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University Antioquia the Carmen de Viboral

Guided tour around Campus

PLACES (lugares)
University of Antioquia Sectional East Antioquia
1. input and output
present the card or document for your entry.
if you have vehicles, present the vehicle ownership card when leaving.
2. Classrooms.
if you wish to use a salom you must request its reservation.
they generally remain closed when there is no class.
3. administrative and Classrooms.
if you need support... economic, socological, other... you can request support in this building.
4. Laboratories.
exclusively for students and research.
5. Laboratories
exclusively for students and research.
6. parking lot
7. green área
you will be able to rest, play, chat, eat, etc. in those green areas.
8. Classrooms
it is a very beautiful space. they are not normal rooms. because its architecture is a farm
house of the region.
9. drinking water treatment plant
the university has its own drinking water.
10. motorcycle parking
the motorcycle parking is very large.
11. restaurant and cafetería
a space to talk, study, have breakfast, lunch, do homework, study.
2. Name the places where you can attend cultural activities and give examples of those


dances, dances, games, etc.

cultural events are held inside lod buildings 2 and 3 and in zone 7

3. Name the places where you can practice sports or exercise and give examples of
those physical activities.
sports field and green areas.
microsoccer, basketball, bolleyboll, athletics, gym, yoga among others.

4. Name other places you haven’t mentioned before and give examples of what you
can do there.
the university has a games room block. and a lake of rest.

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