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Points to Remember: 1. Brey suostanceis made up of vty tiny partic, called moleculea, Molecules are formed frm even seater partles called atoms, 2 Element (a) ements tne smpost pure substance cannot be dvged the into simpler substances by any chemical metnod e3. ongen,hycrogen, sup et (B)Atpresent 116 elements are inv, of when 92 ae natural elements. 3. Based on thal propertes, elements ate classed nto: metals. non-metal, metalors noble gases 4 Metals ae ductile, malable, good conductors of heal and electric high meting and boing points Metals are sonorous, 9g ron Gol ive, tc. 5. Norometals ave solids and bitin atu bad conductr of heat and electric (exception Graphs) low meting and toting ports, eg sulphur carbon, hycrogen, et 6 Metallolda— These elements show properties ofboth metal ad non-metal. They ate hard sols, ‘29, Boron Slicon, Arsenic 7 Inert or noble gases— These elerents donc react chericaly wth other elements or compounds ‘xe cales noble net) gases. hem. neon, argon ete 8. Symbols of Elements Each elements dencte by a symbol usualy oft eter Examples: Onygen by 0 Hydrogen by H. 9. Atom-— "in Atoms the sales pice ofan element met cantake patina chemical reacton out mayor may nathave independent exstence” ‘The atom f an element exhibits al te properties of hat element 10. Molecule— & molecules the smalest parle of a pure substance of element or compound which hat independent existence lt exits al ne properties of pre substance 11. Atemitty— The numer of atoms o an element ain egethert erm a molecule ot mat ‘Serres incom as the stort 12 Molecular Formula ofan clerent isthe symbairepreseration ofits mclecleItindcates the ‘numberof atoms present init eg. Magnesium oxide ~ MgO. Question 1. \irte the symbols of helium sir, krypton. antiany baru, Answer: Element Symbol Helium He iver a9 Keypton kr timony 8b Barium a ‘Question 2 ‘ite the names of following olrments NaC, KU Ra, Fe, Co Answer: Symbol Element Na Secium c certon kr Krypton u Uranium Ra aim Fe Iron 00 cobalt ‘Question 3. Define = 1. Elements An element isthe base form of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions, 2. Compound :& compoundis a pure substance formed by the chemical combination of wo or more ements in a ised ratio by mas. ‘Question 4. Name the main metal present inthe folowing Answer: @)Haemeatobin ron (&) Chak calcu (©) Chorapnyt Magnesium (0) Chocovate vranpers ‘Aluminum veston Ge ou exarees of nanmetale emer newer Barles:Hiogen ongen, ntogen carbon chlorne, euts shaspons ee avestons, What oyouundestanay newer 5. Metals: sr those substances which nave some ponies of metals and sme ot sarrmetals goto con 2 Noble gene note gas ae hoe ich donot ac chemically wththe smarts ot ‘campourds ea han neon et, ‘aveston7, Suet mens and compounds fam the folowing it tn plaster of pars chal, commen at copper minum cakium ode cane sui catton sien sod spate taniim pteesamestonsts set, Element Compounds Iron Plaster of pris Copper Cha ‘Alorninium ‘Common st Carbon Calcium oxide Uranium Cane sugar Siver Silica Sodivm sulphate Potassium carbonate Carbon dioxide EXERCISE 11 ‘Question 4 ‘State four difference beeen cormpounds and mises Compound 1. Acompoundis a pure susstance 2 Compounds ae avays homogeneous. ‘3.Acompound nas 2 fed composition Le is farmed when mo or more pure substances chemically combine na dfiteratoby mass 4. Formation ofa compound inves change in neg 5.Compounds nave spect set ofpropertes 6. components of compounds canbe separated ontyby complex chemical processes. Mixture 1A mixture isan impure substance 2 Misures maybe homogeneous orhstetogensous 3.Amixtue has no ed composition. 1@, It formed by ming two or more substances in any ‘ato without ary chemical reaction 4 Fermaton of amacue doesnot ivohe any changein energy. 