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~ ::J if~lj CDrill Plan )


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Sort of drill Fire-fighting drill Time of drill 2018.02.09
~[\ f:II.
Ship's position •.
Ship trends
!lil :.8 l~ (I(] : Purpose of dri II ·
JIJH:t 1\i.PJ, iH &1/.\?.!1 1- A IIH Ui. (Ck 1x ~ ;;;;t !JH'i'II•J. fl~fLHJ,iii~7.3'ti"I~W. c&J"~i J:\U:JI i'I{J fl
ll:±f4>:J~H !M~~~lilif!l 1111~
95-, i:El~JliB~S1ffil I*.J:itt1r lElii!Ji'f J&B'nC! ;fj(, i>lt-il~sxJ!!!fuA 1i);9Hi"' (J{Jf91~o Through exercises, to enhance
consciousness of fire-fighting of crew and to familiar with personal responsibility. When sudden emergencies occured,to
be taken correct effective self-help actions in the shortest possible time according to the employ of muster list to reduce or
avoid the loss of lives and property.
r.Ji .>J }i~: Scheme of drill

Patrolman find N02 pump room on fire, shout out "on tire", and report to duty officer immediately.

OOW report to master, master sound fire alarm (short blast I minute and 2 long blast) and announce by broadcast

All crl!w muster on port side deck of N0.3 hold within 2 minutes( except duty crcw)allcr alarm and announce by broadcast.

Start fire pump and emergency fire pump, ensure two hosees inject water in normal press within 3 minutes.

Commander on-scene check personnel dressing and equipment carry with and report to master.

power supply and turn off ventilation and remove inflammable. explosives around on site of fire.

7. f.@:iti#f.mllfflB'~!IZ·~W:~o Check the necessary equipment for abandon ship.

1rxY<.Fireman detect fire, report the fire situation,position,nature (to ensure proper posture and sig~al); Fire man

extinguish fire under command of master and commander on scene

9. WHJ'i !J'!.jl}f;,11j(, ~flll'E7G:ll:#'&PT~€o Fireman detect fire again, ensure impossible of reburn.

I0. n 3hillF><l.. 41<:~ J.!JV.i'J, *~ol'1 Vol111.• Open the ventilation, clean up the scene, equipments back to original position.

To explain the operation method of fire extinguishers and breathing apparatus.

12. t0Jilil~:f¥Jllt:kruco,l!11 IE xY<%d1HJDlti9Jft']HJE a)l 1'<1- -*i'fcT fi JE•if; o

Simulate exercise to release fixed C02 extinguishing system and proved that the system works normal.

Finish exercise, master make comment, sound all clear.

lli~*IEIM: '$~/ElJl!J: ~~} .. tltlll/ElJtiJ/_)4_ -:?.A..f:
L1ster: Exam me & venfy. ?<>~. o)... ·~ Approved by. Vii ( 8 .2.: ~.
~jjAEJ SEA STAR V ~ :sJ ~~ CDrill implement ) Q/ZS3-310A'
ilil ;:) ~ 'i)lj
Soti of drill Fire-fighting drill Time of drill 2018.02.10
l~i {0 08" 12.16N Jgj}lji:J ZJ!J 0
Ship's position 169° 43.48E Ship trends
1300 :'ll~~!l:f=l/si:t!.HiHJii!il;:J'J\Hiil:IH'·Hl\i!llJil.llriugc sounued fire alarm and announced by broadcast
1302 :'E1!J;/Jii §~Ply fiJ1I'HUIIJ'·j'j[\ J§, fU~.Jjf);;t IJ'I i'Rb:l~~~{t. 1#: i)}Jffi jl}j~J[:fii!"Z;d.¥1'1 1\iJ fi. All crews mustered on

port side of deck N03 hold with in 2 minutes after alarm or broadcast, ,Started the fire pump and emergency fire pump.

Commander on-scene checked personnel dressing and equipment carried with,report to master 0 using two hoses to apary


the power supply and shut off ventilation around scene and remove infiammable, explosives.

)titiJIJ B0Z7J< fti;p )W] l'fil. Fireman detected the fire and reported the fire extent ,position and nature of fire (to ensure

proper posture and signai);Fire man extinguished the fire with foam extinguisher, hose team cooling down around the fire


Fireman detected again, to ensure impossible of reburn, and reported to commander 0

I ~120 tlJFitllJx\, ljli:JMJi!:l:JiJ. Opened the ventilation, cleaned up the scene

I:J23UI ifJ11i'J. ;fi¥ J<. J<. 6~1~ I1J tit± , t:~H!1. ilil t1<f4' J]j( :)("@co, 1Ii1 i:E J<. :k ~ tJt ;f}i:t.:: i9J 1'1:, ~ i:IE J1t +ll1l: fll''I fH ll'J i[ ·if; T
Explained the operating methods of fire extinguishers. Simulated to release fixed C02 fire extinguishing system.

Exercise accomplished, master made comment ,sounded all clear, equipment homing.

lliiJ:l'VEI J% tlL11i'IEI WJ: ~

Lister: Approved by: 7--0 I 9-' _) . (tO .

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