Total PPG Nig Tor Foms Site Intranet

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Field Operations
Version 3.11 – 16 April 2010

FOMS & Terms of Reference

FOMS & terms of reference of meetings

Daily Evening Maintenance Meeting 28
Daily Evening Production Meeting 29
Presentation of the entity
Marine Operations Meeting 30
Organisation Chart 4 Permit to Work Validation Meeting 31
List and Agenda of Meetings 5 Daily Evening Site Meeting 32
Weekly Calendar 6
Weekly Meetings
Weekly HSE Site Meeting 34
Daily Meetings Weekly Site Planning Meeting 35
CPO Handover 9 Weekly Site Performance Meeting 36
CCR Operator / CCR Leader Hand-over 10 Weekly Maintenance Evaluation 37
Shift Team Leader Hand-over 11 Weekly Inspection Meeting 38
Start of Shift Tool Box Talk 12 5 weeks Planning & Coordination Meeting 39
Daily Performance Production Meeting 13 Weekly Well Performance 40
Start of Job Tool Box Talk 14
Daily Morning Site Meeting Weekly M & I Meeting 41
15 Weekly Production Meeting
Daily Logistics (Cargo) Meeting 16 42
Daily Turbo Gen / Compressor Meeting 17 Weekly Treatment & Chemicals Meeting 43
Daily Production Phone Call 18 SMR Meeting 44
Daily Inspection Phone Call 19 Weekly Maintenance Planning Meeting 45
Daily Maintenance & Inspection Phone Call 20
Daily Chemicals Phone Call 21 Monthly Meetings
Daily Morning Site-Base Phone Call 22 MTMC Monthly Site Performance Meeting 47
Daily Maintenance Review - Telecom 23 COSITE HSE 48
Daily Maintenance Review - Mechanical 24
Daily Maintenance Review -Electrical Organisation
Daily Maintenance Review – Management Operating System 50
Instrument/ICCS 26
Permit To Work Risk Assessment 27 Meeting Evaluation Matrix 51

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 2

Presentation of the entity
Organisation Chart



FPSO Support Leader Production Offshore Log

Hull Chief Engineer HSE Supervisor
Engineer Methods & Lifting Coordinator

Subsea Support Instrumentation & Leader

OJT Trainer
Engineer System Specialist Intervention Team

Well Performance Deputy Head Leader Inspection

Engineer Offshore Production Team

Topside Maint.
Leader Laboratory

Leader Production
IS/IT Engineer
shift Team 1

Leader Production
shift Team 2

Leader Work Permit

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 4

List and agenda of meetings

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 5

Meeting Deep
Daily Meetings
CPO Hand-over
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Twice a day Every day 6:15 am 10 min Control Room CPO Leaving
Participants 6:15 pm
 Chief Production Operator – Day
 Chief Production Operator - Night

Objectives Agenda
 Transmission of key information from the previous shift  Information on the problems observed during the shift (2’)
 To make an effective handover between the two chief production  Information on the new downgraded situations (1’)
operator  Information on the work permits in progress, current status and
potential issues (4’)
 Key points from the Walk The Floor (2’)
 Hand-over of CPO Log Book (1’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 CPO Log Book  Clear information on last shift actions and current status of
 Operator’s “Walk the floor” record sheets equipment and process
 Handover Agenda

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 9

CCR Operator / CCR Leader Hand-over
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Twice a day Every day 6:15 am 10 min Control Room CCR Operator / CCR
Participants 6:15 pm Leader leaving
Control Room Operator – Day Control Room Leader - Day Control Room
Control Room Operator – Night Leader - Night

Objectives Agenda
 To have an effective transfer of key information from one shift to  Information on the problems observed during the shift (1’)
the next  Check the Short Interval control of production (PI) (1’)
 To review in detail events from the content of the log book  Check the register of inhibitions (2’)
 To launch daily activities, according to the last events of the night  Information on the work permits in progress (3’)
 To review production performance  Hand-over of CCR log book (1’)
 To confirm the priorities for the day  Verification of temporary guideline (2’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 CCR Area Log book  Clear status of the area being monitored by the CCR Operator /
 Handover Agenda CCR Leader

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 10

Shift Team Leader Handover
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Twice a day – 2nd in 7/7 6:15 am 15 min Shift Team Leader Shift Team Leader
Production Meeting
Office Leaving
Shift Team Leader leaving
Shift Team Leader arriving

Objectives Agenda
 To have an effective transfer of key information from one shift to  Events of the previous shift (3’)
the next  Situation of the production compare to objective (1’)
 To review in detail events from the previous shift  Review Production / injections target (1’)
 To launch daily activities, according to the last events of the  Review of Log Book (1’)
previous shift  Review the inhibitions (2’)
 To review production performance  Follow up of Work Permits (status and potential issues) (3’)
 To confirm the priorities for the day  Review degraded situations (1’)
 Review the activities of the operators from the Operations
Whiteboard for preparation of assignment (3’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 Operations Whiteboard  Clear understanding of the last shift and the current status of the
 Operations Task Lists from the previous shifts and the next shift equipment and process
 Handover Agenda

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 11

Start of Shift Tool Box Talk
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Twice a day 7/7 6:30 am 10 min CCR (Central Shift Team Leader
Participants 6:30 pm Control Room)
CPO (Chief Production Operator)
CCR Leader
CCR Operators

Objectives Agenda
 To emphasise the HSE aspects of the jobs coming  HSE Review (anomalies, incidents…) (2’)
 To launch daily activities, according to the last events of the night  Review of last night and Day – 1 Key facts (2’)
 To review production performance  Production Operations Task List - Priorities for Day D (2’)
 To confirm the priorities for the day  Validation of planning for Day D and assignment (2’)
 Reminder on HSE critical aspects for Day D activities (2’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Planning Day D (CO)
Permit To Work (CO)
Operations Tasklist
Operations Whiteboard
Night-shift report (CO)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 12

