information with another

Kenyan citizenship
constitutional author- The African Union and the European possible” the overthrow of the elected calling for his immediate release and person who spoke to police. – AFP
ity” within 15 days as Union joined the chorus of international government and expressed deep concern holding the coup leaders to account for
the EU intensified pres- condemnation of the power grab, the lat- over the “alarming resurgence” of mili- the safety of him and his family.

to stateless Pembas
sure on the coup lead- est to strike the Sahel region. tary coups in Africa. Borrell said the EU was ready to sup-
ers Saturday by suspending security Niger’s neighbours Mali and Burkina The EU’s diplomatic chief Josep Bor- port future decisions taken by West
cooperation with the jihadist-hit coun- Faso have both undergone two military rell on Saturday said the bloc would not Africa’s regional bloc, “including the
try. coups since 2020, fuelled by anger at a recognise the putschists and announced adoption of sanctions”.
General Abdourahamane Tiani (pic), failure to quash long-running insurgen- the suspension of security cooperation Leaders from the Economic Commu-
head of the Presidential Guard since cies by jihadists linked to the Islamic with Niger. nity of West African States will meet on NAIROBI (Kenya): Kenya awarded citizen-
2011, appeared on state television on Fri- State group and Al-Qaeda. “The European Union does not recog- Sunday in Abuja to discuss the coup, ship to the Pemba community, ending
day to declare himself the troubled West The AU’s Peace and Security Council nise and will not recognise the authori- Nigerian President Bola Tinubu said. decades of statelessness for a margin-
alised people in a historic move hailed by

Iran news editor suspended over protest coverage

African country’s new leader. “demands the military personnel to ties from the putsch in Niger,” Borrell French President Emmanuel Macron
His forces have confined democrati- immediately and unconditionally return said in a statement. will chair a defence meeting on the coup the UN refugee agency.
cally elected President Mohamed to their barracks and restore constitu- “All cooperation in the security field is on Saturday, the presidency said. – AFP President William Ruto issued ID cards,
birth certificates and passports at a cere-
mony in Kilifi that marked the comple-
tion of the registration process for all
7,000-odd members of the community.
“This, effectively, ends Pemba commu-
nity’s statelessness and marginalisation
The complaint
TEHRAN (Iran): Iranian authorities have the September death in custody of 22- that has lasted for close to 100 years,” Ruto
was in relation
banned the editor-in-chief of reformist year-old Amini, an Iranian Kurd, follow- said in the city on Kenya’s East Coast.
to detailed reports
daily Etemad “from any press activity for ing her arrest for an alleged breach of The move finally affords the Pemba full
on ‘kidnapping’
a year” over coverage of last year’s nation- strict dress rules for women. access to public services like schools,
of a scientist and
wide protests, the newspaper reported on The demonstrations saw hundreds of healthcare, social security and the right to
‘bans and arrests’
Saturday. people killed, including dozens of secu- work which they have long been denied.
of artists who
The journalist, Behrooz Behzadi, was rity personnel, and thousands arrested in
The community settled in Kenya about
backed the
“accused of publishing false content”, connection with what officials labelled as
a century ago but was never recognised at
protest movement
Etemad said, citing a decision by the pros- “riots”.
independence in 1963.
triggered by
ecutor’s office following a complaint by a In January, an Etemad report estimated
It is believed they originally came from
Mahsa Amini’s
Tehran branch of the Iranian Revolution- that some 80 journalists were among the
the island of Pemba in the Zanzibar Archi-
ary Guards Corps. thousands arrested during the unrest.
The complaint, according to Etemad, In Iraq, a fire killed four people in the pelago off mainland Tanzania.
was in relation to reports it had published Iraqi shrine city of Karbala as hundreds of Most today still live along Kenya’s
which detailed the October “kidnapping” thousands of Shiite pilgrims began gath- coast.
of a scientist and “bans and arrests” of ering to mark Ashura, emergency services Ruto announced in December that the
artists who backed the protest movement said. government would begin the process to
triggered by Mahsa Amini’s death. The blaze erupted in an alleyway near formally recognise the Pemba as citizens.
The newspaper’s Saturday edition the mausoleum of Imam Hussein, the kitchen” of a refreshment tent set up for difficulty of moving fire trucks through UNHCR said Kenya had made “impor-
quoted Behzadi, in his late 70s, as saying focal point of commemorations for one pilgrims and then spread into an adjacent the crowds of pilgrims”, it added. tant strides” in eliminating statelessness
the court had initially sentenced him to of the holiest dates in the Shiite calen- market, an emergency services statement Ashura commemorates the martyrdom in recent years by extending citizenship to
said. of the Imam Hussein, grandson of the thousands of others from previously

British railways hit by latest staff walkout

prison time but instead handed him the dar.
one-year suspension from work. “According to preliminary reports, the Fire crews arrived on the scene and put Prophet Mohammed, in a seventh century unrecognised groups like the Makonde
Iran was gripped by unrest following fire was sparked by a gas bottle in the out the blaze “in record time, despite the battle. – AFP and Shona.– AFP

LONDON: Rail workers in Britain held vate sectors in Britain, as workers demand which has overall responsibility for rail
their latest strike over pay and conditions pay rises in response to decades-high infla- transport and provides strategic direction
on Saturday, as more than a year of walk- tion and the worst cost-of-living crisis in a and funding, of trying to “artificially keep
outs on the country’s train network grinds generation. the dispute going”.
on. Those who have taken to picket lines “Our union remains wholly committed
Members of the Rail, Maritime and over the last 18 months have ranged from to reaching a negotiated settlement on
Transport (RMT) union working for train health sector employees and teachers to pay, jobs, security and conditions,” he said
operating companies staged the day-long lawyers and dock workers. Saturday as RMT members joined picket
stoppage, leading to the widespread can- The RMT’s dispute with 14 train operat- lines nationwide.
cellation of services and misery for trav- ing companies running services, over “But our members remain steadfast in
ellers. salary and working conditions such as their industrial action and will not be
In some areas only about half of train overtime, has been worsened by con- cowed into submission by anyone.”
services will run, while others will have tentious plans to close most ticket offices The Department for Transport insists

Those who have taken to picket lines over the last 18 months have ranged
none at all. across the UK. officials have met with rail union bosses,

from health sector employees and teachers to lawyers and dock workers.
The repeated strikes by rail staff have RMT general secretary Mick Lynch has listened to their concerns and facilitated
been mirrored across the public and pri- accused the Conservative government, improved offers. – AFP
US to help Australia boost missile manufacturing
12 World S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

seventh grandchild
BRISBANE (Australia): Washington will that we are taking in respect of establish- nesses in many Western military supply prompting the suspension of a major mili-

for the first time

seek to bolster its shrinking weapons ing a guided weapons and explosive ord- chains and has steadily depleted stocks of tary exercise between the two countries.
stockpiles by helping Australia develop a nance enterprise in this country,” he missiles and other munitions. The four crew members are still missing
missile manufacturing and exporting added. Australia is currently embarking on its and concern is growing for their wellbe-
industry, top officials said Saturday after The project will see Australia develop own armed forces overhaul, pivoting ing.
high-level talks between the two countries. guided multiple launch rocket systems, or towards long-range strike capabilities in They had been taking part in the vast
Australian Defence Minister Richard GMLRS. an effort to keep would-be foes such as Talisman Sabre exercise, which features WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden on
Marles announced the project after meet- Austin said the plan would help the China at arm’s length. 30,000 military personnel from Australia, Friday publicly acknowledged his seventh
ings in Brisbane with US Secretary of State United States “sharpen our technological The two-day Australia-US meeting that the United States and several other grandchild for the first time—a four-year-
Antony Blinken and Pentagon chief Lloyd edge and strengthen our defence indus- ended on Saturday was heavily focused on nations. old girl his son Hunter fathered with an
Austin. trial base”. regional security and military cooperation, Both Australian and US officials Arkansas woman—after Republican criti-
“We hope to see manufacturing of mis- Washington will now work to help Aus- as the longtime allies work to curb China’s expressed concern about the incident, but cism of his failure to recognise her.
siles commenced in Australia in two years’ tralia build a fledgling domestic missile growing power in the Pacific region. insisted drills were needed to ensure both “This is not a political issue, it’s a family
time,” Marles told reporters, hailing the industry almost from scratch, with an eye The talks were partially overshadowed militaries were “match fit”. matter,” the president said in a statement
initiative as a boost to his country’s to securing a reliable pipeline for its own when an Australian MRH-90 Taipan military The meeting signalled that joint opera- to People magazine about the girl, Navy
defence and industrial base. armed forces down the track. helicopter crashed in subtropical waters off tions and projects are only likely to Joan Roberts.
“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother,

Germany warns of
“We are really pleased with the steps The war in Ukraine has exposed weak- the coast of Queensland late Friday, increase. – AFP
Lunden, are working together to foster a
relationship that is in the best interests of

spy-risk with some

Chinese students
Zelensky at advanced their daughter, preserving her privacy as
much as possible going forward.”
Biden said he and his wife Jill “only
want what is best for all of our grandchil-
dren, including Navy.”
People cited an unnamed source famil-

positions in Bakhmut
iar with the situation as saying that a child
BERLIN (Germany): Germany’s educa- support dispute between Hunter Biden
tion minister on Saturday called for a and Lunden Roberts, settled last month,
revision of student exchange practices had affected how the First Couple inter-
with China, citing an increased risk of acted with their grandchild.
scientific espionage posed by Chinese “You have to remember there were
KYIV (Ukraine): President Volodymyr Zelen-
students who come to study in Germany some fairly contentious legal proceedings
sky said on Saturday he was visiting
on full state scholarships. between Navy’s parents happening until
“advanced positions” of Ukraine’s special
“China is becoming more and more just a few weeks ago. As grandparents, the
forces near the hotspot of Bakhmut as Kyiv
competitive and is a systemic rival in the Bidens are following Hunter’s lead,” the
ramps up its counter-offensive.
domain of science and research,” Bettina source said.
“The Bakhmut direction, advanced posi-
Stark-Watzinger said in an interview The Democratic US president had come
tions of the Special Operations Forces,”
published on Saturday by the Medien- under tough criticism from Republicans
Zelensky said on messaging app Telegram.
gruppe Bayern. who said his failure to mention Navy was
“I am here to congratulate our warriors on
The minister hailed a decision by the at odds with his public image as a family
their professional day, to honour their
Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) in man.
Bavaria, which regularly partners with Earlier this month, top Republican law-
Zelensky said he was not at liberty to dis-
German industry in research projects, to maker Elise Stefanik called Biden “cold,
close details of the special forces’ current
no longer accept China students whose heartless, selfish, and cowardly” for not
sole financing comes from the China acknowledging Navy, and labeled the sit-
He said he heard a commander’s report
Scholarship Council (CSC), which is a uation “an inexcusable disgrace” in com-
and spoke with the troops, praising their
state institution. ments to the Daily Mail.
“truly heroic” performance.
According to recent reports pub- Hunter Biden’s paternity of the child
Ukraine last month began its highly antic-
lished in Deutsche Welle and the Correc- was confirmed through DNA testing. She
ipated fightback after stockpiling Western
tiv investigative platform, recipients of has reportedly not met her father or her
Zelensky (4THright) said he heard a commander’s report and
weapons and building up its offensive forces.
these scholarships must sign a loyalty grandparents.
spoke with the troops, praising their ‘truly heroic’ performance.
Kyiv has however admitted difficult bat-
oath to the Chinese state or risk legal Hunter Biden, who has battled drug
tles and called on the United States and other
proceedings. addiction and is currently mired in legal
allies to provide long-range weapons and
Stark-Watzinger hailed the German trouble over tax charges and illegal posses-
artillery. had been injured. “We’re seeing Russia desperately looking
sion of a firearm, has four other children.

US president
university for its decision, saying it was Videos posted on social media showed for support, for weapons, wherever it can
Ukrainian authorities have said Kyiv’s
motivated by “the realisation that the - AFP
troops are gradually moving forward near smoke billowing from the top floors of a res- find them to continue to prosecute its
freedom of opinion and scientific free- idential building that had been badly dam- aggression against Ukraine,” he said.
the eastern city of Bakhmut, which Russian

to host Japan,
dom anchored in German Basic Law can- aged. “We see that in North Korea, we see that
forces seized in May.
not be fully exercised by the CSC In Brisbane, Australia, Secretary of State as well with Iran, which has provided many
A Russian missile struck an apartment
scholarship recipients due to the condi-

S Korea leaders
block in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro, Antony Blinken on Saturday said that the drones to Russia that it’s using to destroy
tions of their scholarships and there also United States believes Russia’s defence min- civilian infrastructure and killed civilians in
Kyiv officials said, injuring at least nine peo-
exists an increased risk of scientific espi- ister is in North Korea to secure supplies of Ukraine.”
ple including two children.

August 18
“Dnipro. Another terrorist attack,” said weapons to aid the stalled invasion of While in North Korea, Shoigu met the
“The FAU decision should prompt Ukraine. country’s leader Kim Jong Un, in what
Sergiy Kruk, head of the Ukrainian State
other institutions to revisit the terms of Following Sergei Shoigu’s arrival on a rare Pyongyang’s state media described as “a
Emergency Service, on Telegram.
their cooperation with the CSC,” she said. trip to Pyongyang, Blinken said that Russia is friendly talk.”
“Currently, we know of 9 injured, includ-
In mid-July, Germany toughened its scrambling to buy arms from allies across the Russia, a historic ally of North Korea, is
ing two children. Work continues.”
approach to China, publishing a 64-page

US$345mil military aid

Internal Affairs Minister Igor Klymenko world. one of a handful of nations with which
strategy in response to a “more assertive” WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden will
earlier reported “a Russian strike on a multi- “I strongly doubt he’s there on holiday,” Pyongyang maintains friendly relations. –
China, sparking ire from Beijing. – AFP host Japanese Prime Minister Kishida
storey building in Dnipro”, saying five people Blinken told reporters in Australia. AFP
Fumio and South Korea’s President Yoon

package for Taiwan

Suk Yeol for a summit at his retreat outside
Washington on August 18, the White
House said.
“The leaders will celebrate a new chap-
ter in their trilateral relationship as they
reaffirm their strong bonds of friendship
and the ironclad alliances between the
WASHINGTON: The United States unveiled Taiwan’s defense ministry thanked United States and Japan, and the United
a $345 million military aid package for Tai- Washington “for its staunch commitment States and the Republic of Korea,” an offi-
wan designed to quickly bolster the to Taiwan’s security.” cial statement said.
island’s ability to deter a Chinese invasion “The Presidential Drawdown Authority The summit, held at the Camp David
(pic). is another important support for Taiwan’s presidential retreat in rural Maryland near
The package—which an official said fea- self-defense in addition to weapons sales,” Washington, DC, will be a chance to “dis-
tures intelligence, surveillance and recon- ministry spokesman Sun Li-fang said. cuss expanding trilateral cooperation
naissance equipment and small arms “Taiwan and the US will continue to across the Indo-Pacific and beyond,” the
munitions—will be drawn from the US’ cooperate closely in safety issues in order White House said.
own reserves, allowing it to be delivered to maintain peace, stability and the status They will address the “continued
on a faster-than-usual timeline. quo in the Taiwan Strait.” threat” from North Korea and “advance a
These are “capabilities that Taiwan will Congress has authorized President Joe shared trilateral vision for addressing
be able to use to bolster deterrence now Biden to draw aid for Taiwan from Ameri- global and regional security challenges,
and in the future,” a Pentagon spokesper- can military stocks—the same way that promoting a rules-based international
son said. Washington has provided large quantities order, and bolstering economic prosper-
Elements of the package “address criti- of assistance to Ukraine since Russia ity.”
cal defensive stockpiles, multi-domain invaded in February 2022. Biden has made a priority of getting
awareness, anti-armor and air defense In the past year, the Chinese military close US allies Japan and South Korea to
assertive diplomatic and military power, announced the package of “defense arti-
capabilities,” he added. has held two major drills around Taiwan, overcome years of tension and work
claims the democratic, self-ruled island of cles and services of the Department of
together in the face of nuclear-armed

Beijing on alert as Typhoon Doksuri sweeps northwards

“We are working expeditiously to simulating targeted strikes and a blockade Taiwan as part of its territory and has Defense, and military education and
deliver the military assistance announced of the island. North Korea’s ongoing saber rattling and
vowed to take it, by force if necessary. training, to provide assistance to Taiwan.”
today.” China, which is an increasingly fear of confrontation with superpower

Four electrocuted
A statement from the White House – AFP
China. – AFP

during religious
procession in India
BEIJING (China): A swathe of northern The weather service warned that rainfall
China, including the capital Beijing, was there could exceed 60 centimetres (24
put under alert Saturday as Typhoon Dok- inches).

Doksuri had
suri swept inland, bringing high winds and In Fujian’s capital Fuzhou, authorities

been a super
torrential rain. ordered residents not to leave their homes

typhoon as it
Doksuri, which smashed into Fujian unless necessary on Saturday. NEW DELHI (India): At least four people

tore across the

province on Friday morning with gusts of The coastal province of Shandong and were electrocuted Saturday and seven oth-

Pacific Ocean
up to 175 kilometres per hour (110 miles per the megacity Tianjin also felt the deluge. ers injured after a Muslim religious proces-

earlier this
hour), is already being felt further north, Doksuri had been a super typhoon as it sion came into contact with a high-voltage

week, but lost

according to China’s meteorological serv- tore across the Pacific Ocean earlier this wire in India, police told AFP.

some intensity
ices. week, but lost some intensity as it neared The Islamic calendar is currently in the

as it neared
Anticipating flooding, Beijing has the Philippines. month of Muharram, the holiest time for

issued an orange alert, the second-highest The typhoon killed at least 13 people in Shiites across the world, when large

in the four-tier system. the Philippines, where it caused landslides Ashura processions mark the martyrdom
Several of the city’s parks, lakes and and floods before tracking northwest to of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson
riverside roads have been closed out of pre- China and gradually weakening. Hussein in the seventh century.
caution, the municipal authorities It still brought colossal waves and howl- Members of a procession in the eastern
announced on Saturday. ing winds to the country’s southeast. state of Jharkhand were killed when a
They warned the downpour could China has been experiencing extreme metal pole carried by some devotees hit an
prompt even worse flooding than in July weather conditions and posting recording were on Saturday mostly under control, Nevertheless, more than 460 firefighters overhead cable, Bokaro district police
2012, when 79 people died and tens of temperatures this summer, events that sci- but firefighters remained in key hotspots were still deployed in these three areas as a superintendent Priyadarshi Alok told AFP.
thousands were evacuated. entists say are being exacerbated by cli- with strong winds still a threat, officials precaution, it said. “Four people have died and seven oth-
Heavy showers were reported in the mate change. said. “There is no de-escalation of forces until ers are injured,” he said.
capital on Saturday afternoon and are At the beginning of July, Beijing and the “Scattered fire pockets are being extin- the major incidents are checked”, it said. Deaths by electrocution are common in
expected to last through Tuesday. surrounding region broke temperature guished,” the fire department said in an Fed by scorching temperatures, dry con- India as a result of waterlogging during
Neighbouring Hebei province, which is records, with local temperatures in excess update to AFP, adding that there was “no ditions and strong winds, the two-week the summer monsoon season.
expecting torrential rain and gusty wind, of 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit). active front” in the three biggest wildfires inferno had sparked chaos at the peak of Nearly 11,000 people on average die by
has issued the highest level of alert in some In Athens, Greece, wildfires that have in Rhodes, Corfu and central Greece that the busy summer tourist season in Greece. electrocution in India every year, accord-
areas. scorched Greece for more than two weeks had forced thousands of people to flee. – AFP ing to official data. – AFP
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Ringgit rot started with Dr M ‘Sabahans First’

M. Shanmugam
policy is not
discipline the government has adopted in managing public
OF all people, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir finances. When governments spend more than they earn for
Mohamad should know what is really ailing the ringgit. a long period, something will give way eventually.
The architect of capital controls did the right thing in Sep- Normally, it is the currency that depreciates in value. That
tember 1998 by taking the ringgit off the offshore markets, is what happened to Malaysia.

for politicking
thus quelling speculation in it. He pegged the ringgit to the
US dollar at 3.80, which stabilised the currency and bought
him and the country a few years to reset the economy
But Mahathir did not undertake reforms for public-sector
Mahathir resigned in 2003 without doing much to restruc-
ture the economy and public finances. He handed over the
reins to Abdullah, who attempted to reform government
expenditure by cutting subsidies. Among the subsidies cut was
finances that were required to put the country back on the that for petrol. When prices shot up, his political opponents, Datuk John Lo in their action.

right track. He continued with budget deficits and did not including Mahathir, capitalised on the situation. In the 2008 abahans First Policy is 1st of its SLS’s court case against the Federal
dare to cut subsidies. The unfettered government spending general election, Abdullah’s Barisan Nasional lost its two- kind in Sabah. Like the saying goes, Government is complimentary and in
continued to fuel the patronage system that is so entrenched thirds majority in Parliament and it cost him the premiership. there are policies AND there are piv- support of Sabah Government’s fight
in Corporate Malaysia. In came Najib, who started off well by attempting to otal policies. Some policies produce neg- for 40% revenue. All Sabahans should fol-
During Mahathir’s rule and even after that, budgets run- reform the economy. He did not float petrol prices but loos- ative impacts, some fail to produce any low SLS’s example and must also rendered
ning into deficits were the norm. None of the prime ministers ened bumiputera requirements in some areas of the economy benefits for the intended recipients for total support for Hajiji, Dr Jeffry and
adopted financial discipline in handling public funds. Some- to encourage more non-bumiputeras and foreigners to many reasons, only a tiny number benefit Masidi in their fight for our 40% net rev-
invest. a small number of people. These types enue in the political arena. All of them
times, they started off with the intention to reform the
For instance, he relaxed the bumiputera equity require- policies are “run of the mills” which com- have said they will fight on. All other lead-
nation’s finances but then succumbed to the pressure to be
ment for companies going for listing and opened up some prise most of the government policy ini- ers should join in the fight. This is not pol-
popular so as to ensure that they remained in power.
sectors to foreigners. He also introduced the dreaded Goods tiatives. iticking. The 40% revenue is the number
Budgets were in deficit, and to compound matters, the gov-
Then there are rare pivotal policies. 1 problem that the Sabahans First Policy
ernment’s off-balance sheet liabilities grew. The worst among and Services Tax (GST).
The highest form of policy success is must tackle as it is our birth right.
the off-budget entities was 1Malaysia Development Bhd However, Najib was also responsible for creating one of
when citizens can appreciate its honest The successful fight for 40% net rev-
(1MDB) under the watch of now-jailed Datuk Seri Najib Razak. the world’s biggest financial scandals in the form of 1MDB.
intention, give it their full support and enue will have a very defining-moment
Years of not instilling financial discipline in public Currently, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is
most significantly, embrace, take own- financial impacts in the implementation
finances have led to the current state of the ringgit, which is looking to reduce the fiscal deficit to 5% of gross domestic of the Sabahans First policy, more mean-
ership, add value to it and even fight for
trading at 3.43 against the Singapore dollar and 4.61 against product (GDP) this year and 3.2% by 2025. A lower deficit sig- ingful and speedier for each and every
its implementation. CM Datuk Seri
the US dollar. nals tighter spending by the government. Sabahan.
Hajiji’s Sabahans First Policy is Sabah’s
Malaysians will particularly feel the impact of the depre- Generally, in the current environment, where interest rates This 40% net revenue fight is the fight of
first such policy that will create all-
ciating ringgit when they travel overseas for work or leisure. are rising, there is increased scrutiny of debts. Higher debt all time for Sabahans. We have no choice.
round benefits.
Even in tiny Singapore, Malaysians will be a whole lot poorer. means a higher interest-servicing burden. In relation to that, Legendary policies of Lee Kuan Yew We must unite as Sabahans. We must win.
Within the country, Malaysians lead a sheltered life. Most Malaysia’s debt servicing is already above the accepted and Deng Xiao Ping have made Singapore
of the essentials required for day-to-day living are subsidised. threshold of 15% of GDP. and China great nations, uplifted their reinforces-sabah-sarawaks-position-as-lead-
Thus, ordinary folks will not be affected by the ringgit hov- What this means is that for every RM1 that the government peoples’ standard of living and imbued ing-destinations-for-legal-services/
ering at around 4.60 to the US dollar. collects, more than 15 sen goes towards servicing debt. them with great national pride. Both LKY SLS’s other significant contributions
For those who dare to venture further, for example, into Singapore’s budget deficit was only 0.3% of GDP last year and Deng had put Singaporeans and Chi- for Sabahans First Policy. SLS, in
Europe, the weakness of the ringgit will be conspicuously felt. and it recorded a surplus in 2021. Indonesia’s budget deficit nese First in their policies, very much like another significant and long-term bene-
For instance, a lot of Singaporeans spend their holidays in last year was 2.4%, below the forecast figure of 3%. the Sabahans First Policy. ficial initiative for Sabah, has launched
Switzerland, which is known as heaven on earth. They can In Malaysia’s case, the deficit has always been within the Sabahans First Policy is every Saba- BICAM [Borneo International Centre for
afford to stay in that country for a few weeks or months forecast amount or higher. han’s responsibility. True that both LKY Arbitration and Mediation]. Sabah’s own
because of the strength of the Singapore dollar. One Swiss Apart from cutting down on spending, the strength of the and Deng were excep- recent retired Chief
Franc can be exchanged for S$1.30. ringgit is also dependent on the cost of funds. On this score, tional leaders. Singa- Judge of Sabah and
In stark comparison, Malaysians will find Switzerland an Bank Negara Malaysia has raised rates by 25 basis points, pore and China have Sarawak Tan Sri David
ultra-expensive holiday destination. One Swiss Franc is equiv- which drew criticism from politicians seeking to be popular. succeeded because of Wong is the founding
alent to RM5. A simple meal will make one wonder whether The critics claim that the rise in rates is causing further them. Let’s also chairman and will add
the holiday is worth it after all. hardship among the poor, who have to fork out more money remember that much considerable prestige
The ringgit’s rot did not happen overnight. It started in to service loans. credit should be to BICAM.
2000 when Mahathir did not take the opportunity to reset But in reality, the interest rates have been far too low for attributed to their BICAM will comple-
the economy and undertake structural reforms. That would far too long. Raising rates is a difficult decision but Anwar is respective citizens ment very well with
have required difficult decisions and he did not want to push right in allowing Bank Negara to do what it feels is necessary. who have supported the exceptional inflow
the button. Generally, bold and difficult measures do not go down and embraced LKY’s of investments. Nor-
The biggest reform he promoted after 2000 was making well in the short term. But they bode well for Malaysia’s and Deng’s policies mally all major inter-
English the medium of instruction for science and mathe- finances and the currency over the long haul. for Singaporeans national commercial
matics in schools. He advocated that English was the lan- It is hard to cut excesses and implement targeted subsi- First and Chinese agreements will
guage of the internet and students should be equipped with dies, both unpopular measures. But they are necessary. Oth- First. It is notewor- require an arbitration
language skills. This right but unpopular move was disman- erwise, the country and the ringgit will continue to be in a thy that some Saba- clause. The nearest
tled during Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s tenure. state of decline. hans have begun to arbitration centre is in
The danger of capital controls is that as the currency is not It is the long haul for the ringgit. Taking shortcuts to take ownership of the Sabahans First KL or Singapore. BICAM, which Hajiji has
traded internationally, it allows the country to get away with restructure and reform will only be an exercise in futility. Policy. given fullest support, is a critical legal
financial indiscipline in managing its budget without being The Sabahans First Policy is for the architecture for the development of
punished. l M. Shanmugam is contributing Editor at the Edge. This prosperity of Sabahans, not for politick- Sabah’s commercial and business devel-
A fully traded currency is like a report card. It reflects the appeared in the Edge. ing. Firmly in the belief that Sabahans opment.
should fight for our rights, the SLS [Sabah Other Sabahans’ initiatives in fur-
Law Society], under the leadership of Roger therance of Sabahans First Policy. The

Carbon tax must to control emissions

Chin, has sued the Federal Government spirit of Sabahans First Policy is well and
over its 48 years of dilly-dallying paying truly alive in other spheres too.
Sabah the 40% net revenue. SLS’s reason is Food sufficiency and security: All
noble because this is of public interest, successive governments after Berjaya
Soh Lian Seng implementing a car-bon tax, which is have an easy time determining a carbon especially for Sabahans, that this long over- have neglected food sufficiency and
SEVEN years ago, in April 2016, Malaysia easier to manage administratively and pricing mechanism that will be equally due issue has been unresolved for too long. security. Now Sabah can only produce
officially signed on to the Paris Agree- can also be applied at various points of received by all affected parties. Its effec- I like to quote 3 points of SLS which clearly about 22% of rice requirement, almost
ment to pledge its commitment to the production chain where large emit- tiveness in reducing carbon emissions personify the fighting spirit of the Saba- zero maize for animal feeds. Maize is
achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. But ters are identified, and heavy taxes are will be heavily reliant on the availability hans First Policy. being imported from Argentina. Sabah’s
since then, there has been no sight of a implemented on those sectors. of clear guidelines and support provided. 1st quote: “This was a serious breach of food situation is extremely precarious
definitive road map to achieve this However, the possibility exists where There is also the concern that imposing the Federal and State governments’ con- and may worsen as India has banned rice
national goal, leading to questions on large emitters may circumvent the issue stringent climate policies will affect stitutional duty to the people of Sabah exports. Compounding this is the increas-
whether this remains only an ambition. and choose to pay the penalty without Malaysia’s competitive standing in the mandated under those provisions noted ing climate change severity which may
The latest report from the Intergov- making actual efforts to reduce GHG short term, compared with other juris- above in the Federal Constitution.” compel other countries to follow the
ernmental Panel on Climate Change emissions. dictions that are less stringent in policies. 2nd quote: Painfully and succinctly, SLS Indian ban. To avert disastrous calami-
(1PCC) warned that global emissions will For this reason, some jurisdictions But there is no doubt that a form of said “After close to 60 years since the for- ties, Hajiji has ordered solutions to be
need to be halved by 2030, if warming is introduce ETS as a form of carbon pricing carbon pricing mechanism is imminent mation of Malaysia, Sabah still does not found. Towards this end, Datuk Yusof
to be limited to 1.5°C.The solution, on top of the carbon tax, such as seen in for Malaysia as a manageable way to possess the basic infrastructure and Kasim, the Chairman of Desa Group is
according to scientists, lies in climate- Switzerland and Canada. Leveraging ETS, achieve the national net zero ambition amenities. Meanwhile, Sabah being a working with Jilin Province of China at
resilient development, which involves also known as a cap-and-trade pro- by 2050. Therefore, businesses should major contributor of its rich oil resources an advance stage to introduce latest
integrating measures with actions to gramme, the government will set a limit approach carbon taxes proactively (and to the development of Malaysia’s petro- hybrids and planting/harvesting tech-
reduce or avoid greenhouse gas (GHG) on the total level of covered GHG emis- not reactively) so they can be in a leum industry through Petronas (wholly nology for the cultivation of maize
emissions. sions (that is, cap) and a free market stronger position to identify opportuni- owned by the Federal Government) that [jagung] and padi. The Jiling team will
Malaysia’s GHG emissions per capita is exists between entities to trade carbon ties and challenges, not only from a tax have benefitted the development of arrive over this very weekend. Hopefully,
among the highest among the Asean pricing instruments. For example, the perspective but also from a sustainability peninsula Malaysia, lags behind. 8 of the Datuk Yusof ’s endeavours will see Sabah,
nations, recorded at 12.77 tonnes In 2021 European Union Emissions Trading Sys- perspective. 10 poorest districts in Malaysia identified for the first time ever, have enough maize
compared with our closest neighbours, tem (EU ITS), one of the world’s largest Businesses will have to look into how in the 12th Malaysia Plan are in Sabah.” [for animal feeds] and rice! Let’s pray that
Singapore (6.7 tonnes) and Thailand emissions trading markets, set a cap of their accounting costs and margins will 3rd quote: “Many think the Federal Datuk Yusof will succeed ASAP!
(6.31 tonnes). 1,572 MtCO2e in 2021 and is expected to be affected, especially if they are heavily Government’s failure to honour the pay- TAS and SAYAP are holding Sabahans
To keep emissions on a downward decrease by 2.2% annually. The emission reliant on carbon-intensive products and ment of the Sabah’s 40% entitlement is First Policy flag high Norman Wong,
trend, many are expecting a carbon tax to allowances under the cap are then dis- sources. Additional compliance costs one of the reasons why Sabahans are chairman of TAS [Timber Association of
be implemented in Malaysia soon. To tributed by way of free allocation and may need to be taken into consideration adversely and detrimentally affected.” SLS Sabah] and his committee are collaborating
understand carbon tax, we must study auctions depending on the sectors.This with the implementation of carbon is not mincing its words. It is expressing with CCF, Datuk Fred Kugan to implement
carbon pricing mechanisms. Simply put, approach allows lawmakers to legally set taxes. It is also crucial that businesses the exact feelings of every Sabahans. Hajiji’s ITP policy. The ITP policy will see even
carbon pricing is the act of putting a an ETS cap to reduce GHG emissions on a look into investing in cleaner technolo- In true Sabahans First Policy fighting more inflow of investments, 40,000 skilled,
price on pollution. By imposing some national scale. gies with reduced carbon footprints. spirit, SLS has assembled a formidable semi-skilled jobs, another 40,000 jobs, EVC
form of carbon pricing mechanism on The ETS approach is already being Paired with the green incentives that the team of legal brains to conduct in depth driven down stream will contribute about
explored in Malaysia. Further to the government continuously introduces, research into this issue and has formu- RM20 billion to Sabah’s GDP. The outstand-
businesses and industries that produce
release of the National Guidance on this will drive the interest in making lated a very winnable strategy. Appearing ing feature of ITP is that more than 90% of
GHG through their operations, the gov-
International Voluntary Market Mecha- more green solutions available nation- for SLS and leading the fight for ALL the jobs will be for the rural population.
ernment aims to encourage businesses to
nisms by Malaysia’s in 2021,Bursa wide and result in relatively cheaper SABAHANS in the court will be 2 very SAYAP [Sabah Young Professionals
lower their GHG output, which predom-
prominent and experienced lawyers, Dr and Entrepreneurs] is forming a founda-
inantly comprises car-bon Malaysia recently launched the Bursa green technologies.
David Fung and Mr. Jeyan Marimuttu. tion to galvanise young Sabahans for
dioxide(CO2),In principle, carbon pric- Carbon Exchange (BCX). Sweden was among the early adopters
The SLS warriors are the true sons and mutual help and to assist the government
ing can take the form of carbon taxes or BCX is the country’s voluntary carbon of carbon tax 32 years ago, and its expe-
daughters of Sabah. to grow the economy.
emissions trading schemes (EIS). market exchange that offers high-quality rience demonstrated that progress on a
I urge all Sabahans, irrespective of Its Facebook has 590 members already
Carbon taxes are usually fixed rates standardised carbon credits for both national scale is possible with political
political affiliation and social status, to at time of writing.
taxed per tonne of carbon dioxide emis- buyers and suppliers to transact at trans- will, introduction of policies that are sup- The Sabahans First Policy needs
pour out their support to SLS for its fight
sion (tCO2e). Singapore introduced car- parent prices via a rules-based carbon portive and inclusive, and with commit- more professionals to emulate the
for our birth rights of 40% net revenue.
bon taxes in 2019, which are levied on all exchange. According to BCX, entities may ted cooperation between the lawyers, young Sabahans, business peo-
Federal Government’s barefaced bias
facilities with annual direct GHG emis- purchase these credits to offset their car- government, academia, businesses and ple, academicians to come forward
against Sabah in 40% revenue issue. If
sions of 25 kilo tonnes of carbon dioxide bon footprint while the sale of carbon society as a whole. with their contributions to grow
the Federal Government is being fair and
(ktCOze) or more, and no exemptions credits, in return, is used to help steer the Since 1990, Sweden has successfully to keep its promise to give Sabah equal Sabah’s economy.
were provided. development of reduction and removal decreased its GHG emissions by 33% and partnership status, it should live up to the Sabah belongs to Sabahans. A new
During the first five years. Singapore’s of domestic GHG emission solutions. also reported that its gross domestic 40% revenue as provided for in the consti- Sabahan spirit is being sprouted by
carbon tax rate is set at SS5/tCO2e and It remains to be seen if a regulatory- product grew by 92% during the period tution. It should have NOT appealed to the Hajiji’s Sabahans First Policy. A new
this will increase fivefold to SS25/tCO2e based EIS will be introduced by the up until 2021. Our future depends on Court of Appeal. consciousness that we are Sabahans is
in 2024 and 2025, and subsequently to Malaysian government, similar to that of what we can achieve within the next Its appeal gives Sabahans a distinctive fast emerging, that Sabah is ours for us
SS45/tCO2e in 2026 and 2027. Singapore BCX with a tighter compliance regula- decade, so let’s collectively roll up our feeling of distrust. It shows that the Fed- to protect, that Sabah’s resources must
expects to collect a total of USS1 billion tion scheme, or if a carbon tax would be sleeves and get started. eral Government, despite all the sweet benefit Sabahans first. Notwithstanding
in revenue from the first five years of its introduced, similar to that of Singapore, words from W Malaysian leaders, is not the numerous infrastructure problems
carbon tax scheme. The potential of addi- or possibly a combination of both. l Soh is head of Tax at KPMG in genuine. Their action is in direct oppo- facing us now, Sabahans are coming for-
tional tax revenue enhances the appeal of For certain, our government will not Malaysia site of their words. Their true colour is ward to create a new Sabah!
Opinions expressed here are the personal views of the writers and not necessarily those of the Daily Express or other organisations they may be connected with.
If you have something to share, write to: Forum, Daily Express, P.O.Box 10139, 88801 Kota Kinabalu or Fax: 088 432 555 or Email:

