Dubai American Academy, Section D

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School Name: Dubai American Academy

Date of Completion of the

May 2015
Self-Study Component:
Team Visit Dates: October 4-8, 2015
Date of Completion of the
October 8, 2015
Visiting Team Component:

The Reporting Booklet




Typed Name Role in the School Signature

Robin Hoyt Human Resources Officer
Bill Madden HS Chemistry Teacher
Suzzanne Pautler Middle School ELL Teacher

Guidelines and explanations for each Self-Study Committee

can be found in the relevant Sections in “The Main Guide”
and the Appendices in “The Self-Study Booklet”.

8th Edition
Version 8.2 - Sept 2013


1. The school’s Self-Study Report should be created by the Self-Study Committee (SSC) writing
into the relevant spaces in this ready prepared booklet. The Visiting Team (VT) will add its
material later in the same booklet.

2. When the SSC has completed its work, the resulting Self-Study Report should be sent as an
electronic Word document to the accrediting agency / agencies and to all members of the future
Visiting Team six weeks before the Team Visit is due to begin. The school itself should also
keep a safety copy of the document at this stage.

Specific Guidelines for Part Two Sections A to G

1. The instructions for each of the Self-Study Committee (SSC) and Visiting Team (VT) Steps are
shown in condensed form (in black font). The full instructions and explanations can be found in
the “The Main Guide to Evaluation and Accreditation”.

2. The SSC’s responses should automatically show in red font. (If not please convert to red font

3. The VT comments will automatically show in blue font. (If not please convert to blue font

4. It is often convenient to use the “Navigation Pane” or the “Document Map” method to move
quickly between the Standards, with the option of choosing to move to the Self-Study Input or to
the Visiting Team Input being available in each case.

On a PC using Word 2010: The Navigation Pane can be shown by clicking on “view” on the tool-bar,
then choose “navigation pane”.

On a PC using Word 2003: The Document Map can be shown by clicking on “view” on the tool-bar, then
choose “document map”.

On a Mac using Office for Mac 2004: The Document Map can be accessed by clicking on “view” on the
tool-bar, then choose “navigation pane”, then choose “document map”.

On a Mac using Word 2010: Go to View, then click on sidebar, and then check Document Map Plane.

Important Notes on Hyperlinks:

o Any hyperlinks used in this report must take the reader directly to the relevant
piece of text, chart, etc. It is not acceptable to make links to a large document
through which the reader then needs to spend time searching for the relevant

o Any hyperlinks must be made to documents recorded on the DVD or “Memory

Stick” carrying this report, not to a website. This is because the reader may be
perusing the report on a computer with no current web access.

o During the week of the future Team Visit, any hyper-linked materials must be
made available in printed form in the Visiting Team rooms at the school and hotel
along with the main text of this report.

STANDARD D1 Self-Study Input

SSC Rating
STANDARD D1 on scale
1 to 4
The school shall have faculty and support staff that are sufficient
in numbers and with the qualifications, competencies and sound Write here:
moral character necessary to carry out the school’s programmes, 4
services, and activities, to support fulfilment of the mission and
objectives, and to ensure student protection and well-being.

Indicators for Standard D1 (Please mark)
D1a Recruitment and screening processes are in place to ensure that
employees in all categories are appropriately qualified and of x
sound moral character.
D1b The teacher-student ratio reflects the size of classrooms,
instructional practices, programme requirements and the
school’s mission in order to foster personalized and meaningful
learning experiences for students.
D1c The head of school or his/her designees recruit and assign
professional staff to teaching duties and other responsibilities x
according to their professional competence.
D1d The head of school or his/her designees assign workloads that
allow faculty and staff to be maximally effective in carrying out x
their teaching duties and/or other responsibilities.
D1e There are procedures in place for reviewing regularly the
alignment between personnel competencies and programme
needs to ensure that the school can implement programmes and
services in support of fulfilling the mission and objectives.
Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

SSC STEP (i) Indicator Ratings – mark on table above.

SSC STEP (ii) Standard rating – write on table above.