Daily Performance Production Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 6:45 am 15 min Site Meeting Room Off. Head of Production
FPSO Support Engineer Well Performance Engineer
Off. Head of Technical Support
Deputy of Offshore Head of Production

Objectives Agenda
 Review production, injection and export figures for Day D-1  Review of Day D-1 Highlights (2’)
 Identify and make first analysis of main Production and Injection  Review of Well Testing results and changes vs previous test (1’)
Shortfalls  Analysis of BSW and HC in Water ratio (1’)
 Initiate corrective actions if necessary  Analysis of Production and Injection Shortfalls for Day D-1 and
 Control the quality of data reported in PDMS and sent to Lagos allocations (6’)
 Review and update of action plan (2’)
 Preparation of synthesis for OIM (3’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily Production / Offloading Highlights for Day D-1 Updated Action Plan (OHoTS)
PDMS Extraction for Shortfalls D-1 Validated Dashboard (OHoTS)
Shortfall Analyser PDMS Reports (HoP)
- All documents are provided by FPSO Support Engineer

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 13

Start of Job Tool Box Talk
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 Ad hoc 10 min Work place PO or Performing
Operators and
Maintenance personnel

Objectives Agenda
 Clear understanding of the job by all personnel involved  Outline of the job (2‘)
 Identification of all critical safety factors and correct method of  Critical safety factors (2‘)
work  Equipment to be used (3’)
 Effective and efficient plan for how to carry out the job  How to approach the job (3’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 Permit To Work (CPO)  Clear understanding of the job by all personnel involved
 P&ID (PO)  Identification of all critical safety factors and correct method of
 Effective and efficient plan for how to carry out the job

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 14

Daily Morning Site Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 7:00 am 30 min Site Meeting Room OIM
Offshore Head of HSE Offshore Head of Technical Support
Offshore Head of Production Security Consultant
Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection Project Representatives
Marine Operations Manager Construction Representatives

Objectives Agenda
 Review of Health & Safety events of the night  Highlights HSE and operations review (last night) (3’)
 Review of Environmental events of the night  Review of D-1 Performance for each function HSE, Prod, M&I …
 Review and first analysis of Performance Results of Day D-1 using Dashboard KPI as frame and highlights as explanations (15’)
 Identification of main Production and Injection Shortfalls  Planning day D
 Review of highlights (operations, logistics, …) of the night and D  Review of Production SIC of Day D (2’)
 Take corrective actions if necessary  Review of Key Actions (4’)
 Update day D events and tasks according to previous day D-1  Review and update of action plan (4’)
events  Review of AKPO FPSO meeting planning of the day (2’)
 Highlighting pending support expecting from the Base

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
FO Dashboard intranet with KPI and highlights (HoP) displayed Priorities for Day D activities (OIM)
Shortfall Report (HoTS) Updated Action Plan (OIM)
Daily planning (HoMI) FO Dashboard Day D-1 report validation by OIM
Action Plan (OIM)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 15

Daily Logistics (Cargo) Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 7:00 am 15 min Transit Lounge Logistics Foreman
Logistics Coordinator Laboratory Representative
Material Controller ECP Foreman
Mechanics Representative
Production Representative

Objectives Agenda
 Organise the day for lifting and handling according to the  HSE Review (anomalies, incidents…) (1’)
requirement  Priorities and guidelines for Day D activities (7’)
 Ensure availability of utilities (crane, forklift, pallet truck) empty  Planning for Day D and D+1 (7’)
baskets and containers for the Day D, D+1, D+2
 Review logistics priorities according operation planning
 To kick-off the day, reinforce team work and improve marine
operations performance

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Cargo manifest Priorities for day activities
Freight Waybill
5 Day Look Ahead Planning

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 16

Daily Turbo Generator / Compressor Coordination Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily Monday-Friday 7:30 am 20 min Site Meeting Room Head of M&I
Topsides Engineer Rolls-Royce Supervisor
CSR Thermodyne Supervisor
Maintenance team leaders

Objectives Agenda
 Review of previous day’s actions  Review of previous day’s actions and major events day D-1 (4’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Site key concerns and needs for support (4’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support  Overview of daily forecasted operations (4’)
 Update Action Plan  Review of priorities for the Day D (3’)
 Progress on affairs’ preparation (2’)
 Review & Update of Action plan (3’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report Planned priorities for the day
Action Plan Updated action plan
Confirmed support needs

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 17

Daily Production Phone-call
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Phone-call Leader
Daily Monday-Friday 8:00 am 15 min Head Tech Support Head of Production
Participants Office Onshore
Head of Production Offshore
Head of Technical Support

Objectives Agenda
 Highlight shortfalls and launch specific corrective actions  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Site key concerns and needs for support (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review updates on affairs and specific projects  Review of priorities for the Day D (1’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support  Progress on affairs’ preparation (2’)
 Update Action Plan  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
FO Dashboard intranet with KPI and highlights (HoP) printed Updated action plan
Shortfall Report (HoP) Confirmed support needs
Action Plan
Shutdown plans, campaign plans, etc.

