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PROVA 2013 SSA3 28. Na sentença “At the hands of peers and teachers,” a
expressão em destaque pode ser traduzida como:
Text 1 (questions 25 – 28) A) Na palma da mão.
B) Nas mãos de, em poder de.
C) Ter algo à mão, disponível.
D) De mãos dadas com.
E) Dar a mão, ajudar a.

29. Leia a tirinha e responda ao que se pede:

Disponível em: (Adaptado).

Considerando o contexto, o phrasal verb que completa

corretamente a oração “You can’t just ................................
creativity like a faucet.” , no 2º quadrinho, é:

A) cut off
25. Pelo teor do texto, o título adequado que lhe deve ser B) give up
atribuído é: C) go on
D) take off
A) The global phenomenon of violence. E) turn on
B) Violence and bullying in schools.
C) Street children and their problems. Text 2 (questions 30 and 31)
D) Violation of children’s rights.
E) Violence against women.

26. O tópico frasal que resume a ideia principal do 6º

(penúltimo) parágrafo é:

A) Violence in the home and family.

B) Lack of punishment.
C) Children, gender and society.
D) Life and violence.
E) Violence in work situations.

27. Sobre os aspectos linguísticos do texto, analise os itens a

I. Often, sometimes e usually são advérbios de modo.
II. Child, life e phenomenon são substantivos de plural
III. Untold, mistreatment e innumerable têm prefixos de
conotação negativa.
IV. Em ‘And because they are so young,’ o termo destacado
intensifica o adjetivo young.
V. No último parágrafo, ‘this problem’ se refere a ‘signicant

30. What does “designer” mean?
A) II, III e IV.
A) It’s something someone plan and create in his mind.
B) I, III e V. B) It’s the idea you have in mind and decide to practice.
C) I, II e IV.
C) It’s something you create, like a very detailed drawing.
D) III, IV e V.
D) It’s a drawing from which you can build something.
E) II, III e V.
E) It’s a person whose job is to design things.


31. According to the text 2,

1. Stephen Richardson is a student. Text 4 (question 34)

2. many 25-year-olds live with their parents.
3. they don’t like living with their parents.
4. in Italy 18% of 30-year-old men live with their parents. 5.
Giuseppe Andreoli is a divorced man.

It is CORRECT only
A) 2 and 5.
B) 3 and 4.
C) 5.
D) 3 and 5.
E) 2 and 4.

Text 3 (questions 32 and 33)

34. According to the text, the emergence of an underclass is

provoked by

A) young people.
B) all countries.
C) human capital.
D) long-term.
E) unemployment.

32. According to the text 3,

1. Fernando Lugo suffered an impeachment.

2. Paraguay has suspended the Mercosur.
3. Venezuela is the new member of the bloc.
4. Paraguay is out of Mercosur till the end of 2012.
5. The bloc wants a democratic process back in Paraguay.

It’s CORRECT only

A) 1.
B) 1, 3 and 5.
C) 5.
D) 2.
E) 2 and 4.

33. When did Fernando Lugo become the President of


A) In 2006
B) In 2012
C) In 2008
D) In April
E) On 22 June


PROVA 2014 SSA3 26. The Doctors Without Borders

a) are very dedicated.

b) love countries in crisis.
c) are sad and shocking.
d) are looking for success.
e) hate doing their job.

27. The expression “above all” in paragraph five means

a) someone who is not very bad.

b) an enormous amount of something.
Texto 1 (questões de 25 a 29) c) worse than stated.
d) more important than the things that have been mentioned.
DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS IN A THIRD WORLD CRISIS e) survivors of the 1996 crisis in Rwanda.
By Elliott Leyton and Greg Locke
28. The writers’ purpose in the article is to
When the rapes and massacre, the plagues, the famines, the
floods, or droughts erupt in far off places, the world stands still a) raise money for Doctors Without Borders.
but MSF does not. b) criticize the methods of MSF.
c) show how important MSF’s job is.
While others are stymied or delayed by bureaucratic red tape, d) demonstrate how leaders can stop the poverty.
the men and women of Medicine sans Frontiers (MSF or e) present the biographies of both authors.
Doctors Without Borders) move in. They provide food and clean
water. They dig latrines. They set up first aid stations and field 29. In which tense are most of the verbs in paragraph four?
hospitals. They are often the last to remain in situations
abandoned by others as too dangerous. a) Present progressive
b) Present perfect tense
The risks they take are moral and ethical as well as mortal. They c) Past progressive
are acutely aware that giving aid is controversial. Does it really d) Simple present tense
do any good to save a child from murder one day when it will e) Simple past tense
probably starve in the weeks ahead?
Is it appropriate to bring expensive western medicine into a Texto 2 (questões de 30 a 34)
country that, in the long run, can’t afford it?
Should relief be given to civilians who are being starved on
purpose, as part of a cynical political game, by a local warlord?

Elliott Leyton and Greg Locke saw something of the

implications of these questions when they travelled to Rwanda
in 1996. There they found themselves plunged into a
humanitarian crises of epic proportions. Hundreds of thousands
of people were on the move. Armed militias and hostiles armies The songbird’s rescuer uses his saliva to
lurked in the background, mass starvation, plague, and an remove sticky plum tree sap from its feathers […]
eruption into civil and criminal violence were immediate
possibilities. The two Canadians, one an internationally After 18 years covering conflict in Rwanda, Afghanistan, and
recognized expert on the psychology of killing, the other, and Iraq, photojournalist David Guttenfelder was unsure if he had
experienced international photojournalist , had the rare the skills for a delicate new assignment: documenting the
opportunity to observe MSF in action. trapping and eating of songbirds. But he soon found himself on
a familiar ground, enmeshed in story with carnage and tension.
They watched and listened, to the perpetrators of violence and He had an awakening as well. In Ayia Napa, Cyprus, he met a
their victims, to survivors and those who gave them assistance, man who’d illegally caged a dozen wild birds. Guttenfelder
and, above all, the people of MSF who dedicate themselves to thought: “This isn’t how birds are supposed to be.” In this case
save lives because, in the words of one MSFer, “The world can the authorities came in and freed the birds. […] He was
afford a humanitarian idea.” interviewed by Daniel Stone.

The result of Leyton and Locke’s research is and extraordinary DS: Taking pictures of birds isn’t your usual line of work, is it?
written and visual record of small miracles performed in the DG: After so much time covering war, I remember some of my
midst catastrophe. friends in Syria and Libya said to me, “You’re out there covering
(Match Point – Teacher’s Edition – Cleide Silva and Roberto Lobo. Longman, New York, 2003.
birds?” I’ve spent a long time photographing people doing
horrible things to each other, but seeing hundreds of birds
suffering was a very challenging project. It made me realize
25. According to the article above MSF is an organization that there are other types of conflicts that need to be covered.
DS: How did people justify killing birds?
a) moves children from place to place. DG: In Cyprus, when I listened to activists argue with local
b) is helpful but controversial. people, the Cypriots would say that the birds are delicious. One
c) always waits for government approval. man told me, “Imagine the best thing your mother made for you
d) abandons situations when dangerous. as a kid, then multiply it a thousand. That’s how delicious they
e) considers it’s nonsense to help people. are.”
DS: Did you eat any of the birds?


DG: I did. As I learned from war photography, you sometimes Estão CORRETAS
need to hang around with people who do things you don’t agree
with to photograph things you want show. After spending an a) I, III e IV.
entire day with a family in Egypt that hunted songbirds, they b) II, III e IV.
invited me to eat with them. I probably ate three or four birds. It c) III, IV e V.
wasn’t for me. d) IV e V.
(In: The moment. David Guttenfelder: behind the lens. National Geographic, USA, July 2013. e) I e V.
34. As últimas sentenças do texto “I probably ate three or four
30. De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que David birds. It wasn’t for me.” poderiam ser ditas num só período,
Guttenfelder com acréscimo de um conectivo (linking word), sem
comprometer o sentido do que foi dito. Assinale a alternativa
a) era experiente em cobrir conflitos em regiões perigosas, mas que apresenta esse período CORRETAMENTE.
não estava certo se tinha as habilidades para aquela nova e
delicada missão. a) I probably ate three or four birds, whenever it wasn’t for me.
b) com sua experiência na cobertura de guerras e conflitos, b) I probably ate three or four birds but it wasn’t for me.
estava certo de que aquele novo e delicado trabalho poderia ser c) I probably ate three or four birds so that it wasn’t for me.
realizado sem grandes problemas. c) não era tão experiente em d) I probably ate three or four birds while it wasn’t for me.
conflitos fora do país, porém estava certo de que não e) I probably ate three or four birds whereas it wasn’t for me.
teria dificuldades para executar mais uma nova cobertura de
d) era um profissional experiente em cobrir conflitos e guerras
no exterior, mas não teria êxito trabalhando em questões
delicadas e pouco divulgadas.
e) era experiente em cobrir conflitos em áreas perigosas, mas
não aceitaria documentar aquele projeto, pois alguns amigos
não dariam a devida importância.

31. The sentence “This isn’t how birds are supposed to be.”
shows Guttenfelder’s

a) weakness in the situation.

b) satisfaction to met the birds.
c) disappointment in the situation.
d) gratitude to the native people in Cyprus.
e) worries about the war.

32. Identifique, entre as alternativas abaixo, o par de palavras

que apresenta sentido de oposição.

a) Documenting / covering
b) New / soon
c) Spent / came
d) Caged / freed
e) Found / ground

33. Em relação à análise linguística do texto 2, leia as

afirmativas a seguir:

I. After (After 18 years covering conflicts ....) e when (when I

listened to activists argue with local people …) indicam,
respectivamente, condição e sequenciação.
II. A frase “You’re out there covering birds?”, na primeira
resposta dada por Guttenfelder, pode ser elaborada de outra
forma, segundo as regras de gramática.
III. O elemento linguístico as well (He had an awakening as
well.) poderia ser substituído por too, sem perda do sentido
IV. Em: It made me realize there are other types of conflicts
that need to be covered. , o elemento linguístico destacado é um
falso cognato.
V. No trecho: After spending an entire day with a family in
Egypt that hunted songbirds, they invited me to eat with them. I
probably ate three or four birds. It wasn’t for me., os pronomes
em destaque referem‐se ao termo songbirds.


PROVA 2015 SSA3 b) Verdadeiro

c) Justo
d) Correto
e) Imprescindível

28. The word “their” (first paragraph) is related to

a) students.
b) vestibular.
c) examination.
d) entrance system.
e) Brazilian universities.

29. The word “their” (first paragraph) is

a) a possessive adjective.
b) a possessive pronoun.
c) a preposition.
d) an object pronoun.
e) a noun.