SSC STEP (iii) Analytical summary, with evidence, of alignment with the Standard.
Write here:

 D1a – Recruitment and screening processes are in place to ensure that employees in
all categories are appropriately qualified and of sound moral character. Dubai
American Academy typically recruits staff from direct applicants to the school,
applications made to GEMS education, through the Search Associates database, and
by attending several Search Associates job fairs each year. In each of these cases
candidates are screened first for their ability to perform the desired tasks at a high
level, and then later in the recruitment process to ensure that the information that they
have provided is accurate and that there are no issues that might preclude the school
from making a job offer. Beyond the general judgements of the senior leadership
team member that is performing this screening, guidelines provided by the UAE
Ministry of Labour, the UAE Immigration Department, and the UAE Ministry of Health,
are all used to ensure that the prospective employee is suitable to join DAA. This
screening entails at a minimum: verbal communication with the applicant’s last
employer, a web search of the applicant, and the prospective employee providing a
clean criminal records check.

 D1b – The teacher-student ratio reflects the size of classrooms, instructional

practices, programme requirements and the school’s mission in order to foster
personalized and meaningful learning experiences for students. Administration is
cognizant of student numbers, and readily adapts recruitment needs to guarantee
appropriate teacher-student ratios. The overall student to teacher ratio at DAA is
approximately 13 to 1. Classes vary depending on subject and age, but most DAA
classes have between 20 and 24 students enrolled. While teachers, parents, and
students may at times wish for smaller classes, the number of professionals available
to support learning is thought to be sufficient to meet the goals of the school. In
addition to the lead teachers, educational assistants and learning support teachers
are available to support where appropriate.

 D1c – The head of school or his/her designees recruit and assign professional staff to
teaching duties and other responsibilities according to their professional competence.
Hired employees have a contract that includes a job description, working hours of the
contract day, and minimum expectations to fulfil that role. As previously mentioned,
candidates are recruited and hired for their professional competence and their ability
to perform at a high level, and are assigned duties accordingly.

 D1d – The head of school or his/her designees assign workloads that allow faculty
and staff to be maximally effective in carrying out their teaching duties and/or other
responsibilities. Teachers at DAA typically have 200-260 instructional minutes each
day. In addition there are typically short supervisory expectations as well as the
requirement to offer at least a weekly after school activity for one semester of the
year. Most, but not all teacher teams in the school have common planning time
blocked off to ensure that meetings can take place during the school day.

D1e – There are procedures in place for reviewing regularly the alignment between
personnel competencies and programme needs to ensure that the school can
implement programmes and services in support of fulfilling the mission and
objectives. Recent staffing additions have been made to support both the newly
articulated school mission and other school improvement initiatives. These include
the addition of an Innovation Coordinator and additional learning support positions.
Currently the school is also in the process of hiring additional Arabic teachers to
support an expansion of our Arabic program into KG2 and also an Islamic Education

Shortly before the end of the 2014, the school head sent out a call for teachers that
had interests in other positions within the school, to communicate those aspirations
along with the skills that would support these individuals in such a move. Over the
past several years there have been many teachers that have shifted from one
assignment within the school to another. These moves suggest that the school is
interested in balancing the professional goals of its teachers along with the program
requirements of the school.

 See Supporting Documents: HR policies, interview protocol, overseas hire and

local hire teacher contracts.

SSC STEP (iv) Analytical summary of non-alignment with the Standard or areas where
alignment could be further improved.
Write here:

 N/A

SSC STEP (v) Proposals to address poor or non-alignment.

Write here:

 N/A

STANDARD D1 Visiting Team Input

VT STEP (a) Standard rating.

Write here: 3
The Visiting Team disagrees with the Self-Study rating of 4.

VT STEP (b) Evidence supporting the rating.

Write here:

Through interviews and review of documentation, the Visiting Team (VT) found evidence that
Dubai American School (DAA) has well developed policies and procedures related to
recruitment and these are outlined in the Staff and Faculty Handbook and in the GEMS
Employee Handbook. Both handbooks are consistent with the requirements of the UAE
Ministry of Labour, the Immigration Department, Knowledge and Human Development
Authority, and the UAE Ministry of Health which ensure that the prospective employees have
the qualifications, competencies and character necessary to carry out the school’s programs,
services, and activities. Parents and students consistently told the VT that teachers were well

The Superintendent is responsible for the recruitment, hiring and assignment of faculty and
staff. The Senior Leadership Team has procedures to ensure that there is an alignment
between academic and extra-curricular programs and personnel/professional competencies.
The Visiting Team noted that there have been recent staffing additions to support both the
newly articulated school’s Guiding Statements and other improvement initiatives.