Sabah never an extension of Tanah Melayu

Raymond Tombung tutional monarchy, parliamentary democ- The initiative, based on the principles of

HE statement by Tuaran MP Datuk racy, civil and political liberties including the Rukunegara, is “aimed at instilling
Seri Panglima Wilfred Tangau pub- religious freedom, judiciary independ- and fostering the spirit of unity in diver-
lished in this paper last Monday ence, common laws, impartial and profes- sity, and a sense of love for the country.”
under the title, ‘Recognising M’sia part of sional bureaucracy [which] is at the core The decision by PMX to appoint Aaron
Nusantara not challenging Malay domi- of the social contract that produces and Ago, a Sarawakian Member of Parliament
nance’ deserves serious attention. Tangau maintains Malaysia. If you tear apart the for Kanowit, to helm this important min-
has lately been very much on the issue of liberal political system, you also tear apart istry, was a wise move as Aaron Ago
what he referred to as “the stoking of the moral basis of Malaysia’s existence.” should be infusing the Borneo states’ val-
racial and religious sentiments in Penin- The issue raised by Tangau is surfacing ues and perspective into national unity
sular Malaysia” by some Malayan leaders, now in part as a result of the Malay Procla- plan.
including Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad mation campaign, the “12-point docu- His aim should firstly be to break the
who Tangau attacked for treating ment written by Dr Mahathir that erroneous Peninsular-centric ideals of
Malaysia as an “expansion of Tanah purportedly aims to protect the interests unity which is unconsciously swayed by
Melayu”, and Sabah and Sarawak as just of and unite the Malay community to the condescending attitude which mani-
‘restore the political power of Malays’” fests in various forms to this day. After so Tangau Mahathir Hadi
“colonial possessions” transferred from
London to Kuala Lumpur. which Bersatu chief Muhyiddin Yassin long, the ministry has failed to achieve
Tangau referred to Tun Mahathir, Tan describes as “something we (Bersatu) even a basic sociocultural understanding

Climate change and the

Sri Hadi Awang and Datuk Seri Mohd stand for [and] it is the foundation of our between the peoples of the two regions.
Sanusi as “Malayan extremists” who were struggles.” While Sabahans and Sarawakians know
“trying to revert Malaysia back to the Somehow, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s the Peninsula and its people very well, the
mono-ethnic, pre colonial Tanah Melayu.” Madani reformation had triggered the reverse is very much the opposite.

effects on concrete walls

This statement, surprisingly, raised the ire opposition to revert to the Malay cause as Despite the decades of television and
of the former chief minister Tan Sri Harris a lame attempt at reviving a collapsing now the Internet, thousands of teachers
Salleh who then challenged Tangau to support base. And the erroneous knee- and security forces personnel assigned to
table a motion in parliament to expel jerk reaction from the three ‘extremists’ Sabah and Sarawak, the various unity pro-
Abdul Hadi on grounds of the latter being was to try to reawaken the worn-out pro- grams undertaken by the ministry, inter- THE design of
“an extremist and terrorist”. Malay rhetoric. How far this approach will marriages between peoples of the Borneo concrete build-
Then Tangau took the argument of go depends on the outcome of the coming states and people of the Peninsula, the ings in
whether Malaysia was a Malay country by six state elections (PRN) next month. countless number of Borneons working in Malaysia does
expanding our perspective to a pan- Regardless of the PRN outcome, however, the peninsula, the ministry has still failed not have spe-
regional scope of the Nusantars, saying what Tangau described as condescending to achieve an acceptable level of national cific rules or
“the nation would recognize and cele- attitude of many Malayan political leaders unity for Malaysia. guidelines that
brate its three valuable elements – the will persist as a Malayan-Borneo states’ There are still the persistent beliefs that set a maximum
Nusantara heritage, multiculturalism and problem. may of us on this side of the nation live on age for struc-
liberal political system.” Nusantara, of The 10th Prime Minister (PMX) should trees, are hunters and gatherers traversing tures. Instead,
course, is the Malay name for the Malay be alerted that this attitude is one of the jungles in our loin clothes, and we have the design
Archipelago or Gugusan Pulau-Pulau major obstacles standing in the way of the different money currencies. The worst process follows
Melayu, as it was popularly called some realization of his Madani visions. For over insults are when we meet people in Kuala certain codes
decades ago. He assured that “Recognis- half a century now, Sabah and Sarawak Lumpur, we are asked the ignorant or pur-
and standards
ing Malaysia as part of Nusantara, rather have been looked down upon as a junior posefully condescending questions, “Hi,
partner within the socioeconomic and welcome to Malaysia!”, “Bile you sampai
that focus on
than homeland of just the Malays is not at
political status in the federation. It is for Malaysie?”, and the worst of all, from making the
all challenging the Malay’s dominance in
Malaysia.” But the Nusantara perspective this reason that the stated “aims to build ignoramouses, “When is Sabah going to buildings
does give a more sober tone on the Malay- and maintain a single national identity, join Malaysia?” They even separate them- strong, safe,
supremacy leaning. based on a combination of shared social selves from us by saying, “Kami orang and sustain-
He went in to look into history of how characteristics such as culture, ethnicity, Malaysia…” or “Kami di Malaysia…” able.
we came to be today, and cited the “penin- geographic location, language, politics It is sad that leaders in both sides of the The lifespan Prolonged extreme heat may effect the
sula hope to ‘Malaynise Sabah and (or the government), religion, traditions country have never felt it necessary to of a concrete integrity of concrete walls in long term.
Sarawak in[to] the Malayan mould, by and belief in a shared singular history, address this gross misunderstanding and building in
converting non-Muslim natives to Islam, and to promote national unity or solidar- never mention it as a very serious national M a l a y s i a improved insulation of thermal
and assimilating Muslim natives as ity” has not been achieved. An accepted unity problem. But ironically, Malayan depends on concrete allows for smaller or
Malays… to create different tiers within form of a “combination of shared social political leaders can slide into a percep- factors like optimized heating, ventilation,
Bumiputera, thinking the process would characteristics” between the people of the tion of equalising Sabahans and how well it was and air conditioning (HVAC) sys-
strengthen Malaysia and prevent sepa- Peninsular and the Borneo states have not Sarawakians with them, and thinking we built, how it’s tems, resulting in cost and energy
ratism.” been found or formulated. are Malays or should be converted to maintained, savings.
His piece of mind tore through the cur- The non-Malay or non-Malayan cul- Malays to live according to the social pat- the environ- 4. Environmental benefits:
rent conventional thinking of extreme tural character of the Borneo states had terns of the peninsular Malaysians, or that ment it’s in, Thermal concrete’s lower energy
pro-Malay extremists who parade the nar- always been a main reason to pigeon-hole we can be lumped into their Malay mold and how it’s consumption reduces greenhouse
rative as a legitimate political battle cry. us into a different class of Malaysians. The for the purpose of political expedient. used. With gas emissions associated with
Not mincing his words, he left with us provision in Article 8 (1) of the Federal PMX should strive to create a much
proper design, energy production, contributing
courageous remarks that should serve as Constitution of Malaysia that “every per- more united Malaysia not by conforming
construction, to environmental sustainability.
ample food for thought for a long time to son shall be equal under the law and have the Borneo non-Muslim and Muslim
equal protection of law” is easy to imple- natives into the Malayan Malay model. If and mainte- It’s important to note that the
come. Tangau, in fact, has erected a tall
ment but the rendering of equality in the much touted united in diversity is not nance, con- effectiveness of thermal concrete
milestone on the Malaysian political high-
social, cultural and economic status is achieved, the all-encompassing Madani crete buildings Daud Mohamad in saving energy depends on vari-
way by pointing out the very realities most
Sabah politicians had not dared to touch. altogether a different, and more difficult, objectives “for sustainability, care and can last for ous factors like insulation proper-
Calling the Malayan attitude as conde- matter. compassion, respect, innovation, prosper- many decades or even longer. ties, thickness, and overall building
scending (mistyped as condensing) men- Last January 9, the Minister of National ity, and trust” will end up as another However, regular inspections, design. To maximize energy savings
tality, he said it is counterproductive, and Unity, Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang, national failure. maintenance, and repairs are neces- and thermal performance, it’s crucial
we should be “persevering the liberal announced the “Ini Malaysia Kita” (This is sary to ensure the building remains to consider a holistic approach to
political system we inherit from the our Malaysia) initiative to enhance the n Raymond is a political watcher and structurally sound and safe over time. building design and insulation strate-
British – the Federal Constitution, consti- spirit of patriotism among Malaysians. defender of Sabah rights. In Malaysia or any other country, it’s gies, including other energy-efficient
important to involve qualified struc- features like insulation materials and

Explaining our education decline via 1511 tural engineers and follow recom- windows. Consulting with experts in
mended maintenance practices to building design and energy efficiency
ensure the longevity and safety of con- can help determine the most suitable
Gan Joo-ee student is expected to “remember” and Malay Peninsula — the Portuguese, Dutch crete buildings. solutions for specific projects.
IT is about the Malaysian education sys- “understand” in primary and lower sec- and English. Moreover, the question When it comes to concrete’s With the current high temperatures
tem, again. The causes for its decline are ondary, the student should be able to could be analysed politically, economi- response to temperature, there are in Malaysia, it’s important to be aware
complex, ranging from the change of “apply” and “analyse” in upper second- cally and socially. certain considerations. Concrete in of the integrity of buildings. Concrete
medium of instruction from English to ary. Comparisons with some Asean coun- Malaysia doesn’t have specific require- walls can be affected by exposure to
Bahasa Malaysia, the lowering of recruit- If we say a lower secondary student tries would be a plus, seeing that Spain ments for minimum thermal temper- high temperatures, leading to certain
ment criteria for teachers, their unattrac- should remember the year of the Cap- ruled the Philippines, the French were in atures. However, it’s crucial to follow changes. The effects depend on the
tive salaries and the lack of career ture of Malacca and understand its his- Indochina and the Dutch had control of general guidelines to ensure the dura- intensity and duration of the exposure
prospects, the juggling of three lan- torical significance, we can test these Indonesia. bility and performance of concrete in and can include:
guages at vernacular schools, an overem- outcomes through multiple-choice The problem is, students who largely different climates. 1. Expansion and cracking: Con-
phasis on grades, lip service to questions (MCQs). “remember” and “understand” aren’t During the curing process, concrete crete expands when heated and con-
extracurricular activities and govern- By upper secondary, however, the adept at analysis. Thus, they would be is sensitive to extreme temperatures. tracts when cooled. Rapid heating or
ment inertia in the face of talent poach- learning outcomes should include some hard-pressed to “analyse” at the level To achieve the necessary strength and uneven temperature distribution can
ing (including top students) by our elements of analysis. MCQs should not expected of undergraduates. Critical durability, it’s recommended to main- cause cracking and spalling.
neighbour. be the only test. The teacher might wish analysis has to be taught, fast! And some tain a minimum temperature of 10°C 2. Loss of strength: High tempera-
Rather than delve deeper into these to supplement this with an essay ques- students learn faster than others. (50°F) during the initial curing phase tures can dehydrate the cement paste
maladies, I want to approach the issue tion, perhaps along the lines of: To what With the democratisation of educa- to prevent freezing and promote in concrete, resulting in a loss of
differently. I am going to give the reader extent did the Capture of Malacca influ- tion, tertiary educators now manage far proper hydration. In Malaysia’s hot strength.
a glimpse of how the decline occurs. ence the political development of the more students from a broader band of tropical climate, additional precau- 3. Chemical changes: Elevated tem-
Using a common historical fact, I will Malay Peninsula in the 16th century? competence. In reality, the swim or sink tions should be taken during concrete peratures can alter the chemical com-
illustrate how teaching and assessment Among other things, students could philosophy has to be mediated by the placement and curing to prevent position of concrete, affecting its
might fail to meet international bench- discuss the cusp of colonialism in South- provision of life jackets and lifebuoys. excessive heat. Guidelines provided by integrity and performance.
marks. east Asia, the rise of the Johor Sultanate, This is complicated by the frustrating the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 4. Structural integrity: Prolonged
Malaysians who completed their sec- the various attempts to recapture parental assumption that, whatever aca- offer measures like shading the con- exposure to high temperatures can
ondary education at public schools Malacca and Johor’s alliances with other demic shortcomings their children crete, cooling the aggregates and mix- weaken the overall structure of con-
would be familiar with the Capture of Malay states and the Indonesian archi- might have, they will fix them at the uni- ing water, and using temperature crete walls, potentially leading to col-
Malacca in 1511 by Alfonso de Albu- pelago. versity! control methods to maintain accept- lapse or failure.
querque. We would have memorised the However, if an exam question asks: In short, the Malaysian education sys- able temperature levels. It’s important to understand that
year of this watershed battle and con- Identify the important events and main tem lags behind partly because of the Thermal concrete, also known as the severity of these effects depends
trived to spell “Albuquerque” correctly. personages in the Capture of Malacca — unimaginative way we teach and the insulated concrete, is designed to have on factors such as the specific type of
Truth be told, many of us were probably analysis and critical thinking are not pedantic way we assess students. Now, better thermal insulation properties concrete mix, the presence of reinforc-
bored by it, having encountered the required. Cleverly arranged, an assem- transpose this problem to virtually every compared to regular concrete. It helps ing elements like steel bars, the thick-
topic twice — in lower secondary and blage of facts will guarantee top marks. subject at every level of primary and sec- reduce the transfer of heat through the ness of the wall, and the duration and
upper secondary. Is it wrong to repeat Unfortunately, in the age of ChatGPT, ondary school in the state school system building’s structure. By using thermal intensity of the heat exposure.
the Capture of Malacca in the curricu- this sort of assessment is largely mean- over the course of 30 years. concrete in walls, floors, or roofs, Although reinforced concrete
lum? ingless. The outcome? A large majority of buildings can benefit in several ways: buildings typically can maintain their
In 1956, a team of cognitive psycholo- Assuming that one revisits the Cap- intellectually docile young people who 1. Improved energy efficiency: integrity and avoid collapse when
gists at the University of Chicago, led by ture of Malacca at an undergraduate aren’t equipped for the challenges of the Thermal concrete reduces the need for exposed to the current high tempera-
Benjamin Bloom, devised a learning level, how should this topic be assessed? Fourth Industrial Revolution. heating or cooling systems by reduc- tures in Malaysia; as an informed citi-
framework that would guide the design At the tertiary level, we certainly want to Of course, the issue is far more compli- ing heat transfer. This leads to lower zen, we should be wary of its
of curriculum and assessment strategies. see more nuanced analysis with compet- cated and filled with edu-speak. I sim- energy consumption and cost savings. susceptibility to prolonged heat expo-
Focusing on the cognitive domain, the ing views and comparative approaches. plify. Because why would the reader want 2. Enhanced comfort: Buildings sure too.
learning outcomes would vary from the Perhaps the instructor could set a group a tedious and technical diatribe against made with thermal concrete have bet-
ability to “remember”, “understand” and assignment with the title: Critically eval- the education system? Besides, to quote ter temperature regulation, providing n The author is a Senior Lecturer
“apply” to “analyse”, “create” and “evalu- uate the legacy of colonialism in Albert Einstein: If you can’t explain it sim- a more comfortable indoor environ- and a member of the Institute of
ate”. Malaysia, starting from the Capture of ply, you don’t understand it well enough ment by reducing heat loss in cold Energy Infrastructure (IEI), Universiti
Logically, the learning outcomes Malacca. weather and heat gain in hot weather. Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). He may
should ascend in difficulty as students The question is quite broad, since n Gan is Associate Dean of Education 3. Reduced HVAC system size: The be reached at
progress through the programme. If a there were several colonial powers in the at Sunway University.
FORUM S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

Opinions expressed here are the personal views of the writers and not necessarily those of the Daily Express or other organisations they may be connected with.
If you have something to share, write to: Forum, Daily Express, P.O.Box 10139, 88801 Kota Kinabalu or Fax: 088 432 555 or Email:

DLP facing a natural death Teachers must first

improve command
T of English
HE Education Minister needs to be non-governmental organisations and mine whether they are suitable for DLP or undergo the same fate.
reminded of the importance of the advocacy groups such as PAGE rigorously otherwise. There appears to be a nefarious attempt
optional Dual Language Programme engaged for four weeks to come up with a Oddly, parents have been told that if by unseen hands to reduce the number of
(DLP), and how and why it was conceived. concise and workable plan. their child’s BM proficiency is poor, he/she DLP classes. THE Dual Language Programme implemented
Ministers and Directors-General come and On June 11, 2015, the then Director-Gen- would be placed in a non-DLP class. But if This is not a legacy anyone would want in some schools is, in my opinion, an innova-
tive and apt one. It gives the students a choice
go, but parents are here to stay. eral of Education announced the DLP to the child’s BM proficiency is above average, to leave behind. Instead, the MOE should
of medium of instruction – Bahasa Malaysia or
It was in early 2015 that the Economic the public, aptly calling it “a defining he/she will be put in a DLP class. The per- be developing the DLP further, in line with
English – for Science and Mathematics.
Council, chaired by the sitting prime min- moment” in the history of the MOE. It was ceived risk is that if the child’s BM profi- the government’s aspirations to ensure
I myself was involved in this programme,
ister, demanded a radical approach clearly stated that the schools conducting ciency is poor at six years old, the that the labour workforce is ready for the whereby I taught Chemistry in English for the
towards enhancing English proficiency DLP had received written permission from likelihood of failing BM in SPM is high. This so-called high-value and skilled job oppor- two classes that signed up for it.
after seeing the damaging effects of poor parents, were adequately resourced and is truly mind-boggling. tunities of the future. There are some schools, especially in urban
command of English on youth’s chances teachers were ready. There was no Bahasa Parents who want DLP for their children We urge the prime minister to intervene areas, where many students converse in Eng-
for employment. Melayu (BM) requirement whatsoever. are now running around like headless to ensure that the DLP is given the full sup- lish. If the school has teachers who are profi-
An English syndicated lab was set up It has come to our knowledge that prin- chickens because principals and school port it deserves. Abolish the BM require- cient in English, it is a win-win situation.
and close to 100 stakeholders were invited cipals have been made to turn existing DLP leaders are preventing them from seeking ment, which was added at the last minute The weaker classes can be taught in Bahasa
to participate in the effort. High-ranking classes overnight into non-DLP ones just external help. The Education Minister and to appease the language nationalists, auto- Malaysia according to their preference. I per-
officials from the Education Ministry weeks into the new term, disrupting stu- her ministry have failed to respond to their matically halving the number of schools sonally would prefer that these students be
(MOE), state education departments, dis- dents’ mental health and parents’ peace of concerns and appeals, perhaps hoping that that can choose to do the programme DLP. taught bilingually; that is, with a mix of both
trict education offices, and industry players mind. they (parents) will get tired and give up. This is not a zero sum game. English and Bahasa Malaysia.
including the Federation of Malaysian Parents of children at the affected We also understand that the fully resi- Maybe explain the content in Bahasa
Manufacturers, Malaysian Employers Fed- schools are forced to accept non-DLP dential schools under MOE, besides the 11 Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim Malaysia first and then repeat it in English. By
eration, the British Council, heads of col- classes while the pupils are subjected to premier ones such as Malay College Kuala PAGE (Parent Action Group For Educa- doing so, the students will at least get to learn
leges, university professors, discreet BM assessments, if at all, to deter- Kangsar and Tunku Kurshiah College, may tion) Malaysia Chair the subject in English too. They won’t be left
far behind in the English terms of the subject

Waiting for rhetoric, expectations to materialise

matter. The onus is on teachers to master the
English language for the good of the students.
The higher the number of teachers competent
in the English language, the greater the benefit
for the students.
THIS seems to be an attitude among same problems and challenges. Lo is a member of numerous govern- “getting decisions and approvals in Of course, we don’t expect the teachers to
Sabah politicians and senior civil ser- As pointed out by Datuk John Lo in ment establishments, and writes every Sabah is just like pushing a buffalo speak the Queen’s English. What is important
vants. Sabahans matter little as long as his Inside Out column on July 2, 2023, Sunday to highlight challenges and through a needle hole”. is to possess enough communication skills to
life goes on. It does not matter whether nobody takes notice or action to rectify problems faced by Sabah. A piece he It is now almost two years and the enable them to impart knowledge to the stu-
you are rich or poor, all will face the shortcomings. wrote on 18th July 2021 claimed that buffalo has grown bigger and fatter, dents. That is paramount.
while the eye of the needle has When I was an administrator in a school, a
remained the same. few teachers would always talk to me in Eng-
Climate change requires city officials to be smart This remark also applies to the pri-
vate sector where claims for insurance,
lish. I would praise them for their initiative and
attitude, for knowing that only through con-
for example, will take months and stant usage of the language will they improve
THESE days, scorchingly hot days and nights and smart healthcare to name a few attrib- countries are investing in sustainable smart their fluency of speech. Practice makes perfect.
of heavy rain seem to be the norm. It’s rather utes of these cities. cities, including Canada, France, Germany, years. The insurance companies or As teachers and as educators, the interests
alarming to experience these extremes of The incorporation of green technology the United Kingdom and the United States. agents just take their time. They claim of the students must come first and foremost.
weather in Malaysia and to see reports of such as renewable energy to generate green By 2025, the worldwide smart city market is waiting for this and that and such Teachers have to improve their communica-
extreme weather events in every part of the electricity, and smart grid systems to reduce anticipated to be worth US$1.3tril (RM6.1tril). things as police reports. tion skills in English for the betterment of their
world. carbon emissions can have a high impact on The relationship between smart cities and Actually there is no law requiring students, and in the long run, of their future.
Any sort of research about the planet’s cli- city-level climate action that encourages climate change is critical. insurance companies or agents to bind TM
mate will unearth alarming facts. According green development and innovation. More sustainable cities, in particular, can them to take consideration of police
to reports at the US National Oceanic and To understand this better, let’s take a look reduce energy consumption and create
reports. Just an excuse. Sooner rather
Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) web-
site, the Earth’s temperature increased by
at some of the earliest examples of smart
cities in the world. Smart cities such as
more efficient and environmentally- friendly
urban environments, hence increasing the then later, there will be insurance com-
panies dragged through the courts for
Admission to
0.08°C on average per decade since 1880 – Songdo in South Korea, Copenhagen in Den- use of renewable energy sources.
however, since 1981, the rate of warming has
been twice that rate, 0.32°F on average per
mark, and Helsinki in Finland use a variety
of technologies to achieve their sustainable
Malaysia, like many other countries, is
enthusiastic about smart city initiatives too.
damages caused by their deliberate
delays. Us should be
decade. goals. Malaysia has declared a goal of being a smart Referring to the administration of
And in January, the World Meteorological
Organisation confirmed that the past eight
They have implemented smart grids,
smart transportation systems, smart water
city nation by 2025. The government’s ambi-
tion for smart cities is described in the
Sabah, over the last few years there
were many announcements of foreign
based on merit
years are the warmest on record. UN-Habit systems, and smart waste management sys- National Smart City Framework. investors wanting to invest billions. The DURING a dialogue with students at Univer-
reports that urban areas are major contrib- tems. Sustainability is a key consideration for announcements include the famous siti Utara Malaysia’s main campus, the prime
utors to climate change, accounting for 71% These solutions have collectively lowered smart cities, and it demands careful plan- Sipitang Industrial Park. minister stated that the quota system for
to 76% of the CO2 emissions that are heating energy consumption, promoted resource ning and foresight. At the Institute of Infor-
up the planet and disrupting the climate. efficiency, and created a green infrastructure, matics and Computing in Energy, Universiti
A joint venture to build the most Bumiputera students should be retained to
modern shipyard at Sipitang to com- maintain the racial balance in public institu-
As urbanisation continues to increase all of which has resulted in lower CO2 emis- Tenaga Nasional, our research focuses on
pete with Brunei, Bintulu, Singapore, tions of higher learning.
rapidly, how should we tackle it to better sions. technology and sustainability in smart city
Hong Kong and others. These days, no I would like to suggest that instead of hav-
manage and improve climate change? Pro- A study by the Korean Environ-ment Min- projects.
one build shipyards in a bay. Ships now ing a quota system, it would be much better if
ponents of smart cities are claiming they istry found that South Korea’s greenhouse We are excited to collaborate with others
we could implement merit-based admission
might have the solution. gas emissions in 2020 were 40% lower than to guarantee that cities are liveable for future range between 100,000 to 500,000 criteria in education. Merit-based admission
Smart cities are infused with varied tech- in 2010. The Danish Energy Agency’s website generations. tons. The most that the Brunei Bay (Sip- criteria ensure fairness, quality and diversity
nologies to improve the livelihoods of their states that Denmark’s increased use of itang) could accommodate is two five in academic institutions.
citizens. In a perfect scenario, these artificial renewable energy has lowered the country’s Dr Saraswathy Shamini hundred thousand ton ships. That is Merit-based admission criteria are the
intelligence-infused cities would be intelli- emissions by 38% since 1990. Gunasekaran all. standards and requirements that applicants
gent, digital, resilient, and, most of all, sus- The Finnish Environment Institute’s web- Senior Lecturer & Sabah leaders seem easily carried have to meet or exceed to be accepted into an
tainable. site states that Finland’s greenhouse gas Head of Innovation
Sustainability is an important factor to emissions were 29% lower in 2020 than they Institute of Informatics and
away by professional rhetoric. educational programme or institution. It can
When professionals present propos- include academic performance, test scores,
consider when designing smart infrastruc- were in 1990. Computing in Energy
als to Sabah leaders, they exaggerate extracurricular activities, personal statements,
ture, smart transportation, smart buildings, Along with these success stories, more Universiti Tenaga Nasional
that Kota Kinabalu can be like Dubai. interviews, and other indicators of aptitude,
This is only wishful thinking but Kota achievement and potential.
Merit-based admission criteria aim to

Why we are witnessing rise in scams

Kinabalu is blessed with tropical rain-
select the best and most suitable candidates
forests for its surroundings and not so for a given field of study or level of education.
blessed with squatters scattered Of course, similar to the quota system, merit-
WE face a significant surge in scams, which data of nearly 147 million people, under- tion of the Personal Data Protection Com- around the city. based admission criteria have their pros and
can be traced to the weak enforcement of the scores the potential magnitude of such missioner (JPDP) as a Statutory Commission. Many investments projects that were cons. But if we compare the quota system with
Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA). breaches. These amendments are a critical lifeline for signed with much fanfare. merit-based admission criteria, the latter is a
The PDPA was designed around seven princi- This breach led to significant reputational safeguarding our digital ecosystem. There were announcements of much better approach.
ples to protect personal data from misuse. damage for Equifax and a settlement of up to We can draw inspiration from the Euro- investments from China, Korea, Taiwan Having merit-based admission criteria is a
However, many companies exhibit lax US$700 million, highlighting the financial pean Union’s General Data Protection Regu- (Mengalum Island) and Japan. Though more suitable way to ensure the quality of
adherence to these principles, and in the implications of lax cybersecurity measures. lation (GDPR), a model of robust data no Chinese projects were ever imple- graduates we produce, and strengthen and
absence of severe penalties for violations, Locally, the 2020 incident involving the protection legislation with stringent mented, there are Chinese contractors improve our educational system. Times have
we’ve witnessed a rise in scams and data leak of data from multiple Malaysian online enforcement mechanisms and heavy penal- changed, and as such, our educational system
undertaking work in Sabah.
breaches, shaking public trust and safety. shopping sites affected millions of users, ties for non-compliance. A lack of swift needs to change too. This is to ensure that
The famous copper mill at KKIP is graduates have strong abilities, as well as the
Adding fuel to the fire is the burgeoning exemplifying the potential impact closer to action could continue to feed the supply and
illicit trade in personal data on dark web home. Personal details were sold online, demand of illicit personal data by bad actors.
also looking likely it may not complete. capabilities to compete with others.
forums. revealing the extent to which inadequate This not only compromises the security of Given that Sabah is incapable of sup- There is a concern that if we still maintain
Bad actors have found a thriving market, data security can lead to severe conse- individuals but also shakes public trust in plying consistent power and water, the or rely on a quota system in the education sec-
where they can procure personal informa- quences. digital platforms. We must protect personal mill is also located in the wrong area, it tor, we will not be able to get students with the
tion, banking details and more, using it to These instances bring us to the crux of the data, deter unscrupulous activities and should have been near a port, so that required qualities, abilities and capabilities.
commit identity theft, scams and other matter: the urgent need to revise and ensure a secure digital future for all ferrying copper ore and products need Producing capable graduates is important
cybercrimes. Furthermore, the rising popu- strengthen the PDPA such as: APPOINT- Malaysians. not pass through commercial and for society and nation building. It is disap-
larity of the Internet of Things (IoT) intro- MENT of a data protection officer to ensure Let’s not delay in making the changes. housing areas. pointing that we have been relying on the
duces new challenges. With more devices accountability; INTRODUCTION of a Data Our digital landscape’s safety, integrity and All the media publicity is probably quota system since our country gained inde-
connected to the Internet, the potential sur- Breach Notification system to enhance trans- the trust of the public depend on this crucial pendence.
to push up share prices of these public
face for attacks grows exponentially, under- parency; A CLEAR definition of the role and transition. It is time to strengthen our PDPA Healthy and fair competition should be
listed companies at home. practised in the education system. The gov-
scoring the urgent need for companies to responsibility of a data processor; ENABLING enforcement, ensure strict adherence to its
ensure robust security measures for these data portability to grant individuals control principles by all businesses, and institute
These leaders who vow to stick with ernment should set up a committee of experts
devices and protect personal data. over their data; GUIDELINES for the transfer substantial penalties for non-compliance. By Sabah for richer or poorer are chosen to analyse this matter.
Two cases highlight the urgency of of personal data to places outside Malaysia; doing so, we can mitigate further damage by Sabahans. Therefore, Sabahans
reform. Globally, the 2017 Equifax data INCREASED Penalties for misuse of data or and safeguard our digital future. must have faith. Dr Muzaffar Syah Mallow
breach, where hackers exploited a web appli- breach of the PDPA; and, Associate professor, Faculty of Syariah
cation vulnerability to access the personal INCREASED enforcement powers and eleva- Certified fraud examiner Rungus economist. and Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Opportunities and challenges as M’sia becomes ageing society

MALAYSIA recently became an ageing evolve to cater to older adults’ needs, Healthcare professionals need to empha- older adults, including counselling, therapy impacts of this demographic transition is
nation because of a significant demo- including chronic disease management, sise patient-centric communication, and community support. It is crucial to nur- essential. Medicine, communication and
graphic transformation. The Finance Min- palliative care and rehabilitation services. embrace the unique needs and challenges ture social connections and support net- mental health all play critical roles in sup-
istry’s Economic Outlook 2023 Report Technological advancements and inno- that older adults encounter. Clear, empa- works for older adults, ensuring they receive porting the wellbeing of older adults.
reveals that enhanced healthcare and living vative research in medicine are crucial to thetic communication utilising simple lan- sufficient attention to improve their quality Becoming an ageing nation presents an
standards have led to increased life addressing the health concerns specific to guage and visual aids are necessary to of life. opportunity for Malaysia to generate inno-
expectancy, pushing the country beyond the ageing population. Medical conditions, improve comprehension. Encouraging dig- Community-based initiatives, support vative solutions, fortify social cohesion and
the ageing ratio threshold. Comprehending like cardiovascular diseases, dementia and ital literacy among older adults could groups and recreational activities can alle- create a society that celebrates ageing with
the numerous impacts of this demographic osteoarthritis necessitate tailored interven- bridge the communication gap, allowing viate loneliness and promote mental well- dignity and grace.
shift is crucial. The consequences of tions and treatment modalities. Secondly, them access to healthcare and telemedicine being. Additionally, integrating mental
Malaysia’s maturing population can be dis- healthcare professionals must have effective services. health services into primary care and train- Professor Long Chiau Ming; Dr Chee Kwan
sected through the lenses of medication, communication skills, especially when deal- Finally, Malaysia’s transformation into ing healthcare professionals in geriatric Foong
communication and mental health. ing with the elderly. Communication obsta- an ageing nation means more attention mental health can facilitate early detection School of Medical and Life Science, Sun-
Firstly, the ageing populace presents cles could obstruct access to suitable should be paid to older adults’ mental and suitable intervention. way University
unique challenges and opportunities to the healthcare or cause misunderstandings and health. Malaysia should invest in compre- As Malaysia commences its journey as an DR Serena Leow
medical field. The healthcare system must suboptimal care. hensive mental health services tailored for ageing nation, recognising the diverse Department of Communication,
SunLife SUNDAY, JULY 30, 2023 16