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 18

Daily Inspection Phone-call
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily Monday-Friday 8:00 am 15 min Phone-call Head of Inspection
Participants Inspection TL Office
Senior Inspection Engineer Inspection Team Leader
Inspection Engineer Inspection Engineer
NDT Inspection Engineer

Objectives Agenda
 To provide to site the best operational support from maintenance  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
teams at base  Site key concerns and needs for support (3’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Review of priorities for the Day D (1’)
 Review updates on affairs and specific project  Progress on affairs’ preparation (2’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)
 Update Action Plan

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report (Inspection part) Updated action plan
Action Plan Confirmed support needs
Shutdown plans, campaign plans, etc. Planning of deliveries

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 19

Daily Maintenance & Inspection Phone-call
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily Monday-Friday 8:30 am 20 min Phone-call Head of Maintenance &
Participants Head of M&I Office Inspection
Head of Maintenance Support Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection
Head of Inspection Inspection Leader (as requested)
Maintenance Methods Co-ordinator

Objectives Agenda
 To provide to site the best operational support from maintenance  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
teams at base  Site key concerns and needs for support (5’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review of vital functions and machine availability  Review of priorities for the Day D (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Progress on affairs’ preparation (3’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)
 Clarify vendor requirements
 Review updates on affairs and specific project
 Update Action Plan
 Identify key issues for specific discussion (outwith this meeting)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report (Maintenance part) Updated action plan
Spare Parts stocks and procurement with deadline Confirmed support needs
Action Plan Planning of deliveries
Shutdown plans, campaign plans, etc.

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 20

Daily Chemicals Phone-call
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily Monday-Friday 8:30 am 15 min Phone-call Chemical Support
Participants From Laboratory Engineer
Chemical Engineer Laboratory Leader
Laboratory Technologist

Objectives Agenda
 To provide to site the best operational support from maintenance  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
teams at base  Site key concerns and needs for support (3’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Review of priorities for the Day D (1’)
 Review updates on affairs and specific project  Progress on affairs’ preparation (2’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)
 Update Action Plan

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report (Inspection part) Updated action plan
Action Plan Confirmed support needs
Shutdown plans, campaign plans, etc. Planning of deliveries

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 21

Daily Morning Site-Base Performance Phone-call
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily Monday-Friday 9:00 am 30 min Phone-call FO Manager
Participants OIM Office
OIM Head of Asset Integrity
Head of Field Ops HSE Operations Logistics Manager
Head of Production Offshore Representative (if needed)
Head of Maintenance & Inspection

Objectives Agenda
 Review of Health & Safety events of the night + day D-1  HSE Highlights (3’)
 Review of Environmental events of the night + day D-1  General Information (2’)
 Communication of general information  Review of D-1 Performance for each function HSE, Prod, M&I …
 Review and first analysis of Performance Results of Day D-1 using Dashboard KPI (HSE, production shortfalls, vital functions
 Identification of main Production and Injection Shortfalls status) as frame and highlights as explanations (10’)
 Review of highlights (operations, logistics, …) of the night and D-1  Review of daily forecasted operations (5’)
 Take corrective actions if necessary  Review of Key Actions and blocking issues (5’)
 Review of main program for Day D and D+1  Review and update of action plan (5’)
 Highlighting pending support expecting from the Base
 Update Action Plan

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Priorities for Day D activities (FOM)
FO Dashboard intranet with KPI and highlights (HoP) printed
Updated Action Plan (FOM)
Shortfall Report (HoP)
Daily planning (OIM)
Action Plan (OIM)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 22

Daily Maintenance Review – Telecom
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Phone call Leader
Daily Monday to Friday 11:15 pm 15 min Telecom Office Onshore Inst /Telecom
Participants Systems Engineer
Offshore Telecoms Engineer Head Offshore Maintenance Inspection
IST Technician (Optional)

Objectives Agenda
 To provide to site the best operational support from maintenance  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
teams at base  Site key concerns and needs for support (3’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review of vital functions and systems availability  Review of priorities for the Day D (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support
 Update Action Plan

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report (Maintenance part) Updated action plan
Spare Parts stocks and procurement with deadline Confirmed support needs
Action Plan Planning of deliveries
System outages, campaign plans, PABX issues etc.
4 Week Planning

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 23

Daily Maintenance Review – Mechanical
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Phone call Leader Onshore
Daily Monday to Friday 12:15 pm 15 min Mechanical Supervisor Senior Mechanical
Participants Desk Maintenance Engineer
MTMC Mechanical Supervisor Manager Maintenance Inspection (Optional)
Hull chief engineer Head Offshore Maintenance Inspection
Topsides Maintenance Engineer (Optional)

Objectives Agenda
 To provide to site the best operational support from maintenance  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
teams at base  Site key concerns and needs for support (3’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review of vital functions and machine availability  Review of priorities for the Day D (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support
 Confirm urgent spare parts needs
 Clarify vendor needs and timings
 Update Action Plan

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report (Maintenance part) Updated action plan
Spare Parts stocks and procurement with deadline Confirmed support needs
Action Plan Planning of deliveries
Shutdown plans, campaign plans, etc.
4 Week Planning

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 24

Daily Maintenance Review – Electrical
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Phone call Leader
Daily Monday to Friday 12:15 pm 15 min Electrical Workshop Onshore Electrical
Maintenance Engineer
MTMC Electrical Supervisor Manager Maintenance Inspection (Optional)
HVAC Supervisors Head Offshore Maintenance Inspection

Objectives Agenda
 To provide to site the best operational support from maintenance  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
teams at base  Site key concerns and needs for support (3’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review of vital functions and machine availability  Review of priorities for the Day D (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support
 Confirm urgent spare parts needs
 Clarify vendor needs and timings
 Update Action Plan

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report (Maintenance part) Updated action plan
Spare Parts stocks and procurement with deadline Confirmed support needs
Action Plan Planning of deliveries
Shutdown plans, campaign plans, etc.
4 Week Planning

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 25

Daily Maintenance Review – Instrumentation/ICSS
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Phone call Leader
Daily Monday to Friday 12:15 pm 15 min Onshore Inst /Telecom
Intstrument Supervisor
Systems Engineer
Participants Desk
Instrumentation & System Specialist Manager Maintenance Inspection (Optional)
ICSS Engineer Head Offshore Maintenance Inspection

