Swashbuckler Class

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Source JM Rulebook pg. 69

I’m a swashbuckler, fuck you!

Key Ability: DEXTERITY

At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to Dexterity.

Hit Points: 10 plus your Constitution modifier

You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level

Roleplaying the Fighter

During Combat Encounters...
You strike with unmatched accuracy and use specialized combat techniques. A melee
fighter stands between allies and enemies, attacking foes who try to get past. A ranged
fighter delivers precise shots from a distance.

During Social Encounters...

You can be an intimidating presence. This can be useful when negotiating with enemies, but
is sometimes a liability in more genteel interactions.

While Exploring...
You keep up your defenses in preparation for combat, and keep an eye out for hidden
threats. You also overcome physical challenges in your way, breaking down doors, lifting
obstacles, climbing adeptly, and leaping across pits.
In Downtime...
You might perform manual labor or craft and repair armaments. If you know techniques you
no longer favor, you might train yourself in new ones. If you’ve established your reputation,
you might build an organization or a stronghold of your own.

You Might…

Others Probably…

Initial Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the following statistics. You are
untrained in anything not listed unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other way.

Expert in Perception

Saving Throws
Trained in Fortitude
Expert in Reflex
Trained in Will

Trained in your choice of Acrobatics or Deception
Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 4 plus your Intelligence modifier

Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in all one-handed slashing or piercing melee weapon
Trained with firearm

Trained in light armor
Trained in unarmored defense

Class DC
Trained in Swashbuckler class DC

Class Features
You gain these features as a Fighter. Abilities gained at higher levels list the levels at which
you gain them next to the features' names.
You Class Features

1 Ancestry and background, initial

proficiencies, ostentatious
display, deeds and panache,
swashbuckler feat, thrill

2 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

3 Luck, general feat, skill increase

4 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

5 Ability boosts, ancestry feat,

swashbuckler weapon expert,
nimble finger, skill increase

6 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

7 Quick and alert, general feat, skill

increase, weapon specialization

8 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

9 Ancestry feat, targeted strike,

improved luck, skill increase

10 Ability boosts, swashbuckler feat,

skill feat

11 Flamboyant exploit,
swashbuckler expertise, general
feat, skill increase

12 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

13 Ancestry feat, skill increase,

weapon master, armor mastery

14 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

15 Ability boosts, evasion, general

feat, greater weapon
specialization, improved targeted
strike, skill increase

16 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

17 Ancestry feat, armor legend, skill


18 swashbuckler feat, skill feat

19 General feat, skill increase, cheat

20 Ability boosts, swashbuckler feat,
skill feat

Ancestry and Background

In addition to the abilities provided by your class at 1st level, you have the benefits of your
selected ancestry and background, as described in Chapter 2.

Deeds and Panache

You gain a focus pool of 1 point and can regain that point with the refocus activity which
take 10 min. In addition, you gain the Swashbucker’s Advance deed. Any time you would
score a critical hit you gain 1 panache: a special temporary focus point that you can use
only for swashbuckler deeds and last for 1 min.


Swashbuckler’s Advance
Source JM Rulebook pg. 69
Requirements You are wielding only a one-handed slashing or piercing melee weapon and
have your other hand or hands free. Or are wielding a firearm.
Trigger You strike or use an action or activity with the attack trait.
Duration One Strike or the end of your next turn


You focus your mind into the edge of your blade or gun. Until the end of you turn your attack
gain the failure and success below.
Success: Your target takes damage as normal and the effect of Swashbuckler’s Advance
last for another strike.
Failure: Your attack deals any damage it would have dealt on a hit, excluding all damage
dice. You Step or Thumble through. The effect end.

Heightened (+4) The Failure effect deal an extra weapon damage dice.
Ostentatious Display
Source JM World Guide pg. 69
Trigger An opponent within your reach use an action with the attack trait against you

You dodge or misdirect the attack at the last second. Make a flat check DC 11, if you
succeed, you disrupt the action.

Swashbuckler Feats
At 1st level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you gain a Swashbuckler class feat.
Swashbuckler class feats are described beginning on page 69.

Initial Proficiencies
At 1st level you gain a number of proficiencies that represent your basic training. These
proficiencies are noted at the start of this class.

Thrill Level 1
As you started on the path of the swashbuckler, you began to develop your own style to
pursue your daring activities. Your thrill shapes your swashbuckler techniques and the way
you approach any danger. You may hold the world hostage by the tip of your sword, you
may hide behind a mask a seek glory and fame, or you may prefer the whims and fancies of
black powder! Choose a swashbuckler’s thrill.

Luck Level 3
Having faced countless foes and the chaos of battle, you have learned that you cannot only
rely on skills to make it through the day. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to
expert. Once per day you may reroll a failed saving throw.
General Feats Level 3
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a general feat. General feats are listed in
Chapter 5.

Skill Feats Level 3

At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill feat. Skill feats can be found in
Chapter 5 and have the skill trait. You must be trained or better in the corresponding skill to
select a skill feat.

