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Parlor Games
and Energizers

Learning Objectives:
❖  Understand about Parlor Games and Energizers
❖  Purpose of Energizers
❖  Familiarizes with the different Community Parlor
Games and Energizers


Parlor Games

- A game that can be played indoors as

social activity, especially one requiring no
special equipment.

Parlor Games
- are games that are played at a table or in a
comfortable room in your home. Some parlor games
have their origins in taverns and pubs where friends and
family gathered for an evening. Nowadays, parlor
games find their niche family recreation room, on the
kitchen, table, or in the den or living room. No matter
where you play the games, they are supposed to be
played in your leisure time in the room of your choice.
The name of the game in this instance is comfort.

Examples of Parlor Games

Trip to
Charades Wink Murder

Examples of Parlor Games

Stop Dance


- An energizers is a brief activity that is intended to increase
energy in a group by engaging them in physical activity, laughter,
or in ways that engage the members cognitively ( problem
solving). They can be used with any group, including
during training.
- are activities designed to make learning easier and be an
enjoyable experience for the participants involved in workshops,
training courses, etc. They are sometimes known as icebreaker.

Purpose of Energizers
Energizers enable you to:
ü  Introduce participants to each other
ü  Foster interaction
ü  Stimulate creative thinking
ü  Challenge basic assumptions
ü  Illustrate new concepts
ü  Introduce specific materials
ü  Form groups
ü  Enliven sleepy groups

Good Energizers;
Ø require 30 minutes or less (and often
only 5-10 minutes)
Ø demand little or no advance preparation
Ø are simple to implement
Ø are flexible as they can be related to
an unlimited range of topics

To use energizers effectively:

Ø never force group members to participate in an activity

Ø  state clearly that the information generated is
confidential, especially during feedback and disclosure
Ø  realize the importance of being a role model for
the participants
Ø  consider appropriateness carefully
Ø  maintain an acute awareness of group development

Different Community Parlor
Games and Energizers

Name Guessing
Ø  The facilitator will place a tag containing the name
of a prominent person in the community on the
back of one participant. The other participants will
check the tag on his or her back, then he or she will
move in front of the other participant. He or she is
given three chances to guess whose name is on
the tag through the gestures of the group.

Lion Tiger
Ø  The facilitator will create a story about a lion and
tiger which the groups have to act out. The story
may start with the facilitator saying, "In the zoo | saw
a very big lion..." In the course of the story,
everybody must be jolted and run for his or her life
and into safety. The game ends when the facilitator
puts the lion and tiger to sleep.

Oh We March
Ø  In the circle, the participants will form pairs and hold
each other in a dancing position. Then, everybody
will sing "Oh We March" until the line "And a new
found friend," and swap partners by moving
clockwise or counter clockwise. Repeat the steps
until the participants reunite with their original

Guess Who's Humming
Ø  Everybody will hum while walking in a circle. One
participant will remain at the center, blindfolded.
When he or she says "stop" everybody will stop. The
one that the blindfolded participant is facing will
continue to hum. The blindfolded participant is given
three chances to guess who the humming participant

Animal Choir
Ø  The participants will form their own groups and
choose an animal sound to imitate. The group that is
pointed at by the facilitator will create that animal
sound twice and the opponent's animal sound once.
The group that cannot respond immediately when
called will be eliminated.

Game Choir
Ø  The same instructions from Animal Choir should be
followed, except that the sounds produced by
players engaged in a particular sport will be used
instead of animal sounds.
Ø  These particular sports include football, tennis,
badminton, boxing, bowling, hockey, snooker,
basketball, gymnastics.

The Boat is Sinking
Ø  The participants will act as though they are rowing a
boat while singing, " Row, Row, Row Your Boat."
After the facilitator says, "The boat is sinking they
must group themselves into five. The excess players
will be eliminated.
Ø  is one of the most common group-based activities
that are easy to remember and execute. It's also
what I'd like to call a transition activity in a way that
helps facilitate the formation of groupings.

Ø  One of the best things about the "Boat is Sinking"
activity is that you don't need any!

Number of Participants Objective

Ø 30-100 participants Ø  To form a cluster or
group of a given
number of people.

1. The participants are given the premise that the
imaginary boat they are on is sinking and therefore
have to form groups to make it to safety.

2. The facilitator starts by saying “The boat is yourselves into...” he/she also assigns
the number of people the group has to form.

3. Once everyone has formed their group the
facilitators make sure to count if no one is out of place.
If there was then that participant would be the “IT” and
thereby subjected to the consequences set by the
facilitator or as agreed by the group.
4. The activity ends when the facilitator says so.

Adam and Eve
Ø  Two persons will be blindfolded and placed at
different parts of the room. One will be Adam and the
other Eve. Adam will call out to Eve, and she must
answer " I am here." The game ends when Adam
finds Eve.

Chain Name
Ø  The participants will be grouped and will form a circle.
The first player will introduce his or her name. The
next player will also introduce his or her name
followed by the name of the first player. This creates
a chain names until the last player takes his or her
turn. Whichever group makes a mistake loses the

Open the Basket
• The persons will hold each other's hand while another
person will stay between them. One must be the "it."
When the "it" says "Close the basket" the players
holding hands must lower their arms. When the "it" says
"Open the basket!" the players holding hands must
raise their arms and the person staying between them
must look for another pair to "capture" him or her. The
last participant to find such a pair is eliminated.

Delivery Game
Ø  The facilitator will stay at the center of the room, and
the group will form a circle around him or her and sit
on their respective chairs. When the facilitator says
"Ordinary!" all participants must transfer to the left.
When he or she says "Airmail!" all participants must
transfer to the right. When he or she says "Special!"
all participants must transfer to the opposite chair.
Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated.

Ø  There will be two participants. Each participant will
have the name of a rooster's species written on his or
her back. The participant will have to keep the
rooster's species from being read by the other.
Whoever first guesses correctly the rooster's species
written on the other's back wins.

Filling the Battles
Ø  Each group will have its own spoon and two bowls.
One will be filled with water and the other will be kept
empty and placed on the finish line. Whichever group
transfers the contents of the former to the latter first
wins the game.

Thank you!
And God

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