Texto 2 (questões de 30 a 33)

25. According to the text, the vestibular What Daniel Kish does, astonishingly, elegantly, makes you
wonder how much untapped potential lies within the human
I. is a system to select students to enter the university. body. Kish was born with retinal cancer, and to save his life,
II. has its origin in Brazil. both eyes were removed by the time he was 13 months old. He
III. just takes place in February or March. IV. was implanted as soon started making a clicking noise with his tongue. It seemed
a fair way of entering the university. to help him get around. Now 47, he navigates primarily using
V. doesn’t show any limitations to select students for the echolocation. Yes, like a bat. He’s so good, he can ride a bicycle
university. in traffic. His group, World Access for the Blind, teaches others
The CORRECT alternative is the art of the click.

a) I, II, and III. He was interviewed by Michael Finkel.

b) III and IV.
c) I and IV. How does echolocation work?
d) III, IV, and V. Sound waves are produced by every tongue click. These waves
e) II and V. bounce off surfaces all around and return to my ears as faint
echoes. My brain processes the echoes into dynamic images. It’s
26. According to the text, like having a conversation with the environment.

I. vestibular also doesn’t make people to get stressed. What do you see in your mind’s eye as you click?
II. all the students have the same background. Each click is like a dim camera flash. I construct a three-
III. it doesn’t matter if students come from public or private dimensional image of my surroundings for hundreds of feet in
schools. every direction. Up close, I can detect a pole an inch thick. At 15
IV. students that come from public schools have a bonus. feet, I recognize cars and bushes. Houses come into focus at 150
V. “cursinhos” can be done after concluding high school. feet.

The CORRECT alternative is But you still use a long white cane.
I have difficulty in detecting small items at low level or places
a) I. where the ground drops off.
b) II and III.
c) III and IV. What is it like riding a bike using echolocation?
d) V. It’s thrilling but requires very focused and sustained
e) IV and V. concentration on the acoustics of the environment. I click as
much as twice per second, way more than I usually do.
27. Considering the context, what does the word “widespread”
mean in Portuguese? Is it dangerous to explore the world this way?

a) Amplo


Much of the world lives in fear of threats to life and limb that b) a frase pode ser entendida como uma pergunta em razão da
are largely imagined. Despite my insatiable habit of climbing forma verbal ‘use’, que dispensa o emprego de um auxiliar.
anything and everything, I never broke a bone as a kid. c) o ‘but’, marcador de ideia de oposição, entra como recurso
para a contra-argumentação, demandando uma resposta do
How challenging is it to teach other blind people echolocation? entrevistado.
World Access has taught nearly a thousand blind students in d) a expressão ‘long white cane’ indica que se trata de uma
over 30 countries. Many students are surprised how quickly pergunta, já que o entrevistado faz uso desse instrumento.
results come. I believe echolocation capacity is latent within us e) não há necessidade de uso do ponto de interrogação, uma vez
– early man may have used it when artificial lighting was que os interlocutores têm conhecimento das regras de uma
nonexistent. The neural hardware seems to be there; I’ve entrevista.
developed ways to activate it. Vision isn’t in the eyes; it’s in the
mind. Our students say they’ve discovered a freedom they never 33. Considerando o contexto e a gramática da língua inglesa, é
imagined. INCORRETO afirmar que

(In: The New Age of Exploration. National Geographic, vol. 224, p. 105. July, 2013. Adaptado.) a) untapped, low, faint, dim e retinal são adjetivos.
b) traffic e pole são falsas cognatas.
30. De acordo com o texto, Daniel Kish c) elegantly, astonishingly, usually e nearly são advérbios.
d) navigates, bounce off, bushes and acoustics são verbos.
I. é um homem com poderes sobrenaturais, pois, mesmo sem e) os números 15 (feet) e 150 (feet) estão relacionados a
enxergar, consegue locomover-se com rapidez surpreendente, distância.
além de praticar alguns esportes com desenvoltura, tendo já
obtido premiações importantes. Textos 3 e 4 (questão 34)
II. mesmo tendo perdido a visão muito cedo, conseguiu
desenvolver uma maneira surpreendente de deslocar-se sozinho,
orientando-se a partir de ondas sonoras produzidas por estalidos
feitos com a própria língua.
III. usa uma técnica para deslocar-se cujos resultados são
surpreendentes, o que vem gerando interesse por parte de
pesquisadores de vários países, pois há evidência de que os
humanos têm potenciais ainda não explorados.
IV. conseguiu avanços tão importantes com sua técnica que hoje
há muitos outros beneficiados e explica que os resultados
chegam rapidamente, conforme tem ouvido de estudantes que
estão sendo ensinados a usá-la.
V. é conhecido como Bat Man, pois tem hábitos noturnos
estranhos e orienta-se muito mais pelo som que pela visão e tato,
sendo, por isso, algumas vezes confundido com uma pessoa de
maus costumes.

Estão CORRETAS, apenas, as afirmativas

a) I, II e IV.
b) III e IV.
c) II e IV. Dilbert and Wally are Scott Adams’ main characters. Dilbert is
d) II, III e V. usually wearing a red-and-black striped tie which inexplicably
e) IV e V. curves upward; Wally is extremely cynical and often carries a
cup of coffee.
31. Nos exemplos: “Yes, like a bat”. (primeiro parágrafo), “It’s
like having a conversation with the environment.” (primeira 34. De acordo com a gramática e o contexto, as palavras e a
resposta de Daniel), e “Each click is like a dim camera flash.” expressão interrogativa que completam as lacunas no texto 3
(segunda resposta de Daniel), o termo em destaque tem como (2º quadro) e no texto 4 (2º quadro – fala de Dilbert / 3º
função estabelecer uma ..................................... . A palavra que quadro – fala de Wally) são respectivamente:
completa CORRETAMENTE a lacuna é
a) anyone / anything / How much
a) comparação. b) someone / anybody / How long
b) ênfase. c) nothing / someone / How often
c) conclusão. d) nobody / nothing / How far
d) dúvida. e) anything / no one / How long
e) causa. 32.

32. O gênero textual em foco é uma entrevista, mas, em

determinado momento, o entrevistador não elabora a pergunta.
Ele apenas diz: “But you still use a long white cane”. Daí, conclui-
se que

a) o termo ‘still’ colabora para reestruturar a frase,

transformando-a numa indagação.


Prova 2016 ssa3 IV. can make people get into serious troubles.
V. is not a joke and is very dangerous.
Texto 1 (questões de 25 a 29)
a) only I.
b) only I and II.
c) only I, II, and III.
d) only I, II, III, and IV.
e) I, II, III, IV, and V.

26. “Sexting” in Portuguese means

Sexting is the sending of provocative or sexual photos, a) postar fotos, mensagens ou vídeos provocativos em redes
messages or videos. They are generally sent using a mobile sociais.
phone but can also include posting this type of material online. b) simples e inocente troca de mensagens entre amigos e/ou
While sharing suggestive images or text messages may seem like colegas de escola.
innocent flirting or be considered funny for young people, c) uma nova forma de comunicação exclusiva entre colegas de
sexting can have serious social and legal consequences. What do escola.
I need to know? d) uma comunicação usual realizada entre colegas da escola
Stay calm and delete moderna.
If you have sent a picture or video you regret to a friend or your e) conversa rotineira sobre a relação entre duas pessoas
girlfriend/boyfriend ask them to delete it immediately. If it is adolescentes.
posted online then un-tag yourself and report it so it can be
removed. Ask friends you trust to help hunt down images and 27. “regret” (paragraph two) in Portuguese means
also delete and/or report those images. If you think it would
help you could tell a trusted adult at school and they may be a) gostar.
able to send a note to students directing them to delete any b) admirar.
private photos or videos they have received without naming c) aprovar.
you. d) apagar.
Report it e) arrepender-se.
If someone else has posted sexual or naked photos or videos of
you online, report them to the service they posted it on. If they 28. In the sentence “If someone else has posted sexual or naked
are at your school you can report them to a teacher if you choose photos or videos of you online, report them to the service they
to. It is not OK for them to share your image without your posted it on” (paragraph three), “they” is related to
Try to relax and talk to someone a) photos.
If the video or image has already spread online, try to stay calm. b) videos.
You might like to have a free and confidential talk with Kids c) someone.
Helpline. You can phone them on 1800 551 800 for advice and d) sexual photos.
how to handle the situation. e) naked videos.
You might also want to tell your parents. It is possible they may
find out some other way. They might be upset, angry or in 29. “them”, “They”, and “Their” (in paragraph seven) are
shock, so you might like to ask a trusted friend or relative to
help. a) personal pronoun, object pronoun, and possessive pronoun
What if the police get involved? respectively and are related to “the Police”.
The Police sometimes need to become involved in sexting cases b) subject pronoun, personal pronoun, preposition and they are
where creating and/or distributing sexual images with minors related to “the video/image”.
constitutes the production and/or distribution of child c) verb, comparative, and preposition and are related to
pornography. This differs under state laws. “sent/posted”.
Where the Police are involved, it’s best to be honest. Tell them d) object pronoun, personal pronoun, and possessive adjective
how the video/image was made and where it might have been respectively and are related to “the Police”.
sent/posted. They will want to know who was involved and e) subject pronoun, possessive pronoun, and possessive
whether there was consent from all involved. Their concern is adjective and are related to “the Police.”
preventing any harm to you and other young people.
Take care of yourself
Avoid looking at the video/image and any comments. Distract
yourself by spending time with friends and family that you trust.
Remember to stay positive. Many people have had similar
experiences. Stay strong, you will be ok. Acesso em: 27/07/15

