Practise Sheet 1

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Spotting Errors
1. A body of politicians have (a) / been called for an (b) / urgent meeting
because of the recent terrorist attack on Mumbai.(c)/ No error (d)
2. Every leaf (a) / and every flower proclaim (b) / the glory of god. (c) / No
error. (d)
3. In most of the states (a) / forty percent of people below thirty years (b) / is
undernourished. (c) / No error. (d)4
4. Mr. Malhotra, along with (a) / his friends, were (b) / invited to dinner. (c) /
No error. (d)
5. Dead men (a) / tells (b) / no tales. (c) / No error. (d)
6. My friend, philosopher (a) and guide (b) / have come. (c) / No error. (d)
7. The jury (a) / were (b) / divided in their opinion. (c) / No error. (d)
8. Nine tenths (a) / of the pillar (b) / have rotted away (c) / No error. (d)
9. Neither Ramesh nor Rajendra (a) / has done (b) / his work properly. (c) /
No error. (d)
10 .She is one of the (a) / best mothers. (b) / that has ever lived. (c) / No
error. (d)
11. There was too many (a) / people trying to get (b) / into the football stadium
(c) / No error. (d)
12. Drinking and driving (a) / are (b) / a major cause of accidents. (c) / No
error. (d)
13. The Arabian Nights (a) / are indeed (b) / an interesting book. (c) / No error.
14. Neither of the two (a) / candidates have (b) / paid his subscri . (c) / No
error. (d)
15. Either parmeet (a) / or jyoti (b) / have committed the crime. (c) / No error.
16. The teacher as well as the students (a) / have gone on an excursion (b) /
to ooty during the summer vacation. (c) / No error. (d)
17. Many a man were happy (a) / dancing at the victory (b) / of our cricket
team in Australia. (c) / No error. (d)
18. The police is investigating (a) / for the recent happening (b) / in the area.
(c) / No error. (d)
19. Each of these boys (a) / play (b) / games. (c) / No error. (d)
20. The newer type of automatic machines (a) / wash (b) / the clothes faster.
(c) / No error. (d)
21. He walked five miles which are really a great distance (a) / for a man like
him (b) /who is not only old but also ill. (c) / No error. (d)
22. I am sure that (a) / neither the house nor its contents (b) / is for sale. (c) /.
No error.
23. In the modern age (a) / twenty miles are (b) / not a long distance to be
covered. (c) / No error. (d)
24. Some land have been purchased (a) / for the special economic zone (b) /
(SEZ) by the state government. (c) / No error.
25. Many a boy (a) / have not done his (b) / homework properly. (c) / No
26. Neither he nor they (a) / is making any strategy (b) /for the company. (c) /
No error. (d)
27. Two miles beyond (a) / that building was seen dozens (b) / of antisocial
elements. (c) / No error.
28. The newer type of automatic machines (a) / wash (b) / clothes faster. (c) /
No error.
29. You and I am intimate friends from the now (a) / and our friendship will be
continued (b) / in forthcoming time as well. (c) / No error. (d)
30. The secretary and the principal of the college (a) /is attending (b) / the
District Development Council Meeting at the Collect orate. (c) / No error. (d)
31. There is (a) / only one of his novels (b) / that are interesting. (c) / No
error. (d)
32. Our success or our failure (a) / largely depend (b) / upon our actions. (c) /
No error. (d)
33. Fifty meters (a) / are not a great height (b) / and can be accessed easily
by determination. (c) / No error. (d)
34. A few of computers (a) / has been repaired on the (b) / urgent basis. (c) /
No error. (d)
35. A rise in rents and wages (a) / have been found (b) / to go together. (c) /
No error. (d)
36. No one have (a) / protested this statement (b) / in the conference. (c) /
No error. (d)
37. He is one of those few post-colonial writers who believes (a) / that this
talk about colonialism has gone too far (b) / that has turned into a cliche. (c) /
No error. (d)

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