Paying A Bill

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Elementary - Paying a Bill (B0519)

A: 这里能付帐单吗?
Zhèlı̌ néng fù zhàngdān ma?
Can I pay a bill here?

B: 什么帐单?
Shénme zhàngdān?
What bill?

A: 固定电话的。
Gùdı̀ngdiànhuà de.
Home telephone.

B: 可以。给我吧。嗯?
Kěyı̌. Gěi wǒ ba. ng?
Yes, you can. Give it to me. Huh?

A: 怎么了?
Zěnme le?
What’s wrong?

B: 你的帐单过期了。这里不接受。
Nı̌ de zhàngdān guòqı̄ le. Zhèlı̌ bù jiēshòu.
Your bill is overdue. We can’t accept it here.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

Key Vocabulary

付 fù to pay

帐单 zhàngdān bill

固定电话 gùdı̀ngdiànhuà fixed line telephone

过期 guòqı̄ to expire

接受 jiēshòu to accept

Supplementary Vocabulary

电费 diànfèi power bill

水费 shuı̌fèi water bill

煤气费 méiqı̀ fèi gas bill

最后 zuı̀hòu the last

期限 qı̄xiàn time limit

收到 shōudào to receive

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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