25. According to the text, sexting

I. is the sending of provocative or sexual photos, messages or

II. is the gesture of posting messages or sexual photos online.
III. can have serious social and legal consequences.


Texto 2 (questões de 30 a 33) II. o projeto urbanístico de Nova Iorque, idealizado há várias
décadas, previa grandes mudanças em seus parques, tal como
no Parque Bryant, onde a Tecnologia da Informação e
Comunicação (TIC) é o grande diferencial.
III. os recursos mais importantes do Parque Bryant são
invisíveis, pois câmaras de segurança escondidas sob as árvores
mais altas, onde estão também os monitores, enviam
informações, em tempo real, para o departamento de polícia da
IV. apesar dos temores de que a tecnologia móvel levasse todos
nós ao isolamento, o contrário parece estar acontecendo; o
Parque Bryant, como outros parques, está retornando ao papel
que teve antes: um lugar para ler, compartilhar, fofocar,
debater, em suma, comunicar-se. V. o sucesso da reforma do
A walk through New York City's Bryant Park is a walk through Parque Bryant levanta algumas questões, para os desenhistas e
time. Designed during the Great Depression on the site of a projetistas, sobre as coisas que são exatamente essenciais a um
former reservoir and executed under the leadership of Parks grande espaço urbano e se essas coisas podem ser medidas.
Commissioner Robert Moses, the park was inspired by French
classicist gardens. Its gravel paths in the shade of London Plane Estão CORRETAS apenas
trees suited the rhythm of life in pre-air-conditioned New York.
Today the park, which sits behind the great main branch of the a) II e IV.
public library, has cafes, entertainment, a reading library, lawn b) I, IV e V.
games — all amenities tuned to contemporary urban life. c) IV e V.
One of the most important amenities, though, is invisible. A d) I, III e IV.
cloud of wifi hovers over the park, bringing activities that e) I e V.
Moses, a truly ambitious urban planner, could not have
imagined. Those trees that shaded city-dwellers out for a stroll 31. Após um olhar sobre o léxico e a estrutura da língua no
decades ago now keep the glare off touch screens. And despite texto, alguns pontos foram destacados. Sobre esses pontos,
the fears that mobile communication technology would drive us analise os itens a seguir:
all into lives of wireless isolation, the opposite seems to be I. As palavras empty e crowded (4º parágrafo) têm significados
happening. opostos.
Bryant Park, like myriad parks and plazas in other cities, is II. Há vários falsos cognatos no texto, entre os quais library (1º
returning to a role it filled generations ago: a place to share, parágrafo), comprehensive, actually e assumed (4º parágrafo).
read, write, gossip, and short, communicate. III. Para a expressão fellow citzens (3º parágrafo), a tradução
Technology has always shaped the city, changing our mais adequada é cidadãos idosos.
relationship to time, space, nature and each other, but today's IV. Na frase: ‘One of the most important amenities, though, is
technologies are so small it's hard to see how that happens. Yet invisible. (2º parágrafo),’ a palavra em destaque corresponde à
ubiquitous data and information communication technologies conjunção portanto.
(ICT) such as smart-phones, tablet computers, and digital V. Na frase: And film them. (4º parágrafo), a palavra em
books, are changing the way we interact with the built destaque é um verbo no presente simples e não, um substantivo.
environment and our fellow citizens.
The success of the rejuvenated Bryant Park raises familiar Estão CORRETOS apenas
questions for designers and planners. What exactly are the a) I, IV e V.
essential ingredients of a great urban space? Can they be b) I, II e V.
measured? In 1980, influential urbanist William Holly Whyte c) III e V.
published The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, a meticulous d) III e IV.
study of how people used open space in the city. Whyte, who e) I e II.
had been involved for more than a decade in the comprehensive
plan for New York, wondered if all the parks and plazas were 32. Observe os trechos do texto:
actually performing the way the architects and planners
assumed they would. So he began to watch people. Today the park, which sits behind the great main branch of the
And film them. It was a radical project at the time, as no one public library, has cafes, entertainment, a reading library, lawn
had done any systematic research on how people actually used games [...];
the spaces designed for them. Why were some brand new plazas
empty while people crowded into others? (...) Whyte, who had been involved for more than a decade in the
comprehensive plan for New York, wondered if all the parks and
By Susan Piedmont-Palladino. plazas were actually performing the way the architects and
Adaptado planners assumed they would.[...]
30. De acordo com o texto, Os termos em destaque podem ser substituídos,
I. os parques de Nova Iorque passaram por grandes respectivamente, por
transformações desde que foram construídos, considerados,
hoje, muito atrativos porque estão situados nas proximidades a) that – that
do centro financeiro da cidade, com muitas livrarias e lojas em b) those – whose
volta. c) that – which
d) what – which
e) who – that


33. O primeiro parágrafo do texto, que introduz o assunto tratado, apresenta


a) uma exposição de motivos para reformar o parque.

b) um resumo sobre o fundador do parque.
c) um conceito resumido de cidade inteligente.
d) o principal argumento do autor para a reforma do parque.
e) uma breve descrição do parque Bryant.

34. According to the context and grammar, the expression to complete the
woman’s question (3rd panel) is

a) When did you do

b) Can you listen to
c) When will you do
d) What do you do
e) What is going to


PROVA 2017 SSA3 b) For 10 weeks.

c) 1973.
d) June 23.
Text 1 (questions 25, 26, and 27) e) Since 1973.

27. Mark T (true) or F (False) for each sentence below. David


( ) is a prime minister.
( ) pushed for the UK to continue in the EU.
( ) pushed for the UK to leave the EU.
( ) will resign by October.
Countries band together to promote trade, defend human ( ) warned about some troubles UK will have.
rights, protect the environment and repel threats. They sign
treaties and join international groups, and each time they do, Mark the alternative that contains the CORRECT sequence.
they give up a bit of independence. That happened in a big way
with the creation of the European Union, a freetrade zone and a) F – F – T – F – F
global political force forged from the fractious states of Europe. b) T – T – F – T – T
The question always was, could this extraordinary experiment c) F – T – F – T – F
hold together? Faced with the choice in a June 23 referendum, d) T – F – T – F – T
the U.K. shocked the world by voting to leave the bloc it joined e) T – T – T – F – F
in 1973. The way many Britons saw it, the trade-offs they'd
made to be part of the club — notably control over immigration Text 2 (questions 28 and 29)
— no longer served their interests. They chose what's become 28. Complete the text 2, considering both context and grammar
known as Brexit. rules:
Voters supported the split by 52 percent to 48 percent after a
rancorous 10-week campaign that divided the nation. The result (A) I live in the __________of Seville with my family in a nice
prompted Prime Minister David Cameron, who had pushed for apartment. It’s got a large living room, kitchen and a study.
the U.K. to remain in the 28-nation bloc, to say he'll resign by There are three bedrooms, two __________ and a balcony.
October. The vote jolted financial markets, sending the U.K. We live near a park and I often take the dog for a walk there.
currency tumbling. As the vote plunged the country into (B) I study maths at Seville University. It’s an old building and
political turmoil, Scotland's devolved government paved the it’s really __________. I’m in my second year and I love it.
way for a second referendum on breaking away so it can remain (C) Seville is a fantastic city. It’s quite small but it’s very lively.
part of the EU. The U.K. will have two years to negotiate the _________ are outdoors concerts during the spring and
terms of an exit once it takes the legal steps to leave the bloc, summer. Summers are hot in the south of Spain but I
with talks to unwind agreements in areas as diverse as fishing __________ it.
quotas, financial services and health and safety standards. (D) I get up quiet early, about 7 a.m. and I __________ a
Cameron had warned that a withdrawal would trigger a shower. I usually have breakfast at home. I have coffee with
recession and a decade of uncertainty for jobs, trade and the milk and toast and jam. But I sometimes have breakfast on my
broader economy. Advocates of a split, including the country’s way to __________ with my friends.
leading tabloid newspapers, want Britain to regain control of its (E) I often go home for lunch. We __________ at about 2 p.m.
borders, laws and finances. Because the free movement of We usually have fish or meat and vegetables.
citizens is a basic tenet of EU law, leaving the bloc is the only
sure way to stem a larger-than-expected influx of immigrants. The CORRECT order is
Young voters were keen to remain in the EU, while older ones a) eat / University / have / love / there / beautiful / bathrooms
preferred to leave. / centre
(In: Adaptado)
b) bathrooms / University / centre / eat / there / beautiful /
love / have
25. After reading the text, mark T (true) or F (false). c) have / centre / bathrooms / University / love / eat / there /
( ) Countries join to make war against other countries. d) centre / bathrooms / beautiful / there / love / have /
( ) UK left EU in 1973. University / eat
( ) UK joined EU on June 23. e) University / eat / there / love / centre / beautiful / bathrooms
( ) UK’s exit from EU is called Brexit. / have
( ) 52 percent voted for leaving the EU.
29. Match the paragraphs A – E (text 2) with the questions 1 – 5
Mark the alternative that contains the CORRECT sequence. below.

a) F – T – T – F – F 1. What do you do in the morning?

b) T – F – F – T – T 2. Do you like Seville?
c) F – F – F – T – T 3. Where do you live?
d) T – T – T – F – F 4. What do you study?
e) T – F – T – F – T 5. What do you have for lunch?

26. How long did UK stay as a member of EU? The CORRECT sequence is

a) By October.


a) What do you have for lunch? / Where do you live? / What do 30. Após a leitura dos textos 3, 4 e 5, infere-se que
you do in the morning? / What do you study? / Do you like
Seville? I. todos eles têm funções comunicativas semelhantes, porém o
b) Do you like Seville? / What do you have for lunch? / What do texto 5 apresenta-se mais descritivo que os outros, enfocando
you study? / Where do you live? / What do you do in the aspectos da geografia do país referido.
morning? II. têm funções comunicativas diferentes, sendo o texto 3 mais
c) Where do you live? / What do you study? / Do you like focado na descrição do lugar, com detalhes sobre a origem do
Seville? / What do you do in the morning? / What do you have Parque Natural dos Elefantes e sua geografia.
for lunch? III. o texto 4 apresenta elementos descritivos do lugar, detendo-
d) What do you study? / Where do you live? / What do you do in se na origem de sua formação geográfica e do nome, nos
the morning? / What do you have for lunch? / Do you like fenômenos e nas belezas naturais da paisagem.
Seville? IV. no texto 3, percebe-se, inicialmente, um apelo em prol dos
e) What do you do in the morning? / What do you study? / elefantes do Parque Natural em Chiang Mai, algo enfatizado nas
Where do you live? / Do you like Seville? / What do you have for últimas linhas.
lunch? V. todos têm como objetivo informar o leitor quanto à
possibilidade de fazer algo diferente, seja para seu lazer, seja
(Os textos 3, 4 e 5 servirão de base para as questões 30, 31, 32 e para colaborar voluntariamente em algum projeto ambiental.
33.) Está CORRETO o que se afirma, apenas, em

Text 3 a) III, IV e V.
Care for Elephants Asian elephants c) II.
face many threats – especially loss d) I e V.
of habitat due to encroaching e) II e III.
development, which can lead to
conflict with humans. Today the 31. No trecho ‘Lend a hand with the least fortune of these
elephant population in Thailand is animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside Chiang Mai …’
estimated at only 3,000 to 4,000. Lend a hand with the least (texto 3), a expressão grifada corresponde, em português, a
fortune of these animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside
Chiang Mai. As a sanctuary for orphaned and disabled a) emprestar algo.
elephants, some of which have been abused as work animals, b) dar uma mão, ajudar.
the center invites visitors to help feed and bathe the gentle c) meter os pés pelas mãos.
giants, as well as assist with general maintenance around the d) tomar emprestado.
park.[…] e) passar a mão, levar sem permissão.

