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SPRING 2023, GENE 60

Date of submission:WEEK 11


ID: 4347482






Demonstrate effective interview techniques

Assignment #4– 20%)

Make sure you have completed the assessments 1, 2& 3 before attempting this assignment.

Answer all the following questionsin paragraph format:

1) Why do you want to work for this company? Why are you interested in this job?
Ans: I am interested in working for this company because of its strong industry reputation and
innovative work. This company's ideals are similar to mine, and I am confident that I can
contribute effectively to the team and help it reach its objectives. The job description additionally
excites my interest because it provides an opportunity for me to utilize my skills to use and
advance in my career. I am of the opinion that this company will help me providing career paths,
and help me to grow professionally, take on more responsibilities. In this way, this opportunity
will lead to my professional development.

2) Have you done this kind of work before?

Ans: Yes, I have prior experience with this type of work. I have previously worked on tasks and
projects that are similar to the responsibilities listed in the job description and my last job was
also similar to this job where I did my all duties perfectly. Also, I have additional training in
engineering, so it helps me preparing for this similar task. I am excited about this opportunity to
expand my skills and contribution to this project success.

3) What kind of training or qualifications do you have?

Ans: I have relevant training and qualifications for this position. I hold a degree in secondary
school education and have completed a diploma in this field. On the Contrary, I have additional
training and certifications to be a good fit for this role such as project management professional
given by my previous employee, certified Information System Security, cisco certified network

4) Tell me about yourself. Why should we hire you?

Ans: I am a diligent, versatile, and quick learner as an individual. I have a track record of
effectively managing and completing similar projects. I believe my skills in industry knowledge,
problem-solving skills, and interpersonal skills make me a good fit for this position. In addition, I
can contribute to development of technologies, products and processors by my creativity and
innovative skills and by driving innovation for company for keeping it competitive in the market.
5) What do you do in your spare time?
Ans: In my leisure time, I enjoy music, and spending time with friends and family and I like to
explore my knowledge related to my job. These hobbies allow me to refresh and remain creative,
which I believe improves my professional effectiveness. I try to use my free time by learning new
skills like coding, new languages, or taking online courses. I have a huge interest in cisco and
java so I try to use more and more time I could, to be expertise using these languages.

6) What do you think of working in a group?

Ans: I am of the view that working in groups promotes teamwork and allows individuals to
capitalize on their abilities. I am a team player who enjoys contributing to group discussions and
working together to discover answers. Working in groups help in increasing productivity and
performance because more people mean more ideas, and more support, motivation to pursue a
project in a better and more successful way.

7) How do you react to instruction and criticism?

Ans: I view instruction and criticism as vital possibilities for development. It is essential for
personal and professional growth. They are opportunities for me to enhance my abilities and
performance, and I am always receptive to feedback from coworkers and managers. I actively
listen and pay details to instructions before responding. Instead of becoming argumentative and
defensive, I understand and use those details constructively.

8) With the kind of work experience you have had; do you think this job would bore you?
Ans: No, I don't think this work would bore me. I am truly enthusiastic about this area of work
and the opportunities it provides. I believe that the role's dynamic character will keep me engaged
and driven. Instead, I think it will help me receiving more knowledge and being professional in
this role as I can become more proficient and efficient by continuously working on it. This
knowledge can make me a strong candidate for career advancements and promotions.

9) Why did you choose this line of work?

Ans: I chose this field of work since it corresponds to my interests, talents, and educational
background. I am fascinated by the sector and want to apply my skills to make a positive
difference. Another reason for choosing this line of work is its job opportunities and market
demands. In this field, job opportunities and job securities both are guaranteed. Maximum
number of jobs can be found in this field.

10) How well do you work under pressure or tight deadlines?

Ans: I work well under pressure and tight deadlines. In my previous roles, I have often
encountered high-pressure situations, and I have learned to stay focused and organized to meet
deadlines effectively. I try to give my best in difficult situations, and I have the problem-solving
skills and effectiveness.

11) How often were you absent from work in your last job? Have you ever had any serious
illness or injuries? Do you have any health problems?
Ans: I had a solid attendance record at my last work. I rarely missed work due to illness, and I
am normally in good health, with no chronic health issues that might impair my ability to execute
this job.

12) Have you ever been fired or quit a job?