DAA has policies addressing teaching loads. On-site observations indicated that in almost all
cases teacher workloads were such that faculty were able to carry out their teaching
responsibilities effectively. Class size, however, is less defined, although the school attempts
to maintain classes that do not exceed 20 in KG1, 21 in KG2, 22 in Grade 1, 24 in grades 2-5
and 25 in grades 6-12. The Visiting Team observed that some classes exceeded the class
size goals.

The Leadership Team, faculty and staff all recognized a need for greater support for students
with learning needs. GEMS governance acknowledged that need resulting in the
development of a SEN program that is consistent with the school’s Guiding Statements and
designed to aid students in need of learning support.

VT STEP (c) Significant Commendations (if any).

Write here:

The Visiting Team commends:

D1-1: the Leadership Team, Faculty, Parents and GEMS Governance for
implementing an SEN program to assist students in need of learning support to
ensure they are able to successfully take advantage of all programs.

VT STEP (d) Significant Recommendations (if any).

Write here:

The Visiting Team recommends that:

D1-1: the Superintendent and Principals ensure that the number of students in all
classes does not negatively impact student learning or student safety.

VT STEP (e) Additional Advice (if any).

Write here:
The Leadership Team could share the class size guidelines with the faculty.

STANDARD D2 Self-Study Input

SSC Rating
STANDARD D2 on scale
1 to 4
Faculty and support staff shall embrace the school’s Guiding
Write here:
Statements and act professionally and ethically in carrying out
their duties and responsibilities, inspiring excellence and
students’ best efforts.

Indicators for Standard D2 (Please mark)
Teachers utilize methods and practices which are consistent
D2a with the school’s Guiding Statements and which inspire, x
encourage and challenge students to reach their full potential.
D2b Faculty and staff members respect and comply with all
applicable statutes, government laws and regulations and with x
school expectations for appropriate employee behaviour.
D2c Teachers remain current with content and pedagogy in their
areas of academic responsibility, and they maintain a high level x
of preparation to foster students’ engagement in their learning.
D2d Members of the faculty foster respectful interactions among and
with students and with their peers, both in classrooms and about x
the school.
Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

SSC STEP (i) Indicator Ratings – mark on table above.

SSC STEP (ii) Standard rating – write on table above.

SSC STEP (iii) Analytical summary, with evidence, of alignment with the Standard.
Write here:

 D2a – Teachers utilize methods and practices which are consistent with the school’s
Guiding Statements and which inspire, encourage and challenge students to reach
their full potential.

Teachers at DAA regularly demonstrate approaches to instruction that are consistent

with the guiding statements. It is clear that the vast majority of teachers actively offer
learning activities that foster the development of more than just academics. This
approach to teaching is supported by a consistent message from school leaders and
parents that helping our learners to develop as leaders, collaborators, innovators and
global-minded, independent thinkers is valued.

 D2b – Faculty and staff members respect and comply with all applicable statutes,
government laws and regulations and with school expectations for appropriate
employee behaviour.

All employees work the first six months under a probationary period. As per UAE
Labour Law, GEMS/DAA may terminate employment during this period without notice
and without end of service gratuity. The teacher performance evaluation system is
adhered to closely, which allows ample time to create professional improvement
plans, if needed. Should disrespect and non-compliance occur during any time of the
contract, DAA takes appropriate action, supported by GEMS corporate, and aligned
with policies from Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA).
 D2c – Teachers remain current with content and pedagogy in their areas of academic
responsibility, and they maintain a high level of preparation to foster students’
engagement in their learning. Common planning time for collaboration and
preparation is built in to teacher schedules at the Primary and Elementary Schools. At
the Middle and High School levels this collaborative time takes place during division-
run early release days. DAA has an early release schedule every Tuesday to provide
time for professional development targeted towards the improvement of teaching and
learning, and aligned with the SIP goals. To further enhance pedagogical skills and
refresh content knowledge, teachers request funds for personal professional
development opportunities that are aligned with schools goals. In addition, a variety of
school initiated professional development opportunities exist each year and curricular
areas and teacher leaders are targeted to promote DAA’s philosophy of continuous