Text 4 32. No texto 5, em: ‘Commercial fishing, coastal development,

SOUTH DAKOTA humans harvesting eggs, marine debris, oil spills: the threats to
Explore the Badlands Over the past sea turtles are staggering.’, há
half million years, erosion has
sculpted sediment deposited by the a) uma sequência de razões para se fomentarem pesquisas sobre
ancient sea that once stretched o ambiente onde as tartarugas marinhas vivem e se
across the Great Plains into buttes, reproduzem.
spires, and pinnacle formations, b) uma sequência de atitudes que prejudica os voluntários do
leaving us the Badlands. Named by the Lakota for its Caribe onde há maior desova das tartarugas marinhas.
unwelcoming terrain that they believed was riddled with the c) diversas e surpreendentes formas de ameaça às tartarugas
remains of a mythological horned serpent, the striking marinhas.
landscape inspires awe among visitors today, especially during d) uma série de mitos sobre o berçário das tartarugas marinhas
the magic hours of sunrise and sunset, and under a full na Costa Rica.
moon.[…] e) incríveis fatos sobre a reprodução das tartarugas marinhas
nas areias negras da costa caribenha.
Text 5
COSTA RICA 33. Considerando a gramática e as funções comunicativas da
Rescue Sea Turtles Commercial língua, os termos ‘Explore’ and ‘Rescue’, nos subtítulos dos
fishing, coastal development, textos 4 e 5, são
humans harvesting eggs, marine
debris, oil spills: The threats to sea a) substantivos, pois têm a função de denominar.
turtles are staggering. b) verbo na forma do gerúndio e adjetivo, respectivamente, com
Only an estimated one in 1,000 to função de qualificadores.
10,000 survives to adulthood, which is why conservationists c) verbos na forma do particípio, indicando ação realizada.
around the world depend on volunteers to give these primordial d) verbo no modo imperativo e substantivo comum,
creatures the best shot possible. respectivamente.
Help conduct nightly patrols along the black-sand beaches of e) verbos no modo imperativo, com a função de apelar
Tortuguero National Park on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, one
of the most important nesting sites in the Western 34. Leia os textos 6, 7 e 8 e complete as lacunas com verbos
Hemisphere.[…] auxiliares modais. Atenção para o contexto e o uso da língua,
conforme a gramática.
(In: Places That Will Change Your Life. Produced by National Geographic Partners, Washington,
DC: 2016. Adaptado.)


Text 6
There are more than five million cubic
miles of ice on Earth, and no one really
knows how long it would take to melt it
all. Probably more than 5,000 years,
some scientists say. But if we burn all the coal, oil, and gas,
adding some five trillion more tons of carbon to the
atmosphere, we’ll very likely create an ice-free planet. It
___________ be a hot planet, with an average temperature of
perhaps 80 degrees Fahrenheit instead of the current 58. (…)

A sequência CORRETA que completa as lacunas dos textos 6, 7

e 8 está indicada na alternativa

a) ought to / Shall / mustn’t

b) shan’t / Should / ought to
c) mustn’t / Shall / can’t
d) would / Shouldn’t / may
e) shall / Might / shouldn’t


PROVA 2018 SSA3 27. According to the text, Mr. Trump likes to use the social
media because
Texto 1 (questões 25, 26, 27 e 28) a) he likes to be in touch directly to the US people.
b) the fake media is really working hard against him.
c) he has much free time to use the social media.
d) he has attacked the CNN journalists.
e) he wants to help the mainstream media.

28. Considere a análise linguística elaborada para o texto 1 e

assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

US President Donald Trump has defended his use of a) Em: His tweets are condemned by Democrats and
social media in a series of tweets, following a row over Republicans alike (…), empregou-se a voz passiva (Present
comments he made about two MSNBC TV presenters. tense), indicando certa formalidade do discurso.
b) Nos trechos: ‗whose content Mr Trump regularly labels as
"My use of social media is not presidential − it's modern day “fake news”.‟ e „resulted in the resignations of three CNN
presidential," he tweeted on Saturday. journalists (…)‟, as palavras sublinhadas são falsas cognatas.
c) No último parágrafo, deu-se preferência ao uso dos verbos no
His tweets are condemned by Democrats and Republicans alike, Simple Past, sendo que o verbo empregado na frase ‗who
despite the White House springing to his defence. oversaw the investigations unit.‟ é irregular.
d) Em: "I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally
Mr Trump's aides have previously expressed concern over his been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism.(…)", os
tweets. termos sublinhados são advérbios de tempo e modo,
But the president said on Saturday that social media gave him e) A expressão „It‟s about time!‟, empregada no final do
the opportunity to connect directly to the public, bypassing the penúltimo parágrafo, pode ser traduzida, em português, por ‗Já
mainstream media, whose content Mr Trump regularly labels as estava na hora!‘.
"fake news".

"The FAKE & FRAUDULENT NEWS MEDIA is working hard to

convince Republicans and others I should not use social media,"
he tweeted, adding: "But remember, I won the 2016 election
with interviews, speeches and social media."

Mr Trump also stepped up his attack on CNN after the US news

network retracted an article alleging that one of the president's
aides was under investigation by Congress.

"I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been

29. What are the missing words in the cartoon? Consider
exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism. It's about
context, grammar and the respective order to complete the
The story that caused the upset, which was later removed from
a) house / anything / Package
the website following an internal investigation, resulted in the
b) vacation / somewhere / Pack
resignations of three CNN journalists: Thomas Frank,
c) internal budget / nowhere / Make
investigative unit editor and Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Lictblau
d) economy / somewhere / Leaved
and Lex Harris, who oversaw the investigations unit.
e) lessons / anywhere / Opening
Disponível em:
Texto 3 (questões 30, 31, 32 e 33)
25. Complete the gap according to the text. Trump
__________ uses the social media.
a) sometimes
b) rarely
c) never
d) seldom
e) always

26. What does Mr. Trump call ―the fake and fraudulent news

a) The mainstream media. Dinner and a movie. A walk in a park after a picnic for two. They
b) The things he usually tweets. might not be original, but these are classic date ideas.
c) The social media.
d) Both Democrats and Republicans. Do people your age go out on dates? Or are you more likely to
e) The US news network. hang out with a big group of people that includes people who
are seeing each other exclusively?


In ―The End of Courtship?‖ Alex Williams writes about Shani c) Para os jovens de hoje, há certa dificuldade de se encarar o
Silver, who recently waited to hear from the guy who had asked namoro tradicional, com convite para sair, jantar a dois e/ou
her on a ―date‖ that evening: at 10 p.m., he texted to ask if she algo mais, preferindo, geralmente, as saídas em grupo, ao qual
wanted to join him and ―a bunch of friends from college‖ at the poderá ir se juntar uma namorada‘.
place where they were hanging out: d) O namoro presencial nos grandes centros urbanos, como
Nova York, é restrito aos casais maduros que ainda preferem
Turned off, she fired back a text message, politely declining. But sair para jantar ou caminhar no parque, sendo poucos os que se
in retrospect, she might have adjusted her expectations. ―The arriscam a frequentar uma boate ou coisa semelhante.
word ‗date‘ should almost be stricken from the dictionary,‖ Ms. e) Há um novo cenário no que diz respeito ao namoro: os
Silver said. ―Dating culture has evolved to a cycle of text rapazes se empenham em convidar garotas para encontros
messages, each one requiring the code-breaking skills of a cold animados, sendo comum o envio de mensagens para se juntar
war spy to interpret.‖ ao grupo de convivência da pretensa namorada, a fim de
―curtirem‖ a noite em seus múltiplos eventos.
―It‘s one step below a date, and one step above a high-five,‖ she
added. Dinner at a romantic new bistro? Forget it. Women in 31. Observe as falas do texto e a análise atribuída a cada uma
their 20s these days are lucky to get a last-minute text to tag delas; em seguida, assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
along. Raised in the age of so-called ―hookup culture,‖
millennials — who are reaching an age where they are starting a) Em: “It‟s one step below a date, and one step above a high-
to think about settling down — are subverting the rules of five,” – a entrevistada explica o modo como os casais mais
courtship. jovens se cumprimentam nas redes sociais. b) Em: “The word
„date‟ should almost be stricken from the dictionary,” – a
Instead of dinner and a movie, which seems as obsolete as a interlocutora sugere que a palavra ‗date‘ (namoro) seja
rotary phone, they rendezvous over phone texts, Facebook corrigida no dicionário.
posts, instant messages and other ―non-dates‖ that are leaving c) Com a frase “The new date is „hanging out‟ ”, a jovem Denise
a generation confused about how to land a boyfriend or Hewett define uma nova maneira de se comunicar com os
girlfriend. amigos do escritório.
d) Em: ―Dinner at a romantic new bistro?(...)‖, a jovem
―The new date is ‗hanging out,‘ ‖ said Denise Hewett, 24, an questiona, ao mesmo tempo em que ilustra, uma situação já não
associate television producer in Manhattan, who is currently considerada um programa para os namorados da atualidade.
developing a show about this frustrating new romantic e) Em: “I don‟t like to take girls out. I like to have them join in
landscape. As one male friend recently told her: ―I don‘t like to on what I‟m doing (…)”, um jovem expõe sua abordagem ao
take girls out. I like to have them join in on what I‘m doing — convidar a namorada para sair numa ocasião especial.
going to an event, a concert.‖
32. Observe o parágrafo 4: “Instead of dinner and a movie,
(…) Relationship experts point to technology as another factor which seems as obsolete as a rotary phone, they
in the upending of dating culture. rendezvous over phone texts, Facebook posts, instant messages
and other “non-dates” that are leaving a generation
Traditional courtship — picking up the telephone and asking confused about how to land a boyfriend or girlfriend.”
someone on a date — required courage, strategic planning and a As partes sublinhadas contêm, respectivamente,
considerable investment of ego (by telephone, rejection stings).
Not so with texting, e-mail, Twitter or other forms of a) uma condição e uma explicação.
―asynchronous communication,‖ as techies call it. In the b) uma condição e uma comparação.
context of dating, it removes much of the need for charm; it‘s c) uma concessão e uma consequência.
more like dropping a line in the water and hoping for a nibble. d) uma comparação e uma proporção.
e) uma comparação e uma consequência.
―I‘ve seen men put more effort into finding a movie to watch on
Netflix Instant than composing a coherent message to ask a 33. Ao dizer: ―Dating culture has evolved to a cycle of text
woman out,‖ said Anna Goldfarb, 34, an author and blogger in messages, each one requiring the codebreaking skills of a
Moorestown, N.J. A typical, annoying query is the last-minute: cold war spy to interpret.‖ (2º parágrafo), a entrevistada
―Is anything fun going on tonight?‖ (…) expressou-se

BY SHANNON DOYNE Disponível em: a) com exagero. b) de modo contraditório.
Adaptado. c) de forma ambígua.
d) com gentileza e humor.
30. Sobre o conteúdo do texto, analise as afirmativas a seguir e e) com palavras grosseiras.
assinale a CORRETA.

a) Os jovens da atual geração não encaram mais o namoro

romântico, de longa duração, com provável casamento.
Preferem os relacionamentos e encontros on-line, pois, nessas
circunstâncias, não se envolvem em conflitos com seus pares.
b) As jovens nova-iorquinas ainda se comportam como milhões
de garotas do mundo inteiro, desejando que rapazes as
convidem para um jantar romântico e/ou um cineminha,
valorizando bem esse tipo de relacionamento.