5 Moures donot have any spect set of properties. 6. Components of moaures canbe separated by _siple physical methods. ouenion utters ne chaactne rpetas ct Pie sven Wh owe eet eT? Purenubtanes Pre ousuncis ave nese propria uch ang pin Pergo erst et. The areal, br conpseton xe Poigostnebuk Oh eres 2 Topepaecrencas nase 4 rece pros + Toman 20 eotethumanbeng. eesten (a)sace Sots (Sct it ee lojuus+ Laude answer (asta + Sid me Sanaana sa (Sidi (oes vase me + ote, ‘Question 4. Define : 1. Evaporation: isthe process ~of converting liquid ito ts vapours state either by exposing itto ar orby heating 2 Filtration: The process of separating so particles fom lquid by allowing to passthrough after paper i called fltration 8. Sublimation : The process in which a solid changes decly nt its vapours en heating i caled sublimation 4 Dietilaton :Distilaton isthe method of getting a pure qu from a solution by evaporating andthen condensing the vapours. 5. Miselble liquids Homogeneous iqud-iquc motures are called miscible liquids. 6-Immiscible liquids : Heterogeneous liquid iqud mixtures are called imeiscible quis. ‘ouesten 5. ameteprecessy whe te campos tawny mises in espace, ‘onan sour 4 hat ndaran 6 superand ater 7 osm omic {Nags seraraten. 8 Banari, 4. Hnrowng spares ca (tte fomevergans nwo ieee heaps 5 Nusadoand watersheuishaueinmecbe mitre aris scat eet uel ater 6 Byevratonn ns proes of crvering sind to vag sttety het, Linu ted srcvotereapaste adaware cts 7cenngatn. vest. How wily separates mn comman st hak powders pouaeed amar Spa Carper wth ssimston Chak once Ateran ten theres econ st seston Answer: Tre aarp ot otatn ews be carne te silliensiedbilnetinsedaicihieialameiertewieitndeibel Question 8. 1. Whatis chromatography? 2.Whyis itnamed 50? 3 What are the advantages of chromatography? 44 Name the simplest ype of chromatography? 5.On what principle itis method based? 6. Whatis meant by stationary phase and mobil phase in chromatography? Answer: 1 Theprocess of separating different ciscolves constituent ofa minture ty thelr abserstion on an ‘appropriate materials called chromatograohy 2 ttismamed so, because earl it was used to seperate mivtues contining coloured components only but tnece days this tecnnique is appbed to colouress substances to, 9. Advantages of chromatography : (@ Avery small quantity ofthe substance canbe separate. (i) Components with very similar pnyscal ana cnemical properties can be senareted (i) tidanties te dtecne consttuents of amu (W)ttaleo heps in quantitative estimation of components of amiure 4 The simplest ype of hvernatography is"Paner chromatography’ 5. Chromatography is based on cifferential antes of compounds towards two phases. stationary ‘and mele phase, 6. The fter paper acts as ‘stationary phase" while the solvent act as ‘mobil phase” naps toners ‘feuds aca shane os tar Pte 2 Seaton and ante: ig etapa apne sang svuoronai te nape :trisistonetn oes trot dente ‘ar eyeaeaen evar Oca Gyan henson seks Mg IAS ‘neg cane tenet Tina pct na spnty ern swe ‘omer soas on comcast ee MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Select the correct slterative from the choices given forthe following statements ‘Question 1. ‘Apureluidis obtained trom a solution by Answer: 1. evaporation 2 distillation 3 Alteration 4. crystalsaton Question 2. CComaonents of crude petroleum can be separated by Answer: 1 distillation 2 evaporation 3.tiration 4 fractional dstilation Question 3 Examale ofa homogeneous mixture is Answer: + tap water 2.distiled water 3. sandand water 4.water and ol Question 4 In chromatography te fer paper is answer: 5. stationary phase 2. motile phase 3.minture 4.none ofthe above ‘Question 5 Ase ofr Answer: 4. Ink, honey, feeeream, mi 2. apwater, gold, common sat alloy 3, mik brass siver honey 4. buter petroleum tapwater, in

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