Moon dust: Tackling nuisance to spacemen

ARBIE can do it all. In Greta Gerwig’s described it as a sort of “cryogenic car-
2023 film, she appears as a US presi- wash”, where liquid nitrogen could be
dent, a Nobel Prize winning physi- sprayed onto the astronauts as they enter
cist, a Supreme Court Justice and even a the habitat from the lunar surface.
mermaid. The movie reflects the many The team tested their liquid nitrogen
roles the doll has had over the decades. spray on fabric in both ambient and
One of her most famous is as a space Moon-like vacuum environments. How-
explorer. In the 1960s, Astronaut Barbie ever, when sourcing lunar dust, they had
was transporting children on space adven- to get creative.
tures even before Nasa’s own astronauts “Real Moon dust is actually illegal to
had taken their first steps on the Moon own,” Wells said.
and 13 years before Nasa began accepting “Our stimulant as actually ash from the
female astronauts into their programme. eruption of Mount St Helens and we found
Now Barbie has been helping space that it had very similar properties for what
exploration for real. In recent experi- we were testing.”
ments, scientists used the dolls to test The liquid nitrogen spray works by
methods of removing Moon dust from using a combination of the Leidenfrost
spacesuits. Wearing a tailor-made space- effect but also the “boiling liquid expand-
suit, Barbie was coated in volcanic ash by ing vapour explosion”-effect. The latter,
a team from Washington State University which has been dubbed the Bleve effect,
and sprayed with liquid nitrogen. They causes the liquid nitrogen to convert to
found this technique is more effective gas, propelling some Moon dust into the
than previous cleaning methods. surrounding air. Finding a way to remove
Why is lunar dust a problem? Moon the propelled dust from the air before
dust is “ubiquitous, abrasive and electri- astronauts take off their spacesuits
Nasa engineers laying lunar regolith simulant (above). Europe’s first female
cally charged”, according to Ian Wells, a remains an unanswered question, “other-
commander, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti (left), holds on to her lookalike Barbie
graduate researcher at Washington State wise they’re going to risk getting it back
doll while in orbit. Earthbound researchers have been testing various sprays on the
University. into their lungs”, explained Wells. The
astronaut version of the toy to determine the most effective means of removing moon
These “annoyingly clingy” microscopic study, published in Acta Astronautica,
dust from spacesuits. They have also been trying to determine how to make these
particles statistically stick to the spacesuits reported a 97 per cent and 98.4 per cent
garments more durable to lunar dust storms.
of astronauts and are difficult to clean off. removal by mass when tested in the ambi-
During the Apollo missions, astronauts ent environment and vacuum environ-
were unable to remove the dust using ment respectively. samples of lunar regolith – the blanket of important scientific research,” says John required. With supplies of genuine lunar
standard brushes, resulting in damage to Following the initial success of the dusty and rocky debris covering the Gruener, a space scientist at the astroma- soil being so limited, the only solution was
the seals on their spacesuits. experiments, Wells and colleagues Moon’s surface – which was brought back terials research and exploration science to develop lunar simulants on Earth. This
“If there’s enough dust on the seals, or decided to test scale models to ensure the to Earth by the crew of Apollo 14 in 1971. division at Nasa’s Johnson Space Center in resulted in the birth of JSC-1, a pioneering
enough abrasion occurs, then those seals liquid nitrogen spray was working. It was They have used it to create a sample of Houston, Texas. Yet engineers, biologists, lunar regolith simulant developed at the
won’t sit properly,” Wells said. time for Barbie to don a spacesuit again. lunar regolith simulant that can be used to botanists and other research teams work- Johnson Space Center in the mid-1990s.
“You’ll either have a leak or it won’t seal “We dressed this Barbie in her suit, cov- test hardware and experiments before ing on projects related to the Moon need Sourced from the glass-rich basaltic ash
at all.” ered in dust and then used a spray bar and they are sent to the Moon. something to test their equipment and from near the volcanic vents on the south
Beyond damage to the suits, lunar dust we were able to actually turn Barbie 360 The soil sample, called LZS-1, is the lat- experiments on. They require substances flank of the Merriam Crater near Flagstaff
can cause serious damage to the lungs if degrees as an astronaut would in an air- est in a list of lunar regolith simulants of that replicate the physical, chemical and in Arizona, JSC-1 was found to be similar to
inhaled, with Wells comparing it to lock,” Wells said. varying quality that have been developed mineral properties of the lunar regolith, the samples brought back from the Moon
“breathing ground-up fibreglass”. With “We had very high removal and also to help Nasa and other space agencies not only to see how hardware such as by the Apollo 14 mission.
future plans to travel to the Moon again importantly minimal damage to the around the world prepare for missions to spacecraft and spacesuits might cope with “It had the right mineralogy,” says Gruener.
already in progress, the need for a novel spacesuit.” the Moon. the Moon’s environment, but to test “It had the correct particle size distribution. The
cleaning technique to prevent damage to According to Wells, the team from Among the first lunar simulants to be whether it might be possible to eventually individual particles had the right shape and cru-
spacesuits and astronauts is clear. Washington State University named their developed was Minnesota Lunar Simlant 1 grow food in the lunar soil, or use it to cially, the simulant had both the crystalline and
Wells and the team from Washington Barbie “Rosie”, after the American figure at the University of Minnesota in 1988 make building materials for constructing glass component.”
State University were inspired to tackle the Rosie the Riveter who represented the from basalt found at the abandoned future lunar bases. Lunar soil has a significant glass com-
problem following research into the “Lei- women who took up factory jobs during quarry in Duluth, Minnesota. Researchers According to Gruener, the first real ponent because of the large number of
denfrost effect”. This physical phenome- World War Two. discovered the rocks resembled the chem- demand for lunar simulants arose after high-energy meteorite impacts on its sur-
non is akin to dropping water onto hot “Personally, I wanted to name her Barb ical composition of soil collected from the President HW Bush’s 1989 announcement face. The heat generated from these
saucepan, causing the water droplets to both because of Barbie and after one of my corner of the Sea of Tranquility visited by of the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI), impacts produces glass in the lunar soil.
bounce around the surface propelled and personal idols Barbara Morgan, who is an the Apollo 11 astronauts. The dark Mare whose objective was to send humans back On Earth, the main places where the soil
encapsulated by their own evaporating astronaut from my home State of Idaho,” regions, or “seas” of the Moon are com- to the Moon and then to Mars. naturally contains glass is near volcanoes.
vapour. After pouring some left-over liq- he said. The next stages of research hope posed largely of basalt rich in magnesium “Unlike the Apollo missions, the SEI The Johnson Space Centre produced
uid nitrogen onto the floor, Wells realised to better mimic the environment seen on and iron, while the lighter, highland areas envisaged a longer stay on the Moon around 20 tonnes of JSC-1. However, the
that any dust was being picked up and the Moon, including stimulating the static are made of rocks composed mostly of cal- which would require new habitats, rovers SEI programme was later cancelled and
moved towards the lowest point of the sur- change of the lunar dust itself. Wells is cium and aluminium. and power supplies among other things,” consequently the demand for lunar simu-
face. hopeful that this method will be tested on The six Apollo missions that landed on he said. lants dwindled.
“We knew it was the Leidenfrost effect, the Moon, but using a human astronaut the moon between 1969 -1972 brought “We would have loved to test the new Then in 2005, President George W Bush
but we didn’t know why it was picking up rather than a life-sized Barbie model. back around 380kg of lunar soil and rocks hardware on the Apollo soil and rock sam- made a speech similar to his father’s by
the dust,” he said. Another group of scientists have been with them to Earth. These samples were ples. But there was too little of it.” announcing the Vision for Space Explo-
Wells and colleagues figured that doing tests at a quarry in the town of Tao zealously protected due to their limited SEI’s ambitious goals necessitated ration (VSE) whose objective was to return
spraying space suits with liquid nitrogen on the Canary Islands as the basalt from availability. extensive testing of hardware on Earth for to the Moon and would serve as a proving

Chen’s domestic
could produce a similar effect. He the area bears a striking similarity to the “It was precious and used only for which large quantities of lunar soil was ground for future missions to Mars. – By D

thriller racks up
sizeable audience
ACTOR, director and screenwriter Chen Si
Cheng is one the giants of contemporary
Chinese cinema. His three Detective Chi-
natown films have earned more than $1.2
billion of box office revenue and Chen is
the producing force behind another major
franchise, Sheep Without a Shepherd,
adapted from the Indian Drishyam films.
Lost in the Stars (a scene, right) –
Chen’s latest effort, this time as producer
and screenwriter – is another megahit. Co-
directed by Cui Rui and Liu Xiang Lost in
the Stars has grossed $430 million in
China – enough to make it the seventh
biggest film worldwide this year and the
fourteenth biggest film of all time in switch to suspense films? doubting husband have as performers. In
China – all in the span of just 17 days. A: I believe that life itself is the greatest suspense movies, we don’t want the audi-
The movie is a domestic thriller, mystery. The suspense genre allows me to ence to have to strong a perception of who
adapted from the ‘90s Russian film A Trap incorporate reflections on social issues is good and who is bad right from the
for the Lonely Man, which itself was into my work. And audiences enjoy locally start. Zhu Yi Long’s performance is always
adapted from a Robert Thomas stage play. relevant suspense movies. at a comfortable distance from the audi-
It sees a woman disappear while on holi- ence which really allowed him to portray Test your logic skills with the Su Do Ku puzzle. The rules are simple: each of the smaller grids
day with her husband. When she returns, Q: How different was your approach the character of He Fei well. And Ni Ni and should contain the number 1 to 9, and in the large grid each row and column should contain the
the man believes the woman to be an to this film as compared with the Detec- the character of Chen Mai are so similar – number 1 to 9. These puzzle vary in difficulty and this is an easy one.

(Solution below)
imposter. But when a high-powered tive Chinatown movies? both charming, both unique.
lawyer gets involved, yet more mysteries A: I’ve attempted various kinds of genre

and problems emerge. fusion in my previous works. The Detective Q: What were the biggest challenges

‘The hunger for love

While he has worked across multiple Chinatown franchise is a combination of you faced during production?
genres, Chen reveals, below, that the com- mystery and comedy, a family-friendly A: The scene where Zhu Yilong’s hair is
mon thread running through his works is exercise. shaved was pretty risky, as we only had one
an attempt to find connections with audi- The Sheep Without a Shepherd series chance to shoot.
ences’ everyday lives. combines suspense with an exploration of We hired a professional barber but the

is much more difficult

Q: Where did Lost in the Stars begin social issues and leans more towards social barber didn’t have much experience in
for you? realism. But with Lost in the Stars, we front of the camera and became very nerv-

hunger for bread.’

to remove than the
A: I was initially attracted by the setup aimed for a pure expression of suspense ous. We all held our breath.
of the story. A man claims his wife has dis- across all elements: plot, visual style and Fortunately, the scene ended up pretty
appeared but the next day the stranger music. well. Zhu Yilong’s performance was
lying next to him insists that she is his beyond my expectations.
wife. Q: How did you choose the cast for We captured a moment when a tear ran
Lost in the Stars? down his face. It wasn’t in the script but it
Q: You worked on TV dramas in your A: I love the feeling of ambiguity that really resonated with viewers. – By Sophia – Mother Theresa
early years. Why did you make the both Ni Ni’s lawyer and Zhu Yi Long as the Sun
S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 Sport 17

Smith leads
in fifth s


Ashes Test

- At least got experience

- Love elderly

1. Nama : Chong Hyen Kong

- Stay-in
No. Geran: 173152657
LONDRES (United Kingdom): Steve - Male
Smith’s 71 helped Australia recover from a - KK/Putatan Aera
batting collapse as the tourists frustrated Arrange Interview Call:
England by battling to a first-innings lead TAMBUNAN
1. Nama : Neville Chin Fooh Loon
01136918040 Faridah

No. Geran : 143083470

in the fifth and final Ashes Test at The Oval -----------------------
on Friday. VACANCY
Australia were eventually bowled out * Kelindan Lori (Lori Helper)
for 295 on the second day, 12 runs ahead of - Ada Lesen Memandu
1. Nama : Bryendon Billi
England’s 283. - Ada Pengangkutan Sendiri
* Berminat Boleh Hubungi No. Geran : 14409009
2. Nama : Korodok Bt Darok
It looked as if England would enjoy a
Nombor Ni
No. Geran : 143070115
sizeable advantage as veteran seamer Stu-
H/P: 016-8317450
3. Nama : Atut B. Abanau
art Broad sparked a slump that left Aus-
tralia 185-7 from a comfortable 115-2 at No. Geran : 143039730
lunch. 4. Nama : Dami B. Suding
No. Geran : 144020995
But Smith and Australia captain Pat
Cummins (36) kept England at bay during
an eighth-wicket stand of 54. Cummins
1. Nama : Charles Anthony
0178287898 Ahmad
then added 49 for the ninth wicket with
No. Geran : 143045096
Pakar mengubahsuai rumah,
Todd Murphy.
2. Nama : Hilary B. Inas
buat pagar, gate grill, manhole
No. Geran : 143045087
Off-spinner Murphy—recalled follow- sumbat, pasang mozek, plaster
3. Nama : Simon B. Gompuk
ing last week’s rain-marred drawn fourth siling, pasang water pump,
No. Geran : 143062248
Test at Old Trafford—added to England’s water heater, paip air, membaiki
woes with a sparkling 34 off just 39 balls. 4. Nama : Lussi Biti Kinsun
No. Geran : 143048195
atap bocor, tandas leaking, paip

5. Nama : Siting B. Ambani

Cummins eventually holed out off part- leaking dan lain-lain
No. Geran : 143080031
time spinner Joe Root, with rival skipper
6. Nama : Henry B. Marinus
Ben Stokes throwing the ball back in over
the rope at long-on to complete a fine @ Henry M Elok
catch. No. Geran : 143098177
7. Nama : Marina Bt Ibin
No. Geran : 143086908
Australia, as the holders, are assured of
retaining the Ashes at 2-1 up, and only
need to avoid defeat at The Oval to secure
their first Test series win away to England POMOTODON, TAMBUNAN
in 22 years. 1. Nama : Rayner Jerume
No. Geran : 143037530
2. Nama : Andreas Jordan Ongkili
“It’s ebbed and flowed the whole way,
No. Geran : 143076224
we’re pretty disappointed,” Smith told the
BBC. “A few of us got good starts but could- 3. Nama : Alamin Abdul Gadar
n’t go and get a big score. Twelve runs in Alamin Ali
No. Geran : 143049923
4. Nama : Constanine P. Salus
front, it’s a one-innings game from here
No. Geran : 143076297
pretty much.”
5. Nama : Norsidah Binti Zainuddin
Australia resumed on Friday on 61-1,
with Usman Khawaja 26 not out and Mar- No. Geran : 143041141
6. Nama : Martin Padris Gandu
@ Gandial
nus Labuschagne, fresh from his hundred
No. Geran : 143053972
at Old Trafford, unbeaten on two.
7. Nama : Linus Bin Justin
Their position in the series means they
have no need to replicate England’s risky No. Geran : 143079538

‘Bazball’ batting approach.
6012-817 1067 /
But they arguably veered too much in
6016-582 5108
the opposite direction during an attri-
tional morning session, scoring just 54 088-386555
runs in 26 overs for the loss of
Labuschagne, who edged express fast
bowler Mark Wood to Root in the slips,
who took a brilliant one-handed catch.
But Broad, whose 167-Test career has
been notable for dramatic wicket-taking
bursts, soon reduced them to 127-4.
He had Khawaja, the leading run-scorer
in the series, lbw for 47 with a full-length
Broad, who made his name in Ashes
cricket with a return of 5-37 at The Oval in
2009, became the first Englishman to take
150 Test wickets against Australia.
That rose to 151 wickets when Travis
Head was caught behind off an excellent
delivery that nipped away off the seam.
James Anderson, Test cricket’s most suc-
cessful pace bowler, then took just his fifth
wicket of the series when Mitchell Marsh
played on.
“It’s a very level game,” said Anderson.
“Getting into the position we did, we’re a
little disappointed they got past us. Pat
and Murphy batted really well in the end.”
England were a bowler light on Friday
as Moeen Ali remained off the field with
the groin injury the off-spinner suffered
while batting on Thursday. – AFP


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Tarikh Iklan:
18 Sport S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

Philippines wary of Norway

AUCKLAND (New Zealand): Alen Stajcic warned his Philippines team to be wary of
“wounded” Norway when they clash at the Women’s World Cup on Sunday with qual-
USA eye big
ification for the knockout stage on the line.
The Philippines celebrated their first appearance at a World Cup finals with a stun-
ning 1-0 victory over co-hosts New Zealand on Tuesday.
That result, after a 2-0 defeat to Switzerland on their tournament debut, means
they will advance to the last 16 by beating 1995 World Cup winners Norway at Eden
win against
Park in Auckland.
The Norwegians are traditional heavyweights in the women’s game but have per-
formed poorly so far, losing 1-0 to the co-hosts and then drawing 0-0 with Switzer-
They appear to be in disarray with an injury to star striker Ada Hegerberg and
player discontent.
“Obviously each team has different issues whether it be physical, mental, social, AUCKLAND (New Zealand): Women’s World Cup holders the
cultural,” said the Philippines’ Australian coach Stajcic on Saturday. – AFP United States are hoping to rack up the goals when they play Por-

tugal on Tuesday with the aim of reaching the last 16 as group
A 1-1 draw with the Netherlands on Thursday in a repeat of the Sullivan in action against Vietnam.
2019 final left the two teams locked on four points in Group E.
The USA are top though thanks to a difference of two goals,
but the danger remains that they will live to regret only beating
minnows Vietnam 3-0 in their opening game at the tournament.
A big win for the Dutch against already eliminated Vietnam
would give them a chance of leapfrogging the defending cham-
It would be the biggest shock in the history of the competi-
tion, but a win for debutants Portugal would take them through
and leave the USA facing an unthinkable elimination.
“We are going to need to play fast

In loving memory of the late

and score a lot of goals and we also just


want that for ourselves regardless of the
game and the situation,” US midfielder

Born : 06 November 1966

Andi Sullivan told reporters in Auck-

Age : 57 years
land on Saturday.
“We know our first two perform-

ances have been solid but we know we
have more to give, especially in putting
goals up,” she added.
“That conversation has kind of been
UNDERTAKERS, ALL UNCLES, AUNTIES, COUSINS, RELATIVES, AND FRIENDS FROM NEAR AND FAR, WHOM WE ARE bubbling just because we expect that high standard from our-
Finishing in second place would expose the USA to a tougher
tie in the last 16, quite possibly against the world’s third-ranked
Sadly Missed And Always Remembered By:
side Sweden.
It could also leave them facing a harder path to the final later
on in the knockout rounds.
The Portuguese are appearing at their first Women’s World
Son: LIEW YUONG XIANG Cup and followed up a 1-0 defeat against the Netherlands by
beating Vietnam 2-0.
Brother: Sister In-law: Nephews:
The meeting with the US will be a special occasion for Ameri-
LIEW VOON LUNG @ AVUN EDWARD ANNIE BUKAT LIEW YUONG PING can midfielder Savannah DeMelo, who had never been capped
before coming to the World Cup.
Niece In-law: NG CHI KHONG
DeMelo’s father is from Portugal and she will hope to keep her
place in the line-up, although she is competing for a starting
Sisters: Brother In-law:
berth with Rose Lavelle.
Lavelle spurred the USA’s comeback against the Dutch after
JOSHUA JOHNNY replacing DeMelo at half-time.
JOHANSON JOHNNY “I am a dual citizen so I always had the option, but growing
up in the US it was always a dream for me to play for the US
IVENNY JOHNNY national team,” the 25-year-old DeMelo said when asked if she
Adopted sister Brother In-law: Niece: had considered representing Portugal instead.
LIM SIEW YEH @ LAVENDER SILVESTER CHOW YI HEN AMANDA CHOW YI VERN “It could have been an option but my heart was always with
the US.” – AFP

Courses (Certificate Courses) – every 2nd week of the month and also
Sabah Clubs and providing Emergency First Aid Standby Services (any events). Details:
Sabah Government Pensioners’ Association Membership
recruitment exercise & pensioners’ problem 9.30am to 1pm (Mon –
Non-Governmental Organisations 232718 (O), 232718 (Fax) or email: or
Fri, except public holidays) at Maksak Complex, Likas. Details:
211282 Lucy.
Kinabalu Breast Cancer Support Association (Kinabalu Pink Agriculture Institute of Sabah Alumni Association Membership
Ribbon) Offering emotional, social & material support to women with drive. Information to obtain membership forms from various district
Regular Events breast cancer (before/during/after treatment) and their families. near you, contact Maidah 019-8414088 or Leong 019-8515893
Sabah Tai-Chi Association new classes. Monday, Wednesday and Careline: 016-8038553. Office: 216237 or Fax: 253679. FB: or email
Friday: 7pm to 8pm. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 6.30pm to Kent Teachers College Alumni Association Membership drive.
7.30pm. Details: Lee at 0168044512. Email: Membership forms are available at all district education offices in
Sabah AZ (Sabah Alzheimer’s Disease Support Association: Sabah Mental Health Association PKJS Day Care Centre is open to Sabah. Details: Tajuddin 787581, 019-537-1178 or Eddy 016-
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain suitable candidate and it carries out several activities on weekdays. 8223757.
disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, Details: 248197. Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary Resources Library is free for
eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Sabah AZ Tel: 088-430 727 Fax: 088-424 600 Alamesra Youth-PREP Centre Provides a place for youths to seek public to use. Details: 246955 or fax: 247955.
conducts Talks & Seminars, support, comfort families / caregivers / assistance and support on issues such as education, relationships, Sandakan Toastmasters Club Platform to improve effective
AD sufferers. Bi-Monthly Memory Café sharing-session by Please note that due to space constraints, work, family and financial stability. Legal aid and counselling communication and leadership skills on every 2nd & 4th Thursdays
caregivers/carers. Details:,, Sabah Week will only feature the immediate services are free and are on appointment basis. Venue: Ground Floor, of every month. Venue: Incorporated Society of Planters office, Taman
FB:@Sabahalzheimer. Kent 019-8811030 (10am-6pm). Lot 25, Block E, Phase 2, Alamesra, Jalan Sulaman. Opening Hours: Utama, Zone 3, Jalan Utara. Details: Alex 013-8803622 or Jerry
Sabah State Administrative Centre Galleria Artisan PPNS is open
events due to take place for the next three days. Weekdays 9am to 5pm. Tel: 395632 or fax: 485372. 012-8616743.
to public from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Our gallery The usual brief on the NGOs, voluntary Email: Kota Kinabalu Advanced Toastmasters Club – Communication and
boasts an array of local handicrafts from all over Sabah as well as organisations and their activities Facebook: leadership training meeting. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
locally made Sabah Batik. All local entrepreneurs are welcome to The Sabah Australian Alumni Association (SAAA) invites graduates
will appear on Sunday. at 7.30pm. Venue: Meeting Room 1, 1st Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan
promote their products through this avenue. Come visit us: PPNS , from any Australian Institutions of higher learning to join as members
Tuaran. Those interested are welcome to attend. Details: Irene 019-
Menara Tun Mustapha and Sabah Handicraft Centre, Keningau. of SAAA (2022). Detail: EDD 01116137889 or
8211985 or Jess 0168302717.
Details: Facebook or Sunday. Time: 10am to 3pm. Venue: Rumah Titian Kasih, Lot 168,
Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation KK Centre Open to all, accept
Afnansyah Agimin at 088-332186 ext: 1501. Lot 17, Lorong Kerapu, Rumah Murah Kg Likas Phase 3, 89400 The Kota Kinabalu AIDS Support Services Association (KASIH)
help line & free voluntary HIV screening tests, except sun & public children with Downs Syndrome below the age of 7. Details: Raneh
Parkinson Association of West Coast Sabah (PAWS) Conducts Likas. Details: Nooraisah 014-8586350 or Salina 012-8449139.
holidays. Office hours. Time: 9am to 5pm. Fri: 6pm to 9pm. Sat: 219809, Fax: 219808.
monthly outdoor activities, hold regular fellowship and meetings for Sabah Natives Land Owners Association (SANLODA) is dedicated
4pm to 7pm. provide confidential / free voluntary HIV screening test Consultancy Services & Training Centre For Consumerism,
people with Parkinson’s disease (PWP). Carers and volunteers are to promoting optimum utilisation and preservation of native lands in
(rapid test) during office hours, Mon to Fri. result available 10 to 15 Environmental & Human Rights Seminar / talks consumer issues-
welcomed to participate. The fellowship provides opportunity for PWP Sabah. Membership Drive: Information for membership from various
minutes. Details: 712914 or email: your rights as consumer, how to complain and get effective results,
to network, share experiences / info and also enjoys the various districts can be obtained from Datuk Stephen 0138658333, Datuk
complementary therapies such as body balancing, dancing, voice National Stroke Association of Malaysia Sabah Club Wisma Pandu know about consumer laws, tribunal for consumer claims,
George 013-851500, Petrus 0198529299 or Datuk Yusof 012-
and music therapy, physiotherapy. Details: 016-8303888 Pat, 014- Puteri, Kompleks Badan-Badan Sukarela, km 4, Jalan Tuaran, KK. environmental, human rights & civil society. Except Saturday, Sunday
6706118 JC or 019-8126196 James. Malaysia Blood Donors Society Daily Blood Donation Drive. Inviting Centre’s opening Hours: 9am to 5pm. Mon to Fri, closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holiday. Tel/fax: 234616 Datuk Patrick Sindu (JP) 019-
Sabah Law Society a weekly Free legal consultation and advice all NGO to collaborate and also calling members of the public to join & Public holidays. Details: 261568. 811-7369, 016-8007369 or
session for the public on Saturdays from 9am to 12.30pm (except its membership. Details: 012-8222779, 016-3551987 or 014- Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Association of United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation
the first Saturday of the month). Members of the public who are 7342886. Malaysia (FPMPAM) the public can obtain medical opinions, (UPKO) Offer opportunities to the public to voice their complaints on
interested are advised to contact the SLS Secretariat at 088-251008 Sabah Cheshire Home & Asian Tourism International College referrals or treatment for crisis intervention, detoxification, prevention various issues and offer advice to the complainants on how to go
for an appointment or by email Basic Pastry Skill Lesson for the physically disabled individuals aged & counselling for drug abuse via about their grouses. Monday to Friday. Call: 721722 & 721723 or
Blood Bank Unit of Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital, Likas between 17 – 28. Details: 438202. Fax: 434570. Special Olympics Sabah Weekly jogging exercise (so west coast).
(HWKKS) Blood Donation Drive “Bah, Mari Menderma” 1 pint of Taska Mesra Cheshire Early Education for children with physical Details: 016-8807703 or 223221. Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Help available for those with
blood can save 3 lives. Urging army, RELA, police, fire brigades, disabilities aged below four-years-old. Open Mon to Fri. Details: Kota Kinabalu Falun Gong Exercise sessions every Saturday & alcohol related problems. Anonymity assured. Meetings in English
uniform bodies, government agencies, healthy public people, Sabah Cheshire Home 438202. Sunday. Free of charge. All are welcome, Details: Kota Kinabalu 013- every Tuesday at 8pm. Bahasa Malaysia every Thursday at 7pm.
churches, mosques, corporate private companies with huge human School of Psychology and Social Work, UMS is offering Counselling 870-6558, Sandakan 089-229626, 089-229023 and Tawau Details: 012-8039883 (ENG) or 016-8386386 (BM).
resources to donate generously to our SWACH. Details: 522600 Ext: Service, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy 019-8536333. Malaysian Ex-Police Association (Penampang Branch)
2314. and Applied Behaviour Analysis Session. The services are on SWEPA Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting to enhance Membership recruitment exercise and other related matters. Time:
Heritage Toastmasters Club Learn to speak better and improve appointment basis. Time: 9am to 5pm. Details: Nurul Fatiha 019- your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Time: 2pm to
leadership skills in a fun and supporting environment. Meetings are 8114573, 320000 Ext: 8833 or 7.30pm (1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month). Venue: Swepa 5pm (Wednesday, Thursdays & Friday), except public holidays.
held every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Time: 7.30pm. Venue: EXTOL is a non-profit youth club focusing on developing youths in Secretariat, 2nd Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan Tuaran, KK. Details: Venue: PME, 1st floor, Lot 3, Block 15, Penampang Baru (Protem
6th Floor, Wisma Bandaraya. All are welcome. Details: President stewardship and leadership. Calling on all non-Muslim parents to President Dora 016-8300755 or VPPR 013-8603871. office). Details: Joseph 016-8213013, 710557 (o) or 714557
Sabrina 016-8287675 or VPPR Ooi 012-4150046. encourage their children between the ages of 13 to pre-university / The Cancer Society Of Sabah Provide services on hospice, cancer (fax).
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society invites affiliates to join as college to attend our meetings held every Friday. Time: 7.45pm to awareness / education, rural health project. Hotline / counselling Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) Day Care
volunteers for its community development projects for the benefits of 9.30pm. Venue: Agape Methodist Church, Agape Hill, Jalan pertaining to cancer & clinic by a lady consultant gynaecologist. Centre Every Thursday from 9am to 1pm at PWD 7396 & 7397,
the local communities. Youths and college graduates are encouraged Shantung Baru, Penampang. Details: Patrick 0109317118. Details: 210377 or 222315. Taman Rose, Off Jalan Penampang for mobile patients who are
to apply for Free Entrepreneurship and financial planning programs Pusat Jagaan Seri Murni provides counselling and support services The Befrienders Kota Kinabalu offers confidential emotional support registered under our Home Care Programme. We help you to care
in order to be offered career prospects as marketing executives or, for women / girl in situation of crisis such as unplanned pregnancies to those feeling depressed and in despair which may lead to loss of for your loved ones. Free Home Care Support service for your family
financial advisors with a well-established financial institution through and sexual gender based violence. Details: Counselling or interview life. Call us if you need to talk. We are here if you feel confused or members, relatives or friends who are diagnosed with advanced
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society. Details: Prof. Dr. Benjamin 010- 019-5349044. upset and need someone to talk to. We care, we listen. Call: 088- cancers. Referrals may be from private / government hospital or self-
8887850. The Committee of Communication For Behavioural Impact 255788, 088-335793 or 0168036945 every night, 7pm to 10pm. referred. Details: Grace 231505 or 257507.
Sabah Society For The Blind has moved to the 1st floor, Lot 3, Sri (COMBI) Lok Kawi Town, Papar invites the residents of Taman KK Mandarin Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting. Time:
Damai building, Jalan Kolam, Lorong Nibung, KK on Sept 1. Pantai Lok Kawi to be a promoter / volunteer of COMBI committee. Sabah Society For The Deaf Registration for pre-school deaf children 7.30pm. (2nd & 4th Thursday of each month). Venue: 3rd Floor, Lot
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Saturday 9am to 12.30pm. Details: All are welcome. Details: Zainal 016-8450717, Hj Mataris 010- ages 2 – 6 & hearing sibling ages 2 – 4. Language Development & 14, Block B, Lintas Square, KK. Details: Yan 012-8023264, Chua
250388, 218130 or Fax: 316588. Email: 9488846. Vocational Programme for deaf children & adults ages 8 and above. 016-8100282 or Lim 016-8302552. Website: HANDPRINTS – Toy Library & Resource Centre is to educate, enable Venue: SSD premise, Jalan Khidmat, Bukit Padang, KK. Details: KK Fama Pasar Tani Asia City variety of vegetables, fishes, sugar cane and empower parents, so that they are able to help and guide their – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160, Keningau – juice, soya bean milk, pastries and many other food items will be
Sheltered Workshop. Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm. Tel/ Fax: children with special needs. Thematic monthly play day on 2nd Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad Datu – on sale. Every Wednesday & Saturday. Time: 6am to 5pm. all are
788543. Address: Jalan Stesen Pertanian, ARC, 89207, Tuaran, Saturday of each month. Operating hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Asmah 089-887895. welcome. Details: Wasri 013-5555451.
Sabah. Friday 2pm to 5pm. Wednesday: 7pm to 9pm. Saturday: 9.30am Sabah Society for the Deaf Registration for Sign Language Class.
Happy Family Homes Malaysia KK we welcome volunteers to join
Sabah Family Planning Association provides services & treatments to 2pm. Venue: Lorong Pokok Saka, Dah Yeh Villa, Off Mile 2 3/4, Details: KK – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160,
us in our house builds on Saturdays. Those with masonry &
relating to sexual reproductive health, family planning and general Jalan Damai, Luyang. Tel: 016-4172298. Facebook: Keningau – Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad
carpentry skills are most welcome. Details: 088-395989.
health screening. Details: KK Branch 016-8899865 (Clinic Email: Datu – Asmah 089-887895.
Bukit Harapan 424567.
Helpline), 088-222703; Tawau Branch 089-771172, Lahad Datu Sabah Women Action-Resource Group (SAWO) provides Helpline
services to support women and girls who face domestic violence, Sabata 255916.
Branch 016-8309868; Kudat Branch 088-611088. Harrington Kota Kinabalu Lions Ambulance Service Society (LASS) Provides
rape, sexual harassment and other gender-based violence. Call: Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library Opening
Family Clinic 8am-5pm (Mon-Sat) Facebook: Sabah Family 24 Hour FREE Ambulance Service. Also providing First-Aid Training
088-280200. Mon-Fri, time: 9am-5pm Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5pm. Saturday / Sunday &
Planning Association. Instagram: sabahfpa. Email: to the public and Mobile Health Service to the rural areas. Call: 088-
D-Dash Compact Car Club Welcomes all Perodua and compact car Public Holiday : Closed. Venue: Menara Tun Mustapha, Likas Bay. 319699.
owners to join in the club membership. For more info on club weekly Details: 326300 Ext: 1152 or 1154. Fax: 326490.
Gerak Kasih Recycling Collection waste paper – newspapers, Malaysian Red Crescent Kota Kinabalu City Chapter is providing
cardboard, boxes, magazines, books, paper bags, soft toys, gathering and events contact martin 019-8036019 or d- Email: or website: Open to
Ambulance Services from 8pm to 6am (weekdays only), providing
clothing, plastic bottles, aluminium tins. Every Friday, Saturday and Patient Transfer Services (daily), providing Basic First Aid and CPR public.
SUNDAY, JULY 30, 2023 Sport 19

Fritz flies past Nishikori

WASHINGTON: Top-seeded Taylor Fritz event since 2021 as he returns from left “I’m just happy to see him back play- ing the title at the Caribbean Open Chal-
powered past former world number hip surgery in January 2022. ing again, having good results and hit- lenger in Puerto Rico in June.
four Kei Nishikori 6-4, 6-2 on Friday to “I’m super happy how I played today, ting the ball well after being injured for He arrived in Atlanta ranked 439th in
reach the semi-finals of the ATP Atlanta getting better and better each day I feel so long,” added Fritz, who had lost three the world and posted victories over Aus-
Open. like,” Fritz said in his post-match on- prior meetings with Nishikori but tralian Jordan Thompson and China’s
Fritz, ranked ninth in the world, court interview. hadn’t played him since 2019. Shang Juncheng to reach the quarter-
reached his seventh tour-level semi-final “A lot of positives I can take into the Nishikori, owner of 12 ATP titles and finals.
of the season with his first career win in next match. Kei has been around since I runner-up at the US Open in 2014, But he and Fritz held serve with ease
four meetings with Nishikori. first started. He’s an incredible player launched his comeback this season on through the first five games, Fritz finally

Brit boxer
Nishikori was playing his first ATP and a great guy. the lower tier Challenger Tour, captur- pouncing on the first break point of the
match to pocket the first set after 34
Top-seeded Fritz.