34. Após a leitura das tiras cômicas, infere-se que

a) no 2º quadrinho do texto 4, Hagar está se referindo a uma

modalidade de comunicação ‗avançada‘ para a época do seu
namoro com Helga.
b) Hagar é mais romântico que aparenta, pois abre aos seus
interlocutores as memórias mais ternas do seu namoro com
c) à época do namoro de Hagar e Helga, os pais dela nutriam
sentimentos bem diferentes em relação ao (futuro) genro.
d) Hagar quer mostrar que a situação social dos vikings girava
sempre em torno do poder bélico e de suas embarcações, que
até serviam de dote.
e) a visão de Hagar é de que ele tem uma superioridade inerente
ao seu porte de navegador-invasor, o que não era bem aceito
por sua (futura) sogra.


PROVA 2019 SSA3 5. the use of data harvested from millions of Facebook users by
Mark Zuckerberg.
Text 1 (for questions 25, 26, and 27) It is CORRECT
a) 3, 4, and 5.
b) 2, 3, and 4.
c) 1, 3, and 5.
d) 1, 4, and 5.
e) 1, 2, and 3.

26. According to the text, Mark Zuckerberg

1. is the CEO of Facebook.

2. challenged the US Congress.
By Bryan Lufkin 3. also faced the European Parliament.
I was a freshman at Indiana University in 2004 when I first 4. disrespected the European Parliament.
heard about a new website for people my age. I was chatting 5. faced tougher questioning at the European Parliament.
with some friends on AOL Instant Messenger in my dorm room,
at the start of a new semester. It is CORRECT only
a) 1, 3, and 5.
“Have you heard of The Facebook?” a couple of them asked. b) 2 and 4.
“You should sign up. It’s this new site for college kids.” c) 1, 2, and 3.
Fast forward to April 2018: founder and CEO of “The d) 2, 4, and 5.
Facebook,” Mark Zuckerberg, sat before US Congress trying to e) 1, 3, and 4.
convince lawmakers his social network, initially set up as a way
for students to stay in touch with each other, does not pose a 27. According to the text, is there any possibility of the
threat to the stability of Western democracy and does not treat disappearance of the Facebook?
its users’ personal information with disdain.
a) Yes, there is.
The hearing saw him admit that his company had not done b) No, it doesn’t.
enough to prevent the service it provides being used for fake c) Sure, itis.
news, foreign interference in elections and data leaks. In March, d) No, there isn’t.
it emerged that a political consultancy called Cambridge e) Of course.
Analytica used data harvested from millions of Facebook users
without their consent. The scandal rocked Facebook to its core Text 2 (for questions 28 and 29)
and has forced its founder to reconsider how it does business.
In the latest round of his grand apology tour Zuckerberg also
faced the European Parliament and faced even tougher
questioning, just as Europe is poised to introduce new laws that
will give it some of the strictest data privacy rules in the world:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It’s a far cry from what my college pals and I used the site for 14
years ago: sending a friend request crushes from maths class or
clicking through photos of last Friday’s frat party. As one of the
first few thousands of users, I find Facebook’s evolution and
societal function both equally fascinating and disturbing.
28. Considering the context and grammar rules, fill in the blank
How has a university directory evolved to last as long as it has? in the cartoon. The CORRECT option is
Why did it flourish while competitors like MySpace failed? Why
have so many users stayed, despite constant interface changes a) ID.
and scandals? b) profile.
c) birthday.
The biggest question of all that gnaws at the back of my mind is d) wedding.
whether there is any stopping Facebook in the future? It looks e) driver’s license.
increasingly like the answer is no.
29. The man in the cartoon is
Disponível em: Em
26/05/18. Adaptado. a) worried.
b) scared.
25. The text talks about c) quiet.
d) terrified.
1. problems Facebook had about fake news and data privacy. e) distressed.
2. the possibility of Facebook disappearance.
3. the presence of founder and CEO of the Facebook in the US
4. the time Mark Zuckerberg was born.


Text 3 (for questions 30, 31, and 32) In addition to women attaining 57% of bachelor degrees and
above in 2015 (that trajectory is projected to continue), they are
also the majority of university students in nearly 100 countries.
Women are an educated cohort, particularly in the U.S., but
they are not making it up the talent pipeline. Why not? Gender
bias is causing a leaky pipeline.

How does equity lead to equality?

If gender equity is about fairness, then what we are talking

about here is making up for the gap between gender bias and
reality. How can we hack the system to give women an equitable
By Katica Roy shot?
We need gender equity now. Those are words often uttered in
Overall, gender mainstreaming is a very useful strategy. Why? It
social justice circles, and recently, across a number of headlines.
overlays the gender lens across any action, policy and more. (…)
What does that mean? More broadly, how is gender equity
different than gender equality?
From Forbes Woman. SEP 14, 2017. Disponível
If gender equality is the end, gender equity is the
30. Com base no texto, analise as afirmativas a seguir:
Gender equality "does not mean that women and men will
become the same, but that women’s and men’s rights, I. Há uma equivalência de sentidos entre os termos igualdade
responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether
de gênero e equidade de gênero.
they are born male or female.”
II. A igualdade de gênero já foi conquistada em vários países do
Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, III. Levará mais de um século para nós termos igualdade de
according to their respective needs. This may include equal gênero em âmbito global.
treatment or treatment that is different, but which is considered
IV. Uma forma de se conquistar a igualdade de gênero é a
equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and
promoção da equidade.
opportunities. V. Muitas das medidas relativas à igualdade de gênero
interagem com a economia e com a força de trabalho.
When we talk about opportunity, we are talking about ensuring
opportunity is not limited simply on the basis of gender. We are
Estão CORRETAS apenas
talking about correcting for gender biases so that economic
outcomes improve for all. a) I, II e III.
b) I, II e V.
Why do we need equity?
c) III, IV e V.
d) III e IV.
Let’s start at the beginning. In no country are women in equal. e) II e III.
In fact, the World Economic Forum projects it will take 170
years to reach gender equality globally, and 158 years in North
31. Observe os trechos a seguir:
America. That means it will take five more generations for us to
see gender equality – or my great, great, great, great,
• Those are words often uttered in social justice circles, and
grandchildren. That’s not only bad news for our daughters – it’s
recently, across a number of headlines.
bad news for our sons because gender equality impacts the
economic pie for all. • This may include equal treatment or treatment that is
different, but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights,
Many of the measures concerning gender equality interplay benefits, obligations, and opportunities.
with the economy and more specifically, the workforce. • Women are an educated cohort, particularly in the U.S., but
they are not making it up the talent pipeline.
Here’s the current state:
As palavras destacadas nos trechos podem ser substituídas,
If there’s only one woman in your candidate pool, there’s respectivamente, sem alterar o sentido original, pela seguinte
statistically no chance she’ll get the job; sequência:
• Men are promoted at 30% higher rates than women during
their early career stages; a) stated / duties / group
b) stored / parties / group
• 90% of women leave the workforce because of other workplace
c) estimated / duties / roll
problems (rather than having a child);
d) started / grades / court
• Women are paid 79 cents on the dollar of their male e) stated / grades / band
colleagues (that drops drastically to 39 cents for the top 2% of
wage earners in the U.S.);
32. Observe a análise linguística sugerida para o texto e assinale
• In a study of 21,980 firms from 91 countries, just over 50% of a alternativa INCORRETA.
firms didn’t have any female executives (only 11% of firms had
all female executives). (…) a) Na frase: Let’s start at the beginning., há uma repetição
proposital, enfática.
b) Em: Men are promoted at 30% higher rates than women
during their early career stages, existe uma comparação de


c) Em: (…) it’s bad news for our sons because gender equality
impacts the economic pie for all., a palavra destacada é um
verbo que se encontra conjugado no Simple Present.
d) No penúltimo parágrafo, a frase “Gender bias is causing a
leaky pipeline.” apresenta sentido conotativo.
e) A frase que inicia o texto – We need gender equity now. –
expressa o sentimento de esperança em um mundo mais flexível
à igualdade de gêneros.

Texts 4 and 5 (for questions 33 and 34)

33. Após a leitura dos textos 4 e 5, é CORRETO afirmar que o

personagem Wally (de camisa verde) é

a) eficiente e interessado em novas propostas de trabalho.

b) injustiçado no seu local de trabalho.
c) mais competente e esforçado que Dilbert, seu colega de
trabalho (de camisa vermelha).
d) negligente e pouco produtivo em seu local de trabalho.
e) interessado em manter vínculos de amizade com os colegas
de trabalho.

34. Considerando o contexto e a gramática, as palavras que

completam as lacunas no 1º e no 3º quadro, respectivamente,

a) how many / any

b) how far / none
c) how long / some
d) how long / any
e) how much / no


PROVA 2020 SSA3 26. Mark the CORRECT alternative.

