Chinese Seasonings

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Elementary - Chinese Seasonings (B0577)

A: 要什么调味料?
Yào shénme tiáowèiliào?
What seasonings do you want?

B: 酱油、醋,还有辣椒酱。
Jiàngyóu, cù, háiyǒu làjiāojiàng.
Soy sauce, vinegar and chili sauce.

A: 还要什么吗?
Hái yào shénme ma?
What else do you want?

B: 吃饺子还要放些什么比较好吃?
Chı̄ jiǎozi hái yào fàng xiē shénme bı̌jiào hǎochı̄?
What else tastes good with dumplings?

A: 大蒜、麻油都不错。
Dàsuàn, máyóu dōu bùcuò.
Garlic and sesame oil are both pretty good.

B: 好的,这两种都给我一点吧。
Hǎo de, zhè liǎng zhǒng dōu gěi wǒ yı̄diǎn ba.
OK, give me a little of each of those then.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.
Key Vocabulary

调味料 tiáowèiliào seasoning

酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce

醋 cù vinegar

辣椒酱 làjiāojiàng hot sauce

还 hái and, in addition; still

饺子 jiǎozi dumpling

放 fàng to put

比较 bı̌jiào comparatively

好吃 hǎochı̄ tasty

大蒜 dàsuàn garlic

麻油 máyóu sesame oil

种 zhǒng type; kind

Supplementary Vocabulary

调料 tiáoliào seasoning

番茄酱 fānqiéjiàng ketchup

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.
胡椒粉 hújiāofěn pepper

盐 yán salt

咸 xián salty

淡 dàn plain; light

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.

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