 D2d – Members of the faculty foster respectful interactions among and with students
and with their peers, both in classrooms and about the school. DAA is celebrated and
known for its Culture of Kindness. These are more than words on a page and reach
beyond daily pleasantries. Service opportunities and annual community giving events
are rich traditions at DAA. These promote the human, affective sides of staff and
students alike and increase the authentic, respectful atmosphere that characterizes

 See Supporting Documents: DAA staff and faculty handbook, GEMS employee

SSC STEP (iv) Analytical summary of non-alignment with the Standard or areas where
alignment could be further improved.
Write here:

 D2c – Concern exists about how to ensure that Educational Assistants and Support
Staff receive appropriate and necessary professional development. Many of these
professionals are eager to support learning in the classroom to a greater extent, but
they may not have the experience or skills needed to expand the areas that they can
assist learning. While some training has taken place over the last few years at the PS
and ES divisions, it is likely that an expansion of these offerings would be beneficial
to the school.

SSC STEP (v) Proposals to address poor or non-alignment.

Write here:

 D2c – DAA should ensure that PD is accessible to all employees. In addition to

encouraging all staff members to commit to a plan of growth and development,
adequate training for staff to reach these goals should be provided. PD sessions
offered during Tuesday early release time should include options that would support
Educational Assistants’ professional growth.

STANDARD D2 Visiting Team Input

VT STEP (a) Standard rating.

Write here: 3
The Visiting Team disagrees with the Self-Study rating of 4.

VT STEP (b) Evidence supporting the rating.

Write here:

The Visiting Team observed faculty and staff who demonstrate a desire to inspire excellence
and students’ best efforts. Faculty and staff speak proudly of the community at Dubai
American Academy (DAA), and consistently foster a positive school climate. It is clear in
conversations between the VT and Faculty that there is strong understanding and support of
the school’s Guiding Statements and the recent increased emphasis on
internationalism/interculturalism. However, on-site conversations with teachers indicated a
need for a more robust curricular link to internationalism.

Methodologies and practices employed by teachers vary across the divisions of the school.
Students are generally interested and motivated learners in and out of the classroom. While
many teachers are aware of new methodologies and best practice, there is a need for
additional professional development designed to meet the specific needs of DAA.

Faculty and staff members respect and comply with all applicable statutes, government laws
and regulations, and with school expectations for appropriate employee behavior.

The VT observed a high level of positive engagement between faculty and support staff and
faculty and students inside and outside the classroom. Positive professional behavior is
encouraged and supported by the Leadership Team and the school’s Guiding Statements.

VT STEP (c) Significant Commendations (if any).

Write here:

The Visiting Team commends:

D2-1: the Faculty and Support Staff for their genuine and successful efforts in
fostering an ethos of respect and kindness which positively affects students’ well-

VT STEP (d) Significant Recommendations (if any).

Write here:

The Visiting Team recommends that:

D2-1: the Leadership Team continue to assess, on a regular basis, the effectiveness
of the current professional development program to ensure that it is targeted to the
specific needs of DAA.

D2-2: the Curriculum Coordinator develops ways to incorporate an international

dimension in the curriculum to ensure the Guiding Statements are fully implemented.

VT STEP (e) Additional Advice (if any).

Write here:
STANDARD D3 Self-Study Input

SSC Rating
STANDARD D3 on scale
1 to 4
All personnel shall be employed under a written contract or
employment agreement which states the principal terms of
Write here:
agreement between the employee and the school, and which
provides for salaries and other benefits that are appropriate to the
position and to the school’s location.

Indicators for Standard D3 (Please mark)
D3a The school provides each employee with a written contract or
employment agreement in which are stated the basic facts such
as salary, benefits, assignments, length of term of initial service, x
date during which re-employment will be decided, and conditions
of termination or resignation.
D3b The school makes clear the factors which are taken into account
in determining each employee’s remuneration.
D3c Compensation is paid to employees promptly and in accordance
with a predetermined schedule made known in advance of x
D3d There are appropriate guarantees for the employee of job
security for the term of employment, including procedures for x
D3e Compensation packages are at a level that enables the school
to recruit and retain qualified and appropriately experienced x
Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

SSC STEP (i) Indicator Ratings – mark on table above.