Text 1 for questions 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. a) David Shahar told the BBC that this growth on the skull has
been found for more than 20 years.
b) The scientists are absolutely sure that the spike comes from
uncomfortable movements people have to make in order to look
at smartphones.
c) ―Text neck‖ diminishes pressure on the juncture where the
neck muscles attach to the skull, and the body likely responds
by relaxing the bones.
d) As the human head is light, tilting it forward to look at smart
devices never strains the neck.
e) ―Text neck‖ is the pain people sometimes get, when they
1. The hours we spend scrolling through our smartphones appear
strain the neck by looking at smartphones for many hours.
to be changing our skulls. This may be the reason why some
people — especially the younger crowd — are developing a
27. The sentence ―This may be the reason why some people —
weird, bony spike just above their necks.
especially the younger crowd — are developing a weird, bony
2. The bony skull bump — known as an external occipital
spike just above their necks‖ COULD NOT BE REPLACED,
protuberance — is sometimes so large, you can feel it by
in order to maintain the same meaning, by
pressing your fingers on the base of your skull.
3. "I have been a clinician for 20 years, and only in the last decade,
a) This possibly is the reason why some people — particularly
increasingly, I have been discovering that my patients have this
the younger crowd — are developing a weird, bony spike just
growth on the skull," David Shahar, a health scientist at the
above their necks.
University of The Sunshine Coast, Australia, told the BBC.
b) This may be the reason why some people — mainly the
4. A cause-and-effect relationship hasn't been identified, but it's
younger crowd — are developing a weird, bony spike just above
possible that the spike comes from constantly bending one's
their necks.
neck at uncomfortable angles to look at smart devices. The
c) This perhaps is the reason why some people — principally the
human head is heavy, weighting about 10 lbs. (4.5 kilograms),
younger crowd — are developing a weird, bony spike just above
and tilting it forward to look at funny cat photos (or however
their necks.
you spend your smartphone time) can strain the neck — hence
d) This must be the reason why some people — not only the
the crick people sometimes get, known as "text neck."
younger crowd – are developing a weird, bony spike just above
5. ―Text neck‖ can increase pressure on the juncture where the
their necks.
neck muscles attach to the skull, and the body likely responds
e) This possibly is the reason why some people — notably the
by laying down new bone, which leads to that spiky bump,
younger crowd — are developing a weird, bony spike just above
Shahar told the BBC. This spike distributes the weight of the
their necks.
head over a larger area, he said.
6. These bony spikes are likely here to stay, Shahar said. Luckily,
28. The sentence ―If you are experiencing discomfort, however,
they rarely cause medical issues. If you are experiencing
try improving your posture, he told.‖ could be replaced, with the
discomfort, however, try improving your posture, he told.
same meaning, by

(Disponível em:

a) If you are experiencing discomfort, moreover, try improving
Adapted. Acesso em: jul., 2019.)
your posture, he told.
b) If you are also experiencing discomfort, try improving your
25. Mark the CORRECT alternative, according to the Text 1.
posture, he told.
c) If you are experiencing discomfort, nevertheless, try
a) The bright light from smartphones is changing the
improving your posture, he told.
characteristics of people’s skulls.
d) Therefore, if you are experiencing discomfort, try improving
b) The habit of scrolling through smartphones for many hours is
your posture, he told.
causing the development of a strange bony spike above our
e) If you are experiencing discomfort, for instance, try
improving your posture, he told.
c) Although visibly present on the base of the skull, the bony
bump cannot be felt by human fingers.
29. The word Culprit, that appears in the title, could be
d) It has been identified that the spike is the result of the
replaced, with the same meaning, by
constant and uncomfortable movement human eyes have to
make to look at smart devices.
a) Offender.
e) Fortunately, these bony spikes are going to disappear in the
b) Victim.
near future. They can cause many diseases yet to be discovered.
c) Target.
d) Martyr.
e) Angel.


Text 2 for questions 30, 31 and 32. However, the positionof those people that have been lifted out
of extreme poverty is precarious. The most disadvantaged
people globally, specifically women and children, have benefited
little from recent progress. They remain trapped in extreme

7. The threat posed by inequality to the goal of ending extreme

poverty by 2030 has been well highlighted. So too, has the
relationship between inequality, poverty and the ―global public
bads‖ of climate change, pandemics and conflict. The threat
posed by inequality to the future of capitalism and the fabric of
democratic society has also been recognized. So, while there has
been significant progress in reducing both global inequality and
1. When influential charity Oxfam published its report, ―An
global poverty, the future is uncertain and there is still work to
Economy for the 1%‖, it was well timed to coincide with 2017’s
January meeting of the world’s rich and powerful at the Swiss
Disponível em:
ski resort of Davos.
humane-view-of-economicsAccess in: June/2019. Adapted.

2. Oxfam’s findings were widely discussed, including in a weekly

30. De acordo com o Texto 2,
news magazine aimed at eight to 14-year-olds. Much of this
discussion focused on the report’s headline statistics, which told
I. os dados do Banco Mundial são alarmantes e destacam a
us most strikingly that ―since 2015, the richest 1% has owned
diferença crescente entre os países ricos e pobres, a exemplo da
more wealth than the rest of the planet‖. Or that the eight
Índia e China, além de outros onde a população vive em
richest men in the world own as much wealth as 3.6 billion
extrema pobreza.
people – about half of the world’s population. It also pointed
II. as descobertas da Oxfam foram amplamente discutidas,
out that the incomes of the poorest 10% increased by less than
porém grande parte da discussão focou nas estatísticas,
US$3 a year between 1988 and 2011, while the incomes of the
conforme o título do relatório indicava.
richest 1% increased 182 times as much.
III. o especialista em desigualdade global, Branko Milanovic,
observa que, desde 2000, pela primeira vez na história
3. These figures are certainly startling. But in response, the Adam
moderna, a desigualdade tem estado em declínio.
Smith Institute questioned Oxfam’s interpretation of the
IV. o Instituto Adam Smith questionou a interpretação da
existing data and its focus on the wealth of the rich rather than
Oxfam por ter se concentrado nos números que mostram a
the welfare of the poor. Growth in the income of those at the
opulência dos ricos, e não no bem-estar dos pobres.
bottom, the related reduction in global poverty and
V. a desigualdade de renda encontra-se muito baixa entre as
improvements in life expectancy, were the key issues for the
nações, assim como dentro das próprias nações, já que não
economic think tank.
houve mudança nas taxas de empregabilidade neste século.
Estão CORRETOS, apenas, os itens
4. The Adam Smith Institute is quite right to highlight the
progress that has been made in reducing global inequality and
a) I, II e V.
poverty. The gap between the global rich and the global poor is
b) I e II.
indeed closing when all these factors are taken into account. As
c) II, III e IV.
the expert on global inequality Branko Milanovic notes, since
d) III e V.
2000, and for the first time in modern history, global inequality
e) I e IV.
has been on the wane.
31. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
5. The overall level of global inequality, however, remains
alarmingly high, as does income inequality within nations.
a) O 1º parágrafo (When influential charity Oxfam published its
Income inequality in the member states of the Organization for
report,...) destaca algumas informações referentes à publicação
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for example,
do relatório da Oxfam, estabelecendo relação com um evento de
―remains at record high levels despite improving employment
grande importância mundial.
rates. The picture outside of the OECD is similar‖. Economic
b) No trecho: The most disadvantaged people globally,
growth in countries such as India, China and Brazil, has been
specifically women and children, have benefited little from
rapid, but not inclusive.
recent progress. They remain trapped in extreme poverty. (6º
6. Yet according to the World Bank, the economic development of
parágrafo), há uma crítica explícita sobre questões de religião e
India and China, together with Indonesia, has contributed
de raça que prevalecem no subdesenvolvimento econômico
significantly to a reduction in the number of people living
globally in extreme poverty. That number is now below 800m,
or 10.7% of the world’s population. Since 2008, income
inequality within countries has declined in more countries than
it has increased.


c) Em: It also pointed out that the incomes of the poorest 10%
increased by less than US$3 a year between 1988 and 2011,
while the incomes of the richest 1% increased 182 times as
much. (2º parágrafo), foram destacados, respectivamente, um
phrasal verb e um conector que estabelece ideia de comparação.
d) No trecho: ―The threat posed by inequality to the future of
capitalism and the fabric of democratic society has also been
recognized (...)‖ (7º parágrafo), o termo em destaque é
considerado um falso cognato.
e) No 7º parágrafo: ―The threat posed by inequality to the goal
of ending extreme poverty by 2030 has been well highlighted.
(...) So, while there has been significant progress in reducing
both global inequality and global poverty, the future is
uncertain and there is still work to do.‖, o autor considera que
houve progressos na redução da pobreza em âmbito global, mas
ainda há incertezas em relação ao futuro e muito trabalho a ser

32. Observe os trechos a seguir:

• Income inequality in the member states of the Organization

for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for
example, ―remains at record high levels despite improving
employment rates.(...)‖ (5º parágrafo)
• Yet according to the World Bank, the economic development
of India and China, together with Indonesia, has contributed
significantly to a reduction in the number of people living
globally in extreme poverty. (6º parágrafo)
• However, the position of those people that have been lifted
out of extreme poverty is precarious. (6º parágrafo) A sequência CORRETA para completar os balões é
• So, while there has been significant progress in reducing both
global inequality and global poverty, the future is uncertain and a) PICK…UP / GET WAY / WALKED IN
there is still work to do. (7º parágrafo) b) COME…ON / GET DOWN / CLIMB UP
As palavras destacadas nos trechos têm como principal função d) CHECK…OUT / WAKE UP / LINED UP
estabelecer relações semânticas entre os elementos do discurso. e) CHECK…OUT / GET UP / WALKED OFF
As relações estabelecidas pelas palavras em destaque são,
respectivamente, de: 34. No texto 4, considere o contexto, a gramática da língua
inglesa e as falas do Sargent e de Beetle no último quadro. Qual
a) concessão, comparação, oposição e condição. seria, então, a palavra cabível ao Sargent em lugar de VERY
b) concessão, oposição, oposição e conclusão. LITTLE?
c) concessão, comparação, dúvida e conclusão.
d) condição, temporalidade, oposição e dúvida. a) EVERYTHING
e) ênfase, oposição, comparação e causa. b) SOMEWHERE
33. Considere o contexto e os aspectos lexicais da língua inglesa d) NOTHING
para o preenchimento dos espaços nos quadrinhos dos Textos 3, e) ANYONE
4 e 5.


PROVA 2021 SSA3 a) a verb.

b) a subject.
c) a pronoun.
Text 1 (questions 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29)
d) an adverb.
e) a noun.

26. According to the text,

a) a video chat consumes more energy than a face-to-face chat.

b) a face-to-face chat requires more attention than a video chat.
c) both face-to-face chats and video chats don‘t require any
d) video chats don‘t consume a lot of people‘s energy.
e) a face-to-face chat requires more focus than a video call.
For many of us who are still working we are waking up to a
27. In the 3 rd paragraph, the word ―their‖, is related to
calendar filled with Zoom meetings. Not only are we packing in
more Zoom meetings than we probably would in a normal office
a) corner.
setting, but it has made us all fatigued. Why are Zoom meetings
b) the persons.
so exhausting? Shouldn‘t it be less of an effort than in person
c) virtual rooms.
d) brains.
e) screen.
We are already exhausted from the upheaval in our lives from
the pandemic and while connecting over video chat seems like a
28. According to the 4 th paragraph, Zoom meeting
way to relieve the isolating aspect of working from home there‘s
actually a disconnect happening. In an interview with BBC,
a) last an hour.
Gianpiero Petriglieri explained that being on a video call
b) last one hour at least.
requires more focus than a face-to-face chat. ―Video chats
c) always crash.
mean we need to work harder to process non-verbal cues like
d) can last more than we thought initially.
facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice, and body
e) continues crashing several times.
language; paying more attention to these consumes a lot of
29. In the 5 th paragraph, the word ―our‖ is used four times as a
In a face to face meeting we are able to read the room and then
a) possessive pronoun.
adjust our own behaviors accordingly. So you can imagine our
b) subject pronoun.
brains are operating on overload trying to figure out how to read
c) possessive adjective.
50+ ―virtual rooms‖ at the same time while figuring out
d) preposition.
whether to stare into the persons eyes or their baby succulent in
e) noun.
the top left corner of the screen.