Objectives Agenda
 To provide to site the best operational support from maintenance  Review of major events day D-1 (3’)
teams at base  Site key concerns and needs for support (3’)
 Review key facts & results of day D-1  Overview of daily forecasted operations (3’)
 Review of vital functions and machine availability  Review of priorities for the Day D (3’)
 Review priorities for the Day D  Review & Update of Action plan (3’)
 Confirm support needs of onshore support
 Confirm urgent spare parts needs
 Clarify vendor needs and timings
 Confirm urgent spare parts needs
 Clarify vendor needs and timings
 Update Action Plan

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily site report (Maintenance part) Updated action plan
Spare Parts stocks and procurement with deadline Confirmed support needs
Action Plan Planning of deliveries
Shutdown plans, campaign plans, etc.
4 Week Planning

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 26

Daily Site Permit-to-Work Risk Assessment Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 11:00 am 1h00 Site Meeting Room Offshore Hd of
Participants Production
Offshore Head of HSE Performing Authority Representatives
(GMC CSR/Supervisors, Project Rep,
Construction Rep., etc.)
Permit To Work Leader
Planning Engineer

Objectives Agenda
To prepare work pack of day D+1 to be validated by RSES during the  Check the last reviewed planning for the day D+1, D+2 (5’)
day  For each PTW request : (2’ per PTW)
Evaluate that Performing Authority has taken into account the risks of  Check & challenge risk analysis & correct if necessary
the job  Check & challenge risk mitigations & correct if necessary
Review final analysis of potential interferences between operations  Check the additional documents (sketches, work procedure,
that could increase the risk level task-pack, process, mechanical and electrical isolations,
Challenging risk and validate inhibitions, FPSO map …)
Validate previous day notifications to transform in Work Order  Check the respect of Risk Assessment Meeting outputs and
needs for a specific Kick-off Meeting
 Select PTW to be reconsidered (5’)
 Analyse notifications raised during previous day and validate the
ones which should convert into work orders

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 PTW documents for day D, D+1 (requesters or the representatives)  Updated list of PTWs
 List of PTW (PTW Leader)  Validated PTW
 Weekly Planning and Daily Day D, D+1, D+2 (HoP)  Validated notifications
 SIMOPS Matrix

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 27

Daily Evening Maintenance Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 5:30 pm 30-45 Site Meeting Room Offshore Hd of
Participants min Maintenance & Inspection
Maintenance Team Leaders Technical Support Rep (if required)
Maintenance Engineers Production Rep (if required)
Contract Site Rep

Objectives Agenda
 Review of Key facts of Day D, blocking issues, status of planned  Review of Maintenance key HSE facts for Day D (1’)
operations of Day D and potential continuations during the night  Review of key facts and blocking issues of Day D for each trade (15’)
 Revise progress of work, team work and improve maintenance  Review of progress of work and continuations during the night (5’)
efficiency  Priorities and guidelines for Day D+1 activities (5’)
 Review of planning and priorities for Day D+1  Identify interference with other operations for Day D+1
 Anticipation of potential interferences with other operations for  Validation of planning D+1 (10’)
day D+1 and D+2  Review of Action Plan (2’)
 Take corrective actions if necessary  Transfer of information on Plant status (2’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Maintenance Planning with progress for Day D (Planning Coordinator) Validated Planning for Day D+1 (HdMI)
Maintenance Planning for Day D+1 (Planning Coordinator) Priorities for day D+1 activities
Permit to work Clear Objectives for the following day

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 28

Daily Evening Production Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 6:00 pm 30 min Call Conference Offshore Head of
Participants Room Production
Deputy Offshore Head of Production
Production Shift Team Leaders
OJT Trainer
Laboratory Leader

Objectives Agenda
 Review of Key facts of Day D, blocking issues, status of planned  Key HSE Events of the day (1’)
operations of Day D and potential continuations during the night  Production status vs Objective at 18pm (1’)
 Revise progress of work, team work and improve production  Review of key facts and blocking issues of Day D for process,
performance, taking corrective actions utilities and subsea (12’)
 Review of Short Interval Control and trend of Production/Injection  First review of the Shortfalls causes & allocation in the Excel file
since 0h00 (2’)
 Review of planning and priorities for Day D+1  Review of progress of work and continuations during the night (5’)
 Anticipation of potential interferences with other operations for  Priorities and guidelines for Day D+1 activities (5’)
day D+1 and D+2  Transfer of information on Plant status (4’)
 Review of inhibitions

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Planning with progress for Day D (Production Shift Leader) Priorities for day D+1 activities
Permit to work Clear Objectives for the night and following day
Inhibitions Status List Excel file reviewed

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 29

Marine Operations Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Once a day 7/7 6:00 pm 15 min Transit Lounge Marine Operations
Participants Manager
Logistics Foreman Logistics Leader
Marine Superintendent Logistics Foreman
Loading Master Berthing Master Assistant
Terminal Pilot

Objectives Agenda
 To review the day, reinforce team work and improve marine  HSE Review (anomalies, incidents…) (2’)
operations performance  Review of Key facts Day D and D – 1 (night) (5’)
 Ensure availability of utilities for the Day D+1, D+2  Deck operations
 Review logistics priorities according operation planning  Field activities
 Tank activities
 Planning for Day D+1 and D+2 (3’)
 Priorities and guidelines for Day D activities (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Marine Weekly Planning
Marine and Logistics Daily Report Priorities for next day activities and improvement actions
5 Day Look Ahead Boat Planning
4 Week Look Ahead Planning
POB Planning
Ballast and Void Space Inspection Schedule

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 30

Daily Site Permit-to-Work Validation Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 6:30 pm 15 min Site Meeting Room Offshore Hd of
Participants Production
Offshore Head of HSE Performing Authority Representatives
Permit to Work Leader (GMC CSR/Supervisors, Project Rep,
Construction Rep., etc.)