Benn has
Nishikori, who appeared to be strug-

gling somewhat with his movement
around court, received treatment on his
left knee during a medical time out

lifted by
between sets, and after dropping serve
in the second game could never get back

doping chiefs
on terms.
Fritz, who is seeking a second title of
the season after winning the fifth of his
career at Delray Beach in February, will
face eighth-seeded American J.J. Wolf
LONDRES (United Kingdom): UK Anti-
for a place in the final.
Doping confirmed on Friday that Conor
Wolf beat Germany’s Dominik
Benn is no longer provisionally suspended
Koepfer 6-2, 6-3.
shortly after the British boxer announced
There was a blow to local favourite
he was free to resume his career in the ring.
Christopher Eubanks who, after a two-
Benn was formally charged by UKAD in
hour rain delay, lost 6-4, 6-4 to Aus-
April after twice testing positive for the
tralia’s Aleksandar Vukic.
female fertility drug clomifene in the
The 27-year-old Vukic reaches an ATP
build-up to October’s domestic catch-
Tour semi-final for the first time after
weight showdown with Chris Eubank Jr.
punishing the unforced errors from

Qin breaks record for clean

Qin celebrates after winning.
But the 26-year-old son of British great
Wimbledon quarter-finalist Eubanks,
Nigel Benn revealed in a social media post
who was born in Atlanta. – AFP
that the charge had been dismissed.

sweep as Mollie claims double

“Today marks the end of a gruelling 10-
month process, during which the WBC
(World Boxing Council) had already
decided I was innocent of any wrongdo-
ing,” Benn said. 29-07-23 5617/23 Perak
The welterweight said he has been “vin- 610
FUKUOKA, Japan: China’s Qin Haiyang 52.49 and Marrit Steenbergen of the dicated for the second time” after a hear- 712
broke the men’s 200m breaststroke world Netherlands on 52.71. ing with the National Anti-Doping Panel 540
record to complete an unprecedented The 19-year-old O’Callaghan claimed and UKAD.
clean sweep at swimming’s world champi- the 200m title earlier in the week in a “Hopefully, the public and various 4610
onships on Friday, while Australian teen world record time and she said it was “such members of the media can now under- 0712
Mollie O’Callaghan also made history. a weird feeling” to complete the double. stand why I have maintained my innocence 1540
Qin powered home in 2min, 05.48sec to “I didn’t even know that no woman had so strongly all the way through,” he added. 095/23 29-07-2023
add the 200m title to the 50m and 100m done that, and to be the first is just incred- “The UKAD process has now formally 8755 7913 1632 0463 8888
7220 0918 9426 3619 8020
breaststroke golds he won earlier in the ible,” she said. ended and I remain free to fight.”
week, the first time any swimmer has won “There are no words to explain it—I’m UKAD issued its own statement in an
all three events in one championships. just so thrilled,” she added. attempt to provide clarity. 0396 1377 4617 6571 5624 6812 0563 2701
8823 1733 2161 0733 1503
Qin finished ahead of previous 200m It was O’Callaghan’s fourth gold of the A spokesman said it had taken the
record holder Zac Stubblety-Cook of Aus- competition, having also been part of Aus- “exceptional step” of publicly disclosing
tralia, who clocked 2:06.40, and American tralia’s title-winning women’s 4x100m and details of Benn’s provisional suspension
Matt Fallon, who was third on 2:07.74. 4x200m freestyle relay teams. and charge in April following reports from 2864 3230 5331 4601 0850
906/23 28-07-2023 2378 9283 7556 0611 0244
Qin said winning all three breaststroke Both of those titles were won in world the media and comments made by Benn.
events had been his goal coming into the record times. The spokesman added: “UKAD notes
championships in Fukuoka, but breaking O’Callaghan said that her teammates that Mr Benn has made further public
the record had been “a surprise”. had made the experience “so much easier”.
7479 8625 2324
comments today regarding proceedings
8638 3768 9389 0390 7547
“People have two sides to them, and “Going into previous meets, I was just so before the independent National Anti-
there is a little angel and a little devil inside nervous all the time and worrying,” she Doping Panel.
me,” said the 24-year-old. said. “UKAD can confirm Mr Benn is no 2829 1001 7367 9858 8450
“I thought maybe I could lose because I “This is the first time that I’ve actually longer provisionally suspended under the 5930 4875 9246 9211
8527 1756 0105 5188
had already won two golds, but then felt quite calm and just been enjoying UK Anti-Doping rules.”
before the race, I told myself that I didn’t every little bit.”
9880 2565
The body said it was unable to make
want to be a loser.” Kos won the men’s 200m backstroke further public disclosures in accordance
O’Callaghan also broke new ground title in 1min, 54.14sec, finishing ahead of
5670/23 29-07-2023
with its rules.
when she became the first woman to com- American Ryan Murphy on 1:54.83 and October’s proposed bout was intended
plete a 100m-200m freestyle double. Switzerland’s Roman Mityukov on 1:55.34. to be a continuation of the Benn v Eubank 1959 5574 3641 2309
South Africa’s Olympic champion Tat- Kos has been training under Bob Bow- feud in which the rivals’ fathers—Nigel 0508 5319 0163 1806
jana Schoenmaker added the world title in man, Michael Phelps’s former mentor who Benn and Chris Eubank Sr—battled it out 0008 1630 7035
the women’s 200m breaststroke, while also coaches French sensation Leon Marc- in two ferocious contests in the early 1990s.
Hungary’s Hubert Kos claimed gold in the hand.
A catchweight fight of 157 pounds (71.2
men’s 200m backstroke. Kos said his victory was down to “the kilograms) was agreed for the sons to con-
Britain won the men’s 4x200m freestyle Bob Bowman effect”.
2641 0337 7244 1458
tinue the family feud, meaning Benn would
relay, finishing ahead of the United States “That’s as simple as it is,” he said. 3736/23 29-07-2023
9469 1557 2221 1894
have had to move up two weight divisions

and Australia. “I’ve been training with him for half a
4675 7138 8177 6615
and Eubank lose three pounds. – AFP
7089 0375 9522 8485
Qin has taken over the mantle as breast- year now and we have a really, really good
3917 6689 8768 3970

stroke king in the absence of Britain’s training group.
Adam Peaty, who is not competing in “Bob knows a thing or two about swim- 0825 4400 9294
Fukuoka as he focuses on his mental ming,” he added.
4122 2014 6157 6306

health. Schoenmaker won the women’s 200m
Qin is aiming to cement his new status breaststroke title in 2min, 20.80sec, ahead 1929 5901 1579 8943
4675 7064 5117 2148
7035 6732 6732 7035

Tour victory
9486 0672
at next year’s Paris Olympics and he said he of American Kate Douglass in 2:21.23 and
8345 8205
was “ready for a new future”. Tes Schouten of the Netherlands in 2:21.63.
9343 1857 6251 0446 7035 3222 3222 7035
“When I finished the race, that was the “I really just went into this race just hav- 6732 3222 3222 6732
end of it—now everything starts again with ing fun racing,” said Schoenmaker, who
a new beginning,” he said. won silver in the 100m breaststroke earlier 150,486.82
“I will hang the medals on the wall and in the week. BLAGNAC (France): Emma Norsgaard out- 1,908,365.51
start a new challenge.” Britain’s men’s 4x200m freestyle team foxed the other women’s Tour de France 0825 4400 4400 0825
O’Callaghan touched the wall in won gold in a time of 6min, 59.08sec, sprinters by escaping on a breakaway and 0825 9294 9294 0825
then holding off the pack at the finish to 4400 9294 9294 4400 7035

Disqualified fencer awarded

52.16sec to defend her 100m freestyle title, ahead of the United States on 7:00.02 and
beating Hong Kong’s Siobhan Haughey on Australia on 7:02.13. – AFP win stage six on Friday. 61,565.67 6732
Norsgaard missed a large chunk of the

Olympics place and reinstated

season after breaking a collarbone in the
Strade Bianche in March and she wept
throughout her post-race interview. 941 981 550
“I want to thank everyone around me
for still believing in me after being out the
whole spring,” said Norsgaard, who 06 13 14 23 31 33 36
MILAN (Italy): Ukrainian fencer Olha Khar- offer a touch of her blade instead following turned 24 on Wednesday. “I’m super emo- 1,803,769.06 8 9 3 3 2
lan was awarded a place in the 2024 Paris her victory. tional. It’s the biggest victory ever.” 12,043.24 9 3 3 2
Olympics by the IOC on Friday after she was “I thought I had his word, to be safe, but The Dane was a part of a trio that 4 4 2 0 8 3 3 2
9 3 2 7 4 3 2
disqualified at the world championships for apparently, no,” Kharlan said. escaped after 29km and nursed a slender
refusing to shake the hand of her Russian In response to her disqualification, the lead almost to the end of the 122.5km run 8 5 3 2 5 24 128,626.47
7 3 7 4 4 6
opponent. International Olympic Committee called for from Albi to Blagnac.
The International Fencing Federation Ukrainian athletes to be treated “sensitively”. The peloton once again misjudged the 2 4 7 5 2 14 24,412.24
7 3 7 4 4 3 7 4 4 6
(FIE) also said it was reinstating Kharlan, Then on Friday, IOC President Thomas pursuit and just failed to catch all the
allowing her to take part in the team com- Bach, a former Olympic fencer himself, sent members of the escape group. 9 9 3 8 1 18 6,640.01 7 3 7 4 7 4 4 6
7 3 7
As the pack swallowed the other break-
4 4 6
petition at the world championships in Kharlan a letter saying she would be guaran-
Milan. teed a place at next year’s Olympics in Paris aways with less than 500m to go, Nors- 4 4 5 0 7 08 8,103.18
Emmanuel Katsiadakis, the Greek presi- regardless of whether she gained the quali- gaard sprinted. 7 3 4 6
dent of the FIE, said the decision had been fication points. She held on to finish one second ahead 3 2 7 3 6 21 7,103.18
7 9 24 37 47 56
taken “after consultation with the Interna- “As a fellow fencer, it is impossible for me of Charlotte Kool and race leader Lotte
tional Olympic Committee”. to imagine how you feel at this moment,” Kopecky, who beat her handle bars in frus-
Kharlan, the first fencer to face a Russian Bach wrote. tration after another near miss. 0 0 1 7 24 27,041.77 20,679,428.32
or Belarusian since the former’s invasion of “Given your unique situation, the Inter- “I’m not a sprinter any more I have to
Ukraine, won 15-7 against Russia’s Anna national Olympic Committee will allocate realise it,” said Norsgaard. “I might be fast, 5 1 0 1 21 13,448.96 7 10 14 19 25 40
Smirnova on Thursday. an additional quota place to you for the but I cannot keep up with the real sprint-
The 32-year-old four-time Olympic Olympic Games Paris 2024 in case you will ers. I took a chance today and reached for 1 9 0 9 22 3,448.59 8,195,431.44

2 5 7 28 31 38 15
medallist refused Smirnova’s handshake not be able to qualify in the remaining the stars.”
afterwards, instead offering her sabre to tap period.” It was a second stage victory for the 6 0 9 7 09 4,312.08
blades, but FIE rules state that the two Bach added: “Rest assured that the IOC Movistar team at the Tour after Liane Lip- 4,511,008.66
5 8 2 9 22 3,135.72
fencers must shake hands. will continue to stand in full solidarity with pert won stage two.
On Saturday, the team will be focused
0 3 8 9 05 2,188.47
Smirnova staged a 45-minute protest and the Ukrainian athletes and the Olympic
refused to leave the competition strip. community of Ukraine during these on helping defending champion Anne-
4 5 2 4 15 2,003.97
Kharlan was disqualified, claiming after- extremely difficult times.” miek van Vleuten through a short but bru-
wards that Emmanuel Katsiadakis, the Greek The decision to allocate Kharlan a place tal Pyrenean stage that contains two
president of the FIE, had even assured her in the Olympics is sure to provoke an angry famed tour climbs: the Col de l’Aspin and
1 0 5 4 26 2,855.51
that it was “possible” not to shake hands and reaction from Russia. – AFP the Tourmalet. – AFP
USA eye big Fritz flies
win against
Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I S UND AY, JULY 3 0 , 2 0 2 3

Sabah must take 3 points against Penang

A CRUCIAL away game is on the cards for The match tonight seems to be a fore- get the maximum points tonight and as overconfident and complacency is the
Sabah FC tonight (Sunday) as we take on gone conclusion in our favour with assur- always, an early goal will certainly help to other biggest culprit.
Penang FC at the City Stadium. ance by coach Datuk Ong Kim Swee that settle the nerves. It is always hard to play against a team
We cannot afford to drop any more we have the players ready to take on I hope our front line trio of Ramon that has nothing to lose and Penang FC
points in our away matches, especially Penang FC. Machado, Darren Lok and Saddil Ramdani might try their very best to cause an upset
before taking on the mighty JDT (Johor I am not too sure if there are first team will come good in this game after firing and none sweeter than for them to achieve
Darul Ta’zim) FC in the next match on Aug players carrying any injuries but I did blank against Selangor FC. it in front of their home fans.
9 at THE Likas Stadium. notice that our midfield import Telmo Fer- All the players given the tasks must We do not have many games left to play
It is not merely the three points needed reira has not been featured for the team in always stay focussed and beware of the .We need to secure crucial points to stay in
to win in order to help our standing in the the past few games and so did new import threats Penang FC can pose with their contention and it is a must win game
league table but at the same time a good Miguel Ángel Garrido Cifuente. home advantage. tonight.
performance will certainly boost the play- Their absence was definitely felt by the available midfield player that we have They may be sitting in 10th position and Let’s hope that all players are in good

Juventus kicked out of

ers confidence considerably ahead of the team and with Baddrul Bakhtiar also gone, apart from Irfan Fazail. look relatively weak on paper, but they are shape and I wish the team all the best and
JDT game. Gary Steven Robbat seems to be the most Team play is essential for the team to capable and can pounce if the players are lets wait for a positive result.

Europe over rules breach

PARIS (France): Juventus were kicked out of Juventus in the Conference League.
next season’s Europa Conference League In May, Juventus agreed to pay a fine of
on Friday for breaching financial fair play more than 700,000 euros ($751,000) for
rules, UEFA announced. lying about players foregoing wages dur-
The Italian giants were also fined 20 ing the Covid-19 pandemic after a plea bar-
million euros ($22 million) with half that gain approved by the Italian Football
amount suspended. Federation tribunal.
“Juventus violated UEFA’s regulatory The plea deal brought to an end a series
framework...and it was decided to exclude of cases in Italy’s sporting courts involving
Juventus from the 2023/24 UEFA men’s club the Turin club.
competition,” said a UEFA statement. They were also handed a 10-point
European football’s governing body deduction in Serie A after a revision of their
said the 10-million-euro additional fine initial 15-point penalty inflicted on the
will only be applied if the 2023, 2024 and club over illicit transfer activity.
2025 financial years do not meet their The disciplinary tribunal of the Italian
accounting requirements. federation (FIGC) said it had fined the club
Juventus said in a statement that they 718,240 euros, while seven of its manage-
accepted the decision and would not ment figures were ordered to pay fines
appeal the sanction. ranging from 47,000 euros to 10,000 euros.
“Juventus, while continuing to consider On Friday, UEFA also reached a settle-
the alleged violations insubstantial and its ment with Chelsea which will result in the
actions correct, has declared to accept the English Premier League side paying 10 mil-
decision,” the club said. lion euros for “submitting incomplete
However, they insisted that this did not financial information” during the Roman
“constitute admission of any liability Abramovich era.
against itself”. A UEFA statement said the club’s new

Kerr gives Australia a boost

“We regret the decisions of the UEFA owners “identified, and proactively
Club Financial Control Body,” said Juventus reported to UEFA, instances of potentially
president Gianluco Ferrero who added the incomplete financial reporting under the Kerr (left) attends a training session with team.
club preferred “to put an end to a period of club’s previous ownership” between 2012
uncertainty”. and 2019.
Ferrero highlighted the “uncertainty “Following its assessment, including
about a possible participation in the the applicable statute of limitations, the
2024/2025 season of the Champions CFCB entered into a settlement agreement
League” that could weigh on an appeal with the club which has agreed to pay a BRISBANE (Australia): Captain Sam Kerr thanks to a sixth-minute stunner by Lau-
procedure. financial contribution of 10 million euros declared herself available on Saturday for ren James.

Akugue channels Osaka in

Fiorentina, who finished in eighth place to fully resolve the reported matters.” – Australia’s must-win clash with Olympic “But we don’t know yet (how bad the
in Serie A last season, are likely to replace AFP champions Canada in a major boost for injury is) so we can’t make any assump-
the Women’s World Cup co-hosts. tions.”

fairytale Hamburg final run

It came as European champions Eng- There was also concern over another
land sweated on the fitness of key mid- World Cup star.
fielder Keira Walsh after she was Colombia’s talented 18-year-old
stretchered off in their win over Denmark attacker Linda Caicedo went down in
with what looked like a serious knee injury. training on Thursday clutching her chest
Prolific Chelsea striker Kerr, the face of and may not play against Germany on
the World Cup in Australia and New Sunday.
BERLIN (Germany): Ger- Zealand, suffered a calf injury on the eve Coach Nelson Abadia called it “an
man teenager Noma of the tournament and missed the Matil- episode of tiredness, a bit of stress over her
Noha Akugue said on das’ first two games. debut in a senior World Cup”.
Friday she drew inspira- The Australians, who were one of the “It was just an episode and she is ok
tion from Naomi Osaka’s favourites to win the title, squeezed past “It is going to go down to the wire. I am now,” he added. “Linda has overcome the
2018 US Open victory as Ireland 1-0 thanks to a penalty to open definitely going to be available but how event.
her fairytale run contin- their campaign but were then stunned 3-2 we decide to use that is not to be given to “Whether she will play, we have 24
ued to the Hamburg by Nigeria. the opposition.” hours or a bit more to decide.”
Open final. That left their World Cup in serious The 26-year-old Barcelona midfielder Back on the pitch there were three
Wild card Akugue, peril and underlined just how much they Walsh appeared to suffer a serious knee matches on Saturday as the teams do bat-
ranked 207 in the world missed their talismanic goalscorer. injury against Denmark on Friday. tle to reach the knockout rounds.
and playing in her first With the critical encounter against There has been a spate of knee injuries Sweden face Italy at 0730 GMT before a
WTA main draw event, Canada looming on Monday, the 29-year- in women’s football and England were heavyweight meeting between France and
said she was “speechless” old fronted the media in Brisbane to say: “I already missing captain Leah Williamson Brazil at 1000 GMT.
after winning through 6- am going to be there, I am going to be and Euro 2022 Golden Boot winner Beth France, who were among the teams
3, 6-3 against Diana ready.” Mead for that reason. touted as a threat to holders the United
Shnaider on Friday to set But Kerr declined to say how much of a Coach Sarina Wiegman said after see- States before the World Cup, need victory
up a meeting with Dutch part she will play in the clash in Mel- ing her side win 1-0 to stand on the cusp of after being held 0-0 by Jamaica.
seventh seed Arantxa bourne. the knockout rounds that it was too early But they meet a Brazil side flying high
Rus. “I would love to tell you guys everything to say how badly Walsh was hurt. following a classy 4-0 thumping of
Akugue, born in but you know being in sport a long time “Of course I’m concerned because she Panama.
Hamburg to Nigerian that that’s a massive thing that the oppo-

could not walk off the pitch,” said Wieg- Jamaica play Panama in the last game

Germany reshuffle defence

parents, broke her fellow sition wants to know,” Kerr said. man, whose strongly fancied side won of the day, starting at 1230 GMT. – AFP
19-year-old twice in the
first set and once in the German teenager Akugue.

Caicedo for Colombia clash

second. coming from a set down to defeat Aus-
Demonstrating poise and calm she tralian Daria Saville.

a doubt
blocked her Russian opponent from con- Rus, 32, lost the first set 6-2 but rallied
verting any of six break points. to win the next two 6-3, 6-1 on the Ham-
After her quarter-final win over former burg clay.
French Open semi-finalist Martina Tre- Rus hit a career high world number 60
visan on Thursday, Akugue said she tried after her quarter-final win over German SYDNEY (Australia): Germany must “I don’t know how long she will be out
to keep her emotions under control, play- Eva Lys on Thursday, one spot higher than reshuffle their defence at the Women’s for.”
ing tennis “with a poker face”. the 61 she reached more than a decade ago SYDNEY (Australia): Women’s World Cup World Cup after another injury set-back The Germany boss had already lost
Speaking later on Friday, Akugue said in 2012. star Linda Caicedo was “tired” when she when left-back Felicitas Rauch hurt her back-up left-back Carolin Simon with
she drew inspiration from four-time In the men’s side of the draw, number went down clutching her chest in training, knee ahead of their game with tough- torn knee ligaments in a World Cup
Grand Slam winner Osaka. one seed Casper Ruud crashed out in Colombia coach Nelson Abadia said, and tackling Colombia on Sunday. warm-up game.
“She’s also an aggressive player. She’s straight sets to French teenager Arthur may not play against Germany on Sunday. Rauch strained knee ligaments block- “It’s the third defender we have lost, so
similar to me, that’s why I like her,” Fils. The 18-year-old Real Madrid forward ing a shot in training on Friday and it is we know what type of back-up options we
Akugue told Fils burst out of the blocks, winning the was at the centre of a health scare on unclear when she will return, said Ger- have,” Voss-Tecklenburg added. “We will
“It’s also important to see a Black first set 6-0 and the second 6-4, withstand- Thursday when she stopped running and many head coach Martina Voss-Tecklen- be able to compensate for this injury.”
woman in tennis—Serena as well of course. ing a fightback from the world number lay on the ground holding her chest. burg. Germany, the 2003 and 2007 champi-
It’s good for young players.” four. Abadia on Saturday called it “an It is the latest injury blow for Germany ons, posted the biggest win of the World
Akugue said on court after the match “a Fils credited his “good tactics” for the episode of tiredness, a bit of stress over her in defence. Centre-back Marina Hegering Cup contenders so far in the romp over
week ago I didn’t know if I would get a win. debut in a senior World Cup”. missed the opening 6-0 thrashing of Morocco. Colombia also won their open-
wild card”, adding she “could not believe” “He makes you run a lot. My goal was to “It was just an episode and she is ok Morocco with an ankle knock. ing game, beating South Korea 2-0.
her run had continued to “my first final”. play a lot of forehands and play a lot on his now,” he added. “Linda has overcome the “That wasn’t a good moment in train- The Germans expect a tense battle in
“I hope I can keep playing my best ten- backhand, and I did it really well today.” event. ing,” said Voss-Tecklenburg. “Felicitas Sydney against the South Americans and
nis in the final.” The 19-year-old will meet Alexander “Whether she will play, we have 24 cannot play, but we got a diagnosis quite the result is likely to decide who finishes
Rus booked her spot in the final after Zverev in the semis. – AFP hours or a bit more to decide. – AFP quickly, which was relatively positive. top of Group H. – AFP

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30 juLAi, 2023 / 12 MuHArAM, 1445H

Subuh Zohor Asar Maghrib Isyak
KK/Pantai Barat 5.00 12.26 3.47 6.36 7.49
Sandakan Timur 4.53 12.18 3.39 6.28 7.41
Sandakan Barat 4.57 12.22 3.43 6.31 7.45
Tawau Timur 4.51 12.15 3.36 6.24 7.38
Tawau Barat 4.55 12.19 3.40 6.27 7.40
Kudat 4.55 12.22 3.43 6.33 7.47
Pedalaman Atas 4.59 12.24 3.45 6.33 7.46
KPK akui langgar kod
Pedalaman Bawah 5.02 12.27 3.48 6.36 7.49
Pemandu pikap maut Dua lagi IKS Mart akan prosedurjenayah ketika Dolla mahu fokus siri

Peruntukan RM40j
rempuh penghadang > 2 dibuka di Sabah > 3 tahan Ketua Basarnas > 4 jelajah Asia Tenggara > 6

PRN: Hajiji nasihat warga untuk kakitangan

Esscom cermin
keprihatinan k’jaan
Sabah buat pilihan terbaik KOTA KINABALU: Peruntukan RM40
juta bagi menaik taraf infrastruktur
dan kuarters untuk kakitangan
Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Pantai
KOTA KINABALU: Warga Sabah yang ketaksuban,” menurut kenyataan itu.
akan mengundi pada Pilihan Raya Hajiji berkata Sabah dan rakyatnya Timur Sabah (Esscom) di Lahad Datu
Negeri (PRN) di enam negeri pada 12 menjadi contoh perpaduan yang baik yang disediakan kerajaan menun-
Ogos ini dinasihati supaya membuat pil- dalam kepelbagaian dan perpaduan, jukkan komitmennya untuk memas-
ihan terbaik bagi mengekalkan dinamik kerana walaupun terdapat perbezaan tikan kebajikan kakitangan agensi itu
politik negara untuk masa depan yang bangsa dan agama, mereka telah wujud sentiasa terpelihara.
baik. bersama dalam harmoni sejak sekian Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji
Pengerusi Gabungan Rakyat Sabah lama tanpa mengira ideologi politik, Noor berkata peruntukan itu juga
(GRS) Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor dalam dan ia juga merupakan sesuatu yang mencerminkan keprihatinan Perdana
kenyataan yang menyokong penuh Ker- dipupuk oleh Kerajaan Perpaduan di Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ter-
ajaan Perpaduan pimpinan Perdana peringkat kebangsaan. hadap kebajikan warga Esscom yang
Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari Terdahulu pada Sabtu pagi, Hajiji sanggup berkorban demi menjamin
ini berkata kerajaan pimpinan semasa bersama Premier Sarawak Tan Sri Abang keselamatan Sabah dan negara.
merupakan platform terbaik bagi Johari Tun Openg, mengiringi Anwar di “Terima kasih kepada Perdana
sebuah negara pelbagai kaum seperti pusat penamaan calon di Sekolah Menteri atas keprihatinannya dan
Malaysia untuk bergerak maju ke hada- Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Sungai semoga inisiatif ini dapat
pan. Pusu in Gombak, Selangor. meningkatkan semangat warga Esscom
Beliau turut menggesa setiap pen- Kedua-dua pemimpin dari Sabah dan untuk melakukan yang terbaik dalam
gundi untuk menolak parti-parti politik Sarawak itu membuat penampilan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara,”
yang menggunakan fitnah perkauman sulung bersama dengan pemimpin kata Hajiji, yang juga Pengerusi Zon
dan ketaksuban agama sebagai bahan persekutuan dalam menunjukkan Keselamatan Timur Sabah (Esszone),
kempen mereka yang akan memu- sokongan padu kepada calon daripada dalam satu kenyataan.
daratkan negara majmuk seperti parti kerajaan yang akan bertanding Pada 15 Julai lalu, Anwar ketika
Malaysia dan tidak akan menjamin masa dalam PRN ini. berucap pada program Malaysia
depannya. PRN yang melibatkan 36 DUN di Madani bersama Jabatan Keselamatan

PERDANA Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (tiga kanan) diapit

“Kestabilan, yang merupakan salah Kedah, Kelantan (45), Terengganu (32), Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman

Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor (kiri) dan Premier Sarawak
satu faktor penting untuk sebuah negara Pulau Pinang (40), Selangor (56) dan Awam Polis Diraja Malaysia di Batal-
ion 2 GOF Kulim di Kulim, Kedah,
Datuk Patinggi Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Abang Haji
maju, hanya boleh dicapai apabila selu- Negeri Sembilan (36) akan diadakan
mengumumkan peruntukan RM40
Openg (dua kanan) di Pusat Pencalonan di Selayang, pada Sabtu.
ruh rakyat bersatu dan tidak dipen- pada 12 Ogos bersekali dengan PRK Par-

Lelaki terlibat 570 calon bertanding PRN, satu lawan satu di 180 kerusi
garuhi dengan sikap perkauman dan limen Kuala Terengganu. – Bernama juta untuk infrastruktur dan kemuda-
han berkaitan Esscom.
Sementara itu, Ketua Pegawai

pergaduhan di
Eksekutif Esscom Dr Jamaluddin
Mohd Ali berkata peruntukan itu akan

Putatan maut
PUTRAJAYA: Sebanyak 570 calon (147), Negeri Sembilan (83) dan PRK antara 50 hingga 59 tahun iaitu seramai digunakan untuk menyediakan kaki-
bertanding merebut 245 kerusi Dewan Kuala Terengganu dua kertas pena- 204,” katanya. tangan agensi itu dengan kemudahan

di rumah
Undangan Negeri (DUN) pada pilihan maan,” kata beliau. Seramai 111 calon berusia lebih 60 perumahan terbaik, yang akan mem-
raya enam negeri pada 12 Ogos ini, Abdul Ghani berkata seramai 168 tahun, calon berumur 40 hingga 49 beri manfaat besar kepada mereka.
menurut Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya calon yang bertanding dalam PRN itu tahun seramai 157, calon berusia 30 Beliau berkata peruntukan itu juga
(SPR). adalah daripada Perikatan Nasional hingga 39 seramai 83 orang manakala membolehkan Esscom memperoleh
PENAMPANG: Seorang lelaki maut di Pengerusi SPR Tan Sri Abdul Ghani (PN), Pakatan Harapan (PH) seramai calon berusia 21 hingga 29 seramai 17 rumah untuk anggotanya yang bertu-
rumahnya selepas terbabit dalam per- Salleh berkata 571 kertas pencalonan 137 calon, Barisan Nasional (BN) sera- calon, katanya. gas di Lahad Datu.
gaduhan yang tercetus di kawasan diterima bagi Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) mai 108 calon, 77 calon bertanding Abdul Ghani berkata calon tertua “Ia untuk kemudahan pegawai,
perumahan di Putatan di sini kira-kira di Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Pulau mewakili PAS. adalah calon PRM di DUN Pantai Jere- anggota serta kakitangan Esscom dan
jam 7 pagi, Selasa. Pinang, Kelantan, Terengganu dan Seramai 13 calon bertanding atas jak, Pulau Pinang iaitu Ravinder Singh proses bagi mendapatkan kemuda-
Pemangku Ketua Polis Daerah Penam- Kedah, tetapi satu ditolak. tiket Parti Rakyat Malaysia, 19 calon yang berusia 80 tahun, manakala calon han (rumah) itu sedang berjalan,”
pang DSP Sammy Newton berkata, Kertas yang ditolak itu dikemukakan Parti Ikatan Demokratik Malaysia termuda adalah Melanie Ting Yi-Hlin, katanya.
mangsa yang berusia 28 tahun dihantar calon Bebas yang menawarkan diri (Muda), empat calon Parti Sosialis 23, yang mewakili Muda di DUN Bukit Komander Esscom DCP Victor San-
ke Hospital Queen Elizabeth 1 untuk bertanding di DUN Kota Lama di Kelan- Malaysia (PSM), dua calon Penang Front Antarabangsa, Selangor. jos melahirkan rasa terima kasih di
bedah siasat selepas disahkan meninggal tan. Party (PFP), seorang calon Parti Utama Seramai 501 calon yang bertanding atas keprihatinan dan penghargaan
dunia oleh pegawai perubatan. Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Parlimen Rakyat (PUR) dan 41 orang bertanding pada PRN dan PRK Kuala Terengganu Kerajaan Perpaduan di atas sumban-
“Susulan itu, Bahagian Siasatan Kuala Terengganu yang diadakan sebagai calon Bebas, katanya. itu adalah lelaki manakala 71 calon gan dan pengorbanan mereka yang
Jenayah Penampang menahan lima lelaki serentak dengan PRN, menyaksikan Abdul Ghani berkata pertandingan adalah wanita, katanya. menjaga keselamatan dan kedaulatan
bagi membantu siasatan. pertembungan satu lawan satu antara satu lawan satu yang terlibat dalam PRN SPR menetapkan PRN di Selangor, negara khususnya di Sabah.
“Siasatan mendapati ketika kejadian, calon Pakatan Harapan (PH) dan PAS, membabitkan 180 kerusi, tiga penjuru Negeri Sembilan, Pulau Pinang, Kelan- “Bagi pihak Esscom dan sebagai
kesemua individu itu berada di bawah katanya pada sidang media mengenai di 51 kerusi, empat penjuru di 13 kerusi tan, Terengganu dan Kedah serta PRK
pengaruh alkohol dan berlaku perselisi- Komander Esscom, saya ingin mer-
urusan penamaan calon PRN dan PRK manakala kerusi DUN Lunas, Kedah Parlimen Kuala Terengganu dilak- akamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada
han faham sehingga menyebabkan per-
Kuala Terengganu di sini, Sabtu. menyaksikan pertandingan lima pen- sanakan serentak dengan hari pengun- Kerajaan Perpaduan di atas keprihati-
“Kertas siasatan telah dibuka di bawah “SPR menerima 83 kertas penamaan juru. dian pada 12 Ogos manakala nan dan kebaikannya terhadap ahli
calon di Kedah, 97 di Kelantan, Tereng- “Calon paling ramai bertanding pengundian awal pada 8 Ogos. –

3,000 penduduk Kolopis tidak

laporan kematian mengejut,” katanya Esscom dengan menyediakan perun-
dalam satu kenyataan. ganu 66, Pulau Pinang (95), Selangor adalah dalam kalangan yang berusia Bernama tukan ini,” katanya.

setuju kenaikan kadar cukai

Jonathan Nicholas telah menyenaraikan Kolopis sebagai
PENAMPANG: Kira-kira 3,000 penduduk kawasan simpanan banjir.
dari tujuh kampung di Kolopis di sini “Ia sudah dilanda banjir 16 kali dari
menuntut supaya kawasan mereka 2019 hingga 2022 dan banjir yang
dikeluarkan kawasan operasi Majlis berlaku pada Jun tahun ini mengambil
Daerah, dengan mendakwa penilaian masa tiga hari untuk surut. Ini dibu-
hartanah yang dilakukan baru-baru ini rukkan lagi dengan pembinaan
memberikan bebanan kewangan kepada Lebuhraya Pan Borneo yang sedang ber-
ADALBERT (keenam dari kiri) dan Greg di kanannya bersama ketua-ketua kampung dan wakil penduduk pada sidang media itu.
penduduk luar bandar yang kurang jalan,” katanya pada sidang media.
bernasib baik. Adalbert mempersoalkan kaedah yang
Jurucakap komuniti itu, Datuk Seri Dr. digunakan oleh penilai perunding, den- kami lampu tepi jalan, pembersihan didakwa oleh pemilik hartanah adalah berikan Jabatan dan Majlis Kerajaan Tem-
Adalbert Kinson berkata tidak adil untuk gan berkata mereka tidak memenuhi taman, kutipan sisa perbandaran, dan berdasarkan data penilaian dan andaian patan dengan keupayaan untuk menge-
lembah yang terdedah kepada banjir dan piawaian negara. jalan dan perparitan yang baik,” katanya penggunaan hartanah yang mana enggan nakan cukai hartanah levi sewa
kurang maju dikenakan cukai pintu yang “Piawaian Penilaian Malaysia jelas sambil menambah, beliau dilahirkan dan didedahkan sama ada oleh Birokrat Majlis berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan pemilik
lebih tinggi walaupun hampir tiada mewajibkan faktor-faktor yang perlu telah menempah kubur di Kolopis. Daerah mahu pun Penilai Perunding. hartanah sebagai penilaian hartanah
usaha mitigasi dan penyelenggaraan diambil kira untuk menentukan penila- “Kerajaan Negeri mensasarkan Pemilik Prosedur daripada Akta Kerajaan Tem- yang boleh dipersoalkan.
infrastruktur yang teruk. ian hartanah. Hartanah Penampang untuk patan sedang digunakan oleh Pejabat Birokrat Majlis Daerah enggan mem-
Beliau berkata, notis penilaian itu “Ini tidak terhad kepada data sewaan mengumpul berjuta-juta cukai hartanah Kerajaan Tempatan Kerajaan Negeri dan bincangkan jumlah hasil yang akan
dihebahkan dalam media cetak pada 12 dan jualan yang setanding, saiz dan umur baharu. birokrat Majlis Daerah untuk mengger- dikumpul, namun semakan penilaian
Jun lalu, enam hari selepas tempoh ban- hartanah, daya tarikan kejiranan, penge- “Melainkan Pemilik Hartanah Penam- akkan proses mengambil Penampang yang digunakan sebagai asas untuk caj
tahan tamat. zonan dan penggunaan tanah serta kesi- pang dan penduduk mendapatkan cam- dari Daerah luar bandar kepada Majlis itu jelas menunjukkan Majlis Daerah
“Ini adalah fakta yang tidak diketahui hatan keseluruhan pasaran perumahan. pur tangan Kerajaan Negeri, Pejabat Perbandaran yang mana kebanyakan mensasarkan puluhan atau ratusan juta
ramai, syarikat insurans enggan menam- Tetapi hanya beberapa daripada ini diam- Kerajaan Tempatan dan birokrat Majlis penduduk di Penampang tidak sedar dalam cukai hartanah baharu itu. Cukai
pung banjir sejak satu peristiwa pada bil kira. Daerah akan meneruskan skim penilaian mengenainya. yang akan dikenakan kepada pemilik
1999. Kajian pelan induk untuk tebatan “Cukai adalah untuk penyelenggaraan untuk mengumpul berjuta-juta daripada Klasifikasi baharu Penampang sebagai hartanah di Penampang.
banjir lembangan Sungai Moyog malah tetapi kerajaan masih belum memberi sistem pengebilan cukai tanah yang Majlis Perbandaran kemudian mem- Lihat muka 2
2 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I AH AD , 3 0 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres

Pengkritik NCA perlahankan Sabah: Dr Jeffrey

Sherell Jeffrey akan membuktikannya. Jadi sudah tiba
KOTA KINABALU: Timbalan Ketua Menteri masanya untuk berhenti bercakap dan
Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan berkata sebaliknya buat sesuatu,” katanya.
pengkritik Perjanjian Pemuliharaan Alam Perjanjian kredit karbon yang disas-
Semula Jadi (NCA) harus berhenti bercakap arkan untuk dilaksanakan tahun lepas
dan perlu melakukan sesuatu untuk ditangguhkan berikutan banyak perde-
kepentingan negeri. batan mengenainya.
“Kumpulan ini adalah mereka yang tidak Di antara banyak perdebatan mengenai
faham. Kita diperlahankan oleh mereka, perjanjian perdagangan karbon yang kon-
ketika yang lain sudah jauh ke hadapan,” troversi, Perjanjian Pemuliharaan Alam
katanya ketika ditanya mengenai banyak (NCA), ialah pencalonan Hoch Standard,
pendapat yang dibuat mengenai NCA. sebuah syarikat yang tidak mempunyai
“Ini menyedihkan, tetapi kita mahu rekod prestasi dalam industri perdagangan
mereka faham bahawa kita terlepas pelu- karbon.
ang untuk meningkatkan hasil kita kerana Kebimbangan juga dibangkitkan oleh
sumber pendapatan lain hanya boleh pergi pencinta alam sekitar dan pemuliharaan
sejauh ini,” tambahnya. mengenai ketiadaan ketelusan dan komu-
Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui nikasi berhubung pembangunan perjan-
pada Majlis Kongres dan Penganugerahan jian itu.
Global ke-17 yang berlangsung di Pusat Sementara itu, kongres tiga hari yang
JEFFREY (lima kanan) kelihatan segak dengan pakaian tradisionalnya
Konvensyen Antarabangsa Sabah, di sini, bermula pada 28 Julai itu diadakan buat
ketika menerima sijil penghargaan daripada penganjur pada program itu.

