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The mecha nic al of

pathogenesis of
Parasitic Infection
Parasitic infections are diseases or health problems that are
caused by an organism that lives off another organism
(host) to survive.
The causes of parasitic infections are three organisms, namely:
• Protozoa
• Helmint
• Arthropods

Types of

2 Helmint

parasites 3 Ektoparasit
• Protozoa Intestinal •

Entamoeba histolyca Entamoeba coli Blastocytosis Giardi lambia

Entamoeba Hystolica
A human parasite that invades the intestines and organs other than the
intestines. Examples: liver, lung, brain and skin

Amoeba has trophozoite and cyst forms

° Trozoites: live in the large intestine -> intestinal mucosal and submucosal
° Cysts: in the intestinal lumen
This amoeba has trophozoite and cyst forms. The trophozoites have
morphological characteristics: size 10-60 µm, granular cytoplasm and contain
Entamoeba histolytica Life Cycle

1. Cysts and trophozoites are excreted in the feces. Cysts are found in solid stools, while
trophozoites are usually found in loose stools (diarrhea).
2. Infection by mature cysts (4-nucleated) from food, water/hands contaminated with feces.
3. Excystation occurs in the small intestine and trophozoites are released, trophozoites
migrate to the large intestine. Trophozoites may remain in the intestinal lumen (A: non-
invasive infection) in a person who excretes cysts with feces (asymptomatic carrier).
Trophozoites invade the intestinal mucosa (B: intestinal disease)/ blood vessels, reaching
extraintestinal organs such as the liver, brain and lungs (C: extra-intestinal disease).
4. Trophozoites multiply by binary division and produce cysts, and both stages are excreted
back in the feces. Cysts can survive for days to weeks in the external environment due to
protection by the cyst wall. Trophozoites excreted through feces are quickly destroyed once
outside the body.
Entamoeba Coli
The life cycle of E.coli resembles that of E.histolytica, but without extraintestinal
transmission. Transmission occurs by ingestion of the cyst form through the
same route as E. histolytica transmission.
Blastocystis is an intestinal protozoan with various morphologies including
vacuolar, granularamoeboid, cystic, multivacuolar and avacuolar forms. All
forms can be found microscopically in fecal samples.
Giardia Lambia
Giardia lamblia is the most
pathogenic intestinal flagellate,
living in the small intestine
(duodenum) of the host.
• Helminthes •
Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) are intestinal nematodes that require soil
media in their life cycle. The STH worms are Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris
trichiura and hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus) and
Strongyloides stercoralis.
Ascaris Lumbricoides
The adult Alumbricoides worm has the largest size among other intestinal
worms. There are 3 types of eggs produced, namely fertile eggs, decorticated
eggs and infertile eggs. All three have different shapes and characteristics.
Trichurus Trichiura
The adult T. trichiura worm is shaped like a whip, the anterior 3/5 of the body is
slender like the tip of a whip while the posterior 2/5 is thicker like the handle of
a whip.
• Ektoparasit •
Ectoparasites are parasitic organisms that live on the surface of the host's body,
sucking blood or feeding on hair, fur, skin, and sucking the host's bodily fluids.
Ectoparasite infestations on the skin are uncomfortable and can lead to
significant unhealthy living. Ectoparasite infestations are sporadic, epidemic and
This sarcoptes scabiei mite will multiply, if environmental conditions and poor living
behavior by the community.
- Scabiesis causes itching on parts of the skin such as between the fingers, elbows, groin.
- The causes of scabiesis are poor hygiene conditions, poor sanitation, malnutrition, and
room conditions that are too humid and lack direct sunlight.
- Scabiesis can be transmitted through bedding, towels, and clothing.
- Scabies can infect people of all ages, races, genders, regardless of social and economic
- Scabiesis is transmitted through direct contact such as shaking hands, sleeping
together, and using the same toiletries.
- Poor environmental conditions and personal hygiene can cause scabiesis so that eggs,
larvae, nymphs, adult parasites, from sarocoptes scabie mites will be found and infection
will occur.
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