SSC STEP (ii) Standard rating – write on table above.

SSC STEP (iii) Analytical summary, with evidence, of alignment with the Standard.
Write here:

 D3a – The school provides each employee with a written contract or employment
agreement in which are stated the basic facts such as salary, benefits, assignments,
length of term of initial service, date during which re-employment will be decided, and
conditions of termination or resignation. At the time of hire, all new employees are
provided with a contract. The contracts are clearly worded and detail the assignment,
salary, benefits, and the contract term. If the offer is accepted and the contract is
signed, copies of the signed contract are supplied to the employee, in addition to
being stored in personnel files in the HR office. These contracts also detail the
acceptable causes and processes for termination. The details provided in the contract
are based on UAE labour law.

 D3b – The school makes clear the factors that are taken into account in determining
each employee’s remuneration. DAA has a clear salary schedule indicating salaries
according to both years of experience and degrees attained, in the case of teaching
staff and a matrix for non-teaching staff placement on salary schedules.
 D3c – Compensation is paid to employees promptly and in accordance with a
predetermined schedule made known in advance of employment. GEMS accounting
department supplies monthly salary statements via email message as well as end of
service gratuity reports. Salary is automatically deposited into employees’ preferred
bank prior to the end of each month in accordance to UAE law. Accountants are
available on site to answer any questions about payment in a timely manner.

 D3d – There are appropriate guarantees for the employee of job security for the term
of employment, including procedures for appeals. GEMS adheres to UAE law
concerning employment, resignations and terminations. A basic outline is provided in
initial contracts. DAA employs a full-time HR officer to serve the staff and ensure that
UAE law is followed.

 D3e – Compensation packages are at a level that enables the school to recruit and
retain qualified and appropriately experienced staff. Compensations packages are
currently being reviewed and investigated by GEMS through a professional survey
conducted by Hay Group.

 See Supporting Documents: local hire contract, international hire contract.

SSC STEP (iv) Analytical summary of non-alignment with the Standard or areas where
alignment could be further improved.
Write here:

 D3d – The school does not have a formal appeals process in the event of contract
termination. The current school process that would lead to termination, including the
director conferring with GEMS HR and with GEMS legal advisors before acting, would
certainly reduce the opportunities for errors to take place, but this does not eliminate
the need to provide staff with a clearly understood process of appeal.

 D3c – Salaries for teachers are always determined through placement on the salary
scale, but this scale is not shared with teachers electronically, by GEMS directive.
This scale is shared with teachers when contracts are offered, but they are not given
copies to take away. Changes to the scale and allowance for teachers to progress to
higher levels require approval from GEMS. This approval has at times come after
teachers have been asked to sign continuance contracts. Likewise, teachers have
been asked to sign contracts without having a clear picture of changes to housing
provisions or medical insurance that may come. In reputable international schools,
teachers are apprised of these important HR concerns before they are asked to sign
a continuance contract.

 D3e – While staff are paid acceptably in terms of the UAE cost of living, the salary
and compensation package restricts DAA’s ability to hire or retain the most qualified
teachers as some other schools in the city and region offer more generous salary and
benefit packages.

SSC STEP (v) Proposals to address poor or non-alignment.

Write here:

 D3a – GEMS should ensure that all decisions regarding salary and benefits (including
housing and medical) for the upcoming school year are made well prior to December
so that continuance contracts can be issued without the current levels of uncertainty
or delay.

 D3d and D3e – Exit interviews should be required of each employee either through
an anonymous online survey form or through a face-to-face interview with an
impartial representative of DAA. This will help the school outline specific reasons
teachers are choosing to leave DAA over time. Currently, departing teachers may feel
reluctant to tell leadership team members of their concerns due to their existing
relationships or desire not to damage potential references.
STANDARD D3 Visiting Team Input

VT STEP (a) Standard rating.

Write here: 3
The Visiting Team agrees with the Self-Study rating.

VT STEP (b) Evidence supporting the rating.

Write here:

The VT found sufficient evidence that at the time of hire, all personnel receive written
contracts stating clear terms and conditions of service. The details provided in the contracts
are based on UAE Labour Law.