Pengajaran bahasa ibunda: Ewon disaran patuhi Akta Pendidikan 1996

Sabtu. julung kalinya di Kota Kinabalu.
Karbon, dakwa beliau, merupakan sum- Ia dianjurkan oleh Institusi Diraja Singa-
ber pendapatan baharu yang boleh pura dengan kerjasama Institusi Diraja Fil-
menyumbang kepada perubahan iklim ipina, Royal Talent Capital Singapura,
sambil turut memulihara alam sekitar dan Institut Penyelidikan Diraja Singapura dan
hutan. Pusat Profesional Singapura. KOTA KINABALU: Seorang bekas Ketua Kadazandusun (BKD) di institut guru tidak menjadi masalah.”
“Kita juga mewujudkan peluang peker- Bertemakan “Menyatukan kepimpinan Daerah mengingatkan Menteri Pemban- bersama Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Datuk Kedua-dua masyarakat menghormati
jaan dengan mengaktifkan aset tidak aktif. dalam perniagaan dan industri, pen- gunan Usahawan dan Koperasi Datuk Muhamed Khaled Nordin. antara satu sama lain dan tidak pernah
Malah, ia adalah yang terbaik untuk Sabah,” didikan, dan pentadbiran awam, sebagai Ewon Benedict supaya mematuhi perun- Katanya, Ewon kemudian berkata: bergaduh mengenai perkara ini kerana
katanya. asas tadbir urus yang baik”, ia tukan dalam Akta Pendidikan 1996 berkai- “Perbincangan adalah untuk mencari mereka boleh berkomunikasi dengan
Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa terda- menampilkan panel penceramah daripada tan pengajaran bahasa ibunda. penyelesaian kepada masalah dan selesa dan mudah.
pat pihak yang berada di belakang pengkri- pelbagai bidang dari Singapura, Filipina, OKK Benedict J S Malanjum berkata cabaran yang dihadapi oleh guru bahasa “Komuniti Kadazan dan Dusun telah
tik ini. dan Perancis, antara lain. bahasa Kadazandusun tidak wujud, Kadazandusun dan mengukuhkan penga- wujud bersama sejak dahulu lagi. Di
“Kami tahu siapa di belakang mereka; Jeffrey, yang juga Felo Kehormat Institusi namun terdapat Bangsa Kadazan dan jaran bahasa itu”. daerah saya Putatan misalnya terdapat
anda tidak boleh bersembunyi kerana kita Diraja Singapura, berkata program itu Bahasa Kadazan merupakan bahasa “Saya menghadiri Forum Hala Tuju banyak perkahwinan campur antara
ada teknologi, Kepintaran Buatan, jadi saya adalah mengenai mengiktiraf sumbangan ibunda mereka. Begitu juga dengan Bahasa Kadazan dan Bahasa Dusun di Uni- kedua-dua masyarakat. Dalam hal ini, saya
meminta mereka ini berhenti menim- kepada kerja dan juga kemanusiaan teruta- Bangsa Dusun dengan Bahasa Dusun seba- versiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) anjuran menyokong penuh dasar perpaduan
bulkan masalah kepada Sabah dan cuba manya dalam penyelidikan pendidikan dan gai bahasa ibunda mereka. Institut Kajian Orang Asal Borneo (BorIIS) dalam kepelbagaian Perdana Menteri

bersikap positif. sebagainya. Menurut Akta Pendidikan 1996 bahasa pada 12 Sept 2019. Saya telah menegaskan kita,” kata Benedict.
“Dengan karbon ini, kita memperolehi “Institusi Diraja Singapura adalah asli merujuk kepada bahasa ibunda di bahawa tiada bahasa “Kadazandusun”

rumah pangsa
keuntungan berbanding kerugian, dan kita sebuah badan profesional dan saya gembira Malaysia Timur seperti bahasa Iban dan tetapi terdapat bahasa Kadazan dan
melindungi alam sekitar untuk generasi menjadi warga asing pertama yang menjadi
Kadazan. Di Sabah bahasa asli juga Dusun,” kata Benedict.
akan datang. penasihat antarabangsa kepada badan pro-
merangkumi Dusun, Rungus, Murut, Pihak berkepentingan dalam isu hala

Tg Aru perlu
“Apabila bercakap mengenai ketelusan, fesional Singapura ini tahun lepas di Singa-
pura,” katanya.
Bajau, Kedayan, Bisaya dan etnik orang tuju Bahasa Kadazan dan Bahasa Dusun
ia adalah yang paling telus dan sudah pun asal yang lain. ialah Persatuan Kadazan Sabah (KSS) dan
“Lebih banyak aktiviti antarabangsa

melalui proses mahkamah di mana semua
yang kita ada di sini, lebih baik untuk mem- Malanjum merujuk kepada kenyataan Persatuan Dusun Sabah Bersatu (Usda).
orang memberikan persetujuan.

KPDN sita 5,300 liter

promosikan pelancongan, mempro- Ewon, yang dilaporkan dalam akhbar tem- Datuk Dr. Ewon Ebin, presiden Usda
“Ini sangat standard dan kita sangat

baharu: Junz
berhubung dengan dunia, pembeli, sehing- mosikan Sabah dan juga pertukaran patan 15 Julai lalu bahawa beliau akan berkata, “Mengenai senario Bahasa
galah kepada teknologi terbaik dan kami pelaburan dan pendidikan,” tambahnya. membincangkan isu pengajaran bahasa Kadazandusun dipisahkan bagi beliau ia


minyak diesel di Tuaran

KOTA KINABALU: Naib Presiden Warisan
Datuk Junz Wong menggesa kerajaan
negeri mengutamakan semua penduduk
rumah pangsa kos rendah Tanjung Aru
Ops Tiris
untuk mendapatkan penempatan baharu.
R Gonzales tiga hari oleh Pegawai Penguat Kuasa KPDN “Saya memohon kerajaan GRS khusus-
TUARAN: Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Kos Cawangan Tuaran sebelum serbuan nya Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah dan
Sara Hidup (KPDN) Tuaran menyita kira-kira dijalankan. Menteri Kerja Raya Datuk Shahelmey
5,300 liter minyak diesel bersubsidi menerusi “Berdasarkan keterangan awal yang diper- Yahya memberi keutamaan kepada pen-
Ops Tiris bagi membanteras aktiviti olehi daripada pekerja stor, barang kawalan duduk rumah pangsa kos rendah Tanjung
penyelewengan dan ketirisan barang kawalan itu diperolehi daripada pembekal diesel Aru berhubung isu penempatan kerana
minyak diesel, Jumaat. industri yang sah namun pekerja berkenaan masalah ini sudah berlarutan sejak dua
Ketua Pegawai Penguat Kuasa KPDN gagal mengemukakan sebarang dokumen tahun lalu dan penduduk mendapat
Tuaran, Saripuddin Moleng berkata, operasi berkaitan dan permit atau lesen kebenaran berikutnya tidak melebihi RM5 juta. kawalan bersubsidi terbabit.
tekanan daripada LPPB untuk keluar
terbabit dijalankan sepasukan pegawai dan untuk menyimpan barang kawalan di lokasi “Pihak kementerian akan mengambil tin- Sehubungan itu, masyarakat disarankan
secepat mungkin.”
anggota penguat kuasa KPDN Tuaran pada berkenaan. dakan tegas dengan menggantung semen- untuk menjadi mata dan telinga kepada
“Datuk Shahelmey menyebut kerajaan
jam 11 pagi di sebuah stor tapak pembinaan “Kes ini akan disiasat mengikut Seksyen tara lesen pengusaha stesen minyak yang pihak berkuasa dengan memberikan ker-
terlibat sehingga siasatan selesai dijalankan,” jasama sekiranya mempunyai sebarang mak- menghadapi kesukaran untuk
di Rugading, Tuaran. 20(1) Akta Kawalan Bekalan 1961 kerana
ujarnya. lumat terutamanya berkaitan aktiviti memindahkan semua penduduk rumah
“Serbuan mendapati terdapat minyak menyimpan barang kawalan di tempat tanpa
kebenaran pengawal,” jelasnya. Difahamkan, Ops Tiris dilancarkan sejak 1 penyelewengan barang kawalan dan bersub- pangsa kos rendah Tanjung Aru ke
diesel yang dianggarkan sebanyak 5,300 liter
Saripuddin berkata, di bawah Akta Mac 2023 lalu bertujuan membanteras sidi bagi memastikan aktiviti haram ini Kibabaig dan Tuaran berikutan jumlah
dalam satu tangki besi berbentuk segi empat
Kawalan Bekalan 1961 (Akta 122), mana-mana penyelewengan dan ketirisan minyak diesel dibanteras sehingga ke akar umbi yang boleh penghuni yang ramai iaitu sekitar 300
yang dilengkapi pam meter elektronik.
individu yang disabit dengan kesalahan bersubsidi. menyebabkan kerugian besar kepada rakyat keluarga.
“Pihak KPDN menyita kesemua bahan
berkenaan yang dianggarkan bernilai boleh didenda tidak lebih RM1 juta manakala Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan negara. “Kerajaan hanya menempatkan pen-
RM25,700 dan menahan seorang lelaki warga bagi kesalahan berikutnya tidak melebihi dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN) Cawangan Orang ramai yang mempunyai maklumat, duduk seperti OKU, warga emas, dan
tempatan yang dipercayai sebagai penyelia RM3 juta atau penjara tidak melebihi tiga Tuaran akan terus menjalankan risikan, boleh menghubungi pihak kementerian golongan kurang berkemampuan. Sebe-
stor di lokasi serbuan tujuan membantu siasa- tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali. pemeriksaan dan pemantauan secara melalui saluran aplikasi Whatsapp 019-279 narnya bukan 300 keluarga tetapi tidak
tan awal kes mengikut Akta Kawalan Bekalan Manakala bagi syarikat, jika disabit kesala- berterusan ke atas semua kegiatan berkaitan 4317 atau 019-848 8000, Portal Aduan e- sampai 150 keluarga,” katanya.
1961,” katanya dalam kenyataan, Sabtu. han boleh membawa hukuman denda tidak barang kawalan agar tidak berlaku sebarang, pusat panggilan 1-800- “Datuk Shahelmey dan LPPB sentiasa
Menurutnya, risikan dijalankan selama melebihi RM2 juta dan bagi kesalahan bentuk penyelewengan dan ketirisan barang 886-800 atau emel menggunakan alasan yang sama bahawa
rumah pangsa kos rendah Tanjung Aru
berada dalam keadaan rosak dan tidak
Caj penarafan baharu dianggap ‘cukai pintu belakang’ selamat untuk diduduki sehingga
memaksa penduduk keluar. Namun, tidak
begitu; Ikram tidak menyatakan bangu-
Dari muka depan bantahan terhadap penilaian harta mereka. Daerah, Perunding Penilaian dan Ahli Tri- jelaskan kepada mereka adalah salah.
nan itu tidak selamat tetapi hanya memer-
Caj penarafan baharu itu disifatkan oleh Pemilik hartanah perlu mematuhi for- bunal. Cabaran kepada Data Penilai telah
sekumpulan kecil pemilik hartanah yang mat khusus untuk bantahan mereka dan Bilik yang penuh dengan mereka yang dijawab dengan komen “luar biasa” seperti
lukan penyelenggaraan, dan LPPB tidak
menyedari pelan itu sebagai “cukai pintu dalam pendekatan baharu oleh Majlis kononnya pakar, yang mempunyai masa “jadi kamu tidak boleh menyewakan rumah mengambil tindakan sejak 10 tahun lalu,
belakang”, pada masa masyarakat luar ban- setiap bantahan perlu disertakan dengan berminggu-minggu untuk membuat perse- kamu pada harga RM800 sebulan”. Per- dengan mendakwa kekurangan dana. Aki-
dar di Penampang sedang bergelut untuk yuran penyerahan RM10. diaan, dengan pemilik hartanah dikehen- tanyaan sama ada penilaian mengambil batnya, bangunan itu menjadi lebih
pulih daripada kemerosotan perniagaan Birokrat Majlis Daerah yang hadir pada daki membentangkan hujah mereka kira sifat luar bandar hartanah itu atau usang,” tambahnya.
yang disebabkan oleh perintah kawalan mesyuarat komuniti Kolopis tidak dapat berdasarkan fakta yang sedikit dan sedikit hakikat hartanah itu terletak dalam zon Wong yang juga Adun Tanjung Aru
pergerakan Covid-19 dan merekodkan pen- memuaskan hati (atau mungkin diarahkan kepakaran serta tanpa perwakilan yang banjir tidak dijawab langsung oleh Perund- berkata, penduduk rumah pangsa kos ren-
gangguran yang tinggi. untuk tidak menjawab soalan daripada betul. ing Penilaian dan Ahli Tribunal. dah Tanjung Aru kekal teguh untuk ting-
Levi hartanah yang dicadangkan bukan pemilik hartanah) tentang penilaian, klasi- Pembantah dimaklumkan mereka mem- Nampaknya majoriti pemilik hartanah gal di situ sehingga kerajaan menyediakan
sahaja akan memberi kesan kepada pemilik fikasi penggunaan hartanah, dan punyai 15 minit untuk mengemukakan kes Penampang tidak mengetahui proses dan penempatan alternatif.
hartanah tetapi juga penyewa hartanah ter- bagaimana kawasan penilaian yang mereka. hasrat Majlis Daerah dan Jabatan Kerajaan “Penduduk ingin tahu keikhlasan kera-
masuk penyewa hartanah komersil kerana dicadangkan mereka dikira. Dengan jawa- Interaksi dengan Penilai semasa Tribunal Tempatan Kerajaan Negeri untuk mewujud- jaan membantu mereka dalam isu ini.
sudah pasti tuan tanah akan terpaksa melu- pan standard ialah bayar RM10 dan buat dipenuhi dengan jawapan yang tidak mem- kan levi hartanah baharu ini. Sekiranya kerajaan benar-benar prihatin,
luskan caj yang dinaikkan itu. bantahan. punyai sebarang kejelasan atau ketelusan. Pemilik hartanah kini berada dalam mereka harus berjumpa dengan pen-
Majlis Daerah telah menghubungi Pemilik hartanah yang enggan dikenali Dengan tanggungjawab terhadap pihak kedudukan di mana mereka perlu duduk rumah pangsa kos rendah Tanjung

Pemandu pikap maut rempuh penghadang

Perunding Penilai JS Valuers Property Con- kerana takut akan tindakan balas daripada yang membantah untuk menjelaskan men- melakukan pertikaian dengan orang yang Aru sekali gus sebagai tanda empati ter-
sultants (E.M.) Sdn Bhd dalam taklimat Pegawai Majlis Daerah bertanya kepada gapa penilaian tiada siapa yang akan men- sepatutnya mewakili mereka. hadap mereka,” katanya lagi.
yang tidak didedahkan untuk menilai har- Pegawai Majlis “di manakah proses
tanah di Penampang. perundingan yang dijanjikan, mengapa
Walaupun piawaian ditetapkan oleh kita tidak bekerja sebagai komuniti.
Standard Penilaian Malaysia 2019, untuk Kamu boleh berselindung di sebalik
ketelusan dan norma yang diterima untuk proses kamu dan ya ia mungkin sah, tetapi
menilai hartanah, Perunding Penilai nam- dari segi moral Majlis Daerah sudah terjejas, PENAMPANG: Seorang pemandu trak pikap
paknya menggunakan penilaian Majlis Daerah mewakili siapa? Kamu men- maut selepas merempuh penghadang di Kam-
berdasarkan “dengar cakap”, dengan beber- ganggap kami sebagai orang kampung pung Dambai - Jambatan Proper, Jalan Papar
apa hartanah komersial mempunyai peni- yang bodoh yang melakukan apa yang kami Lama, di sini, awal pagi Sabtu.
laian yang lebih tinggi daripada pusat diberitahu. Ini adalah salah guna kuasa dan Pemangku Ketua Polis Daerah Penampang,
beli-belah yang berprestij di KK, Imago . ia adalah salah guna proses. Ini bukan cara DSP Sammy Newton, mangsa kejadian jam 5
Hartanah serupa yang berdiri bersebela- Kerajaan Tempatan sepatutnya berfungsi”. pagi itu adalah seorang lelaki tempatan berusia
han atau dari satu bahagian daerah ke satu Majlis Daerah yang menggunakan kuasa 35 tahun.
bahagian yang lain nampaknya telah dipe- yang diberikan daripada Akta Kerajaan “Mangsa disahkan meninggal dunia di tem-
runtukkan penilaian yang berbeza. Tempatan telah pun menubuhkan Tribunal pat kejadian oleh pegawai perubatan yang
Sesetengah hartanah hilang sepenuhnya Bantahan sebelum mesyuarat masyarakat bertugas dan mayat dihantar ke Jabatan Foren-
dalam Laporan Penilaian. Hartanah dengan dan jelas tidak berniat untuk menjalankan sik, Hospital Queen Elizabeth 1 untuk bedah
kegunaan pertanian telah diklasifikasikan proses perundingan dengan pemilik har- siasat.
sebagai perindustrian. tanah. “Hasil siasatan awal mendapati kemalangan
Birokrat Majlis enggan mendedahkan Seorang pemilik hartanah yang mem- berpunca apabila pemandu yang datang dari
bagaimana penilaian harta individu dikira buat bantahan mengadu mereka diberi arah Donggongon hilang kawalan dan merem-
dan mengapa klasifikasi penggunaan tanah notis 24 jam melalui telefon untuk meng- puh penghadang jambatan.
khusus telah digunakan untuk tanah luar hadiri perbicaraan Tribunal. “Saksi kejadian digesa tampil memberikan
bandar. Laporan daripada mereka yang hadir ke maklumat di balai polis berhampiran bagi mem-
Dalam mesyuarat komuniti di Kolopis Tribunal mendakwa mereka telah dinafikan bantu siasatan,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
pada 11 Julai, sekumpulan kecil pemilik Har- sebarang keadilan prosedur. Pembantah
KEADAAN pikap itu selepas kemalangan.
Kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 41(1) Akta Pen-
tanah Kolopis diberitahu mereka mempun- diminta mengemukakan kes mereka ke
gangkutan Jalan 1987.
yai baki 5 hari lagi untuk mengemukakan bilik yang penuh dengan Kakitangan Majlis
harianekspres Tempatan 3
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I AH AD , 3 0 JULAI , 2 0 2 3

KKR naik taraf infrastruktur keselamatan jalan raya

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Kerja Raya lokasi telah dilaksanakan dengan perun- Pembangunan Rangkaian Jalanraya 2030
(KKR) akan melaksanakan program tukan RM27.4 juta, dan pemasangan lampu (HNDP) bagi merancakkan ekonomi dan
menaik taraf infrastruktur keselamatan jalan di kawasan kemalangan atau berisiko meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat.
jalan raya di seluruh negara dengan siling kemalangan dengan 148 lokasi telah dilak- Dalam pada itu, KKR menyasarkan
peruntukan berjumlah RM241.5 juta. sanakan dengan peruntukan RM15 juta,” sebanyak 270 Surat Setuju Terima (SST)
KKR dalan kenyataan hari ini memak- menurut kenyataan itu. dikeluarkan sehingga akhir tahun ini seba-
lumkan infrastruktur jalan raya yang sem- Sementara itu, KKR menerusi Lembaga gai strategi merancakkan semula sektor
purna menjadi tanggungjawab utama Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan pembinaan serta 196 rantaian bekalan
kementerian dan isu keselamatan jalan Malaysia (CIDB) menyediakan peluang lati- (subsektor) di bawahnya.
raya khususnya di Jalan Persekutuan selu- han kemahiran di Akademi Binaan “Antara strategi yang telah dilaksanakan
ruh negara adalah diberikan perhatian Malaysia kepada kakitangan binaan dan adalah dengan mempercepatkan pengelu-
utama. belia tempatan di dalam bidang kemahiran aran SST kepada syarikat-syarikat yang ter-
“Program tersebut yang telah diluluskan berimpak tinggi, di samping menyediakan pilih dalam proses perolehan kerajaan.
pada Rolling Plan 2, Rancangan Malaysia latihan di dalam Building Information “Menerusi penyerahan SST ini, secara
ke-11 (RMK11) diteruskan pelaksanaannya Modelling (BIM), selaras dengan usaha tidak langsung dapat membantu dari
dalam RMK12 dengan empat skop utama pendigitalan industri pembinaan. sudut ekonomi golongan kontraktor dari-
iaitu rawatan di lokasi kerap berlaku KKR turut menggandakan pelbagai inisi- pada pelbagai kelas termasuk kontraktor

ANDI ketika melakukan gimik perasmian karnival

kemalangan (blackspot), 264 lokasi telah atif mengimbangi pertumbuhan dengan kecil G1 hingga G4,” menurut kenyataan.

di Dataran Majlis Perbandaran Tawau, Sabtu.

dilaksanakan dengan peruntukan RM76.3 konsolidasi fiskal yang mempunyai impak Katanya, projek pembangunan yang
juta, pembinaan jejantas pejalan kaki den- secara langsung kepada rakyat, penggiat dilaksanakan adalah selaras dengan misi
gan 18 jejantas telah siap dibina mem- industri pembinaan dan pembangunan utama dan objektif kerajaan dalam mem-

Dua lagi
babitkan peruntukan RM56.6 juta dan sektor pembinaan itu sendiri dalam menca- promosikan keseimbangan di antara
enam lagi sedang dalam pembinaan. pai hasrat dan kejayaan Ekonomi Madani. wilayah dan merentangi ekonomi yang

332 pegawai
“Selain itu, pembinaan Lintasan Pejalan Katanya, KKR akan terus melaksanakan seimbang di antara bandar dan luar ban-

APMM tahan bot langgar syarat lesen

Kaki Searas Berlampu Isyarat (LPKSI), 114 Dasar Pembinaan Negara 2030 dan Pelan dar. – Bernama

IKS Mart akan perubatan mohon

tukar penempatan
Azmie Lim
LAHAD DATU: Agensi Penguatkuasaan

Maritim Malaysia (APMM) menahan

dibuka di Sabah
sebuah bot yang disyaki melanggar
syarat lesen menangkap ikan pada
Pengarah Zon Maritim Lahad Datu
KOTA BHARU: Kementerian Kesihatan Komander Maritim Nik Mohd Rizam Nik
Lagatah Toyos kementeriannya juga dalam usaha untuk (KKM) telah meluluskan rayuan permo- Mohd Fauzi berkata, bot peronda APMM
TAWAU: Dua lagi Pusat Produk Industri membuka satu lagi taman perindustrian honan penempatan 332 pegawai peru- mengesan sebuah bot menangkap ikan
Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) atau IKS Mart di kawasan Pantai Timur Sabah sebagai batan di seluruh negara dan perlu di sekitar 0.6 batu nautika utara Kunak
akan dibuka di Sabah pada tahun ini iaitu tambahan kepada yang sedia ada di negeri melapor diri pada 31 Julai ini. Tiga, kira-kira jam 4.20 petang.
Tawau dan Lahad Datu, kata Pembantu ini. Menterinya, Dr Zaliha Mustafa berkata Katanya, selepas diperiksa, juragan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian dan “Kita akan membuka satu taman antara rayuan yang dipertimbangkan mengeluarkan lesen bot dan dokumen
Keusahawanan, Datuk Andi Muhammad perindustrian di kawasan antara Kota adalah kerana pegawai sedang mengikuti pengenalan diri yang sah serta dokumen
Suryady Bandy. Marudu, Kota Belud dan satu lagi di Pantai pengajian kepakaran, menghadapi anak kapalnya.
Ketika ini, katanya, terdapat lapan IKS Timur, berkemungkinan di Tawau,” masalah keluarga yang serius dan anca- “Juragan bot tempatan bersama anak
Mart yang menjadi pusat bagi usahawan katanya. man keselamatan. kapalnya berusia 29 dan 57 tahun dita-
BOT yang ditahan kerana
perusahaan mikro, kecil dan sederhana Beliau berkata, inisiatif kerajaan itu “Rayuan ini diluluskan pada 27 Jun dan han dan bot berkenaan dibawa ke jeti
melanggar syarat lesen.
(PKMS) menempatkan produk-produk adalah untuk membantu memajukan lagi 24 Julai lepas setelah menerima sebanyak Perikanan Lahad Datu sebelum diser-
keluaran mereka di negeri ini iaitu Wisma industri di negeri ini dan menyediakan 1,843 rayuan daripada 4,155 pegawai peru- ahkan kepada pegawai penyiasat untuk
Tun Fuad Stephens, Beaufort, Ranau, fasiliti kepada pelabur untuk batan yang telah ditawarkan ke jawatan siasatan lanjut. Sambil berkata Zon Maritim Lahad
Papar, Kota Marudu, Pasaraya Oceanus meningkatkan pelaburan mereka. tetap. “Kes akan disiasat di bawah Akta Datu akan meningkatkan rondaan dan
dan Tuaran. Di samping itu, katanya, usahawan juga “Urusan penempatan pada kali ini Perikanan 1985 kerana melakukan penguatkuasaan dari semasa ke semasa,
Menurutnya, pembukaan IKS Mart boleh mengambil peluang daripada per- dibuat menerusi sistem dan memerlukan kesalahan dengan melakukan aktiviti Nik Mohd Rizam menambah usaha itu
tersebut bakal membuka peluang kepada pindahan ibu kota Indonesia ke Kaliman- pegawai memilih penempatan kerana menangkap ikan dalam jarak kurang 1.5 bagi mengelak pencerobohan bot

Program tingkat kesedaran

usahawan PKMS di Tawau dan Lahad Datu tan kelak, untuk meningkatkan ekonomi jurang antara jumlah pegawai kontrak batu nautika dari daratan,” katanya. nelayan asing ke perairan Sabah.
untuk mengumpul, mempamer, mempro- setempat dan negeri, keseluruhannya. dan perjawatan tetap yang tinggi di
mosi dan menjual produk keluaran usa- Menyentuh program itu pula, Andi beberapa negeri selain memberi peluang

penghuni taman perumahan

hawan tempatan dari seluruh daerah, berkata penganjuran karnival tersebut yang sama rata kepada pegawai untuk
sekaligus meningkatkan hasil jualan. bertujuan membantu usahawan PMKS memilih penempatan,” katanya pada
Andi yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kal- meneroka peluang pasaran baharu, sidang media khas di sini, Sabtu.
abakan dan Adun Tanjung Batu berkata meningkatkan hasil jualan, menjalankan Mengulas lanjut, Dr Zaliha berkata
demikian kepada media selepas meras- padanan perniagaan bersama pasaraya KKM telah menyediakan saluran untuk
mikan Karnival Usahawan PKMS Sabah besar dan memperkenalkan produk pegawai merayu menerusi e-mel, google
Zon Tawau di Dataran Majlis Perbandaran buatan mereka kepada penduduk di form, rayuan bersemuka, malah tiga talian

Kilang ais
kawasan Pantai Timur.
Johan Aziz Beliau berkata demikian semasa beru-
Tawau, di sini, Sabtu. telefon yang khusus bagi membolehkan KENINGAU: Pembantu Menteri Kerajaan cap merasmikan Program Pembangunan
Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata Karnival itu melibatkan 30 gerai pam- pegawai menghubungi Bahagian Sumber Komuniti bagi Penghuni Taman Anggerik
Tempatan dan Perumahan, Datuk Isnin
eran di bawah agensi Kerajaan Negeri dan Manusia.

