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Elementary - The Clogged Toilet (B0487)

A: 是物业吗?
Shı̀ wùyè ma?
Is this the property manager?

B: 对。什么事?
Duı̀. Shénme shı̀?
That’s right. What’s the matter?

A: 我的马桶堵住了。麻烦来看一下。
Wǒ de mǎtǒng dǔ zhù le. Máfan lái kàn yı̄xià.
My toilet is plugged. Please come and take a look.

B: 你试过用马桶拔吗?
Nı̌ shı̀ guo yòng mǎtǒngbá ma?
Did you try to use a plunger?

A: 试过了。没用。
Shı̀ guo le. Méi yòng.
I tried it. It didn’t work.

B: 好,我们现在就来。
Hǎo, wǒmen xiànzài jiù lái.
OK, we will be right over.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

Key Vocabulary

物业 wùyè property management

马桶 mǎtǒng toilet

堵 dǔ clogged; stopped up

试 shı̀ to try

用 yòng to use

马桶拔 mǎtǒngbá plunger

Supplementary Vocabulary

水管 shuı̌guǎn water pipe

下水道 xiàshuı̌dào sewer

通 tōng to clear a channel

冲 chōng to flush

乱扔 luàn rēng to throw randomly

垃圾 lājı̄ garbage

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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