DAA has a clear salary scale. The Endicott survey, the SSC, and on-site conversations with
teachers indicated dissatisfaction with the salary and benefit package compared to the region.
In response to these concerns, compensation packages are currently being reviewed and
investigated by GEMS through a professional survey conducted by Hay Group.

Due to the fact that there have been delays in receiving salary and benefit information from
GEMS, teachers have been required to sign a letter of intent to return before being aware of
the changes. This delay has negatively impacted morale. The Superintendent is in the
process of addressing this issue with GEMS.

DAA does not currently have a formal exit interview process that would enable the Leadership
Team to determine specific reasons why teachers are choosing to leave DAA.

VT STEP (c) Significant Commendations (if any).

Write here:


VT STEP (d) Significant Recommendations (if any).

Write here:

The Visiting Team recommends that:

D3-1: GEMS explore means to keep salaries and benefits competitive in order to
continue to recruit and retain quality faculty and staff.

D3-2: GEMS ensure the dissemination of the details regarding teachers’ salary and
benefits package is timely so the Faculty may make informed decisions about their
professional futures.

VT STEP (e) Additional Advice (if any).

Write here

The Visiting Team advises the Leadership Team to consider conducting exit interviews in
order to help determine reasons teachers are choosing to leave DAA.
STANDARD D4 Self-Study Input

SSC Rating
STANDARD D4 on scale
1 to 4
Written personnel policies and guidelines shall establish
Write here:
expectations for the performance of faculty and support staff
which shall be consistently and effectively applied.

Indicators for Standard D4 (Please mark)
D4a School policies include:
i. a statement on non-discrimination x
ii. recruitment and hiring guidelines that include provisions
such as background checks which ensure the protection x
of students
iii. procedures on recruitment, appointment, compensation
and benefits, promotion and retirement
iv. clearly stated expectations for faculty and staff behaviour x
v. a commitment to ethical treatment and respectful
interactions between faculty, support staff and their x
D4b Personnel policies and practices are described in a handbook or
manual that is up-to-date and given to all employees prior to x
signing a contract or employment agreement.
D4c Policies and practices foster efficient and effective performance
and enhanced morale among all employees.
Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

SSC STEP (i) Indicator Ratings – mark on table above.

SSC STEP (ii) Standard rating – write on table above.

SSC STEP (iii) Analytical summary, with evidence, of alignment with the Standard.
Write here:

 D4a – School policies include a statement of non-discrimination. Employment policies

are accessible through the GEMS Employee Handbook available online via the Gems
Learning Gateway. These policies document procedures on recruitment,
appointment, compensation and benefits, promotion and retirement, clearly stated
expectations for faculty and staff behaviour, and a commitment to ethical treatment
and respectful interactions between faculty, support staff and their supervisors.
Recruitment and hiring guidelines include provisions such as background checks that
ensure the protection of students. Background check procedures are detailed in all
employee contracts and also in the GEMS employee handbook.

 D4b – DAA maintains an employee handbook that attempts to be a single resource

for any questions that an employee might have regarding their employment at DAA.
This document clarifies expectations that the school has for the employee across
many domains. In addition, GEMS also produces an employee handbook. Both the
general GEMS and the more site-specific DAA Staff Handbooks are available to all
Employee contracts require a criminal background check as well as a letter of good
conduct from one’s current city/country (within 3 months prior to starting at DAA).
GEMS provides corporate human resources policy and procedures for which DAA
must adhere. Salary scales are based on levels of education and years of experience.
UAE law dictates recruitment.

 See Supporting Documents: GEMS Employee handbook, salary scale, DAA staff

SSC STEP (iv) Analytical summary of non-alignment with the Standard or areas where
alignment could be further improved.
Write here:

 D4d – While DAA staff handbooks are linked to all new staff and discussed during
teacher orientation, the GEMS handbook is less frequently used and linked through a
less often accessed portal. It is likely that few teachers know how to access the
GEMS staff handbook where some of these policies are documented.

SSC STEP (v) Proposals to address poor or non-alignment.

Write here:

 D4c – GEMS should allow some further autonomy to empower staff and
administration at DAA to make the best educational and human resource decisions
for the school and forgo the need for separate corporate HR policy.

 D4d – Both during new staff orientation and at another point during the year, all
teachers and other staff members should be informed of the location and types of
information available in the staff handbooks.
STANDARD D4 Visiting Team Input

VT STEP (a) Standard rating.