Objectives Agenda
Approval of opening WP  Select & validate appropriate PTWs to be opened (15’)
Check any interferences

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 List of PTW (PTW Leader)  Updated list of PTWs
 Weekly Planning and Daily Day D, D+1, D+2 (HoP)  Validated PTW
 SIMOPS Matrix

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 31

Daily Evening Site Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Daily 7/7 7:00 pm 45 min Site Meeting Room OIM
Offshore Head of HSE Offshore Head of Technical Support Visitors (as requested)
Offshore Head of Production Security Consultant
Offshore Deputy Head of Production Project Representatives
Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection Construction Representatives
Marine Operations Manager SIMOPS

Objectives Agenda
 Review of Health & Safety events of the day  Review of Site key HSE facts for Day D (3’)
 Review of Environmental events of the day  Review of Site key facts and blocking issues for Day D
 Review of Key facts of Day D, blocking issues, status of planned (Production, Maintenance, Construction (15’)
operations of Day D and potential continuations during the night  Review continuing operations overnight & PTW extensions (if req)(3’)
 Review of planning and priorities for Day D+1  Review and validation of planning and priorities for tomorrow
 Anticipation of potential interferences between operations for day activities (D+1), anticipation of potential interference between
D+1 and D+2 operations and coordination (10’)
 Review of the PoB  Review of special operations (treatment, tests, etc…) and SIMPOS (5’)
 Take corrective actions if necessary  Validation of logistics and Marine operations (offloading, liftings) (4’)
 Confirmation of meetings for next day  Review and update of action plan (7’)
 Validation POB & visitors for the next day D+1 (1’)
 Any other business priorities and meeting agenda for day D+1 (1’)
 Summary of plan priorities (1’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Updated Highlights for each superintendent (HSE, Prod, M&I, MOM) Updated Action Plan (OIM),
Short Interval Control and Highlights from Walk the Floor (HoP) Planning D+1 validated (Prod, M&I, MOM, Projects),
Planning D and D+1 production/maintenance/works (Planning Mger) Highlights updated and validated for FOI Dashboard replication (All)
POB (MOM), Planning of meetings (OIM) Agreements on updates to be recorded in SYNERGI outside the
Action Plan (OIM) meeting (HSE & OIM)
POB and logistics movement (MOM)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 32

Weekly Meeting
Weekly HSE Site Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Saturday 1:30 pm 1h00 Site Meeting Room Offshore Head of HSE
Offshore Installation Manager Discipline Supervisors Contract Site Representative
Offshore Head of Production Marine Operations Manager Construction Representative
Deputy Head of Production Medic SIMOPS
Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection Camp Boss
Offshore Head of Technical Support Any other entity onsite involved Rep.

Objectives Agenda
 To improve HSE performance during operations by reviewing and  Review of HSE issues and KPI for last week (accidents, incidents,
analysing HSE events of the past week spills,…) (5’)
 To exchange information with the contractors to facilitate  Review of Inhibitions and Downgraded Situations status (5’)
management of HSE issues  Explanation of new cases (5’)
 Review Site status on Inhibitions, Downgraded Situations, including  Feedback on Work Permits audits (5’)
adequacy of temporary measures  Feedback on Operators Walk-the-Floor and Site Audits (5’)
 To take improvement or corrective actions  Review on potential issues regarding accommodation & catering (5’)
 To review the efficiency of HSE corrective actions previously  Open discussion around the table (10’)
implemented  Review and update of action plan (5’)
 To give feedback from REX and validate Weekly theme of HSE Talk  Presentation of Weekly theme of HSE Talk support and REX (10’)
 Review on anomalies (5’)
 Includes operators 1 week in 2  New anomalies this week
 Most critical open anomalies blocked

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Action Plan (OIM) List of Downgraded Situations updated and signed (OIM)
Accident, incident and other HSE reports issued during the week Updated Action Plan (OIM)
(HSE) Weekly theme of HSE Talk and presentation sent to Supervisors (HSE)
List of Downgraded Situations (HSE)
List of Inhibitions (HoP)
Work Permits audits main results
HSE weekly report (HSE)
FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 34
Weekly Site Planning Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Sunday 10:00 am 1h00 Site Meeting Room OIM
Site planning function Offshore Head of HSE
Offshore Head of Production Marine Operations Manager
Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection Construction Representative
Offshore Head of Technical Support SIMOPS
Any other entity onsite involved

Objectives Agenda
 To review last week realisation of planned operation  Review of previous week plan attainment (KPI) (4’)
 To review any conflicts of works and ensure efficient work start  Review of continuation and progress of works (4’)
 To set a relevant Maintenance/Production/Works schedule for the  Presentation and review of the proposed schedule for the coming
coming week (W+1), so as to enforce plan attainment week (W+1) with consequential need of equipment (20’)
 To set priorities according to safety and production objectives  Agreement on the schedule of equipments availability for
 To review specific plans (e.g. shutdown, major intervention, maintenance (4’)
campaigns, etc.) and Field Ops ¾ months integrated planning  Review of Integrated Field Ops Planning (10’)
 To ensure that preparatory work for execution is under way and  Validation POB - logistics & visitors (8’)
completed, and needed Pre-Job and Kick-Off meetings planned  Meeting schedule for the week (2’)
 To ensure specific resources are requested and available  Re-cap of Works priority (3’)
 Validate POB  Review and update of action plan (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Last update of the 4 week rolling look ahead (Planning Leader) Updated and agreed schedule for the coming week
Last week planning (HdMI-CSR) Updated POB
Maintenance WO backlog (HdMI-CSR) Comments on Field Ops ¾ months Integrated Planning
Action Plan (OIM) Meeting schedule for the week
Field Ops ¾ months Integrated Planning with Shutdown or campaign
works plans (Planning Leader)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 35