Aliasnih menyifatkan Program Pemban- di sini.
Persekutuan dan 80 gerai jualan usa- “Dalam urusan rayuan pula, Selain itu, beliau berkata, program ini
gunan Komuniti di taman-taman peruma-
hawan PMKS dan peniaga. Jawatankuasa Rayuan yang bersidang juga dapat membantu mengeratkan lagi
han dapat meningkatkan kesedaran
Terdahulu, Andi menggesa usahawan telah menimbang kesemua rayuan hubungan antara penghuni dengan

penghuninya tentang kepentingan men-
PKMS berusaha meningkatkan hasil pro- pegawai. Namun, tidak semua rayuan Kementerian Kerajaan Tempatan dan
jaga kebersihan, keceriaan dan kesihatan
duk usahawan untuk pasaran tempatan dapat diluluskan ekoran tiada Perumahan serta Majlis Daerah.
di situ.
dan juga luar negeri yang pastinya akan kekosongan jawatan di negeri yang dimo- Pada masa yang sama, program ini juga

lesen KKM
Katanya, usaha ini juga dapat menyun-
dapat menambah peluang pekerjaan hon dan pertimbangan diberi kepada memberi impak positif kepada penghuni
tik semangat gaya hidup sihat dan cin-
kepada rakyat di Sabah. rayuan yang lebih memerlukan. yang sentiasa mengamalkan gaya hidup
takan alam sekitar dalam kalangan
Katanya, usaha tersebut adalah bagi “Rayuan yang dipertimbangkan juga sihat, dengan keadaan tanpa sampah,
penghuni, yang perlu dipupuk sejak awal
meningkatkan sumbangan sektor pembu- menyebabkan pegawai perlu ditawarkan rumput panjang dan pembiakan nyamuk
atan yang merupakan penyumbang 7.5 ke mana-mana negeri di Semenanjung aedes, selain mendorong untuk lebih
“Program seumpama ini juga dapat
peratus atau RM5.9 Bilion Keluaran Dalam yang berdekatan (kebanyakannya bukan menghargai keindahan serta kepentingan
melahirkan masyarakat yang prihatin,
PUTRAJAYA: Semua kilang ais yang Negara Kasar (KDNK) negeri Sabah pada mengikut rayuan) seperti Johor, Pahang memelihara alam sekitar.
bertanggungjawab, saling bantu mem-
beroperasi atau menyediakan ais bagi 2021 dengan 69 peratus daripadanya dan Kedah berikutan tiada kekosongan Katanya, program anjuran Kementeri-
bantu demi menjaga kebersihan setempat
tujuan perniagaan, perlu mendapatkan adalah disumbangkan Industri Pempros- jawatan di Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, annya dan Majlis Daerah itu adalah antara
yang akan mewujudkan persekitaran yang

Loji Rawatan Air Bersepadu Fasa 1 di Pitas siap

pelesenan Kementerian Kesihatan esan Makanan terdiri daripada usahawan Negeri Sembilan dan Melaka,” katanya. – yang pertama diadakan di negeri ini den-
sihat dan selamat,” katanya.
(KKM), berdasarkan peruntukan di PMKS di negeri ini. Bernama gan tujuan agar penghuni sentiasa mem-
bawah Peraturan 394A (4) Peraturan-Per- berikan keutamaan tentang kebersihan,
aturan Makanan 1985. keceriaan, penjagaan kesihatan dan kese-
Pengarah Kanan Keselamatan Dan lamatan di tempat mereka.
Kualiti Makanan (BKKM) KKM Norrani “Program ini menggalakkan penghuni
Eksan dalam satu kenyataan hari ini PITAS: Pembinaan Mikro Loji Rawatan Air dan cadangan struktur mikro loji. Beliau berkata demikian kepada media bekerjasama untuk memelihara dan men-
berkata dalam syarat dan proses menda- Bersepadu (Solar-IoT) Kg Lok Dangkaan “Dua unit struktur bagi mikro loji juga selepas melancarkan Pembinaan Mikro jaga kebersihan selain mengawal masalah
patkan lesen, pemeriksaan ke atas kilang Fasa 1 sejak Mac lalu, siap pada Jumaat. telah berjaya disiapkan iaitu dua kolam Loji Rawatan Air Bersepadu (Solar-IoT) Kg gejala tidak baik dan pembiakan nyamuk
akan dijalankan dan pensampelan air Pengerusi Perbadanan Baitulmal sebagai sumber utama air dan sebuah Lok Dangkaan, Pitas di Kg. Lok Dangkaan aedes.”
dan ais akan dilakukan, bagi memas- Negeri Sabah (PBNS), Datuk Dr. Omar pondok konkrit yang akan menempatkan Pitas. Isnin juga menggalakkan penghuni
tikan sumber air yang digunakan serta Raisul As-Salam Syah Sulaiman Omar unit rawatan air dan komponen bekalan Acara tersebut bersempena dengan taman ini agar dapat mengadakan aktiviti
ais yang dihasilkan adalah selamat. berkata, fasa 1 melibatkan dua unit struk- tenaga elektrik menggunakan suria,” Kembara Rahmah 2023 yang disertai rom- senamrobik setiap minggu agar dapat
“Kilang ais juga wajib menjalankan tur mikro loji iaitu dua unit kolam dan ujarnya. bongan Agensi Laksana, Fakulti Sains dan mengekalkan kesihatan diri sepanjang
pemantauan sendiri sekurang- pondok konkrit yang bakal menempatkan Mengulas mengenai baki tiga fasa lagi, Sumber Alam, UMS dan Pejabat Daerah hayat.
kurangnya sekali setahun. Tindakan unit rawatan air serta komponen panel Omar Raisul memaklumkan projek terse- Pitas. Beliau berkata, memandangkan pro-
penggantungan lesen boleh diambil, suria. but dijadualkan siap dan mula beroperasi Pada majlis berkenan, Omar Raisul gram ini mendapat sambutan baik,
sekiranya pihak kilang gagal untuk men- “Mikro Loji Rawatan Air Kg Lok Dan- menjelang Oktober tahun depan. turut menyampaikan bantuan kewangan kementeriannya akan menganjurkan pro-
jalankan pemantauan sendiri,” katanya. gkaan telah siap sepenuhnya bagi kerja- “Projek ini bakal menghasilkan pen- kepada 54 Ketua Isi Keluarga (KIR) di kam- gram ini di seluruh Sabah.
Norrani berkata berkata KKM melalui kerja fasa pertama yang melibatkan geluaran 30,000 liter air sehari dan akan pung terbabit. Hadir sama pada program itu Pegawai
Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti pembinaan kolam takungan air. memberi manfaat kepada penduduk sek- Antara yang hadir, Pegawai Kemajuan Eksekutif Majlis Daerah, Mohd Fawzi
Makanan (BKKM), mengambil maklum “Sepanjang Fasa 1, penilaian teknikal itar,” jelas beliau. Masyarakat Pitas Ariffin Matasin mewakili Abdul Kadir.
isu kiub ais haram dan diragui tercemar, bagi tujuan pembinaan sebuah loji mikro Menurutnya, projek bernilai RM289,714 Adun Pitas, Penolong Pegawai Daerah Pada program itu, turut diadakan sesi
seperti yang dilaporkan di media baru- rawatan air secara bersepadu telah itu merupakan kerjasama pihaknya den- (Pembangunan) Johari Abdullah, Ketua ceramah oleh Majlis Daerah, Jabatan Kesi-
baru ini yang boleh mengundang risiko dijalankan. gan Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Pegawai Strategi Agensi Laksana Sharifah hatan dan Pusat Zakat Majlis Ugama Islam
terhadap kesihatan. “Penilaian ini merangkumi penilaian melalui saluran dana Agensi Pelaksanaan Khairiyah Syed Abdul Hamid, Pensyarah Sabah, senamrobik, mini pameran oleh
geologi dan sekitaran, penilaian hidrologi Ekonomi dan Koordinasai Strategik Kanan UMS Dr Zul Hilmey Makmud dan beberapa agensi, penanaman pokok

Masyarakat disaran tidak gentar salur maklumat kepada polis

Beliau berkata sehingga 30 Jun tahun
dan sumber air, penilaian kualiti dan cara Nasional (Laksana) dan Yayasan Nur Penolong Pegawai Pembangunan Daerah selain pemeriksaan kesihatan oleh Jabatan
ini, terdapat 198 kilang ais berlesen den-
rawatan air, dan penilaian kejuruteraan Jauhar (YNJ). Abdul Rahman Jayari. Kesihatan.
gan KKM di seluruh negara.
“Pada tahun lepas 155 kilang ais
diperiksa dengan 17 kilang diambil tin-
dakan penguatkuasaan termasuk sembi-
lan yang tidak berlesen, manakala dalam Winnie Kasmir nan bahawa identiti pemberi maklumat dan ketua-ketua jabatan yang lain. yang diadakan semasa program Kepolisan
tempoh Januari hingga Jun 2023, SANDAKAN: Masyarakat disaran untuk kekal sulit dan tidak didedahkan bagi Program Kepolisan Komuniti tersebut Komuniti ini dapat memberi manfaat
sebanyak 18 pemeriksaan kilang ais telah terus menyalurkan maklumat mengenai memastikan keselamatan pemberi mak- turut dimeriahkan dengan pelbagai pam- kepada golongan belia yang menjadi
dijalankan dan empat kilang ais telah sebarang jenayah tanpa rasa ragu kepada lumat tersebut. eran dari agensi kerajaan seperti Polis penyumbang terbesar sebagai pelaku
diambil tindakan penguatkuasaan ter- pasukan keselamatan. “Melalui program Kepolisan Komuniti Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) Jabatan Penjara jenayah dari segi kekerasan, harta benda
masuk satu yang didapati tidak Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah, CP Datuk ini, kita memberi kesedaran kepada Sandakan, Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat dan narkotik, katanya.
berlesen,” katanya. Jauteh Dikun berkata walaupun masyarakat masyarakat tentang kepentingan pencega- Sandakan, Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia, Dalam perkembangan lain, Jauteh
Noranni berkata sepanjang 2022 memberi kerjasama erat dengan pasukan han jenayah dan peranan masyarakat di Jabatan Perikanan, Sabah Electricity Sdn menyambut baik peruntukan RM150 juta
sehingga Jun tahun ini, 993 sampel ais keselamatan namun masih terdapat dalam pencegahan jenayah ini. Bhd (SESB), Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara yang telah diumumkan oleh Perdana
telah diambil untuk pemantauan dan 80 segelintir masyarakat yang masih ragu dan “Kita mendekati rakyat dan memberikan dan aktiviti derma darah. Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, bagi
peratus didapati melanggar peraturan tidak tahu untuk menyalurkan maklumat. penjelasan kepada mereka sekaligus mem- Dalam pada itu, Jauteh juga berharap tujuan penyelenggaraan dan naik taraf
ditetapkan. Jauteh berkata antara penyebab beri jaminan bahawa identiti pemberi mak- program Kepolisan Komuniti dapat infrastruktur milik PDRM dan Jabatan Pen-
Beliau berkata pemilik kilang ais yang masyarakat tidak menyalurkan maklumat lumat ini akan disembunyikan,” jelasnya. dihadiri oleh golongan belia kerana statis- jara di seluruh negara, baru-baru ini.
beroperasi tanpa lesen daripada KKM adalah kerana mereka risau identiti pem- Program tersebut turut dihadiri oleh tik kadar jenayah di negeri Sabah menun- Jelasnya, Sabah turut menerima manfaat
boleh dikenakan tindakan pen- beri maklumat akan terdedah. Ketua Jabatan Pencegahan Jenayah dan jukkan 70 peratus kes jenayah melibatkan dari peruntukan tersebut dan akan digu-
guatkuasaan iaitu denda tidak melebihi Berucap pada Program Kepolisan Komu- Keselamatan Komuniti (KJPJKK) Sabah, SAC golongan berumur lingkungan 15 tahun nakan sebaiknya bagi membaikpulih dan
RM10,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi niti (Community Policing) di Kampung Mohd Azhar Hamin, Ketua Polis Daerah hingga 45 tahun. menyelenggara kuarters PDRM di seluruh
dua tahun. – Bernama Tinusa 2 pada Sabtu, Jauteh memberi jami- Sandakan, ACP Abdul Fuad Abdul Malek Justeru, pelbagai aktiviti dan pameran Sabah.
Trump ikrar tidak akan undur
4 Dunia S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I AH AD , 3 0 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
3 maut ditembak
di Augsburg
BERLIN: Tiga mati ditembak di sebuah
dalam saingan ke Rumah Putih
bangunan pangsapuri di Augsburg, sela- WASHINGTON: Bekas Presiden Amerika kepada pelbagai dakwaan sedia ada yang
tan Jerman, lapor Agensi Berita Jerman Syarikat (AS), Donald Trump, pada Jumaat dihadapinya. Beliau dituduh cuba meng-
dpa. berikrar sekiranya disabitkan kesalahan halang siasatan kes salah kendali doku-
Dua lagi mangsa cedera parah dalam serta dijatuhi hukuman atas mana-mana men sulit utama, dengan berkomplot
serangan itu, menurut polis. pertuduhan jenayah yang sedang untuk memadamkan rakaman pen-
Suspek berusia 64 tahun itu ditahan dihadapi, beliau tetap tidak akan berun- gawasan di kawasan hartanah miliknya
tidak lama kemudian di perkampungan dur sebagai calon dalam saingan ke Mar-a-Lago di Florida.
Langweid Bavaria, menurut polis di utara Rumah Putih nanti. Media sebelum ini melaporkan
Swabia. Trump berkata demikian ketika mengikut pertuduhan baharu itu, Trump
Suspek didakwa membunuh dua menyentuh isu pelbagai dakwaan didakwa berkomplot dengan defendan
wanita dan seorang lelaki sekitar jam 7:15 dihadapinya, sehari selepas Pendakwa bersama dalam kes berkenaan, pembantu
LAUTAN Atlantik Utara mencatat rekod suhu tertinggi, malam (1715 GMT) menggunakan senjata Raya menambah pertuduhan terhadap peribadi Waltine ‘Walt’ Nauta, serta defen-
minggu ini, menurut data awal NOAA. – Foto AFP api di sebuah rumah bertingkat di Schu- beliau berkait pengendalian dokumen dan baharu, pengurus hartanah Carlos de
bertstrasse. sulit kerajaan. Oliveira, untuk memadamkan rakaman
Mangsa yang maut ialah dua wanita Ketika ditanya oleh hos radio, John kamera keselamatan di Mar-a-Lago.

Lautan Atlantik berusia 49 dan 72 tahun serta lelaki beru-

sia 52 tahun.
Dia kemudian menceroboh rumah
berhampiran dan mencederakan seorang
Fredericks sama ada keputusan
mahkamah - jika menjatuhkan hukuman
ke atas beliau - akan menghentikan kem-
pennya untuk pilihan raya tahun depan,
Pertuduhan baharu itu berkait per-
bualan antara de Oliveira dengan pekerja
keempat yang tidak dinamakan, di mana
de Oliveira didakwa berkata ‘bos’ mahu

Utara catat rekod

wanita berusia 32 tahun dan seorang lelaki Trump pantas menjawab: “Tidak sama peralatan pelayan berkenaan
berusia 44 tahun menggunakan senjata sekali. Tiada sebarang peruntukan dalam dipadamkan.
api, katanya. Perlembagaan yang menyatakan ia boleh.” Ia turut menambah pertuduhan
Kedua-duanya kini dirawat di hospital. “Ia tidak akan menjadi halangan mengikut Akta Pengintipan berkait tin-

4 maut, 13 cedera
– Bernama-dpa kepada saya. Apa yang mereka lakukan dakan Trump didakwa menyimpan doku-

suhu tertinggi: Data adalah benar-benar teruk,” katanya.

Trump, 77, kali pertama didakwa dalam
men sulit membabitkan
ketenteraan di negara asing.’

terkena renjatan
kes dokumen sulit itu pada bulan lalu, den- Selain itu, Trump juga menghadapi
gan dituduh membahayakan keselamatan beberapa pertuduhan sedia ada, termasuk

semasa perarakan
WASHINGTON: Lautan Atlantik Utara Yin berkata, suhu tertinggi sebelum ini negara berikutan menyimpan maklumat didakwa ‘sengaja menyimpan maklumat
mencatat rekod suhu tertinggi, minggu direkodkan pada September 2022 yang rahsia berhubung nuklear serta perta- pertahanan negara’, konspirasi mengha-
ini, menurut data awal dikeluarkan Pen- mencecah paras 24.89 darjah Celsius. hanan, selepas meninggalkan Rumah Putih. lang keadilan, membuat kenyataan palsu

keagamaan di India
tadbiran Atmosfera dan Lautan NOAA yang menjejaki suhu lautan sejak Khamis lalu, bekas Presiden itu berde- serta kesalahan lain di mana beliau men-

Lelaki bunuh ibu, sembunyi anggota

Kebangsaan (NOAA) Amerika Syarikat awal 1980-an, memerlukan masa kira-kira pan pertuduhan baharu - tambahan gaku tidak bersalah pada bulan lalu. – AFP
(AS), Jumaat. dua minggu untuk mengesahkan dapatan

badan dalam peti sejuk, tong sampah

Perkembangan itu menyusul selepas awal terbabit.
saintis mengesahkan Julai sebagai bulan Isnin lalu, penyelidik Sepanyol memak-
paling panas dalam sejarah rekod, dengan lumkan suhu di Lautan Mediterranean NEW DELHI: Sekurang-kurangnya empat
cuaca panas terik yang diburukkan lagi juga mencatat rekod tertinggi mencecah orang terbunuh manakala lebih 13 lagi
dengan pemanasan global sehingga men- 28.71 darjah Celsius, ketika gelombang cedera akibat terkena renjatan elektrik
jejaskan puluhan ribu penduduk dunia. haba luar biasa melanda Eropah. semasa perarakan keagamaan di Jhark-
BRUSSELS: Seorang lelaki di Belgium men- kan siasatan kes pembunuhan yang mem-
“Berdasarkan analisis kami, purata suhu Menjelaskan lanjut, Yin berkata, suhu hand, timur India pada Sabtu, lapor Xin-
gaku membunuh ibunya dan menyem- bawa kepada penemuan beberapa
tertinggi permukaan laut di Lautan permukaan laut di Atlantik Utara dijangka hua.
bunyikan anggota badan mangsa di anggota badan lain – kepala dan badan
Atlantik Utara adalah 24.9 darjah Celsius meningkat secara berterusan sepanjang Insiden berlaku di perkampungan
dalam sebuah peti sejuk yang kemudian mangsa – di dalam sebuah tong sampah
yang dikesan pada Rabu,” kata saintis di Ogos ini, malah rekod baharu suhu itu Khetko di daerah Bokaro, iaitu kira-kira
ditemui dalam sebuah terusan di timur yang dibuang ke sungai berhampiran.
Pusat Maklumat Alam Sekitar Kebangsaan berkemungkinan besar akan dipecahkan 100 kilometer timur laut Ranchi, Jhark-
negara ini, menurut pendakwa raya, Tanda tatu pada badan itu membantu
NOAA, Xungang Yin, kepada AFP. lagi. hand.
Jumaat. usaha mengenal pasti mangsa sebagai
Lebih mengejutkan, rekod tertinggi itu “Rekod baharu suhu tertinggi 24.9 dar- Beberapa orang yang membawa ben-
Peti sejuk dengan isi mengerikan itu – wanita berusia 70-an, kata jurucakap peja-
dicatat beberapa minggu lebih awal jah Celsius itu adalah satu darjah Celsius dera, terkena renjatan elektrik apabila
dua tangan serta dua kaki – ditemui pada bat pendakwa raya Liege, Catherine Col-
berbanding lazimnya Atlantik Utara men- lebih panas daripada klimatologi normal wayar bervoltan 11,000 terkena paip besi
Selasa lalu dalam keadaan terapung di lignon, kepada AFP.

Al-Quran dibakar: Dunia Islam bakal ambil tindakan, pendirian bersama

capai kemuncak suhu pada awal Septem- selama 30 tahun yang dikira dari 1982 bendera berkenaan hingga mengaki-
terusan pinggir bandar Liege. Seterusnya, anak wanita itu yang
ber. hingga 2011,” katanya. – AFP batkan letupan. – Bernama-Xinhua
Susulan itu, pihak berkuasa melancar- dilahirkan pada 1988, diberkas sebelum
subuh Khamis lalu di sebuah hotel
berhampiran Lapangan Terbang Brussels.
Collignon berkata, lelaki itu dipercayai
ISTANBUL: Negara-negara Islam akan al-Quran di Eropah, baru-baru ini, kata mark, lapor Sputnik yang memetik dibuat. Untuk pertama kalinya, dunia sedang bersiap sedia untuk menaiki
memberi respons kolektif selepas Menteri Luar Turkiye, Hakan Fidan, Jumaat. Kementerian Luar Iran pada Rabu. Islam akan mengambil tindakan dan penerbangan ke Korea Selatan.
mesyuarat tergempar Menteri-menteri Mesyuarat tergempar itu dijadualkan “Pada mesyuarat itu nanti, OIC akan menyatakan pendirian bersama,” kata Hasil soal siasat, katanya, suspek
Luar Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC) berlangsung pada 31 Julai ini untuk mem- menyuarakan bantahan terhadap perbu- Fidan pada sidang akhbar bersama rakan ‘membuat pengakuan’ dan hakim siasa-
pada minggu depan, terhadap insiden bincangkan situasi berkait tindakan atan mencemarkan al-Quran. sejawat dari Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, di tan mengarahkan dia ditahan serta
penunjuk perasaan membakar kitab suci menghina al-Quran di Sweden dan Den- “Saya pasti beberapa keputusan akan Budapest. – Bernama-Sputnik didakwa. – AFP

Indonesia tumpu tiga perkara sebagai pengerusi Mikta

Indonesia JAKARTA: Ketua Pengarah bagi Kerjasama
Pelbagai Hala di Kementerian Luar Negeri
Indonesia, Korea Selatan, Turkiye, dan Aus-
transformasi digital. Usaha untuk mewu-
judkan transformasi digital dilakukan den-
Indonesia, Tri Tharyat, menyatakan bahawa Tharyat berkata beliau percaya bahawa gan membina norma, berkongsi amalan

komited Indonesia sedang memberi tumpuan ter-

hadap tiga keutamaan semasa menjadi
pengerusi Mikta tahun ini, lapor Agensi
Berita Antara.
“Di tengah-tengah krisis pelbagai
dalam situasi persaingan global antara
kuasa besar, kuasa pertengahan seperti
Mikta memainkan peranan penting dalam
memastikan keamanan dan kestabilan.
Indonesia percaya bahawa multilateral-
terbaik, dan menjalin tindak balas dan tin-
dakan bersama yang lebih intensif.
“Ketika menghadapi cabaran ekonomi
dan keselamatan global yang belum pernah
terjadi sebelumnya, Mikta akan sentiasa

bangunkan dimensi yang tiada tandingan, kepemimp-

inan kami memberi tumpuan terhadap tiga
keutamaan,” katanya semasa perbicangan
dalam talian yang dianjurkan oleh Foreign
Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), pada
isme adalah cara terbaik untuk memastikan
semua negara berada pada tahap yang
sama. Keutamaan seterusnya adalah usaha
untuk mencapai pemulihan yang inklusif.
Matlamat pembangunan mampan (SDG)
dipandu oleh nilai-nilai bersama seperti
demokrasi, menghormati peraturan antara-
bangsa, dan multilateralisme,” kata Tharyat.
Mikta menggalakkan kerjasama dan dia-
log inklusif untuk membina masa depan

industri kimia, Jumaat.

Mikta adalah sekumpulan negara kuasa
tetap menjadi agenda Mikta, disokong oleh
dialog inklusif dengan rakan kongsi luar.
bersama yang mempromosikan keamanan,
keselamatan, dan kemakmuran global,

Akhmad Munir
pertengahan yang terdiri daripada Mexico, Sementara itu, keutamaan ketiga adalah katanya. – Bernama-Antara

dilantik ketua
tenaga: Jokowi (tengah)

baharu Antara
bercakap pada
sidang media
JAKARTA: Indonesia komited untuk mem- pembangunan industri kimia di Indonesia.

Henri dan
bangunkan industri kimia dan tenaga, kata “Indonesia menyasarkan untuk menjadi
JAKARTA: Pemangku pengarah utama Agensi
beberapa lagi
Presiden Joko Widodo semasa pertemuan pengeluar petrokimia terbesar di Asia,”
Berita Indonesia, LKBN Antara, Akhmad Munir
atas dakwaan
dengan ahli perniagaan China di Chengdu, katanya.
dilantik jawatan itu berkuat kuasa Jumaat,
China, pada Jumaat, lapor agensi berita Beliau turut merakamkan penghargaan
Antara. kepada pemimpin perniagaan yang menurut setiausaha korporat Antara, Azhari.

KPK akui langgar kod prosedur

“Indonesia komited untuk memban- melabur dalam pembangunan beberapa Akhmad, 52, akan menggantikan Meidy-
gunkan industri kimia dan tenaga di negara kawasan perindustrian di Indonesia, terma- atama Suryodiningrat, yang meletak jawatan
ini, khususnya di Kalimantan Utara,” suk pembinaan kilang penapisan pada bulan lalu bagi menjawat jawatan Duta

jenayah ketika tahan Ketua Basarnas

Besar ke Romania dan juga ke Moldova.
katanya. petrokimia di Kalimantan.
Sementara itu, Irfan Junaidi, menggantikan
Widodo menekankan kepentingan per- Dalam pertemuan itu, Presiden Widodo
Akhmad sebagai ketua pengarang, dan bekas
aturan kerajaan dalam dasar industri negara diiringi beberapa menteri termasuk Menteri
pengerusi Forum Ketua Pengarang Indonesia,
untuk menyokong ekonomi hijau yang dis- Koordinator Pembangunan Manusia dan Kemal Effendi Gani sebagai pengerusi lembaga
asarkan. Hal Ehwal Kebudayaan Muhadjir Effendy; penyelia menggantikan Widodo Muktiyo.
“(Peraturan) mengandungi sasaran, Menteri Penyelaras Maritim dan Hal Ehwal JAKARTA: Suruhanjaya Pembasmian Rasuah paikan kepada panglima Angkatan Ten-
Agensi berita itu mengucapkan terima (KPK) pada Jumaat mengaku bahawa penyi- tera,” kata Johanis pada sidang akhbar di
penggunaan, penyediaan, dan pengedaran Pelaburan Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan; dan kasih kepada Widodo dan Meidyatama atas
bahan kimia berasaskan minyak, gas dan Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi. asatnya melanggar kod prosedur jenayah pejabatnya di Jakarta.
sumbangan mereka untuk organisasi itu apabila menahan Ketua Badan Mencari dan Johanis menjelaskan sistem keadilan
arang batu,” katanya. Menteri Pelaburan Bahlil Lahadalia, dan selama bertahun-tahun, kata Azhari dalam
Beliau seterusnya berkata, ahli pernia- Duta Besar Indonesia ke ChinaDjauhari Menyelamat Nasional (Basarnas) Henri Indonesia memisahkan bidang kuasa
satu kenyataan sambil menambah Antara
gaan yang menghadiri mesyuarat itu Oratmanguna turut menyertai mesyuarat Alfiandi dan orang bawahannya – kedua- antara mahkamah awam dan tribunal ten-
bersedia untuk bekerjasama dengan Irfan dan