Write here: 4
The Visiting Team agrees with the Self-Study rating.

VT STEP (b) Evidence supporting the rating.

Write here:

The Visiting Team was impressed with the comprehensive set of personnel policies and
procedures in place. In addition to the GEMS Employee Handbook, DAA maintains a Staff
and Faculty Handbook which is reviewed annually and addresses issues specific to the
school. Both handbooks are comprehensive and informative.

VT STEP (c) Significant Commendations (if any).

Write here:


VT STEP (d) Significant Recommendations (if any).

Write here:


VT STEP (e) Additional Advice (if any).

Write here:

STANDARD D5 Self-Study Input

SSC Rating
STANDARD D5 on scale
1 to 4
There shall be a clearly defined and implemented appraisal
system for faculty and support staff based on pre-determined,
Write here:
explicit criteria and supported by a programme of professional
development and/or training which is linked to appraisal
outcomes and other school priorities for student learning.

Indicators for Standard D5 (Please mark)
D5a The school utilizes an effective performance appraisal system
for all categories of faculty and support staff.
D5b Faculty and support staff appraisal reflects clearly stated criteria,
is conducted with the full knowledge of the staff member, and is
reported in writing in a document accessible only to defined
D5c Employees have the opportunity to discuss and appeal against
any aspect of the appraisal.
D5d Appraisal processes involve the individuals in goal setting and
provide opportunity for reflection and self-assessment.
D5e The school provides a programme of professional development
and/or training that links to needs or agreed upon goals
identified in the appraisal process and reflects other priorities
identified by the school.
Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

Optional school-generated Indicator (write in):

SSC STEP (i) Indicator Ratings – mark on table above.

SSC STEP (ii) Standard rating – write on table above.

SSC STEP (iii) Analytical summary, with evidence, of alignment with the Standard.
Write here:

 D5a, D5b, & D5c – The school utilizes an effective performance appraisal system,
based on Charlotte Danielson’s framework, for all categories of faculty and support
staff. Faculty and support staff appraisal reflects clearly stated criteria, is conducted
with the full knowledge of the staff member, and is reported in writing in a document
accessible only to defined individuals.

Currently, teachers are appraised through a formal performance evaluation process

based upon Danielson’s work. This process includes the setting of professional goals,
formal observations, informal walkthroughs, and a summative evaluation conference.
(See Overview of Teacher Appraisal Process 2014-2015.)

Formal Observations: First year teachers receive two formal observations, one
within the first 90 days of the school year and another later in the year.
Experienced teachers at DAA have formal observations once in years 2, 5, 8,
11…. These formal observations include a pre-observation conference, a 40-
minute or longer lesson observation, and a post-observation conference.

Walkthroughs: Members of the school leadership team regularly make informal

visits to all teachers at DAA. These walkthroughs allow the school leaders to
stay abreast of pedagogy being used in the classrooms, identify potential areas
for professional development, and provide relaxed opportunities for teachers
and students to interact with principals and other leaders.

Summative Evaluation Conference: Each observed teacher receives a

summative evaluation. This evaluation is based on the criteria established by
Danielson. This criteria always available to teachers in the employee handbook
and also shared with teachers prior to the evaluation conference as teachers
are asked to self-assess prior to this meeting. Written evaluations are only
available to defined individuals.

Significantly, DAA undertook a review of its teacher appraisal system during the
2014-15 school year and is set to introduce a new system in August 2015. This
revised supervision and evaluation process, based on the works of Robert Marzano
(criteria) and Kim Marshall (observational format) is proposed for implementation in
September 2015. This new system calls for more frequent but shorter classroom
visits from divisional leaders. This shift would eliminate the role of heavily prepared
lessons typical of most formal observation protocols. It is thought at this time that, and
supported by Marshall’s research, that frequent unscheduled visits would more
accurately reveal a teacher’s strengths and weaknesses and lead to more meaningful
conversations with colleagues and school leaders about development goals. Another
important revision to this process is the inclusion of student surveys, which will be
facilitated through Panorama Education beginning next year.