Weekly Site Performance Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Sunday 2:00 am 1h00 Site Meeting Room OIM
Offshore Head of Production Offshore Head of HSE
Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection Marine Operations Manager
Offshore Head of Technical Support Any other entity onsite involved
FPSO Support Engineer
Site planning function

Objectives Agenda
 Review and inform personnel on site weekly performance on :  General Information (3’)
 HSE and ISO 14001  Review of weekly KPIs for HSE, production & maintenance (7’)
 Production & Injection  Review of operations performance and operation status (5’)
 Planning and operations  Review of Vital Functions availability and related action plan (5’)
 Review of major production events, Shutdowns and Shortfalls  Ensure that all shortfall related problems are clearly identified
 Improve site performances and initiate corrective actions and understood (identify actions required to achieve this) (10’)
 Identify needs for onshore assistance  Ensure that all shutdown related problems are clearly identified
 Get feed back from previous “Root Cause Analysis” and “Problem and understood (identify actions required to achieve this) (15’)
Solving Group”  Identify causes of planning slippage (real vs plan) (5’)
 Review and update of action plan (5’)
 Review of TOP TEN Subjects progress vs plan (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Weekly Dashboard (HoTS) Validated Weekly Dashboard (OIM)
Action Plan (OIM) Updated Action Plan (OIM)
Shutdowns Log and Weekly Shortfall Analysis (HoTS)
Weekly Planning for Week W-1 (Planning Leader)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 36

Weekly Maintenance Evaluation
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly (plus monthly Sunday 3:00 pm 20 min OIM Office Offshore Head of
consolidation before GMC Meeting)
Maintenance & Inspection
Contract Site Representatives
OIM as requested

Objectives Agenda
 Review last week maintenance events and any behaviour or  Review of weekly maintenance highlights :
performance that would impact maintenance weekly/ monthly KPI  HSE (5’)
 Vital Functions and Equipment status (5’)
 Review of shutdowns and / or shortfalls due to maintenance (5’)
 Identification of good performance related to an outstanding
efficient of maintenance teams (5’)
 Review of inappropriate /or efficient behaviour of maintenance
teams (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Daily Maintenance Reports (HdMI-CSR) Weekly Maintenance Evaluation Report
Weekly Maintenance Dashboard (HdMI-CSR) (validated by both OIM, HdMI & CSR)
CR Incidents, Anomalies or STOP Cards (HdMI-CSR)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 37

Weekly Inspection Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Tuesday 10:00 am 1h00 Inspection Office/ Head of Inspection
Phone Call
Senior Inspection Engineer
Inspection Team Leader
Off Shore Head of Maintenance & Inspection
Integrity Manager (on request)

Objectives Agenda
 HSE review and general information (2’)
 Communication of general information
 Feedback of Field Operations meetings (3’)
 Review of the last week’s events :
 Encountered issues on on-going interventions (10’)
 Dysfonctionings, issues
 Site’s request for support (5’)
 Impact on production / injection
 Progress on affairs’ preparation (5’)
 Blocking point and gaps with planning
 Analyse feedback on audits and related action plan (5’)
 Improve site Field Ops performance by initiating corrective actions
 Review of Crane activities (5’)
 Prioritisation of actions to be done the coming week
 Blocking point regarding on-going supplies (5’)
 Task allocation for the coming week
 Key points and priorities for the coming week (5’)
 Anticipate planning’s modifications
 Modification of the interventions’ planning (5’)
 Review updates on affairs and specific project
 Review and update of action plan (10’)
 Analyse feedback on audits

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 Key events of the week  Summary of actions to take
 4Weeks Site and 3 month planning  Modified planning
 Weekly site’s report (Key events + Dashboard)  Updated action plan
 Action plan

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 38

5 weeks Planning & Coordination Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Tuesday 2:15 pm 45mn Field Ops Meeting FO Manager
Participants Room
OIM Head of Production Drilling Representative (if necessary)
Offshore Head of Production Head of Maintenance & Inspection Planning Engineers
Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection ECP Manager Any other entity onsite involved
Operations Logistics Manager OPEX & Planning Manager
Marine Operations Manager Tech. Logistic Representative (if necessary)

Objectives Agenda
 To comment on and complete drafts 4 months schedules  Review progress of main activities up to 5 weeks(5’)
 To validate site activities for the 5 weeks to come  Comment draft of the 5 weeks schedule by trade(5’)
 To validate the feasibility of validated Week S+1 activities  Identify any further potential for simultaneous execution of jobs
 To ensure that preparatory work for execution is under way and and anticipate any blocking issues for Week M+1 – M+4 (5’)
completed  Review of the draft 4W Field Ops planning per Trade / Project (35’)
 To plan Pre-Job and Kick-Off meetings and Management venue  Ensure all conditions (resources, site status…) are available to
according to POB achieve scheduled activities:
 To ensure specific resources are requested and available  POB forecasted
 To coordinate activities and logistics to reduce shortfalls and  Brief scan weekly schedule of next week (W+1)
shutdowns  Validation of the week W+2 (100%)
 Validation of weeks W+3 and W+4 (60%)
 Clarification of Works priority (5’)
 Review and update of action plan (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Last update of the 5 week rolling look ahead (Planning Leader) Updated and agreed schedule for the coming 4 weeks
Maintenance WO backlog (HdMI) Last version of Field Ops ¾ months Integrated Planning (Planning Ldr)
Project progress status (Project Leader) Updated Action Plan
Action Plan (Planning Leader)
Field Ops ¾ months Integrated Planning with Shutdown or campaign
works plans (Planning Leader)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 39

Needed on
weekly bas
Weekly Well Performance
or monthly i
enough ? Time
Site Meeting Room
Well Performance
Participants Engineer
Offshore Well Performance Engineer Representative DC
Reservoir Engineer
If needed : Well Performance
Head of Production
WPT Leader
Head of Technical Support Site