Ans: No, I've never been dismissed from a job. I have left previous roles to pursue better
professional prospects or due to corporate restructuring, because that job didn’t provide me
proper opportunities for skill development, career advancement or promotions. Feeling
underappreciated and undervalued made me feel demotivating, so I have to let go of that job.

13) Why haven't you worked recently?

Ans: I've been actively looking for new chances and have been selective in finding the best match
for my abilities and professional ambitions. I am excited about joining a new company and
making a significant contribution and it helps me to build my future.

14) What are your long-term goals or career plans?

Ans: My long-term goal is to be the CEO of the company and expand it worldwide. Also, I want
to build my professional network and improve my work-life balance. To attain these objectives, I
am devoted to ongoing learning and professional development. I want to develop innovative
products or solutions to address societal or industry challenges such as working on renewable
energy products, green infrastructure or sustainable manufacturing processes to minimize
environmental impact.

15) What do you feel are your greatest strengths?

Ans: My best strengths, which have proven useful in previous employment. These are leadership,
problem-solving, communication, etc. as it helps me to work there with all my presence and
instant decision-making. Apart from all this, being a team player, being cooperative, willingness
to help others, analyzing issues, being proactive are the other strengths of me to be considered.

16) What do you feel are your weaknesses?

Ans: My primary weakness is I just work too hard and have issues with delegating tasks. I am a
firm believer in ongoing self-improvement and aggressively seek opportunities to correct any
areas of weakness. Also, I struggle to initiate tasks promptly, which sometimes leads to missing
deadlines and sometimes I take too many responsibilities on me simultaneous which further leads
to burnouts.
17) How would you describe your last employer?
Ans: My previous job was encouraging professional development. The work environment was
collaborative, and I got along well with my coworkers and managers. As they believe in
teamwork and also understand one’s problem and give time to resolve it. His gratitude or his
leadership style, mentorship and guidance helped me a lot to my growth. I am literally very
thankful to help me for the experiences and training programs that I gained from him.

18) What five words would be described you?

Ans: Determined, adaptive, dependable, imaginative, and collaborative are five qualities that
represent me.

19) What did you like about your last job?

Ans: In my previous career, I enjoyed the tough projects and prospects for advancement. It was
also a rewarding experience because of the supportive team and excellent work atmosphere.
Positive work environment, challenging work, opportunities for growth, supportive leadership,
work-life balance, and company’s culture are some of the key components of my interest towards
my previous job. That work environment had a very meaningful impact on my life that is highly

20) Why did you leave your last position?

Ans: I quit my previous employment because I felt it was time to pursue new challenges and
prospects for career progress. I also perform hard task job to increase my skills. One of the basic
reasons for leaving that job was because I didn't have the right opportunities at that position to
grow my career or be promoted. I had to quit that work because I felt underpaid and
underappreciated, which had a demotivating effect on me.

21) What are your long-range goals?

Ans: My long-term aspirations are to be successful and be the CEO so that I can expand
internationally. I am committed to continuing my education and professional growth in order to
achieve these goals. I wish to create cutting-edge goods or services to address societal or
professional difficulties, such as working on renewable energy items, green infrastructure, or
environmentally friendly manufacturing techniques.

22) What kind of machines or equipment have you worked with?

Ans: In past employment, I have worked with a variety of machines and equipment important to
our business, such as computers, manufacturing machines, 3D printers, automobiles etc. In
addition, I have some experience with multimeters, data loggers, CNC machines, spectrometers,
robotics, etc. As we know, engineering is a diverse field with various specialties, and each of that
requires special instrument and tools to accomplish specific tasks.
23) What type of salary are you looking for?
Ans: Based on my research and considering my experience and qualifications, I am willing to
have an approximate salary of about $45000 or more annually would be reasonable for this
position. I am more interested in finding the right fit for both company and myself. I am also
interested in considering entire compensation package, including perks and prospects for

24) What do you know about our company?

Ans: Your company is a market leader, known for its innovative products and dedication to
excellence. I've also looked into the company's recent accomplishments is they expand their
business and building several warehouses to provide jobs.

25) Do you have any other skills of experiences that we have not discussed?
Ans: Yes, I have other talents and experiences like cross-cultural, customer-representative, and
analytical skills, which helped me a lot for my career advancement. I love continuous and
adapting different challenges in order to have a good professional journey.

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