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(+91) 8790852840  Email  Linkedin  Github  Google Scholar (320+ citations)

International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H) 2013 - 2018
B.Tech and MS by Research in CSE CGPA 9.15/10 (10/10 Masters)
Adviser: Professor CV Jawahar, Centre for Visual Information Technology

Software Engineer II — AppDynamics (Cisco) May 2020 - Present
· Working on a PoC of creating streaming pipelines using Hazelcast-Jet so as to be able to run
user-defined workflows.
· Worked on building a streaming pipeline which converts open-telemetry data to an proprietary
AppDynamics format. The pipeline is capable of processing all types of open-telemetry data (met-
rics, logs, traces) and uses Jakarta Expression Language so as to allow for flexible configuration.
It is capable of processing a few million metrics per minute.
· Worked on creating a ML platform, a system where millions of streamed metrics per min were
pruned using a Kafka Connect pipeline, & stored using Apache Parquet format on S3 for efficient
retrieval. The stored data is also enriched using Batch pipelines run through Apache Airflow. We
also built an experimentation layer where the end user could access the stored data efficiently and
run interactive queries or build ML models. I owned multiple components of the product such as
the data streaming and pruning pipeline.
· Optimized the run time of our production alerting pipeline by more than 10× through use of
thread pools and separating out workflows so as to run them independently.
· Gave an India org wide presentation on Apache Airflow and alerting automation.
· Part of the security champions program, responsible for testing & fixing security vulnerabilities
and hardening infrastructure.
Software Engineer I — AppDynamics (Cisco) Sept 2018 - April 2020
· Worked on an algorithm in our legacy pipeline for isolating the processing of incoming metrics
from different sources with varying amount of traffic and metadata latency (noisy neighbors)
through the use of multiple executor pools for both requests and metadata.
· Worked on reducing latency in our legacy metric pipeline by replacing synchronized HTTP re-
quests with asynchronous producers-consumers using Kafka.
· Created a debugging application for inspecting Kafka packets in production regarding the pres-
ence or absence of metrics and metadata.
· Worked on a PoC of evaluating Druid as a replacement of our existing metadata store.
· Optimized build workflows by creating multiple tasks to be run in parallel, leading to reduced
build times by about 50% in certain repositories.
Internship — AppDynamics (Cisco) May 2018 - July 2018
· Explored the use of flash based SSD’s for caching in-memory metadata of metric pipeline. We
were finally able to reduce the RAM requirement of our metric pipeline by about half, without
affecting the throughput, through the use of LSM tree based RocksDB store in flash SSD’s.
Graduate Research Assistant — IIIT-Hyderabad May 2015 - May 2018
· Duplicate bug report detection in repositories: Achieved state of the art results in detecting
duplicate bug reports in software repositories using a combination of word embeddings and a deep
neural network. Published in ICSE 2018.
· Handwritten recognition: Developed a CNN-RNN architecture with a spatial transformer net-
work, pre-trained with synth data and using a multitude of data augmentation techniques to show
SoTA performance for Latin. Nominated for best paper at ICFHR’18.
· Handwritten retrieval: Worked on an End2End embedding framework, which uses both an im-
age and a label stream for training & jointly learns the text and image embeddings in a single
stage, using a deep convolutional architecture. The learned representation is shown to be SoTA
for Latin word retrieval. Published at DAS 2018.


Ranked among top 0.3% (amongst 1,200,000 candidates) in JEE Mains 2013
Gold medal for having highest CGPA of 2013 batch B.Tech & MS by Research in CSE program
Scholarship by Army Welfare Education Society for academic performance at IIIT-H
Best Paper Award at DAS’18 for “Word Spotting and Recognition using Deep Embedding”
Microsoft Research travel grant to attend ICSE’18
Awarded about twenty Cisco commendations for helping other teams, debugging issues and work
on various projects.


In a virtual hackathon in 2020 at Appdynamics, my team built a tool using decision trees to help
diagnose build errors automatically. It was able to reduce the time spent by engineer’s in diagnos-
ing build failures by 60%.
Took part in the ImageCLEF 2016 Handwritten Document Retrieval Competition on behalf of
IIIT-H and our team had the highest ranked submission under certain modalities.
Worked on a PoC related to retrieval of student signatures from scanned handwritten quiz papers.
Used varying image processing and Pre-DL computer vision approaches.
Served as Teaching Assistant at Smart Interviews (Monsoon 2017), a course focused on data
structures & algorithms where I debugged 100+ programs written by students in Java or
C++ & explained them their mistakes.
Built a real-time Wikipedia search engine over a 60 GB corpus through the creation of an in-
verted index and retrieval of multi word queries ranked through TF-IDF.
Built an ultimate Tic Tac Toe (3 × 3 × 3) bot in Python using using mini-max and alpha-beta
pruning along with iterative deepening and a heuristic to handle time limits.
Created a 2D 2-player carrom pool game in C++ using OpenGL, implementing realistic physics
such as collision detection.


Computer Languages C++(Basic), Java, Python

Libraries Keras, Numpy, Airflow, Micronaut, Kafka, Spark(basic), Guice
Tools Docker, Kubernetes, Harness, Grafana, Teamcity, Helm, Zeppelin
Others Git, Bash, HTML/CSS, Mysql(basic), Redis, Druid(basic)

Ashish Tyagi, Engineering Leader, Appdynamics
Praveen Krishnan, Postdoctoral researcher, Facebook AI
Nitin Gupta, Site Head, Suki India

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