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Chesterfield , Derbyshire S426DU | 07743250693 |

I am 16 year old student at St Mary's Catholic High School, I am sitting my exams in May and
would be looking for part time work after I have finished my exams in July. I can offer dedication
and hard work and I will always come and do my best, I am punctual and attentive and have
no problems working in a team. I would be free to work evenings and would do my best in
whatever role I was given.

07/2022 to 08/2022 Construction Worker
Richard Kirk - Chesterfield , Derbyshire
Every day through the summer holiday I helped my dad with an
extension he was working on for a client
I would transport bricks and roof tiles up the scaffold and lay the tiles
on the roof
This was a physically demanding job and took perseverance
09/2021 to 04/2022 Youth rugby coach
Tupton rugby - Chesterfield , Derbyshire
I worked with children aged between 8 and 10 as a voluntary coach
for a rugby team
On Wednesday evenings I would go and set up fun activities aimed
at progressing the children's rugby skills
Resolved any problems the children had
Gave advice to the children

I am a hard working who will I am a friendly sociable person
persevere when aspects of the and will have no problem
job become challenging getting on with co workers
I am attentive and a fast I am a strong critical thinker
learner and can think fast on my feet
I have good people skills and
will respond well to customers

GCSEs: Maths, English, science, RS, computer science,
St Mary's Catholic High School - Chesterfield , Derbyshire
These are only my predicted grades as I will sit my exams in the
summer term

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