Text 2 (questions 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34)

An initially scheduled 30-minute Zoom meeting can turn into
an hour + meeting because of things such as poor wi-fi, frozen
screens and software crashes. In the beginning of quarantine,
Zoom and many other conferencing platforms were actually
crashing several times a day.

Our homes have now become our work spaces and our work
spaces our homes. Zoom has blurred that balance even more
because we are using the platform for work and social purposes.
While virtually connecting with friends and family is a great
thing, it can be overwhelming after a full work day of doing so.
Ask yourself the question, ―could this Zoom meeting have been By Damien Cave
an e-mail?‖ If the answer is yes try to suggest communicating SYDNEY, Australia — In a country where there has always been
over e-mail or even just a regular phone call so you don‘t have to more space than people, where the land and wildlife are
worry about what you or background setting look like. cherished like a Picasso, nature is closing in. Fueled by climate
change and the world‘s refusal to address it, the fires that have
25. In the 1 st paragraph, the word ―meeting‖ is used four times burned across Australia are not just destroying lives, or turning
as forests as large as nations into ashen moonscapes.


They are also forcing Australians to imagine an entirely new It‘s ―a place of childhood vacations and dreams,‖ as one of
way of life. When summer is feared. When air filters hum in Australia‘s great novelists, Thomas Keneally, recently wrote.
homes that are bunkers, with kids kept indoors. When birdsong There‘s an absurdity even to the signs. The ones that aren‘t
and the rustle of marsupials in the bush give way to an eerie, melted warn of wet roads. Just beyond them are trees black as
smoky silence. coal and koalas and kangaroos robbed of life.
―I am standing here as a traveler from a new reality, a burning
Australia,‖ Lynette Wallworth, an Australian filmmaker, told a The fear of ferocious nature can be tough to shake. Fires are still
crowd of international executives and politicians in Davos, burning south and west of New South Wales. Last month in
Switzerland, last month. ―What was feared and what was Cobargo, a dairy and horse town six hours‘ drive from Sydney, I
warned is no longer in our future, a topic for debate — it is stood silently waiting for the start of an outdoor funeral for a
here.‖ ― father and son who had died in the fires a few weeks earlier.
When the wind kicked up, everyone near me snapped their
We have seen,‖ she added, ―the unfolding wings of climate heads toward where a fire burned less than a mile away.
30. Considerando o conteúdo do texto, há apenas um título
Like the fires, it‘s a metaphor that lingers. What many of us adequado entre os apresentados abaixo. Assinale-o!
have witnessed this fire season does feel alive, like a monstrous
gathering force threatening to devour what we hold most dear a) Australian Kangaroos are in Danger
on a continent that will grow only hotter, drier and more b) Australia‘s Outback is Changing
flammable as global temperatures rise. c) The Australian Population is Changing
d) The End of Australia as We Know it
It‘s also a hint of what may be coming to a town, city or country e) Australia is almost destroyed by a Flood
near you.
31. Com base nas informações do texto, é CORRETO afirmar
And in a land usually associated with relaxed optimism, anxiety que
and trauma have taken hold. A recent Australia Institute survey
found that 57 percent of Australians have been directly affected a) na Austrália, país conhecido pela diversão e relaxamento, as
by the bush fires or their smoke. With officials in New South crianças são as mais afetadas pelos incêndios, uma vez que
Wales announcing Thursday that heavy rain had helped them estão impedidas de gozar suas férias e usufruir do ambiente
finally extinguish or control all the state‘s fires that have raged natural em razão das mudanças climáticas.
this Australian summer, the country seems to be reflecting and b) o governo da Austrália, embora conservador, passou a
wondering what comes next. investir largamente em políticas públicas, adotando medidas de
grande impacto ambiental para ganhar a confiança dos
Politics have been a focal point — one of frustration for most australianos e combater os focos de incêndios.
Australians. The conservative government is still playing down c) a maioria dos australianos está reconsiderando suas formas
the role of climate change, despite polls showing public anger de trabalho e de lazer, por isso o governo está desenvolvendo
hitting feverish levels. And yet what‘s emerging alongside public novas políticas, a exemplo de programas habitacionais, lazer e
protest may prove more potent. água potável, para as cidades situadas na zona de fogo.
d) as mudanças climáticas do planeta atingem a Austrália de tal
In interviews all over the fire zone since September, it‘s been forma que será necessário replanejar o calendário das aulas,
clear that Australians are reconsidering far more than energy férias de verão e atividades pecuária, sendo esta a ocupação
and emissions. They are stumbling toward new ways of living: econômica mais afetada no país pelos focos de incêndio.
Housing, holiday travel, work, leisure, food and water are all e) na Austrália, terra geralmente associada a um otimismo
being reconsidered. descontraído, mais da metade da população tem sido
― If there‘s not a major shift that comes out of this, we‘re diretamente afetada pelos incêndios ou por sua fumaça, dando
doomed,‖ said Robyn Eckersley, a political scientist at the lugar à ansiedade e ao trauma e levando os australianos a
University of Melbourne who has written extensively about refletirem sobre o que virá
environmental policy around the world. ―It does change
everything — or it should.‖ 32. Observe as falas do texto e a análise atribuída a cada uma
delas; em seguida, assinale a alternativa que está INCORRETA.
The biggest shifts, however, may not be structural so much as
cultural. Climate change threatens heavy pillars of Australian a) Em: ―I am standing here as a traveler from a new reality, a
identity: a life lived outdoors, an international role where the burning Australia,‖ (parágrafo 3) – Lynette Wallworth expressa
country ―punches above its weight,‖ and an emphasis on perplexidade.
egalitarianism that, according to some historians, is rooted in b) Em: ―We have seen,‖ she added, ―the unfolding wings of
Australia‘s settlement by convicts. climate change.‖ (parágrafo 4) – a cineasta expressa um apelo
ou súplica.


c) Com a frase: It‘s ―a place of childhood vacations and

dreams,‖ (parágrafo 12) – Thomas Keneally faz uma curta
descrição do país contrapondo-se ao cenário atual.
d) Com: ―If there’s not a major shift that comes out of this,
we’re doomed,‖ (parágrafo 10) – a professora Robyn Eckersley
prevê sérias consequências caso não haja uma mudança.
e) Com: It’s also a hint of what may be coming to a town, city or
country near you. (parágrafo 6), o autor faz previsões, dá uma
dica, interagindo com o leitor. depois.

33. Considere a análise linguística elaborada para o texto e

assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

a) No final do 13º parágrafo – ―When the wind kicked up,

everyone near me snapped their heads toward where a fire
burned less than a mile away.‖ – o termo sublinhado é um
Modal Verb.
b) O 1º e o 5º parágrafos apresentam algumas comparações,
com imagens diversas, que vão da inspiração na arte ao terror,
chegando a impressionar o leitor, tal é a situação da Austrália
em chamas.
c) No 13º parágrafo, há uma variação de tempos verbais, porém,
no trecho – ―When the wind kicked up, everyone near me
snapped their heads toward where a fire burned less than a mile
away.‖ – predomina o Simple Past.
d) No trecho (7º parágrafo): ―With officials in New South
Wales announcing Thursday that heavy rain had helped them
finally extinguish or control all the state’s fires that have raged
this Australian summer, the country seems to be reflecting and
wondering what comes next.,‖ as palavras sublinhadas são
cognatas, porém officials, em negrito, é um false friend.
e) No trecho (10º parágrafo): ―If there’s not a major shift that
comes out of this, we’re doomed,‖ said Robyn Eckersley, a
political scientist at the University of Melbourne who has
written extensively about environmental policy around the
world. ―It does change everything — or it should.‖, as palavras
destacadas apresentam relação de sinonímia, mas, nesse
contexto, shift é substantivo e change é verbo.


PROVA 2022 SSA3 25. According to the title of the text, and considering the own
text 01, above, the best translation for FOSTER is
Text 01 for questions 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. a) protelar.
b) negar.
c) promover.
d) impedir.
e) distribuir

26. According to paragraph one, what two things have been

illustrated (pointed out) due to the pandemic?

a) Where would we have been over the last year and our ever-
deepening global interdependence.
b) Where would we have been over the last year and our
dependence on technology.
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2021: c) Our dependence on devices and gadgets and our dependence
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) foster inclusive,
on technology.
resilient, sustainable societies and economies Acesso em: 16 jun. 2021.
d) The dependence on our ever-deepening global
The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated two things like never interdependence and the mobile phones, radios and TVs.
e) The importance of digital technologies and our ever-
before: firstly, the importance of digital technologies – where
deepening global interdependence.
would we have been over the last year without mobile phones,
radio and television broadcasting, or the Internet? – and
secondly, our ever-deepening global interdependence. 27. The sentence ―Indeed, no one is safe until everyone is safe‖
(2nd paragraph) means:
Indeed, no one is safe until everyone is safe.
a) Na verdade, ninguém está seguro neste mundo.
The pandemic has underlined the need to get everyone b) Na verdade, ninguém está seguro até que todos estejam
connected, especially in the rural and remote communities seguros.
which are most underserved. Digital divides are increasingly c) Na verdade, não há segurança neste mundo.
apparent between the rich and the poor, urban and rural, and d) Na verdade, todos estão seguros neste mundo.
young and elderly, as well as on gender and for persons with e) Na verdade, todos estão inseguros neste mundo.
disabilities. Investments must be encouraged, both for
information and communication technology (ICT) 28. According to English grammar, the sentence Even so,
infrastructure and to ensure affordability and digital literacy. business continuity has been hard to maintain amid recurring
lockdowns.(6 th paragraph) is in the
In the face of setbacks, efforts must be redoubled to put the
sustainable development agenda back on track. Along with a) present perfect tense.
leveraging ICTs to drive sustainable development, governments b) simple present tense.
and other partners can draw on the principles and action lines c) simple past tense.
established by the World Summit on the Information Society d) perfect continuous tense.
(WSIS) back in 2003. e) past perfect tense.