 D5b – Both the current and proposed appraisal processes clearly identify the criteria
that are used to assess performance. DAA has consistently upheld the best practices
as identified and articulated by Marzano in his Classroom Instruction That Works
research, and appraisals has spent the A fund for such professional development has
been secured at each division. The Curriculum Coordinator and the Curriculum
Secretary oversee the program.

 D5d – Appraisal processes at DAA involve teachers in goal setting and provide
opportunity for reflection and self-assessment. The goal setting process involves
teachers identifying two or more goals that are related to school improvement
priorities. Teachers are then given opportunities to reflect on their progress towards
these goals both at the mid-point and at the end of the school year. (See goal setting
worksheet and goal reflection sheets.)

 D5e – The school provides a program of professional development and/or training

that links to needs or agreed upon goals identified in the appraisal process and
reflects other priorities identified by the school. Teacher personal goals are linked to
the School Improvement Plan, as is the targeted professional development that takes
place during professional development release times on Tuesdays.

 See Supporting Documents: Overview of supervision and evaluation process,

supervision and evaluation handbook, professional goals worksheet.

SSC STEP (iv) Analytical summary of non-alignment with the Standard or areas where
alignment could be further improved.
Write here:

 D5c – We have rated ourselves as partially aligned because we know our former
system is good but not great, which is why we undertook a major review and revision
of our system. Self-evaluation is included in the appraisal process. After the
observation(s), both parties meet to discuss the evaluation, but ultimately the
supervisor makes the final decisions as to what is documented on the summative
appraisal. Both the staff member and supervisor sign this appraisal. The staff
member’s signature simply indicates that it was read, not that he/she is in agreement
or disagreement with what was stated. There is no formal method of appeal or other
recourse for teachers if they feel that this appraisal is inaccurate. The teacher may
respond orally or in written form to the supervisor, and if still unsatisfied, they may
communicate these concerns to the superintendent of the school, but there is no
formal system to document this disagreement or rectify inaccurate appraisals.

 D5e – While both GEMS and DAA offer suitable professional development
opportunities for teachers, offerings for the administrative support staff and for
educational assistants is less developed at this time.

SSC STEP (v) Proposals to address poor or non-alignment.

Write here:

 D5c – A formal appeal process for teachers that disagree with summative appraisals
should be considered. A similar process should also be made available to non-
teaching staff.

 D5e – Professional development opportunities targeted for the needs of

administrative and educational support staff should be developed and made available
to these groups.
STANDARD D5 Visiting Team Input

VT STEP (a) Standard rating.

Write here: 3
The Visiting Team agrees with the Self-Study rating.

VT STEP (b) Evidence supporting the rating.

Write here:

DAA utilizes a comprehensive and effective evaluation system for administrators, teachers and
support staff. The appraisal system is in written form and is available to all staff. The appraisal
process has clearly stated criteria and is conducted with the full knowledge of the staff member being
appraised. All evaluations are in writing and staff members see and sign a copy of the document.
The assessment process includes goal setting and self-reflection. Teachers indicated they had input
in to the development of the new process. Power Walkthroughs (PWT) by members of the
Leadership Team also occur.

DAA and GEMS have an established professional development (PD) program. GEMS offerings not
only include courses for professional staff but also support staff enrolled in Master’ degree programs.
DAA offers school specific PD. A grant of $500 per teacher is available for external PD. Teachers
believe this sum is not adequate for many professional development programs offered outside the
UAE. All forms of professional development and/or training link to needs or agreed upon goals
identified in the appraisal process and reflect priorities identified in the School Improvement Plan

While both GEMS and DAA offer suitable professional development opportunities for teachers,
offerings for the administrative support staff and for educational assistants seem less developed at
this time.

VT STEP (c) Significant Commendations (if any).

Write here:

The Visiting Team commends:

D5-1: the School Leadership Team for implementing a well-structured, research based
appraisal system to ensure that the school’s mission is embedded in practice.

VT STEP (d) Significant Recommendations (if any).

Write here:

The Visiting Team recommends:

D5-1: the Leadership Team continue to assess, on a regular basis, the effectiveness of
current professional development opportunities to ensure they target the specific needs of

D5-2: GEMS and the Leadership Team continue to support an effective professional
development program for the DAA administrative support staff and educational assistants to
ensure they continue to maintain the skills necessary to effectively meet the responsibilities of
their position.

VT STEP (e) Additional Advice (if any).e

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