Skill IncreasesLevel 3
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill increase. You can use this
increase either to increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained in, or
to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which you’re already trained to expert.

At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase your proficiency rank to master in a skill
in which you’re already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to increase your
proficiency rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master.

Ability BoostsLevel 5
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost four different ability scores. You can use
these ability boosts to increase your ability scores above 18. Boosting an ability score
increases it by 1 if it’s already 18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18.

Ancestry FeatsLevel 5
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and
every 4 levels thereafter. The list of ancestry feats available to you can be found in your
ancestry’s entry in Chapter 2.

Swashbuckler Weapon Expert Level5

Hours spent training with your preferred weapons, learning and developing new combat
techniques, have made you particularly effective with your weapons of choice. Choose one
weapon group. Your proficiency rank increases to expert with unarmed strike, simple
weapon, with the one-handed slashing or piercing melee weapons in that group, and to
trained with the advanced weapons in that group.

Nimble Finger Level5

Source JM World Guide pg. 69
Trigger Your turn start

You can take the reload action once (reloading a one-handed firearm or 1 step toward the
completion of reloading a two-handed firearm). Or you can draw a weapon.

Quick and Alert Level 7

You are always alert for the changing flow of combat. Your proficiency rank for Perception
increases to master. In addition, Your proficiency rank for light armor, as well as for
unarmored defense, increase to expert.

Weapon SpecializationLevel 7
You’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries with the weapons you know best. You deal 2
additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This
damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, and to 4 if you’re legendary.

Targeting Strike Level 9

Requirements You are wielding only a one-handed slashing or piercing melee weapon and
have your other hand or hands free.
You quickly and precisely strike with your blade, trying to cripple part of a foe’s body. The
swashbuckler chooses a part of the body to target. If the attack succeeds, in addition to the
attack’s normal damage, the target suffers one of the following effects based on the part of
the body targeted. If a creature doesn’t have one of the listed body locations, that body part
cannot be targeted. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to
targeted strikes. Items or abilities that protect a creature from critical hits also protects a
creature from targeted strikes.
○ Arms: The target takes no damage from the attack, but it drops one carried item of
the swashbuckler’s choice, even if the item is wielded with two hands. Items held in
a locked gauntlet cannot be chosen.
○ Head: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be
confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.
○ Legs: The target is knocked prone. Creatures with four or more legs or that are
immune to trip attacks are immune to this effect.
○ Torso: The target takes 2D6 Bleed damage and is sickened.

Improved Luck Level 9

Your body is accustomed to physical hardship and resistant to ailments. Your proficiency
rank for Fortitude saves increases to expert. You now regain your Luck by spending 10
minutes using the Refocus activity.

Swashbuckler Expertise Level 11

You’ve practiced your techniques to make them harder to resist. Your proficiency rank for
your swashbuckler class DC increases to expert.

Flamboyant Exploit Level 11

You take advantage of every situation with glamorous display. Everytime you would gain a
circumstance bonus to AC or your target would gain a penalty to AC, increase it by 1.

Weapon Master Level 13

You’ve learned fighting techniques that apply to all armaments, and you’ve developed
unparalleled skill with your favorite weapons. Hours spent training with your preferred
weapons, learning and developing new combat techniques, have made you particularly
effective with your weapons of choice. Choose one weapon group. Your proficiency rank
increases to master with unarmed strike, simple weapon, with the one-handed slashing or
piercing melee weapons in the group you choose for weapon expert, and to expert with the
advanced weapons in that group.

Armor Mastery Level 13

You have spent so much time wearing armor that you know how to make the most of its
protection. Your proficiency rank for light armor, as well as for unarmored defense, increase
to Master. You gain 5 ft circumstance bonus to movement speed as long as you are wearing
no armor or light armor.

Evasion Level 15
You’ve learned to move quickly to avoid explosions, a dragon’s breath, and worse. Your
proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Reflex
save, you get a critical success instead.

Greater Weapon Specialization Level 15

Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons and unarmed
attacks in which you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 8 if you’re legendary.

Improved Targeted Strike Level15

Your extensive experience gives you even greater ability to target the weakness of your foe.
When you use targeted strike, you can gain two effect instead of one. Add those option to
the targeted strike list of body part.
○ Hands: the target become clumsy 1 for 1 round.
○ Heart: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or
become drained 1. This is a death effect.
Armor Legend Level 17
Your skill with armor improves, increasing your ability to prevent blows. Your proficiency
ranks for light armor as well as for unarmored defense, increase to Legendary. Your
circumstance bonus to movement speed increase to 15 ft.

Cheat Death Level 19

Frequency: once per 10 minutes
Trigger: An attack or spell would reduce you to 0 Hit Points.
Dropping into a roll to disperse the force of the blow, you can evade a lethal attack and stay
conscious. You take no damage from the triggering attack.

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