COVID-19 has prompted unprecedented digital infrastructure 29. According to the 7th paragraph,
investment. Countries have expanded their fibre-optic
networks, stepped up digital learning, installed free wireless a) every country around the world is ready for the future.
access in health care facilities, and allocated free radio spectrum b) countries need to improve their infrastructure for the future.
to help operators meet user needs. c) there are no gaps on digital skills.
d) the pandemic has not left any lesson for the governments.
Even so, business continuity has been hard to maintain amid e) online education has already have enough investment.
recurring lockdowns. All-pervasive connectivity and new ways
of interacting and doing business, including hybrid formats, Text 02 for questions 30, 31, 32, and 33.
need to become the norm. Technologies like AI, 5G, and the
Internet of Things will be ever-more crucial to meet pressing Why This Year Is Our Last, Best Chance for
challenges. Saving the Ocean
Based on recent experience, countries can now re-think their
infrastructure and network designs to prepare for future crises.
Teleworking, e-learning, and e-government capacity must be
stepped up further. Digital skills gaps, evident in the pandemic,
call for more investment in online education
inclusive-economies-Malcolm-Johnson. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2021.

Despite the ocean floor‘s proximity and essential role

to human survival, we have mapped less of its
topography than the surface of Mars.


July 9, 2020 An international agreement to protect the oceans would be a

huge step – but it is only one tool, and an expensive one.
For Mick Baron, the giant kelp forests of Tasmania were a Establishing marine protected areas is like taking an aspirin for
playground, a school and a church. The former marine biologist brain cancer, says Camilo Mora, a scientist at the University of
runs a scuba-diving center on the Australian island‘s east coast, Hawaii. ―You think it‘s working because the headache goes
and rhapsodizes about the wonders of the seaweed‘s dense away, but the tumor is still growing. Unless we cut greenhouse-
habitats. ―Diving in kelp is one of the most amazing gas emissions, the threat remains.‖
underwater experiences you can have,‖ he says, likening it to
flying through the canopy of a terrestrial rain forest. ―You But the balance between sustainable use and conservation of the
won‘t find a single empty patch in a kelp forest… From the oceans is delicate and a bit complicated. Deep-sea mining in the
sponge gardens on the seafloor all the way up to the leaves on Pacific Ocean, for example, could yield massive increases in
the surface, it‘s packed with life.‖ cobalt, nickel, copper and other materials essential to meet the
demand for clean-energy technologies and batteries. The
Or rather, it was. In late 2015, a marine heat wave hit eastern mining industry is asking the environmentalists and biologists
Australia, wiping out a third of the Great Barrier Reef, and the to look at the bigger picture. ―There is a single deposit on the
kelp forests Baron had been exploring f or most of his life. ―We seafloor that can provide the minerals we need for a clean-
were diving in a nice thick forest in December,‖ says Baron. ―By energy transition, which will slow ocean acidification (...),‖ says
end of March, it looked like an asphalt driveway.‖ Marine Kris Van Nijen, director of Global Sea Mineral Resources, one of
temperatures on Australia‘s east coast are on average 2°C higher the companies vying for a permit. ―Yes, it is an extractive
than a century ago, an increase scientists attribute to rising industry, and yes, it is going to come with some impacts, but
greenhouse-gas emissions. ―The ocean is deceptively fragile,‖ solutions to combat climate change will not fall from the sky.
says Baron. ―Two degrees doesn‘t sound like much, but not It‘s all about trade-offs.‖
many species can handle that kind of temperature change.‖
The trade-offs work in both directions. If the ocean is to also
Baron, a gregarious and perennially sunburned Australian, become humanity‘s partner in combatting the twin challenges of
introduced generations of divers to Tasmania‘s kelp cathedrals. climate change and a growing population, the era of limitless
His own grandchildren, he says, will have to learn about them exploitation must come to an end. (…) Actions taken now will
from his YouTube videos. Nearly 95% of eastern Tasmania‘s take decades to bear fruit, yet if nothing is done, the
kelp forests are gone, a preview of what is to come for the ocean repercussions will be swift.
as a whole. ―What is happening here is what will happen
everywhere else in a decade or two,‖ he says. For far too long we have viewed the ocean, with its
incomprehensible vastness, as a source of infinite bounty and
Human beings owe their life to the sea. Four in 10 humans rely too big to fail. Then, when the ocean – robbed of its fish,
on the ocean for food. Marine life produces 70% of our oxygen; sickened by plastic and poisoned by pollution – started to
90% of global goods travel via shipping lanes. We turn to the sea decline, the problem seemed too big to fix. But ours is an ocean
for solace – ocean-based tourism in the U.S. alone is worth $124 planet, and without it we won‘t survive. The truth may be
billion a year – and medical advancement. An enzyme used for dawning that the ocean, as marine ecologist Jane Lubchenco
COVID-19 testing was originally sourced from bacteria found in puts it, ―is too big to ignore.‖
the ocean‘s hydrothermal vents. The ocean also acts as a giant
planetary air conditioner. Over the past century, the ocean has With reporting by MADELINE ROACHE/LONDON. BY ARYN BAKER | PHOTOGRAPHS BY
absorbed 93% of the heat trapped in the atmosphere by CHRIS LEIDY. JULY 9, 2020. In: Acesso em: 15
greenhousegas emissions. jun. 2021. Texto adaptado.

Increased CO₂ levels in the atmosphere have made the ocean 30. De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que
more acidic, threatening food chains. Warming waters are not
only killing sea life, they are also changing currents and a) há previsões sombrias para os oceanos, mas é possível uma
affecting global weather patterns. Meanwhile we dump 8 mudança de cenário a partir da realização de acordos
million tons of waste into the ocean a year, in addition to internacionais a fim de proteger as áreas marítimas próximas à
agricultural and industrial runoff that poisons coastal areas. At costa de todos os continentes.
the rate we are harvesting fish, by 2050 there will likely be more b) os oceanos vêm sendo devastados pela pesca em escala
plastic than fish in the oceans. A 2019 report by the U.N. industrial e podem se tornar ácidos caso não haja controle da
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that atividade pesqueira e da exploração industrial em águas
without ―profound economic and institutional profundas.
transformations,‖ there would be irreversible damage to oceans c) o grande vilão dos oceanos é o plástico, causador de grande
and sea ice. poluição, além do derrame contínuo de petróleo dos navios, que
eleva a temperatura dos oceanos e ameaça a vida dos peixes e
A series of international policy meetings in 2020 was meant to demais seres marinhos.
set global targets for restoring biodiversity. Scientists and ocean d) as barreiras de corais da Tasmânia (Austrália) são o principal
advocates are working desperately to keep the momentum exemplo de destruição das florestas de algas, porém não parece
going, aware that this might be the last chance they have to haver avanço desse fenômeno nos outros oceanos, trazendo um
reverse the tide. ―As we restart the economy, this is the chance pouco de esperança aos pesquisadores e biólogos marinhos.
to reset our goals for a healthy ocean,‖ says Carlos Duarte, a e) vários fatores vêm causando a degradação dos oceanos e toda
Spanish marine biologist at the King Abdullah University in a vida marinha, trazendo sérias ameaças ao Planeta – situação
Saudi Arabia. ―We have a narrow window of opportunity where que poderia ser revertida com mudanças e decisões tomadas a
we can actually still be effective. Twenty years from now, it will partir de 2020 –, porém é difícil encontrar equilíbrio entre o
be too late.‖ uso sustentável e a preservação dos oceanos.


31. Considerando a ideia principal dos parágrafos 4, 5 e 6,

marque a alternativa que corresponde aos referidos parágrafos.

a) A importância do mar e seus benefícios para os seres

humanos / A morte das florestas de corais da costa leste da
Austrália / Os erros cometidos pela indústria pesqueira e a
exploração de minérios.
b) Os impactos causados pela economia à vida marinha /
Esforços, políticas e metas a fim de restaurar a biodiversidade /
A importância do mar e seus benefícios para os seres humanos.
c) A importância do mar e seus benefícios para os seres
humanos / Os danos causados aos oceanos e às áreas costeiras /
Esforços, políticas e metas para restaurar a biodiversidade.
d) Os índices que alertam para os perigos do aquecimento
global / A precariedade da vida marinha / Os benefícios do
fundo do mar para a indústria.
e) Os efeitos das altas temperaturas na vida marinha / Os
acordos para restaurar a biodiversidade / A importância do mar
e seus benefícios ao planeta Terra.

32. Das falas retiradas do texto, apenas uma expressa a previsão

de um acontecimento ou fenômeno. Assinale a alternativa

a) “... From the sponge gardens on the seafloor all the way up to
the leaves on the surface, it’s packed with life.” (paragraph 1)
b) “What is happening here is what will happen everywhere else
in a decade or two.” (paragraph 3).
c) “By end of March, it looked like an asphalt driveway.” In: Acesso em: 01 jul.
(paragraph 2) 2021.
d) “ As we restart the economy, this is the chance to reset our 34. Considerando o contexto e a gramática da língua inglesa,
goals for a healthy ocean,” says Carlos M. assinale a alternativa cujas palavras completam a sequência
Duarte, (paragraph 6). CORRETA dos espaços nos balões da tira cômica.
e) The truth may be dawning that the ocean, as Jane Lubchenco
puts it, “is too big to ignore.” (paragraph 10). a) everyone / live / anything / in between
b) anyone / lives / everything / in here
33. Considere o texto 02, o contexto e a gramática da língua c) anyone / living / something / in between
inglesa. Nesta breve análise linguística, assinale a alternativa d) everyone / lived / nothing / in front of
que está CORRETA. e) someone / lives / anything / in there
a) A frase “Or rather, it was.” (paragraph 2) reitera o que foi
afirmado no parágrafo anterior, dando sequência à
b) Em ―Unless we cut greenhouse-gas emissions, the threat
remains.” (paragraph 7), há uma ideia de proporção que se
estabelece a partir da conjunção Unless.
c) No trecho ―An enzyme used for COVID-19 testing was
originally sourced from bacteria found in the ocean’s
hydrothermal vents.‖ (paragraph 4), foi destacado o uso do
Present Perfect.
d) Na frase ―The ocean also acts as a giant planetary air
conditioner.‖ (paragraph 4), ocorre uma comparação.
e) No trecho: “Yes, it is an extractive industry, and yes, it is
going to come with some impacts, but solutions to combat
climate change will not fall from the sky.” (paragraph 8), o uso
dos verbos no Future with going to e Future with will indicam,
respectivamente, uma decisão tomada e planos para o futuro.


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