Usaha menyelamat pelombong terperangkap diteruskan

diharap dapat memainkan peranan dalam itu. – Bernama-Antara duanya adalah pegawai tentera aktif. tera. Suspek penjenayah dari tentera dike-
Kemal Effendi. – Bernama
Lapor portal Jakarta Globe, Timbalan nakan tindakan mahkamah tentera
Pengerusi KPK Johanis Tanak memohon walaupun prosiding itu mungkin meli-
maaf kepada Tentera Indonesia (TNI) atas batkan kerjasama dengan agensi pen-
kejadian itu, walaupun siasatan jenayah ter- guatkuasaan undang-undang awam.
JAKARTA: Agensi penyelamat Indonesia, melibatkan lebih 220 anggota Basarnas, Sementara itu, Polis Banyumas sudah hadap dua pegawai dan tiga suspek lain Pada Rabu, KPK berkata, dua pegawai
Basarnas telah menghantar sepasukan polis dan tentera telah dikerah di Pan- menahan tiga individu berhubung keja- akan diteruskan. Basarnas itu ditahan kerana didakwa
10 pakar ke Jawa Tengah susulan insi- curendang. dian itu dan kini sedang menjejaki seo- Naib Marsyal Udara Henri Alfiandi dita- menerima bayaran daripada ahli pernia-
den lapan pelombong emas ter- Objektif utama pasukan penyelamat rang lagi suspek. han awal minggu ini kerana didakwa gaan yang dianugerahkan projek mem-
perangkap sedalam 60 meter di adalah untuk mengepam air Objektif Kesemua suspek adalah penduduk menerima wang rasuah Rp88 bilion bekalkan alat pengesan nyawa, peralatan
lombong haram di Pancurendang, utama pasukan penyelamat adalah Ajibarang dan berdepan pertuduhan (RM26.8 juta) semasa berkhidmat di Basar- menyelam keselamatan dan peralatan men-
Banyumas sejak Rabu. untuk mengeluarkan air di dalam melanggar Undang-undang No. 3 nas bermula pada 2021. Penyelaras Pentad- cari dan menyelamat (SAR) lain.
Ketua Basarnas Daerah Cilacap, Adah lubang perlombongan sedalam 60 Tahun 2020 tentang Pindaan Undang- biran Basarnas Afri Budi Cahyanto ditahan Secara keseluruhan, terdapat lima sus-
Sudarsa berkata, masyarakat setempat meter dan lima pintu masuk air Undang No. 4 Tahun 2009 Pertamban- di tempat kejadian selepas didakwa mener- pek dalam kes itu, termasuk Henri, Afri, dan
dan anggota keluarga turut giat mem- berdekatan. Untuk mencapai matlamat gan Mineral dan Perlombongan. ima wang tunai Rp1 bilion daripada seo- tiga ahli perniagaan daripada vendor yang
bantu menjelang hari keempat misi ini, mereka menggunakan 13 mesin Ketiga-tiga suspek yang dikenal pasti rang ahli perniagaan semasa transaksi di dianugerahkan. Identiti mereka
mencari dan menyelamat. pam. sebagai pemilik tanah, pemilik tapak, dalam kompleks markas tentera di Jakarta didedahkan sebagai Mulsunadi Gunawan,
“Kami berharap keseluruhan proses Lapan pelombong itu dilaporkan ter- pelabur dan pengendali lombong Timur. ketua pesuruhjaya Multi Grafika Cipta
pemindahan berjalan lancar,” kata perangkap sejak Rabu 7 pagi waktu didakwa bertanggungjawab terhadap “Terdapat kesilapan dalam pasukan Sejati; Marilya, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
Sudarsa dalam satu kenyataan. Indonesia Barat, apabila air membanjiri aktiviti melombong emas secara haram kami yang melakukan penangkapan, dan Intertekno Grafika Sejati; dan Roni Aidil,
Operasi mencari dan menyelamat kawasan itu. di kawasan itu. – Bernama dengan itu kami memohon maaf kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kindah Abadi
rakan-rakan kami di TNI dan akan disam- Utama. – Agensi
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I AH AD , 3 0 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 Sastera & Budaya 5
D Pelarian pertama & terakhir
IA perlu lari dari buruan dan
tangkapan sekarang. Lari
sejauhnya tanpa meninggalkan
sebarang petunjuk ke pada sesiapa
sahaja. Dia tidak akan berada lebih
lama lagi di sini sebelum tertangkap orang. Dia memang tidak percaya cerita
atas kesalahan yang telah dilakukannya karut dan tahyul itu sejak di usia remaja.
sebentar tadi. Kesalahan yang Cerita sebegitu sengaja direka-reka bagi
mengheretnya ke tali gantung selepas menakutkan sesiapa yang suka keluar
dibuktikan bersalah melalui proses rumah berembun hingga tengah malam.
siasatan lanjut dan perbicaraan Perjalanan ini belum cukup jauh
mahkamah. Jika duduk bertahan di buatnya meninggalkan kota dan tempat
rumah ini bila-bila masa dia akan tinggal walaupun hampir satu jam dia
ditangkap. Biarlah lari jadi buruan duduk memandu kereta. Dia ingin pergi
asalkan bebas bergerak tanpa halangan. sejauh yang boleh dari gangguan rasa
Otaknya tengah berfikir mencari bersalah menuju ke tempat lain. Terutama
tempat persembunyian selamat. Perkara kawasan sunyi dan terpencil dipenuhi
itu lebih mustahak dari segala-gala. Dia hutan rimba. Kawasan jauh dari
juga belum pasti ke mana arah hendak pengelihatan mata kasar mereka yang
dituju dalam keadaan gelisah, takut dan memburunya.
fikiran bercelaru. Dunia ini baginya terasa Apakah kenderaan dipandunya
kecil untuk melarikan diri. Hendak pergi bersendirian ini mampu bergerak lebih
ke mana sahaja dia terasa seperti dijejaki. laju meninggalkan mereka yang sedang
Ketelanjurannya sudah menjadi masalah memburunya tidak lama lagi? Selaju
besar yang terpaksa dipikulnya mana dia memecut namun tetap kurang
berterusan. memuaskan hatinya juga. Mereka yang
Perbuatan itu tidak pernah terlintas mencari dan memburunya terasa “Sampai hati kau menduakan aku
sedikit pun di fikirannya untuk berbuat bertambah dekat serta berada di mana- selama ini,” katanya nada kesal dan
demikian. Dia sedar perasaan marah dan mana. terkilan mengenangkan perbuatan NR RAHIM dilahirkan di Pimping,
cemburu tidak terbendung lalu nekad Mungkin esok atau lusa berita isterinya. Hancur luluh hatinya Membakut di Kampung Tanjung Aru
bertindak. Tangannya sendiri sudah pembunuhan itu bakal tersebar luas di mengetahu wanita yang ditatangnya Lama, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Beliau
bergelumang dosa yang tidak terhapus. media cetak dan elektronik. Dia pasti penuh kasih sayang tergamak berlaku mula berjinak dalam penulisan pada
Dia kini seorang pembunuh yang mereka berusaha mencari berberapa serong semasa ketiadaannya di rumah akhir pertengahan tahun 1980an dan
melenyapkan dua nyawa dengan tikaman petunjuk untuk mengesannya. Samada berberapa hari ini. Dia tidak menyangka telah menghasilkan hampir seratus
entah berberapa kali. Pisau tajam berkilat sedar atau tidak mereka tetap menemui wanita yang menjaga makan, minum dan buah cerpen yang kebanyakannya
dibelinya di sebuah pasaraya yang hal bersangkutan simati dapat dikaitkan pakaiannya selama ini berubah hati dan tersiar di akhbar tempatan, seperti di
digunakan membunuh mangsa dengan suspek. Pembunuhan fikiran. Tindak tanduk isteri yang Harian Ekpress, The New Sabah
kemudian dibuang ke dalam tasik buat memerangkap dirinya bermotifkan menimbulkan kecurigaannya, Times dan Utusan Borneo. Selain
melenyapkan bukti. Darah kedua mangsa cemburu. Dia sedar bahaya makin rapat membongkar kecurangan itu. Karya giat menghasilkan cerpen, puisi
dibiarkannya pula membasahi selimut ini harus dielakkannya segera. Perkahwinan mereka berusia lima NR Rahim merupakan karya utamanya. Kini
dan cadar di bilik hotel budget tapi Jam di tangannya sudah menunjukkan tahun jelas tidak menghasilkan sebarang beliau bertugas di daerah Kudat,
berharap tiada sebarang petunjuk dapat pukul 12.30 malam. Hari ini Rabu minggu sebarang zuriat mungkin menyebabkan apa yang sudah berlaku. Hatinya nekad Sabah sebagai pegawai awam di
ditemui. ketiga bulan April tahun 1978. Malam isterinya kesunyian lalu nekad hendak pergi jauh, menyelamatkan diri. bahagian pasukan keselamatan.
Semasa sedang berada di dalam rumah Rabu terpahatlah noda diingatannya yang menjalinkan hubungan terlarang dengan
sewa, dia sibuk bersiap mengemaskan Lima tahun kemudian.
tidak terlupa begitu sahaja. Kekal di lelaki lain. Tentu ada soal lain yang dia Bosan hidup selaku orang buruan dan
pakaian dan mengambil apa-apa yang ingatan bila-bila masa. Bagaikan dia baru gerangannya wanita bersuara dari dalam
tidak sedari menyebabkan isterinya pelarian yang mengharungi pelbagai
patut dbawa pergi. Tiada sesiapa pun bermimpi melakukan pembunuhan ngeri itu. Suara yang didengarnya mirip pula
menemui lelaki itu secara sulit. Puas dia kesukaran di bumi Kalimantan, dia
menyedarinya pulang di tengah malam sebentar tadi. suara arwah isterinya. Ah, mungkin cuma
mencari punca isterinya berlaku serong, mengambil keputusan pulang ke
buta begini. Jiran-jiran sebelah rumahnya Sungguh dia tidak menyangka kebetulan sahaja.
jawaban ditemuinya tetap samar-samar. permukiman asalnya di pinggir bandar
sedang tidur lena bergelut mimpi. Soal tergamak membunuh gara-gara rasa sakit Wanita bertubuh gempal yang muncul
Seribu satu macam perkara terlintas di Api-api. Agak lama dia tidak menjejakkan
mereka dia tidak perdulikan sangat. Dia hati tidak terbendung melihat perbuatan di pintu pada tengahari itu terperanjat
kepalanya memikirkan sikap isterinya kaki ke sana sejak menghilangkan diri.
mahu melarikan diri sejauh mungkin. terkutuk kedua pasangan yang dibuai melihatnya muncul tidak diduga. Dia
begitu menjengkelkan. Apakah perkara Apa hendak berlaku ke atas dirinya sudah
Keluar rumah membawa diri ke mana keasyikan hingga lupa diri. Perasaannya tercegat berdiri melihat perubahan sana-
ini berpunca dari kelemahannya selaku tidak jadi perkiraan. Dia nekad ingin
sahaja. jijik melihat kedua makhluk yang cukup sini ke atas lelaki yang dirinduinya sekian
seorang suami yang terlalu sibuk pulang menjenguk tempat yang
Kereta Mercedes putih dipandunya laju menyakitkan hatinya. lama. Berbadan kurus tidak terurus.
memikirkan hal lain hingga mengabaikan dirindunya bertahun-tahun. Rindu
mengharungi kesunyian malam kelam Pembunuhan yang memang dia rasa “Abang!” suara wanita itu seperuh
tanggungjawabnya? Perkara telah terjadi membara tidak tertahan dan ingin
dingin. Malam sebegini sunyi sekali- wajar lakukan biarpun menyalahi menjerfit.
tidak berupaya diperbetulkannya seperti melihat tempat yang telah
sekala menyeramkan bulu tengkuknya. undang-undang. Perbuatan dilakukannya “Sumarti?” balasnya ragu-ragu samada
sediakala. Dia pasrah menerima takdir ditinggalkannya sekian lama.
Dia langsung tidak melihat apa-apa demi menebus rasa malu dan kelakian wanita ini memang isterinya.
yang telah berlaku ini. Kepulangan ini bakal mencetuskan
kepelikan terjadi di sepanjang perjalanan yang tercabar. Dia tidak sesekali menyesal. “Ya, bang,” jawab Sumarti terus rapat
Dia tidak ingin mengingati semula semula masalah yang disedarinya sejak
ini. Tidak mungkin orang sudah mati Berani buat, beranilah tanggung, fikirnya memeluknya bercampur esak tangis. Agak
detik-detik yang dilaluinya bersama bekas mula. Dia sendiri tidak mengerti mengapa
dibunuhnya bangkit menjadi hantu terus memandu laju menuju ke destinasi lama dia tidak mendakap tubuh
isteri berberapa bulan lalu. Batinnya harus tergesa-gesa pula dalam keadaan
bergentayangan sana-sini menganggu yang tidak dipastikan. suaminya.
cukup terseksa mengenangkan terhadap tidak bersedia. “Eh, tapi bukankah kamu sudah
Tetapi dia ingin pulang menatap meninggal..” ayat itu tidak dapat
SURAT PERTAMA UNTUK ANAKKU tanpa tutup kepala. tempat kediamannya sejenak buat diteruskannya. Perkara sebenar yang
JADILAH SEORANG YANG RENDAH melenyapkan perasaan rindu. Lima tahun berlaku dibiarkannya terbenam di hati.
HATI1 Tidur di atas lantai hanya beralaskan kain dia menghilangkan diri tiada sebarang Dia tidak percaya wanita dibunuhnya
mesra dengan kanak-kanak khabar berita. Kes pembunuhan lima tahun lalu muncul di depan mata
Bauan ubat di bilik dingin dan menyantuni mereka. dilakukannya tentu sudah ditutup kerana seolah hidup kembali. Apakah Sumarti
sungguh menyengat deria hidung. ketiadaan bukti jelas meyakinkan bangkit mahu membalas dendam?
Menerima apa sahaja pemberian pengawai penyiasat meneruskan siasatan Mustahil! Kedua-belah kaki Sumarti
Aku baring di tilam janganlah kau memilih-milih anakku kes. Begitulah yang dia harapkan. dilihatnya jejak ke tanah. Teragak-agak
berlapik kain putih Rasul kita bergaul dengan orang fakir Bagaimanakah rupa bentuk kediaman dia membalas pelukan Sumarti. Dia
sambil melihat siling. miskin. dua tingkat yang telah ditinggalkannya membiarkan dirinya dipeluk erat.
itu? Apakah rumah tersebut kini kosong Bagaikan bermimpi dia berada di situasi
Aku seorang di dalam bilik Pakaiannya tidak berlebihan dan terbiar ditumbuhi semak samun yang begini.
yang hening sambil merenung sederhana tumbuh subur menjalar dan banyak “Hiss, apa yang abang merepak ini?”
sebatang pen dan helaian dan kemanisan hidup tanamkan tawadhu dalam hatimu kerosakkan sana-sini? Persoalan itu Sumarti terkejut, melepaskan dakapan.
kertas putih tersusun kemas. Ibu tidak ada harta untuk kesenanganmu anakku bermain difikirannya semasa dalam Wajah lelaki itu dipandangnya penuh
hanya sepucuk surat jaga peribadi, jaga hatimu anakku. perjalanan menaiki bas memuatkan 30 kehairanan.
Semalam aku datang dengan ambulans. sebagai pedoman hidupmu. orang penumpang. Perjalanan jauh yang “Bukan saya yang meninggal, tapi
kesihatanku semakin merosot Kulipat kertas putih coretan pertama cukup meletihkannya duduk lama dan abang itu yang hilang masa pergi ke laut
badanku lemah Wahai anak lelaki atau perempuanku suratku memakan masa selama lapan jam untuk memancing 5 tahun dulu. Kawan abang
tarikan nafas singkat termengah- ibu tidak dapat menatap wajahmu buat anak lelaki atau perempuanku. sampai. Hatinya berdoa semoga tiada yang seorang itu mati lemas, abang pula
mengah. saat lahirmu di dunia. kumasukkan ke dalam sampul berlaku kejadian buruk masa tiba ke tiada khabar berita hinggalah sekarang
berwarna ungu warna kegemaranku rumah lamanya nanti. baru timbul,” jelas Sumarti rasa jengkel.
000 Tidak dapat mendengar kutulis nombor satu di atas sampulnya. Sekali-sekala dia dihantui perasaan “Entahlah, saya betul-betul bingung dan
tangisanmu yang pertama bimbang tentang kedatangannyaa akan tidak faham langsung,” ujarnya serba-
“Selamat pagi doktor, ketika badan berlumuran darah 000 disedari sesiapa. Terutama mereka yang salah.
maaf lambat datang ya doktor” keluar dari rahimku. mengenalinya. Maklumlah dia orang “Ah, tidak lama lagi abang akan ingat
Wajah doktor muda bercermin mata “Puan nampaknya kandungan sedang diburu dan dicari. Namanya tidak semula itu nanti, tapi syukurlah abang
besar Maafkan ibu kerana tidak dapat dalam keadaan yang baik, akan terpadam dari senarai orang yang selamat dan masih hidup lagi,” kata
bertudung merah jambu. memandikanmu buat kali pertama Kesihatan dalam keadaan yang terkawal“ dikhendaki. Bila-bila masa dia boleh Sumarti nada gembira. Suami yang
dan menyelimutmu dengan senyum doktor Faridah. tertangkap selepas polis mendapat ditunggunya telah pulang hasil berkat
“Oh, tak apa, puan, lampin putih diiringi wangian. maklumat yang dia berada di sini. doa yang tidak putus dipohon kepada
bagaimana keadaan sekarang?” “Ini amat luar biasa puan Kejadian lima tahun lalu masih kekal Tuhan siang dan malam.
doktor muda yang manis itu Ibu tidak dapat mengelus pipi polosmu tapi penjagaan kesihatan mesti dibuat“ diingatan jiran-jirannya dan tidak Budak lelaki yang ditenungnya lama-
memberikan senyuman mekar maafkan ibu kerana tidak mengiringimu Sambung doktor Faridah lagi. mungkin mereka lupakan begitu sahaja. lama ternyata mirip wajahnya. Budak
menghilangkan rasa gementar hingga usia dewasamu
Mereka tentu mengenali wajahnya yang lelaki itu ketakutan dan bersembunyi di
dan kerunsingan fikiran. mengisi setiap masa usiamu. Usia kandunganku biarpun ditumbuhi misai dan janggut. belakang punggung Sumari berbalut kain
sudah mencecah empat bulan Semasa dia menjejakkan kaki ke bekas batik tiba-tiba. Budak itu mengintainya
Mengalami lemah jantung Ibu tidak menjagamu
tempat tinggal, bentuk rumah berkali-kali.
di usia sudah lanjut dari ubun-ubunmu lembut. “Puan, tidak mahu mengetahui dipandangnya itu tiada banyak berubah. “Asrul, ini ayah kamulah,” jelas
tidak mungkin memberi peluang hingga kakimu melangkah pantas jantina anak puan?“ Tetap macam yang dulu. Perasaannya sayu Sumarti, memandang anaknya dan
aku menitipkan zuriat, berlarian.
menatap rumah teres dua tingkat itu tersenyum ke arah suaminya. Kepala
penyambung waris keturunanku wangian syurga ibu “Tidak doktor, biarlah nanti sejenak. Rumah menyimpan banyak budak itu diusap-usapnya tanda sayang
di dunia ciptaan Tuhan. dan tangisku ingin menghidu bauan lahirnya saja diketahui“ kenangan hidupnya di samping bekas tidak berbelah-bahagi.
badanmu. Doktor muda yang tinggi lampai itu isteri tersayang. “Anak?” Dia hampir tidak percaya yang
“Puan tidak boleh mengandung hanya mendiamkan diri. Alangkah terkejutnya dia melihat budak lelaki di depan ini anak
nyawa puan jadi taruhan“ Ibu mahu membelaimu lembut
penuh kasih sayang sebuah kereta Mercedes putih yang kandungnya sendiri.
Sembilan bulan lalu 000 ditinggalkannya di tepi jalan lima tahun “Ya, sebelum abang hilang saya sudah
doktor Faridah memberikan amaran gelora hati ibu seperti deruan ombak
menghempas batuan lalu, berada di halaman rumah ini. mengandung 6 bulan. Anak ini memang
kepadaku. Selesai surat pertama buat anakku Kepalanya bingung memikirkan siapakah dari benih abang sendiri. Abang sudah
di pinggiran pantai berpasir putih. kusimpan kemas dalam kotak kaca. meletakkan kereta itu di sini. Setahunya lupakah?” Sumarti berusaha meyakinkan
Aku merenung perutku satu telah diisi kereta yang ditinggalkannya itu tentu suaminya yang curiga itu.
yang semakin membesar. Surat ibu yang pertama ada enam masih kosong
wahai anak lelaki atau perempuanku. dialih ke tempat lain oleh pihak berkuasa Agak payah dia mengingati perkara
“Apa khabar anakku lima hari di wad cukup yang sudah 5 tahun berlalu. Lengan kiri
jadilah seorang yang tawadhu. tempatan. Dia berdiri di luar
terus sihat di dalam ya.“ untuk mengisi keenamnya.
memerhatikan pintu rumah sedang dicabutnya kuat-kuat terasa sakit dan
Tunduk pada kebenaran terbuka itu dan sekelilingnya penuh mengesahkan dia tidak bermimpi. Dia
Kuwariskan senyumanku di bibirmu Sebelum suntikan anesthesia epidural
yang datang dari mana pun kehairanan. Halaman rumah ini bersih berada di alam realiti
kuamanahkan lirikan mata di wajahmu diberikan
semaikan jiwa pengasih terjaga. membingungkannya. Sukar diterima akal.
lontarkan senyumanmu pada malam sebelum pembedahan.
dan sikap lemah lembut tanpa Siapakah penghuni barunya? Asyik dia “Asrul, ini ayah kamu nak. Peluklah
menjelajah dunia memberi kebahagiaan
membezakan siapapun yang kau temui. memerhatikan sana-sini, dia terpandang ayah itu,” pujuk Sumarti lembut.
kepada setiap insan Aku memejamkan mata merehatkan
seorang budak lelaki berdiri di muka Budak lelaki yang cuba dihampirinya
kuturunkan DNA kepada anakku. badan
Anakku, kukuhkan sifat rendah hati1 pintu. Wajah anak kecil berusia di terus mengelak. Menangis ketakutan dan
meredakan kepayahan tarikan nafas.
miliki akhlak Nabi Muhammad SAW lingkungan 5 tahun itu dipandangnya bersembunyi di belakang Sumarti,
000 doaku pada Ilahi berikan masa untukku
Janganlah sekali kau sombong lama-lama. Anak siapakah ini dan mana mengesat air matanya di kain batik
menulis surat terakhir untuk anakku.
Kugapai sekeping kertas setelah kau menjadi orang berpangkat. ibunya? Fikirnya, tertumpu ke arah budak “Asrul, kenapa ni? Itukan ayah kamu!”
dan sebatang pena berwarna biru ada kuasa dalam gengaman Haliza Matali itu yang melihatnya dan menoleh ke Sumarti rasa terkilan sedikit oleh tingkah
ilmu tinggi mendahului masyarakat. Kota Kinabalu dalam rumah. laku anaknya.
“Assalamulaikum anakku“ “Siapa yang datang itu nak?” laung “Tidak mengapa, biarkanlah. Dia masih
Selamat hari lahir ke sepuluh anakku Rasulullah SAW, Rujukan suara seorang wanita dari dalam. belum faham lagi tu,” ujarnya cuba
Bertemu pertama kali denganmu. Jadikan sifatnya kau tauladani 1. Asep Mulana. Muhammad Sang Budak itu diam, menoleh ke belakang menenangkan perasaan Sumarti.
Rasul kita anakku Manusia Akhlak Terpuji. Anak Hebat lagi dan memandangnya dengan mata Wajah Sumarti dan anak itu
Dunia ini penuh dengan cabaran riwayatnya hanya berjalan kaki tanpa alas Indonesia. 2022. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. tidak berkelip. Dia pula menunggu di luar dipandangnya silih berganti penuh
dan mahu melihat sendiri siapakah kebingungan.
Kematian Sinead O’Connor tiada unsur mencurigakan
6 Hiburan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I AH AD , 3 0 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres

POLIS London mengesahkan masa hingga beberapa minggu dan bunuh diri. legasi karya dihasilkan ketika
kematian penyanyi popular asal keputusan jika inkues diperlukan O’Conner yang memeluk Islam pada wawancara bersama majalah People dua
Ireland, Sinead O’Connor pula akan dimaklumkan 2018 namun mengekalkan nama asal tahun lalu, katanya dia telah meminta
(gambar) atau nama Islamnya kemudian. sebagai nama pentas turut dikenali anak-anak menghubungi akauntannya
Shuhada’ Sadaqat tiada unsur Difahamkan, tiada laporan sebagai aktivis apabila berani sebelum memanggil ambulan.
mencurigakan. yang menyatakan kematian mengoyakkan gambar Pope John Paul II “Saya tahu nilai karya selepas
Penyanyi dan aktivis penyanyi terbabit disebabkan sewaktu bersiaran langsung dalam seseorang penyanyi meninggal dunia.
terkenal dengan lagu Nothing faktor perubatan. rancangan televisyen Saturday Night Jadi saya ingatkan mereka panggil dulu
Compares 2 U itu ditemui Pada 27 Julai lalu dunia Live. akauntan sebelum hubungi 911,”
sudah tidak bernyawa di dikejutkan dengan pemergian Tindakan berkenaan sebagai tanda katanya ketika mempromosikan buku
kediamannya di Herne Hill, penyanyi itu selepas keluarga protes terhadap penderaan seksual memoir berjudul Rememberings.
Selatan London pada 26 Julai lalu. terdekatnya berkongsi berita membabitkan gereja Roman Katolik. Nyata pemergian ibu kepada empat
Bagaimanapun, punca kematian menyedihkan itu. Begitupun, menurut rakan terdekat anak termasuk Shane, yang meninggal
hanya akan disahkan menerusi bedah Ada pihak menyangka kehilangan perkara itu sengaja dilakukan bagi dunia tahun lalu itu mendapat

Dolla mahu fokus siri

siasat atas arahan Mahkamah Koroner penyanyi itu secara mengejut pada usia membolehkannya berundur seketika penghormatan terakhir yang indah
Selatan London. 56 tahun mempunyai kaitan dengan daripada arena seni. daripada ramai rakan dan peminat
Proses tersebut mungkin mengambil kematian anaknya, Shane, 17, akibat Pernah berseloroh mengenai nilai yang menyayanginya. – Kosmo! Online

Zheng sukar
jelajah Asia Tenggara bawa watak
EMUNCUL AN kumpulan pop
sensasi, Dolla bagaikan mengisi USAH pertikaikan bakat dimiliki
‘lompong’ dalam industri muzik bintang terkenal dari China, Luo Zheng,
yang sebelum ini dibanjiri dengan 27 (gambar).
kehadiran penyanyi solo wanita yang Memiliki wajah tampan menjadi satu
tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan. kelebihan, malah bakat dan
Berbeza senario berlaku ada era 1990- keterampilannya di layar kaca berjaya
an apabila banyak kumpulan wanita meletakkan Zheng berada dalam kelas
yang mengetengahkan pelbagai genre tersendiri.
muzik ditubuhkan, Dolla dianggotai Deretan drama lakonannya sejak 2018
oleh Wan Sabrina Wan Rusli atau berjaya mengangkat nama Zheng berdiri
sebaris dengan bintang popular lain.

Artis pun
Sabronzo, Tabitha Ariel Lam (Tabby),
Angelina Chai Ka Ying (Angel) dan Namun, pelakon dan penyanyi itu
Noorsyasya Afiqah Shahrizal (Syasya) berdepan satu cabaran dalam karier

perlekeh usaha
dilihat cukup selesa mewarnai dunia lakonannya ketika menjayakan drama
seni tanpa bersaing dengan sesiapa. baharu berjudul Skip A Beat.

saya – Thalia
Justeru, apabila muncul beberapa Zheng menyifatkan, sukar membawa
kumpulan artis wanita yang bukan watak sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
sahaja mempertaruhkan genre sama, (CEO) bernama Gu Yi yang tegas kerana
malah turut menampilkan imej seksi dirinya seorang yang peramah dan ceria.
seperti Dolla. Antaranya, Coex dan The “Bagi saya, membawa watak CEO yang
PENYANYI Thalia Rasul, 35, (gambar) Gadys, ramai berpendapat, Dolla kini tegas mungkin sesuai dengan riak muka
yang kini berada di California, Amerika sudah mempunyai ‘seteru’ yang mampu saya yang nampak seperti garang, tetapi
Syarikat (AS), bakal membawa cabaran menggugat mereka. realitinya, saya seorang yang peramah
negara pada World Championship of Saat diajukan pertanyaan kepada dan ceria.
ANGGOTA kumpulan Dolla.
Performing Arts (WCOPA) 2021 di negara kumpulan yang mula mencipta “Disebabkan itu, saya lebih selesa
itu. populariti menerusi lagu Dolla Make berlakon dalam beberapa episod
Thalia atau nama sebenarnya Ketty You Wanna dan Watch Me Glow ini, Dolla sendiri sahaja termasuk kumpulan. lagu baharu. Dolla juga akan fokus terakhir kerana watak Gu Yi yang ‘bossy’
Natalia Rasul yang juga bekas protege berpendapat, perkara itu tidak Kami lebih selesa untuk fokus mengenai kepada siri jelajah di rantau Asia akhirnya berubah menjadi lemah
Ziana Zain dalam program Mentor 4, seharusnya dilihat dari sudut negatif. cara untuk menghasilkan karya atau Tenggara terlebih dahulu. Siapa tahu lembut apabila dapat memenangi cinta
berlepas ke AS pada 27 Julai lalu dan akan Ini kerana, bagi Dolla, kehadiran muzik yang lebih baik,” ujar Tabby. kami berpeluang mengadakan hatinya, Qiao Jing,” katanya.
berada di sana sehingga 9 Ogos nanti. ramai artis berkumpulan wanita Terdahulu, Dolla hadir ke Balai Berita, persembahan di Indonesia, Singapura, Zheng berkongsi, dia banyak
Dia akan mewakili Malaysia dalam menandakan industri muzik tanah air Bangsar untuk menerima trofi Artis Filipina dan beberapa negara lain,” ujar mengawal emosinya bagi merealisasikan
kategori vokal untuk lima kategori sedang berkembang. Kolaborasi/Duo/Berkumpulan Popular Tabby optimis. watak tegas dalam drama berkenaan.
nyanyian iaitu genre Pop, World, Open, “Dolla melihat situasi itu sebagai yang dimenangi pada malam kemuncak Mengulas kemenangan dalam Katanya, meskipun pernah membawa
Rock dan Contemporary. satu perkembangan positif sebab ia Anugerah Bintang Popular BH (ABPBH) kategori Artis watak seakan sama menerusi drama lain,
Thalia yang ditemui beberapa hari juga menandakan industri muzik kian Ke-35 yang berlangsung di Panggung Kolaborasi/Duo/Berkumpulan Popular namun ini adalah kali pertama
sebelum berlepas berkata, dia sepatutnya berkembang. Sari, Istana Budaya baru-baru ini. yang turut membariskan nama besar membawa karakter tegas dan tidak
ke Amerika Syarikat pada 2021, tetapi “Kami suka mendengar karya artis Ia berikutan Dolla tidak dapat hadir dalam industri, Dolla meluahkan rasa beremosi.
pertandingan tertunda disebabkan baharu atau kumpulan wanita lain. selepas terikat dengan komitmen syukur kerana trofi itu menterjemahkan “Sebelum ini, saya pernah membawa
pelbagai masalah yang berlaku. Mungkin ada yang menganggap Konsert Rakyat Bersempena Sambutan pengorbanan dan perit getir watak CEO dalam drama lain, namun
“Alhamdulillah... impian saya akhirnya sebagai persaingan, tetapi tidak fikir 50 tahun Sarawak Merdeka di Padang perjuangan dalam bidang seni. kebanyakannya karakter biasa-biasa
jadi kenyataan. Tapi cabaran terbesar sebegitu. Sungguhpun begitu, kami Merdeka, Kuching. Trofi kemenangan “Kami tidak sangka boleh menang sahaja. Ada ketegasan, tetapi tidak
perlu dilalui ialah mencari dana ke akan terus menghasilkan pelbagai itu diserahkan oleh Pengarah ABPBH 35 sebab bersaing dengan finalis yang seperti Gu Yi ini.
Amerika Syarikat. karya baharu,” kata Sabronzo. merangkap Pengarang Hiburan BH, mempunyai pengaruh dan popular. “Perbezaan boleh dilihat menerusi
“Antara yang saya lalui ialah cemuhan, Tambah Sabronzo, Dolla tidak Shamshul Azree Samshir. Dolla anggap kemenangan ini bukti watak Gu Yi adalah seorang yang sukar
kejian, diperlekeh serta tak kurang langsung memikirkan soal saingan Berkongsi perkembangan kerjaya penghargaan yang sangat bernilai menunjukkan emosi. Jadi, jika ada babak
memberi harapan untuk membantu tapi ataupun mahu mencabar sesiapa seni, Dolla memaklumkan bakal selepas pasukan dan peminat sedih atau menangis, saya perlu
hanya sekadar cakap kosong. kerana fokus mereka mengembangkan melebarkan sayap ke negara serantau bertungkus lumus hingga Dolla berjaya mengawal emosi,” katanya pada sidang
“Malah paling sedih, ada beberapa karya yang diketengahkan sejak yang sememangnya menjadi impian mengukir kejayaan lagi. media secara virtual menerusi platform
artis pun memperlekeh usaha saya. menceburi bidang seni hampir empat mereka sebelum ini. “Dengan kemenangan ini, kami penstriman, iQIYI Original, baru-baru
Mereka kata kenapa nak susahkan diri tahun lalu. “Awal Ogos ini, kami akan berasakan Dolla sudah mula ini.
sendiri dan ukur baju di badan sendiri,” “Sejak awal, kami hanya mahu melancarkan single baharu berjudul berkembang selepas berada dalam Pada masa sama, Zheng berkata, dia
katanya dalam nada sedih. memberikan yang terbaik dalam setiap Damelo. Bagi mereka yang mengikuti industri muzik hampir empat tahun. mahu tampil dengan kelainan dalam
Menurutnya, menerusi usaha ini tidak karya dan terus mencuba menjadi yang perkembangan Dolla, mereka pasti tahu Kejayaan turut memberi motivasi untuk lakonannya dengan mencabar diri
ramai yang membantu menghulurkan terbaik. Kalau mahu bandingkan mengenai lagu Damelo. Ini kerana kami bekerja lebih keras. Kami juga akan membawa watak antagonis bagi drama
bantuan kecuali beberapa individu selain dengan kumpulan atau penyanyi lain, ia sudah meletakkan teaser lagu dalam menjayakan lebih banyak projek pada atau filem.
keluarga sendiri. akan menjadi sangat negatif. media sosial. masa akan datang, jadi kejayaan ini “Saya teringin membawa watak

Bob sokong Zahid sertai Gegar Vaganza

“Saya juga terbuka mengakui kena “Jadi, apa yang dilakukan, kami “Kami merancang muncul dengan memberi impak positif kepada kami,” antagonis. Saya belum pernah menerima
ilmu hitam ‘buatan’ orang. Tak cukup hanya mahu memberi fokus kepada diri album pertama yang memuatkan lagu- kata Tabby. – BH Online tawaran karakter seperti itu.
dengan itu, saya dapat ‘anxiety’ teruk “Setiap kali ada tawaran lakonan, saya
sehinggakan tak dapat tidur malam pasti akan tanya sama ada ada watak
hampir setahun. jahat atau tidak. Ini kerana saya ingin
“Bila waktu malam saja, saya mula memberi kelainan dalam lakonan saya
‘overthinking’ dan lebih teruk, tangan supaya ada kepelbagaian,” katanya.
PENYANYI Bob Yusof, 42, (gambar) kepada apa yang sepatutnya dia buat. “Ia satu platform yang terbaik untuk
mengigil-gigil sampai sesak nafas. Ketika Skip A Beat adalah drama terbaharu
menyokong dan mengalu-alukan “Dalam industri muzik kita tukar balik posisi dalam industri
sedang tidur boleh terbangun dan daripada China dengan genre romantik
hasrat juara Akademi Fantasia 2 cabangnya banyak. Ada muzik. Mungkin selama ini kita
menangis sesak nafas. yang turut disiarkan di iQIYI Original.
(AF2), Zahid Ahmad platform-platform sendiri dan dikenali dengan muzik konsep lain
“Sakitnya sangat terasa. Tangan Selain Zheng, drama Skip A Beat turut
Baharudin untuk mencuba dia kena pilih satu platfofm tapi di pentas itu dikenali sebagai
menyucuk-nyucuk, perut sakit dibintangi He Rui Xian, Vincent Cao,
nasib dalam Gegar Vaganza yang mana dia kena penyanyi konsep lain pula.
berdenyut-denyut macam ada nadi dan Guo Jia Nan, Zhu Jin Tong, Ken Lok dan
musim ini. tunjukkan dia tetap relevan “Mungkin itu satu tahap permulaan
panas macam mendidih. Saya sentiasa ramai lagi.
Bob atau nama dalam industri. yang baik untuk kita. Jadi tak salah jika
memaafkan sesiapa sahaja yang aniaya Skip A Beat adalah salah satu karya
sebenarnya, Yusrizan Usop “Saya sentiasa doakan Zahid nak masuk GV. Sebenarnya
saya tanpa perlu tahu siapa mereka,” dari sutradara, Jiang Tian Hang yang
yang muncul naib juara Gegar sahabat-sahabat saya dan banyak lagi platform dia boleh sertai.
katanya. sebelum ini pernah mengarahkan drama
Vaganza 9 (GV9) berkata, dia kawan-kawan yang lain terus Sekarang zaman media sosial semua
Baginya, dia percaya setiap kejadian My Uncanny Destiny dan Love Unexpected.
bukan sahaja bersimpati dengan sentiasa ada dalam industri. Juga platform dihujung jari boleh
sama ada yang baik mahupun yang Zheng adalah anggota kumpulan MR-
nasib Zahid, malah menganggap terus sentiasa berkarya dan kekal digunakan.
buruk atas keizinan Allah. X memulakan karier lakonannya sejak
hubungan mereka seperti adik beradik. bertapak dalam industri,” katanya. “Cuma perlu berikan keyakinan
“Saya tak putus asa dan percaya 2018 dengan membintangi drama
“Kami dah macam abang adik dan Dia yang juga peserta AF2 berkata, kepada orang diluar sana yang dia
dengan aturan Allah. Teruskan hidup berinspirasikan kehidupan di kampus
kami sentiasa jaga ‘circle’ kami. Kita GV adalah satu platform yang baik masih relevan untuk berada dalam
macam biasa dengan berniaga di Perlis berjudul Unbelievable Sunny.
faham dan tahu tuntutan rezeki untuk penyanyi dan dia sendiri tidak industri. Lakukan sesuatu yang boleh
dan kalau ada undangan nyanyian, saya Sejak 2018, Zheng sudah
kadang-kadang memang agak susah. pernah terfikir diberikan peluang tarik minat orang lain. Sentiasa ada

Yantzen tidak minat rakam lagu berunsur cinta sesama manusia

akan turun ke Kuala Lumpur. membintangi lebih 10 drama bergenre
Tapi bagi saya, dia kena berbalik menyertainya. perubahan,” katanya. – Harian Metro
“Saya pun terima perkhidmatan romantik. – BH Online
‘review’ produk, restoran dan pelbagai
kolaborasi. Tak ketinggalan saya juga
keluarkan tiga single di mana dua
daripadanya kolaborasi bersama
Kelichap Studio yang juga projek PENYANYI rock terkenal Yantzen yang terbitkan album ini tanya apa yang “Biarlah...mereka memang layak.
sokongan di bawah Kementerian Juniawan, 65, (gambar) memaklumkan saya nak dan saya beritahu impian saya. “Saya teruja kerana lagu Insan yang
Komunikasi dan Multimedia. tidak berminat merakamkan lagu baru “Dia pun setuju. Kalau lagu ini keluar dinyanyikan saya satu ketika dahulu
“Satu lagi lagu ialah usahasama berunsurkan cinta sesama manusia. nanti, orang boleh lihat ia ada unsur diterima ramai. Tajuknya pun mudah
bersama penulis lirik dari Texas untuk Yantzen berkata, pada usianya ketuhanan. Rasanya orang pasti suka. sahaja.
lagu berjudul Forget All About You yang sekarang dia melihat tidak sesuai untuk Saya berduet dengan Jatt Ali untuk lagu “Penulis liriknya Allahyarham Juwie
kerap dimainkan di Boston dan satu lagi menyanyikan lagu-lagu cinta. ini,” katanya. pening kepala nak letak tajuk apa. Saya
berjudul Harapan. Single lain berjudul “Saya terbabit dengan album Yantzen berkata, sekiranya ada lagi baca liriknya dan cadangkan tajuk Insan
Hilang kerjasama bersama Keybond Semangat Zaman 3 dan diberikan lagu lagu baharu dihasilkan untuknya, dia dan dia setuju. Lagu ini sangat kuat dan
Entertainment,” katanya. baharu. Apabila dengar lirik, saya rasa akan berpesan kepada penulis lirik agar berada lama dalam carta lagu,” katanya.
Mengakhiri perbualan, Thalia tak sesuai dan minta ia diubah semula menekankan konsep ketuhanan dan Yantzen bakal menjayakan konsert
meminta semua pihak mendoakan yang agar nampak berbeza. dakwah. sempena ulang tahun ke-20 album
terbaik untuknya terutama agar berjaya “Bila dapat lirik saya tolak. Cukup- “Untuk lagu-lagu cinta, zaman itu dah Semangat Zaman yang diterbitkan pada
meraih pingat emas untuk semua cukuplah saya menyanyi lagu konsep berlalu. Bagilah kepada artis muda 2004 di Zepp Kuala Lumpur pada 29
kategori disertainya. – Harian Metro cinta. Saya dah tak nak lagi. Komposer LY sahaja menyanyikan. September depan. – Harian Metro
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I AH AD , 3 0 JULAI , 2 0 2 3 Hivang Kadazan 7

Intuu’ Kosiga
– Poingkalaja
haid doid
Malaysia Airlines
kihinaid 37 toun
om mininggiat

ANO mooi inum tobpinai,” ka di minamahambai di hahangai “Ingkaa daa iti tosoou ku izou monuat di toun
pason minimbuhai doid modsusuung. tobpinai,” ka di mamai Dousip. Osikap i 2009. Gisom
whatsapp di mamai Sokot. “Onuai itia tambahut ku di tinumon,” mamai Sokot do pinopotuhid di baino kivaa hobi’

Sinuat di
Au’ nokoiho isido do isai i pinopobuzu ka di mamai Sokot. podidiikau disido. Tumounda’ 200 susuzan