Objectives Agenda
 Review safety issues – well integrity  Review of the safety of wells open and closed(10’)
 Identify the non-conformities and delays on safety actions  Review of the delayed well safety actions, oil and gas tightness down
 Analyse weekly well performance hole and surface, test eruptivity, valve greasing, increase in annular
 Review Gas and Water Injection space pressure.(10’)
 Validate the actions for the week on safety/ integrity, productivity  List the well to be worked on the following week W+1 (10’)
and on injection  Review sand and H2S measurement and treatment(5’)
 Review well performance of the week W+1(10’)
Documentation de support  Review actions for well productivity for the week W+1; well test
priorities, well optimisation (injection products, choke settings,
Database «Well Integrity»/General view of wells (APS)
Dashboard from the database « Well integrity » (APS) follow-up of wells (sampling and recording of parameters) (10’)
Reports and notable well safety events of the week; test for leaks  Review injection of water and gas (5’)
surface and downhole, test eruptivity, greasing well valves, raised
annular pressures(APS)
Record of sand Document
measurement to and
H2S andthe meeting
follow up and treatment
Livrables deoflathe
Deliverables réunion
(LAB/PFS). Notable well productivity events of the week; production The reporting of tests and their results
test priorities; well optimisation (chemical injection, choke settings,
Agreement and recording of actions
parameter modification and parameter follow up FCW)
Review of Well Tests « Verification Test » (APS) Action plan updated (PFS)
List of priority wells to test sent by e des puits à tester WP & RES The planning of well activities for the following week W+1 (PFS)
Meeting notes – Weekly Well Monitoring
Review of the wells (APS)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 40

Weekly Maintenance & Inspection Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Wednesday 9:30 am 1h30 Site Meeting Room Head of Maintenance &
Inspection Onshore
Electrical Technical Authority Offshore Head of Maintenance & Inspection
Head of Maintenance Support
Mechanical Technical Authority Inspection Leader
Head of Inspection
Intrum. / ICSS Technical Authority Topsides Maintenance Engineer
Maintenance Methods Co-ordinator
Hull Chief Engineer
FO Material Superintendent
Offshore Contract Site Representatives Inst / Systems Specialist
ICSS Engineer

Objectives Agenda
 Communication of general information  HSE review and general information (2’)
 Review of the last week’s events :  Feedback of Field Operations meetings (3’)
 Dysfonctionings, issues  Encountered issues on on-going interventions (10’)
 Impact on production / injection  Monitoring of Vital Function & Machine unavailability and related
action plan (5’)
 Blocking point and gaps with planning
 Backlog status  Ensure that production related problems are clearly identified (10’)
 Improve site Field Ops performance by initiating corrective actions  POB and vendor visits (4’)
 Prioritization of actions to be done the coming week  Site’s request for support (4’)
 Task allocation for the coming week  Progress on affairs’ preparation (4’)
 Anticipate planning’s modifications  Blocking point regarding on-going supplies (4’)
 Key points and priorities for the coming week (4’)
 Modification of the interventions’ planning (5’)
 Review and update of action plan (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
 Key events of the week  Summary of actions to take
 4Weeks Site and 3 month planning  Modified planning
 Weekly site’s report (Key events + Dashboard)  Updated action plan
 Shutdowns Log
 Action plan

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 41

Weekly Production Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Wednesday 1:30 pm 1h30 Site Meeting Room Head of Production
Offshore Head of Production
Well Performance Group leader
Off Shore Head of Technical Support
Senior Production Engineers
Process Engineers (As Required)

Objectives Agenda
 To communicate general information  General Information and review of agenda for Week W (5’)
 Review and inform personnel Field Ops weekly performance for  Review of weekly KPIs and highlights for HSE (5’)
Week W-1 , prepare Weeks W and W+1 on :  Review of production performance with weekly dashboard
 HSE and ISO 14001 (production, injection, shortfalls, shutdowns…) (10’)
 Production & Injection  Explain operations performance and status using weekly KPIs and
 Planning and operations highlights (20’)
 Review of major production events, Shutdowns and Shortfalls  Review of Vital Functions availability and related action plan (5’)
 Improve site performances and initiate corrective actions on  Ensure that all shortfall/ shutdown related problems are identified
critical issues and understood (identify actions needed to achieve this) (15’)
 Review onshore needs for assistance and initiate actions  Identify causes of planning slippage (real vs plan) (5’)
 Define priorities for next week W and W+1  Review and update of action plan (10’)
 Review of TOP TEN Subjects (Integrity) progress vs plan (10’)
 Open discussion around the table (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Weekly Reports of all entities for week W-1 (Services) Meeting Minutes
Weekly Dashboard (HoTS) Updated Planning (as required) (Planning Leader)
Action Plan (FdOps) Validated Weekly Dashboard (OIM)
Shutdowns Log and Weekly Shortfall Analysis (HoTS) Updated Action Plan (Fd Ops)
Weekly Planning for Week W-1 and 4W Look ahead (Planning Leader)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 42

Weekly Treatment & Chemicals Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Thursday 10:00 am 45 min Site Meeting Room Chemical Support
Participants Engineer
Offshore Head of Technical Support Chemical Treatment Tech
Site Laboratory Supervisor Onshore Chemical Treatment Eng. (phone-
Offshore Deputy Head of Production call)

Objectives Agenda
 To check chemical injection  Review of chemical injections (5’)
 To optimise chemical injection  Analysis of the gap between instructions and injections (10’)
 To review impact of chemical injection on production performance  Review of treatment efficiency (10’)
 To anticipate any procurement issue on chemicals  Review of chemical stocks & procurement (10’)
 Review of Lab performance (5’)
 Review and update of action plan (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Action plan (Chemical Support Engineer) Minutes of meeting (Lab Supv)
Historical records of chemical injections (Lab Supv) Updated Action plan (Chemical Support Engineer)
Status of stocks (Lab Supv)
Chemical instructions (Lab Supv)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 43

