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彰化縣彰化市國聖國民小學 109 學年度第一學期第一次成績評量試卷

領域:英語 四年甲班 座號: 姓名:

一、Listen and Circle 仔細聽,圈出正確的音組 15% 3.

1. d___ am ig

2. p____ en ell

3. v___ am an

4. c___ ub an
□ □
5. f____ ad en

二、Listen and Write 仔細聽,寫出正確的音組 15%

1. v___ an et □ □
2. s___ it ell 5.

3. p___ en am

4. m___ en an

5. b___ it ell □ □
三、Listen and Check 仔細聽,勾選正確的單字 16%

1. □ fifteen □ nineteen

2. □ eighteen □ sixteen

3. □ angry □ hungry □ □
4. □ tired □ sad 7.

5. □ twelve □ twenty
□ □
6. □ seventeen □ sixteen
7. □ draw □ read

8. □ jump □ swim □ □
四、Listen and Check 仔細聽,勾選正確的單字圖片 16% 五、Listen and Choose 仔細聽,依聽到的句子,選出正確的
單字 8%

1.( ) Mary is ___.

1 happy ○ 3 angry
2 hungry ○

2.( ) Danny’s mom is ___.

□ □ ○
1 thirsty ○
2 tired ○
3 sick

3.( ) He can’t ___.

1 draw ○
2 fly ○
3 jump

4.( ) My brother can ___.

1 swim ○ 2 read ○
3 sing
□ □
六、Listen and Choose 仔細聽,選出正確的句子 8% 4.( )

1.( 1 I am happy.

2 He is sad.

2.( )○
1 She can dance.

2 I can draw.

3.( 1 Can your sister fly?

1 angry
○ ○
2 hungry ○
3 thirsty
2 Can your brother sing?

4.( 1 Can you fly?

)○ 九、Read and Check 勾選出正確的圖片 8%
2 Can you draw?
○ 1. It’s a big rabbit.

七、Listen and Choose 仔細聽,選出正確的圖片 6%

1. ( )○
1 ○

□ □
2. My father is a teacher.

2. ( )○
1 ○

□ □
3. He is a doctor.

3. ( )○
1 ○

八、Look and Choose 看圖選出正確的單字 12%

1.( ) □ □
4. My brother is a cook.

1 thirsty ○
2 sad ○
3 sick

2.( ) □ □

1 a nurse ○
○ 2 a teacher

3 a student

3.( )

1 a nurse ○
○ 2 a teacher

3 a cook


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