Chinese Money Denominations

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Elementary - Chinese Money Denominations (B0549)

A: 妈妈,我问你个问题。
Māma, wǒ wèn nı̌ ge wèntı́.
Mommy, I want to ask you a question.

B: 好啊。
Hǎo a.

A: 一块钱里有几个一角钱?
Yı̄ kuài qián lı̌ yǒu jı̌ ge yı̄ jiǎo qián?
How many ”jiao” are there in one RMB?

B: 十个。妈妈问你,一角钱里有几个一分钱?
Shı́ ge. Māma wèn nı̌, yı̄ jiǎo qián lı̌ yǒu jı̌ ge yı̄ fēn qián?
Ten. Let me ask you: in one ”jiao” how many ”fen” are

A: 十个。
Shı́ ge.

B: 对了!宝贝真聪明。
Duı̀ le! Bǎobèi zhēn cōngming.
That’s right! You’re a really smart kid.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.
Key Vocabulary

问 wèn to ask

问题 wèntı́ question

有 yǒu to have

里 lı̌ in

一块钱 yı̄ kuài qián 1 RMB

一角钱 yı̄ jiǎo qián 1 jiao

一分钱 yı̄ fēn qián 1 fen

聪明 cōngming intelligent

Supplementary Vocabulary

货币 huòbı̀ money, currency

人民币 rénmı́nbı̀ Renminbi (Chinese


面值 miànzhı́ denomination

一百 yı̄ bǎi one hundred

一千 yı̄ qiān one thousand

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.
一万 yı̄ wàn ten thousand

一亿 yı̄ yı̀ one hundred million

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.

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