SMR Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Thursday 2:00 pm 1h00 Site Meeting Room OPEX / Planning
Participants Manager
SMR coordinator Process & Flow Assurance Engineer
Integrity Manager (Optional)
Planning Engineer Head of C & P
Offshore Head of Technical Support HSE Methods Engineer
Senior Method Production Engineer Head of Production (Optional)
Head of Maintenance and Inspection (Optional)

Objectives Agenda
 To review the SMR portfolio management (budget; Gates;  Class 2 SMR: review every week
planning; …)  Class 1 SMR: review every two weeks
 Analysis of new SMR request  Review of the performance Dashboard for the SMR (2nd /month)
 Agreement on the technical solution to be implemented  Presentation of new SMR (every two weeks)
 Follow the progress of the SMR linked to HSE issues  Validate technical proposal to be implemented
 Re-assess the priority for the SMR  Progress review of SMR linked to HSE
 Analyze the blocking points
 Review the SMR Priority and update the SMR planning in the TUPNI
Integrated Planning

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
SMR Register (SMR coordinator) Minutes of meeting (SMR Coordinator)
TUPNI Integrated Planning (Planning) Updated Action plan (SMR coordinator)
Budget $ (OPEX Manager) Updated Integrated Planning (Planning)
Integrated Action Plan (SMR Coordinator) Updated SMR Register (SMR Coordinator)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 44

Weekly Maintenance Planning Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Weekly Thursday 3:00 pm 2h00 Site Meeting Room Head of Maintenance
Participants & Inspection
Contract Site Representative Mechanical Supervisor
Head of Inspection Electrical Supervisor
Maintenance Planner Instrumentation Supervisor
Hull Chief Engineer HVAC Supervisor
ICSS Supervisor

Objectives Agenda
 To review last week realisation of planned operation  Review of previous week plan attainment (KPI) (5’)
 To review any conflicts of works and ensure efficient work start  Review of works in backlog – rescheduling and priorisation (15’)
 To set a relevant Maintenance schedule for the coming week  Review of continuation and progress of works (15’)
(W+1), so as to enforce plan attainment  Presentation and review of the proposed schedule for the coming
 To set priorities according to safety and production objectives week (W+1) with consequential need of equipment (45’)
 To review specific plans (e.g. shutdown, major intervention,  Agreement on the schedule of equipment availability for
campaigns, etc.) and Field Ops ¾ months integrated planning maintenance (10’)
 To ensure that preparatory work for execution is under way and  Re-cap of Works priority (10’)
completed, and needed Pre-Job and Kick-Off meetings planned  Review and update of action plan (10’)
 To ensure specific resources are requested and available
 Validate POB associated with planned jobs

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Last update of the 4 week rolling look ahead (Maintenance Planner) Updated and agreed schedule for the coming week
Last week planning (HdMI-CSR) Updated Action Plan
Maintenance WO backlog (HdMI-CSR) New Actions Generated
Action Plan (Hd M&I) Updated POB

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 45

Monthly Meetings
MTMC Monthly Site Performance Meeting
Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Monthly Thursday (1st of Month) 2:00 pm 3h00 Site Meeting Room Head of Maintenance &
Participants Visio Inspection
OIM SAIPEM Representative
Offshore Head of Maintenance Inspection Site Contract Representative
Offshore Trade leaders

Objectives Agenda
 Have an evaluation of the month regarding:  HSE review
 Events, anomalies and incidents  Review of the month Key events and their impact in the
 Blocking points, gaps with the planning operational performance of AKPO
 Review the KPI’s for the month  Status of the ongoing actions and review of all the blocking points
 Review of the medium term maintenance planning
 Definition of the corrective actions to improve the maintenance
 Validation of the performance score for the month

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Monthly events log (Field Ops) Updated Action Plan (Field Ops)
Integrated Action Plan (Field Ops)
Weekly Maintenance Performance sheets (OIM)
Maintenance KPI’s and Dashboard (Maintenance)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 47

Frequency Day Time Duration Place Leader
Monthly Thursday (4thof Month) Flight 2h00 Site Meeting Room Field Ops
Participants + HSE Tour Management
Site Management Team
All site personnel

Objectives Agenda
 Review and analysis off the Hygiene-Safety & environment events,  Analysis of the HSE results and KPI (10’)
for the month and ISO 14001 improvement actions
 Review of the integrity level of the installation: (20’)
 Review of the Downgraded Situation and long term inhibitions
 Review DS and LT Inhibitions
 Validation of the new environmental objectives
 Status of the inspection of the safety equipments
 Review Training needs
 Status on the Preventive Program maintenance
 Review Audit’s results if any
 Review and analysis of the monthly HSE Key Events (10’)
 Rex on the monthly safety exercises
 Status of HSE actions in Action Plan and SYNERGI(5’)
 Communication with the contractors on the key HSE points
 Team awareness on the major theme recorded in the anomalies  REX on safety exercises and Safety Inspection Tour (5’)
 Communicate the key HSE objectives validated at TUPNI level  REX from headquarter accident feedbacks on other affiliates (5’)
 Open discussion (5’)
 Update of HSE actions in Action Plan (5’)

Document to support the meeting Livrables deoflathe

Deliverables réunion
Downgraded Situations list (OIM) Updated Integrated Action Plan (Head of HSE)
Inhibitions List (Head of Production) Minute of Meeting (Head of HSE)
Key HSE events (Head of HSE)
Integrated Action Plan (OIM)
All support documents (Head of HSE)

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 48

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 50
Meeting Evaluation Matrix

1 note by line :
- 0 : non conforming
- 1 : partially
- 2 : conforming

associated with
the question

FOMS and TOR for Site's Meetings 51

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