Blasius Binjua
mesej di. Aiso do lumbul poinsuang di “Onuai zou do kupi’ O,” ka di mamai mokinongou. Adangan nodii kozo i toniibo’ om sizam novel Kadazan.
hanfun disido. Tinutub disido i hanfun Dousip. pibaasan dioho’. Pibaasan di okon nodii Vookon nopo novel sinuat disido nga’
dau om tihombus no do tuminiim di kupi’ “Avasi do makan kito,” ka di mamai ko miaga haid di toboos om nazakan di Pangkis Pangazou, Sumidang Mai’
O di misun-hisun po. Pinosuung nogi’ Sokot. mintanak vagu nogi’. pahad disido. Tinunuzan disido i Tadau, Tavan om Tana’, Butiza’ doid
doid mija’ disido. Kopituubung nopo i “Makan do tiinu.” “Soou ku om songkuo no umul nu di?” tambahut dau i mamai Dousip do pahad Tana’ om Vaig Babagon. Nokotoimo
munung disido om munung di sangkil “Ahaid no au’ nokosoomo’ diau ka di mamai Sokot i nakapahid do ngaan poingonggom A-One. do Anugerah Penggiat Bahasa Etnik
nopiumanan disido i hinasu. Ontok dii tobpinai. Pio nodii toun i?” ka di Mamai di tambahut disido om doolu’ podii do “Otopot tobpinai Sokot. Koiho ko? TYT 2021.
tahib no i songuhun hahangai Dousip. umul. Insan tadau mamaso zou makan do Magahap nogi’ tobpinai ngaavi’ do
modsusuung. Singgoupo’ no disido di “Kopongo nopo tokou sikul di toun 72 “Nokosuang zou no do tinimungan minsosodop. Tikanas ku nopo nga’ monuat Suzanibo’ kininauu 1,700
tuminiim di kupi’ O. Nokokidum i om au’ zou nodii nokokito diau. Himo intuu’ kosiga,” ka di mamai Dousip. nonsom do tuongou nonsumazan do patod boos om pobuzuon kumaa do
hahangai nokoongou disido do opuod ngoopod om iso’ toun no. Koni? Pio no Nokotungkabang i mamai Sokot do bungo. Maan ku do pamasi do tivou tu’ emel toi’
minum kupi’. Noikot hinasu’ di kupi’ doid tuhun manangaki diau?” ka di mamai onu komozon do intuu’ kosiga. Uot no nosumo mangakan do ginuling. Noikot whatsapp 011 2624 2447/ Blasius
kabang disido. Nokoosi isido do ohonuk i Sokot. isido, “Onu ino intuu’ kosiga?” novutangan i manangaki dogo’. Binjua
kaad disido. Au’ nadadi isido minonohon. “Sizam nogi’ tuhun. Pio tuhun i diau?” “Nokosuang do tuu’ ngoopod toun Pinungaanan zou do mangakan sada’
Pinoguhi’ disido i kupi’ O mantad ka di mamai Dousip. umul,” ka di mamai Dousip. I mamai nobuntung!” ka di mamai Dousip. ogumu’ no i nohuda’ do tuhun minikot
pikakabu’ minahik doid sangkil. “Opod om duvo no.” Sokot nga’ nokosuang no do tuu’ “Odoi podii gia. Atantaman tokou no mantad dahabus pogun. Mongia’
Nokoomuou i mato disido. “Naaha’ zou diau. Kivaa po vagu ngoopod toun umul. Miampon izioho’. dino do kakaal poingizon id tuntu kazu,” momoduung. Kivaa di oduung do
“Au’ ko makan mi baino bos?” ka di mikot?” ka di mamai Dousip. Nokoiak izioho’ ngoduvo. Avasi i ka di mamai Sokot. monongkiambahut. Nga’ manakau nopo
hahangai. Au’ isido nokosimba. Kakaal do “Tanak nodii ngaavi’ o sanganu pandai nopiumanan dioho’ do intuu’ kosiga. Au’ “Nung koiho moboos Kadazan om do’ usin kagazaan dioho’. Kogigiatan
mapui-apui hinasu di kabang disido. dino. Hobi sinapou hobi vinasi,” ka di oikum-ikum. Au’ konini’ ginavo. kalati’ i daa do nunu i takanon di doun dioho’ momoduung i nongokopinsin tu’
Poilulo’ no disido i diha’ dau. Nokosiik mamai Sokot. Miningkoko izioho’ Poimponu’ do pantang do guguhu po. Timpu di aiso po do aisbok. kiusin. Ingaton no. Kada’ do koduung
isido. minongiak. nokohimpantoi do tuu’ ngapadan o umul. Nung au’ agagaan i sada’ do mongonsom, humusi’ di mesej nung au’ no kotutunan,”
Noondom disido i poinsuat doid “Otopot nogi’ tobpinai. Tumunda’ no Avakas, opulokis om okon ko nohoing no. tantu’ no do obuntung” ka di mamai ka di mamai Dousip.
hanfun disido i au’ otutunan. Sohiduko’ kozo iti pogun tokou om avasi do kivaa Tihombus no do minoboos i mamai Dousip. Ouhan izioho’ kopilati’ di “Au’ zou nodii’ oimazaan diti mesej
no vagu disido. Nokoungkodom i mato tuhun tokou mamasok pakalaja’ doid onu Dousip, “Osusu nopo iti koonduan do pibaasan. doid hanfun,” ka di mamai Sokot.
disido do mongiho do mantad disai i. nopo o kaganaan. Kada’ kozo hansan do timpu do baino nga’ om kivaa nodii do “Kano makan tobpinai. Onu maan nu “Siou tobpinai. Itia nopo mesej
“Kau ok ka angkol?” ka di hahangai kukumalaja’ mantad dahabus pogun,” ka hamin pokitamangan dioho’ miampai di iziau?” ka di mamai Sokot. magangat diau mooi inum nga’ mantad
modsusuung. Au’ nokoongou i mamai di mamai Dousip. tanak kohohodi’. Kagagazo nopo nodii “Noko-popongo zou no haid doiho’ dogo’,” ka di mamai Dousip.
Sokot. Aahom i ondomon disido kakaal “Nga’ i podii do kakaal osusa’ om mudong i tanak nga’ kivaa nogi’ daamin. Mimang zou nopo do mi sup “Toi’ gia? Tantaman ku do scammer.
mongiho do isai i kilumbul do miaga dii. pogiuman do mintamong tanak tonini’,” tampat pokitamangan dioho’. Humoing sada’. Au’ nodii songkuo mangakan do Buntung no kozo!” ka di mamai Sokot.
Novukaza’ i mato disido songian ka di mamai Sokot i kivaa do opod om nga’ kivaa ngavi’ pokitamangan.” tangadadaging. Minsavat mai’ o zaa’,” ka “Ahaid zou no mogium diau. Asasauu’
nokopiuman kivaa minomuzai do hikud duvo tuhun manangaki. Tuminiim i mamai Dousip di kupi’ O di mamai Dousip. zou monolifaun diau nga’ au’ kaanu. Avasi
disido. Ogumu’ i booson di duvo tuhun disido. Nakatamis. I mamai Sokot nga’ “Ati! Onuai zikoi duvo mi sup sada’!” nasip tu’ nokosoomo’ zou di Ontoluan di
“Osoodu’ no kozo soovon nu tobpinai,” mohoing i ahaid no au’ nokopisoomo’. tuminuntum nogi’ di sangkil dau. ka di mamai Sokot. songkoniab om pokiiho zou no di lumbul
ka di songuhun kokusazan poingkakat id Noikot hinaid gisom nopohidan di Nazapasan i munung om kabang di Mamaso nodii makan izioho’. Naavi’ hanfun nu,” ka di mamai Dousip.
sonib di mamai Sokot. Miningkakat i mamai Sokot ngaan di tambahut disido. mamai Dousip. Kadansaan nodii do dioho’ minangakan i mi. Au’ i dioho’ “Siou no tobpinai. Pinoohon ku i
mamai Sokot. Hinonggos disido i pahad Nakatamis i kupi’ dioho’. Minamanau i moboos. nimaan ovio’ minongiup di sup. Ogumu’ o hanfun ku. Ogumu kozo o monolifaun di
di tuhun poindoos disido. Opiot i pahad tutok dioho’ songian nosusui haal “Nung kiusin, tomoimo kabalai hamin pinatabung pomoloso di sup tolotian au’ ku otutunan. Kivaa managi do income
disido do huminonggos di pahad di kokomoi pogiuman mintamong. Avasi no pokitamangan do dazanak. Nga’ kosusaan dioho’. Ogumu’ i somboboos doid tax. Kivaa di popoiho do nokoontok zou
tuhun au’ otutunan disido. Nokotingaa’ kozo daa do atamangan di mohoing nopo do au’ moboos boos sondii’ nga’ au’ whatsapp do ogoot nopo do mongiup sup do lumbul kinasip. Kabaazatai zou po om
isido do pipio gonot om umpaasai no i sondii’ i monongodu’ ngaavi’ dioho’. oia’ moboos Kadazan iti sakag ngaavi’ di doid kadai i nasamazan do pomoto di poohono’ kuno i hanfun om lumbul.”
voos di tuhun mongobpinai disido. Kasandad nodii do moboos Kadazan susuzan totopot poingkuo iti mogihohongot nga’ osikap tumatak Osusa’ iti pogigizon doid pomogunan
Nopisok vagu i mato disido. Nolotian di kumaa di sinakagon ngaavi’. Kasandad komohoingan do mamamasi di tobuk. Hobi ginumu’ tabasa’ doid do toondom di mamai Sokot tu’
tuhun di tinabi’ disido. nopo moboos Kadazan mantad di onini’ poguhui’.” whatsapp hobi gumumu’ tuhun di osizan nokoundovot noduung doid tolifaun di
“I Dousip iti. Songovian haid tokou po om au’ nodii mai’ kohiiu i dazanak di Sampalag no i mamai Sokot, “Na… mangakan. Ogumu’ i pogoduan ovudut om popobuvang. Monipu’.
suminikul.” boos sondii’. Nga’ namato sosondii’ di nung au’ koiho moboos i sanganak, tantu’ mangakan. Nobiizung tuhu dioho’. Minomusoou isido do tumood
Navahad i kabang di mamai Sokot mamai Sokot di ontok pagaganak i nopo do au’ koiho’ moboos Kadazan i “Isai no ma tuhun di pinopobuzu do momoguno do hanfun om aiso nodii’ di’
nokoiak. Odtoo’ no kozo disido i pahad di sinavaan disido. Songuhun po tanak tanak. Ohiivan di iti boos dotokou.” mesej?” ka di mamai Sokot. momoduung. Noundoosi isido tu’
tambahut disido i Dousip. Au’ nasantaban tonini’ tamangan nga’ avagat. “Miaga ko ahaid no kivaa no kootulan “Do onu ka dau?” ka di mamai Dousip. tinduon no kozo tuhun nongokopinsin o
isido. Agkahai no disido i mamai Dousip. I Koinggohou do tuhu. Dolu’ po nung kivaa do polinta’ do popoia’ diti boos sandad “Kano mooi inum tobpinai,” ka di pinduungan. Manakau di usin tokuudi’ di
mamai Sokot nodii o minomuzai do do tohu apat tuhun i tamangan. dotokou doid sikul. Asal kivaa do dazanak mamai Sokot. noopi’opi’ mantad napadan toun
hikud di mamai Dousip. Nokotohingi’ i Ontok timpu di mamai Sokot do kiginumu’ do opod om himo tuhun doid Ukabo’ no disido i hanfun dau. Kokito pinakalaja’.
pipio tuhun songindikau doid kadai minamagazo di tanak ngaavi’ disido iso’ sikul kavasa’ mokianu pongiaan boos nopo disido i mesej om pokitanai no di “Pointunud kono do au’ huminusi di
tiinuman do kosuvabon dii. Nokokito di minaganu isido do mintamong tanak tu’ Kadazan toi’ onu nopo boos tuhun mamai Dousip. Nokokidum isido. mesej mantad di au’ nu otutunan. Piingat-
duvo tuhun minihangad. pakalaja’ nogi’ i sinavaan disido. Oubatan mamasok doid pogun,” ka di mamai “Ino no dati’ i scammer, tobpinai. ingat dotokou tu’ intuu’ kosiga no. Agazo
“Nokuo gia tu’ poingkakat kito diti?” do mamazada’ kalaja’ doid koupisan Dousip. Ogumu’ mati’ o toduung do baino. po ginavo do mongkinanauu umul.
ka di mamai Sokot. Noikot no inondos polinta’ tu’ atagakan do toimoon songian “Songkuo vinasi do kivaa no do Piingat-ingat tokou,” ka di mamai Dousip. Kokito nodii di manangaki sumapou.
disido do nokosoomo’ di tambahut do kopinsin. Avasi’ po tu’ apaagat izioho’ undang-undang miaga dino. Koiho po “Poingkuo vagu o scammer do koiho’ Kiguno iti hanfun. Nombo noihaan kivaa
suminikul om guminazo. duduvo misasavo do moboos boos sondii’ moboos Kadazan i manangaki ku ngaavi’ moboos Kadazan? Au’ patut!” ka di di kosindavatan ontok osondiian tokou.
“Ati’!” ka di mamai Sokot naamot do om koiho di do moboos Kadazan i tanak nga nogonop no!” ka di mamai Sokot om mamai Sokot. Au’ tokou kaanu popoiho tanak do
minomihid di hongon dau ngaavi’ dioho’. au’ isido nokopiuman do pinopitapap di “Iti po tuhun tokou di kagagazo nga’ mokituhung.”

BOLA SEPAK – Liga Super 2023 Human Voyage timbang ambil tindakan
Kelantan United ikat PDRM undang-undang terhadap PKBM, Abu Samah
KUALA LUMPUR: Penganjur Le Tour de
Langkawi (LTdL) 2022, Human Voyage (M)
menyelesaikan baki bayaran terhadap
HVSB disebabkan situasi pasca pandemik

di Stadium Muhammad IV
Sdn Bhd (HVSB) sedang mempertim- Covid-19 serta penelitian dokumen yang
bangkan tindakan undang-undang memakan masa.
terhadap Persekutuan Kebangsaan “HVSB mengambil langkah
Berbasikal Malaysia (PKBM) dan mendiamkan diri bagi menghormati
presidennya Datuk Abu Samah Abd perjanjian yang ada antara pihak HVSB
KUALA LUMPUR: Kelantan United gagal Wahab. dan juga pihak KBS,” katanya.
memanfaatkan peluang beraksi di laman Ketua Pegawai Operasi HVSB, Semalam, arena sukan negara
sendiri apabila terikat 2-2 menentang PDRM Shahaizereen A Hamid, berkata tindakan dikejutkan dengan berita mengenai LTdL
FC pada aksi Liga Super 2023 di Stadium itu mungkin diambil susulan kenyataan 2023 yang dijadual berlangsung dari 23
Muhammad IV, Kota Bharu, malam Jumaat dikeluarkan oleh PKBM dan presidennya hingga 30 Sept ini tidak lagi berada dalam
lalu. selama ini yang dianggap boleh kalendar perlumbaan Kesatuan Berbasikal
PDRM selaku pasukan pelawat terlebih menjejaskan HVSB. Dunia (UCI).
dahulu membuka jaringan menerusi Beliau berkata sepanjang HVSB Sebelum ini, Abu Samah meluahkan
rembatan lencong dari luar kotak penalti menganjurkan LTdL pada 2015, 2019, 2020 kebimbangan perlumbaan jelajah
Mohamad Nabil pada minit ke-47 dan 2022, tidak timbul isu berkaitan berbasikal terulung negara itu mungkin
United FC
menewaskan penjaga gol Kelantan United, dengan hutang kepada mana-mana tidak akan berada dalam kalendar UCI
Jose Elmer
Mohd Shahril Sa’ari. kontraktor mahupun pasukan, selain musim depan disebabkan tunggakan
Penyerang import Nigeria, Uche Agba hadiah wang kemenangan juga telah bayaran melebih RM1 juta oleh penganjur
(kiri) pada
menambah jaringan buat skuad Sang Saka dijelaskan. edisi lepas kepada lima pasukan
Biru pada minit ke-54 apabila mudah “Malah HVSB telah membayarkan bertanding.
tersebut. –
menewaskan penjaga gol Kelantan United hutang dari penganjur terdahulu dan Abu Samah dipetik sebagai berkata isu
yang berdepan situasi satu lawan satu perkara ini tidak digembar-gemburkan, tunggakan itu bukan sahaja mencalarkan
selepas menerima lorongan bola rakan malah hingga sekarang PKBM tidak reputasi baik LTdL, malah berupaya
pasukan dalam kawasan kotak penalti. membantu apa-apa dalam hal ini,” menjejaskan minat pasukan luar untuk
Kelantan United mempamerkan katanya, dalam kenyataan. bersaing dalam edisi kali ini dan
kebangkitan dengan memperolehi gol Pada masa sama, beliau berkata HVSB seterusnya, namun memberi jaminan
pertama menerusi Jose Porteria pada minit kelapan dengan24 mata. Mamut hasil hantaran Sony Norde pada memahami situasi dihadapi Kementerian akan berusaha mengatasi masalah
ke-55 apabila mudah menolak masuk bola Di TERENGGANU, hasrat tuan rumah minit ke-66. Belia dan Sukan (KBS) dalam berkenaan. – Bernama
ke dalam gawang gol PDRM. Terengganu FC untuk membawa pulang Bagaimanapun, keselesaan Terengganu
Kemasukan S.Sharvin ternyata mengubah bekalan tiga mata penuh turut musnah tidak kekal lama apabila direntap skuad Jang
nasib Kelantan United selepas beliau
menghadiahkan jaringaan penyamaan pada
selepas terikat seri 1-1 menentang Negeri
Sembilan FC di Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal
menerusi jaringan penyamaan pemain
import Perancis, Hérold Goulon di minit ke-
Hannah yakin isu LTdL
minit ke-70 sebelum kedudukan kekal Abidin (SSMZA), Kuala Nerus. 88.
sehingga wisel tamat ditiup.
Kelantan United kini menduduki tangga
Skuad Penyu ternyata menguasai
perlawanan seawal babak pertama
Terengganu FC kini menghuni tangga
keenam dengan 26 mata manakala Negeri
selesai dalam masa terdekat
ke-12 liga dengan lapan mata selepas 18 perlawanan sebelum berhasil memecah sembilan di tempat kesembilan dengan 21 KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri Belia dan Sukan, menjadi tanda tanya selepas perlumbaan
perlawanan manakala PDRM di tangga kebuntuan gol melalui tandukan Ivan mata. – Bernama Hannah Yeoh percaya isu perlumbaan berstatus ProSeries itu tidak lagi berada
jelajah Le Tour de Langkawi (LTdL) 2023 dalam kalendar perlumbaan badan induk
dikeluarkan daripada kalendar dunia berkenaan kerana masalah hutang
Juventus disingkir dari saingan Eropah perlumbaan antarabangsa dapat
diselesaikan dalam masa beberapa hari ini.
penganjur sebelum ini.
Hannah berkata isu tunggakan
PARIS: Juventus disingkirkan daripada Liga berkata, tambahan denda 10 juta euro “Kami kesal dengan keputusan Badan Beliau berkata Majlis Sukan Negara pembayaran itu bukan masalah baharu
Konferens Europa musim depan kerana (RM50 juta) hanya akan dikenakan jika Kawalan Kewangan Kelab UEFA,” kata (MSN) dan Persekutuan Kebangsaan tetapi sudah lama wujud.
melanggar peraturan kewangan, umum tahun kewangan 2023, 2024 dan 2025 tidak presiden Juventus, Gianluco Ferrero yang Berbasikal Malaysia (PKBM) sedang Ditanya sekiranya penganjur terdahulu
Kesatuan Bolasepak Eropah (UEFA) pada menepati keperluan perakaunan mereka. menambah kelab itu lebih suka berbincang dengan Kesatuan Berbasikal akan dikenakan sebarang tindakan
Sabtu. Juventus berkata dalam satu kenyataan “mengakhiri tempoh ketidaktentuan”. Antarabangsa (UCI) untuk menyelesaikan berikutan isu itu, Hannah berkata: “Jangan
Kelab gergasi Itali itu turut didenda 20 mereka menerima keputusan itu dan tidak Ferrero menekankan “ketidakpastian isu itu. bimbang...tunggu MSN dan persatuan
juta euro (RM100 juta) dengan separuh akan merayu hukuman tersebut. mengenai kemungkinan penyertaan dalam “Naib Presiden PKBM. Datuk Amarjit sukan kebangsaan akan selesaikan
daripada jumlah itu digantung. “Juventus, walaupun menganggap Liga Juara-Juara musim 2024-2025” yang Singh berkata pihaknya sedang berbincang masalah ini.”
“Juventus melanggar rangka kerja kawal pelanggaran yang didakwa tidak penting boleh menjejaskan prosedur rayuan. dengan UCI mengenai cara untuk cari Sebelum ini, Presiden PKBM, Datuk Abu
selia UEFA... dan ia telah diputuskan untuk dan tindakannya betul, mengisytiharkan Fiorentina, yang menamatkan saingan penyelesaian. Tunggu beberapa hari untuk Samah Wahab mendakwa penganjur LTdL
mengecualikan Juventus daripada untuk menerima keputusan itu,” kata kelab di tangga kelapan Serie A musim lalu, dapat maklumat daripada mereka,” 2019, 2020 dan 2022 belum menyelesaikan
pertandingan kelab UEFA bagi 2023-24,” itu. Bagaimanapun mereka menegaskan ia berkemungkinan besar akan katanya. tunggakan hutang lebih RM1 juta, yang
menurut kenyataan UEFA. bukannya “satu pengakuan sebarang menggantikan Juventus dalam Liga Status mengenai LTdL 2023, yang tidak membabitkan hadiah kemenangan,
Badan induk bola sepak Eropah itu liabiliti terhadap mereka”. Konferens Europa. – AFP dijadualkan bermula 23-30 Sept ini, berdasarkan laporan UCI. – Bernama
Kelantan United

SUKAN harianekspres
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I AH AD , 3 0 JULAI , 2 0 2 3
ikat PDRM
di Stadium
Muhammad IV

BOLA SEPAK – Piala Dunia Wanita

Sweden ke pusingan 16 terakhir

WELINGTON, New Zealand: Sweden kejohanan bermula dan terlepas dua
mara ke pusingan 16 terakhir Piala perlawanan pertama Matildas.
Dunia Wanita selepas membelasah Itali Australia menewaskan Ireland 1-0
5-0 pada Sabtu. hasil sepakan penalti untuk membuka
Sweden, yang menduduki ranking kempen mereka tetapi kemudian
ketiga, menyertai pencabar kejuaraan dikejutkan 3-2 oleh Nigeria.
Sepanyol dan bekas juara Jepun di Dengan pertemuan penting
pusingan kalah mati dengan berbaki menentang juara Olimpik, Kanada
satu perlawanan. semakin hampir pada Isnin, pemain
Tiga gol dalam masa tujuh minit berusia 29 tahun itu memberitahu
pada separuh masa pertama media di Brisbane: “Saya akan ke sana,
memberikan mereka kelebihan besar saya akan bersedia.”
ketika Itali bergelut untuk menangani Tetapi Kerr enggan menyatakan
bola mati dan ancaman di udara berapa banyak bahagian yang akan
Sweden. dimainkannya dalam pertembungan di
Pemain pertahanan Arsenal, Amanda Melbourne.
Ilestedt menjaringkan dua gol – kedua- “Saya ingin memberitahu anda
duanya dengan tandukan – manakala segala-galanya tetapi anda tahu bahawa
Fridolina Rolfo, Stina Blackstenius dan itu adalah perkara besar yang lawan
Rebecka Blomqvist turut berada dalam ingin tahu,” kata Kerr.
senarai penjaring. Sementara itu, juara Eropah,
Sweden menewaskan Afrika Selatan England, bimbang dengan kecergasan
2-1 dalam perlawanan pembukaan hasil pemain tengah Keira Walsh selepas dia
jaringan Ilestedt pada saat-saat akhir – diusung keluar akibat kecederaan lutut
juga menerusi tandukan. yang serius dalam kemenangan mereka
Tetapi mereka jauh lebih selesa ke atas Denmark pada Jumaat.
ketika menentang pasukan Itali yang Terdapat beberapa siri kecederaan
masih boleh layak dari Kumpulan G, lutut dalam bola sepak wanita dan
selepas menewaskan Argentina 1-0 pada England sudah pun kehilangan kapten
perlawanan pertama. Leah Wiliamson dan pemenang Kasut
Pertembungan Sweden menentang Emas Euro 2022 Beth Mead atas sebab itu.
Itali di hadapan kurang 30,000 Saingan Kumpulan A yang sengit
penonton di Welington adalah akan diputuskan pada Ahad dalam aksi
perlawanan pembukaan pada hari itu. yang dijangka penuh mendebarkan.
Satu lagi perlawanan menyaksikan Switzerland mendahului dengan
PEMAIN pertahanan Sweden, Amanda Ilestedt menanduk masuk

Oman tidak pandang rendah Harimau Malaya

kapten Wendie Renard menjaringkan empat mata dan berada di kedudukan
gol kemenangan ketika Perancis yang baik untuk mara. Mereka akan gol pertama pasukannya pada perlawanan itu. – Gambar AFP
menghidupkan peluang mereka dalam menentang tuan rumah bersama New
kejohanan itu dengan kemenangan 2-1 Zealand dalam aksi di Dunedin.
ke atas Brazil dalam perlawanan New Zealand mengutip tiga mata,
Kumpulan F di Brisbane. sama dengan Filipina, yang bakal
Selepas seri 0-0 dengan Jamaica menentang bekas juara Norway pada
dalam perlawanan pembukaan, masa yang sama di Auckland. KUALA LUMPUR: Walaupun disebut pasukan itu sebelum ini, tapi kita perlu 2026 sekali gus meraih slot automatik ke
Perancis mengejutkan Brazil dan 49,378 Norway, yang menduduki tangga sebagai pasukan pilihan, pasukan Oman lebih berwaspada dengan apa yang akan pentas Piala Asia 2027 manakala
penonton untuk memastikan tiga mata terbawah kumpulan dengan satu mata, tidak akan memandang rendah pasukan dihadapi akan datang. Yang pasti, pasukan di tangga ketiga dan keempat
menjelang perlawanan terakhir masih boleh layak tetapi mereka mesti lawan mereka termasuk skuad Harimau semua pasukan sedang bekerja keras kumpulan pula berpeluang merebut
kumpulan menentang Panama, yang menang – dan perlu melakukannya Malaya dalam saingan Kelayakan Piala untuk layak dan menang setiap slot ke saingan Piala Asia 2027.
membuat penampilan sulung dalam tanpa penyerang bintang Ada Dunia pada November ini. perlawanan,” katanya ketika ditemui Berdasarkan ranking dunia, Oman
kejohanan tersebut. Hegerberg, yang cedera. Pengarah Pasukan Kebangsaan Oman baru-baru ini. berada di kedudukan ke-73, diikuti
Perancis yang menguasai sebahagian Turut beraksi pada Ahad ialah salah Waleed Al Noumani berkata kesemua Malaysia tewas dalam tiga Kyrgyzstan (97), Malaysia (136), Taiwan
besar permainan, mendahului menerusi satu pasukan pilihan, Jerman, yang pasukan yang diundi dalam Kumpulan perlawanan persahabatan menentang (153) dan Timor-Leste (192) dan kelima-
pemain veteran Eugenie Le Sommer. menentang Colombia dalam Kumpulan H. D pusingan kedua Kelayakan Piala Oman, dengan pertemuan terakhir pada lima pasukan ini tidak pernah layak ke
Brazil bangkit menyamakan Colombia mungkin akan beraksi Dunia 2026/Piala Asia 2027 mempunyai 2015 menyaksikan skuad Harimau Piala Dunia.
kedudukan pada separuh masa kedua tanpa bintang remaja Linda Caicedo peluang sama rata untuk melangkah ke Malaya dimalukan 0-6. Harimau Malaya di bawah kendalian
menerusi Debinha, namun Renard selepas dia jatuh semasa latihan pada peringkat seterusnya. Selain Oman dan Malaysia, turut Ketua Jurulatih Kim Pan Gon, mencipta
menanduk masuk satu sepakan sudut Khamis sambil memegang dadanya. Beliau berkata prestasi kebanyakan diundi dalam Kumpulan D ialah sejarah tahun lepas apabila
pada minti ke-83 untuk memastikan Jurulatih Colombia, Nelson Abadia pasukan bertanding telah meningkat Kyrgyszstan dan pemenang bagi playoff menamatkan penantian 42 tahun untuk
kemenangan. pada Sabtu menyifatkan ia sebagai ketika ini dan setiap pasukan juga telah antara Taiwan dan Timor Leste. layak secara merit ke saingan Piala Asia
Dalam pada itu, tuan rumah “episod keletihan, sedikit tekanan atas menggunakan pendekatan baharu Pasukan menamatkan saingan di 2023 di Qatar, dijadual pada 12 Januari

bersama, Australia, berada dalam penampilan sulungnya dalam Piala dalam strategi permainan mereka. kedudukan dua teratas akan layak ke hingga 10 Februari tahun depan. –
“Walaupun kita pernah berdepan pusingan ketiga Kelayakan Piala Dunia Bernama

Bekas pemain Piala Presiden boleh

bahaya untuk gagal melangkah lebih Dunia senior”.
jauh dalam kejohanan itu tetapi mereka “Ia hanya satu episod dan dia ok

gagal akhiri
mendapat dorongan besar pada Sabtu sekarang. Linda telah mengatasi

sertai persatuan bekas pemain Sabah

apabila kapten Sam Kerr masalah itu. Sama ada dia akan
mengisytiharkan dirinya bersedia untuk bermain, kami mempunyai 24 jam atau

beraksi. lebih untuk membuat keputusan,”
Penyerang prolifik Chelsea, Kerr, tambahnya.
yang menjadi wajah Piala Dunia di Dalam satu lagi perlawanan

Mesir di
Australia dan New Zealand, mengalami Kumpulan H, Korea Selatan akan GL Oh dengan syarat mereka mesti berumur
kecederaan betis pada malam sebelum menentang Maghribi. – AFP KOTA KINABALU: Persatuan Bekas 45 tahun ke atas,” katanya.
Pemain Bola Sepak Negeri Sabah Beliau juga berkata mereka akan

pentas final
membuka pintunya untuk menganjurkan pertandingan dengan
Malaysia kekal dalam Kumpulan 2 membenarkan bekas pemain Piala pasukan yang terdiri daripada bekas
Presiden negeri menyertai sebagai ahli. ahli Piala Presiden dalam masa
Kejohanan Tenis Billie Jean King Cup Presidennya Datuk James Wong yang
membuat pengumuman itu pada
Tambahnya, persatuan yang
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia gagal keluar 1, Sri Lanka 3-0, Malaysia 2-1 dan Jumaat lalu berkata usul itu diluluskan ditubuhkan pada 2017 itu akan
daripada Kumpulan 2 Zon Asia Pasifik Turkmenistan 3-0 dan tewas 2-1 kepada oleh jawatankuasa pada mesyuarat meneruskan objektif mereka untuk KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia gagal
pada Kejohanan Tenis Wanita Billie Jean Indonesia. yang diadakan baru-baru ini. membantu ahli yang memerlukan dan mengakhiri penguasaan Mesir selama
King Cup 2023 walaupun menewaskan Persatuan Lawn Tenis Malaysia (LTAM) “Kami sebulat suara bersetuju untuk membantu Persatuan Bolasepak Sabah lapan kali berturut-turut di Kejohanan
Hong Kong 2-0 pada aksi klasifikasi tempat sebelum ini menyasarkan pasukan negara mengalu-alukan pemain yang pernah dalam pembangunan bola sepak di Skuasy Berpasukan Remaja Wanita
kelima hingga kelapan, di Pusat Tenis dapat naik ke Kumpulan 1 kejohanan mewakili negeri dalam pertandingan negeri ini serta melibatkan diri dalam

Jaissle dilantik jurulatih Al-Ahli

Dunia apabila tewas 0-2 di pentas final
Nasional, di sini, pada Sabtu. berprestij itu. Piala Presiden untuk menyertai kami aktiviti amal untuk masyarakat. pada edisi 2023 di Melbourne, Australia,
Dalam satu lagi perlawanan klasifikasi Dalam ‘playoff’ menentang Hong Kong, pada Sabtu.
kelima-kelapan, Mongolia mengalahkan pasukan Malaysia, di bawah jurulatih S. Keputusan itu menyaksikan Mesir
Singapura 2-0. Selva Rajoo, mengutip mata pertama mempertahankan kejuaraan dunia itu
Malaysia dan Mongolia masing-masing apabila Lim Sze Xuan menewaskan buat kali kelapan berturut-turut sejak
menduduki tempat keenam dan kelima Hannah Shen Kaile 6-2, 6-2 sebelum PARIS: Kelab Arab Saudi, Al-Ahli itu dalam media sosial, beberapa jam edisi 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017
berdasarkan jumlah perlawanan yang Shihomi Leong mengesahkan menamakan Matthias Jaissle sebagai selepas memperkenalkan penyerang dan 2019.
dimenangi dan tewas daripada lima aksi kemenangan dengan 6-3, 6 -3, terhadap jurulatih baharu mereka dengan warga Manchester City, Riyad Mahrez sebagai Kekalahan itu menyaksikan Malaysia
dalam Kumpulan B. Che Sin Yu. Jerman itu berpindah dari kelab juara pembelian terbaharu mereka. sekali lagi kecundang di pentas final
Malaysia memenangi tujuh perlawanan Dalam pada itu, Selva Rajoo tetap Austria, RB Salzburg. Jaissle mengemudi Salzburg menjuarai kepada Mesir buat kali keempat sejak
dan tewas lapan manakala Mongolia berpuas hati dengan persembahan yang Jurulatih berusia 35 tahun itu, yang liga Austria dalam dua musim edisi 2007 diikuti 2017 dan 2019.
memenangi 11 perlawanan dan tewas ditampilkan anak buahnya meskipun dianggap salah seorang pengurus paling mengendalikan kelab itu. Pada perlawanan akhir, Mesir hanya
empat perlawanan. menamatkan kempen di kedudukan meningkat dalam generasinya, menyertai Beliau menyertai pengurus Eropah lain memerlukan masa 27 minit untuk
Malaysia tewas 3-0 kepada New Zealand keenam dan kekal dalam Kumpulan 2.. kelompok pemain ternama seperti Cristiano yang sah dan akan memperagakan mengutip mata pertama menerusi Zeina
dan Indonesia dan 2-1 kepada Mongolia “Menduduki tempat keenam Ronaldo dan Karim Benzema dibawa ke Liga kebolehan mereka dalam liga Saudi musim Zein yang mengalahkan K. Sehveetrraa 3-
tetapi menewaskan Sri Lanka keseluruhan adalah keputusan yang baik

Sadio Mane dilaporkan bakal sertai Ronaldo di Al Nassr

Pro Saudi dengan bayaran gaji lumayan. ini termasuk Steven Gerrard (Al-Ettifaq), 1 (11-3, 11-5, 2-11, 11-10).
danTurkmenistan dengan keputusan 3-0. memandangkan ini adalah pasukan yang “Pengurus bola sepak baharu kami: Jorge Jesus (Al-Hilal) dan Luis Castro (Al- Mesir mengesahkan kejuaraan dunia
Mongolia menewaskan New Zealand 2- muda,” katanya. – Bernama Matthias Jaissle, selamat datang,” tulis kelab Nassr). – AFP ke-10 mereka selepas Amina Orfi, juara
remaja dunia, sekali lagi mengecewakan
Aira Azman 3-0 (11-7, 11-8, 11-2) dalam
tempoh 34 minit.
Ahad lalu, Amina mempertahankan
PARIS: Bayern Munich mengumumkan dalam perjalanan untuk menjalani Ketika Liverpool memenangi Liga menentang Werder Bremen pada gelaran juara remaja dunia dengan
pada Sabtu bahawa penyerang Senegal, pemeriksaan perubatan dengan Al Nassr. Perdana Inggeris buat kali pertama dalam November, Mane mengalami kecederaan mengalahkan Aira 11-8, 11-5, 11-1 pada
Sadio Mane sedang dalam perbincangan Mane would be another major signing tempoh 30 tahun pada musim 2019-2020, pada fibulanya. final acara perseorangan, di sini.
“mengenai pertukaran kelab” dengan for the club that pulled off the first coup Mane menjaringkan 18 gol. Kecederaan itu menyebabkan dia Jurulatih kebangsaan, Andrew Cross,
laporan mengatakan dia bakal menyertai of a raft of signings by Saudi clubs by Tetapi pada musim panas 2022, ketika terlepas Piala Dunia di Qatar pada akur dengan kehebatan Mesir yang
pasukan Arab Saudi, Al Nassr. luring Cristiano Ronaldo, the five-time dia memenangi Pemain Terbaik Afrika, penghujung tahun lalu, satu tamparan dibarisi tiga pemain pilihan utama
Juara Jerman itu mengetepikan Mane Ballon d’Or winner. Mane memutuskan dia mahukan cabaran hebat kepada Senegal. kejohanan.
daripada perlawanan persahabatan di Mane akan menjadi satu lagi baharu. Ketika Mane kembali ke dalam pasukan “Seperti dijangka, kita ber¬depan
Tokyo, membuat hantaran di Twitter: pembelian besar kelab itu yang menjadi Bayern berjaya memikat Mane selepas Bayern pada 2023, masalahnya terserlah dengan pasukan juara bertahan dan
“Sadio Mane sedang dalam rundingan kelab pertama menandatangani pemain menjanjikan dia akan menjadi penyerang apabila dia terlibat dalam pergaduhan mereka telah memberikan kesukaran
kontrak mengenai pertukaran kelab dan ternama dengan memikat Cristiano utama selepas kelab itu kehilangan dengan rakan sepasukan Leroy Sane buat pemain kita yang memberi
oleh itu tidak berada dalam barisan Ronaldo, pemenang Ballon d’Or lima kali. khidmat Robert Lewandowski yang susulan kekalahan kepada Manchester persembahan terbaik masing-masing.
pemain hari ini.” Mane memenangi Liga Juara-Juara dan berpindah ke Barcelona. City dalam saingan Liga Juara-Juara. “Ini adalah satu pengalaman yang
Bekas bintang Liverpool berusia 31 Liga Perdana sepanjang enam musim Selepas permulaan yang baik di Bayern, Bayern dilaporkan mendenda Mane akan kekal bersama pemain selama-
tahun itu dijangka akan menjadi pemain bersama Liverpool dan merupakan tidak lama kemudian ia menjadi jelas sekitar 350,000 euro dan mengenakan lamanya dan skuad negara tidak akan
berprofil tinggi terkini yang menyertai bahagian penting trio penyerang Jurgen bahawa Mane tidak dapat menyesuaikan penggantungan satu perlawanan berhenti berusaha memburu gelaran
liga Saudi. Klopp bersama Mohamed Salah dan diri di Bavaria. disebabkan peranannya dalam insiden itu. dunia ini,” katanya ketika dihubungi
Majalah Bild dan Kicker melaporkan dia Roberto Firmino. Dalam perlawanan Bundesliga – AFP selepas aksi final itu. – Bernama

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